MTP20-4 Tuesday, 15 December 2020 Te Puke War Memorial Hall, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke 7.00pm

Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting Agenda 15 December 2020

Maketu – Te Puke Ward Forum

Membership Chairperson Councillor Kevin Marsh Deputy Chairperson Cr Monique Lints Members Mayor G Webber (ex-officio) Cr Grant Dally Cr John Scrimgeour Quorum 2 Frequency Quarterly


 To develop relationships in community and rural sectors to enable Council to achieve local solutions to local problems and promote positive change and sustainability for strong, healthy and safe communities.  To provide an effective mechanism for feedback to Council on local and community issues and strategic issues relating to the Ward.  To promote liaison between the relevant community boards, ratepayers associations and community organisations to improve the wellbeing of residents in the Ward.  To develop and maintain a strong relationship with Tangata Whenua and ensure Māori values are considered.  To promote and advocate for the co-ordination of community services and agencies for the well-being of the community.  To provide information and encourage submissions to the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan by groups outside a Community Board area within the Ward.  To consider and report to Council and its Committees on any matter of interest or concern to the Ward communities.


 To receive community development plans and where appropriate make recommendations to Council or its Committees to assist in the implementation of the plans.  To report and make recommendations to Council and its Committees on local and community issues and strategic issues relating to the Ward.  To consider and report on all matters referred by Council and its Committees.  To promote, encourage and facilitate community participation in issues relating to Council strategies and outcomes.  To communicate with community organisations and interest groups within the Ward.

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Notice is hereby given that an Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting will be held in the Te Puke War Memorial Hall, 130 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke on: Tuesday, 15 December 2020 at 7.00pm

Order Of Business

1 Present ...... 4 2 In Attendance ...... 4 3 Apologies ...... 4 4 Consideration of Late Items ...... 4 5 Declarations of Interest ...... 4 6 Public Excluded Items ...... 4 7 Public Forum ...... 4 8 Presentations ...... 4 9 Minutes for Receipt ...... 5 9.1 Minutes of the Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting held on 1 October 2020 ...... 5 10 Reports ...... 18 10.1 Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum - Minute Action Sheet ...... 18 11 Workshop ...... 22 11.1 Workshop Items ...... 22 12 Recommendations to Council/Committee ...... 23

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Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have.



A period of up to 30 minutes is set aside for a public forum. Members of the public may attend to address the Board for up to five minutes on items that fall within the delegations of the Board provided the matters are not subject to legal proceedings, or to a process providing for the hearing of submissions. Speakers may be questioned through the Chairperson by members, but questions must be confined to obtaining information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker. The Chairperson has discretion in regard to time extensions. Such presentations do not form part of the formal business of the meeting, a brief record will be kept of matters raised during any public forum section of the meeting with matters for action to be referred through the customer contact centre request system, while those requiring further investigation will be referred to the Chief Executive.


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9.1 MINUTES OF THE MAKETU - TE PUKE WARD FORUM MEETING HELD ON 1 OCTOBER 2020 File Number: A3937427 Author: Horowai Wi Repa, Governance Technical Support Authoriser: Jan Pedersen, Group Manager People And Customer Services

RECOMMENDATION 1. That the minutes of the Maketu – Te Puke Ward Forum meeting held on the 1 October 2020 be received.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Minutes of the Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting held on 1 October 2020

Item 9.1 Page 5 Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting Minutes 1 October 2020



Cr K Marsh (Chairperson), Cr M Lints, G Webber (Mayor), Cr G Dally and Cr J Scrimgeour


M Taris (CEO) G Allis (Deputy Chief Executive/Group Manager Infrastructure Services), E Watton (Policy and Planning Manager), M Leighton (Senior Policy Analyst), K McGinity (Senior Recreation Planner) N Turner (Team Personal Assistant Administrator), and P Marshall (Executive Assistant People Customer Services). OTHERS 34 members of the public including those listed in the minutes, two Community Board members, and one member of the press.






The Chair reminded members of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest that they may have. There were no declarations declared in relation to this agenda.




The Chairperson outlined the protocols relating to the Public Forum section of the meeting as set out in the Standing Orders for the Maketu-Te Puke Ward Forum. Attending members of the public were invited to take part in the public forum.


RESOLUTION MTP20-3.2 Moved: Cr J Scrimgeour Seconded: Mayor G Webber That the meeting adjourn for the purpose of holding a public forum. CARRIED

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Chris Emlsly – Paengaroa Community Association Discussed the following issues on behalf of the Paengaroa community: McKenzie Road Mackenzie road request was provided via the PowerPoint slide at the Ward Forum meeting but not spoken to. As per the slides, Mr Elmsly’s speaking points and requests are as follows:  Mackenzie Road is the first road off the main road  No footpaths and a single lane road without kerbing  Concerns are that plenty of pedestrians utilise this road, especially at night  Cars swing into this road, off the highway and take up the whole road (e.g. bus)  Narrow cars pass very close.

Pokopoko Reserve  Request to keep the ‘road reserve’ in Council ownership  Suggested ideas of developing the land for the community e.g. nature area or doing a land- swap with the local school.

Lemon Road  Runs alongside ‘ED’ Eastern Districts Rugby and Sports Club and also is an access point to a paper road, leading on to the main road. The Association would like this paper road to be developed  The area near Lemon Road and the paper road is suitable commercial land that is unable to be developed until the paper road is developed  There has been an increase in quarry trucks utilising this road, therefore, the Association request for the development of the paper road  There are parking issues with the parking restrictions near ED. Many cars park on the side of the road when there are events. This is dangerous for people crossing the road and accidents occur.

Conway Road Reserve  A plan was developed in 2019 by Council which included BBQ areas, restrooms and parking. In Paengaroa there are no public restrooms, other than at the Eastern Districts Rugby and Sports Club. However these public restrooms are not sign-posted and no one knows of their location. Access is challenging  The Association request to have public restrooms located at Conway Road Reserve  Cyclists utilise this area often and it would be a beneficial location for public restrooms for those travelling through  The association are awaiting on Council for the plan regarding Conway reserve – parking, restrooms, tables, playgrounds.

Housing  The Association are aware of the Smartgrowth report that discusses Greenfields Village on Maketu Road  According to this plan, Paengaroa is the thirty year growth option. However, Mr Elmsly believes this needs to be reviewed as there is current congestion at the local shops.  The local bakery owner has plans to build a supermarket in the corner section of the main shops  Questions were raised as to whether is the corner shop is the most suitable area for a supermarket

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Old Coach Road  Council has put a proposition up for Old Coach Road residents to purchase or lease the berms  Land owners would like to know where this money is going and request that a percentage goes to the development of the Paengaroa community rather than in the WBOPDC Road Stopping Account. Residents request a percentage goes to Paengaroa.

The Chairperson advised during this meeting, that we will work through public forum, then move onto the LTP workshop discussion. The meeting will then be adjourned and reconvened on Tuesday 13 October from 4.00 – 4.30pm

Esther Williams – Pugh Road  Mrs Williams is a local resident of the Paengaroa community and discussed the issue of overhanging trees on Pugh road that take down power lines and fall on to the road. Community members tend to cut these down themselves  Mrs Williams reported a tree ten years ago as a serious hazard. A limb has since fallen off and skewered into the road. This has since been pruned, however it is still a serious hazard to anyone who runs one foot off the road. Mrs Williams has concerns of serious injury being caused by the remainder of this tree.

The Chief Executive Officer advised the public if they would like to receive feedback to please enter their contact details onto the forms on each of the tables

Esther Kirk – Pukehina Residents and Ratepayers Association Discussed numerous items to put forward as a submission for Councils LTP process Midway Park  Midway Park is a reserve and park space on Pukehina parade. An application was made to Council around creating a space in Pukehina to encourage active recreation and community connections  Pukehina community have developed over the last few years, more permanent residents now live in Pukehina  Mrs Kirk advised of the Concept Plan that was developed in 2000 by Council  The Pukehina Residents and Ratepayers Association held a community consultation hui in 2018 to gain feedback on the Concept Plan developed in 2000. The community put forward ideas such as skate parks, bike tracks, seating, BBQ, shade, fitness trail and community garden  In 2019 they were granted the community matching fund to develop a skate park and seating area. This has been a successful implementation and acknowledgement was given  Mrs Kirk advised the next stage is to obtain more funding to develop a community garden. They are actively searching for alternative sources of funding  In 2012/2022 the LTP cost estimate was $82,208 and is now recorded as $16,000 to be completed in 2023. A request was made for Council to review the current budget for Midway Park development and come back to the original figures with a completion date of 2020/2021.

Costello Crescent  The Association would like a footpath developed on Costello Crescent.

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Walkway/Cycleway along Pukehina Estuary  Resource consent has been obtained for the development of a walkway/cycleway along the estuary margin at Cutwater Road  A request was made for an allocation of funds to be provided for the development of this walkway/cycleway through the LTP  The community are prepared to also fundraise to help realise this vision.

Waihi Estuary  Waihi estuary is in poor health. Plenty of changes need to be made in the whole of the catchment  A request was made that Council commit resources to ensure the contributions to that area increase the water quality and the mauri in this estuary  The Association noted a budget line for erosion in the area of public reserves. Requested whether an allocation of this could go toward remedial works that need to occur in the estuary space from the Pukehina Surf club, south of the boat ramp where there is significant erosion.

Gravel Pit – entrance to Pukehina parade  It’s currently located at the entrance to Pukehina and is an eyesore. Request to be advised what it’s used for, the importance and if we can have this relocated to another space. It does not accurately reflect the vibrant Pukehina community

Mrs Kirk acknowledged the work done for the replacement of the boat ramp. Support was also given to the Pukehina Surf Clubs effort in raising funds for the development of the new Surf Club building.

Kirstie Garrett – Pukehina Community Hall  A meeting took place 30 September 2020. Mrs Garrett would like more facts so they’re able to accurately present these to the community  The Pukehina Residents and Ratepayers Association have only recently taken over the administration aspects of the community hall  A request was made that Council allow more time to enable the Association to collate the appropriate information and costings, so they can present these accordingly  Aware of the extensive repairs that are required and would like to work with Council to enable a transparent consultation moving forward  AGM 2 January 2020 at Pongakawa hall for the community to attend a meeting and provide options

Rod Simmons – Maniatutu Road  Pumice Pit development site owners were supposed to pay a fee for the realignment of the bend in the road which joins Maniatutu ‘long road’ and Maniatutu ‘short road’  This company went into receivership  Mr Simmonds requested to be advised of whether money was made available to Council for the realignment of this road. If yes, when will this road be realigned? Concern is that many trucks get caught on this corner and causes blockage of the road.

Steve Whitehead – Maniatutu Road  Agreed with Rod Simmons statement

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 Stated the owners had paid some money and the road would be realigned in approximately three years from this payment.

Geoff Oliver – Maketu Coastguard  Spoke on behalf of Community Board member S Beech  Mr Oliver acknowledged the opportunity to take over as caretakers of the buildings at the Kaituna Cut  52 people turned up over the weekend for a working bee, the grounds are tidy

Thanks was given to Councillor Monique Lints for donating furniture on behalf of the Te Puke Centre.

Mark Boyle – Te Puke EDG  Outlined Te Puke as a growing community where there is plenty of certainty, especially as the Kiwifruit industry is an $850million dollar industry  Mr Boyle outlined successful industries throughout Te Puke and the Bay of Plenty and reminded people of the Keeping Things Local campaign. Mr Boyle requested that people continue to do this and continue to support the community  Te Puke town centre, is a positive town and has plenty of activity of a strong business place. This includes, new restaurants and other buildings moving to town  Business Park – Provincial Growth Fund funding the interchange from Tauranga Eastern Link. Potential to create hundreds, if not thousands of new jobs  Mr Boyle acknowledged and thanked Council’s support in progressing Rangiuru Business Park.

Ian MacDermont – Paengaroa Hall Committee  Chairman of the Paengaroa Hall Committee for over thirty years  Mr MacDermont discussed Council’s decision to have consultants oversee the halls, which in his view was not necessary.

Matthew Bucton – Roading Issues  Concerns around roading issues in Paengaroa  Mr Buxton brought up issues around signage in non-logical locations. E.g. the Paengaroa school zoning goes out into the orchards but at the other end, doesn’t go past the school  Proposal to change 50km zone along Wilson Road to make 50km on this side of the bridge  Mr Buxton believes the road sign should be 50km on the other side of the bridge so people see it and slow down before they cross the bridge  Te Matai hill – the hidden queue sign is located in the wrong area.

Mike Fitzpatrick - Roading Issues  Mr Fitzpatrick agrees with Mr Buxton regarding roading and maintenance  Lack of maintenance completed on Maniatutu Road, refuse to do cut-outs on the road. Finds workers are constantly doing the same work.

Richard Crawford – Te Puke Community Board  The Te Puke Community Board works closely with the Maketu Community Board and extends the invite to the Paengaroa Community

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 Board Member Crawford endorsed Mark Boyle’s presentation and belief of caring for our community  Great community initiatives taking place such as Co-Lab, community organisations working together  COVID-19 opened the door in terms of identifying the elderly and vulnerable in the community.


RESOLUTION MTP20-3.3 Moved: Cr J Scrimgeour Seconded: Mayor G Webber That the meeting reconvene in formal session at time 8.05pm. CARRIED





RECOMMENDATION Moved: Cr M Lints Seconded: Cr G Dally 1. That the Minutes of the Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting held on 23 June 2020 be received and the recommendations therein be adopted.



The Maketu-Te Puke Ward Forum considered a report dated 1 October from Executive Assistant People and Customer Services. This report was taken as read.

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RESOLUTION MTP20-3.4 Moved: Cr J Scrimgeour Seconded: Cr G Dally That the report from the Executive Assistant People and Customer Services dated 1 October 2020 titled ‘Maketu-Te Puke Ward Forum Minute Action Sheet’ be received.



RESOLUTION MTP20-3.5 Moved: Mayor G Webber Seconded: Cr K Marsh A motion was moved that Council suspend standing orders. CARRIED

10.2 WORKSHOP ON LONG TERM PLAN TOPICS The Policy and Planning Manager introduced the Long Term Plan (LTP) Workshop and outlined the difference of this Ward Forum meeting due to the Long Term Plan component.

The Policy and Planning Manager advised that Council is seeking feedback from the public for the LTP process. The room then broke out into three discussion groups, focusing on the Long Term Plan.


RESOLUTION MTP20-3.6 Moved: Mayor G Webber Seconded: Cr K Marsh That the Maketu/Te Puke Ward Forum resume standing orders. CARRIED


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RESOLUTION MTP20-3.7 Moved: Cr K Marsh Seconded: Mayor G Webber That the meeting be adjourned to Tuesday 13 October at 4.00 – 4.30pm in Chambers at the Western Bay of Plenty District Council – 1484 Cameron Road, , Tauranga. CARRIED

The Meeting adjourned at 9.05pm.

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ATTENDEES In Person: Mayor G Webber Via Zoom: Cr K Marsh (Chairperson), Cr M Lints, Cr G Dally and Cr J Scrimgeour

OTHER ATTENDEES M Taris (CEO) and P Marshall (Executive Assistant People and Customer Services)


INTRODUCTION The Chairperson welcomed everyone and declared the ‘reconvene meeting’ open.


9.1 MCKENZIE ROAD - PAENGAROA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Elected Members commented on the request for the development of McKenzie Road and acknowledged staff comments.

RESOLUTION MTP20-3.8 Moved: Cr J Scrimgeour Seconded: Cr K Marsh Staff to review the mowing frequency of the berm along McKenzie Road and advise whether this frequency can be increased. CARRIED

9.2 POKOPOKO RESERVE - PAENGAROA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION The Elected Members acknowledged the staff comments that Council will retain the land in the interim.

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9.3 LEMON ROAD - PAENGAROA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION The Elected Members discussed the request to develop the paper road. Elected Members then acknowledged the staff comments and noted that the Reserve Management Plan is due for review 2021/2022. The development of Lemon Road and the paper road will be reviewed at this time.

9.4 CONWAY ROAD RESERVE – PAENGAROA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION With regard to the installation of public restrooms and further development of the Conway Road Reserve, Elected Members acknowledged the staff comments advising of funding for this project being subject to the Long Term Plan approval process.

9.5 HOUSING – PAENGAROA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Elected Members discussed Smartgrowth and that this is an ongoing review. Discussions continued regarding Mr Elmsly’s query of the possibility of a supermarket being built on the corner of the main shops in Paengaroa. The Elected Members advised that the person wishing to build the supermarket will be required to apply for a consent and will go through the standard consent process. Council will process this consent inline with policies and procedures, as they would with any other consent process.

9.6 OLD COACH ROAD – PAENGAROA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Elected Members acknowledged the staff comment.

9.7 PUGH ROAD – ESTHER WILLIAMS Westlink (Council’s contractors) have been notified and will review trees surrounding Pugh Road in due course.

9.8 MIDWAY PARK – PUKEHINA BEACH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The Elected Members acknowledged the presenters request to bring the development of Midway Park forward from 2023 to 2020/2021. Elected Members noted a submission to the Long Term Plan is required as there is no current plan to bring this forward.

RESOLUTION MTP20-3.9 Moved: Mayor G Webber Seconded: Cr J Scrimgeour That a submission is made to the Long Term Plan for the development of Midway Park to be completed in 2020/2021 for the original cost estimate of $82,208. CARRIED

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9.9 COSTELLO CRESCENT – PUKEHINA BEACH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The Elected Members discussed the request for a footpath to be developed on Costello Crescent. Elected members noted a submission for the Long Term Plan is required.

RESOLUTION MTP20-3.10 Moved: Mayor G Webber Seconded: Cr M Lints That a submission is made to the Long Term Plan for the development of a footpath on Costello Crescent. CARRIED

9.10 WALKWAY/CYCLEWAY ALONG PUKEHINA ESTUARY – PUKEHINA BEACH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Elected Members acknowledged staff comments that this request will be assessed against the Walking and Cycling Action Plan priorities and annual budget.

9.11 WAIHI ESTUARY – PUKEHINA BEACH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The Elected Members noted the majority of this request sits with Bay of Plenty Regional Council. However the Councillor J Scrimgeour requested Andre Hickson from Wai Kokopu be invited to the next Ward Forum meeting to discuss their initiative.

RESOLUTION MTP20-3.11 Moved: Cr J Scrimgeour Seconded: Cr K Marsh That the Ward Forum minute taker invite Andre Hickson from Wai Kokopu to the next Ward Forum meeting on 15 December. CARRIED

9.12 GRAVEL PIT – PUKEHINA BEACH ROAD – PUKEHINA BEACH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Elected Members noted this request sits with NZTA, Transport Agency.

RESOLUTION MTP20-3.12 Moved: Cr K Marsh Seconded: Mayor G Webber That the Group Manager Infrastructure Services to follow up regarding the re-location of the gravel pit on Pukehina Beach Parade and pass this request on to NZTA. CARRIED

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9.13 PUKEHINA COMMUNITY HALL – KIRSTIE GARRETT Elected Members acknowledged that a subsequent meeting was held with Council staff after the Ward Forum meeting. Elected Members acknowledge that the Pukehina Community Hall committee will present their findings to their next meeting AGM on 2 January 2021.

9.14 MANIATUTU ROAD – RODD SIMMONDS Elected Members acknowledged the staff comments that works are due to be completed in 2021. Elected Members also advised that based on their knowledge, the agreement was for road widening not the realignment of the road.

9.15 MAKETU COMMUNITY COASTGUARD Elected Members acknowledged the presentation.

9.16 TE PUKE EDG - MARK BOYLE Elected Members acknowledged the presentation.

9.17 PAENGAROA COMMUNITY HALL Elected Members acknowledged the presentation.

9.18 ROADING AND SIGNS – MATTHEW BUCTON Elected Members acknowledged that CCRS (Contact Centre Requests) have been raised with Westlink (Council’s contractors) to address Mr Bucton’s concerns.

9.19 TE PUKE COMMUNITY BOARD Elected Members acknowledged the presentation.

The Meeting closed at 12.10pm.

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10.1 MAKETU - TE PUKE WARD FORUM - MINUTE ACTION SHEET File Number: A3913898 Author: Carolyn Irvin, Governance Advisor Authoriser: Jan Pedersen, Group Manager People And Customer Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide an update on minute actions from the Maketu – Te Puke Ward Forum held on 1 October 2020.

RECOMMENDATION That the report from the Senior Governance Advisor dated 15 December titled ‘Maketu-Te Puke Ward Forum Minute Action Sheet’ be received.

ATTACHMENTS 1. Minute Action Sheets - Maketu/Te Puke Ward Forum ⇩

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Item 10.1 - Attachment 1 Page 19 Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum Meeting Agenda 15 December 2020

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11.1 WORKSHOP ITEMS File Number: A3942775 Author: Pernille Osborne, Senior Governance Advisor - Community Boards Authoriser: Jan Pedersen, Group Manager People And Customer Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An update will be provided on the following items, which will include an opportunity for discussion:

1. Shane Beech – Maketu Community Board Chairperson

2. Richard Crawford – Te Puke Community Board Chairperson

3. Julien Fitter – Maketu Ongatoro Wetland Society Chairperson

4. Mark Boyle – Te Puke Economic Development Group

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