Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges ’s Self-Image - The New York Times 8/9/15, 5:42 PM

ASIA PACIFIC Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image

MAY 29, 2015 The Saturday Profile


TOKYO — WHEN Ariana Miyamoto was crowned 2015, participants said she stole the show with a saucy strut, an infectious smile and a calm self-confidence that belied her 21 years. But it was not just her beauty and poise that catapulted her to national attention.

Ms. Miyamoto is one of only a tiny handful of “hafu,” or Japanese of mixed race, to win a major beauty pageant in proudly homogeneous Japan. And she is the first half-black woman ever to do so.

Ms. Miyamoto’s victory wins her the right to represent Japan on the global stage at the international Miss Universe pageant expected in January. She said she hoped that her appearance — and better yet, a victory — would push more Japanese to accept hafu. However, she said, Japan may have a long way to go.

Even after her victory in the national competition, local journalists have had a hard time accepting her as Japanese.

“The reporters always ask me, ‘What part of you is most like a Japanese?’ ” said Ms. Miyamoto, who has the long legs of a foreign supermodel, but shares the Page 1 of 5 Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image - The New York Times 8/9/15, 5:42 PM

same shy self-reserve of many other young Japanese women. “I always answer, ‘But I am a Japanese.’ ”

“I had hoped winning Miss Universe Japan would make them notice that,” she added.

That may yet take some time. After she won, some people posted messages online criticizing the judges for choosing someone who did not look Japanese.

“Shouldn’t the Japanese Miss Universe at least have a real Japanese face?” demanded one.

But even larger numbers of Japanese seemed to rally to her defense: “Why can’t a Japanese citizen, who was born and raised in Japan, just be regarded as Japanese?” asked one typical posting.

The child of a short-lived marriage between an African-American sailor in the United States Navy and a local Japanese woman, Ms. Miyamoto grew up in Japan, where she says other children often shunned her because of her darker skin and tightly curled hair.

That experience has driven her to use her pageant victory as a soapbox for raising awareness about the difficulties faced by mixed-race citizens in a country that still regards itself as mono-ethnic.

“Even today, I am usually seen not as a Japanese but as a foreigner. At restaurants, people give me an English menu and praise me for being able to eat with chopsticks,” said Ms. Miyamoto, who spoke in her native Japanese and is an accomplished calligrapher of Japanese-Chinese characters. “I want to challenge the definition of being Japanese.”

HER self-proclaimed mission has raised eyebrows at a time when race relations are receiving new scrutiny in Japan, which had long seen itself as immune to the ethnic tensions of the United States.

The Fuji Television Network’s plans for a musical show featuring singers in Page 2 of 5 Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image - The New York Times 8/9/15, 5:42 PM

blackface was canceled only after pressure from antiracism groups. A right-wing novelist and former adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also raised hackles at home and abroad for advocating apartheid-style segregation of races.

However, many here see Ms. Miyamoto’s victory as proof that Japan is slowly embracing a more multicolor image of itself.

With outright immigration still restricted to a trickle, much of Japan’s new diversity comes from the ethnically mixed children of marriages between Japanese and foreigners. These hafu — a term that comes from the English word “half” — have gained increasing social prominence, especially in sports and on television.

Japanese of mixed race also account for a small but growing portion of the overall population: According to the Health Ministry, some 20,000 children with one non-Japanese parent are now born here annually, about 2 percent of total births.

“Ariana gives us another opportunity to challenge the old assumption that you have to look Japanese to be Japanese,” said Megumi Nishikura, a half Japanese, half Irish-American filmmaker who is co-director of the 2014 documentary “Hafu.”

Ms. Miyamoto said it was a personal loss that motivated her to join the Miss Universe competition last year. She said one of her friends, a half-white American who was born and raised in Japan, hanged himself because he was tired of being mocked for being unable to speak English despite having non-Japanese features.

“He said there was nowhere where he felt at home,” Ms. Miyamoto said. “I thought that if I can win, I could prove that Japanese don’t all have to look the same. I could prove that this is our home, too.”

Ms. Miyamoto said she also endured slurs growing up in the gritty southern naval port of Sasebo, where her mother’s family raised her after her father left Japan when she was an infant.

In school, she said, other children and even parents called her “kurombo,” the Page 3 of 5 Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image - The New York Times 8/9/15, 5:42 PM

Japanese equivalent of the N-word. Classmates did not want to hold her hand for fear her color would rub off on them.

“I used to come home angry at my mother,” Ms. Miyamoto recalled. “I’d ask her, ‘Why did you make me so different?’ ”

She said everything changed at age 13 when she decided to reach out to her father, who invited her to his home in Jacksonville, Ark. She said she will never forget the moment she first saw her father and his relatives.

“They had the same skin and the same face as me,” she said. “For the first time, I felt normal.”

She said that in the United States, she came to speak of herself as black. But here in Japan, she still calls herself hafu. As Miss Universe Japan, she has played down her African-American roots, presenting herself instead as a representative of ethnically mixed Japanese from all backgrounds.

BUT experts on pageants say it is precisely because she is half black that she has gotten so much attention. They said her victory had overturned an unspoken hierarchy among hafu, in which those with lighter skin color have long been celebrated as the most beautiful.

“Ariana is the most talked-about Miss Universe Japan ever,” said Stephen Diaz, the Japan-based reporter for Missosology, a website that covers pageants. He said Ms. Miyamoto dominated a contest that required contestants to show off their dance moves and don elegant evening gowns, in addition to the obligatory bikini competition.

“I mean, we were all thinking, this is Japan. They’re not going to crown a black girl,” he said. “But then she was so far above the other contestants.”

While Ms. Miyamoto credits her visit to the United States with making her comfortable with her black ancestry, she said her time there also taught her that she is Japanese. Page 4 of 5 Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image - The New York Times 8/9/15, 5:42 PM

She spent two years with her American family, enrolling at a local high school. But she soon faced difficulties fitting in. Frustrated by her lack of native English skills, and treated as a foreigner by white and black classmates alike, she found herself growing homesick and pining for Japanese food unavailable in rural Arkansas.

“I was born and raised in Japan, so this is where I belong,” she said.

SHE eventually went back to Sasebo, where she drifted for a time, never finishing high school and working instead as a bartender. She hopes that winning Miss Universe can be her break into a modeling career that could help her earn enough money to attend college in the United States.

“Ariana has a personal story that other Miss just don’t have,” said Maki Yamaguchi, a contestant in the 2014 Miss Universe Japan pageant who now helps advise Ms. Miyamoto. “She is a beauty queen with a mission: to eliminate discrimination.”

A version of this article appears in print on May 30, 2015, on page A4 of the New York edition with the headline: Biracial Beauty Queen Challenges Japan’s Self-Image.

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