Pukehina Beach Ratepayer’s Association Inc. PO Box 113, Te Puke 3153
[email protected] www.pukehinabeach.co.nz Paradise created by nature and cared for by the community Pukehina Rate Payers Association Inc. Annual General Meeting; Saturday, January 7th 2017, 1.30 pm, Pukehina Beach Community Hall. Welcome by John Cook who then invited Dick Mohi to open the AGM with a karakia Introduction of committee members; John Cook (chair), Denise Donald (secretary), Carol Forrester, Alan Sutherland, Alex White, Joy Walker, Judy Treloar, Stu Brickland and John McMillan. Special guests: WBOPDC Councillors Kevin Marsh, John Scrimgeour, Grant Dalley and Deputy CEO Gary Allis. Apologies: Miriam Taris, Gary Webber, Dallas Bates, Rex Cameron, Rupana Keno, Fraser Toulmin, Brian North, Les Marshall. Move that apologies be accepted. Rod Davenhill seconded Dick Mohi carried. Minutes 2015 AGM: Move that the minutes of the previous AGM 2nd January 2016 as circulated be accepted as a true and accurate record; John C seconded Denise D carried No matters arising Chairman’s Report: read by John C (Please see appendix A for full report) Move the report be accepted; John C seconded Alex W carried Treasurer’s Report: prepared by Treasurer Ange Trudgen Circulated and summarised by John C Move that the Treasurer’s report be accepted; John C seconded Michelle North carried Election of officers: John thanked retiring committee members Dallas Bates, John McMillan, Ray Foster and Angela Trudgen for their contributions. All others of the current 2016 office holders and committee members are willing to be nominated for re-election. At this point Alex White took over and called for nominations for chairman; Position Nominee Nominator Seconder Nominations Carried closed by Chair John Cook Alex White David Taylor Alex √ Treasurer Judy Treloar Denise Alex White John C √ Donald Secretary Denise Donald John Cook Alan ″ √ Sutherland Pukehina Beach Ratepayer’s Association Inc.