Friends of the Koala Nursery Rifle Range Road, East Lismore NSW 2480 (PO BOX 5034, East Lismore NSW 2480) * OPEN BY APPOINTMENT * Contact: Mark Wilson, Nursery Manager 0413 339 554 Email:
[email protected] PLANT LIST – JUNE 2021 1. EUCALYPTS: (a) Koala food - price $1.00 (Commercial price $2.00) E. microcorys TALLOWOOD E. grandis FLOODED GUM E. robusta SWAMP MAHOGANY E. tereticornis FOREST RED GUM E. resinifera RED MAHOGANY E. siderophloia GREY IRONBARK E. saligna SYDNEY BLUE GUM E. propinqua GREY GUM E. acmenoides WHITE MAHOGANY E. dunni DUNN’S WHITE GUM E. amplifolia CABBAGE GUM E. racemosa SCRIBBLY GUM E. pilularis BLACKBUTT (b) Non-Koala food - prices as marked 2.00 Corymbia citriodora LEMON-SCENTED GUM 30m, lemon-scented foliage 2.00 Corymbia gummifera RED BLOODWOOD 30m large white flowers, good timber tree 1.50 Corymbia intermedia PINK BLOODWOOD 30m large white flowers, good timber tree 2.00 Corymbia maculata SPOTTED GUM 30m, good timber tree 2.00 Eucalyptus moluccana GREY BOX 25m mottled bark, good honey tree 2. SHRUBS: Order Price Variety Description 1.50 Acacia suaveolens SWEET-SCENTED WATTLE 1-2m, pale yellow sweetly scented flowers 3.00 Acmena ‘Allyn Magic’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 50cm, burgundy new growth all year, 3.00 Acmena ‘Forest Flame’ 2-3m, lovely red new foliage, psyllid-free, great screen plant 3.00 Acmena smithii ‘Minipilly’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 2m, red tips, great hedge or container plant 3.00 Astartea fascicularis ‘Pink’ 1m, pink flowers from Autumn to Summer 3.00 Austromyrtus ‘Copper Tops’ 1.2m, spreading shrub