arXiv:1810.08318v2 [hep-ph] 23 Oct 2018 h atceDt ru PG,ecp o h rudstate ground the for except (PDG), Ω Group Data of the on. information few so a and excited only 14], the are [13, there theory experiments gauge in constituent However, lattice various the [2], model [3–12], Skyrme models the as such els, pcrmof spectrum half one excited about More BNL at [1]. ago decay dis- century and unambiguously production was both model in quark covered the The in decuplet success. great a achieved codn to according uae ihtecia ur oe 1] hr twsshown was it where [17], model that quark chiral the with culated 1 osbeitrrtto of interpretation possible oudrtn togitrcin.Frtebro spectra, baryon the For on based classification interactions. the strong understand to asadwdhare measure The width and [16]. collaboration mass II Belle the by observed was Fortunat the of ratings. o experiments two-star II Belle or the three- with uncertain rather ‡ † ∗ odcniaeo h 1 the of candidate good Ω epciey nvrosqakmdl 31] h assof masses (1 the orbital [3–12], first models the quark various In respectively. be lcrncades [email protected] address: Electronic lcrncades [email protected] address: Electronic [email protected] address: Electronic P 17) nytrepsil excited possible three only (1672), (2250), h td fhdo pcrmi nipratwyfrus for way important an is spectrum of study The eyrcnl,acniaeo excited of candidate a recently, Very )KyLbrtr fLwDmninlQatmSrcue an Structures Quantum Low-Dimensional of Laboratory Key 2) wv tt.Hwvr h - the However, state. -wave )Snrei noainCne o unu E Quantum for Center Innovation Synergetic 3) ∼ Ω 2 21)cudb sindt h spin-parity the to assigned be could (2012) Ω )Sho fPyisadSaeKyLbrtr fNcerPhys Nuclear of Laboratory Key State and Physics of School 5) . e.Tenwyosre state observed newly The GeV. 0 spectrum. M = Γ Ω Ω 28) and (2380), Ω = loe togdcy ftelwlig1 low-lying the of decays strong allowed U S Ω sinda 1 a as assigned ASnumbers: PACS channels. decay main their in observed be to potentials u-u Wang Zuo-Yun el observed Newly ayn.I h eiwo atcepyisfrom physics particle of review the In . yeo a enpeitdwti aymod- many within predicted been has 21)i otlkl ob 1 a be to likely most is (2012) tmltdb h el discovered newly the by Stimulated 2012 6 (6) . 4 P − + xiain of excitations ) .INTRODUCTION I. 2 2 × . . . 0 5 4 (stat) P O ± -wave Ω 3 ymty nter,temass the theory, In symmetry. (3) Ω ff 0 )Cne fHg nryPyis eigUiest,Beijin University, Peking Physics, Energy High of Center 4) ragetopruiyfrorstudy our for opportunity great a still er is nature Their [15]. (2470) . U S 21) t togdcy eecal- were decays strong its (2012), D 7(stat) ± wv tt with state -wave 1 ogCegGui Long-Cheng , 1 Ω (3) Ω . (yt MeV 6(syst) Ω ayn hudeita well as exist should baryons tt.Rcnl,t td the study to Recently, state. f ± Ω ao ymtyhsbeen has symmetry flavor yeo samme of member a as hyperon Ω 0 (2012) . (yt MeV 6(syst) )Dprmn fPyis ua omlUniversity, Normal Hunan Physics, of Department 1) ttsaepeitdto predicted are states Ω J Ω P ayn r listed: are baryons Ω P = baryon, -wave 21)myb a be may (2012) J , tt n togdcy ftelow-lying the of decays strong and state P 1 ff / csadApiain(IQA,HnnNra nvriy C University, Normal Hunan Applications(SICQEA), and ects = 2 1 − Ω , 5 2 Ω J , , / tt can’t state 21)rsnnea el I nti okw aesuidthe studied have we work this in II, Belle at resonance (2012) 3 P P 2 Ω , tt with state ∗ n 1 and - + = (2012), h te isn 1 missing other The . iFn L¨uQi-Fang 3 / ely, 2 unu oto fMnsr fEuain hnsa410081 Changsha Education, of Ministry of Control Quantum d D d − -wave J P c n ehooy eigUiest,Biig107,Chi 100871, Beijing University, Peking Technology, and ics = D a eago addt fthe of candidate good a be may PDG 1 other The described. ably parity hrlqakmdl[7.(i The The (ii) MeV. [17]. of model dozens quark of chiral width a with state 3 broader be might ue[8 9.A t asi eycoeto close very is mass its As 19]. [18, rule l,teei losm okcniee ta a as it considered work some also is there old, strong and mass the of Furthermore, patten decay out. ruled completely be easo h 1 the of decays stron two-body Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka(OZI)allowed the study ac sms ieyt ete1 the be to likely most is nance state snttolre( large too not is nTbeI h pta aefntosfrthe for functions wave spatial The I. Table in excited the of properties the understand better gested 1 3 ain,w n ht()tenwyobserved newly the (i) calcu- our that to find According we lations, oscillators. harmonic by described 2] nRf 2] yaflavor a by [24], Ref. In [23]. u fbacigrto o h decay the for ratios branching of sum itso the of widths ayni e.II ial,asmayo u eut sgiven is results our of summary IV. a Sec. Finally, in III. Sec. in baryon QC oe.I a rtpooe yMc 2] Car- [25], Micu by proposed first was It model. (QPC) h ueia eut fsrn ea f1 of decay strong of results numerical the eiwo the of review n relatively their main for width. their experiments row in future observed be in chi may channels states the decay these with [17], predicted model those quark that larger systematically are K 1 P P D 3 , Ω Ξ 2 npeetwr,t ute eeltentr of nature the reveal further to work, present In The hsppri raie sflos isl,W ieabrief a give We Firstly, follows. as organized is paper This 0 0 / , -wave 3 ∗ 2 ayn ihnthe within baryons , oe.Teqakmdlcasfiainfrte1 the for classification model quark The model. eut r ossetwt h eetpeitoso the of predictions recent the with consistent are results − oeua tt 2–2,o yaial eeae state generated dynamically a or [20–22], state molecular † | 56 eas n htthe that find also We . iY Xiao Li-Ye J Ω 3 P P , P 21)t eanme f3 of number a be to (2012) 4 n 1 and - Ω 10 0 = oe,i locle h ur arcreation pair quark the called also is model, , ayn n hi hoeia assaelisted are masses theoretical their and baryons 3 2 D / 3 P , 2 081 hn and China 100871, g P D wv ttspeitdwti the within predicted states -wave 2 6 n 1 and - − , 0 Ω -wave 4 5 70%). , n h xeietldt a ereason- be can data experimental the and 5 21)as eesuidb C sum QCD by studied were also (2012) oe nSc I eody epresent we Secondly, II. Sec. in model I THE II. / n inHiZhong Xian-Hui and , 2 + 3 P i D Ω 0 or wv ayn ihtewdl used widely the with baryons -wave ayn a aelarge have may baryons oe.I sfudthat found is It model. Ω | 70 25)saecudbe could state (2250) 3 U S P P , Ω 2 wv tt with state -wave 0 10 MODEL 3 nlssteatossug- authors the analysis (3) Ω excitations P , 25)rsnnelse in listed resonance (2250) / -wave 2 2 agh 410081,China hangsha Ω , − 2 (2012) eultbro fthe if baryon decuplet , J 5 P / P Ω 1 2 Ξ = n 1 and - , OZI 2 + (1530) , tt ihspin- with state 3 i 5 ‡ lhuhthe Although . → Ω Ω / Ω 21)reso- (2012) Ω 2 J ayn are baryons Ξ J + 21)and (2012) 3 P D P tts we states, K China , P K ¯ 1 na -wave π 0 = D = thresh- , P model Ω and - wave 1 3 − / / ar- ππ ral 2 2 Ω − g − 2

TABLE I: The theory predicted masses (MeV) and spin-flavor-space wave-functions of Ω baryons under SU(6) classification 2S +1 P are listed below. We denote the baryon states as N6, N3, N, L, J where N6 stands for the irreducible representation of spin-flavor SU(6) | i P group, N3 stands for the irreducible representation of flavor SU(3) group and N, L, J as principal quantum number, total orbital angular momentum and spin-parity, respectively[17]. The φ,χ,ψ denote flavor, spin and spatial wave function, respectively. The Clebsch-Gorden coefficients of spin-orbital coupling have been omitted. Theory States Wave function [4] [3] [2] [7] [13] 4 + s s s 1S 56, 10, 0, 0, 3/2 φ χ ψ000 1678 1635 1694 1675 1642(17) 2 E 1 s ρ ρ s λ λ 1P 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2− φ χ ψ + φ χ ψ 1941 1950 1837 2020 1944(56) √2 11Lz 11Lz 2 E 1  s ρ ρ s λ λ  70, 10, 1, 1, 3/2− φ χ ψ + φ χ ψ 2038 2000 1978 2020 2049(32) √2 11Lz 11Lz + 1D 56,4 10, 2, 2, 1/2 E  φsχsψs  2301 2255 2140 2210 2350(63)/2481(51) 22Lz 56,4 10, 2, 2, 3/2+E φsχsψs 2173/2304 2280 2282 2215 22Lz 2470(49) 70,2 10, 2, 2, 3/2+E 1 φsχρψρ + φsχλψλ 2173/2304 2345 2282 2265 √2 22Lz 22Lz + 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2 E  φsχsψs  2401 2280 2225 22Lz ··· 70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/2+E 1 φsχρψρ + φsχλψλ 2401 2345 2265 √2 22Lz 22Lz + ··· 56,4 10, 2, 2, 7/2 E  φsχsψs  2332 2295 2210 22Lz ··· E

litz and Kislinger [26], and developed by the Orsay group and Yaouanc et al [27–32]. In the model, it assumes that PC + a pair of qq¯ is created from the vacuum with J = 2S B 1 B(n LB(J M ))(P~ B) 0++(2S +1L = 3P ) when the initial hadron A decays, and the B B JB J 0 E quarks from the hadron A regroups with the created quarks = 2EB LBML ; S BMS JBMJ h B B | B i form two daughter B and C. For baryon decays, two p MLXB MS B quarks of the initial baryon regroups with the created quark to 3 3 3 3 form a daughter baryon, and the remaining one quark regroup δ (~p1 + ~p2 + ~p4 P~ B)d ~p1d ~p2d ~p4 × − with the created antiquark to form a . The process of Z Ψ 124 124 124 nB LB ML (~p1, ~p2, ~p4)χ ϕ ω baryon decays is shown in Fig. 1. B S B MS B B B 3 × The transition operator under the P0 model is written as q (~p )q (~p )q (~p ) , (3) × 1 1 2 2 4 4

T = 3γ 1m;1 m 00 d3 ~p d3 ~p δ3(~p + ~p ) − h − | i 4 5 4 5 Xm Z + C(n2S C 1L )(P~ ) m ~p4 ~p5 45 45 45 C C(JC ,MJC ) C 1 ( − )χ1, mϕ0 ω0 b4†i(~p4)d5†j(~p5), (1) ×Y 2 − E = 2EC LC ML ; S C MS JC MJ h C C | C i where the pair-strength γ is a dimensionless parameter, i and j p MLXC ,MSC are the color indices of the created quark q and antiquarkq ¯ . 4 5 3 + ~ 3 3 ϕ45 = uu+ dd¯+ ss / √ ω45 = δ δ (~p3 ~p5 PC)d ~p3d ~p5 0 ( ¯ ¯) 3 and 0 i j stand for the flavor and × Z − 45 color singlet, respectively. χ1, m is the spin triplet state and Ψ 35 nC LC ML (~p3, ~p5)χS M m m − C C SC (~p) ~p Y (θp,φp) is a solid harmonic polynomial corre- × Y1 ≡ 1 35 35 ϕC ωC q3(~p3)q5(~p5) , (4) sponding to the P-wave quark pair. b4†i(~p4)d5†j(~p5) denotes the × creation operator in the vacuum. According to the definition of the mock state [11], the where the subscripts 1,2,3 denote the quarks of the initial baryons A and B, and meson C are defined as follows : baryon A. 1,2 and 4 denote the quarks of the final baryon B, 3 and 5 stand for the quark and antiquark of the final meson + 2S A 1 C, respectively. ~pi(i = 1, 2, 3) are the momentum of quarks A(n LA(J ,M ))(P~A) A A JA = E in baryon A. ~pi(i 1, 2, 4) are the momentum of quarks in = baryon B. ~p and ~p are the momentum of the quark and 2EA LA MLA ; S A MS A JAMJA 3 5 h | i ~ ~ ~ p MLXA ,MS A antiquark in meson C. PA, PB, PC denotes the momentum of state A,B,C. S A, S B, S C and JA, JB, JC represent the total 3 + + ~ 3 3 3 δ (~p1 ~p2 ~p3 PA)d ~p1d ~p2d ~p3 spin and the total angular momentumof state A,B,C. Ψn L M × Z − A A LA ,Ψn L M and Ψn L M denotes the spatial wave functions of Ψ 123 123 123 A A LA C C LC nALA ML (~p1, ~p2, ~p3)χS M ϕA ωA × A A S A the baryon and meson in momentum space, respectively. q (~p )q (~p )q (~p ) , (2) The decay amplitude of the Ω baryon in 3P is written as × 1 1 2 2 3 3 0


+ + + MJ MJ MJ 2S B 1 2S C 1 2S A 1 A B C = B(n LB(J ,M )), C(n LC(J ,M )) T A(n LA(J ,M ) M h B B JB C C JC | | A A JA i = 3γ 8EAEBEC LA ML ; S A MS JA MJ 1m;1 m 00 − h A A | A ih − | i p MLXA ,MS A MLXB ,MS B MLCX,MSC ,m L M ; S M J M L M ; S M J M χ124 χ35 χ123 χ45 B LB B S B B JB C LC C S C C JC S B MS S C MS S A MS 1 m ×h | ih | ih B C | A − i A A A A nρ Lρ ,MLA ,nλ Lλ ,MLA ,1m ϕ124ϕ35 ϕ123ϕ45 I ρ λ (P~ ), (5) B C A 0 nB LB M nB LB M n L M B ×h | i× ρ ρ LB λ λ LB C C LC M , M , M ρ λ LA XLB LC λ λ M A , M B Lρ Lρ

χ124 χ35 χ123 χ45 = S M ; S M S M S M ; S M S M S B MS S C MS S A MS 1 m 1 S 1 2 S 2 12 S 12 12 S 12 3 S 3 A S A h B C | A − i h | ih | i S MS ; S MS S MS S MS ; S MS S BMS ×h 1 1 2 2 | 12 12 ih 12 12 4 4 | B i S MS ; S MS S C MS S MS ; S MS 10 . (6) ×h 3 3 5 5 | C ih 4 4 5 5 | i

In the equation Eq. (5), χ124 χ35 χ123 χ45 and of the Ω baryon in 3P model are equivalent.The summed S B MS S C MS S A MS 1 m 0 h B C | A − i ϕ124ϕ35 ϕ123ϕ45 stand for the spin matrix and the flavor ma- magnetic quantum numbers are not completely independent h B C | A 0 i of each other. trix, respectively. S i stand for the spin of ith quark and S 12 stand for the total spin of 1 and 2 quarks. The pre-factor 3 in front of γ arises from the fact that the three decay processes The overlap integral in the momentum space is written as

A A A A nρ Lρ ,MLA ,nλ Lλ ,MLA ,1m ρ λ ~ = 3 3 3 3 3 3 + + ~ 3 + I B B B B (PB) d ~p1d ~p2d ~p3d ~p4d ~p5δ (~p1 ~p2 ~p3 PA)δ (~p4 ~p5) nρ Lρ MLB nλ Lλ MLB nC LC MLC ρ λ Z − 3 3 δ (~p + ~p + ~p P~ B)δ (~p + ~p P~C)ΨA(~p , ~p , ~p )Ψ∗ (~p , ~p , ~p )Ψ∗ (~p , ~p ) × 1 2 4 − 3 5 − 1 2 3 B 1 2 4 C 3 5 A A A A A A = d~pρd~pλ J ΨA(~p , ~p )ΨB(P~ B, ~p , ~p )ΨC( P~ B, ~p , ~p ) Z | | λ ρ λ ρ − λ ρ A A A A A A A A = d~p d~p dΩ dΩ J φ A A (~p )Y A (Ω )φ A A (~p )Y A (Ω ) ρ λ ρ λ nρ Lρ ρ Lρ MLA ρ nλ Lλ λ Lλ MLA λ Z | | ρ λ

A B A 3 2m3 B φ B B (~p )Y B (Ω )φ B B (~p P~ B)Y B (Ω ) nρ Lρ ρ Lρ MLB ρ nλ Lλ λ Lλ MLB λ × ρ − r2 2m3 + mq λ m 2 φ ( 3 P~ ~pA)Y (ΩC) nC LC B λ LC MLC × m3 + mq − r3

m 2 A (P~ B ~p ), (7) ×Y1 − r3 λ

+ + = 1 m2 ~p1 m1 ~p2 = 2 m3(~p1 ~p2) (m1 m2)~p3 where ~pρ ( m +−m )and ~pλ 3 ( m +m− +m ) stand for the momentumcorrespondingto ρ and λ Jacobi coordinates √2 1 2 q 1 2 3 in the center mass frame of baryon A, and J stand for the Jacobi determinant which determined by the definition of pρ, pλ. | | mi denote the mass of ith quark and mq denote the mass of the created quark pairs. the nρ and Lρ denote the nodal and orbital angular momentum between the 1,2 quarks (see Fig. 1), while the nλ and Lλ stand for the nodal and orbital angular momentum between the 1,2 quarks system and the 3 quark (see Fig. 1).

In the calculations, simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) wave functions is employed as the hadron wave function. The mo- Ψ ~ = mentum space wave function of baryon is A(PA) Nψnρ lρ Ml (~pρA )ψnλ lλ Ml (~pλA ) A A ρA A A λA 1 l+2 2 n l 2 ψnlM (~p) = ( 1) ( i) l − − " √π(2l + 1)!!# 2 2 1 l+ 3 ~p l+1/2 ~p m ( ) 2 exp( )L ( ) (~p), (8) × β −2β2 n β2 Yl 4

TABLE II: The Quantum numbers of 1P-wave and 1D-wave Ω baryons. Due to the orthogonal relationship of the wave functions, only the λ excited mode contributes.

States J nρ lρ nλ lλ L S ρ S 2 1 1 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2− 2 000111 2 70,2 10, 1, 1, 3/2 E 3 000111 1 − 2 2 56,4 10, 2, 2, 1/2+E 1 000221 3 2 2 56,4 10, 2, 2, 3/2+E 3 000221 3 3 2 2 FIG. 1: The decay process of A B + C in the P model. + 0 70,2 10, 2, 2, 3/2 E 3 000221 1 → 2 2 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2+E 5 000221 3 2 2 2 +E 5 1 where N stand for a normalization coefficient of the wave 70, 10, 2, 2, 5/2 2 000221 2 + 2 function and Ll 1/2( p~ ) is the Laguerre polynomial function. 56,4 10, 2, 2, 7/2+E 7 000221 3 n β2 2 2 The Clebsch-Gorden coefficients of l , l coupling are equal E ρ λ to 1 in our case. The ground state wave function of a meson in the momen- III. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS tum space is

3 In our calculations, we adopt m = m = 350 MeV, 2 4 R2~p2 u d R ab = Ψ0,0 = exp( ), (9) ms 450 MeV for the constituent quark masses. The masses " π # − 2 of the Ω baryons listed in Table I, the masses of K and Ξ baryons are taken from the PDG [15]. The quantum where the ~p stands for the relative momentum between the ab numbers involved in the calculations are listed in Tab II. Due quark and antiquark in the meson. As all hadrons in the fi- to the orthogonal relationship of the wave functions, only the nal states are S -wave in this work, Eq. (7) can be further ex- λ excited mode contributes. There are three harmonic oscil- pressed as follows lator parameters, the βρ and βλ and R in baryon and meson 1 wave functions, respectively. We adopt R = 2.5 GeV− for nA LA,M ,nALA ,M , m ρ ρ LA λ λ LA 1 K mesons [38]. The parameter β of the ρ-mode excitation Π A A ρ λ ρ (L , M A , L , M A , m) I B B B B (10) ρ Lρ λ Lλ = nρ Lρ MLB nλ Lλ MLB nC LC MLC between the 1,2 quarks (see Fig. 1) is taken as βρ 0.4 GeV ≡ ρ λ [39]. The βλ is obtained with the relation [40]: Π A A the expressions of (LρA, MLρ , LλA, ML , m) and harmonic os- λ 1 cillator wave function for the S -wave, P-wave, D-wave Ω 4 = 3m3 baryons are collected in the appendix. βλ βρ. (14) 2m + m ! The decay width Γ of the process A B + C is 1 3 → For the quark pair creation strength from the vacuum, we take ~p 2 1 M M M 2 = Γ= π JA JB JC , (11) as those in Ref. [38], γ 6.95. 2 m 2JA + 1 M A MJA ,XMJB ,MJC where JA are the total angular momentum of the initial baryon A. The 1P-wave states A. ~p is the momentumof the final baryonin the center of mass frame of the initial baryon A According to the SU(6) supermultiplet classification (see P = 1 − table I), there are two 1P-wave states with J 2 and 2 2 2 + 2 P 3 2 2 mA (mB mC) mA (mB mC) J = −, i.e. 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2 and 70, 10, 1, 1, 3/2 . The = − − − 2 − − ~p qh i h i, (12) Ω 2mA mass of the newly observed (2012)E state is close to theE 1P- Ω wave baryon predicted in various quark models (see table I). where mA, mB and mC are the mass of the initial and final Assuming Ω(2012) as a candidate of the 1P-wave Ω baryons, hadrons. we calculate the OZI-allowed two body strong decays in the In order to partly remedy the inadequacy of the non- 3 P0 model, and list our results in table III. relativistic wave function as the relative momentum ~p Ω P = 1 − It is found that if one assigns (2012) as the J 2 state increases[33–37], the decay amplitude is written as 2 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2− , the width is predicted to be E (~p) γ f (γ f ~p), (13) M → M Γth 43 MeV, (15) total ≃ where γ f denotes a commonly Lorentz boost factor, γ f = mB/EB. In most decays, the three momenta carried by the which is too large to be comparable with the width of 3 final state baryons are relatively small, which means the non- Ω(2012). This width predicted in the P0 model is about relativistic prescription is reasonable and the corrections from a factor 3 larger than that predicted within the chiral quark the Lorentz boost is not drastic. model [17]. 5

model are consistent with those in the chiral quark model [17]. 2 + + TABLE III: The total decay widths (MeV) of the 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2− While the other JP = 3/2 state 56,4 10, 2, 2, 3/2 is found and 70,2 10, 1, 1, 3/2 states with mass M = 2012 MeV. Γth de-E to be a broad state with a width of| Γ 130 MeV, thei partial − total notes the total decay widthE and B stands for the radio of the branch- width ratio between ΞK and Ξ(1530)K≃is predicted to be 0 0 ing fraction Γ[Ξ K−]/Γ[Ξ−K¯ ]. The results of Ref. [17] are also listed for a comparison. The units of widths is MeV. Γ[ΞK] 1.4. (18) Γth Γth B B Γ Ξ States total total [17] [17] [ (1530)K] ≃ 2 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2− 43.0 15.2 0.96 0.95 2 E 4 + 70, 10, 1, 1, 3/2− 8.19 6.64 1.11 1.12 The predicted width for 56, 10, 2, 2, 3/2 in this work is | i E about a factor 3 larger than that predicted with the chiral quark model [17]. P = + 4 + On the other hand, assigning Ω(2012) as the JP = 3 − state The J 1/2 state 56, 10, 2, 2, 1/2 is the broadest state 2 in the 1D-wave states.| It has a width ofiΓ 170 MeV, and 70,2 10, 1, 1, 3/2 , we find that the width − mainly decays into the ΞK channel. However,∼ in the chiral E quark model a relatively narrower width Γ 56 MeV is given Γth + ∼ total 8 MeV, (16) for 56,4 10, 2, 2, 1/2 [17]. ≃ | i JP = / + ,4 , , , / + and the branching fraction ratio The 7 2 state 56 10 2 2 7 2 may be a nar- row state with a width of| Γ 30 MeV. Thisi state mainly ∼ 2 0 decays into the ΞK channel. The decay properties of Γ 70, 10, 1, 1, 3/2− Ξ K− + th = → 56,4 10, 2, 2, 7/2 predicted in this work are consistent with R h E i 1.1, (17) | i Γ 70,2 10, 1, 1, 3/2 Ξ K¯ 0 ≃ those of chiral quark model in Ref. [17]. − → − h i As a wholemost of the 1D-wave states has a relatively nar- are consistent with the measured width Γexp = 6.4+2.5(stat) row width, they has potentials to be observed in their domi- 2.0 ± 1.6(syst) and ratio Rexp = 1.2 0.3 for Ω(2012).− These 3P nant decay modes. The Ω(2250)resonance may be assigned to 0 + + + model predictions are compatible± with those predicted within the JP = 5/2 state 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2 or 70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/2 . | i | i the chiral quark model [17]. Although the decay widths predicted for the D-wave states 3 within the chiral quark model and P0 model show some dif- ferences, the partial width ratios of Γ[ΞK]/Γ[Ξ(1530)K] pre- B. The1 D-wave states dicted within these two models are in a reasonable agreement with each other. According to the quark model classification, there are six 1D-wave states. Their masses are predicted to be in the range of 2.2-2.3 GeV in various models (see tab:table-1). Their IV. SUMMARY OZI allowed two-body strong decay channels are ΞK and Ξ(1530)K. With the masses predicted in Ref. [7], we study the strong decay processes of 1D-wave states into both ΞK Stimulated by the newly discovered Ω(2012) resonance at and Ξ(1530)K channels, and collect their partial decay widths Belle II, in this work we have studied the OZI allowed strong 3 in Table IV. decays of 1P-and 1D-wave Ω baryons within the P0 model. + It is interesting to find that the two JP = 5/2 It is found that the newly observed state Ω(2012) favors 4 + 2 + P 2 states 56, 10, 2, 2, 5/2 and 70, 10, 2, 2, 5/2 may be the 1P-wave Ω state with J = 3/2−, 70, 10, 1, 1, 3/2− . good candidates| of Ω(2250)i listed| in the reviewi book of Both the decay mode and decay width are| consistent with thei Ω P PDG [15]. (i) The mass of (2250) is close the predic- observations. The other 1P-wave Ω state with J = 1/2−, 4 + 2 + 2 tions of 56, 10, 2, 2, 5/2 and 70, 10, 2, 2, 5/2 in the 70, 10, 1, 1, 1/2− , might have a relatively broad width of | i | i P = quark model [7]. (ii) The measuredE width of Ω(2250), Γ = (10) MeV. This J 1/2− state should be observed in the O0 0 55 18 MeV, is close to the theoretical predictions, Γ Ξ K− and Ξ−K¯ channels as well. 80/±50 MeV for 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2+ and 70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/2+∼, In the 1D-wave Ω states, it is found that the Ω(2250) respectively. (iii)| The decays modesi of | 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2+i state may favor the JP = 5/2+ state 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2+ or and 70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/2+ are dominated by| Ξ(1530)K, whichi 70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/2+ . These two JP = 5/| 2+ states dominantlyi is also| consistent withi the fact that the Ω(2250) was seen |decay into the Ξ(1530)i K channel, and have a similar decay + in the Ξ(1530)K and Ξ−π K− channels. In [17], we pre- width to that of Ω(2250). Due to a large uncertainty of the dicted that Ω(2250) is more likely to be the JP = 5/2+ width of Ω(2250), we can’t distinguish it belongs to the 70 56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2+ with the chiral quark model, and the width multiplet or 56 multiplet. Future experiment information will |of 70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/i2+ is predicted to be 12 MeV, which is help to clarify this issue. For the other 1D-wave Ω baryons, about| a factor 4 smalleri than the width of∼Ω(2250). we recommend looking for the JP = 1/2+ and JP = 7/2+ The JP = 3/2+ state 70,2 10, 2, 2, 3/2+ is a narrow state states in the ΞK decay channel and looking for the JP = 3/2+ with a width of Γ 23 MeV,| and has comparablei decay rates states in both ΞK and Ξ(1530)K decay channels in future ex- ≃ 3 into ΞK and Ξ(1530)K channels. These predictions of the P0 periments. 6

Γth B TABLE IV: The partial and total decay widths (MeV) of the 1D-wave states. total denotes the total decay width and stands for the radio of the branching fraction Γ[ΞK]/Γ[Ξ(1530)K]. The results of Ref. [17] are also shown for a comparison . The widths and masses are in units of MeV. States Mass[7] Γ[ΞK] Γ[ΞK][17] Γ[Ξ(1530)K] Γ[Ξ(1530)K] [17] Γth Γth [17] [17] total total BB 56,4 10, 2, 2, 1/2+ 2210 154 51.8 16.5 4.53 171 56.3 9.36 11.4 56,4 10, 2, 2, 3/2+E 2215 76.8 25.8 55.4 15.7 132 41.5 1.39 1.64

56,4 10, 2, 2, 5/2+E 2225 7.78 6.58 77.2 22.6 84.9 29.2 0.10 0.29

56,4 10, 2, 2, 7/2+E 2210 31.7 26.2 2.94 1.51 34.7 27.7 10.8 17.4

70,2 10, 2, 2, 3/2+E 2265 9.04 7.40 14.3 11.9 23.4 20.9 0.63 0.62

70,2 10, 2, 2, 5/2+E 2265 4.34 0.99 50.0 11.6 54.4 13.4 0.09 0.08



1 3 ~p2 ~p2 2 2 ρ λ 4 1 2 2 − 2βρ − 2β This work is supported by the National Natural Sci- Ψ(0, 0, 2, mlλ) = y0,0(~pρ)e λ ence Foundation of China under Grants No. 11405053, − √π! βρ ! 1 7 No.11775078, No.U1832173, No.11705056. This work is 16 2 1 2 also in part supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foun- y2,mlλ (~pλ), (A4) × 15 √π! βλ ! dation under Grant No. 2017M620492.

1 7 ~p2 ~p2 2 2 ρ λ 16 1 2β2 2β2 Ψ = − ρ − λ (2, mlρ, 0, 0) y2,mlρ (~pρ)e Appendix A: THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR WAVE − 15 √π! βρ ! FUNCTIONS 4 1 1 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 2 y0,0(~pλ), (A5) × √π βλ For the S -wave omega baryon, the harmonic oscillator wave function is = 1 = 1 + Where ~pρ (~p1 ~p2) and ~pλ 6 (~p1 ~p2 2~p3) are √2 − q − obtained in the relative Jacobi coordinates. The yl,m (~p) is the 1 3 ~p2 ~p2 l 2 2 ρ λ 4 1 2 2 solid harmonic polynomial. − 2βρ − 2β Ψ(0, 0, 0, 0) = y0,0(~pρ)e λ √π! βρ ! The wave function of the meson in our calculation is 1 3 4 2 1 2 y0,0(~pλ) (A1) 3 2 4 (~p ~p )2R2 × √π! βλ ! R 3− 5 Ψ(0, 0) = e− 8 (A6) π ! For the P-wave omega baryon, the harmonic oscillator ~p3 ~p5 1 Here ~pC = − , R = . wave function is 2 βC

1 3 ~p2 ~p2 Appendix B: THE MOMENTUM SPACE INTEGRATION 2 2 ρ λ 4 1 2 2 − 2βρ − 2β Ψ(0, 0, 1, mlλ) = i y , (~pρ)e λ − β 0 0 √π! ρ ! The momentum space integration Π(LA, MA, LA, MA, m)are 1 5 ρ ρ λ λ 8 2 1 2 presented in the following y1,mlλ (~pλ), (A2) × 3 √π! βλ ! Π(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) = β ~p ∆0,0. (B1)

For the P-wave omega baryon decay,

1 5 ~p2 ~p2 2 2 ρ λ 8 1 2β2 2β2 Ψ = − ρ − λ (1, mlρ, 0, 0) i y1,mlρ (~pρ)e 1 λ3 2 − 3 √π! βρ ! Π(0, 0, 1, 0, 0) = β ~p ∆0,1, (B2) √ − 2λ2 ! 1 3 6λ2 4 2 1 2 y (~p ), (A3) β 0,0 λ × √π! λ ! 1 Π(0, 0, 1, 1, 1) = ∆0,1 − − √6λ For the D-wave omega baryon, the harmonic oscillator 2 =Π(0, 0, 1, 1, 1). (B3) wave function is − 7

For the D-wave omega baryon decay, and

2 3 3 3 3 λ2 λ √ 4 4 2 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 6λ3 1 1 R π λ4 ~p Π(0, 0, 2, 0, 0) = β ~p ~p ∆ , (B4) − − 4λ2 ! 2 2 0,2 ∆0,0 = e | | 2λ − 3λ  πβ′2   ′2  π λ λ  2 2  ρ πβλ ! 1 2 !             3 3   3 1 4 1 4 , (B10) λ3  r  2 2 Π(0, 0, 2, 1, 1) = ~p ∆0,2 × − 4π πβρ  πβλ  2       − √2λ       2       =Π(0, 0, 2, 1, 1). (B5) 3 3 3 3 λ2 − 4 4 2 4 2 2 3 2 1 1 R π λ4 ~p ∆ = e− − 4λ2 ! Here, 0,1 2 2 | | πβρ′  πβ′  π ! λ1λ2 !    λ     3  1 5  3i  1 4  8 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 R2 , (B11) λ = + , λ = + + , 4π πβ2   2  1 2 2 2 2 2 (B6) × ρ 3 √π! βλ 2βρ 2βρ′ 2β 2β′ 3     λ λ    

3 3 3 3 λ2 4 4 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 R π λ4 4λ ~p √6m3 m3 √6R ∆ = e− − 2 !| | λ = + , 0,2 2 2 3 2 (B7) πβ′  πβ′  π ! λ λ ! m + m β′ m + m 3 ρ λ 1 2 (2 3 5) λ 3 5        3 1 7  √15 1 4 16 2 1 4 , (B12) 8π πβ2   2  3m2 m2 2 × ρ 15 √π! βλ 3 3 R     λ4 = + , (B8)     + 2 ′2 + 2     (2m3 m5) βλ (m3 m5) 2 Π A A A A where the momentum space integration (Lρ , Mρ , Lλ , Mλ , m) is introduced in Ref. [41], what makes our differences from ff λ Ref. [41] is that we take into account di erence of the masses β = 1 3 , (B9) of the quarks in baryons. − √6λ2

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