* US News and World Report Silver Medal School * Received a spot in the Newsweek’s prestigious 2015 “Beating the Odds” list * Was chosen as a 2015 Honor Roll School * One of 16 districts in the UnitedSCHOOL States to be PROFILE awarded the 201 US 3Department-2014 of Education Race to the Top grant * Earned 6 distinctions in Texas Accountability system for the 2017-2018 academic years * Earned “A” rating as a district 2017-2018 in Texas Accountability system * Rated as “A” School in the greater Houston area by Children At Risk College Prep Public Charter School CEEB/ACT Code: 443546 TX CDC-School Number: 101-846-001 Title I School Principal: Seth Haytiyev, M.Ed. (
[email protected]) Head Counselor: Syed Hasan, M.Ed (
[email protected]) College Guidance Counselors: Berna Celepcikay , Fadime Dogan , Fatih Gozuacik , Huseyin Yildirim , Numan Kuzey HARMONY AT A GLANCE: Harmony Science Academy is a comprehensive four year college preparatory public charter high school serving grades 9-12. Its mission is to prepare each student for higher education by providing a safe, caring, and collaborative atmosphere featuring a quality, student-centered educational program with a strong emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The school was opened in the fall of 2000 and graduated its first senior class in the spring of 2005. Harmony Science Academy is a designated T-STEM academy and is accredited by Texas Education Agency. Students are enrolled through a lottery process and applications are open to the public. Harmony Public Schools educates nearly 36,000 students in grades K through 12 on 54 campuses in Texas.