ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY REPORT FOR PROPOSED DAM CONSTRUCTION BY AFRICALLA ON LR NO: 3777/218 GILGIL CO-ORDINATES 1.4753° SOUTH LATITUDE AND 36.9620° EAST LONGITUDE PROPONENT: AFRICALLA KENYA LIMITED. GILGIL Kenneth Kogei-3087 | P a g e DOCUMENT AUTHENTICATION This Environmental Impact Assessment Study report has been prepared by Lead Expert Kenneth Kipkogei (NEMA Reg. No. 3087) and Associate Expert, Brian Ochieng Otieno (NEMA Reg. No 10516) in accordance with the Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA) 1999 & amendments of 2015 and the Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations 2003 which requires that every development project must have an EIA report prepared for submission to the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA). We the undersigned, certify that the particulars in this report are correct and righteous to the best of our knowledge. EIA/EA LEAD EXPERT: KENNETH KIPKOGEI C/0: KAILEYS CONSORTIUM P.O. Box 22789 – 00400 Nairobi Kenya
[email protected] (+254)0724097056/ (+254)0720491835 Signature…………..........................Date……………………………… EIA/EA ASSOCIATE EXPERT: BRIAN OCHIENG’ OTIENO EXPERT REG. NO. 10516 C/0: KAILEYS CONSORTIUM P.O. Box 22789 – 00400 Nairobi Kenya
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Cell: +254 712 232 524 Signature……………………….Date……………………………….. PROPONENT AFRICALLA KENYA LIMITED P. O. Box 668 – 20116. Gilgil, Kenya Signature/Stamp……………………………………………Date………………………. | P a g e ii. DISCLAIMER This EIA Study report is strictly confidential to Africalla Kenya Limited P.O. Box 668 - 20116 Gilgil Kenya herein referred to as ‘Proponent’ and any use of the materials thereof should strictly be in accordance with the agreement between the client and the EIA/EA Expert mentioned herein Lead Expert, Kenneth Kipkogei (3087) and Associate Expert Brian Ochieng Otieno (10516).