GH1N11AUM - W. II. , CASTLK. M. S. & CO. BISHOP & CO., THE HAWAIIAN fttigaaKe Made by Wnnteii. '".OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Limited. Pacific Mail S. S, Co. Criterion Saloon Snyt Max Miiller in 8cltnccot Iingnairc: 4 Establlslieil In 1H33. The influence) ATTORNEY AT I.AW. HONOLULU, II. I. of women on the lanLiiajo of AOISNTS FOR A inch Keneratlon tn much Ofllce, Cattwrlght Il'ldg. N Krcater than that Commission Merchnnt nnd Imjwrters AND THU- - BANKERS. 1) of men. of General Merchandise. IIo.Not.VLt;, Hawaiian Islands. Wo very proiierly call our language In John Wieland Brewing Co Gerumny our mother tifTiRUe, for'lt Is from J. ALFRED MAGOOlt. San Francisco Offlce, SIS Front Bt. DRAW our mothers we learn It, OOVr.ItNMKNT OF THH Occidental I Oriental S. S.Co. EXCHANGE ON thnt with nil Its iPBOVIskoNAI. COMPANY. peculiarities, faults, idioms nnd ncccnts. ATTORNEY ami COUNSELOU-AT-LA- THE EM OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS; EXTRA Hiu superior facilitioa for ImjiiiR nnd Cicero maid: Ofllce, 42 Merchant Street, AND TtlEin AIIEKTS IN rcH iii; Micli nml Itoiiitv nnd in "It makes a jrreat difference whom we HAWAIIAN IM.AWW. New hear nt homo every day nnd ith whom we II. I, York, , Boston, Paris, a position to linndlo large blocks of Honolulu, IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. fpeak as boya and how our fathers, our n MESSRS. N, 1.1, ROTHCHILD & SONS, L0ND3H, Pale Lager Beer stock, 1'ayiiiK cnsli for snif.o; or will nnd our mothers apeak. Wo read the MERCHANTS. Coimnlf-Mon- . FRANKFOltT-ON-TIIE-XIAl- sell upon ltttcr of Cornelia, the mother ot the Grac- Mi Honolulu, chi, r.nd It la char from them that her sons J. MONSaiRRAT. Fort Street, Rteamein of tlie nouve Comanles will call The Union National Dank of t'hlengo. Hull IM1111I11II011 Sliii'U run be Tie Commercial llaiikinK Co. of Hyitney, , Per Australia. nrro hrouaht up not In the Inn, hut, so to on way tlie above ports disposed of by tin in lnrj;" or amall lota In s. -- at Honolulu their in Iiilon. fay, tho cry breath and siKfch of their llxRCVTim COUSCII- -. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY '. O, Hnx7, ' Telephone Jl. The Commercial Hanking Co. of Bydney, mother." " on nr about tlie following dates: nt fair priccn. Bydney. Tlie Hank of New Zealand, Hut this to nut all. Danto aecrlbed the - H.' llT jiSte, )remjnt at the 1'rolv'aUmal rmu.te. LEWIS & CO. Auckland, and Its branches In A Funsii iNVrticr. Cai.ikok- - of ntioii8 Sttnr "CHINA" Feb. , 1894 Christ of Sure Di'txull i:.( first attempts ut iUg the vulgar tinj;uo In of the Hawaiian Isbuirts,Hnd Honolulu". church, Diineilln and Wellington. - Cnrtwright Block, Merchant fit., IMPORTERS. March fi, 1894 sizes for tlie aiifn keeping of nil sorts of Italy for literary composition to the allcnt Minister of Foreign Affair.--- , Htmr "OCEANIC".... The Bank. of Ilritl.li Columliia, I'ortland, Or. Oyhtkrs. Naval Supplies. Wholesalo and Retail 1894 The Arores and Madeira Islands, nia valuables, rented nt rensonalilo rnten, Influcnco of Indies who did not understand J King, Minister of tlut Interior. Stmr "CHINA". Apnl 10, the language. f: Finance. M. In Stockholm, Bnnleii. 8. M. Damon, Mlnlsterof F. WAKEFIELD. Dealers Groceries, Provisions, etc. The Chartered Dank of India, Australia ami Silver Vnr! nml Valuable Sow this vulgar Italian, before It became, W.O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l. on n Ioiik tho COUNSELOK-AT"-LA- Fort St., Honolulu, II. I. China. Article taken stonigo for literary language of Italy, held very ATTORNEY and Ill Hongkong, Yokohama ,Tamn. trans- Oyster Cocktails a Specialty And or short period. much the name position there as the so Tempohaiiv For SAN FRANCISCO. act a General Banking Business. called I'rnkrlt dialects In India, and these Aovisouv Council orricc & L, I'ropV. With C. W. Asliford, .Merchant St.. CHR. HERSKIHD J. McMEEKIN. H. Dii, Apply fur parliculnm to Prakrit dialects first assumed a literary ltonnlulu. H. I. THE HAWAIIAN SAKK DIU'OSIT position In tho Sanskrit plays w hero female F. M. Hatch, of the PIANO TUNERS AND TEACHERS, Btrnmem of the Above Companies will call CfASTLE characters, both high and low, are Intro- the Hawaiian Inlands. & COOKE, AND INVESTMENT .O. duced as Prakrit Instead of tho M. PHILLIPS ft CO. - at Honolulu on their way from IIonKcotiff And Sanskrit Drown, E. D. Tenner, Penhallow IIouso, Beretanla Street. Co. ids Foiit Sutr.KT, Honolulu. employed by kings, noblemen nnd priets. John Nott, C. Ilolle, Wholesalo Importers and Jobbers of Yokohama to tho above port on or ttbout tno lub Stables Here, then, wo see the languago of wom- tSMutual Telephone 614. LIFE AND FIRE 18Mf Joh'n Ena. W. F. Allen. following (latest S. F, GRAHAM, en, or. If not of women exclusively, nt all Waterhouse. AMERICAN EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. Manackk. events James F. Morgan, Henry k Lessons given on Piano for Beginners and of women nnd domestic servant, Ed. Sllhr, A. Youmr, Stmr .Feb. 12. 1804 gradually entering Into the literary Idiom, Corner Fort nnd Qu-e- She., Honolulu. Practical i'lnjers. "OCEANIC... Staples. J, P. Mendonca, W. C. Wilder. H7tr Stmr "CHINA" March 20, 1894 ivery, antl Sale Waterhouse and in latter .times even Mipplnntlng it al- John Emmeluth. Tuningonler will lie promptly attended to. Insurance Agents. M together, for It Is from tho I'rakrlt.'nnd not Stmr "GAELIC" May 14, 1894 . C. T. Kodgers, Secretary Executive and Ad- 17I-l- I'ort Street, Ilclwceii Holcf from tho literary Sanskrit, that tho modern visory Councils. C. B. JUI'LEY. vernaculars of lmlln branched oft In course 1-- anil llcrctania. Queen Street Stores, ot time. CKAS. F. PETERSON, Through a thousand smaller channels the Suprtmk OonnT. Architect. 4. RATES OF PASSAGE ARE FOLLOWS. AGENTS roll Idlomsof w6meiieveryn Okficb New Safe Deposit Hiiildlng. JS Both Tklwhonks No. 477, l'ULL LINKS OP here find ndmls'iou Honolulu, II. I. luto the domestic conversation of the whole - family s Hen. A. F.Judd, Chief Justice. TYPEWRITER, CONVEYANCER AND MBW UNdl.AM) MUTUAL CONNECTED WITH HACK STAND nnd into the tmbllo of their Plan. Stvrlflratlnn nml Snncrlntemlencc TO TOKO-- TO Hon. It. F. Mckcrton, First Associate Justice. assemblies. The greater the ascendency of git en for cvrry ileMT.ptinn ot llulldtng. KONO Cor. KinR nnd Iletliel Sta. Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery Hon.W. E. Frcar, Second AssoclateJustlce. Old Iluildlnirs succepsfullv remodeled and NOTARY PUBLIC. tho female element in hociety.the greater Cabin CO $173 00 tholnlluencoof their language on lan- Henry Hinlth. Ohlef Clerk. enlantpil. $1M Life Co. BOTH tho iifHigns ror interior jipcorniiOiii Cabin, trip 4 Insurance TELEPHONUS NO. 113. guage of u family or 11 clan, 11 village or n George Lucas, First Deputy Clerk. Matnnr Mechanical Drawiiw. Tracine and Olllco over Bishop's Hank. round AND Second Deputy Clerk. mouths 223 00 213 50 town. 1 C. F. Peterson, Dltienrlntlnc. OF Drawings ror hooks or ewpnper mus-ratlo- Cnbln, round, trip 12 BOSTON. J, Walter Jones, Stenographer. f A Society 3fan's S. month 20! H 816 2T, lrrillcninent. J. EMERSON, CHAS. HTJSTACE, FANCY GOODS A very amusing story has just reached ClIlCUIT JUOOES. Kuropean Steerage...... 83 00 100 00 M. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, of all ilescriptinnn. me concerning 11 prominent young society II. LOHEIDE, iNXor.N Block, Kino Strkist, man who has Just returned from Chicago. Circuit:' 11. E., Cooper, W. A. Whiting, .ETNA First omen or He boarding at the homo ot SIGN mid ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. fit?-F- Freight anil Passage apply In wits relutlves Oahu. With W. E. Between Fort nnd Alnken Rta. while there, and as largo crowds came : Kepolkal. Roweix, Second Circuit A, N. DELI. TELEPHONE 187. FIRE flocking In during the last week lie was so Third and Fourth Circuits S. L. Austin. At Ofllce of rublle Works. H. HACKFELD & CO., DBALEIl IN accommodating as to glvo his t3?All Orders Promptly Attended to. :u-t- ( up room and Circuit: Hardy. 11 inoru-lngh- Fifth J. 04-t- Fort sleep 011 sofa in the parlor. Ono mil f Street Store Court-roo- AtrcntH. Offices and In Government INSURANCE CO. Groceries and Provisions. overslept himself, nnd as Ills door llulldlng, Kin S'reet. Sitting In Honolulu ! was unlocked wlint was his LEWRRS. C. M. (.00 KK, P. L0WRRV surprise to First Monday In February, May. August and ROOT. J. OF HAUTFOUD, CONN No. IO. find three pretty Louisville young women November. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island enter the room. He had prescucaof mind LEWERS & COOKE, Butter always on hand. IN ADDITION TO THIS LAKGK AS- - enough to roll under thosofn nnd back Into District Coonr. tit i a dark corner before they turew.open the Canadian-Anstralia- u SORTMKNT OP shutters. Hut, although ho had tucked him- Lumber, Builders' Hardware, self away, he linil neglected to hide his S'ntlon Building, Merchant Street. INSURE Police Fresh Goods tcccivcd )' every Stctwiet clothes, which were thrown ncrosa a rock- A. Q. M. Itoberlson, Magistrate. Thos. G.Thrum's DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, IN THE DRY AND FAECY GOODS ing chnlr. The girls saw the clothes, rout hut, James Thompson, Clerk.'- Steamship Line J Ann rrancisco. believing they had leen left there accident- PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED ally by the lady of the house, thought noth- ISf" HATtSFACTIOX GUAIIANTKED. EJ ing about them began lively BOOK-STOR- German-Americ- and a chat Dbpartmest oc Fohkion ArrAins. DP TOWN WALL PAPER, MATTING, an India Linen and I'ernian Lawn?, about tho matters ot the day. TIME TABLE. Einbioiderr,"inO yard pieces, The young man did not mind his Impris- Olflce in Government Building. King Street, CORRUGATED IRON, GO TO THE onment nt first, but grew very nervous as ills Excellency Stanford B. Dole, Minister of Presents an nrray of HOLIDAY Insurance Co. Itoman and (iuipiire Kinliroidcry, the minutes gr.rdunlly lengthened Into an Foreign Affaire. ATTRACTIONS in NEW and SEAS- LIME, CEMENT, ETC. Oriental, 1'latte, and otl.er laces, in hour. He stood It for two hours, hut at Geo. C. Totter, Chief Clerk. ONABLE PRESENTATION HOOKS, AGLE HOUSE last grew so exasperated that ha thumped W. Horace Wrlgbt, Clerk. B'. C. YOR-K-. white, cream and black, upon tho floor and meekly put his head out in Aut. Poetiw, Tiiavkl and Belles For Vancouver, OF "NEW from under the sofa nnd asked the young c Chiffon Lace, all colors, Let-ti- it.- NUUANU AVF.NUH, OR TO THIS women to leave him until he put on his "il 15-i- Department of THE iKTEItlOn. ALBUMS, all Sizes. Styles and From Sydney & Brisbane. Laco Net, cream and black, clothes. It is neetlle-c-s to say that their em- Assets $5,870,208 00 barrassment was ' grant and that none ol Bindings. .Arrtre ffxnohilu. .... Striped and Check Dimity, - Offlce in Government Building, King Ptreet. JOBBER OI' 00 ARLINGTON HOTEL, them mentioned It while In Chicago, but 1 Net Surplus. .... 2,255,89 1lls Excellency J. A. KingT Minister of the BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS nnd S. S. inOWERA" Oct. 2, 1893 Wide Japanese Crene, white and colr'd, as the young man has since recovered from Interior. HYMNALS The finest BRRortnient of and Beers, 3. S. "WARKIMOO" Nov. 1, 1893 HOTHL Strrkt. White, Cream and Black Surah Silk, the shock he has Into unable to restrain Chief Clerk, Jobn A. Hasslnger. Wines, Spirits S. S. "Alt AW A" Dec. 2, 1803 himself from telling n few friends of his CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR When Races are Eimal, Get tho BEST Silk' Courier-Journa- Assistant Clerks, James It. Boyd, M. K. White and Cream Crepe, awkward predicament. Louisville l. Maha-ul- -- leading 3. S. "WAURIMOO" Jan. 1. 1894 SECURITY. RATES Keohokalole, James Aholo, Stephen CARDS The choice of aeveral Navy and Cream Serge, George C. Hoss, Edward 8. Boyd. Art .Publishers' offerings, at priceB And Monthly Thereafter. . WILDER & CO., Table Board...... $1 per (lay. former acknowledged Suez and Tennis Flannel. Fauna Threatened With Extinction. lower even than HOTEL STREET, Agents. board nnd lodging 3 " " Unless strict measures are taken In the BUIlEAllS, DEPAItTMENT Tho Jenness-Jlllle- r "Equipoise" waist, Chiefs cif bargains. Board and Lodging.. per week. Immediate future the native fauna of Vic- iNTEhimt. Between Fort and Bethel Sts ....$12 REMEMBER ! Not a last year's card Prima Donna and P. I). Corsets, toria will soon become extinct. The re- "Special Monthly Prices. iterated complaint to tho customs depart- or design in tho Book, Celluloid and Hawaiian Wine Co. Ladies' Illack Hose. Surveyor-Genera- l, W. D. Alexander. For Sydney Brisbane. ment Is thnt ot "wantou destruction." and - Supt. Publio Works, W. E. Howell. other Art Novelties. T. K. KROUSK, Proprietor. Such unique specimens as the platypus nnd Brown. 'CALENDARS for 1801 nnd BOOK- W. W. AHANA, From Vancouver, B. C. FRANK UROWN, Mok. tho lyre bird are already very rare, nnd It Supt. Water Works, Andrew the statu of things continues their Inspector Electric Lights. John Casslily. LETS that are 'gems of tho printers 28 and .Kl Merchnnt St., Honolulu, II. I. total dlsapiearauce will bo a matter of but Ileglstrar of Conveyance. T. G. Thrum. nrt.' Merchant Tailor, 3. 3. "MIOWEHA" Oct. 21, 1893 a few years. The polico hau frequently reported fact of lyre, birds having Boad Supervisor, Honolulu, W. If, Cum. Finest LEATHER. SILVER FILA- St., Honolulu, 3. 8. "WAItlUMOO" Nov.,21, 1693 the been No. 333 Niiuuiiu WILDER & shot In the ranges, und also the salo ot i 1B93 tO. the mines. GREE nnd CELLULOID Articles for S. S. "AKAWA" Deo. 21, tails; but, through Inability to prove the Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt. 1894 Bendoir, Library, Parlor or Office in Fine Suits from (11 up. Linen nnd Crepe S. S. "WABUIKOO" Jan. 21, The Central Market. (Rltabllshed In lS;i.) actual killing of the birds, they have not Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. A.McWayne. INKSTANDS, PAPER WEIGHTS, suits, flLEUup. succeeded ill having oil euders piiuished. The Hoyal Acclimatization society has Otllce, Government Building, King St. FOLDERS PORTFOLIOS, DESK And Monthly Thereafter. Estate S. G. WILDER -i- - W. C WILDER. now addressed the minister of trade und PADS, CARD CASES, WALLETS, ALL SUITS GUARANTEED TO FIT Always have on hand choice Bef, Mutton, Veal customs on the subject, nnd points out Bureau of Agriculture. PURSES, MUSIC ROLLS, Etc. and Poultry, Wemake Sausages a Specialty, that ill ono shop alone In Melbourne, LI) lyre AND IN THE LATEST STYLE. Imi'ortbr R& and Deals in birds' have been displayed Bale TOILET- - SETS, HORN GOODS. Give us a trial and be convinced We have the tails for at President His Excellency J, A. PASSENGER MD FREIGHT RATES one time, and that as the hens lay us a rule NUT PICK SETS. best. Our Corned ttcef Is the very best. King, Minister of the Interior. Clothes Cleaned Repaired. only one egg each In tho sensun the present and of destruction Members: V. G. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A, Her-- A new line of Austrian Vases in Glass to Vancouver, B. O., aro tho name as to Ban & Lumber and Coal rata must soon extinguish Mutual Telephone No. CC!. P. O. Box 144. Wkstiikook Gakes, tho species. It is further mentioned that bcrt and John Enn. and Porcelain. l!W-:i- Francisco, Cal. Proprietors. tho bird has 1111 Inveterate enemy In Agriculture and officio the Commissioner of ei French Brisque Figure Pieces nnd fox, and that 111 tails were recently found Board: Joseph Marsden. Both Tctephones 104. Ur: A. A. Wtlltama Secretary of the Work-Boxe- near ranges. Brie n Brae, Work-Bag- s, Building Materials Lynn, Masi. a foxea' Inlr in the Protec- Department ofTinancb. tion should certainly be nlTonled to the Reticules, and Baskets. ii Through Tickets For the Good of Others lyra bird nod the, platypus, and even the Minister of Finance, His Excellency f. M. BASKETS THAT ARE BAS- THE MUTUAL SUCH AS kangaroo, unless ho is also to become ex- Damon. tinct. Melbourne Argus. W- & to all point in Canada or the United States En Auditor-Genera- l, George Ross. M. McCHESNEY SONS, Sev. 3Ir. irillJom Heartily S. KETS.' prr Canadian raclflc llallway.. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Registrar of Accounts, W. O. Ashley. Life Insurance Go. dorses Jlood'a SarKapartlla. A Sav&co rresuuU Collector-Gener- of Customs, B. Castle. Novel nnd attractive in styles nnd We are pleased to present this from story J. Passage, apply to A good Is told of tho late Sultan ?a,e-Mukiu- g H?For Freight or A. Williams, the Sillsbee Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan Shaw. variety, Made by the heat Wholesale Grocers, Rev. A. of Hurghash nud Sir John Kirk, then ourcon-su- l Deputy Assessor, W. O. Weedon, tribe of American Indiana) OF NEW YORK; street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass.r general at tho Turkish capital. i'ostmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Out. Builders' Hardware, boo no reason why a clergyman, more than The had n very savage Bon Bon size to a Hamper; sulci TIIEO. H. DAVIES & CO., I sultan chained from a a layman, who knows whereo' be speaks Hon, and as n happ7 thought he ottered It to be first exported by their HONOLULU, H. Cl.tf General Agents. Customs Bureau. the lot I. Oil, Glass should hesitate to approve an to Sir John, reminding him that the lion - Paints, Agent Must be Seen to be ArritE- Dec- formed one of tho supporters of tho royal St. Assets - 31, 1892. $175,084,156.61 Artlclo of Merit Omce. Custom House, Esplanade, Fort CIATEp. and worth, from which ho or his family hare arms abovo tho gate of the Hritlsh consul- Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle. been signally benefited, and whose commenda- ate, and that the presence ot the real brute OUTDOOR GAMES WALL PAPER, ETC. may to Deputy-Collecto-r, F. B. McStocker. PARLOR ahd A FULL LINE tion serve extend those benefits to would, therefore, be highly appropriate. others by Increasing their confidence. Slvwlle Harbor .Master, Captain A, Fuller, ror Old nnd Young, and TOYS In has for many years been a sufferer from serere Alive to the jest, Sir Johu quickly capped Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders. . abundance and variety for nil the good ATLAS It, and at tlios.ime timu escaped the neces- Storekeeper, Geo. Stratemeyer. OF S. B. ROSE, Norvous Hoadacfio sity ot accepting such an unpleasant gift. little Girls and Boys troin now till COMPANY, (or which she found little help. She has tried "I am sure that your lilcliness would Christmas. ASSURANCE Cor. Foil and Queen Streets many things that promised well but per- hrc-plie- General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. formed little. fr.ll never maku an Incomplete present," Department of Attorney-Genera- l. Last a friend Rave her a bot - The nrray of DOLLS exceeds that of 180H. tle 01 Iloou'e Harsaparnia. It seems surpris "and wheu you nre able to accom- KOUNDRD ing wnai nimpir one uouio couiu ana aia ao tho Hon with n unicorn I shall bode-Ighte- d anv vrevtous season not only In quan- - or her. Tho attacks of headarhe drre.iid tn to receive your munificent offer." Odlce In Government Building, King St. HONOLULU, I." and were less In Inten- tiyi but nlso in quality, variety and GROCERIES Capital, - $6,000,000. II. number violent their Black nnd White. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith. sity, while her ceneral health has been Un price. LIME AND1 CEMENT proved, Attorney-Genera- l, G. K. Wilder, Her apictlt has also boea better, Deputy DOLLS' SUNDRIES - - "rotn our experience with Clerk, M. Keo. In the line of Assets, $9,000,000 llesetublanre of Two Statesmen, J. ; Always on Hand. we nre also more complete than ever I'OR SAI.K AT A FEW OF OUR SPECIALTIES. There will have to lie something done to Marshal. E. O. Hitchcock. is Hood's Sarsaparilla Deputy Marshal, Arthur M, Brown. to all of which inspection invited. I have no hesitation la endorsing ita merits." distinguish between Senator Aldrlch of appointed agents ot the above Jailor Oaliu Prison, James Low. TOY BOOKS in variety for all Having been A. A. WILLIAMS. Ithodo Islunil and Congressman Draper. Company we are now ready to elite t Insur-tnce- a thyslclan. Dr. C. B. Cooper. J. T. WATERHOUSE'S COMPLHTIC ASSORTMIJNT OP are lit At present their resemblance is so strik- 'Sjlson grades. HOOD'S PILL8 toil funllr cilhutls. ing at the lowest rates ot premium, SaaUaanAaflMUv. Try a box. ftlcazso that to the ordinary person they look i FRESH GOODS exactly alike. Their resemblance, al- Y Board- of Immigration. All orders promptly ntlcnilcd . II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Queen Street Stores, has good Milpiuvnl 'SUPERIOR" llobron Ncwinnii &Co. ready been the cause of many amusing nnd to, mid lor embarrassing complications, aud they are Department of Interior, Government ' Office, piickotl Willi cure. Per Rvery Steamer anil Sail. Wliolesnio ArchIs. constantly being take n tor each other. The Building, King Street. Foundry Pacific Brass STOVES AND RANGES. I lopedule Congressman weighs more than President, His Excellency, J. A. King. great Immigration; HTMAN BROS. the senate apostle of protection, nnd Members of the Board of SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, lie wears B. STEAM GALVANIZED PIl'E, EL THE a shorter coat, but outside of J, II. Atherton, Jas. B. Castle, A. and tbeso characteristics two men are twin, In . the Cleghorn, James O. Spencer, Mark I'. ltXMm SPECIALTIES: Importers nl anJ Wholesale Dealera BOWS, GLOBE-VALVE- RANGES, lite in their resemblance, and if General Itoblnson. EUREKA" S STEAM COCKS, and nil other ilttings WEEKLY Drajwr should rise iu the senate some day . Wray Taylor. . Secretary, Cheese, Lard, Hams, DKy GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, "CLIPPER" CABOOSES, when the name of Aldrlch was called ami T. B. MTJRRAT, for pipe on hand. LAUNDRY STOVES, nusirer to that name there would be few Board of Health. who would know tlie wrong had Butter, Codfishj Milk, Onjons, CLOTHING, NOTIONS and ' STAR. that inuu Building, FRENCH RANGES done the answering, Host 011 Advertiser, Offlce in grounds of Government Carriage and Wagon ' Honolulu Steam Dice " The publishers of tlie Stah'wIU r Mllllanl and Queen Streets. Crackers, Potatoes, 'Salmon, FANCY GOODS. in set iu Brick. cornerof issue eight pnge, forty-eigh- t Dr. Andrews, In Quantities to null an A hhl.s i.Muiiitutlns. nr. nv. nr. Miner. MANUFACTURER. Freh milled ttlce.orsale AGATE IRON WARE, l'uix-r- , Waterhouse, Jr., John Macaroni, Corn Meal, column Weekly on or Thero la 11 superstition that u shin no T. V. Inslng. J. T. J. A. HOPPER. PropV. WARE, about January 15. IKM. It will longer seaworthy, just before breaking up Ena, and Attorney-Gener- pmiui. and TIN Repairing, Pickled Skipjack, Alvicore, Uonnluln. contnin nil tho news and the between the strains ot wind und wave, has Hon. W. O. Smith, 08 Queen Honolulu. Fort Street. g Tresldent, Street, STT.KL RINKS, cream of the comment nppeur-In- been known to give forth walling Wilcox. COLUMHUS WKOUOIIT sounds. Secretary, Chav Painting, Herrings, (iHlmnlinl and Willie Kim'iiele.l. In the six preceding issues like moaning. The sailor cannot account Executive Officer. O.H. Reynolds. ItUIIIIKH IIOSK, of tho Dally. for this, but liu knows too well Its Import, U. McVeigh. - Hard Times Mean Close Prices to .... Agent Board of Health, J. Trimming, Flour, Grain and Deans. HI'IIINKLKUS, and loses heart nt the melancholy bound. .Manager of Garbage Service, 314 California HI.. San Francisco, Cat. CAL. LAWN Special features of interest to Inspector and This Is also noticed by Cooper, III his "He I UUDal'lerre. Nhati.y Donk. Housekeepers. women nnd young renders will one ot lmvo space. , . Hover." liera tlie characters li Inspector, G. W. 0. Jones. Give a AND AV. KINDS OF proportionate to say, (.hip which Is about to All work surrnteeil of the hest. me Metal (JnoiU In Tin, fopix-- r or made "A sink Port Physician, Dr. Andrews. Sheet (!! any trial and be convinced. you In need any New or on hand nr arte to order, A pjreat Serial Story by a makes her lamentations just like other Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard. If are of vaiilr.nl Iron in human being." llotou Transcript. Second-Han- d I'URNITUKK, RUGS, American nutlior . Leper Bettlemeit, Dr. H. K. Oliver; Pull line if Sanitary (Inoils, Hath TiiIm, No. 44 King Street, and Nails STOVIJS, SF.WINC MAC1IINHS, Ktc, will begin in llio llrst issue. , , Leather CREAM PARLORS lavatories. Water Cioseia, I'll anil rltllnsn. l'rt'iHrlc a Kuans Chicken Against Tltnr, Telephone, KS. I'. O, Box 8 ELITE ICE rail at tlie Hoard of'Eduoatiok. Mutual FOR SHOEMAKERS. We aro cqulpper! for work of all klnila la the Send in your order A novyl contest occurred recently.it North Metal anil lMumblnir Irmle, amt ein Price $4 per annum to Island King 8treet. Sheet llnllimore, a suburb of Toledo, the object Office, Government Building, ndj Factor!. CSCVCjll! m guaranlre tliorough workniannlilp and nrt sulwcribers ; (3 for six months. uf which was to lower the world's record ot hmith, Secretary, W. James F,Ne rlusa material In tlieKu linen. Foreign subscriptions $.1 in ad- I) minutes for the killing, drtMslug and of Schools, A. T, Atklnsop. hot .Inspector ' Vnniuu We aollclt your lwtronage. vance. Address: frtlngof a chicken. William Martin, n Old Kona Coftee STAR lOEOREAMB, OOFFte, Iu 3 minutes and 4 rrcuuds from the STAR f TEA, CKOCCUH HAWAIIAN NKWSPAI'KK start had the chicken on the platter und set Crowk Laud Commissioners. FOIl 8AI.lt AT CS, MIOIt! FURNITURE COMMISSION ROUS Board of PRINTING. I EMMELUTH & CO. ASSOCIATION LIM1TKU before the spectators, who devours! It with JOB I8LAN0 CURIOS. J. challenges King, Minister of the Interior; W. O, HONOLULU II I, a relish, Martin thevceirld to. JV. J. T. WATERHOUSE'S Our EitabllahmtDt It the Finest Ruert in the Corner Nuuanu and King Streets. time'. National Hotel Reporter. Altorney-ueneraiai- No, t Nuuanu St. and 104 Merchant St beat his Smith, v, r. Street stores, COMI'LKTIt IN AW, IIRANCIIHS. Clly, Call ana teeut. Open till u p. in. .Ofnre In Judlclarr ItulM'.ngv Queen ..2 THE HAWAIIAN STAR FRIDAY. JANOaRv ia 1844

A CLOUD ON THE HORIZON. llbcr mi these Ijlainlj, A KPiitlpnmn I. O. O. F. for it couple of in The Hawaiian Star. - lately residing month Co. ! We hope the views of "Civis,'- a nnd who is well In Metropolitan Meat Going out of the Dry Goods Business Honolulu versed HARMONY UHKIKNo, S, !.O.O.F.,MEETri ronimcrcfnl liber?, Inranie much ini- - Soap, correspondent, touching the In llnrmnny IU1I, Wny'i block, KIuk Street, Star une-vicri- n Hi KING STREET, Everything must bo sold Rogardloss of Cost. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON preieil witii tlie merlin nl tliu , ;.! p. Visiting probable course of the sugar men lilier here, nwt Mntrd that ot rry MomU at si. brolhyt EXCEPT SUNDAY itrmvii nreroiilmll)' United liiallenil. lie Intended to form it eoiniinny in Call-torn- in politics arc well Kerchief II. LAUItKNOK, IIEO. A. UY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- Hawaiian not for the of enltivittini; anil Violette P. TURKF.lt, Wholesale & Retail Butchers THIS IS NO FAKE. itrnc NoMc tlrsnil. Secretary . PER ASSOCIATION. Ltd. founded. That hope is due, prima extracting tlie Pimsevierin lilier. iir.iyr. To convince you of nhove tact read the rnllnu-in- Price List ! rily, a tictire for concord to pre The ililticnlt.v nt llrst. for ntiy in- - Perfume, tVALTEH O. HMITH. Mnnnulnu Editor, to tendinis to ftnrt will he the and NKOUUK MANKOX, - finslnras Monngar. vail in the ranks of the Annexation procuring of the tioeescnry number of I MORGAN. jilaiilK, it our Block Is very limited at de JAS.F. Navy Contractors. party ; finally to the common am- Ladies' Cotton (Moves, 2 pair.. .25 125 Spools of llutton Twist.. nitraciiitTios hates. jirefent, It in therefore very ikirnlilc ' and .25 Vei Your In - W.00 Silk Mitts JiS Spools SewinjjSilk Advance, bition to place thc.e Islands tindet that we incrense tlie minuter iih iniicli ni No. 45 Queen Street, G. J. WALLER, Manager. Ladies' 4 ...... 25' 111 - Misses' " " Tor. Pel Mouth Advnnco, M the American flag. otftilh'. All the available land nt tlie 20 Ktiittinj; bilk, 5 bpools 1.00 Huielffii, tier Year In Advnnco, - - 10.00 ttoverntnent iinrpery lias lieett eel out Toilet Children's Colored Hose 10 Shelf Oilcloth, 4 yards for.. -- 25 sugar men and their af with tliio plant, niul in tlie course of a Farm Auctioneer and Stock Broker. While " '. ..IS-.2- 0 year there will lie many tliouiiinls of -. ADVEIITISINO IIATB): fairs have a lnrge place in Ha- Notice, Tahle Napkins.. . .05 joitiiK plants available for distribution. Waior. I Partnership o v V Kitten lor trnnilcnt nnd regular n J vcrlllng political life, Wlilfe of Himsivierin Special attention given to tlie Misses' Slippers g tlio publication ofllcc. waiian business and the cultivation on .25 n run bo obtained nt a large Induce- X will, public inter- offern particular li.indllnK of Gents' Linen Collars '.os i g 5 K ? 2. 'ToMi.'iiro prompt Inrtlon nil advertise- and always their ment for the prolitable employment of ment be delivered ntllie limine Ladies . .05 limit ; and any capital its henelltwili Iki found MADE BY RUBINSTEIN tr 1 p. ests are not paramount createt MR: 1SIDDR .' tllllPB befuro in. in itH peculiar nilnntihilitv to mireeifnl Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds. Gents' Neckwear . . .10 - - to so, by attempt make them cultivation by tlie homesteader and Velvet Hibbons, 6 yards for . .25 3 . c Advertle-nient- & lint been admitted as a I'aitner h All correspoiulenco relating lo HocEit Gai.i.kt, grasping the reins of Government small land ow new. It has been stated f Corsets 675 bones .85 X ami Job 1'rlntliig 2.50 Sulxcrliitloim on i!(kh! authority thai sansivieria planted Into our Kirm from I t or by oriranizitur a Planters' Re 1 M W.WIcCHESHEY & SOUS Silk and Fancy Dress Hittlous .05 . should be ndilroMcrt to Ibe Uu!nes on good land win yield encli year llo 2, o 5 Malinger. P. O. Hox. sun. wiii. Hoy s Woolen Huns 1.50 M 5 public would end in confusion and tons of good clean lilier cr acre, with 1st JANlLUtY, it2. 0 A mum plan- Uoy's All Wool Suits s mass An- ironi jim in fimi per ion. 3.35 n 3 FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1891. disturbance. The of the tation of ten or lilteen acres would justify 10 I AGENTS Colored Woolen Lace 1 S nexation party wants annexation. tlie erection of machinery nntl buildings", Exquisite for BROTHERS. Ladies' Colored Ribbed Ves.ts A NOTE OF WARNING. the cost of which would not exceed HYMAN Z r does respond so strongly to for " K 2 n f It not $1000, or two contiguous home- it- 3 25 o or three m X i Unless all signs fail a powerful any other incentive. Inevitably it steaders could join together in the pur- ;ents Honolulu Soap Works Company Ladies' White Zanze Vests. . .20 ST Holiday . chase of machinery siilllrieut t handlo Pre Uoy's Cambric Collars, pr doz. 10 1 lobby is now, or will soon be, at would regard the scheme for a 5 o " n their combined crop. It may be said .$22.00 Gents' Suits to.ix) r 3 against the same that lull few homesteaders can afford v. ? p work in Washington Planters' Republic with the Gents' Undershirts 20 V) tlie necessary outlay for machinery and FOR SALE BY Are you with us? H ' E. S. interests of our Provisional Gov- distrust that it would bestow upon PURR I Ladies' Dress Heels buildings, mil alter It lias been con There may lie one or two on you, but .05 plan prime ly slmnn tliat a handsome profit , " " Shields 10 ernment. any other to defeat the no flies on the a ean lie obtained from tlie cultivation of there nin Clasps for Cloaks, per doz si 2 J Some time ago it came rather objects... of the January revolution. m,m o( ..jvjcriii, 25 u.u o Iim.H no one Whalebone Casing M : directly from Washington Place Between the monarchy tli.it was who has that amount ready to le cleaned Laundry Soap Jockoy Club Cigarettes. .10 C nill have any ilitficult)' in obtaining the Silk Dress Uitldint; 10 2 that the depended upon and the oligarchy that the planta needful advance to purchase the ma- Tteliirn Hfly laliels of the JocKiiV f'u'ii t n Ladies' Linen Ulsters ti.oo r 3 n the Sugar Trust to change the cur- tions might form, there would he a chinery necessary to prepare the liber ClIIAHr.TTES to " Leather 1'uriies j: for market. One great ad van taise miiiU 42, 56 and 63 bars to case 05 rents of opinion in Congress in her difference of degree but not of vieria han over most oilier crop i Hint Misses' While Slippers . .50 "8 ut Pounds, favor. According to her story Mr. kind. The people will have none it will 'stand f6r a number of years .itli-o- One Hundred & injury, onlv plight S, Kubey Go. ''Spreckles had promised much and of either but with a in tlie amount of lilier after the KINC STREET, could be depended upon for more. Knowing these things as they Hret year. HIGHEST JoKrii Maiimikn, And receivo n handsome Cigar or Cigar--! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! also placed reliance upon Mr. can tlie Ulr-;i- She must, we but doubt that To lip continual. ette Uase. PRICE An enure Stock lim leril onmoj 1. y - Davies. So far as we can learn, sugar interest outside the Sprcck-el- s' Rent. Nu ul she has never faltered in her belief environment are so deeply en Lost. PAID 1020 FORT HONOLULU that by these influences she wilt gaged in a political plot as "Civis" The l'OUIt KOOMS on the Oround STREET. LlllOJl THK mtSIIjBNUK OK K. C. FlOor of the Masonic Tkmi-IX- . These N. S. SACHS, - yet regain the throneof the islands. would have us suppose. Still, it is FOR , ' I'arke.'ou King street, near Keeau-nioli- u nro suitable for Stores or Office-i- roonii Lftteit Noveltict in Utefta Qom1i.i An nrmitUM: assortment of In line with the supposed project well to be watchful. ,NTo harm will 011 the 'Jtli inpt., n white fox' ter- For particular, apply to rier, with it black patch around each Wool MiterlaU, in the Xewest Plaids, Slripea White mud Colored Cotton Dress Oooda. of the Trust we note the departure come from keeping an eye on the ' W. F. AI.LKN'. eye, collar marked "I'arke," dog una-wei- a j and Solid Colors at very low prices. Latest Patterns. Newest Materials. New Chatt- writ- to of "Shindy." .""lialrmnit of Trustees. for the United States and for Wash- situation; for in spite of the the name Under Ail Wool. Cmpes m Soilo Colors ies. New Muslins.. New Crapes. lie. miltnhly TALLOW will 210 rewarded. Over Hank of & Co.) in An etegant assortment o( ington of several Royalist leaders. ings on the wall people in commer- V. C. l'AHKH. l A line assortment of l Fancy Figured anil Solid .Color Sill,!, Shot Silk in Jan. 11, 18111. 2U-3t- . .Mooting. iMt. J ' Oingjiams, Percales and Plannelettes, Fancy Sam Tarker, A. P. Peterson and cial politics often take chances Annual l the latest), In all Sh.iJcs. Figured India Silks In Siik-s- Striped Cotton Crinkles. on the faith some miracle dress patterns, Crystal Silks, Indii , t.tlnch E. C Macfarlane went the blind that Hun mul Mimti. f I11II3 KECJUI.Alt ANSUAl. .MEETING U j?. Pictures Tide. n m Silks. A full line of Silks tn all colors Also an elegant assortment of last Australia: C. W. Ashford is will be performed to avert the con- of' the stockholders of the Peoples mm 111 nnum ui uui At Fitly cents a Yard. Dress Trimmings o match all Materials. reported to have left By sequences. Iconnd Itef iterating IVmip.iny, will be llu Hay. held Thiirsdny. January 18, at 3 o'clock the next liner others may follow Meanwhile it is gratifying to a Sole Agmils for tlie Haw atlan These floods are selict6d personally by Mr. Sachs in New York city and are 5l M,, at the looms of (be Chamber of 911d is com element P.T jl! Hie Very lie prices and when the delegation know that the Annexation Commerce. A full nttemlaneu is Islands for th of latest, and will oirerod nt to ".nil the times. - plete we shall see one of the pur in the Club is as compact as ever and 11. 11. ('oilfiller by- n.iii, Ill, it.in. ; to a clinnge in tlie fulfilled. This is grow- Mi. 11.. 4..HI l.w u B.4( a-- T 11 laws. J. II. FISIIEU, poses of the Trust that the American League Tllev. iJtr. I..' 11.40 11. 10 ritl in II. I SO . m; ., an' 01 Genuine will be the lodgment of a great ing at a rate of from ten to twenty Wi ll .. Id .. 211 td. fecretnry. Picture 11 r.. in ex- Tlilir.. in r.w 2.10 0.00 10 mass of Royalist testimony upon per cent a week. Both are Frl- - . v; 7.av 8 is 2 m 1 : II.4U a :?!iu 4 Budweiser WE SELL in Sat . 1:1. 7..V1 10.1X) ;i ni 2 ;m k 10 the file of the joint committee on cellent shape to speak Hawaiian n.iii 111.111. For Sale Cheap. Stoves, Ranges, and House Sim irlo-i- s ao i.io' .I Beer Foreign Affairs. As for the rest, affairs with the imperious voice of a.i' jKl ; Frames Goods. Flint iirtcr f lliu 111D011 mi tlie lltli, Furnishing that will be attended to by the a majority. n.ni. One Four-Hor.s- t! I'otvcr Uprighl llrewed by the Anhjmsar 'lime WliUUc WottsHtlli., 2Kin..SI. 111. of Agatk Iron Ware, Tin and Galvanizhd Iron U'akk, Sanitary accredited agents of the Trust. Ilnnolulu time, uliicli is Hie wmr as I: .dill.. Kirginc and Tlnseh Brewing Asaon'a. I Goods, Bath Tubs, Wash Stands, Sinks, Us. or MreiMiuicli time. I i Sthki. .1 . i - . FI1JK1I every 1000 of illstHiice "iif llm ob- 111 r - Whom have we at Washington UK TWO PLANTS. For feel Mii;lit-Hois- uotiis, unu ui j Closhts, Pi.athd Brass Goons, server (frnm Hie Custom House) allow one One i' L'owrr lioilCr. lion ni. CaL Watkr Nickkl and to meet this conspiracy ? Mr. bepoud for truliMuliiioil ol Millliil, or 5 M'emtils tbe Galvakizkd Watkr Pipk and Fittings to 2 inch, to a statute mile. by his pri CULTIVATION lli:ili: orSAN'Mn'llIlllA ... '2 to 6 inch cast Iron and ViTRit'iitn Son. Pipr and Fittings, Thurston, if permitted Ameri- AM) SISAL. vate business to stay in the We are equipped ftir work of nil kinds in tlie Sheet Metitl nnd Plinnh. can capital, can hardly figure , bkos. Ing trades, and can Riiarantee tliornuh tvoikmnnship and llrBt-cIa- KlniilHtlvi Tri'iiliiicnt nf tli kmc In Snli.ift & iiiateriala these linen. .oddiiir u Specialty. We Bolieit among the active workers against M. W McCHESNEY SONS, your (let I'lantM (Irmv lialiwage. Telephone!: Hell, i81. Mutual, 311. . . , . , Ameri- How to the niid ' the policy of that part of the Kan n 11 a u 1 iob u u to which he is Tlifin I'rollN. ixjijuxi bompany s rii. - can Government Wholesale Grocers, i i aiLiu HOTEL 1- Ji AI .1 IT Ss , Mr. Hast- lTXJr CO., Neither can .1, accredited. 11V ClMMIIOSKIt MAUStlKN.l - BttH- - Xuttaiiu rtucl Merolkckitt HtreetM. By nature aiid inclination l!l3P?.u.u,;.-a- ings. A short time itgo I sent some speci- HONOLULU, II. I. Mr. Alexander is not a worker in mens of sansevieria liiber to San Fran- wmx&iizbJxim aiKjci. the lobby and Mr. P. C. Jones' cisco for examination and an estimate health is such that he might not be of its value. Tlie fiber wat submitted A FULL LINE L"Ke Hhipn.en.a ju8 California Company, to do very much. Colonel to the Oorda:e o hand, and forest able wlio carefully and tlie HW'IH1 If examined Nbw teted y-Y- c i'.v . . . Furniture Store a EGSl'7' Spaulding is left to play lone same. They state that they llnd tlie liber or 'lli hand against the astute agents of to be of good quality and strength and ROBINSON BLOCK. the Trust and against the workers ela".-c-d with tlie lilier known as sisal hemp m w which that monopoly will draw which is produced mostly in Yucatan, U MOTEL ST.. BETWEEN FORT AND NMUANU STREETS and consequently of tlie same market g Lands 0 fteely to its side from the confines GROCERIES value. They say they would always lie Ih iiow fnrbiit-liivii- , mul liax ii slock, idi- - Rut assort instil of of the monarchist camp in Hawaii. willing to purchase it at tlie inaiket price and M Always on Hand, Q. HoUSeS 1893. Let it be a Bumper. 1894. If there was ever the need of of sisal hemp. Bed" Room experienced and industrious There is no good icnson why the cul Antique Oak Sets, able, tivation of sansevieria liber should not NUARY 17th in behalf, QaS,na,id0; politicians at Washington i lecome a nrolitable industry 011 these farmery. to yon or for you; to rent . Chiffoniers, Sideboards, of the Hawaiian democracy that islands, especially for small It (1 is cany propagaieu oy piauung sccinius FRESH GOODS K houses for you or to you, "jag a supreme r need exists now in of the leaves and sulHlivisions of the anywhere on the Islands. " " " rhizomes or roots. A thorough prepa- J -- SrmT Extension Tables, Etc: gree. ration is needed, such as is neccs- - Per Hvcry Steamer and Sail. ". . jsary for cane planting and 11 moderate Provisional Alwi u fw .Usuitiii. nl r,r ,'jiThk iufluence of American 'amount of hand cultivation for the tirst Jlnfi&C j.1,v..u.v. lJiM i,l r1irrinti tinnersr vear. after,,,,.,whiuh tlie land becomes so - forthe Jm Qovernnient HLeedL ;ullof lhat uMlue else Willi and. JRa.tta.ri SPECIALTIES: H. Furniture 01 ivefSjQl) HI get ill lavor lue uuc uu ,,row. On fnirlv nood land in a moist will yield tlie " f Wn t been very marked 111 its bearing situation, the sanseviena Collectlnjr Rents; here I tirst crop in fourteen toeinliteen months, Cheese, Lard, Hams, A F f upon public opinion in the United and ttierealter a crop each year lor ten years In succession without renew iiir( Butter, Codfish, Milk, Onions, States. Nearly all of the pulpits 'rlti'!e'i ' Lltl-g- ln-l- l w .lust Landed et Au'stiulii H m and ithout any appreciable diminution V Write or call for particu- - 0W TJPHOLSTERT. have uttered strong words not only in tlie quantity or quality of the crop. Crackers, Potatoes, Salmon, brs , against a return of the monarchy The machinery requisite for cleaning and Fine Spring, lluir, Wool, JlOss iind'rjtrnw Jlattn-fN's- Use Cleme Feathers and Bilk Floss preparing tlie liber for market is neither Macaroni, Corn Meal, ' 0 0 FIREWORKS and FLAGS for I'illons. Siieeinl nttentlim called to our latest style- of WIRE MATrRESHKS. The A T. W. HOBRON, tliu and rheajiosl ever In to this cmuit'rv. but in behalf of Annexation. costly or elaborate, and with tlie view of A I V I lost onlil Fine Iiounee and Sofa , tbic cotitl. tirenariiu; aimroximnlc estimates of the Pickled Skipjack, Alvicore, sf Real Eatatt, InvMtmeat h Rat Bureau, M at the I. Hcd, nt San Fmneiseo iirlivs. Complcto Wvnlip.mit or Baby " :....,,;ki,. m(1t iniriliiisiiii. "9 C'an ioges, Crlla, Cratllex and Hiijli Cliairs. ' nsl .if mid ..ri'diiu. different 2" Corner NUUAUU and KINO STS. ment. Among the laity, thereiore, sized plants or Herrings, Counicf Poles in Wood ok Bkass Trimmings. numbering many millions, the most 1 nave written to an 01 it; principal ( manufacturers of such machinery, nnd h'lour, Grain and Beans. We make u 8iecialty ol Iji Ian .Mitttlng and Inturfor Decoratinsr, Furniture and .Vfattresws repaired Filil-Clas- powerful sympathy has grown up liojie soon to la able to place la'foro I hy Workmen, your readers the approximate cost of CahtiietrMaklng in all IU Branebea about the Hawaiian Government, AND ALL KINDS Ol' . planting and carrying 011 a sansevieria Galigfaph . A TRIAL 18 SOLICITED. and now stands between it and plantation. NOTT, LOWiSTPRICES PREVAIL. r JOHM action on the part of Presi- The merits of this tlls-- ami the adapt, hostile ability of our soil and cliinatu for i Typewriters Cleveland and his friends. The Leather and Nails ORDWAY & PORTER, - dent it lias attracted tlie attention of ' In stock for immediate delivery. moral force which all this repre several of our prominent citizens, 'and FOR SHOEMAKERS. many thousands of tlio roots and cut- Uemenilier they're sold op easy Rodixbon Bixjck, Hotel Stiibet. rents is incalculable, and, as in the tings have lsen set out, which w ill, in thuy plvb entlro halis-factio- u BELL TELEPHONE NO. fi'5. Slit MUTUAL TELEPHONE NO days of the slavery agitation, it the course of ayear, Is'iivnilahle for start- to users, and me eveiy vvny ing small plantations; and I Mould urge T. B. MURRAY, the heot typevviller. Call in nnd gains by discussion and strengthens upon any one ow ning a patch of sansev- write it letter on the .by contact with opposing forces. ieria the desiialiility of increasing their Carriage and Wagon! ..... stock of plants, The roots should lie "NEW CALICRAPH." cut into pieces two inches long and I Just Received by Last Steamer, All the expenses of the Gov- planted in well loosened soil eighteen MANUFACTURER. paid up to indies square. The leaves should bo T. W. HOBRON, ' .1' ernment have been divided into sections four inches long' Repairing, Agent. Km Gloves in 8 Button, Undressed Fans. Dkaus and Gray December 1st, 1893, and the pay and planted together in boxes of, I Painting, been to January 1st, soil composed of half sand anil luilf earth. 12 Button Mosqultairf. Evening Shades rolls have met Tlie Isixes should 1h kept somewhat in ' This is a showing that the simile and only slightly moistened at Trimming, 1894. 20 Button Evening Shades in rather flaming con- llrst. After the line fibrous roots have Nkati.y Donk. stands out 1mm tlie cut ends 01 started leaves, ' trast to the prophecies of financial w hicli will take place in about four weeks, All work KUrrnnlced of tlio best, (live mo a ALSO A CII01CH LTNrt OF , which the Koyalists indulged tlie soil should bo kept well moistened trial and becontlnceil. woe until tbc vnuiiL' suckers are well started. JOB WORK. in six months since and which jw lien they should ho planted out the No. 44 King Street. I White Nordhoff heralded to the American .Mil mil Tolelilmnn Kit. P. O. liox 1118 Wrought Steel Ranges, Chilled and Colored Dimitys, Muslins, SLiX".!,., 151 3tf Iron r THE uaraon s ngures company calltsjWKt'"the Culian I lls-- press. II Minister - ' Coniimnv (limiteil) Iiiih heen formed in STAR'S" ELECTRIC Cooking- Stoves. Swisses and are the Government's "last legs" ' i Percales. Uinilon lor euilivnlini; and extntctinjr PtTINTINC the are evidently legs that vere the various HIhth in C'uha, principally THE WORKS. HaiiH'vieria, or Levyua de IWt )n ts.t MclNERNY DLOCK, Tliose are tbe CHOICEST LINE of DRESS MUSLIN we have Eyer; ,ia!,,l plant, which Kivea the liet lilier of their ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS is HOUSEKEEPING GOODS: Sip cute, i renin i on ry nrniiiKciiicuiH inive ( prepared to do nil Linda of COMMISSIONKR MAKSDI'.N lias lieen iilmut 1000 iirlistiu ltoolr, Job and News- AGATE WAKK (White. Gray and Nickel-plated- PUMPS, WATER made fur plantini; uenn CanJI Fact0II' ke Balcery. WK HAVK ALSO KKCKlVKn A NICK ASSORTMKNT OF paper " RUB-HE- ' on fibre plants, as a iu.difrerent part of the island, mi that printing nt fnir puces, AND SOIL PIPlvS, WATER CLOSETS AND URINALS, R an article next export of the lilier will FINE )cur the tONOUIL HOT HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, BATH TUBS AND product of local value, att instal- commence, and will.it in expected, h IOE CREAMS, OOFFEE, STEEL SINKS, O. S. GUTTERS AND LEADERS, SHEET which appears in equal to the litvt hemp and sonie kiudii ile and ment of of llaic. The cultivation of these hitherto CK(S, CANDIES TEA, CHOCOUTE Mammoth IRON, COPPER, ZINC AND LEAD, LEAD PIPE AND P.IPE Cream Point de kelande Laces Star. There are great opportuni- neglected plants is likely lo proyo n sue 181. AND CURIOS. Posters IUTTINGS. cess, for they take up little of the . o ties in fibre plant culture to make Our EstHbli.hmtnt Is the Finest Kesort in the planter's, time and (jrow readily on the Cit)v Call nnd seeus. Oren till tl p. m. Specialty. Suitable for Triinining Wash Dressed, money, all of which are worthy tioorcst land, In a finite month, which ' may lio in the. early spring 01 rainy sea- of industrial attention. ! ;Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet son, hundreds of ehoots of cuttinH may All from lie planted, givlnt! later n conslderahle Hooks, Pamphlets, Le'fiill Papers, Widths, 3 to 12 inches. Communications from the Para- crop. Culian lalsut rH witli families, who Hand Hills, Dodgers, Letter and Trnn 'W.nrfc in some districts, u)lj lliul Old Coftee Bill Heads, Dusiiiess uud ..v. seem have a are iiiiiiierous Kona Visiting k dise of the Pacific to in this u new aurlcnlliiral industry, a Cards, 'Tickets, Programs,' etc, . . better chance to reach the, Councils steady means of uuliiiiuf a livelihooil," FOR SALlt AT fa' . . 5c is a iiood nrosiK'ctof a similar i than resolutions of the Annexation Tliere J. T. WATERHOUSE'S llireo rast modern iressea and company n?ing formed in California for several tons of hnnd iome type. DIMOND BLOCK, 75.97 KING STREET;' Fort Strbkt, Club. lut yurupi ctiiiivnuuy tnesansevieni) Queen Street fitoren, , . . Trial order tolicited. Bbbwkr Block, I I I I .... t ' T T f"TM A t rv'tln I I i 11 I . Ik lfA f. flit Sl'I'WtMNKI) l"KTITI0.Vt lmtr I IV 14 tivtiTI I I tt atn-- i fr'riMta fit II .A A1ftI I ttminI U I A .1 I I 14 I I niuillltfitfi14 14 iV I I 111 I'lll'lll.l, tfVVIA IIP,!. IV rtrriIf li II ttttlntinIMUIMIV .inTmH urttur7, MM IIIXA II V l IV !lfV iumtll V V j Kiiituk Stab Has it come to the pass that the God-giv- right of petition lias Alt Important Cnrresponiletif Tlml 1ln SOJIK CAUNTIO I.KTTi:ilS 1'IKIM liven abolished, abridged or weighted Fllll.il TIIK AUSTIIIAN Not llren Mentioned He (ore. NOW Til It MMCIt MONOWAI AHUIVKS NotlCC, witli conditions? It TookB way. D ' I J 3B t'KOI'I.K. thai TF.HV TO IIIHPI.AV. Something was heard at tho Executive i:x noun;. " Nearly a fortnight ago the respectful 1)urlnR my Rbwnce from lhe UaUlU S and proper petition of tho Annexation building y of an Important Btate JjlSilOp rAVVA.iv mm k'llMnrr-IMurHtloi- mention- Ant, v. lii Tlir u Rugar Coiiiilrncy nil rntf Club touching a prospective vacancy In Unit Han ml Kitilblt correspondence not heretofore Strainer InHtanl lo Hie (Inrilen lull Wee the Ailvlwy Council, was sent forwanl. wllUctforinaun.lerfullVowcrofAttnir. Our Manager, ifoil-Cn- ed. Dctwecn tho time of receipt here of The Heventeentli nf Jntitlnry A at' A np rnnftlers lo Wlmlu-Hri- l Ostilt I since th rlr-- Wntrr P'tnlr -- Though there has been two ses- the first and second presidential mes- oppressed retttlom sions of tho legislative liody. the com- Hlllt Hems of uaiiiv. Sllfll.. sages on Hawaiian question, the Interest. j munication has not even had the small the of reading Government addressed n letter to Mr, MR. KING, attention and . reference. Sale T. J. Editor Stah: As one of tlio watchers Ciesur met Ids fate through inattention 5Ir. Hobron nnd assistants were ex- Willis asking In a very few words If It A hot ami dull day alongshore. For was intention of the United States Past Office. 1 on tlie walls of the political Zlon I have to petitions. Ho nostnono'd their read tremely busy all of to-d- at the Oceanic the - At ( i Ucixtcctn to use force in carrying out tho policy The steamer W.G. Hall left forHawai if een a few tilings In the distant thickets ing but a few hours. This Advisory dock and elsewhere assembling sec- tho laid down in the special message. Mr. tills morning. A 25 gal. Nickel Plating Outfit complete lias and underbrush which I propose to leu louncll simply ignores such a document. ond shipment for of sur- grille to the Is no is pre- heavy the Hawaljan Willis' answer was an expression Is with Solution, Anodes, Storage anil Primary A word to the wise is suff- there recourse? What to lodg- The shark schooner Hob Hoy tied you nbout. village prise that such a question had been Here-tnn- vent such arbitrary anil d lit the California .Midwinter Fair. again Batteries, etc. Enquireattho Armory, icient; our double stores are ed and a request for a more definite In- up in rotten row. (or Imprimis: When tliu revolution wm action in ottier matters? Tho Council Several pieces of I he consignment for the streot, oraddrcus P. O. llox4H. 245-l- Coast an. adjacent the in- quiry. Another brief note was sent cit- The Wnhminalo local Cum to above on the BUKar men were against us, but men do not seem to appreciate tho fact Monownl will lie prominent features of steamer strangulation of voice of ing the various evidences of preparation mins in stitutions; by calling at the they yielded becauso they could not eel that the tho the display for movement, on art of arrived this morning. Announcement, people Is a hid for threatening discon- the Island". for warlike the other Cargo of former, you present your Rtahlo government under the monarchy United Suites forces. This did not quite The American Imrkentlne llllo is nt and vera ready to risk getting It with- tent, If nothing worn1. Two pieces from the Austrian field check, receive your money, satisfy Mr. Willis nnd ho replied witli Newcastle and will load for During my temporary absence from Hono- out harm to lal)or interests A petition from the Plunters' Lalior battery, secured by Knlakaua when probably I their under that still another Interrogatory note. Hie lulu Mr. C. M. V, Foiintkii will act for In) nnd Grain. then step across to our annexation. Still they did not like an- and Supply Company had the peculiarly monarch toured F,uroio in 1881, are in to this lengthy clear, this port. make happy treatment of bcinir to answer wbb and nit', and tho California Feed Co. store, your purchases nexation. They were afraid of it. Now submitted shipment. Ono of them is tho Thero has been nothing further. While Tho steamer James Makee gave the they are afraid more than ever. Rather gether with n favorable reply to the Ad- gun used in T. J. KINO, lorunrisimas; and siicn as identical the revolution of the correspondence was under way the barkentlne H. G. Wilder n tow out nf than go into the United Mates thov visory Council. Hut that only Involved 1R89. It is tho lilgli-cla- rifle cannon C'orwin arrived nnd the regular presi- Honolulu, Jan. 12, 1S"JI. WWII require the attention of the of oOOO coolies, port ycMeithiy. would tlx up a Planters' ltepnlilic which the importation field it that was trained on tho oK'ra house and dential message was received. All this CALIFORNIA Post Office "which is could was, to tne apparent way ol 01 next they torevcr control anil by means thinking threw shot and shell nnd canister in that put nnother phase of the situation for- The steamer lualanl brought. In a of which they would llood the land witli the rfmers that be, of much greater iiu Col. of Fov Sale. door to us," our clerk will be direction. Fisher llishop's hank ward and tho various letters and nnswers load of I.lhue sugar th s morning nnd Asiatics and make this a poor place for norlnnce than tho more Dctltinn of men and other gentlemen have watch charms because merely historical. FEED pleased to look after for you. whitest That would bo ''stable govern- ho have risked all in support of a Gov fashioned from metal projected by the left this afternoon for Kil.nien, GOOD HUSINESS ON FOKT ST., ernment that simply refuses togive NUWS IN A .SUTMIKI.I.. ment" after tlicir own fahion, Natur- them gun. The Held piece in the engagement Captain D.tbel of the Aloha gave a Inquire of ally, Messrs. Spreckcls and Davlos a hearing in tne matierot representation. was like an musket used COMPANY. little dinner CI. would havc.muuh to say about it. Instead of taxation without renrescnta- - by an Inexperienced sporUman. It was This sunny weather is appreciated; to some of Ids E. IIOAItDMAN, 'To fix things up for this Planters' t Ion, it is now: "Wo have vou wholly Honolulu gentlemen friends, dangerous only to thosu oiicrating It. 218-t- f 511) Fort Street. N ew York City, scheme the sugar men in the committed to us and care not whether Several gunners were picked off by. A tweiity-llve-gallo- n nickel-platin- you (loyalists say that a revenue cutter, Council began work a long time ago. have representation or no." This is sharpshooters before the field pieces were is offered sale. I outfit complelo for either the Rush or tho Corwln, will Whenever they could llnd or make a certainly serious. am not nn alarmist, abandoned. This battery cost the Gov- ar The Yokohama Bazaar or rather a fair proportion, (Hied but simply wish to reassert the prolo-sitio- n here Coast by vacancy in the Advisory liody they ernment between $20,000 anil $30,000. Minister King makes the official an- rive from the COUNKIl HOTEL, ANI NUIJAM7 STItKET- .- it with a sugar man, an attorney for that there can 1)0 no continued of that great metropolis has Local history has itltliatKahikatia thought nouncement that next Wednesday will or by the 15th nt the least. sugar men, an employe of sugar men or denial of tho right of petition In this or the cannon were a present until the bill just arrived at our store. goon bo holiday. There was no truth in the statement JUST APPJIOHIUATED A , witli a steamlioat man whose dividends any oilier lanu. inis inciticni is ciune in. At any rate they are service- a national t HAS Remember, wc never take or. on enough for a text. Annexationist. Of nn evening paper yesterday Car- consisting ot n MAOIC POCKET salary depended sugar able guns and have been ready for In- that a back seat during holi- The Chinese in i n Inter-Islan- KNll'E. TlilskidfoctintnlnslKwIdra tho usu- the transportation, Ah a result, Honolulu, Jan. lztli, stant use tevoral nioptlis. Tiie pair sent nine secured a raid penter Johnson of tho d Com- - 1 t cho-f- days. Our goods pur- as count hu list, the OUJIXTH OK THE SUBSIDY. to San Francisco will Iri a creditable .1 houso aro out on bail. They pany met witli an accident. al blades, n glasseutter that will cut csslcr Councils now hare, out of a total of Kditor Stah: At vesterdav's Council showing in the way of modem imple- will be tiled on the 10th. than n diamond 30,000 feet of glass;lt will Tons & Tons ol chased direct irom the de- Young who &Tons eighteen members, twelve who are a petition was presented from the pub- ments of warfare using the most danger- Walker, sailed away in nKo be found useful for a sier pattern cut- Manukactukers, voted to the sugar interest, liecent lishers of the Paradise the Pticitlc ous and effective sort of projectiles. Stone and sand are being hauled to the schooner Norma yesterday carried u ter; it has aUo a halitncu that will weigh any- events show if any vacancy in of embrace a complete assort- that, the asking for a further subsidy when the A full set of sfamps, unsigned new uniform and an amount ,of gold thing up to 12 llis. This was tho greatest Advisory Council follows, the promotion notes the Police station building for improve- ment -- of most desirable present one expires. I would like to national and silver coins were upon success of the World's Fair. Wo have only NEW GOODS of Claus Spreckels' attorney, Mr. V. 51. shipped as treasure. At noon 5Ir. ment of the jnil yard. lace it Hint quite cast in the shade for Xmas ask the question, '(n what use is this a limited numlier. Tho inventor has kindly articles Gifts. Hutch, another sugar man will be put paper to the country?" When I want to Hobron was still on a keen hunt for a anything ever seen here. He 'will There is The big popular anniversary demon otFeredhls crvlcesliysliowiugthe pui chasers in. absolutely no chance there send information abroad I mail a weekly series of ancient copper coins and small astonish the natives of the lagoons of havi! been pouring into our for a man who is devoted to annexation paper (not tne uuiieiui). men again, notes. Hev. 8 E. llfshop has the best stration will be at night, The military iVnrliMi Island. the way tit using this wonderful knife on pure and simple. He is regarded, as a Air. Kditor, the publishers of tho Para collection extent. Strong lioxes contain will have the day to themselves. Saturday, January 13th. Price, only M cents. Store and Warehouses the past dangerous incendiary who of The little Oahu schooners Sarah 245-- 1 1, and character dise, Godfrey, sets law books, school text books and Isen-berjr- J. J. Williams and F. are few weeks Ex. barks "Paul " might explode a bomb under the frame- two of the rankest HovallstB In town, and maps and typical Hawaiian publi- U. M. V. Foster will act for the Ctll Eliza, Mille Morris and Mokuola left to Large work of the proposed republic that is, cations. The educational display will 27 y.i and why help them? Leave tho rascals for nia Feed Company and T. J. King day for the winttward sirts and expect' and "J. C. I'llugcr" from the Planters' oligarchy. alone. Taxpayer. be prominent. I to- - during the tatter's absence to Coast. a re'iion of th(', bad weather that they OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'! Europe, and the diflcrcnt steam happen to know that several drafts Honolulu, Jan. 12, 1891. Additions the agricultural and the excises . . of this proposed change of Government horticultural departments Include gi- experienced while there lately. There ers and sailing vessels Iroui San planter-legislatu- T. King, manager hare been drawn by the gantic cane from Ew.i, coffee, ferns, J. of the California is a very envy swell all Koo-la- li along the TINIE TABLE. stocks of heavy RKCKIVEI) EX and their aitorneys and that just MIS CIIFNKSK WILL COM. guava, cocoanuts, mangoes, fruits and Feed Company, has gone to the Const coast just now and vessels bound Francisco. Our as soon as Congress disposes of the mon- dowers. Enough food to last I From nml .Inne IHUS the for another ship load of hay and grain. having some rough land- Alter 1st. goods, such as Black and Gal S. S. AUSTRALIA. archy for good, one of them will be colony a month was sent by tho Aus- there are time ' Tit A INS ing sprung in the Councils and cither rati- A i.imiti:i .NU.MIlWl TO 111'. IM- - tralia. The compai.ies of Good their freight. vanized Chain, Galvanized Sheet fied to Captains nnd or submitted a Constitutional . I'OUTISI). Theiive stock this timo consists of a It.M.S. Monowai, Capt. Casey, Iron, Zinc, It is utterly impossible to Convention. In the latter case land to Zeigler are holding practice batallion arrived Sheet Pig Lead. ' mammoth turtle, which unique .make a list the plantations will bu per- was drill dally. This Is for appearance i n from Sydney, via ports, at an early hour Pipe, of everything, as interest attached. The turtlo Sheet Lead, Lead Lump the mitted to send delegates to the end that The .litjtHlli'itn Ilsllnt tpiefttinn Come Up weighs about 250 pounds. It can curry the 17th. tills morninj;. She left Sydney tit 11:50 Etc., Star isn't large enough, the straight Annexationist may lie out- three men on back. food is Chalk, Shot, Bar Iron, has de- AgiUii In tTto Advisor Council its Its a.m.. on the 2oth ot December, and ar and we don't want to voted. We shall then sec the planters grasses and young shoots. This par- An inventory of the property of John been so com- rived at Auckland at 2::J0 a.m. on the i never large and prive oilier advertisers of in power and if they can maiiRge to get Vi'Hlenlny. ticular turtlo has for some been time S. Walker, deceased, has been filed by TO KWA MII.I. to-d.-- an American protectorate against in- the "Water God of Kihili." was 30th tilt. Silo left again twelve hours plete as it is . Fence their space It the administrators. The value of the II. II. A. P. .... as well as in- later and reached Apia 2 on ternal disorder outside not exactly worshiped, but it was well at a.m. the A.M. P.M. P.M. Wire Our stock on -C black will hold At the executive session of tho Advis liersonal estate is $55,000, I'.U. terference, they these Islands understood that to succeed at the nets 4th inst, where she discharged cargo, U'avn Honolulu 8:45 lM.'i 1:33 5:10 down in Chius Spreckels ory Councils de- and galvanized is pcrjietuity. and Kxecutlve it was ono had to lie in its favor. A Chinaman and left again at 8 a.m., reaching this Leaie Pearl City MO 2.S0 6:10 SiA and the Sugar Trust would work for the Woik is soon to begin on tho Iron cided to pormlt the importation of "a unwillingly parted witli this bit of prop- port ns aoore, having experienced line Arrllc Kna Mill II..W 2:.17 5.S 6S1! very large, and we claim il is as protectorate in case they could have erty. Wallua bridgo, Kauai, tho contract for head to Apia, limited number of lalmrers" under the weather with winds fol TO HONOLULU. fine A CALL their say in Hawaii. About 100 very large South Sea shells which was let to the Honolulu lion lowed by strong head winds nnd heavy a lot ol wire as ever came For I to eco this scheme law of 1B9J. This was in response to to C 11. II. A 1 one want are sent on be used in decorating the Works nbout a month ago, Beas for the remainder of the passage. to the country. However, we and inspection of beaten, and beaten out of sight. On the application of the Planters' Labor village grounds. - A.M. A.M. I'.M. P.M. the diflcr Leave .Mill 10:11 3:1.1 8: that account I favor 5Ir. Martin's pro- unci No more people will leave until the IIKfAUTUMKS. KR Ml don't ask you to take our word cnt lines on view will repay Supply Company's request, which, The Association Review, organ of the I'eail li:.V, 11:1s 4:tr 6:10 posed move to issue certificates of elec- next Australia sails from here. One Cltr. for of com-'- . together with a answer, was tl:4.1 fo it if you wish you the trouble tion to the Annexation Club members, favorable important personage will be a vigorous, Y.M.C.A.. Is out for January. It FlUDAV, Jan. 12. Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:M 4:M don't lo, just . :njr down as far as Merchant '" including the members of the American submitted to the open meeting of the grayhaired native who lives up Nuuami poem by Walter C. It M S S Monowai, Carey, for San mil)-- C Sunday's excepted. come in and wc will let you cut Advisory," ,by Attorney-Genera- l Smith Francisco. 11 Dally 1) street, as you will find the League and Schutzen Corps, and proceed valley. He will take place a a tyjie of Weedon, and other interesting features. Saturday's excepted of it to elect straight Annexation men to the of the Executive Council. the ngod.Kanaka. Str Iwalani, Freeman, for Kilauea. a piece ofl any coil and put largest assortment and low- Councils Instruct in case Minister Kim: savs annlicntlons have Kaliliiwai and Hanalcl. and them, a Dr, J, SMcGrew has receivetl an nt in our big vise upstairs and you est prices republic is advisable, to go ahead and already teen made for leave to land be CIIINI'.Si: TIIKATKIl. Sunr W G Hall. Simeraon. for Jtaul .MKTKIinLIKIlCAl, Ill'XOItl). get one up that Americans and not tween iuu ami Biw coolies. jnlald ttble from his friend, Dr. J. and Hawaii. can twist it, bend il, tie kno in Hlmr ll tlie Government Nitrvey, l'ulills coolie-driver- Annexationists and nut Fuither consideration of the uoaitlve It linen Not lny mill U l.liibl. lo K. Smith, ofKoloa. It is made up of reie, Peterson, for Makaweli. request by tho Japanese diplomatic repre- Schr Sarah and Eliza, for Koolati. Kterr 3lonilny, it, and test it to your heart's AMONG THE sugar companies will manage, and man- .Simpeml nt nny Hawaiian woods and Is of intricate and for n cession of right or Time. Schr Mile Morris-fo- r Koolati. age to the one end that Hawaii shall be- sentative the beautiful design. content, and alter you have done THOUSAND come a part of the Union. Civis. sulTiage to eligible persons of that na An Anglicized Chinaman says the Stdir Mary B Foster, for Waimea, this and asked the price ol it tionality, was had in tho executive pes mention Of increnso on the rental of the Kauai, AND ONE sion. This seems more than anything Last evening's concert by tiie native will be buy THE HKVKNTEENTII. big wootlen theater at Palama as an evi- : : you pretty sure to else to ho a umtter of principle and hand was largely nttended. The music plJ'OUTK ANI IDNSKINKf.M. ft ' s i ? x s : KuiToii Stah: "Don't holler till you're polities with the Japanese statesmen, dence of the institution's prosperity, Is some. articles will Hoyalist throughout was pleasing anil the 1MPOHTH. 31 20.011 76 4S a 2 out of the woods." said a to an The t administration of misleading. As matter of nun. ao.ui 60, 70' SB that a fact, declares 3l.TOI 6li 7.V.0.U), 70 lu 8 NK 1 Galvanized Buckets and Tubs, Annexationist to-d- while discussini! rendition of Hawaiian aire as arranged d'W Miiiiowal --81 sks plna 1). HSI.f8 UE FQUND country has adopted an aggressive or. the informant, for many lonir and anx t suckers, It' ,l.tH vll.0.1 601 7S0.ll". 74 10.11 K 1 the feasibility of celebrating the Seven policy, by McCain; 00 o.aijM m &t! 77i0.tti 77 l0-- Pans, Kettles. Ball "advanced" foreign and u trans ious months venture been los- I.ilMirnlo was well received. carcasses mutton. prdei;,v 2 Sauce Tea teentn. rue statement is on a par witi the has a ;i.i w cc T in 4lm!H, 21.0 4I 760.-- 7GS.UI 0.1 action such ns proposed here would he pkgs mercluiiiuife, u Irwin (Jo; ' Of! Books ft'rthc young people, of Hoyalist fancies ing one. Timo after time its existence Frl . SjSI 20.0S '71' 711.0.21 Sllfl.lO. S 2 Blueing, Crown Soft Soap. Fine the general stock and big Its cap. George Malina was 3 cases. C Girdlerj 81 pkgs merchandise, u! w-- a feather in been arraigned hi lhe 7,111 U .HJ.IKV..U I'l 6Si TIlM.lU nil s 1 Books for old people, goes for is will las threatened. The last individual 1 12."i the what it worth. It hardly The Provisional Government replies post District Court this morning on older; package, McKibhin; cs Clay and D.1 A Martins Shoe bo beetled next Wednesday by Annexa- esseo and manager rclinuuished his the case, corrected for unit Games ami Calcnd rs, Au- at length to Japan, The first obstaole a ago sinking $10,000. meals, order: I llishon Museum: ttuniierature tionists, who have an abiding faith in short time after charge of deserting his wife. The wo- 14 cs C Wolfe: If) limes, eiciniion nut not lor iniiuuie. Blackintr we have nlenlv of Albums, in the way of any action whatsver, is house is now in of pineapples, F nt tograph Letter the principles which prevailed upon the The the hands a man appeared, a reconciliation followed P .1 the pending project for annexation. If lyndicate composed largely of actors, Camarlnos. now, and our slock of Galvanized Cases, Cigar Cases, Music overinrow ot nionarcny ana a lit t ' linn the islands become pai of the United l.veu miller (his condition it is a hard and defendant was discharged, Ex Iwalani 1854 hgs sugar, account Flexible Slccl and Iron Wire Kolls, frames lor Pans lief that the triumph then achieved will States the question nf Japanese suffrage l.lhue plantation; :8.V2 bus sugar, no BY be as enduring ns any other victory won struggle for maintenance. Dividends AUTHORITY. Panel Photos, Ink Stands, can lie settled from Washington. Noxt, aro few and widely separated. No new The story of the assault of Mis. King count llanamnuhl mill, all for llnckfeld Rope is complete from to 4 in mo interests 01 civil nueriy. ruu no one is voting hero at present. The upon George Washington with n pick SALK Of LBAbE OF ISLANDS. Photograph Albums, Book bencrits accruing from objection laces nave appeared lor a long tune. The inches. Hubbuck Boiled and that "un next serious to granting the has Ex Mile Morris 10(1 bgK from lets, Wild West Games, pleasantness" are not very widespread, is orchestra run down ami the axe was told in the District Court this rice request that Japan retains almost "en costumes losing color ami lust Konl.iu. On Thursday, bltli day of Fku Raw Linseed and Castor Oil, to bo sure, but they bear a grand tire control of her immigrants. They are morning. Tho woman will lie held for the foilct Sets 11 entirely new significance for country It is hoped by the, managers Ex Sarah und Eliza 800 ligs rice. niiAliY, 1804, nt the front entrance of White Lead and Zinc, Red Lead this little continue indefinitely to pay tribute and mike enough during Chinese trial at the coming Circuit term. ine), t'noto Uoxes, Necktie and are worth commemorating. Janu bend tho to home Govern- the Ex Pele 0.'iO bg sugar. Ili'llding, will lie sold at knee their New Year season to carry them the Executive and Oxide, Colza Oil and Stock- Boxes, Mirrors. Collar and ary 17th was a great day for Hawaii and ment The ballot should only go as an Itev. J. (I, Hoaplll lias given up Ex Mary E Foster 1000 bgssugiirfroni ntilihe to highest bidder for for some time. If this spasm of pros- - the auction, the "Isen-berg- Cuff Boxes, Work Boxes. will never be forgotten, no matter what appurtenance of citizenship. The Jap- project of Laliaina, holm Tar, all came by the " form of government hold swav lenty fulls the doors of the house are assuming the spiritual oare of the the loose of tho followluc Shaving Sels, miiv here anese Consul replies that they desire Ihj in fine and Manicure in the future. Nationef holidays have a siilTrnge only persons qualified lkelv to closetl. The nlav now run the Hawaiian village nt the Midwinter " tJiif. Islands: order arc for under ning, as explained by bets, Jewel Cases, Music wholesome moral iniuienceoiicoiiimiiii tho election laws. This class would not an interpreter hist Fair. His wife iuterpoed, preventh g Murroll. Ocean, Pearl and Hermes offered low prices. Now is nigiit, nas tne usual historical aspeci. ninivvT, at Boxes, Lap Tablets, Port ties elsewhere. If the mills must stop include the large hotly of coolies unable it his by Mono- - shoals, tells a story of high life in Flowery departure the Australia or From Makee. I Heef, Midway and French Frigate Collin grinding one day the poor coolies, who to read or write English. To the objee-t- i the Kanaa. ner stinr James the time to have your folios, Papetries, Paper Kingdom some three hundred years ago. Will. Jan II David Knwunanakoa. (so far tho Hawaiian Government were satiated witli monarchy at home, n that Japanese voters would be ,an in trimmed ; of Knives,' Match Boxes, Pen Construction is lines affected by I the hundred sels no auorueu an 01 foreign, tliero iiism From the Colonies, per stmr Monowai, holds the right of possession of the said win opportunity relief' active force, practically biigllsh playwrights. Is The stowaway taken from the Wipers, Writinir Desks, Is It all love and Inn 13 Mr nnd Mrs La Motto and child. fnty-fiv- "Cofiin Furniture" just received tine on tiie lesson that the dav teaches no direct reply. schooner Hangoi has Signed ves Islands and shoals for a term of t and germ of might No treaty will bu uvula with war extravagantly depicted. "You have that and 1 steerage. Games, etc., for Children. thus a republicanism new no women on years. Such lease giving the pur .are going off like "hot cakes." to afterwards trans"-plant- Japan, until this question is settled. In the stage," remarked a sel's articles and returned to duty as PLTAHTl!!). be started hero be chase- to remove in homes, where would Japanese Immigration is visitor. "No; but nearly every actor is cabin boy. Ho is 1(1 years age, nn - the exclusive rigltt The new "Pumping Plant Asiatic it the meantime has a big family support. of For Maul and Hawaii, per slmr W no gootl. slopped. married and to (1 Hall, 13 Mrs. from said Islands Guano, Phosphate, the most The wives of tho help with tho orphan and said he wanted to visit the Jan J Ilubinsteiii, works well and you can gel all The Annexation' cluli never ollicially artists Kelii, and 10 on deck. Fertilizers and other muterlals for their -- miKK TO KKST. costumes aim Keeping house, nicy United States. the water vou want, so you considered the fact that a demonstration must do something. For Sail Francisco, per IUIUS Mo- free'tibu timing safd term. of glee would somebody's feelings, 13 . hurt )' Hi of I'runklyii S. Trull, Itenlilent of Tho Hawaiian Electric Company in- nowai, Jan O 11 Waters and wife, The conditions of said lease are that want one ol our new Lawn XMAS A large proportion of the inhabitants of " 1 ' lli.t lilumU Slnro 18.10. A I'lea for the Ladles. tend to make a J O Michelsou and wdfe, Jos Hymati, from tho United States have their sensiliilitics trial run of the clectrio MUs Mc- the lessee shall piyto the Minister of Sprinklers. It is the best Fully a score of citizens have during J K Smith, Emma Smith, T J - wounded by- - the sacred observance of Franklyn S. Pratt light plant complete this evonlng until Laughlin, wife and 8 children, MUl K the Iuteiiur, for the useot the Hawaiian Rnphnel,- A Sprinkler ever sold here, no AND They I tho day requested the St li to advocate 11 V 4 . Sunday, regard it us an infraction passed away ut o'clock last evening midnight, in order to thoroughly test Mooie. I)r Frlodlander, C Ash- Government, a rojulty of fifty cents for Tuck. it; . on rights of dime museums as O parts wear as it does not the baseball, after a severe Illness, For some time a public ball a feature of the celebra the system Consumers are requested to ford, Tom J King, W C Peacock, each ton nf pounds of the materials to out, Sou t. t. and lK'er gardens, anil they aro not all been n witli dropsy. tion i.ext Wednesday. The point urged Sclmlz. had fUherer turn on their lamps. Notice of the flu il reuiovetl from sai I Islands and shoal, revolve, and is irood for either Socialists and infidels either. When the Funeral arrangements will be au is that otherwise the ladles will have nn ' For Sail Francisco, per likt S Q NEW starting of the plant will b given as of them; payment to he of Royalists utter their blatant denuncia. nt uncoil hen after. ohance to take an active pait in the Wilder. Jan 11 J R Mnrmnnt. or any such light or heavy pressure tions of Provisional Government officials Deceased had been a citizen of the of the new Fourth of Julj soon as possible. made nt the Interior ' artitt ift on in A It 111 VA I.N. water. the street and hotels and other Islands for nearly foity-fou- r years. HIb Slump und I'oital Cards. Office. YEAR ha uttfml public places they are probably not e.uiier residence was interruptrd by a A Knife of (Iriut Utility. anJ tAtti, feelings of The Foreign Ollico has received infor FltlDAY. Juu. 13. And further, that if the said lessee Electrical Goods. keenly appreciative of the stay of some length on the Const, whe e A knife witli four blades, a cross-c-ut 0i Annexationists standing near. The mation of an invoice of stamps and postal Simr Iwalani Freeman, from I.lhue, shall full to begin tieriitions or to re slock is more complete than lie was n meichnnt, Aiier ueing ;n me saw, u weighing machine, a glass and did not consider anyliody's feel- employment of various homes here cards to 1h delivered here from the Kauai, move fertilizers within five yearn from ever, and wc have five men hard CARDS pattern cutter, a cork screw and a stone M S S Monowai, Corey, ings but her own when she attempted years he became identified with States- - on li from scleral United tho 1st prox. The Sydney, nny of said Inlands, the exclusive right at work winntr houses for hlec her con) d'etat. . lhe 1'lKt'iilx uunno isiaiuis uompany, extractor is lieing introduced into tho stamps will be nf tho denomination of A, FPVprAl shall then cease, us to such Island or trie Lights. We can furnish "SIkmukii of tub ('. .Intriir tvpll fltiHlieinllv for Vpnrfl. local tratle ny Walcot oi bytlney, 1, 2, fi, 10 and ffii cents. Thj jsistal cards Yoko-hai- Islands, Honolulu, January 11th. lie started tho Wnfmanalo plantation N. S. W. vH is to lio sold by the. are I and '1 cents. wou the fixtures, shades .'mil MUSIC mid built the steamer walmnnaio, raaK llazar, which has purchased 5Ir VIISSKI.S JN Interior Otllce, Jan. 11 1801. lamps 111 any style, ana it we u success ventures. Alls wnicot'x siock. or SKINS OP rilOMlSE. niir of both HeiulU Advertising. Jv A. KINO, wire your house you can feel DEPARTMENT. fortune came in connection with the Mr. C. Parke ntlvertised in NAVAL VKSSKI.K. public tip last night's Miuisttr of the Interior. I EniTou Stah: The general Olowalu sugar plantation, lie losing 'Off l'or WimIiImicIoii. UHH Ailairw, Nelson, San Prancikcn. sure it is done according to lit Everythiug to be found ,lu fir.U tercst in tho possible election to a was C. W. Washington Stah for the return of a small dog. UHH Philadelphia, Darker. Cnllan. aw-- n ' heavily, llr. Pratt in the auction Ashford leaves for Eustace. Hooke, latest Underwriters rules. class Music Store, from Piano vacancy in tho Advisory Council siiir Wiihin a short time after the appear-ano- HUMS Champion, Kp a buiinens hero time. to appear before the Committees JniwinesoCruiser'Nanlivo, Togo, Yokohama. Game is said lo be nlcillC gests a comparison of the situation, to public services of Mr. Pratt In- of the paper the dog watm; notice. down to a Jew's Harp. Also full 'lhe of Congress on behalf of the Hoyalist retinmd MP.rtCHANTMKN. muijn lou;, wuen an election was iiciu as rrgUlrar publii J ac- homo of his own did We have the riirhl kind Hue of , cluded a term of accord. How that cliap-te- Coiisnl-Generu- K. Am sell Wcathcrwux, Knhului, III iiccorilance with Section l of ... On tins lsianu to nil two vacancies in uiw nnd ns l at muse. With the aid of Ram Parker, dog know he was being at Wood, Black Pirn counts service advertised for'? O K Mexico Schultzc, or PACII'IC COAST DIARIES,"' IIotuA of Nobles. S.in Francisco. O. Macfarlane and A, P. Peterson, the Ainliktn Crocker, XXVI ot the laws of I860, r.T seems a disposition in certain friends hope to make quite - Haw Pk Mauna Ala, Smith, Han Francisco der Cartrtdges to get bir bag; li-- There A widow, who was Miss hiizauelh rimi:iii!s- mail si:hviui:. Am lik Aniiiu Johnson, Han Fran., Mali. AH persons bidding nunrters at this Juncture to resent tiny Kekaninu Laaniii survives the dead an impression In her favor. with. Hteanu,hlM will leave Am schr John O North, San Fran. or those paying water rates, aro hereby suggestions from tho public on public man. Mr. had four sisters and u for and arrhi! frtni Am lik Ceylon, Calhoun, Kan Fran. Pratt - Ban Francisco following . affairs through political organizations, IJueen Kinnta Kgtitte. on the ilatei, till the I Am sen Jorgenfcon, Ban Francisco, nolitled that the water rates for the term N. B. ISLAND ORDKRS . ., brother, all of whom reside in Uostou cl(e of 18U1 : Transit, anil those inclined to give any attention Bruce Cartwright has submitted to Am kthr Aloha, lMtiel. Hnn Francisco. ending Juno iW, 1HI1, will be due and promptly attended to. Good to Hiicu nominations are cnargeti win .Smith Keu Notes. Judge Cooper an annual report an trus AllRIVK AT II'.N'LULU LKAVK llOXOLULP tOll Amhiig W O Irwin, Williams, Bun Friui. payable nt the otllce of tho Honolulu packed delivered at FHOM KKANCiscnoit Iluuaiiaii lik Andrew Welch, llrew, B K. snl stenuer "bossism." A Herald letter from Jfukuu San Fcisco Ban lhe first duyofJaiiu- - E. 0. Hall & Son Samoan tee of the estate of tho late Queen Emma, OR VASOOUVKH. Vancouvkii. Am chr Anna, Norlierg, Kan Fran (Kali.) Waterworks mi free of charge. "Bossism" is indeed hateful, hut how ...I.- P,w,Vn l'M)rbt .... foiij Tonga savs that copra still fetches The transactions amounted to $.M8?. In. - All.... Pul.nlt- ary. IMU. infinitely worse was its form when it Oa or About On or vl6oit( Bound. ' to aillirpritt. .IHllirw iiirmtminj (i.uiv There was paid to tho Queen's linspitel All such rates lemaiiiing unpaid for elected Made and Hopkins the Ha 111!? Marlpnia Jan Is Monowai. Jan 11 W II IHimind, Kan PpiiifW". Limited, it. funtl fuzi.riu, anil besides regular annui- Amhktii walian Legislature. Its organization nt Kihg George Tuboii II,, has made nammwit) injinn Araiva .r... i ,Vm Wlir IIAIIIflir. Hlt. iewchtie. llfteeif days after they are due will be that time wafrrso insidious ami hidden ties. I100 for scholarships In St. An A ii ttt rails .lim 27 Aubtruha . ..Kih n COR. Kin Jnlsatrkl Toga his premier vice George drew's priory. i:hln ...Heb 7 Alameda.. ...Feb subject to an additional ten per cent. Fort and Sts. that its existence and objects were IS ,. 12 VIPsSKLS IIXIMJOTMI. Tnkiiaho. Col Cnmnhell. chief of the Monowai ..Feb Oceanic feh rolllllllN Katt h are payable at the olllce of brought into light 'only by subsequent Arawa; ...r'oh&t Warrlmno.. .tier the customs and postal departments, has ;i events. The Admiral Australia.. SI Australia Mar i tier bk (Jalettiii. lloniikontr Oierdtiu water works itt the Kupualwa building. . . II o Due Hawaiian b en removed. Has Oceanic. ...Mar Mariposa .Jim .in, oral i.iirinie. 11111. n r However anything oolitical arrived and taken quarters at the 1.1 THE NEW much like Further political trouble is threatened Alameda.. .Mar hlns... Mr SO Am hkt J, I). SpreekcU, Kali, H F Due Otllce of Honolulu Water mirks, by any quarter & . .MarKi 31 .dictation the few in is to in Tonca on iieetiimt nf the Introduction establishment of llolllster Co. The Warrlninn.. Australia .Mar Am l h p Chanoy, Departure Itnv Due Honolulu, Doc S3. 181):) be regretted there is nothing now, nor AltHtrRlla. Mar SI A ran a, ' ' DavitM, Jloston of measles through the of Admiral Cigarettes are the. very latest In Apr 12 Monowai Ai'r Atti hk Martha line i ANDItKW DUOWN, Mariposa ' ' Hr Due , JEWELRY any organization in existence, w'hicn in heiith officers. the. way of n delightful smoke, nnd China .... -- Apr 17 Aualrulta. Apr "H su Villain, I.lvensiol purpose or may lie compared in . Apr 21 Warrlinoo.. Miij I me iiaciiieiii. Duo Supt. Honolulu Waterworks. method The Apia - sayd over 1,1)00 Australia n'er it i.iverissii degreo JUrald that have met with immense mct'ess wher Apr S3 Alameda ., May 3 tier lik Nautilus, Liverpool Due the slightest to what we luuo v. Araa.. STORE, Co. deillis ocenred during the epldein'n of ever intindueed. llolllster- Co,, Monownl .May 10 II bit Due News known in Hawaii, and particularly to Ilaelic. Mil Am Harvester, llllo. HP Li incnslej. agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Aiintrnua. .nay iu Ail.trslla. iS IMh Currier Doye, Newcnlle Due Wai rlinoo. May S3 ' that to which I have referred. II. It mid Anl.l for Hyd Aravta c!"V . kh KastiToft. Newcaj-tl- Jan ID &o:t FOHT STREET, I M.S. has left AWmeda. .J una 7 Matipma. llr ttm The movement entitled to the credit I Am Jon SO ney, via Fiji, IJerpost will lie taken by A llliliinllc fall. Alutrnlla. .June Id Australia. lam; hkt Mary Wiiiklemati. N'ncastle WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Utli, IMU, In for change is for present under . "! Anifcchr Sail Fran 0 pit'iutri'd to iiiHiiiirHi'ture anviliuiR &st this the Minister Ar&w-a- June S3 Monowai, June i Uoliert lowers. Jan Moroliant the itoyailst. Willis railed to see President I 11 of yet Its I Haw lik Newcastle Feb 1 will Im observe us National Holiday, in lu line. the leadership an oligarchy, On Dec. 18. lhe custom of annually aiaripruui ..Julys Warrtutoo,. .Jul) Iahi, . 5iJW chief object is to .secure tho broadest Dole at the Foreign Olllce this morning, Auitralia., .July It Australia. Julv'.'l Am l.ktnMurv U'liiltli nian. Neucvtl,-- IVh 1 and nil (lovernnielit tiMee llirouuhuut decorating the graves of German sailors 1 government, not finding went to Warrlinoo. ..ItiirSS Alameda, .Jail SJ Am wlir Uleialale, Eureka Fell .Souvenir a form of representative and w but him there the . I lie t limed on Spoons Specialty.; lio lost their lives nt ragalit live years Monowai suits Araiva... ' llr hk Vehs ity, Hongkong Vh 1 the Islands u Hint day. its members are by personal character ho I by .Auk 11 Australia, ,V11H observed President's house Invitation, What Australia.. '' If I r bk XuntlniK), Newnisll.. Feb lfl A. KINO, nn Aug 21 Mariposa. i, it J. AIko 11 Fine sensitive to public sentiment that tho - at is not Known, Arawa.. ' Feb 20 on hand Siock nf Oecurroil the interview Alanieda. Auc 31 Warrlinoo. held I ,)''' l'k J f tllada, I.lvenssil MiliUer of the Interior. Jewelry ti. MAY & UU. N 1 lniorted everjtliinp Government is in fact representative. WmiiI to Turn 'Km Out. Australia . aept a AUMialln,. eM Haw hk Helen llruwer, Y March I 11, ISO). 111 The intelligent interest of all loyal A movement Is on foot to call a pub- All (Quod AniiexMlloiiUts, Wnrrlmoo. Monowul. . riei so i Am bchr llartlett, XenenatlK MutchSu Interior Olllce, Jan. SlVJl ine iaii'81 uesiuiiH, wnoiesaie and Keti.li , citizens and their readiness to voice their It is reported on reliable authority Mariposa.. . hepl S Arawa- - t lot 1 Am th Bnlenlfir. Blari ll fi lic meeting of the Annexntl n Club and Auatrulla Oct Aim ralla. . .. Del 11 tier hk Mary llaokfel.l, Uvoriwol March ft ' im a wishes is prophecy of the gootl results Araiva ...Oct US Alameda . Oct I" i: o. lion. tA Mm. Tel. mm mm of new officers to that, after Investigating the Interior . ' to the franchise und a digni- becurii the election Munattat. . .Oct 23 Warrlinoo. not Lawnmowers Fort IUK. Ea 4. v fied of that' body who will work in political Department forcp, the Government has Autrlia Nov 8 Australia.. 't'lrew llrowu, Superintendent of the Cleaned, hharieneil and repaired 17 (V E7 H consideration all questions by tho -- lm harmony witli those who now do'mlnito ucciucii in inane no changes in n, Alameda... Nov El Mariiiou.. "'Nov 15 pleeeb liiriiUhod Ul.AM) OiiDKim Iromptly Attended In. Tm mm twL 11 H-i- public is vastly encouraging, Nni-3- V Diiplleate of Govern- Warrlinoo Nor 23 Warrlmno liter WorM, wislion to impress, uimii These are some of the "Signs of Prom- the politics the Provisional Australia Dec I broken hejond repair bought at f cause of M"u"wi:.'::.:.:bfcCl that water rntea lc; ' ise" under the Provisional Government, ment. T'ie inspiring the A domestic remedy nf wide ran ire ot Mariposa Decffl 11 (air price, ScUnora Rroimd by 5,8 Arawa.. Deo 23 Ara...'.','.."... per Forl s,n'eL . scheme is the Martin resolution und usefulness D, (tti, llomosopathio Cough Jni jcomo delinquent and mihject to ten (1. XV, 11KLLIK8EN, Hawaii, Australia. ..Deo S9 E. A, JACOBSON thy recent nominating procedures. S8-l- Uell ''ifl Honolulu, Jan, 12th, 1894. and Croup Syrup, tent penalty 011 tho 15th, At the Tower. liolli Telephones 22, P. O. Box t 470 vmmm THE

A TERRIBLE VOYAGE. ODD9 AND ENDS, PEDDLING DIAMONDS. THE BUSY L TTLE BEES, " m If you ilon't want to lw itctttM, don't bo Just Holiday A LAKE PROPELLER BECAME A TLOAT-IN- ft chronic growler. MEN WHO GO AROUND WITH THEIR Co. 4 CHARNEL HOUSE. Thcro M sometime danger In hot getting PeacocU Received. Goods. enough. POCKETS FULL OF GEMS. The scared soon U . .. Observe Tlio wrinkles of tlio henrt are more Indell-bi- o : 1 An Knldemlo Mlilrli ( nrrlr.l OCT I'.lfttity these busy little bees w than thoo of thn brow. It Is Xo Vnenntnion Thing 1'nr Onenf Them ' t Hti lVrnn tiled Mllliln n IIiium :? up their lw More people am poor on account of Had tn Hate 810,000 Wnrtli or Tlnj- Trllles In Pacific Hardware honey w After llelng Attacked A Conl management I ltrrrtlnn than nn iicconnt of extrava- ills Clntlies Tlier Is Nn Such Thing: ; an trylto bens wise as these ftt Milwaukee A A Rent. gance. ' TrHr!irriin ll lltircnln In lllnlnnmlii. SOLE AGENTS. Tlio most extensive cemetery Is In tlio 'by saving dH'otir money. You Tlio Allp1inny wa one of thu best of Company. catacombs of Home. Ovcro.OOO.DOO One the most surprising lines of busi- ShopMcd In human smoke, say,' five cigars a day, tiridT hcrdny. tneen beings nro there Interred. ness a man can go Into surprising, Miluntikte. In that One day midsum- that Is, until ypu have time to think about IN Till? HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Are opening New Goods nt drink, say, six times daily; cards,spool, mer, lfdO, rIui left DufTnl o bnrlior on her Massachusetts has more Incorporated cit- their Art Kooms, trip. ies of more than 10,000 inhabitants than it, and then It Isn't surprising nt all is the specially selected for the Season and billiards, too, regular She wat In command of Cap- peddling of diamonds. .... you play, and treat. tain Morrison. Tlio pnoiiKcr Hit Included Buy other state in the Union. Men go nhout country with from $10,-W- 0 Ciliisswnrc in n variety of patterns Ilerry Dishes, the fellows gaily. In 40 cabin and lufl htivriiKe Tew persons have the FOR Salad Bowls, Cheese twenty years this actiici'ri, tbu sufficient wisdom to to WO.OIiOwoithof the costly, tiny tri- j latter nil Swcdlib Immigrant". prefer censure which Is praise, Dishes, lloso Bowls, l'icklo and fun will cost, ' Tlirw were useful to fles In their clothes, hunting for customers Crnnher Jam. Jiirs, Finger iWls, Egg according to good scholars, going In n body to Atllnntikco, sev- which deceives them. " where Hoclicfoncnuld. In all sorts of place likely Cups, Sugar llaskcls, Tumblers, OoblctP, Wine, Champagne nnd other with time, eral lxi ixli ill of Imil where they are to interest, and the that's lost', their conntrj nirn A difference between n ktilfoblado losing find customers, and they make, at least (glasses, Sets, etc., cto. i them They ere beiiiK fornnrded just if : Its temper and n woman Is that tlio former some of them make, a good living nut of it. $20,000. But you count your loss by comu colonization oocltty anil were. In becomes duller nnd the more cutting. The .lupiiiicsc C'lilnn, SalRiimn, Ownrl, Kioto, Tea Cups nnd Saucers, latter And one really curious thtngaliout it is American of health d you chargoof n Swede named Jnncii, nn agent Sets, Vases, Tea nnd Collec Pots. and trouble, will Thero have been nioro remains of masto-lonsnn- d that very few of them own the goods they Koyal Worcester, Doulton, of tin) toclety. With the exception of Jan-fen- , other extinct In can y. They do not in somo cases even give find this loolish waste of wealth will figure not onu of people speak n mnnunothsfomid C. Havlland. Copeltiiid Cut Cameo Wares. thee could Ichtucknce river, bond or put up any of except- wonl of EtifilWi. Their collective wenlth riorlda.tlianlnany other sort security Tables, Kasels, Fancy more than double. So imitate these busy stream In tho world, ing that of their own personal character. Kaltnn Chairs, l'latcd nnd 8llver Ware in cases, w amounted to flOO.OtO In caOi, which " was They are known or thor- Hogers Ilros.' Forks nnd Spoons. bees; store up a little I and nil In tlio possession of for Tim Maldlvlan Islanders always eat In the lu'lleved to be treasure, later Jnii'rn oughly honest and reliable, and the mer- v mot private room In tho house, ninl care- Plotui'OH . . s , jou can take your cas"e, and have a lot of pleasure. The fully close the doors nnd darken tlio win- chants who really have money Invested In unci I'rnnien ..f The Alleslinny nlwnyv Mopped at Heaver the goods ..Picture Framing tn'.the Litest Styles is Hand, which held by King Strang dows that they may bo unobserved. trust them fully and freely. i .' Equitable Hive where you ought to store your money, and nm A New York man, who travels Brewing Co. A Choice with his colony of Mormon mid tree love The first souvenir Columbian almost Lot ot J'I',i:S in I'ots and When you rc old.- - vou II half dollar, continually, one of the-s- have laid by a lot of Tontine honey. followers. During the, propeller's stop on which was purchased by tho Hcmlngton met peddler In Hanging Ilnsketa at very low Trices. ' ' the reading room of a hotel In Hartford . thin trip n llttlo girl among the Mccrage Typewriter eomnaiiv. has been tn lOillilUliIe Mfe Anriuie Nuelety nf tlio United Stllti-K- some time ago and told as- passengers sickened nnd died, her sickness President Illglnbothsm of the Chicago afterward how tonished he was when the stranger ap- suddenly nnd resulting position. P&GiFIG HARDWARE GO. BRUCE" J, death two proached him nnd began showing LTD., & HARTWRIGHT, General Managers forthe Hawaiian Islands, hours later. This llttlo one's mother bad his goods. U. S, A. I Tho famous Uon brewery at Muulch has "Ho was a tali, good looking young fel- ST. LOUIS, 402 nnd 404 FORT STREET. died on the ocean voyage from biveden nnd hall 1,000 . a that will hold guests placed low," snld the New Yorker, "and was was burled it sea. Tho child was burled around llttlo tables, where they can enjoy on King Strang's Island. dressed very quietly and tastefully, I no- tlc celebrated brew of tho place while 11 ticed that there wasn't a single ui tide of . Thu propeller proceeded on her way, but tenlng to the bands. had got not more an Jewelry visible on his person, not even a than hour's sail from Tho historical gold button or watch Llttlo Ueaver Island when tho father of the collection of the Baltimore n chain. BENSON, SMITH & CO., child died in thesnmemiuinerthatshohad. and Ohio railroad, illustrating the develop- "The only thing that looked like Jewelry The A. B C "Bohemian. Beer" HARDWARE, Builders & General, Ueforo the Alleghany nrrlved ment of tho locomotive, and which was ex- was a key chain, nnd I observed nfterwanl at South hibited at tho World's fair, was very strongly Manltoii Island 23 of the Immigrants had has been offered that that made and nn brewed bs llic above Com- - .Alwnys up totlie Times in Quality, Style nna Prices. died of the same mysterious tothecltyof Baltimore by President Charles peared to be, as I presume it was, made of SOLE AGENTS disease, which F. Mayer. very K, was spreatliug rapidly among them. The the finest steel. priny is undoubtedly the Imest suunen nppearancp or this deadly plague So rapid has lecn tho growth of tho Ger- "lie sat down beside me, nnd pulling nt caused h panic on board. man capital that tho municipality of Ber- ins cnam urcw out or ins pocket n chamol: Lager Plantation Supplies, T leather bag or purse. Out ho St. Louis The cabin passengers were placed in lin already finds its spacious town hall In- of this took A Full Assortment to tlio adequate what looked like a handful of small pack BUTTERMILK TOILET SOAP. suit various demands. t quarantine In their quarters, ami thu crew to Its needs, and nn adjacent plot imported into this country. of the propeller were kept busy caring for of ground has been purchased at a cost of ages, each wrapped up In fine white tissue ' the unfortunate Swedes. Tho propeller 5,000,000 marks for the erection of new of- paper. These he. unwrapped one after an Steel landed at Manltou and buried in one large fices. other and showed mo tho contents. Plows, "In each one was a gem. There were OVER TWO MILLION CAKKS , trench tho score and n half who were then Tho British crown plate includes pea- SOLD IN 1892. Made expressly for Island work, with extra parts. lying a diamonds, rubies and emeralds and two or dead on board the vessel. From Maul-- ' cock of precious stones, valued at 33,000, tou there was no place where the steamer which came from three pearls, but nearly all of them were India; a tiger's liead.wlth diamonds, and only CULTlVAT0tS' could touch before arriving at Milwaukee. ft solid Ingot of gold n three or four were - , $A.NE KNIVES. . for tongue and crys- I would cull unusually largo Co., anil she left that island literally a floating tal teeth, and a magnificent gold shield, what stones. Pabst Brewing- Excels any Toilet Soap 1 Hey were ns oi the 'S charnel house. Scarcely nn hour passed valued 10,000, without settings, nnd ho un at which was made from papers that an Immigrant did not fall victim to snuffboxes by order of George IV. folded the he rubbed each stone Agricultural Implements, the terrible plague, tho origin of which no gently nnd deftly i.llh a small piece of Milwaukee, u. s. A. o one uannei. Hoes, Shovels, Mattocks, etc., ' nt that time knew. It at last became Irish Ininglimtlnii. Market. etc. Impossible to attend to the wants of all the "Xaturnlly, he was talking while he did mflerers, although entire An Irish gentleman was shooting with nil this, and I soon got very much Interest the crew devoted nn English CARPENTERS', BLACKSMITHS' AND every minute, night day, to serv- friend, a Mr. B. They hall very ed," the speaker continued. "lie began by MACHINISTS' TOOLS. and their sport. ice. There was no mistaking thoso who little So Mr. B. said, "I'll ask this asmngii he could not sell man diamond. San Francisco were doomed to death among tho immi countryman whether there are any birds and I told him I thought not, but I snld It Screw PlatesTaps and Dies, grants. about here," "So use to ask him," said hesitatingly because I wanted to hear what his companion; Twist Drills, Paints and Oils, The victim became hollow eyed and had "he'll only tell jou lies." he had to say. Stock Brewery, 3NS0N, SMITH CO. "I'll ask blni at all events," said 11. " have them here,' & ' a vacant, faraway look that was hard for Mr. 'I said tho neddler. Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Felt. -- 7 another to meet. When look "My good man, nro thero any birds about 'all the way from W0 un to $3,500. but I can that nppeared, here?" and Felt ' death was butnn hourortwonway. Death "Lots of birds, your honor," said sell you one that any gentleman would bo California. Mixture. he. "Tell me what sort of birds." "Well, pleased to we.Tr for r-- or S300. ner-- always came with the most Intense agony. Most WHS-TON- now, H W.AKKS' STEAK PUSH'S, C15NTIII FUG A One could look about among the stricken your honor, there's grouses and wood- sons, even those who can afford it, do not GO LS. - cocks and count to a certainty those who would and snipes and ducks and tllUhlnes care to w ear very large ones, thouuii I hnv , bo dead within the next hour. The nnd all sorts of birds." "Ask him," whis. some customers who won't look nt a snudl victims pered - SEWING MACHINES, ; were weighted nnd cast overboard as soon the Iilsh gentleman, "whether there stone.' " Cyrus Noble Wilis- as they were dead. Such a nro any thermometers." "Tell me," said "xou have regular customers then?' thing as shroud- B., u WILCOX & GIBBS, AND ing or giving funeral service to a corpse wus "do you ever see any thermometers asked the man fi om New York, nnd he nn REMINGTON. an Impossibility. They were cast into the about heref" "Well, now, your honor. It swered: "Oh, Jes. My trade is mostly water Just as they died. there was a nice frost tho place would be among actors and hotel men, nnd I know mqUEll'ty and efficiency alive with them." t Lubricating" Oils surpassed Up to the day before the propeller arrived nearly nil tho prominent ones enstof the 0 0 ' by none. nt Milwaukee none of tho crew or Many years afterward, as I drove with Mississippi." For oflicers the Volcano had been attacked by the disease, my wife from Killarncy to Kenmare, I told Ami then betook out a powerful irlas; in but on her this story. She Packed Screw Stoppered that day the cook fell a victim to it, and said she could hardly and ask eil tho New Yorker to look at a s General Merchandise, was cast Into tho lake as the others bad believe it. I said, "I'll try with this boy, beautiful brilliant ho bad Just unwraimisl. Bottles. nnd you'll see he'll say much the same." looked at and admired M been. The clerk of the steamer, a young "I It it, but I told Natures Grandest It is not possible to show everythinR we have; is man named So I said to the barelegged boy who was him I was no judge of diamonds," tho New Wonder. if there anything Gardiner, about this time had you want, come and ask for it, you will bo found among the stores n cask of New Eng- running along liesldo the carriage, "What Yorker went on. "All stones of tho same politely treated. land mm. The story is that the engineer, Is tho name of the little river near us?" size looked lirettvinuchallketome.tlirmiTl: No trouble to show goods. a man named Curtis, soon "Tin the Finn, your honor." "Are there I could see thai some seemed to be more Hiram Walker & after tho cook's many death, was attacked by the disease, and not fish In ltf" "There Isi your brilliant than others. Ho laughed a llttl honor." sort of that Gardiner, without any idea of the Je- "What fish?" "There do and said that ho found that comparatively suit, had caused tho doomed man to drink be throuts and eels, your honor." "Any few people were judges, but that a great Son's "Canadian H. E. SWcSWTYRE a glass of the rum. the salmonr" "There do be nn odd one." "Any many-wer- reluctant to own i& and either The Popular and Scenic BRO., What virtue of the white Route rum was as u remedy for the disease no troutf" "There do be a good lot of believed or pretended to believe that they one ever knew, engineer them." "Any thermometers?" "Them coum leu a genuine iiintnoml from tho best but the did not does Club" Whiskey. IMPORTERS AND DKALKUS IN die. Gardiner then dosed tho be there, too, your honor, lint they possible imitation and n good stone from n -- immigrants np IS I1V THE-- with it as they fell sick, and In several comes lather in the season than the bnd one. cases the victims were saved. white throuts." Seventy Years of Irish " "Such people," he said, 'buy diamonds Gardiner, at Life. the time he discovered the rum, discovered whenever they can bo made to bellevuthat E'cry bottle of which bears what he hadj-easo- to Sri- - they nro getting bargains, believe was the bmullness Kxtraonllimry, but as n rule Groceries, Provisions gin of the deadly disease. It was a barrel they puy more than they need to. Strictly Ccrtilicate of Age and the and Feed. or putrid Umi amoutT tho Immigrant stores At the Loudon falrof 1713 William Moss-ma- speaitiiig, mere is no sucn luing as n 'bar Wilder s Steamship Company's of which poisonous fowl some of the poor a jew eler, exhibited a shell of a com- gain' in diamonds, excepting in bnvlnir on. ol mon Barcelona nut containing Excise Seal the people uou eaten early voyage. a tea table, from somebody who Is ignorant or . in tlie ten board, careless East Corner Fort The propeller reached Milwaukee in the a dozen cups nnd saucers, a of tlio true value of what he bus, because a and Kinc.JJStiuets. sugar dish, a bottle, a 15 Dominion of eveniugr There were then 12 dead Swedes funnel, drinking uiamouu uas an intrinsic value as well de- - aboard, 'Hie captain sent for physicians. cups, 5 punch bowls, 10 rummers, a pestle lined ns that of gold. Canada. They decided the disease and mortar nnd two sets of ninepins, all of " 'However,' he continued, 'I that was some polished nm always Ai STEAMER KINAU. kind of fever usual in Bhlps where passen- ivoi. Boverlck, a rival trades- giau 10 meet anyuouy wno on man, soon is the look ' gers were closely quartered, but its exact afterward outdid the genius of out for bargains, becausu I generally man Pr,h??,HroC?,nS?'e,",,l i,y eVOry 1ttckpt tlio Extern States nm! Earom nature they could not determine. his fellow craftsman. Thlslast named art- age to sell them something price.' Fitted with Electric lights and Bells. Courteous and Attentive I .?r,l1'.1. 1WU eerK All orders faithfully nttcjutel io 3- - Thenews at atrood Service ;.f.unu gown uoiiverai to any jiart of filler. frey of the terrible state of alfairs on board the ist exhibited the half of a common cherry "Then he went on to tell mo that he only J. J. McleJicrs' the city of eharge. stone, from which he would take n table, """"ted. Satisfaction guaranteed. Alleghany was not slow in getting abroad carried the other stores as a sort of side- OIHce Boxori? Telcphone No. 92 13 chairs mlrro-neat- ly Tost No. 141 In the town. No one, not even the officers, with skeleton backs, a show. Once in n great while be would sell was allowed to remain anywhere in the city, framed, two dozen soun nlates. 0 n pearl or a ruby, but nearly nil bis busi : saucers, 13 spoons "Elephant" Gin, IZIiL nnd they were driven back to melan- and a dozen knives and ness consisted of sales of HILO tho a diamonds nnd choly surroundings on board. Next morn- forks, salt cups nnd figures of n lady ami watches. ing the authorities ordered tho propeller to euueuimi, wiiuin no seaieu at me table. "Ho kept on chatting, even after I linil move away from the dock nnd Doyle, the antiquarian, says: "Tills same satisfied him that I Intend Schiedam. out into the Boverick also didn't to buy lake. This w as done. made an ivory camel, perfect anything, and ho kept some of his parcels A new element then un- in an oi us parts, so small tuat it could eas- open for a considerable appeared in the ily time while he was I fortunate situation, and it for a time threat- be passed through the eye of a common slowly wrapping up the others. tie Kinau Leaves Honolulu Every 10 sewing needle; also Days ened serious trouble. The Swedes living six pairs of scissors so "I thought ot first that he seemed to be Yaughan Jones, small that they could nil l.e in and about Milwaukee made ac- hidden under careless about It, but as I watched ie the wing of fly, a gold him I quainted with the sad straits thtir a and chain of 200 noticed that lie never looked anywhere ex uiiKs, to wuicu padlock wcro in on board the Alle- h miniature nnd cepting either at his goods or straight In C. I. G. Scotch ghany, and they marched to the dock In a ivey were weiucu, yet all were of such mi my eye, and I could see that his vigilance TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS', nute dimensions unon LEMONADE W body. 000 strong. They sent wonl to Cap- that betas attached wns never reinxiu lor an CO;, to a flea that insect cosily dragged them to instnnt." tain Morrison that if he would run his ves- This description affords n very fair no- sel back to the dock they would prevent and fro across a pane of glass'." St. Louis tion of the business these peddlers Whiskey. Arriving at Hilo Thursday Sunday itepuuiic. dn. nnd and Moraines. any interference with his landing. For a there are more of them going around the tiino a riot seemed Inevitable, but a com- The Kaler's Contest With Ills I'ennle. world than most people have anv nnilnn nf i promise was effected by the authorities The stuff they Our Berlin correspondent saya ho lias take with them, too, is of making an agreement with Captain Mor- a Kiiiu mat it would be practically impos A. & G. Thompson's 23 no reason to change his opinion the A. Nuuanu, Honolulu, H. I. rison that he might land his passuigers on that sible to trace, for diamonds, even good next reichstag will , to' scows and have them towed to on old store- reject tho military siAeii uni-s- are nam 10 as a From Hilo the Miles bill. IIo identify, rule. Volcano3o house that stood on the outskirts of the has been traveling u good deal mcie nm cases, oi course, in wiileh some city. Three more deaths had occurred on ana ongiit to bo in touch with tlio people peculiarity of cutting or the accident of "lloyal Blend" the propeller pending this arrangement. Tho "classes" favor tho government pol great size renders Identification possible, Tho.lnimigrants, or the 65 that remained of icy, but tho "masses" do not. but the stones that could bo positively Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages, MANUFACTURERS OF " . the 150 Buffalo, that left were quarantined Hero is tho danger to imperialism, as 'wuiu suitic vvy rare. ew XOVK rvews. '., in Scotch .V? the storehouse, nnd the terrible disease wo have beforo pointed Whiskey. Si'i.KNDii) was got in hand without any further out. Tlio men Over a Macadamized Road, running most of who influence tho uiseo s, Uko Richter A flreatdalt L ilcn In Mliorlo. the deaths. Tho great l.tko way through a Dense Tropical Forest The wretchedness of the Immigrants was and Bcbel, nro keen, clever nnd auda- rait at Obdorsk is a ride alone " mues madeRtlll greater by the baseness of the cious. It is well known that socialism wiuo and 17 miles long, yet excopt .Tno. Jameson & Son's worth the trip. In it few places is HIGH GLASS BEVERAGES, man Jansen, who had them in charge. Be- and democracy nro it rolidly roofed over making giant strides v"' - fore the survivors of the plague were able m the fatherland, nil tho more reason with n deiiosit of salt which is getting Vto look dUap-peare- iiiiui.t-i- after their Interests Jaiiben Thy Emperor William should bo cau- .inn micKcr every year. X rind XXX taking with him the $100,000 be--. tions, just nnd above nil constitutional uur guide, who is nu old man, said longing to the party. He w as never heard in his limine coum when of af terwartl. acts. remember tho nail crystals first begun to gather upon ABSENT FROM , The young clerk, Gardiner, of the Our correspondent believes that tho flit HONOLULU 7 DAYS surfaco of. tho water.. i.,. . whose prescriptions Emr-- kaiser will inako tho mipouulur bill Vor..... y Irish Whiskey. Lemonade, Soda of New owing to the jvaii Water, land rum undoubtedly saved several of the law by liis ipse dixit. Then will come evaporation of tho water, stricken from death, among them Curtis, tho tug of war on tho financial question iimir.isuus moro numerous and JX. then caked T I C X , the engineer, is now one of the most con- how is the money to bo raised to riav together till this great roof E s Ginger Ale, Hop Ale, spicuous and wealthy of the citizens of for tho increase in the array? inriueii. 1B78 INCLUDINC Cleveland, of which city he has been sev- Thero is no getting over tho fact that In tho water beneath this Ball & ALL EXPENSES, eral times mayor. Buffalo Cor. New York crystal roof Mitchell Co.'s Sun. tho army is quite large enough for pres- found an underground out Sarsaparilla', ent purposes. Tho Grand Dukoof Baden let into tho River Obi. This lmiwi.i n recently said that experience proved one lake's surfaco about threo feet, leavina For flie Round DtacoTflrcr of tlin Old World. Trip, Fifty Dollars. obtains better results from tho excellence umi. uioianco ueiween tlio water and tt "Cruiskeen Lawn" Plain Soda, A principal of one of tliu grammar schools of an rooi. In Savannah, old time nriny than from its quantity. Thii an Irish pedagogue, tiooKing down throuirb mm nf relates an incident which Is well worthy of is anotner tact nam to get over. New For Further Information, Cam, openings i. . -k at the Oitick. repetition and l orlc Herald. m.ido for tho purposo in thf a. r r. ' Is indicative of the aptness roof, wo Irish Whiskey. corner rori ano yticcn Streets. of the Irish youth. taw si low sided tumii i,t One day while he was Instructing his Femininity of a Canoe, Our guido put us ono at n tlmo Into the class In geography bishop of dio- A canoe is considered by many to b more boat. Wo lay flat on our the the decidedly back and cese happened in, and, as is the custom, pro- feminine than any other craft. IUU1.CII up nt tno She Is coy, curiously beautiful salt pounded she lias pretty little coquettish ceiling oyerhe.nl. bed-roc- ',4 some questions to the scholars. Wo propelled tho boat JS'T'Goods sold at k "What parts of the globe comprise the old j , mi i sue is u store oi perpetual sur- by pushing with our prises. "Beware, take care; she Is fooling hands against the ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL, nnd the new worldf" was readily and cor- uiegiiiariiies oi mo roof. figures, and a liberal discount rectly answered, and when asked who was lueei barsapanlla and Perhaps because she is Tho guide held a I0113 ropo " discoverer of the new one power-fu- l n kindred spirit attached to &. the world the canoe tho boat to allowed for Cash. ' PETER HICH, CO. Proprietors. chorus nnsivered, "Christopher Colum- is particularly oduptcd to wom- provent our going toofarnnd bus." an's use. A canoe must be maile a friend, getting lost a thing he snld it was easj OfVicb Miia on Alakea anil Iron Water, and lie and Richards, near Queen St., Honolulu "How, my little men," said the bishop, it cannot driven, but must be led. to do. 11DTII ti:i,i:i'iio.ni:s have told me A canoe Is o shy water Bnrlle: anv v.olent Many springs "you who discovered the new surround this lake. . world, but can any of you tell me who or suimen acuon inglitens licr, and If she is Their water flows i. iiox not. Seltzer Water, displeased over tho roof and MOULDINGS, DOORS, - the old world!" she throw one overboiud. Bos evaporates lM-t- SASH, BUNDS, SCREENS;- FRAMES, ton Auvertiserj. thero, and thus continually A dead silence for n few seconds, when a adds to its thickness. After many TURNED AND SAWKD etc., - little chap named Mahoney, tho son WORK, ETC. etc., etc. of a Sayiiie a 1'ruver Tor tho springs will probably become thoemalfer, held up his hand. Illm.elf. choked -- Itobble boy 8. with tho'r own deposits, (Bell, 498. "Well, my little man," said the bishop. Little, a of never foriretsin and then the Attention TIU.UPHONES: say his prayers. Not long airo he had Inst. whole will ffrudtially bocoiuo covered" HONOLULmRON-WORK- S. Prompt taatl Orders. (Mutual, 55, in us nave your answer," i..t..i..i t .1 - Uhe surprise of the teacher and buhop umoueu jinking, wiien on mamma re-- with earth, ir?id so n great salt initio will can be imagined when the youngster rtl 'i","!.', Lavo " bo formed n treasniu for tim Trv ''4 "Truu ? niM..,. plied in n voice showing confidence In his h"f,"jl0,, prayed for Hundreds of yeara to come Steam Kcgah .br?.tller 1 tot..,""' (W Excises, Mills, IIoilkiw, Answer. "Adam and Eve, my lol."-Sav- an- olll Now. I think I hud graphical n. better put In n fling Mne;aio. BEATER 8ALOON. C. B. COOPER, M. D., nan i'ress. for myself." New Or Cooutny, liioif, jiiiAsa and I.kad A leans I'icnyune, - Trial Order .t tijie r minted. Curfew ltevlx d In Canada, Cabtinos. Fort Street. Opposite Wilder & Co. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Solicited Ca-r- ie May used to bo fond of lan- The old cuHtoin of il.iwnrf,. guages used gay she hoped mar- DearClrln. Ix't'ii and to to itlii.stnteil in tliu vlllamc and tmpn OKF1CE, MASONIC TEUTLE, ry some great "Don't you think Leila's complexion of Canada, H. J. NOITE, PropT. . linguist, and here she has is in itccordanciMvItu an net nans! Machinery of Every Description' Made lovely?" said one Itu-- to gone nnd married old Itockohy Scadds. dear gill toouother. at this nekdlon of parliament. This Corner Hotel nnd Alakoa First-Cla- Lunches fcurved with Tea, ColToe, Btrects. Millie Then her hones have been fnl. les. iuarsone thiuir I lulmlra lnf new act u not ijuilo no ktrlct m the old one, Order. Particular attention paid to Bblps jt.'flllod. She always buy BoJa or Milk, Office Houiwi 10 to 12 a. ro.,2to4 p m BENSON, SMITH She money, the best - requires Water, ainger Ale & has married nnd it ?"'.. iu the uiar- It that all children under IT ah.li i 7 to 8 p.m. CO., in languages!-?- - xeu -v- aMDaton star. niacksmitblng. Job work executed at Short Sundays: 0:30 to 10;.')0 a. ni. "can jalk all be off the etreet at 0 o'clock, the bow of Rcqulsltss a ' I pf tfTSmokers' Specialty, tSTTKLEriiONEDt Mutual 1W '' the rioidnc the curfeir. - upen t a.m. IU from till p,ul Ilesldence: Mutual 490. AGENTS,