BOROUGH OF (PROHIBITION OF WAITING AND LOADING AND PROVISION OF PARKING) ORDER 2001 th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 16 November 2001 Trafford Borough Council made an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of the Order will be to consolidate and revoke all previous Orders made by the Council in respect of the roads or lengths of road specified in the Schedules to the Order. 3`d The Order will come into operation on December 2001 and a copy of the Order, together with a copy of the Schedules to the Order and a copy of the Schedule of the previous Orders, which have been revoked, may be inspected, at the main reception desk at , Stretford, at Altrincham, Hale, Sale, Stretford and Urmston Libraries and at Trafford Direct, Tatton Road, Sale, during normal opening hours.

If you wish to question the validity of the Order, or any provision contained in it, on the grounds that it is not within the powers contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 or that any requirement of that Act or of any instrument made under it has not been complied with in relation to the Order you may, within six weeks from 16th November 2001 apply to the High Court for that purpose.

Dated: 19th November 2001

G. PICKERING Executive Director Economic and Community Regeneration Trafford Town Hall Talbot Road Stretford Manchester M32 0YX


Trafford Borough Council in exercise of its powers under Sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35, 45, 46, 47, 49 and 53 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (the Act of 1984) and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Act of 1984 and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police for in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act of 1984, hereby makes the following Order: 3rd 1 This Order shall come into operation on December 2001 and shall be cited as the Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001

2 This Order consolidates and revokes all previous Orders described in the schedule of revocations in so far as they apply in relation to stationary vehicles.

3 The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

4 (1) In this Order the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned.

"Act of 1984" means the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 .

"Act of 1991" means the Road Traffic Act 1991 .

"1994 Regulations" means the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994 and a reference to a traffic sign or road marking shown in a diagram in a Schedule to those Regulations is to a sign or marking of the size, colour or type prescribed by those Regulations and except where a particular version is specified, as shown in the diagram or varied in accordance with those Regulations;

"2000 Regulations" means The Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000.

"Ambulance" means a vehicle which-

(a) is constructed or adapted for, and used for no other purpose than, the carriage of sick, injured or disabled people to or from welfare centres or places where medical or dental treatment is given ; and (b) is readily identifiable as a vehicle used for the carriage of such people by being marked `Ambulance' on both sides .

"Authorised Vehicle" means a passenger vehicle or a goods carrying vehicle the overall height of which does not exceed 2.28 metres.

"Bus" means a vehicle which is constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver.

"Bus stop clearway" means an area within a specified length of road bounded by a road marking shown in diagram 1025 .1 or 1025.3 in the 1994 Regulations which includes the words "BUS STOP";

"Causes" includes permitting;

"Controlled hours" means those hours and on those days during which there are limitations on parking, waiting, loading and unloading.

"Council" means the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Trafford.

"Disabled person" means a person more than 2 years of age and falling within at least one of the prescribed descriptions in Regulation 4 of the 2000 Regulations.

"Disabled person's badge" means a badge in the form prescribed by Regulation 11 of the 2000 Regulations issued by a local authority for display on a motor vehicle driven by a disabled person, or used for the carriage of a disabled person and includes a replacement badge issued in accordance with Regulation 7 of the 2000 Regulations.

"Dispensation" means an authorisation in writing, issued by the Council, that entitles a named vehicle to park for a defined time in a parking place the operation of which has been suspended under Article 8 or in a restricted street.

"Enactment" means any enactment whether public general or local, and includes any order, bye law, rule, regulation, scheme or other instrument having effect by virtue of an enactment;

"Goods" includes goods or burden of any description .

"Owner" in relation to a vehicle means the person who is the registered keeper of the vehicle and in relation to a vehicle which is subject of a hiring agreement or hire-purchase agreement means the person in possession of that vehicle under that agreement.

"Parking Attendant" means a person authorised by or on behalf of the Council to issue Penalty Charge Notices and arrange for the removal and immobilisation of vehicles.

"Parking Disc" means a disc issued by a local authority capable of showing the quarter hour period during which a period of waiting begins.

"Parking Place" means an area on a highway described or designated as a parking place in a Schedule to this Order.

"Parking Space" means a space in a parking place that is provided for the leaving of vehicles.

"Parking Ticket" means a ticket issued by a pay and display machine on payment of the appropriate fee.

"Permit" means a permit issued by the Council in accordance with the Council's Conditions for the Issuing of Parking Permits for the time being in force .

"Relevant position" means exhibited on the dashboard or fascia of the vehicle, or, where the vehicle is not fitted with a dashboard or fascia, exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle, so that the front is clearly legible from the outside of the vehicle .

"Road" means any length of highway or of any other road to which the public has access, and includes any bridge over which a road passes .

"Taxi" means a vehicle licensed by the Council to ply for hire and does not include private hire vehicles.

"Taxi rank" means an area of carriageway reserved for use by taxis plying for hire.

"Telecommunications apparatus" has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications Act 1984.

"Vehicle" means a mechanically propelled vehicle.

(2) Any reference in this Order to a numbered Article shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to the Article bearing that number in this Order.

(3) The restriction or permission relating to a road or length of road described in the Schedule to this Order is indicated by the Code in Column 5 to that Schedule. The key to each Code is to be found at the end of the Schedule.

(4) Any reference in this Order to an enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended, consolidated, re-enacted by or as having effect by virtue of any subsequent enactment.

5 (1) Nothing in this Order shall render it unlawful to cause any vehicle to wait during the controlled hours for the lengths of road, on the side of the road referred to therein, or in any part of a parking place, if the use of that part has not been suspended, for a period no longer than is necessary for:

(a) a person to board or alight from the vehicle or load thereon or unload therefrom his or her personal luggage;

(b) goods to be loaded on or unloaded from a vehicle, where the vehicle is necessary for the collection or delivery of those goods, (except in those roads or

lengths of roads and during those hours where loading and unloading is prohibited) .

(c) a vehicle being directly used in connection with any of the following operations, namely:

the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

(ii) the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any of the said lengths of road or sides of road ; or

(iii) the laying, erection, alteration or repair in, or in land adjacent to any of the said lengths or sides of road of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telecommunications apparatus;

(d) a vehicle, not being a passenger vehicle, being used in the service of a local authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties provided that in all the circumstances it is reasonably necessary in the exercise of such powers or in the performance of such duties for the vehicle to wait in the place in which it is waiting;

(e) a vehicle being used for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Section 87 of the Post Office Act 1953;

(f) a vehicle to wait at or near to any premises situated on or adjacent to said side or any of the said lengths of road or parking place for so long as such waiting by that vehicle is reasonably necessary in connection with a funeral ; or

(g) the vehicle is an ambulance or is to be used for fire brigade or police purposes;

(h) a vehicle displaying a valid dispensation issued by the Council.

(2) Nothing in this Order shall render it unlawful to cause any taxi, to wait upon a taxi rank designated under s 63 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1972 while plying for hire.

(3) Nothing in this Order shall render it unlawful to cause a vehicle, to wait in accordance with the provisions contained in The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England and Wales) Regulations 1986 (SI 1986 No . 178) and any amendments thereto.

(4) Nothing in this Order will make it illegal for a driver of a public service vehicle to allow that vehicle to wait at a recognised bus stop, bus stand and timing point.

6 Every vehicle left in a parking place in accordance with the provisions of this Order shall stand so that its wheels are wholly within the parking place and it does not obstruct the premises adjacent to the side of the road on which the vehicle is standing.

7 During the period of operation of a parking place specified in this Order no person shall, without the written consent of the Council and subject to such conditions as the Council may from time to time decide, use any vehicle while it is in the parking place in connection with any commercial activities, or for the advertisement or sale of any article to persons in or near the parking place, or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his skills or services.

8 Any person duly authorised by the Council or the Chief Officer of Police for Greater Manchester may suspend the use of a parking place or any part thereof whenever he considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of:

(a) facilitating the movement of traffic; (b) promoting its safety; (c) preventing obstruction; (d) the undertaking of works in or adjacent to the parking place; or (e) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place.

9. Where a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant is of the opinion that any of the provisions of this Order have been contravened or not complied with in respect of a vehicle he may remove or cause to be removed the vehicle and, where it is so removed, shall provide for the safe custody of the vehicle.

10. Where a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant is of the opinion that any of the provisions of this Order have been contravened or not complied with in respect of a vehicle he may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with those provisions.

11 . A Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant may move or cause to be moved, in case of emergency, to any place he thinks fit any vehicle left in a parking place.

12. Where a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant is of the opinion that any of the provisions of this Order have been contravened or not complied with in respect of a vehicle he may wish to immobilise or cause to be immobilised the vehicle by fixing a device authorised by the Council for this purpose to the wheel of the vehicle.

Prohibition on Waiting, Loading and Unloading

13. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant cause any vehicle to wait nor allow goods to be loaded on or unloaded from the vehicle at the times and in the lengths of road so specified in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule.

Parking for Payment

14. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant, cause any vehicle, other than an authorised vehicle, to wait in any parking place in the lengths of road, and for the times so specified, in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule, and which are thereby designated as parking places, unless it is displaying in the relevant position a parking ticket valid for that parking place at that time, nor may a vehicle return to any parking space in the same parking place until after the expiry of the time specified for that parking place in the Schedule.

Parking without Payment

15. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant, cause any vehicle, other than an authorised vehicle, to wait in any of the lengths of road, and for the times specified, in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule, and which are thereby authorised for use as parking places, nor may a vehicle return to any such parking space in the same parking place until after the expiry of the time specified for that parking place in the Schedule.

Permit Parking

16. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant, cause any vehicle to wait in any parking place during the times specified for that parking place, in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule, unless it is displaying in the relevant position a permit valid for that parking place at that time.

Disabled Parking

17. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant, cause any vehicle to wait in any disabled parking place described in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule, unless it is displaying in the relevant position a Disabled Person's Badge.

Loading Bays

18. Save as provided in Article 5 no person except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant shall cause

any vehicle to wait other than to allow goods to be loaded on or unloaded from the vehicle in the lengths of road so specified in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule.

School Entrances

19. No person shall except upon the direction of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant cause any vehicle to stop or remain at rest on any of the sides of lengths of road, so specified in the Schedule to this Order as indicated by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule, between the hours and on the days specified therein except as may be necessary to avoid an accident or where he is prevented from proceeding by circumstances outside his control.


20. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a Parking Attendant cause any vehicle to stop at any time and in the lengths of carriageway specified in the Schedule to this Order as a Clearway as indicated as such by the code in Column 5 to the Schedule and nor on the verges or footways of those lengths of carriageway .

21 . The charges for on-street parking places and parking permits will be as described in the Borough of Trafford (Parking Places) (Charges) Order for the time being in force.

THE COMMON SEAL of TRAFFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL was hereunto affixed the day of November, 2001 in the presence of:-


ALTRINCHAM The Altrincham Corporation (Traffic Regulation) (No 3) Order 1948 The Borough of Altrincham (Traffic Regulation) Order 1950 The Borough of Altrincham (Traffic Regulation) (Regent Road) Order 1955 The Trunk Road (Various Streets Altrincham) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1959 The Altrincham Corporation (Traffic Regulation - Ashley Road) Order 1959 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Oldfield Road) Order 1959 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Woodfield Road) Order 1960 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Lloyd Street) Order 1960 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Sandiway Place) Order 1962 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Ellesmere Place) Order 1962 The Altrincham Corporation (Restriction of Waiting - Lloyd Street) Order 1962 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Lower George Street) Order 1962 The Trunk Road (Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1962 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Lloyd Street) Order 1964 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Kingsway) Order 1964 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Market Street) Order 1965 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Stamford New Road) Order 1966 The Altrincham Corporation (Prohibition of Waiting - Kingsway) Order 1966 The Altrincham Corporation (Greenwood Street and Pot Street) (Traffic Regulations) Order 1968 The Altrincham Corporation (Central Way and Regent Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966 The Altrincham Corporation (John Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 The Altrincham Corporation (Goose Green and Denmark Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 The Altrincham Corporation (Stamford New Road (East Side) Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1969 The Altrincham Corporation (Market Street, Post Office Street, Police Street and High Street) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Albert Place) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Manor Road) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Norman Road) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Delamer Road and St John's Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (St Vincent Street) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Moss Lane Altrincham) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Manor Road, Ashfield Road, Lloyd Street, Stamford Park Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Ashley Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Various Roads, Timperley Village) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Gladstone Road and Harcourt Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1970 The Altrincham Corporation (Thorley Lane and Mayfield Road Timperley) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The Altrincham Corporation (Cross Street, High Street, George Street, Shaws Road) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The Altrincham Corporation (Stamford New Road, Railway Street) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The Altrincham Corporation (The Downs) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The Altrincham Corporation (Wood Lane) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincahm Corporation (Delamer Road, The Downs, St John's Road) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (Park Road) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (New Street) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (New Street) (No 2) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (Devonshire Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (Deansgate Lane/Bradley Close/St Andrews Avenue) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (Wood Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Trunk Road (Manchester Road and Church Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting, Loading and Unloading) Order 1972. The Altrincham Corporation (Navigation Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Altrincham Corporation (Norman's Place) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (The Causeway Rear Service Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (Bentinck Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (Sinderland Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (Park Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (Devonshire Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (Milton Drive) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Altrincham Corporation (Peter Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Altrincham Corporation (Regent Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Altrincham Corporation (Sylvan Grove) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Trunk Road (Shaftesbury Avenue Lay By Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Altrincham Corporation (Park Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 THE COUNTY OF CHESTER The County of Chester (Various Streets Boydon) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1962 The County of Chester (Various Streets Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Amendment) Order 1964 The County of Chester (Ashley Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1969 The County of Chester(Hale Road and Wicker Lane, Hale Barns) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966 The County of Chester (Moss Lane and Central Drive Patington Bucklow Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 The County of Chester (Roads at Partington Bucklow Road) Traffic Regulation) Order 1969 The County of Chester (Old Road and Manchester Road, Carringtron Bucklow Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1971 The County of Chester (Various Streets, Hale UD) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The County of Chester (Various Roads in Hale UD) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The County of Chester (Various Streets Hale UD) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 The County of Chester (Various Roads in Bowdon UD)(Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) 1972 The County of Chester (Priory Road and Bow Lane, Bowdon UD) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 SALE The Borough of Sale (Marsland Road and Hope Road) Traffic Regulation Order 1962 The Borough of Sale (School Road area) Traffic Regulation Order 1962 The Borough of Sale (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1964 The Trunk Road (Sale and Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966 The Borough of Sale (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966 The Borough of Sale (James Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966 The Borough of Sale (Marsland Road, Georges Road and Wardle Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966. The Borough of Sale (Marsland Road, Georges Road and Wardle Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1966 The Borough of Sale (Brooklands Crescent) Traffic Regulation Order 1966 The Borough of Sale (Green Lane) (Unilateral Waiting) Order 1967 The Borough of Sale (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 The Borough of Sale (Town Hall Gyratory) Traffic Regulation Order 1968 The Borough of Sale (Harboro Way, Marsland Road, and Wythenshawe Road) (Traffic Regulations) Order 1968 The Borough of Sale (Broad Road and Woodlands Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 The Borough of Sale (Glebelands Road and Springfield Road) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1969 The Borough of Sale (Gratix Lane and Tatton Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1969 The Borough of Sale (Wharf Road) (Unilateral Waiting) Order 1969 The Borough of Sale (Various Streets) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1969 The Borough of Sale (Ashton Grove, York Road, Atkinson Road) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1970 The Borough of Sale (Northenden Road, Chapel Road, Leicester Road, Park Avenue and York Avenue) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1970 The Borough of Sale (Sale Moor Junction) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1971 The Borough of Sale (Various Streets) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1971 The Borough of Sale (Springfield Road and Sibson Road) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1971 The Borough of Sale (Mersey Road and Stanley Mount) (Traffic Regulation) Order 1971 The Borough of Sale (Dane Road) (part) Framingham Road (part) Oakfield and Winstanley Road (part) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Borough of Sale (Hayfield Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Borough of Sale (Broadoaks Road) (Prohibition & Restriction of Waiting) Order 1973 The Borough of Sale (Claremont Road, Curzon Road and Hereford Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Borough of Sale (Coppice Avenue) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973 The Borough of Sale (Eastway) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Borough of Sale (Barkers Lane and Westgate) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Borough of Sale (Woodlands Road) Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Borough of Sale (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974 The Borough of Sale (Northenden Road) (Prohibition & Restriction of Waiting) Order 1974 STRETFORD The Borough Council of Stretford (Traffic Regulation) (No 1) Order 1939 The Borough of Stretford (Traffic Regulation) (Amendment) Order 1951 The Borough of Stretford (Bennett Street) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1962 The Borough of Stretford (Kings Road, Quadrant) (Parking Place) Order, 1965 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Park Way Amendment) Order 1969 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Barton Road and Road Junctions Amendment) Order 1969 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (The Circle, Barton Road, Amendment) Order 1970 The Borough of Stretford (Barton Road) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1970 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order, 1968 (Trafford Park Streets Amendment) Order 1970 The Borough of Stretford (Chorlton Road and Moss Lane West) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1970 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Cyprus Street Amendment) Order 1970 the Borough of Stretford (The Circle, Barton Road) (Prohibition of Waiting and of Loading and Unloading) Order 1970 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Various Streets Amendment) Order 1971 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Darwen Street and Wright Street Amendment) Order 1971 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Various Streets No 2) (Amendment) Order 1971 The Borough of Stretford (Talbot Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1971 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Moss Road Amendment) Order 1971 The Borough of Stretford (Bus Stops) (Clearway) Order, 1972 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Kingsway and Pinnington Lane Amendment) Order 1972 The Borough of Stretford (Barton Dock Road and Park Way Slip Roads) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Brunswick Street & Third Avenue Amendment) Order 1973 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Chester Road Accesses to Stretford/Arndale Shopping Centre and Cyprus Street Amendment) Order 1973 The Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Barlow Road and Hornby Road Amendment) Order 1974 URMSTON The Urmston (Traffic Regulation No 1) Order 1947 The Urmston (Traffic Regulation No 2) Order 1947 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Traffic Regulation No 1) Order 1949 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Traffic Regulation No 2) Order 1952 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Queens Road) (Unilateral Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1959 The Urban District of Urmston (Gloucester Road) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1959 The Urban District of Urmston (Traffic Regulation No 1) Order 1960 The Urban District of Urmston (Ashburton Road) (No Waiting) Order 1961 The Urban District of Urmston (Church Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1961 The Urban District of Urmston (Westmorland Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1961 The Urban District of Urmston (Queens Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1961 The Urban District of Urmston (Stretford Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1961 The Urban District of Urmston (Flixton Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1963 The Urban District of Urmston (Richmond Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1964 The Urban District of Urmston (Davyhulme Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1967 The Urban District of Urmston (Various Streets)(No Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1967 The Urban District of Urmston (Church Road) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order (No 2) 1969 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Various Streets) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1969 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Gloucester Road and Various Roads) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1970 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Bowers Avenue - part) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1971 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Princess Road - Part) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1971 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Hilton Avenue) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1971 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Barton Dock Road and Park Way Slip Roads) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Flixton Road - Part) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1972 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Trafford Park, Mosley Road North) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 The Urban District Council of Urmston (Atkinson Road - Part) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1972 GREATER MANCHESTER COUNTY The Greater Manchester (Chorlton Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1974. The Greater Manchester County (Borough of Stretford (Various Streets) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1968 (Ayres Road Amendment)) Order 1974. The Greater Manchester County (Lostock Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1974. The Greater Manchester County (Stamford New Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1974. The Greater Manchester County (Ashfield Road and Curzon Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1975 The Greater Manchester County (Ashley Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Brookfield Avenue, Timperley) Prohibition of Waiting (Borough) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Denmark Road, Sale) (Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Elm Grove/Joynson Street and Sefton Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (John Street, Hereford Street, Wickenby Drive and Friars Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Langham Road, South Downs Road and Grange Road, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1975 The Greater Manchester County (Market Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Marsland Road and Walton Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Old Market Place/Albert Place/High Bank, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1975 . The Greater Manchester County (Sale Moor Junction) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County ( Road, Timperley) (Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Talbot Place, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1975. The Greater Manchester County (Cecil Road, Hale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Delamer Road and Cavendish Road, Altrincham) (Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Greenfield Avenue, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Groby Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Grove Lane, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Marsland Road, Hope Road and Brooklands Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Paddock Lane and Warburton Lane, Warburton) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Railway Road and Westbourne Road, Urmston) (Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Service Road at Rear of 14/32 Railway Street and 1/7 regent Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Service Road Fronting ) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1976 The Greater Manchester County (Service Road, Kingsway, Stretford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (St John's Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Stamford Place and Montague Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting and One-way Traffic) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Stockport Road and Aimson Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Various Roads, Stretford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Wharf Road and Earl Street, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1976. The Greater Manchester County (Access Road serving 424/440 Northenden Road and Sandford Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting by Heavy Commercial Vehicles) (Borough) Order 1977 The Greater Manchester County (Barton Dock Road and Redclyffe Road, Stretford/Urmston) (Clearway) (County) Order 1977 The Greater Manchester County (Birch Avenue and Botanical Avenue, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977 The Greater Manchester County (Brewery Street & Cross Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1977 The Greater Manchester County (Dale Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Friars Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Lisson Grove, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Moorside Road and Adjoining Service Road, Flixton) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and One-way Traffic) (Borough) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Orchard Place, Baker Street and Connecting Service Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and One-way Traffic) (Borough) Order 1977 The Greater Manchester County (Railway Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Sandgate Drive, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Skelton Road, Deansgate Lane, Canal Road and Park Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977 . The Greater Manchester County (Sylvan Avenue, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Various Roads, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting and One- way Traffic) (County) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Wharf Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Borough) Order 1977. The Greater Manchester County (Ashley Road, Hale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1978. The Greater Manchester County (Church Road/Chassen Road and Southgate, Flixton) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1978. The Greater Manchester County (High Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1978. The Greater Manchester County (Lyme Grove, Altrincham) (Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1978 . The Greater Manchester County (Market Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1978. The Greater Manchester County (Market Street, Altrincham) (Street Parking Place) (County) Order 1978 The Greater Manchester County (Park Road and Barton Road, Stretford) (Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1978 The Greater Manchester County (Stamford New Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1978. The Greater Manchester County (Stamford Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1978. The Greater Manchester County (Ashley Road/Park Road and Heather Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Church Road/Fairholme Avenue, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Hale Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1979 . The Greater Manchester County (Hereford Street/John Street, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Langham Road/South Downs Road/Grange Road/York Road, Bowdon) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Lay-bys Chester Road, Stretford) (Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Northenden Road, Sale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Service Areas Adjoining Brewery Street and Post Office Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Service Road, Chester Road, Stretford) (Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Service Road, Kingsway, Stretford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Stamford New Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Stockport Road and Thorley Lane, Timperley) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1979. The Greater Manchester County (Northenden Road, Sale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1980. The Greater Manchester County (Oakfield Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1980. The Greater Manchester County (Park Road/Hawthorn Avenue, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1980. The Greater Manchester County (Shaw's Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1980. The Greater Manchester County (Stockport Road/Oakfield Road/Osborne Road/Orchard Road/Clarendon Avenue, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1980. The Greater Manchester County (The Altrincham Corporation (Central Way) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1973) (Revocation) (County) Order 1980. The Greater Manchester County (Various Roads, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1980 . The Greater Manchester County (Barrington Road and Associated Side Streets, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1981 The Greater Manchester County (Charcoal Road/Woodhouse Lane/ Smithy Lane/ Oldfield Lane, Dunham) (Clearway) (County) Order, 1981 The Greater Manchester County (Curzon Road and Claremont Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading) (County) 1981 The Greater Manchester County (Green Lane, Ashton-on-Mersey) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1981 The Greater Manchester County (Green Lane, Ashton-on-Mersey) (Street Parking Place) (County) Order 1981

The Greater Manchester County (Wynnstay Road/Claremont Road, Sale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1981 The Greater Manchester County (Stamford New Road/Cross Street/Moss Lane, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading) (County) Order 1981 The Greater Manchester County (Springfield Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1982 The Greater Manchester County (Stamford New Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1982. The Greater Manchester County (A56 and Adjacent Streets, Manchester and Trafford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (No. 1) (County) Order 1983 . The Greater Manchester County (A56 and Adjacent Streets, Manchester and Trafford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (No. 2) (County) Order 1983 . The Greater Manchester County (A56 and Adjacent Streets, Manchester and Trafford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (No. 3) (County) Order 1983. The Greater Manchester County (A56 and Adjacent Streets, Manchester and Trafford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (No. 5) (County) Order 1983. The Greater Manchester County (Flixton Road, Urmston) (Bus Stop Clearway) (County) Order 1983 The Greater Manchester County (Hereford Street and Benbow Street, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1983. The Greater Manchester County (Hereford Street, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading/Unloading) (County) Order 1983 The Greater Manchester County (Moss Road, Stretford) (Amendment of Waiting Restriction) (County) Order 1983. The Greater Manchester County (Stockport Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1983 The Greater Manchester County (Urban Core) (Restriction of Waiting of Goods Vehicles and Buses) (County) Order 1983 The Greater Manchester County (Various Roads, Sale Moor) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1983 . Greater Manchester County (Pinnington Lane/Mitford Street Area, Stretford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Christie Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Goose Green, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Oxford Road/Hale Road/Ashley Road Area, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Park Road, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Urmston Lane and Ryecroft Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Various Roads, Urban Core) (Street Parking Places) (Amendment) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County (Various Roads, Urban Core) (Street Parking Places) (County) Order 1984. The Greater Manchester County(Curzon Road, Claremont Rd and Hereford St Sale)(Disabled Persons Parking Places) Amendment )(County) Order 1984 The Greater Manchester County (Talbot Road and White City Way, ) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1985 . The Greater Manchester County (Stamford New Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Amendment) (County) Order 1985 . The Greater Manchester County (Service Road/Service Area Off Lloyd Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1985. The Greater Manchester County (Park Road (B5165) Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1985. The Greater Manchester County (Denmark Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1985. The Greater Manchester County (Chorlton Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1985. The Greater Manchester County (Armitage Road/Pownall Road/Rostherne Street/Tipping Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1985. The Greater Manchester County (Chester Road, Old Trafford) (Bus Stop Clearway) (County) Order 1986 The Greater Manchester County (Lloyd Street Altrincham) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) (County) Order 1986 The Greater Manchester County (Lloyd Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (County) Order 1986. The Greater Manchester County (Park Road Service Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) (County) Order 1986. THE BOROUGH OF TRAFFORD The Borough of Trafford (Briggs Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Broad Road and Adjacent streets, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Broomfield Lane and Albert Road, Hale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Green Lane and Various Streets, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Grosvenor Square, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Revocation) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Moss Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Restriction of Loading and Unloading) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Oak Road and Adjoining Service Road, Partington) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading/Unloading) Order 1978 The Borough of Trafford (Park Avenue and York Avenue, Sale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading/Unloading) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Stanley Mount, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Trafford Bank Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Warwick Road and Warwick Road North, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading/Unloading) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Wellington Road and North Vale Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1978. The Borough of Trafford (Ashburton Road West and Guinness Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1979 . The Borough of Trafford (Barlow Road/Craven Road and Lee Avenue, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1979. The Borough of Trafford (Brooklands Crescent, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1979. The Borough of Trafford (Churchill Way and Trafford Park Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1979. The Borough of Trafford (Framingham Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1979. The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1979. The Borough of Trafford (Railway Road, Stretford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1979. The Borough of Trafford (Warwick Road and Warwick Road North, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading/Unloading) Order 1979 . The Borough of Trafford (Chorley Street, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1980. The Borough of Trafford (Christie Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1980. The Borough of Trafford (Deansgate Lane, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1980 The Borough of Trafford (Davyhulme Road East and Moss Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1980 The Borough of Trafford (Radnor Street and Trafford Grove, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Restriction of Loading and Unloading) Order 1980. The Borough of Trafford (Kings Road and Darnley Street, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1981 . The Borough of Trafford (Mersey Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1981 . The Borough of Trafford (Wickenby Drive, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1981 . The Borough of Trafford (Avondale Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1982. The Borough of Trafford (Britannia Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1982 The Borough of Trafford (Bus Lay-by at the Junction of Lloyd Street and Armitage Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1982. The Borough of Trafford (Carver Street, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) (No. 2) Order 1982. The Borough of Trafford (Cecil Road, Hale) (Taxi Stands) (Amendment of Waiting Restriction) Order 1982 . The Borough of Trafford (Service Road to the Rear of 31-45 Oxford Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1982. The Borough of Trafford (Atlantic Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1984. The Borough of Trafford (Flixton Road, Urmston) (Taxi Stands) (Amendment to Waiting Restriction) Order 1984. The Borough of Trafford (Park Road, Whitefield Road and Broadway, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1985 . The Borough of Trafford (Queens Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1984. The Borough of Trafford (Richmond Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1985 . The Borough of Trafford (Service Road to the Rear of 31-45 Oxford Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Amendment) Order 1985. The Borough of Trafford (Urban Road and Moss Lane, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1985. The Borough of Trafford (James Street and Hampson Street, Sale Moor) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (Milton Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (Roebuck Lane, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (Massey Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1986. TRAFFORD METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL The Borough of Trafford (Albert Square, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (Grosvenor Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and One-way Working) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (Priory Road, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1986 The Borough of Trafford (Talbot Road, Warwick Road, Norweb Access Road, Birch Avenue and Botanical Avenue, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1986 . The Borough of Trafford (The Circle, Barton Road, Stretford) (Bus Stop Clearway) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (The Circle, Barton Road, Stretford) (Restriction of Waiting) Order 1986. The Borough of Trafford (Aimson Road and Stockport Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Ashley Road, Hale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1987 . The Borough of Trafford (Brighton Grove, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Brindley Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Croftsbank Road/Railway Road/Station Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Davenport Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (John Street, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Park Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Salisbury Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Sinderland Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (St John's Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Stockport Road/Woodlands Parkway, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Stothard Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Sylvan Grove, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1987. The Borough of Trafford (Ashfield Road and Clarement Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Barlow Road and Hornby Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Cecil Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Groby Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (New Street/Cedar Avenue, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Northenden Road and Hope Road, Sale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Oakfield Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Service Road Fronting 44 Washway Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Altrincham) (Experimental Traffic Regulation) Orders 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. The Borough of Trafford (Walton Road/Marsland Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1988. Trafford Borough Council (Chester Road (A56)/City Road, Old Trafford) (Gap Closure) Order 1988. Borough of Trafford (Balmoral Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Ayres Road, Old Trafford) (Amendment) Order 1989 The Borough of Trafford (Guinness Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Longbridge Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Longford Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Northenden Road, Sale) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) No. 2 Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Oxford Road/Hale Road/Ashley Road, Altrincham) (Amendment) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (St . John's Road/Higher Downs, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Stanley Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads) (Prohibition of Waiting) Amendment Order, 1989 . The Borough of Trafford (Westminster Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1989. The Borough of Trafford (A560 Shaftesbury Avenue, Stockport Road/B5165 Stockport Road/Wood Lane/Moss Lane, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Ashley Road/Ashley Walk/Leigh Road/Addison Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Broom Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting and One-way) Order 1990 The Borough of Trafford (Burlington Road, Altrincham) (Experimental Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Dorset Street, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Garden Lane/Victoria Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Glenthorn Grove, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Goose Green Bridge and Grafton Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Guinness Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Hartington Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Heath Road/Spring Road/Seddon Road and Peel Avenue, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Norman's Place/Lyme Grove, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Northumberland Road/Blackley street, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Regent Road, Market Street, Central Way, Shaws Road, Cross Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading/Unloading Ban) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Royal Avenue) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990 . The Borough of Trafford (Seymour Grove, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Station Road/Higher Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Townfield Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting at Anytime) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Viaduct Road, Altrincharn) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1990 . The Borough of Trafford (York Avenue, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting - 8am to 6pm Any Day) Order 1990. The Borough of Trafford (Ashburton Road West/Lyons Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Bollin Drive, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Cyprus Street, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Farmfield, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Glenthorn Grove and South Grove, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Green Lane, Ashton-on-Mersey) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Market Street Altrincham) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Marsland Road, Sale) (Bus Stop Clearway) Order1991 The Borough of Trafford (Marsland Road, Sale) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Montague Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) (Except Hackney Carriages on Authorised Stand) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Moss Lane West, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Moss Lane/Oakfield Road/Manor Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting at Anytime) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Oxford Road, Altrincham) (Amendment to Waiting Restrictions) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Park Road, Timperley) (Bus Stop Clearway) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Park Road, Timperley) (Limited Waiting) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Pinnington Lane, Stretford) (Amendment to Waiting Restrictions) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Poplar Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Roebuck Lane, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Warwick Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1991 . The Borough of Trafford (Ayres Road, Brixham Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Bennett Street, Stretford) (Revocation of Waiting Restrictions) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Burlington Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992. The Borough of Trafford (Central Way, Altrincham) (No Loading and Unloading) Order 1992. The Borough of Trafford (Cross Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Driving) Order 1992. The Borough of Trafford (Flixton Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Hale Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Harboro Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Driving) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Hartington Road, Altrincham) (Extension to Waiting Restrictions) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (High Street Service Area and Access Road to Multi-Storey Car park, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and No Loading/Unloading) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Manor Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road, Urmston) (Bus Stop Clearway) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Moss Lane/Balmoral Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Northerly Access Road to Urmston Town Centre Car Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Oakfield Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Royal Avenue, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Service Road, Kingsway, Stretford) Prohibition of Waiting (Except Hackney Carriages Waiting on an Authorised Stand) Order 1992. The Borough of Trafford (Shaftesbury Avenue, Service Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Stockport Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Sylvan Grove, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992. The Borough of Trafford (Woodfield Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1992 The Borough of Trafford (Barton Road/Moss vale Crescent, Stretford) (Bus Stop Clearway) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Barton Road/Moss Vale Crescent, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Cecil Avenue/Harboro Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 . The Borough of Trafford (Croftsbank Road/Primrose Avenue/Greenfield Avenue, Urmston Town Centre) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Davyhulme Circle, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Hardwick Road, Partington) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 . The Borough of Trafford (Hope Road/Poplar Grove/South Grove/West Grove, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Kingsway, Altrincham) (Limited Waiting) Order 1993 . The Borough of Trafford (Manor Road/Namon Road/St. Vincent Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Market Street/Greenwood Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Mercury Way/Cobalt Avenue, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Milton Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting and No Loading/Unloading) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road/Bowers Avenue/Balmain Road/Hall Farm Avenue/Malvern Avenue, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Oak Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Railway Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Tatton Road/Chapel Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Taylor Road/ Robson Avenue, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Thomas Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993. The Borough of Trafford (Trafford Park Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Urmston Town Centre) (Prohibition of Waiting and No Loading) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Various Streets, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 . The Borough of Trafford (Victoria Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Wardle Road/Northenden Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1993 . The Borough of Trafford (Warwick Road North, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1993 The Borough of Trafford (Ashburton Road West/Bailey Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Ashley Road, Hale) (Bus stop Clearway) Order 1994 The Borough of Trafford (Ayres Road, Elsinore Road, Warwick Road South, Old Trafford) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Ayres Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Beaufort Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Borough Road, Hamon Road, Manor Road, Mayor's Road, Moss Lane, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Bowers Avenue/Vicarage Road/Balmain Road/Dalton Gardens/Wroxham Avenue/Wasdale Avenue, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Centenary Way/ Tenax Road Trafford Park) (Clearway and 40 mphMPH Speed limit) Order 1994 The Borough of Trafford (Craven Road, Broadheath) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Darwen Street/Wright Street/Empress Street/Hadfield Street/Harold Street, Old Trafford) (Experimental Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Devonshire Road/Princes Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Frieston Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Great Stone Road/The Quadrant/Kings Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Greenway Road/Sylvan Avenue, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Hale Road/Wicker Lane, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Moss Lane, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Newton Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Park Avenue, Winifred Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Sinderland Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Stamford Place, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Stamford Street/Post Office Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Loading/Unloading) Order 1994 The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Victoria Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Victoria Street, Altrincham) (Limited Waiting) Order 1994. The Borough of Trafford (Chapel Road/Claremont Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Coppice Avenue, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Davyhulme Circle, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Elm Drive/Cecil Road/Ryecroft Road/Sandy Lane, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1995 . The Borough of Trafford (Flixton Road/Whitelake Avenue, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Framingham Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Great Stone Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Hope Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995 . The Borough of Trafford (Norris Road, Sale) (Bus Stop Clearway) Order 1995 The Borough of Trafford (Oakfield Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Park Road/Sylvan Avenue, Timperley) (Limited Waiting) 1995 The Borough of Trafford (Richmond Road/Stamford Road/St. Mary's Road, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Borough of Trafford (Victoria Street, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1995. The Metropolitan Borough Council for Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Parking Places) Order 1995. Borough of Trafford (Gladstone Road/Harcourt Road, Altrincham) (Controlled Parking Zone) Order 1996 Borough of Trafford (Gorse Hill, Old Trafford) (Controlled Parking Zone 1) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No. 1) Order 1996 . The Borough of Trafford (Atkinson Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Bedford Drive, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Bridgewater Embankment, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 . The Borough of Trafford (Britannia Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Claremont Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Conway Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Eaton Road Sale) (Prohibition of Loading/Unloading) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Eaton Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Gladstone Road/Harcourt Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Gorse Hill, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Higher Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Legh Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Lynn Avenue, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Marsland Road/St . James Drive, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Northumberland Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Oakfield Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Oldfield Road Sale) (Disabled Persons Parking Only) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Railway Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Service/Access Road to the south of the Sainsbury's Food Store/Wynnstay Road/Clarement Road Sale) (Prohibition of Loading/Unloading) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Seymour Grove, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1996. The Borough of Trafford (Sylvan Avenue, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1996 . The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stopping) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Westwood Avenue, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1996 The Borough of Trafford (Wynnstay Road, Sale) (Disabled Persons Parking Spaces) Order 1996 Borough of Trafford (Ashley Road/Cecil Road/Spring Road and Peel Causeway, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1997. Borough of Trafford (Gorse Hill Old Trafford) (Controlled Parking Zone 1) Order 1996 (Amendment No 1) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (A538 Hale Road/Ashfield Road/Victoria Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Albion Street Old Trafford) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No. 2) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (B5165) Stockport Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Barrington Road/Hazel Road/Poplar Avenue/Derby Street/Gaskell Road/Sandiway Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Beech Road, Sale Moor) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Bridgewater Way, Old Trafford) (24 Hour Clearway) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Carrington Lane, Ashton-on-Mersey) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Cavendish Road/Portland Road/Ashley Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Chapel Road and Leicester Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Charter Road, Altrincham) (Disabled Persons Parking Bay) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Cranford Avenue, Sale) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Dane Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Gorse Hill, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Harcourt Street Stretford) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Irlam Road and Woodsend Crescent Road, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Kings Road, Old Trafford) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Lostock Road, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Marlborough Road/Blenheim Close, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997 . The Borough of Trafford (Meadway, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Moss Park Road, Stretford) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Norris Road, Sale) (Bus Stop Clearway) Amendment Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Passageway to the Rear of 4-12 Brooklands Road and 2-8 Framingham Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Service Road to the Rear of 61-65A School Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Prohibition of Loading/Unloading) Order 1997 . The Borough of Trafford (Springfield Road, Sale) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Springfield Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Stockport Road/Mayfield Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (The Narrows, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stopping) (Amendment No.1) Order 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Various Roads, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Viaduct Road, Broadheath) (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading) 1997. The Borough of Trafford (Washway Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997 . The Borough of Trafford (Whitelake Avenue, Flixton) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) 1997 The Borough of Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No.3) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No. 4) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No. 5) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Ashburton Road West and Longbridge Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Atkinson Road and Merton Road, Sale) Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Ayres Road/Prestage Street, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Barkers Lane/Westgate/Westbourne Grove and Hollins Grove, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Barrington Road/Hazel Road/Poplar Avenue/Derby Street/Gaskell Road/Sandiway Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 1997 (Amendment No. 1) Order 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Bollin Avenue, Bowdon) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Bowdon Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Bridgewater Road, Broadheath) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Caspian Road/Pacific Road, Broadheath) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Chassen Road/Flixton Road and Shawe Road, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Chatsworth Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Church Road and Kingston Drive, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Churchill Way and Various Roads, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Danefield Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Delaunays Road and Harboro Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Delaunays Road/Kings Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Elm Grove Sale) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Firwood Avenue, Urmston) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1998 The Borough of trafford (Gladstone Road/Harcourt Road, Altrincham) (Controlled Parking Zone) Order 1996 (Amendment No.1) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Gladstone Road/Harcourt Road/Manchester Road, Altrincham) (Limited Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Hampton Road, Urmston) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Hornby Road/Barlow Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road/Albany Court, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1998 . The Borough of Trafford (North Lonsdale Street, Gorse Hill) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Northenden Road and Worthington Road, Sale Moor) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1997 . The Borough of Trafford (Pinnington Lane, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Poplar Road, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Radnor Street, Stretford) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (School Road Sale) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Shay Lane, Hale Barns) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Stretford Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Townfield Gardens, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) 1998. The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of stopping) Order 1996 (Amendment No.2) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stopping) Order 1996 (Amendment no. 3) Order 1998 the Borough of Trafford (Various School entrances) (Prohibition of stopping) Order 1996 (Amendment No 4) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stoppping) Order 1996 (Amendment No 5) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stoppping) Order 1996 (Amendment No 6) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Villageway/Wharfside way, Trafford Park) (Clearway and 40MPH Speed Limit) Order 1998 The Borough of Trafford (Auburn Drive/Moss Vale Road and Stretford Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Delamere Avenue, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. The Greater Manchester County (A56 and Adjacent Streets, Manchester and Trafford) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (No. 3) (County) Order 1983 (Revocation) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Montague Road, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Robson Avenue, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Davyhulme Road East, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Unloading) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Faulkner Road/Kings Road/Sulby Avenue and Tilney Avenue, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Booth Road/Hartley Road, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. The Borough of Trafford (Iona Way, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999. Borough of Trafford (Gladstone Rd/Harcourt Rd Altrincham) (Controlled Parking Zone) Order 1996 (Amendment No 2) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Gorse Hill Old Trafford) (Controlled Parking Zone 1) Order 1996 (Amendment No 2) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Delamere Road Flixton) (Disabled Persons Parking Place No 2) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Firwood Avenue Urmston) (Disabled Persons Pakring Place No 2) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Firwood Avenue Urmston) (Disabled Persons Parking Place No3) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Gladstone Road Urmston) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (St Andrew's Avenue, Temperley) (Disabled Persons Parking Place) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Granby Road, Kings Road, Lime Road and Tresco Avenue, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Bloomsbury Lane, Stockport Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999 Borough of Trafford (Ashton Lane, Sale ) (Limited Waiting) Order 1999 Borough of Trafford (Stretford Road, Blinco Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999 Borough of Trafford (Brook Lane/Moss Lane, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999 Borough of Trafford (Harboro Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stopping) (Amendment No 7) Order 1999 The Borough of Trafford (Victoria Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000. Borough of Trafford (Albert Square, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Albert Square, Bowdon) (Prohibition of Waiting and Limited Waiting) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Broad Road/Temple Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Atkinson Road, Merton Road, Park Road, Park Avenue and Southern Road, Sale ) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Ridgeway Road, Thorley Lane, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 The Borough of Trafford (Dane Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 . Borough of Trafford (Marsland Road, Sale ) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No 7) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Carver Street, Old Trafford) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Unloading) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Kingsway Park, Lostock Road, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order The Borough of Trafford (Ashburton Road West and Longbridge Road, Trafford Park) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Unloading) Order 2000 The Borough of Trafford (Un-Named Access Road Adjacent 9 Edge Lane, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 The Borough of Trafford (Riddings Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 The Borough of Trafford (Lynn Avenue, Sale (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 The Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2000 Borough of Trafford (Carrington Road, Hampstead Avenue, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Balfour Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Shetland Way, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 The Borough of Trafford (Sinderland Road, Dawson Road and Clarke Street, Broadheath, Altrincham) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Hale Road, Peel Road, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 The Borough of Trafford (Frieston Road, Timperley) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Hesketh Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Flixton Road, Urmston) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Flixton Road And Rothiemay Road, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stopping) Order 1996 (Amendment No 11) Order 2001 - Alexandra Road, Sale Borough of Trafford (Altrincham Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 1995 (Amendment No 10) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Moorside Road and Lindale Avenue, Flixton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Bath Street, Bold Street, Brown Street And Byrom Street, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Claremont Road, Sale) (Prohibition of Waiting And Prohibition of Loading/Unloading, except within a reserved Loading Bay) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Sale Town Centre) (Traffic Regulation and Street Parking Places) Order 2000 (Amendment No 1) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Hilton Avenue, Urmston) (Loading Bay) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Various School Entrances) (Prohibition of Stopping) (Amendment No 7) Order 1999 Borough of Trafford (Heyes Lane, Kingsley Road, and Park Road, Timperley) Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Passageway at rear of Nos . 1-15 Skye Road, Davyhulme) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Lisson Grove, Hale) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Eleventh Street and Third Avenue, Trafford Park) (Restriction of Waiting of Goods Vehicles) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Church Road lay-by, Urmston) (limited waiting) Order 2001 The Borough of Trafford (Woodcote Road, Ingham Road and De-Quincey Road Timperley) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2001 Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 The Borough of Trafford (Marsland Road, Sale) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2001 The Borough of Trafford (Sandy Lane, Stretford) (Prohibition Of Waiting) Order 2001 The Borough of Trafford (Gorse Hill, Stretford) (Prohibition of Waiting And Residents' Parking) Order 1999 (Amendment No 1) Order 2001


Street Side From To Code Abbey Road, Sale Southeast A point 33 metres east of its A point 58 metres east of its SS 'unction with Park Road 'unction with Park Road Access road off Central Northeast Its junction with Central Way A point 15 metres southeast of 7A Way to the rear of No. 113 its junction with Central Way George Street, Altrincham

Access road off Central Southwest Its junction with Central Way A point 15 metres southeast of 7A7A Way to the rear of No. 113 its junction with Central Way George Street, Alt Access road to the North A point 60 metres west of its A point 29 metres west of its 7A Arndale Centre (south) junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road Stretford Access road to the North A point 29 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Arndale Centre (south) junction with Chester Road Stretford Access road to the South A point 62 metres west of its A point 23 metres west of its 7A Arndale Centre (south), junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road Stretford Access road to the South A point 23 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Arndale Centre (south), junction with Chester Road Stretford Access road to the Both A point 25 metres northwest of A point 30 metres southeast of 7A Bridgewater Centre, its junction with Robson its junction with Robson Trafford Park Avenue Avenue Access road to the rear of North Its junction with Craven Road A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Altrincham Shopping its junction with Craven Road Centre Access road to the rear of South Its junction with Craven Road A point 7 metres northeast of 7A Altrincham Shopping its junction with Craven Road Centre Access road to the World Both Its junction with Europa Gate The cul-de-sac end 7A Freight Centre, Trafford Park

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1


Street Side From To Code Access road to the World East Its junction with John Gilbert A point 191 metres south of its 7A Freight Centre from John Way junction with John Gilbert Way Gilbert Way, T.P.

Access road to the World West Its junction with John Gilbert A point 172 metres south of its 7A Freight Centre from John Way junction with John Gilbert Way Gilbert Way, T.P.

Addison Road, Hale Southwest Its junction with Leigh Road A point 48 metres northwest of LJ6C its junction with Leigh Road

Adlington Drive, Stretford Both Its junction with Chorley Street The southeast end 7A

Aimson Road West, Northeast Its junction with Stockport A point 11 metres south of its 7A Timperley Road junction with Stockport Road

Aimson Road West, Northeast A point 11 metres south of its A point 61 metres south-east 6C Timperley junction with Stockport Road of its junction with Stockport Road Aimson Road West, Southwest Its junction with Stockport A point 12 metres south of its 7A Timperley Road junction with Stockport Road

Aimson Road West, Southwest A point 12 metres southeast of A point 54 metres south-east 6C Timperley its junction with Stockport of its junction with Stockport Road Road Albany Court, Urmston East Its junction with Moorside Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Moorside Road

Albany Court, Urmston West Its junction with Moorside Road A point 12 metres south of its 7A junction with Moorside Road

Albert Avenue, Urmston Northeast Its junction with Higher Road A point 5 metres northeast of 6C its 'unction with Higher Road Albert Avenue, Urmston Northwest Its junction with Higher Road A point 6 metres northeast of 6C its 'unction with Higher Road Albert Court, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with New Street A point 19 metres south of its 7A junction with New Street Albert Place, Altrincham North Its junction with Church Street A point 64 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Church Street Albert Road, Hale North Its junction with Victoria Road A point 56 metres east of its 7A junction with Victoria Road Albert Road, Hale Southeast Its junction with Broomfield A point 12 metres north of its 7A Lane junction with Broomfield Lane Albert Square (approach), Both Its junction with St John's A point 15 metres south of its 6C Altrincham Road junction with St John's Road

Albert Square (approach), West A point 15 metres south of its A point 25 metres south of its 5E Altrincham junction with St John's Road junction with St John's Road

Albert Square (approach), West A point 25 metres south of its A point 70 metres south of its LM6C Altrincham junction with St John's Road junction with St John's Road

Albert Square (approach), West A point 70 metres south of its A point 90 metres south of its 5E Altrincham junction with St John's Road junction with St John's Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 2


Street Side From To Code Albert Square (approach), East A point 15 metres south of its A point 90 metres south of its 5E Altrincham junction with St John's Road junction with St John's Road

Albert Square, Altrincham North A point 5 metres west of its A point 5 metres east of its 5E junction with Albert Square junction with Albert Square (approach) (approach) Albion Street, Old Trafford Southwest Its junction with Ayres Road A point 4 metres south-east of 6C its junction with Ayres Road

Alexandra Road, Sale North A point 178 metres east of its A point 222 metres east of its SS junction with Derbyshire Road junction with Derbyshire Road

Alice Street, Sale Both Its junction with Temple Road A point 17 metres south of its 7A junction with Temple Road

Alma Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Washway A point 15 metres northwest of 5P5P Road its junction with Washway Road Alma Road, Sale Southwest A point 143 metres northwest A point 185 metres northwest SS of its junction with Washway of its junction with Washway Road Road Alma Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Mossdale A point 15 metres northwest of 5P5P Road its junction with Washway Road Ambleside Road, flixton Both Its junction with Flixton Road A point 50 metres west of its 6C 'unction with Flixton Road Apsley Grove, Bowdon Both The south end A point 15 metres north of the SS south end Armitage Road, Both Its junction with Lloyd Street Its junction with Pownall Road 7A Altrincham Ashburton Road West, North A point 128 metres west of its Its junction with Guiness Road 7A Trafford Park junction with Guiness Road

Ashburton Road West, Northeast A point 14 metres northwest of A point 14 metres southeast of 7A Trafford Park its junction with Bailey Road its junction with Bailey Road

Ashburton Road West, Northeast A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Parkway Circle 7A Trafford Park junction with Lyons Road Ashburton Road West, South A point 266 metres west of its A point 30 metres east of its 7A Trafford Park junction with Guinness Road junction with Guinness Road

Ashburton Road West, Southwest A point 119 metres northwest A point 15 metres northwest of 7A Trafford Park of its junction with Longbridge itsjunction with Longbridge Road Road Ashburton Road West, Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of A point 15 metres southeast of 7A7A Trafford Park its junction with Longbridge its junction with Longbridge Road Road Ashburton Road West, Southwest A point 15 metres southeast of Its junction with Parkway 7A Trafford Park its junction with Longbridge roundabout Road Ashfield Road, Altrincham West Its junction with Lloyd Street A point 20 metres south of its 7A junction with Lloyd Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 3


Street Side From To Code Ashfield Road, Altrincham East Its junction with Stamford Park A point 20 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Stamford Park Road Ashfield Road, Altrincham West A point 14 metres north of its Its junction with Hale Road 7A junction with Hale Road Ashfield Road, Altrincham East A point 11 metres north of its Its junction with Hale Road 7A junction with Hale Road Ashfield Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Cross Street Its junction with Leicester Road 7A5P

Ashfield Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Leicester Road A point 3 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Joynson Street

Ashfield Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Claremont Its junction with Tatton Road 7A6G Road Ashfield Road, Sale Southwest Its 'unction with Cross Street Its 'unction with Curzon Road 7A5P Ashfield Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Curzon Road A point 44 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Curzon Road

Ashfield Road, Sale Southwest A point 2 metres northwest of Its junction with Claremont 7A its junction with Claremont Road Road Ashfield Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Claremont A point 5 metres southeast of 7A6G Road Its junction with Claremont Road Ashfield Road, Sale Southwest A point 5 metres southeast of A point 15 metres northwest of LA7R its junction with Claremont its junction with Tatton Road Road Ashfield Road, Sale Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Tatton Road 7A6G Its junction with Tatton Road

Ashfield Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Higher Road A point 5 metres south of its 6C 'unction with Higher Road Ashley Road, Altrincham West Its junction with The Downs A point 45 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Cavendish Road Ashley Road, Altrincham West A point 15 metres north of its A point 15 metres south of its 6C junction with Cavendish Road junction with Cavendish Road

Ashley Road, Altrincham West A point 48 metres north of its Its junction with Stamford Road 7A junction with Stamford Road Ashley Road, Altrincham East Its junction with Lloyd Street A point 40 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Culcheth Road Ashley Road, Altrincham East A point 53 metres north of its Its junction with Stamford Road 7A junction with Stamford Road Ashley Road, Hale, North Its junction with Stamford Road A point 10 metres west of its 7A Altrincham junction with Bath Place Ashley Road, Hale, North A point 10 metres west of its A point 3 metres west of its LJ6C Altrincham 'unction with Bath Place 'unction with Bath Place Ashley Road, Hale, North A point 3 metres east of its A point 23 metres east of its LJ6C Altrincham junction with Bath Place junction with Bath Place(its westerly junction with Brown Street) Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast Its easterly junction with Brown A point 34 metres south of its 7A Altrincham Street junction with Victoria Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 4


Street Side From To Code Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 34 metres south of its A point 7 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham junction with Victoria Road its junction with Westgate

Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 7 metres northwest of A point 64 metres northwest of 7A Altrincham its junction with Westgate its junction with Leigh Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 64 metres northwest of A point 43 metres northwest of SB Altrincham its junction with Leigh Road its junction with Leigh Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 43 metres northwest of A point 7 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham its junction with Leigh Road its junction with Leigh Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 7 metres northwest of A point 7 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Leigh Road its junction with Leigh Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 7 metres southeast of A point 13 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham its junction with Leigh Road its junction with Cambridge Road Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 13 metres northwest of A point 5 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Cambridge its junction with Cambridge Road Road Ashley Road, Hale, Northeast A point 5 metres southeast of Its junction with Murieston LJ6C Altrincham its junction with Cambridge Road Road Ashley Road, Hale, South Its junction with Marlborough Its junction with Peel Avenue 7A Altrincham Road Ashley Road, Hale, South Its junction with Peel Avenue A point 110 metres east of its 6C Altrincham junction with Peel Avenue Ashley Road, Hale, South A point 110 metres east of its A point 12 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham junction with Peel Avenue its junction with Spring Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Southwest A point 12 metres northwest of Its junction with Spring Road 7A Altrincham its junction with Spring Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Southeast Its junction with Heath Road A point 8 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Cecil Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Southwest A point 8 metres southeast of A point 98 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham its junction with Cecil Road its junction with Cecil Road

Ashley Road, Hale, Southwest A point 98 metres northwest of A point 40 metres north of its 7A Altrincham its junction with Cecil Road junction with Crown Passages

Ashley Road, Hale, Southwest A point 40 metres north of its A point 6 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham junction with Crown Passages its junction with Crown Passages Ashley Road, Hale, Southwest A point 6 metres northwest of A point 65 metres south of its 7A Altrincham its junction with Crown junction with Crescent Road Passa es Ashley Road (island at its Its southwest corner A point 4 metres northeast of LJ6C junction with Brown its southeast corner Street), Hale, Alt. (clockwise) Ashley Road (island at its Its southwest corner A point 4 metres northeast of 7A junction with Brown its southeast corner Street), Hale, Alt. (anticlockwise) Ashover Street, Gorse Both Its junction with Thomas Street A point 5 metres southwest of 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Thomas Street

Ashover Street, Gorse Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Longford Road

Ashover Street, Gorse Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Longford Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 5


Street Side From To Code Ashover Street, Gorse Both A point 10 metres northeast of Its junction with Longford Road 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Longford Road

Ashton Lane, Sale North A point 95 metres east of its Its junction with Park Road 7A5P junction with Park Road Ashton Lane (large traffic North Its junction with Park Road Its junction with York Road 7A5P island at its junction with York Road), Sale Ashton Lane, Sale North Its junction with York Road Its 'unction with Cross Street 7A5P Ashton Lane, Sale South A point 40 metres west of its A point 105 metres west of its 7A5P junction with Oakfield junction with Washway Road

Ashton Lane, Sale South A point 105 metres west of its A point 75 metres west of its LM6C junction with Washway Road junction with Washway Road

Ashton Lane, Sale South A point 75 metres west of its A point 55 metres west of its 7A5P junction with Washwa Road junction with Washwa Road Ashton Lane, Sale South A point 55 metres west of its A point 40 metres west of its LM6C 'unction with Washwa Road 'unction with Washwa Road Ashton Lane, Sale South A point 40 metres west of its Its junction with Washway 7A5P 'unction with Washwa Road Road Ashton Lane (large traffic The whole perimeter 7A5P island at its junction with York Road), Sale Ashton Lane (small traffic The whole perimeter 7A5P island at its junction with York Road), Sale

Atkinson Road, Sale Both Its junction with Southern Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Southern Road

Atkinson Road, Sale Northeast A point 26 metres northwest of A point 65 metres north of its 6C its junction with York Avenue junction with York Avenue

Atkinson Road, Sale Northeast A point 65 metres north of its A point 12 metres north of its 7A junction with York Avenue 'unction with York Avenue Atkinson Road, Sale Northeast A point 12 metres north of its Its junction with York Avenue 7A5P 'unction with York Avenue Atkinson Road, Sale Northeast Its 'unction with York Avenue Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P Atkinson Road, Sale Southwest A point 13 metres northwest of A point 62 metres southeast 6C its junction with Merton Road of its junction with Merton Road Atkinson Road, Sale Southwest A point 65 metres northwest of A point 8 metres northwest of 7A its junction with York Road its 'unction with York Road Atkinson Road, Sale Southwest A point 8 metres northwest of Its junction with York Road 7A5P its 'unction with York Road Atkinson Road, Sale Southwest Its 'unction with York Road Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P Atkinson Road, Urmston East Its junction with Higher Road Its junction with Gloucester 7A Road Atkinson Road, Urmston West Its junction with Higher Road Its junction with Gloucester 6C Road Atlantic Street, Both A point 150 metres northwest A point 15 metres west of its 6C Broadheath of its junction with Ocean junction with Castleton Street Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 6


Street Side From To Code Atlantic Street, Both A point 15 metres west of its A point 50 metres west of its 7A Broadheath junction with Castleton Street junction with Manchester Road

Atlantic Street, Both A point 50 metres west of its Its junction with Manchester 7A5P Broadheath junction with Manchester Road Road

Auburn Drive, Urmston Both Its junction with Stretford Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Stretford Road

Audley Avenue, Stretford North Its junction with Barton Road A point 88 metres east of its 6C 'unction with Barton Road Audley Avenue, Stretford South Its junction with Barton Road A point 78 metres east of its 6C 'unction with Barton Road Avondale Road, Gorse Both Its junction with Railway A point 10 metres south of its 7A Hill, Stretford Road/Thornbury Road junction with Railway Road

Avondale Road, Gorse Northeast A point 10 metres southeast of A point 80 metres southeast of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Railway Road its junction with Railway Road

Avondale Road, Gorse Northeast A point 80 metres southeast of Its junction with Chester Road 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Railway Road

Avondale Road, Gorse Southwest A point 10 metres southeast of A point 5 metres northwest of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Thornbury its junction with Burleigh Road ~ Road Avondale Road, Gorse Southwest A point 5 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Burleigh Road

Ayres Road, Old Trafford Northwest Its junction with Elsinore Road A point 27 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Elsinore Road Ayres Road, Old Trafford Northwest A point 181 metres northeast Its junction with Addison 6C of its junction with Elsinore Crescent Road Ayres Road, Old Trafford Northwest Its junction with Prestage A point 8 metres northeast of 6C Street its junction with Prestage Road

Ayres Road, Old Trafford Northwest A point 17 metres southwest of Its junction with Chorlton Road 7A its junction with Clifton Close

Ayres Road, Old Trafford Southeast Its junction with Warwick Road A point 25 metres northest of 7A South its junction with Warwick Road South Ayres Road, Old Trafford Southeast A point 106 metres southwest A point 15 metres southwest of 6C of its junction with Brixham its junction with Brixham Road Road Ayres Road, Old Trafford Southeast A point 15 metres southwest of Its junction with Brixham Road 7A its junction with Brixham Road

Ayres Road, Old Trafford Southeast A point 15 metres southwest of A point 9 metres northeast of 6C its junction with Ayres Road its junction with Albion Street

Baguley Lane, Sale Both Its junction with Northenden A point 15 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Northenden Road

Baguley Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Old Hall Road Its junction with Northenden 7A5P Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 7


Street Side From To Code Baguley Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Old Hall Road A point 20 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Old Hall Road

Baguley Road, Sale Southwest A point 24 metres northwest of Its junction with Northenden 7A5P its junction with Northenden Road Road Bailey Road, Trafford Park Both Its junction with Ashburton A point 36 metres northeast of 7A Road West its junction with Ashburton Road West Baker Street, Timperley Northeast A point 78 metres north of its Its junction with Stockport 7A junction with Stockport Road Road (including access road) Baker Street, Timperley Southwest A point 24 metres north of its Its junction with Stockport 7A 'unction with Orchard Place Road Balfour Road, Urmston North The cul-de-sac end Its junction with Princess Road 7A

Balfour Road, Urmston West The north side of the cul-de- The south side of the cul-de- 7A sac end sac end Balmain Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Bowers A point 10 metres east of its 7A Avenue junction with Bowers Avenue Balmain Road, Urmston North A point 8 metres west of its A point 8 metres east of its 6E 'unction with Dalton Gardens 'unction with Dalton Gardens Balmain Road, Urmston South A point 9 metres west of its A point 5 metres east of its 6E junction with Wroxham Avenue junction with Wroxham Avenue

Balmain Road, Urmston South A point 8 metres west of its A point 8 metres east of its 6E junction with Wasdale Avenue junction with Wasdale Avenue

Balmoral Road, Both Its junction with Oakfield Street A point 10 metres south of its 6C Altrincham junction with Oakfield Street

Balmoral Road , East A point 127 metres south of its A point 7metres north of its 6C Altrincham junction with Oakfield Street junction with Moss Lane

Balmoral Road, Both A point 7metres north of its Its junction with Moss Lane 7A Altrincham junction with Moss Lane Barker's Lane, Sale Northeast A point 12 metres northwest of A point 27 metres north of its 7A its 'unction with West ate junction with Washwa Road Barker's Lane, Sale Northeast A point 27 metres north of its Its junction with Washway 7A5P junction with Washwa Road Road Barker's Lane, Sale Southwest Its junction with Hollins Grove Its junction with Westbourne 6C Grove Barker's Lane, Sale Southwest Its junction with Westbourne A point 20 metres northwest of 7A Grove its junction with Washway Road Barker's Lane, Sale Southwest A point 20 metres northwest of Its junction with Washway 7A5P its junction with Washway Road Road Barlow Road, Altrincham North A point 25 metres west of its Its junction with Craven Road 6C 'unction with Craven Road Barlow Road, Altrincham South A point 34 metres west of its A point 9 metres west of its 6C junction with Craven Road junction with Craven Road Barlow Road, Altrincham South A point 9 metres west of its Its junction with Craven Road 7A junction with Craven Road Barlow Road, Stretford Northwest The cul-de-sac end A point 24 metres northeast of 7A the cul-de-sac end (including the turning head)

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 8


Street Side From To Code Barlow Road, Stretford Southwest The cul-de-sac end A point 24 metres northeast of 7A the cul-de-sac end Barlow Road, Stretford Both A point 24 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of RPB the cul-de-sac end its junction with Warwick Road

Barlow Road, Stretford Both A point 10 metres south of its Its junction with Warwick Road 7A junction with Warwick Road

Barnfield, Urmston Northeast Its junction with Church Road A point 15 metres south-east 6C of its junction with Church Road Barnfield, Urmston Southwest Its junction with Church Road A point 15 metres south-east 6C of its junction with Church Road Barrington Road, Both Its junction with Manchester A point 45 metres east of its 7A5P Altrincham Road junction with Manchester Road

Barrington Road, Northeast Its junction with Ellesmere A point 25 metres southeast 7A Altrincham Road of its junction with Gaskell Road Barrington Road, Northeast A point 25 metres southeast A point 36 metres north of its LL5E Altrincham of its junction with Gaskell junction with Hazel Road Road Barrington Road, Northeast A point 36 metres north of its Its junction with Woodlands 7A Altrincham 'unction with Hazel Road Road Barrington Road, Northeast Its junction with Woodlands A point 125 metres northwest 7A Altrincham Road of its junction with Grosvenor Road Barrington Road, Northeast A point 125 metres northwest A point 55 metres northwest of PAGE Altrincham of its junction with Grosvenor its junction with Grosvenor Road Road Barrington Road, Northeast A point 55 metres northwest of Its junction with Grosvenor 7A Altrincham its junction with Grosvenor Road Road Barrington Road, Southwest A point 45 metres east of its A point 135 metres south of its 7A Altrincham junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Barrington Road, Southwest A point 23 metres northwest of A point 5 metres northwest of LL5E Altrincham its junction with Sandiway its junction with Sandiway Road Road Barrington Road, Southwest A point 5 metres northwest of Its junction with Woodlands 7A Altrincham its junction with Sandiway Road Road Barrington Road, Southwest Its junction with Woodlands Its junction with Stamford 7A Altrincham Road Street Barton Dock Road, Both Its junction with Dumplington Its junction with Park Road, CW Urmston/Stretford Circle Stretford Barton Road, Stretford Northeast A point 7 metres north of its Its junction with Audley Avenue 6C junction with Audle Avenue Barton Road, Stretford Northeast A point 198 metres west of its Its junction with Edale Road LP7A junction with Edale Road Barton Road, Stretford Southwest A point 90 metres west of its A point 68 metres west of its SS junction with Rowsle Road junction with Rowsle Road Barton Road, Stretford Southwest A point 60 metres west of its A point 19 metres west of its SB 'unction with Rowsle Road junction with Rowsle Road Barton Road, Stretford Southwest Its junction with Rowsley Road A point 95 metres south of its 7A junction with Barlow Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 9


Street Side From To Code Barton Road, Stretford Northeast Its junction with Derbyshire A point 10 metres southeast of 6Q6Q Lane its junction with Derbyshire Lane Barton Road, Stretford Northeast A point 25 metres northwest of Its junction with Park Road 513 its 'unction with Park Road Barton Road, Stretford Southwest A point 40 metres northwest of Its junction with Park Road 6P its 'unction with Park Road Barton Road, Stretford West Its junction with Park Road Its junction with Stothard Road 513513

Barton Road, Stretford West Its junction with Stothard Road Its junction with Urmston Lane 7A5H

Barton Road, Stretford West Its junction with Urmston Lane A point 45 metres south of its 7A5H junction with Urmston Lane

Barton Road, Stretford West A point 45 metres south of its A point 45 metres south of its 7A junction with Urmston Lane junction with Sandy Lane

Barton Road, Stretford West A point 45 metres south of its Its junction with Poplar Road 7A5P junction with Sand Lane Barton Road, Stretford East Its junction with School Road A point 45 metres south of its 5F5F junction with Jackson Street

Barton Road, Stretford East A point 45 metres south of its Its junction with Kingsway 7A5H junction with Jackson Street

Barton Road, Stretford East Its junction with Kingsway A point 45 metres south of its 7A5H 'unction with Kin swa Barton Road, Stretford East A point 45 metres south of its A point 45 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Kin swa 'unction with Chapel Lane Barton Road, Stretford East A point 45 metres south of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P 'unction with Chapel Lane Barton Road (traffic island The whole perimeter 7A5P at northeast corner of roundabout at junction with Chester Road), Stretford Barwick Place, Sale Both A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Washway 7A5P its junction with Washway Road Road Bath Street, Hale, North Its junction with Byrom Street A point 4 metres east of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Bold Street Bath Street, Hale, North A point 4 metres west of Its Its junction with Brown Street 7A Altrincham 'unction with Brown Street Beaufort Road, Sale West Its junction with Marsland Road A point 12 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

Beaufort Road, Sale East Its junction with Marsland Road A point 16 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

Bedford Drive, Timperley Both Its junction with Stockport A point 90 metres south-east 6C Road of its junction with Stockport Road Beech Road, Sale Both A point 9 metres north of its Its junction with Northenden 7A junction with Northenden Road Road

Belgrave Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 20 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Washway Road

Benbow Street, Sale Both Its junction with Hereford The cul-de-sac end 7A6C Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 0


Street Side From To Code_ Bennett Street, Stretford West Its junction with School Road A point 6 metres south of its 6C junction withof its junction with School Road Bennett Street, Stretford West A point 4 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 6C junction withof its junction with junction withof its junction with Jackson Street Jackson Street Bennett Street, Stretford West A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Mitford Street 6C junction withof its junction with Mitford Street Bennett Street, Stretford West Its junction with Mitford Street A point 6 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Mitford Street Bennett Street, Stretford East Its junction with School Road Its junction with Mitford Street 6C

Bennett Street, Stretford East Its junction with Mitford Street A point 67 metres south of its 7A junction with Mitford Street

Bent Lane, Warburton West Its junction with Paddock Lane A point 7 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Paddock Lane Bentinck Road, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Woodville A point 28 metres north of its 7A Road 'unction with Woodville Road Bentinck Road, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Woodville Its junction with Regent Road 7A Road Beresford Road, Gorse Both Its junction with Nansen Street A point 10 metres southeast of 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Nansen Street

Beresford Road, Gorse Northeast A point 10 metres southeast of A point 10 metres northwest of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Nansen Street its junction with Burleigh Road

Beresford Road, Gorse Southwest A point 10 metres southeast of A point 5 metres northwest of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Nansen Street its junction with North Lonsdale Street Beresford Road, Gorse Southwest A point 5 metres northwest of A point 5 metres southeast of 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with North Lonsdale its junction with North Lonsdale Street Street Beresford Road, Gorse Southwest A point 5 metres southeast of Its southerly junction with the RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with North Lonsdale access road between nos.29 Street and 31 Beresford Road, Gorse Southwest Its southerly junction with the A point 10 metres northwest of RPB Hill, Stretford access road between nos.29 its junction with Burleigh Road and 31 Beresford Road, Gorse Both A point 10 metres northwest of Its junction with Burleigh Road 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Burleigh Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 1


Street Side From To Code Birch Avenue, Old Trafford Northeast Its junction with Talbot Road A point 71 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Talbot Road Birch Avenue, Old Trafford Southwest Its junction with Talbot Road A point 73 metres metres north 7A of its junction with Talbot Road

Blenheim Close, Hale Both Its junction with Marlborough A point 50 metres southeast of 6C Road its junction with Marlborough Road Blinco Road, Urmston Both A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Stretford Road 7A 'unction with Stretford Road Bloomsbury Lane, North A point 40 metres west of its Its junction with Stockport 6C Tim erle 'unction with Stockport Road Road Bloomsbury Lane, South A point 34 metres west of its Its junction with Stockport 6C Tim erle 'unction with Stockport Road Road Bold Street, Hale West Its junction with Hale Road A point 8 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Bold Street, Hale East Its junction with Hale Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Bold Street, Hale Both A point 9 metres north of its Its junction with Bath Street 7A 'unction with Bath Street Bollin Drive, Timperley Both Its junction with Park Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Park Road Booth Road, Altrincham North A point 45 metres west of its Its junction with Grey Road 6E 'unction with Grey Road Booth Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 3 metres southeast of A point 33 metres northwest of SS its junction with Grey Road its junction with Dunham Road

Booth Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 33 metres northwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Booth Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 7 metres northwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Borough Road, Altrincham West A point 20 metres south of its Its junction with Mayor's Road 6C junction with Mayor's Road

Borough Road, Altrincham West A point 21 metres north of its Itsjunction with Hamon Road 6C 'unction with Hamon Road Botanical Avenue, Old Both Its junction with Talbot Road A point 150 metres northeast 7A Trafford of its junction with Talbot Road

Bow Lane, Bowdon North Its junction with Priory Road A point 25 metres west of its 7A junction with Prior Bow Lane, Bowdon South Its junction with Priory Road A point 21 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Prior Bowdon Road, Bowdon Northwest Its junction with Woodville A point 3 metres southwest of 6C Road its junction with Woodville Road Bowdon Road, Bowdon Southeast Its junction with Woodville A point 116 metres southwest 6C Road of its junction with Woodville Road Bowers Avenue, I West IA point 197 metres north of the lA point 34 metres north of the I 6E Davyhulme entrance to Trafford General entrance to Trafford General Hospital Hospital

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 2


Street Side From To Code Bowers Avenue, West A point 34 metres north of the The north side of the entrance 7A Davyhulme entrance to Trafford General to Trafford General Hospital Hospital opposite Balmain Road

Bowers Avenue, West The south side of the entrance A point 29 metres south of the 7A Davyhulme to Trafford General Hospital entrance to Trafford General opposite Balmain Road Hospital

Bowers Avenue, West A point 29 metres south of its A point 150 metres south of its 6C Davyhulme junction with the entrance to junction with the entrance to Trafford General Hospital Trafford General Hospital Bowers Avenue, West A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Moorside Road 7A Dav hulme junction with Moorside Road Bowers Avenue, East Its junction with Davyhulme A point 10 metres south of its 6C Davyhulme Road junction with Davyhulme Road

Bowers Avenue, East A point 8 metres north of its A point 13 metres south of its 6E Davyhulme junction with Vicarage Road junction with Vicarage Road

Bowers Avenue, East A point 15 metres north of its A point 13 metres south of its 7A Davyhulme junction with Balmain Road junction with Balmain Road

Bowers Avenue, East A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A Davyhulme junction with Hall Farm Avenue junction with Hall Farm Avenue

Bowers Avenue, East A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Moorside Road 7A Dav hulme junction with Moorside Road Boyer Street, Old Trafford East its junction with Talbot Road A point 134 metres north of its 7A5P junction with Talbot Road Boyer Street, Old Trafford West Its junction with Talbot Road A point 134 metres north of its 7A6P junction with Talbot Road Bradfield Road, Stretford both sides A point 155 metres east of its A point 183 metres east of its SS junction with Moss Vale Road junction with Moss Vale Road

Bradley Close, Timperley Northeast Its junction with Deansgate A point 7 metres north of its 7A Lane junction with Deansgate Lane

Brewery Street, Both Its junction with Cross Street A point 22 metres north of its 7A6C Altrincham 'unction with Cross Street Bridgewater Road, Both Its junction with Manchester A point 88 metres north of its 7A Broadheath Road junction with Manchester Road

Bridgewater Street, North Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 metres east of its 7A5P Stretford 'unction with Chester Road Bridgewater Street, South Its junction with Chester Road A point 18 metres east of its 7A5P Stretford 'unction with Chester Road Bridgewater Way, Old Both Its westerly junction with Its easterly junction with CW Trafford Chester Road Chester Road and Cornbrook Road, to include the sliproad between the north-east bound carrigeway and Cornbrook Road Bridgewater Way Sliproad, Both Its junction with the north-east Its junction with Cornbrook CW Old Trafford, bound carrigeway of Road Brid ewater Way Briggs Road, Stretford Southeast A point 30 metres northeast of Its junction with Great Stone 7A its junction with Great Stone Road Road Brighton Grove, Sale Northeast Its junction with Cross Street A point 10 metres northwest of 7A5P its junction with Cross Street

Brighton Grove, Sale Southwest Its junction with Cross Street A point 8 metres northwest of 7A5P its junction with Cross Street

Brighton Grove, Sale Southwest A point 62 metres northwest of A point 93 metres northwest of 7A its junction with Cross Street itsjunction with Cross Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 3


Street Side From To Code Brindley Road access Both Its junction with Brindley Road A point 19 metres east of its 7A5P road to Kitchens Direct, junction with Brindley Road Old Trafford Brindley Road, Old East A point 317 metres north of its A point 97 metres north of its 7A Trafford junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road

Brindley Road, Old East A point 97 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Trafford 'unction with Chester Road Brindley Road, Old West A point 307 metres north of its A point 97 metres north of its 7A Trafford junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road

Brindley Road, Old West A point 97 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Trafford 'unction with Chester Road Briony Avenue, Hale West A point 119 metres north of its A point 79 metres north of its SS Barns junction with Woburn Drive junction with Woburn Drive

Britannia Road, Sale Northwest A point 154 metres north of its Its junction with Northenden 7A junction with Northenden Road Road

Britannia Road, Sale Southeast A point 255 metres north of its Its junction with Northenden 7A junction with Northenden Road Road

Brixham Road, Sale Both Its junction with Ayres Road A point 32 metres south of its 7A 'unction with A res Road Broad Road, Sale Both Its junction with Northenden A point 320 metres northeast 7A Road of its junction with Northenden Road Broad Road, Sale Both A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Temple Road 7A its junction with Temple Road

Broad Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Temple Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Tem le Road Broad Road, Sale Northeast A point 5 metres southeast of A point 117 metres southeast SS its junction with Temple Road of its junction with Temple Road Broad Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Temple Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Temple Road

Broadoaks Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 15 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Broadoaks Road, Sale Northeast A point 15 metres southeast of A point 222 metres southeast LJ6C its junction with Washway of its junction with Washway Road Road Broadoaks Road, Sale Southwest A point 15 metres southeast of A point 230 metres south of its 7A its junction with Washway junction with Washway Road Road Broadway, Sale Northwest Its western junction with A point 21 metres northeast of 7A Ashton Lane its western junction with Ashton Lane Broadway, Sale Northeast A point 15 metres northwest of Its eastern junction with Ashton 7A5P its eastern junction with Ashton Lane Lane Broadway, Sale South Its western junction with Its eastern junction with Ashton 6C Ashton Lane Lane Brook Lane, Timperley Both Its junction with Moss Lane A point 20 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Moss Lane Brookfield Avenue, Northwest Its junction with Park Road A point 17 metres south of its 7A Tim erle 'unction with Park Road Brookfield Avenue, I Southeast Its junction with Park Road A point 20 metres south of its 7A Timperley junction with Park Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 4


Street Side From To Code Brooklands Crescent, Both Its western junction with Its eastern junction with 7A Sale Marsland Road Marsland Road Brooklands Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Marsland Road A point 38 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Marsland Road

Brooklands Road, Sale Northeast A point 38 metres southeast of A point 79 metres south of its 7A its junction with Marsland Road junction with Marsland Road

Brooklands Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Marsland Road A point 10 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Marsland Road

Brooklands Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Framingham A point 10 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Framingham Road Brooklands Road, Sale North A point 16 metres southeast of Its northeast corner 7A (traffic island between its northeast corner Brooklands Station approach road and Framin ham Road) Brooklands Road, Sale Northeast Its northeast corner A point 16 metres southeast of 7A5P (traffic island between its northeast corner Brooklands Station approach road and Framin ham Road) Brooklands Station North Its junction with Brooklands A point 13 metres north of its 7A Approach, Sale Road junction with Brooklands Road

Brooklands Station Southeast Its junction with the service A point 29 metres southwest of 7A Approach, Sale road in front of the shops its junction with the service between Framingham Road road in front of the shops between Framingham Road

Brooklands Station Southwest Its junction with Brooklands Its junction with the service 7A Approach (service road Station Approach road to the rear of the shops between Framingham Road in front of the shops), Sale Brooklands Station Southwest Its junction with the service Its junction with Framingham LF6A Approach (service road road to the rear of the shops Road between Framingham Road in front of the shops), Sale Brooklands Station Both Its junction with service road Its junction with Framingham 7A Approach (service road between Framingham Road in Road between Framingham front of the shops Road to the rear of the shops), Sale

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 15


Street Side From To Code Broomfield Lane, Hale South Its junction with Victoria Road A point 18 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Victoria Road Broomfield Lane, Hale South A point 18 metres east of its A point 58 metres west of its LJ6C junction with Victoria Road junction with Hazelwood Road

Broomfield Lane, Hale North Its junction with Victoria Road A point 30 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Albert Road Broomfield Lane, Hale North A point 151 metres west of its A point 95 metres west of its SS 'unction with Hale Road 'unction with Hale Road Brown Street, Hale East Its junction with Hale Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Brown Street, Hale West Its junction with Hale Road A point 7 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Brown Street, Hale West A point 6 metres north of Its A point 58 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Bath Street 'unction with Bath Street Brown Street, Hale East Its junction with Bath Street A point 70 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Bath Street Brown Street, Hale East A point 70 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its LJ6C 'unction with Bath Street 'unction with Ashley Road Brown Street, Hale East A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Ashley Road 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Brunswick Road, Both Its junction with Navigation Ro A point 18 metres north of its 7A Broadheath 'unction with Navigation Road Buckingham Road, Gorse Both Its junction with Railway Road A point 10 metres south Its 7A Hill, Stretford junction with Railway Road Buckingham Road, Gorse West A point 10 metres south of its A point 90 metres south of its RPB Hill, Stretford junction with Railway Road junction with Railway Road Buckingham Road, Gorse West A point 96 metres south of its A point 126 metres south of its RPB Hill, Stretford junction with Railway Road junction with Railway Road Buckingham Road, Gorse West and A point 126 metres south of its A point 22 metres west of its 7A Hill, Stretford South junction with Railway Road junction with Ravenswood Road Buckingham Road, Gorse South A point 22 metres west of its A point 5 metres west of its RPB Hill, Stretford junction with Ravenswood junction with Ravenswood Road Road Buckingham Road, Gorse East A point 10 metres south of its A point 119 metres south of its RPB Hill, Stretford junction with Railway Road junction with Railway Road Buckingham Road, Gorse East and A point 119 metres south of its A point 25 metres west of its 7A Hill, Stretford North junction with Railway Road junction with Ravenswood Road Buckingham Road, Gorse North A point 25 metres west of its A point 5 metres west of its RPB Hill, Stretford junction with Ravenswood junction with Ravenswood Road Road Buckingham Road, Gorse Both A point 5 metres west of its Its junction Ravenswood Road 7A Hill, Stretford junction with Ravenswood Road Bucklow Avenue, Both Its junction with Moss Lane A point 10 metres east of its 7A Partin ton 'unction with Moss Lane Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest Its junction with Taylor's Road A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Portland Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 6


Street Side From To Code Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest LJMD Stretford its junction with Portland Road of Its junction with Cavendish Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Cavendish Road Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Beresford Road Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Beresford its junction with Beresford Road Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of A point 30 metres southwest of LJMD Stretford its junction with Beresford its junction with Avondale Road Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 30 metres southwest of Its junction with Avondale 7A Stretford its junction with Avondale Road Road

Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast Its junction with Taylor's Road A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of LJMD Stretford Its junction with Taylor's Road the access road to St. Peter's Church Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford the access road to St. Peter's the access road to St. Peter's Church Church Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of LJMD Stretford the access road to St. Peter's its junction with Portland Road Church Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Wesley Street

Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Wesley Street its junction with Wesley Street

Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Wesley Street its junction with Cavendish Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Cavendish Road Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 187 metres southwest RPB Stretford its junction with Cavendish of the junction with Avondale Road Road Burleigh Road, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 187 metres southwest Its junction with Avondale 7A Stretford of the junction with Avondale Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 7


Street Side From To Code Burlington Road, Southwest Its junction with Sandiway A point 15 metres north of its 6C Altrincham Road junction with Woodlands Road

Burlington Road, Both A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Woodlands 7A Altrincham junction with Woodlands Road Road

Byrom Street, Hale Both Its junction with Hale Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Byrom Street, Hale East A point 185 metres north of Its Its junction with Bath Street 7A junction with Bath Street Cambridge Road, Hale, Both Its junction with Ashley Road A point 15 metres northeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Ashley Road

Cambridge Road, Hale, Southeast A point 15 metres northeast of A point 160 metres northeast 6C Altrincham its junction with Ashley Road of its junction with Ashley Road including the turning head

Cambridge Road, Hale, Northwest A point 135 metres northeast A point 160 metres northeast 6C Altrincham of its junction with Ashley Road of its junction with Ashley Road including the turning head including the turning head

Cambridge Road, Northeast A point 8 metres northwest of Its junction with Church Road 6C Urmston its junction with Church Road

Cambridge Road, Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Church Road 6C Urmston its junction with Church road

Canal Road, Timperley Northwest A point 15 metres south of its Its junction with Park Road 7A 'unction with Park Road Canal Road, Timperley Southeast Its junction with Deansgate Its junction with Park Road 7A Lane Canterbury Road, South A point 165 metres west of its A point 83 metres west of its SS Davyhulme junction with Furness Road junction with Furness Road

Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Chester Road

Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 20 metres south of its A point 10 metres north-west RPB Stretford junction with Chester Road of its junction with Talbot Road

Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 10 metres northwest of Its junction with Talbot Road 7A Stretford its junction with Talbot Road

Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Chester Road

Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest Its junction with Canute Court A point 10 metres southeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Canute Court

Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 10 metres southeast of A point 10 metres northwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Canute Court its junction with Talbot Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 8


Street Side From To Code Canute Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 10 metres northwest of Its junction with Talbot Road 7A Stretford its junction with Talbot Road

Carlton Road, Urmston West Its junction with Church Road A point 10 metres south of its 6C junction with Westmorland Road Carlton Road, Urmston West A point 13 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 6C junction with Westmorland junction with Westmorland Road Road Carlton Road, Urmston East Its junction with Church Road A point 11 metres south of its 6C junction with Westmorland Road Carrington Road, Flixton North A point 10 metres west of its A point 2 metres east of its 7A junction with Hampstead junction with Hampstead Avenue Avenue Carrsvale Avenue, North Its junction with Princess Road A point 12 metres east of its 7A Dav hulme 'unction with Princess Road Carver Street, Old Trafford West Its junction with Stretford Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A5P junction with Stretford Road

Carver Street, Old Trafford West A point 15 metres south of its Its junction with Stanley Street 7A junction with Stretford Road

Carver Street, Old Trafford East Its junction with Stretford Road Its junction with Stanley Road 7A7A

Caspian Road, Northwest A point 210 metres north of its Its junction with Pacific Road 7A Broadheath 'unction with Pacific Road Caspian Road, Southeast A point 13 metres north of its Its junction with Pacific Road 7A Broadheath 'unction with Pacific Road Castleton Street, Both Its junction with Davenport A point 7 metres south of its 7A Broadheath Lane 'unction with Davenport Lane Cavendish Road, North Its junction with Ashley Road A point 15 metres west of its 6C Altrincham 'unction with Ashley Road Cavendish Road, North A point 60 metres west of its A point 85 metres west of its SS Altrincham 'unction with Ashley Road 'unction with Ashley Road Cavendish Road, South Its junction with Ashley Road A point 8 metres west of its 6C Altrincham 'unction with Portland Road Cavendish Road, South Its junction with Portland Road A point 30m west of its junction 6C Altrincham with Portland Road Cavendish Road, Stretford West Its junction with Nansen Street A point 5 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Nansen Street

Cavendish Road, Stretford West A point 5 metres southeast of A point 5 metres north of the RPB its junction with Nansen Street junction with North Lonsdale Street Cavendish Road, Stretford West A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A junction with North Lonsdale junction with North Lonsdale Street Street Cavendish Road, Stretford West A point 5 metres south of its A point 10 metres north of its RPB junction with North Lonsdale junction with Burleigh Road Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 1 9


Street Side From To Code Cavendish Road, Stretford West A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Burleigh Road junction with Burleigh Road

Cavendish Road, Stretford West A point 10 metres south of its A point 15 metres north of its RPB junction with Burleigh Road junction with Chester Road

Cavendish Road, Stretford West A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P junction with Chester Road Cavendish Road, Stretford East Its junction with Nansen Street A point 5 metres south of the 7A 'unction with Nansen Street Cavendish Road, Stretford East A point 5 metres south of the A point 5 metres north of the RPB junction with Nansen Street junction with North Lonsdale Street . Cavendish Road, Stretford East A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A junction with North Lonsdale junction with North Lonsdale Street Street Cavendish Road, Stretford East A point 5 metres south of the A point 10 metres north of the RPB junction with North Lonsdale junction with Burleigh Road. Street Cavendish Road, Stretford East A point 10 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A junction with Burlei h Road junction with Burlei h Road Cavendish Road, Stretford East A point 5 metres south of its A point 15 metres north of its LJMD junction with Burlei h Road 'unction with Chester Road Cavendish Road, Stretford East A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P 'unction with Chester Road Cecil Avenue, Sale North A point 54 metres east of its A point 98 metres east of its SS junction with Lan le Road junction with Lan le Road Cecil Avenue, Sale North A point 150 metres east of its A point 200 metres east of its SS junction with Langley Road junction with Langley Road

Cecil Avenue, Sale North A point 134 metres southwest A point 104 metres southwest SS of its junction with Sherbrook of its junction with Sherbrook Close Close Cecil Avenue, Sale Both Its junction with Harboro Road A point 15 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Harboro Road Cecil Road, Altrincham West Its junction with Ashley Road A point 234 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Cecil Road, Altrincham West A point 248 southeast of its A point 304 southeast of its 6C 'unction with Ashley Road 'unction with Ashley Road Cecil Road, Altrincham East Its junction with Ashley Road A point 8 metres south of its 7A junction with Ashley Road Cecil Road, Altrincham East A point 8 metres south of its A point 102 metres southeast 6C junction with Ashley Road of its junction with Ashley Road

Cecil Road, Altrincham East A point 102 metres southeast A point 177 metres southeast 7A of its junction with Ashley Road of its junction with Ashley Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 20


Street Side From To Code Cecil Road, Altrincham East A point 177 metres southeast A point 208 metres south of its LJ6C of its junction with Ashley Road junction with Ashley Road

Cecil Road, Altrincham East A point 220 southeast of its A point 284 southeast of its 6C 'unction with Ashley Road junction with Ashley Road Cecil Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Sandy Lane A point 10 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Sand Lane Cedar Avenue, Altrincham Both Its junction with New Street A point 5 metres west of its 6C 'unction with New Street Centenary Way, Trafford Both The Trafford boundary at Its junction with Tenax Road, CW Park Centenary Bride including Guinness Circle Central Road, Partington Both Its junction with Manchester A point 305 metres south of its 7A New Road junction with Manchester New Road Central Road, Partington Southwest A point 178 metres north of its A point 133 metres north of its SS junction with Wychelme Road junction with Wychelme Road

Central Way, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Shaw's Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Shaw's Road Central Way, Altrincham Northwest A point 10 metres south of its A point 65 metres north of its SLEW junction with Shaw's Road junction with Regent Road and Dis L7P Central Way, Altrincham Northwest A point 65 metres north of its Its junction with Regent Road 7A7A 'unction with Regent Road Central Way, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Shaw's Road Its junction with the access 6C road to the rear of No. 113 George Street Central Way, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with the access Its junction with Regent Road 7A7A road to the rear of No. 113 Geor e Street Chapel Court, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with New Street A point 35 metres south of its 7A 'unction with New Street Chapel Grove, Urmston Northwest Its junction with Higher Road A point 7 metres northeast of 6C its 'unction with Higher Road Chapel Lane, Sale Both A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Green Lane 7A 'unction with Green Lane Chapel Lane, Stretford Both Its junction with Chester Road A point 12 metres west of its 7A5P junction with Chester Road Chapel Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Cross Street A point 20 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Cross Street

Chapel Road, Sale Northeast A point 20 metres southeast of A point 17 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Cross Street its junction with Sefton Road

Chapel Road, Sale Northeast A point 17 metres southeast of Its junction with Bridgewater 6C its junction with Sefton Road Street

Chapel Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Cross Street A point 20 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Cross Street

Chapel Road, Sale Southwest A point 5 metres northwest of A point 7 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Leicester Road its junction with Leicester Road

Chapel Road, Sale Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of [A--point 10 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Claremont its junction with Claremont Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 21


Street Side From To Code Chapel Road, Sale Southwest A point 20 metres northwest of Its junction with Tatton Road 7A its junction with Tatton Road

Chapel Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Tatton Road A point 15 metres south-east 6C of its junction with Tatton Road

Charcoal Road, Dunham Both A point 75 metres southeast of Its junction with Dunham Road CW its junction with Woodhouse Lane Charter Road, Altrincham West A point 18 metres south of its A point 24 metres south of its Dis junction with Mayor's Road junction with Mayor's Road

Chassen Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Flixton Road A point 30 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Flixton Road Chassen Road, Urmston Both A point 38 metres northwest of A point 20 metres north of its 6C its junction with Church Road junction with Church Road

Chassen Road, Urmston Both A point 20 metres north of its Its junction with Church Road 7A 'unction with Church Road Chatsworth Road, Northwest Its junction with Winchester A point 55 metres north of its 7A Stretford Road junction with Winchester Road

Cherry Lane, Sale Northwest A point 41 metres southwest of A point 212 metres southwest SS its junction with Hurst Avenue of its junction with Hurst Avenue Chester Road, Stretford Northwest The Crossford Bridge Its junction with Bradley Lane 7A5P

Chester Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Bradley Lane A point 80 metres north of its 7A5P 'unction with Bradley Lane Chester Road, Stretford Northwest A point 80 metres north of its A point 380 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Bradley Lane 'unction with Polar Road Chester Road, Stretford Northwest A point 380 metres south of its Its junction with Poplar Road 7A5P 'unction with Polar Road Chester Road, Stretford Northwest Its 'unction with Barton Road Its 'unction with Kin swa 7A5P Chester Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Kingsway Its junction with Davyhulme 7A5P Road East Chester Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Davyhulme Its junction with Sir Matt Busby 7A5P Road East Way Chester Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Sir Matt Busby Its westerly junction with 7A5P Way Brid ewater Way Chester Road, Stretford Southeast The Crossford Bridge A point 186 metres north of the 7A5P Crossford Bridge Chester Road, Stretford Southeast A point 186 metres north of the A point 487 metres south of its 7A Crossford Bride 'unction with Green Street Chester Road, Stretford Southeast A point 487 metres south of its Its junction with Green Street 7A5P 'unction with Green Street Chester Road, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Green Street Its junction with Edge Lane 7A5P

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 22


Street Side From To Code Chester Road, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Edge Lane Its junction with Talbot Road 7A5P Chester Road, Stretford Southeast Its westerly junction with Talbot Its junction with Warwick Road 7A5P Road Chester Road, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Warwick Road Its westerly junction with 7A5P Brid ewater Way Chester Road, Slip Road Both Its junction with White City Its junction with the southwest 7A5P (bus lane), Old Trafford Way bound carriageway of Chester Road Chester Road, Old Northeast Its easterly junction with Its junction with Stretford Road 7A5P Trafford Brid ewater Way Chester Road, Old Southwest Its easterly junction with Its junction with Talbot Road 7A5P Trafford Brid ewater Way Chester Road and Barton The whole perimeter 7A5P Road Gyratory(Central Roundabout) Chester Road, Stretford North Its western junction with Its eastern junction with 7A5P (Service Road and Traffic Chester Road Chester Road Island at the junctions with Chorley Street and Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford South Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 north of its junction 7A5P (Service Road and Traffic (east arm) with Chester Road Island at the junctions with Chorley Street and Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford South A point 15 north of its junction A point 35 metres north of its RPB (Service Road and Traffic with Chester Road junction with Chester Road Island at the junctions with Chorley Street and Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford South A point 35 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P (Service Road and Traffic (west arm) junction with Chester Road Island at the junctions with Chorley Street and Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford North Its junction with Partridge A point 5 metres east of its 7A5P (Service Road at the Street junction with Partridge Street junction with Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford North A point 5 metres east of its A point 20 metres east of its 7A (Service Road at the junction with Partridge Street junction with Partridge Street junction with Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford South Its junction with Chester Road The end including the turning 7A5P (Service Road at the end junction with Partridge Street) Chester Road, Stretford Outer The whole perimeter 7A (traffic island south of the roundabout at the junction with Barton Road)

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 23


Street Side From To Code Chorley Street, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Ravenswood Its junction with the access 7A Road road to the multi-storey car ark Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Ravenswood A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Road its junction with Ravenswood Road Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of LJMD its junction with Ravenswood its junction with Adlington Drive Road Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 10 metres southwest of A point 10 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Adlington Drive its junction with Adlington Drive

Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 25 metres northeast of LJMD its junction with Adlington Drive its junction with Adlington Drive

Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 25 metres northeast of A point 35 metres northeast 7A its junction with Adlington Drive and south of its junction with Adlin ton Drive Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 35 metres northeast A point 78 metres southwest LJMD and south of its junction with and north of its junction with Adlington Drive the access to Trafford House

Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 78 metres southwest A point 70 metres southwest 7A and north of its junction with of its junction with the access the access to Trafford House to Trafford House

Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 70 metres southwest Its junction with the access LJMD of its junction with the access road to Trafford House to Trafford House Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast Its junction with the access A point 10 metres west of the 7A road to Trafford House Chester Road Service Road

Chorley Street, Stretford Southeast A point 10 metres west of the Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Chester Road Service Road Service Road

Chorlton Road, Old East A point 22 metres north of its Its junction with Moss Lane 7A Trafford 'unction with Au ustus Way West Chorlton Road, Old West A point 100 metres north of its Its junction with Shrewsbury 7A5P Trafford junction with Shrewsbury Street Street Chorlton Road, Old West Its junction with Ayres Road A point 100 metres north of its 7A Trafford junction with Shrewsbury Street Chorlton Street, Old Both Its junction with Chester Road A point 14 metres southeast of TA-5P Trafford its junction with Chester Road

Chorlton Street, Old East A point 14 metres southeast of A point 4 metres south of its 7A Trafford its junction with Chester Road junction with Manchester Street Chorlton Street, Old West A point 14 metres southeast of A point 7 metres south of its 7A Trafford its junction with Chester Road junction with Manchester Street Christie Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Chester Road A point 17 metressouth of its 7A5P junction with Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 24


Street Side From To Code Christie Road, Stretford Northeast A point 80 metres northwest of Its junction with Renton Road 6C its junction with Renton Road

Church Brow, Bowdon Northwest Its junction with Green Walk A point 35 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Green Walk Church Brow, Bowdon Southeast Its junction with Stamford Road A point 38 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Church Lane, Sale East A point 123 metres north of its A point 72 metres north of its SS junction with Ashton Lane 'unction with Ashton Lane Church Road, Flixton North A point 90 metres west of its A point 51 metres west of its 6C junction with Mansfield Road 'unction with Chassen Road Church Road, Flixton North A point 51 metres west of its A point 17 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Chassen Road 'unction with Chassen Road Church Road, Flixton North A point 14 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A junction with Fairholme Avenue junction with Fairholme Avenue

Church Road, Flixton North A point 32 metres west of its A point 83 metres east of its 6C junction with Walmsley Road junction with Walmsley Grove

Church Road, Flixton North A point 57 metres west of its Its junction with Station Road 7A5P 'unction with Station Road Church Road, Flixton South A point 11 metres west of its A point 16 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Kingston Drive 'unction with Kingston Drive Church Road, Flixton South A point 19 metres west of its A point 52 metres east of its 7A junction with South ate 'unction with South ate Church Road, Flixton South A point 110 metres west of its A point 54 metres west of its 6C 'unction with Barnfield 'unction with Queens' Road Church Road, Urmston South A point 54 metres west of its Its junction with Queen's Road 7A5P 'unction with Queens' Road Church Road, Urmston South Its west end Its east end 7A (service road outside Nos. 6 to 12) Church Street, Altrincham West Its junction with Oldfield Road Its junction with Old Market 7A5P Place Church Street, Altrincham East Its junction with Manchester A point 63 metres north of its 7A5P Road 'unction with Victoria Street Church Street, Altrincham East A point 63 metres north of its A point 14 metres north of its LB6T 'unction with Victoria Street junction with Victoria Street Church Street, Altrincham East A point 14 metres north of its Its junction with Old Market 7A5P 'unction with Victoria Street Place Church Street, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Wellington A point 6 metres southwest of 6D Street its junction with Wellington Street Church Street, Stretford Southeast A point 145 metres northeast Its junction with Chapel Lane 6D of its junction with Chapel Lane

Church Walk, Altrincham Northwest A point 3 metres southwest of A point 31 metres southwest of SS its junction with Townfield its junction with Townfield Gardens Gardens Church Walk, Altrincham Northeast A point 8 metres northwest of Its junction with Albert Place 7A its junction with Albert Place

Church Walk, Altrincham Southwest A point 3 metres northwest of Its junction with Albert Place 7A its junction with Albert Place

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 25


Street Side From To Code Churchill Way, Trafford Both Its junction with Trafford Park A point 77 metres north of its 7A Park Road at north side of junction with Trafford Park roundabout Road at north side of roundabout Ciss Lane, Urmston East Its junction with Higher Road A point 7 metres south of its 6C 'unction with Hi her Road Ciss Lane, Urmston West Its junction with Higher Road A point 12 metres south of its 6C junction with Higher Road City Road, Old Trafford North Its junction with Chester Road A point 47 metres east of its 7A5P junction with Chester Road City Road, Old Trafford North A point 47 metres east of its A point 104 metres east of its 7A junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road

City Road, Old Trafford South Its junction with East Union A point 117 metres east of its 7A Street junction with East Union Street

Claremont Road, Sale Northwest Its junction with Chapel Road A point 7 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Chapel Road Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 7 metres south of its A point 47 metres southwest of SS junction with Chapel Road its junction with Chapel Road

Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 47 metres southwest of A point 15 metres north of its LM6C its junction with Chapel Road junction with Ashfield Road

Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Ashfield Road 7A 'unction with Ashfield Road Claremont Road, Sale Northwest Its junction with Ashfield Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A6C junction with Ashfield Road

Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 15 metres south of its A point 7 metres north of its 6E6E junction with Ashfield Road junction with Wynnstay Road

Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 7 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A6C junction with W nnsta Road 'unction with W nnsta Road Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 5 metres south of its A point 33 metres south of its 7A junction with Wynnstay Road junction with Wynnstay Road

Claremont Road, Sale Northwest A point 33 metres south of its A point 51 metres south of its 7A6C junction with Wynnstay Road junction with Wynnstay Road

Claremont Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Chapel Road A point 7 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Chapel Road Claremont Road, Sale Southeast A point 7 metres south of its A point 15 metres north of its 6C 'unction with Chapel Road 'unction with Ashfield Road Claremont Road, Sale Southeast A point 15 metres north of its Its junctionwith Ashfield Road 7A 'unction with Ashfield Road Claremont Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Ashfield Road A point 22 metres south of Its SL6C junction with Ashfield Road

Claremont Road, Sale Southeast A point 15 metres south of its Apoint 22 metres south of its 7A junction with Ashfield Road junction with Ashfield Road

Claremont Road, Sale Southeast A point 22 metres south of its Apoint 112 metres south of its 6E junction with Ashfield Road junction with Ashfield Road

Clarendon Avenue, Northeast A point 74 metres north of its Its junction with Woodlands 7A Altrincham junction with Woodlands Road Road

Clarendon Avenue, Southwest A point 14 metres north of its Its junction with Stockport 7A Altrincham junction with Stockport Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 26


Street Side From To Code Clarke Street, Broadheath Both Its junction with Sinderland A point 10 metres southwest of 7A Road its junction with Sinderland Road Clifton Close, Old Trafford Southwest A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Ayres Road 7A 'unction with A res Road Clover Road, Timperley North A point 20 metres east of its A point 26 metres east of its SS junction with Thorneycroft junction with Thorneycroft Road Road Clover Road, Timperley South A point 20 metres west of its Its junction with Green Lane 7A junction with Green Lane North North

Clyne Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Railway Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A junction with Railway Road Clyne Street, Stretford West A point 5 metres south of its A point 10 metres north of its RPB 'unction with Railway Road junction with Chorle Street Clyne Street, Stretford West A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Chorley Street 7A 'unction with Chorle Street Clyne Street, Stretford East A point 5 metres south of its Its junction with the access RPA junction with Railway Road road to the north of No. 32 CI ne Street Clyne Street, Stretford East Its junction with the access A point 5 metres north of its RPA road to the north of No. 32 junction with Chorley Street CI ne Street Clyne Street, Stretford East A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Chorley Street 7A junction with Chorle Street Cobalt Avenue, Trafford Both Its junction with Mercury Way A point 13 metres south of its 6C Park junction with Mercury Way

Colley Street, Stretford West Its junction with Railway Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Railway Road

Colley Street, Stretford West A point 10 metres south of its Its junction with the access RPA junction with Railway Road road to the north of No. 27 Colle Street Colley Street, Stretford West Its junction with the access A point 10 metres north of its RPA road to the north of No. 27 junction with Chorley Street Colle Street Colley Street, Stretford East Its junction with Railway Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A junction with Railway Road Colley Street, Stretford East A point 5 metres south of its Its junction with the access LJ6C junction with Railway Road road north of No. 32 Colley Street Colley Street, Stretford East Its junction with the access A point 10 metres north of its RPA road north of No. 32 Colley junction with Chorley Street Street Colley Street, Stretford Both A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Chorley Street 7A 'unction with Chorle Street Conway Road, Sale West Its junction with Marsland Road A point 28 metres south of its 7A5P junction with Marsland Road

Conway Road, Sale West A point 28 metres south of its A point 87 metres south of its 6C junction with Marsland Road junction with Marsland Road

Conway Road, Sale East Its junction with Northenden A point 35 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Northenden Road

Coppice Avenue, Sale Lay North A point 58 metres east of its A point 64 metres east of its Dis b 'unction with Manor Avenue 'unction with Manor Avenue L6C Coppice Avenue, Sale Lay North A point 64 metres east of its A point 105 metres east of its LM6C by junction with Manor Avenue junction with Manor Avenue

Coppice Avenue, Sale South Its junction with Manor Avenue Its junction with Drayton Close 7A

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 27


Street Side From To Code Cottesmore Gardens, Southeast Its junction with Hale Road A point 4 metres south of its 7A Hale Barns 'unction with Hale Road Craig Avenue, Davyhulme Both Its junction with Moorside Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Moorside Road

Cranleigh Drive, Sale Northwest Its junction with Ashton Lane A point 125 metres south of its 7A5P 'unction with Ashton Lane Cranleigh Drive, Sale Southeast Its junction with Cross Street Its junction with Oaklands 7A5P Drive Craven Road, Broadheath West A point 25 metres north of its Its junction with Barlow Road 6C 'unction with Lee Avenue Craven Road, Broadheath West Its junction with Barlow Road Its junction with George 7A Richards Way Craven Road, Broadheath East Its junction with Peveril Road Its junction with the service 6C road to the rear of Altrincham Retail Park Craven Road, Broadheath East Its junction with the service Its junction with George 7A road to. the rear of Altrincham Richards Way Retail Park Crescent Road, Hale Northwest Its junction with Ashley Road A point 21 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Crescent Road, Hale Southeast Its junction with Ashley Road A point 12 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Crofton Avenue, Northeast A point 193 metres south of its A point 225 metres south of its SS Timperley junction with Riddings Road junction with Riddings Road

Crofts Bank Road, West Its junction with Moorside Road Its junction with Flixton Road 6C Urmston Crofts Bank Road, East Its junction with Winchester A point 5 metres north of its 6C Urmston Road junction with Primrose Avenue

Crofts Bank Road, East A point 5 metres north of its A point 7 metres south of its 7A Urmston junction with Primrose Avenue junction with Primrose Avenue

Cromer Road, Sale Both Its junction with Marsland Road Its junction with Somerton 7A Avenue Cross Street, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Stamford New Its junction with Brewery Street 7A6C Road (including the road closure)

Cross Street, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Stamford New Its junction with The Causeway 7A6C Road Cross Street, Sale (island The whole perimeter 7A reserve oppposite Nos 156-122) Cross Street, Sale(traffic The whole perimeter 7A5P island opposite its junction with Brighton Grove)

Cross Street, Sale Both The Crossford Bridge Its junction with Washway 7A5P Road Cross Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Radnor Street A point 5 metres north of its 7A5P 'unction with Radnor Street Cross Street, Stretford Northeast A point 13 metres east of A point 95 metres east of 7A Chester Road Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 28


Street Side From To Code Cross Street, Stretford Southwest A point 67 metres east of A point 95 metres east of 7A Chester Road Chester Road (including the cul-decriminalised enforcement sac end) Crossford Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Chester Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Chester Road

Crown Passages, Hale Northwest Its junction with Ashley Road A point 36 metres south of its 7A junction with Ashley Road Crown Passages, Hale Southeast Its junction with Ashley Road A point 39 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Curzon Road, Sale Both Its junction with Ashfield Road A point 30 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Curzon Road, Sale Both Its junction with Wynnstay A point 12 metres southwest of 7A6C Road its junction with Wynnstay Road Curzon Road, Sale Both A point 12 metres southwest of The cul-de-sac end 7A its junction with Wynnstay Road Cyprus Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Derbyshire A point 17 metres south of its 7A Lane junction with Derbyshire Lane

Cyprus Street, Stretford Northwest A point 8 metres northeast of The cul-de-sac end 7A its junction with junction with Jackson Street Cyprus Street, Stretford Southeast A point 15 metres north of its A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Sydney Street junction with Sydney Street

Cyprus Street, Stretford Southeast A point 20 metres north of the The cul-de-sac end 7A cul-de-sac end Dalton Gardens, Both A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Balmain Road 6E Dav hulme 'unction with Balmaan Road Dane Road, Sale North Its junction with Cross Street A point 53 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Cross Street Dane Road, Sale South Its junction with Cross Street A point 57 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Cross Street Dane Road, Sale South A point 5 metres west of its A point 5 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Waverle Road 'unction with Waverle Road Dane Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Danefield Its junction with Lynn Avenue 7A Road Dane Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Lynn Avenue A point 67 metres south of its 7A5P junction with Lynn Avenue Dane Road, Sale Southwest A point 15 metres west of its Its junction with Winstanley 7A junction with Brindle Avenue Road Dane Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Winstanley A point 43 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Winstanley Road

Danefield Road, Sale Both A point 70 metres north of its Its junction with Dane Road 6C 'unction with Dane Road Dargle Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Cross Street A point 25 metres south of its 7A5P junction with Cross Street Darley Street, Gorse Hill, I West IThe cul-de-sac end A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford junction with Nansen Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 29


Street Side From To Code Darley Street, Gorse Hill, East The cul-de-sac end A point 8 metres south of the RPC Stretford cul-de-sac end Darley Street, Gorse Hill, East A point 8 metres south of the A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford cul-de-sac end 'unction with Nansen Street Darley Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Nansen Street 7A Stretford 'unction with Nansen Street Darnley Street, Stretford Southwest A point 33 metres north of its Its junction with Kings Road 7A junction with Kings Road Darnley Street, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Darnley Street A point 23 metres south of its 7A (side street south of No junction with Darnley Street 94) Darwen Street, Old Both The northwest end (including A point 19 metres northwest of 7A Trafford the turning end) its junction with Chester Road

Darwen Street, Old Both A point 19 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Trafford its junction with Chester Road

Davyhulme Circle, Outer Its junction with Barton Road The front of the splitter island 7A Urmston Davyhulme Circle, Outer Its junction with Lostock Road The front of the splitter island 7A Urmston Davyhulme Circle, Outer Its junction with Crofts Bank The front of the splitter island 7A Urmston Road Davyhulme Circle, Outer Its junction with Hayeswater The front of the splitter island 7A Urmston Road Davyhulme Circle, East Its junction with Lostock Road A point 35 metres south of its 7A Urmston 'unction with Lostock road Davyhulme Road East, North A point 52 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Stretford its junction with Chester Road

Davyhulme Road East, South A point 235 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A7A Stretford junction with Chester Road

Davyhulme Road, Both Its junction with Park Road A point 71 metres south of its 7A5P Stretford 'unction with Davyhulme Road, South Its junction with Bowers Its junction with Cornhill Road 6C Urmston Avenue Dawson Road, Both A point 10 metres northwest of Its junction with Sinderland 7A Broadheath its junction with Sinderland Road Road De Quincey Road, Both A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Woodcote 7A Tim erle 'unction with Woodcote Road Road De Quincey Road, Both A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Manchester 7A5P Timperley its junction with Manchester Road Road Deansgate Lane, Both Its junction with Canal Road A point 25 metres south of its 7A Timperley junction with St Andrew's Avenue Delamer Road, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with The Downs A point 25 metres south of its 7A junction with St John's Road

Delamer Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 25 metres south of its Its junction with Cavendish 6C junction with St John's Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 30


Street Side From To Code Delamer Road, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with The Downs A point 29 metres south of its 7A junction with St John's Road

Delamere Avenue, East A point 55 metres south of its A point 145 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Davyhulme Road junction with Davyhulme Road East East Delaunays Road, Sale Northwest A point 7 metres northeast of A point 15 metres southwest of 6C its junction with Kings Road its junction with Kings Road

Delaunays Road, Sale Northwest A point 158 metres northeast A point 10 metres northeast of SS of its junction with Harboro its junction with Harboro Way Way Delaunays Road, Sale Both A point 7 metres north of its Its junction with Harboro Road 7A 'unction with Harboro Road Denmark Road, Sale Southwest Its northwest end A point 40 metres southeast of 6C the northwest end Denmark Road, Sale Southwest A point 20 metres north of its Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P junction with Cross Street Denmark Road, Sale Northeast A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P Iunction with Cross Street Denmark Street, Northwest Its junction with Moss Lane A point 89 metres south of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Moss Lane Denmark Street, Southeast Its junction with Moss Lane A point 80 metres south of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Moss Lane Denmark Street, Both A point 60 metres north of its Its junction with Lloyd Street 7A Altrincham 'unction with Lloyd Street Derby Road, Sale Both A point 14 metres north of its Its junction with Green Lane 7A 'unction with Green Lane Derby Street, Altrincham North Its junction with Hazel Road A point 5 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Hazel Road Derby Street, Altrincham South Its junction with Hazel Road A point 10 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Hazel Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford North Its junction with Lyndhurst A point 29 metres southeast of 6Q6Q Road its junction with Lyndhurst Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford North A point 95 metres west of its A point 50 metres west of its 6H6H 'unction with Park Road junction with Park Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford North A point 50 metres west of its A point 60 metres east of its 7A6H 'unction with Park Road 'unction with Park Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford North A point 25 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P 'unction with Chester Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford South Its junction with Barton Road A point 40 metres east of its 6Q6Q 'unction with Barton Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford South A point 40 metres east of its Its junction with Larne Avenue 6H6H 'unction with Barton Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford South Its junction with Larne Avenue A point 50 metres west of its 6H6H 'unction with Park Road Derbyshire Lane, Stretford South A point 15 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Cyprus Street 'unction with Cyprus Street Derbyshire Lane, stretford South A point 20 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P 'unction with Chester Road Derbyshire Road South, Southwest Its junction with Marsland Road A point 37 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Marsland Road

Derwent Road, Flixton Both Its junction with Woodsend A point 5 metres east of its 7A Road junction with Woodserid Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 31


Street Side From To Code Devonshire Road, North A point 20 metres west of its Its junction with Manchester 7A5P Altrincham junction with Manchester Road Road

Devonshire Road, North A point 69 metres south of its Its junction with Princes Road 7A Altrincham junction with Princes Road

Devonshire Road, North Its junction with Princes Road A point 20 metres west of its 7A Altrincham junction with Manchester Road

Devonshire Road, South A point 20 metres west of its Its junction with Manchester 7A5P Altrincham junction with Manchester Road Road

Devonshire Road, South Its junction with Princes Road A point 20 metres west of its 7A Altrincham junction with Manchester Road

Devonshire Road, South Its junction with Weldon Road Its junction with Princess Road 7A Altrincham Dorset Street, Stretford Both A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P junction with Chester Road Dorset Street, Stretford Southwest Its junction with Cyprus Street A point 30 metres south of its 7A junction with Cyprus Street

Dumber Lane, Sale South A point 150 metres south of its A point 213 metres south of its SS junction with Glebelands Road junction with Glebelands Road

Dunham Road, Warburton Both Its junction with Warburton Its junction with Barnes Lane CW Lane Dunham Road, Altrincham Both Its boundary with Cheshire CW

Dunham Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 108 metres southwest Its junction with Old Market 7A5P of its junction with Booth Road Place

Dunham Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 120 metres southwest Its junction with Old Market 7A5P of its junction with Regent Place Road Earney Street, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Post Office Its junction with High Street 7A5P Street Earney Street, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Post Office A point 33 metres southwest of 7A Street its junction with Post Office Street Earney Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 33 metres southwest of A point 54 metres southwest of 7A5P its junction with Post Office its junction with Post Office Street Street East Union Street, Old West Its junction with City Road A point 56 metres southeast of 7A5P Trafford its 'unction with City Road East Union Street, Old East Its junction with City Road A point 50 metres south of its 7A5P Trafford 'unction with City Road East Union Street, Old Both A point 91 metres southeast of A point 120 metres southeast 7A Trafford its junction with City Road of its junction with City Road

Eastway, Sale Northeast Its junction with Washway A point 42 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Eastway, Sale Northeast A point 42 metres southeast of A point 73 metres south of its 7A its junction with Washway junction with Washway Road Road Eastway, Sale Southwest its junction with Langdale Road Its junction with Washway 7A5P Road Eaton Road, Sale Northeast its junction with Washway A point 35 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Washway Road

Eaton Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Washway A point 15 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 32


Street Side From To Code Edge Lane, Stretford North Its junction with Chester Road A point 44 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Kings Road

Edge Lane, Stretford South Its junction with Chester Road A point 52 metres east of its 7A5P junction with Lime Road Edge Lane, Stretford The whole perimeter 7A (eastern central reserve at Stretford Station) Edge Lane, Stretford (the The whole perimeter 7A western traffic island at Stretford Station) Edge Lane, Stretford Fun- Both The cul-de-sac end Its junction with Edge Lane 7A named access road adjacent to 9 Edge Lane)

Eighth Street, Trafford North A point 13 metres west of its A point 5 metre east of its 7A Park 'unction with Third Avenue junction with Third Avenue Eighth Street, Trafford South A point 8 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A Park junction with Third Avenue junction with Third Avenue Elevator Road, Trafford Both Its junction with Trafford Wharf A point 54 metres south of its 7A Park Road junction with Trafford Wharf Road Eleventh Street, Trafford Both Its junction with Fifth Avenue Its junction with Second SG Park Avenue Elm Drive, Stretford Both Its junction with Sandy Lane A point 10 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Sand Lane Elm Grove, Sale Southwest A point 126 metres northwest A point 120 metres northwest Dis of its junction with Cross Street of its junction with Cross Street

Elm Grove, Sale Southwest A point 112 metres northwest A point 106 metres northwest Dis of its junction with Cross Street of its junction with Cross Street

Elm Grove, Sale Both A point 20 metres northwest of Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P its junction with Cross Street

Elsinore Road, Old Northwest A point 63 metres southwest of Its junction with Seymour 7A Trafford its junction with Seymour Grove Grove Elsinore Road, Old Southeast A point 58 metres southwest of A point 10 metres southwest of 7A Trafford its junction with Seymour its junction with Seymour Grove Grove Elsinore Road, Old Southeast A point 10 metres southwest of Its junction with Seymour 7A5P Trafford its junction with Seymour Grove ~Grove Elton Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Railway Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Railway Road Elton Street, Stretford West A point 5 metres south of its Its junction with the access RPA junction with Railway Road Road to the north of No. 27 Elton Street Elton Street, Stretford West Its junction with the access A point 5 metres north of its RPA Road to the north of No. 27 junction with Chorley Street Elton Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 33


Street Side From To Code Elton Street, Stretford East A point 5 metres south of its Its junction of the access road LJ6C junction with Railway Road north of No. 24 Elton Street

Elton Street, Stretford East Its junction of the access road A point 5 metres north of its RPA north of No. 24 Elton Street junction with Chorley Street

Empress Street, Old North The cul-de-sac end A point 57 metres west of its 7A Trafford 'unction with Chester Road Empress Street, Old North A point 57 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Trafford its junction with Chester Road

Empress Street, Old South A point 70 metres west of its A point 51 metres northwest of 7A Trafford junction with Wright Street its junction with Chester Road

Empress Street, Old South A point 51 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Trafford its junction with Chester Road

Entwisle Avenue, East Its junction with Davyhulme A point 5 metres south of its 6C Davyhulme Road junction with Davyhulme Road

Europa Gate, Trafford Northwest The northeastern end of traffic A point 21 metres south of its 7A Park island at is junction with junction with Europa Circle Euro a Circle Fairholme Avenue, Flixton Both Its junction with Church Road A point 13 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Church Road Farmfield, Sale Both Its junction with Green Lane A point 32 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Green Lane Faulkner Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Kings Road A point 20 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Kings Road Field Road, Sale Both Its junction with Green Lane A point 17 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Green Lane Fifth Street, Trafford Park South A point 12 metres west of its A point 7 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Third Avenue 'unction with Third Avenue Firs Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Manor Court A point 75 metres northeast of SS its junction with Manor Court

Firwood Avenue, Stretford West A point 221 metres north of its A point 215 metres north of its Dis junction with Stretford Road junction with Stretford Road

Firwood Avenue, Stretford East A point 106 metres north of its A point 100 metres north of its Dis junction with Stretford Road junction with Stretford Road

Firwood Avenue, Stretford West A point 97 metres north of its A point 91 metres north of its Dis junction with Stretford Road junction with Stretford Road

Flixton Road, Flixton Both Its junction with Ambleside its junction with Western Road 6C Road Flixton Road, Flixton West A point 10 metres north of Its A point 10 metres south of Its 7A junction with Rothiemay Road junction with Rothiemay Road

Flixton Road, Flixton Northwest A point 24 metres southwest of A point 6 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Whitelake its junction with Whitelake Avenue Avenue Flixton Road, Flixton South A point 12 metres west of its A point 14 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Shawe Road 'unction with Shawe Road Flixton Road, Flixton Both A point 18 metres west of its A point 14 metres east of its 7A Junction with Chassen Road junction with Chassen Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 34


Street Side From To Code Flixton Road, Flixton North A point 62 metres west of its A point 10 metres west of its 6C junction with Glenhaven junction with Glenhaven Avenue Avenue Flixton Road, Flixton North A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 6C junction with Glenhaven junction with Glenhaven Avenue Avenue Flixton Road, Flixton North A point 10 metres east of its A point 10 metres west of its LJ6C junction with Glenhaven junction with Newton Road Avenue Flixton Road, Flixton North A point 10 metres west of its Its junction with Newton Road 6C junction with Newton Road Flixton Road, Flixton North Its junction with Newton Road Its junction with Wycliffe Road 7A

Flixton Road, Flixton North Its junction with Wycliffe Road Its junction with Crofts Bank 6C Road Flixton Road, Flixton South A point 15 metres west of its A point 18 metres east of its 6C junction with Meade Close junction with Meade Close Flixton Road, Flixton South A point 18 metres east of its A point 113 metres east of its 6C junction with Meade Close junction with Legwood Court

Flixton Road, Flixton South A point 113 metres east of its A point 164 metres east of its LJ6C junction with Legwood Court junction with Legwood Court

Flixton Road, Urmston South A point 164 metres east of its A point 15 metres east of its 6C junction with Legwood Court junction with Wycliffe Road

Flixton Road, Urmston South A point 15 metres east of its A point 89 metres east of its SB junction with W cliffe Road junction with W cliffe Road Flixton Road, urmston South A point 89 metres east of its A point 10 metres east of its 6C junction with W cliffe Road junction with Grosvenor Road Flixton Road, Urmston South A point 10 metres east of its A point 111 metres west of its LJ6C junction with Grosvenor Road junction with Station Road Flixton Road, Urmston South A point 111 metres west of its A point 36 metres west of its SB junction with Station Road junction with Station Road Flixton Road, Urmston South A point 36 metres west of its Its junction with Station Road 6C 'unction with Station Road Florence Street, Sale Northeast A point 20 metres north of its Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P junction with Cross Street Forest Drive, Sale Northeast A point 17 metres northwest of Its junction with Washway 5P5P its junction with Washway Road Road Forest Drive, Sale Southwest A point 14 metres northwest of Its junction with Washway 5P5P its junction with Washway Road Road Fownhope Avenue, Sale Both A point 12 metres northwest of Its junction with Washway 5P5P its junction with Washway Road Road Fownhope Road, Sale Both A point 20 metres northwest of Its junction with Washway 5P5P its junction with Washway Road Road Framingham Road, Sale West Its junction with Brooklands A point 73 metres southwest of 7A Road its junction with Brooklands Road Framingham Road, Sale West A point 73 metres southwest of Its junction with Woodbourne 6C its junction with Brooklands Road Road Framingham Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Brooklands A point 60 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Brooklands Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 35


Street Side From To Code Fraser Place, Trafford Southeast Its junction with Europa Gate A point 34 metres south of its 7A Park 'unction with Euro a Gate Friar's Road, Sale Northwest Its junction with Sibson Road A point 135 metres southwest 6C (southerly arm) of its junction with Sibson Road Friar's Road, Sale Both Its junction with Sibson Road The cul-de-sac end 7A5P (northerly arm) Frieston Road, Timperley Both Its junction with Park Road A point 15 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Park Road Frieston Road, Timperley Southeast A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Kensington 5C 'unction with Park Road Grove Frieston Road, Timperley Northwest A point 31 metres northeast of A point 142 metres northeast SS its junction with Raglan Drive of its junction with Raglan Drive Garden Lane, Altrincham Both A point 30 metres north of its Its junction with Victoria Street 7A junction with Victoria Street Gaskell Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 16 metres north of its Its junction with Barrington 7A 'unction with Barrin ton Road Road Gaskell Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 30 metres north of its Its junction with Barrington 7A 'unction with Barrin ton Road Road George Richards Way, Both Its junction with Craven Road Its junction with Davenport 7A Broadheath Lane George Richards Way, Both Its junction with Davenport Its junction with Manchester 7A5P Broadheath Lane Road George's Road, Sale West Its junction with Marsland Road A point 27 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

George's Road, Sale East Its junction with Marsland Road A point 26 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

Gladstone Road, North Its junction with Manchester A point 33 metres east of its 7A5P Altrincham Road junction with Manchester Road

Gladstone Road, North A point 33 metres east of its A point 63 metres east of its RP Altrincham junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Gladstone Road, North A point 74 metres west of its A point 30 metres west of its SS Altrincham 'unction with Hawarden Road 'unction with Hawarden Road Gladstone Road, North A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Hawarden Road junction with Hawarden Road Gladstone Road, North A point 24 metres south of its Its junction with Navigation 7A Altrincham junction with Navigation Road Road

Gladstone Road, South Its junction with Manchester A point 15 metres east of its 7A5P Altrincham Road junction with Manchester Road

Gladstone Road, South A point 15 metres east of its A point 61 metres east of its RP Altrincham junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Gladstone Road, South A point 64 metres east of its A point 122 metres east of its RP Altrincham junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Gladstone Road, South A point 30 metres west of its A point 10 metres west of its RP Altrincham junction with Hawwarden Road junction with Hawarden Road

Gladstone Road, South A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Hawarden Road 'unction with Hawarden Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 36


Street Side From To Code Gladstone Road, South A point 21 metres south of its Its junction with Navigation 7A5P Altrincham junction with Navigation Road Road

Glastonbury Road, West A point 30 metres north of its A point 58 metres north of its SS Stretford junction with Winchester Road junction with Winchester Road

Glastonbury Road, Northwest A point 84 metres north of its A point 112 metres north of its SS Stretford junction with Winchester Road junction with Winchester Road

Glastonbury Road, Northwest A point 94 metres southwest of A point 68 metres southwest of SS Stretford its junction with Brompton its junction with Brompton Road Road Glebelands Road, Sale North A point 77 metres west of its Its junction with Florence 7A5P junction with Florence Street Street Glebelands Road, Sale South Its junction with Gordon Road A point 94 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Gordon Road Glebelands Road, Sale Southwest A point 42 metres northwest of A point 89 metres northwest of SS its junction with Troon Road its junction with Troon Road

Glenhaven Avenue, Both Its junction with Flixton Road A point 31 metres northwest of 6C Flixton its junction with Flixton Road

Glenthorn Grove, Sale Both Its junction with Hope Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Hope Road

Glenthorn Grove, Sale Both Its junction with South Grove A point 15 metres southwest of 5P its junction with South Grove

Gloucester Road, Northeast its junction with Station Road A point 20 metres south-east 6C Urmston of its junction with Station road

Gloucester Road, Northeast A point 20 metres southeast of A point 5 metres northwest of LJ6C Urmston its junction with Station Road its junction with Atkinson Road

Gloucester Road, Northeast A point 5 metres northwest of A point 5 metres southeast of 7A Urmston its junction with Atkinson Road its junction with Atkinson Road

Gloucester Road, Northeast A point 5 metres southeast of A point 5 metres northwest of LJ6C Urmston its junction with Atkinson Road its junction with Hampton Road

Gloucester Road, Northeast A point 5 metres northwest of A point 6 metres south-east of 6C Urmston its junction with Hampton Road its junction with Hampton Road

Gloucester Road, Northeast A point 6 metres south-east of A point 10 metres north of its LJ6C Urmston its junction with Hampton Road junction with Stretford Road

Gloucester Road, Northeast A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Stretford Road 7A Urmston 'unction with Stretford Road Gloucester Road, Southwest Its junction with Station Road A point 15 metres north of its 6C Urmston 'unction with Stretford Road Gloucester Road, Southwest A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Stretford Road 7A Urmston 'unction with Stretford Road Goose Green, Altrincham All Around all sides of the central 7A feature

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 37


Street Side From To Code Goose Green, Altrincham North & Its junction with Back Grafton A point 9 metres west of, then 6C West Street a point 22 metres south of Its junction with Back Grafton Street Gorse Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Thomas Street A point 10 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Thomas Street

Gorse Street, Stretford Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of A point 89 metres northeast of RPB its junction with Thomas Street its junction with the access road to the west side of No. 54 Gorse Street Gorse Street, Stretford Northwest A point 89 metres northeast of A point 33 metres southeast of RPC its junction with the access its junction with the access road to the west side of No. 54 road to the east side of No. 2 Gorse Street Gorse Street Gorse Street, Stretford Northwest A point 33 metres southeast of A point 10 metres west of its RPB its junction with the access junction with Taylor's Road road to the east side of No. 2 Gorse Street Gorse Street, Stretford Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of RPB its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

Gorse Street, Stretford Both A point 10 metres west of its Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A junction with Taylor's Road Grafton Street, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Stamford New A point 3 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Stamford New Road Granby Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Lime Road A point 10 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Lime Road Grange Road, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with South Downs A point 246 metres southeast 6C Road of its junction with South Downs Road Grange Road, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with York Road A point 106 metres southeast 6C of its junction withYork Road including gaps

Grange Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Church Road A point 15 metres south of its 6C 'unctionwith Church road Grasmere Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Moss Road A point 10 metres east of its 5K 'unction with Moss Road Gratrix Lane, Sale West Its junction with Northenden A point 70 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Northenden Rd

Great Stone Road, Southwest Its junction with Chester Road A point 37 metres south of its 7A5P Stretford junction with Chester Road

Great Stone Road, Southwest A point 59 metres south of its A point 87 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road

Great Stone Road, Southwest A point 117 metres south of its A point 138 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road

Great Stone Road, Southwest A point 138 metres south of its A point 100 metres northwest SS Stretford junction with Chester Road of its junction with Talbot Road

Great Stone Road, Northeast Its junction with Chester Road A point 62 metres south of its 7A5P Stretford junction with Chester Road

Great Stone Road, Northeast A point 62 metres south of its A point 25 metres north of its 6J Stretford junction with Chester Road junction with Talbot Road

Great Stone Road, Both A point 25 metres north of its Its junction with Talbot Road 7A Stretford junction with Talbot Road Great Stone Road, Both Its junction with Talbot Road Its northerly junction with Great 7A Stretford Stone Road roundabout (The Quadrant)

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 38


Street Side From To Code Great Stone Road East Arm Its northerly junction with Great A point 36 metres from its 7A Roundabout, (The Stone Road easterly junction with Kings Quadrant), Stretford Road Great Stone Road East Arm A point 36 metres from its A point 6 metres from its LD7C Roundabout, (The easterly junction with Kings easterly junction with Kings Quadrant), Stretford Road Road Great Stone Road East Arm A point 6 metres from its Its easterly junction with Kings 7A Roundabout, (The easterly junction with Kings Road Quadrant), Stretford Road Great Stone Road East Arm Its easterly junction with Kings Its southerly junction with 7A Roundabout, (The Road Great Stone Road Quadrant), Stretford Great Stone Road West Arm Its southerly junction with Its westerly junction with Kings 7A Roundabout, (The Great Stone Road Road Quadrant), Stretford Great Stone Road West Arm Its westerly junction with Kings Its northerly junction with Great 7A Roundabout, (The Road Stone Road Quadrant), Stretford Great Stone Road Inner The whole perimeter 7A Roundabout (The Quadrant), Stretford Great Stone Road, Both Its southerly junction with A point 28 metres south of its 7A southerly arm, Stretford Great Stone Road roundabout junction with Great Stone Road (The Quadrant) Roundabout Green Lane, Sale Southwest Its junction with Buck Lane A point 42 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Buck Lane Green Lane, Sale Southwest A point 42 metres southeast of A point 65 metres southeast of LJ6C its junction with Buck Lane its junction with Buck Lane

Green Lane, Sale Southwest A point 65 metres southeast of A point 32 metres northwest of 7A its junction with Buck Lane its junction with Farmfield

Green Lane, Sale Southwest A point 32 metres northwest of A point 6 metres northwest of LJ6C its junction with Farmfield its 'unction with Farmfield Green Lane, Sale Southwest A point 6 metres northwest of A point 9 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Farmfield its junction with Farmfield Green Lane, Sale Southwest A point 9 metres southeast of A point 14 metres northwest of LJ6C its junction with Farmfield its junction with Greenbank Road Green Lane, Sale Southwest A point 14 metres northwest of A point 31 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Greenbank its junction with Greenbank Road Road Green Lane, Sale Northeast Its junction with Glebelands A point 29 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Glebelands Road

Green Lane, Sale Northeast A point 29 metres southeast of A point 38 metres north of its LJ6C its junction with Glebelands junction with Derby Road Road Green Lane, Sale Northeast A point 38 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Derby Road 'unction with Field Road Green Lane, Sale Northeast A point 10 metres southeast A point 24 metres southeast Dis of its junction with Field Road of its junction with Field Road

Green Lane, Sale Northeast A point 24 metres southeast A point 10 metres northwest of LJ6C of its junction with Field Road its junction with Chapel Lane

Green Lane, Sale Northeast A point 10 metres northwest of A point 10 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Chapel Lane its junction with Chapel Lane

Green Lane North, East A point 43 metres north of its A point 30 metres north of its SS Tim erle 'unction with Ha dock Drive 'unction with Ha dock Drive Green Lane North, West Its junction with Clover Road A point 20 metres south of its 7A Tim erle 'unction with Clover Road Green Street, Stretford Northeast Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 39


Street Side From To Code Green Street, Stretford Southwest Its junction with Chester Road A point 18 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Green Walk, Bowdon Southwest A point 112 metres northwest A point 10 metres northwest of 6C of its junction with Church its junction with Church Brow Brow Green Walk, Bowdon Southwest A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Church Brow 7A junction with The Firs Green Walk, Bowdon Northeast A point 119 metres northwest A point 22 metres northwest of 6C of its junction with The Firs its junction with The Firs

Green Walk, Bowdon Northeast A point 22 metres north of its Its junction with The Firs 7A junction with The Firs Greenbank Road, Sale Both Its junction with Green Lane A point 12 metres south of its 7A junction with Green Lane Greenfield Avenue, West A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A5P Urmston junction with Primrose Avenue junction with Primrose Avenue

Greenfield Avenue, East Its junction with Derby Road A point 13 metres north of its 7A Urmston junction with Railway Road Greenfield Avenue, Both A point 13 metres north of its Its junction with Railway Road 7A5P Urmston junction with Rai[way Road Greenway Road, Northwest A point 34 metres north of its Its junction with Sylvan Avenue 7A Timperley junction with Sylvan Avenue

Greenway Road, Southeast A point 46 metres north of its Its junction with Park Road 7A Tim erle junction with Park Road Greenwood Street, Northwest Its junction with Shaw's Road A point 5 metres southwest of 7A Altrincham its junction with Shaws Road

Greenwood Street, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 97 metres northeast of 6C Altrincham its junction with Shaws Road its junction with Regent Road

Greenwood Street, Northwest A point 97 metres northeast of A point 53 metres northeast of Dis Altrincham its junction with Regent Road its junction with Regent Road

Greenwood Street, Northwest A point 53 metres northeast of A point 34 metres northeast of Amb Altrincham its junction with Regent Road its junction with Regent Road

Greenwood Street, Northwest A point 34 metres northeast of Its junction with Regent Road 6C Altrincham its junction with Regent Road

Greenwood Street, Southeast Its junction with Shaw's Road A point 5 metres southwest of 7A6C Altrincham its junction with Shaw's Road

Greenwood Street, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of Its junction with Regent Road 6C Altrincham its junction with Shaw's Road

Grey Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 24 metres northwest of Its junction with Booth Road 6E its junction with Booth Road

Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with St Margaret's Its junction with Racefield 6C Road Road Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Racefield Its junction with Regent Road 6C Road Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Regent Road A point 10 metres north of its 7A junction with Regent Road Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 10 metres north of its A point 82 metres north of its LM6C junction with Regent Road junction with Regent Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 40


Street Side From To Code Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 82 metres north of its A point 86 metres southwest of 7A junction with Regent Road its junction with Dunham Road

Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 86 metres southwest of A point 40 metres southwest of LM6C its junction with Dunham Road its junction with Dunham Road

Groby Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 40 metres southwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Groby Road, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with St Margaret's A point 20 metres northeast of 6C Road its junction with St Margarets Road Groby Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 226 metres southwest A point 22 metres south of its LJ6C of its junction with Bentinck junction with Bentinck Street road Groby Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 22 metres south of its Its junction with Bentinck 7A junction with Bentinck Street Street

Groby Road, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Regent Road A point 60 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Dunham Road

Groby Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 60 metres southwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Grosvenor Road, West Its junction with Navigation A point 85 metres south of its 7A Altrincham Road junction with Navigation Road

Grosvenor Road, East A point 75 metres south of its A point 75 metres south of its 7A Altrincham junction with Navigation Road junction with Navigation Road

Grosvenor Road, Northwest A point 35 metres north of its A point 35 metres north of its PAGE Altrincham junction with Barrin ton Road 'unction with Barrin ton Road Grosvenor Road, Northwest Its junction with Barrington Its junction with Barrington 6C Altrincham Road Road Grosvenor Road, Southeast A point 181 metres northeast Its junction with Stamford New 6C Altrincham of its junction with Stamford Road New Road Grosvenor Road, Urmston Northeast A point 16 metres northwest of Its junction with Flixton Road 6C its junction with Flixton Road

Grosvenor Road, Urmston Southwest A point 22 metres northwest of Its junction with Flixton Road 6C its junction with Flixton Road

Grosvenor Square, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 25 metres northwest of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Grove Lane, Timperley North Its junction with Moss Lane A point 235 metres east of its 7A junction with Moss Lane Grove Lane, Timperley South Its junction with Mossgrove A point 222 metres east of its 7A Road junction with Mossgrove Road

Grove Lane, Timperley North A point 177 metres west of its Its junction with Stockport 7A junction with Stockport Road Road

Grove Lane, Timperley South A point 162 metres west of its Its junction with Stockport 7A junction with Stockport Road Road

Guinness Circle, Trafford Both The whole perimeter CW Park

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 41


Street Side From To Code Guinness Road, Trafford North A point 574 m west of its Its junction with Guinness 7A Park 'unction with Guinness Circle Circle Guinness Road, Trafford South A point 265 metres west of its Its junction with Guinness 7A Park junction with Guinness Circle Circle

Haddon Street, Gorse Hill, Both Its junction with Thomas Street A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford to a point 5 metres east of that its junction with Thomas Street 'unction Haddon Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres west of its RPB Stretford its junction with Thomas Street junction with Taylor's Road

Haddon Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres west of its Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A Stretford 'unction with Taylor's Road Hadfield Street, Old west its junction with Turner Street Its junction with Empress 7A Trafford Street Hadfield Street, Old East Its junction with Leak Street Its junction with Empress 7A Trafford Street Hale Road, Altrincham North Its junction with Ashley Road A point 8 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Tipping Street Hale Road, Altrincham North A point 35 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Ashfield Road junction with Ashfield Road

Hale Road, Altrincham South Its junction with Ashley Road A point 5 metres east of its 7A 'unction with B rom Street Hale Road, Hale South A point 7 metres west of its A point 5 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Bold Street 'unction with Bold Street Hale Road, Hale South Its junction with Brown Street A point 7 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Brown Street Hale Road, Hale South A point 34 metres west of its Its junction with Victoria Road 7A junction with Victoria Road

Hale Road, Hale North A point 12 metres west of Its A point 11 metres east of Its 7A 'unction with Peel Road 'unction with Peel Road Hale Road, Hale North A point 12 metres west of its A point 17 metres east of its 7A junction with Westminster junction with Westminster Road Road Hale Road, Hale Northeast A point 22 metres north of its A point 65 metres south of its 7A junction with Shay Lane junction with Cottesmore Gardens Hale Road South A point 115 metres north of its A point 95 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Wicker Lane 'unction with Wicker Lane Hale Road, Hale Southwest A point 70 metres northwest of Its junction with Tithebarn 7A its junction with Tithebarn Road Road Hale Road (service road Both Its junction with Cottesmore The northwest end 6C north off Cottesmore Gardens Gardens), Hale Barns Hale Road (traffic island at The whole perimeter 7A junction with Oxford Road), Hale Hamon Road, Altrincham Both The cul-de-sac end A point 15 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Manor Road Hamon Road, Altrincham South A point 15 metres east of its Its junction with Borough Road 6C 'unction with Manor Road Hampden Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Marsland Road A point 25 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

Hampson Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Barton Road A point 14 metres west of its 6P5H 'unction with Barton Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 42


Street Side From To Code Hampson Street, Sale Northwest Its junction with Alice Street A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Alice Street Hampson Street, Sale Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 18 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Alice Street its junction with Northenden Road Hampson Street, Sale Northwest A point 18 metres northeast of Its junction with Nortrhenden LM6A its junction with Northenden Road Road Hampson Street, Sale Southeast Its junction with Alice Street A point 10 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Alice Street Hampson Street, Sale Southeast A point 10 metres south of its A point 41 metres southwest of LM6A junction with Alice Street its junction with Alice Street

Hampson Street, Sale Southeast A point 41 metres southwest of Its junction with Northenden 7A its junction with Alice Street Road

Hampstead Avenue, West A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Carrington 7A Flixton 'unction with Carrin ton Road Road Hampstead Avenue, East A point 7 metres north of its Its junction with Carrington 7A Flixton 'unction with Carrin ton Road Road Hampton Road, Urmston Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of Its junction with Gloucester 6C its junction with Gloucester Road Road Hampton Road, Urmston Southeast A point 18 metres northeast of Its junction with Gloucester 6C its junction with Gloucester Road Road Hapton Avenue, Stretford North Its junction with Kings Road A point 12 metres west of its 7A5P 'unction with Kin s Road Hapton Avenue, Stretford South Its junction with Kings Road A point 48 metres west of its 7A5P 'unction with Kings Road Harboro Road, Sale Northeast A point 55 metres northwest of A point 27 metres northwest of SS its junction with Delaunays its junction with Delaunays Road Road Harboro Road, Sale Northeast A point 27 metres northwest of A point 70 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Delaunays its junction with Delaunays Road Road Harboro Road, Sale Southwest A point 10 metres southeast of A point 70 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Delaunays its junction with Delaunays Road Road Harboro Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Cecil Avenue A point 20 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Cecil Avenue Harboro Road , Sale West Its junction with Harboro Way A point 32 metres south of its 7A junction with Harboro Way

Harboro Road, Sale East Its junction with Harboro Way A point 25 metres south of its 7A junction with Harboro Way

Harboro Way, Sale Both Its junction with Harboro Road Its junction with Washway 7A Road Harcourt Road, Altrincham North Its junction with Manchester A point 21 metres east of its 7A5P Road junction with Manchester Road

Harcourt Road, Altrincham North A point 21 metres east of its A point 107 metres east of its RP junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 43


Street Side From To Code Harcourt Road, Altrincham South Its junction with Manchester A point 66 metres east of its 7A5P Road junction with Manchester Road

Harcourt Road, Altrincham South A point 66 metres east of its A point 112 metres east of its RP junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Harcourt Road, Altrincham Both A point 8 metres west of its Its junction with Hawarden 7A 'unction with Hawarden Road Road Harcourt Street, Gorse Both Its junction with Thomas Street A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Thomas Street

Harcourt Street, Gorse Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

Harcourt Street, Gorse Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 14 metres northeast of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with the access road to the west side of No. 53

Harcourt Street, Gorse Southeast A point 14 metres northeast of A point 20 metres northeast of RPC Hill, Stretford its junction with the access its junction with the access road to the west side of No. 53 road to the west side of No. 53

Harcourt Street, Gorse Southeast A point 20 metres northeast of A point 47 metres southwest of RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with the access its junction with the access road to the west side of No. 53 road to the east side of No. 1

Harcourt Street, Gorse Southeast A point 47 metres southwest of A point 41 metres southwest of RPC Hill, Stretford its junction with the access its junction with the access road to the east side of No. 1 road to the east side of No. 1

Harcourt Street, Gorse Southeast A point 41 metres southwest of A point 5 metres west of its RPB Hill, Stretford its junction with the access junction with Taylor's Road road to the east side of No. 1

Harcourt Street, Gorse Both A point 5 metres southwest of Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

Hardwick Road, Southeast Its junction with Park Road Its junction with Bridge Close 6C Partin ton Harold Street, Old Trafford Both Its junction with Hadfield Street A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Hadfield Street Harold Street, Old Trafford Both A point 15 metres east of its A point 47 metres east of its LK6C 'unction with Hadfield Street junction with Hadfield Street Harold Street, Old Trafford North & A point 47 metres east of its A point 67 metres north of its 7A West junction with Hadfield Street junction with Hadfield Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 44


Street Side From To Code Harold Street, Old Trafford South & A point 47 metres east of its A point 171 metres north of its 7A East junction with Hadfield Street junction with Hadfield Street

Hartington Road, North Its junction with Manchester A point 15 metres northeast of 7A5P Altrincham Road its junction with Manchester Road Hartington Road, North A point 15 metres northeast of A point 40 metres northeast of 5E Altrincham its junction with Manchester its junction with Manchester Road Road Hartington Road, North A point 100 metres northeast The northeast end (including 7A5P Altrincham of its junction with Manchester the adjacent entrance) Road Hartington Road, South Its junction with Manchester The northeast end (including 7A5P Altrincham Road the cul-de-sac end) Hartley Road, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Grey Road A point 22 metres northwest of SS its junction with Grey Road

Haslemere Road, Flixton Both Its junction with Church Road A point 18 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Church Road

Hawarden Road, Northwest A point 9 metres north east of A point 36 metres north east of SS Altrincham its junction with Gladstone its junction with Gladstone Road Road Hawarden Road, Both A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A Altrincham junction with Gladstone Road junction with Gladstone Road

Hawarden Road, West A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A Altrincham junction with Harcourt Road junction with Harcourt Road

Hawthorn Avenue, Northwest Its junction with Park Road A point 20 metres south of its 7A Tim erle junction with Park Road Hawthorn Avenue, Southeast Its junction with Park Road A point 23 metres south of its 7A Tim erle 'unction with Park Road Hayfield Street, Sale Northwest Its 'unction with Sibson Road Its 'unction with School Road 7A5P Hayfield Street, Sale Southeast Its junction with Sibson Road Its 'unction with John Street 7A Hayfield Street, Sale Southeast Its 'unction with John Street Its 'unction with School Road 7A5P Hazel Avenue, Sale Both A point 10 metres west of its Its junction with West Grove 7A 'unction with West Grove Hazel Road, Altrincham East A point 12 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A junction with Poplar Avenue junction with Poplar Avenue

Hazel Road, Altrincham East A point 10 metres north of its A point 8 metres south of its 7A junction with Derby Street 'unction with Derby Street Hazel Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 48 metres northeast of A point 10 metres northeast of 6C its junction with Barrington its junction with Barrington road Road Hazel Road, Altrincham Northwest A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Barrington 7A junction with Barrington Road Road

Hazel Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 39 metres northeast of A point 5 metres northeast of LL5E its junction with Barrington its junction with Barrington Road Road Hazel Road, Altrincham Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of Its junction with Barrington 7A its junction with Barrington Road Road Heath Road, Hale Southeast Its junction with Ashley Road A point 70 metres south of its 7A junction with Ashley Road Heather Road, Hale North A point 45 metres west of its Its junction with Ashley Road 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Heather Road, Hale South A point 37 metres west of its Its junction with Heather Road 7A junction with Heather Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 45


Street Side From To Code Hereford Grove, Urmston North A point 22 metres northeast of A point 87 metres northeastof SS its junction with Newton Road its junction with Newton Road

Hereford Street, Sale Both The cul-de-sac end A point 32 metres northeast of 7A7A its junction with Sibson Road

Hereford Street, Sale Both A point 32 metres northeast of A point 5 metres northeast of ST its junction with Sibson Road its junction with Sibson Road

Hereford Street, Sale Both A point 5 metres northeast of Its junction with Sibson Road 7A its junction with Sibson Road Hereford Street, Sale Both Its junction with John Street Its junction with Benbow Street 7A6C

Hesketh Road, Sale North Its junction with Harboro Road A point 87 metres east of its 5E junction with Harboro Road Hesketh Road, Sale Both A point 87 metres east of its To and around the entire 7A junction with Harboro Road turning head east of Heyes Lane, Timperley West A point 15 metres northeast of Its junction with Park Road 7A its 'unction with Park Road Heyes Lane, Timperley East A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Park Road 7A junction with Westmead Drive.

Heywood Road, Sale Both Its junction with Marsland Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

High Bank, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Dunham Road A point 20 metres north of its 7A5P 'unction with Dunham Road High Bank, Altrincham Northwest A point 20 metres north of its Its junction with Church Walk 7A 'unction with Dunham Road High Bank, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Dunham Road Its junction with Old Market 7A Place High Street, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Dunham Road The southeast end 7A5P

High Street, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Groby Road A point 38 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Groby Road

High Street, Altrincham Southwest A point 46 metres southeast of Its junction with Market Street 7A its junction with Groby Road

High Street, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Market Street The southeast end 7A5P

Higher Downs, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with St John's A point 10 metres south of its 7A Road junction with St John's Road

Higher Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Station Road A point 42 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Station Road Higher Road, Urmston North A point 132 metres southwest Its junction with Moss Vale 6C of its junction with St Clements Road Fold Higher Road, Urmston South A point 42 metres east of its Its junction with Moss Vale 6C 'unction with Station Road Road Hilton Avenue, Urmston Both Its junction with Crofts Bank A point 27 metres west of its 7A Road junction with Crofts Bank Road

Hilton Avenue, Urmston East A point outside the rear of No A point outside the rear of No. SL7A 11 Crofts Bank Road 23 Crofts Bank Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 46


Street Side From To Code Homelands Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 12 metres southeast of 5P5P Road its junction with Washway Road Hope Road, Sale Both Its junction with Marsland Road A point 40 metres northeast of 7A5P its junction with Marsland Road

Hope Road, Sale Northwest A point 40 metres northeast of A point 205 metres north of its 7A its junction with Marsland Road junction with Marsland Road

Hope Road, Sale Northwest A point 350 metres south of its A point 30 metres south of its 7A junction with Northenden Road junction with Northenden Road

Hope Road, Sale Southeast A point 40 metres north of its A point 12 metres north of its 7A junction with Marsland Road junction with South Grove

Hope Road, Sale Southeast A point 15 metres south of its A point 15 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Polar Grove junction with Polar Grove Hope Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Baxter Road A point 12 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Monta ue Road Hope Road, Sale Southeast A point 12 metres north of its Its junction with Thorn Grove LD6C 'unction with Monta ue Road Hope Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Thorn Grove A point 30 metres south of its 7A junction with Northenden Road

Hope Road, Sale Both A point 30 metres south of its Its junction with Northenden 7A7A junction with Northenden Road Road

Hornby Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Warwick Road A point 17 metres south of its 7A junction with Warwick Road

Hornby Road, Stretford Northwest A point 17 metres south of its A point 23 metres northeast of RP junction with Warwick Road the cul-de-sac end

Hornby Road, Stretford Northwest A point 23 metres northeast of The cul-de-sac end 7A the cul-de-sac end Hornby Road, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Warwick Road A point 12 metres south of its 7A junction with Warwick Road

Hornby Road, Stretford Southeast A point 12 metres south of its A point 23 metres northeast of RP junction with Warwick Road the cul-de-sac end

Hornby Road, Stretford Southeast A point 23 metres northeast of The cul-de-sac end (including 7A the cul-de-sac end the turning head) Humphrey Road, Old North Its junction with Seymour A point 10 metres east of its 7A Trafford Grove junction with Se mour Grove Humphrey Road, Old South Its junction with Seymour A point 7 metres east of its 7A Trafford Grove junction with Se mour Grove Hurst Avenue, Sale Southwest A point 50 metres northwest of A point 79 metres northwest of SS its junction with Cherry Lane its junction with Cherry Lane

Ingham Road, Timperley Both Its junction with Woodcote A point 10 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Woodcote Road

Iona Way, Davyhulme North A point 170 metres east of its A point 20 metres east of its 7A junction with Lismore Way junction with Lismore Way

Irlam Road, Sale Both Its junction with Broad Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Broad Road Irlam Road, Urmston North A point 10 metres west of its A point 20 metres east of its 7A junction with Woodsend junction with Woodsend (Crescent Road I Crescent Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 47


Street Side From To Code Jackson Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Barton Road A point 10 metres east of its 5F5F junction with Barton Road Jackson Street, Stretford Both A point 7 metres west of its A point 7 metres east of its 6C junction with Bennett Street junction with Bennett Street Jackson Street, Stretford Both A point 12 metres west of its A point 12 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Pinnin ton Lane junction with Pinnin ton Lane Jackson Street, Stretford Both A point 10 metres west of its Its junction with Cyprus Street 7A junction with Cyprus Street James Street, Sale Northwest Its junction with Northenden A point 16 metres northeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Northenden Road James Street, Sale Northwest A point 16 metres northeast of A point 28 metres south of its 6C its junction with Northenden junction with Alice Street Road James Street, Sale Northwest A point 28 metres south of its Its junction with Alice Street 7A5P junction with Alice Street James Street, Sale Southeast Its junction with Northenden A point 25 metres north of its 7A Road junction with Northenden Road

James Street, Sale Southeast A point 25 metres north of its A point 50 metres northeast of LK6C junction with Northenden Road its junction with Northenden Road James Street, Sale Southeast A point 50 metres northeast of A point 47 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Northenden its junction with Alice Street Road James Street, Sale Southeast A point 47 metres southwest of A point 12 metres southwest of LM6A its junction with Alice Street its junction with Alice Street

James Street, Sale Southeast A point 12 metres southwest of Its junction with Alice Street 7A its junction with Alice Street

John Street, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Ashley Road A point 5 metres east of its 7A junction with Ashley Road John Street, Sale Both Its junction with Hayfield Street Its junction with Hereford 7A Street John Street, Sale (service Both Its junction with John Street The cul-de-sac end 7A road to the rear of 61 to SL6C 65A School Road)

Joynson Street, Sale Both Its junction with Chapel Road A point 30 metres south of its 7A junction with Chapel Road Joynson Street, Sale Both A point 30 metres north of its Its junction with Ashfield Road 7A junction with Ashfield Road

Kings Road, Sale Both A point 12 metres northwest of Its junction with Delaunays 6C its junction with Delaunays Road Road Kings Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Edge Lane A point 50 metres north of its 7A5P junction with Edge Lane Kings Road, Stretford Northwest A point 15 metres southwest of A point 15 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Tilney Avenue its junction with Tilney Avenue

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 48


Street Side From To Code Kings Road, Stretford Northwest A point 15 metres southwest of A point 15 metres ne of its 7A its junction with Sulby Avenue junction with Sulby Avenue

Kings Road, Stretford Southeast A point 50 metres north of its A point 122 metres north of its 7A junction with Edge Lane -unction with Edge Lane Kings Road, Stretford Southeast A point 15 metres southwest of A point 15 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Faulkner Road its junction with Faulkner Road

Kings Road, Stretford Both A point 30 metres south of its Its junction with Great Stone 7A junction with Great Stone Road Road Roundabout Roundabout Kings Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Great Stone A point 25 metres north of its 7A Road Roundabout junction with Great Stone Road Roundabout Kings Road, Stretford Northwest A point 41 metres east of its A point 102 metres east of its SS junction with Warwick Court junction with Warwick Court

Kingsley Road, Timperley Both A point 8 metres southwest of Its junction with Park Road 7A its 'unction with Park Road Kingston Drive, Flixton Both Its junction with Church Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Church Road Kingsway Park, Northeast A point 57 metres northwest of A point 13 metres northwest of SS Davyhulme its junction with Lostock Road its junction with Lostock Road

Kingsway Park, Southwest Its junction with Queensway Its junction with Lostock Road 7A Dav hulme Kingsway Park, Northeast A point 30 metres north of its Its junction with Lostock Road 7A Dav hulme junction with Lostock Road Kingsway, Altrincham North Its junction with Old Market A point 10 metres east of its 7A5P Place junction with Old Market Place

Kingsway, Altrincham North A point 10 metres east of its Its junction with Stamford 7A junction with Old Market Place Street

Kingsway, Altrincham South Its junction with Old Market A point 52 metres west of its 7A5P Place junction with Post Office Street

Kingsway, Altrincham South A point 52 metres west of its A point 5 metres west of its PB6E junction with Post Office Street junction with Post Office Street

Kingsway, Altrincham South A point 5 metres west of its Its junction with Stamford 7A junction with Post Office Street Street

Kingsway, Stretford North Its junction with Barton Road A point 54 metres east of its 7A5H junction with Barton Road Kingsway, Stretford North A point 54 metres east of its A point 45 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Barton Road junction with Chester Road Kingsway, Stretford North A point 45 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P junction with Chester Road Kingsway, Stretford South Its junction with Barton Road A point 49 metres west of its 7A5H 'unction with Barton Road Kingsway, Stretford South A point 49 metres west of its A point 38 metres northwest of 7A junction with Barton Road its junction with Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 49


Street Side From To Code Kingsway, Stretford South A point 38 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Kingsway, service road to East Its junction with Kingsway A point 63 metres south of its 7A the Arndale Centre, junction withof its junction with Stretford Kin swa Kingsway, service road to West Its junction with Kingsway A point 61 metres south of its 7A the Arndale Centre, junction withof its junction with Stretford Kin swa Langdale Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 12 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Washway Road

Langdale Road, Sale Northwest Its junction with Eastway A point 48 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Eastwa Langham Road, Both Its junction with Vicarage Lane A point 53 metres east of its 7A Altrincham junction with South Downs Road Langham Road, West A point 71 metres south of its Its junction with Stamford Road 7A Altrincham junction with Stamford Road

Langham Road, East A point 55 metres south of its Its junction with Marlborough 7A Altrincham junction with Marlborough Road Road Larne Avenue, Stretford West Its junction with Derbyshire A point 10 metres south of its 6H6H Lane junction with Derbyshire Lane

Lee Avenue, Broadheath Both A point 20 metres west of its Its junction with Craven Road 6C 'unction with Craven Road Legh Road, Sale Both Its junction with Northenden A point 15 metres south 7A5P Road Northenden Road Leicester Road, Sale Both Its junction with Chapel Road A point 5 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Chapel Road Leigh Road, Hale Both Its junction with Ashley Road A point 15 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Leigh Road, Hale Both A point 15 metres north of its A point 37 metres northeast of LJ6C junction with Ashley Road its junction with ashley Road

Lilac Road, Altrincham North A point 26 metres east of its A point 31 metres east of its Dis 'unction with Bancroft Road 'unction with Bancroft Road Lime Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Edge Lane A point 40 metres southwest of 7A5P its junction with Edge Lane

Lime Road, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Edge Lane A point 55 metres southwest 7A5P of its junction with Edge Lane

Lime Road, Stretford Southeast A point 55 metres southwest A point 100 metres southwest 7A of its junction with Edge Lane of its junction with Edge Lane

Lindale Avenue, Flixton Both Its junction with Moorside Road A point 15 metres in a south of 7A its junction with Moorside Road

Lindsell Road, Broadheath Both Its junction with Manchester A point 12 metres north of its 7A5P Road junction with Manchester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 50


Street Side From To Code Link road between Both Its junction with Northenden Its junction with Marsland 7A7A Northenden Road and Road Road Marsland Road Link road between Old hall Both Its junction with Old Hall Road Its junction with Northenden 7A7A Road and Northenden Road Road Lisburn Avenue Southeast Its junction with Marsland Road A point 54 metres south of its 7A junction with Marsland Road

Lisson Grove Both Its junction with Victoria Road The end including the turning 7A area Lloyd Gardens Northwest Its junction with Pownall Road A point 134 metres north of its 7A junction with Pownall Road

Lloyd Gardens Southeast Its junction with Pownall Road A point 142 metres north of its 7A junction with Pownall Road

Lloyd Square Both Its junction with Regent Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Regent Road Lloyd Street North Its junction with Railway Street A point 27 metres east of its 7A junction with Railway Street Lloyd Street North A point 27 metres east of its A point 39 metres east of its Dis 'unction with Railway Street junction with Railway Street Lloyd Street North A point 39 metres east of its A point 100 metres east of its PB6E junction with Railway Street junction with Railway Street

Lloyd Street North A point 100 metres east of its A point 26 metres west of its ST junction with Railway Street junction with Denmark Street

Lloyd Street North A point 26 metres west of its A point 30 metres east of its 7A junction with Denmark Street junction with Manor Road Lloyd Street South Its junction with Ashley Road A point 35 metres east of its 7A junction with Ashfield Road Lock Lane Southeast A point 50 metres northeast of A point 137 metres northeast SS its junction with Birch Road of its junction with Birch Road

Longbridge Road Both Its junction with Ashburton A point 280 metres southwest 7A7A Road West of its junction with Ashburton Road West Longford Road, Stretford North A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A junction with Ashover Street junction with Ashover Street Longford Road, Stretford North A point 21 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P junction with Chester Road Longford Road, Stretford South A point 85 metres west of its A point 15 metres west of its 7A junction with Chester Road junction with Chester Road Longford Road, Stretford South A point 15 metres west of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P junction with Cheater Road Lostock Road, Davyhulme North Its junction with Davyhulme A point 44 metres east of its 6C Circle junction with Davyhulme Circle

Lostock Road, Davyhulme North A point 44 metres east of its A point 73 metres east of its LD6C junction with Davyhulme Circle junction with Davyhulme Circle

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 51


Street Side From To Code Lostock Road, Davyhulme North A point 73 metres east of its Its junction with Dover Park 6C junction with Davyhulme Circle

Lostock Road, Davyhulme South Its junction with Davyhulme Its junction with Exeter Road 6C Circle Lostock Road, Davyhulme North A point 20 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Kin swa Park junction with Kin swa Park Lyme Grove, Altrincham North A point 65 metres west of its Its junction with The Narrows 6C junction with The Narrows Lyme Grove, Altrincham South A point 55 metres west of its Its junction with The Narrows 6C junction with The Narrows Lyndhurst Road, Stretford Southeast Its junction with Derbyshire A point 23 metres northeast of 6Q6Q Lane its junction with Derbyshire Lane Lynn Avenue, Sale Both A point 10 metres north of its A point 15 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Dane Road 'unction with Dane Road Lynn Avenue, Sale West A point 15 metres north of its A point 40 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Dane Road junction with Dane Road Lynwood Grove, Sale West Its junction with Broad Road A point 8 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Broad Road Lynwood Grove, Sale East Its junction with Broad Road A point 15 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Broad Road Lyons Road, Trafford Park Northwest A point 53 metres north of its Its junction with Ashburton 7A junction with Ashburton Road Road West West Lyons Road, Trafford Park Southeast A point 47 metres north of its Its junction with Ashburton 7A junction with Ashburton Road Road West West Mainwood Road, Northeast A point 136 metres southeast A point 241 metres southeast SS Timperley of its junction with Briarfield of its junction with Briarfield Road Road Manchester New Road, Northwest A point 94 metres north of its Its junction with Warburton 7A Partin ton junction with Warburton Lane Lane Manchester New Road, Southeast A point 30 metres north of its Its junction with Moss Lane 7A Partin ton junction with Central Road Manchester Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway Its junction with Church Street 7A5P Road Manchester Street, Old Northwest Its junction with Nuttall Street Its junction with 7A Trafford Northumberland Road Manchester Street, Old Southeast A point 6 metres southwest of A point 12 metres northeast of 7A Trafford its junction with Chorton street its junction with Chorton Street

Manchester Street, Old Southeast A point 16 metres southeast of Its junction with 7A Trafford its junction with Northumberland Road Northumberland Road Manor Avenue, Urmston Both Its junction with Queen's Road Its junction with Stretford Road 7A

Manor Court, Stretford West Its junction with Urmston Lane A point 30 metres south of its 7A junction with Urmston Lane

Manor Road, Altrincham West Its junction with Moss Lane A point 40 metres north of its 7A junction with St Vincent Street

Manor Road, Altrincham West A point 40 metres north of its A point 8 metres north of its 6C junction with St Vincent Street junction with St Vincent Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 52


Street Side From To Code Manor Road, Altrincham West A point 8 metres north of its A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with St Vincent Street junction with St Vincent Street

Manor Road, Altrincham West A point 15 metres south of its A point 20 metres north of its 6C junction with St Vincent Street junction with Lloyd Street

Manor Road, Altrincham West A point 20 metres north of its Its junction with Lloyd Street 7A 'unction with Lloyd Street Manor Road, Altrincham East Its junction with Moss Lane Its junction with Stamford Park 7A Road Mansfield Road, Flixton Both A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Church Road 6C its junction with Church Road

Market Street, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Regent Road A point 7 metres northeast of 7A5P its 'unction with Regent Road Market Street, Altrincham Northwest A point 7 metres northeast of A point 117 metres southwest SL6C its junction with Regent Road of its junction with High Street

Market Street, Altrincham Northwest A point 117 metres southwest A point 52 metres southwest of PB6E of its junction with High Street its junction with High Street

Market Street, Altrincham Northwest A point 52 metres southwest of A point 40 metres southwest of Dis its junction with High Street its junction with High Street

Market Street, Altrincham Northwest A point 40 metres southwest of A point 10 metres southwest of PB6E its junction with High Street its junction with High Street

Market Street, Altrincham Northwest A point 10 metres southwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A its junction with High Street

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Regent Road A point 92 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Pott Street

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 92 metres southwest of A point 32 metres southwest of PB6E its junction with Pott Street its junction with Pott Street

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 32 metres southwest of A point 20 metres southwest of Dis its junction with Pott Street its junction with Pott Street

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 20 metres southwest of A point 5 metres southwest of Amb its junction with Pott Street its junction with Pott Street

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres southwest of 6C its junction with Pott Street its junction with Shaws Road

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 4 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Shaws Road its junction with Shaws Road

Market Stree, Altrinchamt Southeast A point 44 metres southwest of A point 6 metres southwest of PB6E its junction with High Street itsjunction with High Street

Market Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 6 metres southwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A its junction with High Street

Marlborough Road, Northeast Its junction with Ashley Road A point 47 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Ashley road

Marlborough Road, Northwest Its junction with South Downs Its junction with Bowdon Rise 6C Altrincham Road Marlborough Road, Southwest Its junction with Langham A point 37 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham Road its junction with Langham Road Marlborough Road, Sale Southeast A point 13 metres southeast of A point 64 metres southeast of SS its junction with Montague its junction with Montague Road Road Marlborough Road, Both Its junction with Park Road A point 23 metres northeast of 6Q6Q Stretford 7 1 its junction with Park Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 53


Street Side From To Code_ Marsland Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Washway A point 50 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 54


Street Side From To Code Marsland Road, Sale Southwest A point 50 metres southeast of Its junction with Lisburn 7A its junction with Washway Avenue Road Marsland Road, Sale Southwest A point 63 metres northwest of A point 80 metres northwest of 7A its junction with Walton Road its junction with Brooklands Avenue Marsland Road, Sale Southwest A point 80 metres northwest of Its junction with Brooklands 7A5P its junction with Brooklands Road Road Marsland Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Washway A point 50 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Marsland Road, Sale Northeast A point 25 metres west of its A point 10 metres west of its LJ5C 'unction with Bro den Grove 'unction with Bro den Grove Marsland Road, Sale Northeast A point 40 metres northwest of A point 53 metres northwest of 7A its junction with St James' its junction with Hope Road Road Marsland Road, Sale Northeast A point 53 metres northwest of Its junction with Hope Road 7A5P its junction with Hope Road

Marsland Road, Sale North Its junction with Hope Road A point 125 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Hoe Road Marsland Road, Sale North A point 15 metres west of its A point 14 metres east of its 7A junction with West Grove 'unction with West Grove Marsland Road, Sale North A point 24 metres west of its A point 18 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Wardle Road 'unction with Wardle Road Marsland Road, Sale North A point 38 metres east of its A point 76 metres east of its SS 'unction with Abin ton Road junction with Abin ton Road Marsland Road, Sale North A point 88 metres east of its A point 138 metres east of its SB junction with Abington Road junction with Abington Road

Marsland Road, Sale Northwest Its junction with the link road to Its junction with Northenden 7A5P Northenden Road Road Marsland Road, Sale South Its junction with Brooklands A point 46 metres east of its 7A5P Road junction with Brooklands Road

Marsland Road, Sale South A point 46 metres east of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Brooklands Road junction with Heywood Road

Marsland Road, Sale South A point 8 metres west of its A point 13 metres east of its 7A 'unction with The Grove 'unction with The Grove Marsland Road, Sale South A point 35 metres west of its A point 58 metres east of its 7A junction with St George's Road junction with St George's Road

Marsland Road, Sale South Its junction with Beaufort Road A point 40 metres east of its 7A junction with Beaufort Road Marsland Road, Sale South A point 5 metres west of its Its junction with Derbyshire 7A 'unction with Sylvan Avenue Road South Marsland Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Conway Road Its junction with Victoria Road 7A5P

Marsland Road, Sale Northeast A point 10 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Bro den Grove junction with Bro den Grove Marsland Road (service Southeast Its junction with Conway Road Its junction with Marsland Road 7A5P road outside Nos. 1-17), Sale Massey Road, Altrincham North A point 51 metres west of its A point 60 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Borough Road junction with Borough Road Massey Road, Altrincham South A point 42 metres west of its A point 60 metres west of its 7A junction with Borough Road junction with Borough Road, including the turning head Mayfield Road, Timperley Both Its junction with Stockport A point 6 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Stockport Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 55


Street Side From To _Code Mayfield Road, Timperley Both A point 6 metres south of its Its junction with Mosley Road 6C junction with Stockport Road Mayor's Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 44 metres southeast of A point 100 metres southeast 6C the northwest end of the northwest end

Mayor's Road, Altrincham Both A point 59 metres west of its A point 73 metres west of its 7A7A junction with Borough Road junction with Borough Road including the turning head Meadow Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Stretford Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Stretford road

Meadway, Sale West A point 79 metres south of its A point 146 metres south of its SS junction with Coppice Avenue junction with Coppice Avenue

Mellor Street, Gorse Hill, South A point 67 metres northwest of A point 5 metres northwestof RPB Stretford the junction with the access its junction with Nansen Street road between Nos. 19 & 21

Mellor Street, Gorse Hill, North The end A point 5 metres northwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Nansen Street

Mellor Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres northwest of Its junction with Nansen Street 7A Stretford its junction with Nansen Street

Melrose Avenue, Sale Both Its junction with Hope Road A point 15 metres eastof its 7A 'unction with Hoe Road Mercury Way, Trafford Southeast Its junction with Barton Dock A point 96 metres northeast of 6C Park Road its junction with Cobalt Avenue

Mersey Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Cross Street Its junction with Arnside Grove 7A5P

Merton Road, Sale Both Its junction with Park Road A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Park Road Merton Road, Sale Northwest A point 12 metres southwest of Its junction with Atkinson Road 6C its junction with Atkinson Road

Merton Road, Sale Southeast A point 20 metres southwest of Its junction with Atkinson Road 6C its junction with Atkinson Road

Milton Drive, Timperley West Its junction with Woodhouse Its junction with Sylvan Avenue 7A Lane East Milton Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 metres east of its 7A5P junction with Chester Road Milton Road, Stretford Southwest A point 15 metres southeast A point 10 metres southeast of 7A of its junction with Chester its junction with Milton Close Road Milton Road, Stretford Southwest A point 10 metres southeast of Apoint 10 metres northwest of RPB its junction with Milton Close its junction with Talbot Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 56


Street Side From To Code Milton Road, Stretford Southwest A point 10 metres northwest of Its junction with Talbot Road 7A its junction with Talbot Road

Milton Road, Stretford Northeast A point 15 metres east of its A point 10 metres northwest of RPB junction with Chester Road its junction with Talbot Road

Milton Road, Stretford Northeast A point 10 metres northwest of Its junction with Talbot Road 7A its junction with Talbot Road

Mitford Street, Stretford North A point 8 metres west of its A point 7 metres east of its 6C junction with Bennett Street 'unction with Bennett Street Mitford Street, Stretford South A point 33 metres west of its A point 73 metres east of its 7A junction with Mitford Street junction with Bennett Street Montague Road, Sale Southwest A point 18 metres southeast of A point 44 metres southeast of SS its junction with Hope Road its junction with Hope Road

Montague Road, Stretford Southwest Its junction with Chester Road A point 14 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Chester Road

Montague Road, Stretford Southwest A point 50 metres south of its The cul-de-sac end 7A junction with Chester Road

Montague Road, Stretford Northeast Its junction with Chester Road The cul-de-sac end 7A

Moorside Road, North Its junction with Woodsend A point 15 metres east of its 6C Davyhulme Circle junction with Woodsend Circle

Moorside Road, North A point 15 metres east of its A point 50 metres west of its LJ6A Davyhulme junction with Woodsend Circle junction with Goldsworthy Road Moorside Road, North A point 234 metres west of its A point 221 metres west of its SIB Davyhulme junction with Bowers Avenue junction with Bowers Avenue

Moorside Road, North A point 221 metres west of its A point 156 metres west of its 7A Davyhulme junction with Bowers Avenue junction with Bowers Avenue

Moorside Road, North A point 102 metres west of its A point 67 metres west of its 7A7A Davyhulme junction with Bowers Avenue junction with Bowers Avenue

Moorside Road, North A point 25 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A Dav hulme junction with Bowers Avenue 'unction with Bowers Avenue Moorside Road, South Its junction with Woodsend A point 50 metres west of its 6C Davyhulme Circle junction with Goldsworthy Road Moorside Road, South A point 18 metres west of Its A point 31 metres east of Its 7A Dav hulme 'unction with Lindale Avenue junction with Lindale Avenue Moorside Road, South A point 13 metres west of its A point 27 metres east of its 7A Davyhulme junction with Craig Avenue junction with Criag Avenue

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 57


Street Side From To Code Moorside Road, South Its junction with Moor Lane A point 10 metres east of its 7A Dav hulme junction with Moor Lane Moorside Road, South A point 10 metres east of its A point 79 metres east of its LD6C Dav hulme junction with Moor Lane 'unction with Moor Lane Moorside Road, South A point 115 metres east of its A point 72 metres east of its LD6C Davyhulme junction with Malvern Avenue junction with Malvern Avenue

Moorside Road, South A point 72 metres west of itsJA point 54 metres west of its 7A Dav hulme junction with Malvern Avenue junction with Malvern Avenue Moorside Road, South A point 5 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A Dav hulme junction with Malvern Avenue junction with Malvern Avenue Moorside Road, South A point 9 metres west of its A point 18 metres east of its 7A Dav hulme 'unction with Albany Court 'unction with Albany Court Moorside Road, South A point 100 metres east of its A point 134 metres east of its SS Dav hulme 'unction with Albany Court junction with Albany Court Mosley Road, Trafford West A point 121 metres north of its Its junction with Park Road 7A5P Park junction with the access road to the Central Park Estate

Mosley Road, Trafford East A point 406 metres north of its Its junction with Park Road 7A5P Park junction with Westinghouse Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Stamford New A point 46 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Stamford New Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest A point 46 metres southeast of Its junction with Manor Road 7A its junction with Stamford New Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Manor Road A point 49 metres east of its 7A junction with Manor Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest A point 39 metres northwest of A point 17 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Queen's Road its junction with Queen's Road

Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest A point 17 metres southeast of A point 15 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Queen's Road its junction with School Road

Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of A point 14 metres southeast of 7A its junction with School Road its junction with School Road

Moss Lane, Altrincham Southwest A point 14 metres southeast of Its junction with Stamford Park 6C its junction with School Road Road

Moss Lane, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Stamford New A point 50 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Stamford New Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Northeast A point 50 metres southeast of Its junction with Oakfield Road 7A its junction with Stamford New _ Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Northeast A point 49 metres east of its A point 8 metres west of its 6C 'unction with Manor Road junction with Balmoral Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Northeast A point 8 metres west of its A point 6 metres east of its 7A junction with Balmoral Road 'unction with Bamoral Road Moss Lane, Altrincham Northeast A point 6 metres east of its A point 18 metres south-east 6C junction with Balmoral Road of its junction with Urban Road

Moss Lane, Altrincham Northeast A point 139 metres northwest A point 66 metres northwest of 6C of its junction with Golf Road its junction with Golf Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 58


Street Side From To Code Moss Lane West Northwest A point 19 metres northeast of Its junction with Chorlton Road 7A its junction with Chorlton Road

Moss Lane, Partington Southwest Its junction with Manchester A point 25 metres southeast of 7A New Road its junction with Manchester New Road Moss Lane, Partington Northeast Its junction with Manchester A point 25 metres southeast of 7A Road its junction with Manchester Road Moss Lane, Timperley Both A point 65 metres south of its A point 137 metres south of its SS 'unction with Brook Lane 'unction with Brook Lane Moss Lane, Timperley Southwest Its junction with Stockport A point 40 metres northwest of 7A5P Road its junction with Stockport Road Moss Lane, Timperley Northeast A point 10 metres northwest of A point 10 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Bucklow its junction with Bucklow Avenue Avenue Moss Lane, Timperley Northeast Its junction with Stockport A point 50 metres northwest of 7A5P Road its junction with Stockport Road Moss Park Road, Stretford North A point 136 metres east of its A point 197 metres east of its SS junction with Cressingham junction with Cressihgham Road Road Moss Road, Stretford West A point 50 metres north of that Its junction with Derbyshire 6C 'unction Radstock Road Lane Moss Road, Stretford East Its junction with Grange Its junction with Derbyshire 6C Avenue Lane Moss Vale Crescent, Both Its junction with Barton Road A point 15 metres southwest of 7A Stretford its junction with Barton Road

Moss Vale Road, Urmston Both A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Stretford 7A 'unction with Stretford Road Road Moss View Road, Southeast A point 25 metres northeast of A point 60 metres northeast of SS Partington its junction with Russell Road its junction with Russell Road

Mossgrove Road, Northeast Its junction with Grove Lane Its junction with Moss Lane 7A Tim erle Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southwest Its junction with Beresford A point 5 metres east of its 7A Stretford (outer) Road junction with Beresford Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 59


Street Side From To Code Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of Its The entrance to the garages at RPB Stretford (Outer) junction with Nansen Street the north west corner Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northwest The entrance to the garages at A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford & the north west corner junction with Nansen Street Northeast (Outer) Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Nansen Close 7A Stretford (Outer) junction with Nansen Close southeast side southeast side Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 42 metres east of its A point 34 metres east of its 7A Stretford (Outer) junction with Beresford Road junction with Beresford Road Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 34 metres northeast of A point 5 metres northeast of RPB Stretford (Outer) its junction with Beresford its junction with Beresford Road Road Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of Its junction with Beresford 7A Stretford (Outer) its junction with Beresford Road Road Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southwest Its junction with Nansen Street The southeast end of the lay- 7A Stretford (Inner) b on the southwest side Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southwest The southeast end of the lay- The northeast end of the lay-by RPB Stretford (Inner) b on the southwest side on the southwest side Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Southwest The northeast end of the lay-by The southwest end of the lay- 7A Stretford & on the southwest side by on the northwest side Northwest (Inner) Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northwest The southwest end of the lay- A point 6 metres northeast of RPC Stretford (Inner) by on the northwest side the southwest end of the lay-by on the northwest side Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 6 metres northeast of The northeast end of the lay-by RPB Stretford (Inner) the southwest end of the lay-by on the northwest side on the northwest side Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northwest The northeast end of the lay-by The northwest end of the lay- 7A Stretford & on the northwest side by on the northeast side Northeast (Inner) Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northeast The northwest end of the lay- The southeast end of the lay- RPB Stretford (Inner) b on the northeast side b on the northeast side Nansen Close, Gorse Hill, Northeast The southeast end of the lay- Its junction with Nansen Street 7A Stretford & by on the northeast side Southeast (Inner) Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest Its junction with Thomas Street A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Thomas Street

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres northeast of A point 16 metres northeast of RPC Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Thomas Street

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 16 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Taylor's Road

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Wingfield Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 60


Street Side From To Code Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Wingfield its junction with Wingfield Street Street Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Wingfield its junction with Darley Street Street Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Darley Street its junction with Darley Street

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Darley Street its junction with Mellor Street

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Mellor Street its junction with Mellor Street

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Mellor Street its junction with Nansen Close (southwest side) Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Nansen Close its junction with Nansen Close (southwest side) (southwest side) Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 10 metres west of its RPB Stretford its junction with Nansen Close junction with Nansen Close (southwest side) (southeast side) Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 10 metres west of its Its junction with Nansen Close 7A Stretford junction with Nansen Close (southeast side) ~ (southeast side) Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast Its junction with Thomas Street A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Thomas Street

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Taylor's Road

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Portland Road

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Portland Road Wilson Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 61


Street Side From To Code Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford Wilson Street Wilson Street Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford Wilson Street Cavendish Road Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Stretford Cavendish Road Cavendish Road Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford Cavendish Road Beresford Road Nansen Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 40 metres northeast of 7A Stretford Beresford Road Beresford Road Navigation Road, Northeast Its junction with Manchester A point 38 metres southeast of 7A5P Broadheath Road its junction with Manchester Road Navigation Road, Northeast A point 7 metres northwest of A point 9 metres southeast of 7A Broadheath its junction with Wharf Road its junction with Wharf Road

Navigation Road, Northeast A point 85 metres northwest of A point 3 metres east of its 7A Broadheath its junction with the entrance to junction with the entrance to Navigation Road Station Navigation Road Station

Navigation Road, Southwest Its junction with Manchester A point 44 metres east of its 7A Broadheath Road junction with Manchester Road

Navigation Road, Southwest A point 44 metres southeast A point 58 metres south-east 6C Broadheath of its junction with Manchester of its junction with Manchester Road Road Navigation Road, Southwest Its junction with Hawarden A point 20 metres northwest of 5E Broadheath Road its junction with Gladstone Road Navigation Road, Southwest A point 20 metres northwest of A point 10 metres southeast of 7A Broadheath its junction with Gladstone its junction with Grosvenor Road Road New Street, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Regent Road A point 133 metres northeast 6C of its junction with Cedar Avenue New Street, Altrincham Northwest A point 133 metres northeast A point 27 metres northeast of PB6E of its junction with Cedar its junction with Cedar Avenue Avenue New Street, Altrincham West A point 27 metres northeast of A point 5 metres south of its 6C its junction with Cedar Avenue junction with Cedar Avenue

New Street, Altrincham West A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its PB6E junction with Cedar Avenue junction with The Downs

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 62


Street Side From To Code New Street, Altrincham West A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with The Downs 5L junction with The Downs New Street, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Regent Road A point 5 metres southwest of 6C its junction with Chapel Court

New Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 30 metres southwest of PB6E its junction with Chapel Court its junction with Chapel Court

New Street, Altrincham Southeast A point 30 metres southwest of Its junction with The Downs 6C its junction with Chapel Court

Newton Road, Urmston Both A point 25 metres northwest of Its junction with Flixton Road 6C its junction with Flixton Road

Newton Street, Stretford North Its junction with Chester Road A point 15 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Chester Road Newton Street, Stretford South Its junction with Chester Road A point 12 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Chester Road Norman Road, Northwest Its junction with Woodfield A distance of 110 metres 6C Broadheath Road southwest of its junction with Norman Road, Southeast Its junction with Woodfield Its junction with Lawrence 6C Broadheath Road Road Norman's Place, Northwest Its junction with Regent Road A point 25 metres southwest of 7A Altrincham its junction with Regent Road

Norman's Place, Northwest A point 25 metres southwest of A point 40 metres southwest of Doc Altrincham its junction with Regent Road its junction with Regent Road

Norman's Place, Northwest A point 40 metres southwest of A point 120 metres southwest PB6E Altrincham its junction with Regent Road of its junction with Regent Road Norman's Place, Northwest A point 120 metres southwest Its junction with Lyme Road 6C Altrincham of its junction with Regent Road Norman's Place, Southeast Its junction with Regent Road A point 30 metres southwest of 7A Altrincham its junction with Regent Road

Norman's Place, Southeast A point 30 metres southwest of Its junction with The Narrows 6C Altrincham its junction with Regent Road

Norris Road, Sale South A point 139 metres east of its A point 188 metres east of its SS junction with Derbyshire Road junction with Derbyshire Road South South Norris Road, Sale South A point 45 metres west of its A point 77 metres west of its SS 'unction with Croft Road junction with Croft Road North Lonsdale Street, Northwest Its junction with Taylor's Road A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 16 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Portland Road

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 16 metres southwest of A point 10 metres southwest of RPC Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 10 metres southwest of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 24 metres northeast of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 63


Street Side From To Code North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 24 metres northeast of A point 19 metres southwest of RPC Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Wilson Street

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 19 metres southwest of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Wilson Street its junction with Wilson Street

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Wilson Street its junction with Wilson Street

North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Wilson Street its junction with Cavendish Road North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Cavendish Road Road North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Beresford Road Road North Lonsdale Street, Northwest A point 5 metres southwest of Its junction with Beresford 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Beresford Road Road North Lonsdale Street, Southeast Its junction with Taylor's Road A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

North Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Portland Road

North Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Portland Road

North Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Portland Road its junction with Cavendish Road North Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Cavendish Road Road North Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Cavendish its junction with Beresford Road Road North Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of Its junction with Beresford 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Beresford Road Road North Vale Road, West Its junction with St Leonards A point 88 metres north of its 7A Timperley Drive junction with St Leonards Drive

North Vale Road, East Its junction with St Leonards A point 83 metres north of its 7A Timperley Drive junction with St Leonards Drive

'Northenden Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Britannia Road A point 42 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Broad Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 64


Street Side From To Code Northenden Road, Sale Northeast A point 42 metres southeast of A point 125 metres northwest 7C its junction with Broad Road of its junction with Woodlands Road Northenden Road, Sale Northeast A point 125 metres northwest A point 30 metres northwest of LA6M of its junction with Woodlands its junction with Woodlands +5P5P Road Road Northenden Road, Sale Northeast A point 30 metres northwest of A point 22 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Woodlands its junction with Woodlands Road Road Northenden Road, Sale Northeast Its junction with Beech Road A point 12 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Temple Road

Northenden Road, Sale Northeast A point 12 metres southeast of A point 20 metres northwest of LH6M its junction with Temple Road its junction with James Street

Northenden Road, Sale Northeast ~A point 20 metres northwest of A point 15 metres southeast 7A5P its junction with James Street of its junction with James Street Northenden Road, Sale Northeast A point 15 metres southeast A point 27 metres southeast LH6M of its junction with James of its junction with James Street Street Northenden Road, Sale Northeast A point 27 metres southeast of Its junction with Hampson 7A5P its junction with James Street Street

Northenden Road, Sale North Its junction with Its junction with Old Hall Road 7A5P Ham sonStreet Northenden Road, Sale North Its junction with the access A point 12 metres east of its 7A7A road between Northenden junction with the access road Road and Old Hall Road between Northenden Road and Old Hall Road Northenden Road, Sale North A point 12 metres east of is A point 15 metres east of its 7A5P junction with the access road junction Baguley Road between Northenden Road and Old Hall Road Northenden Road, Sale Southwest Its 'unction with School Road Its junction with Hoe Road 7A6G Northenden Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Hope Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Hope Road

Northenden Road, Sale Southwest A point 17 metres northwest of Its junction with Wardle Road 7A5P its junction with Stamford Place Northenden Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Wardle Road A point 19 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Wardle Road

Northenden Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with Warrener Its junction with Marsland Road 7A5P Street Northenden Road, Sale Southwest Its junction with the link road A point 18 metres southwest of 7A7A between Northenden Road and its junction with the link road Marsland Road between Northenden Road and Marsland Road Northenden Road, Sale Southwest A point 18 metres southwest of A point 40 metres southwest of 7A5P its junction with the link road its junction with the link road between Northenden Road and between Northenden Road and Marsland Road Marsland Road Northenden Road, Sale North A point 10 metres east of its A point 10 metres west of its 7A junction with Worthington Road junction with Worthington Road

Northenden Road, Sale South Its junction with Conway Road A point 27 metres east of its 7A5P 'unction with Ba ule Lane Northumberland Road, Both Its junction with Chester Road A point 19 metres south of its 7A5P Old Trafford junction with Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 65


Street Side From To Code Northumberland Road, Southeast Its junction with Stretford Road A point 4 metres southwest of 7A Old Trafford its junction with Stretford Road

Northumberland Road, Northwest A point 152 metres north of its A point 107 metres north of its SS Old Trafford junction with A res Road junction with A res Road Norway Street, Gorse Hill, Both Its junction with Thomas Street From its junction with Thomas 7A Stretford to a point 5 metres northeast of Street to a point 5 metres thatjunction northeast of that junction

Norway Street, Gorse Hill, Northwest A point 5 metres northeast of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Thomas Street Its junction with Taylor's Road

Norway Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 66 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its Junction with Thomas its junction with Taylor's Road Street Norway Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 66 metres southwest of A point 60 metres southwest of RPC Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Taylor's Road

Norway Street, Gorse Hill, Southeast A point 60 metres southwest of A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road its junction with Taylor's Road

Norway Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres southwest of Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

Nuttall Street, Old Trafford West Its junction with Chester Road A point 13 metres south of its 7A5P junction with Chester Road

Nuttall Street, Old Trafford East Its junction with Chester Road A point 17 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Oak Road, Sale Both A point 25 metres northeast of Its junction with Northenden 7A its junction with Northenden Road Road Oakfield, Sale West Its junction with Ashton Lane A point 178 metres south of its 7A5P junction with Ashton Lane Oakfield, Sale West A point 178 metres south of its A point 20 metres north of its 7A junction with Ashton Lane junction with Washwa Road Oakfield, Sale West A point 35 metres north of its A point 67 metres north of its SS junction with Brentwood junction with Brentwood Oakfield, Sale East Its junction with Ashton Lane A point 165 metres south of its 7A5P 'unction with Ashton Lane Oakfield, Sale East A point 165 metres south of its A point 20 metres north of its 7A junction with Ashton Lane 'unction with Washwa Road Oakfield, Sale Both A point 20 metres north of its Its junction with Washway 7A5P 'unction with Washwa Road Road Oakfield Road, Altrincham West Its junction with Stockport A point 60 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Stockport Road

Oakfield Road, Altrincham West A point 60 metres south of its Its junction with Thomas Street 5C junction with Stockport Road

Oakfield Road, Altrincham West Its junction with Thomas Street Its junction with Moss Lane 7A

Oakfield Road, Altrincham East Its junction with Stockport A point 15 metres north of its 7A Road junction with Oakfield Street Oakfield Road, Altrincham East A point 15 metres north of its A point 12 metres south of its 6C junction with Oakfield Street junction with Oakfield Street

Oakfield Road, Altrincham East A point 12 metres south of its A point 105 metres north east 7A junction with Oakfield Street of its junction with Moss Lane

Oakfield Road, Altrincham East A point 35 metres north east of Its junction woth Moss Lane 7A its junction with Moss Lane

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 66


Street Side From To Code Oakfield Street, West A point 108 metres north of its A point 88 metres north of its 7A Altrincham junction with Oakfield Street junction with Oakfield Street (west-east arm) (west-east arm) Oakfield Street, West A point 88 metres north of its Its junction with Oakfield Street 6C Altrincham junction with Oakfield Street (west-east arm) (west-east arm) Oakfield Street, North Its junction with Oakfield Road Its junction with Oakfield Street 6C Altrincham (west-east arm) Oakfield Street, South Its junction with Oakfield Road A point 42 metres east of its 6C Altrincham 'unction with Oakfield Road Oakfield Street, South A point 31 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 6C Altrincham 'unction with Balmoral Road junction with Balmoral Road Oaklands Drive, Sale Both Its junction with Cranleigh Its junction with Washway 7A5P Drive Road Old Crofts Bank, Southwest Its junction with Hayeswater A point 240 metres southeast 7A Davyhulme Road of its junction with Hayeswater Road Old Hall Road, Sale Northwest Its junction with Northenden A point 81 metres northwest of 7A5P Road its junction with Northenden Road Old Hall Road, Sale Northwest A point 134 metres northwest A point 190 metres northwest 7A5P of its junction with Northenden of its junction with Northenden Road Road Old Hall Road, Sale Southeast A point 34 metres northeast of Its junction with the access 7A5P its junction with Northenden road between Northenden Road Road and Old Hall Road Old Hall Road, Sale Southeast Its junction with the access A point 12 metres northeast of 7A7A road between Northenden its junction with the access Road and Old Hall Road road between Northenden Road and Old Hall Road

Old Hall Road, Sale Southeast A point 20 metres southwest of A point 20 metres northeast of 7A5P its junction with Baguley Road its junction with Baguley Road

Old Manchester Road, Northwest Its easterly junction with Its westerly junction with 7A Carrington (adj. Crampton Manchester Road Manchester Road Lane) Old Manchester Road, Southeast Its easterly junction with Its westerly junction with 7A Carrington (adj. Crampton Manchester Road Manchester Road Lane) Old Market Place, Both Its junction with Dunham Road Its junction with Church Street 7A5P Altrincham Oldfield Lane, Altrincham Both Its junction with Charcoal Road A point 50 metres east of its CW 'unction with Charcoal Road Oldfield Road, Altrincham East A point 6 metres southeast of A point 12 metres southeast Dis its junction with Oldfield Grove of its junction with Oldfield Grove Oldfield Road, Altrincham Both A point 14 metres north of its Its junction with Broad Road 7A 'unction with Broad Road Oldfield Road, Sale Both A point 60 metres of its A point 14 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Church Street 'unction with Church Street Oldfield Road, Sale Both A point 14 metres west of its Its junction with Church Street 7A5P 'unction with Church Street Orchard Place, Timperley Both Its junction with Stockport Its junction with Baker Street 7A Road Orchard Place, Sale Both Its junction with Wynnstay The cul-de-sac end 7A Road Orchard Road, Altrincham West Its junction with Stockport A point 14 metres south of its 7A Road junction with Stockport Road

Orchard Road, Altrincham East Its junction with Stockport A point 9 metres south of its 7A Road 'unction with Stockport Road Osborne Road, Altrincham Both Its junction with Stockport A point 15 metres southeast of 7A Road its junction with Stockport Road Oxford Road, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with John Street A point 6 metres southeast of 7A its junction with John Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 67


Street Side From To Code Oxford Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 6 metres southeast of A point 8 metres northwest of LD6C its junction with John Street its junction with Peter Street

Oxford Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 8 metres northwest of A point 5 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Peter Street its junction with Peter Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 68


Street Side From To Code Oxford Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 5 metres southeast of A point 15 metres northwest of LD6C its junction with Peter Street its junction with Rigby Street

Oxford Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 15 metres northwest of its junction with Rigby Street 6C its junction with Rigby Street

Oxford Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 17 metres northwest of Its junction with Hale Road 7A its junction with Hale Road Oxford Road, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Ashley Road Its junction with Peter Street 7A Oxford Road, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Peter Street A point 38 metres northeast of 6C its junction with Hale Road Oxford Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 38 metres northeast of Its junction with Hale Road 7A its junction with Hale Road Pacific Road, Broadheath West Its junction with Atlantic Street A point 16 metres south of its 7A junction with Atlantic Street

Pacific Road, Broadheath East its junction with Atlantic Street A point 11 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Caspian Road

Paddock Lane, Warburton Northeast A point 115 metres northwest A point 14 metres southeast of 7A of its junction with Bent Lane its junction with of the midpoint of its junction with Bent Lane

Paddock Lane, Warburton Southwest A point 115 metres northwest Its junction with Bent Lane 7A of its junction with Bent Lane

Paddock Lane, Warburton Both A point 43 metres west of its Its junction with Warburton 7A junction with Saracen's Head Lane Inn Entrance Park Avenue, Sale Northeast A point 116 metres northwest A point 19 metres northwest of LJ6C of its junction with Cross Street its junction with Cross Street

Park Avenue, Sale Southwest Its junction with York Avenue A point 19 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Cross Street

Park Avenue, Sale Both A point 19 metres northwest of Its junction with Cross Street 7A5P its junction with Cross Street

Park Avenue, Sale Both A point 15 metres north of its A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Southern Road junction with Southern Road

Park Road North, Urmston Both Its junction with Moorside Road The cul-de-sac end including 7A the turning head Park Road South, Both The cul-de-sac end Its junction with Flixton Road 7A Urmston Park Road, Timperley Both Its junction with Manchester A point 50 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Manchester Road Park Road, Timperley Northeast Its junction with Frieston Road A point 100 metres south-east 6C of its junction with Riddings Road Park Road, Timperley North A point 37m west its junction A point 10 ms east its junction 7A with Heyes Lane with Heyes Lane Park Road, Timperley Northeast Its junction with Grange Road Its junction with Stockport 7A Road Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of A point 9 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Bollin Drive its junction with Bollin Drive

Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 9 metres southeast of A point 59 metres southeast of LD6C its junction with Bollin Drive its junction with Bollin Drive

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 69


Street Side From To Code Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 59 metres southeast of A point 89 metres southeast of SB its junction with Bollin Drive its junction with Bollin Drive

Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 89 metres southeast of A point 142 metres southeast LD6C its junction with Bollin Drive of its junction with Bollin Drive

Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 27 metres northwest of A point 22 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Canal Road its junction with Canal Road

Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 22 metres southeast of A point 15 metres northwest of LD6C its junction with Canal Road its junction with Hawthorn Avenue Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Hawthorn 7A its junction with Hawthorn Avenue Avenue Park Road, Timperley Southwest Its junction with Hawthorn Its junction with Brookfield 7A5P Avenue Avenue Park Road, Timperley Southwest Its junction with Brookfield A point 97 metres southeast of 6C Avenue its junction with Brookfield Avenue Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 97 metres southeast of A point 127 metres southeast SS its junction with Brookfield of its junction with Brookfield Avenue Avenue Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 127 metres southeast Its junction with Moss Lane 6C of its junction with Brookfield Avenue Park Road, Timperley South A point 60 metres northwest of A point 12m southeast of its 7A its junction with Kingsley Road junction with Kingsley Road

Park Road, Timperley Southwest A point 376 metres northwest Its junction with Stockport 7A of its junction with Stockport Road Road Park Road, Bowdon Northeast Its junction with Shepherd's A point 60 metres southeast of 7A Brow its junction with Shepherd's Brow Park Road, Bowdon Southwest Its junction with Shepherd's A point 60 metres southeast of 7A Brow its junction with Shepherd's Brow Park Road, Hale Both Its junction with Ashley Road A point 20 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Ashley Road

Park Road, Sale East A point 38 metres south of its A point 17 metres north of its SS junction with Abbey Road 'unction with Southern Road Park Road, Sale East A point 17 metres north of its A point 15 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Southern Road 'unction with Southern Road Park Road, Sale East A point 15 metres north of its A point 15 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Merton Road 'unction with Merton Road Park Road, Sale Both A point 15 north of its junction A point 9 metres north of its 5C with Whitefield Road junction with Ashton Lane Park Road, Sale Both A point 9 metres north of its Its junction with Ashton Lane 7A 'unction with Ashton Lane Park Road, Trafford Park Both Its junction with Moseley Road Its junction with Barton Dock 7A5P Road Park Road, Trafford Park West Its junction with Barton Dock A point 280 metres south of its 7A5P Road junction with Barton Dock Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 70


Street Side From To Code Park Road, Stretford West A point 280 metres south of its A point 318 metres south of its 7A junction with Barton Dock junction with Barton Dock Road Road Park Road, Stretford West A point 318 metres south of its A point 335 metres south of its 7A5H junction with Barton Dock junction with Barton Dock Road Road Park Road, Stretford West A point 335 metres south of its A point 371 metres south of its 7A junction with Barton Dock junction with Barton Dock Road Road Park Road, Stretford West A point 371 metres south of its A point 442 metres south of its 7A5H junction with Barton Dock junction with Barton Dock Road Road Park Road, Stretford West A point 103 metres north of the A point 11 metres north of the 513513 north end of road surrounding north end of road surrounding the traffic island at its junction the traffic island at its junction with Radstock Road with Radstock Road

Park Road, Stretford West A point 10 metres north of its A point 45 metres north of its 5B5B 'unction with Radstock Road junction with Derbyshire lane Park Road, Stretford West A point 45 metres north of its Its junction with Derbyshire 7A5H 'unction with Derbyshire lane Lane Park Road, Stretford West Its junction with Derbyshire A point 30 metres south of its 7A5H Lane junction with Derbyshire Lane

Park Road, Stretford West A point 30 metres south of its Its junction with Barton Road 5B5B junction with Derbyshire Lane

Park Road, Stretford East Its junction with Barton Dock A point 55 metres north of its 7A5P Road junction with Davyhulme Road

Park Road, Stretford East A point 55 metres north of its A point 50 metres south of its 7A5H junction with Davyhulme Road junction with Davyhulme Road

Park Road, Stretford East A point 50 metres south of its A point 56 metres south of its 5F5F junction with Davyhulme Road junction with Marlborough Road Park Road, Stretford East A point 12 metres north of its A point 8 metres south of its 5F5F 'unction with Radstock Road 'unction with Radstock Road Park Road, Stretford East A point 8 metres south of its Its junction with Derbyshire 7A5H 'unction with Radstock Road Lane Park Road, Stretford East Its junction with Derbyshire A point 31 metres south of its 7A5H Lane junction withof its junction with Derbyshire Lane Park Road, Stretford East A point 31 metres south of its Its junction with School Road 5F5F junction withof its junction with Derbyshire Lane Park Way, Both Its junction with Barton Road Its junction with Ashburton CW Stretford/Urmston (M60 junction) Road West Park Way, off-slip Its junction with the northbound Its junction with Barton Dock CW Stretford/Urmston carriageway of Park Way Road

Park Way, on-slip Its junction with Barton Dock Its junction with the northbound CW Stretford/Urmston Road carriageway of Park Way

Park Way, off-slip Its junction with the Its junction with Barton Dock CW Stretford/Urmston southbound carriageway of Road Park Way Park Way, on-slip Its junction with Barton Dock Its junction with the CW Stretford/Urmston Road southbound carriageway of Park Way Partridge Street, Stretford Both Its junction with Railway Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Railway Road

Partridge Street, Stretford West A point 10 metres south of its A point 63 metres south of its RPA junction with Railway Road junction with Railway Road

Partridge Street, Stretford West A point 21 metres north of its A point 5 metres north of its LJ6C junction with the service road junction with the service road fronting 708 Chester Road fronting 708 Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 71


Street Side From To Code Partridge Street, Stretford West A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with the service 7A5P junction with the service road road fronting 708 Chester fronting 708 Chester Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 72


Street Side From To Code Partridge Street, Stretford East A point 10 metres south of its A point 10 metres north of its RPA junction with Railway Road junction with Chester Road

Partridge Street, Stretford East A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Chorley Street 7A5P 'unction with Chorle Street Peel Avenue, Hale West Its junction with Ashley Road A point 75 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Peel Road, Hale West Its junction with Hale Road A point 11 metres north of Its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Peel Road, Hale East Its junction with Hale Road A point 14 metres north of Its 7A 'unction with Hale Road Peter Street, Altrincham North Its junction with Ashley Road A point 4 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Ashle Road Peter Street, Altrincham North A point 4 metres east of its A point 29 metres east of its INC 'unction with Ashley Road 'unction with Ashley Road Peter Street, Altrincham South Its 'unction with Ashley Road Its 'unction with Oxford Road 7A Pinnington Lane, Stretford Both Its junction with School Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A 'unction with School Road Pinnington Lane, Stretford East A point 10 metres south of its A point 7 metres north of its 6E 'unction with School Road 'unction with Jackson Street Pinnington Lane, Stretford West A point 7 metres north of its A point 7 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Jackson Street 'unction with Jackson Street Pinnington Lane, Stretford East A point 7 metres north of its The cul-de-sac end 7A 'unction with Jackson Street Pinnington Lane, Stretford West A point 5 metres north of the The cul-de-sac end 7A cul-de-sac end Police Street, Altrincham Both Its junction with Stamford Way The cul-de-sac end 7A

Poplar Avenue, Southwest Its junction with Hazel Road A point 10 metres east of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Hazel Road Poplar Road, Stretford North Its junction with Barton Road A point 15 metres west of its 7A5P 'unction with Barton Road Poplar Road, Stretford South Its junction with Chester Road A point 16 metres west of its 7A5P 'unction with Chester Road Poplar Road, Stretford South A point 16 metres west of its A point 70 metres west of its 7A 'unction with Chester Road 'unction with Chester Road Poplar Road, Stretford South A point 185 metres west of its A point 235 metres west of its SS junction with Chester Road junction with Barton Road

Portland Road, Altrincham Northwest Its junction with Cavendish Its junction with Belgrave Road 6C Road Portland Road, Altrincham Southeast Its junction with Cavendish A point 12 metres southwest of 6C Road its junction with Cavendish Road Portland Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Nansen Street A point 5 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Nansen Street

Portland Road, Stretford Both A point 5 metres southeast of A point 5 metres northwest of RPB its junction with Nansen Street its junction with North Lonsdale Street Portland Road, Stretford Both A point 5 metres northwest of A point 5 metres southeast of 7A its junction with North Lonsdale its junction with North Lonsdale Street Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 73


Street Side From To Code Portland Road, Stretford Both A point 5 metres southeast of A point 10 metres north of its RPB its junction with North Lonsdale junction with Burleigh Road Street Portland Road, Stretford Both A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A junction with Burleigh Road junction with Burleigh Road

Portland Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres south of its A point 15 metres northwest of LJMD junction with Burleigh Road its junction with Chester Road

Portland Road, Stretford North A point 10 metres south of its Its junction with the access RPB junction with Burleigh Road road south of No. 2 Portland Road Portland Road, Stretford East Its junction with the access A point 15 metres northwest of LJMD road south of No. 2 Portland its junction with Chester Road Road Portland Road, Stretford Both A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Post Office Street, Both Its junction with Market Street A point 15 metres southeast of 7A5P Altrincham its junction with Market Street

Post Office Street, Both A point 15 metres southeast of Its junction with Kingsway 7A Altrincham its junction with Market Street

Pott Street, Altrincham Both Its junction with Market Street Its junction with Greenwood 6C Street Pownall Road, Altrincham Both Its junction with Armitage Road The cul-de-sac end 7A

Prestage Street, Old Southwest A point 12 metres northwest of Its junction with Ayres Road 6C Trafford its junction with Ayres Road

Prestage Street, old Northeast A point 16 metres northwest of Its junction with Ayres Road 6C Trafford its junction with Ayres Road

Primrose Avenue, Northwest Its junction with Crofts Bank Its junction with Greenfield 7A Urmston Road Avenue Primrose Avenue, Southwest Its junction with Crofts Bank A point 20 metres northeast of 7A Urmston Road its junction with Crofts Bank Road Primrose Avenue, Southwest A point 7 metres southeast of Its junction with Greenfield 7A5P Urmston its junction with Greenfield Avenue Avenue Princess Road, Both A point 3 metres north of its Its junction with Devonshire 7A Broadheath junction with Devonshire Road Road

Princess Road, West Its junction with Devonshire A point 13 metres south of its 7A Broadheath Road junction with Devonshire Road

Princess Road, Urmston East A point 76 metres northwest of Its junction with Balfour 7A its junction with Balfour Avenue Avenue Princess Street, Old Northeast Its junction with Chester Road A point 16 metres southeast of 7A5P Trafford its junction with Chester Road

Princess Street, Old Southwest Its junction with Chester Road A point 10 metres southeast of 7A5P Trafford its junction with Chester Road

Priory Road, Bowdon West A point 70 metres north of its Its junction with Bow Lane 7A 'unction with Bow Lane

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 74


Street Side From To Code Priory Road, Bowdon East A point 52 metres north of its Its junction with Bow Lane 7A junction with Bow Lane Quadrant The, Stretford, see Greatstone Road Roundabout Queen's Road, Altrincham Both Its junction with Moss Lane A point 10 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Moss Lane

Queen's Road, Altrincham East A point 10 metres southwest of A point 17 metres north of its 6E its junction with Moss Lane junction with Stamford Park Road Queen's Road, Altrincham Both A point 17 metres north of its A point 17 metres south of its 7A junction with Stamford Park junction with Stamford park Road Road Queen's Road, Altrincham West A point 43 metres south of its A point 67 metres south of its SS junction with Cedar Road 'unction with Cedar Road Queen's Road, Urmston West Its junction with Church Road Its junction with Westmorland 7A5P Road Queen's Road, Urmston West Its junction with Westmorland Its junction with Grangethorpe 7A Road Road Racefield Road, Northwest The cul-de-sac end Its junction with Groby Road 6C Altrincham Racefield Road, Southeast The cul-de-sac end A point 8 metres southwest of 6C Altrincham its junction with Dunham Rise

Racefield Road, Southeast A point 10 metres north of its Its junction with Groby Road 6C Altrincham junction with Grob Road Radnor Street, Stretford Northeast Its junction with Chester Road A point 50 metres southeast 7A5P of its junction with Chester Road Radnor Street, Stretford Northeast A point 67 metres southeast A point 73 metres southeast Dis of its junction with Chester of its junction with Chester Road Road Radnor Street, Stretford Southwest Its junction with Chester Road A point 10 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Radnor Street, Stretford Southwest A point 5 metres northwest of A point 38 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Trafford Grove its junction with Trafford Grove

Radstock Road, Stretford North Its junction with Park Road A point 24 metres east of its 5F5F 'unction with Park Road Radstock Road, Stretford South Its junction with Park Road A point 20 metres east of its 5F5F 'unction with Park Road Raglan Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 16 metres southeast of 5P5P Road its junction with Washway Road Railway Road, Stretford North Its junction with Thornbury A point 38 metres east of its 7A Road 'unction with Thornbur Road Railway Road, Stretford North A point 38 metres east of its A point 387 metres west of its RPB junction with Thornbury Road junction with Sir Matt Busby Way Railway Road, Stretford North A point 387 metres west of its A point 33 metres west of its RPA junction with Sir Matt Busby junction with Sir Matt Busby Way Way Railway Road, Stretford North A point 33 metres west of its Its junction with Sir Matt Busby 7A junction with Sir Matt Busby Way Wa Railway Road, Stretford South Its junction with Avondale A point 10 metres north of its 7A Road 'unction with Tenb Avenue Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres north of its A point 52 metres north of its RPB 'unction with Tenb Avenue 'unction with Tenb Avenue Railway Road, Stretford South A point 52 metres north of its A point 97 metres west of its 7A junction with Tenby Avenue junction with Buckinham Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 75


Street Side From To Code Railway Road, Stretford South A point 97 metres west of its A point 10 metres west of its RPB junction with Buckinham Road junction with Buckinham Road

Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A junction with Buckinham Road junction with Buckinham Road

Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres east of its A point 10 metres west of its RPB junction with Buckingham junction with Ravenswood Road Road Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A junction with Ravenswood junction with Ravenswood Road Road Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres east of its A point 5 metres west of its RPB junction with Ravenswood junction with Clyne Street Road Railway Road, Stretford South A point 5 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A 'unction with CI ne Street 'unction with CI ne Street Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres east of its A point 10 metres west of its RPA junction with CI ne Street 'unction with Colle Street Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A junction with Colle Street 'unction with Colle Street Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres east of its A point 10 metres west of Elton RPA junction with Colle Street Street Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres west of Elton A point 10 metres east of 7A Street Elton Street Railway Road, Stretford South A point 10 metres east of A point 30 metres east of its RPA Elton Street 'unction with Partridge Street Railway Road, Stretford South A point 30 metres east of its A point 19 metres west of its 7A junction with Partridge Street junction with Sir Matt Busby Way Railway Road, Stretford South A point 19 metres west of its A point 5 metres west of its LJ6C junction with Sir Matt Busby junction with Sir Matt Busby Way Way Railway Road, Stretford South A point 3 metres west of its Its junction with Sir Matt Busby 7A junction with Sir Matt Busby Way Way Railway Road, Urmston North Its junction with Crofts Bank A point 42 metres east of its 7A Road junction with Crofts Bank Road

Railway Road, Urmston North A point 42 metres east of its A point 21 metres west of its 6C junction with Crofts Bank Road junction with Greenfield Road

Railway Road, Urmston North A point 21 metres west of its A point 8 metres east of its 7A5P junction with Greenfield Road junction with Greenfield Street

Railway Road, Urmston North A point 8 metres east of its Its junction with Westbourne 6C junction with Greenfield Street Park

Railway Road, Urmston South Its junction with Station Road A point 42 metres east of its 7A junction with Station Road Railway Road, Urmston South A point 42 metres east of its A point 162 metres east of its 6C 'unction with Station Road 'unction with Station Road Railway Road, Urmston South A point 162 metres east of its A point 252 metres east of its 7A junction with Station Road junction with Station Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 76


Street Side From To Code Railway Street, Altrincham West Its junction with Regent Road A point 15 metres southwest of 7A5K its junction with Regent Road

Railway Street, Altrincham West A point 15 metres southwest of Its junction with The Downs PB6E its junction with Regent Road

Railway Street, Altrincham East Its junction with Stamford New Its junction with Lloyd Street 7A5K Road Ravenswood Road, Both Its junction with Railway Road A point 10 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Railway Road

Ravenswood Road, Both A point 10 metres south of its A point 10 metres north of its RPB Stretford junction with Railway Road junction Chorley Street

Ravenswood Road, Both A point 10 metres south of its A point 22 metres south of its RPB Stretford junction with Chorley Street junction with Chorley Street

Ravenswood Road, West From a point 22 metres south Its junction with the service 7A Stretford of its junction with Chorley road Street Ravenswood Road, West Its junction with the service A point 10 metres north of the 7A Stretford road junction with Chester Road

Ravenswood Road, East From a point 22 metres south A point 10 metres north of the 7A Stretford of its junction with Chorley junction with Chester Road Street to a Ravenswood Road, Both A point 10 metres north of the Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Stretford junction with Chester Road

Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Dunham Road A point 19 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 19 metres southeast of Its junction with Groby Road 6C its junction with Dunham Road

Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Groby Road A point 8 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Groby Road

Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 8 metres southeast of A point 12 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Groby Road its junction with Market Street

Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 12 metres northwest of A point 12 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Market Street its junction with Market Street

Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 12 metres southeast of A point 43 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Market Street its junction with Stamford New Road Regent Road, Altrincham Northeast A point 43 metres northwest of Its junction with Stamford New 7A its junction with Stamford New Road Road Regent Road, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Dunham Road A point 25 metres southeast of 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Regent Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 8 metres northwest of A point 10 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Groby Road its junction with Bentink Road

Regent Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 100 metres northwest A point 20 metres northwest of PB6E of its junction with Norman's its junction with Norman's Place Place Regent Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 20 metres northwest of A point 17 metres southeast of 6C its junction with Norman's its junction with New Street Place Regent Road, Altrincham Southwest A point 2 metres northwest of Its junction with Stamford New 7A its junction with Lloyd Square Sreet

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 77


Street Side From To Code Richmond Road, Southwest Its junction with The Mount A point 15 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with the Mount Richmond Road, Southwest A point 15 metres south of its A point 15 metres north of its PC5N Altrincham junction with The Mount junction with Townfield Road Richmond Road, Southwest A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Townfield 7A Altrincham junction with Townfield Road Road Richmond Road, Northeast Its junction with The Mount A point 5 metres south of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with The Mount Richmond Road, Northeast A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its PC5N Altrincham junction with The Mount junction with Townfield Road Richmond Road, Northwest A point 5 metres north of its Its junction with Townfield 7A Altrincham junction with Townfield Road Road Richmond Road, Bowdon East Its junction with Stamford Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Stamford Road

Richmond Road, Urmston Northwest Its junction with Ashburton A point 30 metres northeast of 7A Road West its junction with Ashburton Road West Richmond Road, Urmston Southeast Its junction with Ashburton A point 12 metres north of its 7A Road West junction withof its junction with Ashburton Rd West Richmond Road, Urmston Southeast A point 12 metres northwest of The northeast end 6C its junction with Ashburton Road West Riddings Road, Timperley West Its junction with Park Road A point 40 metres north of its 6C junction with Park Road Riddings Road, Timperley East Its junction with Park Road A point 25 metres northeast of 6C its junction with Park Road Ridgeway Road, Both Its junction with Thorley Lane A point 15 metres east of its 7A Tim erle junction with Thorle Road Rigby Street, Altrincham West & A point 79 metres northeast of Its junction with Oxford Road 7A North its junction with Oxford Road

Rigby Street, Altrincham South A point 54 metres northeast of Its junction with Oxford Road 7A its junction with Oxford road

Robson Avenue, Trafford Both Its junction with Taylor Road Its junction with the access 7A Park road to the Bridgewater Centre

Roebuck Lane, Sale Northeast Its junction with Washway A point 25 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Roebuck Lane, Sale Southwest Its junction with Washway A point 25 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Roebuck Lane, Sale Southwest A point 25 metres southeast of A point 41 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Washway its junction with Marton Place Road Roseneath Road, Urmston Southwest Its junction with Flixton Road A point 22 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Flixton Road

Roseneath Road, Urmston Northeast Its junction with Flixton Road A point 27 metres northwest of 6C its junction with Flixton Road

Rostherne Street, Both Its junction with Pownall Road A point 123 metres southwest 7A Altrincham of its junction with Pownall Road Rothiemay Road, Flixton Both A point 15 metres west of its Its junction with Flixton Road 7A 'unction with Flixton Road Royal Avenue, Urmston Both The cul-de-sac end including A point 57 metres west of its 6C the turning head junction with Station Road Royal Avenue, Urmston Both A point 57 metres west of its Its junction with Station Road 7A junction with Station Road Rutland Road, Altrincham Both Its junction with Church Street A point 15 metres west of its 7A5P junction with Church Street Ryecroft Road, Stretford East Its junction with Urmston Lane A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction withof its junction with Urmston Lane

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 78


Street Side From To Code Ryecroft Road, Stretford Both A point 7 metres northwest of Its junction with Sandy Lane 7A its junction with Sandy Lane

Salisbury Road, Both Its junction with Manchester A point 25 metres east of its 7A5P Altrincham Road junction with Manchester Road

Salisbury Road, South Its junction with Churchill Road A point 44 metres west of its 6C Altrincham 'unction with Churchill Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 79


Street Side From To Code Sandgate Drive, West Its junction with Lostock Road A point 40 metres south of its 7A Davyhulme junction with Lostock Road

Sandgate Drive, East Its junction with Lostock Road A point 32 metres south of its 7A Davyhulme junction with Lostock Road

Sandiway Place, West Its junction with Sandiway A point 15 metres north east of 7A Altrincham Road its junction with Church Street

Sandiway Place, East Its junction with Sandiway A point 10 south of its junction 7A Altrincham Road with Sandiwa Road Sandiway Place, East A point 10 south of its junction A point 15 metres north east of PA5E Altrincham with Sandiway Road its junction with Church Street

Sandiway Place, Both A point 15 metres north east of Its junction with Church Street 7A5P Altrincham its junction with Church Street

Sandiway Road, Both Its junction with Manchester A point 15 metres east of its 7A5P Altrincham Road junction with Manchester Road

Sandiway Road, North A point 15 metres east of its A point 92 metres east of its PA5E Altrincham junction with Manchester Road junction with Manchester Road

Sandiway Road, South A point 15 metres east of its A point 10 metres west of its PA5E Altrincham junction with Manchester Road junction with Sandiway Place

Sandiway Road, South A point 10 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A Altrincham junction with Sandiwa Place junction with Sandiwa Place

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 80


Street Side From To Code Sandiway Road, South A point 10 metres east of its A point 27 metres east of its PA5E Altrincham junction with Sandiwa Place junction with Sandiwa Place Sandiway Road, South Its junction with Barrington A point 20 metres west of its 7A Altrincham Road junction with Barrin ton Road Sandy Lane, Stretford South A point 11 metres west of its A point 14 metres east of its 7A junction with Elm Drive junction with Sand Lane Sandy Lane, Stretford North A point 6 metres west of its A point 7 metres east of its 7A junction with Cecil Road junction with Cecil Road Sandy Lane, Stretford North A point 6 metres west of its A point 8 metres east of its 7A junction with R ecroft Road junction with R ecroft Road Sandy Lane, Stretford North A point 52 metres west of its Its junction with Barton Road 7A 'unction with Barton Road Sandy Lane, Stretford South A point 66 metres west of its Its junction with Barton Road 7A junction with Barton Road School Road, Altrincham Both Its junction with Moss Lane A point 16 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Moss Lane

School Road, Altrincham Both A point 15 metres northeast of Its junction with Stamford Park 7A its junction with Stamford Park Road Road School Road, Sale North Its junction with Cross Street A point 14 metres east of its 7A5P junction with Cross Street School Road, Sale North A point 14 metres east of its A point 37 metres east of its Dis junction with Cross Street junction with Cross Street School Road, Sale North A point 37 metres east of its A point 51 metres east of its ST junction with Cross Street junction with Cross Street School Road, Sale North A point 51 metres east of its Its junction with Hayfield Street 7A5P (across the westerly end junction with Cross Street of the pedestrianised area) School Road, Sale North Its junction with Tatton Road Its junction with Northenden 7A6G Road School Road, Sale South Its junction with Washway Its junction with Hayfield Street 7A5P Road School Road, Sale South Its junction with Springfield Its junction with Northenden 7A6G Road Road School Road, Town Hall North Its westerly junction with Its easterly junction with 7A6G Service Road, Sale School Road School Road School Road, Town Hall South Its westerly junction with Its easterly junction with 7A5P Service Road, Sale School Road School Road School Road, Town Hall South A point 3 metres from its A point 7 metres from its ST Service Road, Sale westerly junction with School easterly junction with School Road Road School Road, Stretford Both Its junction with Barton Road A point 15 metres east of its 5F5F junction with Barton Road School Road, Stretford South A point 16 metres west of its A point 16 metres east of its 6C junction with Bennett Street junction with Bennett Street School Road, Stretford North A point 15 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Victoria Road junction with Victoria Road School Road, Stretford South A point 15 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Pinnington Lane junction with Pinnington Lane

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 81


Street Side From To Code Seddon Road, Hale West Its junction with Ashley Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A junction with Atkinson Road

Seddon Road, Hale West Its junction with Spring Road A point 49 metres south of its 7A junction with Spring Road Seddon Road, Hale East A point 15 metres south of its A point 55 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Ashley Road 'unction with Ashley Road Sefton Road, Sale Northwest A point 22 metres northeast of Its junction with Chapel Road 7A its junction with Chapel Road

Sefton Road, Sale Southeast A point 13 metres northeast of Its junction with Chapel Road 7A its junction with Chapel Road

Selsey Avenue, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 14 metres northwest of 5P5P Road its junction with Washway Road Service road, Sale Northwest Its junction with Brooklands A point 31 metres southwest of LF6A (Framingham Road at its Road its junction with Brooklands junction with Brooklands Road Road) Service road, Sale Northwest A point 31 metres southwest of Its junction with Framingham 7A (Framingham Road at its its junction with Brooklands Road junction with Brooklands Road Road) Service road, Sale Southeast Its junction with Brooklands Its junction with Framingham 7A (Framingham Road at its Road Road junction with Brooklands Road) Service road off Smithy West A point 75 metres south of its A point 60 metres north of its 7A Lane, Partington junction with Smithy Lane southerly junction with Central Road Service road off Smithy East A point 75 metres south of its A point 65 metres north of its 7A Lane, Partington junction with Smithy Lane southerly junction with Central Road Service road between Both Its junction with Central Road Its junction with Service road 7A Central Road and Service off Smithy Lane road off Smithy Lane, Partin ton Seymour Grove, Old West Its junction with Talbot Road for a distance 14 metres south 7A5P Trafford of its junction with Elsinore Road Seymour Grove, Old West for a distance 14 metres south A point 38 metres south of its 7A Trafford of its junction with Elsinore junction with Elsinore Road Road Seymour Grove, Old West A point 48 metres north of its for a distance 45 metres south 7A Trafford junction with Tennis Street of its junction with Tennis Street Seymour Grove, Old East Its junction with Talbot Road Its junction with Stanley Road 7A5P Trafford Seymour Grove, Old East A point 8 metres north of its A point 171 metres south of its 7A Trafford junction with Humphrey Road junction with Humphrey Road

Shaftesbury Avenue, Both Its junction with Stockport A point 160 metres east of its 7A5P Timperley Road junction with Stockport Road

Shaftesbury Avenue, North Its junction with Shaftesbury A point 22 metres east of its 7A Timperley (north service Avenue junction with Shaftesbury road) Avenue Shawe Road, Urmston Both Its junction with Flixton Road A point 20 metres south of its 7A junction with Flixton Road Shaw's Road, Altrincham North Its junction with Market Street A point 45 metres east of its 7A6C junction with Market Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 82


Street Side From To Code Shaw's Road, Altrincham North A point 45 metres east of its A point 65 metres east of its 7A 'unction with Market Street junction with Market Street Shaw's Road, Altrincham North A point 65 metres east of its Its junction with Central Way 7A6C junction with Market Street Shaw's Road, Altrincham South Its junction with Market Street A point 5 metres east of its 7A6C 'unction with Market Street Shaw's Road, Altrincham South A point 5 metres east of its A point 5 metres west of its LM6C junction with Market Street junction with Greenwood Street

Shaw's Road, Altrincham South A point 5 metres west of its Its junction with Central Way 7A6C junction with Greenwood Street

Shay Lane, Hale Barns Northwest A point 97 metres northeast of A point 55 metres northeast of SS its junction with Hale Road its junction with Hale Road Shay Lane, Hale Barns Northwest A point 38 metres northeast of Its junction with Hale Road 7A its junction with Hale Road Shay Lane, Hale Barns Southeast A point 43 metres northeast of Its junction with Hale Road 7A its junction withHale Road Shepherd's Brow, Bowdon Southeast A point 10 metres northeast of A point 10 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Park Road its 'unction with Park Road Shetland Way, Davyhulme South Its junction with Skye Road A point 35 metres east of its 7A junction with Skye Road Shrewsbury Street, Old Northeast A point 12 metres northwest of Its junction with Brooks's Bar 7A Trafford its junction with Brooks Bar

Sibson Road, Sale Both Its junction with Washway Its junction with Springfield 7A5P Road Road Sibson Road, Sale (traffic The whole perimeter 7A5P island at the junction with Hayfield Street

Sinderland Road, North A point 94 metres northwest of A point 130 metres northwest SS Broadheath its junction with Craven Road of its junction with Craven Road Sinderland Road, North A point 10 metres northwest of A point 12 metres southeast of 7A Broadheath its junction with Dawson Road Its junction with Dawson Road

Sinderland Road, North A point 12 metres southeast of A point 50 metres west of its 6C Broadheath Its junction with Dawson Road junction with Manchester Road

Sinderland Road, South A point 10 metres northwest of A point 11 m southeast of Its 7A Broadheath Its junction with Clarke Street junction with Clarke Street

Sinderland Road, Both A point 50 metres northwest of Its junction with Manchester 7A5P Broadheath its junction with Manchester Road Road Sir Matt Busby Way, West A point 60 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford 'unction with Railway Road junction with Railway Road Sir Matt Busby Way, West A point 5 metres south of its A point 47 metres south of its LJ6C Stretford junction with Railway Road junction with Railway Road

Sir Matt Busby Way, West A point 47 metres south of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Stretford junction with Railway Road

Sir Matt Busby Way, East A point 166 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A Stretford junction withof its junction with Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 83


Street Side From To Code Skye Road, Davyhulme East Its junction with Shetland Way Its junction with Iona Way 7A (Passageway at rear of Nos. 1-15) Smith Street, Old Trafford South Its junction with Hadfield Street Its junction with Harold Street 7A

Smithy Lane, Partington Both Its junction with Central Road A point 5 metres east of its 7A junction with Central Road Smithy Lane, Dunham Both Its junction with Woodhouse Its junction with Charcoal Road CW Lane South Downs Road, North Its junction with Langham A point 27 metres south of its 6C Bowdon Road junction with Langham Road

South Downs Road, South Its junction with Grange Road A point 275 metres east of its 6C Bowdon junction witharl South Grove, Sale Northeast Its junction with Hope Road A point 15 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Hope Road

South Grove, Sale Southwest Its junction with Hope Road A point 18 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Hope Road

South Grove, Sale Southwest A point 14 metres northwest of A point 14 metres southeast of 5E its junction with Glenthorn its junction with Glenthorn Grove Grove South Grove, Sale Northeast A point 14 metres northwest of A point 3 metres southeast of 5E its junction with West Grove its junction with West Grove

South Grove, Sale Southwest A point 13 metres northwest of A point 12 metres southeast of 5E its junction with West Grove its junction with West Grove

South Lonsdale Street, Both From its junction with Thomas A point 5 metres east of its 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford Street junction with Thomas Street South Lonsdale Street, Northwest 1A point 5 metres east of its A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

South Lonsdale Street, Southeast A point 5 metres east of its A point 5 metres southwest of RPB Gorse Hill, Stretford junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

South Lonsdale Street, Both A point 5 metres southwest of Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A Gorse Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

Southern Road, Sale Both Its junction with Park Road A point 15 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Park Road

Southern Road, Sale Northwest A point 32 metres northeast of A point 57 metres northeast of SS its junction with Park Road its junction with Park Road Southern Road, Sale Northwest A point 80 metres northeast of A point 123 metres northeast 7A its junction with Park Road of its junction with Park Road

Southern Road, Sale Southeast A point 15 metres southwest of A point 15 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Atkinson Road its junction with Atkinson Road

Southern Road, Sale Both A point 15 metres southwest of A point 15 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Park Avenue its junction with Park Avenue

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 84


Street Side From To Code Southgate, Urmston West Its junction with Church Road A point 44 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Park Road Southgate, Urmston East Its junction with Church Road A point 23 metres south of its 7A 'unction with Church Road Spring Road, Hale South Its junction with Seddon Road Its junction with Peel Avenue 7A

Springfield Road, Both Its junction with Woodlands A point 36 metres southeast of 6C Altrincham Road its junction with Woodlands Road (including the closure)

Springfield Road, West A point 120 metres northwest A point 15 metres north of its 6C Altrincham of its junction with Victoria junction with Victoria Street Street Springfield Road, West A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Victoria Street 7A Altrincham junction with Victoria Street Springfield Road, East A point 116 metres north of its A point 106 metres north of its 6C Altrincham junction with Stamford Street junction with Stamford Street Including the closure) Springfield Road, East A point 106 metres north of its A point 33 metres north of its PB6E Altrincham junction with Stamford Street junction with Stamford Street

Springfield Road, East A point 33 metres north of its Its junction with Stamford 7A Altrincham junction with Stamford Street Street Springfield Road, Sale Both Its junction with Tatton Road A point 15 metres south of its 7A6G junction with Sibson Road Springfield Road, Sale Southeast Its northeast end Its southwest end 6C (traffic island at its junction with Sibson Road)

Springfield Road, Sale Northwest A point 27 metres south of its A point 33 metres south of its Dis junction with Sibson Road 'unction with Sibson Road Springfield Road, Sale Northwest A point 53 metres south of its A point 59 metres south of its Dis junction with Sibson Road 'unction with Sibson Road St Andrew's Avenue, Both Its junction with Deansgate A point 10 metres northeast of 7A Timperley Lane its junction with Deansgate Lane St Andrew's Avenue, Northwest A point 52 metres northeast of A point 58 metres northeast of Dis Timperley its junction with Deansgate its junction with Deansgate Lane Lane St James Drive, Sale Both Its junction with Marsland Road A point 25 metres northeast of 7A its junction with Marsland Road

St John's Road, Both Its junction with The Downs A point 15 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Delamer road

St John's Road, Northeast A point 15 metres southeast of A point 15 metres northwest of LJ6C Altrincham its junction with Delamer Road its junction with Ashley Road

St John's Road, Southwest A point 15 metres southeast of A point 15 metres west of its 6C Altrincham its junction with Delamer Road junction with Ashley Road

St John's Road, Both A point 15 metres northwest of Its junction with Ashley Road 7A Altrincham its junction with Ashley Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 85


Street Side From To Code St Margaret's Road, East Its junction with Groby Road A point 15 metres south of its 6C Altrincham 'unction with Grob Road St Margaret's Road, East Its junction with Woodville A point 14 metres north of its 6C Altrincham Road 'unction with Woodville Road St Margaret's Road, East Its junction with Woodville A point 14 metres south of its 7A Altrincham Road junction with Woodville Road

St Mary's Road, East Its junction with Stamford Road A point 10 metres north of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Stamford Road St Mary's Road, Sale Southeast A point 95 metres east of its A point 121 metres east of its SS junction with Barker's Lane junction with Barker's Lane

St Teresa's Road, Southeast A point 21 metres northeast of A point 41 metres northeast of SS Stretford the southwest end the southwest end St Vincent Street, North A point 23 metres west of its Its junction with Manor Road 7A Altrincham 'unction with Manor Road St Vincent Street, South A point 12 metres west of its Its junction with Manor Road 7A Altrincham 'unction with Manor Road Stamford New Road, Northwest Its junction with Stamford A point 145 metres northeast 7A6C Altrincham Street of its junction with Cross Street

Stamford New Road, Northwest A point 145 metres northeast Its junction with Cross Street 7A6P Altrincham of its junction with Cross Street

Stamford New Road, Northwest Its junction with Cross Street A point 55 metres south of its 7A6P Altrincham 'unction with Cross Street Stamford New Road, Northwest A point 55 metres south of its A point 90 metres south of its 6C5K Altrincham junction with Cross Street junction with Cross Street Stamford New Road, Northwest A point 90 metres south of its A point 153 metres south of its 7A5K Altrincham junction with Cross Street junction with Cross Street Stamford New Road, Northwest A point 153 metres south of its A point 185 metres south of its 6C5K Altrincham junction with Cross Street junction with Cross Street Stamford New Road, Northwest A point 185 metres south of its Its junction with Regent Road 7A5K Altrincham junction with Cross Street Stamford New Road, Southeast Its junction with Grosvenor A point 280 metres southwest 7A Altrincham Street of its junction with Grosvenor Street Stamford New Road, Southeast A point 280 metres southwest A point 320 metres southwest 7AST Altrincham of its junction with Grosvenor of its junction with Grosvenor Street Street Stamford New Road, Southeast A point 320 metres southwest A point 50 metres northeast of 7A Altrincham of its junction with Grosvenor its junction with Moss Lane Street Stamford New Road, Southeast A point 50 metres northeast of Its junction with Moss Lane 7A6P Altrincham its junction with Moss Lane

Stamford New Road, Southeast Its junction with Moss Lane A point 110 metres south of its 7A5K Altrincham 'unction with Moss Lane Stamford New Road, Southeast A point 110 metres south of its Its junction with Grafton Street 6C5K Altrincham junction with Moss Lane Stamford New Road, Southeast Its junction with Grafton Street Its junction with Railway Street 7A5P Altrincham Stamford Park Road, North Its junction with Manor Road A point 29 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Manor Road

Stamford Park Road, South Its junction with Manor Road A point 34 metres southeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Manor Road

Stamford Park Road, Both A point 15 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with Queen's Road junction with Queen's Road Stamford Park Road, North A point 15 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A Altrincham 'unction with school Road junction with School Road Stamford Place, Sale Northwest Its junction with Northenden A point 8 metres southwest of 7A5P Road its junction with Northenden Road Stamford Place, Sale Northwest A point 8 metres southwest of A point 15 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Northenden its junction with Northenden ~ Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 86


Street Side From To Code Stamford Place, Sale Northwest A point 15 metres southwest of A point 78 metres southwest of LJ6A its junction with Northenden its junction with Northenden Road Road Stamford Place, Sale Northwest A point 78 metres southwest of Its junction with Montague 7A its junction with Northenden Road Road Stamford Place, Sale Southeast Its junction with Northenden A point 8 metres southwest of 7A5P Road its junction with Northenden Road Stamford Place, Sale Southeast A point 8 metres southwest of Its junction with Montague 7A its junction with Northenden Road Road Stamford Road, Bowdon North Its junction with The Firs A point 15 metres northeast of 7A its junction with St Mary's Road

Stamford Road, Bowdon Southwest Its junction with Church Brow Its junction with Richmond 7A Road Stamford Road, Bowdon Both Its junction with South Road Its junction with West Road 6C Stamford Road, Bowdon North A point 54 metres west of its Its junction with Ashley Road 7A 'unction with Ashley Road Stamford Road, Bowdon South A point 35 metres southwest of Its junction with Ashley Road 7A its junction with Ashley Road

Stamford Street, Northwest Its junction with Kingsway Its junction with Barrington 7A Altrincham Road Stamford Street, Southeast Its junction with Kingsway A point 38 metres southwest of 7A Altrincham its junction with Stamford Way

Stamford Street, Southeast A point 38 metres southwest of A point 3 metres southwest of PB6E Altrincham its junction with Stamford Way its junction with Stamford Way

Stamford Street, Southeast A point 3 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Altrincham its junction with Stamford Way its junction with Stamford Way

Stamford Street, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 15 metres southwest of PB6E Altrincham its junction with Stamford Way its junction with Stamford New Road Stamford Street, Southeast A point 15 metres southwest of Its junction with Stamford New 7A Altrincham its junction with Stamford New Road Road Stamford Way, Altrincham Northeast Its junction with Stamford Its junction with Stamford New 7A Street Road Stamford Way, Altrincham Southwest Its junction with Stamford A point 55 metres of its 7A Street 'unction with Stamford Street Stamford Way, Altrincham Southwest A point 18 metres northwest of Its junction with Stamford New 7A6C its junction with Stamford New Road Road Stamford Way, Altrincham North The west end A point 12 metres east of the 7A (central reserve) west end

Stamford Way, Altrincham South The west end A point 22 metres east of the 7A (central reserve) west end

Stanley Grove, Old Both Its junction with Seymour A point 10 metres east of its 7A5P Trafford Grove junction with Se mour Grove Stanley Grove, Old Both A point 10 metres east of its A point 90 metres east of its 7A Trafford 'unction with Se mour Grove 'unction with Se mour Grove Stanley Mount, Sale Northeast Its junction with Washway A point 45 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 87


Street Side From To Code Stanley Mount, Sale Southwest Its junction with Washway A point 42 metres southeast of 7A5P Road its junction with Washway Road Stanley Road, Old Both Its junction with Seymour A point 5 metres east of its 7A5P Trafford Grove junction with Se mour Grove Stanley Road, Old Both A point 5 metres east of its A point 68 metres east of its 7A Trafford junction with Seymour Grove junction with Seymour Grove including the two cul-de-sac ends and the turning head Stanton Street, Gorse Hill, Both Its junction with Thomas Street A point 5 metres east of its 7A Stretford 'unction with Thomas Street Stanton Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres east of its A point 5 metres south-west of RPB Stretford junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

Stanton Street, Gorse Hill, Both A point 5 metres south-west of Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

Stanway Street, Gorse Both Its junction with Thomas Street A point 5 metres east of its 7A Hill, Stretford junction with Thomas Street Stanway Street, Gorse Both A point 5 metres east of its A point 5 metres south-west of RPB Hill, Stretford junction with Thomas Street its junction with Taylor's Road

Stanway Street, Gorse Both A point 5 metres south-west of Its junction with Taylor's Road 7A Hill, Stretford its junction with Taylor's Road

Station Road, Urmston The whole perimeter 7A5P (traffic island at the junction with Queen's Road Station Road, Urmston West Its junction with Flixton Road A point 85 metres south Flixton 7A5P Road Station Road, Urmston West A point 80 metres north of its A point 47 metres north of its 6C junction with Royal Avenue junction with Church Road Station Road, Urmston West A point 47 metres north of its Its junction with Church Road 7A5P junction with Church Road Station Road, Urmston East Its junction with Railway Road Its junction with Higher Road 7A

Station Road, Urmston East Its junction with Higher Road A point 30 metres south Higher 7A5P Road Station Road, Urmston East A point 30 metres south Higher A point 50 metres north of its 6C Road junction with Stretford Road Station Road, Urmston East A point 50 metres north of its Its junction with Stretford Road 7A5P junction with Stretford Road Stockport Road, Both Its junction with Oakfield Road Its junction with Woodlands 7A Altrincham Road Stockport Road, North Its junction with Woodlands A point 62 metres east of its 7A Altrincham Road junction with Woodlands Road

Stockport Road, North A point 50 metres west of its A point 25 metres east of its 7A5P Tim erle junction with Moss Lane junction with Moss Lane Stockport Road, Northwest Its junction with Shaftesbury A point 85 metres northeast of 7A5P Timperley Avenue its junction with Shaftesbury Avenue

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 88


Street Side From To Code Stockport Road, Northwest A point 30 metres southwest of Its junction with Grove Lane 6C Timperley its junction with Bloomsbury Lane Stockport Road, Northwest Its junction with Grove Lane Its junction with Baker Street 7A Tim erle Stockport Road, Northwest Its junction with Baker Street A point 18 metres northeast of 7A Timperley its junction with Baker Street

Stockport Road, South Its junction with Woodlands A point 84 metres east of its 7A Altrincham Road junction with Woodlands Road

Stockport Road, Southeast A point 68 metres north west of Its junction with Wood Lane 7A5P Altrincham its junction with Wood Lane

Stockport Road, Southeast Its junction with Shaftesbury A point 37 metres northeast of 7A5P Timperley Avenue its junction with Shaftsbury Avenue Stockport Road, Southeast A point 184 metres southwest A point 58 metres southwest of 6C Timperley of its junction with Mayfield its junction with Mayfield Road Road Stockport Road, Southeast A point 53 metres southwest of A point 5 metres southwest of LB6C Timperley its junction with Mayfield Road its junction with Mayfield Road

Stockport Road, Southeast A point 5 metres southwest of A point 5 metres northeast of 7A Timperley its junction with Mayfield Road its junction with Mayfield Road

Stockport Road, Southeast A point 5 metres northeast of A point 20 metres northeast of LB6C Timperley its junction with Mayfield Road its junction with Mayfield Road

Stockport Road, Southeast A point 76 metres west of its A point 54 metres northeast of 7A Timperley junction with Thorley Lane its junction with Thorley Lane

Stockport Road, Southeast A point 54 metres northeast of A point 36 metres northeast of 6C Timperley its junction with Thorley Lane its junction with Bedford Drive

Stockport Road, Southeast A point 36 metres northeast of A point 195 metres northeast 7A Timperley its junction with Bedford Drive of its junction with Aimson Road Stockport Road, The whole perimeter 7A5P Timperley (traffic island at its junction with Shaftesbur Avenue) Stothard Road, Stretford Both A point 25 metres west of its Its junction with Barton Road 7A 'unction with Barton Road Stretford Road, Old The whole perimeter 7A5P Trafford (traffic island at its junction with Chester Road and Talbot Road) Stretford Road, Old North Its junction with Chester Road A point 152 metres wt of its 7A5P Trafford 'unction with Nuttall Street Stretford Road, Old North A point 152 metres northwest A point 12 metres northeast of 7A Trafford of its junction with Nuttall its junction with Nuttal Street Street Stretford Road, Old North A point 15 metres southwest of Its junction with Chorlton Street 7A Trafford its junction with Chorlton Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 89


Street Side From To Code Stretford Road, Old North Its junction with East Union A point 35 metres east of its 7A Trafford Street junction with East Union Street

Stretford Road, Old North A point 8 metres west of its Its junction with Lucy Street 7A Trafford junction with White Street Stretford Road, Old South Its junction with Talbot Place A point 103 metres east of its 7A5P Trafford 'unction with Carver Street Stretford Road, Old South A point 103 metres east of its A point 12 metres northeast of 7A Trafford junction with Carver Street its junction with Northumberland Road Stretford Road, Old South Its junction with Henrietta A point 64 metres east of its 7A Trafford Street junction with Essex Way Stretford Road, Urmston North Its junction with Station Road A point 60 metres west of its 7A5P junction with Gloucester Road

Stretford Road, Urmston North A point 60 metres west of its A point 35 metres east of its 7A junction with Gloucester Road junction with Gloucester Road

Stretford Road, Urmston North A point 17 metres west of its A point 80 metres east of its 7A junction with Moss Vale Road junction with Moss Vale Road

Stretford Road, Urmston North A point 15 metres west of its A point 15 metres east of its 7A junction with Blinco Road junction with Blinco Road Stretford Road, Urmston South Its junction with Queen's Road A point 48 metres southeast 7A5P of its junction with Queen's Road Stretford Road, Urmston South A point 48 metres southeast A point 10 east of its junction 7A of its junction with Queen's with Meadow Road Road Stretford Road, Urmston South A point 8 metres west of its A point 10 metres east of its 7A junction with Auburn Drive junction with Auburn Drive Sulby Avenue, Stretford Both A point 8 metres west of its Its junction with Kings Road 7A junction with Kings Road Sumner Way, Urmston Both Its junction with Park Road Its junction with Crofts Bank 7A North Way Sumner Way, Urmston Both Its junction with Sumner Way The cul-de-sac end including 7A (service road to rear of turning heads shops) Sydney Street, Stretford Southwest Its junction with Cyprus Street A point 12 metres southeast of 7A its junction with Cyprus Street

Sydney Street, Stretford Northeast Its junction with Cyprus Street A point 11 metres northwest of 7A its junction with Chester Road

Sydney Street, Stretford Northeast A point 11 metres northwest of Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P its junction with Chester Road

Sylvan Avenue, Southwest A point 71 metres northwest of A point 36 metres northwest of 6C Altrincham its junction with Greenway its junction with Greenway Road Road Sylvan Avenue, Southwest A point 36 metres northwest of A point 18 metres northwest of LD6C Altrincham its junction with Greenway its junction with Greenway Road Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 90


Street Side From To Code Sylvan Avenue, Northeast A point 80 metres northwest of A point 18 metres northwest of 6C Altrincham its junction with Greenway its junction with Greenway Road Road Sylvan Avenue, Both A point 18 metres northwest of Its junction with Greenway 7A Altrincham its junction with Greenway Road Road Sylvan Avenue, Sale Both Its junction with Marsland Road A point 8 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Marsland Road

Sylvan Grove, Altrincham Southwest The cul-de-sac end including A point 16 metres northwest of 7A the turning end its junction with Dunham Road

Sylvan Grove, Altrincham Both A point 16 metres northwest of Its junction with Dunham Road 7A5P its junction with Dunham Road

Talbot Place, Old Trafford West Its junction with Stretford Road A point 47 metres south of its 7A junction with Stretford Road

Talbot Place, Old Trafford East Its junction with Stretford Road A point 43 metres south of its 7A junction with Stretford Road

Talbot Road, Stretford Northwest Its southerly junction with Its junction with Milton Road 7A5P Chester Road Talbot Road, Stretford Northwest Its junction with Milton Road A point 6 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Canute Road

Talbot Road, Stretford Northwest A point 6 metres southwest of Its junction with Great Stone 6D6J its junction with Canute Road Road

Talbot Road, Stretford/Old Northwest Its junction with Great Stone Its junction with Stretford Road 7A5P Trafford Road Talbot Road, Stretford Southeast Its southerly junction with A point 78 metres northeast of 7A5P Chester Road its junction with Chester Road

Talbot Road, Stretford Southeast A point 78 metres northeast of Its junction with Great Stone 6D6J its junction with Chester Road Road

Talbot Road, Stretford/Old Southeast Its junction with Great Stone Its junction with Stretford Road 7A5P Trafford Road Tatton Place, Sale North Its junction with Tatton Road A point 8 metres east of Its 7A6G 'unction with Tatton Road Tatton Place, Sale North A point 8 metres east of its A point 30 metres east of its Dis junction with Tatton Road 'unction with Tatton Road L6C Tatton Place, Sale North A point 30 metres east of its Its junction with Chapel Road 7A6G 'unction with Tatton Road Tatton Place, Sale South Its 'unction with Tatton Road Its junction with Chapel Road 7A6G Tatton Road, Sale West Its junction with Chapel Road A point 30 metres north of its 7A 'unction with Ashfield Road Tatton Road, Sale West A point 30 metres north of its Its junction with Springfield 7A6G 'unction with Ashfield Road Road Tatton Road, Sale East Its junction with Chapel Road A point 10 metres north of Its 7A junction with Tatton Place Tatton Road, Sale East A point 10 metres north of Its Its junction with Tatton Place 7A6G junction with Tatton Place Tatton Road, Sale East Its junction with Tatton Place Its junction with Springfield 7A6G Road Taylor Road, Trafford Park Northeast Its junction with Ashburton A point 20 metres northwest of 7A Road West its junction with Robson Avenue

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 91


Street Side From To Code Taylor Road, Trafford Park Southwest Its junction with Ashburton A point 46 metres northwest of 7A Road West its junction with Robson Avenue Taylor Road, Trafford Park Northeast A point 20 metres southeast of A point 110 metres southeast 7A its junction Robson Avenue of its junction with Robson Avenue Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast Its junction with the access A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford road to the northern side of No. junction with Nansen Street 122 Taylor's Road Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Nansen Street 'unction with Nansen Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford junction with Nansen Street junction with North Lonsdale Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with North Lonsdale junction with North Lonsdale Street Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 5 metres south of its Its junction with the access RPB Stretford junction with North Lonsdale road to the southern side of Street No. 2 Taylor's Road Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast Its junction with the access A point 10 metres north of its LJMD Stretford road to the southern side of junction with Burleigh Road No. 2 Taylor's Road Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Burleigh Road junction with Burleigh Road

Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 10 metres south of its A point 30 metres north of Its LJMD Stretford junction with Burleigh Road junction with Chester Road

Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 30 metres north of its A point 15 metres north of its 7A Stretford junction with Chester Road 'unction with Chester Road Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Northeast A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road 7A5P Stretford 'unction with Chester Road Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest The northwest end A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford 'unction with Stanton Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres northwest of A point 5 metres southeast of 7A Stretford its junction with Stanton Street its junction with Stanton Street

Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford 'unction with Stanton Street junction with Haddon Street

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 92


Street Side From To Code Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of its From a point 5 metres south of 7A Stretford junction with Haddon Street its junction with Haddon Street

Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest From a point 5 metres south of A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford its junction with Haddon Street junction with Stanway Street

Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Stanwa Street 'unction with Stanwa Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford junction with Stanwa Street junction with Nansen Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Nansen Street junction with Nansen Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford junction with Nansen Street junction with Norway Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Norway Street junction with Norway Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres south of its A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford junction with Norway Street junction with South Londsale Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with South Londsale junction with South Londsale Street Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest From a point 5 metres south of A point 5 metres north of its RPB Stretford its junction with South junction with Harcourt Street Londsale Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres north of its A point 5 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Harcourt Street junction with Harcourt Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 5 metres south of its A point 10 metres north of its LJMD Stretford 'unction with Harcourt Street junction with Gorse Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 10 metres north of its A point 10 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Gorse Street junction with Gorse Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 10 metres south of its Its junction with the access LJMD Stretford junction with Gorse Street road to the south of 1a Gorse Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest Its junction with the access A point 15 metres north of its 7A Stretford road to the south of 1 a Gorse junction with Chester Road Street Taylor's Road, Gorse Hill, Southwest A point 15 metres north of its Its junction with Chester Road I 7A5P Stretford junction with Chester Road

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 93


Street Side From To Code Temple Road, Sale Southeast A point 37 metres northeast of A point 59 metres northeast of SS its junction with Broad Road its junction with Broad Road

Temple Road, Sale Both A point 15 metres northeast of A point 15 metres southwest of 7A its junction with Broad Road its junction with Broad Road

Temple Road, Sale Northwest A point 130 metres northeast A point 60 metres northeast of 7A of its junction with Northenden its junction with Northenden Road Road Temple Road, Sale Northwest A point 60 metres northeast of Its junction with Northenden 7A5P its junction with Northenden Road Road Temple Road, Sale Southeast A point 17 metres northeast of Its junction with Northenden 7A its junction with Alice Street Road

Tenax Circle, Trafford Both Its whole perimeter CW Park Tenax Road, Trafford Park Its junction with Centenary Its junction with Parkway Circle CW Way, including Tenax Circle Tenby Avenue, Stretford Both Its junction with Railway Road The cul-de-sac end including 7A the turning end Tennis Street, Old Both Its junction with Seymour A point 15 metres west of its 7A Trafford Grove 'unction with Se mour Grove The Avenue, Sale Both Its junction with Washway A point 15 metres northwest of 5P5P Road its junction with Washway Road The Causeway, Northwest The southwest end including A point 10 metres south of its 7A6C Altrincham the turning head 'unction with Cross Street The Causeway, Southeast The southwest end A point 130 metres southwest 7A6C Altrincham of its junction with Cross Street

The Causeway, Southeast A point 130 metres southwest A point 124 metres southwest Dis Altrincham of its junction with Cross Street of its junction with Cross Street

The Causeway, Southeast A point 124 metres southwest A point 10 metres south of its 7A6C Altrincham of its junction with Cross Street junction with Cross Street

The Causeway, Both Its junction with Cross Street A point 10 metres south of its 7A7A Altrincham junction with Cross Street The Causeway, central North and 7A islands, Altrincham South Arcs The Causeway, Area Dis between central islands, L7A Altrincham The Circle, Barton Road, West The north end The south end 7A7A Stretford The Circle, Barton Road, East Its junction with Audley Avenue A point 9 metres south of its 7A Stretford junction with Audle Avenue The Circle, Barton Road, East A point 9 metres south of its A point 27 metres south of its LJ6C Stretford junction with Audley Avenue junction with Audley Avenue

The Circle, Barton Road, East A point 27 metres south of its A point 46 metres south of its SB Stretford junction with Audley Avenue junction with Audley Avenue

The Circle, Barton Road, East A point 46 metres south of its A point 65 metres south of its LJ6C Stretford junction with Audley Avenue junction with Audley Avenue

The Circle, Barton Road, East A point 65 metres south of its Its junction with Barton Road 7A7A Stretford junction with Audley Avenue

Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 94

No Waiting No Loading Code Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 5B 1 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 5B5B 4 Mon - Fri 0800 -1800 5C 2 Mon - Fri 0900 -1700 5E 12 Mon - Fri 1600 -1830 Mon - Fri 1600 -1830 5F5F 8 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 5P 1 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 5P5P 14 Mon - Fri 0800 - 0930 & 1600 to 1800 5K 1 Mon - Fri 0815 - 0915 & 1500 -1700 5L 2 Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 6C 246 Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 Mon - Fri 0800 - 0930 & 1600 to 1800 6C5K Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 6C6C 1 Mon - Sat 0800 - 2000 6D 4 Mon - Sat 0800 - 2000 Mon - Sat 0800 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 6D6J 2 Mon - Sat 0900 -1700 6E 14 Mon - Sat 0900 -1700 Mon - Sat 0900 -1700 6E6E 1 Mon - Sat 0730 - 0930 &1600 -1830 6P 1 Mon - Sat 0730 - 0930 &1600 -1830 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 & 6P5H 1 Sat 0730 - 0930 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 & Sat 0730 - Mon - Sat 0730 - 0930 & 1600 - 1830 & 6H6H 4 0930 Sat 0730 - 0930 Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 & Sat 0730 - Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 & 6Q6Q 5 1230 Sat 0730 -1230 Mon - Sat 0800 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 6J 1 Mon - Sun At An Time 7A 1014 Mon - Sun 0800 -1800 7C 1 Mon - Sun At Any Time Loading only Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 7A 3 SL6C Mon - Sun At An Time Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 &1600 -1830 7A5P 318 Mon - Sun At Any Time Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 & 7A5H 15 Sat 0730 - 0930 Mon - Sun At An Time Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 7A6C 21 Mon - Sun At An Time Mon - Fri 0800 - 0930 & 1600 - 1800 7A5K Mon - Sun At An Time Mon - Sat 0730 - 0930 &1600 -1800 7A6G 17 Mon - Sun At An Time Mon - Sat 0730 - 0930 &1600 -1830 7A6P Mon - Sun At Any Time Mon - Fri 0730 - 0930 & 1600 -1830 & 7A6H 1 Sat 0730 - 0930 Mon - Sun At An Time Mon - Sun At An Time 7A7A 20 Mon - Sun 0800 - 2000 7D 2 Ambulance only Amb 1 Clearwa CW 10 Disabled Bade Holders Dis 21 Disabled Badge Holders 3 hrs No return 2 hours Dis 2 Mon to Sat 0800 -1800 L6C Disabled Badge Holders 3 hrs No return 2 hours Dis 1 L7A Disabled Badge Holders 3 hrs No return 2 hours Dis Mon to Sun 0001 - 0800, 0930 - 1630, 1800 - 2400 UP

Doctor's Permit Holders Doc 1 Mon- Sun 0700 -1900 (Except Buses) SB 7 Goods vehicles exceeding 7.5 tonnes m.g.w. Mon - SG 2 Fri 0000 - 0700, 1900 - 2400 & Sat - Sun At Any Time Loading only Mon - Sat 0800 -1800 SL6C 3 Loading only Mon - Sat 0800 to 0930 & 1630 to 1800 SLEW 1 Loading only Mon - Sun At An Time SL7A 1 School entrance Mon - Fri 0800 -1700 SS 76 Taxi Rank ST 5 Parking Permitted Limited Waiting 20 mins No return 40 mins Mon to Sun 0900 -1800 LA7R 2 20 mins No return 1 hour Mon to Sat 0730 -1830 LB6T 1 20 mins No return 1 hour Mon to Sat 0800 -1800 LB6C 5 30 mins No return 1 hour Mon to Sat 0800 -1800 LD6C 11 40 mins No return 20 mins Mon to Sat At An Time LF6A 1 40 mins No return 1 hr 20 mins Mon to Sat 0730 -1630 LG6U 3 40 mins No return 2 hours Mon to Sat 0930 -1600 LH6M 3 1 hour No return 1 hour Mon to Fri 0800 -1800 LJ5C 1 1 hour No return 1 hour Mon to Sat At An Time LJ6A 2 1 hour No return 1 hour Mon to Sat 0800 -1800 LJ6C 32 1 hour No return 1 hour Mon to Sat 0930 to 1500 LJ6N 2 1 hour No return 1 hour Match Day Restrictions LJMD 22 1 hour No return 2 hours Mon to Sat 0800 -1800 LK6C 4 2 hours No return Lhour Mon to Fri 0900 -1700 LL5E 3 2 hours No return 2 hours Mon to Sat At An Time LM6A 3 2 hours No return 2 hours Mon to Sat 0800 -1800 LM6C 9 Pa and Display 2 hours No return 1 hour Mon - Sat 0900 -1700 PAGE 2 2 hours No return 1 hour Mon - Fri 0900 -1700 PA5E 4 1 hour No return 1 hour Mon - Sat 0900 -1700 PB6E 18 2 hours No return 2 hours Mon - Fri 0930 to 1500 PC5N 4 2 hours No return 2 hours Mon - Sat 0900 -1700 PC6E 4 Residents' parking Residents' parking Zone A RPA 14 Residents' parking Zone B RPB 166 Residents' parking Zone C RPC 13 Residents' parking RP 9 2206

Items in the last column, in brackets ( ), denotes the restrictions which apply, should the taxi rank etc be revoked