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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488

Review and nitrosyl compounds in

Richard Cammack a;*, C.L. Joannou 1;a, Xiao-Yuan Cui 2;a, Claudia Torres Martinez 3;b, Shaun R. Maraj b, Martin N. Hughes b

a Division of Life Sciences, King's College, London W8 7AH, UK b Department of Chemistry, King's College, London WC2R 2LS, UK

Received 27 August 1998; received in revised form 2 November 1998; accepted 16 December 1998


Nitrite is consumed in the diet, through vegetables and drinking water. It is also added to products as a . The potential risks of this practice are balanced against the unique protective effect against toxin-forming bacteria such as botulinum. The chemistry of nitrite, and compounds derived from it, in food systems and bacterial cells are complex. It is known that the bactericidal species is not nitrite itself, but a compound or compounds derived from it during 3 food preparation. Of a range of nitrosyl compounds tested, the anion of Roussin's black [Fe4S3(NO)7] was the most inhibitory to C. sporogenes. This compound is active against both anaerobic and aerobic food-spoilage bacteria, while some other compounds are selective, indicating multiple sites of action. There are numerous possible targets for inhibition in the bacterial cells, including respiratory chains, iron^sulfur proteins and other metalloproteins, membranes and the genetic apparatus. ß 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Roussin's salts; Nitrosothiol; Electron paramagnetic spectroscopy; (Clostridium botulinum); (Listeria monocytogenes)


1. The nitrite controversy ...... 476

2. Chemistry of nitrite, nitric and related nitrosyl compounds ...... 477 2.1. Iron^sulfur^nitrosyl (Fe^S^NO) complexes ...... 478 2.2. EPR-detectable nitrosyl species ...... 478

3. NO as a bacterial metabolite ...... 479

Abbreviations: DNIC, dinitrosyl iron^thiolate complex; EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance; RBS, Roussin's black salt; SNP, * Corresponding author. Fax: +44-171-333-4500; E-mail: [email protected] 1 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, UMDS Guys' Hospital, St. Thomas St., London SE1 9RT, UK. 2 Present address: National Starch and Chemical Company, Bridgewater, NJ, USA. 3 Present address: Environmental Toxicology, Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA.

0005-2728 / 99 / $ ^ see front matter ß 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0005-2728(99)00033-X

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 476 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488

4. Clostridium and Listeria ...... 479 4.1. Clostridia ...... 479 4.2. Listeria ...... 480

5. The nature of the bacteriostatic species ...... 480

6. Bacteriostatic compounds derived from nitrite ...... 481 6.1. Nitrous ...... 481 6.2. ...... 481 6.3. Fe^S^NO complexes ...... 481 6.4. Nitrosothiols and N- compounds ...... 481

7. Molecular mechanisms of nitrite inhibition of anaerobic bacteria ...... 482 7.1. Iron^sulfur proteins and energy ...... 482 7.2. Other proteins ...... 483 7.3. DNA and gene expression ...... 483 7.4. Cell walls and membranes ...... 483

8. Concluding remarks ...... 484

Acknowledgements ...... 484

References ...... 485

1. The nitrite controversy ditions, and produces a neurotoxin which is one of the most lethal natural products known. Nitrite, to- and nitrite have been used for centuries in gether with cooking and the addition of salt, is a curing and preserving and ¢sh, and in the protection against food poisoning by this microor- manufacture of certain cheeses [1]. For commercial ganism [2,8]. purposes, salt mixtures were found to be more e¡ec- Nitrate and nitrite occur in the diet from numer- tive in curing processes if they contained saltpetre ous di¡erent sources [3,9,10]. Vegetables are a major (potassium nitrate) [2]. During preparation, nitrate source of , for example about 1000 mg/kg for is reduced to nitrite which is the major active ingre- leaf vegetables such as lettuce, and 200 mg/kg in root dient in these salt mixtures. Nitrate is reduced to vegetables such as potatoes [11]. The average levels nitrite by bacteria under anaerobic conditions, using of nitrite (as NaNO2) in cured meat products are in the molybdopterin-containing . Di- the range 10^40 mg/kg [12], with values in the U.S. etary nitrate may be reduced to nitrite by bacteria being in the lower part of the range [13]. present in the mouth and sometimes in the stomach Although the which are permitted in [3]. Doran [4] as cited in Binkerd and Kolari [1], was foods are considered to be without potential adverse issued a U.S. patent in 1917 for replacement of ni- e¡ects there have been concerns about the safety of trate with nitrite in curing brines. . Nitrite, in high concentrations, is undoubt- When added to foods such as cured meats, nitrite edly toxic to humans. Acute e¡ects have been ob- has at least three functions [5]. Firstly, it contributes served from accidental ingestion, for example in con- to the £avour; this may be due to the inhibition of taminated drinking water [14], sausages [15] and development of rancid o¡-£avours [6]. Secondly, it medicines [16]. The principal toxic e¡ect is oxidation reacts with to give mononitrosylhaemo- of oxyhemoglobin to ferrihemoglobin, leading to chrome [7], which gives the characteristic pink colour methemoglobinaemia. This can be fatal, particularly of cured meat. Thirdly, it inhibits the growth of food in newborn infants in which the -re- spoilage bacteria, and most importantly, Clostridium ducing capacity is low, leading to so-called `blue botulinum. C. botulinum thrives under anaerobic con- baby syndrome' [17]. In Britain this condition is ex-

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 477 tremely rare. Other adverse e¡ects of nitrite have mune response to bacterial infection [31]. The been reported, including the inhibition of intestinal amount of nitrite produced in this way is comparable absorption in rats [18]. In 1985 the European Union to that ingested in the diet [3]. The human body has set a limit of 50 mg/litre of drinking water. defences against the toxic e¡ects of nitrite and nitric Since the 1970s there has been concern about a oxide which some bacteria, including C. botulinum, possible link between nitrite and cancer. There is do not possess. no conclusive evidence that nitrite is directly carcino- In view of the possible risk of toxicity and carcino- genic [19], but in high doses it has been implicated as genesis, the amount of nitrite added to foods is pro- a co- [20]. It has been shown to induce gressively being restricted. Nitrite, rather than ni- mutations in some bacterial strains of Salmonella ty- trate, tends to be added to cured meat products, phimurium used for detection of base-pair substitu- and in the lowest concentrations consistent with tions [21]. Some epidemiological studies have sug- food safety. The mechanism by which it inhibits bac- gested a link between dietary nitrates and nitrites, terial growth is of considerable interest, and has been and the incidence of cancer (cited in [22]). There is studied for more than 50 years [32], but is still not an unusually high incidence of oesophageal cancer in understood at the molecular level. The interactions Henan province, China, and this has been associated of nitrite with various substrates, such as amino with a diet of vegetables pickled in water containing , peptides, metalloporphyrins and iron^sulfur high levels of nitrate and nitrite [23]. Recent studies clusters, are known [23]. It seems probable that if have failed to show a correlation between dietary the mechanisms by which nitrite interferes with cell nitrite and gastric cancer [22,24]. growth were understood, in terms of both the cellular The complex chemistry of nitrite, and target of nitrite action and the chemical events which related compounds makes it di¤cult to establish the lead to growth inhibition, other compounds which level of associated risk [25]. It is known, for example, mimic the nitrite mechanism could be rationally de- that N-nitroso compounds () may be signed or selected. Such compounds might be impor- formed from nitrites [26]. Compounds such as N-ni- tant as new food preservatives, antibiotics, or general trosodimethylamine have been shown to be carcino- bacteriostatic agents. genic in a wide range of animal species [23]. N-nitro- so compounds have been detected in cured meats after cooking [27]. For example, concentrations of 2. Chemistry of nitrite, nitric oxide and related apparent total N-nitroso compounds of 2.9 Wg/kg nitrosyl compounds were measured in fried smoked bacon; of this, known volatile and non-volatile N-nitroso com- Nitrite, when added to food systems and bacterial pounds accounted for only 10^20% [28]. There is cells, undergoes complex chemical interconversions also the possibility of formation of N-nitroso com- and metabolism. Some of the compounds formed pounds by reaction with various compounds from are stable but kinetically reactive. Few of the meta- peptides and other amino compounds in the acid bolic products of nitrite, other than N2 gas, can be conditions of the stomach. Nitrite continues to be considered inert. If nitrite is converted to forms that used in meat products primarily due to its unique are undetectable by the analytical methods used, property of protecting against growth of the heat- these may still act as a reservoir of NO-related spe- resistant spores of C. botulinum, and subsequent tox- cies which can be reconverted to active forms. This in formation [29] has made it di¤cult to discover the fate of nitrite and Much of the controversy about the possible toxic- other NO-related species, and to determine the rea- ity and carcinogenicity of low levels of nitrite pre- sons for their bacteriostatic action. dates the discovery that nitric oxide and nitrite are Many methods have been used to measure the normal human metabolites, being derived by nitric compounds formed in meat from nitrite, but most oxide synthases from [30]. Nitric oxide is have limitations; either they will only detect some not a xenobiotic, but has many physiological func- chemical species, or they cannot distinguish di¡erent tions, including, signi¢cantly, the in£ammatory im- species. The Griess reaction, which produces a col-

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 478 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 oured azo compound, is a test for nitrite and related iron^sulfur^nitrosyl complexes, and could be consid- N(III) species, but under aerobic conditions NO can ered as the ¢rst generation of metal nitrosyl com- 3 be converted to NO2 . Chromatographic methods are plexes, being described by Roussin as early as 1858. slow, and can lead to interconversion of species. Because of its inhibitory e¡ect on bacteria at micro- Electrodes for detection of NO are sensitive to oxi- molar concentrations, Roussin's black salt was used dising and reducing compounds present in biological to sterilise the water supply of Paris during the 19th materials, though more recent systems appear to century. Roussin's salts are now known to contain 3 overcome this di¤culty. EPR spectroscopy can de- the anions [Fe4S3(NO)7] (Roussin's black salt, 23 tect nitrosyl species such as nitrosyl iron complexes, RBS) and [Fe2S2(NO)4] (Roussin's red salt). RBS only if they are paramagnetic, i.e., having an odd is unusual in being soluble in organic solvents such number of electrons. 15N-nuclear magnetic resonance as diethyl ether, and so should be able to penetrate is selective for di¡erent species but relatively insensi- cell membranes easily. [Fe^S^NO] complexes are nu- tive, and does not detect 15N bound to macromole- merous and chemically reactive. Their formation and cules. It is not surprising that it has been di¤cult to interconversions have been reviewed by Butler et al. account quantitatively for the added as ni- [39]. Fig. 1 shows the structure of Roussin's salts, trite to food systems. and some other bacteriostatic compounds which The chemistry of nitric oxide and its redox-related have been investigated. species NO‡ (the cation) and NO3 (the anion) [33] is central to an understanding of 2.2. EPR-detectable nitrosyl species the biology of NO. Nitric oxide is an oxidant (E = +1.18 V for NO/N2O), and a reducing agent EPR spectroscopy has been used to study nitrosyl 3 (E = +0.35 V for NO2 /NO). NO contains N(II), the complexes of transition metals, to which the NO nitroxyl N(I) and the nitrosonium ion N(III), confers an unpaired electron. Nitric oxide and each of them has a distinctive chemistry unique itself, in frozen , gives rise to a signal with to itself. In biochemical systems, nitric oxide in so- gW1.95, with a broad tail to higher ¢eld [40]. This is lution has a half-life of a few seconds. Reaction with in aqueous is much slower than the loss of NO over this time period. It should be noted that, in oxygenated aqueous solution, autoxidation, which occurs through an unknown `intermediate' and then to nitrite [34,35], is slow, compared with other reactions under physiological conditions. NO tends to react rapidly with other atoms or molecules that also contain unpaired electrons. Also important are the reactions with to form S-nitrosothiols, which occurs in the presence of oxidants [36], and with metal to form nitrosyl complexes [37]. A variety of compounds that are formed under neutral physiological conditions can be conveniently viewed as NO‡ carriers [38,39]. Important examples of such compounds are metal nitrosyl complexes, S-nitrosothiols (RS-NO), N-nitroso compounds (for example, RNH-NO), and (N2O3).

Fig. 1. Structures of some iron^sulfur clusters and nitrosyl com- 2.1. Iron^sulfur^nitrosyl (Fe^S^NO) complexes 3 plexes: (a) [Fe4S3(NO)7] (RBS); (b) Roussin's red salt; (c) di- nitrosyl iron^thiolate complex (DNIC); (d) sodium nitroprus-

Roussin's salts are the best-known complexes of side (SNP); (e) Fe4S4(NO)4.

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 479

3 3 3 only detectable at low temperatures ( 6 20 K) and Assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrate NO3 +2e CNO2 requires high concentrations of NO. Some complexes reductases: Dissimilatory nitrite reductases: NO3+e3 CNO of non- iron with nitric oxide are more readily 2 3 Nitric oxide reductases: 2 NO+2e CN2O detectable, and can be used to observe molecular 3 reductases: N2O+2e CN2 targets for NO in biological systems [41]. The dini- Assimilatory (and some dissimilatory) NO3+6e3 CNH‡ 3 2 4 trosyl iron complexes of the type [Fe(SR)2(NO)2] nitrite reductases: (DNIC) (Fig. 1a), which are low-spin ferrous^nitro- syl species (S = 1/2), give narrow EPR signals with g- The ability of bacteria to catalyse these reactions factors between 2.012 and 2.04 [42,43]. These signals speci¢cally is used in analysis, for example of nitrate are prominent due to their narrow width, and can be which is reduced to nitrite (e.g., [22]). It is also ex- detected at ambient temperature. These paramag- ploited in the biological removal of nitrate from netic iron^nitrosyl complexes have been observed in waste water [51]. extracts of rat liver, following the administration of Under aerobic conditions, NO may be produced [44]. In this case the nitrosyl groups were by oxidation of and amino acids. A nitric presumably derived by the action of macrophages on oxide synthase which catalyses the formation of NO cancer cells. Dietary nitrite can also generate such from arginine, like the eukaryotic , has been compounds; extracts from organs of experimental isolated from a Nocardia species [52]. Thus, for some animals on a diet supplemented with nitrite and fer- bacteria, nitric oxide and nitrosyl species may be rous sulfate, gave an anisotropic signal at g = 2.03 considered as normal metabolites. Di¡erent bacteria [45]. Another EPR signal, at gP = 1.999 and can express various of these , depending on 14 gN = 1.927, with resolved N hyper¢ne splitting, is the nitrogen sources present. NO can be released into observed from nitroprusside during its reduction by the environment by some bacteria, to be consumed thiols [46]. The nitrosyl groups exist in these com- by others [53]. Clostridium and Listeria, to which NO plexes as nitrosonium cations, NO‡. There are also is toxic, have in general low concentrations of the high-spin ferrous^nitrosyl species (S = 3/2) character- enzymes involved in nitrite metabolism, e.g., nitrite ised by g-values around 4.0 and 2.0; the archetypal reductase [54]. complex of this type is the nitrosyl complex of Fe(II)^EDTA. by nitrite of synthetic iron^sulfur 4. Clostridium and Listeria model complexes based on natural iron^sulfur pro- teins has also been shown under mild conditions These micro-organisms belong to groups of bacte- [47]. The ready formation of paramagnetic mononu- ria that can be major health hazards through con- 3 clear complexes [Fe(SR)2(NO)2] from a range tamination of food [55]. C. sporogenes is a non-toxic of diamagnetic precursors was observed. This sug- analogue of C. botulinum (which causes botulism) gests that nitrosylation of natural iron^sulfur clusters and C. perfringens. Whereas the principal hazard also proceeds via paramagnetic mononuclear com- from clostridia is the toxins that are produced in plexes. the food, Listeria monocytogenes causes an infection, listeriosis.

3. NO as a bacterial metabolite 4.1. Clostridia

The reduction of nitrate to nitrite has already been Clostridia are strictly anaerobic (except for a few mentioned. Bacteria present in foodstu¡s can carry aerotolerant species), proteolytic catalase-negative out various further transformations. Many species of rod-shaped organisms, which produce heat-resistant bacteria can catalyse some or all of the reactions of spores [56]. The primary source of clostridia is soil. denitri¢cation [48], in which nitric oxide is now rec- Some are free-living nitrogen-¢xing organisms, such ognised as an important intermediate [49,50]. Some as C. pasteurianum; others, such as C. acetobutyli- of the relevant enzymes are: cum, are used to produce commercial chemicals

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 480 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 such as butyric acid, butanol, acetone and enzymes. molytic (pathogenic) and non-haemolytic (non-toxic) Other clostridia cause serious infections such as tet- strains. They are able to grow aerobically or anaer- anus and gas gangrene. obically, over a range of temperatures between Proteolytic clostridia are major causative agents of 34³C and 50³C, and survive for long periods of the spoilage of canned foods at neutral and slightly time. This may lead to the contraction of listeriosis acidic pH, as they can form heat-resistant spores. from products stored in domestic refrigerators. L. The major species involved are toxin-producing monocytogenes grows at pH values between 4.7 and strains of C. botulinum, and C. perfringens. Studies 9.2. pH, temperature and concentration of preserva- on C. botulinum can require stringent containment tives are the most important factors in the inhibition facilities, and so C. sporogenes is has been extensively of L. monocytogenes growth in food. studied as a model organisms. It has a similar me- Although L. monocytogenes is able to ferment car- tabolism to C. botulinum, but does not form toxins. bohydrates yielding lactic acid it does not produce The clostridial toxins are water soluble, heat sen- gas. Like C. sporogenes, it does not reduce nitrate. sitive and acid stable proteins of 50 000 to 250 000 kDa. They a¡ect the nervous system by preventing the secretion of neurotransmitter vesicles [57]. The 5. The nature of the bacteriostatic species early symptoms and signs of botulism are anxiety or agitation, drowsiness or blurred vision, and nau- Many types of cured meats are subjected to a heat- sea or vomiting. Substernal burning or pain, abdomi- ing process which destroys vegetative cells. The heat- nal distension and decreased bowel activity may oc- ing of nitrite in bacteriological medium can result in cur. Death is usually the result of respiratory the production of many di¡erent compounds. Some paralysis. of these are more toxic to bacteria than nitrite itself. Clostridial endospores are more resistant than veg- Perigo et al. [61] showed that nitrite when heated in a etative cells to heat, radiation or germicides, and bacteriological medium was more inhibitory towards cannot be easily destroyed. Spores survive heating growth of C. sporogenes than nitrite added asepti- at 60³C for several seconds, which kills vegetative cally to the medium after autoclaving. This e¡ect cells of C. sporogenes. Germination of the dormant was found to occur in the temperature range 95^ spore requires heat or speci¢c activating substances. 125³C at pH values about 6.0; the unidenti¢ed in- Germination of spores and subsequent vegetative cell hibitory substance(s) became known as the Perigo growth require iron, high concentrations of glucose, factor(s). A later study by Perigo and Roberts [62] and other essential amino acids. showed an enhanced inhibitory e¡ect of nitrite C. sporogenes has a complex fermentative metab- heated in laboratory media against 30 strains of clos- olism [58]. It is capable of growth in media without tridia. It was reported that a reducing agent such as carbohydrates by using the Stickland reaction. This thioglycollate, ascorbate or cysteine, as well as a pro- reaction involves the oxidation of some amino acids tein hydrolysate, were necessary components of the such as alanine, valine, leucine and isoleucine, laboratory medium in order to produce the e¡ect. coupled to the reduction of others, such as The situation in meats was found to be more com- and proline. The addition of glucose to such a me- plex than in liquid media. Johnston et al. [63] com- dium causes signi¢cant enhancement of growth. Ma- pared the e¡ect of heating nitrite in medium and in jor end products of glucose metabolism are acetate, meat systems, and showed that heating at 110³C for propionate, butyrate and isobutyrate, and 20 min enhanced the inhibition of C. botulinum in a carbon dioxide [58]. medium containing nitrite at a concentration of 20 mg/kg but not in a meat system containing nitrite at 4.2. Listeria 150 mg/kg or greater. The addition of meat to a nitrite-containing bacteriological medium was found L. monocytogenes is a catalase-positive bacillus to neutralise the inhibitory factor. Ashworth and which can grow in milk products such as soft Spencer [64] demonstrated an increased inhibition cheeses, and in meat and ¢sh [59,60]. There are hae- by nitrite when heated in minced pork; the inhibitor

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 481 produced did not show a pH-dependence, as was the pounds can diazotise and deaminate amino groups case with unheated nitrite. The magnitude of the in- in, for example, nucleotides. crease in inhibition on heating was small compared with the e¡ect seen in a medium system. Tompkin et 6.2. Peroxynitrite al. [65] showed that supplementation of perishable canned cured pork with iron, as a result of incorpo- Under aerobic conditions the toxic e¡ects of nitric rating an iron salt or beef heart and beef liver, oxide on bacterial cells are in£uenced by the presence caused a decrease in the antibotulinal properties of of oxygen, and of oxidising species derived from it nitrite. Thus there are uncertainties about the impor- such as peroxide [70] and superoxide. Thus in aerobic tance of Perigo factors in preservations of canned conditions the e¡ect of NO itself may be diminished meats. Nevertheless, these factors are of great inter- [71] while the more reactive species, peroxynitrite, is est due to their high toxicity to clostridia, compared believed to become involved [72^74]. This can be with nitrite. formed from the reaction of nitric oxide with super- Hansen and Levin [66] used the incorporation of oxide, or nitroxyl ion with oxygen [38]. [14C]uracil into ribonucleic acid by Bacillus cereus as Table 1 shows the e¡ects of various compounds on a system to test the antimicrobial properties of a the growth of C. sporogenes and L. monocytogenes. number of compounds derived from nitrite. They showed that nitrosothiols of thioglycollate and L- 6.3. Fe^S^NO complexes mercaptoethanol, and a heat-induced inhibitor from nitrite-containing medium (i.e., a Perigo factor) Other likely candidates for compounds derived were e¡ective inhibitors of uracil incorporation dur- from nitrite in medium systems during the cooking ing spore outgrowth, and other stages in the life process, are those related to the Roussin's salts and cycle of Bacillus cereus, probably as a result of the iron nitrosothiols [2,5]. Studies were directed at the inactivation of several sensitive metabolic steps or types of compound that are formed in growth media systems. and in meat systems, by heating nitrite with various components of the growth media, and testing their e¡ects on bacterial growth. Some very e¡ective in- 6. Bacteriostatic compounds derived from nitrite hibitors were found using heated mixtures of nitrite, cysteine and ferrous ions [54,75]. Butler et al. [76] 6.1. showed by quantitative FTIR that RBS was formed in good yield. This suggested that iron^sulfur^nitro- In early experiments, Tarr [67] showed that the syl complexes may be responsible for the inhibition preservative action of nitrite in ¢sh was greatly in- of cell growth. These and similar results indicated creased by acidi¢cation, suggesting that nitrous acid that bacteriostatic compound(s) are derived from ni- (HONO) was the active form. In bacteriological me- trite. dia the inhibitory action of nitrite on several species Moran et al. [77] demonstrated that RBS inhibited of bacteria was shown to increase with decreasing vegetative cells of C. perfringens at very low concen- pH, particularly at pH 6.0 and below. This e¡ect trations, approximately 0.5 WM. Higher concentra- was con¢rmed in other bacteria, including vegetative tions (50 WM) were found to be needed to inhibit cells of C. sporogenes [61] and spores of C. botulinum the germination of spores of C. sporogenes. However, [68]. Nitrite, which could be produced in the saliva, this is remarkably more e¡ective than nitrite itself, was found to be bactericidal to the gastric pathogen which is only inhibitory at concentrations of the or- Helicobacter pylori at acid pH [69]. The e¡ect of der of 10 mM (Table 1). acidi¢cation is presumably because nitrous acid is a much more active species than the anion, but present 6.4. Nitrosothiols and N-nitroso compounds in very low concentrations at neutral pH (the pKa of nitrous acid is 3.4). Nitrous acid and N-nitroso com- The e¡ects of the nitrosylcysteinylferrate anion

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 482 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488

Table 1 Minimum inhibitory concentrations for nitrite and related species for growth of C. sporogenes and L. monocytogenes

33 Complex Ki (Wmol dm ) L. monocytogenes C. sporogenes Nitrite 5000 Nitric oxidea 40

NH4[Fe4S3(NO)7] (RBS) 3 1.3 b [Fe2(SCH2CH2OH)2(NO)4] (Roussin's red salt ) 45 5.0 Fe4S4(NO)4 10 Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] (SNP) Non-toxic 28 [Mo(acac)2(NO)2] 600 Non-toxic [Ru(acac)2(NO)Cl] 500 Non-toxic [Ru(bipy)2(NO)Cl](PF6)2 300 400 [Ru(phen)2(NO)Cl](PF6)2 200 700 Trioxodinitrate (Na2N2O3) 200 SIN-1 1000 The concentrations are those required for 50% inhibition of growth in liquid culture under anaerobic conditions. Data are as pre- sented [80]. aAdded as NO in solution. bUnpublished observations.

were tested on the growth of Salmonella, Streptococ- 7. Molecular mechanisms of nitrite inhibition of cus faecium and C. sporogenes, and found to be very anaerobic bacteria e¡ective inhibitors [78]. On the other hand the N-ni- troso compounds, which are carcinogenic in animals, Banwart [81] has de¢ned four basic sites of bacter- were not found to have anticlostridial activity [79]. iostatic action of preservatives: enzymes and other An approach to understanding the mode of action proteins; the genetic system; cell walls or mem- of nitrogenous compounds has been to test the ef- branes; and the binding of essential nutrients. fects on bacterial growth and enzymic activities of compounds, for which the chemistry is well under- 7.1. Iron^sulfur proteins and energy metabolism stood. Cui et al. [80] showed that sodium nitroprus- 3 side (nitrosylpentacyanoferrate(II), [Fe(CN)5NOŠ2 ) The inhibition of respiration has long been consid- is highly toxic to C. sporogenes. Nitroprusside con- ered a possible mechanism of the bacteriostatic ac- tains NO in the formal NO‡, and is a tion of nitrite, at least for aerobic organisms (re- good nitrosating agent. Related transition-metal ni- viewed by Davidson and Juneja [82]). This has trosyl complexes were less bactericidal, and there was been used to explain the cytotoxic action of nitric a relationship between the toxic action of the com- oxide produced by macrophages, which has been plexes and their nitrosating ability. shown to inhibit mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase SIN-1 (3-Morpholinosydnonimine-N-ethylcarba- [40,83], and bacterial terminal oxidases [84]. mide) is used as a slow releaser of nitric oxide. It Tompkin et al. [65] suggested that nitric oxide, was found to have a similar type of toxicity to nitric formed via nitrous acid from nitrite, reacts with the oxide in aqueous solution, and both were consider- iron^sulfur proteins of bacteria. Iron^sulfur proteins ably more toxic than nitrite itself. It seems likely that are important in energy metabolism of both aerobic many of these species are short-lived in growth me- and anaerobic bacteria and thus are likely targets for dia, and are converted to longer-lasting forms which the bacteriostatic action of nitrite, nitric oxide and continue to inhibit cell growth. Examples of such related compounds. Synthetic model compounds compounds are nitrosothiols, which show long-term based on the [2Fe^2S] and [4Fe^4S] clusters in nat- inhibitory e¡ects [78]. ural iron^sulfur proteins, have been shown to under-

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 483 go nitrosylation under mild conditions, producing citrate and isocitrate, contains a [4Fe^4S] cluster EPR-detectable iron^sulfur nitrosyl species [47]. which is particularly vulnerable to attack by NO Woods et al. [85,86] studied the e¡ect of nitrite on [92,93]. This is because one iron atom of the cluster the metabolism, particularly the glucose metabolism, is not ligated by cysteine, but binds water or citrate of cells of C. botulinum. They found that when nitrite instead. Another iron^sulfur protein which is sensi- was added to a suspension of cells of C. sporogenes tive to nitric oxide is ferrochelatase, the enzyme incubated in medium containing glucose, there was a which inserts iron into haem [94,95]. large and rapid decrease in the intracellular concen- tration of ATP and an excretion of pyruvate from 7.2. Other proteins the cells. The increase in pyruvate implied that the inhibitory action of nitrite was on the phosphoro- Riha and Solberg [96] proposed that nitrite inhi- clastic system, which is an important source of bition of C. perfringens may be due to reaction of ATP in the clostridia. The phosphoroclastic system nitrite, as nitrous acid, with SH-containing constitu- converts pyruvate to CO2, hydrogen and acetyl phos- ents of the bacterial cells. Reaction of nitrous acid phate which is further converted to acetate by acetate with thiols can produce nitrosothiols, which can pre- kinase+ADP. The system comprises three iron^sulfur vent the action of enzymes such as glyceraldehyde-3- proteins: pyruvate:ferredoxin reductase, ferredoxin phosphate dehydrogenase [97]. Protein-bound nitro- and hydrogenase. Wood et al. postulated that for sothiols and compounds such as nitrosocysteine can C. sporogenes an important mechanism of nitrite in- also serve to store NO and release it again for further hibition is by formation of nitric oxide complexes reactions [98,99], or transfer NO‡ to receptor groups with the non-haem iron of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxi- of high nucleophilicity. doreductase (PFR). Other amino acids in proteins can show the e¡ects The e¡ects of nitrite and nitrosyl complexes on of exposure to NO-derived species. Nitrotyrosine has pyruvate:ferredoxin reductase were examined by been used as a marker for the presence of peroxyni- Carpenter et al. [87], who reported that nitrite caused trite in mammalian systems [100]. Deamination of the production of EPR-detectable Fe^S^NO com- by nitrite has been suggested as a marker for plexes in C. botulinum [88]. McMindes and Siedler exposure of proteins in food systems to nitrite [101]. [89] observed an inhibition of pyruvate:ferredoxin reductase by nitrite, which was attributed to the ac- 7.3. DNA and gene expression tion on sulfhydryl groups. Payne et al. [54,90] studied the action of various bactericidal nitrosyl complexes Nitrite does not appear to be reactive with the on the iron^sulfur proteins of clostridia, and the ac- bases of DNA at neutral pH, but NO and nitroso- tivity of ferredoxin, pyruvate:ferredoxin reductase thiols have been implicated in strand breakage in the and hydrogenase. They found no correlation between presence of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, re- the bactericidal action of the complexes, and the in- spectively [102,103]. Such reactions might have a hibition of the isolated proteins. For example, RBS bearing on the bacteriostatic e¡ects on organisms had little e¡ect on the iron^sulfur clusters in ferre- such as Listeria and E. coli under aerobic conditions. doxin, and yet cells grown in the presence of RBS Ribonucleotide reductase, which is essential for the had low levels of iron^sulfur proteins. It was sug- formation of DNA, is another target for nitric oxide gested that the Fe^S^NO complexes might inhibit and related species [104,105]. Kroncke et al. [106] the synthesis of iron^sulfur clusters, a process which have shown that NO can attack zinc ¢nger-type is poorly understood. DNA-binding proteins and could a¡ect gene regula- Nitric oxide has been proposed to inactivate other tion. iron^sulfur proteins. Iron^sulfur clusters in proteins in which the iron atoms are fully coordinated by 7.4. Cell walls and membranes sulfur, as in ferredoxins, are not very sensitive to NO [91]. However aconitase, an enzyme of the citric The cell wall of C. sporogenes contains DL-diami- acid cycle, which is involved in the interconversion of nopimelate and galactose. Viewed under the electron

BBABIO 44746 26-4-99 484 R. Cammack et al. / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1411 (1999) 475^488 microscope, it is typical of Gram-positive bacteria However, it was found that whereas C. sporogenes [107], with an inner, amorphous, electron-dense layer was damaged by this treatment, L. monocytogenes and an ordered outer layer composed of cylindrical was insensitive (Table 1). By contrast L. monocyto- subunits, commonly referred to as the S layer. S- genes was very sensitive to RBS, when grown both Layer proteins range from 40 to 200 kDa [108,109]. aerobically and anaerobically, which indicates that From Clostridium di¤cile two proteins, of 32 kDa the mechanism of inhibition is di¡erent for the two and 45 kDa, were isolated [110]. compounds. Some bacteriostatic agents interfere with cell wall There is also evidence for cell lysis in the presence production, by inhibiting synthesis of monomer units of some nitrosyl complexes. C. sporogenes cells or their polymerisation. Others act without entering grown in the presence of RBS or SNP, when exam- the cells. A reaction on the cell wall or membranes ined by electron microscopy, showed blistering of the may alter the permeability of the cell, impairing the cell surface at low concentrations of the inhibitors, passage of nutrients into the cell, or allowing leakage and lysis at higher concentrations [113,116]. By con- of cellular constituents. Damage of the cell wall trast, no evidence of lysis was observed with bacter- alone does not usually kill the microbial cell, but icidal concentrations of nitrite, nitric oxide or SIN-1. the increased permeability may allow entry of toxic Thus cell lysis may be a secondary e¡ect of a primary species. lesion, or there are several bactericidal mechanisms. O'Leary and Solberg [111] found that cells of C. perfringens inhibited by 14 mM nitrite were dark grey or brown in colour, had an altered consistency 8. Concluding remarks and were harder to disperse in bu¡er. They postu- lated that this pigmentation was associated with cell The use of nitrite as a food preservative represents walls and membranes and it was suggested that dam- a problem of balancing risks. It is di¤cult to assess age could be a primary event. Likewise, Payne et al. these risks until the mechanisms of action are better [90] found that cells of C. sporogenes were darker in understood. Despite over 50 years of research, the colour and clumped together when they were grown actions of this compound are not clear. Much further in the presence of mixtures of ferrous sulfate, cys- work is needed to understand the speciation of nitrite teine and nitrite. Buchman and Hansen [112], who and nitrosyl species in food systems, and their e¡ects examined the mechanism by which nitrite and S-ni- on metabolism of bacteria and humans. This is a trosothiols inhibit outgrowing spores of Bacillus cer- subject which deserves re-investigation using modern eus T, presented evidence that nitrite-induced bacter- techniques of analysis. Molecular biology also has iostasis in an aerobe is associated with inactivation much to o¡er. The exact form of any genetic damage of membrane sulfhydryl groups and that these sulf- caused by nitrite may be examined. Mutants that are hydryl groups are critical for cell viability. Most im- more or less sensitive to nitrite could be isolated and portantly, the results correlated sulfhydryl modi¢ca- characterised. In this way it should be possible to tion with the actual inhibitory event. Possible targets identify the sites of action of nitrite, and cellular include essential proteins involved in the uptake of mechanisms for resistance. nutrients. When SNP was added to cultures of C. sporogenes and L. monocytogenes, paramagnetic reduced species Acknowledgements were observed, which decayed over a few minutes [113]. This is indicative of the reaction of nitroprus- The work was supported by the Biotechnology and side with thiols, a reaction which ultimately leads to Biological Sciences Research Council, and a K.C. the release of NO [114,115]. A rapid initial reaction Wong studentship to X.-Y.C. R.C. and M.N.H. are was taking place, which was correlated with the dis- members of the Centre for the Study of Metals in appearance of groups from the cell membrane. Biology and Medicine, King's College, London.

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