mericatt.1 \ Ll X. ) *ii%ru i ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14, DOT ! 1f aitbfttiBnnrntB. LOCAL AKKAlHfv vice, and he uss unanimously re elected, THE CITY FATHERS rs were all the other < fflrera. After the THE BIO BaAL Talk about Taxes at Ad- LET’S TALK INSURaFceT^^ NEW AUVKKTIhElkEIlTs IhIH WKi K. business was transacted, speeches wen Unpaid made by all present and It was a late hour journed Meeting. Exec notice— Fat Calvin Cogvln*. WORK SOON TO BEGIN ON I'ou’ve Rot that to be when tbe broke The mayor hiui o»rd of aldermen met ELJUH property ought protected against loss by Exec notice— K t Mary .1 '**/,. y. meeting up. tire. We’ve the best Exuc notice— Lewis l» Kcmlck. Next Nokomfs Re- last night at an adjourned meeting to WORTH’S WATER POWER. got surest, safest, very protection that Ailmr n lice—Km John E It ark Tuesday evening talk over the unpaid tax situation. i you cau get—ami ttiat's— Ailmr notice— E-t Jor. p B ILad’ey. beksb lodge will Install officers publicly. Probate notice*-Em Nc.ilc li G < y-Em Geo 51 Jcllleou. drastic measures the sentiment of the Iii w John M. Harrigan enter- sented by us; we guarantee you “the most fot> your bankrupt'y-Eat m m Bail pleasantly is be resorted to. money”. I" board that these must bankruptcy Erl Edgar I. Roberta. talned about thirty five of bis friends at Meetings of the board of directors add EILwoith Haul wood Supply Co—Hard wood No definite action was taken at this wanted his home on Main street last Thursday meeting beyond instructing tbe finance of tbe stockholders of tbe Union River C. C. BURRILL & SON, Co Commissioners’ notice. evening, the occasion being tbe twelfth WlajrIn A 51 ooie— A pothecarles. committee to Inspect tbe accounts of tbe Light, Gas and Power Uo. are being held 16 State St, E J Drvl*—Furniture. anniversary of his birth. Dainty re- Ellsworth, Me. various tax collectors preparatory to com* Hamlin W R Parker Clothing Co—Clothing. freshments were served. to day at tbe office of Hale & fa mincing suit their bondsmen. Mt Dabkkt against this E. A. Lermond, an In the city. W m 8 Dickens— notice. employee City Treasurer J. A. Cunningham’s room of Union There were I. L. Ha I el lasting tbe shoe company ’a books show that the following amounts present man, W. factory, met with a accident yes- C. & F. L. SCHEDULE OF MAILS painful of taxis are still unpaid: Boston, and Dr. J. 8. Sanger and J. A, terday forenoon by driving a tack into AT ELLBWOKTH fOBT-OFFICB. H F. Whitcomb, coll 1699. $ 1,76997 Leonard, of New York. Routine matter® the bone of one of tbe of bis left fingers ii. Holmes, coll I960 l. 14,687 27 In effect October 13, 1902. only were before tbe meetings. MASON, band. Dr. Osgood dressed tbe wound. J. H. Breenahan, coll. 1*02... 16,448 6i Of more interest to tbe Is tlu» Going East—7. lb 6 08 m. Esoteric F. and A. will a public am, p lodge, M.t give •35,1( 4 85 Going West— I1A6 a m, ILkI and 9.47 p m. sociable at its rooms in tbe Manning gratifying information that was given Since tbe settlement last February, Mr. FIRST BANK MAIL CLOSES AT 1’OBT-oFFlCB. ^ block to-morrow evening. Music by out regarding tbe work of construction NAT'L BLOC., Whitcomn has turned In {600, and Mr. Going Eant-6.30 a 5.30 m. Monaghan’s orchestra. Refreshments m, p Holmes {7.723.18. that it is now expected will begiu aback ME. Going West—ll..0a m, 6 ami 9 15 pm. will be served. Tbe ladles will please ELLSWORTH, Of this year’s commitment of {46 603 87 tbe middle of BCNDaT. furnish cake. All Masons with their February. Mall train from 1 here remains {18 448.51 to be collected. the west arrives at 7.18 a m. families are invited. At that time a crew will he set to work Leaves for the west at 6.08 in. 51 all Tbe following table shows tbe situation p closes for on tie mends in mis of Miss blasting out rock for the canal tfus the west 5.3* p in. many city for this year to date: E la U. Devereux, of Lamoiiie, will be west side of the river, just above tbO The GEO. h. GRANT CO.. hr. interested in the announcement that she Mrs. Hopkins, of Bangor, is tbe guest of Commitment. $46,603.87 present lower dam, for the abutments n! Is to be married Jail. 19 to William 8. Mrs. A. P. WJewell. (Jr. tbe big sixty-foot dam. General Insurance and Real Estate. Cousins, of Lamoine. Mr. Cousins is an Paid in.. $20. *9 >4 Mrs. Huberts, of Boston, is Ibe guest of Tbe roek excavated will be crushed for engineer on one of the large coastwise City orders. 861 00 EI Tuesday evening. Hodgkins, vice-president; E. J. Walsh, are requeated to send them to tbe Associ- Mr. Leonard is to be tbe chief engineer Dr. F. E. of treasurer; these three officers constitute # V T The best line of wool-fleeced Bennett, Presque Isle, spent ated Chanties to be sent out with _g pack- L. sec of the and the work will bo J a few days last week in tbe city, tbe guest be board of trustees; M. Moore, company, in the c'^’^ per ages of clothes. j! 1TCIGCfl t* uni*erwear ji of Miss Elia Cfll. retary. carried on under bis supervision. A silver party was given by tbe Usona Tbe made the following Rev. David Kerr is at Manset this week president club io its gentlemen friends at its Finance committee, F. issisting Rev. Clarence Emery in a series appointments: fAbbcttisawnts. rooms on Main street Monday evening. W. Rollins, W. R. Parker; social com- Men’s Suits from $3 50 overcoats from *4.oo up of evangelistic meetings. '[ up «| There were cards the first of I be evening; miltee, H. E. Davis, C. R. BurrlH, O. W. Mrs. B J Cunningham is spending sev- the !'Youths’Suits from $3.00 Suits from $1.50 refreshments about middle; and end- Tap ley. Four new members were elected. up Boys’ up<> eral weeks w< • her son, O. P. Judge ing by “pinning ihe tail on tbe donkey’9 After tbe business meeting the remain-' Cunningham, iu Bucksport. two Charles 11. Leiand won lor prizes. der of tbe evening was passed in a social USE OUR I Mrs. L J. Backus left fur a visit1 the first and R. E. Mason the f !l MUFFLERS AND MITTENS to-day | prize booby way. several weeks ze. * !| of with her niece, Mis* pr After a service of over ten years as A large stock of these goods which we are selling unusually low. j, Norman Forster, iu Lawrence, Mass. Officers of the Royal Arcanum have steward Isaac E. Bridges has been suc- TELEPHONE | > Mrs. F. B. Kingsbury presided at tie been elecied for the ensuing year hh ceeded by Charles Hunewell. :: (I FURNISHING COODS AS USUAL. uigau at the Methodist cburcb last Bun- follows: F. B. Aiken, regent; W. A. on bad l| iI » day In tbe absence of Mrs. Greely, who Alexander, vice-regent; A. W. Kina, CHURCH NOTES. :: was 111. i) ator; A. F. Burnham, sitting past le- I DAYS, or OWEN BYRN O. W. F. L. CONUKKUATIONAL. Tbe installation of officers of Acadia H g»-ut; Tap ey,secretary ; Mason, | ;; E. C. C. Rev. J. M. Adams, pastor. are in a ■ ■ |! j A. announced for last collector; J. Parsons, treasurer; £ ll/tien you hurry, chapter, evening, I C. E. Jan lO-Prayer and conference ” or whenever feel ! has * eun postponed until mxt Tuesday Burrlil, chaplain; Doyle, guioe; Friday, £ you ! il. W. T. E. at 7 30. Theme: Ps. 116. evening. Cushman, warden; Brown, meeting £ like it. Call our— sentry; A. F. Burnham, C. C. Burrlil, A. Sunday, Jan. 18—Morning seivlce at : Harry F. Cahill, wife and son, of Port- t W. King, trustees. 10.30. During the winter months services land, are two weeks with Mrs. t 1. You’ll Like Sale of Coats spending win b* he'd in the chapel. Sunday school Telephone Tne American house bad a pretty close Cabin’s mother, Airs. E. F. Bcott, on tin al 11.45. Evening service at 7. call last from serious No. 52-4 roud. night damage by t ;: The Bread Bangor UNITARIAN. fire. An electric lamp in some way got Tbe ladies of the Methodist society which “SILVER LEAF” Flour into contact with the bed-clothing of one Rev. S. W Sutton, pastor. £ and tell us just what drug ] \ at Moore’s. meet Mrs. Moor on makes. Some seems to have with W. T. Fourth al > way of the guests, and set it ou fire. Tbe Sunday, Jan. 18—Morning service £ store goods you want. We more of the genuine, old-fa.'hioned b reet this afternoon at 3 to organize a 10 30. Sunday school at 11.45. guest, awakened by tbe flames, called up I will send them right out to ! bread llavor than most Dour does for a ladies’ aid If you have been waiting mark- society. tne in hii and the BAPTIST. guest adjoining room, i you. This is the quickest \ ] nowadays. now is time. I am In tbe list of officers of down, your going newly-elected two ex«ingu shed the flames without • ■ Rev. David Kerr, pastor. £ and most convenient pos- to L jok lodge, (. O O. F., printed last week, alarm. The service ai give giving general furniture, Sunday, Jan. 18—Morning £ sible of ! me name of J. A. the Sunday way shopping. Cunningham, treasurer, clothing Hbd were damaged to the 10.30. Sermon by pawtor carpets m at 12 no. Junior C. E. at 5 45 p. SILVER LEAF cent, off was iuadverteutly omitted. extent of about |50. school 33 per service ai 7. TIIE FLOUR THE BEST COOKS USE. Evening I-aac L. Hodgkins has purchased a new utw in the line of church at 7.30 try iti :: Something Prayer meeting Friday evening | >n Ladies’ Coats, and 25 cent, flve-borse engine $4.50 bbl. per power upright gasoline suppers will be held at the Methodist Trenton— Service Sunday at 2 30 p.m.; per > he used for the in in Misses’ and Children’s. I als o running machinery vtsiry Thursday evening, Jan. 22 It is Mr. Kerr. hall make some low this tils shop on Bcbool street. ch ltd a “mum Anybody who METHODIST EPISCOPAL. and barrel It prices supper”. !; every guaranteed. PARCHER, » The of Rev. as will be five cents for the T\ month on a number of kinds of mer- anniversary David Kerr peaks charged P• Simonton, is very carefully made of select Rev. J. pastor. of the church will ho H si stcond after that theie service at Michigan wheat, and Michigan dmnd se, as I want to reduce my stock (a tor Baptist and offence; Sunday, Jau. 18-Morning at 11 4j Junior t APOTHECARY, :; wheat has had a observed by a supper in the vestry Wed a ill be perfect freedom, and one may talk 1030. Sunday BCbnol always good repu- ill I can before I take account of it at • ■ or 3 n m. PreacDlng 7. Ep- £ tation. uesday, Jan. 21, at 6 o’clock. o one’s in ai t’s content. It will requite .ague the first of If are at 8. February. yon worth league I '' (he services ol a marshal and There w ill be a circle at tbe U i many at 7 30. t Ellsworth, Me. for trades you will find supper Friday evening T ■ » H. looking good to collect the but then Prayer meeting C. CRINDAL, tartan next Jan 21. a deputies flues, 2 30 vestry Weantsduy, Trenton— Sei vice Sunday al p. m.; JL Water Ellsworth. them here. will be there and for business. j Street, 6 iu. Tbe usual Alliance meeting w.ll they ready Suinmtnn. 15 do/.. Men’s Heavy Underwear, 50c p M be held tbe same day at 2 30 p. in. At the annual meeting of Lygonla for 35c. quality, F aud A. held lust The public installation of the officers ol lodge, M., Wednesday 2UJbrrtl«0ttntfl. Hard Wood for Sale Boys’ Underwear, 1 ."<• t > 20c each. the officers for the Blauquefort conimandery last Monday evening, following G rea t Feast Boots and Bubbers when : W. H. W. Buy your was a event. ensuing year were elected M.„ 1 ', CUT TO 16 evening most interesting .-4.1.4 ! SPLIT AND 12, you can get them at cost—do not Dunn; 8. W J A. Taylor; J. W., Manuel It was followed by a supper and dance. :: A great feast in C. C. I FANCY ROCKERS AND INCH LENGTHS. wait—buy now before they are all Gaspar; treasurer, Burrlil; secretary, <» 24 Mrs. David C. Hale, who was called tc t We are offering great N. J. Moor; 8 D.. R. W. Moore; J. D C and gone. Cincinnati last week by the illness ami 4 in these rock- | BREAD, CAKE, DOUGHNUTS, I A to F. B bargains PRICES AT MILL. Dews; proxy grand lodge, .. substquent death of her mother, is ex- + ere. They are stiictly PASTRY A ken finance J. T. Cushman 00 ; committee, in every par- Cut 12 and 16 inches $3 pected home iu a few days. Bbe was ac- J up-to-date j1 of a’l kinds can be purchased at my G-urge F Haskell, F. B. Aiken. Tbest 4 ticular; and vve have a J J Cut 24 inches $2.50 companied by her sou. at a low figure. A. E. MOORE. officers will be installed this evening + large assortment of .. bakery Ttie sociable by tbe Daughters ol PRICES DELIVERED: ,vi* mbers of the order are invited. f them too. Liberty at Odd Fellows ball last Friday Baked Beans and Brown Bread said be the rich- 12 $6.oc WUliam H. Bindley, to and Mom- Cut and 16 inches evening was well attended and a ve*y t Brass Beds and Chamber !! every Saturday Sunday Cut 24 inches $5 00 st man in Wisconsiu, died in Milwaukei • < hairs and ♦ all. K hols, Dining ing. _ + have a pleasant evening enjoyed by Will you pot of $ last Wednesday, two days after his mar I Tables. | fresnments were served in tbe lower ball J P. H. HARDWOOD BUTTINGS: Mage t o M iss Hauuemyer, who had beet BONZFY, The Dirigo hose company held ith a ■ Main Street. Ellsworth. nis secretary for tbe past twenty years VIS .... E J S At mill $2 5t uu-tl reunion and at Bowden’t ”A banquet Mrs. Bradley, who was a native of Frank | Delivered $5-oc restauiaut Toe meet- ELLSWORTH, MAINE. * 1 Monday evening. last Au J » or lin, died November. adoplet A irvBH >> lOaffois i was over Cuief Euaineei by ^ Or lers may be left at house on Oah ing presided son, William T. Bradley, married Misi For New Year’s? 4 Charles J. who was foreman ol street or sent to P. O. llox 31. Brown, Edith Cheney, of this city. A child wai _ when it left active aer Ibe company horn to Mr. Hiid Mrs. Bradley in the sanx I same the seusa Frank Fitts S'aT”^' house and at the time SttJbtrtisemrnts. (tonal was Your Molasses marriage being performed Bring Jug 4 C>*0*0^*0*0*0*0*0#0*0*04 M Mr. Bradley w as a native of Boigor, arc Greenticiisej went West a poor boy. His estate is es a as a A EDflON PLACE 4 IfEMiI 34-2. Our Broad Guarantee! tlmated at from t o |15,000.000 an(l we’ll of fine ENO’S Teleplioue 4 fl2.C30.000 AnH 4.0C give you gallon ^ * * 0 on State street has been remodeled Into x Ponce Molasses as ever you saw. X a first-class restaurant for ladles and ? We want YOU to test the merits ol COMING EVENTS. fancy gentleureu. Service a la rurh at all 0 a 43c or 50c Molasses—but X hours. 1 make a specialty of shell fish. T Wiggin’s Headache Powders, ii It’s really Is x Wednesday, Jan. 14, Ht Odd Fellow< 0 Everything 0O&CS5O0OC«^MX«XK*aGC«Xt0Og a lair and mam er and with impartial hall—Installation of officers of Douaqut “cash down” lowers the price here. out risk to your-self. That you maj NEW J lodge K. of P followed by entertainment | and x feel safe in this rem- X fresh and inviting, perfectly giving and banquet. A Easy of access, and con veil- x especially S L. W. a trial without or loss, wt 0 lent for out-of-towu |>eople coming to X g edy danger Thursday, Jan. 15, at Manning ball- X Ellsworth to trade. 1 intend to make x guarantee each and every p iwder tr Esoteric F. and A. M X this the best Sociable by lodge we offer another great bargain in relieve or refund the We are Masons with families invited. >}rr money. AH * Molasses—a kind— to make this broad splendid cooking RESTAURANT I willing guarantee, Weduesrtay, Jan. 21, at the baptist ves curative ol Ad- |V in now for knowing the great value try —Anniversary supper at 6 o’clock. never before sold for less than .'13 ets. Ellsworth, open business 4 Jordan, these and we 15 cents. with ■i UNDERTAKER, powders, point mission, *n*****Q*0*0+0+0*0+0±0+a § pride to the fact that during the pasl Thursday, Jan. 22, at tbe Methodist A STEADY INCOME. twelve years there has never beer Vestry—“Murc supper” from 5 30 to 7 p ELLSWORTH. X one box returned. There is no m. Admission, 15 cents. much of a Salary or commission paid weekly. Our 1.200- guess Why not send TWO jugs? You can’t get too gccd thing 1 acre nursery requires local and traveling agents work about this remedy. You an Friday, Jan. 23, at Hancock hall—Con everywhere to of its Also dispose products. bail and of Columbia boot seed Hue. Will arrange lor whole or part *■OtftfOOODODOOOOO^ sure to get your money’s worth. cert, supper time. Outfit free. We guarantee profitable and and ladder company. pleasant emplo>ment tbe year round. Write for Tuesday, Jan. 27, at Hancock ball— t- Of KUITKIi **Al1NT MA1»OKm. of the W. T U. In Hancock county, IS—Comment by Rev, S. II. Iloyle no vnpxper wore, sod wwa proimh y not white rlhltoncrs generally, to contrlhu'e to this S •uimvlllv- v' Vorlli Hwlgwic*. Topic.—Endeavorers In training for excelled by s»*y American itt-UBpaper. column of meetings or Items that will he INSTALLED. Mrs. Ira is ill. Church work.—Acts 11, 17. IS; Prov. 11, 1-S; Its Motto: “Helpful and Hopeful rejMirts OFFICERS Page quite The arrangement and fat *c beeuij of of Interest to workers In other parts of the O. E so Mark I. IS-20. The installation of officers of the Fred Sargent was !n town Saturday. the ll'uetratio***, admirably brought We would like this to l*e a llvecolnmn* iheaftl fu' of I he The of this column are succinctly county. took Jan. our by work ertgrMvera “For Christ and the church" is the purpose* 8. place Tuesday evening, 6, III last week. but it needs some effort on the pan of W C. T. W. F. Marks waa quite Mud of the prim log, p< odu-«d stated In the title and motto—it la for tin* mu- ■lotto of the Christian Endeavor so- Psat Matron Mra Mary A O-xir installing m »ha» *• women to make It so. It Is a column of their ro*ti" *»r*atl> HOimrcn. Exeier and aim* to l»e ami 17. Parker Billings and wife, of Sargent- not lUH’ hem lit, helpful hopeful- officer. Considering the Inclemency of Hewn Letter ciety. Its purpose has ever beeu not and will be what maae (H H.) for the common It 1* for the coni making, ours, they vllle, were In town Sunday. Being good, ine a number of “Stars” dimply to lead the young to Christ, but It. Items and communications should be short, weather, quite mon use—a public servant, a purveyor of In Mrs. Nellie and little daughter, in His church. to of the were out. Toe officers were Sargent be killed the man to train them for service a medium for the In- and arc, of course, subject approval following A woman rather by formation amt suggestion, of visited her aunt, Mrs Endeavor has ever claimed installed: Sargentvtile, loves than cured the man she Christian terchange of Ideas- In this capacity it so delta editor.] she by matron, Leonice H. Somes; Eli* Powers, r. few days la«t week. to be a means and not an end, and per- communication*, ami Its success d« pend* large- Worthy doesn't love. associate don ball if more had «*ai It In this t om- Jan. Charles G. Bordeaux; There was a social dance at U haps practical emphasis ly the su» poll *iven respect, Boston, 9,1903 patron, It'-a wise man that knows enough to this fact Christian muideations must »»e signed, hut the name of The White Ribboncs Kate L. conductiess, last evening. Atherton’* or- been placed upon Dear Unions: matron, Pray; Wednesday he master of h?a own house only when in writer will not Ik* printed except «*y pmrnl-sion luar work ou Mattie associate conduc- of furnlatied tbe music. Bndenvor would be stronger today here are p »*btd to of going Ktcliardson; chestra, B'uebtll, it. Con mulileatlons Will he subject to approval or he 1s out of old centers than it is. In and are Bertha secretary, Carri* woods Its many rejection by the erti'or of the column, but none in the home county, sending tress, B'anchard; Hoy Allen while working In tbe Addres* Instead of its mem- will he without guod reason best wishes for success. We 8 Fernald; Adah, Flora Bordeaux; a coses. graduating rej«cteu great hope one day last week was injured by log to sc** the nil communications 10 Untirp schsi l«i tf you wevr un- bers into church work and taking up Miss Moore will be able to organ'ze at Esther, Emma AMen; Martha, Elis hi* foot. Ur U now III Thk AMKH1CAM, jamming quite equ.difh v« «into f unlmpea«h*»tlt» t« stlmm y in new baud to train, the mem- one more new union while she E Eva O Jacobson; warder, ■ iprly Ellsworth, Me least Mason; ecta, from tbe effects of the accident. favor of II * wi'w "»*r>*a»MiriH y-ui would op. bers have continued xo do the work in the Lillian Heed; seu inel, Andrew H. Heed, for so 1*» o« 1 lotHkeiuU slays county. A. P Carter has jast shipped a box of braht your-ilf g ylog ■nd hold the < ices, with the result It looks odd here to see bo many liquor chapialn, Mjra E. Rich*rdmn; organist, rffi ctl^e merit, lire — Adti. A II \H1> WOBI). furs containing t e following ►kin*: that as the; for one reason or an- and to see wines, beer, ale, etc., vlary B. Somes; treasurer, Mrs. Dora PerH'Temiuf!* y.*usp*Hlt? signs sixteen fox, eigbty-flve muskrat, fifty- io to take we on* one remained And Its ca* til U? carried about in carls as openly as Hannah; Ruth, Mrs. Mary Ober; marshal, Ctherdn. meaning, you six four house c»t, fflfOicai. skunk, elgot mink, wv..-.- ■p their lab r One may always re- If you stick to ► li;*i you’re doing, have beef or groceries, and, no matter Mrs. Fannie Brown. Refreshments were 'V*.-'/* one wild cat, ooe raccoon. They were main an Euueuvorer at heart, hut not Stml\, work, or |»U»> pursuing, w bat is said to tbe contrary, we still be- served at the close in the lower hall. trapped this fall and wilder. The always in activity in the society if it is Kveiy iu*lure nraxe'y iium ling, lieve that is better than li- prohibition farmers are to get r>d of and lirav* ly » a*h alt« n pi r« pea ling, especially glad Positive Proof. to be a young people’s society to cense, brgb or low. Mt. Desert F. and A. worked lodge, M., the skunks. the for the church. Ttymg twlee and iiuleeand b ur limes, develop young Your correspondent and the county the third degree on two candidates the Greatest Yes, a liui'dreo—i ven more line-. grange met at Brook- Should Convince Skep- The training of the young for the visited the W. C T. U. was served Tuesday county li III You can 1* 111 preaident meeting Saturday night. Clam stew You can sp s|* lln. Tbe members held an all day session hnportant work and responsible posi- in Boston this week. The was A ml Us no aidng, y ou can ti 11 It! meeting at the close. tic in Ellsworth at Pomoua hall. Several tions in the church of Christ on earth chit as tbe week grange granges Selected. fly devotional, opening “The backs” will a ball in Way give were visitors f ora It’* the evidence of fin Ells- M u most mission. were represented—-thirty Because praiseworthy "Those who to'du something and lall ate a of prayer, and special prayers hail Jan. 16. Ail try Masonic Friday night, About 150 isen. 1. It is The essential ele- for the work and for all tbe North Sedgwick grange. pn- worth cl* possible. *n at deal belter off than those who try to do offered are invited to atteud and wear their old* In the of Christian trons were present. Afier the ope dug Testimony ea-lly investigated. ment performance nothing and sued ed leaders t herein, especially by Lady Henry fashioned clothes. and tbe transaction of routine endorsement of uierlt.- work is the possession of the Holy hea ber exercises The stronger These selections teitrbd me, dear M. B. Somerset, whose poor tb forbids Jan. 11. H. a recess was declared, f. Read it: Spiritual work must he under active in the business during The be*t of pro Spirit. friends, oft.that itnow n* d poem of long to tiavel or to take any part which dinner was A< toe after Bi>ch Tree- the direction of the Holy Spirit. The work for tbe Mrs. Katherine Ash villa. prepared Ra pb T. Young, farmer, ago: pre-ent. Is noon session tbe fifth degree was in fa* Cove r ad. N>*rth Han- of the spirit for service Lente Stevenson was and led Mrs. Willie Martin is In poor health. given tn, Partridge possession "If at first present, you don’l.eucceed full form to about new me nHofs know a to the young. “And it shall of t be services. twenty cock. says: “1 g*e-t many pe* pie possible Try, try again.” pari Charles G. Small, of Hanna & Small, to in the last saith Jan. 12. who recomm nd t be u*e of r>> n’a Kid- Conic pass days, bas sold out to of East _Hae I’m but ih t on some We are g'ad to hear from Winter and Eugene Hanna, I will out of not.sure previous Pill in fact, in thi- neighborhood God. pour My Spirit upon Sullivan. Mr. Small will come home to Sargent ville. ney ; occasion I used this a-* a text f -r a sermon Northeast Harbors by Miss Moore, and dll flesh, and sous and your are a how ehold nfit,“»ili but I can your his father’s for a while. W. Sargent left for Boston the they e te in thi column. I had an am- also by I he American. Henry daughters shall and your ^vny with eriamty about my ovd prophesy, let 5th lust. sp«-ak pr*« b tion once, be ore tbis co umn Dear pre-s superintendents, your Julia Bunker will return to Boston Jan. men shall see visions.” First long ca-e and that if my mother- you::g from Bennett is on the sick list p*rtlcul-r c«ine into existence, to w rite a of absent friends bear you often. 14 fora few months. Miss Wilma Goog* Fre again; on the list of those to receive the Holy r-e^ie- F«*r >ear* backache clung to me, and if W neii liHVe a meet* time it is the sem onettes "th various oil you nice, interesting ms will go the same day to spend the this grip. Ghost were the young—the young men proverbs not con-tautly -uffcH g. the very write of per-ist- f texts, and* ban ev«n d ci< ed in my | ing, it up for the encouragement winter in Waltham and other places in John Bennett, who commands a dud also the young women. It is Capt. enev of the utt*cke annoyed me, very mind that to f How out the *r other unions. Massachusetts. has sent for Charles lo therefore possible for them to engage parable barge, Cooper join often n»e from doing the Are out for preven log ttrer word will a ti ting you getting programmes News came of Carlton who him as cook. in real spiritual work and by constant parody (e applx) to-day Ash, y friigute-t chore around th fa m with any local ahead of tline so as to be hiding to”-uch e-saymj w* uld be: Short meetings was taken from ttie schooner “Susan practice to be developed into more pro Miss Bena Kane, who ban lately re- degree of t a e. Many* tine tie twinges S* a all ready for them? This h a good plan several weeks ill with Scient workmen for God. mon-gby Layman.” Frances” ago ty- turned from Massachusetts, is the guest ac o** t e loins »e e so severe that it was and is recommended wherever it men I leroembe' IJeven c* ODe such, highly fever. is and 2. It is Scriptural. God trained mpleted phoid He Improving fast, of Mr. and Mrs. Will St. Clair. almo-t wit l cou'd finish any has been tried. difficulty missions in aft from the ttxt: ‘‘Lone ly is ibe Best was able to write home. He to come In their youth for great hopes A of Kenneteckers undertaking at whit h I wa wo»k*ng. My There are lots of Maine about consignment and Moses P »1 snd.w hilt w ritmg this I smile at people home in a few cr years. He trained Joseph cy.” days. reached here the 6ih lust. mo her, Mr**. Yoing, advocat'd Down’s and if could be all interested, a Twenty-one In Samuel in the and Jo- the old Some w».y 1 bud a feel here, they Egypt. temple Reuben Smith, who is past ninety- men from Augusta, Gardiner aud Rich- Kidney Pills, and althou. h I am adverse Christ also ing that the world needed righting, and good Maine daughters’ union might be dial! in the royal palace. three vears old, is very ill. Your corre* mond arrived to work for the Ma ue to the u-e of I was induced but as are somewhat scat- medicine, by that a ft w h but truth-, formed, they Called men into a training school for practical plain] called to see him and her to to & Moon ’s store it would not be spondent yesterday Lake Ice Co. go Wtggin drug He briefly p esented, matters tered, perhaps practicable fnture service. For three years might help found him At times be in for a box or two. I sitting up. The Maine Lake Ice Co. commenced cut- Ellswortn bought mis- a little. at present. trained the apostles for the great along seemed to know me, and said he hadn’t and the in With best wishes success. last Toe ice is about thir- several, they stopped pa‘n my to the Is li true ibat we lifetime in for ting Thursday. sion of preaching the gospel spend^a 1 .ng to and after 1 left be 1 wa* o of * bese stay here, teen inches and of the does! bsc*. If the ly re-id«iint world. Paul selected learning Lhow to live? And generation Press Supt. thick, quality. IWhole young wanted bis hat to come to home. He w* o my Is parts blamed even rel ef *rom the and Titus—and follows ion learning the same les- Arthur Brown, foreman, supenuteud Ben—Mark, Timothy geneni does not seem to suffer and has the u*e of it bt much, the as usual. He has a Doan’s Ku*n-y Pills, mi, be them into workmen that sons only. North hast Harbor, Jan. 9, 1903. ing cutting larpe developed by experience best of care. an isolated but when thee are so force at aud the ice Is ovtr ca*e. not to be nshnmed. And not Miss A ice Moore, State organ.zer for work, going needed Jan. 12. B. all of whom are a* bill at a rate. many, ju*t emphatic do the clergy need to be trained In a prelude]to a New Year’s sermon, I W. C. T. U visited the anion in this the great cnly as 1 about the remedy, It cer alnlv goes heard some excellent ideas Jan. and delivered a tU»t CiulutlMtmro. Jan. 12 C. for their work, but also the laity. We »xpres*ed place Wednesday, 7, ______to that it ha* more than ordi ary in he the s are :ectu'e to the in the even- officers prove Hve in a day of consecrated lay work- changes yea young people Tugwassa council installed Jan. the social and industrial life Comment on a New Trust. merit.” ers. and that their labors may be blessed brl ging to ing, which was listened to with much 10 ami invittd their respective wives. The a box dealers. “I observed the inau wit * the in- Sold for 50 cents by all to success these workmen need to be of the couutry—and one th ugbt in interest. Several signed the pledge. sisters furnisued a bountiful supper. see,” Fo*ter-Mllburn N. hole to mention here—I wish candescent nose, “that a big corset trust Co., Buffalo, Y#, trained xvhile young for their service. pirtlcular I|wish Tnat much-talked of public temperance S. G. Wood and Mrs. Arthur wife, has been agents for the United State-. I could t he exact words in which it near formed.” 8. It is practicable. Youth Is the give meeting will take place in tbe future. and MrB. Jerome Clark Kingsley spent R«--member the nan Doan’s*, and take was ‘•.Somebody will he squeezed pretty e, training time. The mind is plastic and clothed Temperance workers must be much en- with Mrs. E. C. at Steu- Tnursday Tripp no lu to come wTe shall look back taken hsdly before it in in operation long,” subHftute. may be molded. Methods of work have years couraged by the stand by our ben. upon th n upheaval in buxine*- e- terprn-e-* suggested the man with the not become Used habits and may be county officers. M. E. H. haggard »ye. and Industrie*, and see that the** con Another of our honored and respected and directed. in Supt. Press Work. “Well,” put in the person with the changed Proficiency ill ions were but rtadju tnoiitn, w tin h cit Freeman G. zens, Capt. Tracy, passed football hair, “I don’t think we any vocation in life can ouly be at- a ere necessary, because of the g>e t ought a ay Jan. 2 after a long illness. He wan toobj-ct to such a trust. We know careful in change- iu in thuds of labor a d bu*i tained by training youth. (hat c an near to a woman’s ness, breugh a ut by lb*. applua ion of KITTERY TO CARIBOU. o diged to leave the sea on account of anything gel to is the ex hear i Any instance the contrary and r lorces ot naiuie and not wholly had.” otr’c ty oth* p »or healt h about twenty six years ago, and not the rule. How irnpor science. “Bu ,” persis e.i the individual with a Ception : One Week’s of in Windowings News, and for some time employed himself pessimistic u.oust ache, **»t is not an tant. then, that in the days of one’s Tome with' other similar state- this,," Novelty and Nonsense. light work about his home and farm, economical comhinai iou. Everything it youlb we should not only be taught to ments, seemed like a which makes goes to waist.” prophecy A patent tins recently oeeu icsued to but for the last six years he was unab e remember God and to consecrate our would come tru*. Let us watch the-e “On, 1 don’t know,” answered the man J P for a stone bor- to do manual labor. Since the death Murphy, Portland, any with tne Incandescent will lives to but also trained for His and tea what nose, “you Him, nece**fcary readjustments”, machine. ing of his faithful and loving wife, nearly dnd t hat the corset ru-ct is going lo get service! The youth of today must be the result will be. he has bad a things Hilo good shape after a wnlie Valued at t he rate of |50 a ton net reg- two yearsago, very lonely the men and the women of tomorrow. “Anyhow,” wtakiy suggested a com- the vessels launched from Maine life, and his health has been gradually Cud if enabled to do the work of men A few 'quotations from Success for ister, mon person who had been listening, “it He was cared yards in 1902 represent an investment cf failing. kindly for at the may be to a end women they must be trained for January: depended upon present 810 not home of his brother, S. L straight from to all The Christian Endeavor can 11 000, including governmeLt Capt. Tracy, opposition.” It society Under every clock In a factory at Cleveland* lei us leave the ultimate dual vessels. who, with Mrs. Tracy, left nothing un- However, perform a grand mission in training , is the mono: "Do It now !** Such a motto, discussion of this octopus In some of trie done to alleviate his sufferings, and make Endeavorers for fnture church work. II veil up to by eveiy one, would * the wo. 1*1 The report of I he State liquor commis- numerous congresses.— Haltimore Ameri his last as We whose days comfortable as possible can This is Its supreme purpose, and every much trouble- nil know p opie sioners ih to the effect that during the Jan. 12. L. effort should be made to effect this nouses burn when tiny are “just »oing to” year 1902 sixteen and town pur city agencies Norton—I noticed were ■n-ure; who 1 *se a cow or hon-e when are you very quick they iu Maine purchased I quor of the Slate to pose. Groat Puna. to give seat in the car “just going to” mend the fence or close the gate; up your street to BIBLE READINGS. the amount of f94,501.82. who are "just going to” he p a neighbor when F E. Mace attended the democratic that lady in black Spink —Yea, since I Sam. lii. 10-21; Prov. xxli. 6; Ecel. the 1902 there were com- he dies—who are "just going to” do things all During year meeting iu Portland. childhood’s days I never have felt easy Xii, 1; Luke 11. 40-52; Acts xii. 12. 25; mitud to the several of their lives- j^lls Maine 5,297 when I saw a woman with a in her Plenty of cold weather and snow for strap Bom. xii. 1. 2; I Cor. xv, 58; Gai. vi. of whom 5,035 were males ana Think of your own faults the first part of the prisoners, bark hand II Tim. ii. I John 14. lumbermen and teams. 1-10; 19-20; 11. night, when y -u are awake, and of the faults of 262 females. About 60 per cent of the Tbe ladies’ club was entertained on others the latter part of the night, when you are prisoners were committed for drunken- Mrs. Leonard Williams. 2trtjcrtiscmmt0. Echoes From Elliott. asleep.—Chinese Proverb. ness. Wednesday by The consecration is as old ns Charles and of meeting One of the greatest enemies of contentment O’d Town’s festival chorus has arranged Googins wife, Hancock, the Bible. and real happiness Isa habit of compiling our were guests at Mrs. Emery’s from Satur- Some for a series of suppers to take p ace once People Can’t the man whose hands are elves with olh< rs—c« mparlng fi>ia**cb*l con. until Happy a month, he proceeds to go towards day Monday. dltlons, possibilities, homes, envlronim-i ts li just full of service. books. Tbe cost of books Mrs of is with her man who dares to be purcha? lug is Day, Macbias, Eat Is a strung himself, who Bread. |p what your money will earn if Some people work harder to escape mucu more tbau as daughter Ida she will be able does not envy others, aud who can see Id-* neigh- expensive before, who, hopes, Invented in ahare* of the. Work than would work if four books are to return home with her. they they bors grow prosperous xvi. l*j*he only makes a required. The first did work. good living. supper will be held Jao. 19. Wednesday afternoon as Mr. Greenbery, It’s the “overflow'” of your life that No one can live a true life who measures its Old Town’s curfew bell rang for tbe a peddiar from Bangor, was coining iu Will make you a blessing. worth what others or or s He by do, think, y lime last Wednesday night at 8 town he saw a fine moose in the road be* A NEW HKICIKS content lo be If. Coot* in after We must “fill up” on something. Some your-* men), o’c -nd while some of the tuo* iow Howard Lord’s. The moose trotted ock, boys is Dow Shares, tl *> H. one’s level I test, bring* a p Use amt me t- open, >vnou tail borrow on your share*, ulve a Ural anti “balky.” Good Sponge Cake—0'>e egg well bent* n, 1 other cities and t heir and, in the Jan. 11. E. mortKa^t youths, ret luce It every month Monti cup ol' cuanr, H cup ol milk, -H t-up-of (lour of ly We may consecrate ourselves and yet opinion the Enterprise, should have l»u\ mentt* and lntaeit<«-r in winch Imve bi-en i-mt-d ica-poo iul cn nui been South llrooksvtll*. will amount to hut Mule more Withhold our service, and we may ren- of larUtr amt S lew p»»nful ol 1*0 h K1 v«»r carried out iu Old Town long ago. than you are now pavliv for a deal so 10 tasb-; i-ent thoroi vi. y a*u| p ol u 1 Bertie Bowen, of R>cktand, in visiting der of called “service” and About 3 rent, and in about 10 tou Malir amt <*ilr nil M ixture is smooth. o’clock on tbe afternoon of year*, withhold ourselves. mg relatives in this neighbor Loud. will yet hi two sponge eake tins. Jan 3 the first cablegram to be received There is to be a social dance OWN VOt’R OWN HOME. God wants an offered service, a Sukpkimk Cakes—IAoe unity tins wl’h good mi Bangor over the new Pacific cable at Elis amt Imkc in ov» i». Winn none l.v thin Willing service, a service not to uien. partly came direct from hall Wednesday evening, Jan. 14. Kor nartteulMr* Inquire of >>r Honolulu. The message lice oi sponxe hi y pi In -calu- O" .*t M to the the the p y, Mknki Cushman, Hee*y. pastor, church, society, then h of hmi •.« ir. d w ttli oenu n >vmb to Ed ward H. Louisa A. who is at Bread is to * layer j« Hy ily Kelley, editor of the Bates, teaching reputed be the Mr Nat” hank H!d«. but a service unto the Lord.—Rev. Dr. white OI all egg Willi H lltwte r-U* H'MmI lo It; A. W. hi Bangor from Wallace R Cape Rosier, was at home and No. hrealnent return to osen to brown sllebily Tucse arc- Commercial, Saturday “staff of life.” Yet there are John H. Elliott in a New York Con- very nice. Farrington, a former resident of Bangor, Sunday. some who never eat vention Address. now ediio'-and owner of people |3toff8aional CarDs. Cream makes good pastry, and by some part the Houo- The “Henry Chase”, Gray, has gone to lu u Bulletin. It read: bread. iaconstde ed mpre healthful tbau la d. Evening “Com- Carver’s Harbor to load fish scraps for F. rnraemph* From “Farmer John.** Bl'KNHAM, Add a little soda to it and more salt, and ponent* of the season from Hawaii to B jston. We allude to this because of \ _ "Next tc ati > ut and out had man the is .VI tine.” A TTOKNKV e^en if the cream thick, dou't one much Tbe schooner a curious devil dotes on the man who Is of no “Dettauce”, Gray, parallel fact in medi- if in wit'i tbe but milk, any, mixing dour, tiarry c. weooer, who for the past year brought a load of goods from Rockland COON8KLLOK AT LAW. use Id the world.” cine. particular mix as bard a* it can be handled. bae We recommend Vinol Alao managed the Bath for W. C. Bates last week. pronecuitnii attorney for all classes at “It I etter to endeavor to become Independent pays cranbenie* in tnoUses tension- aaaiiiHi the Cntted state* Try stewing for became the aole owner of that paper last and sell it on a guarantee of HunlneKP what you al t than to try to fool peo- The Wiuterport schooner “Mary Ao'Vlted. a ebang them cook but In addition to that be has letting slowly, Friday. pur- back Ellsworth, .... ple Into thiukin' you're It.” Farrow” is on the beach at Buck’s Harbor money if it does not bene- hit*. some time. chased the Bath Enterprise, started about "A mutt can't be a good Christian to receive some mucb-needed repairs. F. fit the user. We don’t Put about equal pirts of sugar and twelve years ago hy Joshua F. Upton, and expect E BUNKER. very long by Just sittiii’ around an' L. Haskell Is master workman. JOHN JR., water in your sauce p-in and when a which has since been conducted him. Vinol to help watchin' others work at it.” by Jan. 12. C. everybody. Yet, syrup is formed, add appbs quartered and Mr. W.bberhae the ATTORNEY AT LAW. merged two pepers strange to say, out of every one cook them slowly so that the p ec-*s will into an eight-page weekly under the (1 uncock Point. V Qufs Box. hundred bottles less than OKTTCtS AT retain their shape. ; name of the Ivory Crabtree and family are sold, 'JAR [Any question may be asked that per- Independent-Enterprise. stopping HARBOR AND BM'EHIIX. MB. These little make a two cent, tains to any phase of Christian Endeavor changes variety in Mr. Wenber made bis debut into journal- with his father, Johu Crabtree. per proved unsatis- B ir Harwr ulhw. : work. Address Lock Box 674. Bingham- the bill of fare. ism in Bath about fourteen 7 and c Ml. enerlBIlx-A, years ago, Schoela in town have closed. There In other B uehllloffice oi»en ton. N Y. factory. words, ninety- Saturday* 1 How many times I have beard house- with the commencing Independent, then will be a high school at the Ferry school- out 27. A. FI. <).. New Rob wa eight of every hundred Jersey.—Mr. keepers s*y: “I t to get a tas e of under the management of Charles D house. eit A. Alberts of your own state union beside* own.” and Clarke. After found Vinol of |Jh.“h. GKEKLy, somebody’s cooking n»y remaining with I his paper value—many of thus: "Mission Miss Pearl Gallisoo has been keeping answers your question most conk* like a change of that kind, but fur a year and a he Mr. half, joined Upton hou.-e for Mrs. C. A. them great value. D ENT 1ST. libraries are found uow In all to afraid Penney during her ary up don’t be to vary your own bill of of the Enterprise, and there continued to absence. We want to erertimte of 'date soeletl'K They have proved a fare. hold the say that if you the Philadelphia Dental poaitiou of city editor for nine "lass of 7ft oolleae, he Aunt V. M. Carter will send his wonderful tied let ion when pushed by Madge. a team to are too yeara, leaving year ago to assume the run-down, weak, thin, «#-OKFICE IK tilLES* Esstbrook to be BLOCK. KLI.-WOalB. a good live missionary committee. of tbe employed by Adelbert Closeil management Independent. ailing, with bad Wednesday afternoons nn«!' fn u^r The Student Volunteer library of six- Unconscious from Croup. Merchant. stomach, poor ntlee. volumes and the During a sudden and terrible attack of appetite, cough, teen Conquest library Tbe young people here are looking nervousness, croup our little girl wa* uncmi*cious from of ten volumes are botb excellent, and forward to the dance at Hancock that we think Vinol strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, po*t- next will help I'hii Nolle start with.” per will do very well to master, Chester, Mnh. On- Minute Tuesday evening. you. undersign* d hereby ittvee not tea tnai be Cure reduced the su’e I »- 2S. C. K„ Connecticut.—Rev. Dr. J. Cough ling and Mrs. THEhasconirheud «Uh Uiecliv of .-d-wortm Emma Ball and little daughter tor the {lamination, cut the mucus and shortly support of ihe poor. iJuilim th* en-uina Wilbur Chapman was at one time vice This is on box of the Eleanor and has the child was resting ea-y and re- signature every genuine have gone to Fall River, Maas year, made ample provMoo fo* their union. speedily GEO. A. president of the New York state covered. It cures all Throat and Tablet* to the winter. PARCHER, ref*ire forhJd, *>, fro. Lung Laxative speDd RJS21,;furnish ^ >h; troubles. Wiggin & Mooke. BromoQuinine DRUGilST. ng supplies to any paupet *»i, hi- the re mod y that cares n cold in one dgr Jan. 12. count as w E. thou this written ordet, h* will nay Mail Order$ Supplied. $ 1 per Bottle. Ex for no paid goods ao furnished. llauat s. Jons* and In font., order that th s may be done Officers whose duty It Is to see thnt the u U-ont in:vt« r Hbbrrtiermmffl. ally alt. et tip the reveuim* law is observed have uo on In the mat- »r tin* opt < state. I recommend a hnrlxoninl re ter. if rhev respect their <>ffic nl obligation POR 8 m,. non of unc-etshth of one per cent. u end me true to their official oath; but n take efleet the ruining year, and a furihet I** most important that every law should red net on uf in '^ghtn of one iicr cent, t" l»e sustained by an d public tnki « ufiqticsUoiu fleet in W0|. sentiment, for officials «•!<•« r«• ago, placed upon will accomplish the largest possible measure condition of our farmers ns a whole is con- >fit‘ i' Mk of the state a corporate larger of practical good. For this reason the al- stantly Their Indebtedness has of the nubile burdens. Not has improving. share only lotment should Ik* based not upon the largely been decreased and many mort- entire loan of been the temp »rnry $-'130,000 numlier of persons of school age. but rathe! gages have been canceled. Farms nre bet- on account of the Eastern paid, hat $3K.0u0 npon the number actually attending out ter than ever before, and thrift nnd of Ihe equipped Maine ln«nm flwrplial $120.000 schools nnd Inst ruction and arc noticeable. 1c of public receiving prosperity everywhere funded debt ns well, wh the amount therein. The usual number of farmers’ Institutes 3l»t was ; cash on hand Dec* inber (210,013,87 I believe that such change In the law have been held, nnd hnve been well at- I than on date two greater the corresponding would work to the benefit of our common tended. Their work is of great educational t years ngo. schools, and I trust this matter will re- value nnd Is fully The com- of In the appreciated. Tlds Is a net gain $7*6,013.67 ceive your early nnd careful consideration. missioner has endeavored to secure the most last two years. Our academies, seminaries, nnd Institutes practical nnd successful agriculturists In the total revenue of the state for the two The have the Inrgest attendance In their history. country as instructors, and the corps of ending December 31st. 158 2. was $4,- years The children In the rural nnd village com- j teachers at the* University of Maine have amount of cash on hand 430.166.52. The munities at the present time show a more aided greatly in promoting the success of WOO. was 879.01. mak- 1 Deceit-ber .'1st, $198 srdept desire for n higher education than these meetings. m The amount ing a total of $*,< 2S.OS4.1U. was evinced by the boys nnd girls In the Crop bullet ns hnve been issued quarterly -! this was drshi.r^‘ during period $4.15)0,- days when of these Inst.tutlons were during the* year. They an* sent to between balance on hand Decem- many <*U.ST>, leax ng n founded and when the men whose subse- seven and eight thousand farmers of the I he ber 31st. r»«2 of $438 802.66. greater quent distinguished careers did so much to state, going largely to those who have per- th s si m will, however. In re- KliliOVtUKlli HAiux. portion of give prestige to their sinte were laying the sunnily expressed a desire to receive them. quired to discharge obligations soon par- foundation of future greatness. ! The Maine Dairymen’s Association, which able. nnd t«> tn« t prrmptH th' regular and The normal schools have Increased the!* includes in its many of the Wednesday, January 14. l«03 for membership — legitimate dem mils up<-n the Treasury, standards of admission, anil ns a result the most progressive dairymen In the state, ad- RkGAKDING WRIGHTS ANI> MKAAC'tka it should be remembered that the stale rev- students are better trained. These school* vocates ef the employment of an instructor, MAIN* LAW flrst of the do enues d a g the part year are In a roost satisfactory condition lu everv whose duty It shall he to urge better meth- A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh PC * < not eqmii s »• eeaarv expenditures by sev- way. nnd are making constant progress and ods in the production ami handling of milk pounds, ami a bushel of Turks Island salt *mH' eral bundrul thottwird dollars. nnd the work he under the d.rec- 7<» bounds. the Child Improvement. cream, to weigh The <) i« stetc departments nod Insti- Th# summer training schools are attended tum and control of the commissioner of rhe standard weight of a bushei of potat »e have been managed wUh rare and and lit for Is Pl> non tutions by a large proportion of our teachers, from agriculture. n. good order shipping, If it is flesh it eeonemy. There was jn unexpended bal- which thev d**r ve many advantages. The Much can be done for the advancement of apples, 44 pounds losing may indicate worms. ance of appropriations to $ 2- teacher*’ Institutes which have been large of our dairy interests, if proper effort is The standard weight of a bushel of oean-* li nt the close 760.67 revi rt!n,r to the treasury ly attended, hive afforded parents, tench made along the right lines and the value of good order and tit for shipping, Is 62 pounds If it has indigestion and a of tWl. nnd of 834.lKt2.H5 ut the close of era. an these can Ik* increased. Of beets, and peas, students and school official* oppor products largely wheat, ruta-bag." turnips variable worms. li#i2 r«> discuss A man for the work of oorh. V5 pounds; of onions. A? appetite suspect tu.ilty the various questions re thoroughly equipped pounds; Other From time to Mine an opportunity Is of- latlng to the work of the schools, nnd have and competent to give instruction could pounds; of carrots, Kngllsn turnips,$ry«- and symptoms, are offensive breath; of fered for the purchase of state L-nds 'been of Inestimable value. greatly stimulate the* growth of this indus- Indian meal, 50 pounds;of parsnips,45 pounds; gripings and pains about the navel; eyes ties nnd 1 believe It would of purler ami 48 of oats various malar I nder the provisions of the will of the try by th: introduction of the best methods. buckwheat, pounds; dull; nose; short, be sound in h ness policy, and for the in- late (Veil Rhodes, two students from thl* It is unnecessary for me to urge the im- 32 pounds, or even measure as by agreement itching dry cough; grind- are the retail of the slow terest of the tote, to give ihe treasurer st^te may have the advantage of scholar portance of « neon raging in every possible p'in prices quoted below prices j ing teeth; starting during sleep; authority to bnv such bonds whenever ships lit Oxford Fnlverslty. England, and way the Interests of agriculture, upou at Ellsworth- Farmers can easily reckon from fever and often convulsions. funds an available for the purpose. We receive $1,500 each n which sc of our for these what they are likely to receive la trudi year during residence many people depend 7he certain worms these or for their specific for is should take advantage of opportuni- there of three years. employment nnd support. The prosperity cash products. ty to in i> rcpidly reduce our fund d A small be necessary of the farmer means the of the appropriation may prosperity Country Produce debt. w' h can ottly be as to enable the state to take whole s ate. and his interests are the most paid advantage of Butter. It matures. the opportunity thus offered. important that are entrusted to our care. and butter are both in 8t*vi nty thousand dollars lH*eorars doe The general law provid ng for aid to Dairy creamery good atul ,-:in ut til 15H2: then $7>k- payable ally academics, cti.iefed by the legislature ot MAINE CATTLE COMMISSION. supp y. Dairy butter is nidi lirmaud idgli. We <*■'* each year until F 22. and after iliAt 1901. appears to have fulfilled the expoctn PIN II quote: WORM $ !N ai:ti.:,-i! .■ util F 2.». when the last tlons of its advocates, and has apparently The enttle commissioners have condemned pava u in le and the entire debt la proved an effective remedy for the evils nr.d destroyed more cattle and horses dur- Creamery per tb.&£g"0 dls. harr* d. previously existing, while at the same time ing the past two years than ever la-fore in Dairy The -t amount of state tax nssc s.-d giving aid to many worthy and deserving the same period. Owners of cattle nre Clie«*w»». during the ; f two years was $5!»5.03*.35, Institutions which are doing work coming better to understand the dangers of splendid Best factory (new) per tb.!6yD the total t.:\ ,.ss«*sm*d against the clti s. In the various towns In which arc sit tuberculosis, nnd the commissioners are they Best (new). It has been ns d since 1851, and ba> restored towns /.» d t itlnrs be'ng $1. uated. called pon to make a number of in- dairy plai I larger Duteli thousands of sintering children. Whenever 747 477.30 -1 the amount of the s-ho-I As a result, many more cases (Imported). vestigation*. Neufchatel..M worms are True's Idixir If fund ami miil tax which received UNIVERSITY OF MAINE. are discovered, and better suspected, give they being protection worms are it will them, it not from th state treasury. $1.152.*42.5b"*: ! Is afforded from the danger of infec- Egric*. present expel J9 being It chi do no harm b it acts as a tonic and $M)'..451 w; paid by the tw« rty cltl s During the year there has been *» I tlon. are scarce and and demand con- gS past Rggs high, ■. iif* 'JuimuM'-nmiimujiMM « i.uarfii. ....■ '.. of the st > 2,025.88 was paid the large increase in lie number of students at- The made by the Inst Iegls- by nppropri.itfon tinues good. J’rice 06 cents, tit drturirists. Write lor free towns an I if: t Sens, and $ 1 "7.5t74.f>8 by tending the Staf. The condi- ; Inlure has proved Inadequate, and you will University. *loz.30 book, “Children and Their Diseases." the own. is of wild lands. The twenty tion of this ’nstitution seems entirely satis be asked to grant a s-till larger sum. It is Fresh laid. t>er y36 Ca*e doz.28 cities ::i• i i to the treasury $126,32»2 factory from every point of view. j unnooe.sarv for me to point out the 1m- eggs, per DR. J. F. TRUE &. CO., Auburn, Me. *' I more tii !- received from the school One hundred and sixty new students en I porta nee of continuing this work. know Poultry. Special Treatment, fur Tape il'w//*. ii’r»/e for pamphlet. find ntd 2> towns and or tend the in the fall of 1 I will willingly pr->\ do whatever amount plantations, university fi.>2. you Poultry is in good supp y. Fowl are scarce. more tf■ < •: half. rt»'*e'vid from the every county In the state being now may he needed to enable the commissioners repre- 18 -’2 school fi! e than the state tax as- sent'd. 'I here are three students to for all cuttle and horses Chickens. 3 wenty 1 pay promptly •*> sessed ncmiiisf them. 'Ihe average net state from outside the state, nineteen being from which they may find it uecessary to de- Fowl. 2' tax of t twi clthu of the state was Massachusetts, two from New stroy. Turkeys. nty Hampshire, .-2' 1.46 mills eti »a-h dollar of valuation, mid one from New Jersey and one from Rhode j Ducks... for th*- t nnd or^unls d plantations, Island. Of the freshbian class, one him TIIE NATIONAL GUARD. Geese.2w the over: i.*te was one half a mill on dred nnd one st idents entered upon tech H»y. Dr. Emmons’ Monthly has brought happiness to eai li dollar nieal courses, including agriculture. The The total number of citizens of this state, ton.12 «14 Regulator Best loose, per h .mircds of unxiouswomeu. There i- punitive* In nddit'on to $1.75*1.570.32 received from number of students in the institution pur- between the nies of eighteen nnd forty- i» Bald. 1. no other known to medical science the tax oa i:1 *s, tow ns, and suing technical studies is two hundred and live, al»!e to perform military duty, aecotd* remedy plantations -Draw. t will so quickly and safely do the work, wild lands ?: >g the pu-t t\ o years, the sixty seven. Twenty nine new students en ! ing to the Inst returns, is 104 2'.S. 1,'inlet is des- i. .arjest and m*>:-t obstinate irregularities from tux on :> banks has amount'd to tered the school of law;, miking sixty in the nresent law. the active milirln No loose straw on the market. of the State i. -.luse relieved immediately. Successguar- $1,038*101.1.':: trust and bank ng com- attendance in this department. ignated "The National Guard 12 Loose... 10$ I :r.' d at any stage. No pain, danger,or inter. paid**1. $*»147'-': the tax on railroads was A large percentage of the students arc of Maiue." As now constituted, it consist*, 18 Baled. rm. -e with work. Have relieved hundred-* of $618.475V!‘2; and seeking to obtain un education by their own of two regimen**- of infantry of twelve com- telegraph telephone Vegetables, c.i-v where others have failed. The most ditli. ; on ex com- efforts, and are or self panies each; a naval reserve; a signal corps; companies pits* wholly partially Cure i.-< s treated ben. c 111 successfully by mail,and $17 52*' on Insurance and an amublauce corps; a total of 1318 Sauer kraut is a dainty that msy now be panies, companion. supporting. Dyspepsia I, i. I results In instance. No guaranteed every $ 152.208.26; on collateral $7* The building containing the drill hail, men. this -r tt>. We Inheritances. bought in market; 8c p quote a. We treat hundreds of ladies and There has been great in the what eat. whatsoever. 828 13; on cor. »rut oas, $78,1 lu.-si; organi- chapd. gymnasium administrative of Improvement Digests you see. Write for further icu- of these as a result of the Potatoes, pk 25 Turnip*, lb 01* ! horn we never pan sations of raw !«»ns $131. is*’. •! »; fc»s. which was built by the subscription* work troops 1 not off eerporat s |iotntO'‘s,lb 02*g<:3 Beets, tb 01 * 1t artificially digests the luod and aid> and free confidential adyice. Do put other taX"s ;n «| mlse# !1>rn-ous Items. $1*1- of the alumni, has been and >n nciive mt-iest in the service which has Re- completed Onion*, 01 Cabbage, 0 in and recon •oiling. A11 letters truthfully answered. 624 27: itir *;' the tirely for. It is a most excellent and been rhnwii by both officers nnd men. The Nature strengthening total revenue from all paid Si 0. structing digestive verv possible condition and positively leaves un vcrsltr would have been officers, whose services are of grear value, Lettuce, Parsnips, seriously crip I 20 gaus. It is the latestdiscoveieadigest- o slier ill effect upon the health. Sentby mail, had it not b»*cn constructed. and whose work has done much to improve spinach, pk Beans—per qt— STATE VALUATION. pled So 10 Yellow 12 •cure! sealed, $2.00. Money letters should bo has boon of the the morals and increase the of lug beans, qt eye ant and tonic. No other preparation It the policy Institution j efficiency Pea. V* ui icred. DR. J. W. EMMONS CO., 170 Tre- in line of the The annual has Squash, 03 can it in It to The state assessor* report an Increase of fo provide Instruction every prae guard. encampment approach etlieiency. si... r»*» ton. Mass. been of results, and both Ct-Lry, bunch 15 4W 8VJ<|.2‘,7 “0 during the two n tlcnl work. Courses in mining nnd marinr productive good relievesand cure- past years have made noticeable and Fruit. stantly permanently the valui't'• t! of tl«e eftles, towns and engineering have been added, and special regiments praise- plan- I advancement. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn tations. f Jr tot-*! valuation now* b‘*lnir work in forestry has been begun. worthy Pineapples, 15g25 Oranges, doz .353 46' The trustees recommend the erection of The signal corps and ambulance corps Flatulence, Sour Nausea 5***-’’ IM8.1V1 M) WI!«! lands are valued rt 1 Applt s, pk 20 lemons, doz 25 y3 Stomach, N hi which w ill serve as n mechanical are worthy of special mention for the pro ,,,, tnrr,.nM. „f $0.4O1..VJ*UV>. Udine Cratioerrles, qt 10 Sick Headache. Uustralgia Cramps an-: Iron and wood work fb-ioncy of their drill and the Interest which which to 'flier with an Increase of £2**7. laboratory, shops Groceries. at1 01 her resul ts ot d ion a You will be asked their members manifest in the discharge of imperfect igest on timber, and grass on public lots, lug. and power plant. for this -nd the r duties. Ttie rise in kerosene 1* ilue to the Increased PrlceSOc. and $1. Large-'izecontaiusCH tlm* makes n to4 ;1 Increase In on of $13.- for an appropriation purpose, 521* I nm sure the needs of The university, The naval reserve, consisting of three demand lor U for luil purposes, srr.aii size. Hookah about drapers'-amahedfre ! officers and six is most fortu- The assej9f«,rs have labored earneutlv and which is doing excellent work lu the edu forty men, ouee—per tb Rice, per tb .06 3.Of Prepared us E C. DeWlTT & CO. Cbicaac ! in commanded officers who *e*tlotj*lr to ascertain tin* true value of cation of our youth, will receive your most ante being by Rio, .16$.25 Pickles, per gal .4)3.65 have made themselves familial * property In t'i< state The figure* which careful consideration. thoroughly Mocha, 5 Olives, bottle .2 a 7- with tneir duties. The command would — they present have Im-om carefully made, Java, 3o Vinegar—per gal >• ELECTIONS. not suffer by comparison with nnv similar li>— Pure .2t and xh* .. v and fore 11 ly the prosper- Ten— per eider, of organization !n the country. The practical .45g.»>5 Cracked wheal, .06 ity our people. have Japan, Our present ballot law Is manifestly de experience which the men gained ns Oolong, .803 65 Oatmeal, per lb .01 n result of their cruise cm h summer, has PA V IMIS HANKS. feet I vc In some important' details. It Sugar—per B— Buckwheat, pkg .2 MY BABY WAS SICK should be simplified and mnd.c so clear nnd familiarized them with tlie service per- Granulat'd, ,054 Graham, .in In nil of its that formed at sea, both O'M-ers and men being "4 Road What LaxaKola Ha« Done for The In our s- \!*i *m bunks and plain provisions every Coffee—A B, .05*< Rye meal, deposition to and treated in & Liitle bitR baay trust rides and shnr*»bo|dcrs In citizen can understand It. It frequently assigned regular duty Y'Jilow, C .05 Granulated meal.ti 02* (ii"lHt'ou of the state. This ballots bided Porto Rico, .50 Kerosene, 18 a 15 things, but nothing seem* d to relieve him. returns. In state hundred* IN S U RANCH I > H1 ’A RTMH NT. .60 h* « gal: of ; 7iU* during the two every election, Syrup, I had a doctor, who said it was inflam- past of zens lose their votes reason ol yea r*. elt by Lumber hltd Building MsterlsU. mation of the bowels, and that I would There was no of insurance ‘hi thr- L h their failure to mark their ballots In a* pnpcrv'slon if he was i'-it of October. 1002. the at which time tin* M— 1 26 never pull him through—Perhaps, ■ < cordanee with the strict «•: in Maine prior to ISOs. Lumber—per Spruce, total ;k all «**ir state banking Instl- requirements ruder his care. When 1 saw he was gel not as it of bank ami insurance examiner was Hemlock, 11813 Hemlock, 12' tut »*iik w-«-i *»••• the law. This Is should be. W office 1 him his medi rs follow's: S' v\nra s. In 1870 the office of insurance Hemlock 1.’318 M ting worse stopped giving man should lose his ballot by reason of a (•rented. Hoards, Clapboards—per as lie cou.d Leon on ills •►-*: trust companl s. $17.03”,- 16 Extra 21 a j- ■•nc, uothing ^*“*c13 mere technicality, when Ills intent Is hi commissioner was established and a sepa- Spruce, 12 y spruce, Advertisers. Publishers ar.d Printers. “11.70: loan and building aspo-let'ous. $2.- lomach. He was troubled with colic very as to be ev'dent to rate was Of ^1 nice lloor, 16 $20 No. 1, 17 y 1 "I 3S2 clearly expressed all. department organized. sixty- Spruce, much, and used to scream when he hud a of 07.7M 94 foreign fire and marine insurance 12yl5 Clear pine, 35 3* aga The right of suffrage, which Is the high- eight Pine, of It. 1 did not know what It was TIME and nst $S7.2."3 "!‘3.12 two years n'**n. bring In Matched 15«20 Extra 36y«i touch JtAX/P’ est lege of citizenship. Is the very company's then doing business the state, pine, pine, or I bln ■J^ Bi using an nveraj e an’:i*;«| gain of over $3,000.00'>. prlv M— M— to close my eyes, day night. gave MONEY foundation of our form of government. but twenty remained at the close of 1001. Sliingles—per Laths—per and It relieved As n rub* *'os!t^ nn* made in *u h 2 2.0* a few drops of LAXAKOLA demands that the law should be s- Of four old line life Insurance com- Cedar, extra 75 Spruce, •mail nn *f the state, d a of haddock are lc per higher. quote liavlng pa tax demanded. state was $2.170 024. The Insurance loss on $.> b ”2 *’.1 the peratively 06 06 during past year. the same was $1,336,723, leaving a direct Cod, Haddock, THE TOVIO PTI iI->’TANTS. 25c. In 1K"2 w* en r’*e tax on banks 1< Clams, 2> pAfV'lVnl-l savings TIIB PROHIBITORY LAW. loss to property owners of more than Halibut, 3I8 qt 1 cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia. The ^rs‘ established. tb.* rate was 13 Lobsters. lb 25 ?*** one- $800,000 during a single year. Smelts, Only Balr of en.* c*- cent, on the average de- 2ft Finnan Huddle, 12 An awakened sentiment among the There has been a very large increase In Salmon, For Sale by and tb banks then an public 40 paid average of Maine demands a more ti- the amount of business done In this state Oysters, ql d.vldcnd to d riosbor* of li 1-3 people oomph per cent. enforcement of the the life Insurance companies during the Fuel. The tax mid vigorous prohibi- by COUNTY approximate* throe-fourths of ten On December 31st, 19ol, tory law. In nearly all our country towns last years. There are no In r*“f v.t. and tbe average dividend of were changes prices. C. A. PARCHER, *n\. Is and It 's in risks to tue amount $76,402.857 in — nnid d-r ng the law respected obeyed. cord Coal—per ton 14 MAIN STREET. ELLSWORTH. ME. the past year has been about as #31,72 *.436 on December WotKi—per * 1-4 the cities and larger villages that It has force, ago'ns* ft 00 50 Broken, 10 0*' per cent. In other words, the stare There lias also been a in- Dry hard, £6 now been most frequently and persistently vio- 31st, 1891. large 3 00 00 10 d* receives uh'-ut one fifth of the net of the Dry soft, 05 Stove, lated. This condition of things is appnr crease in the membership fraternal load 1" '* earnings of tbo banks. \V»>en It is rent cm whose Roundings per Egg, Who Have Them Paper. due to the fact that In the larger beneficiary orennizntions, members 10 00 I I meC Used ben d that n»ore than three-four hs nil ently 1000125 Nut, of has been wanting an active Hie to he found in nearly every town to the LnL ILu Recommend astheBtST dep s,toj-« have places there Buttings, 5 00 Blacksmith’s 7 o- but $300 or les* to their sentiment in of the state. Over no class of insurance corpora- UK. HI.WH ert*d t. and and healthy support drain aud Feed. that n considerable nort’on «>f does the law give the so Flour, Star Cn>«n Brand these law, and 'ndlfferenee and opnosttlon have tions department THE AHERICAN. deposit* represent the small sav'-ng* more difficult. little control, and ther** arc none whose Corn Is now arriving, The price la still of *•- made Its enforcement th* p*M *.b«:*ne«-= wb'cb b •. have n of one law breeds disrespect operations should be more carefully guard- high, but a dr p to normal conditions is looked tnowlv nce.-rnrh':« d. often!'me* bv Disrespect PENNYROYAL PILLS. the ino*f of all law, and there is a growing appre- ed and protected. • or at an early day. We quote: rigid ecr;u,niv and It Is immediate relief, no danger, no pain. self-denial. apparent The fees of this department in 1870 « Subscribe ciation of the far-reaching demoralisation bo I— *»ats, bu 5*' Uaed for year »»y leading special isle. ! fund rede of testi- that the state is exaet*nrr from t1 bank' to no tns rioui—per that comes from the failure to honestly amounted $3,777, be'np imposed 4 2ft Shorts—bag— 110®I monials. A trial will convince you of their intr.naic value ton iar*_-o n pn-n rttou of th**lr earn’pg<. In 1902 the fees 2515 and fearlessly adm'nister every law upon at that time collected 100 ft 1 80 Mixed feed, bag 1 2ft ineaac ofauppreaaion. Send ten centa for sample and T h tax sh b- o Corn, bag Id d*’**ed n*i average books. the insurance commissioner amounted book. Al! Dru^giata or by mail $1 JO ho*. rate of our statute by Corn meal, bag J fto Middlings, bag not more thou otn-half of out* iM*r 1.85 KING MEDICINE CO., Cjx 1930, BOSTON, MASS. For It. (Continued on page 7.) Cracked corn, 1 50 01.45 JLrgal Not tees. turned them over to Herbert Poole, prin- FROM WASHINGTON. knew Qov. Dingley intimately during bis FROM BAR HARBOR. of the school. ST AT I? or MAINK.^” ihr u iiawortb Hmeritan. I ifetirae, watt associated with him in leg cipal grammar the the of the — him Klee The ceremonies closed by singing To the Honorable, fudge Probata Congress Busy Maine Delegation islative work, and had never heard To Talk trie Road—New Congre- ^ Ruv C. 8. Me* Court in and for the county of Mane ck: Active Pensions. intimate aucb a sentiment. Furl hermnrp. Pastor New Grammar doxotogy and prayer by a 1AK.iL AND POLITICAL JOURNAL gational represents Witl|Am u of »he church. of Kllaworlh, In said c »t was contrary to the habit of Qov School Building. Learn, pastor B«ptist RKdPhCTKULLYCampbell, >uoty* PUBLISHED to I'mc \m MOAN.) mat Nettie B. Gordon, lue of Fiaukliu IS pedal Bar 13 At the fn’ Dingley to be anything but frank and Harbor, Jan (special)— said county, died on the fifth day oi ) EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. A of ten ladles and gentlemen, May, D. C. Jau. 12 — in his work. He reguiar mooting of tue men’s debating party Washington, (special) outspoken legislative of court held on the AT members of order *That at a probate second them tbe Pro a id Con at tbe Harmony chapter, Congress ih going busi y f or *ard t ai given to the country In the cause of society, club, Wednesday of June in the year of our Lord MAINE, the Eastern Star, went to Southwest eight hundred and ELLSWORTH, January days. The couumittee§ have now protection a magnificent and munificent Young lieu's Ubnstimu association rooms one thousand ninety sis Harbor last night to attend the he. the said William B. Campbell. was duly «▼ -HE blocked out measures to in the bill that hears his name. Wednesday Jan. 14. tbe subject Friday of the win o» said enough keep gift evening, S. appointed executor Nettle installation of O E. aaid truet. PUBLISHING OO- Senate aud House for a few (or debate will be: that an Jepbtbab chapter, B. Gordon, and accepted j nANCOCK OOLaTY nolb busy "Resolved, V> B. The officers were installed Past Grand That he the said m. Campbell, ha* re- of bills i- electric railroad from Eoswurtu to by F w. Rollins, Editor and Manager jfiys more. The output private COUNTY GOSSIP. poiuts turned to said probate court, on oath, *c Patron L. of Bar Har- and for senators and uu Mt. Desert island would be detri- Benjunin Hadley, | inventory of all the property esute of for sageriy watched, repre- has come into •fcbsrrtixiou PrU»-fMO a year; $1.00 Bar loan bor. The visiting members were pleas- said deceased that his posses- it of in lb* Harbor’s recently-organized mental to the business interests of the ■l> months; 50 cents for three months; *enlal1v«s have thousands these, sion or knowledge. and S8 cents and asnociatlon starts off with a and after the instal- is informed pent Mtrlctlv In advance, $1.50,75 and want to see them building isiauu." Tue uu the affirmative antly entertained, That your petitioner and b«. at aggregate, printed speakers sal J re*l*ri'vely. A" arrearages are reckoned boom. Over 300 shares of the first series lation ceremonies a supper was served. | iieves that certain of property of said bn sheets with red border- aiue will be W. H Snerman and one otber to* rnu of 1 per year. the parchment decedent hereinafter mentioned parsing will bten taken out. by Khi***—Are reasonable, and the of nave already not on the devise and bequest or some portion thereof, Hid the signatures of speaker, yet appointed; negative, Star made Nowr on application. The second entertainment of the or some interest therein, is subject to the be tem and i'uoims Seans and } Senator Frye, as president pro Kigiuald Ingails. the payment of the tax imposed by chapter 146 of Isle an Hsut evidently means to get coarse which is being given under Bu Mincesc«jmm u nicatlons should be addressed Roosevelt attached before the Tuis is a matter which has been dis- the public laws of i»9i and acta of President held st amendatory and all monev orders made payable to,TH* away from us If she can and go over to s us pices of the Y. M. C. A., was thereof and additional thereto j Ells fateful fourth of March is at hand. cussed for a number of years, of S.AHCIK.H CHANTY POBLI8BINO CO., periodically Jan. 7. That the names all the persons who are Knox. MlHa, of Stoning the casino Wednesday evening, to sal.1 Won* M Mint- The consumes a Representative and 11 uas come to a head this winter in interested in the succession property, _ legislative department Travel ton, has introduced a petition asking for The attraction was the Lincolns In and the share of each are aa stated in Bcned- vast amount of fine parchment every be publishing of a legislative notice annexed. and with motion ule A, hereunto the change. Song, supplemented pray that year. The hundreds of bills that become _ signed by Elmer J. Morrison and others Wherefore your petitioner the pictures. The ball was well filled with an actual market value of said property, the laws every session are printed on durable a.aiug that a charter be granted at this in the succession 1903 1903 Charles J. Dunn, a Biuehlll boy. who sppreciatlve audience. The subject of persons interested thereto, JANUARY with red and it takes a s.s ion of tbe for a railroad and the amount of the tax thereon may be material, borders, la w In t be office of Hale Ham- legislature Mr Lincoln's lecture was "Alaska, the studied St determined by the Judge of prubwe. vast deal to meet with the as steam or otber of the Sun". The colored j demand, lin in E'Uworth, nas been operated by electricity, Land Midnight Dated this sixth dav of January a d 1909. appointed was illus- are motive from Ellsworth to certaiu views with which the lecture William B. campball. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Til. Fr. Sa. some of the bills voluminous, covering, of O d Town’a court, power judge municipal trated were magniflce it. A. or on Mt. Desert island. BCHBDCLB not infrequently, forty fifty pages. succeeding Whiting. points Motion in with Judge pictures, conjunction Xante. Residence. Share or InlereeU it seems to he pretty nearly tbe unaul* Mrs Lincoln's singing and piano accom- C. Bragdon (sister). Franklin, Tbe season is at its in Washing- iiious of the citizens of Eden that closed the entertain- Georgie Me., height The American acknowledges with opinion paniment, evening's and 1-6 under rest and residue clause. ZZZZ±Ta are ment. for with nucii a road is not that it is not _ Truman M. Blaisdell (brother). ton, along things legislative thanks the receipt of a copy of the Shi needed; Franklin, Me #75 and 1-5 under rest aud residue clause. things social, and the heyday of gaiety i- and that it would be extremely In connection with Francisco Chronicle of Jan 1, a flfty-afx warned, The parish bouse Ma >el Gould (sister), Franklin, Me., top hand. The President and Mrs. Rouse tbe of tbe island and 5 under rest au residue \AAAAAAW at issue setting forth the myriad prejudicial to interests the Episcopal church waa opened last buggy clause. psge Warren M. BUisdell (brother). Fiauklin, velt held their first official reception last as a summer resort. with a to advantages of that remarkable city. The J Wednesday evening reception Me 1 5 under rest and residue clause. when some2.000 were invited Ills a live and and Chasten a Uran (sister), Franklin, 1-6 13 week, people copy was sent hy H. W Reno, interesting topic, the parish and friends. About 100 people Me., _M J2 J4j5J6]7 Htggina^of under rest and residue clausa. to meet the corps. Those will no doubt a debate took advantage of the opportunity to diplomatic Nevada, an old Hancock county boy. provoke spirited And the said Wm. B. Campbell Is by said t lie new building. The guests interesting turners in Washington inspect will named al»o as trustee to manage, sell and soj Wednesday night. and Mrs. O. 20 22 23 24 were received by Kev. W. or all of the real and were out in in their conviy any personal 19 _2I force, arrayed Hancock good friend P. Q. such teruia 18 county’s Baker. of te-tstrix aud at ___ property upon variegated uniforms, which contributed Wooster, of California, sends The Amer such limes as be may think best fur the benefit At tbe regular meeting of Bay View named devisees. to tbe brilliant apectac'e. Senator and State of Ohio, ( ity of Toledo, t of the above 25 26 27128129 301311 ICAN a copy of the Pasadena Daily News at Cove grange Salisbury Wednesday C uwrr. STATE UF MAINE. Mrs. Hale and Gov. and Mra. Luc** j Burleigh that gives an accouut of a “Tournament will Frank .1 Chknry maker oath *h»t he 1* night tbe third and fourth degrees Hancock AA.: —Al a court held at and Miss were tbe iu- of the Arm **f F J. CHKNfcY A probate MOON'8 PHASES. Burleigh among of Roses” in that on New Year’s senior partner within and for said ou city Day be worked. At a special meeting of tbe in the of Coun- Ellsworth, county the was CO., doing !ju«ii'**s- City Toledo, a. d. 1903. Fitst 4:5$ I Third 6:48 vited guests. For many tbe occasion One can realize an out-door first Tuesday in January, £ gr 0A scarcely grange held last evening, tbe tv and S ate afore** Vt. *»d that said firm wi*l ^Quarter 0 p. in. v Quarter ZU a. m. because It Saturday l>uLI.AKS the foregoing petition,ordered: That j more than usually pleasant, in mid-winter in one section of bhv the sum of UNR HUNMHKU Upon AFull 9:17 11:38 parade first and second were conferred nottce be given to all persona interested, 1 q | jmNew oq degrees for each and every can of*: TaR**H that cam ot by Xo am. ZO am was tbe first visit to the White House while here we causing a copy of said petition and this order ^yMoon | wEoon our country, are trying so two candidates. There was a be cured the use of II LL'* CaT*RRH U**i. upou large by tBercon to be published three weeks succes- since it has been remodelled, but tbe in FRANK J t IIKSKV. bard to keep warm even doors. and au in the Ellsworth American, a attendance, interesting meeting Sworn to b* fore me and subscribed In my sively newspa- Maine mentioned baveall been in- at in said of JANUARY 1S03 people ibis Alb of A. !>. «e6. per published Ellsworth, county WEDNESDAY, 14, was held. presence, day January, that at a vited to the Wbite House to some of tbe In The American’s week _ Hancock, they may appear probate report last A. W. GLEA«ON. court to be held at the court room in PK*L~7 probate smaller events previous to the diplomatic of the amount of the county tax remain- A meeting ot the civic league and Notary Public. Bucksport, in and for said county, on the first The of the steam whistle of February, a. d. 1903, at ten o'clock blowing an error was made as to interested lu the of H ill's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intcrn-Py, and Tuesday reception._ ing unpaid, others enforcement In the forenoon, and be heard thereon if now the home act *n the blood and mu vnlt 1 E. Kimball, administrator, filed for Imposed regular st iteof New York Owen resigned tail September. Mr. Mac- duly authenticated, having s« ttw-iuent. the fame duties that “Uncle Joe” ou all cases. This is ts hope that not many years hence the part appealed what b*-en present* d to the judge of probate for o. P. CUNNINGHAM. Judge of said Court. Donald wrote that he wou-d be here Feb our said of I Cinnoii performs in t be House, alt bough nelng done in nearly al tne counties of county Hancock for the purpose | A true copy. Attest:—Cham. P. Dorr. Register. hum of new industries will wake the 1. of beiug allowed, and recorded iu the men ruary filfd the two differ widely in many of tbe Stale. Wouldn’t it be love if we of our mu echoes ot Union river valley. y probate court id countv of Hancock. STATE OF MAINE. iheir characteristics. could drive them all over into Ordered, That notice thereof be given to Canada? Sixteen of Bar Harbor’s Hancock ss.—At a court at well-known all person* interested therein, by publishing probate held we or if not, then Lbein ; Ellswort h, in and for said countv of H tntock. Perhaps will, give ladies a a copv of this order thr* e week* successively Taxes. young gave delightful dancing ou the sixth of in the of Unpaid Ex Gov. Burleigh has been meeting to Sheriff W hit comb io i» the Ellsworth American, a day January, year emerlain. newspaper our Lord one who party at Music had lest Friday evening printed «t Ellsworth, in said of Han- thousand nine hundred and The tax payers of Ellsworth with the public building and grounds county three. Tne hall was decorated with cock. prior to the third day of February, taxes are preiiby CERTAIN instrument to be have neglected to pay their committee several times of late. There is a d 19U3. that tin y may app*-arat a purporting Odd Fellows’ Convention. b and a probate a of the inting, tastefully arranged booth court then to be held at in and for V copv last will and te-I tnient of a bill to 1 Buckspoit, making it very embarrassing framed increase the The Odd Fi-nows Edward Walsh, senior, late of again ot tuia diet net and : was erect*d in one corner from which re- said county of Hancock, at ten o’el ck in the Brooklyn in the of and state of for the e tv amount of appropriations for various forenoon, and show cause, if have, Borough, county Kings, government. those of will hotel a con- any they New York d< Bucksport i freshmenls were served. against the same. ceai>td. and of the probwte there- public building projects, and for chang- of in said stat*- of N*-w York, du authenti- The to al amount of these taxes is vention in Ei sworth Friday, Feb 13 Ab gelawn avenue was appropriately given payment, but the reason for non Compute arrangements yet ail persons in lested therein, by publishing In the District Court of the United States for public building fora poatoffiee at Bar d -nested last a of thi; « been made, but the sub-cornmli tt-ts are | Thursday afternoon cony rder three weeks successively the Di-'rict of Maine. even on the of the in trie Kiln ortb enforcement, part Harbor. A** is well un lerstoori, tbe a American, a Iu the lustier of 1 pur- hard at w o< and w ill have a | Q rte large number of people was newspaper is k, programme printed at Ell worth, in said countv of Han. Gkokot M. J llison, /*» least suave of the collectors, pretty chase of a sue has not been completed in J Bankruptcy. issued iu a few d <>s present when lha exercises Le,ao in the •o* k, prior t« the third day of Frb-uarv. Baukrnpl, 1 und rstood. a. d. that *hev To the generally tbe hope that Congress may authorize tbe ua< dsome main hall. ii>f n»ry ■"■I'-nr st creditors of George M. Jettison, of a probate court then to be h >d at Eden, in the county of Hancock, aud dis- But the situation is purchafe of a site which has already been in and Bucksport, getting pretty OBITUARY. John E Bunksr, jr., ciialrman of ttie for said county of Hancock, at ten trict Aforesaid, hank runt: but which does not meet with o’clock in the forenoon, and show E i- on close to the point of desperation, and selected, hording committee. csl’*ri the wssen cause, if hereby given thst the 10th b'y any against the same of a. the full of they have, NrOTI*day January d J»3, the said at its recent riut a numerous soldiers residing in Hancock many vessels sailing from this the H«*d with •* f-w having app port. liul'dlng. r-marks aguinst the es'ate of said deceased are de- tru-tee. examine the and transact The infl lence of President Roosevelt’s bankrupt county. He was a brother of Capt. Auan Ho to pres* ut the same for settlement, au such other business as may properly come administration in uien to all indebted thereto are to make betore sai meetiug. John B. Redman. bringing young “Iam urging upon the the aud of Capt. Henry Holt, who has been requested department &pCUAl -\011CCS. pay me t immediately. Jau. 12, 1903 Referee iu the front lu hffiirs is constantly being of the Bankruptcy. expediting of pensions, and a most liheral captain tug “Liltle Round Top*’ I w» ~w Novembers, 1W2. Clarrissa C. Cooo:ns. fait. Even nations *»re NOTICE. In *ht> Utstnct Court of ttie foreigu following policy under said Gov. for so many years. He Lad oue otter United States for existing laws,” subscriber notice that the District of Maine. that in tie Kind of men send HAVE this day given my son, Charles Ed- pHE hereby gives policy they Burleigh to-day. “It has been my view brother, Shepard. X she bus been executrix In the matter of I ward Dickens, h-s lime during the re- duly appointed ) as ambasn^dorn and ministers to Wash of the last will and testament of J. William H Ball, fn all during my public career that the For the past eight years Capt. Holt La- mainder of liia minority. I shall c aim none Mary [ Bankruptcy. Hwazey. late, f Huck>poit, in the of Bankrupt, ) T ie late L »rd P tuncefote, who of bis wag. s nor pay any hilla oi hi-* c ntract- county To ington. can never the been in ill health, aud retired from acilv. Hancock, and bonds as the creditors of William country fully compeiiHate ingaf'ert -is date. William 8. Dickons. deceased, given the H Ball, of Han- to his summers at Bar Harbor law directs. All cock. in the of used spend iu blue who our battles when buslne-s life. Mount Desert, 2, a d. 19J3. persons having demands county Baucock and district boys fought Maine, January against the aforesaid, In has been succeeded Sir Mich- estate of saui deceased are de- bankrupt. part, by the U »lon was in No state sent He leaves besides a three sired to XTOTICKiH dauger. widow, son* NOTICE. present the same for settlement, and hereby given that on the 10th ael a near President all indebted thereto a Herbert, young man, more valiant men to the front thau and three daughters, Mrs. Ella L>rd, Mrs are requested to make y..ofr J,.nuary* d 1903. the naid \ 17" HE RE AS my wife, Fannie M. payment william H Bull war* own and Biroti Stern* Hodgkins. immediately. duly adjudged bank- Boosev«-it’s age, and I am Walter of ? T left me wimout Maine, trying to do my share Biaisdell, Bangor, Miss Ann* hi-.ving ju-t cause or January 6. 1903. Martha D Kwazey. rupt. upon petition filed in said court bv is c be the piovoc ition I forbid all har- him on the t^rg >rning ultimately to towards their claims before Charles hereby persons 7ih day of JauuAry, a d. 1903, forwarding Holt, Capt. Holt, Wesley and «»r on m.riug tiusiii-g her iuy a.count, as I subscribers hereby give notice that a"d first meeting of his creditors ambassador from Germany, and be is the bureau. who reside in shall no deuis of her rpHE wiil ,that. *5* pension Shepard Holt, the West. pay contracting alter X they have beeu duly appointed execu- be held ai No 20 State street. Ells- another man. Both these ambassa- this date. Eu.nkat L. Hodgkins. tors of the lust will and worth, Hancock young “None of my work as a representative The funeral service will be held at 2 testament of Lewis county, Maine, on the 31st Trenton, Jan. «, 1903. D late of day of a. it be were the Hemick, Ellsworth, in the county January, d. 1003. at 9 o’clock in dors, may remembered, of the third district this afternoon at his of the congressional gives late home, Rev. J. Haucock, deceased, no bonds being re- forenoon, at which time the said creditor* intimate friends here some NOTICE. the terms of said will. may attend, personal me greater pleasure thau this work be- R Simonton officiating. quired by All persons prove their claims, appoint a demands the < trustee, examine Mr. when he wa> annual meeting of the stockholders of having ugainst e wit: VV L. Hemick. agitation 6. i903. to be allowed, i (eei that the government T-> h* ar the report of the S crettry. January Henry B. Kemick. lB.iien?i*trlclA?rtof the United States for Congress in recent days about the coa1 To hf-ar the report of the Treasurer. the District of Maine. is about to pay another installment on subscriber In the famine. Toe sii nation in Now England, Sangerville has organized a festival To elect a board of directors. rpHE hereby gives notice that matter of ) the To transact other business X he has been adminis- Edgak L. great debt it owes.” chorus. auy legally duly appointed Roberts, In * the coast hs* i trator of the [ Bankruptcy. frarticufarly along cities, brought before ►aid mee i- g. estate of John E. Black, late Bankrupt. ) of To the toeao The New i C. 8 Snowman, Secretary. Brooksville, in the county of Hancock, creditor- of F.dgar L. Roberta, of depicied. England rep* and in the Eden, Mr. Hale a tribute to the late Between the of Bluehill, Dec.29.1902. deceased, given bonds as me law directs county of Hancock and paid high awes lifu-en and folly five, m* All district alora- rosantatives have been working for some persons having demands against the es s*id. a few time when womanhood l>fgin» and motherhood bankrupt. Kepreseniative Diugley days ago in tate of said deceased are desired is action that would alleviate the suf- ends. It 1* estimated that the Ur.i. oi NOTICE.. to present XTOTlCE hereby given that on the 10th help the when the aggn-gxie the same for and ot Semite, of woman’s 1* n To settlement, all indebte 1 Janu*fy. a d. 1903. the add subject protection -ufl'iolng ten tears T* ye*rs "u* official authoit'j for the State of Maine, o xl Edgar faring, but. it is still doubtful whether' thereto are requested to make payment ini duties was under uf thirty! ••uetlilrd of’ ihu lic-t of a county Hancock, b.nkropt, upon consideration. Some p»rt of townships of Laiuoine, mediately. Nelson H. tJrt!"'.':?!"'*.•*»«*'*® ed *" sa!d Cwigreisa will take any action. The duty | woman’* life sHcrltJc. d ! Thu.knf tin- nor tin Hancock, franklin a»d plantation Xo. S. Black. i11 court by him on the 7th democratic senators were to January 8, 1903. »• d i attempting loss of time! But time l* not si ih.>t I* n»*t. three thousand ac es in Cuniculo l9t-8. and that the first on ’coal is comparatively so small thai f**B*ry**• creditors detract from the Maine man’s Those years f suffering steal the iilooni fiom cus Park have been burned to will be held at No. 20 fame by OVER glacial subscriber gives notice St*!*D*btate street ®! from the middle states doubt the cheeks, the brightness from the eyes, the depo-iis. clav strata or rock bottom. I de- hereby that ElWwoith, Hancock county, republicans that Gov. bad said THEshe has been duly adminis- of stating Ding ey the falrne-a from the form. Tin y wrbeihelr record mand exemption from taxes on this Austin appointed Janu**T.» d. ieo3, whether it would help the situation ! tratrix with the will annexed of the estate not k the duties were too In many a crea*e anil wrb Kie What a Ihkui property for one hundred years. lofenoon. at which lime placed high in his bill for already administered of B the su'd creditor**L" each. then to woman, la l>r Pierce’s Favorite I*re kv C. Frkt2 Austin. Joseph Bradley, may at’end. provs their the of 4M late of Bucks port, in the of Han- claims, a purpose negotiating reciprocity acrtptlon It promote* p rbet regulirity, dries county appoint trustee, examine the bank- cock, deceased, and given bonds as the "uch Job Abbott, a and success- treaties. up •lebilitailng drains, heal* ulceia loo, cure* SPECIAL NOTICE. as may prominent law directs. All persons having demands pioperly come before saidVth4*r female weakness, and establishes the ifeMiate not in the meeting. ful but-inees man of Dexter, died suddenly Senator Hate was beard io bis most trespass Cuniculocns Park. 1 against estate of said deceased are desired John B. organs In vigorous and man- t ,,v.o Rrdman, wjmanly per DO demand protection to life and to present the same for and Jau.ian 12, 19t>8. fashion heal h. No other medicine can do for won an property settlement, all Referpp jn Rs Saturday night, aged aeventy-flve, vigorous of tire session in de from the county of Haucock. the State of indebted thereto are Vrnptcy. what la done requested to make pay- by Ur. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- Maine, and the United States of America. ment years. nouncing that statement as untrue. He tion. immediately. Aleck B. Warren Maky C. Fkbtz Austin. Jan uary 8, 1903. Subscribe for 11«« American. JRs&tilterffltnia, ixttiiiuaofc all) Attaint. HARDWOOD FACTORY NOW A REALITY/ Pept-iron | Catarrh Is a discharge from the mucous mem Iron Work Puts Begins in Establishment Formerly Oceupie I as a Shoe Factory brane of the nose, throat, stomach, Commencing Oct 13, 1902. bowels etc., whan kept in a 6tate of BAH HA KliOB TO Ban*.' an AM F M ! P M the Blood -Much of the inilamination impure condition BA R Into Promise for Industrial Develojnneut City. by HARBOR.. Id 80 3 25. of the blood and a want of tone in the Sorrento. 4 d j.. Gives the blood what is neces- system. Sullivan. 4 25;.. Mi Desert Ferry. 11 7*! 4 9 *41 for its oxidation— Soothe the inflamed membrane, W’aukeag, 8. Fy. 1126] 6 <9 907 sary perfect strengthen the weakened system, one Hancock *11 2m 6 06, 9 19 Franklin .. ft 4 9 which it the will — to do thii Road fit >7 20 the process by gets discharge stop Wanh’gton Jc. 1149 tft 28 9 49 purify the blood. ELLSWORTH 11 66 ft 3<> 9 red color seen in the 47 its deep “I was troubled with catarrh for year: EJl-worth Falls. tl2 01 ft 3<» 9 53 and tried various remedies hut found not!) Nlcolin. fl2 ift ft M {fOft cheeks and ears. Green Lake. t!2 2* ft 69 10 14 lips, ing that would cure me. I then resolver Lake House. 82 10 2* to Hood’s and took foui fl2 f« *7If Iron in the blood unites with try Sarsaparilla Holm.. fi2 40 t« rio 30 bottles which entirely cured me. I hav< Brewer June. 110 6 3ft; 10 50 in the lungs. The never been troubled with catarrh since Bangor. Ex.St.. 1 0; 6 42 10 57 oxygen As a blood purifier I can find nothing els< BANGOR. M.C. 1 10 6 4ft 11 09 more iron, the more color. equal to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.”* P. M. A M AM Shkrman, 1030 Gth St., Milwaukee, Wis. Portland. 5 St 1 3 4 2ft Boston. 9 Oft r 67 7 3ft

Hood’s Sarsaparilla BANGOB TO BAB HA RBOB PeptironT^l Cures catarrh radically and perma P M I AM the best nerve and stomach nently—removes its cause and over Boston. *7 40 9 0ft comes all its effects. P M and meets all the re- PortlhiK. 10 45 i2 49 tonics, AM 'AM of the BORN). BANGOR. 6 O' | i0 00 « Sff quirements anemic, pale, Bangor, Ex St... 6 05 10 0 4 69 and BU rf.F.It At Brook In, J*n 4 to Mrand Mrs Brewer June. 6 '2 1 12 5 09 nervous dyspeptic. Oeor, Jan II, to Mr and Mrs Albert f7 Selling Agen' S. 7 49 ’148; 0 38 Or y. a mil Waukeag, Fy..... Mt. Desert 7 6ft 11 6 4ft A. H Main Street. | Ferry.*. 55, G. Parcher, Holt »N- U Surry, Ian 7, to Mr and Mrs Sullivan. 8 20 .j.. Jod b -s Horton, a daughter. Sorrento. 8 45.1. IInVKY — 't Su'Ilv.m, Dec A, to Mrand Mrs BAR HARBOR. 9 20 12 45 7 39 Andrew M llav* y a daugh nr. ■ Sundae s Inc'uderi Boston to Ell-wort! 1 It \ F A »t —At " t*s» Sedgwick, -Ian 7, to Mr •Dally ai d Wh R leave# and .MrnKdwarii W Irafiiaiu, a son. hington County K, butSunuay at 7 p in. KKI.I.KV At Trent on t. .fan 4, to .Mrand Mrs rstop on or notlceto Conductoi VIEW OF THE B. E. COLO SHOE KtoroilY, NOW THE HAKUWUJJ E\ «oKV. •lame- K* lit y. a tl .ughter. signal These connect at with ALII At IVnoiiM-oi, Jan 13, to Mrand Mrs Bangor, throng! trains on Main Line to and from Bos- l*i*arl I .cacti, a daughter. Portland, The »1 twlng of the steam whistle at b is changed hands several llnui. It ba< and fluting up the factory was at once ton and St. John. MU III II At H 11-worth. Jan 8, to Mr and Mrs been idle for t be two hfvun. Tickets for All Points South and Weft the old shoe last w> s a past years. ttioige W Aturch, neon. factory Thursday on sale at the M. C. R. R. ticket The syndicate of Ellsworth men whose Little work was mcpssary in the factory PACK \IM»-At Itrook-villa, Jan 8, to llev otte^f welcome sou»»d In Ellsworth; it meant and Mr* Her lie t I. Ellsworth. efforts are at last crowned with success as I he and Packard, a son. engine shafting necessary are to procure tlahU In Ells- Itltll At, Nov 18, to '*r and Mrs Passengers requested hat work had actually begun has been for the were there. It on before entering the and Ells- working development already y remained to I.. die a son. dliam train, especially Ulr.h, [W l.cdie J worth to Falls and Falls to Ellsworth. of the hardwood for several move the worth's most recently-acquired Industry. industry machinery In and refit the W KUsTKit— \t Tremont, Ian to Air and Mrs 2, GEO. F. EVANS, Hardwood drives have been suc- Crawford Wehrter, a daughter. While all regret the passing of shoe years. equipments already there. Vice Pres, and Gen’l Manager* and F L. BOOTHBY. GenM Pass, and Ticket cessfully brought down Untou river Mr. Hardman, who will niR"nrn I he Ag*l. business, so far as the old Cole factory is MARRIED. Portland. Maine. ot her in the have Is experiments industry plant. thoroughly acquainted with the -- concerned, the rejoicing is general that been going on. Those interested, know- business of wood manufacture, and is FARQOMARSoN-YOUNG-At Tremonl .Van I, ty Rev Dean A Walter ora Sarah A building can at last be util- t he EASTERN the splendid ing that lumber Industry (softwood) confluent that the business can b« Fai<(uhnraou to Charles B Young, both ol was on tt:e wane bad looked ou the hard- Tn moot zed in an industry that promiaes big not pr. flrably carried on In Ellsworth. He K ANK—SINCLAIR-At Doc 18. but also for the wood forests as flt for a better and larger wil' have but a small crew in the Sedgwlek, by o ily for its stockholders, factory R-v ES Drew, Mls*Gert ude Kane to V\ IU,P tiie 1 ul*y it self. industry than that of furnishing at first, which will be increased as lb? Sinclair, bulb of Sedgwlo. Steamship Company, As but few machines are set up. and '00d,and have been making endeavors supply is ypfli yet DIED. at sees additions to tor about ft to for it* A work, hut every day jest* past provide large number of men will be put to Mt. Desert Division, -Manufacture in the the equit tnent, and the superintendent city. work in I he woods, hpwever, to get out IfRooKS At Hy*le I’ark. Mas-, Jan 6, Mr Ilzi Brooks, of aged a", within a few weeks to hsve the Lhhi summer ingot iations were opened he the winter lormeil> l.anioinc, hopes year’s supply during y- ara in order. with a New York concern which owns Contracts for wood have factory complete running been made, and BROWN— M Scdgwb'k, Dec 29. Fred S Brown An ample supp'y of raw material is od nd operates several hardwood factories much of it Is already being delivered. aged .0 y «r-, 7 mom ha, 7 d. ys. in various of he but llol.T— 't HI W'trib nand for present needs, but the company parts country, they To R. B. Muhins, of this city, is due no (Bay-lie), Jan 12, Cup EDWIN M. John Wed y II. It, aged 68 years. MOORE, is in the marker for all kinds of hardwood fil ed to materialize, and Hurts were tittle credit for the part he took in dealer in all Mud* of | bring HODGKINS-At suiiivan. Jan Carollm + turned in other dirtciious. 9, hat can he utilized. Details as to what ing together the parties in interest. Hodgkin*, aged 76 y. are, ll) nnodli-. O Froah, s*ait, Smoked and 4 ( Dry will he furnished Negotiations were finally opened with Alt a is II '-GINS-At F.lg'ii, III. Jan Mias Mala | t-nqu'nd cheerfully hough change coniemplsted in 5, I o of HI.gin*. fuinieily «»f Iudi.iti Pol t George H. Hardman, Entield, widely tie the busimss is now (Eden) FT SIT. } i by the superintendent. corporate name, aged 24 years, 9 nioiitbs n as a ical Steamers leave Bar Harbor (weather and lot n 2 l ire in on State street, last occu- Know pract wood manufacturer, being conducted by the EdHworth Hard- BlT< II factory I.I.—At Sorrento, J«n 2, Abran and at H a and the inventor of useful permitting) Mondays Thursdays m* pied by B E Cole & Co shoe tnanufac wood-working wood Supply Co., and the fnctory i* Mbelied, form-1ly ol Sol Ivan, age-1 83 y nrs lor Seat Harbor, Northeast Haibor, Southwest. Mr. Hardman came to E'ls- NORWOOD—At Tran out. Jan 'Ira Emil' Harbor and Sionington. and cot at Rock* i turera, of Boston. It was hutlt abou nachliiery. under the management of H 2, necilug | Utorge Norwood, aged 4' 9 8 d land with steamer for Boston. and looked over the situation auo yearn, ni.oub-, ys. twelve yearn at?o for a shoe factory anr* -vorlb Hardman. { PERKINS—At Peuoliacot, Ji»n h. Sivdian I .tie which it was to use, l’oe officers of the are: » faciory proposed corporation I ina, ag« d 6A yearn, 4 month*, 12 d. y-> A W. King, president ; II M. Ir^a- RETURNING. Hundred Dollars a Box and •■atiefsetiou with the con* Hall, UOBl\*oN —At I r< inont, Jitn I. Mr* I ! Cod, Haddock, HhIihui, H uotlfdi.i One expressed A. W. H. M Ha ydlt q | urer; K'ng, l, A. C Ha- Rolilns..n. a tied 74 9 o. * miens. The result was a and tin years, month-, it ya. + Mackerel, OycderM, Clam*. Scallop*, is the value H. A. Ti**dale. Hummerton, S. trade, gertny, J. A. H. w. Cush From Boston and at 5 m. j Peters, jr., RICHARDSON—\i v nr.-r‘a. Jan 2, Mr* Nnotll Tuesdays Fridays p O UitMtffi and Plonan Huddle*. I c. on DeWitt’s Witch Hazd Salve. vork of moving io E n vnrn 1 man, d 'reciMTH. From Rockland anu f places machinery Rlehaidaon, aged 73 years. YVedueadays Saturdays He aa “: “I had t he piles f r 20 years. I at about 5 am. O dt True K**i Ki.u sT N I.E Y— t Cranl.euy Die*. Jan 9, Rid*.. liiidce, 4 ! tried many doctors and medicine-, hu all Cap Enoch B Stai 1 v, ageu 82 jenm, 5 month-, f M.I>WOKTIt, MK. ! faded exc DeWitt’s Witch Hazel S-Uve. FATALLY BIKNKI). SUCCESS IN THE SOUTH. * pt day-. E. 8. J. Morse, Agent, Bar Harbor. * a * *• It cured WKMIIN VIOORE. SA RG ENT— A t Sullivan, Jan I ?, Mr« Jo-io I Sargent, agi d 41 year* A month ,7 Mrs. Joey Sargent Humeri to Death What Some Southern day* Calvin Austin, Vice-president and flbbn’tttniunia. Newspapers I R't 1—At Soutii lioul ialioro, Dec 26. " llllan Gen’l at West Sullivan. Think of Miss Monaghan's Singing. Trm v. aged 68 jvais, 9 in .nth 12 day* Mgr.. 868 Atlantic ave., Bosi« I B M — At "c (jou, Jan Kreemai West Sullivan, Jam 13 (special)— Miss Mat e) who is on a con G Tim Monaghan, y, aged 14 ears, 8 mold h-, 2.7 «h y •. IORRKY BiuetuJ] & EMorth Steamii’i Co. Mrs. Joey Bargtnt was burned to death cert tour through the Sout h, is receiving —At'‘onth Suriy Jan 12. Mr* Llc’ ttockimii, Torre. aged 79 years, 6 month*, >7 d» ya about 8 30 iar»i arrival of "teamcr from Boh on for Dark > wa« assistance reaching the has been You h-poiise prompt, Among complimentary notices that renovated throughout, anc t*.*rl»or, JDi.tie Deer Die, 'South Brookevllle, and Mrs. have we are now le. Deer Die Hesitate Sargent been are to run a first SargeitiM Sedgwick, Urookliu, j quickly. printed the prepared following: South BiuehHI ami But when the rescuers arrived class and Hluehlll, Surry J they Miss Monaghan lias a wonderfully cl* nr up-to-date RETURNING. j i discovered to their horror Mrs. Sargent soprano voice, and reaches the hh.h Will leave at H 0 o’clock Surry every Monday notes with the and I making above landing* and coo* dead in a tub of water in the kitchen, her greatest ease.—Atlanta liur-ilay. ; (Ga ) Journal. n*-«ilng at Rockland wl h "teamer for Boston. I uouy burned almost beyond recognition. f I. 8 going east, and Monday* re- are Miss Monaghan’s voio« is like Lost. dripping uridtig. It is almost incomprehensible that thin When in leave horses honey.—Maeon (Ga ) Citizen. Ellsworth, your J ami Wednesdays going east, and Thurs* in our | | irou-U have happened la so snort a time, The favorite of care, if you want them properl t «*a.y- returning. the evening was Miss attended to. as it could not have been more than ten Monaghan, w ho has a sweet if you want a good turn- wonderfully Not* —Till* company will comply with above and captivating • n out, give us a call. Prices reasonable, Price in makes it a CAPITAL , minutes from the lime the lamp was powerful voice, very Hche • le. except In t* nt of uu * voidable causes pruning January vuh every note.—Miami (Fla.) Me d* a to It* *t* anii rn. j dropped uutil ail signs of dre were gone, time to in Men’s and tropolis No *ta*e betwieu Ellsworth and Surry during buy CAPITAL bargains Hoys’ and Mrs dead discovered, the Sargeul’s body Mias sweet winter. Monaghan’s voice will long DODGE BROTHERS, O. A. Tue deceased was a woman highly echo and re-echo in CROCKKT1, ■ Suits, Furnishings and Hats, with little CAPITAL. j our memories, thrill- Manager, Rockland, Me. ! respected, having many friends. ller ing us inwardly during the vears to come MAIN STREET, KM,SWUKTH. Rockland, Me., Dec. 3, 1RC2. Her “Last Hose of Summer” We shall offer liberal discounts during this ; sudden and frightful death bus cast a ( by nqutsl) being wonderfully remb'ifu' ,,’f I gloom over the entire community. VhanHn her month on all Winter Goods, Suits, Ovcr- prime.—Kissimmee Valley including (Fla ) Gazette. f Y-' We I coats and broken lots of Underwear, which The Apollo Quartette. are inclined to think that the very Heavy best feature of the L vers ol good music are remiuded that entertainment whn Miss a Monaghan’s singing. Hhe has a high we desire to dose out even if we make heavy loss. tue male is scheduled to Apollo quartette and clear sopra o, which shows he ffect at Hancock hall on of The Geo. M. Grant take of this sale | >ippeari ^Tuesday good training. While it was as clears S Co., but Don't hesitate, advantage t he note of a evening, Jan. 27, the third in the series bird, it was not wit bout the sympathetic element so If I ol entertainments tb#t are being necessary. anj I as it means dollars to you. E popular one thing coul t be denominated the hi* INVESTMENTS, REAL ESTATE this w inter. 4.ven here of t tie evening, it was tier “Cbausot who music at all appre- Proveocale”, which wan a beautiful thing, Anyone enjoys ELLSWORTH and BAR HARBOR. well sung. It called forth an ciates a strong, well-balanced male encore, to which she responded with “Bonnie Sweet quartette, and not a few tiud the highest I (INSURANCE,■ Bessie, the Maid of Dundee”. Teat sweet .-.tisfaciioii in lueh a musical orgauiza- sod pathetic oM *nng Peain **ntrt'nf'' In this line there are bidders her audience.—Lake Worth Palm W. R. Parker Co. I iou. many News, December I Fla Eilsworth, Maine, 11,1902. Clothing Beach, for public favor and popularity, hut CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES. among them all probably the Apollo This is to call your attention to the Union River Light, Gas & Power is best most admired, Safcberttsnnmtss. | quartette known, ; Compsny, located at Ellsworth, Me., and incorporated under the laws of \ and of highest standing and reputation. ■ 1 the State of Maiue. This company offers $500,000 ttve per cent, twenty-}ear \ Tue organization is, indeed, without s j _ bonds at and accrued iute est. The of these bonds will be L in New and the enter- 102>4 legality passed superior Kngland, tainment will ff jrd all who attend it a “How dry I am!” | upon by Ha e & Hamlin, of Ellsworth. Me and Whipple, Sears & Ogden, rare treat. While all the members are of Boston. Owing t > the fact that the elec ric light plants at Bar Har- j Mr. its baritone, is per- Owing to the artists, Kendall, prevailing “dry- bor and Ellsworth, Me., hive been merged into the Union River Light,Gas haps the brightest star in the combina- ness” I cannot ask my pat- Per Cord Cash & Pow^r Company, which is about constructing a dam on the Union river $5.00 and of him it is claimed that he it rons tion, to becoming known as one of the to p oduce electricity by water power, thus doing away with the excessive will be paid for rapidly cleverest entertainers before the public. cost of the present steam plants, the operating expenses will be largely and character reottatloue “Take His humorous Something” decreased and the business enormously increased by giving twenty-four WOOD and songs, combined with the work ol WHITE BIRCH hour service. Tbe earnings of this company and the signed power con- the quartette, make a very varied and but 1 can offer them some tracts wiih such men as F. W. Ayer, of Bangor, Me., will more than pay at the factory of the interesting programme. good bargains in after Christ- twice the interest on these bonds nfter mas goods— paying all operating expenses. Of the college men lu the legislature Therefore we strongly recommend the pure n»se of these bonds as a conser- CO. this Bowdolu claims ELLSWORTH HARDWOOD SUPPLY winter, eight; Bates, vative and safe investment. BSieving that a purchase of these securities six; Colby, tlve; Harvard, three; U. of M., In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, will result to your credit, we solicit correspondence regarding the same. two; Amherst, two; Massachusetts In- All checks are to be made to the Mercantile Trust of stitute of Technology, two; aud Yale, Silver Novelties and payable Company, and Boston, Mass., who ate trustees for the bonds. Please address all orders or /"* » will also be paid for White Ash, Hock Maple, Basswood Tufts, Dartmouth, Brown, Wesleyan, I ^ |i Boston university and the University ol Birch. kindred inquiries to the undersigned. vAotl Yellow Vermout, one each. goods. j

The Maine tax-paying women who Yours very respectfully, are to ask suffrage at the hands of the State legislature will be aided in their The George H. Grant Co. Apply at Factory for details. ff >rts by Busan B. Anthony, the leadet A. W. Greely, of the Amerlcau woman’s associ- ~~ suffrage Tgsyja rj1 ation. Those who are watching tt.e Jeweller, progress of eveuts would not be surprised 5 a.T.a The Ellsworth American—only COUNTY Taper. if such a law were enacted at this session. MainJStreet. Ibbfrtifrmmtr has been at Tii, .rt Khit Aft has svhscribert a> 100 COUNTY NEWS, from East BluebUl, where he COUNTY NEWS. work on granite. ■ im «ft i>t f$ / ih* r* r,xf-o/fifxn in jPancock couvH f* MT'ittumot Oountp iV>v»> «r« ctn*t pfif€S 4rfrittinmil ('oimtp Seu-h, ofks» Charlie of is visit- mil t/i. paper* in th» county con Henderson, Orunl'e, 4oulliw<*4t llnitior. ing his uncle, Charles Henderson. I tu .. (to not reach 90 The AMKl Mnr. rela- INSTALLATIONS. , Edits Lunt, of Mauaet, is visiting in y j IOai* n- noi the only paper printed tives here. Jepbthah chapter, N > 41, O. E. 8., held HucKiPuri. near* end has never claimed t( Bn county, its annual installation ot officers Friday SEMINARY NOTES Seeing circle met with Miss Leila Heed Is, t>n »f x* the only paper that can prop- evening, Jan. 9, in Masonic hall, South- J. W. Tripp, E. M. C. S. ’02, has been last Wednesday. SAY in town I *1* called a COUNTY paptr; aU th* west' Harbor. lately. W D Walla and family spent Sunday By invitation a large delegation from The service at the Mettio wit it Mrs. Walls’ niottur, Mia. L M. fe*I art merely 'ocal papers. The circulo watch-night Harmony chapter, Bar Harbor, was pres- dist church was largely attended by the Lunt. The A yikbican, the Bar ROMOC Hon o; barring with it the ent, bringing installing students. % Tne fishermen are a good list, is larges scallop doing Bar bur Record’s summer L Hadley, past grand fficer, Benjamin Miss Eli2a Seavy, ’02, and C eveland bungees. Seal lops are belling at ft 00 a WILL CURE tna,. ail *he other papers printed W. P., who performed the installation Plan o, Kennedy, a former student here, have ga ion. ceremony in a solemn and impressive In Han cue k county. entered school. Beatrice Lunt and Julia Clark, who mauner. Officers are as follows: Among the recent visitors bore were went to Mauset Dec. 29, returned home DYSPEPSIA W. M., Puiiena Clark: W. P., Merle Alfred M. Frye, of Prospect Ferry, who is Thursday. Tuunty news* Tracy; A. M., Mabei Keene; secretary, CROSS and L YOU SEC THIS ROMOC YOU/*] V attending Colby college, W. are receiv- WHEREVER uStiitusiuu County Moms tee other page. Linda treasurer, Julia Lemoni; Crawford Webster end wife Tracy; former OF HOPE FOR THE DYSPEPTIC.W B Rhodes, of Patten. They were both over a SEE THE SIGN conductor, Katbie Freeman; associate ing congratulations the birth of Pro«i>«*<*> Hnrlxtr. students here. THE TREMENDOUS FORCES OF NATURE ARC B conductor, Grace Carrol ; chaplain, Han- daughter. E. F. into the woods In the are teach- WORKS WHICH MAKE THE MOST B Ray gone nah Qilley; marshal, Grace Pease; Adah, Many of tbe former students Mis L W. Rumill went to Bucksport EVIDENCED IN ft Union river teaming. this them are L >ut« B OF MAN LOOK PUNY IN S viciully Abbie Gmey; Ruth, Ida Clark; Esther, ing winter, among this week to visit her sou Edwin, who is STRENUOUS EFFORTS A aigepaity ot young people enjoyed Abble Goti; Martha, Rebecca Carroll; Farnbam,’02, teaching at Addison Point, attending the E. M. C. seminary. COMPARISON. ROMOC IS ONE OF THESE the fine on the stream Saturday Ada Ralph L Kenda'l. ’02, at Round Pond, aud ALL THE Ij=j|B skating Eiecta, Elizabeth Silva; warder, There is to he a concert and supper at STUPENDOUS NATURAL TRIUMPHS. •—JJ jlJH after noon and > vening. William E. M. Scribner, ’02, at Monroe. Freeman; seutinel, Gilley; | the Methodist church for the benefit of MIGHTY HEALING PROPERTIES IN NATURE'S ICE and of Sooth Lawton. Two straw-rides were greatly ZE3| Fied Hamilton family, organist, May enjoyed | the p«slor, Kev. A P. Thompson. VAST STOREHOUSE ARE CONCENTRATED AND fj jfBK returned home Sunday from Music added much to the beauty of by tbe students a abort time ago. O i«, a flould-lioro. Funeral services of Mrs. Emily Nor- BLENDED IN ROMOC. ROMOC IS THE *—JB a visit to relatives here. the work and the pleasure of the enter- party of forty, went to Buck’s cottage, wood were held at I he Methodist church GRANDEST MEDICINE EVER PUT IN BOTTLES. B has returned from tainment. Speeches by Messrs. Hadley, Alamoosook, and tbe other to tbe borne D-. L. L. Larrabee Jan. 4. Rev. Dean A. Walker fficiated. YOUR ENTIRE SYSTEM Leach and of Bar aud of Little aud at Eist Bucks- IT WILL PERMEATE B inter Hai where he has been on a Parker, Harbor, Joshua wife, \y bur, Word has been received the PERFECT Messrs. aud Fuller were ! by parents WITH THE ELEMENTS OF HEALTH- B erioiiai visit of several days. Tracy heartily port. pro! 0-r Zuitna E. who is til in Boston Refreshments were served. The Lunt, IT WILL CORRECT THE FAULTY DIGESTIVE B last enjoyed. A series of were held in On one f tie pleasant days week, special meetings that she is Miss themselves hospital, improving. AND RESTORE TO YOU THE SATIS- B cold Miss A ice gut«ts expressed highly the chapel last week. Presiding E d-.*r ACTION fcetoie the wave, Lunt had a serious case of present with the exercises. very appendi- in her pleased was assisted R^v. J. W. FACTION OF PERFECT ASSIMILATION OF B Cole (mud a handsome butterfly Hayward by citis. Jan. 10. D. of Rev S. O. tbom. _ Hatch, Winterport, Young, WILL BRIGHTEN THE DULLEST B Miss Lelva G. Kumlll is spending a few of Orringtou Center, and Rev. M. 8. LIFE-IT WILL POSITIVELY OVERCOME STOM- B Th V. I. society has resumed its weekly Wednesday, Jan. 7, for the first time with her Mias Theresa M. Preble, of Center. days cousin, VV. F. Bruce and wile enter- Pemetic aud Rowena 1. O O. Bucksport ACH WEAKNESSES AND DEFECTS. ASK FOR B meeting-. lodges, F., Linn, while her uio' her is lu Bucksport. on There was a large bad a aud A committee Las been selected by the taine Wednesday. public installation, tbe graud Lillie Miss Edith is with her graud- BOOKLET. B officers were them students and faculty from among the attendance. present and Installed tnoiber, Mrs. Zulma S. Clark. former to the studeut The knights of Schoodic lodge cele- in a very impressive manner. Rowena represent body Jau. 12. Thelma. ROMOC REMEDY CO., B in The committee braie the ini iation of their one hun- Rebekah lodge was installed by Mrs. faculty meetings. chosen is as follows: Grace J. Rsiusdeli, on*. Providence. R. I. B dredth member on Saturday night, with a Mary A. Burr, of Brewer, president of of Harrington; Kathleeu Young, of Or George Kincaid has gone in tbe woods banquet, which was prepared by the the Rebekah assembly, assisted by Mrs. PRICE St.00 PER BOTTLE. B L 8mitn, of near G eeu Lake to work. Pylulau si terhood. Leon F. Higgins, of Brewer, graud rington Center; George aud Lina district Marlon; William R Rolx, of Bangor; Llewellyn Salisbury bas gone to Brewer, T e was saddened last marshal, Wilson, dep- neighborhood 8. wi ere be bas !FOOD-IT of Northeast Harbor. Charles Preble, of Bucksport Center^ employment. week to be »-*■ J »it*. Harvey W. Hodgkins, O. G. Brimmer, Brewer, Brooklin. viiN* Jennie Hodgkins. last w*ek from Auburn, wh re -he has Mr-. Vhi Perce has been seriously After the installation Mrs. Julia 1. leacncr of shorthand and typewriting, is Ward Freethy is ill with the Jail 12 11. been spending several weeks. She was l!!withbood but at was with a beautiful quite hoarding with Mrs. Emetine T bbtlts. poisoning, present Gilley presented h r Mrs. Lizzie mumps. accompanied by mother, is mucu belter, and considered out of past grand’s col'ar from the members of Master Eugene Mcbm-c, of Bangor, re- Iiulinn Point. A. H. went to Boston on business Brag.ion. danger. the lodge. Mayo lurueo to his home Jan. 7, after spending DEATH OF MISS MABEL HIGGINS. last week. George and John Brooks and Mrs. Sarah and wife returned from The ifficers-elect of Pemetic lodge, No part of U.e holidays *> it h ha and Miss Mabel who had been ill Lewis Judkins fRert Higgins, of Massachusetts, and Mrs. Lottie were installed Grand Master Leon to But h Hamor, niton is anil a few and are 135, by Frank Stanley returned Beverly, Warren. with fever for. three weeks, and St days ago, typhoid Smith, of Bar were called here F. assisted * Harbor, fnonus until decide where to Higgins, of Brewer, j Grand Mass., Monday. whose life had been of for With they Bcrj-imiri Jtrdm, of Trenton, was in despaired last week toartend the funeral ser.ices of Warden Leon 8. of Grand &£Uie. have had charge of the Merrill, Solon, of was in town town the 9 h on bis with to several days, passed away th s morning at ih-y 1 Henry Clay, Bluehill, way supplits ; li.eir mother, Mrs. Eliza Biooks. Marshal Eugene Ayer, of Brewer, and 8 o’clock She was born ai Indian Po nt Stratton ihUud farm for the past year. last week vi&iting friend-. iO inlo tump nenr Aurora, where he will District Fred A of North- Mm. Abble Austin, who has been visit* Deputy Fester, a of Maine, Rev. Mr Smith bolds in the The Farther mtet in the rtnploy ciew in lumbering. (town Eden), twenty-four years tueetiugs Lights chaptl Mrs. W. H. Rice Hi east Harbor. They are as follows: la-t came to this ci with t er | ing Levant, returned church u.ternale next Fret man of Ellsworth ago March, y every Sunday evening, Wednesday evening. Jordan, Falls, home Charles E. Haynes, N. G ; Ralph J. parents, was educated in the Elgin h'gh j 8atutday. and much interest is taken in them. C. H. Johnson, who has been nap. come to live with his sister for the Rjbinson, V. G ; George R. Fuller, sec- employed school, graduating wi h ttMCUsaof 15i*J, were t winter. Week evening meetings also on the is an home. remainder of he Mr. Jordan Is and afterw ard attended the state no ilia I reiary; Joseph D. Phillips, treasurer; 8. 8. Juliette”, DEATH OF MRS. ELIZA BROOKS. other this week. making preparations to do some logging school si where -he made a planned every evening Normal, III., Eliza a former of this L. conduc- Miss Faustina Wells, of Mass., r«*iti h»* Dome Brooks, King, warden; Dudley Mayo, Melrose, lot. Proliant record, one of the he lever made News was received this week of the tor; Arthur T. Richardson, chaplain; ! fell and broke her collar bo e la-t week. Jan 12 Davis in that school. j town, died at her home in Hyde Park, death of the infant child of Merton On her return to she was Mas*., last week at the of James Crockett, 1. G ; Ernest M -ore, O. \ The woman’s missionary circle ha- sent Elgin ap age eighty-seven. a teacher in lb Lincoln school, Thurston and wife at Cambridge, Mass, j pointed Her health has for De year been U ; George H. Gilley, It. 8. S; Sumner a of and valued »l J »bn has returned pa.-t bundle quilts clothing Hodgkins from and the present y ar w * her sixth ye r of Mr. Tours!on is a native of fhis place, gradually fai tug, but a («a days before Spurting, L S. 8.; Edwin L. Higgius, ; |12, to Good Will farm. Swan’s Inland. service in that po-itinn. The testimony of Ju«i r year ago an older child died. The I y her death she took an ill turn and suf- R 8. to N G ; Lyle D. Newman, L. S. to those In charge of the schools, and of her Mr. of North was John Kmg is ai t he winter term have the of a 1 j Coombs, Brooklin, tending fellow teachers. Is that -h“ was one of the fe ed much until death came telief. parents sympathy N G ; Alton Trundy, R. 8. to V. G.; $ to her J taken to the insane a-ylum la>t week. He t Hebron academy. brightest, clea*e-t icache a ever in the Cap;. S. N Htndrick was thrown from1 L. 8. to Y\ G. She has, since h.*r removal from here, Henry Spurting, was M. L. publ c schools of Kig n. accompanied by Doogr*. It v. G F. .Sibley will aa«lst Rev. 8. R. lived and bee;# cared jr hiis sleigu on .Vcuq’s hill last week, and ! After the installation remarks of an She had the e ire confidence of the with, tenderly f by. went to New' York last in meetings the week. of h r Mr-. narrowly escaped a broken neck. ii;» interesting nature were made by the grand j Ralph Willey Belyea present patron* her school arid al-o of those daughter, Saiah Hamor. where he will be on with whom she worked, aid she was | condition was very serious for some d«y-, master and others. A and social Thursday, employed Miss Cara Hodgkins has closed her Mrs. Brook* was a wohihii of sterling supper loved all e a that sails for the .Mediterranean gre-tly by her pupil-. S never but at he is and with I yacht -***0 er»onal io * t-» those wh that of any pievious member, being Masonic hal. where he has so long served knew her. For she %\a- si t «ud D. D. G. marshal, as follow-: R. V\ ways b ig s«v« nty-one. Biui -*u ty as ■un hiny wherever she w n', with a janitor. N. F. A. Bowden, V. G.; 1. '1 for several she haa lived Smith, G.; cheery word for aV—w hit h ooo t- for a bough years DEATH OF MRS HANNAH YOUNG. Rev. De^n A. Walker held nightly Mayo, W.; E. H. Bridge-, conductor; V. go. ri deei in this world of frown* aim in Ma»sachu*"lt*, yet she ban ever ye «rmd O'ijan.4 occurred the death of our meetings the week of 8. d kness. prayer through C. Bridies, R. 8. N. G.; E. B. Kane L. for her old c urch home and was very She was cii z both here and Bass accomplished In music, Cidtsi ;»i, Mrs. Hannah Young, at the prayer at Harbor, N. G.; E. J Carter, R. 8. 8.; W. Herrick e-pec riesirou* to have her remains islly with 'li- rrianoo in, and in brought bomeof her only Amasa Young,at the three nights at each O. played eon, place. L. 8. 8.; T. C. Stanl y. 1. G., E. Lu vey, reverts Mr*. Tetzner’a mandolin orche-t a'. 8h home and laid be-ide her companion, who ripe age of ninety-bix years, six months Mrs. Belle who assisted in the F. T. W. S. ; was a member of the Art 8 ! di*d Blake, G.; Bridges, chaplain; Ford, 1 udy club, twenty y*ar* ago. and three " also of * e Hi hi" literature m wbtcii day-. store of A. I. Holmes through the holi- R. S. V. G.; Lewis Carter, L. S. V. G. Re la*% Th parting words to one of her When the butter won’t she read a f. w week* one of the nest daugh- Mrs. was born and has ago Young always days, has returned to her home in Brook- frohments were served. ter* on her ia»t visit to her borne | es-ays f the year. She wax a con it* cut here, lived iis t-iwQ. She was the daughter to he Jan. 12. Ukb Femmf. come a in the member lin, rtgret of her friends here. put penny of the First Bapt'st ebu c a d “tell them Pm coming,” showed h r ong- of James Young, and widow of Stephen was active >n ail it* si edit * Hud The Gilley hill begins to look like a Penubucot. churn,’ is an old time !ng hope of steing her o d home and Hne w* s smart to the j Be-ides her lather, mother and sl-ter Young. vety last, lumber dairy fr end* once more. yard, large piles of newly-manu FreJ Perkin*, of Massacliu-^t's, is via vattic, >• ho I* p-inctpal ol th Sheridan ever cherrful and of a and It often seems happy mind, factured boards from tbe sawmill C. Pei kun. to sc boo *be leave* a' hoot »f friend* wh She was the mother of nine I recently iting his brother, J -trues proverb. children, bar Intellect was keen as ever. She ! «iiic*»rel. in mourn her Io**.--Elgin (III j seven of whom sur.ive bcr: put operation near Long pond, having Kev. V. wife ami work no one has ever George,John >ne with a F. Htanley, daughter though A’eics J:*n .5. greeted Very happy laug'i. been landed there for Daily and Mr*, "arah of Massacliu shipment. — Hamor, etts, leaves* brother and and are visiting friends in this section. She sister, two told Mrs. The friend** of Leon of McKin- why. ! South Psiiulnoit. Lottie Smith, of Bir Harbor, and daughters of her son Wilson, Tne Workers wi'l give an ice grauddaiighier-, VVtiling fie M *. Haiiiiab and Addie t<> learn of his serious illness, When mothers are 1 wrea of prayer was observed at t e MoFarl nd and wno died some ley, regret cretin sociable and fi■*ti pond at lb* worried Tunmas, years ngo. all w h were an operation for been Baptist church the punt Wrek. Dexter, of m pre*«nt at the v appendicitis having Grange hall this evening. j because the children do not fun tai. save Dexter, who ha* been ab*ent At the home of arid Mr-, performed la-t week, aud thoau>h it is be- There are se veral smelt fisberme » on pleasant Capt. j Miss Be'va Se lerg, who closed her j lieved it will several month1* from home. She also has R. A. Sinclair, ou Dec. 24, occurred the prove successful the yuang and flesh we 11>* ice u f.e cove. Tbe H-u are acaret school in I he Leacn district Friday, h gain strength | man is still in a critical one brother living. John K. \\ hiuker, a marriage of heir niece and foster-, very condition. and Hiiia.'l. gone to East Orlaud, where she ia engage them Scott's Emul- resident of this town. daughter, Mi-h Myrtle P-*arl Sinclair, to L say give M's J The aevern 1 orders in to vn, Mason® and iu ttucb a tea-week term, which f'l'son Bridges is visiting re»a begi.. Fun r» 1 serv ces were he d on Tbur*day Alvah Mite .lull, of Harmony. Mr. and Stars, Odd Fellows and all held sion. tiv«* tn Santiago. Her Rebekah®, to-day. N grardditughlt-r, a* the church her*, R v. S. R Mrs. Mitchell will reside at’ i in Relyea Harmony installation services last An J l.n-on, who h»s st-verai interesting week, A. O. U. elected It is like spent officiating. The choir her where Ue i- a Hpofforri lodge, VV., the in the -ang favorite prosperous farmer. '1 he conducted officers from penny month-, here, has returned to her home j by high-grade officers as folo»w. hymn, -‘Abide with me.” and Saturday evening wedding gifts were many benuUful the milk because it works and in that town. She wss laid to »e-t amid a wealth grand lodges, with other visiting Frank Miller, VV. Seymour Wardwei of M.vriic i* b loved old and M.; j flowers, whose * eautv and i >« •_ Jan 10 t: speuf, a few day-* here la-t week as the financier; Cushman, repres-n'ativ- » Frank alternate. a milk of cod liver oil Rew Jo«i»h of is gu st of ths YV*. Owing to the storm to grand lodge; Miller, pure B K. Drew attended the funeral cf Clewley, Clifton, visiting UUUKliuarii, Jan. 12. &UBA. bis David of Tuesday night, which prevented the with some Hlvilian Perkins, of Penobscot, last father-in-law, Mosley. Miss Mary Lo ve, who has been visiting hypophosphites lecture a Bans Harbor no public meeting Ktuehill Falls. Saturday afternoon. The deceased Lmh Mi-s Emma Hodgkins tod Cara Kelley, at Horace Cu.jiul** for Borns re* time, a for delicate one brother °f Bsr was held, but a most interesting and in- Cecil Gray has bought smelt-tent and especially prepared here, Opt. Abram Perkin-, Harbor, who have been vi-iting tur-idd t Cherrytteld M'ss Hodgkins’ Suuday. structive talk was Miss Moore at is his luck at on the sail and a s*sitr, Mrs. Emma Guilford. parents, Tvler Hodgkins given by trying smelting stomachs. and a wife, have returned to B.r Harbor. Mrs. M try Howie has parlor rnap'e a Y meet ng, also to the local union of pond. 1- Climax Which ia leas tbau three feet tall, and mow White Ribboners. Children take to it George Jettison and wife, of Clifton, Duffy is on schooner “My- naturally worm ifiiieiiiit. cozilaiuH actual count 123 Warj|n were tl.e of 8. H by healthy bound for York from guest- li-mlc* and wife Randall is ronus”, New because like the taste Halcyon grange held its annual inst 1- over buds. Chaney negotiating for the they Sunday Mr. Jelli-.m will work at lattcn ! purchase of E. L. Higgins’ blacksmith Stouiugton. Saturday evening, Jan. 10. It was tbe coaling elation aud Mrs. Jelliaon will The installation of officers of Cushman and the takes as »l'h ber be used as a fell on the ice cuttin remedy just carefully and well cot ducted Mta. A B. i M"P sister, Mrs. Ktrnlck. shop to livery stable. As this Capt. Hugh Duffy by J""- grange was held on M.ouday evening, Jhii. t Are. will turn the wheelwright and boat* his hand quite badly. He has had a to the children be- tAood, East Bluehill grange, as insta I- la-_ ft A bouutiful was served after naturally aupper bu Ider time with ing and E. 8. Haskell and Hallie adift. William L. Gilley has severe it. officer, th* the i'jsra luion. There were several cause it Stop* Couch Work- III*. Cold the neat M. Snow as assistants. Visit ra bought little shop owned by E. S C Grindle fell on the ice and hurl perfectly adapted from Laxative Promo from John East Quintn*» Tal let* cure a cold gneatH Dority grauge, and will Highland, East Blueh'll and 8 in one «1av- No L. Higgins have it moved to his his so that he was confined In Me to their wants. dgwlck ur*. no Phv PHrp if, rent*. and aboat from Lincoln hip Sullivan, forty own where he will granges were present and reina ks were premises, continue his house for a few days He went tack to grange, Hie. beo. Tue occasion was a For all weak and and made J. B. business of boat building. It is not yet his work at Granite to-day. pale by Wilson, of Highland and 2U>brttisrramt;j. oue. delightful D. J. F. of East B and known where L. Mayo will locate his The teacher, Mrs. George Bickford, was thin Wood, ueblll. ot ers. Jan 12 Jen. children Scott’s Emulsion _ After the installation a turning l *the. called home Thursday night by the ill- bountiful supper Jan. 12. is the most treat- waB served in tbe lower hall. Follow Kly’s Liquid Cream Balm Is an old friend Spray. ness of tier husband. He is more comfor- satisfactory ing REMEDY CATARRH to her the supper an musical in a ew form Ii Is prepared for the particular table, and she returned school this ment. Interesting enter- sure to Sou Ml Itluelitll. morning. I benefit of stiff i* rs front nasal cattrrh who are tainment was given by Dr. Littlefield with Uziel Caudage lost a valuab'e horse re- Jan. 12 Substitute We will send his used to an atomiser in spraying ttie dl«-e sed you phonograph. Tbe offic rs for the SATISFACTION. membranes. v i the healing and a^othl cently. the l. a are: tg ScawMll. penny, e., ensuing year Master, Thomas Grieve; of ( ream Balm are retained lu the Orrin vi ho has been ill with G. H. properties Bickford, Aiuos Newman has been having a bard sample free. overseer, Billings; lecturer, Sadie E. It does not the | annuim new preparation. dry np score- is A. T. dives pneumonia, improving. time with bis head but is now improv- j Dunbar; steward, Gi Its; aa-htint Belief at ooce. don*. l'rie_. Including tube, 71 cents. Be sure that this in n Cl. s,.raying Hendrickson picture steward, F. 8. surer, MM..hes^V y Henry has moved home ing. s the form of a label is on the Hinckley; chaplain, Eliza Mid heal At your dru>rgt*i*s or My Brothers, 5# Warren the di e set Kiv,__/ vAS* wrapper of every bottle of betb H. Wescott; A. membrane. Now 1 will mail It. School closed Friday, taught by Josie treasurer, P. Soper; it cures ISaglgl L.S| Street, ork, Emulsion you buy. ealairh anil The crowned head of every secretary, Mary B. drives Wjlflffl ,_ nation. Billings. This makes her third term Hinckley; gate keeper, awa> col in tiie head d to The ric men, poor men and misers A. ^HP3CYv35 ^a"- KLV BdOTtieRS, OH War- | W, ren St., New York. dationfr Tof nfldtprtnrtl patients ns may be admitted to the Corrcgponornrc. Hcgal Aouita. Hotuifa. MESSAGE. asylum for some time t’c Jugal HILL’S come. GOVERNOR Tin- commissioner In ibe :t charge of thin 6* The per capita cost of the hoard of th« upon following described unincorporated the sura of #148.00, as follows: Rite of tax** from nage ) rune in Mt. Desert Rock. (Continued pa fully appreciates the great !mpo* patients In this Institution during the townships an tr eta of land in said county tion, .025 on a dollar. Valuation. *5.9^v. tunce nt the Interests past o! Hancock, entrusted to hi cu* year has been $4.d9 per week. This coven hEAWALL, Jan 5, 1903 exclusive of water and land le* No. Vi* 1 and can b« relied upon to served for use, lor the the In the of protect and f<2 every expend.turc in the mnnngfincnt of tin public above named Name of owner. acres, ostio. Tax. tmflfM.60. largest history ter them. To the Editor of The American: purpose of and and the tax the Institution. putting keeping said loads in Campbell, A. A Co. #3,i86 78.87 tK* depart went: paid by The so called Bond the A. D. a total Hay treaty now vr I Seeing so many articles in tbe papers repair during year 1903, as follows, Cook M. H. SO 60 was $70,127 78. making consideration In the to wit: Smnnulea of Senate of the Ui EASTERN MAINE INSANE HOSPITAL bailey. J. *2 80 from this source $05,822.28. States free about “tbe Hock”, I would like to say a Ou No. JJfiuue gives entry Into this eou township 7, South Division, we as- Downing* George .160 ISO 4,» of the of the few words in to sess the sum of as follows: Rate products Newfoundland The Eastern Maine Insnn- Hospital wn« regard tbat “little piece j f7U.12, of Nash William .vi., Exr. MO 1,2 0 3tiy9> FORESTRY. erles. Its ratification would taxation, .0037 on a dollar. 00. result in xer opened July 3d. 1901. with one hundred of fcrra out in tbe Atlantic wuicb Valuation, $18,960 Nicuols, R. 8. MO 750 18.7J1 ous to our fishing Interests seven firma W. H. after a moat injury by one and ft.rty patients who were trims No. Val- Robertson, M0 3b0 7*5® The forestrv commissioner, In# to the markets of this is ci anted ibe ^ Investigation. ferred rrotn the asylum at Augusta. Tin most lonesome and deso- Nftme of owner. acres, nation. Tax. bmall, Woodbury, es- careful and thorough fit-ports products of New toumll;;nd in number bad tate of in Maine over competition Increased to two hundred and late of of the 16» 195 4.8® there la standing today With our own. any light stations”, as RESIDENTS. JJ-, nine on November 30th. 1902. of on« M. A J. 80 bo i.SB feet of sptvce timber, not less ~a ““ whom Willey, #1 boo.nno.no0 t of Maine re- hundred and fifteen were men and printed in Thk American last week. Preble, 160 Inehea In diameter, at the height of ninety- Emerson, $600 $2.22 «h'au P in our four were women. Smith, Wilmot. 4.7*5 u.O varlea from 2 to power During the twelve Tbe must have a limited 116 350 1.30 tf $ tt.'-'S i feet The annual growth orevlors to fh|« correspondent 1 The to the character of months dn*<- #»nP he»al9 ♦h# anil and other conditions, PENSIONS never have tate of 180 800 2.96 township No. 10, which commences at stftki believes It Is safe to assume that eight were discharged, seven written as be did. a,iMi..uer thirty haring Whitten, William P. 82 1.11 marked “A” on the north sine oi said it will make an av- recovered and six an- 800 rot*® •bee cut Judiciously, twenty being greatly “Tbe R ck” is much nicer now than it Mrs. Lizzie 74 and extends to the west line of of 3 m r cent., or 630,- proved. Young, 250 .92 ChenyfWfcC #ra*e venrfy growlh used and Samuel N. Campbell, ot C.-er tm feet. About 6H2.000.0W feet of Much has been done nnder the direction to be, for Uncle Sam Is making >/u-l JooOOit 702 $9.61 the county oi Washington, is uppoinitu agent was cut In the atate during the sea- of the management to make the surround- $2,600 Znr'uce Improvements every year. to the of said as^es*- In excess of this more N0N-BESIDENT8. superintend expenditure •on of 1W1 2: which Is somewhat ings hospital attractive. Tree# ment. amount for the lew and shrubs have been About forty-five y- ars of the average past planted, neecssury ago, my grand- Ashley, Eben, est 5u 60 .19 On township No. 21, Middle Division, west- roadways have been constructed, and the John Baker, Howard 200 200 father, took his wife and C, .74 ern part, in said county, we assees the sum of that the of our grounds have been graded and so Duliver, **?/*■ id evident growth improved, three Baker, Colin, es- •79 10 as follows: Rate of taxation, 01 onk with far as funds available children, the about laie soruee forests is nearly keep ng pace would permit. Still oldest, Fannie, of 170 170 .68 doilar. Valuation, #7,910. consumed. nre more, however, must be to ►even C. F. the amount annually They accomplished years old, my mother, and went on Baker, 80 80 .80 No. VI- to be exterminated our Indus- complete this and a considerable Built John, es- m not likely by work, ap- the Rock and y, Nsme of owner. acres. uai<>n. Tax. is from tire. will be to meet the spent one winter as second tate of tries but their greatest danger propriation necessary 1,500 1,500 5.66 Craney, James H) #.4 > ijb estimated that there Is also aliout requirements of the Institut on In Its vari- ass'siant. He and Bunker. es- » It Is our other public aid. This Is but a his family lived In the George, Giles. Adelbert 8 12.5 1.0 • feet of tn the Andros- slight ous departments and to furnishings late of 87 mo non.000 spruce recognition of our to those val- provide which has 87 .82 Jordan, Anton 88 4 for which obligation and needed to uu«- lower, very accnmmoda .jr Mggin valley. In New Hampshire, iant men who equipment maintain the good Conuon, Frank B. lto 160 .69 Jordan, Daua 420 4yu 4J® nobly fought for their coun- at a the natural outlet Is the pulp and saw mills In Its time pira! proper standard. Hons, much better than tbe French, William A. 1,600 1,600 6.92 Jordan, Fred estate of .16 150 try of peril. I know It Is un- A majority of I.3> of Maine. The new Kish River Railroad for sufficient sum should also be provided Fr» uch. William A. 600 600 2 22 Jordan. C. M 250 necessary me to urge the coutlnuanee of to dwelling- bouses at tbat time. George 2.3 a large of the forest products meet the deficiency in running ex- Goodwin, F. W. 7.100 26.27 < W)U turn part the appropriation required for their relief. 7,100 Jordan, Howard E. 80 5 ct that sect on to Maine manufacturers, penses. The keeper, wit b his first assistant, lived Hall, Elizabeth 100 100 .87 Jordan. Nahum M. 15 21- 2.0 formerly went down the St. John Bill, bar. h A. 26 25 .09 Mace, Fred 40 ft* which railroads. in tbe old stone bouse. Some later 140 Hirer to New Brunswick. STATE PRISON. years Hill. William 75 76 .28 Mace, Lewie O. 866 5.- S.» a of valuable a new house was Joh. son. Benjamin 66 66 .24 There la also lorge growth railroads In built for tbe keeper, and McKinley, Lawrence 127 180 1.2) woods of various kinds which will There are one hundred and eighty-three Lioby, Samuel 160 160 .66 Pierson, chandler MO 790 2.2) hard if 81.33 miles the assistant lived in the stone bouse be a source of wealth to inmates of the state of Jones, Frank 500 600 1.86 Richie. D. 81 195 nltimatelv great to prlBon, thirty-six Mary v aln Is due William atate and to ft .!..r whom are under life sentence. Forty-seven which has been torn a Martin, R 13 18 .06 Whitcomb, the give employment large the construction of the Fish River Railroad down, and large Haynes of have been admitted during the past year; Noyes. Frank P. 100 100 .87 A Co. 7,680 2.000 20.00 ■umber people. fn>m Ashland to Fort 52.50 rallea, an double tenement wooden commissioner, who ba» con- Kent, fifty-two have been discharged, aud four two-story house Perry, Thomas 100 110 .87 Whitcomb, Havnes The forestry extension of the Sc Aroostook Rall- h a Investigations with great care, Bangor have died. On account of tne advance in hutlt for assistants. Plummer, J.W. 60 75 .28 A Co. 8,000 8,000 80.00 ioeted roud from Van Buren two miles the St. Si D. M. hern aided In nls work by the United up of nearly all food products, there has uart, estate of -5CJD has Itiver; an extension of the Rumford There are but three not as and d. of which during 7 Kleeen a considerable increase in the cost of men, six told McKenzie, gtate* partinent forestry, A Lakes Railroad north E. D. sent an expert, Jails Itangeley maintaining th£ subsistence department, about—tbe first and second assist- 2,700 2,700 9.99 11,744 #7.910 the past year accompanied 12.66 miles; an extension of keeper, D. C. and #79.0 to this state IE0™ !^mls, but on the whole the prison has made a 8nrith, The foregoing amount is to be otm by fen experienced foresters, the Watervllle & ant each man has his if he has expended WIscasaet, Farmington fair aud will not so ; family one, Buzzell, H.S. 78 100 .87 the road from ihe tun to studv our forests. Nearly three months Railroad from showing require large county leading iiue q| Weeks Miiis to Winslow, 14 hi Ev« rett 90 90 In the work and the Information an appropriation ns two years ago. d they all have one, as the government Smith, .33 M .riaville through the western part of sai0 $70.12 'j id also has the care of In progress aud advance- next month. They have always; 4.93 agent 1892. ment In Hale. so every The foregoing amount is to be F.ugene, Wiswell, diau t -\.tiship. called. In Washington The number of tons of carried In way. Kept up this system of here to expended freight Ninety-two pupils are now In attendance, coming u^on the roads in said No. 7, A. P., Hagerthy, A. county. Ihs town contains 22.Its) acres. 19»<2 was county township 8,86*8.3.03, a gain over the year nearly every county in the state being rep- Suutbwtst Harbor or Bass Harbor and K V. oi Steuben, is C and Giles, J. T., It is w located and Is covered with young 1892 every Smith, appointed of 5,17'1,809 tons, or about 150 per cent. resented. Nine teachers give instruction, agent to superintend the of said (formerly Grant tr» "f different varieties which are mak- '1 he month until last winter. Then after Jan- expenditure gross earnings of the street railways and the course includes ull the regular assessment. estate). 7,860 7,660 bg.M ing r. :> d growth. The soil is fertile and it for the were year June 30, 1902. English branches. Industrial training Is hired a from Basa Harbor On No. South we assess Jordan, Arville 67 t7 .60 is a usable tract of laud. uary, they sloop ; township 8, Division, $1,573,998.90. Light thousand, four hundred also the the sum of $b2.' as follows: Rate of Jordan Arvill 600 6t0 5.40 given, girls being taught sewing, io to them and 7, taxa- and seventy nine were go carry them such things ] — STATE ROADS. persous employed cooking and the various duties of the house- tion, .007 on a dollar. Valuation, $11,810. ejf> upon both steam and street railroads, who h Jordan, B. F. 160 160 hold. while the boys are Instructed in wood- they needed and tbe mail, and take No. Val- 1.4i received during the year, wages amounting aud King, A. W. and One hundred and five towns have taken working, glazing, puiutiug, printing heir orders from Name of Owner. acres, uation. Tax. to $4,458,383.20. tbe next month. Phillips, G. A. 660 5-64 of the art the last cobbling. 1,120 advantage paused by This Institution Is well and its This winter have hired RESIDENTS. Mace, Albert 40 40 .Sfl legislature, which provided for the improve- managed, they a sloop PEMAQUID COMMISSION. needs should receive careful consider- Archer, Hiram 100 $385 56 Mace. George H. 80 80 7a ment of certain highways des.guuted there- your from Southwest Harbor. $2 ation. Archer, Alton 4 30 .21 parcher, George A., by as state roads. I am convinced that The commissioners In charge of Fort As to their not one when Fletcher, Howard 10 150 1.05 Greely. E. H. and I these have on the whole been RATH MILITARY AND NAVAL OR- seeing any only C, expenditures William Henry at I'einaquUl will ask for Fletcher, Howard C. 50 50 .35 Giles. J. T. 160 160 1.4* and made, and 1 Iteileve PHAN ASYLUM. the light tender tbat is as a wisely judiciously an sufficient to properly pre- calls, big Fletcher, Howard C. 129 260 1.b2 Whiicomb, Haynts that the system thus established offers a appropriation serve nnu care for the fort, as well as for mistake as ail tbe for is a & Co., 40 40 .36 and plan of road Im- There are sixty eight children in the rest, there not practical progressive the mnnv valuable memorials which have Fletcher, Iris B. 45 45 .82 Wrhitcomb, Haynes free from many of the objec- Bafh military and naval orphuu asylum, of week tbe Bummer that there is provement. been found there. Their rep< rt. which will through Fletcher, Iris B. b6 2c0 1.40 4 90 A Co.. 60 60 .45 tions which hive been against other whom thirty seven are boys and thirty-one urged soon be before yon. Is full of Interest, and not company for one or tbe other of the 1.72 Whitcomb, Haynes uieihods. are girls. They are from four to fifteen < gives some account of the work which has Rankin, W. H. 10 115 .80 A o.. 110 110 .99 This should be continued, years of age and all attend the public and often tbe appropriation been done In this direction by citi- keepers, quite through Sargent, Oliver 40 .28 Whitcomb, Haynes so that already schools of the and should be large enough every zens of Bristol and others. A small amount city. winter. A Co., ft) 80 .72 town which desire to its benefits This Institution la doing good work, and uiay enjoy only would be required to preserve and to 414 $1,255 $8.79 jM be to of Its its management is worthy of the highest itie article also stated that the Rock was may able take advantage pro- some degree restore this aucieut fortifica- visions. The amount which a towu may re commendatiou. NON-RESIDENTS. tion. “about one-fourth of an acre in extent”; 10,677 $10,117 $9IJR> ceivt* should also be Increased. I Austin, Mary C. 21 20 .14 The foregoing amount is to be expcnde-i the sum ot the Louisiana This years ago. This structure should be thor- bundles of papers overboard for ttie Burnham, A. K. 25 2S .18 a<« follows: Rate of purchase. exposition, without the necessity of any large or un- $86.66, taxation, .0.8 onto which will be held St. Louis in oughly remodeled to meet the present re- j Burnham, A. F. 25 25 .18 dollar. at HhM, usual appropriations. keepers, and they go off and get them. Valuation, $10,832. will be international iu its character ami quirements of the institution. It is unfor- -7.19 No. Val- tunate that so many of these poor children EhcIi have a certain number of hours Bonzf Bion 105 of bring together exhibits of every kind BUREAU OF INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR may y, 105 .74 Name owner. acres, nation. Tax. from all of the world. It is desirable should thus be congregated together, as it Duuhum George 50 50 .35 A. & parts STATISTICS. 10 watch day and night, and every third Campbell, Co., 1,684 $1,684 ih.i> that the resources of the stale bo credit* is practically impossible to separate those Env ry, Lucilius A. 675 400 2 80 Can., ucil. George biy represented ami that we of vicious tendencies aud criminal n "ight in, that is, be does not have h Frazier. Fred L. 61 75 .53 R. A Co., 2.741 2,741 2iJS» particularly There is a growing Interest In the re- those who have committed should take of this st nets fmm watch. Of Farmer. Wulter B. 840 810 5 8s Fro-1. Mark 820 320 2.38 advantage onportunity ports of the bureau of industrial and labor who course in thick weather, whet, to make more known tue attrar only trifling offences aud are simply Gerry. Robert K0 120 .84 White mb, Haynes widely statist cs as the vulue of the work done misfortune. have tiuiis which Maine to the summer the victims of poverty and they to ktep the whistle blowing, Gr«-tly. Eve rard H. 9 2 1,050 7.35 & Co., 6.C87 6.(87 4S.70 I>rcseuis by this department becomes better known ► visitor It Is neither right nor Just that tills instl asting-. Hinry 1(0 K0 .70 uud sportsman. and understood. This Is shown in n con- itiey do not have it quite so easy. A reusi-iiuide should be tutlon should be termed a reform school Haslam, Wellington 220 200 1.40 10.832 $10,832 $8r..38 appropriation stantly Increasing demand for these re- (dill Besides made tor uud that its Inmates, who are only the tower and the two !arg« Beagan, IiaB 21 20 .14 The If regoing amoui t is to oe OH this purpose. ports. and the number of expended by large Inquiries dren, should be stigmnt zed ns convicts. Holmes, Roscoe 186 2(0 1.40 the ioad leading from Aurora to ned received regarding the various Industries «l w eiling houses w hich are both built ol ding top, Nor should the time they spend here be Joy, Gi -eon L. 20 25 .17 on that t in said No. 2 INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME. and resources of the state, which has pai ly ing township bs>- termed Imprisonment. 'I lie school shoi l wood, there ate a large bell tower and a Joy, Gideon L. 150 300 2.10 t«u u me divsu.n line ot land <■: h. m. added to the work of th s de- Halt materially bear some more name. I trust Gideon L. 1(0 50 5 et si*, and land of William In tweuty five states of the Union, and appropriate ■Hrge also a hen-house where J-y, formerly l ieen.iia partment. that the needs of this school will receive boa'-house; Gideon L. 270 200 1.40 and e st line of throughout the Dotuin on of Cuuada, II Joy. the said town-hip. mid Charles most careful consideration, and that some hens. Gideon L. 75 40 reuses* must be secured before oou-resl your hey keep Joy, .28 P. bil6by, of Aurora, in said tout ly. is ap- STATE LIBRARY. will grant u sufficient appropriation to Joy, Gideon L. 750 10 50 to the dents may hunt certain game, or hunt at you People who do not know 1,500 poiuieu superintend expeudituX* meet its reasonable requirements. anything Joy, Gideon L. 95 100 .70 of said assessment. all. in some sections of the United State* The has been ex state library greatly about the Rock think it is a terribn 15.50 On township No. 22, Middle Division, west- the privilege of hunting Is not extended to tended and during the two developed past MAINE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR Kingman, H. W. 85 130 .90 ern part, in said county, we assess the -um cl nou residents. The commissioners of Iu The sectiou of its work which is o ace, but for the last thirty years sontt years. GIRLS. Millard 795 600 4 20 $78.00 as follows: Rate of a land fisheries and lu their annual re Kutridge, taxation, .01 on gaiue evidently of the greatest interest to the) f my relatives or near ^neighbors havt Kittridge. Millard 400 300 2.10 dollars. Valuation, $7,800. port, which you w.ll shortly receive, rec nubile is that connected with the traveling j There are one hundred and forty-eight 6.30 No. Val- •trnneud the enactment of a license luw to are now of een living there, so you Bee I am noi libraries. There eighty these under the care of the Maine Industrial Moore, William M. 17 35 .25 Nameof owner. acres, uaiion. Tax. apply to uou-resuieut hunters of large or four girls libra res In active use, thousand School tor <;irln. Of these sixty-nine are vitbout some knowledge about theii Moseley, Nancy j. 60 120 .84 Whitcomb, Haynes game. This would afford sufficient revenue ami the records returned to the volumes, at the school, and the remainder have been Phillips, Hosea B. 50 150 1.05 & Co.. 10,400 $7,800 $76.00 to provide au efficient wardeu service and these s and means. state librarian allow that books an different of the Smith, C J. 135 1; 5 .95 The amount is to be o» at the same time our from placed in homes in parts foregoing expended protect game nually afford entertainment and instruction All of our boats and vessels fi b Treworgv. Charles J. 250 125 .88 that of the road being destroyed u class of hunters wlu. state. During the past year twenty-one fishing portion county leading from by to over forty thousand readers. They arc fifteen have come Tisdale. Setb estate of Aur.-ra t*> Beddington which lies in saiorts aceount of their work. The sums set ir got smooth enough to land, and 1 Siis.jy.ol county of Hancock, »ce to t that everything possible Is d un has doubled within the last three apart Totals, 10,882 #11.810 #82 67 appointed agent to to nearly for their support have been ample for tacit ee no need of from the G; ihetxpen- bring tue d**i f sal.' years, and It will be necessary to set apart requirements, as a rule, and 1 trust no new The foregoing amount is to !.e expended in assessment. within our borders. Our should > On No. in we game for its use uii Increased number of each of will be made unless you ar. d hw hunting to t tie boat w hich came t< repairing b in th<- old and ihe new county township 33, said county, as- and above all our laket appropriation ses- the sum ■■ > fully protected, tlies* f this of ex- < if 483 84, us !• i.ale of publications, system sat.shed, after the most thorough ex e-cue them 1 roads in said wnship No. 8. and John F. ami streams wherever (l.-uote fuhy cannot see how they goi 28 on a dollar. should, prut change and distribution is to be main- amination and careful consideration, that Whitcomb, of Ellsworth. In said county or taxutiou|.(K V»* i.on, $x9,9x0~ be slot ked with the ot our tm. N o. pruduct tained. tlie best interests of the State require !; •rough I he surf a ive if it was so rougi Hancock, is appointed agent to superintend V al hatcheries. owrer. i. The has grown s asses-mei Nan eof acres, uaUo Tax. library very rapidly Not a dollar should be wasted or unnecea ne boat could not land. the expenditure of id t. 1 know that th* books Ar. her. Jiff rd 30 3D .84 you fully appreciate thiough the acquisition of and othet nut the same careful, On township No. 9. Sou' h Division, we assess great of the ffsh and iu sarlly expended, pru Archer. Mrs. J. 8. 7') 5.0 importance game works relating to historical studies, and in the same Trie s' at ion is with a well- the sum of $57 60. as follows: ^ate of taxa- l.M terests to dent management, judlc.out supplied the people oi the state, and vv i. Its se«-tion. During the two one cent on a dollar. Avery. FA. 9 2 5 .£) past years eceuomy which characterizes the adm nls ocked medicine and a first-class tion, Valuation, #5,760. tuke such netlou as Is to mala hooks ts chest, Collar, N. R. 70 4 0 necessary ten tnor.snnd and pamphh have traiiou of every successful private enter No. Val- 1.5 tain our i.. ( oilar. Janies estate of 35 0 present advantageous posit.mi been added. It now contains over 1S.UUC should be exercised in conducting ilu octor’s btnk, so there was no need t 4* these prise Name of owner. acres, uation. Tax. Clar Mis. 2» 0 patters. law reports, digest* nml statutes, embrac- business of the state. ny one ►offering long in need of tnedl George 3 .28 E. H., A. 105 ing de< siotw of every court in the United There should be no shadow of doubt a ;«i attendance, as the cause of all their Greely, Joy, Clary. Georg .79 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. amide. Ireland and Scot- Gideon I.. and Ham- Colson, aoseph A. 140 IP Mates. llligbiUd. to the exact intent and meauing of every •cubic was from the cold and exposure. lin, H. K Mrs. J. F. 65 a o ‘2.i4 land There *s not another library cast of measure for enactment. Every ('ormer- hmeiy. It is the mu proposed A loge»h* lb »e are wnoe J. P. 2.025 25 Garlai d. Klla B. duty f the state aud the ItoMinn *> fully and completely equipped of the law should be absolutely many places ly Gordon), $2,025 #20 75 4u0 l.ii nl' in.iPi *- to lue nine hei provls.on toaii Mt i)*seri Rock. Franklin Land. Mill H.ivne Mrs. A. B. 50 44) p.oi- t :ml as this for tin use of the student tne law- and clear. The utmost care should ljgt of Its citizens. The state hoard of heel! plain & Water 3,235 3,235 32.25 ft ay es. a. B. 20 .25 yer or :he ma of affairs ! ue librarian re also la* o\» reined In scrutinizing the con Mrs r. e. Newman. Company, *11 .i-' i.-in-a vv.tii tue local «»..i Frenchman's Bay & John F. 4 ; 80 oo.irds. ports tnnt every available inch of space sTitutlounlity of all legisla Haynes, l.tjB atltuUs a vv h contemplated Mount Desert Land Ja k on. James R. 160 in.) .*.5 public health oFgunizuLuu wit ere .1 .’t <».. ••:.! be placed is now occu- a source or when is tiou. It is always trouble 1 doing vvmk of tne gfeatist value ami ini ev< storeroom outside the li and Water Co., 500 5T0 5 00 Fa ugh in John 180 783 2£> pied: that :y n statute Is found to be Inconsistent with lit* .-pirii of Winter. portame. \\e voiue to u * Lintou. May nard 23 225 -.68 have rely upon biary ptoper is lowded, and that there the organic law after the people have he ei in us the of The 81 Irit ol Winter is with U“, making it* 5.760 $5,760 #57.60 Mace. Frank F. 6 DO .81 guard (row Hauler ep. ur.ent u«* d id adult .oual room in width to to act under it, and leads them to d.s de mbs and 1 gun Frank E. 6 3.18 btllcvc that our confidence 1. put the ■: .ill? aceumulating volumes, as trust and to all new •rest nee known in many dHTeicnt way s—some The foregoing is to be expended in repair- Mace, l,3i5 the question legislation. ace. Frank E. 17 175 .4» eim-ieucy oi this uepumuent is fuliv well as i«* to vide space for the aecommo As the trusted servants of the foi lines sunshine and ing the road in said township leading from people, by cheery glli-tenlng snow-, Mace, Frank E. 62 350 .28 warranted. d;ition < the People, for with all tins* t me their Interests Ir the east Jine of Franklin through -aid town- a brief having n d During the two small has not a sometimes by dilvlng winds and blinding No. 9 to the west of ij# past years pox valuable and on. Franklin, in said is Holli-, 12 50 .H out in- *-a\enlenee Interrupt d'-sire t«» discharge oi r duties in a mannei n Its lit in making bad thing" worse, for rtieu county, appointed agent the danger of nfeetiou, bus suffered little io the of said assess- Shuman, John R. 25 .6? that will promotheir welfare aud weril !i superintend expenditure and the me malt-in iwlr-ts har r, twinges siiaiper, catarrh’ Shuman, Mis. John R. 10 2. » .68 outbreaks of this disc have li- maim: ins an h hospital. their on. ment ft rule apprebat • Shuman, L< wis 9 160 .15 been promptly suppressed. The of our own and acornea more an eying, and the many symp On township No. 10. western part, we assess approval iudgment ) zra ihere has a the sum of $81.04. as follows: Kate of Williams. 191 1.010 2 been marked diminution of There wire six hundred ami thfrty-onc conscience, the know ledge that -ur man • ••ms of scrofult are and taxa- the develop*d aggravated Will'ams, Mrs. Fred 30 )5.) .4* death-rate from tuberculosis* us i- n the Maine Insane Hospital, of matters receives thr tion, .0046 on a dollar. Valuation, $17,615. palieiis ngeiuent public Ti ere is not much in tills, but there 1- vn illiams, John A. 70 450 1.25 hy the reports of Vhe department o« November :0th. 1002 ihrec buudred ami commendation of fair-nilndet poetry No. Val- shovyii unprejudiced, 80 2bU vital statistics. he < and is don't Williams, Raymond .T> '1 decrease of the utitii 111 f w l; i;. were men and two men. is the and best reward we car tiuth, li a wonder that more people Name of owner. acres, uation. Tax. her of *dxt> highest deaths from this In the h* liumir*d ir.290 $#&&* beeti more tuau tweuiy five pc. is an in use of thirty-one over the pre- the service and fear Charles 25 25 .12 '•eut. pubic ltesoluttdy urea them— Hood’s Sarsaparilla is easily Emery. red ug *■* r. There lias been a slight in lessly let us determine to do our wholl Franklin Laud, Mill NON-RE8IDENTK to the admis- ai d there is abundant that Its estate of 320 crease In t death rate due duty, unmoved by any consideration save <1 '•hilined, proof and Water Company, 150 150 .69 Crosby, B., S20 JJJ si:a and ir mber of d Giles. T. shore fisheries. s cm i-f n ins al’v large ag* fixed pi rpose to labor devotedly for the* up- ures are radical and pe> nianent —Advi. Franklin Lai n, Mill Jerry (or b t »'c institution has been entire'? of ev> rv Interest of our and Water 850 850 8.91 unknown). ICO .28 The pc pi«, building belovej Company, Ken and shore fisheries furnish (nisi free from Infectious or contagious diseases state and fur tin- welfare of uii 4.60 Gr at Poud Bog and ness permanent The little folks love Dr. Wood’s Norway l’lne nnd employment to thot sands of our of a*iv k mi. Its people. Frenchman’s Bay and Dam Co., 1,000 2JS> ■ E. citizens, We have no interest which re •p; .-• > m lias been crowded in th« 'yup I lea a- t o take; perfectly harmless; Mt. Desert Land Greeiy H., Peters, quires more J. A. careful attenti .u and piote- woman's < jrtment. on account f the re- cure for and Water 415 416 1.91 jr.. Cushman, to the positive coughs, colds, bronchitis, Co., t*»m. and none is inure snrely ami certainly *ri: purpose. 1 for on the 29th day of December, John W. of said is only limited by me supply o'. the b. s-, id Is greatly in need of repair* can’t, she’s my wife! adjournment Nash, William M. 700 700 8.22 shumtin, township. is *p agent to the PMducti of ilie sen. the v1*' nd.tiiee ol aud lu a omlitiMi not cr- d table >o .he —Brooklyn Life. A. D. 1902. pointed superintend ex^-t ndjiuf* Which lnr‘*c'v *'-•-* will not of said as-essment. depends state. A reasonable expenditure now the county commissioners in ac- 17,415 $17,615 $81.04 fir-t- It is hereby ordered that the a» only put h 'us itutlon In thoroughly Where cordance with Section HO of VI, The amount is to be toreg/ing They Differ. AND hapter foregoing expended sessnv nts be in the c cl, ss cemli n. but jifford. ample uccommo- of the Revised Statutes of Maine, first that of the road in said published renv*/> Jour A ••Clothes uou’t make having upon portion county nai and in the Elia-worth Scientific Discovery. the man.” made an annual inspection, in the month of township No. 10, which lies between the east Amkkic/n. Ellsworth. Me., Dec. A. D. 1 Kodol d ‘6s for the st roach that which •*”i v»t*. and that’s where man and September, A. D. iPo2, of all the county roads of township No. 9, and a stake marked **A” 3% (/. it is r.. * nr*- * Piilil In One in the and tracts on the northern side of said road, John unable to do for itself. K *dol d>*j *ts Ph> wo -N unincorporated townships standing P. EiDyDos, /jCo. Confers Chicago Post. of land in said and and Lincoln C. of Franklin, in said PRRRY W. P vou eat and enables he stomach and Ta<<. \11v. Kroiito Quinine rainem All county haviug thereupon Bragdon, K'HAhDfiOy^ J for ^■bat made an estimate of the amount needed to I is appointed agent to superintend the Ns ditwtlve n iumi the hiudi'v If il lain* to cure, county, $ .jscklby, / ) u an cock Co. orgam t<> transform all fund into drug{i- said roads in so as to be safe and of said assessment. / Is on each box. 26«. put repair expenditure Alrvscony, rich, red blood. Wiggin & moore. t. W. »»ro\signature fetil»M-rihe for The American. convenient for public travel, have assessed | On township No. 10, eastern part, we assess Attest:—John pf Knowltoh, Clerk. lSbttti*nnmt«. Wiminiw. V ELLSWORTH FALLS. I CASE TO TAKE | ~ J E U ««n u*-k PuriMtiioutb, N HOT/ u? cll'ech coax M w boe h- t «■» e«i «iy »»>* »*t. p M. GALLKRT’S i M (JALLERTS S A NKxtt *d a» o w ife w♦ re ov» r from national celebrities |Crii, J Ha g«>r £ui tine that few p.o- Iroin UniK I. auhery mty*, r*i ur«>ed nay ^ Sale ple had Lio.-^lit umbrella*. A g.rl Ml** Gertrude G* p' «*, who h»* b»en of !ho January stood ues uie in u brand new hat ami tarrh Remedy Ago. Gigantic va here I*1 t »p for »ev»rai weeks, pr*es values ver Known. Every item de- in’which he offers the most mat veloiis suit Icoki ig at tile shy dolefully. At her brother New HampMiiie tu day lu join William attention. Every quoted means a money savin* I in u rack beside Au Hon. serves your most careful price the inomeut uotieed nrey. v Young- tliis store. We never a Auditor of the t ie opportunity rarely equalled outside opened Janu.ry the door an uuibrtlla. I seized it and W bn coinb, Haynes A Co atari four ol F blood, ior, wonderful offers. department lias somethin* t heir (ram* for towns! 2110 wluh sale with so many truly Every offered it ;oiicr. t| day Ol from Washington, l). to t » hai h lo Amherst writes C., will be a carnival well the y mM hau' through of forceful, irresistible interest, it bargain woiti.y "Can't we share It?” she asked. R tannery. Dr. Hartman, Columbus. C., as name. 1 opened the umbrella, she gathered follows: “I’ve often heard of your up tier skirts, and we sallied forth. MOUTH OF THE RIVER. COLDS "W hy. Mr. tilurgis.'' she said sudden- (15Sf!GRIPPEl great medicine and have persuad- Immense reductions in PAFGfl'NS IN DOMeSTICS. M»s. H a Hildas >».*, of South Brewer, ly. “I thought you were off ou your vo- who has be n is re at Ives hi re. ed my wife, much Our 7c Wenched sheeting at Tic. cation!" visiting coughsm5\^?4CR0UP a sufferer from catarrh, to Garments, Suits, 10c 8c. "How did you know my name Is Sibley Moon, of Mt. Desert Ferry, SORE-MfflNOARSE of try 7c unbleached sheeting.ew cooperage sit am-mill near half. “Only around the corner.” after the use of a few bottles." , _ French Corset Covers, Night residence on Centre street. OCp Around the corner was pretty near hi-* cambric Gowns—tucked yoke, seen the Van Win- Fred H. Genii is home from a long As **■'s to for me, who. if by Irvine ■ rc impossible give sleeves: Congressman IT■ ruffle round neck and kles, would he in an awkward position. sen voyage as ^steward of the schooner ■ VI rS a detailed description of of Jacksort, O., writes: Cambric Drawers trimmed with ruffle “Pardon me,” 1 said, looking at my “J. H. Wainw right”, iCapt. Hiram Fogg. Dungan, we have decided to make a re- Furs, an desire to with or haaiburg. watch. “I had forgotten engage- The local camp Sons of Veterans has “1 Join my many duction of 25 per cent, from former ment—a bit of parochial work. Take aurrendertd its charter and sold its friends In recommendirg your Neck Gown. And prices. Square Night my umbrella. 1 must leave you." on account of small member* /Qp furniture Invaluable remedy Peruna to any- French Corset Cover, Short despite her protestations I thrust it in- auip and lack of interest. need of an WAIST SACRIFICE. Corset Cover, Cambric Drawers. to her hand and took my departure. Opt. Albert A. Lowell has sold bis one In Invigorating was club en- In a few minutes I in my interest in the schooner “Maud Snare” or whose is Waist at spring tonic, system $1.50 French Flannel Muslin Night Gowns—empire to my somewhat TCg deavoring compose mod purchased a captain's Interest in the troubles." 1-2 — run down catarrhal $1.12 or square neck Drawers, unsettled feelings with a tumbler of schooner Edward H Blake”. by 1.50 2.00 Skirts, Corset Covers—tnmmed.eithei amber liauld. Buckley &. Preble .shipped 100 tons of We have letter* from thirty- 2.50 1.99 “I don’t see what harm can come of lace or ham burg. soft real to Sargentville by schooner members of attest- •• “If I hadn’t eight Congress 4.50 and 5.00 3.49 it,” I solaced myself. “Louisa Frances” this week, consigned to Peruna. These are remarkable bargains, a1 done It, the girl’s clothes would have Henry Lord & Co. for use at their ice- ing to the virtues of sell- been ruined.” Nevertheless It occurred houses. least one-third under the regular Senator John M. Thur- Thousands of people in the com- STRIPED WAISTINGS. While writing this w. to me that trouble might come. The cottagers at Alamoosook have har- ing price. mon walks of life use It as m 1 attended a ball at the which has Neb., writes' to two other lots on sah One evening vested t heir ice-cr< p, been of o/ Omaha, All of our 50c at 32 l-2c concluded put Waistings Academy. The men were bachelors, excellent The work of cutting family medicine. *' 44 the other at $1.48. quality. relieved me of a 75c 59<: —one at !)8c. while “Peruna entirely and the women, respectable, t village supply from Silver lake has address 44 The 98c lot is reduced from $1.50; tin I am a firm For book of testimonials 1.00 79c were not “in the swim.” In one of the not commenced hb yet. very irritating cough. $1.48 lot reduced from $2. were some look- Peruna Medicine Co., Colum- boxes society people The annual concert and hall of the Tor- believer in its efficacy for any The on. and as I walked by, with my in are ing rent engine company, given Emoy O. such trouble.” bus, _ Eiderdown Sacks a on of head and a ci- Our Dress Goods 1Wn.arked 100 Dressing hat the back ray hail Monday night, was a brilliant in mouth. I looked and saw 79c_the dollar kind; the $1.50 and $: gar my up and a success la every way. There was a of the umbrella. Fortunate- l-rire attendance and the music kind at 0«c. No other price on any ol —the girl by of Rockland, was satls- COUNTY NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. GREAT WRAPPER SALE ly at the moment she was not looking Meservey, very them. Isctory. Mrs. J. H. Gilley catered. Or additional County Jtew »ee ether page* For additional Oouit'ir .Ye »r». nget my way, and 1 turned my back in time The steamer which has 150 Wrappers at 59c. These Wrap- to prevent catching her eye. Later I “Merryconeag”, Bl •••■lit. been tied at her di ck since Jan. 3 on •'rat were our SPRING COODS reconnoitered the box from a distance up P. 8. Parker bas gone to New York on pers in stock at $1. Mt»« Cora in a between ber Thomas is visiting friend* It is a little to advertise Sprint and saw that she was not with the account of disagreement business. early ; Bar Harbor. but with the Grosvenors. owners, Opt. W. D. Bennett and Daniel Goods, but we beg to call your atten Van Winkles, George Abbott and John Bonin left Kirst, is still in the bands of a keeper, Harvard Havey and wlfo we are “That’s lucky,” I said to myself. spent Sunday Underwear tion to the fact that receiving placed lu charge Home time since. It is Monday for California. don’t know either me at Proapect Harbor. Swreiand line of White Goods “The Grosvenors probable t hat an agreement of some kind lined Vests and an elegant (foi Mrs. Ash, of Southwest Harbor, is Women’s heavy or the curate; the Van Winkles know w in tv reached soon. The route is covered A was horn to Mr. and from 20c U daughter Mr*. — in her Mrs. Ada Towns- Pants Waists), ranging price doubt if the by the steamer “Golden Rod”, which has visiting daughter, regular price, 25c; special us both. However, i girl end. Harvey Crtmruin Saturday, Jan 10. $1. Many novelties among them that been m king g< o 1 time so far. price, 19c. saw me.” Mias Lola at The installation of the officers of Moun- A. Bunker went to Burry last we shall be unable to show later, This all in June. In Women's extra heavy Vests and happened July week w here she will remain aevemi weeks. was Sbbcttisemnua. tain RebeWah tndge la arranged for 39c only a limited quantity imported. I went abroad and did not return till rants—regular nrice, 50c; special, Friday evening, Jan. 16. The fatal accident to Mrs. on lookout for and burning Joey Misses’ and Children’s Vests and We were the them, the following November. Sauntering Capt. H. P. Jo muon and E. W. Sargent is referred to elsewhere in this secured them. into my club the day after my arrival. The Cause of Many Msyn Pants—regular 25c and 50c quality; w*»nt to Bartlett’s Island last week via issue. 1 took up a paper. The first item that 19c and 39c. El swortb and Mt. Desert. special, Sudden There was no service We shall also open 40 styles of new caught my eye was this: Deaths. preaching Sunday Cecil Hoyt, of Boston, who bas recently afternoon, K^v. B. W. The trial of the Rev. Walter V. Sturgis There is a disease in KjsmH ofti-iaiing prevailing this the • FLANNELS for conduct unbecoming the cloth will purchased Joseph Hinckley place, Is at two funeral services All of in either SCOTCH country most dangerous because so deceit that d f a iv*4 t •» gr* d lodge, can make no mistake by Dr. Kilmer’ Mrs. C. II Peaae; a Mr*. W spectacles and frowned. taking Tr**n»on. ternate, A. Swamp-Root, the great liver at.i Clark. Trustee tor the Miu Joule “Our Mr. he kidney, year, young brother, Sturgis,’’ bladder remedy. Josiab Smith has improved very much, Bunker. said, “has been accused of returning to It corrects to hold urine and scald Jan 12 inability Mrs. William Hopkius is ou the sick R. town from his vacation without mak- ing pain in passing It, and overcomes t1-: list. ing himself known; also attending a unpleasant necessity of being compelled t «Uorrtisnnrnts. Almond has been ball of questionable character. The go often during the day, ai d to ret up mar Hodgkin-i visiting times the friends in principal witness is unfortunately ill during night. The mild and '.It Penobscot. extraordinary effect of is and cannot testify, but”— Swamp-Root Capt. H. S. Rum II and son Arthur were realized. It stands the highest for its wo: I walked up to the Rev. Mr. Sturgis calling on relative* on d «y la'.t week l derful cures of the most cases distressing Are your and grasped his hand. “I have a con- Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sok Mrs. Melvin McParland, of Boston, is fession to make,” 1 said. “I’ve evi- by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollai visiting tier parents, Justah Smith and dently be***, raising merry thunder sized douics. r ou may Wile. Kidneys Healthy? without knowing it.” Then, turning to have a sample bottle of *£ P^ter Anderson, wife sod daughter Bleim-mhor—the Kid:, I the 1 told the of the um- this wonderful new dis- others, story gJ cf Bar ire and a A’nis, Harbor, visited the most v.s.ndetf'i brella. covery book that Benjamin lens an about Jordan and wife organa. Your very life d.- It, both Home of Swamp-Root. Sunday. i “And now.” I added, "Mr. Sturgis, pends upon them. Nine- sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Mrs. Edward Hopkins, who has been ! before I leave I want your forgive tenths of all sickness is Binghamton, N. Y. When v/riting mention visiting friends^ and relatives in Bangor ness.” this mused by diseased and ne- reading generous offer in this DaDer. and Old Town, returned home i “It is granted on one condition.” Tuesday. glected kidneys. If healthy I>o Vt make anv ip'ulal-e. hut ren-emf*>r the it.” Tnere will be a dance and at they filter all the “Name name. Swamp Root. l>r Kilmi tV Swamp.Rmx. supper impurities an the Evergreen hall out of the blood. Kneuma- ! “Attend this church regularly here- adttregH, Hlnjihan.u.n, N. \ o« every Friday, Jan. 16 A prtsa bottle. is tism. dyspepsia, after mid me an hour a for offered to the best constipation, * give day cake-walking liver disease, Mad ler couple. troubles, eharity work.” biliousness, blood < Jan.13 headache, “That's a pretty steep penalty.” j. disease and female weakness « "It was a pretty steep offense.” Some are all the result of diseased "Right you are. I'll go you.” kidneys. hff iris are being made to have a post One morning a few months later 1 office i)o « established at Greenlaw diatrlct. you know was emerging from the vestry with a Tboii’U It wou'd prove a great convenience to a sack of ou provisions my shoulder large number ol « people, who uow come when 1 heard a Kennedy’s merry laugh. Ixioking a a here (or llielr mail. ! through the iron fencing between the « At ih* annual meeting ol Marine church and the sidewalk, there stood— lodge, F. and A. M lie d last Favorite Remedy the umbrella girl. Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected “Good morning, .Mr. Sturgis,” she MSI hurry your meals. for B JK'I owworlt. t lie ensuing y,ear: II H. Preaaey, VV. said. “Where shall I return your um- M.; DON'T borrow lime that to George L 8. W E. W. brella ?” belongs sleep. Keck, ; Haskell, J. w Teas—There’s only one thing that pre 03111 ne-lect symp "ms of s ckr.ess. ; A O G-iib-, H. 8. "Oh, it to the I said treasurer; Joyce, give curate,” DON'T > HANDSOME ROCKER rents her from making a cl»ak of her get constipated. secretary ;E E Green aw, 8. D; E. 3. “He’s usually hard up, living as be FREE ! religion. Jess—A"d what is that? Te»-s tiit DO take Pickering, J D. Tue Installing cere- does on a pittance. I don’t need it my- —3he doesn’t con- der cloaks faebiouabl* monies will take place With $5.00 order of Spices self.” Tuesday evening, 1 Jsii. 20. Coffee and other now. "LF.” Soaps. Tea. I am now a confirmed churchman light Groceries. Also other Brook Ills. Greene—I don’t see as the world ha^ and a confirmed married man, my wife Atwood’s Premiums. Mrs. Ada since ih« first of 8hea and Mrs. George W, improved greatly being the girl I sheltered under the All *lrunifi-tK Mil Or. 0**M K.*nn-«fv'* Bitters Dieter spent the in vorke January. Gray—The only wonder is that Rev. Mr. St rgis’ umbrella. holidays 8t. Paul Krnit-fiy In rh« NKW 51> lEM' al7.K and vlln ne giirsta of Mrs. Dieter’s tne rt'ifitUr #' o*’ «1r. Im»UIh» flame Snpply dent. A it isn’t a deal if you DO any of the daugh- Co, great worse, considering g^orue Harrington. ter, Mrs J. D. La Peryter, M above DMT’S AUGUST '.!*’E the wear and 4 A, tear of new resoiutious. I Jau. 13. M. Subscribe for The AmekicaH. \