Matters Arising
Nature Vol. 278 15 March 1979 281 matters arising Holocene reef growth available figures for growth rates at 30m 1. Lighty, R. G., Macintyre, I. G. & Stuckenrath, R. Nature 276, 59~0 ( 1978). on the edge depth there is certainly subjective evi 2. Macintyre, I. G. & Glynn, P. W. Proc. 7th Caribbean Geo!. dence that they are slow. There are com Con{. Guadeloupe, 14 (I 97 4 ). of the Florida Shelf monly <2m of 'frame' projecting above 3. Adey, W. H. Atoll Res. Bull. 187, 1-67 (1975). 4. Easton, W. H. & Olson, E. A. Bull. geol. Soc. Am. 87, the sand surface. In effect, relief from 711-719 (1976). 5. Goreau, T. F. & Gorcau, N. I. Bull. mar. Sci. 23, 399-464 LIGHTY ET AL. I have raised several present-day surfaces in these depths is no (1973). important lines of speculation concerning gre.ater, and may perhaps be less, than on 6. Goreau, T. F. & Land, L. S. Soc. econ. Paeleont. Miner. the growth of reefs in the Florida and the 'inactive' structures to the north. Spec. Pub/. 18,77-89 (1974). 7. Newell, N.D. & Rigby, J. K. Soc. econ. Paeleonr. Miner. Bahamas areas and elsewhere in the Thus, it seems reasonable to assume Spec. Pub/. 5, 15-79 (1957). Caribbean. The principal contribution of first that surfaces which could have 8. Shinn, E. A. J. Sed. Petrol. 33,291-303 (1963). 9. Ginsburg, R. N. & James, N. P. Geotimes 18, 23-24 these authors has been to show an supported active coral growth at a time of (1973).
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