Fordham Set for Today's Antiwar Protests by John Holl Concourse Recruiting Stations to at 1000 „ „ Amid the Reluctance of Somsomee Poc Park for a Mass Rallv
U.S. Postage PAID Bronx, N.Y. Permit No. 7608 Non-Profit Org. Vol. 51-No. 24 Some USG officials hesitant fordham set for today's antiwar protests by John Holl Concourse recruiting stations to At 1000 „ „ Amid the reluctance of somsomee Poc Park for a mass rallv. p cp iini« -n Student p-P .Wals Walsh hrefuse refused d tot osanctio sanction nth the e r>r T h n ea Dr. Josepnoo h Cammarosano, executives and senators, the Strikestrike, cconfiding, "I think I'd eiives and senator, the .Justine Offer, USG executive marS, IZ£LZ*S •" ' W < "ml rd UniversitUniversUyy ^xe™executive ™vice United Student Government V| prefepreferr aa moderate silent United Student Government ce president, and Frank Iorin Biaeeiwn™» ,T ° moderate silent president-A , reported yesterday finalized plans yesterday for the e UMlce protest." .. ,,..J „!„„„ .,Aot«>~ia., t~~ »k^ epnniK fin,., i..j... ' ,. to get him to alter nrnfwt " ' thapresidentt he had, reportespoken witd vesth studene t student boycott of classes in nam war. The SPU is also leaders on the prospects for protest of the increased United nounced yesterday that the Walsh did say, however, he organizing a Quaker slide today's strike. States bombing of North Viet- moratorium on classes will begin would "uphold my 1970 Presentation, entitled statement," in which he ex- nam. at 8:30 a.m. and continue "John Buckley (USG Automated Air War" to be pressed his personal disapproval throughout the clay. president) came to me this Today's events will be •shown at 10:30 a.m. in Thomas of the war effort.
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