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E1388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 24, 1999 to this title may be extended by any creditor versity and a JD from the University of Michi- struction and contracting industries, the Na- through the use of a check or other nego- gan. Over the years, Pogue has used his ex- tional Governors' Association and numerous tiable instrument which has been sent by the pertise and time in a variety of ways. He has other organizations representing state and creditor to the consumer in connection with been actively involved in the business, edu- local government interests. a solicitation by the creditor for such exten- And in all those years, from the first time I sion of credit, unless the consumer has sub- cation, social services, nonprofit and cultural mitted an application for, or otherwise re- sectors of our Cleveland community. ever met Billy, he has been a true model of in- quested, such extension of credit before re- Pogue has served in a wide array of organi- tegrity, honesty, courtesy and compassion. ceiving the check or instrument. zations, including The Cleveland Foundation, Billy has decided to retire from his full-time du- ``(b) CONSUMER NOT LIABLE.ÐIf any cred- University Hospitals Health System, the Great- ties at AASHTO, but fortunately for those of us itor includes a check or other negotiable in- er Roundtable, Cleveland Institute of Music, in Congress who've had the pleasure to work strument in a solicitation to a consumer for Cleveland Bicentennial Commission (Co- with him on so many transportation matters, an extension of credit sent by a creditor to a chair), and the 1989 Untied Way Cleveland he intends to continue to keep his hand in the consumer in violation of subsection (a)Ð legislative process on a part-time basis as a ``(1) the consumer shall not be liable for Campaign, which raised about $52,000,000. In the amount of any such check or other nego- addition, he is the principal organizer of an in- consultant with AASHTO on governmental af- tiable instrument; and novative organization: the Northeast Ohio Re- fairs. ``(2) no information on any liability of the gional Business Coalition. As if this was not I was honored to be asked to speak at a re- consumer alleged by the creditor to have enough, he currently serves as a Director of ception for Billy on Capitol Hill this past Tues- been established through such check or other Continental Airlines, Inc. (Houston), Derlan In- day evening, June 22. One of the most im- negotiable instrument may be reported to or dustries Limited (Toronto), M.A. Hanna Com- pressive things about that event was that received by any credit agency (as defined in Billy's family was there, too. Billy's greatest joy section 603 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act) pany, IT Group, Inc. (Pittsburgh), KeyCorp, LAI Worldwide Inc. (New York City), Rotek in- is his family He and his wife Nancy have been or included in any consumer credit report married for 45 years and have raised a won- under such Act. corporated (Aurora) and TRW Inc. derful family including three sons and a ``(c) REGULATIONS.Ð Mr. Pogue's commitment and dedication has ``(1) REGULATIONS REQUIRED.Ð not gone unnoticed. Pogue is also recipient of daughter, all of whom are married, with their ``(A) IN GENERAL.ÐBefore the end of the 6- the ``Humanitarian Award'' from the National own children, a total of 10 grandchildren for month period beginning on the date of the Conference of Christians and Jews, the ``Ex- Billy and Nancy. His oldest or ``number one'' enactment of the Unsolicited Loan Check son, as Billy calls him, is Craig Higgins, with Consumer Protection Act of 1999, the Board cellence in Philanthropy Award'' from the Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives, ``Eco- his wife Wendy and their two children Kristen shall prescribe final regulations to imple- and Keith. Next in order is his son Duane Hig- nomic Development Leadership Award'' from ment the requirements of this section. gins, his wife Cynthia and their four children, ``(B) MODIFICATIONS.ÐThe Board shall mod- the Council for Urban Economic Development, Lauren, Michael, Danielle and Samantha. ify and clarify any regulation prescribed and ``Man of the Year'' by Plymouth Church of Then there is daughter Marcy, with her hus- under subparagraph (A) whenever the Board Shaker Heights, just to name a few. band Bill Davis and their two children, Carter determines such action to be necessary to My fellow colleagues, join me in saluting prevent any circumvention of the require- and Paige. His youngest son is Ron Higgins, Richard W. Pogue for his continual commit- ments of this section or to facilitate compli- with his wife Amy and their two children Re- ment to our community. He is a renowned cit- ance with such requirements. becca and Tim. ``(2) LIMITATIONS ON `LOOK-ALIKE' CHECKS.Ð izen of Cleveland and I am pleased to recog- I would like to share my prepared remarks ``(A) REGULATIONS AUTHORIZED.ÐThe Board nize his accomplishments. at the reception for Billy Higgins and urge all may, if the Board finds that such action is f necessary to prevent confusion by con- our colleagues who have had the chance to sumers, prescribe regulations setting forth IN TRIBUTE TO BILLY K. HIGGINS work with Billy to take the opportunity to wish guidelines for the use, in a solicitation for an him well. extension of credit, of certificates, vouchers, IN TRIBUTE TO BILLY HIGGINS or other non-negotiable instruments that are HON. FRANK R. WOLF Many of you may not know that Billy and I intended to have the appearance of a check OF VIRGINIA go way back in Washington, all the way back or other negotiable instrument, but which do IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the 1970'sÐwhen our hair was much dark- not violate subsection (a) of this section. Thursday, June 24, 1999 er! We worked together at the Department of ``(B) DISCLOSURES AND OTHER REQUIRE- MENTS.ÐAny regulation prescribed under Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I want to pay trib- the Interior. Billy was at the Bureau of Mines subparagraph (A) shall include such disclo- ute today to a gentleman I met in my early and I was with Secretary Rogers C.B. sures and modifications relating to the ap- days in Washington in the 1970's at the De- Morton's office. pearance and use of certificates, vouchers, or partment of the Interior, and whose path I It was easy to strike up a friendship with other non-negotiable instruments in a solici- Billy because he was such a genuinely nice again crossed when I came to Congress. tation for an extension of credit as the Board Billy K. Higgins has worked for more than guy. In describing him, words immediately determines necessary or appropriate.''. come to mind such as fair, honest, trust- 25 years to advance our nation's transpor- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.ÐThe table of worthy, principled, hard-working, highest moral tation system, first as a congressional liaison sections for chapter 2 of the Consumer Credit standards, a man of character. Protection Act is amended by adding at the officer for the Federal Highway Administration, The first time we met, too, I saw in Billy a end the following new item: and since 1977 as the governmental relations ``140. Solicitations for consumer loans.''. quality that hasn't wavered one millimeter over director of the American Association of State the years. And that's integrity. A lot of people (c) SCOPE OF APPLICATION.ÐThe require- Highway and Transportation Officials ments of this Act and the amendments made in this town aspire to be called people of in- by this Act shall apply to solicitations for (AASHTO). He has also worked for the Re- tegrity. But along the way there may be a slip extensions of credit made to consumers after publican National Committee, and the Stand- here, or a fudge there, and pretty soon, the date of enactment of this Act. ard Oil Company of Indiana, now Amoco Oil they're compromised and just don't measure Company. f up. There's never been a minute in Billy's ca- But for the past 22 years he has rep- reer when he didn't measure up. IN HONOR OF RICHARD W. POGUE resented the state departments of transpor- When we walk out the door of whatever tation through a period of tremendous change, business we're in for the last time, all we take HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH as the construction of the Interstate system with us is our name. Billy Higgins today takes OF OHIO was completed, as the focus of federal trans- with him his good nameÐfollowed by well IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES portation interests broadened, and as the done, good and faithful servant. world became increasingly dependent on the He is truly one of the good guys. He's also Thursday, June 24, 1999 economic lifeline transportation provides. one of the most dedicated family men around Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to He has guided AASHTO through five reau- this town, and it's so good to see his family honor Richard W. Pogue for his outstanding thorizations of the federal-aid highway and here this evening. I know how important family dedication and contribution to public service in transit program, through 22 years of transpor- is to Billy. I even ran into him a few summers Greater Cleveland. Today, Richard joins a se- tation appropriations bills, through the des- ago on the Outer Banks where he and Nancy lect group of individuals by being saluted with ignation of the National Highway System and and all the kids and grandkids have a tradition the ``In Tribute to the Public Service'' Award.