EXTENSIONS of REMARKS December 4, 1973 Port on S
39546 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 4, 1973 port on S. 1443, the foreign aid author ADJOURNMENT TO 11 A.M. Joseph J. Jova, of Florida, a Foreign Serv ization bill. ice officer of the class of career minister, to Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. Presi be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo There is a time limitaiton thereon. dent, if there be no further business to tentiary of the United States of America to There will be at least one yea-and-nay come before the Senate, I move, in ac Mexico. vote, I am sure, on the adoption of the cordance with the previous order, that Ralph J. McGuire, of the District of Colum. bia, a Foreign Service officer of class 1, to be conference report, and there may be the Senate stand in adjournment until Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten other votes. the hour of 11 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. t iary cf the United States of America to the On the disposition of the conference The motion was agreed to; and at 6: 45 Republic of Mali. report on the foreign aid authorization p.m., the Senate adjourned until tomor Anthony D. Marshall, of New York, to be row, Wednesday, December 5, 1973, at Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten bill, S. 1443, the Senate will take up tiary of the United States of America to the Calendar Order No. 567, S. 1283, the so lla.m. Republic of Kenya. called energy research and development Francis E. Meloy, Jr., of the District of bill. I am sure there will be yea and Columbia, a Foreign Service officer of the NOMINATIONS class of career minister, to be Amb1ssador nay votes on amendments thereto to Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the morrow.
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