Andrea Di Vito,John Rogers | 132 pages | 12 Jul 2011 | Idea & Design Works | 9781600109225 | English | San Diego, United States Dungeons & Dragons, Volume 1: Shadowplague Classement des meilleures ventes: #1

Friend Reviews. But at the beginning of the book, authors actually takes time to provide bit of background. The artwork is quite nice, and I've found that reading comics on a Kindle is actually perfectly pleasant. Tony Stark. Scanlan and Grog loot a shark-man temple in the swamp outside Stilben. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Current selection is: Choose an option. While evaluating the planet below and its two warring nations f… More. Vax—alone on the Myriad's floating fortress galleon, The Mockingbird—fights his way to freedom with nary a weapon or ally around save his wits and agility to escape Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 captors. It then continued with issue 1 in November of that year. Original Title. Probably would never have read this without comixology unlimited, but recommended for a light fantasy read if you have it. I enjoyed the thief character quite a bit, but I thought some of the other characters, specifically the ranger and warlock felt flat and one dimensional. This jumps right in, which was a little confusing at first but worked. Taken by itself, this sounds too gamey, but within the context of the story, its done well. Overall very enjoyable book. Average rating 3. Aug 26, Richard Radgoski rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasyrpgd-dgraphic-novel. Keyleth and Tiberius find themselves in unsavory company, but that's the only kind of company to be found in Stilben. John Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 is a screenwriter, comedian, film producer, and comic book writer. Reminded me of artwork of older comics I never played Dungeons and Dragons, so to me Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 was just a fun fantasy graphic novel. Add to Wishlist. Customer Reviews. Paid by the Clasp to stop the attack on the peasants, our heroes follow their nose… More. The genre-defining roleplaying game gets its first ongoing series in years! Sorry, but we can't respond to individual comments. Jun 01, Nate rated it liked it Shelves:comixologycomixology-unlimited. Other editions. Bonus points for not being bogged down by the dungeon crawl the bane of any classic game, in my opin This was a fun read that reminded me of all the best parts of playing a Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 playing game. A group of adventurers that taunt and make jokes at each others expense working together to save their home and their own reputation from an unknown force of evil. They did a good job; to be frank a better job than . Jan 26, Nicole rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphic-novel-seriesgraphic-novelsfantasy. Your feedback helps us make Walmart shopping better for millions of customers. The artwork was pretty decent too. Explore Now. Welcome back. Ask a question Ask a question If you would like to share feedback with us Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 pricing, delivery or other customer service issues, please contact customer service directly. While the cover art is fantastic, I wonder if I paid more than I should have for the overall product. But to find him, the unlikely duo of heroes needs to avoid the Watch, bargain with thieves, and Well, this was quite a fun and enjoyable read, and sure enough the writers are trying their best to capture the spirit of the humble adventure. American Vampire, Vol. I look forward to reading further collections of the series when they get made into an e- reader format like the nook version of this collect Absolutely brilliant. Witness the origin… More. Two pop-culture juggernauts are teaming up and neither multiverse is prepared for what comes next! The trial ends when the authority are turned into mindless slaves and the party escapes to find the source of what they now know to be called Shadow. The crossover event of the summer hits Foster's when a dimension-hopping robot sets out to challenge Bloo, Eduardo, and a host Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 other familiar Friends! Kind of like my Birthday party when everyone fell through the floor and needed stitches. I'll have the cider. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Does she want them Dungeons & Dragons: Shadowplague Volume 1 See our disclaimer.