Accommodation List Bed and Breakfast Accommodation in Private Homes Bed and Breakfast accommodation is provided by local families who have kindly offered this service for visitors to St Christopher’s. Should you need to cancel your accommodation reservation, please do contact the relevant guest house and let them know as they may be able to offer the place to someone else. Please remember that while they are clean and comfortable accommodations they are private homes. Should you wish to stay in a professionally run hotel, there are a number listed on the following pages. When making a reservation please call the host family directly, before 21h30, and advise them that you are attending a St Christopher’s course or conference. The charges are listed on the following pages, and are all per person, per night. Accommodation fees should be paid directly to the host family. Travel instructions are available on request. A reliable minicab service is available from: Clock House Cars +44(0)20 8658 0066 Canon Cars Please email us with queries or visit our website for details of other courses: Email:
[email protected]+44(0)20 8658 1234 The accommodation list below is within close proximity to St Christopher’s Education Centre Mrs Mariam Bishai £25 pp (2 single bed) £20pp (1 double bed) Tel: 020 8778 5747 25 Princethorpe Road, Sydenham, SE26 4PF. (15 mins walk away) Ms Anastasia Stylianou £30 pp (4 single rooms) Tel: 020 8776 9296 Mob: 07887 983 836 150 Venner Road Email:
[email protected] Sydenham, SE26 5JQ.