1DV416 – Windowsadministration I, 7.5hp SYSTEM ADMINISTRAION – THE BASICS WINDOWS SERVER – BACKGROUND Lecture content Today's lecture • Module 1 – System Administration – The basics • Server vs. Client – Windows Server – Background • History

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 2 Server vs. Client

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 3 Windows Server Memory lane • 1993: Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 – MS first server operating system – Applikation server • Novell Netware • Banyan VINES • Microsoft networks • Microsoft SQL Server • 1994: Windows NT Server 3.5 – Improved Performance – Better connectivity with other systems – New administration tools • 1995: Windows NT Server 3.51 – Client licenses – Installing Windows 95 over the network

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 4 Windows Server Memory lane • 1996: Windows NT Server 4.0 – GUI = Windows 95 – Network Throughput – Integrated Web Server, IIS 2.0 – MS FrontPage • 1997: Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition – Improved performance for large companies with many users • 1998: Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition – Terminal Server • 2000: Server Family – BåBoth client and server – – Policy Management – ASP 2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 5 Windows Server Memory lane • 2003: Windows Server 2003 – MS .NET – 64-bit – Clustering – Security • 2008: Windows Server 2008 – Improved Terminal Server – Many updates to the Active Directory – NAP – Virtualization – Security – Total code rewriting

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 6 Windows Server • 2011: Windows Server 2012 – SMB 3.0 – Simplified licensing – DirectAccess – Dynamic Access Control – Server Manager – Server Core – Resilient File System

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 7 Windows Server Windows Server 2012 development and influences VMS OS/2 Influences Early parents Client inheritance NetWare Windows NT 3.1 MS-DOS UNIX Windows NT 3.51 Windows 3.11 TCP/IP och OSI Windows NT 4.0 Windows 95/98 LDAP och DNS Windows ME

Windows 2000 Win. 2000 Pro .NET Windows 2003 Windows XP Windows 2008 Windows Vista Windows 2008 R2 Windows 7 Windows 2012 Windows 8

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 8 Windows History • MS-DOS • Windows • Windows 2.03 • Windows 3.11 • Windows NT 3.1 • Windows 95 • Windows NT 4 • Windows 2000 Advanced Server

2013-11-12 © 2013 Jacob Lindehoff 9