Census Handbook, Shimoga

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Census Handbook, Shimoga 1951 CENSUS HANDBOOK SHIMOGA DISTRICT BANGALORE: PRINTED BY THE DffiECTOR OF PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATIONS AT THE GOVERNMENT PRESS 1956 , , 0' IS 30 45 76 r----f-----f-- .. -- ~ . - o 14 30 ' Myso e Census 1951 Scale linch to 8 mllel, Tol':o1lu 4S 4S !lrtOml,Tonil, """,0, To.~ , Toluk.Clrcle He \ [] • Quo,l sl ,/''-. Plpellne,PowelllnelM In ......... ~ r ! t T,II'Stolion. In!:Polnt ", fl J511 ,lJ51 H,ill ",,, ,, ,,,,,, ,,. 1 Ool&l05p",,,n Aung ""\ D,I,I,B,R.H, [,I, Travellers bunlol,~Rm . K I HeodquDlt"Jlfcl,cle! "inl\ ~ ap opulot"n0(10 ,010 & , r SOlUR Olil<,C, rcl.H.,1quorl. Nagar PREFACE THIS and the companion volumes in the District Census Handbook series, take the place of what used to be published at the previous Censuses in My.ore as "Part IV-Taluk Tables" and" Part V-Village Tables." 2. Unlike the Taluk Tables of the past which used to present only abridged versions of the more important tables of the All-India series, the tables include~ in these Handbooks cover the entire range with the exception of the C series, and offer taluk or tractwise details for the prescribed series of tables published in Part II ()f the 1951 Census Report. The age-wise tables of the C series are, omitted in these Ha.ndbooks because the samples from which these tables have been constructed are t09 small to be of any statistical significance at the tract or taluk level. 9. Of the tables of the 1951 vintage presented here, the A series fonsist of General Population Tables, the B series of all the Economic Tables, the D s~ries of aD the Social and Cultural Tables produced this time and the solitary table of the E series exhibits summary figures for taluks. ,. Of the four series of tables presented in thes.o Handbooks, talukwise data a.re offered in the first and the last namely the A and E series. The intervening series exhibit figures only for tracts: Tracts are units constituted purely for tabulation c~n­ venience, by combining one or more areas, without referen~e either to their geogra­ phical contiguity or to administrative linkage. The rural areas of one· or more talnks have been combined to constitute a rural tract, while all the urban areas of a district have been welded together to form a single DISTRICT URBAN tract. The three princi. pal cities, namely, Bangalore Corporation, Mysore and K. G. F. have, however, been constituted into separate tracts, Bangalore Corporation being split up into two tracts, one comprising the Civil area and the other embracing the whole of the City area. 5. The village statistics which used to be published separately in the pa.st as Part V of the Mysore series, now appear in the Handbooks immediately after Table E, in considerably more amplified form than in the past. In addition to furnishing the usual popUlation and literacy figures for each village or town, details are offered now for t4e first time, regarding occupied houses, households, inmates of institutions, houseless population and distribution of population by livelihood classes and sex. 6. The 1951 crop of Tables show many departures from established practice. Easily the most notable of them is the shift in the basis of classification this time from religion to economic. In the past the population was divided on the basis of religion at the very outset of sorting and this separation was maintained throughout the sorting operations in order that as many characteristics as possible might be cross-tabulated by religion. But this time, the basic religious categories have been substituted by 11 livelihood classes and these consequently pervade all the cross-tabulations carried out in 1951.. According to this new scheme, the entire population has been divided, in the first instance, into two broad livelihood categories, namely, agricultural and non-agricultural, and each category has been sub-divided into four livelihood classes. These eight classes are as follows':- CATEGORY A-Agricultural Classes I Cultivation of land, wholly or mainly owned and their dependants II Cultivation of land, wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants III Cultivating labourers and their dependants IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receIvers and their dependants , .. _ CATEGORY B-Non-Agricultural Classes Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from :- V Production (other than cultivation) VI Commerce VII Transport VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 7. It would be a good plan to study the fly-leaves" before dippIng mto the tables as they draw attention to special features and offer details of minor categories which might happen to have been omitted in the tables. 8. While the Tahlk .and Village Tables of the past were gifts of provincial dis­ cretion, these District Census Handbooks are being published for the first time in theit' present form in accordance with Central direction. G. NAN.JUNDIAH, Censu8 Commissioner for Mysore. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE A--GENERAL POPULATION TABLES ] I-Area, houses and population II-Variation in population during fifty years .. III--Towns and villages classified by population IV-Towns classified by population with variations since 1901 L V-Towns arranged territorially with population by livelihood classes 11 B-EcONOMIC TABLES 1: I-Livelihood classes and sub-classes I! II-Secondary means of livelihood 2; III-Employers, employees and independent workers in industries and services by division!' and sub- divisions 4- Index of non-agricultural occupat.ions 6! D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES 77- I--Language (i) Mother-tongue 7 (ii) Bilingualism 8, II-Religion 9 III-Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Anglo-Indians 9 IV-Migrants 95 V -(i) Displaced persons by year of arrival •. 107 (ii) Displaced persons by livelihood classes VI-Non-Indian Nationals III VII-Livelihood classes by educational standards 113 E-8uMMAR~ FIGURES BY TALUKS 121 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT-(VILLAGE STATISTICS) 121) 1. Shimoga District Abstract 126 2. Shimoga Taluk 132 3. Bhadravati Taluk 144 4. Chennagiri Taluk 152 5. Honnali Taluk 164 6. Shikaripur Taluk li2 7. 80rab Taluk 182 8. Sagar Taluk 198 9. Hosanagar Taluk 212 10. Thirthahalli Taluk 222 --- A,- General Population Tahles A. I--Area, houses and population 1. The last devade witnessed the merger of Kmllsi Sub-tal uk with Shimoga taluk and the constitution of a separate taluk, viz., Bhadravati with the Bhadravati, and Kudlagere boblis and twenty villages of Holehonnur hobli of the old Shirnoga Taluk, excluding Nidigi. Honnavalli, Rampura, Manchenahalli and Sogana villages in Bhadravati Hobli. The re.'lt of the taluks remain as they were in 1941. 2. The areal': of Taluks were furnished by the Amildars of Taluks. Diil'erences in area between 1941 and 1951 are to be attributed partly to transfer of villages and partly to improvement in the method of computation. 3. Vide fly-leaf of fllable A. II. 4. "Towns" consist exclusively of Municipalities. 3 0:> :£ e> ~ x, ..: r ;::: .... ..,.t- t: a:, <C """a:, """ """t- 0Ci (Xl 1- a:, """ 00. t- ~t I .::. ...... (Xl' ,~ 0;" """~ ".... '" ,..., ",;, 1-::; ,.:; """. 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Mal~6 F~mal~" Shirnoga Distriut 17.6 1,500 843 657 H0sanagar Taluk 17.1> 1,:;00 84:~ f557 2. Figures of previous censuses have been adjusted on account of merger of Kumsi Sub-taluk with Shimoga Taluk and t he constitution of a separate taluk, 1)'iZ." Bhaclravati.
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