mericatt.1 \ Ll X. ) *ii%ru i ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14, DOT ! 1f aitbfttiBnnrntB. LOCAL AKKAlHfv vice, and he uss unanimously re elected, THE CITY FATHERS rs were all the other < fflrera. After the THE BIO BaAL Talk about Taxes at Ad- LET’S TALK INSURaFceT^^ NEW AUVKKTIhElkEIlTs IhIH WKi K. business was transacted, speeches wen Unpaid made by all present and It was a late hour journed Meeting. Exec notice— Fat Calvin Cogvln*. WORK SOON TO BEGIN ON I'ou’ve Rot that to be when tbe broke The mayor hiui o»rd of aldermen met ELJUH property ought protected against loss by Exec notice— K t Mary .1 '**/,. y. meeting up. tire. We’ve the best Exuc notice— Lewis l» Kcmlck. Next Nokomfs Re- last night at an adjourned meeting to WORTH’S WATER POWER. got surest, safest, very protection that Ailmr n lice—Km John E It ark Tuesday evening talk over the unpaid tax situation. i you cau get—ami ttiat's— Ailmr notice— E-t Jor. p B ILad’ey. beksb lodge will Install officers publicly. Probate notice*-Em Nc.ilc li G<rnon. That the situation is and de- t he iuatallat ion will be danc* serious, Probate notice— K-i Lu« Following MEN AND MACHINERY y Moore Walsh. manda is FXPECTEH « prompt action, very evident,and SOLID Prolrate notice—Eat lfe». y lt..wbtml. ing and supper In tbe banquet ball. All FIRE INSURANCE. Piubaie nonce—Em A Lin r " aish. unless can he HERE ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF Odd Fellows are Invited. Tbe affair will delinquent tax-payers per- Proba*c noil, e—Em kdwaid sr. Wairli, suaded to settle without recourse to Prolate notice—Eri Cnailu* A be free. FEBRUARY. The best companies of America and of the world are rlpp et als. repre- In banterui> < y-Em Geo 51 Jcllleou. drastic measures the sentiment of the Iii w John M. Harrigan enter- sented by us; we guarantee you “the most fot> your bankrupt'y-Eat m m Bail pleasantly is be resorted to. money”. I" board that these must bankruptcy Erl Edgar I. Roberta. talned about thirty five of bis friends at Meetings of the board of directors add EILwoith Haul wood Supply Co—Hard wood No definite action was taken at this wanted his home on Main street last Thursday meeting beyond instructing tbe finance of tbe stockholders of tbe Union River C. C. BURRILL & SON, Co Commissioners’ notice. evening, the occasion being tbe twelfth WlajrIn A 51 ooie— A pothecarles. committee to Inspect tbe accounts of tbe Light, Gas and Power Uo. are being held 16 State St, E J Drvl*—Furniture. anniversary of his birth. Dainty re- Ellsworth, Me. various tax collectors preparatory to com* Hamlin W R Parker Clothing Co—Clothing. freshments were served. to day at tbe office of Hale & fa mincing suit their bondsmen. Mt Dabkkt against this E. A. Lermond, an In the city. W m 8 Dickens—Freedom notice. employee City Treasurer J. A. Cunningham’s room of Union There were I. L. Ha I el lasting tbe shoe company ’a books show that the following amounts present man, W. factory, met with a accident yes- C. & F. L. SCHEDULE OF MAILS painful of taxis are still unpaid: Boston, and Dr. J. 8. Sanger and J. A, terday forenoon by driving a tack into AT ELLBWOKTH fOBT-OFFICB. H F. Whitcomb, coll 1699. $ 1,76997 Leonard, of New York. Routine matter® the bone of one of tbe of bis left fingers ii. Holmes, coll I960 l. 14,687 27 In effect October 13, 1902. only were before tbe meetings. MASON, band. Dr. Osgood dressed tbe wound. J. H. Breenahan, coll. 1*02... 16,448 6i Of more interest to tbe Is tlu» Going East—7. lb 6 08 m. Esoteric F. and A. will a public am, p lodge, M.t give •35,1( 4 85 Going West— I1A6 a m, ILkI and 9.47 p m. sociable at its rooms in tbe Manning gratifying information that was given Since tbe settlement last February, Mr. FIRST BANK MAIL CLOSES AT 1’OBT-oFFlCB. ^ block to-morrow evening. Music by out regarding tbe work of construction NAT'L BLOC., Whitcomn has turned In {600, and Mr. Going Eant-6.30 a 5.30 m. Monaghan’s orchestra. Refreshments m, p Holmes {7.723.18. that it is now expected will begiu aback ME. Going West—ll..0a m, 6 ami 9 15 pm. will be served. Tbe ladles will please ELLSWORTH, Of this year’s commitment of {46 603 87 tbe middle of BCNDaT. furnish cake. All Masons with their February. Mall train from 1 here remains {18 448.51 to be collected. the west arrives at 7.18 a m. families are invited. At that time a crew will he set to work Leaves for the west at 6.08 in. 51 all Tbe following table shows tbe situation p closes for on tie mends in mis of Miss blasting out rock for the canal tfus the west 5.3* p in. many city for this year to date: E la U. Devereux, of Lamoiiie, will be west side of the river, just above tbO The GEO. h. GRANT CO.. hr. interested in the announcement that she Mrs. Hopkins, of Bangor, is tbe guest of Commitment. $46,603.87 present lower dam, for the abutments n! Is to be married Jail. 19 to William 8. Mrs. A. P. WJewell. (Jr. tbe big sixty-foot dam. General Insurance and Real Estate. Cousins, of Lamoine. Mr. Cousins is an Paid in.. $20. *9 >4 Mrs. Huberts, of Boston, is Ibe guest of Tbe roek excavated will be crushed for engineer on one of the large coastwise City orders. 861 00 EI<L<HW01<TH and UAH HAKHOK, ME. Mrs. J. F. Manning. steamships sailing out of New York. Road rolls 6,68',02 use in the concrete work. This kind of H. Cash In bank. l.Vv(0 LCNC DISTANCE TELEPHONE Mrs. John McDonald is spending a work can he done cold weather. Waiter Blaisdell and wife, of Bangor, 28,165.86 during few weeks at Oreeu Lake. were called here Saturday by the illness Work at Brimmer’s bridge will consist Uncollected. $18,448.51 Lejok lodge 1. O. O. F. will work tbe and death of Mrs. B atsdell’s father, Capt. in stripping rock for tbe abutments of secoud degree Friday evening. J. Wesley Holt. They returned Monday Nicolin Club’s Annual'Meeting. tbe bridge to be built at that point, Insure with the /ETNA Esoteric lodge F. and A. M. will work and will leave for Porto Rico tbe last of the The Miiiiuni of Ihe Nicolin in a the week. Mr. Blaisdell Is an of meeting in getting out timber and building FIRE second degree on two candidates this inspector club was held at the clubhouse last even- evening. steamboats aud is sent to Cuba by tbe coffer dam. HARTFORD, CONN. ing. About thirty-five members were Miss Leila Barbour, of is visit- government. For all this work a large amount of Brewer, present. A bountiful supper was served. ber Mrs. W. A. on Tbe Associated Charities repeat their will be O. W. Me. ing cousin, Alexander, At tbe business meeting which followed machinery required—boilers, TAPLEY, Agent, Ellsworth, Oak street. rt of last week for clothes for dis- quest officers for the ensuing year were elected steam engines, rock crushers, steam drills, tribution. Clot ties for children of school Mrs. David entertained a wblst Col. C. C. Burrill Carney as follows: President, etc, and a crew of at least 100 work- age are especially desired. Any persons party at ber borne on Cburcb street (elected for the fourth time); Dr. L. W. h iving books and magazines to dispose of men. <> Tuesday evening. Hodgkins, vice-president; E. J. Walsh, are requeated to send them to tbe Associ- Mr. Leonard is to be tbe chief engineer Dr. F. E. of treasurer; these three officers constitute # V T The best line of wool-fleeced Bennett, Presque Isle, spent ated Chanties to be sent out with _g pack- L. sec of the and the work will bo J a few days last week in tbe city, tbe guest be board of trustees; M. Moore, company, in the c'^’^ per ages of clothes. j! 1TCIGCfl t* uni*erwear ji of Miss Elia Cfll. retary. carried on under bis supervision. A silver party was given by tbe Usona Tbe made the following Rev. David Kerr is at Manset this week president club io its gentlemen friends at its Finance committee, F. issisting Rev. Clarence Emery in a series appointments: fAbbcttisawnts. rooms on Main street Monday evening. W. Rollins, W. R. Parker; social com- Men’s Suits from $3 50 overcoats from *4.oo up of evangelistic meetings. '[ up «| There were cards the first of I be evening; miltee, H. E. Davis, C. R. BurrlH, O. W. Mrs. B J Cunningham is spending sev- the !'Youths’Suits from $3.00 Suits from $1.50 refreshments about middle; and end- Tap ley. Four new members were elected. up Boys’ up<> eral weeks w< • her son, O. P. Judge ing by “pinning ihe tail on tbe donkey’9 After tbe business meeting the remain-' Cunningham, iu Bucksport. two Charles 11. Leiand won lor prizes. der of tbe evening was passed in a social USE OUR I Mrs. L J. Backus left fur a visit1 the first and R. E. Mason the f !l MUFFLERS AND MITTENS to-day | prize booby way.
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