A Newsletter for the Members and Friends of Kensington Congregational Church WEBSITE: WWW.KENSINGTONCONG.ORG E-MAIL:
[email protected] Gabriel's Trumpet April 2021 Returning to the Sanctuary Easter Sunday Services We have returned to in-person worship in the Join us on Sunday, April 4 for the climax of sanctuary! In order to keep one another safe and Christianity, our celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. healthy, some adjustments will need to be made, We will have a (signup only!) Easter Sunrise Service but it will be wonderful to be together again. Prefer at 6:30 a.m. and a virtual & in-person (signup only!) to worship at home? No worries! On-line worship Easter Morning Service at KCC is at 10:00 a.m.! will continue to be live-streamed on Facebook and then posted on YouTube. WORSHIP Sign-up Links are always available What will you need to do? on the front page of the KCC Webpage • You will need to sign-up. In order to maintain holy NOTE: If you signed up and can no longer attend a service, distancing, there will be approximately 20 pew please call or email the office during business hours, so that we sections available each week. Each section will seat a may make the change. family group of 1-4 people. Or call the church office Monday – Friday during office hours. Registering for worship also allows us to do contact tracing if we Virtual Annual Church Meeting should learn that there has been an exposure. May 2, 2021 • You will need to wear a mask unless you have a medical exemption or are under two years old.