
DAILY Volume 1 Number 9. Greeneville, Tenn., Saturday Afternoon, April 6, 1918. Ten Cents A Week.

ll O ... 71 ffl) f A A Raging Jp3 liiiiary ixpsns CIaim That The Germans Will Be Checked And Driven Back BRITISH ARMIES IN , April 6. Heavy fighting is Atlanta Launches 90,000 Prisoners Four Minute Men Five Killed for the possession of railway embankment. developing Big Campaign Are Claimed Are Called Into When Vessel In the region of Albert the Germans are hurling great masses of troops forward. At 5:30 this morning thenemy was seen ad- By Germans Action For Loan Blows Atlanta, Ga., April 6. Atlanta Up in waves. Vast numbers of Germans are falling on vancing launhced the Third Liberty Loan cam- British Battle is Berlin, April 6. (Via London.) "Four minute men" speakers" to British bayonets or being shattered by guns. paign with the greatest military page- Elizabeth City, N. JC., April 5. Ninety thousand prisoners and more still raging. ant in the city's history. Ten thous give momentum to the Liberty Loan Five men were killed and wreckage than 1'300 un9 have been and troops from Camp Gordon, Fort captured rive and create enthusiasm among and cargo hurled over adjacent build- 6.- - b? the Germans in their offensive on WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, April McPheraon and other parts marched. the masses will be called into action ings when the steamer Annia blew , the western front up to the present, at her dock here after Monday in all parts of the country. up today just fays the German official communi- from Norfolk. The vessell With the battle in full swing, the American army is un- This phase of the propoganda work is arriving again No Overtures cation issued into today. one most was loaded with flour and sugar and usually busy on the anniversary of America's entrance the of the extensive features of The communication adds that the the cause of the explosion remained) Much cannot now be described for military reasons. .It For Peace the program and is expected to pres- war. Germans gained successes south of t. mystery tonight. before much can be said ent the issues and needs of the sit- will probably be several days regard- the and on both sides of Mar- - nor- uation directly to the greatest vol- ing the activities in . The Toul front is quiet with Washington, April 6. Austria has euil Thursday and that British and ume of people. Secretary McAdoo War Exhibits Here mal fire. One German was killed in a patrol encounter nnt mud anv Hirort Avorfuroa th French reserves were repulsed in artillery asosciates min- c.-- storming attacks. and his say that four - tea- uxu- - night. . umtcu owl xui jjeate, ouxicu Thursday ituj ute men in the second loan campaign Next Wednesday cially the state department today. .. rendered invaluable services and MILITARY MEN SAY GERMANS WILL BE TURNED BACK. Killed By Log were responsible for much additional Everybody in the county should ar- Swedish Shipping cooperation that would have gone range to come to Greenevilel on next WASHINGTON, April 6. France and England at bay be- Rolling Off Car misdirected otherwise. Wednesday to see the exhibition of fore Amiens will stand off the Boche and turn him back. In the To Be Chartered war relics. The special train carry- of men here that the failure of the strong of- Bristol, April 6. Lonidas Moore, opinion military ing these relics, consisting of cannon, "that this which would mean the fall aged 34 years, employed at the A. New Price Is fenses before city at time, 6. One machine guns, parts of derigible bal- WASHINGTON, April M. Miller Lumber than the cap- Company, of this of Amiens, experts say would be more strategical hundred thousand tons of Swedish loons and every conceivable imple- -' city, was killed instantly in Bluff City Set On Coal ture of Paris. shipping is to be chartered to the ment of war now being used on the about 10 o'clock yesterday morning United States under the temporary great battle front in Francs will be ARTILLERY DUEL ON ENTIRE FR&NT VERY VIOLENT. when he was struck on the head by a wr' trade agreement complet-id- , here from 12:45 to 3:15 p. m., and it already log rolling from a car. Local Fuel Administrator Geo. C it was learned at the war trade board will cost you nothing to see them. announces that the new AMERICAN ARMIES 6. Violent Taylor price You will also have the privilege of AFIELD, April artillery Negotiations are under way for a war German -- on coal at the mines, with the recent 6eeing and hearing Wen higher up in duel, which presages an attack, is under way along the which usually fgreement trnder the country the of the nations af- Nevertheless Germans advance, will be $3.50. The advance management entire front South of Somme. the appar- charters for much more al gets tonnage fairs. They will accompany this cpe-i- Slaughter will increase from time to time ently are "planning a greater artillery concentration before risk- in return, ample supplies of food and likely train and will make short speeches and he again urges all citizens to lay here. ing a main drive toward Amiens. badly needed raw materials. Resumed in their supply during the present Remember the date, Wednesday,' month if April 10th. AMERICANS REPULSE GERMAN ATTACK. Oversubscribed By J. W. T. MASON. possible. (Written for The United Pre.t.) PARIS, April 6. German raids at Seuzy and Vauxles Their Quotas NEW YORK, April 6. Resump- 135 of Entire German Batallion Left tion von regions, where the American troops are located, were re- by Hindenburg of his slaugh- of Battle last the war office There has been ter of German power to feach Amiens After First Day pulsed night reported. ATLANTA, April 6. Over fifty Monchel. i3 playing the game of the allies. As bombardment at Also , and especially near counties and cities in the Sixth Fed long as General Foch is able to save Terrific Enemy Casualties Revealed in Document Found on eral Reserve District have oversub i Amiens and the Germans ATTACK ON TWENTY-MIL- E FRONT. prevent Teuton Officer "Good Old 51st Division Sticking to It Yet? GERMANS ccribed their Liberty Loan quotas, ac- from cuitting in the Amiens-Pari- s rail cording to an announcement made by Cheer Up!" Mesage of Foe Sent British. , of way every new assault ordered by LONDON, April 6. There were German attacks ""hairman Wardlow one hour after von Hindenburg must increase the in on a twenty mile frpnt North of Somme the was launched in WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE, 5. An strength campaign the evitable reaction in April interesting which were re- Germany against yesterday and this morning, repulsed, Haig South. Ga., claims hon document to the German casualties has been found on a German LaGrange, the blood lust of the Hohenzollerns. relating ports. . ors first, going over the top over their officer of the One Hundred and Fortieth of the Fourth The small gains made by the Germans Infantry Regiment e subscription eighty-fiv- thousand, in the last 24 hours ar Division. It records that on the second day of the offensive that out of GREAT FIGHT SAID TO BE SPEEDING UP. . t not worth nine nunarea aouars. nonors fcquai the casualties. The German losses in four companies in the battalion to which the office belonged there were - are claimed at West Point, where these are two three- BRITISH ARMIES IN FRANCE, April 6. Fighting is speed operations or then in line only three officers and fifteen officers and times the losses $20,000 over subscription is report- of British and French ' tonight, after fairly important clashes yesterday. Today men. i ing up ' who are on ninety ed. remaining the defensive. f the Germans occupy a wedge-shape- d ridge at Confluence, Noye : Foch's policy of caution is One of the most striking tributes to the bravery of the British was the end from where the main line of. railway from Paris to being Avre, st fully rewarded by General von Hin- - compliment tendered by the enemy to the famous Fifty-fir- Division, which Amiens ia in nlain sizht one mile and a half away. Southwest American Aliens denburg's ferocious recklessness. It was holding a section of the line in the vicinity of Demicourt, near the Ba- - after hours of bombardment, six di is of Albert Friday morning, for ai advantageous the allies to in paume-Cambr- road, on the first day of the battle, when the Germans surg- isions" of German to storm the railway em Are Interned cite the Hohenzollerns infantry attempted into there ever ed forward. The enemy attacked in a southeasterly direction under cover at Dernacourt. The' central attack fighting conthv increasing sacrifices of German bankment of the mists and outflanked the Ffty-fir- st in its initial rush. troops. Each destruction of Ger- ues. Norfolk, Va., April 5. Five en- a man The tremendous struggle continued at Doignies, which the Germans finally division at this time is a victory emy aliens believed to be dangerous, succeeded in the first It was here that a Brtish for the allies whether or not the Ger- taking day. officer fired a one of whom for several weekscircu-late- d mans gain a small additional area of thousand rounds from a machine gun before his legs were shot off by a big UNITED PRESS WAR REVIEW false reports of disasters on territory. The territory will certain shell. The British immediately counter attacked with infantry and tanks land and sea, were today started on ly be restored to the rightful owners and stormed their way through the shell-shatter- hamlet, which they held at the While awaiting heavy reinforcements of big guns be- their journey to the alien detention peace conference; but the mainly with machine guns until night, when the enemy aga:n surged for- peace conference will riot come until ward and - fore resuming their drive against Amiens, Hindenburg camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. All of recaptured Doignies. the blood-lettin- g of has with his the British Germany BATTLE EACH INCH OF WAY. v is battering away infantry against the men were held on presidential worked its cure. left center, between Somme and Ayette. Haig reported warrants. Von The Fifty-first.w- as forced to fall back because of the Hindenburg's renewed situation on its , this United Press drive heavy fighting morning. dispatches toward Amiens makes him once more flanks. It retired slowly, fighting every inch of the way. Thn Germans Simms this told of an scheme from describing fighting attempt the leech who is unconciously 'curing now introduced a new for advancing their troops. They blasted Amiens-Albe- Four Victories For rt to storm the embankment at of her 1II3. shell craters the of the Fifty-fir- st by the enemy Germany military along front and into these holes they V of General s railway, southwest the latter city, with a force of Foch's great purpose now dribbled their infantry, who found them good protection. American is to remain seventy-tw- o thousand men. The continued Flyers on the defen- The Fifty-fir- st reached fighting steadfastly Hermies, where a bitter fight was waged. The sive, holding his lines when Simms filed cable today. Simms said fighting for further Ger enemy made a frontal attack in three waves on March blood-lettin- 22, but the assault man g. was the South of 5. An official If this is done broke around Albert like fighting Somme, an Washington, April against the stone wall of resistance. The day the hold on successfully, Geeral Foch will enemy got J effort of to gain ground before re- from France have Morchies it was to be smashed Hindenburg higher dispatch today says that only out again by the Fifty-firs- t, won his right to be regarded as a gallant but, offensive on a scale. In their offensive one of the American the the Fifty-fir- st was suming major pilots recently great allied commander. despite successes, forced to fall back through Beuguy Amiens the Germans within 8 miles and then to and to against approached sent to the French front, Sergeant Bapume, finally the line between Puisieux and Mirau-mo- nt on the Southeast. Wood the Ger- on ' of the city says that Putnam, has already to his credit It doesn't hurt to tell the truth the 26th. in their once The mans were handicapped artillery concentrations four victories and a fifth which has in a while. Possession decreases division had been fighting for six days and was almost exhausted. the rains which have been since Thurs- the value of most man It was ordered to fall back to by heavy falling not yet been certified. everything a the Beaumont Hamel line, a little further , and which turned the shell-pitte- d battle field back craves for, a wife. of day, including west, but many the men could not walk, they were so tired from lack of

the lines into a morass but the French, with s'eep. came over the -- of railways Nature is a mean cuss. The more a We are very fond of dogs. But it .jjhen German side one of those little red ballooni h d their counter'concentration. Was which the enemy has been to already completed thin girl walks the thinner she gets. never intended by the Creator using carry out propaganda. The balloon was , , And the more a corn-fe- d girl walks that fuzzy dogs should live in cities shot Wn and here is the message it contained: . V; ; ''" the fatter she gets. where toft coal is burned. "Good, old Fifty-firs- t Division. Slicking to it yet? Cheer up."