El Paso Field Division 10737 Gateway Blvd. West, Suite 350 El Paso, TX 79935

U. S Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation PROJECT


U. S Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation ALBUQUERQUE AREA OFFICE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION

~ I CO ·· - ·· - ·· AZ:NM I



MEXICO %OF AVG. SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT vs TIME %OF AVG. SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT vs TIME Upper Rio Grande Basin (Basin Avg.) Rio Chama Basin (Basin Avg.)

600 ~------., 140 ...--:------:--;:--:-;:-=--~ w ~500 .------~ ~ 120 ~~------~~~~ ~ Avg=Avgo ~400 #------~~~~ ~ 100 ~H*--~.----~~=-~ ~ Avg=Avg o w 9SNOTEL 4 SNOTEL ~300 ~------~ Sites ~ 8o ~UW~~.J~~~----~ ~ 60 ~~~~----~~--~ Sites ~200 rr~------~ 0 40 ~------~ ~ ~100 ~~~~~""~~~-----~ 20 ~------~ o ~~~~~TITITTI~~~~Trrrrrn 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007

%OF AVG. SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT vs TIME %OF AVG. SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT vs TIME Sangre de Cristo Mtn Basins (Basin Avg.) Jemez River Basin (Basin Avg.)

160 ...------., w 140 +-----~------~ ~ 120 ~---~~~~-~--~ w 120 ...------~--~------­ ~ Avg=Avgo ~ 100 ~------~1r~r---~~~~ ffi 100 +--+--~----+-~------~ ~ Avg=Avgo ~ 80 ~~~-~---~---~ 9SNOTEL ffi 80 +------1~----r------­ Sites 3 SNOTEL ~ 60 ~~~~-----~==~~ ~ 60 ~----~------~------­ Sites ~ 40 ++~~~-----~~-"~ o~ 40 ~~r-~------~~------­ 20 ++------~~~~ ~ 20 ~~~~------+------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~nTM o ~~~~~~~ITTI~ITnTITITTITIT 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 10/1 11 /6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007 OCT. 01 , 2006 to APR. 30,2007 UPPER RIO GRANDE SNOTEL CHAMITA SNOTEL Elevation: 9,400 FT Elevation: 8,400 FT

8 ~------~.. ~~ ------~ r------~----:rl'------\------1 - 2006-07 - 2006-07 ~ 6 ~------.f"l----t--+------~ ...; 3 ..._30yrAVG s -+-JOyrAVG ~ 2 r---~~-----~~------1 ~ 4 ~ 2 1------:,_.,....____ -t-- --k---~ ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~~~~------~--~MN~~ 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07/16 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03112 04/23 06/04 07116 2006.2007 2006.2007


- 2006-07 - 2006-07 ~ 15 1------~ ~----lk------t -+-30yr AVG .! -t-JOyr AVG ~ 10 ~ 5 1------~ 0 --~~------~~~ 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07/16 10/01 11 /06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07116 2006.2007 2006.2007 ELK CABIN SNOTEL SENORITA DIVIDE #2 SNOTEL Elevation: 8,210 FT Elevation: 8,600 FT

8 ~------~~------~ - 2006-07 3 - 2006·07 ~ 6 ~------~~--~+------~ ~ ~------~~--~~------~ -+-30yrAVG .! -+-30yr AVG ..~ ~ 2 r------~~-----+~------~ ~ 4 ~ 1 ~ 2 ~---J'-r-----t--\------1 c rn o ...._.. ._~ ------...~~'" ~ 0 ...... ~ -----=-~~~... 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07116 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07/16 2006.2007 2006.2007

RED RIVER PASS #2 SNOTEL QUEMAZON SNOTEL Elevation: 9,850 FT Elevation: 9,500 FT

8 r------~.---+------~ 8 ~----~~~-+----~ - 2006-07 ~ 6 r------P--~F---=-~------~ - 2006-07 ~ 6 ~------IJF-----~r------1 .! -+-30yrAVG ..~ -+-30yrAVG ~ 4 r------::J~~------\-Ir------l ~ 4 ~ 2 r---- ..,.,.______~------1 ~ 2 ~--_.,<\------1 ~ 0 -~~------==-l~~~'" ~ o w••------=-~...... HH 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07/16 10/01 11/06 12/18 01/29 03/12 04/23 06/04 07/16 2006.2007 2006.2007 Mountain Snowpack Mountain Snowpack as of April1, 2007 as of March 1, 2007

A ...... Legend Legend percent percent . >180 . >150 . 150·180 . 130-150 . 130·149 . 110·129 . 110-129 - 90-109 - 90-109 70-89 7().89 50-69 50-69 . <50 . 25-49 No Survey . <25

No i:>UIVIOY ~-

\ \

Pre~red by Prepared by USDA, Natural Reso~Jrces ComeNaton Serva USDA, Natural Resources Consetvatlon Serva NatiOnal Water and Climate Center National Water and CI mate Center Portland, O.egon Portland, 0r8900 1/wNN h~ 11-~nr~ ~ld• gov http wee nrcs Mountain Snowpack Mountain Snowpack as of April1, 2007 as of April1, 2006 Legend Legend percent . > 160 percent . 150 - 180 > 160 . 130 - 149 - 150 - 160 • 110 - 129 . 130 - 149 • !Kl-109 . 110-129 70-89 · 90-109 50 - 69 70-89 • 25 - 49 50 - 69 . <25 . 25-49 . <25

No i>UI\IBV\ .---


Prepared by Prepared by USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service National Water and Climate Center National Water and Climate Cente< Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon http://lw.w.wcc.nrcs usda.gO'I http·f!lw.w.I' %OF TOTAL PRECIPITATION vs TIME %OF AVG. TOTAL PRECIPITATION vs TIME Upper Rio Grande Basin (Basin Avg.) Rio Chama Basin (Basin Avg.)

160 .------~~------, 300 .------~ 140 ~~------~~-W~--~ ~250 +-~------~~~~~ w ~120 ~~------~~~~--~ w~200 r+~------~ ffi100 +4-4------~ > ~150 ++~------~ ~ 80 ~--~~~~~~~------~ -+-Avg=Avg o II. -+-Avg=Avg o II. 4SNOTEL 0 100 ~--~~---=~~M------~ 9SNOTEL 0 60 ~------~ '$. '$. Sites Sites 40 ~------~ 50 ~------~ 20 ~------~

o ~~~~~TITI~~~~~~~~ o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 8/27 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 8/27 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007

%OF AVG. TOTAL PRECIPITATION vs TIME %OF AVG. TOTAL PRECIPITATION vs TIME Sangre de Cristo Mtn Basins (Basin Avg.) Jemez River Basin (Basin Avg.)

w200 .------~==~~­ C> w120 r------~ ~150 ~~------~~~~~ w C>100 ~~--~~~~~.------~ Avg=Avg o ffi 80 ~~--~------~ ~100 r+~r-~~~~~~------~ -+- -+-Avg=Avg o 9SNOTEL II. ~ 60 ~~~~------~ 3SNOTEL 0 Sites II. 40 +-:-+--~------~~~~__, '$. 50 ~------~ 0 Sites '$. 20 #------~~~~~ o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/1 2 4/23 6/4 7/16 8/27 10/1 11/6 12/18 1/29 3/12 4/23 6/4 7/16 8/27 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007 OCT. 01,2006 to APR. 30,2007 SPRING RUNOFF FORECASTS I 2007 I



Jemez River Rio Chama Rio Grande at Jemez "'="'Rio Grande Rio Grande at El Vado at Otowi Canyon at San FORECAST POINT nr Del Norte Bridge Reservoir Marcial


30-YEAR AVERAGE 531,000 237,000 757,000 45,000 573,000 RUNOFF *

JANUARY 1 555,000 215,000 720,000 46,000 520,000 FORECAST 10~% 91 % 95% 102% 11%

FEBRUARY 1 555,000 225,000 770,000 46,000 570,000 FORECAST 105% 95% 102% 102% II%

MARCH1 490,000 190,000 640,000 43,000 440,000 FORECAST 92% 80% 85% 96% 77%

APRIL 1 415,000 155,000 470,000 29,000 285,000 FORECAST 78% 65% 62% 64% 48%


I APR 1, 355,000 91,000 265,000 2,800 100,000 2006 67% 38% 35% 6% 18%

"' based on 1971-2000 runoff data. ** last official forecast for 2007 spring runoff. HISTORICAL RUNOFF - SAN MARCIAL 1979-2006

1 ,200 l---+---+-~---l--+--+-+--+--+-----l-l--l-+-+--+--+--1--+--+--i--t--+--+-+-+---f.--l

1,000 w • MAR-JUL (AF) :::!ELL ::;)~ ...J en 800 0-c > c LL "'en 0 600 z.cs .... ::;,1- 0:: 400 30-YR. AVG. RUNOFF 200 (MAR-JUL)

0 Jul-79 Jul-82 Jul-85 Jul-88 Jul-91 Jul-94 Jul-97 Jul-00 Jul-03 Jul-06 jRIO GRANDE NEAR DEL NORTE, col jcONEJOS RIVER NEAR MOGOTE, col

4,000 ,------, 1,800 3,500 ~------1 1,600 ,..... ~ 3,000 1------f--"'c------~ @' 1,400 (") \ tL tL 1,200 ...... 2,500 ~------1-----\------1 ...... \ ~ - 20~..07 ~ 1,000 - 2006..07 Hf:------:------1H----+------1 --Dally Avg. g 2,000 I \ - DallyAvg. g 800 I ~ 1,500 lfJ+------1F------\------1 LL \ PERIOD OF ~ 600 ...J PERIOD OF <( 1,000 H-\------l"'r----.....-ilf------T----1 RECORD: I \ 0 108 ~ 400 l! RECORD: YEARS 500 ~~-=~~~~~------~~ 200 \ A . ~ 97YEARS r-.A.. _,.._.,.t '-lY '---v-. 0 0

~~.... ~..,.... ~...,~ ~,...,~ ~~ ~~ ~~-~~ ~~ fd.~ ~¢'-~~~rt' --~" ~...,.... ~...,~A~<::)~~ A~~~-~~~~ fd.~ ~¢' ~.'"~~rt' ~ ~" ~v~ ~v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~" ~v~ ~v~ ~· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2006- 2007 2006-2007


2,000 1,800 HP\ Vi 1,600 _L ' E1 ,400 ,L ~ 1,200 - 2006-o7 1,000 0 j - DallyAvg. Li 800 /\ ~ 1\ .. AI \ f PERIOD ~ 600 WV" OF ~ 400 1\ ~ ~ \ RECORD: ~r-.- _, 1\1 107 200 .A YEARS 0 "" ~<::)" ~...,.... ~...,~A~~~~-\~~~-~~ ~,'b fd.~ ~¢' ~,~~.... ~ ~ ~" ~v~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- 2006- 2007 IRIO CHAMA NEAR LA PUENTE, NMI IRIO GRANDE AT EMBUDO, NMI

2,500 3,000 en 2,ooo -en 2,500 -M -M t t; 2,000 ~ 1,500 - 200fHI7 ~ - 200fHI7 0 0 1,500 ...J - Delly Avg. ...J - DailyAvg. u.. 1,000 u.. >- >- 1,000 PERIOD ...J PERIOD ...J OF OF <{ 500 ~ 0 500 RECORD: RECORD: 0 0

~~"' ~~"' ~~~ -~~ ~""Oj _{l,'b s.~ ~""tb ~~ rd-v ~¢' ~""ro ~{' ~ ~ "'q~ ~v~ r~ ~ ~ ~ v 2006 . 2007


2,000 1,800 5,000 en 1,6oo c;; 4,5oo A 1\ -~ 1,400 ~ 4,000 u.. 1 \ ~ 1,200 u. 3,500 ~ 3,000 J \ 0 1,000 r------~----1------1 --2~7 1 \ - 2006..()7 ...J - DellyAvg. 0 2,500 - DallyAvg. u.. 800 r------+----~------~ I\. I \ PERIOD Li 2,000 I ~ \ ~ 600 OF >- 1,500 PERIOD l. I~ j/ 'p.J OF ~ 400 ~ 1,000 ~ .___, RECORD: ~ 200 0 500 ' RECORD: 0 0 ~f:j~~.... ~~f:jA,~f:j~~A&:~~ ~~~~~~¢' ~~~~~ ~ ~ .... ~Vf:j ~Vf:j ~ ~ ~ f:j ~ ~ 2006 . 2007 'JEMEZ RIVER NEAR JEMEZ, NM j jRIO GRANDE BLW COCHITI , NMI

700 3,500

600 - 3,000 -en (;') 500 I- E2 ,soo LL. LL.

~ 400 - 2006-07 ~ 2,000 - 2006-07 0 0 1'1 - DallyAvg. - DailyAvg. ~ 300 ii 1,500 PERIOD OF >- PERIOD OF )~ >- RECORD: ~ 200 RECORD: ...J 1,000 0 r}ftJ \ ~ 34 YEARS 100 I 57 YEARS 500 l .A ,_._. 0 '---- 0

~f::..... ~";,..... ~to;,f::. A.;.to;,f::. ~~ A\.'1-'b ~rf1 ~~ ~~ 'il}:v ~¢ ~~ ~~ ~f::..... ~";,..... ~to;,f::. A,to;,c::. ~~ A(l,'b ~tfJ ~"''b ~~ fd..v ~¢ ~"'fo ~"'~ ~ ~ ..._ ~v ~ ~v c::. ~· ~ ~ c::. ~ ~ ~ ~ ..._ ~v~ ~f::. ~ ~ ~ f::. ~ ~ 2006-2007 2006-2007


300 3,500

...... 250 ...... 3,000

~ \ ~ 1------.+-----\------i ~ 200 t 2,500 ...... ~ 2,000 150 ~------~~~-+------~ --2006-07 - 2006-07 ~ - DallyAvg. 0 -' ...J - DallyAvg. LL. LL. 1,500 >­ 100 PERIOD OF PERIOD OF -' RECOR.D: ~ RECORD: C§ 1,000 62YEARS ~ 62YEARS 50 500

0 0

~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f::..... ~";,..... ~to;,f::. ~to;,f::. ~~ ~"''b ~~ ~"''b ~"''b ft:}..v ~¢ ~~~~ ~~ ~";, ~'S A~ ~~ A\.'V ~~ ~'V ~'V fd."' ~<" ~~ ~..... ~ ~ ...... ~ f::. f::. ~· ~ ~ f::. ~ ~- ~ ~ ..._ ~v~ ~vc::. ~ · ~ ~ c::. ~ ~ 2006- 2007 2006 - 2007 RIO GRANDE AT SAN MARCIAL,NM RIO GRANDE AT SAN MARCIAL,NM LOW FLOW CONVEYANCE FLOODWAY CHANNEL 2 ,500 1oo en en 2,ooo .._M 600 E !:S 500 ~ 1,500 - 2006-07 ~ 400 - 2006-07 0 - DailyAvg. g 300 - DallyAvg . ii 1,000 u.. >- PERIOD OF >- 200 PER.IOD OF .....J 500 RECORD: .....J 100 RECORD: (§ (§ 55 YEARS 0 52 YEARS 0


4,500 4,000 -fQ 3,500 ('f) ti= 3,000 -!: 2,500 - 2006-07 0 - DallyAvg. Li 2,000 1----;------:--- +-- -+--:---t----11 - 2005-06 ~ 1 ,500 l-l"'r--1\------

May07 May07

May07- May07- Jul07 Jul07

.~-~ .... 1\o'-'t.;·:,·

~~~rdr.r··•: .It! ",.. Ml -·tN.K LDW ( j' Precipitation Jun07-May08 Temperature Jun07-May08 RIO GRANDE PROJECT



Jan Feb Mar Apr Total

57,485 53,714 71,889 68,803 251,891

Avg. 47,000 48,000 60,000 120,000 275,000

Jan. 2007 – Feb. 2007 = 117.1% of average Oct. 2006 – Dec. 2006 = 135.4% of average Mar.-Apr. 2007 = 78.2% of average; 77% of runoff RIO GRANDE PROJECT


U. S Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation RIO GRANDE PROJECT & Reservoir Physical Features Pertinent Elevation in Feet (Rio Grande Project datum, to obtain USGS mean sea level, add 43.3 ft.)

TOP OF DAM 4,419.00

r-- T_O_P __ .______OF_P_R...;.U~D=EN...;..;T....;..F..;;;..LO.;;...;O;...;;;D....;..P_.;:.O...;;..O;::_L --'4-'-'.4=07..;..:.0...:..0 =2=,02=3=,3..:..:58:....:a=cr-=-e-.:....;;fe..:..;et.~- 1 _ Uncontrolled .§P.i llwa~C rest __

.I9.P _9_~- ~9.I!~__ g .Q NSE~VAT I ON POOL- 4,406.30 t1 ,998 , 3~~ acre:feet) !Oct-Marl

T9P O_F- ~-gJIVE CON_SERVATION POOL - 4,405.60 (1 ,973,358 acre~f~et) (Ap~:~~P.)

( 28.11% of full storage )

Present Elevation 4,343.76 (5541874 acre-feet) Lake Surface Area: 13,700 acres May 02,2007 (38.92% offull surface area)

TOP OF INACTIVE CONSERVATION POOL- 4,282.68 (50,000 acre-feet)

STREAMBED 4,210.00

NOT TO SCALE & Reservoir Physical Features Pertinent Elevation in Feet (Rio Grande Project datum, to obtain USGS mean sea level, add 43.3 ft.)

TOP OF DAM 4,190.00

TOP OF EXCLUSIVE FLOOD POOL - 4,182.00 326,672 acre-feet

TOP OF ACTIVE CONSERVATION POOL - 4,172.44 226,672 acre-feet

~ -· ··--····-·-·· ·· · ...... Controlled Spillway Crest - 4161 .00 ( 27.62'Yo of full storage)

Present Elevation 4,149.04 (62,613 acre-feet)

TOP OF INACTIVE CONSERVATION POOL - 4,138.24 (25,000 acre-feet)

STREAMBED 4,104.00




TODAY'S DATE: Wednesda~ . Ma~02, 2007 4343.76 63.2A 554,874 28.12% 13,700 38.92%

2007 HIGH POINT: Monday, March 26, 2007 4347.76 59.24 611,063 30.58% 14,395 40.45%

2006 HIGH POINT: Sunday, March 05, 2006 4339.88 67.12 503,027 25.17% 13,024 36.59%

2006 LOW POINT: Friday, July 28, 2006 4308.50 98.50 183,875 9.32% 7,228 20.54%

2006 Fall Low Pt.: Monday, September 1 1, 2006 4326.28 80.72 343,079 17.39% 10,571 30.03% Gates Closed SeE:!. 11, 2006

2005 LOW POINT: Saturday, January 01, 2005 4309.94 97.06 194,426 9.73% 7,426 20.86%

2004 LOW POINT: Friday, September 24, 2004 4294.04 112.96 94,615 4.79% 4,935 14.02%

* We haven't been this low at Elephant Butte Reservoir since November 1978.

CABALLO RESER VOIR TODAY'S DATE: Wednesday, May 02,2007 4149.04 23.40 - 62,613 27.62% 4, 639 49.61% 2006 HIGH POINT: Fr iday, August 25, 2006 4150.82 21.62 *" 71,220 31.42% 5,024 53.72%

2006 LOW POINT: Sunday, January 01 , 2006 4 133.98 38.46 .. 15,650 6.90% 1,937 20.72%

2006 F ALL LOW PT.: Sunday, October 08, 2006 4141.98 30.46 35,351 15.60% 3,121 33.37% Gates C losed O ct. 10, 2006.

2005 LOW POINT: Thursday, October 13, 2005 4131.26 41 .18 10,744 4 .74% 1,670 17.86% Gates Closed Oct. 14, 2005.

2004 GATES CLOSED: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4134.10 38.34 ** 15,883 7.01% 1,949 20.84% - Feet below top of conservation pool. RIO GRANDE PROJECT




Rio Grande Rio Grande Compact Compact Accrued Credit Waters San Juan­ Departures Chama Colorado New Pool (AF) (AF) (AF) (AF)

Beginning of 2007 (derived from 2006 15,500 18o.1oo I 4,517 628,400 RGC Accounting)

Estimated Evaporation from Jan. 1 to 50 Mar. 31 , 2007 (derived from actual data)

Relinquishment of Credit Water by CO to 300 TX on March 31, 2007

Caballo Reservoir Releases 77,048 (actual data thru Mar. 31 , 2007)

Bonita Lateral Releases 120 (actual data thru Mar. 31 , 2007)

2007 Departure from Normal Release 0 at Caballo Reservoir (thru Mar. 31 , 2007)

Preliminary Status of RGC Credit Waters, SJ-C Water, & Accr. Deps. to Mar. 31, 2007 15,200 18o.1oo I 4,467 628,400 RIO GRANDE COMPACT USABLE WATER IN PROJECT STORAGE

Wednesday, May 02, 2007 Elephant Butte Reservoir 554,874 acre-feet Caballo Reservoir 62,613 acre-feet 617,487 AF Compact Credit Waters -195,300 acre-feet San Juan-Chama Water -4,467 acre-feet -199,767 AF USABLE PROJECT WATER 417,720 AF 2007 RIO GRANDE COMPACT USABLE WATER IN PROJECT STORAGE

Rio Grande Compact Article VII Restriction

Compact usable water went below 400K on Apr. 14, 2006 Compact usable water went above 400K on Nov. 06, 2006 Compact usable water went below 400K on Jan. 01, 2007 Compact usable water went above 400K on Jan. 29, 2007

Prediction (based on latest RGP op. plan dated 04/30/07): Go below 400K on May 08, 2007 Stay below 400K for the rest of 2007 (based on 32% spring runoff at San Marcial in 2007) ------;:rn:) GRANDE PROJECT RESERVOIR OPERATIONS PRELIMINARY SUBJECT TO REVI~


2007 MAR...JUL@ SAN MARCIAL ( NRCS forecast) 48% 265 KAF 2007 MAR...JUL@ SAN MARCIAL (regulated for e cast) 32% 182 KAF

- B ased on 3 0-yr (1971-2000)avg of 573,000 Ac.r':Ce'::-'::'fa:::e:::L;:,-;=;=;-;;-;=""....-r;;=r;===::---.-::==::--;=r;-;:-:-;:-;:;::-===---;;;===;;-- .:..A~C;;TUAL~~;-H.:.:I=S..:.T~OO';R;';l,;;C';;AL77D=;A~- ___ COCHITI I NET SAN <-- ELEPHANT BUTTE== < CABALLO IRRIG. EXCESS TOTAL CABALLO Y~ RELEASE LOSSES MARCIAL LOSSES EVAP CONTENT RELEAS EVAP LOSSES DEMAND RELEASE RELEASE CONTENT 2006 2006 JAN 38 -7 45 0 5 469 0 -2 0 0 0 17 JAN FEB 33 -2 35 -2 6 499 -2 0 0 0 18 FEB 1: MAR 42 18 23 -1 1 9 453 9 58 0 58 21 MAR APR 55 4 5 10 -23 11 386 ~ , 2 8 65 0 65 35 APR MAY 63 55 8 -19 13 305 95 4 11 62 0 62 53 MAY JUN 73 66 7 - 16 10 218 101 4 11 91 0 91 JUN JUL 3 45 -24 8 189 90 3 1 1 78 0 78 4548 1 JUL AUG 5048 1 -102 152 -29 5 332 33 2 -21 32 0 32 64 AUG SEP 41 5 36 8 6 352 2 2 - 16 34 0 34 46 SEP OCT 57 14 44 - 7 5 398 1 1 -6 12 0 12 39 OCT NOV 74 34 40 -26 3 460 0 1 -2 0 0 0 41 NOV D EC 55 33 22 -35 3 514 0 1 -3 0 0 0 43 DEC '--TOTAL 627 f 162 465 -182 80 481 23 -2 433 0 433 TOTAL AVG Total Mar..Jul 381 39 AVG 779 93 16% SAN E LEPHANT B UTTE===> <== CABALLO IRRIG. EXCE SS TOTAL CABALLO MARCIAL LOSSES EVAP CONTENT RELEAS EVAP LOSSES DEMAND RELEASE RELEASE CONTENT I 2 007 JAN 41 - 15 56 6 5 558 0 1 -3 0 0 0 45 JAN FEB 38 -13 52 8 4 598 0 1 -2. 0 0 0 47 MAR 84 13 72. 6 9 609 47 2 -4 76 0 76 19 APR 78 10 69 -15 12 556 125 2 8 73 0 73 62 =APR I MAY 92 60 32 -4 13 483 96 3 4 104 0 104 46 MAY JUN 61 55 6 -7 13 374 109 3 3 106 0 106 43 JUN JUL 61 58 3 -9 14 2.60 112 3 5 105 0 105 43 JUL AUG 58 36 22 -13 12. 206 77 2 2 96 0 96 20 AUG SEP 42 18 24 -7 6 210 2 1 1 -0 29 0 29 11 SEP OCT 47 17 30 -2 4 238 0 1 -2 0 0 0 12 OCT NOV 52 -7 59 1 4 292 0 1 -2 0 0 0 13 NOV DEC 53 -7 60 1 3 348 0 1 -2 0 0 0 14 DEC ,I TOTAL 708 1 224 -484 -37 100 588 21 5 591 0 .59-1 TOTALII AVG Total Mar..Jul 394 31 AVG 377 19& L 182 32% ~ COCHITI I NET SAN < -- ELEPHANT BUTTE ----i <= CAB ALLO IRRIG. EXCESS TOT AL CABALLO l::s RELEASE LOSSES MARCIAL L OSSES EVAP CONTENT RELEASE EVAP LOSSES DEMAND RELEASE RELEASE CONTENT 2008 I l 20 08 1 JAN 40 -7 47 -1 5 391 0 1 -4 0 0 0 17 JAN FEB 44 -4 48 -2 6 4 34 1 1 -2 0 0 0 16 FEB I MAR 75 15 60 -2 9 392. 95 2 2 70 0 70 40 MAR APR 157 37 120 -2 9 4 11 94 2 2 90 0 90 40 APR I MAY 250 55 195 -5 13 481 117 3 4 100 0 100 50 MAY JUN 197 67 130 -8 14 468 137 3 3 131 0 131 50 JUN JUL 119 51 68 -10 14 387 145 3 5 137 0 137 50 JUL AUG 34 44 -1 3 1 2 309 123 2 2 135 0 135 35 AUG SEP 5578 1 23 32 -7 6 267 75 1 6 83 0 83 20 SEP OCT 47 17 30 -2 4 262 33 1 -2 44 0 44 10 OCT NOV 52 -7 59 1 4 315 0 1 -2 0 0 0 12 NOV DEC 53 -7 60 0 4 371 0 1 -2 0 0 0 13 DEC TOTAL! 1167 1 275 893 -<50 100 819 19 11 790 0 7 90 TOTAL AVG J Total Mar~uJ 374 29 AVG l ---' 798 1 2 25 1 573 100% 1 -- RIO GRANDE PRo.JECT RESERVOIR OPERAnONS 01-May-07

2007 MAR-JUL@ SAN MARCIAL (NRCS forecast) 35% 200 KAF 2007 MAR-JUL@ SAN MARCIAL (regulated fon>cast) 26% 147 KAF

2006 -7 45 0 5 46'9 0 -2 0 0 0 17 JAN FEB -2 35 -2 6 499 0 1 -2 0 0 0 18 FEB MAR 18 23 -11 9 453 71 1 9 58 0 58 21 MAR APR 55 45 10 -23 11 386 89 2 8 65 0 65 APR MAY 63 ~ 55 8 -19 13 305 95 4 11 62 0 52 MAY JUN 73 66 7 -16 10 218 101 4 11 91 0 91 El JUN JUL 48 3 45 - 24 8 189 90 3 11 78 0 78 45 JUL AUG 50 -102 152 -29 5 332 33 2 -21 32 0 32 64 AUG SEP 41 5 36 8 6 352 2 2 - 16 34 0 34 46 SEP OCT 57 14 44 -7 5 398 1 1 --6 12 0 12 39 1 OCT NOV 74 34 40 - 26 3 460 0 1 -2 0 0 0 1 41 ~ NOV ~--~O~E~C~+------5~5~1__ ~ 33~------~2=2~----~-3~5----~3~----~5~1~4~------0~---- 1 -3 0 0 0 43 DEC TOTAL 627 1 162 ~6 -182 80 481 1 23 -2 433 0 __...: A:..=..:V:cG=-+---- Total Mar-..lul 381 ______1 1- r-----=-~ I ------=3:::9:..; AVG L 279 187-.-- 93 16% COCHm: j NET SAN <=== ELEPHANT BUTTE--=> < = CABALLO IRRIG. EXCESS TOTAL CABALLO I YEAR~ELEASE LOSSES MARCIAL LOSSES EVAP CONTENT RELEASE EVAP LOSSES DEMAND RELEASE RELEASE CONTE'"-'-'"NT~·+-1-==~ 2007 1 2oo7 JAN I 41 - 15 56 6 5 558 0 -3 0 0 0 45 JAN r FEB 38 -1 3 52 8 4 598 0 1 -2 0 0 0 471 FEB MAR 85 13 72 6 9 609 47 2 76 0 76 19 MAR APR 78 10 69 - 13 10 556 2 8 73 0 73 61 AP.R MAY 74 69 4 - 7 14 458 96 3 4 104 0 104 46 MAY JUN 61 60 1 -6 10 353 101 3 3 96 0 96 45 JUN .JUL 61 60 1 -9 10 250 103 3 5 96 0 96 45 JUL AUG 34 12 22 -9 8 201 72 2 2 96 0 96 17 AUG J SEP 30 14 16 -6 5 2 1 5 3 -2 10 0 10 11 SEP OCT 47 32 15 -2 4 227 0 1 - 2 0 0 0 12 OCT NOV 52 -7 59 2 3 281 0 1 - 2 0 0 0 13 NOV DEC 53 -7 60 1 -- 3 337 0 1 -2 0 0 0 14 DEC TOTAL sssl 229 427 -29 85 549 21 6 552 0 652 TOTAL! AVG Total Mar-.Jul I 387 31 AVG U 360 21iL:::. 147 ~ 26% I cocHm I NET SAN < ELEPHANT BUTTE---> <--CABALLO IRRIG. EXCESS TOTAL CABALLO I ' YEAR RELEASE LOSSES MARCIAL LOSSES EVAP CONTENT RELEASE! EVAP LOSSES DEMAND RELEASE RELEASE CONTENT 1 2008 2008 ' .JAN 40 -7 47 -1 5 380 0 1 -4 0 0 0 17 JAN FEB 44 -4 48 -2 6 423 1 1 -2 0 0 0 18 FEB MAR 75 15 so -2 8 379 98 2 2 70 0 70 43 MAR APR 157 37 120 -2 8 398 95 2 2 90 0 90 44 APR I MAY 250 55 195 -5 12 474 112 3 4 100 0 100 50 MAY JUN 197 57 130 -8 14 466 132 3 3 131 0 131 45 JUN .JUL 119 51 68 - 10 14 385 145 J 3 5 137 0 137 45 1 AUG 78 34 44 - 13 12 301 129 2 2 135 0 135 35 SEP 55 23 32 -7 6 259 75 6 83 0 83 20 ~~~SEP 'l OCT 47 17 30 -2 4 253 34 1 -2 44 0 44 12 OCT NOV 52 -7 59 1 4 307 0 1 -2 0 0 0 13 NOV ' DEC 53 -7 60 0 4 363 0 1 -2 0 0 0 14 DEC TOTAL 1167 I 275 893 -so 96 821 19 11 790 0 790 TOTAL I AVG Total Mar--JuT 366 30 AVG l I 798 225 573 100% ELEPHANT BUTTE RESERVOIR 2007 PROJECTED STORAGE* 700 ------l

600 ------~

500 - - - /./ - ...... ~-== ~-/~~ ------~ ------/ ' LL // I <( 1/1 -~ ~ ...... 'tl ~ ~, / I Q) t: / ' 0) ~ 400 ~ ------~ - - - - ~--~ ro o L.. .!: // 0 t- ', .... ~ ------(j) ' ./'~----- 300 ------""-~~~ ------l------" / "' -,'-../'"' /

::: -~=~~~~~~:•11 · 1'11111 ~~~~~ ~~~~!llUHii ..ll:lllll:lll•llll:lllll:l~iii:I~III•I 11~WOOI~l;lil: !',:~lllllli~~OOI~~;i:ll~ :1 Jan-01 Jan-31 Mar-02 Apr-01 May-01 May-31 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-29 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-16 Feb-15 Mar-17 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-14 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-12 Dec-12

- .2006 - 2007 Projected Normal Runoff

*Actual Data thru Apr. 30, other data is a projection *Based on Rio Grande Project runs dated May 1, 2007. ELEPHANT BUTTE RESERVOIR 2007 PROJECTED LAKE ELEVATIONS SUMMARY TABLE WTreers 5/1/2007 [SUBJECT TO REVISION]

Lake Surface Difference Elevation Storage Area In Elevation (feet)* (acre-feet) (acres) From 2006

July 28, 2006 (Low Pt.) 4308.50 183,875 7,228 -29.44 (Diff. from 2005)

End of Season 4326.28 343,079 10,571 0.96 (Diff. from September 11 , 2006 10/10/05)

March 26, 2007 (High pt.) 4347.76 611,063 14,395 7 .88 (Diff. from 3/05/06)

TODAY- MAY 02. 2007: 4343.76 554,874 13,700 14.00


May 28, 2007 (Memorial Day) 4338.80 489,128 12,821 15.40

July 04, 2007 {Independence Day) 4327.82 359,513 10,819 16.08

September 03, 2007 (Labor Day) 4311.38 205,335 7,728 -14.20

September 15, 2007 (Low pt.) 4310.62 199,551 7,566 -16.22 ( 2.12 ft. from 7/28/06)

December 31, 2007 4326.67 347,226 10,634 -14.05

* Rio Grande Project datum, to obtain USGS mean sea level, add 43.3 feet. CABALLO RESERVOIR 2007 PROJECTED STORAGE*




-LL. 50 <{ "' -Q) "0c: 0> ~ 40 t\1 0 L.. J:. ...0 1- C/) 30

20 ------~..------


0 Jan-01 Jan-31 Mar-02 Apr-01 May-01 May-31 Jun-30 Jul-30 Aug-29 Sep-28 Oct-28 Nov-27 Dec-27 Jan-16 Feb-15 Mar-17 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-14 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-12 Dec-12

- 2006 - 2007 Projected Normal Runoff

• Actual data through Apr. 30; other data is a projection. *Based on Rio Grande Project runs dated Apr. 30. .. "" FEET OJ "" .,. .,. ~ 0~ N w w t ~ :::uor Ul 0 U'l 0 Ul "U-...,:::r 0 0 0 0 0 ..Q. 2 (I) (I) s:::l o.O. 1916 .....D> _0 1918 c)> 1920 ~"U ...... ~ 1922 Q l\..) 1924 oO I o-0 1926 ,...... m 1928 D> - · CD" s · C/) < 1930 m 3 ~ 1932 r- (l) ..... ~ D> c 0 1934 :;:::) D> ::::s m C/) 0. .. 1936 (l) Ill 1938 :!:-c mar- - 1940 ~:I: (1)<,.... 0 I 1942 ro- ro:::r en 1944 0...., "2. 1946 ~)> ,....oD> I\..) oz 0 ~ 1948 c D) _3 ...... '< 1950 ~--~ mo. 1952 o.Dl m m a. D) CD 1954 zm ~- · (..)(/) ~ 1956 wm 5 " 1958 -::::s -< 1960 6c (1)- "'C..., m (1) ..Q. I )> 1962 7'--1 ,....CD . ;u 3:" .....0 I 1964 o· 1966 o--1 :::l ::I: u;· 1968 zm-1 0" Ill 0 1970 C/) -... 1972 :I:~ CD c:;· 0. 1974 0 !!. ~m :::l D) 1976 ;u cc< 1978 ~en CD G) 1980 (") ::::s Ill c. 1982 ~m 3 I Q) 0 1984 0~ ..... ~ 1986 c;· 3 :::l 0 1988 ~< (/)- ::::s 1990 N 0 ::::s" 1992 0 0 -CD ...... a; 1994 - 3 1996 ~ 0 Dl 1998 (/)...... -s· 2000 "'C..., ::::s 0 2002 0" Q) 2004 0" 2006 (t) "'C D> :::l RIO GRANDE PROJECT 2007 WATER SUPPLY & PROJECTED ALLOCATION

U. S Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation 12007 Rio Grande Project Allocation

Initial Allocation - Mid-January, 2007 (letter issued .Jan. 25, 2007)

Mexico 24,385 AF

Elephant Butte District 152,200 AF

El Paso County Water Improvement District # 1 192,881 AF

[39.65% of a full supply) 369,466 AF

Updated Allocation- End of January, 2007 ( letter issued Feb. 1 6, 2007)

Mex.ico 27,710 AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation D is trict 163,931 AF

El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 211 ,954 AF

[43.31% of a full supply) 403,595 AF

Updated Allocation - End of February. 2007 (Jetter Issued Mar . 26. 2007)

Mexico 30,099 AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation District 172,361 AF

El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 225,659 AF

[45.94% of a full supply) 428,119 AF

Updated AUocati,on- End of March, 2007 (letter Issued Apr. 20. 2007)

Mexico 35,729 AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation D istrict 192,224 AF

El Paso County W a ter Improvement District# 1 257,951 AF

[ 5 2 : 14% of a full supply) 485,904 AF

• Project wa_tef" supply available for divef"'Sion al the authorized headings. SUMMARY TABLE OF PROJECTED ALLOCATIONS FOR 2007

most probable 70% exceed. • Average (normal) runoff volume at San Marcial gauging 2007 RUNOFF FORECAST 265,000 AF 200,000 AF stations (Mar-Jul) is 573,000 AF. 46% 35% of Average • of Average • EO month storage figures based on Reclamation's Rio FORECASTS ADJUSTED FOR -83,000 AF -53,000 AF Grande Project reservoirs operational plans developed on UPSTREAM REGULATION 182,000 AF 147,000 AF April 30, 2007. Allotments are made to the Rio 32% 26% Grande Project canal headings. A full supply allocation for an Irrigation season is: 494,979 AF to EBID canal (acre-feet) (acre-feet) headings; 376,862 AF to EP#1 headings; and 60,000 AF EO APRIL, 2007 EBID 212,604 212,603 to Mexico's Acequla Madre heading under the 1906 (a) EP#1 291 ,083 291,081 Treaty for a total of 931,841 AF. MEXICO 41 ,505 41,505 TOTAL 545,192 545,189 (a) Assuming no relinquishment of Rio Grande Compact 58.51 o/o 58.51% credit waters occurring In 2007 for and 300 AF relinquishment for Colorado. Excludes New EO MAY, 2007 EBID 218,221 212,603 Mexico's and Colorado's Rio Grande Compact credit (a) EP#1 300,215 291,081 waters in Elephant Butte Reservoir of 195,300 AF accrued MEXICO 43,097 41,505 credits at end of Mar. 2007 as well as San Juan-Chama TOTAL 561,534 545,189 water of 4,467 AF through Mar. 31, 2007. 60.26% 58.51% (b) Assuming at least 100% efficiency of delivering Project EO JUNE, 2007 EBID 218.221 (b) 212,603 (b) water supply from Caballo Dam to Project canal headings (a) EP#1 300,215 291,081 by end of July. 2007. so EBID will not incur river losses MEXICO 43097 41,505 at that point. and a net supply available for release from TOTAL 561,534 545,189 from Caballo Dam of 790,000 AF. 60.26% 58.51%

EO JULY, 2007 EBID 218,221 {b) 212,603 {b) (a) EP#1 300,215 291 ,081 MEXICO 43,097 41,505 TOTAL 561,534 545,189 STATUS OF RIO GRANDE COMPACT USABLE 60.26% 58.51% WATER IN PROJECT STORAGE

EO AUGUST, 2007 EBID (b) 236,895 {b) ~ ~ (a) EP#1 287,338 MEXICO 40,852 Go blw 400 KAF Jan 1 Jan 1 TOTAL 565,085 60.64% Go abv 400 KAF Jan29 Jan 29

Go blw 400 KAF May08 May08

Stay blw 400 KAF ..J ..J 2007 ESTIMATED CABALLO 590,092 551 ,366 for rest of 2007 RESERVOIR RELEASE

FALL 2007 ESTIMATED ELEPHANT 199,551 199,195 BUTTE RESERVOIR LOW POINT (September 15) (September 02) CABALLO RESERVOIR RELEASE TENT AliVE SCHEDULE FOR 2007 * actual release dates.

*March 07: Release from Caballo Dam for EP#1's orders *March 10: Release from Caballo Dam for EBID's orders *March 19: Release from Caballo Dam for Mexico's orders May 14: Mexico shut down diversions at Acequia Madre heading June 01: Mexico re-starts diversions at Acequia Madre heading August 08: Mexico tentatively stops diversions to end irrig. season Sep. 15: Tentative shutdown of EButte Dam for end of season

Sep. 15: Tentative shutdown at Caballo Dam to end irrig. season RIO GRANDE PROJECT







EPCWID#1 WATER CHARGES* 177,183 A-F (49,963 AF unused)




FT. QUITMAN FLOW *** 150,644 A-F

* Includes City of El Paso diversions. ** System waste and return flows. *** Includes discharge from Acequia Madre in Mexico. RIO GRANDE PROJECT


U. S Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation SAN MARCIAL FLOW - RIO GRANDE PROJECT STORAGE 1896 Through 2007*

3000 ...-... ._..~ 2500 ,A UJ A (9 00 2000 /'I\ ~~ ~ ~ l 0 ~ 1500 il 1\ J I- 0 j 'r/ r; ' J C!J..C ,J A I I- 1000 A v r \ 1\ { " ~ I~ ~ ,. ~ j A \ 0 A \ I J1 /&\ '\I\ \ & 500 '( ...J ~ ., LL v I ~ "\/\~ \\I v ' ,_ .. 111 ... 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lllll l l l l l l l l l I I I I I I I I I I Il l l l l l l l l LJ I 1,1~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '"I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1896 1908 1920 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998

- San Marcial Flow - End-of-Year Project Storage

* End-of-year project storage and San Marcial flow for 2007 is a projection based on Rio Grande Project most probable plan. STATUS OF RIO GRANDE COMPACT CREDIT WATERS IN ELEPHANT BUTTE RESERVOIR SINCE LAST SPILL FROM RIO GRANDE PROJECT STORAGE *

NEW COLORADO MEXICO YEAR (acre-feet) (acre-feet)

1995 0 0 SPILL YEAR

1996 2,400 68,800

1997 2 ,900 105,500

1998 11 ,500 153,100

1999 17,700 170,700

2000 27,000 269,100

2001 10,100 155,700

2002 42,800 265,000

2003 1,200 54,000

2004 4,400 35,600

2005 4 ,600 37,100

2006 15,500 180,100

* derived from Rio Grande Compact Commission yearly reports. 2005 RIO GRANDE COMPACT USABLE WATER IN PROJECT STORAGE

Rio Grande Compact Article VII Restriction

Compact Usable Water Below 400,000 AF – July 4, 2002 Compact Usable Water Above 400,000 AF – May 20, 2005 Compact Usable Water Below 400,000 AF – August 26, 2005 Compact Usable Water Above 400,000 AF – December 27, 2005 Compact Usable Water Below 400,000 AF – April 14, 2006 2006 R io Grande Project A llocatiod

Initial Allocation - End o~ November, 2005

Mexico 23,816 A F 2006 Rio Grande Project Allocation! Elephant Butte Irrigation District 1 86.074 AF

El Paso County Wat e r Improvement District# 1 141 ,670 AF U dated Allocation - End of A ril, 2006 (letter issued May 12, 2006) [37. 7 3% of. ful l ·supply] 351 ,560 AF • Mexico 31 ,815 AF

Updated Allocation- End of December, 2005 Elephant Butte Irrigation District 248,573 AF {Jetter issued J .-.. 1 e. 2006) Mexico 26,854 AF El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 189,255 AF E lephant B utte I rrigation D istrict 209,807 AF

E l Paso Cou nty Wat er Improvement D istrict# 1 159,740 AF (50.40% of a full supply) 469,643 AF *

396,401 AF * U dated Allocation - End of Ma , 2006 (letter issued June 14. 2006) Updated Allocation - End of .January, 2006 (lett:er b.sued Fett~ 14, 2006) Mexico 32,048 AF Mexico 29,340 AF Elephant Butte Irrigation District 250,389 AF E lephant Butte I rrigation D istrict 229,238 AF

E l Paso Coun ty Water I mprovement D istrict# 1 174,534 AF El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 190,639 AF

i[A&..AS%. of a fuO auppl'y) 433,112 AF * [50.77% of a full supply] 473,076 AF ..

Updated Allocation - End of February, 2006 {letler issued ..._. 13,. 2006) U dated Allocation - End of June, 2006 (letter issued July 21. 2006) Mexico 3Q, 3g3 AF E lephant Butte Irrigation District 237,457 AF Mexico 33,895 AF E l Paso County Water Improvement D istrict# 1 180,793 AF Elephant Butte Irrigation District 211 ,385 AF

[48..15% of a ful l -.upply] 448,643 AF * El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 227,146 AF

Updated Allocation - End o~ March, 2006 (letter issued A pr. 1 4 , 2006)

Mexico 31 ,522 AF [50.70% of a full supply) 472,426 AF *

E lephant Butte Irrigation D istrict 246,280 AF

El P aso County Water Improvement Dist rict # 1 187,510 AF • Project water supply available for diversion at the authorized cana l headings.

[ 419• .93% of • full ~ppty) 465,312 AF • 2005 Rio Grande Pmject Allocation 2 0 05 R io G .-ande P roject A llocab o n I'

rn'ltlal Allocauon -End o1' NoveJnber, 2004 u ated Allocation - End of A r i'l 2005 ( ...... Mey , , , ~' Mexico 10,6Q5 AF Mexico 28,423 AF Elephant Butte Irrigation D istrict 72.639 AF Elephant Butte l'nigation District 19c4,678 AF E l Paso County Water- Impr-ovement District # 1 55,305 AF El Paso County VVater- lmpTovement District# 1 148,222 AF

1138,549 AF p-.. 85% of a lull ..uppiVJ 371 ,323 AF

Updated AllocaUon - End o1' December , 2004 (.ieltii!lr itssued ..J.a n~.- t9. 2005) u ated Atlocation - E n d o1' Ma 2005 Mexico 14,063 AF Elephant Butte Irri gation District 96, 323 AF Mexico 44,422 AF E l Paso County 'Water l·mpr o v e ment District # 1 73, 3 ·38 .AF Elephant Butte Irrigation District 30c4, 258 AF El Paso County Water- lmpr-·ovement District# 1 231 .654 AF 183,724 AF

[82...28'% ot .. hdl .up,ply] 580.334 AF

Updated Allocation - End o., January. 2005 (tette:r iissuec:t Feo.. ..o . 2tX15) Updated Allocation - End o'f .June, .2.005 Mexico 14,273 AF Mexico 59,809 AF Eleph ant' Butte Irrigation D i strict 97,760 AF Elephant Butte Ir-riga tion District 431 ,953 AF El Paso· County VVateT lrnPTovement District# 1 74.431 AF El Paso County Wat er Impr-ovement District# 1 328, 876 AF

(20.01'% ot' a ru u sup~ 1 86.464 AF 820,638 AF

U ,pc:tated A"bcaUon- End o'f· February, 2005 ( tetter-ltSSUed Mar. 1 o . 2005) Updated Alllocation - Ju~ 1 5. 2 005

Mexiico 1 8 , 717 AF Mexico 60,000 AF E l eph ant Butte Irrigation D i strict 11 28,.200 AF Elep hant Butte lr-ri,gation District 462,075 AF E l Paso County Water Impr ovement D i strict# 1 9 7 ; 608 A F El Paso County VVater Improvement District# 1 351 ,810 AF

244, 525 AF ('1.~ ot • t'ult•upptyg 873,885 AF

Updated Allocation - End of' March, 2005 Updated A Jfocation - E nd o'f .July. 2005

Mexico 2 2 .247 AF Mexico 60. 000 AF E l ephant Butte Irrigation D istrict 152,377 AF Elephant Butte lni;gation District 478,849 AF E l Paso Cou nty Water Improv e m e n t District # 11 116 .0 1 6 AF E l Paso County VVater t·m p rovement District# 1 364,580 AF

2 90, 640 AF 903,429 AF 2005 Rio Grande Project Allocation

Updated Allocation - August 15, 2005 (letter issued August 22, 2005)

Mexico 60,000 AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation District 492,065 AF

El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 374,644 AF

[99.45% of a full supply] 926,709 AF .

Final Allocation - End of August, 2005 (letter issued September 12, 2005)

Mexico 60,000 AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation District 494,979 AF

El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 376,862 AF

(100.00% of a full supply] 931 ,841 AF .

• Project water supply available for diversion at the authorized canal headings. 2004 R i o Grande Project Allocation I 12004 Rio Grande Project Allocation l

l nftial Allocati on- End o~ November. 2003 u ril, 2004 Mexico 2 . 918 AF E lephant Butte Irrigation D istrict 23,134 AF Mexico 23,337 AF E l P aso County Water Improvement District# 1 17,615 AF Elephant Butte Irrigation District 180,179 AF

(4.. 69%. of a full su;p pty] 4 3 , 667 AF "' El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 137,182 AF

U ated Allocation -End o f December, 2003 (lette< issued Jan. 21. 2004) [36.56% of a full supply) 340,698 AF • Mexico 5 . 1 91. AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation Di.strict 41.1·63 AF

E l Paso County Water Im provement D i strict# 1 31 . 341 A F u • 2004

Mexico 27,197 AF [8_34% of a tun supp1Y.J 77, 695 AF Elephant Butte Irrigation District 185,507 AF U ated Allocat'ion - End of Janua , 2004 - issued Feb. 11. 2004) El Paso County Water Improvement District # 1 141 ,240 AF Mexico 6 , 733 AF

Elephant Butte Irrigation District 53, 387 AF [37. 98% of a full supply) 353,944 AF • El Paso County Water Improvem ent D istrict# 1 40.646 A F U dated Allocation - End of June, 2004 (letter Issued Ju • 2004) [t0 ..81% of a fuU supply) 100,766 AF * Mexico 27,197 AF Updated Allocati on - End of February, 2004 (let'te.r l:ssued Mar 1 D . 21X\4) Elephant Butte Irrigation District 185,507 AF Mexico 16, 461 AF El Paso County Water Improvement District# 1 141 ,240 AF E lephant Butte Irrigation D istrict 1 30. 524 AF

E l P aso County Water Improvement District# 1 99.377 AF [37. 98% of a full supply) 353,944 AF •

[26.44"'% of a tun supplY) 246. 362 AF * Final Allocation - End of Jul , 2004 (letter Issued August 18. 2004) U ated Allocation - End of March, 2004 Mexico 27,197 AF Mexico 18,600 AF Elephant Butte Irrigation District 185,507 AF E l ephant Butte lrrig,ation D istrict 147, 487 A:F El Paso County Water Improvement District # 1 141,240 AF El Paso C o unty Water I m prove ment Dist rict# 1 112. 292 AF

[29,.,8"7'%. of a fUll s upplY] 278. 379 AF * [37. 98% of a full supply) 353,944 AF •

Project water supply available for diversion at the authorized canal headings. ..- Utilization of Allocation Final Allocation (November 21, 2006): (A F) I (AF)

MEXICO 33,895 27,112 EBID 211 ,385 210,139 EP#1 227,146 170,586 0 • I TOTAL 472,426 1 407,837 1 %of Full Supply 50.70% I

~ Utilization of Al~tkln Final Alkx:ation (September 12. 2005): {A~ ·~ ~AF}

MEXICO 60,000 I 58,091 EBID 494,979 356,689 EP#1 3761862 247j_607 0 t I TOTAL 931.841 [::662;387 I %cl Full Supp~ 100.00% J """" Utilization of Allocation Fin~ Allocation (August 18, 2004): ~A~ I (AB I

talCO 27,197 27,613 EBID 185,507 165,693 prelimina~ EP#1 141,240 141,240 3,743 1 TOTAL 353,944 I 334,546 I %of Full Su~~- 37.98%

,.... Utilization of Allocation Final Allocation (August 21, 2003): (AF) I (AF)

MEXICO 26,616 26,948 EBID 165,144 164,741 EP#1 125,735 125,122 12,127 ' TOTAL 317,495 ~ %of Full Supply 34.07% f ELEPHANT BUTTE RESERVOIR FLOOD RESERVATION TOTAL STORAGE POOL Top of Conservation Storage Pool: 2,023,358 AF (Rio Grande Project Authorization) ( ELEV 4407.00 FT)

Top of Conservation Storage Pool: 1 ,998,358 AF 25,000 AF (WINTER) Winter (October 1 - March 31) ( E L EV 4406.30 F T }

Top of Conservation Storage Pool: 1 ,973,358 AF 50,000 AF (SUMMER) Summer (April 1 -September 30) ( E L EV 4405.60 FT}

Top of C ity of Albuquerque SJ-C Pool: · 50,000 AF 1983 Contract for irrig. and domestic (E L EV 4295. 11 FT)

Top of Federal Recreation Pool: 50,000 AF 1974 Public Law 93-493., 88 S t at. 1486 (ELEV 4282.68 FT>


EXCLUSIVE Top of Flood Contf"ol Pool: 326,672 AF (ELEV 4 1 82.00 FT) 1 00,000 AF Top of Conservation Storage Pool: 226,672 AF (ELEV 4 1 72.44 FT}

Top of Minimum Fishery Pool: 25,000 AF Biological Opi nion (1991) (EL EV 4 1 38.24 FT}

Court Order No. CIV-90-95 HB/WWD:

October 1 - January 31 (each year), storage level witl not exceed 50,000 AF (elev 4146. 11 ft) RIO GRANDE PROJECT HISTORICAL WTreers ALLOCATION OF PROJECT WATER SUPPLY 03/26/2003

INITIAL FINAL MEXICO INITIAL CABALLO INITIAL FINAL ALLOTMENT ALLOTMENT DIVERSION RELEASE DAM ALLOTMENT ALLOTMENT TO PROJECT TO PROJECT ATACEQUIA DATE TOTAL TO PROJECT TO PROJECT CANAL CANAL MADRE FROM YEARLY LANDS LANDS HEADINGS HEADINGS HEADING CABALLO RELEASE YEAR (acre-foot/acre) (acre-foot/acre_l _(acre-feet) . (acre-feet) (acre-feet) DAM (acre-feet) • 1951 1.00 1.75 33,059 03/06 469,450 1952 0.21 2.50 49,890 03/20 543,975 1953 1.00 1.90 37,760 03/1 0 528,628 1954 0.42 0 .50 10,147 03/20 244,165 1955 0 .21 0 .42 8 ,185 03/20 219,1 57 1956 0.33 0.39 7 ,864 03118 246,1 40 1957 0.10 1.17 23,290 03/20 397,103 1958 1.75 4.00 60,050 03/01 737,125 1959 3 .00 3.60 60,110 03/02 687,414 1960 2.25 3.26 60,320 03/02 705,162 1961 1.25 2.45 48,610 03/1 0 561,697 1962 1.75 3.26 60,057 03/05 651,941 1963 1.85 2.00 39,693 03/05 517,172 1964 0.25 0 .33 6 ,653 03/15 206,085 1965 0 .17 1.85 36,658 03/20 505,598 1966 1.75 2.50 49,618 03/05 610,341 1967 1.25 1.50 29,829 02127 456,517 1968 1.00 2 .00 39,677 02/27 505,691 1969 1.25 3.00 59,884 02/27 667,669 1970 2 .00 3.00 60,065 02/23 661,1 25 1971 1.50 1.75 34,847 02/26 498,375 1972 0 .60 0 .80 16,077 03/01 260,9 11 1973 1.00 3 .00 60,000 03/09 617,461 1974 3 .00 3.00 60,050 03/02 640,843 1975 1.00 3.00 60,052 01/24 580,617 1976 2.50 3.00 60,172 01 / 16 679,676 1977 1.00 1.25 24,824 03/03 416,496 1978 0 .25 0 .75 14,903 03/10 356,167 1979 0.67 3.00 790,000 60,055 03108 568,687

bold number means full irrigation supply for Rio Grande Project water users. • derived from International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC)- U . S . Section, Yearly Flow Data Publications. RIO GRANDE PROJECT HISTORICAL WTreers ALLOCATION OF PROJECT WATER SUPPLY 04/17/2007


1979 0.67 3.00 790,000 60,055 03/08 568,687 1980 3.00 3.00 790,000 60,033 01/17 658,686 1981 3.00 3.00 750,650 750,650 60,262 02/04 608,166 1982 3.00 3.00 790,000 790,000 59,257 01/27 635,642 1983 3.00 3.00 790,000 790,000 60,621 02/03 648,386 1984 3.00 3.00 902,000 902,000 58,588 02/09 653,150 1985 902,000 902,000 60,276 02/20 677,398 1986 902,000 902,000 66,163 04/01 1,396,165 1987 902,000 902,000 65.866 02/03 1,376,099 1988 902,000 902,000 61 ,935 01/20 838,008 1989 890,900 890,900 58,854 02/13 736,866 1990 931,841 931,841 58,353 02/12 680,107 1991 931,841 931,841 59,242 02/19 625,956 1992 931,841 931,841 58,080 01/09 734,982 1993 931,841 931,841 63,763 01/12 823,263 1994 931,841 931,841 60,167 01/11 893,384 1995 931,841 931,841 63,618 01/17 1,096,146 1996 931,841 931,841 60,063 01/12 774,335 1997 931,841 931,841 59,442 01/21 798,621 1998 931,841 931,841 60,628 01/16 808,661 1999 931,841 931,841 58,308 01/27 735,467 2000 931,841 931,841 60,611 01120 751,373 2001 931,841 931,841 61 ,037 02102 786,549 2002 - 738,139 931,841 60,324 02/19 801,147 2003 74,860 317,495 26,948 03/17 364,528 2004 43,667 353,944 27,613 03/12 398,612 2005 138,549 931,841 58,091 03/09 676,031 2006 351 ,560 472,426 27,112 03/08 434,228

bold number means full irrigation supply for Rio Grande Project water users. • derived from International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC)- U. S. Section, Yearly Flow Data Publications. RIO GRANDE PROJECT HISTORICAL WT...... ,. ALLOCA TION OF PROJECT WATER SUPPLY 04/1712007

EO FEB. SAN INITIAL FINAL MEXICO INlTIAL CABALLO TOTAL RIO MARCIAL INmAL FlNAL ALLOTMENT ALLOTMENT DIVERSION RELEASE DAM GRANDE SPRIN G ALLOTMENT ALLOTMENT TO PRO.JECT TO PROJECT ATACEOUIA DATE TOTAL PROJECT RUNOFF TO PROJECT TO PROJECT CANAL CANAL MADRE FROM YEARLY STORAGE (Mar-Jul) LANDS LANDS HEADINGS HEADINGS HEADING CABALLO RELEASE YEAR Cacr&-feetl (acre-feet) (acr&-footlacre) {acr&-footlacra) _{acr&-feetl_ Cac::re-teetl facre-feel\ DAM Cac:re-feetl . I 1951 452.730 17877 1 .00 1 .75 33059 03106 469 450 1952 103 920 832160 0.21 2..50 49890 03120 543975 1953 468600 143170 1 .00 1 .90 37 760 03/10 528 628 1954 184.460 76 720 0 .42 0..50 10147 03120 244.165 1955 169 850 68,9'20 0.21 0.42 8185 03120 219 157 1956 212 180 59885 0.33 0 .39 7864 03118 246140 1957 77.130 600680 0 .10 1 .17 23290 03120 397 103 1958 857. 510 988.030 1 .75 4.0 0 60.050 03101 737.125 1959 1,185.120 72.590 3.00 3 .50 60.110 03102 687.414 1960 713,,550 410,900 2 .25 3.25 60.320 03102 705.162 1961 4 92 870 269 550 1 .25 2 .45 48 610 03/10 561 697 1962 486.570 448.250 1 .75 3.25 60.057 03105 651,941 1963 513170 116 765 1 .85 2 .00 39693 03105 517 172 1964 194 790 67.930 0 .25 0 .33 6653 03/15 206085 1965 172 340 598290 0 .17 1 .85 36858 03120 505598 1968 627 430 328 380 1 .75 2 .50 49 618 03105 610 341 1967 454 710 74090 1 .25 1 .50 29829 02127 456517 1968 388860 238 560 1 .00 2 .00 39 677 02127 505691 1969 468.970 358.710 1 .25 3 . 00 59.884 02127 687.689 1970 614.620 257,960 2 .00 3 .00 60.065 02123 681,1 25 1971 435640 112 837 1 .50 1.75 34847 02126 498 375 1972 283.380 77 630 0.60 0 .80 16077 03101 260911 1973 457.960 914.090 1.00 3 .00 60.000 03109 617,461 1974 915.650 95.430 3.00 3.00 60.050 03102 640.843 1975 507, 700 617.850 1 .00 3 .00 60.052 01/24 580.617 1976 762.230 204.260 2.50 3.00 60. 172 01/16 679,676 1977 482460 43374 1 .00 1 .25 24 824 03103 416 496 1978 268 220 248.610 0 .25 0 .75 14 903 03/10 356167 1979 328.690 1.148,880 0 .67 3 .00 790,000 60.055 03108 568.687 1980 1 .060.400 661.894 3 .00 3 .00 790,000 60.033 01117 658.6&6 1981 1.339.860 54.256 3.00 3 .00 750,650 750,650 60,262 02104 608.166 1982 878.860 548,573 3 .00 3 .00 7'90 000 7110,000 59,257 01/27 635.642 1983 1,070,130 920.545 3 .00 3 .00 7 90,000 7'90,000 60.621 02J03 648,388 1984 1.424.200 831.291 3.00 3 .00 902.000 902,000 58.588 02J09 653.150 1985 1.747.700 1.133.599 902,000 902.000 60.276 02120 577.398 1988 2.322.200 812,6&6 I 902,000 902 ,000 66,163 04101 1.396.165 1987 2.336.900 1 ,003.319 902,000 902,000 65.866 02103 1 .376.099 1988 2.383,900 419,098 902,.000 902,000 61,935 01/20 836.008 1989 2,151.900 378.144 890 900 8!MI,IMMI 58,854 02/13 736,866 1990 1,801.000 159.213 931.841 831,841 58.353 02/12 680.107 1991 1,509.860 656,638 931,841 9 3 1 , 841 59.242 02/19 625,956 1992 1.830.380 745,950 931,841 931, 841 58,080 01/09 734.982 1993 1,980.230 742. 508 931,841 931,841 63. 763 01112 823.263 1994 2,155,690 852.845 931,841 931 .841 60,167 01111 893.384 1995 2.203,730 991, 738 9 3 1 .841 931 ,841 63,618 01117 1.096,146 1996 2.263,420 131,980 931,841 931 ,841 60,063 01/12 774,335 1997 1.814,910 I 600,666 931,841 931 ,841 59,,442 01/21 798,621 1998 2.036.000 447,172 931,841 931 .841 60,628 01116 808.661 1999 1.803.410 384.225 931 ,.841 9 3 1 ,841 58.308 01/27 735,467 2000 1,804.980 159.000 9 3 1.841 931,841 60,611 01/20 751.373 2001 1 .359.370 241.000 931 ,841 931,841 61.037 02102 786,549 2002 974.610 61.095 738.139 931,841 60.324 02/19 801 ,147 2003 456140 62 029 74860 317 495 26948 03/17 364 528 2004 288480 240.387 43667 353944 27 6 1 3 03/12 398612 2005 331.000 738,095 138.549 931,841 58.091 03109 676,031 2006 517.170 92,521 351.560 472,426 27.112 03108 434,228

bold n u m b e r meana full irrigati on supply for Rio Grande Project w a ter users. • dert¥ed from International Boundary & Water Commission (IBWC)- U . S . Section, Year1y Flow Data Publications.