Lake Ontario,1996

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Lake Ontario,1996 Fisheries and Oceans Pêches et Océans Canada Canada Corrected to Monthly Edition No. 07/2020 CEN 302 FIRST EDITION Lake Ontario Sailing Directions Pictograph legend Anchorage Wharf Marina Current Caution Light Radio calling-in point Lifesaving station Pilotage Department of Fisheries and Oceans information line 1-613-993-0999 Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue Rescue Co-ordination Centre Trenton (Great Lakes area) 1-800-267-7270 Cover photograph Inside Toronto Harbour Photo by: CHS, Benjamin Butt B O O K L E T C E N 3 0 2 Corrected to Monthly Edition No. 07/2020 Sailing Directions Lake Ontario First Edition 1996 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Users of this publication are requested to forward information regarding newly discovered dangers, changes in aids to navigation, the existence of new shoals or channels, printing errors, or other information that would be useful for the correction of nautical charts and hydrographic publications affecting Canadian waters to: Director General Canadian Hydrographic Service Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0E6 The Canadian Hydrographic Service produces and distributes Nautical Charts, Sailing Directions, Small Craft Guides and the Canadian Tide and Current Tables of the navigable waters of Canada. These publications are available from authorized Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart Dealers. For information about these publications, please contact: Canadian Hydrographic Service Fisheries and Oceans Canada 200 Kent Street Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0E6 Phone: 613-998-4931 Toll free: 1-866-546-3613 Fax: 613-998-1217 E-mail: or visit the CHS web site for dealer location and related information at: © Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada 1996 Catalogue No. Fs 72-3/2-1996E ISBN 0-660-16497-3 Ottawa, 1996 (Aussi disponible en français) II his is a corrected reprint of the 1996 edition of this booklet. As such, all Notices to Mariners up to and including the Monthly Edition shown in the table below have been incorporated Tin this reprint. This booklet should be kept up-to-date by applying corrections published in Section 4 of the monthly Canadian Notices to Mariners at: This booklet should not be used without reference to the pertinent corrections in Notices to Mariners. Record of corrections to this Sailing Directions booklet from monthly Notices to Mariners. CORRECTIONS N/M No. N/M No. N/M No. N/M No. N/M No. 09/2019 07/2020 III Preface ____________________________________________________ VI Explanatory notes ____________________________________________ VII Abbreviations ________________________________________________ IX CHAPTER 1 Everett Point to Murray Canal ─ Inner Route General ___________________________________________________ 1-1 Limits • Limiting depths • Overhead clearances • Aids to navigation • Ice • Magnetic disturbances Kingston to Upper Gap ________________________________________ 1-2 Everett Point to Brother Island North Channel ______________________________________________ 1-3 NW coast of Amherst Island • NW coast of North Channel Bay of Quinte _______________________________________________ 1-6 Adolphus Reach Approaches to Picton Bay and Long Reach _________________________ 1-8 Picton Bay • Long Reach Deseronto to Belleville _______________________________________ 1-12 Telegraph Narrows • Telegraph Narrows to Big Bay • Big Bay to Belleville • Belleville Belleville to Trenton _________________________________________ 1-16 Norris-Whitney Skyway Bridge to The Narrows • The Narrows to Trenton TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE • Trent-Severn Waterway • The Narrows to Murray Canal • Murray Canal CHAPTER 2 Wolfe Island to Presqu’ile Point ─ Outer route General ___________________________________________________ 2-1 Limits • Caution • Wolfe Island • Bear Point • Ship Routing Lake Ontario ─ United States shore ______________________________ 2-2 Lake Ontario ─ Canadian shore _________________________________ 2-5 Wolfe Island to Long Point • Islands and offshore dangers SW of Wolfe Island • Wolfe Island to Amherst Island • Amherst Island • Dangers SE and south of Amherst Island • Upper Gap • Prince Edward Bay • Long Point Long Point to Presqu’ile Point __________________________________ 2-9 Long Point to Point Petre • Point Petre to Scotch Bonnet Island • Islands and dangers off Huycks Point • Scotch Bonnet Island to Presqu’ile Point • Approaches to Wellers Bay and Presqu’ile Bay • Wellers Bay • Presqu’ile Bay • SW approach to Murray Canal CHAPTER 3 Presqu’ile Point to Toronto General ___________________________________________________ 3-1 Limits Presqu’ile to Cobourg _________________________________________ 3-1 Cobourg to Newcastle _________________________________________ 3-5 Newcastle to Oshawa _________________________________________ 3-7 Oshawa to Frenchman’s Bay __________________________________ 3-11 Frenchmen’s Bay to Toronto ___________________________________ 3-15 Toronto __________________________________________________ 3-17 Port of Toronto ─ General • Main Harbour Channel • Eastern Gap • Western Gap • Toronto Inner Harbour IV CHAPTER 4 Toronto to Hamilton General ___________________________________________________ 4-1 Limits Toronto to Port Credit ________________________________________ 4-1 Humber Bay • Mimico to Port Credit Port Credit to Oakville ________________________________________ 4-6 Oakville to Bronte ___________________________________________ 4-8 Bronte to Burlington Canal ____________________________________ 4-9 Burlington Canal ___________________________________________ 4-11 Hamilton Harbour __________________________________________ 4-12 CHAPTER 5 Hamilton to Niagara River General ___________________________________________________ 5-1 Limits • Caution Hamilton to Fifty Point ________________________________________ 5-1 Fifty Point to Jordan Harbour __________________________________ 5-3 Jordan Harbour to Port Dalhousie _______________________________ 5-4 Port Dalhousie to Port Weller ___________________________________ 5-7 Port Weller _________________________________________________ 5-7 Port Weller to Niagara River ___________________________________ 5-8 Lower Niagara River _________________________________________ 5-9 APPENDICES Sail Plan ___________________________________________________ A-1 Distance Tables ______________________________________________ A-3 Index ______________________________________________________ I-1 V he First Edition of Sailing Directions, CEN 302 — Lake Ontario, 1996, has been compiled from Canadian Government and other information sources. In general, all hydrographic terms Tused in this booklet are in accordance with the meanings given in the Hydrographic Dictionary (Special Publication No. 32), published by the International Hydrographic Bureau. This edition introduces a new presentation and layout of the geographical areas. General information for the Great Lakes is grouped in one booklet: Sailing Directions, CEN 300 — General Information, Great Lakes. It contains navigational information and a brief description of the main PREFACE port facilities as well as geographic, oceanographic and atmospheric characteristics. A geographical index at the end of that booklet should also be consulted. The detailed descriptions of the geographical areas is given in a series of volumes and booklets. Their limits are printed on the back cover of the booklets. The appropriate descriptive booklet(s) should be consulted in conjunction with CEN 300 — General Information, Great Lakes booklet. Tidal, water level and current information has been revised by the Tides, Currents and Water Level Section of the Canadian Hydrographic Service. Meteorological and ice information has been revised by the Atmospheric Environment Service, Department of the Environment. The photographs are by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Users’ comments concerning the format, content or any other matter relating to Sailing Directions would be appreciated and should be forwarded to the Director General, Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E6. VI anadian Sailing Directions amplify minute of arc, measured along the meridian, in the charted details and provide important latitude of the position. The international nautical Cinformation of interest to navigation mile, which has now been adopted by most maritime which may not be found on charts or in other marine nations, is equal to 1,852 m (6,076 ft). publications. Sailing Directions are intended to be Speeds are expressed in knots, which means read in conjunction with charts quoted in the text. nautical miles per hour. Remarks Depths, unless otherwise stated, refer to chart datum. As depths are liable to change, particularly Buoys are generally described in detail only those in dredged channels and alongside wharves, where they have special navigational significance, it is strongly recommended that these be confirmed or where the scale of the chart is too small to clearly by the appropriate local authority. show all the details. Where sections are quoted verbatim from U.S. Chart references, in italics in the text, nor- Coast Pilot 6, the figures in square brackets [thus] mally refer to the largest scale Canadian chart but after units of measurement are the International occasionally a smaller scale chart may be quoted System of Units (SI) equivalent in nautical miles, where its use is more appropriate. metres or tonnes. Tidal information relating to
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