49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 1149.pdf AN UPPER LIMIT ON EARTH’S TROJAN ASTEROID POPULATION FROM OSIRIS-REX. S. Cambi- oni*1, R. Malhotra1, C. W. Hergenrother1, B. Rizk1, J. N. Kidd1, C. Drouet d’Aubigny1, S. R. Chesley2, F. Shelly1, E. Christensen1, D. Farnocchia2, and D. S. Lauretta1. 1Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, The University of Arizona; 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory; *
[email protected] Introduction: In February 2017, the OSIRIS-REx survey. The limiting visual magnitude of the survey – (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identifica- estimated to be V = 13.8 – is identified as the magni- tion, and Security Regolith Explorer) spacecraft con- tude at which the sensitivity drops to 50%. ducted a survey of the Sun-Earth L4 region for Earth Simulations of ETs around L4 and L5: Minor Trojan (ET) asteroids (Earth Trojan Asteroid Survey, planets can share the orbit of Earth in a dynamically ETAS) using the OCAMS MapCam, the onboard sur- stable state if they remain near the triangular Lagrangi- vey imager [1]. The existence and size of a primordial an points, L4 and L5, leading or trailing a planet by ~ population of ETs remains poorly constrained, and 60 degrees in longitude [5]. To remain in libration represents a major gap in our inventory of small bodies about L4 or L5, the Jacobi constant of the minor plan- in near-Earth space. The discovery of a surviving pri- ets must lie between the value for L4/L5 and the value mordial ET population would provide important con- for the Lagrangian point L3.