Atlases and Catalogues a Revised Shapley Ames Catalog, 195, 258
Index Atlases and Catalogues Virgo Cluster Catalogue, 396 A Revised Shapley Ames Catalog, 195, 258 X-ray Catalog and Atlas of galaxies, 308 Atlas de Galaxias Australes, 339 Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, 191, 195, 413 Bright Galaxy Catalog, 386 Instruments Catalog of Galaxies and Cluster of 2dF (AAT), 453 Galaxies, 416 6dF (AAT), 453 Catalog of Isolated Galaxies (CIG), 23, AAOMEGA (AAT), 456 271, 416, 417, 425 ACIS, 311 Catalog of Isolated Triplets of Galaxies ACS, 56, 143, 484 (CTG), 23 COS, 56, 437 Catalog of Pair Galaxies (CPG), 23, 271, DEIMOS (Keck), 453 411 DIRBE, 58 Catalogue of Isolated Pairs, 460 FIRAS, 58 Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies FLAMES (VLT), 453 and Associations, 196, 233, 459 FMOS (Subaru), 454 Extragalactic Distance Data Base FORCE (VLT), 453 Catalogue, 163 FORS, 32 General Catalogue of Nebulæ and Clusters, FOS, 437 384 GHRS, 437 Hipparcos Second Catalog Release, 699 GMACS (Magellan), 453 Morphologicheskji Katalog Galaktik, 22, GMOS (Gemini), 453 191, 385 GRAVITY, 746 Nearby Galaxies Catalogue, 414 HIFI, 443 New General Catalog, 384 HRI, 445 Southern Catalogue of Isolated Pairs, 411 Hyper Supreme Cam, 47 The Arp Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, 271 IPC, 445 The Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies, 195, 198, IPCS, 26 200, 287, 519 IRAC, 442 The Color Atlas of Galaxies, 197 IRS, 442 The Reference Catalogue of Bright ISAAC, 32 Galaxies, 195 ISO-CAM, 442 Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies, ISO-LWS, 442 384, 414, 425 ISO-PHOT, 442 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 769 M. D’Onofrio et al. (eds.), From the Realm
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