across ROYSTON Issue 73 June / July 2021 £1.10 where sold The magazine of the Church of St. John the Baptist, Royston Parish Church, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion Produced by the Editorial Team:
[email protected] Printed by Hales Printers Royston 2 PRAYER FOR OUR Contents COMMUNITY Eco Church 4 Parish Letter 6 Loving God, we thank you for Good Friday 2021 10 your many blessings since our church fire. We ask that Prayer Corner 12 as the months progress we Conservation work on church 14 will stay united as your body. Protect us from distraction as Mission—28 Too Many 16 we seek to re-build your Children’s page 18 beautiful House of Prayer, and grant us courage to Just Hot Air 19 witness to your generous love to all whom we meet. St. of month—St. Petroc 20 Amen. St. of the month—St. Swithun 21 Crossword 23 Memorial book Parish Registers 24 Newlings of Royston have Retirement 24 very kindly given a home to Contact Information 25 our Memorial Book. Sunday Services 26 Please feel welcome to visit Newlings (Fish Hill) to view The Lawrence Medal 28 the book and pay your Heath Watch with Holly 30 respects to a loved one. Produced by the Editorial Team:
[email protected] Printed by The PrintWorks, Bassingbourn, Cambs 3 .ECO CHURCH Royston Parish Church Eco Group Many thanks to all the readers that commented on my last article about environmentally friendly gardening, especially the one who invited me to his garden (as permitted by the newly relaxed COVID restrictions) to show me two ponds one with frogs and frogspawn and one with newts and a super wild patch for bugs and bees, I was so impressed, it put my efforts to shame.