P A A A A S Aft AA A A AArfftAA rt AV) FUBLHHKD J '1 HtOiRI uvtinv Artr.nwoov . J I'lfTY (JUNTA A MONTH J" t HUN IN AHVAMII!. I ;XCI5PT DAY. THE HAWAIIAN STA fVOL II. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 12. 1S94 NO 245 GH1N11AUM - W. II. , CASTLK. M. S. & CO. BISHOP & CO., THE HAWAIIAN fttigaaKe Made by Wnnteii. '".OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Limited. Pacific Mail S. S, Co. Criterion Saloon Snyt Max Miiller in 8cltnccot Iingnairc: 4 Establlslieil In 1H33. The influence) ATTORNEY AT I.AW. HONOLULU, II. I. of women on the lanLiiajo of AOISNTS FOR A inch Keneratlon tn much Ofllce, Cattwrlght Il'ldg. N Krcater than that Commission Merchnnt nnd Imjwrters AND THU- - BANKERS. 1) of men. of General Merchandise. IIo.Not.VLt;, Hawaiian Islands. Wo very proiierly call our language In John Wieland Brewing Co Gerumny our mother tifTiRUe, for'lt Is from J. ALFRED MAGOOlt. San Francisco Offlce, SIS Front Bt. DRAW our mothers we learn It, OOVr.ItNMKNT OF THH Occidental I Oriental S. S.Co. EXCHANGE ON thnt with nil Its iPBOVIskoNAI. COMPANY. peculiarities, faults, idioms nnd ncccnts. ATTORNEY ami COUNSELOU-AT-LA- THE EM OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS; EXTRA Hiu superior facilitioa for ImjiiiR nnd Cicero maid: Ofllce, 42 Merchant Street, AND TtlEin AIIEKTS IN rcH iii; Micli nml Itoiiitv nnd in "It makes a jrreat difference whom we HAWAIIAN IM.AWW. New hear nt homo every day nnd ith whom we II. I, York, Chicago, Boston, Paris, a position to linndlo large blocks of Honolulu, IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. fpeak as boya and how our fathers, our n MESSRS. N, 1.1, ROTHCHILD & SONS, L0ND3H, Pale Lager Beer stock, 1'ayiiiK cnsli for snif.o; or will nnd our mothers apeak. Wo read the MERCHANTS. Coimnlf-Mon- . FRANKFOltT-ON-TIIE-XIAl- sell upon ltttcr of Cornelia, the mother ot the Grac- Mi Honolulu, chi, r.nd It la char from them that her sons J. MONSaiRRAT. Fort Street, Rteamein of tlie nouve Comanles will call The Union National Dank of t'hlengo. Hull IM1111I11II011 Sliii'U run be Tie Commercial llaiikinK Co. of Hyitney, , Per Australia. nrro hrouaht up not In the Inn, hut, so to on way tlie above ports disposed of by tin in lnrj;" or amall lota In s. -- at Honolulu their in Iiilon. fay, tho cry breath and siKfch of their llxRCVTim COUSCII- -. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY '. O, Hnx7, ' Telephone Jl. The Commercial Hanking Co. of Bydney, mother." " on nr about tlie following dates: nt fair priccn. Bydney. Tlie Hank of New Zealand, Hut this to nut all. Danto aecrlbed the - H.' llT jiSte, )remjnt at the 1'rolv'aUmal rmu.te. LEWIS & CO. Auckland, and Its branches In A Funsii iNVrticr. Cai.ikok- - of ntioii8 Sttnr "CHINA" Feb. , 1894 Christ of Sure Di'txull i:.( first attempts ut iUg the vulgar tinj;uo In of the Hawaiian Isbuirts,Hnd Honolulu". church, Diineilln and Wellington. - Cnrtwright Block, Merchant fit., IMPORTERS. March fi, 1894 sizes for tlie aiifn keeping of nil sorts of Italy for literary composition to the allcnt Minister of Foreign Affair.--- , Htmr "OCEANIC".... The Bank. of Ilritl.li Columliia, I'ortland, Or. Oyhtkrs. Naval Supplies. Wholesalo and Retail 1894 The Arores and Madeira Islands, nia valuables, rented nt rensonalilo rnten, Influcnco of Indies who did not understand J King, Minister of tlut Interior. Stmr "CHINA". Apnl 10, the language. f: Finance. M. In Stockholm, Bnnleii. 8. M. Damon, Mlnlsterof F. WAKEFIELD. Dealers Groceries, Provisions, etc. The Chartered Dank of India, Australia ami Silver Vnr! nml Valuable Sow this vulgar Italian, before It became, W.O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l. on n Ioiik tho COUNSELOK-AT"-LA- Fort St., Honolulu, II. I. China. Article taken stonigo for literary language of Italy, held very ATTORNEY and Ill Hongkong, Yokohama ,Tamn. trans- Oyster Cocktails a Specialty And or short period. much the name position there as the so Tempohaiiv For SAN FRANCISCO. act a General Banking Business. called I'rnkrlt dialects In India, and these Aovisouv Council orricc & L, I'ropV. With C. W. Asliford, .Merchant St.. CHR. HERSKIHD J. McMEEKIN. H. Dii, Apply fur parliculnm to Prakrit dialects first assumed a literary ltonnlulu. H. I. THE HAWAIIAN SAKK DIU'OSIT position In tho Sanskrit plays w hero female F. M. Hatch, of the PIANO TUNERS AND TEACHERS, Btrnmem of the Above Companies will call CfASTLE characters, both high and low, are Intro- the Hawaiian Inlands. & COOKE, AND INVESTMENT .O. duced as Prakrit Instead of tho M. PHILLIPS ft CO. - at Honolulu on their way from IIonKcotiff And Sanskrit Drown, E. D. Tenner, Penhallow IIouso, Beretanla Street. Co. ids Foiit Sutr.KT, Honolulu. employed by kings, noblemen nnd priets. John Nott, C. Ilolle, Wholesalo Importers and Jobbers of Yokohama to tho above port on or ttbout tno lub Stables Here, then, wo see the languago of wom- tSMutual Telephone 614. LIFE AND FIRE 18Mf Joh'n Ena. W. F. Allen. following (latest S. F, GRAHAM, en, or. If not of women exclusively, nt all Waterhouse. AMERICAN EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. Manackk. events James F. Morgan, Henry k Lessons given on Piano for Beginners and of women nnd domestic servant, Ed. Sllhr, A. Youmr, Stmr .Feb. 12. 1804 gradually entering Into the literary Idiom, Corner Fort nnd Qu-e- She., Honolulu. Practical i'lnjers. "OCEANIC... Staples. J, P. Mendonca, W. C. Wilder. H7tr Stmr "CHINA" March 20, 1894 ivery, antl Sale Waterhouse and in latter .times even Mipplnntlng it al- John Emmeluth. Tuningonler will lie promptly attended to. Insurance Agents. M together, for It Is from tho I'rakrlt.'nnd not Stmr "GAELIC" May 14, 1894 . C. T. Kodgers, Secretary Executive and Ad- 17I-l- I'ort Street, Ilclwceii Holcf from tho literary Sanskrit, that tho modern visory Councils. C. B. JUI'LEY. vernaculars of lmlln branched oft In course 1-- anil llcrctania. Queen Street Stores, ot time. CKAS. F. PETERSON, Through a thousand smaller channels the Suprtmk OonnT. Architect. 4. RATES OF PASSAGE ARE FOLLOWS. AGENTS roll Idlomsof w6meiieveryn Okficb New Safe Deposit Hiiildlng. JS Both Tklwhonks No. 477, l'ULL LINKS OP here find ndmls'iou Honolulu, II. I. luto the domestic conversation of the whole - family s Hen. A. F.Judd, Chief Justice. TYPEWRITER, CONVEYANCER AND MBW UNdl.AM) MUTUAL CONNECTED WITH HACK STAND nnd into the tmbllo of their Plan. Stvrlflratlnn nml Snncrlntemlencc TO TOKO-- TO Hon. It. F. Mckcrton, First Associate Justice. assemblies. The greater the ascendency of git en for cvrry ileMT.ptinn ot llulldtng. KONO Cor. KinR nnd Iletliel Sta. Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery Hon.W. E. Frcar, Second AssoclateJustlce. Old Iluildlnirs succepsfullv remodeled and NOTARY PUBLIC. tho female element in hociety.the greater Cabin CO $173 00 tholnlluencoof their language on lan- Henry Hinlth. Ohlef Clerk. enlantpil. $1M Life Co. BOTH tho iifHigns ror interior jipcorniiOiii Cabin, trip 4 Insurance TELEPHONUS NO. 113. guage of u family or 11 clan, 11 village or n George Lucas, First Deputy Clerk. Matnnr Mechanical Drawiiw. Tracine and Olllco over Bishop's Hank. round AND Second Deputy Clerk. mouths 223 00 213 50 town. 1 C. F. Peterson, Dltienrlntlnc. OF Drawings ror hooks or ewpnper mus-ratlo- Cnbln, round, trip 12 BOSTON. J, Walter Jones, Stenographer. f A Society 3fan's S. month 20! H 816 2T, lrrillcninent. J. EMERSON, CHAS. HTJSTACE, FANCY GOODS A very amusing story has just reached ClIlCUIT JUOOES. Kuropean Steerage....... 83 00 100 00 M. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, of all ilescriptinnn. me concerning 11 prominent young society II. LOHEIDE, iNXor.N Block, Kino Strkist, man who has Just returned from Chicago. Circuit:' 11. E., Cooper, W. A. Whiting, .ETNA First omen or He boarding at the homo ot SIGN mid ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. fit?-F- Freight anil Passage apply In wits relutlves Oahu. With W. E. Between Fort nnd Alnken Rta. while there, and as largo crowds came : Kepolkal. Roweix, Second Circuit A, N. DELI. TELEPHONE 187. FIRE flocking In during the last week lie was so Third and Fourth Circuits S. L. Austin. At Ofllce of rublle Works. H. HACKFELD & CO., DBALEIl IN accommodating as to glvo his t3?All Orders Promptly Attended to. :u-t- ( up room and Circuit: Hardy. 11 inoru-lngh- Fifth J. 04-t- Fort sleep 011 sofa in the parlor. Ono mil f Street Store Court-roo- AtrcntH. Offices and In Government INSURANCE CO. Groceries and Provisions. overslept himself, nnd as Ills door llulldlng, Kin S'reet. Sitting In Honolulu ! was unlocked wlint was his LEWRRS. C. M. (.00 KK, P. L0WRRV surprise to First Monday In February, May. August and ROOT. J. OF HAUTFOUD, CONN No. IO. find three pretty Louisville young women November. Fresh California Roll Butter and Island enter the room. He had prescucaof mind LEWERS & COOKE, Butter always on hand. IN ADDITION TO THIS LAKGK AS- - enough to roll under thosofn nnd back Into District Coonr. tit i a dark corner before they turew.open the Canadian-Anstralia- u SORTMKNT OP shutters. Hut, although ho had tucked him- Lumber, Builders' Hardware, self away, he linil neglected to hide his S'ntlon Building, Merchant Street. INSURE Police Fresh Goods tcccivcd )' every Stctwiet clothes, which were thrown ncrosa a rock- A. Q. M. Itoberlson, Magistrate. Thos. G.Thrum's DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, IN THE DRY AND FAECY GOODS ing chnlr. The girls saw the clothes, rout hut, James Thompson, Clerk.'- Steamship Line J Ann rrancisco. believing they had leen left there accident- PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, HAVE JUST RECEIVED ally by the lady of the house, thought noth- ISf" HATtSFACTIOX GUAIIANTKED. EJ ing about them began lively BOOK-STOR- German-Americ- and a chat Dbpartmest oc Fohkion ArrAins.
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