

Photochemical reactions of metal nitrosyl complexes. Mechanisms of NO reactions with biologically relevant metal centers

Peter C. Ford

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

Abstract. The discoveries that (a.k.a. monoxide) serves important roles in mammalian bioregulation and immunology have stimulated intense interest in the chemistry and biochemistry of NO and derivatives such as metal nitrosyl complexes. Also of interest are strategies to deliver NO to biological targets on demand. One such strategy would be to employ a precursor which displays relatively low thermal reactivity but is photochemically active to release NO. This proposition led us to investigate laser flash and continuous photolysis kinetics of nitrosyl complexes such as the Roussin’s iron-sulfur-nitrosyl cluster 2− − anions Fe2S2(NO)4 and Fe4S3(NO)7 and several ruthenium salen and porphyrin nitrosyls. These include studies using metal-nitrosyl photochemistry as a vehicle for delivering NO to hypoxic cell cultures in order to sensitize γ-radiation damage. Also studied were the rates and mechanisms of NO “on” reactions with model water soluble compounds, the ferriheme protein met- and various ruthenium complexes using ns laser flash photolysis techniques. An overview of these studies is presented.

1. INTRODUCTION related species such as (NO2), perox- ynitrite (OONO−) and hydrogen nitrosyl (HNO) need fur- In the early 1990’s, we initiated studies in this labora- ther analysis. For example, although metals are primary tory and collaboratively with the RIKEN (Japan) group targets in the biological chemistry of NO, until recently of Mikio Hoshino into the photochemical reactions of little attention had been given to the mechanisms for metal nitrosyl complexes. This interest was stimulated the formation of metal-NO bonds. by Larry Keefer and David Wink at the National Cancer Metal nitrosyls can also be seen as useful delivery Institute, who drew our attention to (then) recently dis- agents of nitricoxide and, in particular,hold promise covered roles of nitric oxide as an intercellular bioregu- for the photochemical delivery of NO to biological latory agent in mammals and as a toxicspeciesformed targets. Photochemical delivery from thermally stable in immune response. Our involvement has grown into a compounds would allow for specific targeting through major effort concerned with the photochemistry of ni- control of irradiation areas and intensities. Since light trosyl complexes and with mechanistic investigations transmission of mammalian tissues is more effective of related thermal reactions. Described here are several at longer wavelengths, complexes photosensitive to red related projects concerned with the quantitative pho- light are of special interest. tochemistry of metal complexes, aspects of which are Scheme 1 is a cartoon illustrating different strategies also concerned with fundamental chemical properties for NO photoproduction currently under study in this of NO or other reactive species having laboratory. The first two involve metal nitrosyl com- potential biological relevance. plexes, and there is a rich history of nitrosyl complex The chemistry of nitric oxide was once largely the photochemistry, especially that involving metallopor- province of atmospheric science, although the interac- phyrins [3]. The third (the “indirect method”) generates tion of NO and transition metals provided interesting NO not by labilization of an M − NO bond but from the textbook examples of coordination modes dependent labilization of an O − N bond of coordinated nitrite. Re- upon electronic properties. However, the discoveries in viewed in the sections below are examples from each of the late 80’s that NO has key roles as a bioregulator these approaches. in the cardiovascular system and in neurobiology and is formed in toxic concentrations during immune re- sponse to pathogens has induced considerable interest 2. IRON SULFUR NITROSYL CLUSTERS [1–3]. These roles and the apparent relationship of over- (ROUSSIN’S ANIONS) or under-production of NO to various disease states Although the anions of Roussin’s black , − has led to a remarkable outpouring of contributions to Fe4S3(NO)7 (RBS) and of Roussin’s red salt, 2− the chemical, biological and biomedical literature [4, 5]. Fe2S2(NO)4 (RRS), were first described in the Nonetheless, despite this activity, fundamental issues mid-19th century [7], their photochemistry has only regarding the condensed phase chemistries of NO and recently drawn attention. The water soluble Roussin’s 162 Peter. C. Ford Vol. 3


Metalloporphyrins O N ? hν M M + NO


Other metal nitrosyls

2− hν − Fe2S2(NO)4 Fe4S3(NO)7 +NO+?


hν LnM(NO) * LnM(NO)




Scheme 1. Photochemical strategies for NO delivery.

O N 2− 1− Fe S ON NO S S Fe Fe S ON NO S Fe (NO) Fe 2 Fe(NO) (NO)2 2 RRS RBS salts were chosen to study in part because their optical cients (1–3×103 M−1cm−1) that suggest charge transfer spectra have absorptivities into the red, a feature character. There is clearly a need for a better under- attractive for possible use in tissues. The RBS anion standing of the spectroscopy and photoactive excited has been the subject of several studies with vascular states of these iron sulfur nitrosyl clusters, especially and brain tissues as a drug for the thermochemical the lowest energy excited states (LEES), since the inde- or photochemical delivery of NO [8, 9]; indeed, a pendence of quantum yields to the irradiation wave- biological assay (rat tail artery relaxation) was used to length (λirr) would be consistent with the cascade from demonstrate the NO release from RBS upon photolysis initially formed states to a common LEES (see below). in buffer solutions [8]. The red salt anion RRS has Extended Hückel molecular orbital calculations suggest primarily been studied as a syntheticprecursor;for ex- that the LUMO has some Fe − Fe and Fe − S and Fe − NO ample, it reacts with to form red “”, antibonding character [15, 16]; hence excitation might

Fe2(SR)2(NO)4 [10]. The quantitative photochemistry be expected to lead to cluster fragmentation. However, of neither the anions nor the esters had received in analogy to other iron sulfur clusters [17], the metal attention until our recent studies [11–14]. centers are likely to be antiferromagnetic coupled Fe3+ As their names imply, the Roussin’s red and black and/or Fe2+ with negatively charged nitrosyls. In such a salts are highly colored compounds with strong broad case the LEES may be NO-to-iron charge transfer states absorptions with moderately high extinction coeffi- with enhanced lability of the Fe − NO bonds. Vol. 3 Photochemical reactions of metal nitrosyl complexes. Mechanisms of NO reactions … 163

2.1. Photoreactions of RBS. Roussin’s black salt is time resolved infrared (TRIR) [18] spectroscopic tech- thermally stable in aerated aqueous solutions. Photoly- niques to probe the spectra and dynamics of possi- sis leads to optical density decreases broadly across the ble reactive intermediates. Two transient species were visible spectrum (Figure 1). The quantum yields for RBS formed in roughly equal concentrations, both of which disappearance (Φd) for a variety of irradiation wave- are trapped by NO to reform RBS. In this context re- lengths (λirr). These showed little dependence on λirr, action sequence described in Scheme 2 was proposed −3 giving an average Φd value of ∼ 10 from λirr 313 where X and Y are considered to be of the “un- − to 546 nm in aerated aqueous solutions [12]. However, saturated cluster” Fe4S3(NO)6 . The combined quan- in deoxygenated solutions, RBS showed no net photo- tum yields (ΦX + ΦY) for formation of X and Y has a chemistry when irradiated continuously, or upon re- lower limit of 0.062 which can be compared to values peated laser excitation. The importance of an oxidant of < 10−6, 0.0011 and 0.0042 determined in deaer- to the net photochemistry is illustrated by the obser- ated, aerated and oxygenated solutions, respectively, vation that solutions equilibrated with 1 atm PO2 gave for the quantum yields (ΦRBS) for RBS decomposition quantum yields ∼ 5× that of air equilibrated solutions, according to equation (1) under continuous photolysis in keeping with the higher [O2]. conditions. The back reactions with NO have the sec- X 7 −1 −1 ond order rate constants kNO = 1.3 × 10 M s and Y 5 −1 −1 kNO = 7 × 10 M s , and it is these rapid back reac- hν off 10 tions in competition with trapping by oxygen that de- termines the quantum yields for photodecomposition. 0.4 8

6 kX[O2] 0.3 X Products φ I 4 X a Current (nA) hν on (−NO) 0.2 2 X 0 80 160 240 320 400 kNO [NO]

Absorbance Time (s) − 0.1 Fe4S3(NO)7

Y kNO [NO] 0 300 400 500 600 700 φYIa (−NO) Wavelength (nm) Y Products kY[O2] Figure 1. Spectral changes upon light photolysis of an aer- ated pH 7.0 solution of Roussian’s black salt. Inset: detec- tion of NO released using a WPI NO sensor with calibrated Scheme 2. sensitivity 0.66 nA/µM. Initial [RBS] = 15 µM; ∆[RBS] = −1.51 µM. ∆[NO] determined electrochemically = 9.1 µM. 2.2. Photoreactions of RRS. Roussin’s red salt an- is only moderately stable in aerated aqueous so- lutions at neutral pH, and reacts to give RBS over the Electrospray mass spectroscopy (ESMS) was used to course of a few hours in the dark. When irradiated with identify products of the black salt photolysis in aer- near UV or visible light, this process was markedly ac- ated aqueous solution [12]. The RBS anion itself was celerated and gives a λirr independent quantum yield well represented in the ESMS, showing both the parent of ∼ 0.14 for conversion of RRS [12]. The RBS product at 530 m/z, as well as a series of three peaks showing was identified from optical, FTIR and ESMS spectra: the losses of NO at successive −30 m/z intervals. Nitrite at latter also showed the formation of nitrite and sulfide. 47 m/z was also a primary product, accompanied by a Electrochemical NO analysis indicated that 0.5 moles of weak peak at 63 m/z. Analysis for ferrous NO are released for each mole of RRS converted to RBS. by 1, 10 phenanthroline addition indicated nearly quan- Flash photolysis studies of Roussin’s red salt di- titative formation of ferrous ion and electrochemical 2− anion, Fe2S2(NO)4 (RRS) demonstrated high quan- experiments demonstrated that ∼ 6 NO were released tum yield formation of an intermediate believed to be from each cluster, i.e., equation (1), (the unaccounted 2− Fe2S2(NO)3 formed by photodissociation of NO. This − electron “[e ]” is presumably consumed by O2 in these species reacts competitively with nitric oxide via sec- aerated media). 8 −1 −1 ond order kinetics (kNO = 9.1 × 10 M s ) to reform 7 −1 −1 RRS and with dioxygen (kOx = 5.6 × 10 M s )to − hν 2+ 2− Fe4S3(NO)7 =⇒ 3.9Fe + 5.9NO + 3S +?. (1) give a secondary intermediate [14]. The latter species O2 is the likely precursor of the eventual photoproduct, − Flash photolysis studies of the RBS system have Fe4S3(NO)7 (RBS). Scheme 3 illustrates the proposed been carried out using time resolved optical (TRO) and scheme leading to these products. 164 Peter. C. Ford Vol. 3

φ I −2 1 a 2− 100 Fe2S2(NO)4 NO + Fe2S2(NO)3 (Ii) 8 −1 −1 kNO = 9.1 × 10 M s O2

7 −1 −1 kOX = 5.7 × 10 M s Control

− Fe2S2(NO)3 (Iii)

−2 +RS/No WL +Fe2S2(NO)4 RBS +S2− 10−1

Scheme 3. Surviving Fraction

2− +RS/WL The Fe2S2(NO)4 anion is also photoreactive in deaerated solutions, but with a much reduced Φd.In deaerated acetonitrile the Roussin’s black salt dianion, 2− −2 Fe4S3(NO)7 (BSD) is the iron containing product as 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 characterized by FTIR and UV-vis. However, in deoxy- genated aqueous solutions only the RBS monoanion Dose (Gy) was observed, leaving our electron count incomplete. This discrepancy was eliminated by the discovery that Figure 2. Survival of V79 cells exposed to γ radiation un- der hypoxic conditions in the absence (open circles) or pres- under these conditions, N2O is also a reaction product ence of 500 µM RRS with (closed circles) or without (open with the ∆N2O/∆RBS ratio of 0.5 ± 0.03. This appar- ently comes from the direct reduction of NO by BSD squares) light exposure. The dashed line on the plot indi- (∆E =+0.11 V) to give the anion, NO−, fol- cates the responce of cells exposed to γ radiation under lowed by formation of in proticsolvents fully aerobicconditions. − + (2NO + 2H → H2O + N2O). The following stoichiome- try in deaerated proticsolvents results. derivatives Fe2(SR)2(NO)4, the Roussin’s red esters RSE [20], which are more air stable than RRS yet remain pho- 2H+ + 4Fe S (NO) 2− 2 2 4 toactive toward NO dissociation. These can be prepared hν − 2− from the reaction of RRS with the precursor R-X. Of par- −→ 2Fe4S3(NO)7 + 2S + N2O + H2O. (2) ticular interest is the possibility of varying the group R 2.3. Radiation sensitization using RRS. The use to manipulate the properties such as reactivity, solubil- of these complexes to deliver NO to biological targets ity, optical spectral profile or biological specificity of a was the subject of collaborative studies at the Radia- unit containing the iron sulfur clusters. tion Biology Branch at the National Cancer Institute in For example, the sulfonated derivative, Na2[Fe2 Bethesda, MD [12]. Nitricoxide has long been known (SCH2CH2SO3)2(NO)4] shows both good thermal sta- to sensitize hypoxic (oxygen deficient) cell cultures to bility and high water solubility. The photolysis of this gamma radiation damage [19]. The Roussin’s salts were complex in aerated solutions results in the formation of therefore used to deliver NO photochemically to hy- 3.8 moles of NO per mole of complex photoconverted. poxic cultures of Chinese hamster V79 cells in order to The other products included Fe2+ ions and the free thiol probe possible effects upon the γ-radiation sensitivity , observed by ESMS. The quantum yield for NO of these cells. formation ΦNO in aerated aqueous solution is ∼ 0.2, the Figure 2 shows the logarithmicsurvival rate of the highest value for a Fe − S − NO complex yet observed. cell cultures when subjected to varied irradiation doses. However, these RRS esters have electronic spectra sim- As can be clearly observed, treatment of the cells with ilar to that of RRS itself and do not adsorb sufficiently RRS had little effect on the survival, but simultane- at longer wavelengths for in vivo studies. ous white light irradiation greatly decreased the sur- To address this issue we are preparing other RRE vival fractions of the cell cultures when exposed to γ- compounds where the R-groups have a chromophore radiation. Visible light irradiation of the RRS incubated cell cultures without γ-radiation, had little effect on RSE survival fractions. Sensitization up to 100 fold of radia- tion induced cell death was observed for this and other R red salt concentrations. These results clearly provide a S proof-of-concept example for delivery of NO to biolog- ON NO ical targets by photochemical means. Fe Fe ON NO S 2.4. Roussin’s Red “Esters”. We have extended these investigations to various sulfur functionalized R Vol. 3 Photochemical reactions of metal nitrosyl complexes. Mechanisms of NO reactions … 165 such as a dye molecule which might act as an in- formed. The decay kinetics clearly demonstrated that tramolecular photosensitizer of the Fe2S2(NO)4 moi- the temporal absorbance could be best fit to two ex- ety. For example, we have now prepared [20] the RRS ponentials. both of which are [NO] dependent (Fig- with R2 = a derivative of protoporphyrin IX (PPIX- ure 3). We have shown that one photoreaction is NO RSE) and have characterized it by a number of physi- labilization to give (formally) a Ru(III) intermediate cal methods including high resolution mass spectrom- Ru(P)(ONO). This is reversible and displays a back re- etry. Although the absorption spectra is almost entirely action with NO with a second order rate constant of 8 −1 −1 dominated by the porphyrin chromophore, the photo- 2.8 × 10 M s . The other involves NO2 dissociation physics and photochemistry of this species are strongly to give the transient paramagneticspeciesRu (P)(NO) influenced by the presence of the Roussin’s cluster. The having analogy in stable complexes formed from sim- II intensity of emission from the free base porphyrin is ple NO addition to Fe (P). Dissociation of NO2 is ∼ 90% quenched and the lifetime is correspondingly also a photoreaction of the manganese nitrito com- shorter. Furthermore, direct excitation of the porphyrin plex Mn(TPP)(ONO) (see below) [25]. That NO2 disso- Q-band absorptions with 546 nm light leads to NO re- ciation is seen indicates the electronic flexibility of the lease from the cluster with a quantum yield clearly con- Ru(P)(NO) chromophore, since this (formally) involves sistent with intramolecular photosensitization of reac- reduction of a {MNO}6 to a {MNO}7 system [26]. The tions at the RRS cluster center. return of this intermediate to the starting nitrosyl ni- trito species is a complicated transformation, involv- ing formation of the dinitrosyl complex Ru(P)(NO) 2

Decay of transients formed by 355 nm flash photolysis NH of “Ru(TPP)(NO)(ONO)” N 0 N HN −0.1

O C 5 −1 −0.2 k1obs = 3.7 × 10 s 4 −1 O O C O k2obs = 6.8 × 10 s S −0.3 S Abs (572 nm) ∆ (in benzene, [NO] = 2.7 × 10−3 M) −0.4 Fe analyzed according to two competitive reactions (NO)2 Fe (NO) 2 −0.5 01×10−5 2×10−5 3×10−5 4×10−5 5×10−5

RSE-PPIX Time (s)

Figure 3. Decay of transients formed by laser flash photoly- 3. PHOTOREACTIONS OF RUTHENIUM sis of Ru(TPP)(NO)(ONO) in benzene solution as monitored NITROSYL PORPHYRINS in the Q-band region.

Thermal stability is a necessary characteristic for a +NO O photoactive NO carrier. It was this feature that turned I our attention to the ruthenium porphyrin complexes O N N Ru(P)(X)(NO) (e.g., P = TPP (tetraphenylporphyrin) or hν Ru + NO 2 OEP (octaethylporphyrin)) since ruthenium nitrosyls Ru are generally robust. Porphyrins have strong absorp- O Ru+ NO tions in the red, thus M(P)NO species may have attrac- N O O tive properties in this regard. These were first prepared N O by the reaction shown in equation (3) [21, 22], and quan- titative kinetics studies of this transformation provided Scheme 4. a valuable platform for characterizing one mechanism for metal promoted NO [23]. (I) via a second order reaction of Ru(P)NO with NO (2×107 M−1s−1) followed by further reaction with NO to Ru(P)(CO)+4NO −→ Ru(P)(NO)(ONO)+CO+N O. (3) 2 give Ru(P)(NO)(ONO) plus N2O in analogy to the ther- mal reaction of Ru(P)(CO) with NO to give A,COand The photochemistry of various Ru(P)(NO)(X) is N2O [23] (Scheme 4). quite rich owing to competitive excited state re- actions [24]. For example, flash photolysis studies 4. RUTHENIUM SALEN NITROSYL COMPLEXES of Ru(TPP)(NO)(ONO) (A) in hydrocarbon solvents demonstrated that two short-lived intermediates are We have begun to explore another syntheticplatform 166 Peter. C. Ford Vol. 3

O N Sol O O hν O O +NO Ru Ru CN N C C N NC Cl Cl B Sol = solvent (4) for ruthenium based NO carriers, namely, the salen- procedures for the synthesis of the ionic compounds type complexes Ru(R − salen)(X)(NO), (salen = N, N - [Ru(salen)(H2O)(NO)]X and have demonstrated that bis(salicylidene)-ethylenediaminato dianion). Additio- their photochemistry in aqueous solution is analogous nal interest in these derives from recent demonstra- to that of B [30]. tions that Ru(R − salen)(X)(NO) compounds are pre- The salen type ligands are easily modified to change cursors of oxene and carbene transfer catalysts for the electronic and steric characteristics of the ligands. alkene asymmetric epoxidations and cyclopropana- In this context, we are beginning an exploratory ef- tions as well as of Lewis acid catalysts for asymmet- fort to engineer new molecular species of the type ric hetero Diels-Alder reactions [27]. Since these cata- Ru(L)(X)(NO) (L = various salen-type ligands) with ini- lysts are activated by light, quantitative evaluation of tial goals of tuning the spectroscopic properties. For their photochemical properties has multi-dimensional example, standard salen complexes have relatively low interest. absorptivities in the visible region (Figure 4, dashed We have carried out preliminary photoreactivity in- line); while those of the more conjugated salophen lig- vestigations on a representative member of this fam- ands (see drawing) show much stronger bands in the ily, Ru(salen)(Cl)(NO) (B) in various media [28]. These red (Figure 4 solid line), yet qualitatively have photore- demonstrate that NO is labilized at 436 nm) to give sol- activity properties similar to those of B [27]. The goal is vento Ru(III) analogs (equation (4)) and provide a log- to prepare and characterize a related series of new com- ical model for the photoactivation and solvent depen- pounds where systematicvariations lead to predictable dent reactivities of the catalysts noted above. differences in the absorption spectra, solubilities and The thermal reverse reaction to regenerate B (equa- photochemical reactivities. tion (5)) is strongly dependent on the nature of the 4.1. Photochemistry of Mn(III) and Cr(III) nitrito solvent, with second order rate constants kNO (298 K) ranging ∼ 11 orders of magnitude from 4 × 107 M−1s−1 complexes. This project is an example of serendip- in toluene to ∼ 5 × 10−4 M−1s−1 in acetonitrile [28]. ity. We were interested in demonstrating NO formation Superficially, this observation suggests a mechanism from the photochemical cleavage of an O − N bond of where Sol dissociation from the Ru(III) center is occur- coordinated nitrite (M − O − NO → M = O + NO). This ring or has occurred at the rate limiting transition state was an early suggestion for one of the photoreaction for Ru − NO bond formation. Such a pathway is consis- pathways of Ru(P)(NO)(ONO) and had been described tent with the mechanism we proposed for the NO reac- tions with ferri-heme models and metmyoglobin based on activation parameters measurements [31–33]. How- 40×103 ever, this mechanism is inconsistent with studies car- ried out on NO substitution for NH3 on the Ru(III) com- 3+ plex Ru(NH3)6 in aqueous solution. In that case, the 30 second order reaction of NO is too fast to be attributed to NH3 dissociation and activation parameters are con- sistent with associative attack of the NO radical on the 20 d5 metal center [34]. in l/(mol*cm)

ε 10 Ru(salen)(Cl)(Sol) + NO k −→NO Ru(salen)(Cl)(NO) + Sol. (5) 0 300 400 500 600 Another example of this family is Ru(salen)(NO) λ in nm (ONO) described by Wilkinson et al. [29]. In contrast to the porphyrin analog A, photochemical studies of this indicate the formation of a single intermediate, Figure 4. Optical Spectra of t-Bu derivatives of B (dashed Ru(salen)(ONO)(Sol) (Sol = solvent) generated by NO line) and its salophen analog (solid line) in acetonitrile so- loss [30]. In preliminary studies, we have also developed lution. Vol. 3 Photochemical reactions of metal nitrosyl complexes. Mechanisms of NO reactions … 167

II Mn TPP(O2) O O N +O2 MnIII +NO2

hν, −NO2 MnII(TPP)(ONO) MnII Φ = 0.045 +NO kis om 2 −4 hν Φ ∼ 10 O N +NO O O MnIII IV II Mn Mn TPP(NO) +N2O3



Scheme 5.

the Laporte forbidden field (d-d) transitions at tBu tBu O 482 nm (ε = 43 M−1cm−1) and 356 nm with an intensity N −1 −1 t t (37 M cm ) consistent with the next higher energy Bu O O Bu Ru quartet band but in the region where the internal lig- ∗ N N and n-π band of the nitrito functionality is expected. When freshly prepared aqueous solutions (1 mM, pH 7) were irradiated with the white light from a 75 W high pressure xenon arclamp, NO formation was monitored Cl electrochemically. Quantum yields were not evaluated owing to the instability of this species to thermal reac- Ru((tBu)4salophen)(Cl)(NO) tions under photolysis conditions. Furthermore, it was 2+ as a pathway for the photolysis of Mn(TPP)(ONO) (C) apparent that the Cr(NH3)5(ONO) ion was undergo- [34]. However, when we (with Hoshino) examined the ing other photochemistry, namely labilization the am- flash photolysis kinetics of C [25], the dominant pho- mine trans to the nitrito ligand [36]. toreaction was homolytic cleavage of the M − O bond to Our attention then turned to the Cr(III) com- plex trans-Cr(cyclam)(ONO) + (D, cyclam = 1,4,8,11 give NO2 (Φ = 0.045) accompanied by formation of the 2 Mn(II) intermediate Mn(TPP). While this provided the tetraazacyclotetradecane) (Figure 5). When D was sub- opportunity to examine the quantitative reactivities of jected to continuous photolysis (λirr = 436 nm) in deaerated pH 7 aqueous solution (or under an Ar or Mn(TPP) with NO, O2 and NO2 (Scheme 5), it also piqued our interest in exploring what parameters would lead to NO atmosphere), a gradual shift of the absorption spec- III + the photolyticgeneration of NO from O-coordinatedni- trum to that of the trans-Cr (cyclam)(H2O)(ONO) trite. It had been previously shown that the porphyrin cation was observed. The spectral changes closely complexes Mo(TPP)(O)(ONO) and Cr(TPP)(ONO) un- match those seen in the acid hydrolysis of D at pH 2, and are analogous to those reported for the acid hy- dergo irreversible β-cleavage to give Mo(TPP)(O)2 and + Cr(TPP)(O) in benzene [35]. drolysis of trans-[Cr(en)2(ONO)2] . Thus, we conclude Hoshino’s results with Cr(TPPP)(ONO) [35] clearly that the net photoreaction under these conditions suggested that with a sufficiently oxophilic metal, co- is simple photoaquation with a small quantum yield ordinated nitrite can serve as a photochemical NO pre- (Φaq = 0.0092±0.0008). This is consistent with the very cursor. In this context, we turned to the com- low photoreactivity that has been noted for other trans- + plexes of Cr(III) to see if this behavior had general- Cr(cyclam)X2 cations (e.g., X = Cl) when subjected to ity beyond the metalloporphyrins. Another attractive ligand field excitation. property of these is the solubility in water, a feature The spectral changes were entirely different likely to be desirable in biomedical applications. The when D was photolyzed in aerated aqueous so- 2+ first of such species examined was Cr(NH3)5(ONO) . lutions at different λirr ranging from 365 nm to The optical absorption spectrum of this is defined by 546 nm. A new species ws identified provisionally as 168 Peter. C. Ford Vol. 3

hν(Φ = 0.27) III + IV + t-Cr (cyclam)(O)(ONO)2 t-Cr (cyclam)(O)(ONO) +NO D kNO hν(Φ = 0.009) Ox

III 2+ − V 2+ t-Cr (cyclam)(H2O)(ONO) +NO 2 t-Cr (cyclam)(O)(ONO) E

Scheme 6.

0.35 ligands. Lastly were described several complexes of ox- + ophilicmetals that activatethe nitrite ion toward pho- ONO− 0.30 todecomposition. 0.25 N N Cr(III) N 0.20 N ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 0.15 ONO− This work was supported by the National Science Foun- dation (CHE 9400919 and CHE 9726889) and by a Col- 0.10 laborative UC/Los Alamos Research (CULAR) Initiative 0.05 grant from Los Alamos National Laboratory. TRO ex- periments were carried out on systems constructed 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 with instrumentation grants from the U.S. Department of Energy University Research Instrumentation Grant + Figure 5. Spectrum of trans-Cr(cyclam)(ONO)2 in aque- Program (No. DE-FG-05-91ER79039) and from the Na- ous solution. tional Science Foundation. The following students and postdoctoral fellows in my laboratory have contributed trans-CrIV(cyclam)(O)(ONO)+, which was trapped to the studies described in this review: Katrina M. Mi- by oxygen to give the CrV complex E with an overall randa, Brian Lee, James L. Bourassa, Malcolm DeLeo, quantum yield of 0.27 at 436 nm. NO formation was Carmen Works, Christa Conrado, Dr. Setsuko Kudo, and confirmed electrochemically, and flash photolysis Dr. Ivan Lorkovic. I also thank Dr. David Wink of the indicated that the primary photoproduct reacts readily National Cancer Institute (Bethesda MD, USA) and Dr. 6 −1 −1 Mikio Hoshino (RIKEN, Japan) with whom we have col- with NO (kNO = 3.1 × 10 M s ) to reform D in com- laborated. petition with O2 trapping to give E. (Scheme 6) [36].

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