
50 NOTES Orientations and origins: a symbolic dimension to the long house in


The long houses of the Linear Culture and its immediate successors are usually interpreted in functional terms, but they have certain anomalous features. This paper considers the processes by which they were built, lengthened, abandoned and replaced and suggests that they may have charted the development of the households who lived inside them. The buildings in Linear Pottery settlements were generally orientated towards the areas of the origin of the communities who lived there.

Key-words: long houses, long harrows, , ancestors

Long houses and long ble for the long barrows had a precise understand- The similarities between long barrows and long ing of the layout of the older settlement. houses were discussed by Gordon Childe over Because both groups of structures at Balloy 50 years ago (Childe 1949). Since his paper was follow a similar ground plan, it has been tempt- published, the same observation has been con- ing to interpret these earthworks as the houses sidered from many different perspectives, yet of the dead, but that does not explain why the the reasons for this connection are hard to grasp. form of domestic buildings was so suited This article contends that much of the diffi- to this kind of symbolic elaboration. Did the culty is created, not by problems of chronol- houses conform to a wider conceptual scheme, ogy, but by the expectations that archaeologists as we so often find in the ethnographic literature have brought to the discussion. Long mounds (Carsten & Hugh-Jones 1995; Birdwell-Pheasant are connected with the dead and contribute to & Lawrence-Zdfiiga 1999)? In this paper I shall the study of mortuary practic:es, whilst long consider both the features that they share with houses are the dwellings of the living and are long barrows: their length and orientation. investigated in terms of subsistence and set- tlement. These two approaches to the Neolithic The life cycle of long houses period fail to articulate with one another. The long houses of the Linear Pottery Culture Childe was concerned with evidence from are distributed across a wide area and were built northern Europe but recently similar observa- to a strikingly uniform design which seems to tions have been made in . In each case have persisted for more than 500 years (Whit- it seems as if timber long houses were replaced tle 1996: chapter 6). Did the organization of these by earthen mounds of similar proportions. There houses have a special significance? is little agreement on the timing of this devel- In fact these buildings exhibit a number of opment in the region studied by Childe, where recurrent features which have still to be ex- the houses and mortuary mounds occur on dif- plained (Modderman 1988; Coudart 1998).Their ferent sites and may be separated in time by a length itself poses problems. It has always been century or more (Midgley 1992: 463-4), but at accepted that in northwest Europe (the area Balloy, Seine-et-Marne, the positions of indi- considered in this article) these buildings may vidual houses were overlain by earthworks that have had as many as three distinct segments; shared the sizes and orientations of those build- this is not so obvious in areas further to the ings (Mordant 1997).Even though some time may east and southeast. It is not clear that these have elapsed between these different kinds of components were constructed simultaneously. structure, it is obvious that the people responsi- The central section occurs in every case and

* Department of , Whiteknights, PO Box 218, Reading HG~J6AA, England. [email protected] Received 16 May 2000, accepted 18 July 2000, revised 17 October 2000 ANTIQUITY75 (2001): 50-56 NOTES 51

FIGURE1. Outline plan of a Linear Pottery Culture long house at Geleen, (after Wa terbolk 1959) and block diagrams summarizing the tripartite organi- zation of space inside such buildings. The diagrams summarize the logical relation- ships between the central section and those towards the north and south. Bold show sequences that are documented archaeo- logically. The faint arrows indicate other sequences of development that are possible but conjectural. 'SOUTH' SECTION MID SECTION 'NORTH' SECTION can also be found on its own. At one end it FIGURE1 summarizes the possible relation- may be supplemented by a massive structure ships between the three sections of these build- that is commonly identified as a , and ings. Subject to what is said later, they are laid at the opposite end there may be a further com- out on a roughly north-south alignment. It is partment which was often set within a continu- perfectly possible for the 'southern' section to ous foundation trench that may have held planks have been added to the other segments during (Coudart 1998: chapter 2). The entire building a subsequent phase, but this would be hard to could be flanked by borrow pits which provided demonstrate from archaeological evidence. On raw material for plastering the walls. the other hand, the trench-built 'northern' sec- 52 NOTES

FIGURE2 (above). Outline plan of the excavated long house settlement at Cuiry-les- Chaudardes (after Coudart 19981, illustrating the roughly even spacing and alignment of buildings erected at different times in the life of the settlement. The lower drawing summarizes the relationship between the alignment of long houses in northwest Europe and the orientation of near- by burials (after Mattheusser 1991). tion can be incorrectly aligned, leading to the divisions has rarely been discussed, and yet suggestion that it could have been added at a they the internal structure of the build- later stage (Coudart 1998: 74). FIGURE1 sum- ings. Simonin (1997) suggests that they reflected marizes the logical relations that are possible the positions of windows in the houses, but a between the three Components of the long house purely functional interpretation may be insuf- and distinguishes between sequences that can ficient as these pits can also be associated with be demonstrated by field archaeology and those child burials (Veit 1996). that are entirely conjectural. One point is well Discussions of this evidence have followed established: in normal circumstances the pro- a strictly practical logic. Modderman has com- vision of the trench-built ‘northern’ element pared these buildings with later long houses, brought any expansion in that direction to an in which each section of the structure served a end. Although that compartment is not always different purpose (1988: 96). The southern sec- the same size, it is rare to find houses in which tion of the Neolithic house has been interpreted the final segment of the building was replaced as a granary and the northern section as a byre. (Coudart 1998: 53-5). This is hardly likely as these buildings were There are links between the interior and apparently entered by a door at the southern exterior. The internal area was clearly subdi- end, whereas the byres in later long houses were vided and the separate elements were built in usually approached through openings in the different techniques. The same emphasis on side walls (Fokkens & Roymans 1991).It seems segmentation extends to the area outside these improbable that livestock would have crossed buildings. Not only was the northern end of the living area to enter and leave these build- the longest structures built in a different style ings. In any event this interpretation of Neo- from the other components, the internal organi- lithic long houses receives little support from zation of space was often mirrored by the po- phosphate analysis (Stauble & Liining 1999). sitioning of external borrow pits (Coudart 1998: Hunter-Anderson (1977)has pointed out that 32-3). Sometimes these followed the full ex- it is easier to add sections to a rectilinear struc- tent of the side walls but often they were inter- ture than it would be in the case of circular rupted by causeways. The importance of these buildings. Perhaps the extra compartments were NOTES 53 created as the household increased in size or importance of the dead. Child burials are found as more generations came to live together. This with individual long houses (Veit 1996) and process is documented in the ethnographic Whittle has suggested an association between record (Carsten & Hugh-Jones 1995) and a similar these deposits and the regeneration of the so- approach has been applied to Iron Age houses cial group (1996: 167). Burials of adults can be in the Netherlands (Gerittson 1999). Shorter found in cemeteries located some distance from structures are widely distributed in Neolithic the settled area (Veit 1996).In this case the bodies Europe, but Coudart (1998: 48-9) observes that face in the same direction as the doors of the they are more frequent towards the end of the long houses (FIGURE2; Mattheusser 1991;Whittle occupation of individual sites. This suggests 1996: 169). Perhaps that is one reason why the that in some cases the process of lengthening earliest mortuary mounds were modelled on the long house had still to run its course when the dwellings used in life. the entire settlement was relocated. In nearly all the settlements of the Linear The alignment of long houses Pottery Culture and its immediate successors, The orientation of the long house also seemed individual long houses were replaced in dif- to be governed by practical considerations. ferent positions from the original buildings Marshall (1981) suggested that it was determined (Liining 1982). The abandoned structures and by local wind directions (cf.Mattheusser 1991: their successors followed the same alignment 35-7). His analysis was based on an unrepre- and often they adhered to the same spacing sentative sample, but in any case it is doubtful across the settled area (FIGURE2). Where exca- whether buildings in small clearings would have vated evidence is available, there seems to be been as vulnerable to wind pressure as their little sign that such structures had been repaired later counterparts which were constructed in a or that materials were retrieved when houses more open landscape. Coudart’s study (1998: 88- were abandoned. Perhaps the positions of older 90) of a larger sample of Neolithic long houses buildings were respected whilst their structure could not identify any relationship between the decayed. orientation of these buildings and the directions This suggests a rather striking process by of the prevailing winds (FIGURES3 & 4). which individual houses might be extended, The most obvious characteristics of the Linear abandoned and relocated at different stages in Pottery Culture are its geographical extent and their structural development. Although they the rapidity with which it spread across cen- were composed of distinct segments, the crea- tral and western Europe. The uniform charac- tion of a closed ‘northern’ section walled with ter of its settlements and artefacts suggests that planks almost invariably brought that process people in these regions saw themselves as a to an end. The distinctive structure of these single community. Luning et a]. (1989) have buildings would have made that sequence of suggested a broad pattern of colonization ex- development apparent to an outside observer. tending from towards the north- How is that to be explained? Perhaps the most west, with further areas of settlement towards likely explanation is that such buildings were the west and northeast (FIGURE4). replaced on the death of one of the occupants, It is usually supposed that the long houses just as in other parts of Europe houses seem to of this period follow a north-south axis, but in have been burnt down with their contents in- fact their orientations are much more varied side them (Stevanovic 1997). The most complex (Mattheusser 1991: 17-25). Far from following long houses might have been those that devel- the directions of the prevailing winds, the oped across a whole generation, in which case orientations of those buildings seem to conform the secluded compartment at the northern end to a much more basic alignment. They appear could have taken on a special significance. It seems to reflect the sequence and direction of Linear to have been the last to be built before these houses Pottery Culture colonization. Thus they face were abandoned and might have been used as approximately north-south in central Europe an ancestral shrine or even as a mortuary. Once and are deflected towards the west and north- it had been built there is nothing suggest any fur- west towards the limit of expansion (FIGURE ther elaboration of the structure. 4). The range of variation is sufficiently strik- There is some evidence to support a link ing to suggest this was a deliberate choice. In between the development of the house and the every instance the position of the door is to- 54 NOTES

FIGURE3. Prevailing wind directions in the regions of Europe with Neolithic long houses (after Coudart 1998). The bold arrows show the main wind directions in summer and the fainter those in winter.

FIC~JKE4. The chronological extension of the Linear Pottery Culture [after Liining et al. 1989) compared with the orientations of Neolithic long houses {after Kind 1989 and Coudart 1998). The denser shading indicates the earlier phases of Linear Pottery settlement and the lighter shading traces its subsequent expansion. NOTES 55

FIGURE5. The distribution of Spondylus shells in Europe (after Miiller 1997). wards the likely area of origin of the local popu- to have played any practical role. Rather, they lation. The dead who were buried near-by face provided direct testimony of the beliefs of set- in the same direction (FIGUREa). Is it possible tled communities whose descendants aligned that these orientations were considered propi- their houses on the same ancestral homelands. tious because the inhabitants believed them- Such arguments may seem remote from the selves to share a common origin? ‘curious circumstance’ observed by Childe half- In fact, the southern and southeastern axis a-century ago (1949: 139),but that is because of the long houses is reflected by another ar- the settlements of the Linear Pottery Culture chaeological phenomenon which has so far are too often considered in isolation from the defied explanation. Spondylus shells occur mortuary monuments that eventually took their throughout the Linear Pottery Culture but seem place. Settlement sites are studied by one group to have been imported into central and west- of archaeologists and long barrows by another, ern Europe from areas much further to the south- and each brings its own assumptions to the task. east (Muller 1997). Their entire distribution This article has attempted to question some of extends from France to the Black Sea (FIGURE those assumptions, for, if its basic thesis is well 5).’They are found in Linearbandkeramik cem- founded, the long houses of Neolithic Europe eteries, where they occur in the graves of the were not only dwellings but monuments in their older members of the community, but they are own right which charted the history of the first also recorded in parts of southern Europe which farming communities. The forms of these build- had been settled by farmers during an earlier ings mapped out the lives of the living and re- period. However the movement of these dis- called the importance of the dead. tinctive shells was organized, they provided a tangible link between the newly colonized ar- Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Margaret Mathews for eas and regions that had been settled many preparing the illustrations and to two referees for their generations before. These artefacts do not seem helpful comments. 56 NOTES

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Land and sea: use of terrestrial mammal bones in coastal hunter-gatherer communities


Terrestrial mammals are frequently undervalued in interpretations of prehistoric coastal economies where are used to examine seasonality and diet. Using case-studies from the Northwest Coast of North America, and from Arctic Norway, a more integrated approach to subsistence and is proposed.

KejJ-words:terrestrial mammals, marine economy, diet, raw materials, bone tools

Introduction economy because of their minor contribution On archaeological sites of coastal hunter-gath- to the diet. Such inferences overlook the fact erers, marine taxa often far outnumber terres- that land mammals also provide numerous other trial mammals among the unmodified faunal materials including bone and antler, which may remains. In such cases, terrestrial mammals are have played crucial roles in past economic generally deemed unimportant in the overall lifeways. Several lines of evidence indicate the * Note. Authors' contributions are equal. Hodgetts, Archaeology IJnit, Queen's College, Memorial Universitv of Newfoundland, St John's NF, A1C SS7 Canada [email protected] Rahemtulla, Anthropology Program, University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 1Jiiiversity Way, Prince George BC, V2N 4ZY Canada. [email protected] Received 31 March 2000, accepted 7 July 2000, revised 8 November 2000. ANTIQUITY75 (2001): 56-62