Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014 No. 70 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, May 12, 2014, at 2 p.m. House of Representatives FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014

The House met at 9 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- loved ones are threatened to be sold called to order by the Speaker. nal stands approved. into slavery. The international com- f f munity cannot sit idly by while these atrocities occur. PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I applaud the steps taken by the ad- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ministration to send resources to the J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: from Minnesota (Mr. PAULSEN) come Nigerian Government to aid with the Eternal God, we give You thanks for forward and lead the House in the search, but more can still be done. The giving us another day. Pledge of Allegiance. President needs to push for Boko Once again, we come to You to ask Mr. PAULSEN led the Pledge of Alle- Haram to be added to the United Na- wisdom, patience, peace, and under- giance as follows: tions Security Council’s al Qaeda sanc- standing for the Members of this peo- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tions list to weaken their power in the ple’s House. The words and sentiments United States of America, and to the Repub- region. that have been spoken and heard in lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. Speaker, whether domestically these recent days were born of prin- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. or internationally, we need to make ciple, conviction, and commitment. f sure that we remain vigilant against We ask discernment for the Members, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER those that wish to harm and exploit that they might judge anew their ad- young children. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- herence to principle, conviction, and f commitment, lest they slide unchari- tain up to 5 requests for 1-minute tably toward an inability to listen to speeches on each side of the aisle. TAX CREDITS one another and work cooperatively to f (Mr. HOYER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 solve the important issues of our day. KIDNAPPING OF SCHOOL GIRLS IN minute and to revise and extend his re- Give them the generosity of heart NIGERIA and the courage of true leadership to marks.) work toward a common solution, with (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, in just a sacrifice on both sides. permission to address the House for 1 few short minutes, we will demonstrate Finally, as they return to their re- minute and to revise and extend his re- whether this House does or does not spective districts, may they be open to marks.) have fiscal responsibility. the hopes and desires of their constitu- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, we have We ought to extend the research and ents, while being equally attentive to all heard about the horrific and evil development tax credit to help busi- the needs of our Nation at large. acts occurring in the country of Nige- nesses invest in innovation—and we May all that is done this day be for ria. Hundreds of young girls have been ought to do it permanently. But Re- Your greater honor and glory. kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko publicans are asking us to do so with- Amen. Haram and are currently being held in out paying for it, which would add $155 f captivity. billion to the deficit. Once again, they What did these girls do that Boko are ignoring fiscal responsibility when THE JOURNAL Haram considered wrong? They simply it comes to tax cuts. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- were attending school. In 1981, 2001, and 2003, Republicans ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- As the father of four daughters, I can passed tax cuts without paying for ceedings and announces to the House only imagine the anguish the families them, and the outcome every time was his approval thereof. of these girls are experiencing as their predictable—an increase in our debt.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 Under President Reagan, it was a 189 and so many issues. His legacy on civil Americans increasingly rely on high- percent increase. He could have vetoed rights issues, on ensuring America quality and reasonably priced tele- any spending bill. Under President lives up to its tribal treaty obligations communications services for almost George W. Bush, there was an 86 per- and protecting our natural resources, everything they do. Key to providing cent increase in the national debt. has touched generations past and that service is a robust and competi- Economists agree that tax cuts do present. tive market in wireless communica- not pay for themselves. In 2010, former When Billy spoke, you listened. We tions which drives innovation, keeps Reagan budget director David Stock- saw that firsthand just 2 weeks ago, costs low, and employs tens of thou- man said this: when he commanded a room at a tribal sands of Americans in good, stable This debt explosion has resulted not from summit in my district that included jobs. Safeguarding this competition big spending by the Democrats but instead tribal leaders, Federal officials, and and these jobs is our responsibility. the Republican Party’s embrace about three the Secretary of the Interior. With that in mind, I find the actions decades ago of the insidious doctrine that After a recent meeting with Billy, I taken by Sprint over the past year deficits don’t matter if they result from tax was walking to my car with a member since its acquisition by the Japanese cuts. of my staff. Midway there, I said, Hold firm SoftBank particularly troubling. USA Today says: on for a second. He asked me what was In that time, Sprint laid off more than House action on ‘‘tax extenders’’ forfeits up. I said, Can we just take a minute 2,700 call center workers. Almost 900 credibility on deficits and national debt. and appreciate the fact that we got to whom were in my home State of . They are right. spend a few hours with an absolute Now, rumors exist that Sprint is pre- Vote ‘‘no.’’ icon. paring to buy T-Mobile. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and Assistant Attorney f I will treasure those hours, the entire time I spent with Billy, and the ex- General Bill Baer have expressed SUCCESS AND OPPORTUNITY traordinary work that he did for our strong skepticism about this potential THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER region. merger because they believe, as I do, SCHOOLS ACT There is a Native American proverb that competition drives innovation and (Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana asked and that says we should make decisions lower prices in the marketplace. was given permission to address the with an eye toward how they will af- Coupled with Sprint’s recent layoffs, Congress must take a careful and crit- House for 1 minute and to revise and fect our children seven generations ical look at this deal, if and when it is extend her remarks.) into the future. Billy Frank was the announced, and stand up for what is Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speak- embodiment of that ethos. He will be best for American consumers and er, I rise today in support of the Suc- missed. American jobs. cess and Opportunity Through Quality f Charter Schools Act. f HONORING JAN THAYER In this day and age, we must recog- UNITED WAY ERIE nize that no single educational model (Mr. SMITH of Nebraska asked and (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania will meet the needs of every child. We was given permission to address the asked and was given permission to ad- need multiple pathways to success that House for 1 minute and to revise and dress the House for 1 minute and to re- empower educators, parents, and stu- extend his remarks.) vise and extend his remarks.) dents. Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speak- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. I recently visited the Indiana Math er, I rise today to honor Jan Thayer of Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to recognize and Science Academy North, a college Grand Island, Nebraska, who passed the work of United Way Erie in Erie prep charter school in Indianapolis. away on May 3 after a long battle with County, Pennsylvania, which this IMSA North is helping students like cancer. month celebrated its 100th annual cam- Samuel, who was not being challenged Jan was a successful businesswoman paign to eradicate poverty and improve academically at his old school. He and entrepreneur, a community leader, the lives of local individuals and fami- moved to IMSA North in 2010 and has and a friend to many. During her long lies. been a star student ever since. In fact, career she was recognized with many Each year, on average, United Way he received the sixth-highest score in awards, including The Grand Island Erie touches the life of one out of every robotics at this year’s First Tech Chal- Independent newspaper’s Woman of the three residents in Erie County. In 2013, lenge World Championships. His par- Year, the University of Nebraska’s over 100,000 men, women, and children ents say IMSA has answered their Businesswoman of the Year and Entre- were helped by the United Way and its prayers. preneur of the Year, and she was supporters. This legislation will help more stu- named a member of the Nebraska Busi- Last year, United Way Erie put for- dents like Samuel thrive. It provides ness Hall of Fame. ward an ambitious goal, which is to re- grants for quality charter schools and These honors are a great testament duce the number of Erie families strug- gives States the flexibility to support not only to her tireless work ethic but gling to meet their basic needs by one- innovative school models. It will en- also to her dedication to her commu- third between now and 2025. As a result sure charter schools can find suitable nity. of this new initiative, they have raised facilities and will encourage more col- I extend my deepest sympathies to over $6.1 million during 2013, which was laboration between traditional public her husband, Ernie, and their family. the largest fundraising campaign ever schools. I ask my colleagues to join me in for United Way Erie. Mr. Speaker, let’s give every child honoring Jan and the incredible legacy Mr. Speaker, through bold new ideas access to a great education. Let’s pass of service and big-heartedness she has and innovative charitable efforts the Success and Opportunity Through left behind. United Way Erie is making a dif- Quality Charter Schools Act. f ference. I congratulate them on this f THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPETI- 100th campaign anniversary and thank HONORING BILL FRANK, JR. TION AND AMERICAN JOBS IN the generations of caring community THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SEC- supporters for their work to help those (Mr. KILMER asked and was given most in need find a helping hand. permission to address the House for 1 TOR f minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked marks.) and was given permission to address MOTHER’S DAY Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, earlier the House for 1 minute and to revise (Ms. FRANKEL of Florida asked and this week, the Pacific Northwest—and and extend his remarks.) was given permission to address the America—lost a true legend. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. House for 1 minute and to revise and Billy Frank, Jr., the chairman of the Speaker, I rise today to draw attention extend her remarks.) Northwest Indian Fisheries Commis- to an issue I think should concern us Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speak- sion, made his mark on so many people all. er, this Sunday, on Mother’s Day, we

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4021 celebrate the blessings of our moms. In The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to incentivize with this bill. On the deep appreciation, we give them candy, Clerk will report the motion to recom- other hand, they are cutting programs cards, and beautiful flowers. mit. at the National Institutes of Health. With that said, what our moms really The Clerk read as follows: Do you get my drift here? deserve is an economy where women Mrs. Kirkpatrick moves to recommit the They will make cuts to Medicare, are given equal pay for equal work. bill H.R. 4438 to the Committee on Ways and Medicaid, and other health programs to Sadly, today, in the United States of Means with instructions to report the same the tune of $2.9 trillion. They will America, women earn only 77 cents for back to the House forthwith with the fol- make cuts to transportation, $52 bil- lowing amendment: lion. every dollar earned by their male col- Add at the end the following: leagues. (e) STRENGTHENING AMERICA’S MIDDLE This bill throws the Republican budg- So I respectfully suggest that on this CLASS.—Section 41(b)(2)(A)(i) of such Code is et so out of balance—the first oppor- Mother’s Day we as a Nation commit amended by striking ‘‘such employee,’’ and tunity they have to go against their to pay equity for all, regardless of gen- inserting ‘‘such employee, but only if the budget, they take it—they had to der. taxpayer pays women employees equal pay waive their own rules to make this bill And to my own mother, I thank you for equal work and, in hiring employees, the work. for your zest of life, unwavering en- taxpayer gives priority to unemployed Amer- Chairman CAMP made this provision ican workers, particularly veterans, and does permanent in his tax reform bill and couragement, unconditional love, and not outsource American jobs to foreign your matzo ball soup. workers,’’. paid for the provisions. He paid for it. Thank you, Mother. (f) ENSURING THAT TAX CUTS FOR CORPORA- The President made this provision per- Happy Mother’s Day. TIONS ARE OFFSET.—Nothing in this Act manent, and he has offsets to cover the shall result in an increase in the deficit. f cost in his budget. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- We should have time to look and find SUCCESS AND OPPORTUNITY ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from common pay-fors and pass this bill in a THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER Arizona is recognized for 5 minutes in fiscally responsible manner. SCHOOLS ACT support of her motion. Again, I support the R&D tax credit, (Mr. TAKANO asked and was given Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, as do the vast majority of the members permission to address the House for 1 this is the final amendment to the bill, of our Caucus, but we do not support minute.) which will not kill the bill nor send it this bill. Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise back to committee. If adopted, this bill I ask for a ‘‘yes ‘‘vote on my motion. today in support of the enhanced eq- will immediately proceed to final pas- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance uity, accountability, and transparency sage, as amended. of my time. measures in H.R. 10, the Success and Mr. Speaker, this bill is fiscally irre- Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I am op- Opportunity Through Quality Charter sponsible. It is an unpaid-for bill that posed to the motion. Schools Act. This legislation would re- costs $156 billion. When combined with The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- quire charter authorizers, charter man- the other six permanent tax extenders tleman from Michigan is recognized for agement organizations, and charter passed by Republicans on the Ways and 5 minutes. schools receiving grants through the Means Committee, the combined cost Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, this econ- charter school program to adhere to of all six bills is $310 billion. Not $1 of omy isn’t growing. Last quarter’s GDP higher standards and become more ac- these bills is paid for, not $1 to offset showed 0.1 percent economic growth. It countable. the cost. is essentially flat. Too often, charter schools are unwill- They do not close one special inter- Do we have any pro-growth ideas or ing to take the most at-risk and in- est, corporate tax loophole to offset the policies coming from the other side? need students, or give up on these stu- cost of these bills. None. They seem to be happy with the dents far too soon. That needs to end. The bill threatens so many critical way things are. But, frankly, Ameri- With H.R. 10, applicants for CSP grants programs that we care about. It threat- cans aren’t. Americans think the coun- would be required to describe how they ens tax extender provisions that are try is going in the wrong direction. would serve students with disabilities not included, the new markets tax Americans think things aren’t going to and those who are English learners. It credit, the work opportunity tax credit get better because—you know what?— would also require grant recipients to for veterans, and renewable energy in- they haven’t been. Median incomes assist sub-grantees in enrolling, re- centives. have been declining. So what we need cruiting, and retaining traditionally The bill also threatens enhancements to do is adopt something that is pro- underserved students at rates com- made to refundable tax credits for growth. parable to public schools. working families that expire in 2017, This is a policy that has wide bipar- My vote today on H.R. 10 is not a the child tax credit, the earned income tisan support. Republicans and Demo- vote in favor of charters. Charter tax credit, the American opportunity crats have long supported the research schools are a part of our education sys- tax credit for education. and development tax credit. Do you tem, and my vote is to make them Republicans may have turned off, at know why? Because it allows compa- more equitable, accountable, trans- the eleventh hour, the automatic nies to innovate, to create and refine parent, and of high quality. spending cuts that would have resulted medical products that help extend and from passing this legislation after we make people’s lives better. It helps f called them out for it. What isn’t done small companies like one in my home b 0915 with one hand by them will be done State of Michigan that actually makes AMERICAN RESEARCH AND with the other. footwear for our soldiers and men and COMPETITIVENESS ACT OF 2014 Republicans will add to the deficit. women in harm’s way, and they con- Let me make that clear. Republicans tinue to refine that product as they The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. will add to the deficit and then auto- meet difficult conditions overseas. YODER). Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule matically use that to push for harmful We need to innovate and grow. Demo- XIX, further consideration of H.R. 4438 cuts elsewhere. crats 71 times voted to extend this pro- will now resume. The Ryan budget lays out where the vision, unpaid for. The President, when The Clerk read the title of the bill. Republicans will make the cuts. They he was in the Senate, voted twice to MOTION TO RECOMMIT will make cuts to education, Head extend the R&D credit without paying Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I Start programs, and K–12 education. for it. The President, twice, as Presi- have a motion to recommit at the They will make cuts to medical re- dent of the United States signed legis- desk. search, such as the important work lation that twice extended this credit The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the done by the National Institutes of without paying for it. gentlewoman opposed to the bill? Health. Look, let’s stop the charade. Let’s be Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. I am opposed to On the other hand, medical research honest. This credit will be extended. it in its current form. is one type of research that they seek Let’s give businesses the certainty

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 they need, employers, so they can grow Shea-Porter Thompson (MS) Visclosky WEBSTER, MULVANEY, and ROGERS and invest and create jobs, so that ev- Sherman Tierney Walz of Alabama changed their vote from Sinema Titus Wasserman eryone can get higher wages, so we can Sires Tonko Schultz ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ reverse this terrible trend of incomes Slaughter Tsongas Waters Messrs. DOYLE, LARSEN of Wash- declining. Smith (WA) Van Hollen Waxman ington, ELLISON, and HOYER changed Speier Vargas Let’s raise wages for everyone. Let’s Welch their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Swalwell (CA) Veasey Wilson (FL) Takano Vela adopt a permanent R&D tax credit. Yarmuth So the motion to recommit was re- Vote against this motion and vote for Thompson (CA) Vela´ zquez jected. the bill. NAYS—209 The result of the vote was announced Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Aderholt Graves (GA) Perry as above recorded. of my time. Amash Graves (MO) Petri Stated for: Amodei Griffin (AR) Pittenger Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Bachus Griffith (VA) Pitts objection, the previous question is or- Barletta Grimm Poe (TX) May 9, 2014, I missed rollcall vote 210. Had dered on the motion to recommit. Barr Guthrie Pompeo I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ There was no objection. Barton Hall Posey The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Benishek Hanna Price (GA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bentivolio Harris Reichert question is on the passage of the bill. question is on the motion to recommit. Bishop (UT) Hastings (WA) Renacci The question was taken; and the The question was taken; and the Black Heck (NV) Ribble Speaker pro tempore announced that Blackburn Hensarling Rice (SC) the ayes appeared to have it. Speaker pro tempore announced that Boustany Herrera Beutler Rigell the noes appeared to have it. Brady (TX) Holding Roby Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on that I Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, on Bridenstine Hudson Roe (TN) demand the yeas and nays. Brooks (AL) Huelskamp Rogers (AL) The yeas and nays were ordered. that I demand the yeas and nays. Brooks (IN) Huizenga (MI) Rogers (KY) The yeas and nays were ordered. Broun (GA) Hultgren Rogers (MI) The SPEAKER pro tempore. This The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Buchanan Hunter Rohrabacher will be a 5-minute vote. ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair Bucshon Issa Rokita The vote was taken by electronic de- Burgess Jenkins Rooney vice, and there were—yeas 274, nays will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Byrne Johnson (OH) Ros-Lehtinen time for any electronic vote on the Calvert Johnson, Sam Roskam 131, not voting 26, as follows: question of passage of the bill. Camp Jolly Ross [Roll No. 211] Campbell Jordan Rothfus YEAS—274 The vote was taken by electronic de- Cantor Joyce Royce vice, and there were—yeas 191, nays Capito Kelly (PA) Ryan (WI) Aderholt Diaz-Balart Keating 209, not voting 31, as follows: Carter King (IA) Salmon Amash Duncan (SC) Kelly (PA) Cassidy King (NY) Sanford Amodei Duncan (TN) Kennedy [Roll No. 210] Chabot Kinzinger (IL) Scalise Bachus Ellmers Kilmer YEAS—191 Chaffetz Kline Schock Barber Enyart King (IA) Coffman Labrador Schweikert Barletta Esty King (NY) Barber Foster Maloney, Cole LaMalfa Scott, Austin Barr Farenthold Kinzinger (IL) Barrow (GA) Frankel (FL) Carolyn Collins (GA) Lamborn Sensenbrenner Barrow (GA) Fincher Kline Bass Fudge Maloney, Sean Collins (NY) Lance Sessions Barton Fitzpatrick Kuster Beatty Gabbard Matheson Conaway Lankford Shimkus Benishek Fleischmann Labrador Becerra Gallego Matsui Cook Latham Shuster Bentivolio Fleming LaMalfa Bera (CA) Garamendi McCarthy (NY) Cotton Latta Simpson Bera (CA) Flores Lamborn Bishop (NY) Garcia McCollum Cramer LoBiondo Smith (MO) Bilirakis Forbes Lance Blumenauer Grayson McDermott Crenshaw Long Smith (NE) Bishop (UT) Fortenberry Langevin Bonamici Green, Al McGovern Culberson Lucas Smith (NJ) Black Foster Lankford Brady (PA) Green, Gene McIntyre Daines Luetkemeyer Southerland Blackburn Foxx Larson (CT) Braley (IA) Grijalva McNerney Davis, Rodney Lummis Stewart Blumenauer Franks (AZ) Latham Brown (FL) Gutie´rrez Meeks Denham Marino Stivers Boustany Frelinghuysen Latta Brownley (CA) Hahn Meng Dent Massie Stockman Brady (TX) Gallego LoBiondo Bustos Hanabusa Michaud DeSantis McCarthy (CA) Stutzman Braley (IA) Garamendi Loebsack Butterfield Heck (WA) Miller, George DesJarlais McCaul Terry Bridenstine Garcia Long Capps Moore Higgins Duncan (SC) McClintock Thompson (PA) Brooks (AL) Gardner Lucas Capuano Moran Himes Duncan (TN) McHenry Thornberry Brooks (IN) Garrett Luetkemeyer Ca´ rdenas Murphy (FL) Hinojosa Ellmers McKeon Tiberi Broun (GA) Gerlach Lujan Grisham Carney Nadler Holt Farenthold McKinley Tipton Brownley (CA) Gibbs (NM) Cartwright Napolitano Honda Fincher McMorris Turner Buchanan Gibson Lummis Castor (FL) Neal Horsford Fitzpatrick Rodgers Upton Bucshon Gingrey (GA) Lynch Castro (TX) Negrete McLeod Hoyer Fleischmann Meadows Valadao Burgess Gohmert Maffei Chu Nolan Fleming Meehan Wagner Bustos Goodlatte Maloney, Cicilline Huffman O’Rourke Israel Flores Messer Walberg Byrne Gosar Carolyn Clark (MA) Owens Forbes Mica Walden Calvert Gowdy Maloney, Sean Clarke (NY) Jackson Lee Pallone Jeffries Fortenberry Miller (FL) Walorski Camp Graves (GA) Marino Cleaver Pascrell Foxx Miller (MI) Weber (TX) Cantor Graves (MO) Massie Clyburn Johnson (GA) Pastor (AZ) Johnson, E. B. Franks (AZ) Miller, Gary Webster (FL) Capito Griffin (AR) Matheson Cohen Pelosi Gardner Mullin Wenstrup Capps Griffith (VA) McCarthy (CA) Connolly Jones Perlmutter Kaptur Garrett Mulvaney Westmoreland Capuano Grimm McCaul Conyers Peters (CA) Gerlach Murphy (PA) Wilson (SC) Carter Guthrie McClintock Cooper Keating Peters (MI) Kelly (IL) Gibbs Neugebauer Wittman Cassidy Hall McHenry Costa Peterson Chabot Kennedy Gibson Noem Wolf Hanna McIntyre Courtney Pingree (ME) Chaffetz Harris McKeon Kildee Gingrey (GA) Nugent Womack Crowley Pocan Clark (MA) Hastings (WA) McKinley Kilmer Gohmert Nunes Woodall Cuellar Polis Goodlatte Olson Yoder Coffman Heck (NV) McMorris Kind Cummings Price (NC) Gosar Paulsen Yoho Cole Heck (WA) Rodgers Kirkpatrick Davis (CA) Quigley Gowdy Pearce Young (IN) Collins (GA) Hensarling McNerney Kuster Davis, Danny Rahall Collins (NY) Herrera Beutler Meadows Langevin DeFazio Rangel NOT VOTING—31 Conaway Holding Meehan Larsen (WA) Delaney Richmond Bachmann Granger Reed Connolly Holt Messer Larson (CT) DeLauro Roybal-Allard Bilirakis Harper Runyan Cook Honda Mica Lee (CA) DelBene Ruiz Bishop (GA) Hartzler Cotton Hudson Michaud Levin Rush Deutch Ruppersberger Carson (IN) Hastings (FL) Courtney Huelskamp Miller (FL) Lewis Schwartz Dingell Ryan (OH) Clay Hurt Cramer Huizenga (MI) Miller (MI) Lipinski ´ Scott, David Doggett Sanchez, Linda Coble Kingston Crenshaw Hultgren Miller, Gary Doyle Loebsack T. Smith (TX) Crawford Marchant Whitfield Culberson Hunter Moran Duckworth Lofgren Sanchez, Loretta Daines Issa Mullin DeGette McAllister Williams Edwards Lowenthal Sarbanes Diaz-Balart Nunnelee Davis, Rodney Jenkins Mulvaney Young (AK) Ellison Lowey Schakowsky Duffy Palazzo Delaney Johnson (OH) Murphy (FL) Engel Lujan Grisham Schiff Frelinghuysen Payne DelBene Johnson, Sam Murphy (PA) Enyart (NM) Schneider Denham Jolly Neal Eshoo Luja´ n, Ben Ray Schrader b 0949 Dent Jones Negrete McLeod Esty (NM) Scott (VA) Messrs. COLLINS of Georgia, DeSantis Jordan Neugebauer Farr Lynch Serrano DesJarlais Joyce Noem Fattah Maffei Sewell (AL) MULLIN, MCCAUL, KING of Iowa,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4023 Nolan Rooney Stockman Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. peal shall be considered to be made to that sec- Nugent Ros-Lehtinen Stutzman 211, due to a previously scheduled, and very tion or other provision of the Elementary and Nunes Roskam Swalwell (CA) Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 Olson Ross important, constituent event in my district, I will Terry et seq.). Pascrell Rothfus Thompson (PA) not be present for this vote. Had I been Paulsen Royce Thornberry present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ SEC. 3. SUBPART HEADING; PURPOSE. Pearce Ruiz Tiberi (a) SUBPART HEADING.—The heading for sub- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Perry Ryan (OH) Tierney part 1 of part B of title V (20 U.S.C. 7221 et seq.) Peters (CA) Ryan (WI) Tipton Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, is amended to read as follows: ‘‘Charter School Peters (MI) Salmon Titus Program’’. Peterson Sa´ nchez, Linda May 9, 2014, I was unable to vote. Had I been Tonko (b) PURPOSE.—Section 5201 (20 U.S.C. 7221) is Petri T. present, I would have voted as follows: on roll- Turner Pingree (ME) Sanchez, Loretta amended to read as follows: Upton call No. 210, ‘‘nay,’’ on rollcall No. 211, ‘‘yea.’’ Pittenger Sanford ‘‘SEC. 5201. PURPOSE. Valadao Pitts Scalise f ‘‘It is the purpose of this subpart to— Wagner Poe (TX) Schneider Walberg REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER ‘‘(1) improve the United States education sys- Pompeo Schock tem and education opportunities for all Ameri- Posey Schweikert Walden AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 4615 Walorski cans by supporting innovation in public edu- Price (GA) Scott, Austin Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, Rahall Sensenbrenner Walz cation in public school settings that prepare stu- Reichert Sessions Weber (TX) I ask unanimous consent that the gen- dents to compete and contribute to the global Renacci Shea-Porter Webster (FL) tleman from California (Mr. PETERS) be economy; Ribble Shimkus Wenstrup ‘‘(2) provide financial assistance for the plan- Westmoreland removed as cosponsor of H.R. 4615. Rice (SC) Shuster The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ning, program design, and initial implementa- Rigell Simpson Wilson (SC) tion of charter schools; Roby Sinema Wittman RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois). Is there ob- ‘‘(3) expand the number of high-quality char- Wolf Roe (TN) Smith (MO) jection to the request of the gentleman ter schools available to students across the Na- Rogers (AL) Smith (NE) Womack from New York? Rogers (KY) Smith (NJ) Woodall tion; Rogers (MI) Southerland Yoder There was no objection. ‘‘(4) evaluate the impact of such schools on student achievement, families, and communities, Rohrabacher Stewart Yoho f Rokita Stivers Young (IN) and share best practices between charter schools and other public schools; NAYS—131 SUCCESS AND OPPORTUNITY THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER ‘‘(5) encourage States to provide support to Bass Grayson Owens SCHOOLS ACT charter schools for facilities financing in an Beatty Green, Al Pallone amount more nearly commensurate to the Becerra Green, Gene Pastor (AZ) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- amount the States have typically provided for Bishop (NY) Grijalva Payne Bonamici Gutie´rrez ant to House Resolution 576 and rule traditional public schools; Pelosi ‘‘(6) improve student services to increase op- Brady (PA) Hahn Perlmutter XVIII, the Chair declares the House in portunities for students with disabilities, limited Brown (FL) Hanabusa Pocan the Committee of the Whole House on Butterfield Higgins Polis English proficient students, and other tradition- Campbell Himes the state of the Union for the further Price (NC) ally underserved students to attend charter Ca´ rdenas Hinojosa consideration of the bill, H.R. 10. Quigley schools and meet challenging State academic Carney Horsford Rangel Will the gentleman from Kansas (Mr. achievement standards; Carson (IN) Hoyer YODER) kindly take the chair. ‘‘(7) support efforts to strengthen the charter Cartwright Huffman Richmond Castor (FL) Israel Roybal-Allard b 1000 school authorizing process to improve perform- Castro (TX) Jackson Lee Ruppersberger ance management, including transparency, Chu Jeffries Sarbanes IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE oversight, monitoring, and evaluation of such Cicilline Johnson (GA) Schakowsky Accordingly, the House resolved schools; and Schiff Clarke (NY) Johnson, E. B. itself into the Committee of the Whole ‘‘(8) support quality accountability and trans- Cleaver Kaptur Schrader parency in the operational performance of all Clyburn Kelly (IL) Scott (VA) House on the state of the Union for the authorized public chartering agencies, which in- Cohen Kildee Serrano further consideration of the bill (H.R. clude State educational agencies, local edu- Conyers Kind Sewell (AL) 10) to amend the charter school pro- Cooper Kirkpatrick Sherman cational agencies, and other authorizing enti- Costa Larsen (WA) Sires gram under the Elementary and Sec- ties.’’. Crowley Lee (CA) Slaughter ondary Education Act of 1965, with Mr. SEC. 4. PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. Cuellar Levin Smith (WA) YODER (Acting Chair) in the chair. Section 5202 (20 U.S.C. 7221a) is amended to Cummings Lewis Speier read as follows: Davis (CA) Lipinski The Clerk read the title of the bill. Takano ‘‘SEC. 5202. PROGRAM AUTHORIZED. Davis, Danny Lofgren Thompson (CA) The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- DeFazio Lowenthal ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—This subpart authorizes Thompson (MS) mittee of the Whole rose on Thursday, DeLauro Lowey the Secretary to carry out a charter school pro- Tsongas May 8, 2014, all time for general debate Deutch Luja´ n, Ben Ray Van Hollen gram that supports charter schools that serve el- Dingell (NM) had expired. ementary school and secondary school students Doggett Matsui Vargas Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be Veasey by— Doyle McCarthy (NY) considered for amendment under the 5- ‘‘(1) supporting the startup of charter schools, Duckworth McCollum Vela Edwards McDermott Vela´ zquez minute rule. and the replication and expansion of high-qual- Ellison McGovern Visclosky Pursuant to the rule, the amendment ity charter schools; Engel Meeks Wasserman in the nature of a substitute rec- ‘‘(2) assisting charter schools in accessing Schultz Eshoo Meng ommended by the Committee on Edu- credit to acquire and renovate facilities for Farr Miller, George Waters school use; and Fattah Moore Waxman cation and the Workforce, printed in ‘‘(3) carrying out national activities to sup- Frankel (FL) Nadler Welch the bill, shall be considered as an origi- port— Fudge Napolitano Wilson (FL) nal bill for the purpose of amendment ‘‘(A) charter school development; Gabbard O’Rourke Yarmuth under the 5-minute rule and shall be ‘‘(B) the dissemination of best practices of NOT VOTING—26 considered read. charter schools for all schools; Bachmann Hartzler Runyan The text of the committee amend- ‘‘(C) the evaluation of the impact of the pro- gram on schools participating in the program; Bishop (GA) Hastings (FL) Rush ment in the nature of a substitute is as Clay Hurt Schwartz and Coble Kingston Scott, David follows: ‘‘(D) stronger charter school authorizing. Crawford Marchant Smith (TX) H.R. 10 ‘‘(b) FUNDING ALLOTMENT.—From the amount DeGette McAllister Whitfield made available under section 5211 for a fiscal Duffy Nunnelee Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Williams resentatives of the United States of America in year, the Secretary shall— Granger Palazzo Young (AK) ‘‘(1) reserve 12.5 percent to support charter Harper Reed Congress assembled, school facilities assistance under section 5204; b 0958 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(2) reserve not more than 10 percent to carry This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Success and Op- So the bill was passed. out national activities under section 5205; and portunity through Quality Charter Schools ‘‘(3) use the remaining amount after the Sec- The result of the vote was announced Act’’. retary reserves funds under paragraphs (1) and as above recorded. SEC. 2. REFERENCES. (2) to carry out section 5203. A motion to reconsider was laid on Except as otherwise specifically provided, ‘‘(c) PRIOR GRANTS AND SUBGRANTS.—The re- the table. whenever in this Act a section or other provision cipient of a grant or subgrant under this sub- Stated for: is amended or repealed, such amendment or re- part or subpart 2, as such subpart was in effect

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 on the day before the date of enactment of the ‘‘(iii) fully obligate the funds appropriated for ‘‘(I) will work with the State educational Success and Opportunity through Quality Char- the purpose of awarding grants under this sec- agency and the charter schools in the State to ter Schools Act, shall continue to receive funds tion in the fiscal year for which such grants are maximize charter school participation in Federal in accordance with the terms and conditions of awarded; and and State programs for charter schools; and such grant or subgrant.’’. ‘‘(B) midway through the grant period of each ‘‘(II) will work with the State educational SEC. 5. GRANTS TO SUPPORT HIGH-QUALITY grant awarded under this section to a State en- agency to adequately operate the State entity’s CHARTER SCHOOLS. tity, review the grant to determine whether the program under this section, where applicable; Section 5203 (20 U.S.C. 7221b) is amended to State entity will meet the agreed upon uses of ‘‘(vi) will ensure each eligible applicant that read as follows: funds in the State entity’s application, and if receives a subgrant under the State entity’s pro- ‘‘SEC. 5203. GRANTS TO SUPPORT HIGH-QUALITY not, reallot the grant funds that will not be used gram to open and prepare to operate a new CHARTER SCHOOLS. for such agreed upon uses of funds to other charter school, a replicated, high-quality char- ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—From the amount reserved State entities during the succeeding grant com- ter school model, or an expanded, high-quality under section 5202(b)(3), the Secretary shall petition under this section. charter school— award grants to State entities having applica- ‘‘(4) DIVERSITY OF PROJECTS.—Each State en- ‘‘(I) will ensure such school or model meets tions approved pursuant to subsection (f) to en- tity receiving a grant under this section shall the requirements under section 5210(1); and able such entities to— award subgrants under this section in a manner ‘‘(II) is prepared to continue to operate such ‘‘(1) award subgrants to eligible applicants for that, to the extent possible, ensures that such school or model, in a manner consistent with the opening and preparing to operate— subgrants— eligible applicant’s application, after the ‘‘(A) new charter schools; ‘‘(A) are distributed throughout different subgrant funds have expired; ‘‘(B) replicated, high-quality charter school areas, including urban, suburban, and rural ‘‘(vii) will support charter schools in local models; or areas; and educational agencies with large numbers of ‘‘(C) expanded, high-quality charter schools; ‘‘(B) will assist charter schools representing a schools identified by the State for improvement; and variety of educational approaches. ‘‘(viii) will work with charter schools to pro- ‘‘(2) provide technical assistance to eligible ‘‘(5) WAIVERS.—The Secretary may waive any mote inclusion of all students and support all applicants and authorized public chartering statutory or regulatory requirement over which students once they are enrolled to promote re- agencies in carrying out the activities described the Secretary exercises administrative authority tention; in paragraph (1) and work with authorized pub- except any such requirement relating to the ele- ‘‘(ix) will work with charter schools on re- lic chartering agencies in the State to improve ments of a charter school described in section cruitment practices, including efforts to engage authorizing quality. 5210(1), if— groups that may otherwise have limited oppor- ‘‘(A) the waiver is requested in an approved ‘‘(b) STATE USES OF FUNDS.— tunities to participate in charter schools, and to ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A State entity receiving a application under this section; and ensure such schools do not have in effect poli- ‘‘(B) the Secretary determines that granting grant under this section shall— cies or procedures that may create barriers to ‘‘(A) use not less than 90 percent of the grant such a waiver will promote the purpose of this enrollment of students, including educationally funds to award subgrants to eligible applicants, subpart. disadvantaged students, and are in compliance ‘‘(d) LIMITATIONS.— in accordance with the quality charter school with all Federal and State laws on enrollment ‘‘(1) GRANTS.—A State entity may not receive practices; program described in the State entity’s applica- more than 1 grant under this section for a 5- ‘‘(x) will share best and promising practices tion approved pursuant to subsection (f), for the year period. between charter schools and other public purposes described in subparagraphs (A) ‘‘(2) SUBGRANTS.—An eligible applicant may schools, including, where appropriate, instruc- through (C) of subsection (a)(1); not receive more than 1 subgrant under this sec- tion and professional development in core aca- ‘‘(B) reserve not less than 7 percent of such tion per individual charter school for a 5-year demic subjects, and science, technology, engi- funds to carry out the activities described in period, unless the eligible applicant dem- neering, and math education, including com- subsection (a)(2); and onstrates to the State entity not less than 3 puter science; ‘‘(C) reserve not more than 3 percent of such years of improved educational results in the ‘‘(xi) will ensure the charter schools receiving funds for administrative costs which may in- areas described in subparagraphs (A) and (D) of funds under the State entity’s program meet the clude technical assistance. section 5210(8) for students enrolled in such ONTRACTS AND GRANTS.—A State entity educational needs of their students, including ‘‘(2) C charter school. students with disabilities and English learners; may use a grant received under this section to ‘‘(e) APPLICATIONS.—A State entity desiring to ‘‘(xii) will support efforts to increase quality carry out the activities described in subpara- receive a grant under this section shall submit initiatives, including meeting the quality au- graphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) directly or an application to the Secretary at such time and thorizing elements described in paragraph through grants, contracts, or cooperative agree- in such manner as the Secretary may require. (2)(E); ments. The application shall include the following: ‘‘(xiii) in the case of a State entity not de- ‘‘(3) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this ‘‘(1) DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM.—A description Act shall prohibit the Secretary from awarding of the State entity’s objectives under this section scribed in clause (xiv), will provide oversight of grants to States that use a weighted lottery to and how the objectives of the program will be authorizing activity, including how the State give slightly better chances for admission to all, carried out, including a description— will approve, actively monitor, and re-approve or a subset of, educationally disadvantaged stu- ‘‘(A) of how the State entity— or revoke the authority of an authorized public dents if— ‘‘(i) will support the opening of new charter chartering agency based on the performance of ‘‘(A) the use of weighted lotteries in favor of schools, replicated, high-quality charter school the charter schools authorized by such agency such students is not prohibited by State law, models, or expanded, high-quality charter in the areas of student achievement, student and such State law is consistent with laws de- schools, and a description of the proposed num- safety, financial management, and compliance scribed in section 5210(1)(G); and ber of each type of charter school or model, if with all applicable statutes and regulations; ‘‘(B) such weighted lotteries are not used for applicable, to be opened under the State entity’s and the purpose of creating schools exclusively to program; ‘‘(xiv) in the case of a State entity defined in serve a particular subset of students. ‘‘(ii) will inform eligible charter schools, devel- subsection (i)(4), will work with the State to ‘‘(c) PROGRAM PERIODS; PEER REVIEW; GRANT opers, and authorized public chartering agen- provide assistance to and oversight of author- NUMBER AND AMOUNT; DIVERSITY OF PROJECTS; cies of the availability of funds under the pro- ized public chartering agencies for authorizing WAIVERS.— gram; activity described in clause (xiii); ‘‘(1) PROGRAM PERIODS.— ‘‘(iii) will work with eligible applicants to en- ‘‘(B) of the extent to which the State entity— ‘‘(A) GRANTS.—A grant awarded by the Sec- sure that the eligible applicants access all Fed- ‘‘(i) is able to meet and carry out the priorities retary to a State entity under this section shall eral funds that they are eligible to receive, and listed in subsection (f)(2); and be for a period of not more than 5 years. help the charter schools supported by the appli- ‘‘(ii) is working to develop or strengthen a co- ‘‘(B) SUBGRANTS.—A subgrant awarded by a cants and the students attending the charter hesive statewide system to support the opening State entity under this section shall be for a pe- schools— of new charter schools, replicated, high-quality riod of not more than 5 years, of which an eligi- ‘‘(I) participate in the Federal programs in charter school models, or expanded, high-qual- ble applicant may use not more than 18 months which the schools and students are eligible to ity charter schools; for planning and program design. participate; ‘‘(C) of how the State entity will carry out the ‘‘(2) PEER REVIEW.—The Secretary, and each ‘‘(II) receive the commensurate share of Fed- subgrant competition, including— State entity receiving a grant under this section, eral funds the schools and students are eligible ‘‘(i) a description of the application each eligi- shall use a peer review process to review appli- to receive under such programs; and ble applicant desiring to receive a subgrant will cations for assistance under this section. ‘‘(III) meet the needs of students served under submit, including— ‘‘(3) GRANT AWARDS.—The Secretary shall— such programs, including student with disabil- ‘‘(I) a description of the roles and responsibil- ‘‘(A) for each fiscal year for which funds are ities and English learners; ities of eligible applicants, partner organiza- appropriated under section 5211— ‘‘(iv) will have clear plans and procedures to tions, and management organizations, including ‘‘(i) award not less than 3 grants under this assist students enrolled in a charter school that the administrative and contractual roles and re- section; closes or loses its charter to attend other high- sponsibilities; ‘‘(ii) wholly fund each grant awarded under quality schools; ‘‘(II) a description of the quality controls this section, without making continuation ‘‘(v) in the case in which the State entity is agreed to between the eligible applicant and the awards; and not a State educational agency— authorized public chartering agency involved,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4025 such as a contract or performance agreement, volved, such as through renewal, non-renewal, charter schools to help improve struggling how a school’s performance in the State’s aca- or revocation of the school’s charter; schools and local educational agencies. demic accountability system will be a primary ‘‘(F) the State entity will work to ensure that ‘‘(E) The State entity partners with an orga- factor for renewal or revocation of the school’s charter schools are included with the traditional nization that has a demonstrated record of suc- charter, and how the State entity and the au- public schools in decision-making about the cess in developing management organizations to thorized public chartering agency involved will public school system in the State; and support the development of charter schools in reserve the right to revoke or not renew a ‘‘(G) the State entity will ensure that each the State. school’s charter based on financial, structural, charter school in the State make publicly avail- ‘‘(F) The State entity supports charter schools or operational factors involving the management able, consistent with the dissemination require- that support at-risk students through activities of the school; ments of the annual State report card, informa- such as dropout prevention or dropout recovery. ‘‘(III) a description of how the eligible appli- tion to help parents make informed decisions ‘‘(G) The State entity authorizes all charter cant will solicit and consider input from parents about the education options available to their schools in the State to serve as school food au- and other members of the community on the im- children, including information on the edu- thorities. plementation and operation of each charter cational program, student support services, and ‘‘(H) The State entity has taken steps to en- school receiving funds under the State entity’s annual performance and enrollment data for the sure that all authorizing public chartering program; and groups of students described in section agencies implement best practices for charter ‘‘(IV) a description of the planned activities 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II). school authorizing. and expenditures for the subgrant funds for ‘‘(3) REQUESTS FOR WAIVERS.—A request and ‘‘(g) LOCAL USES OF FUNDS.—An eligible ap- purposes of opening and preparing to operate a justification for waivers of any Federal statu- plicant receiving a subgrant under this section new charter school, a replicated, high-quality tory or regulatory provisions that the State enti- shall use such funds to carry out activities re- charter school model, or an expanded, high- ty believes are necessary for the successful oper- lated to opening and preparing to operate a new quality charter school, and how the school or ation of the charter schools that will receive charter school, a replicated, high-quality char- model will maintain financial sustainability funds under the State entity’s program under ter school model, or an expanded, high-quality after the end of the subgrant period; and this section, and a description of any State or charter school, such as— ‘‘(ii) a description of how the State entity will local rules, generally applicable to public ‘‘(1) preparing teachers and school leaders, in- review applications; schools, that will be waived, or otherwise not cluding through professional development; ‘‘(D) in the case of an entity that partners apply to such schools or, in the case of a State ‘‘(2) acquiring equipment, educational mate- with an outside organization to carry out the entity defined in subsection (i)(4), a description rials, and supplies; and State entity’s quality charter school program, in of how the State entity will work with the State ‘‘(3) necessary renovations and minor facili- whole or in part, of the roles and responsibilities to request necessary waivers where applicable. ties repairs (excluding construction). of this partner; ‘‘(f) SELECTION CRITERIA; PRIORITY.— ‘‘(h) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—Each State ‘‘(E) of how the State entity will help the ‘‘(1) SELECTION CRITERIA.—The Secretary entity receiving a grant under this section shall charter schools receiving funds under the State shall award grants to State entities under this submit to the Secretary, at the end of the third entity’s program consider the transportation section on the basis of the quality of the appli- year of the 5-year grant period and at the end needs of the schools’ students; and cations submitted under subsection (e), after of such grant period, a report on— ‘‘(F) of how the State entity will support di- taking into consideration— ‘‘(1) the number of students served by each verse charter school models, including models ‘‘(A) the degree of flexibility afforded by the subgrant awarded under this section and, if ap- that serve rural communities. State’s public charter school law and how the plicable, how many new students were served ‘‘(2) ASSURANCES.—Assurances, including a State entity will work to maximize the flexibility during each year of the subgrant period; description of how the assurances will be met, provided to charter schools under the law; ‘‘(2) the progress the State entity made toward that— ‘‘(B) the ambitiousness of the State entity’s meeting the priorities described in subsection ‘‘(A) each charter school receiving funds objectives for the quality charter school program (f)(2), as applicable; under the State entity’s program will have a carried out under this section; ‘‘(3) how the State entity met the objectives of high degree of autonomy over budget and oper- ‘‘(C) the quality of the strategy for assessing the quality charter school program described in ations; achievement of those objectives; the State entity’s application under subsection ‘‘(B) the State entity will support charter ‘‘(D) the likelihood that the eligible applicants (e); schools in meeting the educational needs of receiving subgrants under the program will meet ‘‘(4) how the State entity complied with, and their students as described in paragraph those objectives and improve educational results ensured that eligible applicants complied with, (1)(A)(x); for students; the assurances described in the State entity’s ‘‘(C) the State entity will ensure that the au- ‘‘(E) the State entity’s plan to— application; thorized public chartering agency of any char- ‘‘(i) adequately monitor the eligible applicants ‘‘(5) how the State entity worked with author- ter school that receives funds under the State receiving subgrants under the State entity’s pro- ized public chartering agencies, including how entity’s program— gram; the agencies worked with the management com- ‘‘(i) adequately monitors each charter school ‘‘(ii) work with the authorized public char- pany or leadership of the schools that received in recruiting, enrolling, and meeting the needs tering agencies involved to avoid duplication of subgrants under this section; and of all students, including students with disabil- work for the charter schools and authorized ‘‘(6) the number of subgrants awarded under ities and English learners; and public chartering agencies; and this section to carry out each of the following: ‘‘(ii) ensures that each charter school solicits ‘‘(iii) provide adequate technical assistance ‘‘(A) The opening of new charter schools. and considers input from parents and other and support for— ‘‘(B) The opening of replicated, high-quality members of the community on the implementa- ‘‘(I) the charter schools receiving funds under charter school models. tion and operation of the school; the State entity’s program; and ‘‘(C) The opening of expanded, high-quality ‘‘(D) the State entity will provide adequate ‘‘(II) quality authorizing efforts in the State; charter schools. technical assistance to eligible applicants to— and ‘‘(i) STATE ENTITY DEFINED.—For purposes of ‘‘(i) meet the objectives described in clauses ‘‘(F) the State entity’s plan to solicit and con- this section, the term ‘State entity’ means— (vii) and (viii) of paragraph (1)(A) and para- sider input from parents and other members of ‘‘(1) a State educational agency; graph (2)(B); and the community on the implementation and oper- ‘‘(2) a State charter school board; ‘‘(ii) recruit, enroll, and retain traditionally ation of the charter schools in the State. ‘‘(3) a Governor of a State; or underserved students, including students with ‘‘(2) PRIORITY.—In awarding grants under ‘‘(4) a charter school support organization.’’. disabilities and English learners, at rates similar this section, the Secretary shall give priority to SEC. 6. FACILITIES FINANCING ASSISTANCE. to traditional public schools; State entities to the extent that they meet the Section 5204 (20 U.S.C. 7221c) is amended to ‘‘(E) the State entity will promote quality au- following criteria: read as follows: thorizing, such as through providing technical ‘‘(A) In the case of a State entity located in a ‘‘SEC. 5204. FACILITIES FINANCING ASSISTANCE. assistance and supporting all authorized public State that allows an entity other than a local ‘‘(a) GRANTS TO ELIGIBLE ENTITIES.— chartering agencies in the State to improve the educational agency to be an authorized public ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—From the amount reserved oversight of their charter schools, including chartering agency, the State has a quality au- under section 5202(b)(1), the Secretary shall not by— thorized public chartering agency that is an en- use less than 50 percent to award grants to eligi- ‘‘(i) assessing annual performance data of the tity other than a local educational agency. ble entities that have the highest-quality appli- schools, including, as appropriate, graduation ‘‘(B) The State entity is located in a State cations approved under subsection (d), after rates and student academic growth; that does not impose any limitation on the num- considering the diversity of such applications, to ‘‘(ii) reviewing the schools’ independent, an- ber or percentage of charter schools that may demonstrate innovative methods of assisting nual audits of financial statements conducted in exist or the number or percentage of students charter schools to address the cost of acquiring, accordance with generally accepted accounting that may attend charter schools in the State. constructing, and renovating facilities by en- principles, and ensuring any such audits are ‘‘(C) The State entity is located in a State that hancing the availability of loans or bond fi- publically reported; and ensures equitable financing, as compared to tra- nancing. ‘‘(iii) holding charter schools accountable to ditional public schools, for charter schools and ‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE ENTITY DEFINED.—For purposes the academic, financial, and operational quality students in a prompt manner. of this section, the term ‘eligible entity’ means— controls agreed to between the charter school ‘‘(D) The State entity is located in a State ‘‘(A) a public entity, such as a State or local and the authorized public chartering agency in- that uses charter schools and best practices from governmental entity;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 ‘‘(B) a private nonprofit entity; or ests therein, the proceeds of which are used for (such as an obligation under a guarantee, bond, ‘‘(C) a consortium of entities described in sub- an objective described in subsection (e). note, evidence of debt, or loan) shall be an obli- paragraphs (A) and (B). ‘‘(B) Guaranteeing and insuring leases of per- gation of, or guaranteed in any respect by, the ‘‘(b) GRANTEE SELECTION.—The Secretary sonal and real property for an objective de- United States. The full faith and credit of the shall evaluate each application submitted under scribed in subsection (e). United States is not pledged to the payment of subsection (d), and shall determine whether the ‘‘(C) Facilitating financing by identifying po- funds which may be required to be paid under application is sufficient to merit approval. tential lending sources, encouraging private any obligation made by an eligible entity pursu- ‘‘(c) GRANT CHARACTERISTICS.—Grants under lending, and other similar activities that di- ant to any provision of this section. subsection (a) shall be of a sufficient size, scope, rectly promote lending to, or for the benefit of, ‘‘(j) RECOVERY OF FUNDS.— and quality so as to ensure an effective dem- charter schools. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, in accord- onstration of an innovative means of enhancing ‘‘(D) Facilitating the issuance of bonds by ance with chapter 37 of title 31, United States credit for the financing of charter school acqui- charter schools, or by other public entities for Code, shall collect— sition, construction, or renovation. the benefit of charter schools, by providing tech- ‘‘(A) all of the funds in a reserve account es- ‘‘(d) APPLICATIONS.— nical, administrative, and other appropriate as- tablished by an eligible entity under subsection ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—To receive a grant under sistance (including the recruitment of bond (f)(1) if the Secretary determines, not earlier subsection (a), an eligible entity shall submit to counsel, underwriters, and potential investors than 2 years after the date on which the eligible the Secretary an application in such form as the and the consolidation of multiple charter school entity first received funds under this section (ex- Secretary may reasonably require. projects within a single bond issue). cluding subsection (k)), that the eligible entity ‘‘(2) CONTENTS.—An application submitted ‘‘(2) INVESTMENT.—Funds received under this has failed to make substantial progress in car- under paragraph (1) shall contain— section and deposited in the reserve account es- ‘‘(A) a statement identifying the activities pro- rying out the purposes described in subsection tablished under paragraph (1) shall be invested posed to be undertaken with funds received (f)(1); or in obligations issued or guaranteed by the ‘‘(B) all or a portion of the funds in a reserve under subsection (a), including how the eligible United States or a State, or in other similarly account established by an eligible entity under entity will determine which charter schools will low-risk securities. subsection (f)(1) if the Secretary determines that receive assistance, and how much and what ‘‘(3) REINVESTMENT OF EARNINGS.—Any earn- the eligible entity has permanently ceased to use types of assistance charter schools will receive; ings on funds received under subsection (a) ‘‘(B) a description of the involvement of char- all or a portion of the funds in such account to shall be deposited in the reserve account estab- ter schools in the application’s development and accomplish any purpose described in subsection lished under paragraph (1) and used in accord- the design of the proposed activities; (f)(1). ‘‘(C) a description of the eligible entity’s ex- ance with such paragraph. ‘‘(2) EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY.—The Secretary pertise in capital market financing; ‘‘(g) LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.— shall not exercise the authority provided in ‘‘(D) a description of how the proposed activi- An eligible entity may use not more than 2.5 paragraph (1) to collect from any eligible entity ties will leverage the maximum amount of pri- percent of the funds received under subsection any funds that are being properly used to vate-sector financing capital relative to the (a) for the administrative costs of carrying out achieve one or more of the purposes described in amount of public funding used and otherwise its responsibilities under this section (excluding subsection (f)(1). enhance credit available to charter schools, in- subsection (k)). ‘‘(3) PROCEDURES.—The provisions of sections cluding how the eligible entity will offer a com- ‘‘(h) AUDITS AND REPORTS.— 451, 452, and 458 of the General Education Pro- bination of rates and terms more favorable than ‘‘(1) FINANCIAL RECORD MAINTENANCE AND visions Act 20 U.S.C. 124, 1234a, 1234g shall the rates and terms that a charter school could AUDIT.—The financial records of each eligible apply to the recovery of funds under paragraph receive without assistance from the eligible enti- entity receiving a grant under subsection (a) (1). ty under this section; shall be maintained in accordance with gen- ‘‘(4) CONSTRUCTION.—This subsection shall ‘‘(E) a description of how the eligible entity erally accepted accounting principles and shall not be construed to impair or affect the author- possesses sufficient expertise in education to be subject to an annual audit by an inde- ity of the Secretary to recover funds under part evaluate the likelihood of success of a charter pendent public accountant. D of the General Education Provisions Act (20 school program for which facilities financing is ‘‘(2) REPORTS.— U.S.C. 1234 et seq.). sought; and ‘‘(A) GRANTEE ANNUAL REPORTS.—Each eligi- ‘‘(k) PER-PUPIL FACILITIES AID PROGRAM.— ‘‘(F) in the case of an application submitted ble entity receiving a grant under subsection (a) ‘‘(1) DEFINITION OF PER-PUPIL FACILITIES AID by a State governmental entity, a description of annually shall submit to the Secretary a report PROGRAM.—In this subsection, the term ‘per- the actions that the entity has taken, or will of its operations and activities under this sec- pupil facilities aid program’ means a program in take, to ensure that charter schools within the tion. which a State makes payments, on a per-pupil State receive the funding the charter schools ‘‘(B) CONTENTS.—Each annual report sub- basis, to charter schools to provide the schools need to have adequate facilities. mitted under subparagraph (A) shall include— with financing— ‘‘(e) CHARTER SCHOOL OBJECTIVES.—An eligi- ‘‘(i) a copy of the most recent financial state- ‘‘(A) that is dedicated solely for funding char- ble entity receiving a grant under this section ments, and any accompanying opinion on such ter school facilities; or shall use the funds deposited in the reserve ac- statements, prepared by the independent public ‘‘(B) a portion of which is dedicated for fund- count established under subsection (f) to assist accountant reviewing the financial records of ing charter school facilities. one or more charter schools to access private the eligible entity; ‘‘(2) GRANTS.— sector capital to accomplish one or more of the ‘‘(ii) a copy of any report made on an audit of ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—From the amount under following objectives: the financial records of the eligible entity that section 5202(b)(1) remaining after the Secretary ‘‘(1) The acquisition (by purchase, lease, do- was conducted under paragraph (1) during the makes grants under subsection (a), the Sec- nation, or otherwise) of an interest (including reporting period; retary shall make grants, on a competitive basis, an interest held by a third party for the benefit ‘‘(iii) an evaluation by the eligible entity of to States to pay for the Federal share of the cost of a charter school) in improved or unimproved the effectiveness of its use of the Federal funds of establishing or enhancing, and administering real property that is necessary to commence or provided under subsection (a) in leveraging pri- per-pupil facilities aid programs. continue the operation of a charter school. vate funds; ‘‘(B) PERIOD.—The Secretary shall award ‘‘(2) The construction of new facilities, or the ‘‘(iv) a listing and description of the charter grants under this subsection for periods of not renovation, repair, or alteration of existing fa- schools served during the reporting period, in- more than 5 years. cilities, necessary to commence or continue the cluding the amount of funds used by each ‘‘(C) FEDERAL SHARE.—The Federal share of operation of a charter school. school, the type of project facilitated by the the cost described in subparagraph (A) for a ‘‘(3) The predevelopment costs required to as- grant, and the type of assistance provided to the per-pupil facilities aid program shall be not sess sites for purposes of paragraph (1) or (2) charter schools; more than— and which are necessary to commence or con- ‘‘(v) a description of the activities carried out ‘‘(i) 90 percent of the cost, for the first fiscal tinue the operation of a charter school. by the eligible entity to assist charter schools in year for which the program receives assistance ‘‘(f) RESERVE ACCOUNT.— meeting the objectives set forth in subsection (e); under this subsection; ‘‘(1) USE OF FUNDS.—To assist charter schools and ‘‘(ii) 80 percent in the second such year; to accomplish the objectives described in sub- ‘‘(vi) a description of the characteristics of ‘‘(iii) 60 percent in the third such year; section (e), an eligible entity receiving a grant lenders and other financial institutions partici- ‘‘(iv) 40 percent in the fourth such year; and under subsection (a) shall, in accordance with pating in the activities undertaken by the eligi- ‘‘(v) 20 percent in the fifth such year. State and local law, directly or indirectly, alone ble entity under this section (excluding sub- ‘‘(D) STATE SHARE.—A State receiving a grant or in collaboration with others, deposit the section (k)) during the reporting period. under this subsection may partner with 1 or funds received under subsection (a) (other than ‘‘(C) SECRETARIAL REPORT.—The Secretary more organizations to provide up to 50 percent funds used for administrative costs in accord- shall review the reports submitted under sub- of the State share of the cost of establishing or ance with subsection (g)) in a reserve account paragraph (A) and shall provide a comprehen- enhancing, and administering the per-pupil fa- established and maintained by the eligible entity sive annual report to Congress on the activities cilities aid program. for this purpose. Amounts deposited in such ac- conducted under this section (excluding sub- ‘‘(E) MULTIPLE GRANTS.—A State may receive count shall be used by the eligible entity for one section (k)). more than 1 grant under this subsection, so long or more of the following purposes: ‘‘(i) NO FULL FAITH AND CREDIT FOR GRANTEE as the amount of such funds provided to charter ‘‘(A) Guaranteeing, insuring, and reinsuring OBLIGATION.—No financial obligation of an eli- schools increases with each successive grant. bonds, notes, evidences of debt, loans, and inter- gible entity entered into pursuant to this section ‘‘(3) USE OF FUNDS.—

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‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—A State that receives a ‘‘(i) award grants to eligible applicants on the a charter school affiliated (such as by sharing a grant under this subsection shall use the funds basis of the quality of the applications sub- network) with another charter school, those stu- made available through the grant to establish or mitted under this subsection; and dents may be automatically enrolled in the next enhance, and administer, a per-pupil facilities ‘‘(ii) in awarding grants to eligible applicants grade level at such other charter school, so long aid program for charter schools in the State of described in paragraph (4)(C), give priority to as a lottery is used to fill seats created through the applicant. each such eligible applicant that— regular attrition in student enrollment; ‘‘(B) EVALUATIONS; TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE; ‘‘(I) demonstrates a high proportion of high- ‘‘(I) agrees to comply with the same Federal DISSEMINATION.—From the amount made avail- quality charter schools within the network of and State audit requirements as do other ele- able to a State through a grant under this sub- the eligible applicant; mentary schools and secondary schools in the section for a fiscal year, the State may reserve ‘‘(II) demonstrates success in serving students State, unless such State audit requirements are not more than 5 percent to carry out evalua- who are educationally disadvantaged; waived by the State; tions, to provide technical assistance, and to ‘‘(III) does not have a significant proportion ‘‘(J) meets all applicable Federal, State, and disseminate information. of charter schools that have been closed, had local health and safety requirements; ‘‘(K) operates in accordance with State law; ‘‘(C) SUPPLEMENT, NOT SUPPLANT.—Funds their charter revoked for compliance issues, or ‘‘(L) has a written performance contract with made available under this subsection shall be had their affiliation with such eligible applicant the authorized public chartering agency in the used to supplement, and not supplant, State revoked; State that includes a description of how student and local public funds expended to provide per ‘‘(IV) has sufficient procedures in effect to en- performance will be measured in charter schools pupil facilities aid programs, operations financ- sure timely closure of low-performing or finan- pursuant to State assessments that are required ing programs, or other programs, for charter cially-mismanaged charter schools and clear of other schools and pursuant to any other as- plans and procedures in effect for the students schools. sessments mutually agreeable to the authorized in such schools to attend other high-quality ‘‘(4) REQUIREMENTS.— public chartering agency and the charter OLUNTARY PARTICIPATION schools; and ‘‘(A) V .—No State school; and may be required to participate in a program car- ‘‘(V) demonstrates success in working with ‘‘(M) may serve prekindergarten or postsec- ried out under this subsection. schools identified for improvement by the State. ondary students.’’; ‘‘(B) STATE LAW.— ‘‘(4) ELIGIBLE APPLICANT DEFINED.—For pur- (2) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in poses of this subsection, the term ‘eligible appli- (4) as paragraphs (4) through (6), respectively; clause (ii), to be eligible to receive a grant under cant’ means an eligible applicant (as defined in (3) by inserting after paragraph (1), the fol- this subsection, a State shall establish or en- section 5210) that— lowing: hance, and administer, a per-pupil facilities aid ‘‘(A) desires to open a charter school in— ‘‘(2) CHARTER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION.— program for charter schools in the State, that— ‘‘(i) a State that did not apply for a grant The term ‘charter management organization’ ‘‘(I) is specified in State law; and under section 5203; or means a not-for-profit organization that man- ‘‘(II) provides annual financing, on a per- ‘‘(ii) a State that did not receive a grant ages a network of charter schools linked by cen- pupil basis, for charter school facilities. under section 5203; or tralized support, operations, and oversight. ‘‘(ii) SPECIAL RULE.—Notwithstanding clause ‘‘(B) is a charter management organization. ‘‘(3) CHARTER SCHOOL SUPPORT ORGANIZA- (i), a State that is required under State law to ‘‘(c) CONTRACTS AND GRANTS.—The Secretary TION.—The term ‘charter school support organi- provide its charter schools with access to ade- may carry out any of the activities described in zation’ means a nonprofit, nongovernmental en- quate facility space, but which does not have a this section directly or through grants, con- tity that is not an authorized public chartering per-pupil facilities aid program for charter tracts, or cooperative agreements.’’. agency, which provides on a statewide basis— schools specified in State law, may be eligible to SEC. 8. RECORDS TRANSFER. ‘‘(A) assistance to developers during the plan- ning, program design, and initial implementa- receive a grant under this subsection if the State Section 5208 (20 U.S.C. 7221g) is amended— tion of a charter school; and agrees to use the funds to develop a per-pupil (1) by inserting ‘‘as quickly as possible and’’ ‘‘(B) technical assistance to charter schools to facilities aid program consistent with the re- before ‘‘to the extent practicable’’; and quirements of this subsection. operate such schools.’’; (2) by striking ‘‘section 602’’ and inserting (4) in paragraph (5)(B), as so redesignated, by ‘‘(5) APPLICATIONS.—To be eligible to receive a ‘‘section 602(14)’’. striking ‘‘under section 5203(d)(3)’’; and grant under this subsection, a State shall submit SEC. 9. DEFINITIONS. (5) by adding at the end the following: an application to the Secretary at such time, in Section 5210 (20 U.S.C. 7221i) is amended— ‘‘(7) EXPANDED, HIGH-QUALITY CHARTER such manner, and containing such information (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as fol- SCHOOL.—The term ‘expanded, high-quality as the Secretary may require.’’. lows: charter school’ means a high-quality charter SEC. 7. NATIONAL ACTIVITIES. ‘‘(1) CHARTER SCHOOL.—The term ‘charter school that has either significantly increased its Section 5205 (20 U.S.C. 7221d) is amended to school’ means a public school that— enrollment or added one or more grades to its read as follows: ‘‘(A) in accordance with a specific State stat- school. ‘‘SEC. 5205. NATIONAL ACTIVITIES. ute authorizing the granting of charters to ‘‘(8) HIGH-QUALITY CHARTER SCHOOL.—The ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—From the amount reserved schools, is exempt from significant State or local term ‘high-quality charter school’ means a char- under section 5202(b)(2), the Secretary shall— rules that inhibit the flexible operation and ter school that— ‘‘(1) use not less than 75 percent of such funds management of public schools, but not from any ‘‘(A) shows evidence of strong academic re- to award grants in accordance with subsection rules relating to the other requirements of this sults, which may include strong academic (b); and paragraph; growth as determined by a State; ‘‘(B) has no significant issues in the areas of ‘‘(2) use not more than 25 percent of such ‘‘(B) is created by a developer as a public student safety, operational and financial man- funds to— school, or is adapted by a developer from an ex- agement, or statutory or regulatory compliance; ‘‘(A) provide technical assistance to State en- isting public school, and is operated under pub- ‘‘(C) has demonstrated success in significantly tities in awarding subgrants under section 5203, lic supervision and direction; increasing student academic achievement, in- and eligible entities and States receiving grants ‘‘(C) operates in pursuit of a specific set of cluding graduation rates where applicable, con- under section 5204; educational objectives determined by the sistent with the requirements under title I, for ‘‘(B) disseminate best practices; and school’s developer and agreed to by the author- all students served by the charter school; and ‘‘(C) evaluate the impact of the charter school ized public chartering agency; ‘‘(D) has demonstrated success in increasing program, including the impact on student ‘‘(D) provides a program of elementary or sec- student academic achievement, including grad- achievement, carried out under this subpart. ondary education, or both; uation rates where applicable, for the groups of ‘‘(b) GRANTS.— ‘‘(E) is nonsectarian in its programs, admis- students described in section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II), ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall make sions policies, employment practices, and all except that such demonstration is not required grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible appli- other operations, and is not affiliated with a in a case in which the number of students in a cants for the purpose of carrying out the activi- sectarian school or religious institution; group is insufficient to yield statistically reliable ties described in section 5202(a)(1), subpara- ‘‘(F) does not charge tuition; information or the results would reveal person- graphs (A) through (C) of section 5203(a)(1), ‘‘(G) complies with the Age Discrimination Act ally identifiable information about an indi- and section 5203(g). of 1975, title VI of the , vidual student. ‘‘(2) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—Except as oth- title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, ‘‘(9) REPLICATED, HIGH-QUALITY CHARTER erwise provided in this subsection, grants section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, SCHOOL MODEL.—The term ‘replicated, high- awarded under this subsection shall have the part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Edu- quality charter school model’ means a high- same terms and conditions as grants awarded to cation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act quality charter school that has opened a new State entities under section 5203. of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), and section 444 campus under an existing charter or an addi- ‘‘(3) CHARTER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONS.— of the General Education Provisions Act (20 tional charter if required by State law.’’. The Secretary shall— U.S.C. 1232(g)) (commonly known as the ‘Family SEC. 10. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ‘‘(A) use not less than 75 percent of the funds Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974’); Section 5211 (20 U.S.C. 7221j) is amended to described in subsection (a)(1) to make grants, on ‘‘(H) is a school to which parents choose to read as follows: a competitive basis, to eligible applicants de- send their children, and admits students on the ‘‘SEC. 5211. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIA- scribed in paragraph (4)(C); and basis of a lottery if more students apply for ad- TIONS. ‘‘(B) notwithstanding paragraphs (1)(A) and mission than can be accommodated, except that ‘‘There are authorized to be appropriated to (2) of section 5203(f)— in cases in which students who are enrolled in carry out this subpart $300,000,000 for fiscal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 year 2015 and each of the 5 succeeding fiscal Page 20, line 22, strike ‘‘and student’’ and of this amendment and thank the years.’’. insert ‘‘, student’’. chairman for working with me to in- SEC. 11. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. Page 20, line 23, insert ‘‘, and rates of stu- clude important improvements in the (a) REPEAL.—Subpart 2 of part B of title V (20 dent attrition’’ after ‘‘growth’’. underlying bill. Page 21, line 17, strike ‘‘make’’ and insert U.S.C. 7223 et seq.) is repealed. I am especially pleased that this (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘makes’’. tents in section 2 is amended— Page 22, line 2, insert before the period at amendment includes provisions to pro- (1) by striking the item relating to subpart 1 of the end the following: ‘‘, except that such mote the use of nondiscriminatory dis- part B of title V and inserting the following: data shall not be made publicly available in cipline practices as charter schools ‘‘Subpart 1—Charter School Program’’; a case in which the number of students in a work to serve and retain all students. group is insufficient to yield statistically re- We know that the overreliance on (2) by striking the item relating to section 5203 liable information or the results would re- out-of-school suspension and expulsion and inserting the following: veal personally identifiable information ‘‘Sec. 5203. Grants to support high-quality about an individual student’’. disproportionately impacts educational charter schools.’’; Page 42, line 13, strike ‘‘(4)(C)’’ and insert successes of minority students and stu- (3) by striking the item relating to section 5204 ‘‘(4)(B)’’. dents with disabilities. According to and inserting the following: Page 42, line 21, strike ‘‘(4)(C)’’ and insert the most recent civil rights data col- ‘‘(4)(B)’’. ‘‘Sec. 5204. Facilities financing assistance.’’; lection, the negative impacts on un- Page 42, beginning line 21, strike ‘‘give pri- and equal implementation of these dis- ority to each such eligible applicant that’’ (4) by striking the items relating to subpart 2 ciplines is impacting minority kids as and inserting ‘‘take into consideration young as 4 years old. of part B of title V. whether such an eligible applicant’’. The Acting CHAIR. No amendment Page 49, line 17, insert ‘‘or permitted’’ after This is unacceptable, and I am to the committee amendment in the ‘‘required’’. pleased that this amendment seeks to better position charter schools to un- nature of a substitute shall be in order The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to derstand, implement, and report on the except those printed in part A of House House Resolution 576, the gentleman use of their fair practices. Report 113–444. Each such amendment from Minnesota (Mr. KLINE) and a may be offered only in the order print- Member opposed each will control 5 I want to thank Mr. DAVIS, Ms. WIL- ed in the report, by a Member des- minutes. SON, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. ignated in the report, shall be consid- The Chair recognizes the gentleman CLARKE, and Mr. GRAYSON for helping ered read, shall be debatable for the from Minnesota. to ensure that these improvements in time specified in the report, equally di- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in H.R. 10 are included. vided and controlled by the proponent support of the manager’s amendment I yield back the balance of my time. and an opponent, shall not be subject which makes important changes to the Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I urge my to amendment, and shall not be subject bill to support the growth of high-per- colleagues to support this amendment to a demand for division of the ques- forming charter schools. and the underlying bill. tion. Charter schools epitomize choice and I yield back the balance of my time. AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. KLINE flexibility in education. Reform-mind- The Acting CHAIR. The question is The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order ed States and school districts all across on the amendment offered by the gen- to consider amendment No. 1 printed in the country have embraced this inno- tleman from Minnesota (Mr. KLINE). part A of House Report 113–444. vative educational model to transform The amendment was agreed to. Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I have an underperforming traditional public AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. CASSIDY amendment at the desk. schools. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will The manager’s amendment improves to consider amendment No. 2 printed in designate the amendment. the existing charter school program part A of House Report 113–444. The text of the amendment is as fol- and the underlying bill by clarifying Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. Chairman, I have lows: the grant award language, ensuring an amendment at the desk. Page 4, beginning line 15, strike ‘‘limited charter school funding is used for the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will English proficient students’’ and insert intended purposes. designate the amendment. ‘‘English learners’’. Additionally, the manager’s amend- The text of the amendment is as fol- Page 10, beginning line 1, amend subpara- ment adds quality authorizing provi- lows: graph (B) to read as follows: sions, to include looking at school at- Page 6, after line 17, insert the following: ‘‘(B) prior to the start of the final year of trition rates, and asks States to assist the grant period of each grant awarded under ‘‘(d) GAO REPORT.—Not later than 3 years this section to a State entity, review wheth- schools in developing fair discipline after the date of enactment of the Success er the State entity is using the grant funds practices that will help promote stu- and Opportunity through Quality Charter for the agreed upon uses of funds and wheth- dent retention. Schools Act, the Comptroller General of the er the full amount of the grant will be need- Mr. Chairman, the act is an impor- United States shall submit a report to the ed for the remainder of the grant period and tant piece of legislation that will Secretary and Congress that— ‘‘(1) examines whether the funds author- may, as determined necessary based on that streamline and modernize the charter review, terminate or reduce the amount of ized to be reserved by State entities for ad- school program to support the startup, ministrative costs under section 5203(b)(1)(C) the grant and reallocate the remaining grant replication, and expansion of high- funds to other State entities during the suc- is appropriate; and ceeding grant competition under this sec- quality charter schools. The manager’s ‘‘(2) if determined not to be appropriate, tion.’’. amendment includes commonsense makes recommendations on the appropriate Page 11, beginning line 5, amend paragraph changes to improve the underlying leg- reservation of funding for such administra- (1) to read as follows: islation. tive costs.’’. ‘‘(1) GRANTS.—The Secretary shall not I urge my colleagues to support the The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to award a grant to a State entity under this manager’s amendment and the Success House Resolution 576, the gentleman section in a case in which such award would and Opportunity through Quality Char- from Louisiana (Mr. CASSIDY) and a result in more than 1 grant awarded under ter Schools Act. Member opposed each will control 5 this section being carried out in a State at the same time.’’. I reserve the balance of my time. minutes. Page 14, line 14, insert ‘‘, including sup- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. The Chair recognizes the gentleman porting the use of charter schools to im- Mr. Chairman, I claim the time in op- from Louisiana. prove, or in turning around, struggling position, although I am not in opposi- Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. Chairman, the in- schools’’ after ‘‘improvement’’. tion. tent of my amendment is to provide Page 14, line 18, insert ‘‘including through The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- greater accountability over the use and the use of fair disciplinary practices’’ after tion, the gentleman from California is allocation of administrative costs asso- ‘‘retention’’. Page 19, line 16, strike ‘‘(1)(A)(x)’’ and in- recognized for 5 minutes. ciated with the funds authorized in this sert ‘‘(1)(A)(xi)’’. There was no objection. bill. It is important we attempt to Page 20, line 8, strike ‘‘(vii) and (viii)’’ and Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. maximize the ability of the dollar to insert ‘‘(viii) and (ix)’’. Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong support reach the classroom.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4029 The amendment simply requires Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Chair- as chief operating officer and paid her that, within 3 years after the enact- man, the Castor amendment directs over $200,000 a year, and the chief fi- ment of H.R. 10, the Government Ac- the Secretary of the Department of nancial officer was paid over $320,000 countability Office would provide a re- Education to develop and enforce con- per year. port on whether the amount of funding flict of interest guidelines for any This far exceeds what the standard for State administrative costs is appro- charter school receiving assistance salary is for a charter school or even priate. under this law. when you look at the salaries for our If the funds are determined inappro- These guidelines must include disclo- larger district superintendents. priate, GAO must provide a rec- sures of any person affiliated with the This charter school company then ommendation on what an appropriate charter school that has a financial in- hired 20 members of their own family, level of funding would be. terest in the charter school. according to the report and audit, and My amendment is budget neutral, We all know that a conflict of inter- they racked up over $400,000 in credit with no additional reporting require- est is a situation in which an indi- card charges in one year. ments. It is simple and straight- vidual who has an obligation or duty to In California, State auditors found forward, ensuring that the millions of act for the benefit of the public—in that the president of the American In- taxpayer dollars will go to classrooms, this case, students and schools—ex- dian Public Charter School in Oakland not caught up in bureaucracy. ploits that relationship for personal had given $350,000 in improper payouts We all know how easy it is for admin- benefit—typically for money—if the in- to his wife. They also found another istrative costs in the public sector to dividual tries to perform that duty $350,000 had been spent on unauthorized balloon. This amendment helps to pre- while, at the same time, trying to construction projects, all going to com- vent this from happening. achieve a personal gain. panies owned by the CEO. I reserve the balance of my time. In the context of charter schools, Also, Mr. Chair, just last week, a re- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I claim there have been very serious cases all port was issued by the Center for Pop- time in opposition, although I am not across the country over the past few ular Democracy and Integrity in Edu- opposed to the amendment. years involving conflicts of interest in cation entitled, ‘‘Charter School The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- charter schools. Despite the overriding Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud, and tion, the gentleman from Minnesota is duty and responsibility to students and Abuse.’’ That title was borrowed from recognized for 5 minutes. schools, individuals have acted to ben- the title of a section of a report that There was no objection. efit or enrich themselves with public appeared in the Department of Edu- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in money—taxpayer money. cation’s Office of Inspector General’s support of this amendment, which will In my State of Florida, we have had recent report. require a GAO study on the money al- a number of cases of conflict of interest The report stated that the OIG expe- located for administrative costs. in the approval and operation of char- rienced a steady increase in the num- As the gentleman from Louisiana ter schools. Recently, the Department ber of charter school complaints, said, we need to ensure that we are pro- of Education raised serious questions State-level agencies were failing to viding flexibility in the use of funds to in an audit about expenditures of provide adequate oversight needed to run a quality, efficient, and effective money and conflicts of interest of Flor- ensure Federal funds were being prop- program; and that means carefully bal- ida’s largest charter school manage- erly used and accounted for. They esti- ancing small administrative set-asides ment company. The preliminary audit mated over $100 million in taxpayer while supporting the underlying pro- report findings are very disturbing. losses due to fraud, abuse, and waste in gram purposes. It appears that the charter school charter schools. I support this amendment and urge corporation entered into leases with We can do much better. The conflict my colleagues to do so as well. development companies tied to the of interest problems afflicting charter I reserve the balance of my time. president of the company’s family, that schools across the country endanger Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. Chairman, I yield they hired an architectural firm that the outstanding work being done by back the balance of my time. employs the president’s brother-in-law, many charter schools. Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I yield and that the board of directors trans- For example, the Pepin Academies in back the balance of my time. ferred public funds to another organi- my hometown of Tampa is a tuition- The Acting CHAIR. The question is zation with the same board of direc- free public charter school for students on the amendment offered by the gen- tors. with identified learning disabilities. tleman from Louisiana (Mr. CASSIDY). In Arizona, The Arizona Republic has They have an individualized education The amendment was agreed to. reported that boardmembers and ad- plan. They serve a very important pop- ministrators from more than a dozen ulation, and I believe in their mission. AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MS. CASTOR OF If charter schools are going to effec- FLORIDA State-funded charter schools are prof- tively carry out their mission for stu- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order iting from their affiliations by doing dents, using public funds, it is clear to consider amendment No. 3 printed in business with the schools they oversee. that we need more accountability and part A of House Report 113–444. The newspaper reviewed thousands of better procedures in place to protect Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Chair- pages of Federal tax returns, audits, taxpayer investment. man, I have an amendment at the desk. corporate filings, and records with the Arizona State Board of Charter I include for the RECORD the press re- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will port that I referenced, along with the designate the amendment. Schools. The analysis looked at the 50 largest letters of support from First Focus, The text of the amendment is as fol- School Superintendents Association, lows: nonprofit charter schools in the State, as well as schools with assets of more NEA, and AFT. Page 6, after line 17, insert the following: than $10 million. They found at least 17 [From the Republic, Nov. 17, 2012] ‘‘(d) CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.—The Sec- retary shall develop and enforce conflict of contracts or arrangements totaling INSIDERS BENEFITING IN CHARTER DEALS interest guidelines for any charter school re- more than $70 million over 5 years and (By Anne Ryman) ceiving assistance under this subpart, which involving about 40 school sites in which Board members and administrators from shall include disclosures of any person affili- the money from the nonprofit charter more than a dozen state-funded charter ated with the charter school that has a fi- school went to for-profit and nonprofit schools are profiting from their affiliations nancial interest in the charter school.’’. companies run by board of directors, by doing business with schools they oversee. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to executives, or their relatives. The deals, worth more than $70 million House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman In Colorado, an audit report took a over the last five years, are legal, but critics of the arrangements say they can lead to from Florida (Ms. CASTOR) and a Mem- certain charter school network to task conflicts of interest. Charter executives, on ber opposed each will control 5 min- for egregious financial improprieties the other hand, say they are able to help the utes. and for severe nepotism. The report schools get better deals on services and The Chair recognizes the gentle- said that the CEO was paying himself goods ranging from air-conditioners to text- woman from Florida. over $340,000 per year. He hired his wife books and thus save taxpayers money.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 The Arizona Republic reviewed thousands Sigmund, president and CEO of the Arizona First, there was the revelation that Chavis of pages of federal tax returns, audits, cor- Charter Schools Association, a non-profit routinely abused his students verbally, porate filings, and records filed with the Ari- group that provides support services for humiliating them in front of their class- zona State Board for Charter Schools. The charter schools. mates, to force them score higher on tests or analysis looked at the 50 largest non-profit For example, she said, one charter-school quit the school altogether. charter schools in the state as well as leader picked through Northern Arizona Uni- Then came the news that Chavis had schools with assets of more than $10 million. versity’s surplus equipment to get desks for hurled racist and sexist comments at others For-profit schools were not analyzed because classrooms. in front of students, and that his schools had their tax records are not public. Because Arizona charter schools receive on stopped serving American Indian children. The Republic’s analysis found at least 17 average $1,700 less in annual state funding But that’s not all. Earlier this year, a draft contracts or arrangements, totaling more per child than district schools, charters report by state auditors uncovered evidence than $70 million over five years and involv- ‘‘really have to be efficient,’’ she said. that Chavis had engaged in fraud and was il- ing about 40 school sites, in which money Charter schools are public schools that are legally pocketing taxpayer funds. Then last from the non-profit charter school went to independently run by non-profits, for-profits, week, the Express reported that one of the for-profit or non-profit companies run by school districts or state universities. schools’ eye-popping test scores appear to be board members, executives or their relatives. Charters get less funding on average large- the product not of academic excellence. In- Arizona has 535 charter schools that en- ly because, unlike school districts, they stead, there’s evidence that the school has rolled about 144,800 students this school can’t ask voters in their surrounding areas been routinely cherry-picking top students year, or about 14 percent of students in pub- to pass bonds and overrides to bring in more from local elementary schools in violation of lic schools. money. About 96 percent of charter schools district regulations. At minimum, Chavis’ Arizona’s regulations on charter schools operating now are authorized by the state schools appear to be nothing more than a are relatively lax. The state allows charters and the rest by school districts or state uni- rigged system in which mostly high-scoring to seek exemptions from state laws that re- versities. students apply to get in, are accepted, and quire schools to obtain competitive bids for Molnar, the education professor, said be- then continue to score well on tests. goods or services. Nearly 90 percent of the cause charters are publicly funded, they Then, the state’s final audit came out and state’s charter holders have gotten perma- should be subject to state procurement laws. revealed some truly disturbing evidence, in- nent exemptions from the state Board for Board members shouldn’t be allowed to do cluding $350,000 of what appear to be im- Charter Schools, according to the state’s business with their own schools, either. proper payouts to Chavis’ wife; $355,000 in database. payments to Chavis for a summer school pro- The schools’ purchases from their own offi- [From the denverchannel.com, May 6, 2010] gram that violated state law; and $348,000 to cials range from curriculum and business companies that Chavis owns and did unau- SCHOOL CEO RIPPED FOR HIRING WIFE, consulting to land leases and transportation thorized construction projects. PAYING HIMSELF $340K services. A handful of non-profit schools Alameda County schools Superintendent outsource most of their operations to a A new audit report rips the founders of the Sheila Jordan requested the audit after re- board member’s for-profit company. The Cesar Chavez Charter School Network for ceiving complaints from former school em- transactions are legal provided schools re- egregious financial impropriety and ‘‘severe ployees of financial impropriety by Chavis port the relationships on their federal tax nepotism.’’ and his wife. Jordan has turned the final forms and board members abstain from vot- The Colorado Department of Education is audit results over to Alameda County Dis- ing on their own contracts. now calling for an investigation by the Pueb- trict Attorney’s Office for possible criminal In one case, school officials in Phoenix lo County District Attorney and the IRS. prosecution. thought they were exempt from purchasing The Cesar Chavez Network operates three laws and failed to put a contract out to bid schools, one in Denver and two in Pueblo. [From the Miami Herald, Apr. 21, 2014] for non-academic services that were worth The report said Chief Executive Officer SOUTH MIAMI-BASED CHARTER SCHOOL MAN- hundreds of thousands of dollars. In another Lawrence Hernandez was paying himself AGEMENT COMPANY UNDER FEDERAL SCRU- case, a Glendale school purchased a van for $340,000 per year. He hired his wife as chief TINY almost twice its value and had to get the operating officer and paid her $201,000 a year. (By Kathleen McGrory) money refunded. The chief financial officer was paid $321,000. The state’s largest charter school manage- It’s impossible to know whether any ‘‘This far exceeds what is the standard sal- ment company has come under scrutiny from money was potentially diverted from class- ary for a charter school or even if you look the U.S. Department of Education for poten- rooms through insider transactions or lack at some of our larger district superintend- tial conflicts of interests in its business of competitive bidding. Several charters said ents,’’ said CDE commissioner Dwight D. practices, federal authorities have con- they saved money but were unable to provide Jones. firmed. specifics; others did not respond to interview In fact, Hernandez, who oversaw just three The Education Department’s Inspector requests. Some said they contracted with a schools, made almost twice as much as the General Office is auditing the South Miami- school official’s company because the qual- superintendent of the largest school district based Academica Corp. as part of a broader ity of the product or service was better than in the state—Jefferson County. Jeffco School examination of school management compa- what was on the market. Superintendent Cindy Stevenson makes nies nationwide. The audit will be complete Educators and ethicists say the arrange- $180,000 a year overseeing 94 elementary this summer, department spokeswoman ments raise questions about whether the schools, 20 middle schools, 17 high schools, 10 Catherine Grant said. schools are being used partly for personal option schools and 14 charter schools. A preliminary audit report obtained by the gain. Hernandez and his wife then hired 20 mem- Herald/Times identified potential conflicts of ‘‘This is crony capitalism,’’ said Alex Mol- bers of their own family from 2002 to 2008, ac- interest between the for-profit company nar, an education professor at the University cording to the CDE report and audit. Her- Academica and the Mater Academy charter of Colorado-Boulder who has studied charter nandez’s wife’s stepbrother was a board schools it manages. One example the audi- schools. ‘‘This is greasing the palms of spe- member and the owner of a janitorial service tors cited was the transfer of money from cial-interest and favored individuals.’’ that was a vendor for the schools. Mater Academy to its private support orga- A for-profit company paid by a charter And, according to the report, school offi- nization, which shares the same board of di- school, even a company that operates most cials racked up $400,000 in credit card charges rectors. of the school, does not have to disclose in one year. When asked about the potential conflicts spending details or how much profit it ‘‘I call it questionable use of taxpayer of interest raised in the report, Academica makes. Some board members who did busi- money,’’ Jones said. ‘‘I think it’s very con- attorney Marcos Daniel Jime´nez, in an email ness with their schools told The Republic cerning and have requested that Pueblo City to the Herald/Times, touted the charter they macle a profit on the transactions. Oth- Schools take immediate action to correct school network’s academic record and com- ers said they lost money. Some refused to some of the improprieties that were identi- mitment to its students. comment. fied.’’ Jime´nez also said Academica had sent a re- Charter-school leaders say most executives sponse letter to the U.S. Department of Edu- and board members operate with good inten- [From Seven Days/The East Bay News Blog, cation correcting what he called ‘‘inaccura- tions when they conduct business trans- Jun. 18, 2012] cies and false statements’’ contained in the actions with their schools. The schools want preliminary report. But Academica declined IT’S TIME TO CLOSE THE AMERICAN INDIAN to stretch their funding, and school leaders the Herald/Times request to be provided the PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOLS who own businesses can give the schools a response, saying the Education Department good deal on products or services. (By Robert Gammon) considered the report and the response from Being exempt from purchasing laws gives For the past decade Ben Chavis and his so- Academica to be confidential. schools more flexibility, allowing them to called American Indian Public Charter The Education Department’s findings come focus more on the classroom and less on red schools in Oakland have gotten away with as the Florida Legislature considers a bill tape, charter-school officials say. egregious conduct that would be considered that could weaken school districts’ ability to ‘‘I see a lot of my schools really using grossly unacceptable for any other school— control business practices at new charter thrifty, cost-effective methods,’’ said Eileen because they have had high test scores. schools.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4031 Under current law, school systems have Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, this porting of independently audited financial the power to negotiate contracts with new amendment would require the Sec- statements (including disclosure of amount charter schools. HB 7083 would mandate the retary of Education to not only de- and duration of any Federal, State, and use of a standardized contract, meaning velop, but also enforce, guidelines on local, and private financial and in-kind con- school districts would give up most of their tributions of support, and expenditures of leverage. conflict of interest for charter schools. such support).’’. The gentlewoman points out that there Charter schools are funded by tax dollars, The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to are charter schools and charter school but run by non-profit governing boards that House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman function independently of local school managers who sometimes don’t per- from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE) and a boards. Some are managed by for-profit com- form as they should. Member opposed each will control 5 panies like Academica. We believe very strongly that the un- minutes. Academica oversees nearly 100 charter and derlying law and that the underlying The Chair recognizes the gentle- virtual charter schools in Florida, according bill here addresses that issue, because to its website. It also manages schools in woman from Wisconsin. Texas, Nevada, Utah, California and Wash- this amendment is an overreach of Fed- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, I yield ington, D.C. eral authority. Each State that allows myself such time as I may consume. charter schools has determined what Mr. Chair, I rise to offer an amend- CHARTER SCHOOL VULNERABILITIES TO WASTE, requirements the schools must follow ment to H.R. 10, which reauthorizes our FRAUD, AND ABUSE, A REPORT FROM THE in creating, opening, and operating the Nation’s charter school program. I CENTER FOR POPULAR DEMOCRACY & INTEG- schools. We address the authorizing re- would just like to start out by saying RITY IN EDUCATION, MAY 2014 sponsibilities in the underlying bill. this is a great improvement over the The Center for Popular Democracy is a Simply put, this amendment is un- charter school legislation that we have nonprofit organization that promotes equity, necessary. The underlying bill includes seen in past times. opportunity, and a dynamic democracy in several provisions to have States help When the charter school movement partnership with innovative base-building schools run more effectively and in- began, as many of you may recall, law- organizations, organizing networks and alli- cludes a set-aside of each State grant ances, and progressive unions across the makers exempted those schools from country. for quality authorizing. Quality au- many of the rules governing tradi- Integrity in Education is a nonprofit orga- thorizing will help each charter school tional public schools in order to allow nization dedicated to restoring integrity in run more effectively, both in aca- educators their ability to explore new, education. Integrity in Education exists to demics and in operations. innovative methods and models of shine a light on the people making a positive We do not need the Secretary of Edu- teaching. difference for children, and to expose and op- cation getting more involved in these This yielding of exempting them pose the corporate interest groups standing schools by layering on more burden- in their way. from this rule yielded some unintended some requirements. These are issues consequences. There have been stories PREAMBLE best addressed at the State and local in many States, and you just heard Ms. The title of this report, Charter School level, and the underlying bill already CASTOR of Florida talk about financial Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud, and Abuse, provides support for these efforts. was borrowed from the title of a section of a waste, fraud, murky funders or man- Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues agers, conflicts of interest. It is a prob- report that appeared in The Department of to oppose this amendment, and I yield Education’s Office of the Inspector General’s lem, notwithstanding our desire to see Semiannual Report to Congress, No. 60. The back the balance of my time. innovation. report references a memorandum issued by The Acting CHAIR. The question is This has got to be addressed because the OIG to the Department. The OIG stated on the amendment offered by the gen- taxpayer dollars are, in fact, lost along that the purpose of the memorandum was to, tlewoman from Florida (Ms. CASTOR). with private funds, as well as innova- ‘‘alert you of our concern about The question was taken; and the Act- tion. The greatest cost, of course, is vulnerabilities in the oversight of charter ing Chair announced that the noes ap- our children, who become, sometimes, schools.’’ The report went on to state that peared to have it. the OIG had experienced, ‘‘a steady increase puppets of other folks’ financial inter- Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Chair, I ests. in the number of charter school complaints’’ demand a recorded vote. and that state level agencies were failing ‘‘to A new report from the Center for provide adequate oversight needed to ensure The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Popular Democracy and Integrity in that Federal funds [were] properly used and clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- Education released just this month ex- accounted for.’’ ceedings on the amendment offered by amined 15 of the largest charter mar- The purpose of this report is to echo the the gentlewoman from Florida will be kets and found $100 million in losses to warning issued by the OIG and to inform the postponed. taxpayers since charter schools entered public and lawmakers of the mounting risk AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MS. MOORE these markets. that an inadequately regulated charter in- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order dustry presents to our communities and tax- It is very important to put sensible payers. Our examination, which focused on to consider amendment No. 4 printed in oversight into place to ensure that 15 large charter markets, found fraud, waste, part A of House Report 113–444. public funds are not being wasted or and abuse cases totaling over $100 million in Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, I have an misused. This amendment does just losses to taxpayers. Despite rapid growth in amendment at the desk. that. It simply requires that States re- the charter school industry, no agency, fed- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ceiving charter school grants must set eral or state, has been given the resources to designate the amendment. aside 2 percent of that grant to provide properly oversee it. Given this inadequate The text of the amendment is as fol- financial oversight of charters of pub- oversight, we worry that the fraud and mis- lows: management that has been uncovered thus licly funded money and to disclose pri- Page 8, line 1, strike ‘‘7 percent’’ and insert far might be just the tip of the iceberg. Our vate contributions that they receive. ‘‘5 percent’’. hope is that lawmakers will use the informa- I just want to say, anticipating some Page 8, line 3, strike ‘‘and’’. rebuttal, that the funds would be set tion and concrete recommendations that we Page 8, line 6, strike the period at the end outline in this report to pass meaningful and insert ‘‘; and’’. aside and the authorizing agencies of oversight legislation. Page 8, after line 6, insert the following: these charter schools, be they the Ms. CASTOR of Florida. I ask for ap- ‘‘(D) reserve not less than 2 percent of such State or the local education agency, proval of this amendment regarding funds for oversight of the use of public funds would be able to use the set-aside for conflict of interest. (which shall cover Federal, State, and local appropriate financial oversight. I yield back the balance of my time. funds) and private funds by each public char- With that, I reserve the balance of tering agency in the State of the State enti- my time. 1015 b ty for each charter school authorized by such Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I rise in agency, by each local educational agency in opposition to the amendment. opposition to this amendment and the State for each charter school served by such agency, and by the State as a whole for The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman claim the time. each charter school in the State, which shall from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman include the investigation of fraud, waste, utes. from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- mismanagement and misconduct, including Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, this utes. monitoring the annual filing and public re- amendment will force States to reserve

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 more funds for review of public and pri- I think the points were made. I thank care, it was just 58 percent, the lowest vate charter school funding. the ranking member, Mr. MILLER, for rate among at-risk student groups. The underlying bill, Mr. Chairman, making those points. Foster and homeless youth need includes audits as an important aspect What concerns me about the gentle- more educational options, not less. of quality authorizing measures. woman’s amendment is this is going to This amendment will provide the near- In addition, States already require take money away from the purposes for ly 400,000 foster youth and 1.7 million multiple audits of their charter which we have designed it and put it in homeless youth in the United States schools. This amendment will take this bill. We are trying to make sure with greater access to quality schools. money away from the quality author- that good, high-quality charter schools In the spirit of National Foster Care izing set-aside, where funds will other- can be expanded and replicated, and Month this May, I want to thank the wise be used to support measures to this will detract from that ability. Democrats and Republicans in the Fos- open and run schools with effective op- So I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no,’’ ter Youth Caucus who came together erations practices in addition to high- and I yield back the balance of my to author this commonsense but nec- quality academics. time. essary amendment. Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues The Acting CHAIR. The question is I urge my colleagues to support the to oppose this amendment. on the amendment offered by the gen- amendment. Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. tlewoman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE). Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Will the gentleman yield? The amendment was rejected. Will the gentlewoman yield? Mr. KLINE. I yield to the gentleman AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MS. BASS Ms. BASS. I yield to the gentleman. from California. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. to consider amendment No. 5 printed in Mr. Chair, I rise in support of this Unfortunately, I too oppose this part A of House Report 113–444. amendment to ensure that all students amendment of my good friend, Ms. Ms. BASS. Mr. Chairman, I have an reap the benefits of the public charter MOORE, for the reasons that the chair- amendment at the desk. schools. That is the purpose of this leg- man has just said, that we believe that The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will islation, and certainly including foster much of this is already taken care of in designate the amendment. youth. the underlying bill and that we are di- The text of the amendment is as fol- I also rise to thank the gentlewoman recting money away from the program lows: for her just unrelenting effort to make for responsibilities that should in fact Page 14, line 16, insert ‘‘, including elimi- sure that foster youth are not dimin- be the responsibility of the authorizers, nating any barriers to enrollment for foster ished because of their family status, if be they the State or local authorizers. youth or unaccompanied homeless youth,’’ you will, because of the uncertain situ- That is their job. We are trying to after ‘‘students’’. ation that they find themselves, many strengthen that in this legislation to The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to times in different situations through- lead to high-quality expansion of these House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman out a given year, maybe in different programs, with the caveat being that from California (Ms. BASS) and a Mem- schools. Both in her time in the State you can only authorize those high- ber opposed each will control 5 min- legislature and here in the Congress, quality programs that deal with the utes. she has just been remarkable in her ad- question of accountability and so forth. The Chair recognizes the gentle- vocacy on behalf of these students. I too find myself in the unfortunate woman from California. We all know the difficulty that these position of opposing my friend on this Ms. BASS. Mr. Chairman, I rise students have, the uncertainty that legislation and expect the States, in re- today to offer an amendment along they have to deal with. Just the prox- sponse to continuing to receive these with fellow congressional Caucus on imity of their families to be able to go grants, to step up to their responsi- Foster Youth cochairs TOM MARINO, to school creates a great deal of hard- bility to deal with these problems. JIM MCDERMOTT, and MICHELE BACH- ship and difficulty for these students. Mr. KLINE. I reserve the balance of MANN. I also want to thank the chair- We definitely owe them an extra effort my time. man and the ranking member for their to make sure that they get full inclu- Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chairman, I think leadership on this issue. sion in those academic offerings and it is unfortunate that the gentleman This amendment will help ensure participation in the charter schools in from California is opposing this amend- that foster and homeless youth are not this country. ment as well and my Republican unfairly disadvantaged in the enroll- Thank you so very, very much. friends opposing it, because we often ment process for charter schools. Ms. BASS. Thank you, Mr. Ranking find ourselves talking about unfunded Across the country, charter schools Member, and I urge my colleagues to mandates. What my amendment does is often have requirements that don’t support the amendment. try to make sure that we are providing exist in traditional public schools. For I yield back the balance of my time. not only the guidance and insistence example, they may require parent Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I claim that there be audits, but that we actu- interviews or parent involvement vol- the time in opposition although I am ally provide the ways and means for it unteer service during the academic not opposed to the amendment. to be done. year. Sadly, foster and homeless stu- The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- It is one thing to say, oh, yeah, they dents might not be able to meet that tion, the gentleman from Minnesota is are going to audit themselves. With requirement because they might not recognized for 5 minutes. what? Audits cost money. So I find it have adults in their life that are avail- There was no objection. unfortunate that they would pass this able to meet these standards, and fos- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I yield 1 unfunded mandate on to these char- ter parents may be unwilling or unable minute to the gentleman from Virginia tering agencies. to do this. In turn, these youth may (Mr. CANTOR), the distinguished major- I would urge my colleagues to vote not be able to attend charter schools. ity leader. for this amendment. I think it im- This really isn’t acceptable, espe- Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Chairman, I thank proves the bill. I think it provides the cially since the academic achievement the chairman, the gentleman from needed resources for this account- gap between foster youth and their Minnesota, as well. ability, these accountability activities. peers is quite significant. In fact, a re- Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support With that, I yield back the balance of cent study by the Stuart Foundation in of the amendment and in strong sup- my time. California indicated that test results port of the Success and Opportunity Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chair, how much for students in foster care fell into the Through Quality Charter Schools Act. time do I have? two lowest performance levels for lan- Mr. Chairman, a great education is The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman guage arts and mathematics at twice the foundation that Americans need to from Minnesota has 31⁄2 minutes re- the rate of the statewide student popu- climb the economic ladder of success maining. lation. Additionally, the 2010 gradua- and to build a bright future. America Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I yield tion rate for all high school seniors was doesn’t work when our students are myself such time as I may consume. 84 percent; but for students in foster trapped in failing schools or denied the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4033 opportunity to attend the school that In visits to other charter schools There are a lot of particular needs meets their learning needs. throughout the country, I have met around kids that are going through For far too many children in our dozens of children who were once turmoil in their home life, whether it country, a quality education remains trapped in failing schools and schools is at the elementary level or whether it out of reach. Kids without access to a that couldn’t meet their individual is at the high school level. By adding quality education struggle to even see learning needs. These kids are now at- the language Representative BASS in- any opportunity to get ahead. They tending charter schools and they are troduced in her bipartisan amendment, struggle to lift themselves out of a life thriving. we can ensure that any participant in of poverty. These are not isolated cases. Nation- the Federal charter school program Expanding education opportunity for ally, charter school students do better doesn’t have any barriers to enrolling all students everywhere is the civil than non-charter students in reading, kids. rights issue of our time. Fortunately, math, and science. While the growth of This week here on the floor of the we have a chance today to bring more charters is relatively new, charter House has been characterized by par- opportunities to students all over schools currently make up more than a tisan rancor around Benghazi and Lois America who are looking for that quarter of the Newsweek/U.S. News Lerner. How wonderful that Democrats chance to learn, to grow, and to suc- Best High Schools in America. The and Republicans can come together not ceed. question is: Shouldn’t more of our chil- only around this amendment by KAREN dren have the chance to attend a qual- b 1030 BASS, but also around the bill itself. ity school that happens to be a charter The upgrade of the Federal Charter The legislation before us today will school? Schools Program to the 2.0 version reform existing programs and will au- Mr. Chairman, this legislation is takes into account the learning of the thorize grants so that high-performing about upward mobility. It is about giv- last 15 years to ensure that our very charter schools can expand and be rep- ing families and students more hope for limited Federal footprint and invest- licated throughout the country. It will their future. This legislation is about ment has the maximum possible im- also give families and students more expanding education opportunity for pact on increasing student achieve- freedom, flexibility, and choice when it more kids so that we can begin to cre- ment and increasing transparency and comes to deciding where they can go to ate an America that works again and accountability for public charter school. works again for everybody. schools. This should not be a partisan issue. Currently, Mr. Chairman, there are I thank Representative BASS for of- This is a bill we can all proudly get be- almost 1 million students stuck on fering her amendment, which I am hind. Today, let’s stand united and waiting lists for charter schools simply proud to support. show our constituents that we under- because there aren’t enough slots. I say Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I yield stand a strong education is the first we help those students by expanding back the balance of my time. rung in climbing that economic ladder those slots so they can get off the wait- The Acting CHAIR. The question is of success. ing lists and into the classroom. on the amendment offered by the gen- Taking such action would seem like I want to thank Chairman KLINE, the gentleman from Minnesota, for his tlewoman from California (Ms. BASS). the obvious and smart thing to do. The amendment was agreed to. However, there are some who are more tireless work in the area of education, AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MR. MESSER beholden to special interests than to and in this bill in the area of charter The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order the children’s needs. In New York City, schools. I also want to thank the gen- to consider amendment No. 6 printed in the mayor there, Bill de Blasio, re- tleman from California, the ranking part A of House Report 113–444. cently attempted to deliver on his member, for his work on this legisla- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Chairman, I have threat to kick public charter schools tion. I urge my colleagues in the House in an amendment at the desk. out of the space that they share or a bipartisan fashion to support this The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will were planning to share with other tra- legislation. designate the amendment. ditional public schools. This kind of ac- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, this The text of the amendment is as fol- tivity completely undermines the es- amendment ensures that foster kids do lows: sence of education reform. not face barriers to enrollment in char- Fortunately for New York City stu- Page 16, line 7, strike ‘‘and’’. ter schools. The amendment does im- Page 16, line 13, insert ‘‘and’’ at the end. dents, Governor Cuomo did not allow prove the bill and does help foster kids. Page 16, after line 13, insert the following: this to become a reality. Those kids I want to thank the gentlewoman ‘‘(xv) will work with eligible applicants re- who would otherwise have ended up from California (Ms. BASS) for offering ceiving a subgrant under the State entity’s without a school in the fall now have this amendment. program to support the opening of charter one. This bill provides even more op- I am pleased to yield the remainder schools or charter school models described in portunities for States like New York of my time to the gentleman from Col- clause (i) that are secondary schools;’’. State to help high quality charter orado (Mr. POLIS). The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to schools expand and replicate. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, I want to House Resolution 576, the gentleman Those who choose to wage a war on thank Chairman KLINE and Ranking from Indiana (Mr. MESSER) and a Mem- kids stand on the wrong side of this de- Member MILLER for their work, and ber opposed each will control 5 min- bate and risk allowing themselves to Representative BASS for her leadership utes. become enemies of opportunity and in working with youth and foster care, The Chair recognizes the gentleman roadblocks to success. Bottom line, the and homeless youth in particular, on from Indiana. expansion of charter schools will work. this bill. Mr. MESSER. Mr. Chairman, I want In my hometown of Richmond, I have Before I came to Congress I founded a to thank the chairman and ranking toured the Patrick Henry School of charter school with the focus of serving member for their leadership on this Science and Arts, one of only a few homeless youth and youth in transi- bill. charter schools in all of Virginia. tional housing called the Academy of I rise today to offer a simple amend- There I met a retired public school Urban Learning in Denver. Not every ment that will encourage the opening, teacher named Gwen. Gwen’s grandson area, not every city, not every county replication, and expansion of high qual- had a particular interest in science, might have a charter school with a par- ity secondary charter schools. but Gwen felt that the school he at- ticular focus of working with kids that Too many students don’t have the tended wasn’t offering a strong enough are in transitional housing, so it is in- chance to attend the secondary charter science curriculum to match her cumbent upon us to ensure that all school of their choice because there grandson’s needs and desires. Fortu- public charter schools that are sup- simply are not enough of these schools nately, Gwen had a choice and now ported under this bill ensure that they to meet the demand for them. Many sends her grandson to Patrick Henry. don’t have barriers for foster youth or charter networks don’t have a sec- More families deserve that kind of barriers for youth in transitional hous- ondary school, and where there are choice. ing. such schools the demand for the spots

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 in these schools exceeds the number of allow for the replication and expansion On behalf of Ranking Member MIL- slots available. of public charter schools. LER and myself, we are proud to sup- The underlying bill takes a big step I want to thank my colleague from port the Messer amendment. We are in the right direction to meet this Indiana for recognizing the importance also proud to support the underlying challenge by clarifying that State-de- of charter schools in serving high bill. termined weighted lotteries are per- school students and the opportunity By ensuring that States that apply mitted under the charter school pro- that these models have to provide a for this program explain how they will gram. flexible educational environment for work with applicants to encourage rep- The bill allows for children to con- older students to prepare them for col- lication and expansion at the sec- tinue in the school program of their lege and careers. ondary level, we can ensure that the choice by ensuring students in affili- The charter school models that are needs of all students are better met. ated charter schools can attend the allowed give schools the flexibility Particularly, in many areas of our next immediate grade in a charter they need to meet the needs of the stu- country we have high schools that are school network. This is very impor- dents, whether it is longer hours, persistently failing, with dropout rates tant. It will help alleviate the need for longer school years, additional support of 50 percent year after year, where students to essentially win the lottery service, or daycare vouchers for preg- half the kids coming in the door in twice. However, I believe more can and nant or young mother teens. This flexi- ninth grade don’t leave in 12th. bility can be critical to helping stu- must be done. Through upgrading with better oppor- dents succeed at the secondary level. My amendment is designed to help tunities for parents to choose, we can This amendment improves the bill build on the progress made by the un- and makes sure that States encourage turn it around and make sure that kids derlying bill. It would simply require the opening, replication, and expansion have the opportunity to graduate and State entities applying for charter of public charter high schools. Having have a good job in an economy in the school program grant funds to explain founded two public charter high 21st century that increasingly relies on how they will work with eligible appli- schools myself before I served in the both a high school education and a col- cants within the State to encourage United States Congress, I can person- lege education. the opening, replication, and expansion ally give testimony to the trans- I rise in support of this amendment, of high quality secondary charter formational impact that it has on I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ on schools. young people every day. In many cases, this amendment, and I yield back the By encouraging grantees to open, young people that would otherwise be balance of my time. replicate, and expand high quality sec- dropouts or not even in the public edu- The Acting CHAIR. The question is ondary charter schools, more students cation system are able to have a spe- on the amendment offered by the gen- who want to continue attending such cific educational product that is tai- tleman from Indiana (Mr. MESSER). schools will be able to do so. lored around their real world needs. The amendment was agreed to. As the founder and chairman of the There is a charter school for pregnant b 1045 Congressional School Choice Caucus, teens in Montrose, Colorado. Whether The Acting CHAIR. The Chair under- one of my top priorities is ensuring it is a vocational or work focus school that more families have access to high stands that amendment No. 7 will not that gives kids the skills they need to be offered. quality educational opportunities. Sup- compete in the workforce, the Messer porting the growth of successful sec- amendment is a step forward in build- AMENDMENT NO. 8 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON LEE ondary charter schools is critically im- ing upon the language which is already The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order portant to this effort. an improvement over the existing au- I urge my colleagues to support this thorization, and brings it to a better to consider amendment No. 8 printed in amendment and the underlying bill. place that we can all be proud of, part A of House Report 113–444. I reserve the balance of my time. Democrats and Republicans. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, I claim I reserve the balance of my time. have an amendment at the desk. the time in opposition, although I am Mr. MESSER. Mr. Chairman, I want The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will not opposed to the amendment. to thank my colleague, the gentleman designate the amendment. The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- from Colorado (Mr. POLIS), for his sup- The text of the amendment is as fol- tion, the gentleman from Colorado is port of this amendment, and, more im- lows: recognized for 5 minutes. portantly, for his remarkable vision Page 21, line 15, strike ‘‘and’’. There was no objection. and leadership in charter schools Page 22, line 2, strike the period at the end Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, I rise in across the country. and insert ‘‘; and’’. strong support of the Messer amend- I have no further comments, and I Page 22, after line 2, insert the following: ment, which encourages States to sup- yield back the balance of my time. ‘‘(H) the State entity will ensure that port the opening or replication of char- charter schools and local educational agen- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, in this cies serving charter schools post on their ter schools that are secondary schools. week of partisan divisions here on the websites materials with respect to charter The area that this impacts and im- floor of the House of Representatives, school student recruitment, student orienta- proves in the bill is one of the most im- we have a unique opportunity in this tion, enrollment criteria, student discipline portant policy changes over the pre- amendment, in this bill, to come to- policies, behavior codes, and parent contract vious authorizing program. Under the gether around supporting public char- requirements, including any financial obliga- current Federal Charter Schools Pro- ter schools. tions (such as fees for tutoring or extra- gram, only new schools can be funded This week, Mr. Chairman, is Public curricular activity).’’. and participate in this program. Charter Schools Week. What better The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to What we allow under this bill is the way to celebrate than to upgrade the House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman replication and expansion of models Federal Charter Schools Program with from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) and a that we know work. For instance, if language that Democrats, Republicans, Member opposed each will control 5 there is a K–8 school that wants to ex- and all important stakeholders can minutes. pand into high school or there is a agree on. Truly, all stakeholders are The Chair recognizes the gentle- school that wants to growth from 400 part of this discussion. Authorizers, in- woman from Texas. to 600 students, if we have the evi- cluding districts and States and special Ms. JACKSON LEE. Let me thank dence-based information that shows districts, public charter schools them- the proponents of this bill. that that school is transforming lives selves, teachers unions, teachers, were Mr. Chairman, this is a very impor- and helping kids achieve, we want to all at the table to ensure that we can tant bill, and I believe it opens the ensure that we can have the maximum create a program that builds upon the doors of opportunity for quality and possible impact with our limited Fed- successes of the two decades of the pub- excellence in charter schools. I hope, as eral dollars. lic charter school movement and will we move forward as to the issues deal- What this amendment does is it en- allow it to reach even greater heights ing with charter schools that are lo- sures that States as part of their plan in the next decade. cated in minority communities and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4035 that are created by minority members We agree on that point, and I believe ensuring that those innovations are trans- of the community, like in Texas, where that the underlying bill addresses it; so parent, sustainable, and scalable, and that in some instances there is an unfair I must, regrettably, oppose the gentle- all our public school students and their process, H.R. 10 will bring an evenness schools are treated equitably. lady’s amendment, but I certainly The AFT is pleased the bill includes some and a quality in excellence and also op- thank her for the discussion. improvements over current law in the areas portunity for the creativity of charter I reserve the balance of my time. of ensuring equitable access to charter schools that can lift up at-risk chil- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, it schools for all students; in seeking to pre- dren. I think that is one of the key ele- is not often that we mention our great vent charter schools from allowing barriers ments of, hopefully, this legislation. disappointment on the floor of the to enrollment that result in the exclusion of I want to cite in my own district that House. We usually battle it out. I know English language learners, students with dis- we have, yes, KIPP and Harmony that I am right on this amendment, and I abilities, and other disadvantaged students from enrolling; and, in ensuring that charter are well-known across the country and am highly disappointed in the major- somewhat around the world. It is my schools are appropriately monitored in the ity’s representation. areas of student safety and financial man- understanding that KIPP is now mov- I would like to submit for the agement. We also appreciate the bipartisan ing to Israel, but we also have a school RECORD a letter from the AFT, which is acknowledgement that charter schools need like Pro-Vision, its work of which I supporting the Jackson Lee amend- better oversight by state entities. have known for over 20 years. It lifts ment extremely enthusiastically, and a However, we believe that H.R. 10 can be at-risk children up to the levels of op- letter from the National Education As- strengthened by approving the following portunity. sociation, which is endorsing the Jack- amendments aimed at improving the overall My amendment is an amendment bill. To this end, we urge you to support: son Lee amendment. Moore: This amendment would require that directs the Web site publication of It is strongly supported by the NEA, materials on the Web sites of charter states receiving charter school grants to set which gives me pause as to why this aside 2 percent of the grant amount for fi- schools regarding student recruitment, amendment is an amendment that is nancial oversight of charters. It would also orientation materials, enrollment cri- not agreed to. ensure that charter schools include private teria, student discipline policies, be- and public contributions in their audits. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS, havior codes, and parent contract re- A report from the Center for Popular De- Washington, DC, May 8, 2014. mocracy and Integrity in Education outlines quirements. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, $100 million in losses to taxpayers in 15 of It would also include any financial Washington, DC. the largest charter markets since charter obligations, such as fees for tutoring or DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the schools entered these markets. This is a extracurricular. That is transparency. more than 1.5 million members of the Amer- problem that needs to be addressed. ican Federation of Teachers—including indi- That is allowing, if you will, the oppor- H.R. 10 would provide $300 million annually vidual AFT members who teach in charter tunity for parents to have full informa- in support of charter schools. The Moore schools and who, with me, wrote to you this tion in a different setting from public amendment would help ensure that these week—I offer our collective views on H.R. 10, schools. funds are being properly spent and that char- the Success and Opportunity through Qual- My children went to public schools. I ters are incubators of innovation, not ity Charter Schools Act, as well as our posi- went to public schools. I believe in pub- enablers of waste, cronyism, or fraud. It tion on several important amendments that would also help monitor the influence of pri- lic schools—I strongly believe in will be considered during today’s debate on vate investors by requiring the disclosure of them—but I believe this new idea, that the underlying bill. private contributions. of the partnership of charter schools The bill combines a number of existing with public schools, should include a Wilson / Davis / Duckworth / Grayson / McKin- charter school programs into one that would ley / Fudge: This amendment would require format of transparency. provide federal funds for new charters; ex- that information about each charter school I should be clear that public schools pand and replicate existing charters; acquire, be made available, including disaggregated have a challenge with transparency as construct and renovate facilities; establish enrollment and academic performance data. well. As I interact with my constitu- and administer per-pupil facilities-aid pro- This amendment will better ensure that par- ents, many parents don’t know the op- grams; and, fund national activities. H.R. 10 ents have information on how charter portunities that they may have in a provides important accountability measures schools are educating students, and will for charter schools but, primarily, provides public school—vanguard or the special shine a light on enrollment rates of popu- for their expansion. lations that have often been excluded from classes that they may have or suffi- Since our former President Albert Shanker cient arts and music and which school charter schools. first promoted them, the AFT has believed Additionally, the AFT urges your support has it; yet as this is going to be a feder- that publicly financed charter schools have a for the following additional amendments: ally funded program, it is important to role in public education. The best charters Jackson Lee: This amendment requires ensure that our parents have informa- have served as incubators of good practice charters to publicize their information on tion. and have helped provide parents and stu- student recruitment, orientation materials, Certainly, they should have informa- dents access to high-quality public edu- enrollment criteria, student discipline poli- tion regarding the kind of discipline cation. For example, in 2013, University cies, behavior codes, and parent contract re- Prep, a unionized public charter school start- quirements, which should include any finan- atmosphere that is there. They should ed by Steve Barr, founder of Green Dot Pub- also know whether or not there are se- cial obligations such as fees for tutoring and lic Schools, and me several years ago in New extra-curricular activities. rious commitments to making sure York City, graduated every single child, all Langevin: This amendment would provide that their children’s holistic futures of whom were admitted to college. for comprehensive career counseling, a much are in front of them and that they are The reality in communities across the needed resource in all schools. not subjected to policies that would in- country is a mixed bag—while many charter Castor: This amendment would develop and tervene on issues dealing with bullying schools are well-managed and serve the chil- enforce conflict of interest guidelines for all or with the prevention of bullying. dren who are accepted and decide to attend, charter schools receiving federal assistance. This is a very good amendment to many others do not provide equitable access Bonamici: This amendment requires states for all students, are poorly managed, and are to report on the sharing of best practices by H.R. 10, and I ask my colleagues to sup- not transparent with their finances. Further, charter and traditional public schools. port it. there are unfortunately too many instances Sincerely, I reserve the balance of my time. where charters are used as a tool to desta- RANDI WEINGARTEN, Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I claim bilize or compete with other public schools. President. the time in opposition to the amend- H.R. 10 includes many provisions to bring ment. charter schools closer to the standards of ac- NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, The Acting CHAIR (Mr. POE of countability, equitable access, and trans- Washington, DC, May 8, 2014. Texas). The gentleman from Minnesota parency that traditional public schools must DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the is recognized for 5 minutes. meet, but there are still real gaps. Improved three million members of the National Edu- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I want to accountability and transparency is owed to cation Association (NEA), and the students say to my colleague that I really ap- the students who attend charter schools and they serve, we offer our views on select to the taxpayers who financially support amendments to the Success and Opportunity preciate her effort to ensure that all these schools. In requiring these new stand- through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. schools, both traditional public schools ards, Congress would in no way be limiting 10) scheduled for votes Friday. While the un- and public charter schools, share the charter schools’ potential to serve as labora- derlying bill includes some improvements to information needed by parents. tories of innovation. It would, however, be existing law, it falls short of what is needed

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 to ensure greater accountability and trans- We thank you for your consideration of our schools under this bill to work with those parency. Votes associated with amendments views on these select amendments and urge schools so that they provide information on to H.R. 10 may be included in the NEA Legis- your support for them. their websites regarding student recruitment, lative Report Card for the 113th Congress. Sincerely, orientation materials, enrollment criteria, stu- NEA supports high-quality charter schools MARY KUSLER, that operate in a manner that is transparent Director, Government Relations. dent discipline policies, behavior codes, and parent contract requirements, which should in- and accountable to parents and taxpayers; Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, ensures equity and access; and solicits and clude any financial obligations such as fees for benefits from input from parents, educators, let me conclude my remarks by saying tutoring, and extra-circular activities. and the communities they serve. We caution, that, across America, children are My amendment has the support of the Na- however, that charter schools are not a pan- bullied every day, and across America, tional Educational Association and the Amer- acea for solving all education challenges. parents are baffled by the educational ican Federation of Teachers. I have letters Some provisions of the underlying bill rep- system. from both organizations that I would like in- resent improvements, such as requiring Any time that you can reinforce this cluded in the RECORD along with my state- greater charter authorizer accountability, idea of transparency, I believe that it ment. and including weighted lotteries to address is an important step forward, and I under-enrollment of disadvantaged students. Charter schools were new—but today they However, the underlying bill falls short in would hope that my colleagues would have become for many parents an important key areas: including no mandatory disclo- be able to support this amendment. I public education option. Not all public charter sure and reporting on key data including believe it is a strong, but positive schools have been successful, but the work of funding from private sources, no independent amendment. those that have been successful have led us audit requirements, no open meetings re- I yield to the gentleman from Min- to this point of considering legislation to pro- quirements and no conflict of interest guide- nesota for an inquiry, please, to the vide additional Federal funding for the creation lines. Please refer to NEA’s full letter on the chairman of the committee. of additional charter schools. underlying bill for more details. What modification could occur with This amendment is a pro-education con- NEA’s views on specific amendments are sumer amendment that would educate parents listed below. this amendment? It is a strong amend- The following are amendments strongly ment that is supported by educational who are investigating the public charter school supported by NEA: groups, and it just reinforces, I believe, option for their child’s education. #3 by Rep. Castor—Requires the Secretary in a more specific manner the intent of The Jackson Lee Amendment will make it of Education to develop and enforce conflict H.R. 10. possible for parents to learn more about how of interest guidelines for all charter schools Mr. KLINE. Will the gentlewoman schools deal with important education issues receiving federal assistance. Guidelines must such as academic performance, enrichment include disclosures from anyone affiliated yield? Ms. JACKSON LEE. I yield to the programs, anti quality of education life issues with the charter school that has a financial programs for children with learning disabilities gentleman from Minnesota. interest in the school. like dyslexia are taught. #4 by Rep. Moore—This amendment would Mr. KLINE. I thank the gentlelady. Many public charter schools provide this in- establish a two percent set-aside of funds to Mr. Chairman, my concern with the formation online, and the amendment would assist with state oversight of their charter amendment is that this puts additional schools, and ensure disclosure of private support this good transparency practice. The reporting requirements on the charter Jackson Lee amendment is good for parents sources of funding in audits. schools that are not required of tradi- #7 by Reps. Grayson/Clarke/Wilson—This and for charter schools because parents amendment ensures that an application by a tional public schools. would have access to information that helps state entity to receive grants through the We are trying to make it easier, and them make education decisions for their chil- Charter School Program contains an assur- we are trying to streamline the proc- dren; and charter schools would speak to a ance that charter schools will also measure ess. We are trying to expand the char- larger audience regarding their education pro- student retention rates in their annual per- ter school movement of quality charter grams. formance assessments—as well as graduation schools, and I don’t think we should be This information being provided on Charter rates and student academic growth, as cur- adding additional burdens onto charter School websites would help us better under- rently required by this bill. #8 by Rep. Jackson Lee—This amendment schools which make it harder for them stand what public charter schools are offering ensures that charter schools make certain to move forward. to parents and students. It would also bring information publicly available on their The Acting CHAIR. The time of the additional transparency regarding the drivers website including student recruitment, en- gentlewoman has expired. of higher enrollment in public charter schools rollment criteria, student discipline policies, Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I do ap- and promote greater public awareness regard- behavior codes, and any parent contract re- preciate the gentlelady’s efforts to get ing polices on such as discipline, counseling, quirements or financial obligations. information out there. drop-outs, bullying, as well as programs that #9 by Reps. Wilson/R. Davis/Duckworth/ As I said earlier, unfortunately, I impact of education on children with learning Grayson/McKinley/Fudge—This amendment disabilities like dyslexia on student retention. will ensure collection and public dissemina- want to be very, very careful in avoid- tion of information that will help parents ing adding additional burdens or more In , I have had the benefit of seeing make informed decisions about education op- red tape or more requirements to char- the work of public charter schools at work: tions for their children, including disag- ter schools at the very time when we Harmony Public Schools, YesPrep Public gregated data on student outcomes, suspen- are trying to streamline the system Charter Schools, and KIPP Public Charter sions, and expulsions. and make it easier to expand and to Schools have made tremendous advance- #12 by Rep. Loretta Sanchez—This amend- replicate quality charter schools. ments. ment requires states to report how they have So, unfortunately, I encourage my It is my hope that charter school districts worked with their charter schools to foster and charter schools will take up the challenge community involvement. colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on the amend- ment. of providing hard data to make the case for NEA is also supportive of these amend- their approaches to education. ments to H.R. 10: I yield back the balance of my time. #5 by Reps. Bass/Marino/McDermott/Bach- I offered two amendments for consideration Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I would like by the House Rules Committee that would mann—This amendment ensures there are no to offer my thanks and appreciation to Chair- unnecessary barriers for foster youth in strengthen the legislative goals of H.R. 10. man KLINE and Ranking Member MILLER for all charter school enrollment and ensures the I also offered a second Jackson Lee inclusion and retention of all students no of their work in their stewardship in bringing Amendment in the form of a ‘‘Sense of the matter the involvement or lack of involve- this strongly bipartisan bill to the House Floor Congress’’ on the promotion of, and support ment of parents. for consideration. for anti-bullying programs in charter schools, #10 by Reps. Langevin/G. Thompson—This They have both worked hard on ways to im- including those that serve rural communities amendment would add comprehensive career prove education for our nation’s youth and I not supported by the Rules Committee. I re- counseling to the criteria that the Secretary have had the pleasure of working with the gret that this amendment was not made in of Education will take into account when Chair on many issues of mutual interest for order for consideration of this bill because the prioritizing grants to school districts. #11 by Rep. Bonamici—This amendment the improvement of education. prevention of bullying is one of the most chal- would clarify the reporting requirements of Mr. Chair, thank you for this opportunity to lenging problems facing school officials. State entities to include the sharing of best explain my amendment to H.R. 10. My Bullying is not a new behavior. Kids have practices by charters and traditional public amendment directs State Education Agencies been exposed to bullying in school for genera- schools. that award Federally funded grants to charter tions. Now, however, bullying has taken on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4037 new heights and sometimes victims of bullies have hurt them, and 86 percent said, ‘‘other Although I have very significant con- suffer severe and lasting consequences. kids picking on them, making fun of them or cerns about charter schools, it is im- For victims of bullying, they go to school bullying them’’ causes teenagers to turn to le- portant to note that defeating H.R. 10 every day facing harassment, taunting, and thal violence in the schools. would not eliminate charter schools; it humiliation. Studies show that 25–35 percent In 2011, over 707,000 young people, aged would just maintain the broken status of teens encountered some type of bullying in 10 to 24 years, had to be rushed to the emer- quo. As lawmakers, we must make laws their lifetime. Bullying is a form of violent be- gency room as a result of physical assault in- better. We must shape the narrative to havior that happens not only in the schools juries. benefit the entire Nation. but everywhere. Victims of bullying often suffer in silence So, today, I am offering a bipartisan The National Center for Educational Studies and parents are the last ones to know that amendment to H.R. 10 to increase ac- reports show that 14 percent of 12- to 18- their child is being bullied or may be a bully. countability, quality, transparency, year-olds surveyed report being victims of di- What once was thought to be a childhood rit- and to put into priority order access rect or indirect bullying. 1 out of 4 kids is ual has been proven by school psychologists, and services for disadvantaged students bullied. The Department of Justice reports that law enforcement officials, parents, and stu- who are currently underserved by char- 1 out of every 4 kids will be abused by an- dents to be much more serious. ter schools. other youth. Anti-bullying programs can help children un- It would require charter schools to I introduced H.R. 2585, the Juvenile Ac- derstand the seriousness of bullying; and as- disclose information relating to their countability Block Grant Reauthorization and sist parents in learning the signs of bullying as demographic makeup, how well they the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Act of well as learning how to speak to their children educate students, school attendance, 2013. This bill amends the Omnibus Crime about the issue of bullying. average class size, academic achieve- Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 by ex- Mr. Chair, I ask my colleagues to support ment gains, parental involvement, and panding the juvenile accountability block grant my amendment to make information available discipline. It holds charter schools to program with respect to programs for the pre- on publicly funded charter school websites so the same disclosure standards as tradi- vention of bullying to include intervention pro- that parents are afforded the opportunity to tional public schools. grams. The bill’s objective is to reduce and make the best education decisions for their We know, when public charters are prevent bullying and establish best practices children. held to the same standards of account- for all activities that are likely to help reduce The Acting CHAIR. The question is ability, equitable access, and trans- bullying among young people. on the amendment offered by the gen- parency, as in traditional public This year a million children will be teased, tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON schools, all of our students receive a taunted, and physically assaulted by their LEE). better education, but when public char- peers. Bullying is the most common form of vi- The question was taken; and the Act- ters are not held to these standards, a olence faced by our nation’s youth. ing Chair announced that the noes ap- student’s learning suffers, and tax- The frequency and intensity of bullying that peared to have it. payers’ money is wasted. young people face are astounding: Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chairman, I I want to thank Chairman KLINE and 1 in 7 students in grades K–12 is either a demand a recorded vote. Ranking Member MILLER for their bully or a victim of bullying. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to leadership on this issue and for their 90 percent of 4th to 8th grade students re- clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- support of my amendment. I also thank port being victims of bullying of some type. ceedings on the amendment offered by the cosponsors of this amendment, 56 percent of students have personally wit- the gentlewoman from Texas will be Representatives RODNEY DAVIS, TAMMY nessed some type of bullying at school. postponed. DUCKWORTH, ALAN GRAYSON, DAVID 71 percent of students report incidents of AMENDMENT NO. 9 OFFERED BY MS. WILSON OF MCKINLEY, and MARCIA FUDGE. bullying as a problem at their school. FLORIDA Thank you for your commitment to 15 percent of all students who don’t show The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order provide every child access to a quality up for school report it to being out of fear of to consider amendment No. 9 printed in education. I would appreciate your sup- being bullied while at school. part A of House Report 113–444. port on my amendment. 1 out of 20 students has seen a student Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Chair- I now yield to the gentleman from Il- with a gun at school, man, I have an amendment at the desk. linois, Representative RODNEY DAVIS. 282,000 students are physically attacked in The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. secondary schools each month. designate the amendment. Thank you to my colleague from Flor- Consequences of bullying: The text of the amendment is as fol- ida for yielding time, and thank you 15 percent of all school absenteeism is di- lows: for your leadership on this issue. rectly related to fears of being bullied at Page 21, beginning line 16, amend subpara- First, I want to commend my col- school. graph (G) to read as follows: leagues on the Education and the According to bullying statistics, 1 out of ‘‘(G) The State entity will ensure that each Workforce Committee—Chairman charter school in the State makes publicly every 10 students who drops out of school available, consistent with the dissemination KLINE, Ranking Member MILLER, and does so because of repeated bullying. requirements of the annual State report all of those who serve on that com- Suicides linked to bullying are the saddest card, information to help parents make in- mittee on both sides of the aisle—for statistic. formed decisions about the education options their work in crafting this bipartisan Statistics on gun violence: available to their children, including infor- bill that promotes quality charter Homicide is the 2nd leading cause of death mation for each school on— schools. for young people ages 15 to 24 years old. ‘‘(i) the educational program; Mr. Chairman, my district is located Homicide is the leading cause of death for ‘‘(ii) student support services; in central and southwestern Illinois, ‘‘(iii) annual performance and enrollment African Americans between ages 10 and 24. data, disaggregated by the groups of stu- and we are fortunate to have many ef- Thirteen young people from ages 10–24 be- dents described in section 1111(b)(2)(C)(v)(II); fective public schools and also charter come victims of homicide every day. and schools, including the public schools 82.8 percent of those youths were killed ‘‘(iv) any other information the State re- that my three children attend in with a firearm. quires all other public schools to report for Taylorville, Illinois. Every 30 minutes, a child or teenager in purposes of section 1111(h)(1)(D).’’. Successful charter schools can part- America is injured by a gun. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to ner with public schools and give chil- Every 3 hours and 15 minutes, a child or House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman dren at all levels, in many of the areas teenager loses their life to a firearm. from Florida (Ms. WILSON) and a Mem- of our country, more opportunities to In 2010, 82 children under 5 years of age ber opposed each will control 5 min- receive the quality education they de- lost their lives due to guns. utes. serve. One of four high school males reportedly The Chair recognizes the gentle- In over the last decade, charter carry a weapon to school, with 8.6 percent of woman from Florida. schools have more than doubled in reportedly carry a gun. Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Chair- number and now serve, roughly, 2.6 87 percent of youth said shootings are moti- man, I rise to offer an amendment to million students. As this number con- vated by a desire to ‘‘get back at those who H.R. 10. tinues to grow, we must make sure

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 charter schools are also like our public Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I demand under this bill. The amendment would schools—accountable and transparent a recorded vote. provide school counselors with the to the taxpayers and, most impor- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to most up-to-date information and train- tantly, to parents. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- ing for current and future workforce The amendment I am offering, along ceedings on the amendment offered by trends and needs. As students plan with my colleagues, would do just that the gentlewoman from Florida will be their path forward, this knowledge will by requiring charter schools to collect postponed. be invaluable. the same data required of public The Acting CHAIR. The Committee I am proud to be joined in offering schools by our States. Additionally, will rise informally. this amendment by my good friend and our amendment ensures this informa- The Speaker pro tempore (Mr. colleague, Congressman G.T. THOMPSON tion is made public, so parents can AMODEI) assumed the chair. from Pennsylvania. As cochairs of the make the best decisions for their stu- f bipartisan Congressional Career and dents. Technical Education Caucus, Rep- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE I want to thank my colleagues for resentative THOMPSON and I are com- their work on this amendment; and I, A message from the Senate by Ms. mitted to expanding skills and training again, thank Chairman KLINE for his Curtis, one of its clerks, announced that will provide students of all ages leadership on this issue. that the Senate has agreed to without with the capabilities necessary to meet Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Chair- amendment a concurrent resolution of the demands of the modern economy. It man, I now yield to the gentleman the House of the following title: is a true partnership, and I appreciate from Colorado (Mr. POLIS). H. Con. Res. 83. Concurrent resolution au- his leadership. Mr. POLIS. I thank the gentlelady thorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in Comprehensive career counseling is a for working on this important amend- the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to vital part of skills training. It helps to ment. celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha better align school curricula with local Mr. Chairman, public school choice is I. workforce trends and available postsec- only as good as informational options The message also announced that the ondary opportunities. are placed before parents. Too often, Senate has passed a bill of the fol- This amendment will help school only the already enfranchised parents lowing title in which the concurrence counselors connect high school stu- have the ability to choose a school that of the House is requested: dents to the skills they need to succeed works for their kids. S. 2197. An act to repeal certain require- in the 21st century workforce. What this amendment ensures is that ments regarding newspaper advertising of As we all can see, it has become clear all parents are able to find publicly Senate stationery contracts. that high school diplomas are no available information, consistent with The SPEAKER pro tempore. The longer sufficient training for the mod- State law, about the quality of public Committee will resume its sitting. ern job market. While not every job school options in their areas, in order f will require a college degree, some sort to help make better informed decisions SUCCESS AND OPPORTUNITY of postsecondary education will be ab- in the education marketplace. solutely necessary. Whether it comes For public education to work and for THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER SCHOOLS ACT from a community college, a skills competition to have a constructive im- training program, or on-the-job train- pact on public education, parents and The Committee resumed its sitting. ing, we need to change what it means families need to be able to make in- b 1100 to be college- and career-ready. We formed decisions. need to provide students with the AMENDMENT NO. 10 OFFERED BY MR. LANGEVIN This amendment is an important step knowledge and expertise that will truly The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order towards helping families have the in- prepare them for what is next. formation they need to make public to consider amendment No. 10 printed Comprehensive career counseling and school choice work, to make sure that in part A of House Report 113–444. training doesn’t just belong to charter public charter schools that offer the Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Chairman, I schools. It is a tool that all students transformational opportunity to help have an amendment at the desk. should be able to access, and I look for- kids succeed have the information The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ward to working with my colleagues to placed in the hands of the most at-risk designate the amendment. expand this program to other schools families, as well as of the families who The text of the amendment is as fol- in the future. Today, we have an oppor- are already enfranchised through ac- lows: tunity to take a first step in that di- tive parents. Page 25, line 10, strike ‘‘or dropout’’ and in- rection. I strongly support this amendment, serting ‘‘, dropout’’. I urge my colleagues to join me in and I encourage my colleagues to in- Page 25, line 11, insert before the period at supporting this amendment. clude it in the bill. the end the following: ‘‘, or comprehensive Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Chair- career counseling practices’’. With that, I yield to the gentleman man, I yield back the balance of my The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to from California (Mr. GEORGE MILLER), time. House Resolution 576, the gentleman the ranking member. Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I claim from Rhode Island (Mr. LANGEVIN) and Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. the time in opposition to the amend- a Member opposed each will control 5 I thank the gentleman for yielding. ment, although I do not oppose it. minutes. I rise in support of this amendment. The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- The Chair recognizes the gentleman He states it quite correctly: all sec- tion, the gentleman from Minnesota is from Rhode Island. ondary schools should be equipped to recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Chairman, I assist bridging the divide from high There was no objection. yield myself such time as I may con- school to college to career. Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I very sume. I thank the gentleman for offering much appreciate the work that Ms. Mr. Chairman, I would like to, first the amendment, and I urge my col- WILSON and the other coauthors of this of all, thank Chairman KLINE and leagues to vote in support of it. amendment have put into this. I think Ranking Member MILLER for their hard Mr. LANGEVIN. I reserve the bal- it helps the bill, and I would urge my work in bringing this bill to the floor. ance of my time. colleagues to support this amendment. While it is not perfect, I certainly ap- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. I yield back the balance of my time. preciate their bipartisan work on the Mr. Chairman, I claim the time in op- The Acting CHAIR. The question is public charter school program. position, although I am certainly not on the amendment offered by the gen- Mr. Chairman, my amendment basi- opposed to this amendment. tlewoman from Florida (Ms. WILSON). cally adds comprehensive career coun- The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- The question was taken; and the Act- seling to the criteria that the Sec- tion, the gentleman from Pennsylvania ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- retary of Education will take into ac- is recognized for 5 minutes. peared to have it. count when prioritizing grants awarded There was no objection.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4039 Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. exploration, where the students are en- Mr. Chairman, I want to thank Chair- Mr. Chairman, I just urge support of gaged. man KLINE and Ranking Member MIL- this amendment, and I yield back the And just recently, Lincoln High LER for their work on the bipartisan balance of my time. School, a traditional public high school Success and Opportunity Through The Acting CHAIR. The question is from Portland, Oregon, won the na- Quality Charter Schools Act. This is on the amendment offered by the gen- tional ‘‘We the People’’ competition the second bipartisan bill the com- tleman from Rhode Island (Mr. LAN- here in Washington, D.C., by displaying mittee has brought to the floor this GEVIN). their phenomenal knowledge of the week. The question was taken; and the Act- U.S. Constitution. I also want to thank the gentleman ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- So I am a strong supporter of tradi- from Rhode Island, my good friend, peared to have it. tional schools. Sometimes they are the Representative LANGEVIN, who I am Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Chairman, I de- community center in the town, the proud to join in offering this bipartisan mand a recorded vote. place where generations of family amendment. We cochair the Congres- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to members have gone. sional Career and Technical Education clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- Mr. Chairman, I am going to support Caucus together, and opportunities ceedings on the amendment offered by this bill today—and we will pass it— like this amendment are really at the the gentleman from Rhode Island will but Congress needs to redouble our heart of education: preparing students be postponed. focus on the other 95 percent of the for viable workforce opportunities and AMENDMENT NO. 11 OFFERED BY MS. BONAMICI students in traditional public schools to assist the American economy to be The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order who need relief from the punitive pro- competitive in a global market. to consider amendment No. 11 printed visions of No Child Left Behind. I hope, The amendment we have put forward in part A of House Report 113–444. Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member adds comprehensive career counseling Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Chairman, I have MILLER, that we can come back and to the criteria the U.S. Secretary of an amendment at the desk. find a bipartisan ESEA reauthoriza- Education will consider when making The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will tion. My amendment today recognizes that grants to support high-performing designate the amendment. charter schools are meant to also ben- charter schools and their expansion. The text of the amendment is as fol- efit traditional public schools. One way No matter the school, the further lows: the charter schools support traditional promotion of comprehensive career Page 26, line 20, insert before the semicolon schools is by sharing practices that are counseling helps drive curriculum im- at the end the following: ‘‘, including how the State entity met the objective of sharing evidence-driven and replicable. provements that are better aligned H.R. 10 asks the State entities over- with local workforce trends and the best and promising practices described in subsection (e)(1)(A)(x) in areas such as in- seeing charter schools to disseminate availability of postsecondary opportu- struction, professional development, cur- best practices from charter schools to nities, whether they be non-degree cer- ricula development, and operations between traditional public schools. The bill al- tificate programs, internships, appren- charter schools and other public schools, and ready asks States to report on these ef- ticeships, or 2-year and 4-year degrees. the extent to which, if known, such practices forts. But H.R. 10 does not ask States In all schools, traditional and char- were adopted and implemented by such other to measure if the sharing of best prac- public schools;’’. ter, we must advance every oppor- tices is benefiting traditional public tunity to guide students into postsec- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to schools. ondary opportunities that reflect the House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman There are some positive examples of individual’s talents and interests, from Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI) and a traditional schools and charter schools which includes offering them the sup- Member opposed each will control 5 collaborating to create curricula or port and the counseling necessary to minutes. rethink instruction, and the Depart- begin them on that path to mobility The Chair recognizes the gentle- ment of Education and some States are and success. woman from Oregon. capturing this work. But we should I often say it is not where you start Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Chairman, I rise also be focused on the sharing of best out in life, it is where you end up. And in support of an amendment to H.R. 10, practices. And we should be especially career counseling will help students but I want to start by thanking Chair- focused on what we are getting out of maximize their individual potential to man KLINE and Ranking Member MIL- it. achieve during that journey. LER for collaborating on this bipartisan My amendment has States include in Our amendment is supported by the legislation. their reports on charter school pro- American School Counselor Associa- I also want to thank my colleagues grams the extent to which best prac- tion, the Association for Career and today who have offered amendments tices in instruction and professional Technical Education, the National that will further strengthen the trans- development and curricular programs Education Association, the American parency and oversight of charter are being adopted and implemented by Federation of Teachers, and the Na- schools. traditional public schools. tional Alliance for Public Charter We have heard a lot of remarks about Remember, we spend taxpayer money Schools. charter schools expanding opportunity on charter schools, and we grant them I urge my colleagues to support this for students and transforming edu- autonomy and flexibility in exchange commonsense amendment that builds cation in cities and towns across the for them testing new models of teach- on the important and valuable reforms country. But we need to remember that ing and learning. The goal has been for included in the underlying bill, and I charter schools enroll about 5 percent these educational laboratories to ben- thank the gentleman from Rhode Is- of public school students. efit other students in traditional land. Charter schools are not the only schools as well. I reserve the balance of my time. schools leading in innovation. When I My amendment emphasizes the origi- Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Chairman, I am in my district in Oregon visiting nal intent of charter schools. It simply thank my colleague for his kind words schools, I am always impressed by the asks the States to consider whether in support of the amendment. great things that they are doing. best practices are transferable and With that, I urge all my colleagues to I visited a public middle school in adoptable. Are the efforts to share best support this amendment. Again, it will Forest Grove, Oregon, recently, where practices benefiting educators and the give school counselors the most up-to- every student has a tablet, and the millions of students in traditional pub- date information and training that educators are trained in the technology lic schools? they need as they are advising their to improve instruction and track stu- The amendment is a small measure. young students about their career path dents’ understanding in real time. It doesn’t create a new requirement for forward. I have visited a public elementary States. The report is already required. I urge my colleagues to support the school in Hillsboro, Oregon, that cre- But it is an important reminder that amendment, and I yield back the bal- ated a school-wide STEM curriculum innovation in charter schools can also ance of my time. that integrates the arts and creative benefit all students as well.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 I urge my colleagues to support this The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to My amendment, Mr. Chairman, amendment. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- would simply work to ensure that com- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. ceedings on the amendment offered by munity involvement is happening with Will the gentlewoman yield? the gentlewoman from Oregon will be charter schools. That is incredibly im- Ms. BONAMICI. I yield to the gen- postponed. portant. tleman from California. I know that, when I went to school, b 1115 Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. community was involved in my public I thank the gentlewoman for yielding. AMENDMENT NO. 12 OFFERED BY MS. LORETTA school, and that is why it was one of I rise in strong support of this SANCHEZ OF CALIFORNIA the most outstanding elementary amendment. I think her amendment The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order schools in our Nation at the time. addresses one of the concerns that I to consider amendment No. 12 printed I am pleased to have worked with my have had, and I believe many in the in part A of House Report 113–444. colleagues from both sides of the aisle educational community have had for a Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- on the amendment that I am offering long time: that we didn’t intend to cre- fornia. Mr. Chairman, I have an amend- today, which will hold public charter ate two separate systems with public ment at the desk. schools accountable in fostering and charter schools. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will promoting community involvement. We were hoping to be able to allow designate the amendment. Simply said, the amendment requires some flexibility for innovation and The text of the amendment is as fol- State entities receiving funds through best practices, and to develop different lows: the Charter Schools Program to report methods of teaching around learning, Page 27, line 3, strike ‘‘and’’. on how their allocations are supporting but those were to be shared with the Page 27, line 10, strike the period at the and enhancing community involve- traditional schools. end and insert ‘‘; and’’. ment. Page 27, after line 10, insert the following: As Ms. BONAMICI points out, tradi- ‘‘(7) how the State entity has worked with The voices in our communities mat- tional schools have also tacked in charter schools receiving funds under the ter, the voices of parents, of educators, many different directions with the use State entity’s program to foster community of stakeholders. Let’s not forget that it of academies and career development involvement in the planning for and opening is those communities that send each of programs that are best practices in of such schools.’’. us here to the United States House of those areas. Those should be shared The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Representatives. with the charters. But that hasn’t hap- House Resolution 576, the gentlewoman So I believe that charter schools pened, some of it for political reasons, from California (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ) must be engaged with the local com- some of it because they are both so and a Member opposed each will con- munity to understand the students busy they haven’t been able to get to- trol 5 minutes. they teach, and my amendment will gether. But we would all be enriched The Chair recognizes the gentle- strengthen the role of community in and all the systems would be enriched woman from California. the process. if this sharing in fact takes place. Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- Higher community involvement in I think this amendment is very help- fornia. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself as schools is essential to the success of ful in getting that dialogue and that much time as I may consume. the students and is also essential to sharing and the outcomes started down Mr. Chairman, innovation is impor- the families of those students. a road that would benefit all students, tant to our country and to our commu- So I believe that this amendment whether they are in the traditional nities. Innovation and education is a will help us in making that gap of system or whether they have chosen to step up in our economic situation here achievement that we see in so many go to a charter school. in the United States. areas where charter schools are lo- Thank you very much for offering A high-quality education is a founda- cated, making that gap of achievement this amendment. tion—it is really a foundation, not just smaller. Ms. BONAMICI. I reserve the balance for individuals, but for families, for While charter schools are not the of my time. communities, for our Nation. That is final solution to the educational chal- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I claim one of the reasons why I believe that it lenges in our country, let’s ensure that time in opposition, although I am not is important to have charter schools all of our schools are positively con- opposed to the amendment. and to have charter schools compete tributing to the promise of a quality The Acting CHAIR. Without objec- well, to have charter schools thought education for every child in every tion, the gentleman from Minnesota is out well. They are an addition to what neighborhood. recognized for 5 minutes. I urge my colleagues to support my There was no objection. is going on in our public school system. Mr. Chairman, back in my area, I amendment to improve this bill. Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, this Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance have two very, very outstanding char- amendment improves the bill. I want of my time. to thank the gentlewoman for offering ter schools right down the street from Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I claim this amendment and bringing it for- where I live. One of them is the Orange the time in opposition to the amend- ward and explaining it so eloquently. County School of the Arts, performing ment, although I do not oppose the I urge my colleagues to support this arts; and aside from that, it has one of amendment. amendment, and I reserve the balance the highest academic levels. In fact, it The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman of my time. is in the top 10 charter schools in my from Minnesota is recognized for 5 min- Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Chairman, this home State of California. As you know, utes. does improve the bill. Collaboration be- we represent a large amount of people, Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, this tween charter schools and traditional 38 million or so, so that is saying some- amendment does improve the bill. I schools is a good thing. Sharing of thing. thank the gentlewoman for bringing it practices will be beneficial. I also have the El Sol Science and forward. I urge my colleagues to support this Arts Academy just down the street. I urge my colleagues to support this amendment, and I yield back the bal- That is an elementary school. What it amendment, and I reserve the balance ance of my time. has seen is incredible achievement, the of my time. Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I yield close of the achievement gap for lower- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- back the balance of my time. income students. fornia. Mr. Chairman, I yield such time The Acting CHAIR. The question is But not all schools are high quality— as he may consume to the gentleman on the amendment offered by the gen- not all charter schools are high qual- from Colorado (Mr. POLIS). tlewoman from Oregon (Ms. BONAMICI). ity, and what we need to do is recom- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Chairman, I thank The question was taken; and the Act- mit to ensuring that those schools we the gentlewoman (Ms. LORETTA SAN- ing Chair announced that the ayes ap- have, both traditional public and char- CHEZ) for bringing forward this amend- peared to have it. ter schools, as well as private schools, ment. Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Chairman, I de- do a good job for America; so that is This amendment represents a best mand a recorded vote. why I will be voting for H.R. 10. practice for charter schools. It is an

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4041 important upgrade to our Federal au- [Roll No. 212] Issa Miller, Gary Scott, Austin thorization program to ensure that Jenkins Miller, George Sensenbrenner AYES—190 Johnson (OH) Mullin Sessions charter schools work to improve com- Barber Green, Al Nolan Johnson, Sam Mulvaney Shimkus munities, disseminate best practices to Barrow (GA) Green, Gene O’Rourke Jolly Murphy (PA) Shuster public charter schools, and partner Bass Hahn Pallone Jones Neugebauer Simpson Jordan Noem with businesses and with nonprofits in Beatty Hanabusa Pascrell Smith (MO) Becerra Hanna Pastor (AZ) Joyce Nugent Smith (NE) the community to improve the neigh- Bera (CA) Heck (WA) Payne Kelly (PA) Nunes Smith (NJ) borhoods. Bishop (NY) Higgins Perlmutter King (IA) Olson Southerland A great school can truly help trans- Blumenauer Himes Perry King (NY) Owens Stewart Kinzinger (IL) Paulsen form a community. Community in- Bonamici Hinojosa Peters (CA) Stivers Brady (PA) Holt Peters (MI) Kline Pearce Stockman volvement is the key to a public char- Braley (IA) Honda Peterson Labrador Petri Stutzman ter school having the maximum posi- Brown (FL) Hoyer Pingree (ME) LaMalfa Pittenger Terry Lamborn Poe (TX) Brownley (CA) Huffman Pitts Thompson (PA) tive impact on the community. Lance Pompeo Bustos Israel Pocan Thornberry Parents are important partners for a Lankford Posey Butterfield Jackson Lee Polis Tiberi Latham Price (GA) child’s education, and one of the great Capps Jeffries Price (NC) Tipton Latta Renacci things that well-functioning, high- Capuano Johnson, E. B. Quigley Turner Long Ribble quality public charter schools do is in- Carney Kaptur Rahall Upton Carson (IN) Keating Rangel Lucas Rice (SC) volve parents. Luetkemeyer Rigell Valadao Cartwright Kelly (IL) Reichert Wagner By incorporating this best practice Castor (FL) Kennedy Richmond Lummis Roby Marchant Roe (TN) Walberg into the Federal authorizing statute, Castro (TX) Kildee Ros-Lehtinen Walden Chu Kilmer Roybal-Allard Marino Rogers (AL) Walorski we encourage States and districts to go Cicilline Kind Ruiz Massie Rogers (KY) Weber (TX) even further, to ensure that parents Clark (MA) Kirkpatrick Ryan (OH) McCarthy (CA) Rogers (MI) Webster (FL) Clay Kuster Sa´ nchez, Linda McCaul Rohrabacher and the broader community are in- Wenstrup Clyburn Langevin T. McClintock Rokita volved in working with the public char- Westmoreland Connolly Larsen (WA) Sanchez, Loretta McHenry Rooney ter school as a component of trans- Conyers Larson (CT) Sarbanes McKeon Roskam Wilson (SC) forming the neighborhood. Costa Lee (CA) Schakowsky McMorris Ross Wittman I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ Courtney Levin Schiff Rodgers Rothfus Wolf Meadows Royce Womack on this amendment and ‘‘yes’’ on the Crowley Lewis Schneider Cuellar Lipinski Schock Meehan Ryan (WI) Woodall underlying bill. Cummings LoBiondo Schrader Messer Salmon Yoder The Acting CHAIR. The time of the Davis (CA) Loebsack Scott (VA) Mica Sanford Yoho Davis, Danny Lofgren Serrano Miller (FL) Scalise Young (AK) gentlewoman has expired. Miller (MI) Schweikert Young (IN) Mr. KLINE. Mr. Chairman, I yield Davis, Rodney Lowenthal Sewell (AL) DeFazio Lowey Shea-Porter NOT VOTING—36 back the balance of my time. Delaney Lujan Grisham Sherman The Acting CHAIR. The question is DeLauro (NM) Sinema Bachmann Grijalva Palazzo on the amendment offered by the gen- DelBene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Sires Bishop (GA) Grimm Pelosi Dent (NM) Slaughter Burgess Gutie´rrez Reed tlewoman from California (Ms. LORET- Deutch Lynch Smith (WA) Ca´ rdenas Harper Runyan TA SANCHEZ). Dingell Maffei Swalwell (CA) Clarke (NY) Hastings (FL) Ruppersberger The amendment was agreed to. Doggett Maloney, Takano Cleaver Horsford Rush Doyle Carolyn Thompson (CA) Coble Hurt Schwartz ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Duckworth Maloney, Sean Thompson (MS) Cotton Johnson (GA) Scott, David The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Edwards Matheson Tierney Crawford Kingston Smith (TX) clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will Ellison Matsui Titus DeGette McAllister Speier now resume on those amendments Engel McCarthy (NY) Tonko Duffy Moore Whitfield Enyart McCollum Tsongas Granger Nunnelee Williams printed in part A of House Report 113– Eshoo McDermott Van Hollen 444 on which further proceedings were Esty McGovern Vargas b 1146 postponed, in the following order: Farr McIntyre Veasey Messrs. OWENS and GINGREY of Fattah McKinley Vela Amendment No. 3 by Ms. CASTOR of Foster McNerney Vela´ zquez Georgia changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ Florida. Frankel (FL) Meeks Visclosky to ‘‘no.’’ Amendment No. 8 by Ms. JACKSON Fudge Meng Walz Messrs. PETERS of California, LEE of Texas. Gabbard Michaud Wasserman PITTS, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, and Ms. Gallego Moran Schultz ILSON Amendment No. 9 by Ms. W of Garamendi Murphy (FL) Waters LOFGREN changed their vote from Florida. Garcia Nadler Waxman ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Amendment No. 10 by Mr. LANGEVIN Gerlach Napolitano Welch So the amendment was rejected. of Rhode Island. Gibson Neal Wilson (FL) The result of the vote was announced Grayson Negrete McLeod Yarmuth Amendment No. 11 by Ms. BONAMICI as above recorded. of Oregon. NOES—205 Stated for: The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Aderholt Chabot Foxx Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, on roll- the minimum time for any electronic Amash Chaffetz Franks (AZ) call No. 212 I was unable to vote due to a vote after the first vote in this series. Amodei Coffman Frelinghuysen medical procedure. Had I been present, I Bachus Cohen Gardner AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MS. CASTOR OF Barletta Cole Garrett would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ FLORIDA Barr Collins (GA) Gibbs Ms. MOORE. Mr. Chair, I missed rollcall The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Barton Collins (NY) Gingrey (GA) vote No. 212 on the Castor Amendment to business is the demand for a recorded Benishek Conaway Gohmert H.R. 10—‘‘To amend the charter school pro- Bentivolio Cook Goodlatte vote on the amendment offered by the Bilirakis Cooper Gosar gram under the Elementary and Secondary gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. CAS- Bishop (UT) Cramer Gowdy Education Act of 1965. Had I been present, I TOR) on which further proceedings were Black Crenshaw Graves (GA) would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Blackburn Culberson Graves (MO) postponed and on which the noes pre- Boustany Daines Griffin (AR) AMENDMENT NO. 8 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON vailed by voice vote. Brady (TX) Denham Griffith (VA) LEE The Clerk will redesignate the Bridenstine DeSantis Guthrie The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished amendment. Brooks (AL) DesJarlais Hall business is the demand for a recorded Brooks (IN) Diaz-Balart Harris The Clerk redesignated the amend- Broun (GA) Duncan (SC) Hartzler vote on the amendment offered by the ment. Buchanan Duncan (TN) Hastings (WA) gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON RECORDED VOTE Bucshon Ellmers Heck (NV) LEE) on which further proceedings were Byrne Farenthold Hensarling The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Calvert Fincher Herrera Beutler postponed and on which the noes pre- has been demanded. Camp Fitzpatrick Holding vailed by voice vote. A recorded vote was ordered. Campbell Fleischmann Hudson The Clerk will redesignate the The vote was taken by electronic de- Cantor Fleming Huelskamp amendment. Capito Flores Huizenga (MI) vice, and there were—ayes 190, noes 205, Carter Forbes Hultgren The Clerk redesignated the amend- not voting 36, as follows: Cassidy Fortenberry Hunter ment.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 RECORDED VOTE Foxx Lucas Rogers (MI) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Franks (AZ) Luetkemeyer Rohrabacher ment. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Frelinghuysen Lummis Rokita has been demanded. Gabbard Lynch Rooney RECORDED VOTE A recorded vote was ordered. Gardner Maffei Roskam The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Garrett Marchant Ross The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Gerlach Marino Rothfus has been demanded. minute vote. Gibbs Massie Royce A recorded vote was ordered. The vote was taken by electronic de- Gingrey (GA) McCarthy (CA) Ryan (WI) The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Gohmert McCaul vice, and there were—ayes 179, noes 220, Salmon minute vote. Goodlatte McClintock Sanford not voting 32, as follows: Gosar McHenry Scalise The vote was taken by electronic de- [Roll No. 213] Gowdy McKeon Schock vice, and there were—ayes 373, noes 32, Graves (GA) McKinley Schrader not voting 26, as follows: AYES—179 Graves (MO) McMorris Schweikert Griffin (AR) Rodgers [Roll No. 214] Barber Green, Al Neal Scott, Austin Griffith (VA) Meadows Barrow (GA) Green, Gene Negrete McLeod Sensenbrenner AYES—373 Guthrie Meehan Bass Gutie´rrez Nolan Sessions Hall Messer Aderholt DeSantis Jolly Beatty Hahn Shimkus O’Rourke Harris Mica Amodei DesJarlais Jordan Becerra Hanabusa Shuster Pallone Hartzler Miller (FL) Bachus Deutch Joyce Bera (CA) Hanna Simpson Pascrell Hastings (WA) Miller (MI) Barber Diaz-Balart Kaptur Bishop (NY) Heck (WA) Smith (MO) Pastor (AZ) Heck (NV) Miller, Gary Barletta Dingell Keating Blumenauer Higgins Payne Hensarling Miller, George Smith (NE) Barr Doggett Kelly (IL) Bonamici Himes Pelosi Herrera Beutler Mullin Smith (NJ) Barrow (GA) Doyle Kelly (PA) Brady (PA) Hinojosa Perlmutter Holding Mulvaney Southerland Barton Duckworth Kennedy Braley (IA) Holt Peters (MI) Hudson Murphy (PA) Stivers Bass Duncan (TN) Kildee Brown (FL) Honda Peterson Huelskamp Neugebauer Stockman Beatty Edwards Kilmer Brownley (CA) Horsford Pingree (ME) Huffman Noem Stutzman Becerra Ellison Kind Bustos Hoyer Pocan Huizenga (MI) Nugent Terry Benishek Ellmers King (IA) Butterfield Israel Hultgren Nunes Thompson (PA) Bentivolio Engel King (NY) Capps Jackson Lee Price (NC) Hunter Olson Thornberry Bera (CA) Enyart Kinzinger (IL) Capuano Jeffries Quigley Issa Owens Tiberi Bilirakis Eshoo Kirkpatrick Ca´ rdenas Johnson (GA) Rahall Jenkins Paulsen Tipton Bishop (NY) Esty Kline Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. Rangel Johnson (OH) Pearce Turner Black Farr Kuster Cartwright Kaptur Richmond Johnson, Sam Perry Upton Blackburn Fattah Lance Castor (FL) Keating Ros-Lehtinen Jolly Peters (CA) Valadao Blumenauer Fitzpatrick Langevin Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Roybal-Allard Jones Petri Wagner Bonamici Fleischmann Lankford Chu Kennedy Ruiz Jordan Pittenger Walberg Boustany Fleming Larsen (WA) Cicilline Kildee Ryan (OH) Joyce Pitts Walden Brady (PA) Flores Larson (CT) Clark (MA) Kilmer Sa´ nchez, Linda Kelly (PA) Poe (TX) Walorski Brady (TX) Forbes Latham Clay Kind T. King (IA) Polis Weber (TX) Braley (IA) Fortenberry Latta Cleaver Kirkpatrick Sanchez, Loretta King (NY) Pompeo Webster (FL) Brooks (AL) Foster Lee (CA) Clyburn Kuster Sarbanes Kinzinger (IL) Posey Wenstrup Brooks (IN) Foxx Levin Cohen Langevin Schakowsky Kline Price (GA) Westmoreland Brown (FL) Frankel (FL) Lewis Connolly Larsen (WA) Schneider Labrador Reichert Wilson (SC) Brownley (CA) Franks (AZ) Lipinski Conyers Larson (CT) Scott (VA) LaMalfa Renacci Wittman Buchanan Frelinghuysen LoBiondo Costa Lee (CA) Serrano Lamborn Ribble Wolf Bucshon Fudge Loebsack Courtney Levin Sewell (AL) Lance Rice (SC) Womack Burgess Gabbard Lofgren Crowley Lewis Shea-Porter Lankford Rigell Woodall Bustos Gallego Long Cuellar Lipinski Sherman Latham Roby Yoder Butterfield Garamendi Lowenthal Cummings LoBiondo Sinema Latta Roe (TN) Yoho Byrne Garcia Lowey Davis (CA) Loebsack Sires Lofgren Rogers (AL) Young (AK) Calvert Gardner Lucas Davis, Danny Lowenthal Slaughter Long Rogers (KY) Young (IN) Camp Gerlach Luetkemeyer DeFazio Lowey Smith (WA) Cantor Gibbs Lujan Grisham DeLauro Lujan Grisham Speier NOT VOTING—32 Capito Gibson (NM) DelBene (NM) Swalwell (CA) Bachmann Grijalva Ruppersberger Capps Gingrey (GA) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Deutch Luja´ n, Ben Ray Takano Bishop (GA) Grimm Capuano Gohmert (NM) Dingell (NM) Rush Thompson (CA) Calvert Harper Ca´ rdenas Goodlatte Lynch Doggett Maloney, Schiff Thompson (MS) Clarke (NY) Hastings (FL) Carney Gosar Maffei Doyle Carolyn Schwartz Coble Hurt Carson (IN) Gowdy Maloney, Duckworth Maloney, Sean Tierney Scott, David Cole Kingston Carter Graves (MO) Carolyn Edwards Matheson Titus Smith (TX) Cotton McAllister Cartwright Grayson Maloney, Sean Ellison Matsui Tonko Stewart Tsongas Crawford Nunnelee Cassidy Green, Al Marino Engel McCarthy (NY) Waters Castor (FL) Green, Gene Matheson Van Hollen DeGette Palazzo Enyart McCollum Whitfield Castro (TX) Griffin (AR) Matsui Vargas Duffy Reed Eshoo McDermott Williams Chu Grijalva McCarthy (CA) Veasey Granger Runyan Esty McGovern Cicilline Guthrie McCarthy (NY) Vela Farr McIntyre ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Clark (MA) Gutie´rrez McCaul Vela´ zquez Fattah McNerney The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Clay Hahn McCollum Foster Meeks Visclosky There is 1 minute remaining. Cleaver Hall McDermott Frankel (FL) Meng Walz Clyburn Hanabusa McGovern Wasserman Fudge Michaud b 1151 Coffman Hanna McHenry Gallego Moore Schultz Cohen Hartzler McIntyre Garamendi Moran Waxman So the amendment was rejected. Cole Hastings (WA) McKeon Garcia Murphy (FL) Welch The result of the vote was announced Collins (GA) Heck (NV) McKinley Gibson Nadler Wilson (FL) Collins (NY) Heck (WA) McMorris Grayson Napolitano Yarmuth as above recorded. Stated for: Conaway Hensarling Rodgers Connolly Herrera Beutler McNerney NOES—220 Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Chair, on rollcall No. 213, Conyers Higgins Meadows Aderholt Bucshon Culberson had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Cook Himes Meehan Amash Burgess Daines Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, on roll- Cooper Hinojosa Meeks Amodei Byrne Davis, Rodney call No. 213 I was unable to vote due to a Costa Holding Meng Bachus Camp Delaney Courtney Holt Messer Barletta Campbell Denham medical procedure. Had I been present, I Cramer Honda Mica Barr Cantor Dent would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Crenshaw Horsford Michaud Barton Capito DeSantis AMENDMENT NO. 9 OFFERED BY MS. WILSON OF Crowley Hoyer Miller (FL) Benishek Carney DesJarlais Cuellar Hudson Miller (MI) FLORIDA Bentivolio Carter Diaz-Balart Culberson Huffman Miller, Gary Bilirakis Cassidy Duncan (SC) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Cummings Hultgren Miller, George Bishop (UT) Chabot Duncan (TN) business is the demand for a recorded Daines Hunter Moore Black Chaffetz Ellmers vote on the amendment offered by the Davis (CA) Israel Moran Blackburn Coffman Farenthold Davis, Danny Issa Mullin Boustany Collins (GA) Fincher gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. WIL- Davis, Rodney Jackson Lee Mulvaney Brady (TX) Collins (NY) Fitzpatrick SON) on which further proceedings were DeFazio Jeffries Murphy (FL) Bridenstine Conaway Fleischmann postponed and on which the ayes pre- Delaney Jenkins Murphy (PA) Brooks (AL) Cook Fleming vailed by voice vote. DeLauro Johnson (GA) Nadler Brooks (IN) Cooper Flores DelBene Johnson (OH) Napolitano Broun (GA) Cramer Forbes The Clerk will redesignate the Denham Johnson, E. B. Neal Buchanan Crenshaw Fortenberry amendment. Dent Johnson, Sam Negrete McLeod

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4043 Neugebauer Roskam Terry The Clerk will redesignate the Miller, Gary Rigell Stivers Noem Ross Thompson (CA) amendment. Miller, George Roby Stockman Nolan Rothfus Thompson (MS) Moore Roe (TN) Swalwell (CA) Nugent Roybal-Allard Thompson (PA) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Moran Rogers (AL) Takano Nunes Royce Thornberry ment. Mullin Rogers (KY) Terry O’Rourke Ruiz Mulvaney Rogers (MI) Thompson (CA) Tiberi RECORDED VOTE Owens Ryan (OH) Tierney Murphy (FL) Rokita Thompson (MS) Pallone Ryan (WI) Tipton The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Murphy (PA) Rooney Thompson (PA) Pascrell Salmon Nadler Ros-Lehtinen Thornberry Titus has been demanded. Pastor (AZ) Sa´ nchez, Linda Napolitano Roskam Tiberi Tonko Paulsen T. A recorded vote was ordered. Neal Ross Tierney Tsongas Payne Sanchez, Loretta The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Negrete McLeod Rothfus Tipton Turner Pearce Sanford minute vote. Neugebauer Roybal-Allard Titus Pelosi Sarbanes Upton Noem Royce Tonko Perlmutter Scalise Valadao The vote was taken by electronic de- Nolan Ruiz Tsongas Perry Schakowsky Van Hollen vice, and there were—ayes 378, noes 27, Nugent Ryan (OH) Turner Peters (CA) Schiff Vargas not voting 26, as follows: Nunes Ryan (WI) Upton Peters (MI) Schneider Veasey O’Rourke Sa´ nchez, Linda Valadao Peterson Schock Vela [Roll No. 215] Olson T. Van Hollen Petri Schrader Vela´ zquez AYES—378 Owens Sanchez, Loretta Vargas Pingree (ME) Schweikert Visclosky Pallone Sarbanes Veasey Pittenger Scott (VA) Wagner Aderholt DelBene Jackson Lee Pascrell Scalise Vela Amodei Denham Pitts Scott, Austin Walberg Jeffries Pastor (AZ) Schakowsky Vela´ zquez Bachus Dent Jenkins Pocan Sensenbrenner Walden Paulsen Schiff Visclosky Barber DesJarlais Johnson (GA) Poe (TX) Serrano Walorski Payne Schneider Wagner Barletta Deutch Johnson (OH) Polis Sessions Walz Pearce Schock Walberg Posey Sewell (AL) Barr Diaz-Balart Johnson, E. B. Pelosi Schrader Walden Wasserman Barrow (GA) Dingell Johnson, Sam Price (GA) Shea-Porter Schultz Perlmutter Schweikert Walorski Price (NC) Sherman Bass Doggett Jolly Perry Scott (VA) Walz Waters Beatty Doyle Jordan Quigley Shimkus Waxman Peters (CA) Scott, Austin Wasserman Rahall Shuster Becerra Duckworth Joyce Peters (MI) Sensenbrenner Schultz Weber (TX) Rangel Simpson Benishek Duncan (TN) Kaptur Peterson Serrano Waters Webster (FL) Reichert Sinema Bentivolio Edwards Keating Petri Sessions Waxman Welch Renacci Sires Bera (CA) Ellison Kelly (IL) Pingree (ME) Sewell (AL) Weber (TX) Wenstrup Rice (SC) Slaughter Bilirakis Ellmers Kelly (PA) Pittenger Shea-Porter Webster (FL) Richmond Smith (MO) Wilson (FL) Bishop (NY) Engel Kennedy Pitts Sherman Welch Rigell Smith (NE) Wilson (SC) Black Enyart Kildee Pocan Shimkus Wenstrup Roby Smith (NJ) Wittman Blackburn Eshoo Kilmer Poe (TX) Shuster Westmoreland Roe (TN) Smith (WA) Wolf Blumenauer Esty Kind Polis Simpson Wilson (FL) Rogers (AL) Southerland Womack Bonamici Farr King (IA) Posey Sinema Wilson (SC) Rogers (KY) Speier Yarmuth Boustany Fattah King (NY) Price (GA) Sires Wittman Rogers (MI) Stivers Yoder Brady (PA) Fincher Kinzinger (IL) Price (NC) Slaughter Wolf Rokita Stutzman Yoho Brady (TX) Fitzpatrick Kirkpatrick Quigley Smith (MO) Womack Rooney Swalwell (CA) Young (AK) Braley (IA) Fleischmann Kline Rahall Smith (NE) Woodall Ros-Lehtinen Takano Young (IN) Brooks (IN) Fleming Kuster Rangel Smith (NJ) Yarmuth Brown (FL) Flores LaMalfa Reichert Smith (WA) Yoder NOES—32 Brownley (CA) Forbes Lance Renacci Southerland Yoho Amash Graves (GA) Massie Buchanan Fortenberry Langevin Rice (SC) Speier Young (AK) Bishop (UT) Griffith (VA) McClintock Bucshon Foster Larsen (WA) Richmond Stewart Young (IN) Burgess Foxx Larson (CT) Bridenstine Harris Olson Bustos Frankel (FL) Latham NOES—27 Broun (GA) Huelskamp Pompeo Butterfield Franks (AZ) Latta Campbell Huizenga (MI) Ribble Amash Farenthold Lankford Chabot Jones Byrne Frelinghuysen Lee (CA) Barton Garrett Lummis Rohrabacher Calvert Fudge Levin Chaffetz Labrador Stewart Bishop (UT) Gohmert Massie Camp Gabbard Lewis Bridenstine Griffith (VA) Pompeo Duncan (SC) LaMalfa Stockman Farenthold Lamborn Campbell Gallego Lipinski Brooks (AL) Huelskamp Ribble Westmoreland Fincher Lummis Cantor Garamendi LoBiondo Broun (GA) Huizenga (MI) Rohrabacher Woodall Garrett Marchant Capito Garcia Loebsack Chaffetz Jones Salmon Capps Gardner Lofgren DeSantis Labrador Sanford NOT VOTING—26 Capuano Gerlach Long Duncan (SC) Lamborn Stutzman ´ Bachmann Grimm Runyan Cardenas Gibbs Lowenthal Carney Gibson Lowey NOT VOTING—26 Bishop (GA) Harper Ruppersberger Carson (IN) Gingrey (GA) Lucas Clarke (NY) Hastings (FL) Rush Bachmann Grimm Runyan Carter Goodlatte Luetkemeyer Coble Hurt Schwartz Bishop (GA) Harper Ruppersberger Cotton Kingston Cartwright Gosar Lujan Grisham Clarke (NY) Hastings (FL) Rush Scott, David Cassidy Gowdy (NM) Crawford McAllister Smith (TX) Coble Hurt Schwartz Castor (FL) Graves (GA) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Cotton Kingston DeGette Nunnelee Whitfield Scott, David Castro (TX) Graves (MO) (NM) Crawford McAllister Duffy Palazzo Williams Smith (TX) Granger Reed Chabot Grayson Lynch DeGette Nunnelee Chu Green, Al Maffei Whitfield Duffy Palazzo Williams ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Cicilline Green, Gene Maloney, Granger Reed The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Clark (MA) Griffin (AR) Carolyn ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR There is 1 minute remaining. Clay Grijalva Maloney, Sean Cleaver Guthrie Marchant The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). b 1157 Clyburn Gutie´rrez Marino There is 1 minute remaining. Coffman Hahn Matheson Mr. PITTS, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. Cohen Hall Matsui b 1201 KING of Iowa changed their vote from Cole Hanabusa McCarthy (CA) Collins (GA) Hanna McCarthy (NY) So the amendment was agreed to. ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Collins (NY) Harris McCaul The result of the vote was announced So the amendment was agreed to. Conaway Hartzler McClintock as above recorded. The result of the vote was announced Connolly Hastings (WA) McCollum Stated for: Conyers Heck (NV) McDermott as above recorded. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, on roll- Stated for: Cook Heck (WA) McGovern Cooper Hensarling McHenry call No. 215 I was unable to vote due to a Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, on roll- Costa Herrera Beutler McIntyre medical procedure. Had I been present, I call No. 214 I was unable to vote due to a Courtney Higgins McKeon would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ medical procedure. Had I been present, I Cramer Himes McKinley Crenshaw Hinojosa McMorris AMENDMENT NO. 11 OFFERED BY MS. BONAMICI would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ Crowley Holding Rodgers The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished AMENDMENT NO. 10 OFFERED BY MR. LANGEVIN Cuellar Holt McNerney business is the demand for a recorded The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Culberson Honda Meadows Cummings Horsford Meehan vote on the amendment offered by the business is the demand for a recorded Daines Hoyer Meeks gentlewoman from Oregon (Ms. vote on the amendment offered by the Davis (CA) Hudson Meng BONAMICI) on which further proceedings gentleman from Rhode Island (Mr. Davis, Danny Huffman Messer were postponed and on which the ayes LANGEVIN) on which further pro- Davis, Rodney Hultgren Mica DeFazio Hunter Michaud prevailed by voice vote. ceedings were postponed and on which Delaney Israel Miller (FL) The Clerk will redesignate the the ayes prevailed by voice vote. DeLauro Issa Miller (MI) amendment.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 The Clerk redesignated the amend- Nunes Ross Terry sideration the bill (H.R. 10) to amend O’Rourke Rothfus Thompson (CA) ment. Olson Roybal-Allard Thompson (MS) the charter school program under the RECORDED VOTE Owens Royce Thompson (PA) Elementary and Secondary Education The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Pallone Ruiz Thornberry Act of 1965, and, pursuant to House Pascrell Ryan (OH) Tiberi Resolution 576, he reported the bill has been demanded. Pastor (AZ) Ryan (WI) Tierney A recorded vote was ordered. Paulsen Sa´ nchez, Linda Tipton back to the House with an amendment The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Payne T. Titus adopted in the Committee of the minute vote. Pearce Sanchez, Loretta Tonko Whole. Pelosi Sarbanes Tsongas The SPEAKER. Under the rule, the The vote was taken by electronic de- Perlmutter Scalise Turner vice, and there were—ayes 363, noes 41, Perry Schakowsky Upton previous question is ordered. not voting 27, as follows: Peters (CA) Schiff Valadao Is a separate vote demanded on any Peters (MI) Schneider Van Hollen amendment to the amendment re- [Roll No. 216] Peterson Schock Vargas ported from the Committee of the AYES—363 Petri Schrader Veasey Pingree (ME) Schweikert Vela Whole? Aderholt Doggett Kelly (IL) Pittenger Scott (VA) Vela´ zquez If not, the question is on the com- Amodei Doyle Kelly (PA) Pitts Scott, Austin Visclosky mittee amendment in the nature of a Bachus Duckworth Kennedy Pocan Serrano Wagner Barber Duncan (TN) Kildee Poe (TX) Sessions Walberg substitute, as amended. Barletta Edwards Kilmer Polis Sewell (AL) Walden The amendment was agreed to. Barr Ellison Kind Posey Shea-Porter Walorski The SPEAKER. The question is on Barrow (GA) Ellmers King (IA) Price (GA) Sherman Walz the engrossment and third reading of Barton Engel King (NY) Price (NC) Shimkus Wasserman Bass Enyart Kinzinger (IL) Quigley Shuster Schultz the bill. Beatty Eshoo Kirkpatrick Rahall Simpson Waters The bill was ordered to be engrossed Becerra Esty Kline Rangel Sinema Waxman and read a third time, and was read the Benishek Farenthold Kuster Reichert Sires Welch third time. Bera (CA) Farr Lance Renacci Slaughter Wenstrup Bilirakis Fattah Langevin Rice (SC) Smith (MO) Westmoreland (By unanimous consent, Mr. CANTOR Bishop (NY) Fincher Lankford Richmond Smith (NE) Wilson (FL) was allowed to speak out of order.) Black Fitzpatrick Larsen (WA) Rigell Smith (NJ) Wilson (SC) MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR ABDUCTED NIGERIAN Blackburn Fleischmann Larson (CT) Roby Smith (WA) Wittman Blumenauer Fleming Latham Roe (TN) Southerland Wolf GIRLS Bonamici Forbes Latta Rogers (KY) Speier Womack Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, Ameri- Boustany Foster Lee (CA) Rogers (MI) Stewart Yarmuth cans have watched in horror this week Brady (PA) Foxx Levin Rokita Stivers Yoder Brady (TX) Frankel (FL) Lewis Ros-Lehtinen Swalwell (CA) Young (AK) the atrocious news reports coming out Braley (IA) Franks (AZ) Lipinski Roskam Takano Young (IN) of Nigeria. Hundreds of young girls Brooks (IN) Frelinghuysen LoBiondo have been kidnapped with the intent to Brown (FL) Fudge Loebsack NOES—41 be sold into slavery or marriage simply Brownley (CA) Gabbard Lofgren Amash Garrett Ribble Buchanan Gallego Long Bentivolio Gohmert Rogers (AL) because they had the courage to seek Bucshon Garamendi Lowenthal Bishop (UT) Gosar Rohrabacher an education and a better life. Bustos Garcia Lowey Bridenstine Huelskamp Rooney Just this past weekend, I watched my Butterfield Gardner Lucas Brooks (AL) Huizenga (MI) Salmon daughter, not much older than these Calvert Gerlach Luetkemeyer Broun (GA) Jones Camp Gibbs Lujan Grisham Sanford girls, graduate from college. As a par- Burgess Jordan Sensenbrenner Campbell Gibson (NM) Byrne Labrador ent, I cannot imagine the suffering of ´ Stockman Cantor Gingrey (GA) Lujan, Ben Ray Cassidy LaMalfa Stutzman the moms and dads who merely wanted Capito Goodlatte (NM) Chabot Lamborn Weber (TX) Capps Gowdy Lynch Chaffetz Lummis a good education for their daughters. Webster (FL) Capuano Graves (GA) Maffei DeSantis Massie The Obama administration has taken ´ Cardenas Graves (MO) Maloney, Duncan (SC) Mulvaney Woodall initial steps to help assist efforts to re- Carney Grayson Carolyn Flores Pompeo Yoho Carson (IN) Green, Al Maloney, Sean turn these girls to freedom and to their Carter Green, Gene Marchant NOT VOTING—27 families. I thank them for their efforts, Cartwright Griffin (AR) Marino Bachmann Granger Reed and I know all of us stand ready to pro- Castor (FL) Griffith (VA) Matheson Bishop (GA) Grimm Runyan Castro (TX) Grijalva Matsui vide whatever assistance is necessary. Clarke (NY) Harper Ruppersberger Members should be aware that, upon Chu Guthrie McCarthy (CA) Coble Hastings (FL) Rush ´ Cicilline Gutierrez McCarthy (NY) Cotton Hurt Schwartz our return, we will consider a bipar- Clark (MA) Hahn McCaul Crawford Kingston Scott, David tisan resolution being considered by Clay Hall McClintock DeGette McAllister Smith (TX) the Foreign Affairs Committee regard- Cleaver Hanabusa McCollum Duffy Nunnelee Whitfield Clyburn Hanna McDermott Fortenberry Palazzo Williams ing Boko Haram and these Coffman Harris McGovern kidnappings. Cohen Hartzler McHenry ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Additionally, when we come back, we Cole Hastings (WA) McIntyre The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Collins (GA) Heck (NV) McKeon will also consider five bipartisan bills Collins (NY) Heck (WA) McKinley There is 1 minute remaining. to take steps toward our ultimate goal Conaway Hensarling McMorris b 1204 of ending human trafficking. Together, Connolly Herrera Beutler Rodgers Conyers Higgins McNerney So the amendment was agreed to. these bills provide resources and au- Cook Himes Meadows The result of the vote was announced thorities to fight domestic human traf- Cooper Hinojosa Meehan as above recorded. ficking, provide services to the vic- Costa Holding Meeks tims, and take steps to deal with inter- Courtney Holt Meng Stated for: Cramer Honda Messer Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Chair, on roll- national human trafficking. Crenshaw Horsford Mica call No. 216 I was unable to vote due to a The atrocities in Nigeria have awak- Crowley Hoyer Michaud ened the global conscience and have re- Cuellar Hudson Miller (FL) medical procedure. Had I been present, I Culberson Huffman Miller (MI) would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ minded us all of the evil of human traf- Cummings Hultgren Miller, Gary The Acting CHAIR. The question is ficking. It is also important to note Daines Hunter Miller, George on the committee amendment in the that the underlying threat posed by ex- Davis (CA) Israel Moore tremist groups in Nigeria and through- Davis, Danny Issa Moran nature of a substitute, as amended. Davis, Rodney Jackson Lee Mullin The amendment was agreed to. out the region is growing. DeFazio Jeffries Murphy (FL) The Acting CHAIR. Under the rule, Whether it is Boko Haram, Ansar al- Delaney Jenkins Murphy (PA) the Committee rises. Sharia, Hezbollah, Hamas, or al Qaeda, DeLauro Johnson (GA) Nadler DelBene Johnson (OH) Napolitano Accordingly, the Committee rose; it is critical that we in the House work Denham Johnson, E. B. Neal and the Speaker having assumed the with the administration to confront Dent Johnson, Sam Negrete McLeod chair, Mr. POE of Texas, Acting Chair the growing threat these violent ex- DesJarlais Jolly Neugebauer of the Committee of the Whole House tremists pose to international peace, Deutch Joyce Noem Diaz-Balart Kaptur Nolan on the state of the Union, reported that security, and the protection of inno- Dingell Keating Nugent that Committee, having had under con- cent lives.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4045 In the coming days, as we focus on Without objection, 5-minute voting Messer Rangel Smith (MO) finding and returning these girls to will continue. Mica Reichert Smith (NE) Michaud Renacci Smith (WA) their homes, may God watch over them The question is on the passage of the Miller (FL) Ribble Southerland and those seeking their return. bill. Miller (MI) Rice (SC) Speier Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- The question was taken; and the Miller, Gary Rigell Stewart woman from California, the Demo- Miller, George Roby Stivers Speaker announced that the ayes ap- Moran Roe (TN) Stutzman cratic leader. peared to have it. Mullin Rogers (AL) Swalwell (CA) Ms. PELOSI. Thank you, Mr. Leader, Mulvaney Rogers (KY) RECORDED VOTE Takano for yielding. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Murphy (PA) Rogers (MI) Terry for giving the House this opportunity Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I demand a Nadler Rohrabacher Thompson (CA) recorded vote. Napolitano Rokita Thompson (PA) to speak this afternoon about this des- Neal Rooney A recorded vote was ordered. Thornberry picable crime. I thank the distin- Negrete McLeod Ros-Lehtinen Tiberi Neugebauer Roskam guished majority leader for his re- The SPEAKER. This is a 5-minute Tipton Noem Ross vote. Titus marks, and I associate myself with his Nolan Rothfus Tsongas remarks in their entirety. That is how The vote was taken by electronic de- Nugent Roybal-Allard Turner vice, and there were—ayes 360, noes 45, Nunes Royce important all of this is. Upton I want to commend Congresswoman not voting 27, as follows: O’Rourke Ruiz Olson Ryan (OH) Valadao FREDERICA WILSON for her resolution, [Roll No. 217] Owens Ryan (WI) Van Hollen Vargas H. Res. 573, condemning the abduction AYES—360 Pallone Salmon of female students by armed militants Pascrell Sa´ nchez, Linda Veasey Aderholt Denham Hunter Vela from the terrorist group known as Pastor (AZ) T. Amodei Dent Israel Paulsen Sanchez, Loretta Wagner Boko Haram in the northeastern prov- Bachus DeSantis Issa Payne Sanford Walberg inces of the Federal Republic of Nige- Barber DesJarlais Jackson Lee Pearce Sarbanes Walden ria. Barletta Diaz-Balart Jeffries Pelosi Scalise Walorski Barr Dingell Jenkins Mr. Speaker, it is clear that what Perlmutter Schiff Waters Barrow (GA) Doggett Johnson (OH) Perry Schneider Waxman happened in Nigeria is outside the cir- Barton Doyle Johnson, E. B. Peters (CA) Schock Weber (TX) cle of civilized human behavior. It is Bass Duckworth Johnson, Sam Peters (MI) Schrader Webster (FL) unconscionable, and these despicable Beatty Duncan (SC) Jolly Peterson Schweikert Welch Becerra Duncan (TN) Jordan acts must be condemned in the strong- Petri Scott (VA) Wenstrup Benishek Ellison Joyce Pittenger Scott, Austin Westmoreland est possible terms. The capture and Bentivolio Ellmers Kaptur Pitts Sensenbrenner Wilson (FL) captivity of these girls challenges the Bera (CA) Engel Keating Pocan Serrano Wilson (SC) conscience of the world in a very spe- Bilirakis Enyart Kelly (PA) Poe (TX) Sessions Wolf Black Eshoo Kennedy Polis Shea-Porter Womack cific and very different way, and per- Blackburn Esty Kilmer Pompeo Sherman Woodall haps that difference can make a dif- Blumenauer Farenthold Kind Posey Shimkus Yarmuth ference. Boehner Farr King (IA) Price (GA) Shuster Yoder I wholeheartedly support the decision Bonamici Fattah King (NY) Price (NC) Simpson Yoho Boustany Fincher Kinzinger (IL) Quigley Sinema Young (AK) by President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Brady (PA) Fitzpatrick Kirkpatrick Rahall Slaughter Young (IN) and the administration to deploy aid, Brady (TX) Fleischmann Kline personnel, law enforcement, and mili- Braley (IA) Fleming Kuster NOES—45 tary experts to Nigeria to partner with Brooks (IN) Flores Labrador Amash Frankel (FL) Pingree (ME) Brown (FL) Forbes LaMalfa Bishop (NY) Fudge Richmond local authorities to find these girls and Brownley (CA) Fortenberry Lamborn Bishop (UT) Garrett Schakowsky Buchanan Foster Lance return them home. Bridenstine Grayson Sewell (AL) Bucshon Foxx Langevin I commend the women Members of Brooks (AL) Griffith (VA) Sires Burgess Franks (AZ) Lankford the House. In a bipartisan way, 100 per- Broun (GA) Grijalva Stockman Bustos Frelinghuysen Larsen (WA) Capuano Johnson (GA) cent of the women have signed a letter Butterfield Gabbard Larson (CT) Thompson (MS) Castor (FL) Jones Tierney condemning these actions. I salute the Byrne Gallego Latham Chu Kelly (IL) Tonko Calvert Garamendi Latta Clark (MA) Kildee First Lady for her #BringBackOurGirls Vela´ zquez Camp Garcia Lee (CA) Clarke (NY) Lewis tweet and hope that Members will also Visclosky Campbell Gardner Levin Clay Lummis be doing that because the most hor- Cantor Gerlach Lipinski Cleaver Massie Walz rible form of torture for someone who Capito Gibbs LoBiondo Davis, Danny McDermott Wasserman is held by terrorists is when their cap- Capps Gibson Loebsack Deutch Moore Schultz Ca´ rdenas Gingrey (GA) Lofgren Edwards Murphy (FL) tors tells them: nobody knows you are Carney Gohmert Long here, who you are and is even worried Carson (IN) Goodlatte Lowenthal NOT VOTING—27 about you. Carter Gosar Lowey Bachmann Harper Ruppersberger We want to remove all doubt every Cartwright Gowdy Lucas Bishop (GA) Hastings (FL) Rush Cassidy Graves (GA) Luetkemeyer minute of every day. As we go into Coble Hurt Schwartz Castro (TX) Graves (MO) Lujan Grisham Cotton Kingston Scott, David Mother’s Day, think of those mothers, Chabot Green, Al (NM) Crawford McAllister Smith (NJ) ´ think of those fathers, think of the sib- Chaffetz Green, Gene Lujan, Ben Ray DeGette Nunnelee Smith (TX) lings of these girls. Our thoughts and Cicilline Griffin (AR) (NM) Duffy Palazzo Whitfield Clyburn Guthrie Lynch Granger Reed Williams ´ prayers rest with the mothers and fa- Coffman Gutierrez Maffei Grimm Runyan Wittman thers and siblings of each girl kid- Cohen Hahn Maloney, napped and separated from her family Cole Hall Carolyn b 1220 Collins (GA) Hanabusa Maloney, Sean and all of the victims of human traf- Collins (NY) Hanna Marchant So the bill was passed. ficking around the world. Conaway Harris Marino The result of the vote was announced As horrible as it is, as unthinkable as Connolly Hartzler Matheson as above recorded. it is, it is happening all the time, this Conyers Hastings (WA) Matsui A motion to reconsider was laid on Cook Heck (NV) McCarthy (CA) trafficking issue, so maybe this hor- Cooper Heck (WA) McCarthy (NY) the table. rible, heinous crime will give the at- Costa Hensarling McCaul Stated for: tention that human trafficking needs Courtney Herrera Beutler McClintock Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, on Cramer Higgins McCollum rollcall No. 217 I was unable to vote due to a in order for us to end it, and so let us Crenshaw Himes McGovern all subscribe to #BringBackOurGirls. Crowley Hinojosa McHenry medical procedure. Had I been present, I With that, Mr. Speaker, I thank you, Cuellar Holding McIntyre would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ again, for giving us this opportunity to Culberson Holt McKeon PERSONAL EXPLANATION Cummings Honda McKinley focus on this despicable action, but to Daines Horsford McMorris Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I was un- do so prayerfully, hopefully, and deter- Davis (CA) Hoyer Rodgers able to vote on May 9, 2014, on passage of mined to bring back our girls. Davis, Rodney Hudson McNerney H.R. 10, the Success and Opportunity through The SPEAKER. The Members will DeFazio Huelskamp Meadows Quality Charter Schools Act, introduced by my Delaney Huffman Meehan rise and the House will observe a mo- DeLauro Huizenga (MI) Meeks colleague JOHN KLINE from Minnesota and ment of silence for these young women. DelBene Hultgren Meng passage of H.R. 4438, the American Research

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 and Competiveness Act of 2014, introduced received a subpoena, issued by the Office of basic training, CSM O’Neal quickly rose up the by my colleague KEVIN BRADY from Texas. If Compliance, for documents. ranks, training and serving from Fort Bragg, had been able to vote, I would have cast a After consultation with the Office of Gen- North Carolina to Laos, Cambodia and Viet- eral Counsel regarding the subpoena, I have vote of ‘‘yea’’ in support of H.R. 10 and a vote determined under Rule VIII that the sub- nam. His career is legendary—making First of ‘‘yea’’ in support of H.R. 4438. poena appears (i) not to be ‘‘a proper exercise Sergeant in 10 years and CSM in 14. PERSONAL EXPLANATION of jurisdiction,’’ (ii) to seek information that After 20 years of dedicated service, includ- Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, May 9, is not ‘‘material and relevant,’’ and/or (iii) ing four tours in Vietnam and being awarded 2014, I was at home in Wisconsin taking care not to be ‘‘consistent with the privileges and three Purple Hearts, CSM O’Neal retired in of my amazing wife and our new baby daugh- rights of the House.’’ November of 1976. I applaud CSM O’Neal’s Sincerely, ter. Had I been present. I would have voted in bravery and service, and I thank him for his ED CASSIDY, heroic and selfless actions during his active the following ways: H.R. 4438—American Re- Chief Administrative Officer. search and Competitiveness Act ‘‘yea,’’ Castor military career. Amendment ‘‘nay,’’ Jackson Lee Amendment f But CSM O’Neal’s service to our country did ‘‘nay,’’ Wilson (FL) Amendment ‘‘yea,’’ Lan- ADJOURNMENT FROM FRIDAY, not end once he retired. He became a fierce gevin Amendment ‘‘yea,’’ Bonamici Amend- MAY 9, 2014, TO TUESDAY, MAY advocate on behalf of his fellow veterans, as- ment ‘‘yea,’’ H.R. 10—Success and Oppor- 13, 2014 sisting local veterans with the help of his be- tunity through Quality Charter Schools ‘‘yea.’’ loved wife, Mary. Their dedication and service Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask represent the best our nation has to offer. f unanimous consent that when the Mr. Speaker, CSM O’Neal was one of our House adjourns today, it adjourn to APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO greatest American soldiers and patriots, and meet at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE he was also a loving husband and a faithful 2014. EVENTS SURROUNDING THE 2012 friend to many including me. North Carolina The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there TERRORIST ATTACK IN boasts some of the finest warfighters the objection to the request of the gen- BENGHAZI United States has ever seen. The Eighth Dis- tleman from Ohio? The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints, trict is no stranger to heroes like CSM O’Neal, There was no objection. and he will forever be remembered for his pursuant to section 2(a) of House Reso- f lution 567, 113th Congress, the fol- service and his faithful support of his fellow lowing Members to the Select Com- HONORING ARMY COMMAND SER- veterans. We are forever indebted to him and other mittee on the Events Surrounding the GEANT MAJOR EDWARD JAMES American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Ma- 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi: O’NEAL rines who dedicate their lives to defend our Mr. GOWDY, South Carolina, Chair- (Mr. HUDSON asked and was given freedom, secure our homeland, and protect man permission to address the House for 1 our democracy. Mr. WESTMORELAND, Georgia minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of Mr. JORDAN, Ohio marks.) Army Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Ed- Mr. ROSKAM, Illinois Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise ward James O’Neal and commemorate his Mr. POMPEO, Kansas today to honor the life of Army Com- service to our great nation. O’Neal was a Mrs. ROBY, Alabama mand Sergeant Major Edward James great friend of mine and a champion for his Mrs. BROOKS, Indiana O’Neal and to commemorate his serv- fellow veterans in Richmond County and all of f ice to our great Nation. O’Neal was a North Carolina. great friend of mine and a champion of APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO He began his distinguished military career at his fellow veterans in Richmond Coun- a young age, enlisting in the Army in 1956 at THE COMMISSION ON INTER- ty and all of North Carolina. NATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM the age of seventeen. After basic training, He began his distinguished military O’Neal quickly rose up the ranks, training and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. career at a young age, enlisting in the serving from Fort Bragg, North Carolina to HOLDING). The Chair announces the Army in 1956 at the age of 17. After Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Speaker’s appointment, pursuant to basic training, O’Neal quickly rose up After 20 years of dedicated service, includ- section 201(b) of the International Reli- the ranks, training and serving from ing four tours in Vietnam and being awarded gious Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to Laos, three Purple Hearts, O’Neal retired in Novem- 6431) and the order of the House of Jan- Cambodia, and Vietnam. After 20 years ber of 1976. uary 3, 2013, of the following individ- of dedicated service, including four But O’Neal’s service to our country did not uals on the part of the House to the tours in Vietnam and being awarded end once he retired. He became a fierce ad- Commission on International Religious three Purple Hearts, O’Neal retired in vocate on behalf of his fellow veterans, assist- Freedom for a term effective May 14, November of 1976. ing local veterans with the help of his beloved 2014, and ending May 14, 2016: O’Neal’s service to our country did wife, Mary. Dr. Robert P. George, Princeton, NJ not end once he retired. He became a Mr. Speaker, O’Neal was one of our great- Dr. Daniel I. Mark, Villanova, PA fierce advocate on behalf of his fellow est American soldiers and patriots, and he f veterans, assisting local veterans with was also a loving husband and a faithful friend the help of his beloved wife, Mary. to many including me. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHIEF Mr. Speaker, O’Neal was one of the We are forever indebted to him and other ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER OF greatest American soldiers and patri- American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Ma- THE HOUSE ots, and he was also a loving husband, rines who dedicate their lives to defend our The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- a faithful friend to many, including freedom, secure our homeland, and protect fore the House the following commu- me. We are forever indebted to him and our democracy. nication from the Chief Administrative other American soldiers, sailors, air- f Officer of the House of Representatives: men, and marines who dedicate their lives to defend our freedom, secure our EMPOWERING ENCORE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRA- ENTREPRENEURS ACT TIVE OFFICER, HOUSE OF REP- homeland, and protect our democracy. RESENTATIVES, Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of (Mr. GARCIA asked and was given Washington, DC, May 9, 2014. United States Army Command Sergeant Major permission to address the House for 1 Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, (CSM) Edward James O’Neal and commemo- minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker, House of Representatives, rate his valiant service to our great nation. marks.) Washington, DC. CSM O’Neal was a great friend of mine and Mr. GARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you support small business owners in south formally, pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules a champion for his fellow veterans in Rich- of the House of Representatives, that the mond County and all of North Carolina. Florida and across the country. ‘‘House Office of Payroll and Benefits, Office He began his distinguished military career at The economic recession devastated of the Chief Administrative Officer of the a young age, enlisting in the United States the economy, hitting older Americans United States House of Representatives’’ has Army in 1956 at the age of seventeen. After especially hard. In fact, older workers

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4047 once unemployed are more likely than In Hawaii, we proudly showcase the ters. Women in Federal service also others to remain unemployed, which is world’s most beautiful beaches, na- have 12 weeks of maternity leave, yet why we need to revitalize our economy tional parks, coral reefs, and hiking the bravest among us only receive 6 by supporting those who found them- trails, many of which I enjoy as much weeks after the birth of their child. selves out of work before retirement. as possible when I get home. Our ro- Mothers and fathers across the Na- Earlier this week, I introduced the bust and growing tourism industry is tion understand the importance of ma- bipartisan Empowering Encore Entre- truly the backbone of our economy, ternity leave. More workers return to preneurs Act, which will support older generating more than $10 billion in vis- work if they are given sufficient time Americans working hard to start or ex- itor spending each year. to recover. Maternity leave gives us pand a small business. From the lush cliffs of the Na Pali healthier babies and stronger families. There are currently over 7 million Coast of Kauai to Kilauea, the world’s Mothers in the military inevitably self-employed workers in the U.S. age most active volcano, to whale watching face separation from their children 50 or older, which demonstrates a tre- around Maui, my home district, hosts when they are deployed and serving our mendous capacity of older workers to some of the world’s most awe-inspiring Nation around the globe. Extending contribute to our economy and create natural beauty. Every year, we wel- maternity leave for these women is the jobs when given the right resources. come more visitors from around the least we can do for those who sacrifice My bill, which is supported by the world for tourism, business, cultural, so much for our country. AARP, will improve the capacity of en- and educational exchanges. Mr. Speaker, this Mother’s Day, let’s trepreneurs to begin small businesses Hawaii is a leader in hospitality and stand up for the women who dedicate and help successful small business own- we welcome all of our guests with the their lives to standing up for the rest ers make their enterprises even more spirit of aloha. This week, I am proud of us. Let’s pass the MOM Act. prosperous. to recognize all those who contribute f I urge my colleagues to join me in to our world-class tourism industry, supporting this bill. ADDRESSING THE VETERANS and will continue to work to strength- ADMINISTRATION BACKLOG f en this industry and give thanks to (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given ONGOING VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN those who show their aloha to our visi- permission to address the House for 1 RIGHTS IN VENEZUELA tors every day. Aloha. minute and to revise and extend his re- (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was f marks.) given permission to address the House HONORING OUR COURAGEOUS Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, in re- for 1 minute and to revise and extend NURSES cent weeks, we have made some strides her remarks.) in the area of the Department of Vet- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I (Mr. BENTIVOLIO asked and was erans Affairs and what that means for rise to speak in support of those fight- given permission to address the House the Nation’s veterans as well. Address- ing for freedom in Venezuela. for 1 minute and to revise and extend ing the huge backlog and the atrocious This morning our House Foreign Af- his remarks.) practice of assigning bonuses to the fairs Committee passed my bipartisan Mr. BENTIVOLIO. Mr. Speaker, you upper members of the Department of measure, H.R. 4587, the Venezuelan can always identify them in a crowd Veterans Affairs for not getting the Human Rights and Democracy Protec- wearing blue, green, pink, and yellow, backlog done is an area we still need to tion Act, which will sanction members and sometimes wearing a white coat. continue to address. of the Maduro regime responsible for They have wings on their backs and We are also working on a project here gross human rights violations. many times a tired, tilted halo over that would allow our caseworkers in Just a few days ago, Mr. Speaker, their heads. The often miss holidays our congressional offices to have Human Rights Watch released a deeply and similar events with family and stronger jurisdiction in helping our troubling report that made clear that friends. They work during times the veterans’ cases. We have a situation there has been ‘‘a serious pattern of rest of us sleep 24/7. They are educators where brokering happens where one of- abuse by Venezuelan security forces.’’ who provide a concerned ear and empa- fice may broker a case to a different The report mentions stories like that thetic heart, a smile supported by pro- VA office elsewhere, maybe in the of Lisandro Barazarte, a 40-year-old fessionalism, and an unmatched sense same State or in a different State, and photographer for a local newspaper of selfless service for those in need. we find that the one office can’t help who said, ‘‘I live in suspense, because I They are angels of mercy. us, yet the new office where it has been don’t know from where they are going May God bless our courageous brokered to doesn’t seem to believe to shoot at me.’’ Or Jose Romero, only nurses, and especially this week. they can talk to us or our staff either. 17 years old, who was stopped by a na- Mr. Speaker, may I say to that spe- We want to put the word out to Sec- tional guardsman when coming out of a cial nurse in my life: I love you. retary Shinseki and all of the VA metro station and was taken to a f about the need to allow us as rep- building where he was threatened with MILITARY MATERNITY LEAVE resentatives of the people to have that death, beaten, and even burned. firsthand ability to help our veterans Even as this brutality continues, the (Ms. DUCKWORTH asked and was have their cases solved and heard time- Obama administration and Congress given permission to address the House ly, no matter what the office jurisdic- have yet to act. I urge my colleagues for 1 minute and to revise and extend tion is. We are looking for that help in to support bringing this important her remarks.) that pronouncement by the Secretary measure, which is bipartisan, to the Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, to get this reform through. floor immediately to support the peo- women in our military are contrib- f ple of Venezuela and to send a clear uting more than ever. They serve with signal to the Maduro regime that his distinction in Afghanistan and at duty HONORING JENNA HINMAN reign of oppression will have serious posts around the globe. Women are an (Mr. MAFFEI asked and was given consequences. irreplaceable piece of the strongest and permission to address the House for 1 f most capable military in the world. minute and to revise and extend his re- Now, it is time that we show them b 1230 marks.) the respect they deserve. Today, I am Mr. MAFFEI. Mr. Speaker, I rise NATIONAL TRAVEL AND TOURISM introducing the MOM Act with my col- today with a very heavy heart to honor WEEK leagues, Congresswomen BORDALLO and and remember Jenna Hinman. Jenna (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given NOEM. It will extend maternity leave Hinman was 26 years old. She and her permission to address the House for 1 for women in uniform from 6 weeks to husband, U.S. Army Sergeant Brandon minute.) 12 weeks. This bill would increase leave Hinman, were thrilled to learn she was Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise for military women to the same pregnant last year while Brandon was today to recognize and highlight Na- amount that the Family and Medical stationed at Fort Drum in New York tional Travel and Tourism Week. Leave Act guarantees their civilian sis- State.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 But tragically this past month, dur- Markus; Hana Stephen; Rifkatu Amos; Re- COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF DI- ing an emergency cesarean section to becca Mallum; Blessing Abana; Ladi Wadai; RECTOR, SUBCOMMITTEE ON save the lives of their twin girls, doc- Tabitha Hyelampa; Ruth Ngladar; Safiya HEALTH, COMMITTEE ON WAYS tors learned Jenna was suffering from a Abdu; Na’omi Yahonna; Solomi Titus; Rhoda AND MEANS rare and very serious form of cancer. John; Rebecca Kabu; Christy Yahi; Saratu The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- She and the medical teams at Cross Emmanuel; Deborah Peter; Rahila Bitrus; fore the House the following commu- Hospital and Upstate Medical Center in Luggwa Sanda; Kauna Lalai; Lydia Emmar; nication from Brian Sutter, Staff Di- Syracuse fought the disease heroically Laraba Maman; Hauwa Isuwa; Confort Habila; rector, Subcommittee on Health, Com- for 2 months, but on May 5 she passed Hauwa Abdu; Hauwa Balti; Yana Joshua; mittee on Ways and Means: away. Laraba Paul; Saraya Amos; Glory Yaga; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Jenna and her family’s story touched Na’omi Bitrus; Godiya Bitrus; Awa Bitrus; COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, the lives of so many people, strangers Na’omi Luka; Maryamu Lawan; Tabitha Silas; Washington, DC, May 9, 2014. and friends alike, from around the Mary Yahona; Ladi Joel; Rejoice Sanki; Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, world who were devastated to hear of Luggwa Samuel; Comfort Amos; Saraya Sam- Speaker, House of Representatives, Jenna’s passing. uel; Sicker Abdul; Talata Daniel; Rejoice Washington, DC. There is no way to truly express the Musa; Deborah Abari; Salomi Pogu; Mary DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you deep sadness that comes from losing Amor; Ruth Joshua; Esther John; Esther pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules of the someone so young with such a bright House of Representatives, that I have re- Ayuba; Maryamu Yakubu; Zara Ishaku; ceived (i) an administrative subpoena, issued future ahead, to think about the beau- Maryamu Wavi; Lydia Habila; Laraba by the United States Securities and Ex- tiful baby girls that will have to grow Yahonna; Na’omi Bitrus; Rahila Yahanna; change Commission, for documents and tes- up without their mother physically on Ruth Lawan; Ladi Paul; Mary Paul; Esther timony, and (ii) a grand jury subpoena, this Earth. Joshua; Helen Musa; Margret Watsai; Debo- issued by the United States District Court Mr. Speaker, the family gave me this rah Jafaru; Filo Dauda; Febi Haruna; Ruth for the Southern District of New York, for bracelet to remind me to pray for Ishaku; Racheal Nkeki; Rifkatu Soloman; testimony. After consultation with the Office of Gen- Jenna Hinman while she was still alive. Mairama Yahaya; Saratu Dauda; Jinkai Yama; It says: ‘‘Prayers for Jenna, God pro- eral Counsel regarding the subpoenas, I will Margret Shettima; Yana Yidau; Grace Paul; make the determinations required under tect this family.’’ Amina Ali; Palmata Musa; Awagana Musa; Rule VIII. Mr. Speaker, I pray that God will Pindar Nuhu; Yana Pogu; Saraya Musa; Sincerely, protect Jenna’s husband, her parents, Hauwa Joseph; Hauwa Kwakwi; [No name re- BRIAN SUTTER, her brother, and particularly these leased]; Hauwa Musa; Maryamu Musa; Staff Director, young girls, and may God bless Jenna Maimuna Usman; Rebeca Joseph; Liyatu Subcommittee on Health. Hinman, a true American hero. Habitu; Rifkatu Yakubu; Naomi Philimon; f f Deborah Abbas; Ladi Ibrahim; Asabe Ali; FASCIST INTOLERANCE Maryamu Bulama; Ruth Amos; Mary Ali; Abi- NIGERIAN KIDNAPPED GIRLS The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under gail Bukar; Deborah Amos; Saraya Yanga; the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was Kauna Luka; Christiana Bitrus; Yana Bukar; uary 3, 2013, the gentleman from Texas given permission to address the House Hauwa Peter; Hadiza Yakubu; Lydia Simon; (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 60 min- for 1 minute.) Ruth Bitrus; Mary Yakubu; Lugwa Mutah; Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, utes as the designee of the majority Muwa Daniel; Hanatu Nuhu; Monica Enoch; this week, women Members of the leader. Margret Yama; Docas Yakubu; Rhoda Peter; United States House of Representatives Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I am Rifkatu Galang; Saratu Ayuba; Naomi Adamu; went to the Nigerian Embassy to plead going to read the background of an in- Hauwa Ishaya; Rahap Ibrahim; [No name re- and to insist on the fight to bring our credible woman. We have different reli- leased]; Deborah Soloman; Hauwa Mutah; girls home and, as well, to establish a gious views because I am a Christian Hauwa Takai; Serah Samuel; Aishatu Musa; victims’ fund and to find and bring the and she is apparently an atheist at this Aishatu Grema; Hauwa Nkeki; Hamsatu thug Sekau, the leader of the Boko time, but what an extraordinary Abubakar; Mairama Abubakar; Hauwa Wule; Haram terrorist group, to justice. woman: Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is a vis- Ihyi Abdu; Hasana Adamu; Rakiya Kwamtah; Today, I am going to read a few iting fellow with the American Enter- Halima Gamba; Aisha Lawan; Kabu Malla; names of those girls that are missing prise Institute: Yayi Abana; Falta Lawan; Kwadugu Manu. for those mothers who are longing for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an outspoken defender of their return: women’s rights in Islamic societies, was born f Rebecca Luka, Laraba John, Saratu in Mogadishu, Somalia. She escaped an ar- Markus, Mary Usman, Debora ranged marriage by immigrating to the Yahonna, Naomi Zakaria, Hanatu COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON- Netherlands in 1992 and served as a member Musa, Hauwa Tella, Juliana Yakubu, ORABLE DAVE CAMP, MEMBER of the Dutch parliament from 2003 to 2006. In OF CONGRESS parliament, she worked on furthering the in- Suzana Yakubu, Saraya Paul, Jummai tegration of non-Western immigrants into Paul, Mary Sule, Jummai John, Yanke The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Dutch society and defending the rights of Shittima, Muli Waligam, Fatima Tabji, fore the House the following commu- women in Dutch Muslim society. In 2004, to- and Eli Joseph. nication from the Honorable DAVE gether with director Theo van Gogh, she I will put all of them in the RECORD. CAMP, Member of Congress: made ‘‘Submission,’’ a film about the oppres- sion of women in conservative Islamic cul- In honor of Mother’s Day, I mourn HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, tures. The airing of the film on Dutch tele- with those mothers, I pray for mothers COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, vision resulted in the assassination of Mr. across America, and I pray for the Ni- Washington, DC, May 9, 2014. Van Gogh by an Islamic extremist. At AEI, Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, gerian mothers whose children are still Ms. Hirsi Ali researches the relationship be- Speaker, House of Representatives, missing. tween the West and Islam, women’s rights in Washington, DC. May I ask prayers for all who are Islam, violence against women propagated DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you longing now for their children to re- by religious and cultural arguments, and pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules of the Islam in Europe. turn, and may I offer my blessings to House of Representatives, that the Com- my late mother, Ivalita Jackson. mittee on Ways and Means has received an Her background, as mentioned, she NIGERIAN KIDNAPPED GIRLS administrative subpoena, issued by the was a member of the parliament in the Deborah Abge; Awa Abge; Hauwa Yirma; United States Securities and Exchange Com- People’s Party for Freedom and De- Asabe Manu; Mwa Malam Pogu; Patiant mission, for documents. mocracy, the Netherlands, 2003 to 2006. Dzakwa; Saraya Mal. Stover; Mary Dauda; After consultation with the Office of Gen- She was a researcher at the Wiardi eral Counsel regarding the subpoena, I will Beckman Foundation in Amsterdam, Gloria Mainta; Hanatu Ishaku; Gloria Dama; make the determinations required under Tabitha Pogu; Maifa Dama; Ruth Kollo; Esther Rule VIII. the Netherlands, 2001 to 2002. And she Usman; Awa James; Anthonia Yahonna; Sincerely, had been an interpreter and adviser in Kume Mutah; Aisha Ezekial; Nguba Buba; DAVE CAMP, the Office of Intercultural Communica- Kwanta Simon; Kummai Aboku; Esther Chairman. tion, Leiden, the Netherlands, 1995 to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4049 2001. She has her master’s from Leiden ant—this fascist intolerance has aris- University, in having some cowards in University, the Netherlands. en. There are people who stand up and the administration, without one frac- So this extraordinary woman should say: I agree with a majority of Ameri- tion of the courage of Ms. Hirsi Ali, be paid tribute. It was wonderful to see cans—I agree with Moses and Jesus— says: we are going to back off and not recently that Brandeis University was that marriage is between a man and a honor this woman who has overcome so paying tribute to her. woman. much. But we have had an interesting devel- Now, all of a sudden, people like me To honor someone doesn’t nec- opment in the United States of Amer- are considered haters—hatemongers— essarily mean that you embrace every- ica from the time I was in college. I at- evil, which really is exactly what we thing about his life. Like I say, I stand tended what was at the time a conserv- have seen throughout our history, in tribute to a woman who has over- ative university, Texas A&M Univer- going back to the days of the Nazi come so much, who has been fighting sity, and a majority there had very takeover in Europe. against the true war against women. conservative views, but we loved to What did they do? I don’t believe at all in her religious have liberal speakers come speak in First, they would call people haters views as, apparently, an atheist, but I my college, not because it was liberal and evil and would build up disdain for can recognize this is a woman of cour- but because we welcomed the exchange. those people who held those opinions or age, that she is a woman who is bril- There were always people coming to religious views or religious heritages. liant, who has overcome so much. my university that students disagreed Then next came: those people are so It is really heartbreaking that uni- with. evil and hateful, so let’s bring every versities around this country, which b 1245 book that they have written or has to were once beacons to debate and to dis- See, at that time, we thought univer- do with them, and let’s start burning agreement, have now been taken over sities were places at which you could the books because we can’t tolerate by so many liberal fascist cowards have those debates and where you their intolerance. that, if you disagree with something As shrinks testified before me during could have a liberal speaker come they think or if you disagree with speak, even though you disagreed with my days as a judge, it was called pro- something somebody who is more vio- him, but we have seen the rise of fas- jecting. It is those who have a char- lent than you thinks, then they are cism in American universities. acteristic and to divert condemnation going to succumb to the fascist vio- Back 30, 40 years ago, students could on themselves, they project their char- lence and say: oh, we don’t want to get involved and listen to liberal acteristic on someone with whom they snub you, really, but there is this other speakers, conservative speakers, mod- disagree—so the most intolerant in group over here that may get violent erate speakers, far right, far left speak- America. with us if we stand up for your rights ers at universities and then make their Then especially people like they who and acknowledge your courage. own conclusions because, back then, were going to be on the television show So we are going to be cowards, and that is kind of what we thought edu- before it was canceled—people like we are not going to acknowledge your cation was; but now, with this new in- me—yes, we can get upset. We can’t amazing courage. We are going to snub tellectual fascism that has arisen in stand to see our Nation torn apart. We you because we are afraid of these peo- our universities, some of them—far too can’t stand to see our Judeo-Christian ple who may become violent. many of them, actually—say: if you values, on which the Nation was found- You have to wonder if the State De- disagree with our position, we don’t ed, demeaned, depicted as somehow partment of the United States, under want you here. We want you elimi- evil. the leadership of Secretary Hillary nated. We don’t want you to have We stand up for those things, but Clinton, may not have succumbed to work. We want your family defiled. We there is no hate for individuals, yet this same type of fear: gee, we don’t just don’t want you to succeed in any those who are the most hate-filled, who want to make the terrorists mad, so way whatsoever. do not follow the teachings of Jesus, let’s don’t stir them up. In fact, we see these kinds of recep- seek to impose or to project upon those There was a time, for example, when tions for conservatives, for Judeo- of us who are Christians—and some or- Thomas Jefferson was President and Christian believers and followers, peo- thodox Jews and even atheists or radical Islamists in northern Africa ple eliminated from being on television secularists, like Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali— were attacking American ships and because they hold the view espoused by their own hate, their own intolerance. taking crews hostage and selling them Moses and by Jesus of marriage being We really need to understand what is back to America if we came up with between a man and a woman. going on. the price required, the extortion fee. It is as Moses said and as Jesus re- It is not tolerance that becomes in- Jefferson finally had had enough and peated, after He said a man will leave tolerant and says a woman who was had sent this group of—at that time— his mother and a woman will leave her tortured—I don’t know what else you men, called Marines. They went to the home and the two will become one, would call some of the procedures that shores of Tripoli, and they fought with what God has joined together, let no were done to her most private areas in everything they had against the rad- one pull apart. the name of religion. It was not vol- ical Islamists. Now, we find out that there was a untary. They fought hard enough and showed show yesterday that we were told was She was ordered into a marriage she that we were not weaklings who would considered hateful because it believed wanted no part of. She did not want to lay down in the face of Islamist ter- what a majority of Americans does and have to be covered up and stay in a rorism, but that we would fight. Those what Moses believed and what Jesus back room and never own property and Marines fought hard enough that the believed, which is that marriage would never drive. She kind of thought, like radical Islamists said, okay, all right, be between a man and a woman. most of us do in America, except for we will leave you alone—because that People like me are vilified—oh, you the intolerant fascist liberals, that: is all radical Islamists understand. are hateful—but the people whose show gee, women ought to be able to own We have this article from The Wall was canceled made what sounded like a property, we ought to be able to marry Street Journal, May 8, written by very Christian response of, look, we whom we wish, we ought to be able to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is the same lady love homosexuals, we love all people, if espouse our own views without being I was just speaking about. She knows you don’t, then you are not following called hatemongers. something about radical Islam. She has the teachings of Jesus, to be sure, but Brandeis University chose to honor had people she has cared about and it doesn’t mean that you have to sup- the intolerant and turn against some- loved killed by radical Islam. She, her- port, embrace, encourage particular one who went through a living hell in self, was physically harmed by radical lifestyles that you believe are harmful Somalia. Because she has stood up for Islam. to the individuals and harmful to soci- what she believes, including in the She knows a lot about it, and she ety in general. Netherlands, and put together a film also knows about intolerance, the type So it is amazing that, in the name of with Mr. van Gogh, her partner was as- that was seen—and the lack of cour- liberality—in the name of being toler- sassinated—murdered; yet Brandeis age—at Brandeis University. Hopefully,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 someday, someone at Brandeis will re- can be and are our friends. Though we out. He might encounter opposition from es- call the Jewish influence in the univer- disagree on our religious beliefs com- tablished Muslim leaders who feel threat- sity that understood the threat of in- pletely, we can be friends. ened by him. But he perseveres because per- severance in the Sunnah is one of the most tolerance—like fascist intolerance— I was with my dear friends MICHELE important keys to heaven. As he plods on and, instead of succumbing to fascist BACHMANN and Congressman Dr. MI- from door to door, he gradually acquires a intolerance, stand up and acknowledge CHAEL BURGESS, and I turned to see a following. There comes a point when his fol- courage and extraordinary human be- very surprised look on their face when lowing is as large as that of the Muslim com- havior. we made it through the midst of the munity’s established leaders. That’s when For those who may be tempted to Afghanistan capital. There were people the showdown happens—and the argument say: Now, LOUIE, how in the world holding rocket-propelled grenades as for ‘‘holy war’’ suddenly makes sense to him. could you put radical Islam and fas- we turned down the alley to get to the The history of Boko Haram has followed cism or the Nazis together? Masood family compound. precisely this script. The group was founded All one would have to do is look back We pulled into the gate in the drive in 2002 by a young Islamist called Moham- at the history prior to and during there within the inner part and I saw med Yusuf, who started out preaching in a Muslim community in the Borno State of World War II, and the connection was my Muslim friends coming out on the northern Nigeria. He set up an educational already made. The alliances were porch and down the stairs. complex, including a mosque and an Islamic made. One type of intolerance, Nazi So I jumped out. And I looked back school. For 7 years, mostly poor families fascism, seemed to ally and work well and saw they looked a little surprise as flocked to hear his message. But in 2009, the and become allies of radical Islamist I jumped out and these well-known Nigerian government investigated Boko fascists. Muslim Northern Alliance members Haram and ultimately arrested several mem- In this Wall Street Journal article, spread their arms open wide, as I did, bers, including Yusuf himself. The crack- as Hirsi Ali says: and we embraced strong, heartfelt em- down sparked violence that left about 700 dead. Yusuf soon died in prison—the govern- Since the kidnapping of 276 school girls in braces. Because I knew what they had ment said he was killed while trying to es- Nigeria last month, the meaning of Boko been through in fighting radical Islam. cape—but the seeds had been planted. Under Haram—the name used by the terrorist I know that they do not want radical one of Yusuf’s lieutenants, Abubakar group that seized the girls—has become more Islam taking back Afghanistan when Shekau, Boko Haram turned to jihad. widely known. The translation from the we leave. In 2011, Boko Haram launched its first ter- Hausa language is usually given in English I know that because this administra- language media as ‘‘Western Education is ror attack in Borno. Four people were killed, Forbidden,’’ though ‘‘Non-Muslim Teaching tion has turned its back on those Mus- and from then on violence became an inte- is Forbidden’’ might be more accurate. lim non-extremists, we are putting gral part, if not the central part, of its mis- But little attention has been paid to the their lives in danger as we leave them sion. The recent kidnappings—11 more girls group’s formal Arabic name: Jam’at Ahl as- to the radical Islamist extremists were abducted by Boko Haram on Sunday— Sunnah lidda’wa wal-Jihad. That roughly poised and ready to take over in the join a litany of outrages, including multiple car bombings and the murder of 59 school- translates as ‘‘The Fellowship of the People vacuum that we leave. We owe our al- of the Tradition for Preaching and Holy boys in February. On Monday, as if to dem- lies who fought and defeated the onstrate its growing power, Boko Haram War.’’ That’s a lot less catchy than Boko Taliban by early 2002 better than that. Haram, but is significantly more revealing launched a 12-hour attack in the city of about the group and its mission. Far from And my heart breaks as I think about Gamboru Ngala, firing into the market being an aberration among Islamist terror the absolute horrors that will unfold in crowds, setting houses aflame, and shooting groups, as some observers suggest, Boko Afghanistan as our former allies have down residents who ran from the burning Haram in his goals and methods is, in fact, to defend themselves against radical buildings. Hundreds were killed. all too representative. Islam because they dare to be our I am often told that the average Muslim wholeheartedly rejects the use of violence b 1300 friends and allies. That is no way to treat people who fought with you, for and terror, does not share the radicals’ belief that a degenerate and corrupt Western cul- The kidnapping of the schoolgirls throws you, for themselves, because of that into bold relief a central part of what the ture needs to be replaced with an Islamic jihadists are about: the oppression of women. common desire not to be under the one, and abhors the denigration of women’s Boko Haram sincerely believes that girls yoke and threat and hate of radical most basic rights. Islam. are better off enslaved than educated. The This is Ms. Hirsi Ali saying this. terrorists’ mission is no different from that Back to Ms. Hirsi Ali’s article. She of the Taliban assassin who shot and nearly says: She says: killed 15-year-old Pakistani Malala So, imagine an angry young man in any Well, it is time for those peace-loving Mus- Yousafzai—as she rode a schoolbus home in Muslim community anywhere in the world. lims to do more, much more, to resist those 2012—because she advocated girls’ education. Imagine him trying to establish an associa- in their mist who engage in this type of pros- As I know from experience, nothing is more tion of men dedicated to the practice of elytizing before they proceed to the phase of anathema to the jihadists than equal and Sunnah, (the tradition of guidance from the holy war. educated women. Prophet Muhammad). Much of the young How to explain this phenomenon to baffled man’s preaching will address the place of Parenthetically here, Mr. Speaker, it Westerners, who these days seem more eager women. He will recommend that girls and should not have even required a FBI or to smear the critics of jihadism as women be kept indoors and covered from CIA investigation into the older ‘‘Islamophobes’’ than to stand up for wom- head to toe if they are to venture outside. He Tsarnaev brother to find out that he en’s most basic rights. Where are the Muslim will also condemn the permissiveness of had been radicalized. It should not college-student organizations denouncing Western society. Boko Haram? Where is the outrage during have required the Russians tipping our What kind of response will he meet? In the intelligence and the FBI that they Friday prayers? These girls’ lives deserve U.S. and in Europe, some might quietly draw more than a Twitter hashtag protest— him to the attention of authorities. Women were ignorant of how radicalized As we saw from former Secretary Hil- might voice concerns about the attacks on Tsarnaev had become. It shouldn’t lary Clinton. their freedom. But in other parts of the have required the FBI to go out to the Back to the article. It says: world, where law and order are lacking, such mosque and make inquiry about young men and their extremist messages Organizations like Boko Haram do not Tsarnaev and what Muslim teachers he thrive. arise in isolation. The men who establish was drawn to, what Muslim books he Where governments are weak, corrupt or, Islamist groups, whether in Africa (Nigeria, was reading. nonexistent, the message of Boko Haram and Somalia, Mali), Southeast Asia (Afghani- it counterparts is especially compelling. Not It shouldn’t have required that, but stan, Pakistan), or even Europe (UK, Spain implausibly, they can blame poverty on offi- it did. and the Netherlands) are members of long-es- cial corruption and offer as an antidote the tablished Muslim communities, most of Unfortunately, the FBI didn’t do pure principles of the Prophet. And in these whose members are happy to lead peaceful those things. Unfortunately, the FBI countries, women are more vulnerable and lives. To understand why the jihadists are didn’t even bother to notify the their options are fewer. flourishing, you need to understand the dy- But why does our imaginary young zealot police, as far as we can tell, that namics within those communities. turn to violence? At first, he can count on Tsarnaev had been radicalized—or, at I might insert parenthetically that some admiration for his fundamental mes- least the Russians said he was—be- the Muslims who wish to live in peace sage within the community where he starts cause I would be willing to bet if he

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4051 had, the Boston police would have got- men who are respected Muslims who The State Department under Hillary Clin- ten to the bottom of it before the Bos- can stand up and be eyewitnesses that ton, fought hard against placing the al ton marathon bombing occurred. you were raped, then we may need to Qaeda-linked militant group Boko Haram on Ms. Hirsi Ali says in her article: stone you to death for allowing such to its official list of foreign terrorist organiza- tions for 2 years; and now, lawmakers and It is also time for Western liberals to wake occur. former U.S. officials are saying that the de- up. If they choose to regard Boko Haram as That is not an American ideal. That cision may have hampered the American an aberration, they do so at their peril. The is a war on women. I have prosecuted, government’s ability to confront the Nige- kidnapping of these schoolgirls is not an iso- and I have sentenced enough rapists rian group that shocked the world by abduct- lated tragedy; their fate reflects a new wave that it is something that is very dif- ing hundreds of innocent girls. of jihadism that extends far beyond Nigeria ficult for me to sit and listen to, and to While Ms. Clinton now issues indignant and poses a mortal threat to the rights of tweets, Rogin elaborates on her failure to women and girls. think that so many of the cases for which I sentenced rapists to prison mention that her own State Department re- If my pointing this out offends some people fused to place Boko Haram on its list of for- more than the odious acts of Boko Haram, could never have been brought and the eign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the then so be it. woman would have to live in fear and group bombed the U.N. headquarters in It should be also pointed out Ms. horror if we were living under the kind Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging Hirsi Ali is a fellow of the Belfer Cen- of law where there really is a cultural of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, ter at Harvard’s Kennedy School of war on women and, sometimes, a phys- and over a dozen Senators and Congressmen. ‘‘The one thing she could have done, the Government. She is the founder of the ical war on women. In the United States, I know families one tool she had at her disposal, she didn’t AHA foundation. use, and nobody can say she wasn’t urged to So I commend Harvard for having the where the parents are Christians and do it. It’s gross hypocrisy,’’ said a former courage to have someone to espouse the children chose not to believe in senior U.S. official who was involved in the the views that Ms. Hirsi Ali does. She Jesus as Lord, and it breaks the hearts debate. ‘‘The FBI, the CIA, and the Justice has been there. She has courage. of the parents; but the thought would Department really wanted Boko Haram des- I hope and pray that universities never, ever cross their mind to engage ignated, they wanted the authorities that across the United States, even though in violence. would provide to go after them, and they many of them are offered major Middle I have been told about someone we voiced that repeatedly to elected officials.’’ are trying to help, whose family was In May 2012, then-Justice Department offi- Eastern money if they will do this, and cial Lisa Monaco (now at the White House) have a seminar on Islamaphobia and Islamist, radical, in another part of the wrote to the State Department to urge Clin- help eradicate anyone or any thought world. When he became a Christian, ton to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist that radical Islam is a threat, and let’s that made him worthy of the death organization. The following month, General just suppress anything like that. I ap- penalty. It made his child worthy of Carter Ham, the chief of the U.S. Africa plaud universities that have the cour- the death penalty, in their opinion. He Command, said that Boko Haram provided a age to do that. But too many don’t. has been killed. ‘‘safe haven’’ for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and was likely sharing explosives And they don’t stand up as they Other family members that have tried to help, who were moderate Mus- and funds with the group; and yet, Hillary should. Clinton’s State Department still declined to And what is amazing is, we have peo- lims and didn’t believe someone who place Boko Haram on its official terrorist ple in this country and in this city and became a Christian should be mur- roster. in the media who take the gutless posi- dered, have paid the price with their As Mr. Rogin further details, placing an or- tion that they will try to portray Re- lives. ganization on the terrorist list enables the publicans or conservatives as hating These things are happening around government to use various investigative women. Why? Because they know we the world, and it is time liberals fought tools for law enforcement and intelligence- gathering purposes. It also squeezes the or- are not going to kill them. We will dis- a more courageous fight and stood— and instead of screaming about ganization by criminalizing the provision of agree with them, we will debate them, material support to it and the conduct of we will say they are wrong, but we are Islamophobia, stood and said, you business with it. not going to kill them because of what know, there are Muslim friends and al- After numerous Boko Haram atrocities, they believe. lies, but there is a radical Islamist part Republicans attempted to force Secretary In Western society, in every State in this world, a sect in this world that Clinton to designate the group or explain and Federal law it has always been wants to kill, destroy anything, includ- why she refused to do so. The State Depart- ing what we consider to be innocent ment heavily lobbied against the legislation. true, except those that are allowing Only after John Kerry replaced Clinton and sharia law to creep in, but it has al- children, women, men. Until we confront that fact, this after a series of jihadist bombings against ways been true that provoking words churches and other targets did the State De- are never an offense to a physical as- country is going to continue to be sub- partment finally relent and add Boko Haram sault. That is kind of 101 criminal law jected to threats against American to the terrorist list last November. in most any law school, except, of lives here and abroad. It is easier to at- The excuses now being offered in expla- course, if it is teaching sharia law. tack Americans abroad. nation for Clinton’s dereliction are specious. Under sharia law, provoking words, Americans, including this body—I As Rogin explains, Clinton’s State Depart- ment claimed that Boko Haram was merely no matter how minor, can be the basis mean, we were outraged at what hap- pened to those Nigerian children, boys a local group with parochial grievances that for capital punishment. You offend a was not a threat to the United States. radical Islamist, that is the basis for killed, the girls threatened with being Have a look, though, at the State Depart- killing them. sold into what basically would be a ment’s list here. Several of the listed groups We have never believed that in West- slave-type marriage. It is outrageous. are waging local terrorist campaigns that do ern society. As Judeo-Christian ideals So you wonder why in the world the not threaten our country, the Basque ETA, have spread even among atheists, State Department would not have the the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the secularists, and other religious believ- courage to take a stand. There was an Real Irish Republican Army, et cetera. A sig- nificant reason for having the list is to pro- ers, that has been a good, sound doc- excellent article by Andrew McCarthy, and he incorporates much of a fan- mote international cooperation against ter- trine. Provoking words—or a cartoon— rorism and discourage its use against any- may evoke anger and may provoke tastic article from Josh Rogin, from one, anywhere. The fact that a terrorist or- anger, but it should not provoke phys- the Daily Beast, and it is dated May 8. ganization may have only local grievances ical violence. It says: and may not directly imperil the U.S. has ‘‘We must stand up to terrorism,’’ bleated never been thought a reason to exclude it b 1315 Hillary Clinton a few days ago in a tweet ex- from the list. It is time liberals rose up with pressing outrage against Boko Haram, the Fox News has further reported about an- enough courage to say: You know jihadist organization that has abducted hun- other rationale of Clinton apologists: Hillary what? Wow, there is a war against dreds of young girls in Nigeria. Yet, when did not want to raise Boko Haram’s profile she was actually in a position to stand up to and assist its recruiting which, they reason, women, and it is killing women. Boko Haram’s terrorism as Secretary of would be the effect of designation by the There are laws in some places of rad- State, Ms. Clinton instead protected the Great Satan. That is ridiculous. The main ical Islam that say: if you are a woman group. point of having the list and the sanctions who is raped, if you don’t have four Josh Rogin reports at the Daily Beast: that accompany a terrorist designation is to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 weaken the organization by depriving of it But real courage is found in people because they are vermin and, as Mus- assets and material support. The logic of like Ms. Hirsi Ali who know that her lim Brothers have said, are descended what Clinton supporters are claiming is that life and their lives are at risk every from apes and pigs. U.S. counterterrorism law—much of which But Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in his was put in place by the administration of day, every minute of every day be- Bill Clinton—does more harm than good. cause, to this supremacist ideology, pleading, points out that also it is fine Does anyone think they really believe that? provoking words are not only a de- to kill Christians because they believe What happened here is obvious, although fense, but they are a reason to kill peo- in a Holy Trinity. They believe and say the commentariat is loath to connect the ple, to brutalize them unmercifully. that God had a Son, Jesus. And Khalid dots. Boko Haram is an Islamic-supremacist And then we have this article from Sheikh Mohammed, in his pleading, organization. Ms. Clinton, like the Obama May 7 by Patrick Goodenough from points out the verse in the Koran that administration more broadly, believes that CNSNews. there is no authorization to combine appeasing Islamists—avoiding actions that might give them offense, slamming Ameri- A man displays copies of several local anyone or anything with Allah; and, cans who provoke them—promotes peace and newspapers during a demonstration therefore, if you do that, as Christians stability. See Egypt for a good example of calling on the government to rescue do, believing in the Holy Trinity, be- how well this approach is working. the kidnapped schoolgirls outside de- lieving that Jesus is the Son of God, Furthermore, if you are claiming to have fense headquarters in Abuja on Tues- then that justifies capital punishment, ‘‘decimated’’ al Qaeda, as the Obama admin- killing you, torturing, whatever they istration was claiming to have done in the day, May 6, 2014. runup to the 2012 election, the last thing you Secretary of State John Kerry, on care to do, because, under their way of want to do is add jihadists to the terror Wednesday, underlined the issue of the thinking, you are worthy of death. list—or beef up security at diplomatic posts poverty as a recruitment tool for ex- Well, because of the approach of Sec- in jihadist hot spots or acknowledge that tremist groups like Boko Haram, al- retary Clinton’s State Department and jihadists rioting in Cairo or jihadist attacks though analysts and Nigerian officials of this administration, when the Egyp- in Benghazi are something other than ‘‘pro- have for months been reporting that tian people went to the streets by the tests’’ inspired by ‘‘an Internet video.’’ the organization is forcibly con- millions—the estimates, 33 million. It is very simple. Most of us on the na- Even 20 million would have been larger tional-security right recognize that Islamic scripting civilians, including children, supremacism is an ideology rooted in Mus- into its ranks. than any protest in the history of the lim scripture—a strict, literal, ancient inter- During his recent Africa trip, leaders world. Morsi only claimed to have got- pretation of Muslim scripture, that is. Essen- had told him that much of the chal- ten around 13 million votes to be Presi- tially, it advocates the adoption of shari’a, lenge in confronting violent extremist dent. There were many who believed Islam’s legal code and societal framework. It groups like Boko Haram lies in fight- with all their hearts and had evidence, is not the only way of construing Muslim ing poverty, Kerry said at a Council of they say, that he got the vote by fraud. scripture. the Americas conference in Wash- But threats were made behind the And I add, fortunately. ington. ‘‘They all talked about poverty scenes: If you contest this election, He said: and the need to alleviate poverty, and people will die, and we will burn this And we certainly hope that more benign that much of this challenge comes out country down. constructions become dominant, but Islamic Well, when the Egyptian people—the supremacism is far more mainstream than of this poverty where young people are the West likes to admit, particularly in the grabbed at an early stage, proffered a moderate Muslims, the Christians, the Middle East and growing swaths of Africa. It little bit of money,’’ he said. ‘‘Their Jews, the secularists—had had enough is an ideology that endorses violent jihad, minds are bended, and then the money of radical Islam, they rose up and de- the treatment of women as chattel, sex slav- doesn’t matter anymore. They’ve got manded Morsi’s removal, as he contin- ery, child marriages, and the horrible stuff the minds, and they begin to direct ued to usurp more and more power not that outfits like Boko Haram are into. Even them into these very extreme endeav- given to him under the constitution. though these organizations—quite natu- And since the constitution didn’t allow rally—terrorize locally, their aspirations are ors.’’ global, and they are a threat to us because The Islamist terrorist group has for impeachment, the only thing the their ideology unites them and regards the waged a violent campaign against Ni- people could do was rise up before he West as the enemy. gerian Christians and government tar- got the kind of power Chavez had in The left, by contrast, seems to believe that gets since 2009, but shot to global Venezuela. Because when a dictator be- ‘‘Islamists’’—which are adherents of Islamic prominence in recent weeks with its gins pulling power into himself, you supremacism—are motivated not by an ide- kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls have got to stop him early, or it will ology derived from scriptural commands, but in the country’s northeastern Borno cost so many more lives. by American policies that promote national And that is why this was one of the defense, pursue U.S. interests, and regard State. Its leader has described them as Israel as a key ally. Indeed, progressives like ‘‘slaves’’ and is threatening to sell banners that Egyptian protesters held Ms. Clinton are anti-antiterrorists in the them or ‘‘marry’’ them off. up. On one half, an American flag with sense that they portray the national security In a new attack this week, as many a green checkmark; on the other half, right as a greater threat than Islamic as 300 people were reportedly killed. they had our great President’s face supremacism. But it is interesting. This follows the with a red x. What they were saying Ms. Clinton and her cohort do not deny Obama administration’s ideology cam- and what they made clear in other ban- that they are terrorists motivated by Islam, paign rhetoric: Gee, we are not at war ners and statements was that this ad- but they see terrorists and Islamists as sepa- with radical Islam. The real problem rate categories, not united by single ide- ministration is supporting the radical ology. here is poverty. If we can eliminate Islamists, and that we moderate Mus- poverty, then we can eliminate radical lims, we Christians, Jews, secularists, b 1330 Islam. And that flies in the face of the we don’t want the Muslim Brother- Anyway, the article goes on and facts. hood, these radicals that have been makes very clear that there are too People that have looked under the properly classified as a terrorist orga- many in America who think they will surface at all are aware Osama bin nization. just beat up on conservatives, beat up Laden was wealthy. Khalid Sheikh Mo- And this administration has on Republicans, beat up on conserv- hammed, who is credited with planning kowtowed repeatedly, just as Brandeis atives who have the same ideas about the 9/11, not tragedy, as might be said University did, to the Council on marriage that Barack Obama did dur- here, but murders of thousands of American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, ing the campaign of 2008, that John F. Americans and is proud of it, and he who were cited by a U.S. district judge Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, people has said in his own pleadings that he, and upheld by the Fifth Circuit Court that were considered liberal did in himself, prepared and that have been of Appeals as being a front organiza- prior years, to beat up on Americans declassified: If our efforts on 9/11 tion. They had plenty of evidence to who hold those same beliefs in the caused you terror, then praise be to support that they were a front organi- Bible. It is easier to beat up on con- Allah. And he points out in his plead- zation for the Muslim Brotherhood and servatives because we are not going to ings that it is Allah who has com- were related and working with the kill you. We will argue with you. We manded them to be at war and kill peo- Holy Land Foundation, as it supported will get frustrated with you. ple, such as Christians and Jews—Jews terrorism.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4053 It is time Americans woke up. The MEDICAL MARIJUANA When I learned that medical marijuana Egyptians certainly woke up as they The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. might give her the appetite she needed raised their hands and said: We don’t HUDSON). Under the Speaker’s an- and, yes, raise her spirits, the illegality want radical Islam. nounced policy of January 3, 2013, the of this herb was abundantly clear to Now, I don’t agree with this, but this Chair recognizes the gentleman from me as I was there seeing my mother in is what the Egyptians were marching California (Mr. ROHRABACHER) for 30 the hospital bed, seeing how my moth- around Egypt with. And why would minutes. er had lost her appetite and seeing how they say Obama supports terrorism? It Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I her spirits were so low, knowing that is because the United States, under rise today to discuss an issue that cur- perhaps marijuana, if the doctor had so this administration, supported Morsi, rently affects more than half the ordered, would have been something supported the Muslim Brotherhood, States in our Nation, and that is the that could have helped her and helped and the Egyptian people had had inconsistency between Federal and other people’s mothers and children enough, and they decried anyone in the State laws pertaining medical mari- who were suffering the same situation. United States that was supporting juana. Yes, Mr. Speaker, a majority of b 1345 these terrorists. our Nation’s States—Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Con- The significance of changing—or at And as some of us travel around the least altering—this prohibition could Middle East, moderate Muslim leaders necticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massa- no longer be ignored by me when I was say: Why are you not helping us in the confronted by this over a decade ago. war against terrorism anymore? You chusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Mon- tana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Since that time, the public’s interest are helping the bad guys. You helped and support for medical marijuana has the al Qaeda-backed rebels in Libya. Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Is- land, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, and increased dramatically. As I men- And as I speak, there are training tioned, over half the States allow peo- camps in Libya, like there were in Af- Washington, as well as the District of Columbia—all have some form of med- ple with serious illnesses to use mari- ghanistan before we went in with less juana and/or its derivatives for medical than 500 Americans. But we helped the ical marijuana law on the books. Of course this means that these States purposes. Northern Alliance Muslims take out Recent polls show that the vast ma- the radical Islamic Taliban. allow their residents to engage in ac- tivities that are expressly prohibited jority of the American people support My friend is coming to the floor. He by the Federal Government. To be the medical efficacy and use of mari- and I have traveled around those parts, exact, there are already 26 States that juana for medical purposes: 77 percent and he had been engaged with many allow doctors to recommend the med- according to Pew, 81 percent according moderate Muslims in fighting the Rus- ical use of marijuana or its derivatives, to the ABC News poll, and a whopping sians, even, back before my predecessor and many more States are expected to 85 percent according to a FOX News Charlie Wilson was in Congress. take the step and do the same thing in poll last year. Just as interesting, 60 I am very proud to consider him a the near future. percent of the American people believe friend. I am proud of the efforts we Importantly, the States listed are that the Federal Government should have made to reach out to our allies. It not dominated by conservatives or lib- not prosecute people who are acting in was my friend from California (Mr. erals. This isn’t a Republican or a accordance with State medical mari- ROHRABACHER) who introduced me to Democrat issue. Massachusetts, Alas- juana laws, and 72 percent think gov- Massoud and General Dostum and so ka, Mississippi, and Oregon are hardly ernment efforts to enforce marijuana many of the moderate Muslims that the same, politically speaking, in their laws cost more than they are worth. just want out from under the oppres- legislature. Politically speaking, they Surprise, surprise, almost three-quar- sion that radical Islam brings. are not the same. But their legislators ters of Americans believe that the cost So, Mr. Speaker, as we conclude this and their residents all have recognized of enforcing marijuana laws is far week, I want to encourage those in the same reality, and that is the poten- heavier than the benefits of having Egypt who are standing up to radical tial medical benefits of marijuana and those laws enforced or having those Islam. I want to encourage universities marijuana’s derivatives, and they be- laws on the books. All those numbers to stand up against radical Islam and lieve that these derivatives and the include majorities of both Republicans, have the courage to recognize mod- benefits of marijuana should not be de- Democrats, and, yes, it includes a ma- erate Muslims who will stand up and nied to their people. jority of Independents, as well. have the courage to speak up against Unfortunately, however, the Federal What is the driving force behind this the real war on women in this world. Government continues to list mari- surge of support for a change in Fed- And it is not by conservatives. It is by juana and its derivatives as a schedule eral policy? It is the realization by pa- radical Islam. I substance, putting it in the same cat- tients, researchers, and physicians that Mr. ROHRABACHER. Will the gen- egory as heroin, LSD, and other hard marijuana and its derivatives may tleman yield? drugs. offer enormous relief to numerous pa- tients. For example, last year, the fa- Mr. GOHMERT. My time is about ex- I have long supported rescheduling mous physician, Sanjay Gupta, re- pired, but I will certainly yield to the marijuana so that it can be researched, leased—who is a very prominent physi- gentleman from California. prescribed, and used by legitimate health care professionals. But multi- cian—released a documentary film in Mr. ROHRABACHER. I would like to administrations, both Republican and which he explored many of the benefits note for the gentleman—and I am sure Democrat alike, have refused to seri- of medical marijuana. Like so many we will have your support—that the ously talk about this topic. Instead, a Americans, he is a relatively new con- gentlewoman from California, LORETTA heavy-handed, emotion-based policy vert to this position. I quote: SANCHEZ, and myself today are starting continues. We have been terribly and systematically a Support Egypt Caucus, which will be Evidence suggesting that the Federal misled for nearly 70 years in the United aimed at supporting General el-Sisi in Government ought to allow the use of States, and I apologize for my own role in his fight to make sure radical Islam marijuana for medical purposes has that. does not take over Egypt and thus never had the serious discussion that it This is what the doctor said in his threaten the entire stability of the deserves. Many desperate patients have documentary. world. defied the Federal Government’s blan- His documentary explores a number Mr. GOHMERT. And I greatly appre- ket ban on the use of marijuana as a of cases in which patients who have ciated being with you and Ms. SANCHEZ remedy for numerous ailments. various environmental neurological in Egypt. And my dear friend from The absurdity of this ban was disabilities were helped by marijuana. California knows good and well, I am brought home to me over a decade ago Anyone who watches this documentary totally on board. Count me in. when my mother, depressed after un- will see the positive effect that mari- And with that, I yield back the bal- dergoing surgery, lost her appetite and juana and its derivatives can have on ance of my time. was requiring me to spoon-feed her. ailing patients. Dr. Gupta is not alone

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 in his belief that it may prove bene- Yet, because of our decades-old pol- preventing something that doctors ficial to some patients. icy of not allowing the legitimate use— would recommend for the health of The New England Journal of Medi- or even research into the legitimate their patients that now some way dis- cine recently found that a majority of use—of the medical benefits of mari- tributing that material would result in clinicians—a majority of the clinicians juana, many individuals that we are the total destruction of that medical surveyed responded that they ‘‘would talking about, many of these veterans, professional and his life. recommend the use of medicinal mari- feel they have no choice but to break Instead of continuing to finance this juana in certain situations.’’ the law. Our Nation’s heroes who are repressive and expensive approach, we We have all heard anecdotes of the trying to escape the hellish nightmares should be willing to allow patients and ability of marijuana to improve pa- of the war that we sent them off to small businesses to follow their doc- tients’ appetites, calm those with anx- fight are forced into the compromising tor’s advice under the watchful eye of iety, and reduce the nausea for those position of illegal activity just to re- State law enforcement and regulators who are extremely sick. Most recently, ceive some relief from the pain they rather than treating it like something there has been an increased attention are suffering. that ought to be eradicated from our on the potential impacts of marijuana Parents who want to treat their chil- society. And, yes, I am sure there are on patients who suffer from seizures, as dren with nonpsychoactive extracts of plenty of people around who would love well as those with PTSD. the marijuana plant are forced to en- to just continue building our police Some particularly conservative gage in activities that, if caught and forces, spending the money; but having States in our country—Utah, Alabama, convicted under Federal law, would them target people who are engaged Kentucky, and Mississippi, for in- make these parents who are just trying not in rape or murder or some type of stance—have recently passed laws al- to help their children, it makes them aggressive action on the population but lowing patients to access medical felons—felons. instead have them focus on a doctor marijuana products such as oils that I would submit that this scenario un- who is trying to alleviate the pain of are rich in what they call the Cannibis dermines every legal and moral insti- someone who has just gone through an oil, which is CBD, which has been very tution that we want every citizen—we operation or one of our veterans who is helpful with so many patients who are want every citizen—of the United suffering some sort of posttrauma from looking for relief for children with sei- States to respect. It puts our people in his being overseas, no. To say it is a zure disorders. They have found that an impossible position. It requires total waste of money is just an under- the CBD helps these children meet this them to choose between providing re- statement. challenge in the families that are suf- lief for a loved one or breaking the law. The 26 States that I have named have fering across the country watching In many cases, that behavior is in com- gotten this message. They have been their children go through this suffering pliance—we are talking about offering making great strides toward compas- with this type of seizures and dis- medical marijuana—it is in compliance sion and, yes, towards freedom and, orders. with State law; but these people who These laws vary somewhat as to how yes, towards a responsible use of lim- need it, whose family may need it, patients are able to gain access to ited government money in our country. whose veteran coming home from the Now, after the States have done their these products in various States, they war may need it, whose mother is in job, we need the Federal Government differ, the laws differ, but they gen- the hospital who has lost her appetite to do its part. In the near future, I, erally show that patients to be treated and is depressed may need it, well, even along with several of my colleagues in with this CBD-rich marijuana product, if it is in compliance with State law, when administered by a physician and both parties, will introduce an amend- what we have got now is they are still in the course of a State-approved med- ment to the Commerce-Justice-Science a violation of Federal law, so we end up ical study, have proved to be helpful to appropriations bill to bring an end to many people’s health. Under current condemning these people to a crisis in this disruptive, ill-advised, and waste- law, however, CBD, because it is de- which their loved ones must either suf- ful policy that we have pushed on our rived from marijuana, is considered a fer or they must break the law. It is people and oppressed our people with Schedule I drug, and therefore it is pro- cruel nonsense to put our people for far too long. Specifically, our hibited to do the kind of research that through this. amendment would prohibit the Depart- Patients and providers currently run is necessary to put that into the serv- ment of Justice from using any of the the risk of having a Federal SWAT ice for our people and to make sure funds in this bill to prevent States team-like police force raid their homes that they have this available for their from implementing their own State children and for other people who are or their place of business because of medical marijuana laws. suffering. the consumption of a plant which could I think my conservative friends could We can’t even do the fundamental re- be growing right in their backyard. benefit from hearing what some of search as long as the Federal Govern- The militarization of the police force their idols have to say about this. Mil- ment continues to label it the same as in order to prevent Grandma from ton Friedman stated that it is ‘‘dis- heroin or the same as other types of using a medical herb that will ease her graceful to deny marijuana for medical drugs, cocaine and the rest. pain during her last days on Earth is purposes.’’ Dr. Friedman, whom I knew Well, we know from what I have said the type of thing that ought to make personally, a personal friend of mine, so far that there are numerous people every person who believes in liberty spent a great deal of time talking in our country who understand that and freedom—it should make them about this very issue. He and George there are people who can benefit medi- shudder, as well as, of course, respon- Schultz, former Secretary—Dr. Fried- cally, and the people who understand sible conservatives who understand we man, of course, advised Ronald Reagan this are not just civilians but medical should be making every dollar our gov- when I worked with Ronald Reagan in professionals, as well as scientists. ernment spends count and be doing the White House. As you know, I was a Also, of particular and growing inter- something that absolutely needs to be special assistant to President Reagan est are the benefits that marijuana has done. as well as a Presidential speechwriter for those who suffer from The harassment from the Drug En- for President Reagan for 7 years. There posttraumatic stress disorder, that is forcement Agency is something that with us was, of course, Dr. Milton PTSD. This is one of the most com- should not be tolerated in the land of Friedman; and he advised us of the monly diagnosed disorders for our mili- the free. Businesspeople who are li- nonsense of making marijuana illegal, tary veterans who are returning from censed and certified to provide doctor- especially for medical purposes. overseas duty. Those suffering from recommended medicine within their Then we have William F. Buckley— PTSD often experience debilitating own States have seen their businesses another man who advised conservatives nightmares, depression, and anxiety; locked down, their assets seized, their like Ronald Reagan—who I read as a and, according to many of these pa- customers driven away, and their fi- young person. In the pages of National tients, marijuana is the only thing nancial lives ruined by very, very ag- Review, which he edited, he wrote: that helps them alleviate these awful, gressive and energetic Federal law en- The stodgy inertia most politicians feel is awful symptoms. forcers enforcing a law in which we are up against a creeping reality, and that is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4055 that marijuana for medical relief is a move- given a choice in their lives, they will that we have to deal with a budget; and ment which is attracting voters who are do the right thing for themselves and it is totally inconsistent with a respon- pretty assertive on the subject. their family. I also believe they will do sible spending pattern to use such lim- Yes, William F. Buckley was a vi- it without bureaucracy, without mas- ited resources as we have, going into sionary. He saw what direction the will sive Federal intrusion into their lives. debt in order to fence in doctors and of the American people would be hav- And I also have faith in my colleagues other people who are trying to use ing, and he foresaw today that the vast that they will begin to take a second medical marijuana around the country majority of the American people do not look at this issue and see if what they and even prevent the research into want the Federal Government wasting are doing is consistent with our overall medical marijuana to show that it limited dollars destroying doctors’ belief in American freedom and per- might have some benefit. No, that is a lives, preventing research into medical sonal responsibility. travesty and a total waste of our lim- marijuana, and getting in the way of One final point I would like to make ited resources. is that, as legislators who have the the people of the States who have I would call on my conservative col- power of the purse, we have a responsi- voted to make this substance legal in leagues and my liberal colleagues, my bility to prioritize Federal tax dollars their State for medical purposes. Democrat and Republican friends and and how they are spent. Our debt has Conservatives in this body—in this the people across the country of the increased by trillions of dollars in just body, in this House—who regularly call United States to look at this issue with the last few years. This year’s deficit is for a decrease in the size and scope of an open mind, intelligently look at the expected to add an additional $500 bil- the Federal Government ought to seri- issue, look at it with your heart and lion to the debt, and the CBO estimates ously consider voting for my amend- your brain, and we will come to the that the deficit will only slightly be ment. Likewise, conservatives in this conclusion that medical marijuana, es- lower next year before ballooning up body who routinely talk about the need pecially in those States in which the again to unacceptable levels. What we for the Federal Government to respect people have decided to make medical are going through is already unaccept- the 10th Amendment of the Constitu- use of marijuana legal, that it is a able to most of us. tion and those who believe that Wash- total waste of limited Federal funds for As we look for places to cut spending, ington should not interfere with the us to be focusing the use of those Fed- why don’t we begin by eliminating doctor-patient relationship, which we eral funds on that activity at the State those expenditures which the vast ma- have heard so much about, these peo- and local levels by people who are jority of Americans believe to be an ple, my conservative colleagues, ought being given the choice by doctors as to unjustified exercise of Federal powers. to seriously consider supporting my what medicine they will use. amendment, as well. I ask my colleagues to join me in sup- In fact, if you are on the wrong side porting a commonsense amendment Let’s get the Federal Government of Milton Friedman and William F. that will be a step in the right direc- out of the areas that it shouldn’t be in. Buckley and people like Grover tion in respecting State medical mari- That should be something conserv- Norquist and George Schultz on the juana laws and will respect the indi- atives really support. And so today, I medical marijuana issue, I would sug- vidual liberties that our country be- would call on my colleagues to support gest to my colleagues that they ought lieves in. the amendment that I will be offering, to reconsider the position that they are I would hope that the Federal Gov- along with Congressman BLUMENAUER taking, that it may not be the one that ernment also, finally, we in the Federal and others here in the body, to make is consistent with the conservative be- Government will understand sure that we get back to the 10th lief in freedom, individual responsi- prioritizing spending, so even if you Amendment of the Constitution and bility, and, of course, limited govern- have questions of how someone making put into law that, when it comes to the ment. a personal choice somewhere across the medical use of marijuana, the Federal country as to whether to use medical Government will not waste its money b 1400 marijuana to help a family member trying to thwart the will of people This amendment has been introduced who is sick or to stop their own sei- throughout our country and the var- in the past, most recently in 2012, but zures or whatever, yes, even if you ious State legislatures throughout our the difference this time around is that don’t believe that individuals across country. the American people are now demand- our country or the State governments With that said, Mr. Speaker, I yield ing the Federal Government respect have a right to be able to make those back the balance of my time. the majority of the States in our coun- decisions and local voters should be try which have implemented various making those determinations, which is f medical marijuana laws. what our Founding Fathers wanted, The question at this point is whether even if you don’t believe in that, we LEAVE OF ABSENCE the American people’s Representatives should, at the very least, understand in this House will grant them the wish that we do not have resources at the By unanimous consent, leave of ab- and accede to what their opinion is and Federal level to do everything for ev- sence was granted to: understand that laws are made for erybody. Mr. HARPER (at the request of Mr. these people and their opinions have a While showing compassion for thou- CANTOR) for today on account of a right to be heard. I would hope that my sands of ailing patients across our death in the family. fellow Representatives hear the Amer- country, we can also do the right thing, ican people’s cry, hear those people that is the right thing for us to do in Mr. HASTINGS of Florida (at the re- who are trying to take care of their el- terms of balancing our budget and hav- quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today. derly mother or a veteran coming ing responsible spending patterns and Mr. RUSH (at the request of Ms. home or their children who are suf- taxing patterns here in Washington. PELOSI) for today. fering seizures and say it is a total Here is where it crosses. Here is where waste, it is a travesty to use limited the waste of taxpayer dollars and en- f dollars, to have a Federal Government forcing laws that they have already stopping a doctor in States that have said they don’t want at the State level, SENATE BILL REFERRED declared it as legal, prevent that doc- forcing this upon them, declaring that tor from offering a treatment for these someone is not going to have the per- A bill of the Senate of the following people, our loved ones, Americans sonal responsibility in his own life to title was taken from the Speaker’s throughout our country. make these decisions, even in States table and, under the rule, referred as My hope and expectation is that where our people have voted to make follows: truth and common sense will prevail. I this legal in terms of decisionmaking S. 2197. An act to repeal certain require- have faith in the American people. And for using medical marijuana, well, even ments regarding newspaper advertising of yes, I have faith in my colleagues. I be- in those States, and all of this in one Senate stationery contracts; to the Com- lieve that both the American people, formula, you still have to understand mittee on House Administration.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 DEPOSITION PROCEDURES FOR mittee and shall be provided to the members tensity Conflict, Department of Defense, THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON and the witness no less than three days be- transmitting a report entitled, ‘‘Combating THE EVENTS SURROUNDING THE fore the reconvened deposition. If a member Terrorism Activities FY 2015 Budget Esti- 2012 TERRORIST ATTACK IN of the committee appeals in writing the ruling mates’’; to the Committee on Armed Serv- ices. BENGHAZI of the chair, the appeal shall be preserved for 5623. A letter from the Director, Division of Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to committee consideration. A deponent who re- Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation, Office of section 4(c)(5)(B) of House Resolution 567, I fuses to answer a question after being di- rected to answer by the chair in writing may Workers’ Compensation Programs, Depart- hereby submit the following procedures for the ment of Labor, transmitting the Depart- taking of depositions pursuant to section be subject to sanction, except that no sanc- ment’s final rule — Black Lung Benefits Act: 4(c)(5)(A) of such resolution for printing in the tions may be imposed if the ruling of the chair Standards for Chest Radiographs (RIN: 1240- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. is reversed on appeal. AA07) received April 21, 2014, pursuant to 5 (a) Notice for the taking of depositions shall (h) Committee staff shall ensure that the U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Edu- specify the date, time, and place of examina- testimony is either transcribed or electronically cation and the Workforce. tion (if other than within the committee of- recorded or both. If a witness’s testimony is 5624. A letter from the Deputy Director, Di- fices). Depositions shall be taken under oath transcribed, the witness or the witness’s coun- rectorate of Standards and Guidance, OSHA, administered by a member or a person other- sel shall be afforded an opportunity to review Department of Labor, transmitting the De- wise authorized to administer oaths. a copy. No later than five days thereafter, the partment’s ‘‘Major’’ final rule — Electric (b) Consultation with the ranking minority witness may submit suggested changes to the Power Generation, Transmission, and Dis- tribution; Electrical Protective Equipment member shall include three business days’ no- chair. Committee staff may make any typo- graphical and technical changes. Substantive [Docket No.: OSHA-S215-2006-0063] (RIN: 1218- tice before any deposition is taken. All mem- AB67) received April 23, 2014, pursuant to 5 changes, modifications, clarifications, or bers of the Select Committee shall also re- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Edu- ceive three business days’ notice that a depo- amendments to the deposition transcript sub- cation and the Workforce. sition has been scheduled. mitted by the witness must be accompanied by a letter signed by the witness requesting 5625. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- (c) Witnesses may be accompanied at a fice of Standards, Regulations, and deposition by counsel to advise them of their the changes and a statement of the witness’s Variances, MSHA, Department of Labor, rights. No one may be present at depositions reasons for each proposed change. Any sub- transmitting the Department’s ‘‘Major’’ except members, committee staff designated stantive changes, modifications, clarifications, final rule — Lowering Miners’ Exposure to by the chair or ranking minority member, an or amendments shall be included as an ap- Respirable Coal Mine Dust, Including Con- official reporter, the witness, and the witness’s pendix to the transcript conditioned upon the tinuous Personal Dust Monitors (RIN: 1219- counsel. Observers or counsel for other per- witness signing the transcript. AB64) received May 5, 2014, pursuant to 5 (i) The individual administering the oath, if U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Edu- sons, or for agencies under investigation, may cation and the Workforce. not attend. other than a member, shall certify on the tran- (d) At least one member of the committee script that the witness was duly sworn. The 5626. A letter from the Deputy Bureau Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, Federal shall be present at each deposition taken by transcriber shall certify that the transcript is a Communications Commission, transmitting the committee, unless the witness to be de- true record of the testimony, and the transcript shall be filed, together with any electronic re- the Commission’s final rule — Technology posed agrees in writing to waive the require- Transitions; AT&T Petition to Launch a ment. cording, with the clerk of the Select Committee Proceeding Concerning the TDM-to-IP Tran- (e) A deposition shall be conducted by any in Washington, DC. Depositions shall be con- sition; Connect America Fund; Structure and member or staff attorney designated by the sidered to have been taken in Washington, Practices of the Video Relay Service Pro- chair or ranking minority member. When depo- DC, as well as the location actually taken gram; Telecommunications Relay Services sitions are conducted by committee staff attor- once filed there with the clerk of the Select and Speech-to-Speech Services for Individ- neys, there shall be no more than two com- Committee for the Select Committee’s use. uals with Hearing and Speech Disabilities; Numbering Policies for Modern Communica- mittee staff attorneys permitted to question a The chair and the ranking minority member shall be provided with a copy of the transcripts tions [GN Docket No.: 13-5] [GN Docket No.: witness per round. One of the committee staff 12-353] [WC Docket No.: 10-90] [CG Docket attorneys shall be designated by the chair and of the deposition at the same time. No.: 10-51] [CG Docket No.: 03-123] [WC Dock- the other by the ranking minority member. (j) The chair and ranking minority member et No.: 13-97] received April 17, 2014, pursuant Other committee staff members designated by shall consult regarding the release of deposi- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on the chair or ranking minority member may at- tions. If either objects in writing to a proposed Energy and Commerce. tend, but may not pose questions to the wit- release of a deposition or a portion thereof, 5627. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media ness. the matter shall be promptly referred to the Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- (f) Questions in the deposition shall be pro- Select Committee for resolution. sion, transmitting the Commission’s final pounded in rounds, alternating between the (k) A witness shall not be required to testify rule — Amendment of the Commission’s majority and minority. A single round shall not unless the witness has been provided with a Rules Related to Retransmission Consent exceed 60 minutes per side, unless the mem- copy of rule XI of the Rules of the House of [MB Docket No.: 10-71] received April 11, 2014, Representatives and these procedures. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- bers or staff attorneys conducting the deposi- mittee on Energy and Commerce. tion agree to a different length of questioning. f In each round, a member or committee staff 5628. A letter from the Chief, Broadband ADJOURNMENT Division, Wireless Communications Bureau, attorney designated by the chair shall ask Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, I Federal Communications Commission, trans- questions first, and the member or committee mitting the Commission’s final rule — staff attorney designated by the ranking minor- move that the House do now adjourn. Amendment of the Commission’s Rules with ity member shall ask questions second. The motion was agreed to; accord- Regard to Commercial Operations in the (g) Any objection made during a deposition ingly (at 2 o’clock and 7 minutes p.m.), 1695-1710 MHZ, 1755-1780 MHZ, and 2155-2180 must be stated concisely and in a non-argu- under its previous order, the House ad- MHZ Bands [GN Docket No.: 13-185] received mentative and non-suggestive manner. The journed until Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at April 11, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. witness may refuse to answer a question only 1 p.m. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. to preserve a privilege. When the witness has f objected and refused to answer a question to 5629. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- preserve a privilege, the chair of the Select EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, fice of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regu- Committee may rule on any such objection ETC. latory Commission, transmitting the Com- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive mission’s final rule — List of Approved after the deposition has adjourned. If the chair Spent Fuel Storage Casks: Transnuclear, overrules any such objection and thereby or- communications were taken from the Inc. Standardized Advanced NUHOMS Hori- ders a witness to answer any question to Speaker’s table and referred as follows: zontal Modular Storage System; Amendment which a privilege objection was lodged, such 5622. A letter from the Assistant Secretary No. 3 [NRC-2013-0271] (RIN: 3150-AJ31) re- ruling shall be filed with the clerk of the com- of Defense, Special Operations and Low In- ceived April 23, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4057 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Development, transmitting two reports pur- 5652. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- Commerce. suant to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- 5630. A letter from the Director, Office of of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight and mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory Government Reform. worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Commission, transmitting the Commission’s 5643. A letter from the Staff Director, Fed- Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2012-1318; Direc- final rule — General Site Suitability Criteria eral Election Commission, transmitting the torate Identifier 2012- NM-104-AD; Amend- for Nuclear Power Stations Regulatory Commission’s annual report for FY 2013 pre- ment 39-17789; AD 2014-05-16] (RIN: 2120-AA64) Guide 4.7, Revision 3 received April 11, 2014, pared in accordance with the Notification received April 16, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- mittee on Energy and Commerce. and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), tation and Infrastructure. 5631. A letter from the Assistant Legal Ad- Pub. L. 107-174; to the Committee on Over- 5653. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- viser, Office of Treaty Affairs, Department of sight and Government Reform. cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- State, transmitting a report prepared by the 5644. A letter from the Executive Vice mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- Department of State concerning inter- President and Chief Financial Officer, Fed- worthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc Tur- national agreements other than treaties en- eral Home Loan Bank of Chicago, transmit- bofan Engines [Docket No.: FAA-2013-1015; tered into by the United States to be trans- ting the 2013 management reports and state- Directorate Identifier 2013-NE-37-AD; mitted to the Congress within the sixty-day ments on the system of internal controls of Amendment 39-17798; AD 2014-05-25] (RIN: period specified in the Case-Zablocki Act; to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, 2120-AA64) received April 16, 2014, pursuant the Committee on Foreign Affairs. pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 9106; to the Committee to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 5632. A letter from the Chief Executive Of- on Oversight and Government Reform. Transportation and Infrastructure. ficer, Corporation for National and Commu- 5645. A letter from the Counsel to the In- nity Service, transmitting the Corporation’s spector General, General Services Adminis- f annual report for FY 2013 prepared in accord- tration, transmitting a report pursuant to PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ance with Section 203 of the Notification and the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998; to Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), Pub- ment Reform. bills and resolutions of the following lic Law 107-174; to the Committee on Over- 5646. A letter from the Chair, United States titles were introduced and severally re- sight and Government Reform. Sentencing Commission, transmitting the ferred, as follows: 5633. A letter from the Chairman, Council Commission’s amendments to the federal By Mr. POCAN (for himself, Mr. of the District of Columbia, transmitting sentencing guidelines, policy statements, PETERS of California, Ms. BROWNLEY Transmittal of D.C. Act 20-308, ‘‘Condo- and official commentary, together with the of California, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ minium Amendment Act of 2014’’; to the reasons for the amendments, pursuant to 28 of California, Mr. RUIZ, Mr. VARGAS, Committee on Oversight and Government U.S.C. 994(o); to the Committee on the Judi- Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. WAXMAN, Ms. Reform. ciary. MOORE, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. CLARKE of 5634. A letter from the Chairman, Council 5647. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- New York, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. MCGOV- of the District of Columbia, transmitting cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- ERN, Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD, Mr. Transmittal of D.C. Act 20-311, ‘‘Transpor- mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- RUSH, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SCHIFF, tation Infrastructure Mitigation Clarifica- worthiness Directives; Continental Motors, Ms. HAHN, Ms. CHU, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. tion Temporary Amendment Act of 2014’’; to Inc. Reciprocating Engines With Superior SCHRADER, Mr. SARBANES, and Mr. the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Air Parts, Inc. (SAP) Cylinder Assemblies In- GRIJALVA): ment Reform. stalled [Docket No.: FAA-2007-0051; Direc- 5635. A letter from the Chairman, Council torate Identifier 2007-NE-37-AD; Amendment H.R. 4622. A bill to allow certain student of the District of Columbia, transmitting 39-17801; AD 2014-05-29] (RIN: 2120-AA64) re- loan borrowers to refinance Federal student Transmittal of D.C. ACT 20-309, ‘‘Skyland ceived April 16, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. loans; to the Committee on Education and Town Center Omnibus Act of 2014’’; to the 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- the Workforce. Committee on Oversight and Government tation and Infrastructure. By Mr. MORAN (for himself, Mr. Reform. 5648. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- COHEN, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Ms. WILSON 5636. A letter from the Chairman, Council cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- of Florida, and Mr. SALMON): of the District of Columbia, transmitting mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- H.R. 4623. A bill to direct the Secretary of Transmittal of D.C. ACT 20-310, ‘‘Driver’s worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Transportation to conduct a notice and com- Safety Clarification Temporary Amendment Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0369; Direc- ment rulemaking before implementing cer- Act of 2014’’; to the Committee on Oversight torate Identifier 2012-NM-128-AD; Amend- tain policies relating to obstruction evalua- and Government Reform. ment 39-17793; AD 2014-05-20] (RIN: 2120-AA64) tion aeronautical studies, and for other pur- 5637. A letter from the Chairman, Council received April 16, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. poses; to the Committee on Transportation of the District of Columbia, transmitting 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- and Infrastructure. Transmittal of D.C. Act 20-312, ‘‘Department tation and Infrastructure. By Mr. CARTWRIGHT: of Parks and Recreation Fee-based Use Per- 5649. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- H.R. 4624. A bill to amend the Fair Debt mit Authority Clarification Temporary cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- Collection Practices Act to prohibit a court Amendment Act of 2014’’; to the Committee mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- from making an award of costs to a defend- on Oversight and Government Reform. worthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. ant except on a finding that an action was 5638. A letter from the Chairman, Council [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0689; Directorate brought in bad faith; to the Committee on of the District of Columbia, transmitting Identifier 2012-NM-225-AD; Amendment 39- Financial Services, and in addition to the Transmittal of D.C. Act 20-321, ‘‘Tobacco 17791; AD 2014-05-18] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to Product Manufacturer Reserve Fund Tem- April 16, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. be subsequently determined by the Speaker, porary Amendment Act of 2014’’; to the Com- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- in each case for consideration of such provi- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- tation and Infrastructure. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the form. 5650. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- committee concerned. 5639. A letter from the Chairman, Council cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- By Mr. HALL: of the District of Columbia, transmitting mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- H.R. 4625. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Transmittal of D.C. Act 20-320, ‘‘Kelsey Gar- worthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters Social Security Act to suspend the applica- dens Redevelopment Temporary Act of 2014’’; (Type Certificate Previously Held by tion of the rebasing of Medicare home health to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Eurocopter France) (Airbus Helicopters) prospective payment amounts, and for other ment Reform. [Docket No.: FAA-2011-1158; Directorate purposes; to the Committee on Ways and 5640. A letter from the Chairman, Council Identifier 2010-SW-018-AD; Amendment 39- Means, and in addition to the Committee on of the District of Columbia, transmitting 17765; AD 2011-22-05 R1] (RIN: 2120-AA64) re- Energy and Commerce, for a period to be Transmittal of D.C. Act 20-319, ‘‘Comprehen- ceived April 16, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. subsequently determined by the Speaker, in sive Planning and Utilization of School Fa- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- each case for consideration of such provi- cilities Amendment Act of 2014’’; to the Com- tation and Infrastructure. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the mittee on Oversight and Government Re- 5651. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- committee concerned. form. cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- By Mrs. CAPITO: 5641. A letter from the Associate General mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- H.R. 4626. A bill to ensure access to certain Counsel for General Law, Department of worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company information for financial services industry Homeland Security, transmitting a report Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2013-0977; Direc- regulators, and for other purposes; to the pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform torate Identifier 2013-NM-190-AD; Amend- Committee on Financial Services. Act of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight ment 39-17795; AD 2014-05-22] (RIN: 2120-AA64) By Mr. POSEY (for himself and Ms. and Government Reform. received April 16, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ): 5642. A letter from the Acting General 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- H.R. 4627. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban tation and Infrastructure. Social Security Act to authorize coverage of

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post-mastectomy water-resistant coverings of New York, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Mrs. MCCARTHY of New if they are determined to be consistent with DELAURO, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsyl- York, Mr. NADLER, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. clinical protocol or medically necessary to vania, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. TERRY, KING of New York, Ms. MENG, Mr. reduce the risk of infection, and for other Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. OWENS, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of purposes; to the Committee on Energy and YODER, and Mr. MATHESON): New York, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALO- Commerce, and in addition to the Committee H.R. 4631. A bill to reauthorize certain pro- NEY of New York, Mr. REED, Mr. on Ways and Means, for a period to be subse- visions of the Public Health Service Act re- ENGEL, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. SERRANO, quently determined by the Speaker, in each lating to autism, and for other purposes; to Mr. COLLINS of New York, Mr. GRIMM, case for consideration of such provisions as the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Mr. BISHOP of New York, and Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee By Mr. GOSAR (for himself, Mr. JONES, JEFFRIES): concerned. Mr. RUIZ, and Mr. BARROW of Geor- H.R. 4641. A bill to reauthorize the Erie By Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself, Ms. gia): Canalway National Heritage Corridor Act; to BORDALLO, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. BLU- H.R. 4632. A bill to prohibit the use of funds the Committee on Natural Resources. MENAUER, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. RICHMOND, provided for the official travel expenses of By Mr. ISRAEL: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. CONYERS, Mrs. Members of Congress and other officers and H.R. 4642. A bill to require all recreational NEGRETE MCLEOD, Ms. KUSTER, Mrs. employees of the legislative branch for air- vessels to have and post passenger capacity CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, line accommodations which are not coach- limits, to amend title 46, United States Code, Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, Ms. class accommodations, and for other pur- to authorize States to enter into contracts TSONGAS, Mr. HONDA, Mr. GARAMENDI, poses; to the Committee on House Adminis- for the provision of boating safety education Mr. NUGENT, Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, tration. services under State recreational boating Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Ms. By Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia: safety programs, and for other purposes; to JACKSON LEE, Ms. BROWN of Florida, H.R. 4633. A bill to amend title XXVII of the Committee on Transportation and Infra- Ms. DELBENE, Mrs. MILLER of Michi- the Public Health Service Act to require cer- structure, and in addition to the Committees gan, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. DESJARLAIS, tain health insurance premium increase in- on Ways and Means, and Natural Resources, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. formation submitted to the Secretary of for a period to be subsequently determined FARENTHOLD, Mrs. BLACK, Mrs. LUM- Health and Human Services be disclosed to by the Speaker, in each case for consider- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- MIS, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. VEASEY, Ms. Congress; to the Committee on Energy and risdiction of the committee concerned. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. Commerce. By Mr. LARSEN of Washington (for BARBER, Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRIS- By Mr. REICHERT (for himself and Mr. himself, Ms. NORTON, Ms. TSONGAS, HAM of New Mexico, Mr. POLIS, Ms. PASCRELL): Ms. DELBENE, Mr. PIERLUISI, Mr. HANABUSA, Ms. BASS, Mr. RUIZ, Ms. H.R. 4634. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- HECK of Washington, Mr. CARSON of DELAURO, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. MEAD- enue Code of 1986 to allow Federal law en- Indiana, Mr. ENYART, Mr. WELCH, and OWS, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. forcement officers and firefighters to make Mr. MORAN): SCHOCK, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- penalty-free withdrawals from governmental H.R. 4643. A bill to amend the Truth in lina, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. plans after age 50; to the Committee on Ways Lending Act to establish requirements for HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. PEARCE, and Means. releasing a cosigner from obligations of a By Mr. ADERHOLT: Ms. HAHN, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illi- private education loan, for the treatment of H.R. 4635. A bill to amend the Communica- nois, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. the loan upon the death or bankruptcy of a tions Act of 1934 to provide for greater access BUCSHON, Mr. VARGAS, Ms. TITUS, cosigner of the loan, and for other purposes; to in-State television broadcast program- Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, and Mr. COFFMAN): to the Committee on Financial Services. H.R. 4628. A bill to amend title 10, United ming, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. LIPINSKI (for himself, Mr. States Code, to authorize additional leave mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- NOLAN, Mr. PETERSON, Ms. MCCOL- for members of the Armed Forces in connec- dition to the Committee on the Judiciary, LUM, Mr. KLINE, Mr. ELLISON, Mrs. tion with the birth of a child; to the Com- for a period to be subsequently determined BACHMANN, Mr. WALZ, Mr. PAULSEN, mittee on Armed Services. by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Mr. NADLER, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. DUN- By Ms. DELBENE (for herself, Mr. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- CAN of Tennessee, Ms. NORTON, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. risdiction of the committee concerned. DEFAZIO, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. CUMMINGS, MCDERMOTT, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mrs. By Ms. BASS (for herself, Mr. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, NEGRETE MCLEOD, Mr. HINOJOSA, Ms. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MARINO, Ms. Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. COHEN, and Mr. ESTY, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, SLAUGHTER, and Mrs. BACHMANN): SIRES): OCAN, Ms. KUSTER, Mr. HECK of H.R. 4636. A bill to amend the Child Abuse Mr. P H.R. 4644. A bill to designate the buildings Washington, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. Prevention and Treatment Act to allow occupied by the Department of Transpor- CICILLINE, Mr. KILMER, Mr. VELA, Mr. State child protective services systems bet- tation located at 1200 New Jersey Avenue, VARGAS, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. PERL- ter to serve the needs of children who are Southeast, in the District of Columbia as the MUTTER, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mrs. KIRK- victims of trafficking, and for other pur- ‘‘James L. Oberstar United States Depart- PATRICK, Mr. PALLONE, Ms. SHEA- poses; to the Committee on Education and ment of Transportation Building Complex’’; PORTER, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. CONYERS, the Workforce. to the Committee on Transportation and In- Mr. NOLAN, Ms. HAHN, Mr. LARSEN of By Ms. BONAMICI: frastructure. Washington, Mr. PETERS of Cali- H.R. 4637. A bill to require the sunset of By Ms. LOFGREN (for herself, Mr. fornia, Mr. ENYART, Ms. WASSERMAN certain Federal Government reporting re- MASSIE, Ms. ESHOO, and Mr. SCHULTZ, Mr. HONDA, Mr. MICHAUD, quirements to Congress, and for other pur- WOODALL): and Mr. RYAN of Ohio): poses; to the Committee on Oversight and H.R. 4645. A bill to authorize any office of H.R. 4629. A bill to provide for the estab- Government Reform. the Federal Government which owns or oper- lishment of a pilot program to encourage the By Mr. CLEAVER (for himself, Mr. ates a parking area for the use of its employ- employment of veterans in manufacturing GRAVES of Missouri, Ms. NORTON, Mr. ees to install, construct, operate, and main- positions; to the Committee on Education LONG, Mr. CLAY, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, tain a battery recharging station in the area, and the Workforce. Mr. SMITH of Missouri, Mrs. WAGNER, and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. LARSON of Connecticut (for Mr. HUFFMAN, Mrs. HARTZLER, and Oversight and Government Reform. himself and Mr. ROONEY): Mr. YODER): By Mr. MURPHY of Florida (for him- H.R. 4630. A bill to amend title 10, United H.R. 4638. A bill to designate Union Station self, Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. SCHRADER, States Code, to provide for certain behav- in Washington, DC, as the ‘‘Harry S. Truman Mr. BARR, Mr. RUIZ, Mr. COFFMAN, ioral health treatment under TRICARE for Union Station’’; to the Committee on Trans- Mr. BARROW of Georgia, Mr. children and adults with developmental dis- portation and Infrastructure. FITZPATRICK, Mr. DELANEY, Mr. abilities, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. COHEN: JOYCE, Mr. KILMER, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. mittee on Armed Services. H.R. 4639. A bill to authorize funding for MATHESON, Mr. LANCE, Mr. KIND, Mr. By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- the creation and implementation of infant MEADOWS, Mr. COSTA, Mr. RODNEY self, Mr. DOYLE, Mrs. MCMORRIS ROD- mortality pilot programs in standard metro- DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. ENYART, and GERS, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. SESSIONS, politan statistical areas with high rates of Mr. RIBBLE): Mr. WOLF, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. MEEHAN, infant mortality, and for other purposes; to H.R. 4646. A bill to establish an inde- Mr. MORAN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. pendent advisory committee to review cer- MILLER of Florida, Mrs. WALORSKI, By Mr. ENGEL (for himself, Mr. SALM- tain regulations, and for other purposes; to Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Ms. ON, Mr. SIRES, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, and the Committee on Oversight and Govern- JACKSON LEE, Mr. HARPER, Mr. Mr. O’ROURKE): ment Reform, and in addition to the Com- LANCE, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. MARINO, H.R. 4640. A bill to establish the Western mittee on Rules, for a period to be subse- Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. ROONEY, Mr. Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission; to the quently determined by the Speaker, in each POMPEO, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. BACHUS, Committee on Foreign Affairs. case for consideration of such provisions as Mr. GIBSON, Mrs. MILLER of Michi- By Mr. HIGGINS (for himself, Mr. GIB- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee gan, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. KING SON, Mr. TONKO, Mr. MAFFEI, Ms. concerned.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4059 By Mr. PAULSEN (for himself, Mr. By Ms. HAHN: Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United SCHOCK, and Mr. KIND): H. Res. 580. A resolution recognizing the States Constitution. H.R. 4647. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- need for Compton Community College to re- By Mrs. CAPITO: enue Code of 1986 to increase the alternative ceive an expedited accreditation process; to H.R. 4626. tax liability limitation for small property the Committee on Education and the Work- Congress has the power to enact this legis- and casualty insurance companies; to the force. lation pursuant to the following: Committee on Ways and Means. By Ms. HAHN: Article I Section 1: All legislative Powers By Mr. RUIZ (for himself, Mr. H. Res. 581. A resolution recognizing the herein granted shall be vested in a Congress SWALWELL of California, Mr. 125th anniversary of the City Of Compton; to of the United States LOEBSACK, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mrs. the Committee on Oversight and Govern- By Mr. POSEY: NEGRETE MCLEOD, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. ment Reform. H.R. 4627. CA´ RDENAS, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. By Mr. VARGAS (for himself, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: RYAN of Ohio, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, LOWENTHAL, Ms. BASS, Ms. MENG, Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Con- Ms. LOFGREN, Ms. HAHN, Mr. SIRES, MEEKS, and Ms. GABBARD): stitution of the United States: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Ms. LEE of H. Res. 582. A resolution supporting The Congress shall have power to regulate California, Mr. PASTOR of Arizona, ‘‘United States Foreign Service Day’’ in rec- Commerce with foreign Nations, and among Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. CAS- ognition of the men and women who have the several States, and with the Indian TRO of Texas, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. served, or are presently serving, in the For- Tribes. HONDA, Mrs. BUSTOS, Mr. AL GREEN eign Service of the United States, and to Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- of Texas, Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. honor those in the Foreign Service who have stitution of the United States HORSFORD, Mrs. CAPPS, and Ms. MAT- given their lives in the line of duty; to the The Congress shall have Power to make all SUI): Committee on Foreign Affairs. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for H.R. 4648. A bill to provide for the estab- f carrying into Execution the forgoing Powers, lishment of a pilot program to train individ- and all other Powers vested by this Constitu- uals for employment in the renewable energy MEMORIALS tion in the Government of the United States and energy efficiency industries; to the Com- mittee on Education and the Workforce. Under clause 3 of rule XII, memorials or in any Department or Officer thereof. By Mr. SALMON: were presented and referred as follows: By Ms. DUCKWORTH: H.R. 4649. A bill to prohibit funding to the 201. The SPEAKER presented a memorial H.R. 4628. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Voice of America; to the Committee on For- of the Senate of the State of Louisiana, rel- lation pursuant to the following: eign Affairs. ative to Senate Resolution No. 18 memori- ‘‘The constitutional authority of Congress By Mr. STOCKMAN: alizing the Congress to reauthorize the Ter- to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H.R. 4650. A bill to amend the Inter- rorism Risk Insurance Program; to the Com- cle I, section 8 of the United States Constitu- national Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to in- mittee on Financial Services. tion (clauses 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18), which clude several additions to the many forms of 202. Also, a memorial of the House of Rep- grants Congress the power to raise and sup- violations of the right to religious freedom; resentatives of the State of Louisiana, rel- port an Army; to provide and maintain a to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ative to House Resolution No. 42 memori- Navy; to make rules for the government and By Mr. STOCKMAN: alizing the Congress to reauthorize the Ter- regulation of the land and naval forces; to H.R. 4651. A bill to designate the facility of rorism Risk Insurance Program; to the Com- provide for organizing, arming, and dis- the United States Postal Service located at mittee on Financial Services. ciplining the militia; and to make all laws 601 West Baker Road in Baytown, Texas as 203. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the necessary and proper for carrying out the the ‘‘Specialist Keith Erin Grace Jr. Memo- State of Louisiana, relative to Senate Con- foregoing powers.’’ rial Post Office’’; to the Committee on Over- current Resolution No. 52 recognizing May By Ms. DELBENE: sight and Government Reform. 2014 as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis By Mr. TIERNEY (for himself, Mr. H.R. 4629. Awareness Month; to the Committee on En- Congress has the power to enact this legis- CICILLINE, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. LARSEN ergy and Commerce. of Washington, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: 204. Also, a memorial of the Legislature of Article 1, Section 8 of the United States MCGOVERN, Ms. NORTON, Mr. RANGEL, the State of Virgin Islands, relative to Reso- Constitution. Mr. SARBANES, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. lution No. 1809 urging the Congress to adopt By Mr. LARSON of Connecticut: TONKO, Ms. TSONGAS, Mr. CAPUANO, H.R. 91; to the Committee on Ways and ´ H.R. 4630. Mr. PAYNE, Mr. CARDENAS, Mr. Means. Congress has the power to enact this legis- COURTNEY, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. HAS- f lation pursuant to the following: TINGS of Florida, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 14 MICHAUD, Mr. OWENS, Mr. POCAN, Ms. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY To make Rules for the Government and SHEA-PORTER, and Mr. LEWIS): STATEMENT Regulation of the land and naval Forces. H.R. 4652. A bill to increase lending to Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey: small businesses; to the Committee on Small H.R. 4631. Business. the Rules of the House of Representa- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. WOLF: tives, the following statements are sub- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4653. A bill to reauthorize the United mitted regarding the specific powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- States Commission on International Reli- granted to Congress in the Constitu- lation pursuant to: gious Freedom, and for other purposes; to tion to enact the accompanying bill or Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Con- the Committee on Foreign Affairs. stitution. By Mr. YODER: joint resolution. By Mr. GOSAR: H.R. 4654. A bill to delay implementation By Mr. POCAN: H.R. 4632. of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, H.R. 4622. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and for other purposes; to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: Energy and Commerce. lation pursuant to the following: This legislation is constitutionally appro- By Mr. YODER: The Congress shall have Power . . . To reg- priate pursuant to Article I, Section 8, H.R. 4655. A bill to amend the Unfunded ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and Clause 8 (the Spending Clause). Mandates Reform Act of 1995 to provide for among the several States, and with the In- The Supreme Court, in South Dakota v. regulatory impact analyses for certain rules, dian Tribes. Dole (1987), reasoned that conditions and consideration of the least burdensome regu- By Mr. MORAN: limitations on funds were constitutional and latory alternative, and for other purposes; to H.R. 4623. within the power of Congress under the the Committee on Oversight and Govern- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Spending Clause. ment Reform, and in addition to the Com- lation pursuant to the following: Thus, conditioning the use of federal funds mittees on the Judiciary, Rules, and the Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 in order to direct appropriate spending goals Budget, for a period to be subsequently de- By Mr. CARTWRIGHT: and purposes are constitutionally permis- termined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 4624. sible. As the spending is national in scope consideration of such provisions as fall with- Congress has the power to enact this legis- and pertains to all employees in the Legisla- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- lation pursuant to the following: tive Branch, and the conditions are clear, cerned. Article I, Section 8, clause 3: To regulate the limitation is constitutional. By Mr. YARMUTH (for himself and Mr. commerce with foreign nations, and among By Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia: BARR): the several states, and with the Indian H.R. 4633. H. Res. 579. A resolution recognizing the tribes; Congress has the power to enact this legis- 50th anniversary of the Congressional dec- By Mr. HALL: lation pursuant to the following: laration of bourbon whiskey as a distinctive H.R. 4625. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power product of the United States; to the Com- Congress has the power to enact this legis- granted to Congress under Article I, Section mittee on Ways and Means. lation pursuant to the following: 8 of the United States Constitution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\H09MY4.REC H09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H4060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2014 By Mr. REICHERT: Congress has the power to enact this legis- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 4634. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- This bill is enacted pursuant to Article 1 Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors lation pursuant to the following: Section 8 Clause 3 of the United States Con- were added to public bills and resolu- Pursuant to Clause 1 of Section 8 of Article stitution, which states that the Congress tions, as follows: I of the United States Constitution and shall have Power To regulate Commerce H.R. 32: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- Amendment XVI of the United States Con- with foreign Nations, and among the several fornia. stitution States, and with the Indian Tribes. H.R. 164: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. By Mr. ADERHOLT: By Mr. PAULSEN: H.R. 270: Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. WAXMAN, and H.R. 4635. H.R. 4647. Mr. COHEN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 411: Mrs. LOWEY and Mr. WALZ. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 460: Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. MENG, Mr. Art. I, § 8, Clause 3 Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- CARSON of Indiana, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, and By Ms. BASS: tion Mr. SWALWELL of California. H.R. 4636. By Mr. RUIZ: H.R. 494: Mr. ADERHOLT and Mr. MEEHAN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4648. H.R. 543: Mr. DEUTCH. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 610: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of This bill is enacted pursuant to the power lation pursuant to the following: New York. granted to Congress under Article 1, Section clause 18 of section 8 of article I of the H.R. 628: Ms. MATSUI and Mr. DELANEY. 1. Constitution H.R. 897: Mr. RAHALL and Mr. ENYART. Article. I. By Mr. SALMON: H.R. 920: Mr. COLE and Ms. JENKINS. Section 1. H.R. 4649. H.R. 942: Mr. RAHALL, Mr. KELLY of Penn- All legislative Powers herein granted shall Congress has the power to enact this legis- sylvania, Mr. COLE, Mr. HULTGREN, Mrs. be vested in a Congress of the United States, lation pursuant to the following: LUMMIS, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. RIGELL, Mr. which shall consist of a Senate and House of Article I, Section 9, Clause 7—‘‘No Money POLIS, Mr. LONG, Mr. HIGGINS, and Mr. Representatives. shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in QUIGLEY. By Ms. BONAMICI: Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; H.R. 954: Ms. HAHN. H.R. 4637. and a regular Statement and Account of the H.R. 1029: Ms. DELBENE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Receipts and Expenditures of all public H.R. 1070: Mrs. BACHMANN. lation pursuant to the following: Money shall be published from time to H.R. 1090: Mr. LARSEN of Washington. Art I, Sec. 1 time.’’ H.R. 1106: Mr. MURPHY of Florida. By Mr. CLEAVER: By Mr. STOCKMAN: H.R. 1180: Mr. KIND and Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. H.R. 4638. H.R. 4650. H.R. 1250: Mr. SCHNEIDER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1252: Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. COBLE, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. GOODLATTE, Ms. The constitutional authority of Congress Article 1. Section 8. Clause 10. MOORE, and Mrs. BEATTY. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- ‘‘[The Congress shall have Power] To de- H.R. 1333: Mr. RUSH. cle I, section 8, Clause 18 of the United fine and punish Piracies and Felonies com- H.R. 1354: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. States Constitution. mitted on the high Seas, and Offences H.R. 1416: Mr. JEFFRIES and Mr. BISHOP of By Mr. COHEN: against the Law of Nations.’’ Georgia. H.R. 4639. By Mr. STOCKMAN: H.R. 1441: Ms. MCCOLLUM. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4651. H.R. 1507: Ms. SINEMA. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1518: Mr. BARBER and Mr. JEFFRIES. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1527: Ms. MENG. Constitution Article I, Section 8 H.R. 1563: Mr. GRIJALVA. By Mr. ENGEL: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power . . . To H.R. 1620: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 4640. make all Laws which shall be necessary and H.R. 1725: Mr. MCDERMOTT. Congress has the power to enact this legis- proper for carrying into Execution the fore- H.R. 1750: Mr. WALZ, Ms. HERRERA lation pursuant to the following: going Powers, and all other Powers vested by BEUTLER, and Mr. GALLEGO. Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution this Constitution in the Government of the H.R. 1783: Mr. TAKANO. By Mr. HIGGINS: United States, or in any Department or Offi- H.R. 1801: Mr. SWALWELL of California. H.R. 4641. cer thereof.’’ H.R. 1812: Mr. COLE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. TIERNEY: H.R. 1827: Ms. NORTON. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4652. H.R. 1830: Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 Congress has the power to enact this legis- POE of Texas, Mr. JEFFRIES, Mr. LANCE, Mr. By Mr. ISRAEL: lation pursuant to the following: AMODEI, and Ms. KELLY of Illinois. H.R. 4642. Article 1, Section 8. H.R. 1838: Mr. KILMER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. WOLF: H.R. 1852: Mr. PETERS of Michigan. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4653. H.R. 1920: Mrs. CAPPS and Mr. MCNERNEY. This bill is enacted pursuant to the powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1998: Mr. MCNERNEY. granted to the Congress by Article I, Section lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2028: Ms. TITUS, Mr. LOEBSACK, and 8, and Article I, Section 9 of the United The constitutional authority on which this Ms. HANABUSA. States Constitution. bill rests is Article I, Section 8 of the United H.R. 2041: Ms. KUSTER. By Mr. LARSEN of Washington: States Constitution. H.R. 2093: Mr. COTTON. H.R. 4643. By Mr. YODER: H.R. 2144: Mr. ELLISON and Mr. ISRAEL. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4654. H.R. 2313: Ms. TSONGAS. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2415: Mr. GERLACH. As described in Article 1, Section 1 ‘‘all lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2482: Mr. THOMPSON of California. legislative powers herein granted shall be This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 2536: Mr. TAKANO. vested in a Congress.’’ granted Congress under Article I of the H.R. 2540: Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. By Mr. LIPINSKI: United States Constitution, including: the H.R. 2543: Mr. JEFFRIES and Ms. ESTY. H.R. 4644. power granted Congress under Article I, Sec- H.R. 2607: Mr. ELLISON, Ms. NORTON, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion 8, Clause 18, of the United States Con- Mrs. DAVIS of California. lation pursuant to the following: stitution, and the power granted to the H.R. 2619: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Mr. Clause 2 of Section 3 of Article IV of the House of Representatives specifically Clause BISHOP of New York. Constitution: 3. H.R. 2663: Ms. BONAMICI and Mr. BERA of The Congress shall have Power to dispose By Mr. YODER: California. of and make all needful Rules and Regula- H.R. 4655. H.R. 2690: Mr. LEWIS. tions respecting the Territory or other Prop- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2706: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. erty belonging to the United States; lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2737: Mr. COHEN. By Ms. LOFGREN: This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 2807: Mr. COBLE. H.R. 4645. granted Congress under Article I of the H.R. 2841: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Congress has the power to enact this legis- United States Constitution, including: the H.R. 2878: Mr. HINOJOSA. lation pursuant to the following: power granted Congress under Article I, Sec- H.R. 2901: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts and Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of tion 8, Clause 18, of the United States Con- Mrs. WALORSKI. the United States. stitution, and the power granted to the H.R. 2906: Mr. HUNTER. By Mr. MURPHY of Florida: House of Representatives specifically Clause H.R. 2921: Mr. COURTNEY. H.R. 4646. 3. H.R. 2939: Mr. MARINO.

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H.R. 2955: Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 4084: Mr. TAKANO and Mr. COURTNEY. H. Res. 489: Mr. KING of New York, Mrs. H.R. 2957: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia and H.R. 4158: Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. CHABOT, HARTZLER, and Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. CRENSHAW, and Mr. FORBES. H. Res. 525: Mr. LEVIN, Mr. MCNERNEY, and H.R. 2994: Mr. PASCRELL and Mr. JOLLY. H.R. 4166: Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mrs. DAVIS of California. H.R. 3040: Mr. POCAN and Ms. MICHELLE Mr. WOMACK, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. H. Res. 532: Mr. SARBANES, Mr. MCGOVERN, LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico. PRICE of North Carolina, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. and Mr. HONDA. H.R. 3086: Mr. WALBERG, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. DELANEY, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. Pollis, Mr. LAR- H. Res. 556: Ms. LOFGREN. BARTON, Mr. KIND, and Mr. WOMACK. SEN of Washington, and Mr. LANGEVIN. H. Res. 561: Mr. TERRY, Mr. GRAYSON, Ms. H.R. 3112: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 4188: Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. SCHOCK, Mr. MCCOLLUM, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. H.R. 3116: Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Ms. ESHOO, COSTA and Mrs. BLACK. FUDGE, and Ms. SLAUGHTER. Ms. SHEA-PORTER, and Mr. MAFFEI. H.R. 4190: Mr. OWENS, Mr. SCHNEIDER, and H. Res. 562: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. H.R. 3242: Mr. MCINTYRE. Ms. KELLY of Illinois. ROTHFUS, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. H.R. 3301: Mr. BILIRAKIS. H.R. 4208: Mr. AMODEI. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- H.R. 3344: Mr. KILMER. H.R. 4250: Mr. PERLMUTTER. fornia, Mr. LEWIS, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. H.R. 3361: Mr. GOODLATTE. H.R. 4265: Mr. GRIJALVA and Mrs. KIRK- GARAMENDI, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. H.R. 3367: Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. COTTON, Mr. PATRICK. PERLMUTTER, and Mr. DEUTCH. CRAMER, Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. WILSON of H.R. 4290: Mr. MCGOVERN. H. Res. 564: Ms. NORTON, Mr. VELA, and Ms. South Carolina, Mr. TIPTON, Mr. MILLER of H.R. 4305: Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. COLLINS of BASS. Florida, Mr. RICE of South Carolina, and Mr. Georgia, and Ms. KELLY of Illinois. H. Res. 570: Ms. LEE of California, Mr. RAN- WILLIAMS. H.R. 4315: Mr. POMPEO and Mr. TIBERI. GEL, and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. H.R. 3369: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska and Mr. H.R. 4342: Mr. WENSTRUP. H. Res. 571: Mr. SCHOCK. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 4351: Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. H. Res. 573: Mr. PETERS of California, Ms. H.R. 3383: Mr. KEATING. WALDEN and Mr. LIPINSKI. CHU, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, H.R. 3395: Mr. YARMUTH and Ms. HANABUSA. H.R. 4385: Mr. POLIS, Mr. LOEBSACK, and Mr. SCHNEIDER, Ms. GABBARD, Mr. JOHNSON of H.R. 3413: Mr. COFFMAN. Ms. DUCKWORTH. UFFY LARK H.R. 3494: Mr. MCNERNEY. Ohio, Mr. D , Ms. C of Massachu- H.R. 4399: Mr. COHEN. H.R. 3505: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. setts, Mr. ENYART, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. GRIFFIN H.R. 4426: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 3530: Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. KIL- of Arkansas, and Mr. WELCH. H.R. 4427: Mr. DEFAZIO. MER, and Mr. GOSAR. H. Res. 577: Mr. ADERHOLT, Ms. DELBENE, H.R. 4433: Mr. ENYART. H.R. 3544: Mr. HUNTER. and Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. H.R. 4437: Mr. BARTON. H.R. 3610: Mr. KILMER and Mr. GOSAR. H. Res. 578: Mr. PETERS of Michigan, Mr. H.R. 4450: Mr. MORAN and Mr. COURTNEY. H.R. 3665: Mr. CAPUANO. CARSON of Indiana, Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, H.R. 4460: Ms. GABBARD. H.R. 3694: Mr. GEORGE MILLER of Cali- Ms. MENG, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. STIV- ALVERT. fornia. H.R. 4475: Mr. C ERS, Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. H.R. 4489: Mr. LAMBORN. H.R. 3714: Ms. ESHOO. GALLEGO, Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD, and Ms. H.R. 4502: Mr. LONG. H.R. 3717: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. MCCOLLUM. ARY ILLER H.R. 3722: Mr. VARGAS, Mr. AMODEI, and H.R. 4521: Mr. G G. M of Cali- fornia, Mr. STIVERS, and Mr. BACHUS. Mr. HUFFMAN. f H.R. 3723: Mr. ROSS and Mr. LIPINSKI. H.R. 4522: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. H.R. 3740: Ms. DELBENE. H.R. 4541: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. H.R. 4573: Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. POE of DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM H.R. 3776: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 3854: Mr. VALADAO. Texas, Mrs. WAGNER, and Mr. SIRES. H.R. 3905: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 4577: Mr. MASSIE. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 3930: Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. LABRADOR, H.R. 4578: Ms. SPEIER. were deleted from public bills and reso- H.R. 4587: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. and Ms. FRANKEL of Florida lutions, as follows: H.R. 3976: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. ROHRABACHER, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- H.R. 3989: Mr. LUCAS and Mr. BILIRAKIS. lina, and Mr. POE of Texas. H.R. 4615: Mr. PETERS of California. H.R. 4031: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia and Mr. H.R. 4590: Mr. GOHMERT. GRAVES of Missouri. H.R. 4615: Mr. PETERS of Michigan and Mr. f H.R. 4056: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. AMODEI. H.R. 4060: Mr. HURT, Mr. RENACCI, Mr. H.R. 4618: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia and Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. ROSS, Mr. VEASEY, and Mr. SCHOCK. ENYART. H.R. 4065: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of H.R. 4619: Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania and Under clause 3 of rule XII, New York. Mr. YOUNG of Indiana. 80. The SPEAKER presented a petition of H.R. 4079: Mr. CA´ RDENAS and Ms. ROYBAL- H. J. Res. 113: Mr. SCHNEIDER. the City of Santa Ana, California, relative to ALLARD. H. Res. 412: Mrs. CAPITO and Mr. Resolution No. 2014-012 expressing support H.R. 4080: Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. HONDA, MCDERMOTT. for comprehensive federal immigration re- Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. COHEN, H. Res. 440: Mr. POCAN, Mr. MEEKS, and Mr. form; which was referred to the Committee Mr. CA´ RDENAS, and Mr. RUIZ. QUIGLEY. on the Judiciary.

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RECOGNIZING MR. JOHN C. PITTS couple close to death. She then worked in a RECOGNIZING THE CAMP MERRILL rest home and from that job, created a crew CHOW STAFF HON. DANIEL WEBSTER who cleaned houses around the Salt Lake City OF FLORIDA area. It was during this job that Sonia learned HON. DOUG COLLINS English. Sonia also worked as an interpreter; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF GEORGIA she is fluent in French, Spanish, Portuguese IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, May 9, 2014 and English. Friday, May 9, 2014 Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is In 1990, Sonia came to Texas. She first my privilege to recognize Mr. John C. Pitts of worked for Air France and from there went on Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Evans High School in Orlando, Florida. Mr. to work for Continental Airlines. She started rise to recognize the exemplary actions of the Pitts, a Florida native, bravely served our out doing transit operations and later went on Camp Merrill chow staff during the winter country in World War II as a Navy Seal in the to work in corporate security. Sonia pioneered storms that hit Georgia in January and Feb- Underwater Demolition Team #25. In 1957, a team that put together Continental Airlines ruary. Mr. Pitts began teaching junior high at Evans first security group. L & S Services employees serve the 5th High School, and in 1961, he moved into ad- It is during this time that Sonia began work- Ranger Training Battalion in the Camp Merrill ministration as the school’s assistant principal. ing with different databases and programs for Chow Hall. After temporarily leaving Evans High School to training purposes, and first got into IT. Shortly When winter weather crippled parts of Geor- lead several other schools in Orange County, after 9/11, Sonia created Virtual Intelligence gia earlier this year, members of this team vol- Mr. Pitts returned to Evans in 1977 where he Providers, L.L.C (VIP). VIP is an information unteered their personal time and even risked served as principal until his retirement in 1988. technology company that focuses on oil and personal safety to ensure that Army oper- Educators like Mr. Pitts are shining exam- gas. It first started out as a way to help her ations would continue without degradation. ples of the fruits of selflessness. Their commit- friends find jobs that had been lost due to the Thanks to the sacrifice of L & S Services ment to students models the life-changing im- events on September 11th. She began reach- personnel, more than 300 students were able pact a dedicated educator can have on a com- ing out to different companies and as Sonia to successfully complete the mountain phase munity and on the individual lives of students. put it, she didn’t just start with the little guy, of Ranger school. In addition, this experience led to the devel- For more than five decades, Mr. Pitts has she reached out to huge corporations and opment of a procedure for folks to stay at been a tireless advocate for the students, ath- Shell Oil became her first client. Camp Merrill to support operations during se- letes and families of Evans High School. It is VIP grew very quickly, making $300,000 in vere weather—a plan that was followed just a with sincere appreciation that I thank Mr. Pitts its first year and hitting the million dollar mark few weeks later, when a dangerous ice storm for his commitment to our nation’s youth and in its second. VIP has been in business for 13 struck the area. for his service to our country. His leadership years. Even in the face of significant challenges and dedication continue to be an inspiration to In all her success, Sonia always remembers this winter, L & S Services employees pro- us all. to give back and promotes this spirit through- vided consistent and outstanding service to f out VIP and its employees. She has started three nonprofits: The VIP Education Founda- Camp Merrill. I commend these individuals for going A TRIBUTE TO SONIA CLAYTON tion, The Angels for Soldiers Foundation and above and beyond the call of duty to support The Cancer Foundation. our men and women in uniform, and ulti- Sonia also continues to support the Mormon HON. TED POE mately, our national security. OF TEXAS Church. It is through Mormonism that she f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grew to become familiar and be involved with Christian and American values, which she wit- Friday, May 9, 2014 HONORING MR. GEORGE A. nessed growing up through the works of mis- EMANUELSON Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I would like sionaries and Red Cross workers. to recognize Ms. Sonia Clayton for her tre- Sonia said that Americans are very gen- HON. KEITH ELLISON mendous accomplishments with her business, erous people and America is the only country OF MINNESOTA numerous awards she has received and for in the world that worries about its neighbors IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES being featured on the cover of Small Business and helps maintain their freedoms and lib- Today magazine. Sonia is a perfect example erties. She also knows that it takes genuine Friday, May 9, 2014 of the American Dream. people who are willing to sacrifice that make Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Sonia was born in Colombia, where she this country great. She raised her children with honor of George A. Emanuelson, a World War spent the first part of her childhood, before the principle that they can either serve God or II veteran who served as an Armed Gunner moving to Venezuela and eventually the their Country. Her son is an officer in the US with the aboard the S.S. United States. Growing up, Sonia said life was Navy and her daughter is a returned mis- Mello Franco as well as the S.S. James S. not easy. She had no father figure, and grew sionary in the Mormon Church. Lawson. up poor in an underdeveloped country. She Sonia believes all these works are a way to Mr. Emanuelson honorably and faithfully said that living without a paternal figure, she give back to America so that someone is able carried out his duties, and our country is in- had to figure things out on her own and learn to benefit from her and her family’s generosity, debted to him and his fellow sailors for their how to survive. It is during this time that Sonia the same generosity that she once benefited heroic service. As a member of our nation’s learned how to ‘‘think outside the box,’’ as she from. ‘‘Greatest Generation,’’ Mr. Emanuelson an- put it. Sonia is a remarkable, successful woman, swered the call of duty during a perilous time She said that she learned to get creative gracious and giving citizen and a cancer sur- of war. World War II was an event that shaped and embrace the challenge, tackle it and over- vivor. Her exceptional story reminds us that the trajectory of not only our country, but also come it. As she explained, when there is even in times of great adversity, we can suc- the entire world. We owe service members someone there to prevent chaos in your life, ceed if we work with tireless determination. like Mr. Emanuelson our eternal gratitude for you learn nothing, but when you have to figure She teaches people everywhere the impor- standing up against fascism that threatened it out on your own, you learn how to survive, tance of giving back and I am thankful to have democracy and safety across the globe. because you have to. her as one of my many neighbors in Houston, Thanks to men and women like Mr. In 1984, Sonia moved to the United States. Texas. Sonia embodies the character of a Emanuelson, our democratic ideals have per- In order to support herself, she had three jobs. Texan through and through. severed and led us to become the most influ- She first worked as a caretaker for an elderly And that’s just the way it is. ential nation in the world today.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09MY8.001 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 Mr. Emanuelson makes Minnesotans proud. ation Helping Hand, the most valuable and Under the leadership of Pastor Tate, several On behalf of all Minnesotans and Americans, honored recognition comes from the grateful ministries were formed at Rock Springs I recognize Mr. Emanuelson’s dutiful service to patients and their families once their rehabilita- Church in order to meet the needs of the com- our country during one of its most dire times tion has been completed. munity, including: of need. Mr. Speaker, I could not be prouder to have The Rock Springs Medical Clinic to care for f many of these wonderful citizens as constitu- those who cannot afford medical insurance, ents. Caring folks like the ones at Operation the Potter’s House, which ministers to women OPERATION HELPING HAND 10TH Helping Hand are what makes America the battling drug and alcohol abuse, Rock Springs ANNIVERSARY land of the free and the home of the brave. Christian Academy, offering quality education God bless them, God bless our veterans, and to children K through 12, and the Impact HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS God bless America. Street Ministries, which helps the homeless by OF FLORIDA f serving meals and providing clothing to those IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in need. CELEBRATING ONE HUNDRED Friday, May 9, 2014 Psalm 68:5 says, ‘‘A father to the fatherless, YEARS OF COMMUNITY IN THE a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwell- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to TOWN OF PROSPER ing.’’ Or James 1:27 says, ‘‘Religion that God honor Operation Helping Hand on its 10th An- our Father accepts as pure and faultless is niversary. Operation Helping Hand is a labor HON. SAM JOHNSON this: to look after orphans and widows in their of love dedicated to providing support for our OF TEXAS distress and to keep oneself from being pol- United States Military active duty personnel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES luted by the world.’’ who have been injured in military operations in Dr. Tate’s work is a shining example of what Friday, May 9, 2014 Iraq and Afghanistan and are currently being scripture tells us the role of the church should cared for at the James A. Haley VA Hospital Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, be—to care for the poor, the fatherless, and in Tampa, Florida. I rise today to join the community of Prosper, widows. Started in May 2004, Operation Helping Texas, in celebrating its 100th anniversary. Today, Pastor Tate and his wife of more Hand is a special initiative of the Tampa This milestone is a true testament and living than thirty years, Barbara, reside in Griffin Chapter of the Military Officers Association of legacy of the hard work, perseverance, and Georgia, and are parents to their daughter, America (MOAA), which currently has over spirit of community that the early settlers first Savannah Abigail. five hundred members. Operation Helping fostered. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Hand is governed by five retired officers, one The Town of Prosper is conveniently located in honoring Pastor Benny Tate for his 25 prior enlisted Non-Commissioned Officer, and to the north of Frisco in Collin County. Incor- years of outstanding leadership and service to operated by many dedicated volunteers. In the porated in 1914 with a commission form of his community at Rock Springs Church. I wish ten years since its inception, its efforts have government, Prosper started off with a popu- him many blessed years ahead as he con- assisted hundreds of active duty, recently re- lation of just 500 residents. After the war and tinues to lead, serve, and further the gospel at tired, and wounded heroes and their families. the depression the mechanization of farming his full service church. Operation Helping Hand knows that one of the provided the next big impact on Prosper’s f most important aspects of the patients’ reha- population. bilitation is having family support during their In 1980, the introduction of light industry, RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT recovery. That is why it helps facilitate this combined with the growth of the Metroplex, OF SIERRA SANDS UNIFIED through a myriad of services such as travel led to a comeback for Prosper. Today, Pros- SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPER- assistance with roundtrip air fare for imme- per continues to grow and is home to more INTENDENT JOANNA RUMMER diate family members, rental cars for traveling, than 11,000 residents, 100 businesses and gas, lodging, and other various arrangements one high school state football championship, HON. KEVIN McCARTHY that help connect family members to their Prosper High School. The town continues to OF CALIFORNIA loved ones during their rehabilitation. These welcome new ventures to their thriving com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES services would not be possible without the munity every year. While 100 years have Friday, May 9, 2014 generous contributions and grants from indi- passed since its founding, Prosper truly is a viduals, corporations, and associations, which, shining example of what makes North Texas a Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Mr. Speaker, through Operation Helping Hand’s fundraising great place to live, work, and raise a family. I rise today to recognize the retirement of my efforts, have been able to give well over $1.8 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me good friend Joanna (Jody) Rummer, who has million back to assist our wounded military in congratulating the Town of Prosper on their served the Sierra Sands Unified School Dis- service-members and their families. 100th anniversary. I also commend the Mayor trict for 26 years. Mr. Speaker, for wounded heroes and their of Prosper Ray Smith and all those who call Joining the school district as a science families, Operation Helping Hand hosts month- Prosper home, for their dedication, commit- teacher in 1988, Jody went on to serve as as- ly dinners—many of which I have been privi- ment, and efforts in contributing to Prosper’s sistant principal at Murray Middle School and leged to attend—at the James A. Haley VA continued growth and excellence while pre- Burroughs High School before eventually be- Hospital. On May 15th, Operation Helping serving the values of a close-knit community. coming Burroughs’ co-Principal. In 2001, she Hand will proudly host its 120th consecutive That’s something we simply can’t put a price joined the district administrative staff as the dinner. Those in regular attendance at the on. I look forward to seeing what the next 100 coordinator of special projects before becom- monthly dinners consist of concerned citizens, years have in store. ing the assistant superintendent of curriculum community leaders, active duty military and God Bless all your efforts, and I salute you. and instruction. In 2004, Jody became the military retirees. Deliciously catered dinners f school district’s superintendent and embarked are provided by local restaurants that, in con- on a journey that would ultimately transform junction with other local businesses, gener- TRIBUTE TO PASTOR BENNY TATE the Sierra Sands Unified School District. ously stuff gift bags chock full of useful per- When Jody took the wheel, her vision was sonal items and gift certificates for the loved HON. PAUL C. BROUN to enhance and grow Sierra Sands. Today, ones of wounded veterans. OF GEORGIA Jody’s vision is rooted in the foundation of all Mr. Speaker, for its incredible charitable IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eleven district schools, which have been rec- work, it is no wonder that Operation Helping ognized statewide as institutions of academic Hand has received many accolades from, but Friday, May 9, 2014 excellence, earned the California Distin- not limited to, the Greater Tampa Chamber of Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise guished School award, and designated as a Commerce, the United Way of Tampa Bay, to recognize Pastor Benny Tate, the Senior California Blue Ribbon school. Within the halls and the Mayor’s Alliance. Additionally, Oper- Pastor of Rock Springs Church in Milner, of those schools, you’ll find students excelling ation Helping Hand has been a recipient of the Georgia, for over 25 years. in California’s finest programs for Science, ‘‘Newman’s Own’’ recognition, the 2010 Gov- When Dr. Benny Tate first arrived in Milner, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ernor’s Points of Light Award, the Florida Dis- Georgia, Rock Springs Church had just 60 (STEM) education, mastering the art of music, tinguished Service Medal, and the President’s members in its congregation. Today, that num- visual arts, and drama, and setting athletic Call to Service Award. But, according to Oper- ber has grown to more than 6,000. milestones as state champions in multiple

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09MY8.004 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E727 sports. Additionally, in the face of the most Commander-in-Chief William A. Thien as he Charles. He is survived by his wife of more challenging of fiscal environments since the visits the State of Michigan and our Fifth Con- than fifty years Agnes, five children and 12 Great Depression, Sierra Sands Unified gressional District on Monday, May 12, 2014. grandchildren. Mr. Speaker and my distin- School District has maintained fiscal solvency William A. ‘‘Bill’’ Thien was elected Com- guished colleagues in the House, please join throughout the entirety of her superintendency. mander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign me in honoring Michael Heisley, his family, A relentless advocate for her students, I Wars on July 24, 2013, at the VFW’s 114th and his legacy of service and achievement. was honored to work recently with her to se- National Convention, held in Louisville, KY. f cure almost $60 million in Federal defense Having served in the U.S. Navy from 1969– funds to replace Murray Middle School and 1974 as well as five years in the Indiana Na- RECOGNIZING TAYLOR COUNTY modernize Burroughs High School. Many of tional Guard, Commander Thien holds decora- SHERIFF’S DEPUTY ROBERT the parents of Sierra Sands students work at tions that include the LUNDY Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in with 3 stars, Vietnam Campaign Medal with state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories while 1960 Bar, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal HON. STEVE SOUTHERLAND II their children attend class in 1940s and 1950s (Korea), National Defense Service Medal and OF FLORIDA era buildings. Jody was instrumental in secur- several from the National Guard. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing these funds and worked tirelessly with the He joined the VFW in 1971 at Post 3281 in Friday, May 9, 2014 New Albany, IN, where he maintains his Gold Department of Defense through a competitive Mr. SOUTHERLAND. Mr. Speaker, I rise Legacy Life Membership. He has served the process to ensure her students can learn in today to recognize a truly heroic and remark- VFW in many leadership positions including modern buildings in today’s digital society. able man, Taylor County Sheriff’s Deputy Rob- All American Post Commander, All State Dis- Jody also was key to Sierra Sands securing ert Lundy. On February 5, 2014, Deputy trict Commander and All American State Com- $7 million to build a state-of-the-art new Ca- Lundy was having his car serviced in Perry, mander. He has also held positions on numer- reer Technical Education Building. Florida, when a crazed gunman drove his ve- I have known Jody for years, and always ous National committees, including Vice Chair- hicle through the front of the store and opened sought her advice when I served in the Cali- man of Citizenship Education and Community fire. fornia Assembly and now in the U.S. House of Service and as Chairman of National Scholar- Despite being off duty at the time and suf- Representatives. Whether it is working to pro- ship and Recognition. fering a close range shotgun blast, Deputy vide resources under the Individuals with Dis- Now retired, Commander Thien is a mem- Lundy courageously engaged the shooter abilities Education Act so schools can better ber of the American Legion, Veterans of Viet- without hesitation and took him down. As a re- serve their disabled students, to critical re- nam War Post 1, National Rifle Association, sult of Deputy Lundy’s bold and selfless ac- forms to the Impact Aid program to help en- Patriot Guard Riders, Military Order of the tions, innocent lives were saved that day and sure military-serving districts, like Sierra Cootie Pup Tent 51 and VFW National Home. a gunman intent on causing mayhem was Sands, can continue to provide a world-class Mr. Speaker, I applaud Commander William stopped before he could do any more harm. education to its students by cutting through Thien for his strong leadership and unwaver- After spending several weeks in a coma and bureaucratic red tape, to working on common- ing commitment to our country. being told he would need at least a year in the sense reforms to the Elementary and Sec- f hospital, Deputy Lundy was able to return ondary Education Act that focus on students, HONORING MICHAEL HEISLEY, SR. home in just over two months—a testament to Jody has tirelessly represented her students, his strength of spirit and an unyielding deter- school district, and our Ridgecrest commu- mination to be there for his wife and two nity’s interest while providing sound, objective, HON. PETER J. ROSKAM young daughters. and to-the-point advice. When I visit Jody in OF ILLINOIS While Deputy Lundy has a long road ahead Ridgecrest and speak to students, she is al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in his recovery, his bravery and selfless sac- ways quick to laud her staff, teachers and stu- Friday, May 9, 2014 rifice will not be forgotten. On behalf of the dents’ achievements and hard work that have people of Florida’s Second Congressional Dis- made Sierra Sands one of the best school dis- Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the passing of a great Illinois business- trict, I express my sincere gratitude to Deputy tricts in Kern County and the State of Cali- Lundy and wish him a speedy and successful fornia. Those are some of the reasons why man and philanthropist, Michael Heisley, Sr. who passed last Saturday at the age of 77. He recovery. she has been twice recognized by the Asso- f ciation of California School Administrators as was a classic American success story. In Administrator of the Year and named this year 1979, he mortgaged his house and took out a HONORING PASTOR EUGENE as California’s Superintendent of the Year. loan to buy a bankrupt industrial equipment ROBERSON OF FIRST CORIN- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of our community, I company which he then turned around to be- THIAN MISSIONARY BAPTIST would like to wish a happy retirement to Jody come profitable. He purchased other Rust Belt CHURCH IN NORTH CHICAGO ON Rummer, who has devoted so much of her life manufacturing companies, including some in HIS 20TH ANNIVERSARY to the success of the students and community the 6th District of Illinois, and in the process she holds so close to her heart. I will miss turned his Heico Companies into one of the HON. BRADLEY S. SCHNEIDER largest private companies in the Chicagoland working with Jody, but I know she will still be OF ILLINOIS area. He did not buy businesses to flip them, involved in education and our Ridgecrest com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES but to fix them and make them thriving enter- munity and I look forward to still be able to call Friday, May 9, 2014 on her for advice to strengthen the educational prises once again. needs not only of Ridgecrest, our county, or Mr. Heisley not only kept manufacturing jobs Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to our state, but of our country. in the United States, he also brought jobs congratulate my friend, Pastor Eugene back to the United States. He was able to f Roberson of First Corinthian Missionary Bap- move the NBA’s Vancouver Grizzlies to Mem- tist Church in North Chicago on his 20th Pas- RECOGNIZING VETERANS OF FOR- phis, Tennessee. Like the companies he fixed, toral Anniversary. Over those 20 years, Pastor EIGN WARS OF THE UNITED he left the Grizzlies in far better shape than he Roberson has been a dedicated community STATES COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF found them. Mr. Heisley was a philanthropist servant and a passionate religious leader, WILLIAM A. THIEN FOR HIS who donated to numerous charities including: making him a prominent figure throughout the LEADERSHIP AND UNWAVERING St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in suburban Chicago district that I represent. COMMITMENT TO OUR COUNTRY Memphis, St. Patrick’s Catholic School in St. With his leadership and guidance, First Co- Charles, his alma mater Georgetown Univer- rinthian has grown tremendously over the past HON. DANIEL T. KILDEE sity, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial two decades, both physically and spiritually. OF MICHIGAN Fund, in honor of his brother Joseph who Membership continues to rise annually, and in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES served and his best friend Rocky who died in 2001, First Corinthian finished a brick and Vietnam. mortar addition and renovation, fulfilling part of Friday, May 9, 2014 Mr. Heisley never lost track of his ties to St. Pastor Roberson’s vision for the church. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House Charles, IL his home of 35 years. He served His weekly sermons and Bible study of Representatives to join me in recognizing on the St. Charles School Board and was a courses offer insight and inspiration. His pas- of the United States longtime parishioner at St. Patrick’s in St. sion and enthusiasm engage all generations of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09MY8.008 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 his community. And his vision and determina- and businesses, the fact remains that if we RECOGNIZING THE U.S. BORDER tion help enrich his flock and his city with com- are going to have a serious discussion about PATROL’S 90TH ANNIVERSARY munity initiatives and charitable activities. tax reform and balancing the budget, Con- After 20 years, Pastor Roberson is an un- gress cannot simply ignore the other side of HON. CANDICE S. MILLER disputed community leader in Lake County as the ledger: revenues. In addition, Congress well as a respected a faith leader. The breadth OF MICHIGAN cannot and should not be in the business of of his work in the community has drawn many IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES picking winners and losers. accolades and much recognition, including awards from the city and the College of Lake Again, it is ‘‘hypocritical’’ that our Repub- Friday, May 9, 2014 County and recognition from the Illinois Gen- lican friends won’t offset the R&D credit but let Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I eral Assembly. emergency unemployment insurance for the rise today to recognize the United States Bor- Leaders like Pastor Roberson ensure our long-term unemployed expire because they der Patrol’s 90th anniversary of its founding. communities remain close and strong and fo- claim that we could not find an offset that they First established as the Mounted Guard, cused, in common purpose, on giving back would support. founding members came from a large number and helping out. Congratulations again to Pas- I ask my colleagues to reject this bill and of disparate groups that included Texas Rang- tor Roberson on 20 years with First Corinthian ers, sheriffs, and deputized cowboys who pa- end this partisan lawmaking. Missionary Baptist Church. I look forward to trolled the Texas frontier looking for smug- many future successes for many years to glers, rustlers, and people illegally entering the f come. United States. f RECOGNIZING MIKE GRECO A Department of Labor Appropriation Act on AMERICAN RESEARCH AND May 28, 1924, formally established the U.S. COMPETITIVENESS ACT OF 2014 Border Patrol with an initial force of 450 Patrol HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO Inspectors, each patrolman responsible for fur- SPEECH OF nishing his own horse. HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE OF NEW YORK Prohibition radically changed the role of the OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES early Border Patrol due to the rampant smug- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gling of alcohol across the borders. As a re- Friday, May 9, 2014 Thursday, May 8, 2014 sult, a formal training regime was initiated for Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great this young organization at Camp Chigas in El Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Paso, Texas. strong opposition to H.R. 4438. This bill is the pleasure and admiration that I stand before you today to honor Mr. Michele ‘‘Mike’’ Greco In August 1942, the Border Patrol’s emblem exact opposite of the fiscal conservatism was officially designated with a circular solid for his more than 60 years of outstanding which has been preached by the G.O.P. navy blue background surrounded by yellow H.R. 4438, the American Research and commitment to The Bronx and to my congres- with the continental United States centered in Competitiveness Act, permanently extends the sional district. Michele, better known as Mike, the middle with the words ‘‘U.S. BORDER PA- research and development tax credit that ex- has consistently been a commendable contrib- TROL’’ embossed in yellow on top, becoming pired at the end of 2013, but modifies the utor to The Bronx community, and stands as a highly recognizable emblem worldwide. credit to make it simpler to calculate. a living example of true commitment, citizen- I think we can all agree that on the merits, The original emblem is still in use and is the R&D Tax Credit is one of the most prac- ship, and good service to the community. worn proudly by the men and women of the tical, useful, and well-subscribed tax credits. Michele Greco left the small town of Border Patrol on all of their uniforms. The Not only do large multinationals and many Mendicino in Calabria, Italy in 1949, and immi- motto of the U.S. Border Patrol, ‘‘Honor First,’’ small research facilities use it; but numerous grated to the Arthur Avenue section of The grew out of the dedication and actions of the universities, including the University of Hous- Bronx. While not a native member of the com- first men who called themselves U.S. Border Patrol Inspectors, later to be known as U.S. ton, the University of Texas, Texas Southern munity, Mike has grown to embody all of the Border Patrol Agents. University, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech, best characteristics of our community, and I In the past 90 years, Border Patrol Agents among others, also take advantage of this job- am proud to call him a colleague in service, producing credit. have enforced our Nation’s immigration laws, and even more proud to call him a friend. Yet, the Republicans hypocritically failed to provided border security, responded to civil do something which they usually love to take Mike has grown to be an invaluable member disturbances, acted as air marshals, assisted credit for—and that is—to PAY for the bill by of the community whose dedication to the State and local law enforcement, trained for- including an offset. neighborhood can be seen through all facets eign officers, and provided humanitarian as- It provides no offset for the cost, which the of his work. sistance. The present force of over 21,000 nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office esti- agents, located in 139 stations within 20 sec- Today, at 85 years young, Mike’s commit- mates would reduce revenues by $156 billion tors across the southern and northern borders over 10 years. This bill is the first in a series ment is shown through his opening of The has been given an immense responsibility— of individual tax ‘‘extenders’’ that I understand Bronx’s favorite neighborhood deli, Mike’s protecting more than 8,000 miles of inter- the Republican House leadership intends to Deli. For New York City residents, having a national land and water boundaries. consider. And make no mistake, this bill, and neighborhood staple open for business day in Whether dealing with the problem of illegal the others likely to follow, blow a hole in the and day out serves as a steady reminder that immigration or facing the threat of international deficit. Though at some point in the near fu- there is always someone in our community terrorism, Border Patrol agents continue to be ture, President Obama will somehow be here to help, and for many people, that some- known for their dedication to duty, integrity, in- blamed for this. one is Mike. genuity, and rugged determination. This is a textbook example of Congress Mike Greco has dedicated himself to pro- The threats have changed over the years picking winners and losers. but their commitment to the mission has re- Many of us support the R&D tax credit but moting his neighborhood’s rich Italian heritage, mained steadfast. For nearly one hundred there is no excuse for not offsetting the cost and to tirelessly demonstrating his love for years, they have protected the Nation’s bor- of the bill, noting that permanently extending The Bronx and all it has to offer. Most impor- ders in unforgiving terrain against all who the R&D credit and five other tax provisions tantly, this gentleman serves as an out- would do us harm. that GOP leaders want to act on would add standing example of how one person’s lifelong $310 billion to the deficit. Let us never forget the dangerous nature of work can leave such a permanent mark in the this work—118 agents and pilots have given Two years ago my Republican colleagues hearts and minds of so many. managed to hijack the legislative process and their lives in the line of duty. increase the federal budget deficit by insisting Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask that you and On behalf of a grateful Nation, I want to on an extension of the Bush Tax Cuts, origi- my other distinguished colleagues join me in commend the men and women of the Border nally enacted in 2001 and 2003. honoring Mike Greco for his remarkable dedi- Patrol for their many years of service and wish These tax cuts cost $1 trillion a year to ex- cation to improving The Bronx, and sharing its them a happy 90th anniversary. tend and while many are critical to individuals wonders with visitors and residents alike. Honor First.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09MY8.012 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E729 AMERICAN RESEARCH AND However, every air carrier is already currently Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Inde- COMPETITIVENESS ACT OF 2014 required to individually plan for a single engine pendence of the United States of America the failure scenario. These contingency plans may two hundred and thirty-eighth. SPEECH OF result in costly measures for the carriers such f HON. RUSH HOLT as greater fuel burn, reduced cargo, or re- duced numbers of passengers. For this rea- RECOGNIZING AWANA CO-FOUND- OF NEW JERSEY son, FAA has historically considered OEI as ERS ART & WINNIE ROHRHEIM’S IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an economic issue. 75TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Thursday, May 8, 2014 Given the potential far-reaching economic Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of impact of this change and the competing eco- HON. MICHELE BACHMANN this legislation, which is especially important to nomic interest at stake, we believe that this OF MINNESOTA New Jersey, one of America’s most research- action should only be accomplished in accord- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ance with standard rulemaking procedures, re- intensive states. Yet I must ask how my Re- Friday, May 9, 2014 publican colleagues can support this tax ex- quiring a cost-benefit analysis with input from penditure while opposing all other forms of OMB and other agencies, and taking into con- Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today government spending. sideration the real-world effects of such a to recognize Art and Winnie Rohrheim’s 75th Republicans say America can’t afford to change. A bipartisan, bicameral group of legis- wedding anniversary. pass unemployment insurance for 2.5 million lators wrote to Secretary Foxx and Adminis- When the couple married in 1939, little did Americans struggling to find work. NIH is at trator Huerta earlier this year asking for this anyone know the impact that they would have the lowest funding in three years, distributing very thing. on the world. What began as a personal pas- fewer and fewer grants, but we can’t afford to Last month, FAA posted a notice of policy sion for working with children in Chicago, Illi- fund scientific and health research. There is a change to the Federal Register announcing nois, grew quickly into a successful program $2 trillion transportation backlog, but we can’t their intention to proceed with consideration of driven by their love and dedication to God and afford to repair and upgrade our roads, OEI via a change to policy, thus bypassing the the kids. bridges, tunnels, and dams. Yet somehow, rigors of a formal rulemaking. This action al- By 1950, the Rohrheims founded Awana, they say we can afford special tax cuts? lows FAA to circumvent the rigors of cost-ben- the now-internationally renowned program, That’s nonsense. To quote Martin Feldstein, efit and federalism analysis under Executive which stands for ‘‘Approved Workers Are Not the former chief economic advisor to Ronald Order 12866 by calling this significant change Ashamed.’’ Today Awana Clubs International Reagan, ‘‘These tax rules . . . are equivalent to Part 77 a policy change, when it is, in fact, reaches more than 2 million children in more to direct government expenditures.’’ a rule change. than 100 countries on a weekly basis, encour- The distinction between tax expenditures I, along with a bipartisan group of my col- aging young people everywhere to grow in and direct spending is one that only Grover leagues, have introduced legislation today that their faith and learn more about the Bible’s Norquist could love. If America can afford this would allow FAA to continue with adoption of teachings. tax cut—and indeed we can—then we can af- OEI criteria only if the policy is adopted via a At the heart of Awana is the Gospel. Art and ford to do so much more. formal rulemaking, requiring input from OMB, Winnie have devoted a lifetime to their Lord So I thank Republican leaders for correctly OIRA, and other agencies, as well as a com- and Savior. Not a day goes by that they aren’t acknowledging the role of government invest- prehensive cost-benefit analysis weighing sharing with those they meet the truth of ment in our economy. And I call on them to competing economic interest and proposed Jesus dying for our sins. use this same logic to find more ways to in- practices versus current ones. This bill applies For three quarters of a century, Art and vest in America. Let us pass a transportation only to OEI consideration, and would not pre- Winnie’s strength of love and commitment has bill that funds our roads and bridges. Let’s empt the agency’s ability to act in the event of been a testimony for their children, grand- meet the funding goals for scientific research an emergency situation. children, great-grandchildren, and all those that we set in the 2007 and 2010 COMPETES I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- who have had the honor of knowing them. Act. Let’s help the millions of Americans look- tion. Mr. Speaker, I ask this body join with me in ing for work with the support they need. We f honoring Art and Winnie Rohrheim for their can do better. The American people deserve CELEBRATING NATIONAL milestone wedding anniversary, and their ex- better. SEERSUCKER DAY emplary contributions to this nation and the f lives of millions around the world. f LEGISLATION THAT WOULD HON. BILL CASSIDY ALLOW FAA TO CONTINUE WITH OF LOUISIANA HONORING THE BRAVE AND TAL- ADOPTION OF OEI CRITERIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ENTED LAKE FOREST COUNTRY Friday, May 9, 2014 DAY SCHOOL STUDENT PARTICI- HON. JAMES P. MORAN Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. Speaker, I submit the fol- PANTS IN THE 39TH ANNUAL ROBBIE BERMINGHAM SPEAKING OF VIRGINIA lowing Proclamation: CONTEST IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In celebration and appreciation of seer- sucker manufacturers and admirers around Friday, May 9, 2014 the country, I extend a Happy Seersucker HON. BRADLEY S. SCHNEIDER Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Day. With a rich history dating back to 1909, OF ILLINOIS bring attention to a proposed policy that could seersucker clothing is a unique American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have a significant adverse effect on jobs, pri- fashion. The original seersucker suit was de- Friday, May 9, 2014 vate property, tax revenues, and economic de- signed by Joseph Haspel at his Broad Street velopment in several major American cities facility in New Orleans and has been enjoyed Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- that host airports, and their surrounding com- since by many Americans. The lightweight cot- ognize 13 exceptional students at Lake Forest munities. ton fabric with its signature ‘‘pucker’’ has pro- Country Day School (LFCDS) in the suburban The proposed change seeks to significantly vided comfortable fashion ware during the hot Chicago district I represent. alter current criteria used to evaluate structure summer months. As Mr. Haspel said, ‘‘hot is These fifth through eighth grade students heights around airports by changing the way a hot, no matter what you do for a living’’, seer- honored a 39-year tradition born out of a mo- single engine failure at the moment of takeoff sucker clothing is now enjoyed by Americans ment of pure courage, when Robbie scenario is considered. This more rigorous across the country in all walks of life. In the Bermingham, recently diagnosed with multiple standard would effectively lower the maximum late 1990s, Seersucker Day was established sclerosis, rose to his feet, delivered a speech permissible structure height around airports, to honor this unique American fashion. I wish from his heart and moved all those in attend- affecting nearly 4,000 existing buildings in 48 to restart this tradition by designating Wednes- ance. States that would exceed the new criteria, not day, June 11th as National Seersucker Day. I This year’s 13 finalists spoke with poise, to mention a number of planned develop- encourage everyone to wear seersucker to passion, pride and great courage themselves. ments. commemorate this iconic American clothing. They elucidated universal topics, big and No one disputes aviation safety must be the In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my small, and brought them to life with personal top priority when considering these proposals. hand this 9th day of May, in the year of our experiences.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.004 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 Angelique Alexos on technology; Foster proud. We will always be prepared, so we will I thank my good friend and colleague Con- Graf on courage; Chapin Grumhaus on com- always be free.’’ And humbly, I offer my sin- gressman MATT SALMON, the Chairman of the munity cooperation; Heather Knobel on dys- cere gratitude to Battalion Sgt. Major Robert J. Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, for being lexia; Luke Maggos on stereotypes; Olivia Blatnik for his service and acts of bravery that the lead Republican sponsor of this legislation. Maggos on Russian adoption; Tyler Medvec allow us the freedoms we enjoy today. I also thank Representatives SIRES, ROS- on unsung heroes; Calvin Osborne on NASA; f LEHTINEN and O’ROURKE for being original co- Charlie Shattock on optimism; Lily Silvester on sponsors of the bill. baking; Scotty Skinner on Falling Whistles; REQUESTING AN EXPEDITED AC- With $15.7 billion spent on counternarcotics Kimberly Stafford on underdogs; and Chloe CREDITATION PROCESS FOR programs in Latin America and the Caribbean Whelan on what is normal. COMPTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE between 1980 and 2012, it is important to take Since the Annual Robbie Bermingham stock of what has worked, what has not Speaking Contest is, in fact, a competition, HON. JANICE HAHN worked and what future U.S. drug policy special recognition must go to Chloe Whelan, OF CALIFORNIA should look like. This independent commission who took First Place, to Tyler Medvec for a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will be required to submit recommendations on Second Place finish and to Heather Knobel Friday, May 9, 2014 future U.S. drug policy to Congress, the Sec- and Chapin Grumhaus for jointly taking Third retary of State and the Director of the Office Place. Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, on August 22, of National Drug Control Policy 12 months These students, their enthusiasm, their elo- 2006, Compton Community College lost its ac- after its first meeting. quence and their vision truly inspired me and creditation. Because it is a core educational The time to examine U.S. drug policy is long gave me hope for our future. institution for students from Compton and overdue. While billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars I am grateful for the lasting impression that neighboring cities such as Carson, Lynwood, have been spent over the years to fight the young Robbie Bermingham has left on Lake Paramount, Watts, and North Long Beach, I drug trade, illegal drug use in the United Forest Country Day School, its faculty and stu- would like to take this time to recognize its ex- States remains high. In 2012, there were an dents, and I am glad that they carry on that cellence and request an expedited accredita- estimated 23,900,000 illicit drug users in the legacy of public speaking excellence today. tion process. United States. In particular, I am concerned by Congratulations once again to all 13 finalists, Compton Community College has a proud the dramatic increase in heroin use in our and thank you for bringing us hope and per- history of being a primary provider of high country. Attorney General Eric Holder recently spective. quality post-secondary education for persons noted that heroin overdose deaths in the f of color in the greater Los Angeles County re- United States increased by an alarming 45 gion from 1927 until 2006. Not only is it a percent between 2006 and 2010. PERSONAL EXPLANATION source of community pride and positive stim- On the supply side, nearly all cocaine con- ulus for students and families, but it also sup- sumed in the United States originates in South HON. NIKI TSONGAS ports the continued development of the sur- America while most of the heroin consumed OF MASSACHUSETTS rounding communities. here is from Colombia and Mexico. In addition, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Since 2006, the Compton Community Col- Central America and the Caribbean are key lege District Board of Trustees, under the di- transit regions for drugs entering the United Friday, May 9, 2014 rection of the highly regarded Dr. Keith Curry, States. Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall have partnered Compton Community with El To tackle our nation’s horrific drug problem vote No. 204 held on May 7, 2014, I intended Camino College, an accredited school of good once and for all, we must have a better sense to vote ‘‘no.’’ I oppose H. Res. 565, ‘‘Calling standing in order to offer accredited courses to of what works and what does not work. Our on Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to ap- 6,780 students. partners in the Americas, who have worked point a special counsel to investigate the tar- El Camino College’s involvement have kept closely with us in fighting drug trafficking for geting of conservative nonprofit groups by the the higher education alive in Compton, how- years, and the citizens of our great country, Internal Revenue Service,’’ and support the ever the people of Compton deserve a college who deal every day with illegal drugs on their ongoing efforts of the Justice Department to to call their own. Compton Community College streets, deserve no less. investigate the alleged targeting of both con- served as a source of community pride, a I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- servative and liberal groups. positive stimulus for students and families, and porting this legislation. f supported the continued development of the f surrounding communities. HONORING BATTALION SGT. Therefore, I am introducing a resolution to HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE MAJOR ROBERT J. BLATNIK urge an expedited accreditation process for OF EDWARD IWANICKI, SR. Compton Community College. I stand with the HON. JEB HENSARLING faculty and students of Compton Community HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY OF TEXAS College, and look forward to Compton College OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES once again leading the young people of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Compton through their pursuit of higher edu- Friday, May 9, 2014 Friday, May 9, 2014 cation. Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, it is my f Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, earlier this year, honor today to recognize Battalion Sgt. Major the State of Connecticut lost one of its great Robert J. Blatnik for his exceptional service to INTRODUCTION OF THE WESTERN sons with the passing of Edward Iwanicki, Sr., our country. He joined the US Army’s 1st Bat- HEMISPHERE DRUG POLICY COM- a leader who served Connecticut through a talion, 26th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, on MISSION ACT OF 2014 long and distinguished career in public serv- October 19, 1938, and would remain in this ice. unit for the entirety of his time in the service. HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Mr. Iwanicki, one of ten children born to Pol- He saw combat during WWII in North Africa, OF NEW YORK ish immigrants Konstanty and Mary Pauline Tunisia, Sicily, Germany, and France. On IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Boczkowska Iwanicki, was born and raised in June 6, 1944 he took part in the first wave of Meriden, Connecticut. A talented athlete, he the invasion of Normandy at Omaha Beach— Friday, May 9, 2014 excelled at sports, even being named All-State Fox Red 1. Mr. Blatnik earned 4 Purple Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, today, I am Quarterback in 1937. He went on to share his Hearts, the Silver Star, 5 Bronze Stars, and pleased to introduce the Western Hemisphere passion for athletics with younger generations several other medals. Drug Policy Commission Act of 2014, a bill of Meriden youth, serving as a coach and um- Mr. Blatnik remains a true patriot, and last that will create an independent commission to pire for city baseball and football teams. summer, he was among six Normandy vets evaluate U.S. policies aimed at reducing drug When the United States entered World War from Texas selected to go back to the beach- production and trafficking in the Western II, Mr. Iwanicki served his country as an infan- head where so many gave the ultimate sac- Hemisphere. A similar bill passed the House tryman in the U.S. Army. rifice for the cause of freedom. Humbly, I echo of Representatives unanimously on December Following World War II, Mr. Iwanicki re- the words of President Ronald Reagan, ‘‘We 8, 2009 with a bipartisan group of 30 cospon- turned to Meriden and began his 35-year ca- will always remember. We will always be sors. reer at New Departure, which was then part of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09MY8.013 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E731 General Motors. Mr. Iwanicki was a proud which she believed. She was leader in the SOUTH CAROLINA’S SECOND CON- member of the United Auto Workers and spent Delaware County Republican Party and in the GRESSIONAL DISTRICT SHOULD much of his life fighting for the rights of work- city of Muncie. Much of her life was spent in BE RECOGNIZED AS A ‘‘PURPLE ers everywhere. the service to others. Claudina received nu- HEART DISTRICT’’ Mr. Iwanicki devoted his entire life to serving merous awards and recognition for her work, his community. He was the Boy Scout Master including a key to the city of Muncie. Perhaps HON. JOE WILSON of Troop #31, President of the Meriden Um- her greatest legacy is the impact she had on OF SOUTH CAROLINA pires Association, President of Father’s Club so many lives in east-central Indiana. Count- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Meriden Girls Club, and participated in less people can recount the help they received Friday, May 9, 2014 many other cultural organizations. Mr. Iwanicki continued his service to his from Claudina, who always possessed a com- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- country and his community when he got in- mitment to serve and had a smile on her face. er, it is my great pleasure to rise today to pay volved in Meriden and Connecticut politics. He I ask the entire 6th District to keep tribute to South Carolina’s Second Congres- served as Treasurer of the Meriden Demo- Claudina’s children, Randall, Beth, and Kaye, sional District as home to recipients of the Purple Heart. So many of its residents have cratic Party, Alderman in the City Council, and along with the entire extended McCammack honorably served our nation in its time of was then elected State Representative from family, in your thoughts and prayers. the 79th Assembly District. need—all gave some and some gave all. As a reflection of the Midlands of South Caro- Edward Iwanicki, Sr.’s life embodied the f spirit of civic engagement that strengthens our lina’s pivotal role in war efforts past and present, and the deep personal sacrifice of so communities and makes our country a better HONORING YEOMAN 1ST CLASS place. His contributions to the City of Meriden, many of its residents, I stand to proclaim that ANDREA JEAN SMALL South Carolina’s Second Congressional Dis- the State of Connecticut, and to the United trict should be recognized as a ‘‘Purple Heart States will not be forgotten. District.’’ f HON. JEB HENSARLING As you know, The Purple Heart is one of RECOGNIZING MAY AS ALS OF TEXAS the oldest and most recognized American mili- AWARENESS MONTH tary medals, awarded to service members who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were killed or wounded by enemy action. In Friday, May 9, 2014 1782, created the Badge HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK of Military Merit to reward ‘‘any singularly meri- OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, it is my torious action’’ displayed by a soldier, non- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor today to recognize Yeoman 1st Class commissioned officer, or officer in the Conti- Friday, May 9, 2014 Andrea Jean Small for her exceptional service nental Army. This award was intended to en- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, it’s esti- to our country. In April of 1943, at the age of courage gallantry and fidelity among soldiers. General Douglas MacArthur (then Army Chief mated that each year 5,600 Americans are di- 23, she joined the Navy in lieu of nursing of Staff) revived the award on February 22, agnosed with ALS—or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. school. Mrs. Small completed her basic train- A disease that occurs throughout the world 1932, the 200th anniversary of George Wash- ing in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Upon completion, ington’s birth. Since its inception and through with no racial, ethnic or socioeconomic bound- she moved to Washington, DC to begin her aries. several wars and conflicts, the Purple Heart service. For one young man in my district in Penn- has been given to more than a million wound- sylvania, those stats hit close to home when As one of the first WAVES—Women Ac- ed or killed while serving our nation. South Carolina is home to a proud military a close family friend received the diagnosis. cepted for Volunteer Emergency Service— tradition, from Fort Moultrie to recent deploy- Nine-year-old Jared Laff wasn’t satisfied Mrs. Small left her childhood home of Peoria, ments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of its with just sitting by, though. He set out to earn Illinois, was among the first women to serve unique location to include Fort Jackson and his Junior Black Belt in karate—dedicating our country in a military capacity during WWII. North Air Force Auxiliary Field, with adjacent months of hard work and training to his friend Due to the scarcity of manpower and the ur- Shaw Air Force Base, McEntire Joint Air Base, Ron. Through his perseverance, Jared was gency of protecting our nation, nearly 400,000 Parris Island Marine Corps Recruit Depot, awarded his belt in March as well as raising women took on new roles in all military Beaufort Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort $2,200 for the fight against ALS. branches during the war. Naval Hospital, and Fort Gordon, the Second Jared’s commitment and compassion are an Congressional District of South Carolina is an example to all who want to make a difference. At the age of 95, Mrs. Small can still re- May is ALS Awareness Month, but thanks to member many of the experiences she had ever-expanding center for military life. I am people like Jared the goal of drawing atten- prior to and during her service in Washington. honored to represent these valiant men and tion—and funding—to the fight against ALS is She can recall hearing about the attack on women. Mr. Speaker, South Carolina has dispatched a year-round effort. Pearl Harbor just as she was leaving church thousands of its sons and daughters to fight f on that cold December morning, and the fu- the enemy, many have sacrificed their health neral procession of Franklin Delano Roosevelt HONORING CLAUDINA MCCAMMACK and many have sacrificed their lives. We will on April 14, 1945. Perhaps the fondest mem- never forget their sacrifices and are grateful HON. LUKE MESSER ory was the night she met the man who would for the valiant men and women who have later become her husband of 29 years, Yeo- been harmed defending their country and our OF INDIANA man 1st Class Joe Breithaupt, at a Navy USO freedom. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES party. The two were married on July 13, 1945, I ask that my colleagues to join me in rec- Friday, May 9, 2014 just three months after they had met. After ognition and appreciation of South Carolina’s Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to completion of their service, the two made their Purple Heart recipients past and present. honor the memory of my friend and one of my home in the Corsicana area, where they Now, in the spirit of that appreciation, let it be constituents, Claudina McCammack, of Mun- raised three sons. Following Joe’s death from known that South Carolina’s Second Congres- sional District should be recognized as a ‘‘Pur- cie, Indiana. cancer, Jean later remarried to Mr. Marlyn ple Heart District.’’ Claudina was a longtime resident of Muncie Small, and they were married for nine years and active community leader. She served as until his passing. f District Secretary for former Congressman CELEBRATING ROYCE SCHERTZ David Dennis, as Delaware County Commis- Humbly, I echo the words of President Ron- sioners Secretary, part time in Voters Reg- ald Reagan, ‘‘We will always remember. We HON. JOHN R. CARTER istration, and as a Republican Precinct Com- will always be proud. We will always be pre- OF TEXAS mitteewoman. Claudina, whose faith was so pared, so we will always be free.’’ And hum- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES central in her life, was also an active member bly, I offer my sincere gratitude to Yeoman 1st of the Full Gospel Temple in Muncie. Class Andrea Jean Small for her service and Friday, May 9, 2014 Claudina could always be counted on as a acts of bravery that allow us the freedoms we Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to strong advocate for the people and policies in enjoy today. celebrate Royce Schertz who will graduate as

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.010 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 a Second Lieutenant from the U.S. Air Force and out of the classroom. Schools like Grand IN RECOGNITION OF BETHEL BAP- Academy on May 28, 2014. While his time at Avenue Elementary and Smith Street School TIST CHURCH’S 150TH ANNIVER- the academy is coming to an end, there’s no are shining examples of this creative and well- SARY extended summer vacation in store for him. Lt. rounded approach to learning, and I could not Schertz has been accepted into the pres- be more proud of the recognition they are re- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. tigious pilot school program which starts three ceiving because of it. I commend the prin- OF GEORGIA weeks later. cipals, administrators, teachers and parents on While the Academy’s aviation programs give receiving this honor and for their ongoing com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cadets the opportunity to fly in both powered mitment to preparing our students for success Friday, May 9, 2014 and unpowered aircraft, learn advanced para- in the future. Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is chuting skills, and compete against students my honor and pleasure to extend my sincere from colleges around the world, only the elite f congratulations to the congregation of Bethel move on to the pilot school program. Lt. Baptist Church in Vienna, Georgia as the Schertz’s next year will be focused and de- TRIBUTE TO DR. DENNIS CAMPBELL church’s membership and leadership celebrate voted to the program as his time will be filled a remarkable 150 years. The congregation of flying and preparing for flights. Taking control Bethel Baptist Church will celebrate this very of the most advanced aircraft in the world— significant anniversary with a celebration on and pushing their performances to the limit— HON. ERIC CANTOR OF VIRGINIA Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the church in Vi- requires extraordinary skill, precision, and enna, Georgia. commitment to mission accomplishment. All of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tracing its roots back to the Civil War era, these are attributes Lt. Schertz has shown Friday, May 9, 2014 the church was founded in 1864 as a brush time and time again. arbor church by Reverend Randolph Beach. At the Academy, Lt. Schertz distinguished Mr. CANTOR. Mr. Speaker, I submit the at- Along with Rev. Beach, Deacons William himself as both a scholar and a leader. A reg- tached letter on behalf of myself and Con- Cobb, E.D. Brown, Sandy Nealy, and Adam ular presence on the Dean’s List, he also gressman ROBERT HURT. Lewis cut logs and rolled them together to found time to support and motivate his class- Mr. Speaker we rise today to pay tribute form seats. The building was called Bethel. mates, raise funds for charity, and host foreign to Dr. Dennis Campbell, who—after seven- During the first year, Rev. Beach and the exchange students. In addition to his intense teen years of service—will retire from his po- members purchased the one acre of land on military training, Lt. Schertz devoted many sition as Headmaster of Woodberry Forest which the church still sits today. The first hours to community service and was a key School next month. We are both honored to church built on this land was a ‘‘shanty’’ member of the Academy’s competitive athletic have represented Madison County, VA, where this excellent academic institution is lo- church. The membership continued to in- programs. All this was atop an academic cated, and are proud of the great tradition crease and Rev. Beach served as pastor for workload that challenges our nation’s best and Woodberry has of training great students eighteen years until he was called home to be brightest. and first-rate citizens. with the Lord. Lt. Schertz’s dedication to excellence dis- Prior to becoming Woodberry’s eighth Rev. Beach was succeeded by Rev. Nathan plays the best values of central Texas and is headmaster in 1997, Dr. Campbell served as Brown, who facilitated improvements to the a reflection of the greatness of the men and the dean of the Divinity School and professor church’s structure. Rev. Brown resigned and women of our armed forces. I commend his of theology at Duke University from 1982 was succeeded by Rev. Daniel Amica, who achievements, celebrate his commitment, and until 1997. Before his appointment as dean, then resigned after one year. Rev. Brown re- wish him well in the future. I’m grateful that he was a professor, college and university ad- turned to Bethel and continued to serve for brave young men like him will be providing our ministrator, and college chaplain. Dr. Camp- bell grew up in Elmwood Park, Illinois, and eighteen more years until he was called from nation’s security in the years to come. is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Duke Uni- labor to reward. f versity with both A.B. and Ph.D. degrees. In Rev. Brown was succeeded by Rev. Amos CONGRATULATING GRAND AVE- addition, Yale University awarded him the Reid, a strong and beloved leader. For the B.D. degree. A noted lecturer, seminar lead- NUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND er, and author, he is particularly known for next several years, the church was served by SMITH STREET SCHOOL his work in ethics and moral education. He a number of pastors, each leaving their lasting has written numerous journal articles and mark on the church in some form or fashion. HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY reviews, and is the author or editor of eight Perhaps the most notable were Reverend S.P. books. Miller, who advocated for a brick building to be OF NEW YORK Dr. Campbell will leave Woodberry Forest erected, resulting in the foundation of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a much stronger institution in all phases of present brick structure being laid, and Rev. Friday, May 9, 2014 secondary education including Woodberry’s C.S. Wilkins, who continued the work by rais- faculty, curriculum, athletics and physical Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- ing money to complete the erection of the plant. Moreover, these achievements have brick building. The main auditorium and a er, I rise today to congratulate and commend been made at the all-boys school while con- two schools in my district—Grand Avenue Ele- tinually upholding Woodberry Forest’s ven- tower, which cost $10,000, were built, and a mentary School in North Baldwin, NY and erable honor code. seven-hundred-pound bell was installed. Rev. Smith Street School in Uniondale, NY—for We are certain Dr. Campbell’s contribu- Wilkins, who had stepped up to lead the being honored during the National Schools of tions to American education will continue. church at a time when it was experiencing dif- Character recognition ceremony in Wash- He remains a trustee of The Duke Endow- ficulties, set high goals for Bethel Baptist ington, DC, on Thursday, May 15, 2014. ment, one of the nation’s largest private Church. He instituted many internal changes, In February, 48 schools and districts across philanthropic trusts, based in Charlotte, including organizing the membership into 14 states were named as ‘‘State Schools of N.C., where he chairs the audit committee clubs, which raised the spirit and morale of the Character for 2014’’ by the Character Edu- and serves as a member of the committees on church. The membership was very sorry to educational institutions and child care. He cation Partnership. Grand Avenue Elementary also serves on the board of trustees of the see him resign due to his poor health. School and Smith Street School were two out International Coalition of Boys’ Schools, the Throughout the years, the church would of six schools recognized from the state of Boys and Girls Club of Orange, Va., and the continue to improve both aesthetically and New York for their outstanding achievement in Association of Boarding Schools. The Camp- spiritually under the leadership of several de- character development. By imbedding values bells are the parents of two children, Mar- voted pastors. In May 1957, Rev. Moses A. and character at all levels of learning, these garet and Trevor. Lee became pastor of Bethel Baptist Church. schools are ensuring our students are suc- Today Woodberry Forest School will cele- The church was transformed during the first cessful at all aspects of life. brate the tenure of Dr. Campbell, and we are twelve months of his pastorate and continued As a senior member of the House Education honored to congratulate him for exceptional to make progress under his remarkable forty- service to a unique educational institution of one year tenure. and the Workforce Committee, I have advo- excellence in the Commonwealth of Virginia. cated for new and innovative ways to educate ERIC CANTOR, In September 1998, longtime Bethel mem- our students and help them become more en- Member of Congress. ber and ordained deacon, Rev. Dr. Bobby G. gaged and productive members of society. ROBERT HURT, West, accepted the pastoral invitation and Our future depends on their success, both in Member of Congress. continues to serve as pastor today. He and his

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.014 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E733 family not only serve the church and its mem- CONDEMNING THE KIDNAPPING OF lamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Al-Qaeda in the bers, but also work hard to serve the sur- NIGERIAN SCHOOLGIRLS BY Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the Al Muntada rounding community through an active and ex- BOKO HARAM Trust Fund, and the Islamic World Society. pansive outreach ministry. Additionally, the United States should work The story of Bethel Baptist Church, which HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE with the Government of Nigeria to develop its began as a small group of people worshipping OF TEXAS own capacity to deploy specialized police and in a brush arbor 150 years ago and has grown IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES army units rapidly to prevent and combat sec- into an expansive and successful church, is tarian violence in cities and around the country truly an inspiring one of the dedication and Friday, May 9, 2014 where there has been a history of sectarian vi- perseverance of a faithful congregation of peo- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise olence. ple who put all their love and trust in the Lord. today to express my outrage over the brutal The creation and deployment of an elite Mr. Speaker, today I ask my colleagues to assaults on human dignity and freedom com- highly-trained rapid response unit was used to join me in paying tribute to the membership of mitted by the Boko Haram, a militant group successful effect by the Indonesia Govern- Bethel Baptist Church in Vienna, Georgia for that has no respect for the rights of women ment in 2004 to neutralize the Laskar Jihad their long history of coming together through and girls. terrorist organization. the good and difficult times to praise and wor- Since 2013, more than 4,400 men, women, The United States should also take appro- ship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for and children have been slaughtered by Boko priate action to help the Government of Nige- serving the community through Him. Haram. ria establish a Victim’s Fund to provide hu- f The victims include Christians, Muslims, manitarian relief and economic assistance to journalists, health care providers, relief work- the victims of attacks by Boko Haram so that COMMEMORATING THE SESQUI- ers. And schoolchildren. they can rebuild their lives and communities. CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF I rise today to urge our government, the ‘‘People are the great issue of the 20th cen- THE CONTINENTAL TAVERN United States of America, to assist the Gov- tury,’’ declared, then-Senator Hubert Hum- ernment of Nigeria, working through the Afri- phrey in 1948. HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK can Union, to rescue the more than 200 Mr. Speaker, the well-being of people re- OF PENNSYLVANIA schoolgirls who were kidnapped from the mains the great issue of the 21st century. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chibok School for Girls in Borno State on April And there is no better measure of any soci- Friday, May 9, 2014 15, and the 11 schoolgirls kidnapped last night ety than the way it treats its women and girls. in the Warabe community of Borno, and re- Boko Haram understands that when Nige- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today we united with their families and loved ones. rian girls are educated, Nigerian women can commemorate the Sesquicentennial Anniver- Boko Haram’s reign of terror must be succeed; and when Nigerian women succeed, sary of the Continental Tavern, Yardley Bor- brought to an end. Nigeria succeeds. ough, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Restoring I call upon the international community to And that is why it is so important that the the tavern to its historic state has been a pas- work in concert to detect, disrupt, and dis- United States help Nigeria ensure that Boko sion shared by the Lyons family. Frank Lyons’ mantle Boko Haram’s funding sources derived Haram fails. enthusiasm for America history has lead him, from other Islamist groups, including Al-Qaeda f for more than a decade, to spend his Christ- in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and to al- mas mornings volunteering in the annual reen- Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the HONORING GWEN MOFFEIT’S DEDI- actment of General George Washington’s Al Muntada Trust Fund, and the Islamic World CATED SERVICE TO HENDERSON Christmas Day Crossing of 1776. Families and Society. COUNTY history buffs gather at the spot Durham boats I commend President Obama on his deci- left quietly taking soldiers across the Delaware sion to deploy American security experts and HON. JEB HENSARLING River and on to fight heroically in the battles equipment in Nigeria to help locate and rescue OF TEXAS of Trenton and Princeton. Frank Lyons has the abducted schoolgirls and we applaud Ni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES said, ‘‘Reenacting is a progressive disease, gerian President Goodluck Jonathan for ac- Friday, May 9, 2014 the more you do it, the more you want to do cepting that assistance. it, the more you want to learn, the more things The leader of Boko Haram has threatened Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, Gwen you want to do,’’ to ransom or sell the abducted schoolgirls into Moffeit has served Henderson County for over Frank was compelled to do more things the human trafficking market for about twelve thirty-five years—twenty-four of them as Coun- which included restoring an old tavern on Main dollars each ($12.00 USD). ty Clerk. She was elected to the position in Street, Yardley Borough, known by locals as I say to him: ‘‘Don’t you dare.’ ’’ 1990 as the first Republican candidate to win ‘‘The Continental.’’ Joined by his wife Patty Boko Haram’s outrageous conduct will be a county-wide election. During her tenure, she and daughter Kelly Lyons Vliet, they lovingly tolerated or overlooked for not only is it a vio- converted the process of recording documents restored the 19th century tavern and created lation of the girls’ human rights, it is also con- from the traditional hardback books to the new a gathering place for our community. trary to United States policy which supports technology of digital imaging. Gwen has had Once just an outbuilding on the estate of and promotes equal access to education and the pleasure of working with many elected offi- Thomas Yardley, over the centuries, the Conti- economic opportunity for women and girls. cials during her tenure, including five County nental Tavern has been a restaurant, tavern, As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, Judges: Winston Reagan, Tommy Smith, Au- home, hotel, library, speakeasy and perhaps injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every- brey Jones, David Holstein, and Richard even a destination point for runaway slaves where. Sanders. traveling on the Underground Railroad. Specu- So we will not stand idly by. Gwen has been very active in the commu- lation about unsolved mysteries, ghosts and But we do stand in solidarity with the good nity and has recently served on the I.T. com- infamous hotel guest John Wilkes Booth con- people of Nigeria and especially those beau- mittee, the Henderson County Elections Com- tinue to fuel local legend and add to the char- tiful and courageous schoolgirls who wanted mittee, the Bail Bond Board, as well as many acter of The Continental. nothing more than to get an education to other county committees throughout the years. Renovations have unearthed 5,000 empty make life better for themselves and their be- She has also been a member of the Athens whiskey bottles from the Prohibition era, chil- loved country. Kiwanis for over twenty years—serving as dren’s toys, coins, old light bulbs, scraps of We will not forget or forsake you. secretary for almost ten of those years. She is newspaper from the early 20th Century and This is what I think we should do. a member of Lone Star Republican women, even a bloody corset riddled with bullet holes. Since we know that terrorist groups cannot Henderson County Republican Women’s Club Many of these items are currently displayed operate effectively without reliable and steady and the Cedar Creek Republican Club. throughout The Continental and will be part of funding to support their criminal acts, the Ms. Moffeit has been married to her high the tavern’s third floor museum. United States should work with the inter- school sweetheart 43 years. They have two Today, I would like to thank the Lyons fam- national community to detect, disrupt, and dis- daughters: Misty Wilmeth and Amy Cooper, ily for their hard work, commitment to history mantle the funding networks financing Boko with four grandchildren: grandson Bailey and and our community and congratulate them on Haram, which published reports indicate has granddaughters, Allie, Bradie, and Gracelyn. the 150th Anniversary of the historic Conti- received as much as $70 million from other Ms. Moffeit and her husband are longtime nental Tavern. Islamist groups, including Al-Qaeda in the Is- members of Leagueville Baptist Church.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.017 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 HONORING DR. CHARLES R. ROOTS Corps Overseas Service Ribbon; Armed To say that Michelle is a multi-talented attor- Forces Reserve Medal with hour glass and ney would be an understatement. A native of HON. JEFF DENHAM Mobilization devices; Vietnam Gallantry Cross Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Michelle received OF CALIFORNIA Unit Citation with bracket and palm leaf; Viet- her Bachelor’s degree in Music Performance, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nam Civil Actions Unit Citation with bracket with honors in the violin and piano, from Okla- and palm leaf; Vietnam Service Medal; Marine homa City University. Her musical talent is evi- Friday, May 9, 2014 Corps Rifle Expert Badge; and Marine Corps denced by a strong performance resume, im- Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Pistol Expert Badge. pressively amassed while pursuing her legal acknowledge and honor Dr. Charles R. Roots During his service, he received a Bachelor education. She has performed in gospel choirs on his retirement and to recognize his tireless of Arts Degree in Radio and Television Broad- backing up Bruce Springsteen’s Super Bowl work as the Senior Pastor of the Free Meth- casting from San Jose State University in halftime show and also sang at concerts for odist Church in Ripon. Ministering to thou- 1976. He continued his education by grad- President Obama on the National Mall and at sands, Pastor Roots has earned the respect of uating from Western Evangelical Seminary in his first inauguration. In addition, Michelle has fellow clergy and civic leaders alike. Portland, Oregon with a Masters of Divinity in appeared as a choral singer in TNT’s ‘‘Christ- Although born in New Haven, Connecticut, Biblical Studies in 1979. In 1995, he earned mas In Washington’’ and participated as a on September 5, 1948, he claims California as his Doctor of Ministry Degree in Pastoral vocal performer in the annual Kennedy Center his home. In 1969, he began his military ca- Counseling from the School of Theology at Honors, providing background vocals along- reer as an enlisted Marine. He served with nu- Claremont. Charles R. Roots is an ordained side music legends such as Sting, James Tay- merous commands during his nine years in minister through the Free Methodist Church of lor, Mavis Staples, Steven Tyler, Carrie Under- the Marine Corps: AE–A School, NAS Jack- North America. wood, Heart, and Garth Brooks. sonville, Florida; VMFA 531, MCAS El Toro, Dr. Roots settled in Ripon, California and is Michelle realized a longstanding dream of California; VMCJ 1, MCAS Iwakuni, Japan; the Senior Pastor of the Free Methodist coming to Washington by studying at the VMCJ1 det A (Cubi Point, the Philippines and Church. As a volunteer, he serves as the Georgetown University Law Center as a vis- Da Nang, South Vietnam); VMA 133, NAS Al- chaplain for the Ripon Police Department and iting student during her third year of law ameda, California; and 4th LAAM Battalion, is a member of the International Conference of school. She was ultimately awarded her Juris Fresno, California. He was commissioned as a Police Chaplains (ICPC). In addition, he is the Doctor from The University of Oklahoma Col- Navy Chaplain December 23, 1983. After at- past president of the Ripon Ministerial Asso- lege of Law in 2009 and joined the Committee tending the Navy Chaplain Corps Basic ciation; the Police Activities League (PAL); a staff that fall. Michelle has served as a key re- Course, NS Newport, Rhode Island, he served past director of the Ripon Chamber of Com- source to Members and staff on both sides of the following commands: Chaplain, MAG 39, merce, and numerous other community orga- the aisle. While working as an Oversight MCB Camp Pendleton, California; Command nizations. He belongs to the Military Chaplains Counsel, Michelle focused on such issues as Chaplain, USS White Plains (AFS4), NS Association (MCA); The Naval Reserve Asso- the foreclosure crisis, the Fair Housing Act, Guam; Base Chaplain, NCS Stockton, Cali- ciation (NRA); the Reserve Officers Associa- and oversight of the Department of Justice. fornia; Post-Graduate School, School of The- tion (ROA); the Marine Corps Association; the After our transition to the minority, Michelle’s ology at Claremont, California; and Chaplain Marine Corps Club of Stockton, California; the portfolio grew to encompass matters impacting at NS Rota, Spain. Within the active naval re- Joe Rosenthal Marine Corps Combat Cor- women and women’s health, civil rights, voting serve he has served as: Chaplain, 1st respondents Association (MCCCA); the vice rights, human rights, election administration, MEFREL 220, Treasure Island, San Francisco, president of the Ripon Arts League (RAL); and and campaign finance. Michelle had significant California; Battalion Chaplain, 1st Battalion the Society for the Preservation and Encour- staff responsibility for important pieces of leg- 14th Marines Artillery, Alameda, California; agement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in islation, most notably the National Defense Battalion Chaplain, 2nd Battalion 23rd Marines America (SPEBSQSA). Reauthorization Act of 2011 (H.R. 1540), the Infantry, Encino, California; Plans and Policy, During his spare time, he became a pub- Voting Rights Act Amendments of 2014 (H.R. Navy Chief of Chaplains Office, Washington, lished author: The Sandwich Generation: Adult 3899), and a number of significant civil rights DC (The Pentagon); Command Chaplain, Children Caring for Aging Parents. He also bills that have promising bipartisan support. NARC, San Jose, California; and Command writes a weekly column, Roots in Ripon, for Michelle has also worked to spearhead efforts Chaplain, I MACE, Camp Pendleton, Cali- the Ripon Record newspaper. He is currently around the filing of amicus briefs on behalf of fornia. writing a historical novel about his great Members of the House Judiciary Committee in In November of 2002 he was called back to grandfather, Rev. Daniel Thatcher Lake, a the landmark Supreme Court cases of Shelby active duty for two years in support of Oper- Civil War veteran and one of the last of the County v. Holder and McCutcheon v. FEC. ation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Circuit Riding Preachers in the South. While her work on the Judiciary Committee Iraqi Freedom (OIF) I & II. He served as the Dr. Roots is married to the former Isaura staff clearly evidences a strong commitment to Commanding Officer of 1st MEFREL 220, Maria Cabral of Los Banos, California. They Federal service, Michelle has also taken the NMCRC Alameda, California. He was chosen have two married daughters, Laura Christine time to focus on service to youth and families by the Reserve Officers Association (ROA) as Spence and Jennifer Kathleen Sousa, and five in her newly adopted home state of Virginia ‘‘Chaplain of the Year’’ for 2004. His last duty grandchildren. and the City of Alexandria. Michelle currently assignment was the Wing Chaplain for the 4th Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Dr. serves as a Commissioner for the City’s Rede- Marine Aircraft Wing, New Orleans, Louisiana. Charles Roots for his unwavering leadership, velopment and Housing Authority, which He retired in September 2008 after 34 years and recognizing his accomplishments and strives to provide affordable housing and eco- of total service. contributions as Pastor of the Free Methodist nomic opportunity for city residents, and also During his illustrious military career, he has Church. Dr. Roots serves as an example of serves on the Board of Directors for the Boys received many awards, including: Legion of excellence to those in our community. and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington’s DC Merit; Defense Meritorious Service Medal; f region. As an Associate Minister at the historic Meritorious Service Medal; Navy/Marine Corps HONORING MICHELLE MILLBEN Alfred Street Baptist Church, Michelle also di- Commendation Medal; Navy/Marine Corps rects children’s programs during the summer Achievement Medal (2nd Award); Joint Meri- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. for the congregation’s Vacation Bible School torious Unit Award; Navy Unit Commendation; which gathers almost 1,000 people nightly dur- OF MICHIGAN Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation; Marine IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing one week in June, while also leading Corps Good Conduct Medal; Navy Fleet Ma- music ministry to hundreds of students during rine Force Ribbon; Selected Marine Corps Re- Friday, May 9, 2014 their weekly Tuesday bible study at the serve Medal; National Defense Service Medal Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to take church. with two stars; Armed Forces Expeditionary this opportunity to thank one of the most dedi- Michelle’s energy and dedication to commu- Medal; Vietnam Campaign Medal with one cated members of my Judiciary Committee nity service have not gone unnoticed. She was star; with EGA device; staff, Michelle Millben, for her service to both accepted into the Political Leaders Program Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal the Committee and the House of Representa- Class of 2014 at the bipartisan Sorensen Insti- with EGA device; Global War on Terrorism tives. This month she will be leaving to join tute for Political Leadership in Virginia. Service Medal; Military Outstanding Volunteer the White House in the Office of Presidential Michelle has been awarded the Dawn Lawson Service Medal; Navy/Marine Corps Sea Serv- Personnel as the Outreach and Recruitment Leadership Development Award from the Vir- ice Deployment with three stars; Navy/Marine Director (Congressional Affairs). ginia Leadership Institute, and was also

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.020 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E735 awarded the Oliver Hill Award for Social Activ- licans will do anything to divert attention away gram while including important reforms for ac- ism by the National Black Law Students Asso- from their do-nothing record. countability and access. ciation for her efforts in battling against social Mr. Speaker, the American people deserve Public charter schools are an important test- injustices. better. They want and deserve for us to work ing ground for new ideas and innovative prac- On behalf of the Judiciary Committee, its together to solve the real problems facing our tices that can benefit our entire school system. staff, and this distinguished body, I would like country. Today’s bill supports the expansion of high to thank Michelle for her exemplary work, gen- I urge my colleagues to reject this rule and quality charter schools while making vital im- erosity, sense of humor, and loyalty over the vote against the underlying resolution. provements to the program to increase over- past five years. She will be sorely missed as f sight and access. While current law requires a colleague, advisor, and friend. We wish her charter schools to be open to all students, this the best of luck and extend to her our deepest IN RECOGNITION OF DR. JENNIFER bill would encourage enrollment and retention gratitude. PETT-RIDGE of underserved populations like students with f disabilities and English language learners. It HON. ERIC SWALWELL also enhances charter authorizing practices to PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF CALIFORNIA include quality controls for student achieve- OF H. RES. 567, ESTABLISHING IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment and management. SELECT COMMITTEE ON I applaud the Education and Workforce Friday, May 9, 2014 BENGHAZI Committee for working in a bipartisan fashion Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Speaker, to bring this legislation to the Floor. I hope that SPEECH OF I rise today to honor an exemplary scientist at we can apply that same spirit of cooperation HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to fully reauthorize the Elementary and Sec- OF TEXAS (LLNL) in Livermore, California. ondary Education Act and improve education IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of for all students in every public school. Science has selected Dr. Jennifer Pett-Ridge f Thursday, May 8, 2014 to receive funding as part of the Department’s Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Early Career Research Program (ECRP). Her IN RECOGNITION OF TAMARAC opposition to the rule for H. Res. 567, which project, entitled ‘‘Microbial Carbon Trans- CITY COMMISSIONER DIANE establishes a Select Committee on the Events formations in Wet Tropical Soils: The Impor- GLASSER Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in tance of Redox Fluctuations,’’ was selected by Benghazi. the Office of Biological & Environmental Re- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS I oppose this resolution because it is a dis- search. OF FLORIDA traction, intended by the House Republicans The ECRP is crucial to our ability to main- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to divert public attention from their failure to tain American leadership in science. It was Friday, May 9, 2014 address the problems Americans care about created to support the development of indi- like creating jobs, raising the minimum wage, vidual research programs of outstanding sci- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I passing immigration reform, and extending un- entists early in their careers and stimulates re- rise today to honor my dear friend Diane employment insurance benefits to the long- search careers in the disciplines supported by Glasser, who currently serves on the City term unemployed. the DOE Office of Science. Commission for Tamarac, Florida. I have been Mr. Speaker, instead of working with Demo- Dr. Pett-Ridge is the lead scientist of LLNL’s lucky to work with Diane for many years to crats to address the priorities of the American Genomic Science Biofuels Scientific Focus make Florida a better place for all Floridians, people, Republican leaders are gearing up to Area and is a Deputy Group Leader of the Iso- but, for over 40 years, I have been even exploit the tragic attacks in Benghazi with an- topic Signatures Group within LLNL’s Chem- luckier to call Diane a friend. It is a 40-plus other deeply partisan review. ical Sciences Division. She received her B.A. year friendship that has meant the world to There have aleady been seven reviews of in biology and environmental studies and her me, and I thank her for it. that terrible attack: one by the State Depart- M.S. in forest sciences from Yale. Her Ph.D. Diane hails from Mill Basin in Brooklyn, New ment Accountability Review Board, two bipar- in soil microbial ecology from the University of York. She went to high school and college in tisan reviews in the Senate, and four reviews California at Berkeley was earned in 2005. New York, but then in 1973, we in Florida in the House—producing more than 25,000 Awardees were selected from a large pool were lucky enough to entice her down our documents and dozens of interviews with of university and national laboratory-based ap- way—getting to avoid those New York winters high-level officials throughout the government. plicants. Selection was based on peer review probably helped us look like a good place to Mr. Speaker, responding to endless, repet- by outside scientific experts. live too. Diane moved to Florida with her hus- itive and partisan congressional requests has I am privileged to represent LLNL and its band who was a 100 percent disabled veteran cost the Department of Defense and other brilliant scientists like Dr. Pett-Ridge. Their having served bravely in World War II. Diane’s agencies thousands of man-hours and ex- hard work and skill are what keeps America husband, due to the injuries he suffered fight- penses running ‘‘into the millions of dollars,’’ secure and at the forefront of scientific innova- ing for his country, was unable to work, but according to Assistant Secretary of Defense tion. I want to congratulate Dr. Pett-Ridge and this did not stop him from being a tireless ad- for Legislative Affairs Elizabeth King. wish her well in her work with ECRP. vocate for veterans. I think Diane would agree Throughout these reviews, Republican f that her husband’s advocacy helped in part in Members have made numerous accusations in laying the ground work for her future suc- public that have turned out to be untrue after SUCCESS AND OPPORTUNITY cesses as an advocate for the members of our further investigation, undermining the credi- THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER community. bility of their investigations and the House. SCHOOLS ACT After working in the construction industry for Mr. Speaker, our colleagues across the 12 years, Diane was ready for something new. aisle have shown no interest in making the SPEECH OF Mr. Speaker, my friend Diane turned her tre- Select Committee on Benghazi any different HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN mendous energy and insight to helping the from the extreme and counter-productive par- members of her community by volunteering for OF MARYLAND tisanship that has defined their previous inves- her local Democratic Party. Of course, Diane IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tigations into the Fast and Furious and the was not going to volunteer here and there. No, IRS, and their dogged efforts to hold the Attor- Thursday, May 8, 2014 instead, Diane, through dedicated effort, went ney General in contempt of Congress. The House in Committee of the Whole from starting as a volunteer and worked her For example, in the resolution establishing House on the state of the Union had under way to First Vice Chair of the Florida Demo- the committee, Republicans stack the com- consideration the bill (H.R. 10) to amend the cratic Party. In addition, she was elected to mittee with seven Republicans to Democrats’ Charter School Program under the Elemen- the Democratic National Convention as a Na- five, and explicitly exempt the new committee tary and Secondary Education Act of 1965: tional Committeewoman, and was appointed from adopting written rules. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, I rise in sup- to the Electoral College. From the pointless vote to hold former IRS port of the Success and Opportunity Through Mr. Speaker, on behalf of all Floridians and official, Lois Lerner, in contempt, to the latest Quality Charter Schools Act, a bill that members of the Democratic Party, I would like committee on Benghazi, it is clear that Repub- strengthens the existing charter schools pro- to thank Diane for her tireless work in pursuit

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.021 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 of justice for not only all Floridians, but all beauty of the grounds (some of which were cardinal points of the compass at the intersec- Americans. She is an inspiration to all of us designed by the Olmstead brothers) is only tions of State Highway 19 and 31 and US who strive to make our communities a better enhanced by the magnificence of the architec- Highway 175. In the beginning, this building place to live. ture. Beyond Ochre Court, Salve also counts housed county and district offices, auto and f McAuley Hall, the former estate of tobacco property tax offices, and courtrooms. Through- heiress Catherine Lorillard Wolfe; Conley Hall, out the years, many improvements were made TRIBUTE TO THE SOUTHEASTERN once known as Faxon Lodge; and the National to the building. Major renovations were com- PENNSYLVANIA SOCCER HALL Historic Landmark, the William Watts Sherman pleted during the year of 1965 with the addi- OF FAME 2014 HONOREES House, among its many facilities. tion of an elevator, new windows, and im- In addition to acquiring and preserving these provements to the stairs. Other renovations HON. ROBERT A. BRADY architectural gems, Salve has also commis- were made in 1986. The courthouse today still OF PENNSYLVANIA sioned buildings that promote and enhance serves as the heartbeat to the county oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the overall campus aesthetic. Two recent addi- ations and community events. tions, the Rodgers Recreation Center and Our f Friday, May 9, 2014 Lady of Mercy Chapel, both designed by inter- Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I nationally renowned architect Robert A.M. IN HONOR OF LIGHTHOUSE rise today to honor the 2014 inductees of the Stern, are stunning examples of Shingle style MINISTRIES Southeastern Pennsylvania Soccer Hall of American architecture that mesh perfectly with Fame. The inductions will be held on May 10, their hundred year-old neighbors. HON. ANDY BARR 2014 during the 67th Annual Hall of Fame My favorite building on campus might be the OF KENTUCKY Banquet. Antone Academic Center, which originally IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dating back to 1947, the Southeastern served as the stables and carriage house for Friday, May 9, 2014 Pennsylvania Soccer Hall of Fame recognizes Chateau-sur-Mer, the oldest of the Bellevue the best of our region’s soccer community. Avenue mansions. The Antone Center is the Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recognize Through hard work and dedication, the induct- home of Salve’s Cultural and Historic Preser- Lighthouse Ministries for a decade of serving ees and award winners have achieved both on vation Department, and it houses labs where men, women and children in central and east- and off the field. students and professors develop new ways to ern Kentucky. The banquet is an opportunity to gather in protect our country’s artistic legacy. By taking Lighthouse Ministries is a non-profit, faith- celebration and recognition of the area’s soc- advantage of the natural resource that Rhode based organization dedicated to reaching the cer community. This being the 67th banquet is Island’s rich architectural heritage represents, low- and moderate-income population of Lex- a testament to the strength and standing of Salve has made important contributions to the ington, and the Fayette County area, by pro- the Hall of Fame within the soccer community. Ocean State while training the next generation viding free meals for people in need, and also As the world of soccer has evolved, so has of preservationists. by providing housing and support for men who this organization, ensuring that future genera- In 2002, Salve became the first New Eng- are disadvantaged, whether due to recent im- tions will have the chance to participate in this land school to receive a Getty Grant to de- prisonment, drug-related issues, or poverty. Lighthouse Ministries also provides edu- great game. I congratulate and thank all of velop a campus heritage preservation plan. cational and psychological support for people those honored for their important contributions. Barely a decade later, I am thrilled to see their who are in need of drug, alcohol and voca- The Southeastern Pennsylvania Soccer Hall hard work rewarded and highlighted on the tional rehabilitation. of Fame also deserves special recognition for national stage. Congratulations to University Since 2004, Lighthouse Ministries has their Coats for Chester event. Since 2010, the President Sister Jane Gerety and all of the served more than 330,000 meals—each ac- Hall of Fame along with many dedicated vol- Salve community for this honor! companied by a Bible message, individual unteers collected over 4,800 winter coats to f prayer if requested, and clothing and toiletries donate to needy families in Chester, PA. HENDERSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE when needed. I invite you and all of my colleagues to join 100TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join in congratulating the Southeastern Pennsyl- me in celebrating Lighthouse Ministries’ dec- vania Soccer Hall of Fame and those being ade of service. I would also like to extend my honored at the 67th Hall of Fame Banquet. HON. JEB HENSARLING OF TEXAS personal gratitude to this organization for all f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that they do to better our community and our COMMENDING SALVE REGINA ON Friday, May 9, 2014 Commonwealth. f RECEIVING A 2014 ARTHUR ROSS Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, on May AWARD 17, 2014 the citizens of Henderson County, BUILDING SAFETY MONTH Texas will observe the 100th year anniversary HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN of the current county courthouse in Athens, HON. PETER WELCH OF RHODE ISLAND Texas. While Henderson County has had OF VERMONT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES three previous Courthouse buildings, the one IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that stands today has passed the century Friday, May 9, 2014 Friday, May 9, 2014 mark. Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I am honored Henderson County, established in 1846 by Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I seek to mark today to congratulate Salve Regina University, the Texas Legislature, was carved from the start of Building Safety Month. Each May, in my home state of Rhode Island, on receiv- Nacogdoches and Houston Counties and we recognize the importance of building safety ing the 2014 Arthur Ross Award for Steward- named for Texas’ first Governor, J. Pinckney and the leadership of the International Code ship. Given by the Institute of Classical Archi- Henderson. Council (ICC) that develops and publishes the tecture and Art, the Arthur Ross Awards cele- The Henderson County Commissioners model building safety and energy efficiency brate achievements in the classical tradition. Court approved the building of the current codes. These codes are used in my home According to the ICAA, ‘‘In protecting the ar- courthouse on June 12, 1913. They authorized state of Vermont, and throughout the United chitectural legacy of its campus, the university L.R. Wright & Company to erect the structure States, as well as in many other nations. has commissioned new buildings that har- for the cost of $113,500. The L.L. Thurmon Building codes are the foundation for safety, monize with its historic structures.’’ My time on Architectural firm of Dallas designed the court- stability and performance in buildings. Without the campus has only confirmed Salve’s suc- house in the ‘‘Classical Revival’’ style, the strong building codes, flood would lead to in- cess in preserving Newport’s rich architectural dominant type of architecture for Texas court- creased damage, earthquakes would flatten and cultural heritage. houses in the early 1900s. A marble corner- communities, and countless lives would be Since the donation of Ochre Court, the sec- stone and time capsule on the northeast cor- lost. Strong model building codes also ensure ond largest mansion in the city, to the Univer- ner commemorates the structure’s construc- our buildings are high performing and energy sity in 1947, Salve has had a unique relation- tion. In early 1914 the new courthouse opened efficient. ship with its buildings. Located on seven con- for operations. So I want to congratulate the leaders of the tiguous estates from Newport’s gilded age, The courthouse today stands in the square ICC, who sponsor Building Safety Month, cele- bordering the famous Cliff Walk, the natural of Athens, Texas. Its entrances face the four brated in May every year for over 30 years.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.025 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E737 The leaders of ICC, including the President lated conditions: Parkinson’s disease, hairy look forward to hearing his report when it is Stephen D. Jones, Construction Official for cell and other chronic b-cell leukemias, and finished. Millburn Township/Short Hills, New Jersey; ischemic heart disease; and for Gulf War Vet- f Past President of the Board of Directors, Ron- erans, VA granted presumption of service con- ald Piester, Director, Division of Code Enforce- nection for nine diseases associated with Gulf IN HONOR OF WALTER ‘‘RANDY’’ ment and Administration from the New York War Illness. RANDALL Secretary of State’s Office; Vice-President For all combat Veterans with verifiable Guy Tomberlin, Code Specialist for Fairfax PTSD—World War II, Korea, Dominican Re- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. County, Virginia; and Alex Olszowy III, Build- public, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, OF GEORGIA ing Inspection Supervisor, Lexington/Fayette Operation Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Urban County Government, Kentucky will join among others—VA loosened the evidentiary Friday, May 9, 2014 ICC’s Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims in standard to receive benefits. Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is Washington the week of May 19th, to discuss Since 2009, VA has reduced the estimated with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance the critical need to support the adoption and number of homeless Veterans by 24 percent. that I rise today to pay tribute to a great man enforcement of current building codes, to They have conducted over six million clinical and dedicated public servant, Lt. Col. Walter make sure Americans are safe at home, at visits with over 600,000 Veterans who were ‘‘Randy’’ Randall, USAF (Retired). Sadly, Lt. work, at school and at play. homeless, at risk of homelessness (including Col. Randall passed away on Saturday, May The model building codes, produced by formerly homeless). In 2013 alone, VA served 3, 2014. A memorial service will be held at ICC, allow every community in the United more than 240,000 Veterans who were home- 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at the States to share the advantage of adopting less or at risk of becoming homeless—21 per- Base Theater at Robins Air Force Base. Inter- building codes that are adaptable to local con- cent more than the year before. ment with full military honors will be held on ditions, but at the same time incorporate the The VA has made progress for veterans of Monday, May 12, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in Jack- very latest research, materials, and building the future by providing Post-9/11 GI Bill edu- sonville National Cemetery in Jacksonville, practices. This is achieved in a private-public cational benefits to more than one million stu- Florida. partnership, saving local jurisdictions from dents and decreasing the disability claims ‘‘Randy’’ was born on November 13, 1946 bearing the large expense of code revision, backlog by nearly 50 percent. to the late Katie Randall and Walter Randall, updating and coordination. These model I welcome Secretary Shinseki’s announce- Sr. in Chicago, Illinois. He grew up in Jack- codes are produced through the cooperation ment that the Veterans Health Administration sonville, Florida and earned a Bachelor of of thousands of local officials, working with the (VHA) will complete a nationwide access re- Science in Biology from Bethune Cookman building industry, to produce codes that rep- view at all health care facilities. As stated, the College and a Master of Science degree from resent a consensus on what the minimum purpose of this review is to ensure a full un- Florida A&M University. After teaching Biology safety requirements are for various building derstanding of VA’s policy and continued in- in the Jacksonville Public School System for a types. tegrity in managing patient access to care. As few years, he enlisted in the United States Air Congratulations to the hard working mem- part of the review during the next several Force in 1975. bers, and leadership, of the International Code weeks, a national face-to-face audit will be He earned his commission through Officer Council. conducted at all clinics for every VA Medical Training School at Lackland Air Force Base in f Center. Texas in May 1975; completed several assign- I am confident in the health care our vet- ments at McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas IN SUPPORT OF VA SECRETARY erans in Florida are receiving. With eight VA before serving a three-year tour in Germany; ERIC SHINSEKI Medical Centers in Florida, Georgia and Puer- was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Col.) to Rico and over 55 clinics serving over 1.6 and served in the Aeronautical Systems Divi- HON. CORRINE BROWN million veterans, the care veterans are getting sion at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in OF FLORIDA is the best in the world. Ohio before coming to Robins Air Force Base IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over 2,312 physicians and 5,310 nurses are in Georgia in August 1994. He served as the serving the 546,874 veterans who made near- C–5 Transition and Supportability Manager for Friday, May 9, 2014 ly 8 million visits to the facilities in our region. the C–5 System Program Office since April Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, as a Of the total 25,133 VA employees, one-third 1999. senior member of the House Veterans’ Affairs are veterans. In addition to his faithful service to our coun- Committee, I rise today in strong support of In 2013, 37,221 women received health try, Randy has served his community with Secretary Shinseki and his leadership of the care services at VA hospitals and clinics in much loyalty and dedication. As the Chairman Department of Veterans’ Affairs. No veterans Florida, South Georgia and the Caribbean— and longtime member of the Warner Robins should ever go without the healthcare they de- more than any other VA healthcare network Regional Chamber of Commerce, he strongly serve, but it is important to not just focus on nationwide. This means that more than 75 advocated for a regional approach to improv- anecdotal problems but to look at what the percent of women Veterans enrolled for VA ing the Middle Georgia community as a whole. Secretary and the VA have accomplished. healthcare in VISN 8 were seen by providers He was a firm leader but his friendly approach The VA operates 1,700 sites of care, and in 2013. to all he met gained him tremendous respect conducts approximately 85 million appoint- I am especially pleased at the new Jackson- in the region. ments each year, which comes to 236,000 ville Replacement Outpatient Clinic that was Randy served as Vice President of Oper- health care appointments each day. recently opened. The two-story, 133,500 ations for Cirrus Technology and was Senior The latest American Customer Satisfaction square foot clinic provides state of the art Vice President of Progressive Consulting Index, an independent customer service sur- technology and increased specialty services Technologies, Inc. (PCTI). He was also a vey, ranks VA customer satisfaction among including diagnostics, improved laboratory fa- member of the Warner Robins Rotary Club, Veteran patients among the best in the nation cilities, expansion of women’s services, minor Tuskegee Airmen’s Association, and Veterans and equal to or better than ratings for private ambulatory surgical procedures, expanded of Foreign Wars Post No. 9998. He was an sector hospitals. mental health telehealth services and addi- active member of Robins Air Force Base Since its peak in March of 2013, the VA has tional audiology. Chapel, a member of Phi Beta Sigma Frater- reduced the benefits claims backlog by nearly When opened, the Orlando VA Medical nity, Inc. and the Museum of Aviation Founda- 50 percent, on track to eliminate the backlog Center will include 134 inpatient beds, an out- tion’s National Board of Advisors, and a long- in 2015. VA has also implemented an auto- patient clinic, parking garages, chapel and time official of the Georgia Recreational Foot- mated electronic claims processing system to central energy plant. Currently, the 120-bed ball League. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, golf- better serve Veterans into the future. In 2013, community living center and 60-bed domi- ing, and ballroom dancing. VA paid out $66 billion in compensation claims ciliary are open and accepting veterans. Maya Angelou once said, ‘‘A great soul to 4.5 million eligible Veterans. The VA provides quality timely healthcare to serves everyone all the time. A great soul Under the leadership of Secretary Shinseki, our veterans. We have a duty to make sure never dies.’’ We are all so blessed that Mr. VA has also greatly expanded access to that all those who have defended this country Randall passed this way and during his life’s earned benefits for Veterans of all eras. when called upon receive the care they have journey did so much for so many for so long. In addition, VA granted presumption of serv- earned through their service. I support the He leaves behind a great legacy in service to ice connection for three new Agent-Orange-re- Secretary in his nationwide access review and all those whose lives he touched.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.029 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 On a personal note, I have been truly reer as a public school mathematics teacher, consideration the bill (H.R. 10) to amend the blessed by Randy’s steadfast friendship and a profession in which she has been engaged Charter School Program under the Elemen- support. I was delighted when, several years over the past four decades. tary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ago, his good friend Colonel Curtis Wright, Born in Baltimore, MD on February 23, Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Chair, on Tuesday, my USAF (Retired) introduced us. My wife, Vivian, 1948, Cynthia is the daughter of Samuel and amazing wife Rachel gave birth to our seventh and I will cherish the wonderful memories we Ellen Kirby, an engraver and a nurse, respec- child, a fifth daughter to add to our brood. And have of Randy’s bright smile, upbeat person- tively. She graduated from Eastern High whether it is our seventh or seventeenth baby, ality, and close friendship. School in 1966 and attended the University of the first few days always feel the same. The Randy is survived by his two sons, Walter Maryland, where she earned a BA in Edu- curiosity of who this little girl will become is Andre and Marshall; three sisters, a niece, cation—Mathematics. In 1991, Cynthia ob- just as high with her as it was when our oldest three nephews, and other beloved relatives tained her Masters of Education from West was born. and friends. Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC). We wonder, will she have an affinity for Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the Upon graduation from the University of math or be drawn to the classics? Will she House of Representatives to join me and my Maryland, Cynthia served as a public school excel in music or languages? Will she have an wife, Vivian, in saluting Lt. Col. Walter teacher in Prince George’s Co., MD, and interest in history or world affairs? With all of ‘‘Randy’’ Randall, USAF (Retired) for his out- Glouster Co., NJ. After a stint as a stay-at- our children, we know only time can answer standing service to his country and to his com- home mom in the mid-70s to raise her two these questions, but her schooling will cer- munity. We extend our deepest sympathies to children, Jennifer and Robert, Cynthia re- tainly play a part. Randy’s family, friends and loved ones during turned to teaching in Fairfax Co., VA in 1980, It is a sentiment shared by millions of par- this difficult time and we pray that they will be and has been active in the classroom ever ents. That is why I rise in strong support of consoled and comforted by an abiding faith since. H.R. 10, the Success and Opportunity through and the Holy Spirit in the days, weeks and Cynthia’s most notable contributions as an Quality Charter Schools Act. I am a proud co- months ahead. educator took place in the Upshur County sponsor of this legislation, and am happy to (WV) Public School System. From 1983 to f see it on the floor, especially today. 1990, Cynthia taught 8th Grade Math at the My congressional district has the 25th high- REMEMBERING DEMI BRAE CUCCIA Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School as a mem- est number of charter schools in the country. ber of Team H. She then transitioned to the All parents want choices and opportunities for HON. KEITH J. ROTHFUS Buckhannon-Upshur High School, where from our children and charter schools provide those OF PENNSYLVANIA 1990 onward Cynthia instructed a wide range options. Schools no longer have to be dictated of math courses, including: Algebra I, Algebra IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by where families buy their house, and a zip II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and code should no longer dictate the quality of Friday, May 9, 2014 Dual Credit College Algebra and College Trig- education our children receive. These things Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to onometry. Along the way, in 1991, Cynthia should be chosen based on the education par- honor the life of Demi Brae Cuccia. Demi was picked up her Masters of Education from West ents want their children to receive. a student and cheerleader at Gateway High Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC). Demand for charter schools has never been School in Monroeville, PA with an outgoing Outside of her duties as a public school higher. Currently, over 1 million student names personality and big aspirations for a success- teacher, Cynthia also serves as an Adjunct are on waiting lists for a public charter school. ful future. Professor of Mathematics Education at WVWC From New York City to rural Wisconsin, these Tragically, Demi was a victim of teen-dating and Fairmont State University. She also schools play an integral role in educating our violence, murdered just one day after her six- served as Program Director for WVWC’s Sum- children. As our new baby girl grows up, we teenth birthday on August 15, 2007. mer Institute, as well as lead instructor of SAT will value the choices she is given because of Teen-dating violence such as physical, emo- Math Prep. Cynthia routinely opens her high the Success and Opportunity through Quality tional, or sexual abuse and stalking is unac- school classroom to undergraduate and grad- Charter Schools Act. ceptable. No child deserves to be subjected to uate student teachers, as well as students en- I’m thankful for the committee’s work on this abuse and violence. As a father of six, my gaged in clinical education research in important bill. heart goes out to the family and friends of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math f Demi, especially her parents, Dr. Gary and (STEM) education. Jodi Cuccia. In addition to her excellence as a math edu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION More must be done in our communities to cator, Cynthia also graciously volunteers her prevent future tragedies like the one that took time as the faculty advisor to several school HON. ANDRE´ CARSON organizations, including the alcohol, smoking, Demi. The Cuccia family is working hard to OF INDIANA and drug-awareness activities of Teen Insti- educate Western Pennsylvania students and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES families about how to recognize and prevent tute/RAZEWV, and the civic and volunteer un- teen-dating violence through the Demi Brae dertakings of Interact (Youth Rotary). Friday, May 9, 2014 Cuccia Awareness Organization. Because of In all of her cherished duties—wife, mother, Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, on the Cuccias efforts, Demi’s story has also teacher, mentor, advisor, role-model, and civic May 6, 2014, I missed rollcall vote 194 and been recognized by national news outlets and leader—Cynthia has displayed unparalleled 195. Had I been present, I would have voted in the documentary Teen Dating Violence: The spirit, drive, and devotion. I am, therefore, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall 194 and ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall 195. honored and pleased to have this opportunity Murder of Demi Cuccia. f It is my hope that thanks to the Cuccias ef- to call to the attention of my colleagues the forts more families can be spared from the extraordinary accomplishments of Cynthia K. HONORING THE 66TH ANNIVER- tragedy of teen-dating violence. Raffety. I admire Cynthia’s idealism and life- SARY OF ISRAELI INDEPEND- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me long commitment to her community, and I join ENCE in remembering Demi today and in thanking her family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues the Cuccias for their commitment to end teen- in thanking Cynthia for her life of service. HON. KYRSTEN SINEMA dating violence. f OF ARIZONA f SUCCESS AND OPPORTUNITY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO CYNTHIA K. RAFFETY THROUGH QUALITY CHARTER Friday, May 9, 2014 SCHOOLS ACT Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO SPEECH OF recognition of Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Inde- OF WEST VIRGINIA HON. SEAN P. DUFFY pendence Day. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sixty-six years ago, the state of Israel cele- OF WISCONSIN brated its first independence day. The creation Friday, May 9, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of a modern Jewish homeland is no small Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Thursday, May 8, 2014 achievement, and I am honored to join with recognize Cynthia K. Raffety, who on June 13, The House in Committee of the Whole Israelis and millions of other people around 2014 will step down from an exceptional ca- House on the state of the Union had under the world to continue this celebration.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.031 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E739 I have now been fortunate enough to visit Air Force in 1954, Mr. Garner served with dis- Through these efforts we can increase the Israel twice, most recently as part of a Con- tinction, finally earning the rank of Senior Mas- rate of adoption, decrease the rate of home- gressional delegation last summer. I was ter Sergeant in 1971. Upon completion of lessness among the youths in this group and again struck by the diversity that exists in such twenty years of service with the Air Force, help develop future leaders and innovative a small country and the creativity and energy while serving in the Philippines, Mr. Garner thinkers of tomorrow. that makes Israel so special. was honorably discharged. Soon after, he de- I would like to take a moment to recognize In speaking with political, business, and so- cided it was time to move back home to Texas the families who have opened their hearts and cial leaders, I learned so much more about with his wife and two young daughters, where homes to foster children. Foster parents play what links our two countries. The similarities he worked as an adult probation officer in a critical role in the lives of some of the most between Arizona and Israel, where people Henderson County until his retirement. vulnerable youth in Texas and across the work hard, embrace ingenuity and creativity, Coming from a distinguished family of vet- country. and build stronger communities for their fami- erans that ‘‘bleeds red, white, and blue,’’ Mr. lies, are also striking. Garner was no exception. During his time with They help hold our nation’s social fabric to- On this anniversary I reaffirm my commit- the Air Force, he was awarded several med- gether by ensuring that thousands of young ment to Israel’s security and to a lasting peace als, including the Bronze Star, two Com- people in this country stay on track towards in the region. I am proud of the bond between mendation medals, and the Presidential Unit successful futures. This month, we celebrate our two countries, a bond built on mutual re- Citation. He remains a true patriot, volun- you and your efforts to change the lives of spect for human rights, democracy and free- teering his time with different military service these children. dom. organizations in East Texas. National Foster Care Month is an appro- As we celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut in Israel Humbly, I echo the words of President Ron- priate time time to recognize and commend all and the United States, we can reflect on a ald Reagan, ‘‘We will always remember. We those who are helping to improve the lives of shared past and look towards a safe and se- will always be proud. We will always be pre- children in foster care. cure future. pared, so we will always be free.’’ And hum- But it also serves as a reminder that more f bly, I offer my sincere gratitude to Mr. Dwayne must be done. These children deserve to grow Garner for his service and acts of bravery that RECOGNIZING AMERICAN SOCIETY up in a loving home that is safe, happy, and allow us the freedoms we enjoy today. most importantly one they can call their own. OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY f RECOGNIZING MAY AS NATIONAL f HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK FOSTER CARE MONTH OF PENNSYLVANIA IN RECOGNITION OF DR. TODD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE GAMBLIN Friday, May 9, 2014 OF TEXAS Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I am IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ERIC SWALWELL pleased to recognize the American Society of Friday, May 9, 2014 OF CALIFORNIA Clinical Oncology, ASCO, on its 50 years of Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as one of advancing progress against cancer. Back in the original co-sponsor of the resolution recog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1964, seven physicians committed to improv- nizing May as National Foster Care Month, I Friday, May 9, 2014 ing the care of people to cancer came to- rise to recognize the selfless foster families gether with a vision for a professional society who open their hearts and their homes for Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Speaker, that would educate and lead physicians children in need and to all of those individuals I rise today to honor an exemplary scientist at through this journey. At that time, cancer was and organizations that work to ensure that Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory largely untreatable and only a handful of hard- every child has an opportunity for a brighter (LLNL) in Livermore, California. to-tolerate and mostly ineffective therapies future. were available. Flash forward fifty years and The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of I am honored to be a founding member of Science has selected Dr. Todd Gamblin to re- ASCO has nearly 35,000 members around the the Congressional Caucus for Foster Youth, a world. In the 1960s, less than one-half of pa- ceive funding as part of Department’s Early caucus that allows Members to gain a better Career Research Program (ECRP). His tients with cancer were alive five years after understanding of the current state of foster diagnosis. Today more than two-thirds of pa- project, entitled ‘‘Statistical Methods for care throughout the nation and identify poten- Exascale Performance Modeling,’’ was se- tients with cancer are alive five years after tial federal policy modifications that could im- their diagnosis. The number of drugs available lected by the Office of Advanced Scientific prove outcomes for the children in our coun- Computing Research. to treat cancer has grown from a small handful try’s foster care systems. to more than 170, and options for toxicity Mr. Speaker, currently there are over The ECRP is crucial to our ability to main- management have vastly increased. Patient 463,000 children living in foster care. These tain American leadership in science. It was quality of life has improved dramatically. This children have been placed in homes on the created to support the development of indi- is cause for celebration, but we cannot rest. account of the physical, sexual and emotional vidual research programs of outstanding sci- An estimated 1.6 million Americans will be di- abuse they have endured with their biological entists early in their careers and stimulates re- agnosed with cancer this year. The growing, caretaker. search careers in the disciplines supported by aging, and more overweight population makes My state of Texas currently has more than the DOE Office of Science. it likely that cancer will become the leading 69,000 children and young persons in foster Dr. Gamblin is a computer scientist in the cause of death by 2030. I commend ASCO for care. Center for Applied Scientific Computing at its contributions to the progress against cancer Nearly two of every three (65%) of children LLNL and has been with the lab since 2008. over these 50 years and look forward to work- who are not placed in a permanent home He received a Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in ing with the cancer community to continue the emancipate themselves from the system often computer science from the University of North progress. left unemployed, without a place to live and Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2009 and 2005. He f resorting to homeless shelters. received his B.A. in computer science and Less than 3 percent go on to college and Japanese from Williams College in 2002. HONORING DWAYNE GARNER emancipated females end up four times more likely to receive public assistance compared to Awardees were selected from a large pool HON. JEB HENSARLING the overall population of the United States. of university- and national laboratory-based applicants. Selection was based on peer re- OF TEXAS Mr. Speaker, it is vital that we continue to view by outside scientific experts. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES create more programs, events and activities that will enlighten citizens of the United States I am privileged to represent LLNL and its Friday, May 9, 2014 on stories of children successfully placed in brilliant scientists like Dr. Gamblin. Their hard Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, it is my permanent homes, debunk myths about the work and skill are what keeps America secure honor today to recognize Dwayne Garner of process and acknowledge the thousands of and at the forefront of scientific innovation. I Henderson County for his exceptional service children who could potentially become a part want to congratulate Dr. Gamblin and wish to our country. Beginning his service with the of these statistics. him well in his work with ECRP.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.036 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 RECOGNIZING STANISLAUS the importance of allowing younger leaders a ing in the yard and cleaning his car. Mr. COUNTY FARM BUREAU chance to make a positive impact, Jim is step- Whiteside is survived by his wife, Barbara ping down from his nearly two decades of ‘‘Bobbie’’ Sox Whiteside, of Lexington; sons, Stan and Wayne Whiteside of Lexington; HON. JEFF DENHAM dedication to making Belton a great place to daughter, Kim (Tim) French of Lexington; OF CALIFORNIA live and work. grandchildren, Lauren, Andrew, and Brandon IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under Jim’s leadership, Belton escaped the Whiteside, Ashley (Bowe) Butler and Malia cycle of ‘‘management by crisis’’ by adopting and Devin French; great-grandchildren, Friday, May 9, 2014 forward-thinking strategic policies. Reviewed Reece and Paxton Butler; sister, Doris Goff Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to annually and updated every five years, these of Saluda and man’s best friend ‘‘Bandit’’, recognize and congratulate Stanislaus County plans have put Belton on the right track. As a (Poppy’s Lil Buddy). Farm Bureau as they celebrate their 100th result, Belton has seen its population grow as He is predeceased by his parents and his year anniversary. the city has been repeatedly honored with brother Horace Whiteside. The Stanislaus County Farm Bureau awards from the Texas Municipal League, the f (SCFB) was organized in 1914. Through the prestigious Preserve America Presidential CELEBRATING THE 125TH ANNI- efforts of the old Stanislaus County Board of Award in 2008, and a Scenic City Award in VERSARY OF INCORPORATION OF Trade, its President, J.W. Davison, Secretary, 2010. THE CITY OF COMPTON Geo T. McCabe, and other Directors of that Jim’s tenure was dedicated to making body, an appropriation was made by the Belton’s natural beauty his top priority. Nolan Board of Supervisors for the expense of a Creek winds through the heart of Belton and HON. JANICE HAHN Farm Advisor. In 1975, they changed from connects many important areas of the city in- OF CALIFORNIA center concept to regional concept for the pur- cluding three major parks, the University of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pose of electing directors and gathering mem- Mary Hardin Baylor, and the historic downtown Friday, May 9, 2014 bers. area. Recognizing this uncut gem flowing To keep their members apprised of what through his city, Jim worked tirelessly to im- Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, on May 14th, the was happening, the Farm Bureau began publi- prove and promote this critical waterway. His City of Compton will celebrate its 125th birth- cation of the Stanislaus County Farm Bureau vision will dramatically enhance the quality of day. This anniversary comes after a year-long Monthly newsletter in 1949. They changed the Belton life by offering a unique recreational celebration of Compton’s cultural heritage and format in 1971, and the publication was sent corridor with watersports opportunities while its history. In the few days before the 125th out weekly. A few years later, in 1980, the title promoting strong economic development. anniversary, I would like to do my part to en- was changed to the Stanislaus Farm News, Widely admired and respected for his lead- sure that Congress recognizes the anniversary and is presently the only weekly county farm ership, Jim has been a mayor both his col- of one of California’s oldest cities. bureau publication in the Nation. leagues and constituents could rely upon. His Located in the heart of Los Angeles County, The SCFB is a nonprofit, voluntary member- commitment to public service doesn’t end the City of Compton is the ‘‘Hub City’’ for both ship organization whose mission is to serve as when he leaves the office. A proud part of the culture and trade. Several of the world’s most the voice of Stanislaus County agriculture at larger Fort Hood community, he’s been in- talented athletes and artists, such as Olympic all levels of government, while providing pro- volved in troop support for years. Gold Medalist Charles Dumas and the influen- grams to assist its farms and family members Retirement is to be celebrated and enjoyed. tial hip hop group N.W.A., have called this city and educate the general public on the needs It is not the end of a career, but rather the be- home. Not only does Compton export talent, and importance of agriculture. ginning of a new adventure. I commend Jim but it also conducts 25 percent of all U.S. wa- The Bureau provides a network of support Covington for his selfless service to his be- terborne international trade. both on and off the farm. From delivering loved community. I wish him only the best in Furthermore, the City of Compton has his- breaking legislative and local news, to pro- the years ahead. torically been in the forefront of promoting di- versity in leadership. It is the first city in Cali- viding educational tools and helpful discounts, f they are there to serve the farmers. As of fornia to elect an African American mayor, today, the organization serves over 3,000 IN MEMORY OF NEVIN ‘‘NEB’’ Douglas Dollarhide, and a female African members in Stanislaus County with the motto: WILLIAM WHITESIDE, JR. American mayor, Doris Davis. ‘‘Farmers Feed Families.’’ Therefore, I am introducing a resolution to The SCFB is actively involved in agricultural HON. JOE WILSON recognize and celebrate the anniversary for education of the public and students in OF SOUTH CAROLINA the City of Compton. I hope that it can con- Stanislaus County through programs such as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tinue to grow and to develop its identity and culture. Congratulations to the City of Comp- Ag in the Classroom and Ag Edventure. Pro- Friday, May 9, 2014 grams such as Farm Team, Rural Crime Alert ton on 125 years, and may the best be yet to and the Stanislaus Safety Seminar are highly Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- come. successful member and public service pro- er, on Friday, May 2nd, funeral services were f grams that enhance community awareness of held for Nevin ‘‘Neb’’ William Whiteside, Jr. a CRUDE TRUTH agriculture and the issues faced by today’s patriot and veteran of the United States Navy farmers and ranchers. who served his country with honor in the Ko- Mr. Speaker, please join me in celebrating rean War. HON. TED POE Funeral services for Mr. Whiteside were with the Stanislaus County Farm Bureau for OF TEXAS held at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church of Lex- their significant contributions, not only to agri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ington, South Carolina. As a testament to Mr. culture, but to the community and the State of Friday, May 9, 2014 California. Congratulations on the past 100 Whiteside’s love of his country, funeral flowers years, and I wish you the best success in the were red, white, and blue with a patriotic Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, we are in years to come. theme throughout the service according to his the middle of an American energy revolution, wishes. Interment followed in the church but the U.S. government is getting in the way. f graveyard. Until recently, U.S. crude production had been CELEBRATING BELTON, TEXAS His obituary in The Lexington County on a steady decline. In 1970, domestic pro- MAYOR JIM COVINGTON Chronicle newspaper contained this tribute: duction peaked at 9.6 million barrels a day. By NEVIN ‘‘NEB’’ WILLIAM WHITESIDE, JR. 2008, we were almost half that with a mere 5 HON. JOHN R. CARTER Mr. Whiteside was born November 28, 1929 million barrels being pumped per day. Then, in Leesville, SC, and passed away on April 30, OF TEXAS America did what America does best: inno- 2014. He was the son of the late Nevin Wil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vate. New technologies of horizontal drilling liam Whiteside and Bertie Eargle Whiteside. and hydraulic fracturing that no one else in the Friday, May 9, 2014 Mr. Whiteside served our country in the US Navy during the Korean War. He retired world could do has increased U.S. crude pro- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to from Kenan Transportation. He was a mem- duction 56 percent since 2008. By next year, celebrate the fantastic public service of Belton, ber of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, VFW and according to the International Energy Agency, TX Mayor Jim Covington as he begins the Lexington Masonic Lodge 152. He loved to the U.S. will become the largest crude pro- next exciting chapter of his life. Recognizing ride his Harley Davidson and enjoyed work- ducer in the world. More than Saudi Arabia,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.040 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E741 more than Venezuela, and yes, more than Mr. Americans pay at the pump. The math is sim- ways overcome. Today, the United States and Putin’s Russia. ple: more supply with the same amount of de- Israel are working more closely together than But it is not all so rosy. The oil we drill here mand means a lower price. In a Congressional ever before and I look forward to building is what is characterized as light and sweet hearing last week, Elizabeth Rosenberg from upon this steadfast partnership. crude oil. However, the oil that our refiners the Center for a New American Security cited Against impossible odds, Israel has become can process in order to make crude into re- a study that showed domestic gasoline prices a vibrant democracy, with an active and free fined products, like vehicle gasoline, is heavy could drop between three to seven cents per press, freedom for all religions, and a leader and sour. That’s because these refineries gallon if the ban were lifted. More studies are in the protection and promotion of gay rights. were built before our energy revolution to expected to be released in the next few In its 66 years, Israel has produced remark- process crude oil from places like Venezuela weeks. able inventions that have improved our lives and North Africa. These refineries can process It is time to revisit the crude oil export ban. and its contributions to environmental protec- this heavy crude better than any other refin- Last week, my Subcommittee held a hearing tion, energy independence, medicine, and ag- eries in the world, but they cannot help us on this issue, bringing together representatives riculture technology have spanned the globe. much when it comes to refining the oil that we from both aspects of the industry, as well as Israel’s accomplishments are incredible and are drilling right here at home. We need new Senator LISA MURKOWSKI and a renowned en- inspiring. It is with great honor that I extend refineries to be built to process this light ergy economist. my deepest congratulations to Israel, our crude, but that will take years. In the mean- We live in a completely different world today greatest ally, on 66 years of independence. time, we should sell our light crude abroad in- than we did when the ban was passed in f stead of just letting it waste away here. That 1975. Back then, U.S. troops were coming would bring billions of dollars and thousands home from Vietnam, the Soviet Union still oc- HONORING MEDAL OF HONOR RE- of jobs to our economy. It is an obvious solu- cupied East Germany, and Osama bin Laden CIPIENT SERGEANT FIRST tion for a simple problem, but we cannot do it. just turned 18. America has changed consider- CLASS JOSE RODELA Why? Because of outdated legislation. ably since those days. It’s time for our energy In 1975, Congress passed the Energy Pol- policy to do the same. And that’s just the way HON. BLAKE FARENTHOLD icy and Conservation Act, making it illegal to it is. OF TEXAS export U.S. crude. It was the height of the f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arab oil embargo, and Congress wanted to in- Friday, May 9, 2014 sulate Americans from global price shocks. HONORING ED DELOACH The problem is that domestic gasoline Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise prices are largely set by the global crude HON. JEB HENSARLING today to honor Sergeant First Class Jose Rodela, Medal of Honor recipient and a true price—not the domestic price—since crude is OF TEXAS American hero. Sergeant First Class Rodela a globally traded commodity. Of the crude oil IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we consume, 46% is imported. These imports was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, on June are subject to market uncertainty just like Friday, May 9, 2014 15, 1937. He entered the U.S. Army in Sep- every other traded good. Our energy revolu- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, it is my tember 1955, at the age of 17. tion is actually not going to change that num- honor today to recognize Ed DeLoach, a vet- Sergeant First Class Rodela was recognized ber much either. Our domestic refiners were eran of the Korean War, for his exceptional for his valorous actions and awarded the Con- made to process the heavy crude oil imported service to our country. Beginning his service gressional Medal of Honor for his service on from such places like Venezuela and North Af- with the U.S. Navy on April 3, 1951, Mr. September 1, 1969, while serving as the com- rica. But the oil that is coming out of the DeLoach trained as an Electronic Technician pany commander in Phuoc Long Province, ground right here in the United States is light and served aboard two aircraft carriers, the Vietnam. He commanded his company crude. Currently, refiners can mix a little of our USS Kearsarge and the USS Hancock. throughout 18 hours of continuous combat light domestic crude with imported heavy While aboard the USS Kearsarge, he was when his battalion was attacked and taking crude to process it, but they cannot handle all deployed on two combat tours in the Korean heavy casualties. Throughout the battle, in of our domestic production. Not being able to War zone in support of air operations over the spite of his wounds, Rodela repeatedly ex- export our extra domestic crude has caused Korean peninsula. As a member of the crew, posed himself to enemy fire to attend to the the price to artificially drop. Economists predict he received the National Defense Service fallen and eliminate an enemy rocket position. that if the ban is not overturned, domestic Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the On March 18, 2014, President Barack crude production companies will not be able to China Service Medal, and the Korean Service Obama awarded Sergeant First Class Rodela make a profit and will have to decrease drilling Medal with two stars. Subsequently, Mr. the Medal of Honor For ‘‘Conspicuous Gal- in the next 18 to 36 months. If they are forced DeLoach was transferred to the USS Hancock lantry and Intrepidity at the Risk of His Life to cut back on drilling, they are going to also and supported operations testing an advanced Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.’’ His be forced to lay off hard working Americans. system for launching carrier-based aircraft Medal of Honor citation reads: Refiners, who have no such ban on export- until he was honorably discharged on March ‘‘Sergeant First Class Jose Rodela distin- ing the crude oil once they refine it, are reap- 24, 1955. guished himself by acts of gallantry and intre- ing the benefits, buying our crude oil at these Humbly, I echo the words of President Ron- pidity above and beyond the call of duty while artificially low prices while selling their refined ald Reagan, ‘‘We will always remember. We serving as the company commander, Detach- products abroad at the going global market will always be proud. We will always be pre- ment B–36, Company A, 5th Special Forces rate. We do not prohibit the export of iPhones pared, so we will always be free.’’ And hum- Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces during to keep the prices of iPhones artificially low bly, I offer my sincere gratitude to Mr. Ed combat operations against an armed enemy in here in the United States. Nor should we do DeLoach for his service and acts of bravery Phuoc Long Province, Republic of Vietnam on the same when it comes to banning the export that allow us the freedoms we enjoy today. September 1, 1969. That afternoon, Sergeant of our crude oil to subsidize our refineries. If f First Class Rodela’s battalion came under an refineries are allowed to export, so should pro- intense barrage of mortar, rocket, and ma- ducers. We should have no interest in sub- RECOGNIZING 66TH ANNIVERSARY chine gun fire. Ignoring the withering enemy sidizing one part of the industry over another. OF INDEPENDENCE OF STATE OF fire, Sergeant First Class Rodela immediately If we lift the ban we would actually make ISRAEL began placing his men into defensive positions domestic consumers less susceptible to global to prevent the enemy from overrunning the en- price shocks. Allowing our producers to export HON. STEVE ISRAEL tire battalion. Repeatedly exposing himself to crude oil and add U.S. crude to the world mar- OF NEW YORK enemy fire, Sergeant First Class Rodela ket would lessen the market share of bad ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES moved from position to position, providing sup- tors like Iran and Venezuela and unstable pressing fire and assisting wounded, and was Friday, May 9, 2014 ones like Algeria and Libya. More U.S. crude himself wounded in the back and head by a on the market grows the pie and our share of Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to B–40 rocket while recovering a wounded com- it, making these countries’ portions less honor Israel’s 66th Independence Day, which rade. Alone, Sergeant First Class Rodela as- impactful. was celebrated this week. Since its founding saulted and knocked out the B–40 rocket posi- The presence of U.S. crude could also drive on May 14, 1948, Israel has experienced tion before successfully returning to the battal- down the global price of oil and thus the price many challenges and adversity, but has al- ion’s perimeter. Sergeant First Class Rodela’s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.044 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2014 extraordinary heroism and selflessness above HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- ferent colleges and universities. The home of and beyond the call of duty are in keeping SARY OF THE WOMEN’S UNIVER- WUC, which was built in 1922, proudly stands with the highest traditions of military service SITY CLUB today as a local and national historical land- and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit mark. and the United States Army.’’ HON. JIM McDERMOTT I applaud WUC for generously committing OF WASHINGTON its resources to scholarships and community Sergeant First Class Jose Rodela served IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service. Since 2003, 31 scholarships have our country valiantly, and should be honored Friday, May 9, 2014 been awarded to deserving young women as such. As a nation, there is no better symbol seeking to pursue higher education. WUC Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today of our gratitude than the Medal of Honor. Be- helps keep the American Dream alive by pro- to honor the 100th anniversary of the Wom- cause of his commitment, America remains a en’s University Club in Seattle. For a century viding hard-working individuals with the net- land of hope, opportunity and, as Ronald this commendable organization has been a working and educational opportunities to per- Reagan so eloquently put it, ‘‘a shining city steadfast leader within the women’s move- manently improve their lives. With the publica- upon a hill whose beacon light guides free- ment and a critical source of education and tion of a commemorative book, The First 100 dom-loving people everywhere.’’ empowerment for women throughout Seattle Years: Women’s University Club of Seattle, and the United States. 1914–2014, WUC shares the rich tapestry of Since its founding in 1914, WUC has con- its first century and reaffirms its commitment tinuously broadened its reach throughout the to remain a stalwart presence in the commu- community to meet increasing demand for so- nity for the future. cial and educational fulfillment. What started I would like to convey my sincere congratu- as a small, local establishment to network and lations to WUC on its proud centennial and learn grew into a treasured institution with 900 express my heartfelt gratitude for all the WUC current members representing over 400 dif- has done over this last century.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:55 May 10, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09MY8.022 E09MYPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Friday, May 9, 2014 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate was not in session and stands ad- No committee meetings were held. journed until 2 p.m. on Monday, May 12, 2014. h House of Representatives bill shall be considered as an original bill for the Chamber Action purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule. Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 34 pub- Page H4023 lic bills, H.R. 4622–4655; and 4 resolutions, H. Agreed to: Res. 579–582 were introduced. Pages H4057–59 Kline amendment (No. 1 printed in part A of H. Additional Cosponsors: Pages H4060–61 Rept. 113–444) that makes technical corrections and improvements to the underlying bill text; Page H4028 Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. Cassidy amendment (No. 2 printed in part A of American Research and Competitiveness Act of H. Rept. 113–444) that requires GAO to audit/track 2014: The House passed H.R. 4438, to amend the the dollars and examine if the money allocated from Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to simplify and administrative costs is appropriate; Pages H4028–29 make permanent the research credit, by a yea-and- Bass amendment (No. 5 printed in part A of H. nay vote of 274 yeas to 131 nays, Roll No. 211. Rept. 113–444) that adds on p. 14, line 16 after all Consideration of the measure began yesterday, May students ‘‘, including eliminating any barriers to en- 8th. Pages H4021–23 rollment for foster youth or unaccompanied homeless Rejected the Kirkpatrick motion to recommit the youth,’’. This will ensure that there are no unneces- bill to the Committee on Ways and Means with in- sary barriers for foster youth in charter school enroll- structions to report the same back to the House ment and ensure the inclusion and retention of all forthwith with an amendment, by a yea-and-nay vote students no matter the involvement or lack of in- of 191 yeas to 209 nays, Roll No. 210. volvement of parents; Pages H4032–33 Messer amendment (No. 6 printed in part A of H. Pages H4021–22 H. Res. 569, the rule providing for consideration Rept. 113–444) that requires State entities applying for Charter School Program grant funds to explain of the bill, was agreed to on Wednesday, May 7th. how they will work with eligible applicants within Success and Opportunity through Quality Char- the state to encourage the opening, replication, and ter Schools Act: The House passed H.R. 10, to expansion of secondary charter schools; amend the charter school program under the Ele- Pages H4033–34 mentary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, by Loretta Sanchez (CA) amendment (No. 12 printed a recorded vote of 360 ayes to 45 noes, Roll No. in part A of H. Rept. 113–444) that requires State 217. Consideration of the measure began yesterday, entities to report on how they have worked with May 8th. Pages H4023–38, H4038–46 funded charter schools to foster community involve- Pursuant to the rule, the amendment in the na- ment; Pages H4040–41 ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee Wilson (FL) amendment (No. 9 printed in part A on Education and the Workforce now printed in the of H. Rept. 113–444) that ensures collection and public dissemination of information that will help D489

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\D09MY4.REC D09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST May 9, 2014 parents make informed decisions about education op- resentatives Westmoreland, Jordan, Roskam, tions for their children (by a recorded vote of 373 Pompeo, Roby, and Brooks (IN). Page H4046 ayes to 32 noes, Roll No. 214); Commission on International Religious Free- Pages H4037–38, H4042–43 dom—Appointment: The Chair announced the Langevin amendment (No. 10 printed in part A Speaker’s appointment of the following individuals of H. Rept. 113–444) that adds comprehensive ca- on the part of the House to the Commission on reer counseling to the criteria that the Secretary will International Religious Freedom for a term effective take into account when prioritizing grants to LEAs May 14, 2014, and ending May 14, 2016: Dr. Rob- (by a recorded vote of 378 ayes to 27 noes, Roll No. ert P. George of Princeton, NJ and Dr. Daniel I. 215); and Pages H4038–39, H4043 Mark of Villanova, PA. Page H4046 Bonamici amendment (No. 11 printed in part A of H. Rept. 113–444) that clarifies the reporting re- Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House ad- quirements of State entities by asking State entities journs today, it adjourn to meet at 1 p.m. on Tues- to include, to the extent known, whether efforts to day, May 13th. Page H4046 share best and promising practices between charter Senate Message: Message received from the Senate schools and other schools led to the adoption and today appears on page H4038. implementation of best practices by such other pub- Senate Referral: S. 2197 was referred to the Com- lic schools (by a recorded vote of 363 ayes to 41 mittee on House Administration. Page H4055 noes, Roll No. 216). Pages H4039–40, H4043–44 Rejected: Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes and six recorded votes developed during the proceedings Moore amendment (No. 4 printed in part A of H. of today and appear on pages H4022, H4022–23, Rept. 113–444) that sought to establish a two per- H4041, H4042, H4042–43, H4043, H4044, cent set-aside within state funds to provide oversight H4045. There were no quorum calls. of the use of funds by charter schools; Pages H4031–32 Castor amendment (No. 3 printed in part A of H. Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- Rept. 113–444) that sought to require the Secretary journed at 2:07 p.m. of the Department of Education to develop and en- force conflict of interest guidelines for all charter Committee Meetings schools receiving Federal assistance. Guidelines must include disclosures from anyone affiliated with the MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES charter school that has a financial interest in the Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a school (by a recorded vote of 190 ayes to 205 noes, markup on H.R. 4587, to impose targeted sanctions Roll No. 212); and Pages H4029–31, H4041 on individuals responsible for carrying out or order- Jackson Lee amendment (No. 8 printed in part A ing human rights abuses against citizens of Ven- of H. Rept. 113–444) that sought to direct the ezuela, and for other purposes; H.R. 4573, to protect website publication of materials on the websites of children from exploitation, especially sex trafficking Charter Schools regarding student recruitment, ori- in tourism, by providing advance notice of intended entation materials, enrollment criteria, student dis- travel by registered child-sex offenders outside the cipline policies, behavior codes, and parent contract United States to the government of the country of requirements, which should include any financial ob- destination, requesting foreign governments to notify ligations such as fees for tutoring, extracurricular ac- the United States when a known child-sex offender tivity, etc. (by a recorded vote of 179 ayes to 220 is seeking to enter the United States, and for other noes, Roll No. 213). Pages H4034–37, H4041–42 purposes; and H. Res. 573, condemning the abduc- H. Res. 576, the rule providing for consideration tion of female students by armed militants from the of the bill, was agreed to yesterday, May 8th. terrorist group known as Boko Haram in north- eastern provinces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Moment of Silence: The House observed a moment The bills and resolution were ordered reported, as of silence in honor of the young women who were amended. abducted in Nigeria and are being held. Pages H4044–45 MIXED SIGNALS: THE ADMINISTRATION’S Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the POLICY ON MARIJUANA, PART THREE 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi—Appoint- Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- ment: The Speaker announced his appointment of committee on Government Operations held a hear- the following Members to the Select Committee on ing entitled ‘‘Mixed Signals: the Administration’s the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Policy on Marijuana, Part Three’’. Testimony was Benghazi: Representative Gowdy, Chairman; Rep- heard from Representative Holmes Norton; Peter

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\D09MY4.REC D09MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 9, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D491

Newsham, Assistant Chief, Metropolitan Police De- Nelson, Chief Engineer, International Bureau, Fed- partment; Robert D. MacLean, Acting Chief, United eral Communications Commission; and public wit- States Park Police; David A. O’Neil, Acting Assist- nesses. ant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Depart- ment of Justice; and a public witness. Joint Meetings SPACE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: HOW TO No joint committee meetings were held. PREVENT A REAL LIFE ‘‘GRAVITY’’ f Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Sub- committee on Space held a hearing entitled ‘‘Space COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR MONDAY, Traffic Management: How to Prevent a Real Life MAY 12, 2014 ‘Gravity’ ’’. Testimony was heard from Lt. Gen. John (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) ‘‘Jay’’ Raymond, Commander, 14th Air Force, Air Force Space Command; and Commander, Joint Func- Senate tional Component Command for Space, U.S. Stra- No meetings/hearings scheduled. tegic Command; George Zamka, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Commercial Space Trans- House portation, Federal Aviation Administration; Robert No hearings are scheduled.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Monday, May 12 1 p.m., Tuesday, May 13

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: After the transaction of any Program for Tuesday: The House will meet in pro morning business (not to extend beyond 5:30 p.m.), Sen- forma session at 1 p.m. ate will vote on confirmation of the nominations of Robin S. Rosenbaum, of Florida, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit, and Steven Croley, of Michigan, to be General Counsel of the Department of Energy, and on the motion to invoke cloture on S. 2262, Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Ellison, Keith, Minn., E725 Messer, Luke, Ind., E731 Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E730 Miller, Candice S., Mich., E728 Bachmann, Michele, Minn., E729 Esty, Elizabeth H., Conn., E730 Moran, James P., Va., E729 Barr, Andy, Ky., E736 Farenthold, Blake, Tex., E741 Poe, Ted, Tex., E725, E740 Bilirakis, Gus M., Fla., E726 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E731, E733, E739 Roskam, Peter J., Ill., E727 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E732, E737 Hahn, Janice, Calif., E730, E740 Brady, Robert A., Pa., E736 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E735 Rothfus, Keith J, Fla., E738 Broun, Paul C., Ga., E726 Hensarling, Jeb, Tex., E730, E731, E733, E736, E739, Schneider, Bradley S., Ill., E727, E729 Brown, Corrine, Fla., E737 E741 Serrano, Jose´ E., N.Y., E728 Cantor, Eric, Va., E732 Holt, Rush, N.J., E729 Sinema, Kyrsten, Ariz., E738 Capito, Shelley Moore, W.Va., E738 Israel, Steve, N.Y., E741 Southerland, Steve II, Fla., E727 Carson, Andre´, Ind., E738 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E728, E733, E735, E739 Swalwell, Eric, Calif., E735, E739 Carter, John R., Tex., E731, E740 Johnson, Sam, Tex., E726 Tsongas, Niki, Mass., E730 Cassidy, Bill, La., E729 Kildee, Daniel T., Mich., E727 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E735 Collins, Doug, Ga., E725 Langevin, James R., R.I., E736 Webster, Daniel, Fla., E725 Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E734 McCarthy, Carolyn, N.Y., E732 Denham, Jeff, Calif., E734, E740 McCarthy, Kevin, Calif., E726 Welch, Peter, Vt., E736 Duffy, Sean P., Wisc., E738 McDermott, Jim, Wash., E742 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E731, E740

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