The Online Journal of Communication and Media Volume 3 Issue 4 October 2017

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The Online Journal of Communication and Media Volume 3 Issue 4 October 2017 ISSN: xxxx‐xxxx The Online Journal of Communication and Media Volume 3 Issue 4 October 2017 Editor‐in‐Chief Prof. Dr. Aytekin İşman Editors Prof. Dr. Aydın Ziya ÖZGÜR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ergun YOLCU Associate Editor Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçil KAYA Technical Editor Hüseyin ESKİ Journal Secretary Mustafa ÖZTUNÇ October 2017 The Online Journal of Communication and Media – October 2017 Volume 3, Issue 4 Copyright © 2015 - THE ONLINE JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA All rights reserved. No part of TOJCAM’s articles may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Contact Address: Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN TOJCAM, Editor in Chief Published in TURKEY Sakarya-Turkey Copyright © The Online Journal of Communication and Media The Online Journal of Communication and Media – October 2017 Volume 3, Issue 4 Message from the Editor-in-Chief Hello from TOJCAM TOJCAM welcomes you. It looks for academic articles on the issues of communication and media. It contributes to the development of both theory and practice in the field of communication and media and accepts academically robust papers, topical articles and case studies that contribute to the area of research in communication and media. The aim of TOJCAM is to help students, teachers, academicians, scientists and communities better understand the development of communication and media. The submitted articles should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to TOJCAM. It provides perspectives on topics relevant to the study, implementation of communication and media. I am always honored to be the editor in chief of TOJCAM. Many persons gave their valuable contributions for this issue. I would like to thank the editorial board of this issue. TOJCAM will organize ITICAM 2018. ITICAM (International Trends and Issues in Communication and Media Conference – will be held between July 18-20, 2018 in Paris, France. For any suggestions and comments on the international online journal TOJCAM, please do not hesitate to contact with us. October 01, 2017 Editor‐in‐Chief, Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN Sakarya University Copyright © The Online Journal of Communication and Media The Online Journal of Communication and Media – October 2017 Volume 3, Issue 4 Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN - Sakarya University, Turkey Editors Prof. Dr. Aydın Ziya ÖZGÜR ‐ Anadolu University, Turkey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ergun YOLCU - Istanbul University, Turkey Associate Editor Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçil KAYA - Anadolu University, Turkey Technical Editor Hüseyin ESKİ - Sakarya University, Turkey Journal Secretary Mustafa ÖZTUNÇ - Sakarya University, Turkey Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Ahmet KALANDER - Selçuk Prof. Dr. Finland CHENG - National Pingtung University, Turkey University, Taiwan Prof. Dr. Antoinette J. MUNTJEWERFF - Prof. Dr. Francine Shuchat SHAW - New York University of Amsterdam, Netherlands University, United States Prof. Dr. Arvind SINGHAL - University of Prof. Dr. Gianni Viardo VERCELLI - Texas, United States University of Genova, Italy Prof. Dr. Aydın Ziya OZGUR - Anadolu Prof. Dr. Gilbert Mbotho MASITSA - University, Turkey Universirty of The Free State, South Africa Prof. Dr. Aysel AZİZ- Yeni Yüzyıl University, Prof. Dr. Gregory ALEXANDER - University Turkey of The Free State, South Africa Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN - Sakarya Prof. Dr. Gül BATUŞ - Maltepe University, University, Turkey Turkey Prof. Dr. Betül ÇELİK - Ankara University, Prof. Dr. Gwo-Jen HWANG - National Taiwan Turkey University od Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Brent G. WILSON - University of Taiwan Colorado at Denver, United States Prof. Dr. Hale KÜNÜÇEN, Başkent Prof. Dr. Can BİLGİLİ - Istanbul Ticaret University, Turkey University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Heli RUOKAMO - University of Prof. Dr. Cengiz Hakan AYDIN - Anadolu Lapland, Finland University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Hülya YENĞİN - İstanbul Aydın Prof. Dr. Claribel A. Matias - Saint Mary’s University, Turkey University, Philippines Prof. Dr. Henry H.H. CHEN - National Prof. Dr. Colin LATCHEM - Open Learning Pingtung University, TAIWAN Consultant, Australia Prof. Dr. Hon Keung YAU - City University of Prof. Dr. Don M. FLOURNOY - Ohio Hong Kong, Hong Kong University, United States Prof. Dr. Işık ÖZKAN - Yeditepe Univeristy, Prof. Dr. Ergun YOLCU - Istanbul University, Turkey Turkey Prof. Dr. J. Ana DONALDSON - AECT Prof. Dr. Filiz Tiryakioglu - Anadolu Former President, United States University, Turkey Prof. Dr. J. Michael SPECTOR - University of North Texas, United States Copyright © The Online Journal of Communication and Media The Online Journal of Communication and Media – October 2017 Volume 3, Issue 4 Prof. Dr. Jerry WILLIS - Manhattanville Prof. Dr. Steve HARMON - Georgia State College, United States University, United States Prof. Dr. KHALIDI IDRISSI Mohammed - Prof. Dr. Zaidatol Akmaliah Lope Pihie - Mohammadia School of Engineering (EMI) Universiti Putra Malaysia Prof. Dr. Kiyoshi NAKABAYASHI - Chiba Prof. Dr. Zhaleh Refahi - Islamic Azad Institute of Technology, Japan University of Marvdasht Prof. Dr. Kumiko AOKI - The Open Assoc. Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baharudin University of Japan, Japan HAISHAN - Universiti Teknologi MARA Prof. Dr. Kuo-En CHANG - National Taiwan Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu KAYA ERDEM - Normal University, Taiwan Istanbul University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Marina del Carmen Chávez Sánchez - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ginette Roberge - Laurentian CELE-UNAM, Mexico University Prof. Dr. Marina Stock MCISAAC - Arizona Assoc. Prof. Dr. GÜVEN N. State University, United States BUYUKBAYKAL - Istanbul University, Prof. Dr. Melih Zafer Arıcan - Sakarya Turkey University, Turkey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Li-An HO - Tamkang Prof. Dr. Messaoud FATMI - URME, Algeria University, Taiwan Prof. Dr. Muhammad Azhar Zailani - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rozi Salim - University of Malaya University Teknologi MARA Prof. Dr. Murat BARKAN - Nişantaşı Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem OĞUZHAN - Sakarya University, Turkey University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Mustafa S. DUNDAR - Sakarya Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pornpapatsorn Princhankol - University, Turkey King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand Prof. Dr. Muzaffer ELMAS - Sakarya University, Turkey Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thongchai Somboon - Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand Prof. Dr. Neşe KARS - Istanbul University, Turkey Assist. Prof. Dr. Cengiz ERDAL - Sakarya University, Turkey Prof. Dr. NILUFER SEZER - ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI, Turkey Assist. Prof. Dr. Nevin ALGÜL - M.U., Turkey Prof. Dr. Ozgur GONENC - İstanbul University, Turkey Assist. Prof. Dr. Özgü YOLCU - Istanbul University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Paolo Di Sia - University of Verona, Italy Assist. Prof. Dr. Passakorn Rueangrong - Naresuan University, Thailand Prof. Dr. Regina Araujo - Universidade FederL de Ouro Preto, Brazil Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçil KAYA - Anadolu University, Turkey Prof. Dr. Rosalía Lastra - Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico Dr. Ahmet Bülent GÖKSEL - European University of Lefke, Turkish Republic of Prof. Dr. Rozhan M. IDRUS - University Sains Northern Cyprus Malaysia, Malaysia Dr. Aysun AKINCI YÜKSEL - Anadolu Prof. Dr. Saedah SIRAJ - University of University, Turkey Malaya, Malaysia Dr. Bedriye POYRAZ - Ankara University, Prof. Dr. Şahin KARASAR - Maltepe Turkey University, Turkey Dr. Faruk KALKAN - European University of Prof. Dr. Sofya Eremina - Tomsk Polytechnic Lefke, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus University Dr. Gbadebo Olubunmi Adejumo - Covenant Prof. Dr. Stefan AUFENANGER - University University, Nigeria of Mainz, Germany Dr. Gülüm ŞENER - Arel University, Turkey Copyright © The Online Journal of Communication and Media The Online Journal of Communication and Media – October 2017 Volume 3, Issue 4 Dr. Hikmet SEÇİM - Cyprus International Lect. Mustafa ÖZTUNÇ - Sakarya University, University, Turkish Republic of Northern Turkey Cyprus Lect. Suriawati Ghazali - University Sultan Dr. Hüseyin KÖSE - Ataturk University, Zainal Abidin Turkey Teacher Noor Faridatul Ainun Zainal - Dr. Ivan Nedeliak - Railway Company Cargo Universiti Kebangsan Malaysia Slovakia Daniel Muners Sanchez - Universidad EAFIT, Dr. Jaroslav Vesely - BRNO UNIVERSITY Colombia OF TECHNOLOGY, Czech Republic Humam Aulia - University of Bengkulu, Dr. Joanna Zalewska-Puchała - Jagiellonian Indonesia University Collegium Medicum Linderkamp Friedrich - University of Dr. Juan Ignacio Barajas Villarruel - UASLP, Wuppertal, Germany Mexico Ming-Chi Tsai - National Yunlin University of Dr. Magdalena Łuka - The John Paul II Science and Technology, Taiwan Catholic University of Lublin, Poland Morteza Sherkatmsoum - Shiveh Soft Co. Dr. Michal Čerešník - Constantine the Muhammed Tahiri - Vizioni-M, Macedonia Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia Norolayn K. Said - Mindanao State University, Dr. Nazan HAYDARİ PAKKAN - Maltepe Phillipines University, Turkey Sutluka Martin - Afghanistan Dr. Nejat ULUSOY - Ankara University, Zamzarina Mohd Adzhar - University of Turkey Malaya Dr. Nilgün ABİSEL - Near East University, Turkey Dr. Nilüfer TİMİSİ - Istanbul University, Turkey Dr. Oğuz ADANIR - Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey Dr. Osman ÜRPER - Maltepe University, Turkey Dr. Sevda ALANKUŞ - İzmir Ticaret University, Turkey Dr. SHABANA FIGUEROA - Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Dr. Wiesław Breński - Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w
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