An Index to Alan Ansen's the Table Talk of W. H. Auden Edited By

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An Index to Alan Ansen's the Table Talk of W. H. Auden Edited By An Index to Alan Ansen’s The Table Talk of W. H. Auden Edited by Nicholas Jenkins Index Compiled by Jacek Niecko A Supplement to The W. H. Auden Society Newsletter Number 20 • June 2000 Jacek Niecko is at work on a volume of conversations and interviews with W. H. Auden. Adams, Donald James 68, 115 Christmas Day 1941 letter to Aeschylus Chester Kallman 105 Oresteia 74 Collected Poems (1976) 103, 105, Akenside, Mark 53 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, Amiel, Henri-Frédéric 25 114, 116, 118 Andrewes, Lancelot 75 Collected Poetry 108 Meditations 75 Dark Valley, The 104 Sermons 75 Dog Beneath the Skin, The 51, 112 Aneirin Dyer’s Hand, The xiii, 100, 109, 111 Y Gododdin 108 “Easily, my dear, you move, easily Ann Arbor, Michigan 20, 107 your head” 106 Ansen, Alan ix-xiv, 103, 105, 112, 115, Enemies of a Bishop, The 22, 107 117 English Auden, The 103, 106, 108, Aquinas, Saint Thomas 33, 36 110, 112, 115, 118 Argo 54 Forewords and Afterwords 116 Aristophanes For the Time Being 3, 104 Birds, The 74 Fronny, The 51, 112 Clouds, The 74 “Greeks and Us, The” 116 Frogs, The 74 “Guilty Vicarage, The” 111 Aristotle 33, 75, 84 “Hammerfest” 106 Metaphysics 74 “Happy New Year, A” 118 Physics 74 “I Like It Cold” 115 Arnason Jon “In Memory of W.B. Yeats” xv, 70 Icelandic Legends 1 “In Search of Dracula” 106 Arnold, Matthew xv, 20, 107 “In Sickness and In Health” 106 Asquith, Herbert Henry 108 “In the Year of My Youth” 112 Athens, Greece 100 “Ironic Hero, The” 118 Atlantic 95 Journey to a War 105 Auden, Constance Rosalie Bicknell “Law Like Love” 70, 115 (Auden’s mother) 3, 104 Letter to Lord Byron 55, 103, 106, Auden, Wystan Hugh ix-xv, 19, 51, 99, 112 100, 103-119 “Malverns, The” 52, 112 “A.E. Housman” 26, 108 “Miss Gee” 14, 106 Age of Anxiety, The 8, 21, 22, 25, 52, “Mythical Sex, The” 115 62, 68, 70, 107, 112, 114, 116 New Year Letter 109, 110, 118 “American Scene, The” 29, 109 Nones xiii Another Time 70 “On the Way” 119 “At the Grave of Henry James” “O Tell Me the Truth About Love” 99, 118 19, 106 “Bucolics” 111 “Oxford” 70 “Capital, The” 70, 115 “Pascal” 110 “Casino” 70 “Platonic Blow, The” 112 “Cave of Making, The” 13, 105 Plays 1928-1938 103, 107, 112 Chase, The 51, 112 “Pleasure Island” 110 iii Poets of the English Language 100 Benedict of Nursia, Saint 105 Portable Greek Reader, The 100, 116 Bennington, Vermont 1, 6, 104, 111 “Precious Five” 106 Benson, Stella 28 Rake’s Progress, The xiv, 76, 100, Beowulf 61, 71 113, 117 Berenson, Bernard xi, xii Sea and the Mirror, The 3, 99, 104 Berg, Alan Selected Poems (1979) 118 Lulu xiv “Since” 106 Bergner, Elisabeth 3, 104 “Speech From a Play” 51, 112 Berlin, Germany 5, 104, 109 “Sue” 106 Berlioz, Louis-Hector 21, 98, 119 “T the Great” 108 Troyens, Les xiv, 21 “Temptation of St. Joseph, The” Birmingham, England 1 13 Bizet, Georges Tennyson 59, 114 Carmen 17, 18 “Unknown Citizen, The” 54 Blackmur, Richard Palmer xiii, 45 “Under Which Lyre” 11, 105 Blake, William xi, 15, 25 “Victor” 13, 106 Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio 40, 110 “Where Do They Come From” 70 Boswell, James 75 “Yeats As an Example” 72, 116 Botticelli, Sandro Bach, Johann Sebastian 3, 16, 26 Primavera, La 70 Chaconne 17 Bradford, Edwin Emmanuel 63, 64, 48 Preludes and Fugues 17 111 Kunst der Fuge, Die 50 Brahms, Johannes 15, 57 “Kyrie” 17 Brecht, Bertold xiii, 5, 83, 104, 117 Mass in B minor 17 Dreigroschenoper, Die 5 Passion According to St. John, The “Gedanken über die Dauer des 26 Exils” 104 “Qui tollis” 17 Svendborger Gedichte 104 St. Matthew Passion 3, 17 Bridges, Robert Seymour 20, 62, 107 Baldwin, Faith 46, 111 Milton’s Prosody 62 Balzac, Honoré 9, 21 Testament of Beauty, The 20 Barrie, James Broadwater, Bowden 65, 115 Boy David, The 3 Browning, Robert 15, 38, 58, 75, 97 Baudelaire, Charles 25, 29, 70 “Bishop Blougram’s Apology” 15, Mon cœur mis à nu 25, 108, 109 38 Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher Ring and the Book, The 15 Henry VIII 58 Brueghel, Pieter the Elder 68 Two Noble Kinsmen 58, 99 Buck, Pearl 20, 107 Beecher Stowe, Harriet Burke, Edmund 67 Uncle Tom’s Cabin 4 Burke, Kenneth xiii, 45, 111 Beethoven, Ludvig van 16, 17 Grammar of Motives, A 45, 111 Missa solemnis 17 Burroughs, William 100 Bellini, Vincenzo Burton, Richard Francis 66 Norma 26, 92 Byron, George Gordon, Lord xi iv Cadmus, Paul 68 Corneille, Pierre 44 Cambridge, Massachusetts 11, 88 Corwin, Norman Lewis Campion, Thomas 62 On a Note of Triumph 51, 112 Camus, Albert 32 Cottam, Samuel Elsworth 64, 114 Capote, Truman Crane, Hart 51, 57 Answered Prayers 117 Criterion 104 Capp, Al 63, 114 Crofts, Freeman Wills 112 Li’l Abner 59, 63, 114 Cummings, Edward Estlin 16 Carpenter, Humphrey Daily Mirror 59 W.H. Auden: A Biography 103 Daily News 114 Carr, John Dickson 46, 111 Daily Telegraph 68, 115 Carradine, John 3, 104 Daily Worker 12 Catullus, Gaius Valerius 16, 106 Dante Alighieri xiv, 34, 36, 50, 53, 54, “Cæli, Lesbia nostra” 24, 108 88, 112 “Odi et amo” 16, 106 Inferno 54, 113 “Pedicabo ego” 16, 49, 106 Paradiso 54, 113 Cerf, Bennett 21, 107 Da Ponte, Lorenzo 18 Cervantes, Miguel de Saavedra Darwin, Erasmus 53 Don Quixote 4, 33, 34, 58, 59, 88, David, Félicien 103, 118 La perle du Brésil 109, 110 Chaplin, Charles Spencer 63 Defoe, Daniel 52 Charles II 3 Degnan, Suzanne 55, 113 Chaucer, Geoffrey 23 Délibes, Clément Philibert House of Fame, The 52 Lakmé 35 Troilus and Criseyde 107 Desmond, Thomas Charles 111 Chicago, Illinois 2 Detroit, Michigan 72 Chicago Tribune 79, 109 Dewey, John 51, 74 Christian X 27 Dewey, Thomas 46, 111 Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer Dickens, Charles 22, 52 19, 67, 81, 83 Edwin Drood 52 Cocteau, Jean xi, xiv, 25 Disraeli, Benjamin 15, 54 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor xi, xv, 44, Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis 45 Carroll) Collett, Anthony 51 Alice in Wonderland 26 Changing Face of England, The 51, Donizetti, Gaetano 21 112 Don Pasquale 21 Collingwood, Robin George Lucia di Lammermoor 21 New Leviathan, The 43 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 4, 15, 23, 33 Conant, James Bryant 11, 12, 105 Idiot, The 41 Confucius xiv, 42 Notes From the Underground 41 Cooper, James Fenimore 44, 54 Possessed , The 41 Leatherstocking Tales, The 44 Douglas, Lloyd Cassel Copenhagen, Denmark 27, 108 Robe, The 8, 104 Corbière, Tristan 67, 115 v Doyle, Arthur Conan Firbank, Ronald 15, 16, 54, 55, 67, 68, Valley of Fear, The 48 115 Dreyfus, Alfred 84 Concerning the Eccentricities of Dru, Alexander 109 Cardinal Pirelli 54 Dryden, John xv Flower Beneath the Foot, The 54 Dyer, George 53 Santal 54 Eckermann, Johann xiv, 75 Vainglory 54 Edward VII 27, 28 Fire Island (Long Island, New York) Edward VIII 27, 28 41, 56, 100, 110 Einstein, Albert 64 Fitzgerald, Francis Scott 9, 69 Eliot, Thomas Stearns xiii, xv, 20, 44, Great Gatsby, The 69 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 107, 111, 112, 113 Tender Is the Night 69 Cocktail Party, The 112 This Side of Paradise 80 Four Quartets, The 50 Flaubert, Gustave 50 “Gerontion” 51 Bouvard et Pécuchet 50 “King Bolo and His Great Black L’Education sentimentale 50 Kween” 112 Forster, Edward Morgan 26, 57, 108, Letters of T.S. Eliot, The 112 113 “Little Gidding” 54 Fouts, Denny (Denham) 79, 117 “Milton I” (1936) 112, 113 France, Anatole 32 “Milton II” (1947) 113 Francis of Assisi, Saint 32 “Music of Poetry, The” 107 Franco, Francisco 57 Notes Towards the Definition of Frost, Robert 48 Culture 113 Galsworthy, John 39 On Poetry and Poets 107, 113 Old English 110 Sacred Wood, The 44, 111 Gartside-Bagnall, Reginald Selected Essays 1917-1932 113 Waves, The 1, 103 “Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Gasoline Alley 63, 114 Seneca” 113 Gay, John 52 Use of Poetry and the Use of George IV 27 Criticism, The 112 George V 27, 28, 108 Elizabeth II 28 George VI 28, 109 Eluard, Paul 32 Gide, André xi, xv, 24, 32, 117 Empson, William 3, 44, 104, 111 Caves du Vatican, Les 24 Seven Types of Ambiguity 111 Faux-Monnayers, Les 24 Some Versions of Pastoral 104, 111 Perséphone 117 Euclid Si le grain ne meurt 108 Elements 74 Thésée 25, 108 Evergreen Review xi Gilbert, William Schwenck, and Arthur Farnan, Dorothy Jeanne Sullivan 59, 114 Auden In Love 105, 107 Iolanthe 59, 114 Farrell, James 2 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von xii, xiv, Fielding, Henry 52, 57 13, 72, 75 “Ganymed” 21 vi Góngora y Argota, Luis de 38 Carmen Saeculare 45 Gorer, Geoffrey House and Garden 69, 115 “American Character, The” 118 Housman, Alfred Edward 26, 108 Gounod, Charles More Poems 26, 108 Roméo et Juliette 26 Hugo, Victor Gray, Thomas 51 Hernani 99 Griffin, Howard xi, xiii Huxley, Aldous 57 Conversations With Auden xi Ibsen, Henrik 21 Grock (Karl Adrien Wettah) 63, 114 Index librorum prohibitorum 57, 59 Groddeck, Georg 41 Innes, Michael (John Innes Mackintosh Hamilton, Alexander 24 Stewart) 71, 116 Hammerfest, Norway 19 Inverchapel of Loch Eck, Lord 79, 117 Händel, Georg Friedrich 21 Irving, Henry 2 Athalia 26 Ischia, Italy 100 Giulio Cesare xiv Isherwood, Christopher William Israel in Egypt 21 Bradshaw 3, 9, 19, 22, 79, 108, 112, Messiah 21 117 Hardy, Thomas 43 Dog Beneath the Skin, The 108 Harper’s Bazaar 69, 95, 115 Down There On a Visit 117 Haydn, Franz Joseph 16 Journey to a War 105 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 34 Isocrates 74 Hemingway, Ernest 2, 51 Jackson, Andrew 23 Henry VIII 77 Jaffe, Rhoda 93, 100, 118 Henry, O.
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