Agreement Between the OF AMERICA and the RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Signed at Vienna March 12, 2003


Pursuant to Public Law 89—497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 271; 1 U.S.C. 113)—

“. . .the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence . . . of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”


Atomic Energy

Agreement signed at Vienna March 12, 2003; Entered into force March 12, 2003.


The Department ofEnergy ofthe United States ofAmerica (DOE) and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy (MinAtom ofRussia), hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

Noting that the March 12, 2003 Amendment to the Agreement between the Government ofthe United States ofAmerica and the Government ofthe Russian Federation of September 23, 1997, Concerning Cooperation Regarding Plutonium Production Reactors (hereinafter referred to as the Amendment), expresses the intent that the Parties to that Agreement or their Executive Agents negotiate expeditiously regarding an agreement to replace the Agreement Between the Department ofDefense ofthe United States ofAmerica and the Ministry ofthe Russian Federation for Atomic Energy Concerning the Modification ofthe Operating Seversk (Tomsk Region) and Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Region) Plutonium Production Reactors, of September 23, 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the Core Conversion Implementing Agreement);

Noting that the U.S. Executive Agent for implementation ofArticle II ofthe Agreement between the Government ofthe United States ofAmerica and the Government ofthe Russian Federation Concerning Cooperation Regarding Plutonium Production Reactors, dated September 23, 1997, as amended March 12, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement on Plutonium Production Reactors) was changed by the Amendment from the Department of Defense to the Department ofEnergy, and that the Russian Executive Agent for the Agreement on Plutonium Production Reactors is the Ministry ofthe Russian Federation for Atomic Energy;

Taking into account the intent ofthe Government ofthe Russian Federation to decommission three presently operating reactors that produce plutonium and that provide heat and electricity to regions where they are located, and to create alternative sources ofheat and electricity; - 2 ­

Expressing their desire to carry out Article II, paragraph 1 of the Agreement on Plutonium Production Reactors, which as amended includes an option ofcreating fossil fuel energy sources for implementation;

Desiring to undertake activities to facilitate cessation ofplutonium production through permanent shutdown ofthe ADE-2, 4 and 5 reactors as soon as they have been replaced by alternative fossil fuel energy sources created with U.S. assistance and to enhance the safety of the reactors prior to their shutdown (such activities hereinafter referred to as the Program); and

Noting that this Agreement is intended to replace the Core Conversion Implementing Agreement, which expired on September 23, 2001;

Have agreed as follows:


1. The provisions of Article II ofthe Agreement on Plutonium Production Reactors shall be carried out within the framework ofthis Agreement.

2. To support the Russian Federation in creating fossil fuel energy capacity at the city of Seversk and near the city of Zheleznogorsk, and the subsequent cessation ofoperations of the ADE-4 and ADE-5 (Seversk) and ADE-2 (Zheleznogorsk) reactors, no later than 2005 for the two reactors at Seversk and no later than 2006 for the reactor at Zheleznogorsk, DOE shall, as appropriate, subject to the availability ofappropriated funds for this purpose, provide to the MinAtom of , mutually agreed upon assistance. DOE may also, as appropriate, subject to the availability of appropriated funds for this purpose, provide mutually agreed upon assistance to enhance the safety ofthe ADE-4, ADE-5 and ADE-2 reactors until their permanent shutdown occurs.

3. The MinAtom ofRussia, and/or organizations designated by it to implement this Agreement, shall use all assistance provided pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article IV ofthis Agreement exclusively for activities related to the creation ofthe fossil fuel energy capacities specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 ofArticle IV ofthis Agreement.

The MinAtom of Russia, and organizations designated by it to implement this Agreement, shall use all assistance provided pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article IV ofthis Agreement exclusively for activities related to enhancing the safety ofthe ADE-2, 4 and 5 reactors until they are permanently shut down. DOE will designate whether assistance it provides is to support activities specified in either paragraph 2, 3 or 4 ofArticle IV of this Agreement, and assistance designated for support of activities under one paragraph of Article IV shall not be available to support activities under another paragraph ofArticle IV without the mutual agreement ofthe Parties. - 3 ­

4. This Agreement, and all activities undertaken in accordance with this Agreement, shall be subject to the provisions of the Agreement Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation Concerning the Safe and Secure Transportation, Storage and Destruction of Weapons and the Prevention of Weapons Proliferation of June 17, 1992, as amended and extended June 16, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the Weapons Destruction and Non­ Proliferation Agreement).

5. For assistance provided by DOE, and/or organizations it designates to implement this Agreement, in accordance with this Agreement, the MinAtom of Russia shall be responsible for ensuring the proper use of such assistance and that such assistance provides for achieving its intended goals.


1. For this Agreement, the Executive Agent for the United States shall be DOE and the Executive Agent for the Russian Federation shall be the MinAtom ofRussia.

2. Each Party shall have the right, consistent with its laws and regulations, and following written notification to the other Party, to delegate responsibilities for the implementation of this Agreement to other agencies, departments, units ofits respective government, and/or non­ governmental organizations.

3. Each Party shall have the right, following written notification to the other Party, to designate representatives for discussing technical issues related to the design, analyses, procurement, construction, acceptance testing, startup, equipment, property, materials, personnel, training, and technical services provided pursuant to this Agreement. IfDOE, and/or its designated organizations, provides materials to the MinAtom of Russia, and/or its designated organizations, pursuant to this Agreement, they shall be delivered to Moscow, unless the Parties agree otherwise. DOE, and/or its designated organizations, shall notify the MinAtom ofRussia, and/or its designated organizations, of the planned date of shipment at least seven days in advance ofshipment. The MinAtom of Russia, and/or its designated organizations, shall take immediate possession ofthe materials upon arrival, examine the materials received pursuant to this Agreement, and provide confirmation to DOE, and/or its designated organizations, within ten days of receipt, that the materials conform to the specifications established by the MinAtom ofRussia, and take legal title to the materials. Any materials failing to conform to these specifications shall be returned to the United States ofAmerica through the Embassy of the United States ofAmerica at Moscow within 30 days of receipt for replacement. Ifthe equipment or material provided by DOE or its designated contractors is to be located in areas with restricted access for foreigners, additional arrangements will be developed and agreed upon by the Parties for supply of such equipment. -4­


The assistance to be provided by DOE for the purpose ofthis Agreement is up to 7 4 million U.S. dollars. The amount of assistance may be increased subject to written agreement of the Parties through the amendment procedures provided for in Article IX, paragraph 1 of this Agreement.


I. Activities to achieve the specified objectives of this Agreement and Article II of the Agreement on Plutonium Production Reactors may include activities performed by DOE, and/or DOE-designated organizations, and/or by the MinAtom ofRussia, and/or MinAtom-designated organizations. These organizations may exchange information as needed to plan work, sign contracts, perform contractual work, and provide objective evidence ofprogress or completion of work.

2. At Seversk, DOE shall, as appropriate, provide assistance to supply heat and electrical capacity for the local community of up to 1560 gigacalories per hour ofsteam generation, which can be used to produce up to 760 gigacalories per hour ofdistrict heat and up to 235 megawatts ofelectricity generation. As soon as such capacity has been completed, the ADE-4 and ADE-5 reactors shall be permanently shut down.

3. Near Zheleznogorsk, DOE shall, as appropriate, provide assistance to supply heat and electrical capacity for the local community of up to 660 gigacalories per hour of steam generation, which can be used to produce up to 478 gigacalories per hour ofdistrict heat and 117 megawatts of electricity generation. As soon as such capacity has been completed, the ADE-2 reactor shall be permanently shut down.

4. Selected safety upgrades to the ADE-2, ADE-4, and ADE-5 reactors may, by mutual agreement, be performed with U.S. assistance to maintain and enhance the safety of the reactors until the reactors can be permanently shut down. No safety improvements shall be made that prolong the life ofthe reactors.

5. The MinAtom of Russia is responsible for the fuel, operation, and maintenance ofthe fossil power plants at Seversk and near Zheleznogorsk, and for their shutdown and decommissioning when they have reached the end of their operating lives.

6. The MinAtom ofRussia is responsible for operation of the ADE-2 reactor at Zheleznogorsk and the ADE-4 and ADE-5 reactors at Seversk until they are permanently shut down and shall remain responsible for their decommissioning following shutdown. - 5 ­


1. Assistance under this Agreement shall be provided on a step-by-step basis and only in accordance with a specific set ofdetailed milestones to be agreed in writing by the Parties. These detailed milestones will be developed for all phases ofassistance, to include the duration and completion of the Program.

2. To facilitate the effective fulfillment ofmilestones ofthe work, which are to be developed for all phases ofthe Program in accordance with paragraph 1 ofthis Article, done under this Agreement, and taldng into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, the MinAtom ofRussia shall take all necessary measures to permit access for DOE and DOE­ designated representatives at those locations at the facilities and sites where activities related to this Agreement are being conducted, to oversee contractor operations during implementation of the Program and to ensure satisfactory performance by any and all contractors on DOE's or DOE agent's contracts and subcontracts. DOE and MinAtom of Russia shall develop arrangements concerning such access. The visits specified in this paragraph are separate from and in addition to the audits and examinations referred to in Article VII of this Agreement.

3. Arrangements concerning access provided for in Article V, paragraph 2, shall be concluded with respect to paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article IV ofthis Agreement prior to the provision of any assistance under those paragraphs or any contracts thereunder, and with respect to paragraph 4 ofArticle IV of this Agreement prior to the provision ofany assistance under that paragraph or under any contracts thereunder.

4. In the event that:

A. The MinAtom ofRussia should fail to achieve an agreed project milestone or fail to provide DOE or DOE-designated representatives site access under the arrangements concerning access which are to be developed under paragraph 2 of this Article or,

B. DOE should permit contracts to lapse prior to contract completion for the activities under Article IV, or

C. Either Party should fail to provide an agreed level of assistance pursuant to either paragraph 2 or 3 of Article IV, including funding, to support an agreed project milestone pursuant to these paragraphs,

then either Party may request consultations to determine how best to achieve the objectives of this Agreement to ensure cessation ofplutonium production by the specified deadlines. These consultations shall begin within 30 days of such a request. Ifafter 180 days from the beginning ofconsultations, the Parties do not reach agreement, each Party shall have the right to suspend, until such agreement is achieved, implementation of this Agreement by sending the other Party appropriate written notification. The consultations specified in this paragraph shall continue until agreement or, ifthis is not possible, until the termination of this Agreement, using the procedures provided for in Article IX ofthis Agreement. - 6 ­


1. To ensure achievement ofthe objectives and implementation ofthis Agreement, the Parties hereby establish a Joint Program Managers Executive Committee (JPMEC), which shall convene no later than 45 days following the request ofeither Party. The tasks ofthe JPMEC include the following:

A. To review implementation ofthis Agreement, to include recommendations to the Parties regarding resolution ofany implementation issues;

B. To recommend to the Parties resolution of any disputes that may arise regarding compliance with the provisions ofthis Agreement or its Arrangements; and

C. To discuss and, ifnecessary, prepare recommendations to the Parties concerning any amendments to this Agreement or its Arrangements.


1. In accordance with Article XIII ofthe Weapons Destruction and Non-Proliferation Agreement, upon at least 30 days advance notice, representatives ofDOE shall have the right to audit and examine the use ofany assistance provided for the purpose ofthis Agreement and shall have the right to audit and examine any and all related records or documentation, both during the period ofthis Agreement and for three years thereafter.

2. The Parties shall develop appropriate arrangements to support the conduct ofaudits and exams. The right to conduct the audits and exams referenced in paragraph 1 ofthis Article shall not be contingent upon the development ofthese arrangements. In case of any inconsistencies between this Agreement and any such arrangements, the provisions ofthis Agreement shall prevail.


Access to information transmitted in accordance with this Agreement, the handling of and protection ofsuch information, and allocation ofrights to intellectual property, shall be subject to the same terms and conditions applicable to the handling ofinformation under Article VI of the Agreement on Plutonium Production Reactors. -7­


1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and shall remain in force until termination ofthe Weapons Destruction and Non-Proliferation Agreement or until completion of the Program as agreed by the Parties, whichever occurs first. The Agreement may be amended or extended by the written agreement of the Parties and may be terminated by either Party upon one year's written notification to the other Party ofits intention to do so.

2. In the event this Agreement terminates, the Parties shall handle all previously provided sensitive information in accordance with Article VIII of this Agreement unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, and all previously provided assistance will continue to be used in accordance with Article I, paragraph 3 of this Agreement.

Done at 0ennL ,in duplicate, this /c{l'fk day ofMarch, 2003, in the English and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic.

FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FOR THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE UNITED THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION STATES OF AMERICA: FOR ATOMIC ENERGY: ~_/- -~- .,.._...,....~- ., _,,,, -o-•..,~-.-,-,,--- _____ .,,,,__-._..,,-_-,,,--.,-.,., ,,....,,._.-.~,-.,~·-' ""'.,....-,.,. -­ -=.,,,_.,_---~-"'-=-~-=--===-=..:c==-==..,,.....-_,,=,.,..,."""'-.,,,-.-.-=--~~- ­ .,,_,..,,,..,...=n-,,.,,,..='""·=-=·===~-~-~~--.,.,= --~~--~---·--~----...... ------...... ,.....


MHHHCTepcTBo 3HepreTHKH Coe,n:HHeHHbIX lliTaTOB AMepHKH (MHH:mepreTHKH CllIA) H MHHHCTepcTBo PoccHiicKoii e.n:epa:uHH no aTOMHOH 3HepmH (MHHaToM PoccHH), .n:anee HMeeyeMbie CTOpoHaMH,

OTMeqM, qTQ ITpoTOKOJI OT 12 MapTa 2003 r. 0 BHeceHHH H3MeHeHHH B CornarneHHe Me)l{,l{y ITpaBHTeJibCTBOM Coe,n:HHeHHbIX lliTaTOB AMepHKH H ITpaBHTeJibCTBOM PoccHHCKOH e,n:epa:uHHO COTPY.rt:HifqeCTBe B OTHorneHHH peaKTOpOB, rrpOH3BO,IVIIUHX IIJIYTOHHH, OT 23 ceHrn:6p.H 1997 r. (.n:anee HMeHyeMbIH «ITpoTOKOJI»), Bbipa)l(aeT HaMepeHHe CTOpoH yrroM.HHyToro CornarneHH.H HJIH HX HcrroJIHHTeJibHbIX opraHOB B KopoTKHe cpoKH rrpoBeCTH rreperoBopbI no JaMeHe CornarneHH.H Me:>K.n:y MHHHCTepcTBOM o6opoHbI Coe,n:HHeHHbIX llITaToB AMepHKH H MHHHCTepcTBoM PoccHHCKOH e,n:epa:uHH no aTOMHOH 3HepmH o Mo,n:mpHKa:UHH .n:eiicTB)'IOIUHX peaKTopoB, npomBO.IVIIUHX IIJIYTOHHH B r. CeBepcKe ToMcKoii o6nacTH H r. )l(eneJHoropcKe KpacHo.HpcKoro KpM, OT 23 ceHrn6p.H 1997 r. (.n:anee HMeHyeMoro «CornarneHHe 0 KOHBepCHH aKTHBHOH 30HbI»);

OTMeqa.H, qTo HcrroJIHHTeJII>HbIM opraHoM Coe,n:HHeHHI>IX llITaTOB AMepHKH, OTBeqaIOIUHM 3a BbIIIOJIHeHHe CTaTbH 2 CornarneHH.H Me)l(.n:y ITpaBHTeJII>CTBOM Coe,n:HHeHHbIX llITaTOB AMepHKH H ITpaBHTeJII>CTBOM PoccHHCKOH e,n:epa:UHH o COTPY.rt:HHqecTBe B oTHorneHHH peaKTopoB, rrpoHJBO.rt:.HIUHX IIJIYTOHHH, OT 23 ceHrn6p.H 1997 r. (.n:anee HMeeyeMoro «CornarneHHe o peaKTopax, rrpoHJBO.IVIIUHX ITJIYTOHHH») cornaCHO ITpoTOKOJIY OT 12 MapTa 2003 r. BMeCTO MHHHCTepcTBa o6opoHbI Coe.n:1rneHHbIX lliTaTOB AMepHKH CTaJIO MHHHCTepcTBo 3HepreTHKH Coe,n:HHeHHbIX lliTaTOB AMepHKH, H qTO l1crronHHTen1>H1>IM opraHoM PoccHiicKoii e,n:epa:UHH, OTBeqaIOIUHM Ja BbIIIOJIHeHHe CornarneHH.H o peaKTopax, ITpoH3BO.IVIIUHX ITJIYTOHHH, .HBAAeTC.H MHHHCTepcTBo PoccHHCKOH e.n:epa:uHH ITO aTOMHOH 3HepmH;


3JieKTJmqecKOH 3Heprneii:, H C03.n;aTb aJibTepHaTHBHbie HCTOqHHKH TeIIJIOBOH H 3JieKTpHqecKOH 3HeprnH;

Bb1pa>Kru1 cBoe >KeJiaHHe BbIIIOJIHHTb rrono>KeHHe rryHKTa 1 CTaTbH 2 CornarneHHH o peaKTopax, rrpoH3Bo,z:vm:i;ttx rrnyTOHHii:, c H3Mettemi:eM, rrpe.n;ycMallJHBaIOIIJ,HM C03,D;aHHe aJibTepHaTHBHbIX HCTOqHHKOB 3HeprnH Ha OCHOBe opraHHqecKoro TOIIJIHBa;

>Kenru1 rrpe.n;rrpHHHTb .n;eii:CTBHH, crroco6cTByroIIJ.He rrpeKpaIIJ,eHmo npoH3Bo.n;cTsa UJIYTOHHH, nyTeM oKoHqaTeJibHoro 3aKpbITHH peaKTopoB A,[(3-2, A,[(3-4, A,[(3-5, KaK TOJibKo OHH 6y.n;yT 3aMeHeHbI aJibTepttaTHBHbIMH HCToqHHKaMH 3HeprHH Ha OCHOBe opraHHqecKoro TOIIJIHBa, C03,!J;aHHblMH npH co.n;eii:CTBHH Coe.n;nHeHHbIX lllTaTOB AMepHKH, a TaK>Ke IIOBbICHTb 6e3orracHOCTb 3THX peaKTOpOB .n;o Tex nop, UOKa He COCTOHTCH HX OKOHqaTeJibHOe 3aKpblTHe (.n;anee HMeHyeMbie «TiporpaMMOH» );

OTMeqru1, qTo HaCTOHIIJ,ee CornarneHHe 3aMeHHT CornarneHHe o KOHBepcnn aKTHBHOH 30Hbl, cpoK .n;eii:CTBHH KOTOporo HCTeK 23 ceHrn6pH 2001 r.,

cornacHJIHCb o HH>Kecne.n;yroIIJ,eM:


1. B paMKax HacTOHIIJ,ero CornarneHHH BbIIIOJIHHIDTCH rrono>KeHHH CTaTbH 2 ornarneHHH 0 peaKTOpax, npOH3BOMIIJ,HX IlJIYTOHHH.

2. ,[(JIH OK83aHHH no.n;.n;ep>KKH PoccHiicKoii e.n;epaQHH B co3.n;aHHH HepreTnqeCKHX MOIIJ,HOCTeii Ha opraHnqecKOM TOIIJIHBe B r. CesepcKe H oKono r. ene3HoropcKa c nocne.n;yIDIIJ,HM rrpeKpaIIJ,eHHeM 3KcnnyaTaQHH peaKTopoB A,[(3­ , A,[(3-5 (r. CesepcK) He rro3.n;Hee, qeM B 2005 r., H peaKTopa A,[(3-2 (r. ene3HOropcK) He rro3.n;Hee, qeM s 2006 r., MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA npe.n;ocrnBJIHeT a.n;ne>KaIIJ,HM o6p830M, rrpH HaJIHqHH BbI,D;eJieHHbIX Q>HHaHCOBbIX cpe.n;cTB, HHaToMy PoccHH B3aHMHO cornacosaHHoe co.n;eiicTBHe. MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA O>KeT TaK>Ke, Ha.n;Jie>KaIIJ,HM o6pa30M, npH HaJrnqHH Bbl,!J;eJieHHbIX QJHHaHCOBbIX pe.n;CTB, npe.n;ocTaBHTb B3aHMHO cornacoBaHHoe co.n;eifCTBHe ,D;JIH IlOBbilIIeHHH e3onacHocrn peaKTopoB A,[(3- 4, A,[(3-5 H A,[(3-2 .n;o Tex nop, noKa He cocTOHTCH x OKOHqaTeJibHOe 3aKpblTHe.

3. MHHaTOM PoccHH WHJIH H83HaqeHHbie HM opraHH3aQHH .n;nH BbIIIOJIHeHHH acToHIIJ,ero CornarneHHH ncrroJib3YIOT Bee co.n;eiicTBHe, npe.n;ocTaBJIHeMoe B 3 cooTBeTCTBHH c rryHKTaMH 2 H 3 CrnTI>H IV HacTm1rn:ero Cornarnemui:, HCKJUOqHTeJibHO B uemIX BbIIIOJIHeHIDI BH.ZJ;OB ,D;eHTeJibHOCTH, OTHOCHrn;HXCH K C03,D;aHHIO :mepreTHqecKHX MOrn;HOCTeH Ha OCHOBe opraHttqeCKOro TOITJIHBa, oITpe.n;eneHHI>IX B rryHKTax 2 H 3 CTaTbH IV HacTo»rn:ero CornarneHIDI.

MHHaToM PoccHH H Ha3HaqeHHI>Ie HM opramn~HH ,D;JIH BbIIIOJIHeHIDI HacTo»rn:ero CornarneHIDI HCITOJII>3)'10T Bee co.n;eiicTBHe, ITpe.n;ocTaBJieHHoe cornactto ITYHKT)' 4 CTaTI>H IV ttacTo»rn:ero CornarneHHH, HCKJIIOqHTeJII>HO B ueJIHx BbIIIOJIHeHIDI BH.ZJ;OB .n;eHTeJibHOCTH, OTHOCHrn;HXCH K ITOBbIIIIeHHIO ypOBHH 6e3oITaCHOCTH peaKTopoB A,[1;3-2, A,[1;3-4 H A,[1;3-5 BITJIOTI> .n;o HX oKoHqaTeJII>Horo aKpI>ITIDI. MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA oITpe.n;eAAeT HaJHaqeHHe ITpe.n;ocTaBJIHeMoro HM o.n;eiicTBHH Ha ITOMeP)l(KY BH.ZJ;OB .n;eHTeJibHOCTH, yKaJaHHblX B rryHKTax 2, 3 HJIH 4 CTaThH IV HacTo»rn:ero CornarneHIDI. IlpH 3TOM co.n;eiicTBHe, HaJHaqeHHeM OToporo HBJrneTCH ITOMep)l(Ka BH.ZJ;OB ,n;eHTeJibHOCTH ITO O.ZJ;HOMY H3 ITYHKTOB TaThH IV HacTo»rn:ero CornarneHIDI, He Mo:>KeT ITpHMeHHTbCH .n;JIH ITOMep:>KKH BH.ZJ;OB .n;eHTeJibHOCTH ITO HHOMY rryHKT)' CTaThH IV HacTo»rn:ero CornarneHHH 6e3 3aHMHOH .n;oroBopeHHOCTH CTOpoH.

4. HacTo»rn:ee CornarneHHe H Bee BH.n;bl .n;e»TenbHOCTH, rrpe.n;rrpHHHMaeMble B ooTBeTCTBHH c HaCTOHrn:HM CornarneHHeM, ITO,n;ITa.n;a10T ITO.A .n;eiicTBHe IToJio:>KeHHH ornarneHIDI Me:>K.n;y Coe,n;HHeHHbIMH IJlTaTaMH AMepHKH H PoccHHCKOH e.n;epauHeH OTHOCHTeJibHO 6e30ITaCHbIX H Ha,D;e:>KHblX ITepeB03KH, xpaHeHIDI H HHqTo:>KeHIDI opy:>KHH H ITpe,n;oTBparn:eHIDI pacITpOCTpaHeHIDI opy:>KIDI OT 17 HIOHH 1992 ro.n;a, B KOTopoe 6hIJIH BHeCeHbl H3MeHeHIDI, H cpoK .n;eHCTBHH KOToporo 6I>IJI po.n;neH 16 HIOHH 1999 r. (.n;anee HMettyeMoro «CornarneHHe 06 yttHqTO:>KeHHH H epacITpocrpaHeHHH opy)l(HH»).

5. B OTHOIIIeHHH co.n;eiicTBHH, ITpe.n;ocTaBJIHeMoro MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA HJIH Ha3HaqeHHblMH HM opraHH3aUIDIMH .ZJ;JIH BbIIIOJIHeHIDI HaCTOHrn;ero ornarneHIDI, H B cooTBeTCTBHH c HMM MHHaTOM PoccHH OTBeqaeT 3a o6ecITeqeHHe a.n;ne:>Karn;ero HClIOJlb30BaHIDI TaKoro co.n;eHCTBIDI H TaK:>Ke 3a TO, qTo6bI 3TO o.n;eHCTBHe CITOC06CTBOBaJIO .ZJ;OCTH:>KeHHIO HaMeqeHHbIX ueneH.


1. ,[J;Jrn HacToHrn;ero CornarneHHH HCITOJIHHTeJibHbIM opraHoM OT oe.n;HHeHHblX IllTaTOB AMepHKH HBJIHeTCH MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA, OT PoccHHCKOH e.n;epauHH- MHttaToM PoccHH. 4

2. Ka>K,I{WI CTopoHa HMeeT npaBo nocne HanpaBJieHIDI nHCbMeHHoro Be,D;OMJieHIDI ,n;pyroH: CTopoHe B COOTBeTCTBHH co CBOHMH 3aKOHaMH H npaBHJiaMH ,n;enerHpoBaTb noJIHOMoqm1 no ocymecTBJieHmo HacToHmero CornallleHHH ,n;pyrHM areHTCTBaM, Be,n;oMCTBaM, no,n;pa3,n;eneHIDIM cBoero npaBHTeJihCTBa H!HJIH Herocy,n;apcTBeHHbIM opraHH3a:U:IDIM.

3. Ka)l(:,n;ruJ: CTOpoHa HMeeT npaBo nocne HanpaBJieHIDI nHCbMeHHoro Be,n;oMJieHHH ,n;pyroH: CTOpoHe Ha3HaqHTb npe,n;CTaBHTeneH: ,n;JIH o6cy)l(:,n;eHIDI exHHqecKHX BOnpocoB, KaCaIOlil;HXCH npoeKTHpoBaHHH, aHaJIH3a, CHa6)1(:eHIDI, CTPOHTeJihCTBa, npHeMoc,n;aToqHhJX HCnhITaHHH, 3anycKa, o6opy,n;oBaHIDI, HMymecTBa, MaTepHaJIOB, nepCOHaJia, o6yqeHIDI H TeXHHqecKoro o6cJiy)l(:HBaHIDI, npe,n;ocTaBJIHeMbIX cornacHo HaCToHmeMY CornallleHHIO. Ecm1 MHH3HepreTHKH IIlA HIHJIH Ha3HaqeHHbie HM opraHH3aIJ;HH npe,n;ocTaBJIHIOT MaTepHaJibI HHaTOMY PoccHH HIHnH Ha3HaqeHHbIM HM opraHH3a:U:IDIM B cooTBeTCTBHH c acTOHID;HM CornaII1eHHeM, TO TaKHe MaTepHaJibI ,n;ocTaBJIHIOTCH B MocKBy, ecJIH TOpOHbI He ,n;oroBopHJIHCb HHaqe, MHH3HepreTHKH ClllA HIHJIH Ha3HaqeHHhie HM praHH3a:U:HH H3Bem;aIOT MHHaToM PoccHH WHJIH Ha3HaqeHHbie HM opraHH3a:U:HH o anJiaHHpOBaHHOH ,n;aTe nocTaBKH He no3,n;Hee, qeM 3a ceMb ,D;HeH ,n;o 0Trpy3KH. HHaToM PoccHH WHJIH Ha3HaqeHHbie HM opraHH3a:U:HH BcTynaIOT BO BJia,n;eHHe aTepHaJiaMH HeMe,n;JieHHO no HX npH6bITHH, npoBO,n:HT npoBepKy Bcex aTepuanoB, nonyqeHHbIX no HacTOHm;eMy CornallleHHIO, H B TeqeHHe 10 ,n;Heif ocne HX nonyqeHHH HanpaBJIHIOT s MHH3HepreTHKH ClllA H!HJIH Ha3HaqeHHhie HM praHH3a:U:HH no,n;Tsep)l(:,D;eHHe Toro, qTo nonyqeHHbie MaTepHaJibl COOTBeTCTBYIOT ne:u;mpHKa:U:IDIM, ycTaHOBJieHHhIM MHHaTOMOM Poccuu, H npHHHMaIOT MaTepHaJibI pH,n;HqecKH B CBOIO co6cTBeHHOCTb. llio6b1e MaTepHaJibI, KOTOpbie He ooTBeTCTBYIOT 3THM cne:u;mpHKa:U:IDIM, B03Bpama10TcH ,n;JIH 3aMeHbI B Coe,n;HHeHHbie TaTbI AMepHKH qepe3 ITocoJibCTBO Coe.n;HHeHHbIX llfraToB AMepHKH s occuifcKoif en.epa:u;uu B TeqeHHe 30 ,n;Heif nocne ux nonyqeHHH. EcJIH o6opy.n;oBaHHe HJIH MaTepHaJibI, npe,n;ocTaBJieHHbie MHH3HepreTHKH IIIA HJIH Ha3HaqeHHbIMH HM no,n;pH,n;qHKaMH, 6y.n:YT pa3Mem;aTbCH Ha TIJiom;a,n;Kax c rpaHuqeHHbIM ,n;oczynoM ,D;JIH HHOCTPaH:u;eB, Tor,n;a CTopoHaMH pa3pa6aTbIBaIOTCH corJiaCOBbIBaIOTCH ,n;onoJIHHTeJibHbie n.orosopeHHOCTH )J;JIH nocTaBOK TaKoro 6opy,n;oBaHIDI. CTaTbH III

Co,n;eH:cTBHe, npe,n;ocTaBm1eMoe MHH3HepreTHKH ClllA ,n;JIH :u;eneH: acToHm;ero CornallleHIDI, cocTaBJIHeT ,n;o 74 MJIH. ,n;onnapoB ClllA. 3ToT pa3Mep o,n;eifcTBHH MO)l(:eT 6bITh ysenuqeH, ecnH CTopoHbI ,n;ocTHrHYT nHCbMeHHOH oroBopeHHOCTH B COOTBeTCTBHH c npo:u;e,n;ypoH: BHeceHIDI nonpaBOK, npHBe,n;eHHOH nyHKTe 1 CrnTbH IX HaCTOHm;ero CornaII1eHIDI. -~~--·--·-.-~.,-.,--...-,~---- ..-...-~-~--=~-.~.---~-----~ ~ ~-----·----,~,~-·- ...... _.,...,..-~------=""'""-~-~"='"-=----~-~~~--~---~--~-"""""~~~



1. BH,n;1>1 .n;ej{TeJ11>HOCTH, HarrpasneHHble Ha .n;ocTH:>KeHHe KOHKpeTHbIX ueneii HaCTOjlrnero CornarneHlfjl H CTaTI>H 2 Cornarnemrn o peaKTopax, rrpomBOMIIIHX rrnyToHHH, MoryT BKmoqaTb ,n;efleJI1>HOCTI>, ocyrneCTBJijleMYIO MHH3HepreTHKH IlIA HIHJIH Ha:maqeHHbIMH HM oprattmaulij{MH, IDHJIH MHHaTOMOM PoccHH, IDHJIH praHH3aUHj[MH, Ha3HaqeHHblMH MHHaTOMOM PoccHH. 3TH opraHH3aUHH MOryT no epe Heo6xo.n;HMOCTH 06MeHHBaT1>Cjl HHopMautteii B ueJij{X rrnamipoBaHlfjl pa6oT, aKJiioqeHHjl KOHTPaKTOB H HX BbIITOJIHeHlfjl, a TaK:>Ke rrpe.n;ocTaBJieHlfjl 6oeKTHBHbIX CBH,D;eTeJibCTB xo.n;a BbIIIOJIHeHlfjl HJIH 3aBeprneHlfjl pa6oT.

2. B r. CeBepcKe MHH3HepreTHKH ClllA rrpe.n;ocTaBJljleT, Ha.n;ne:>KaIIIHM 6pa30M, co.n;eHCTBHe B o6ecrreqeHHH Terrno- H 3JieKTPOCHa6:>KeHlfjl .lJ;Jljl MeCTHOro aceneHlfjl B pa3Mepe .n;o 1560 rnraKanopHii B qac B1>1pa60TKH rrapa, m KOTop1.1x .n;o 60 rHraKaJIOpHH B qac .lJ;Jljl HCIIOJlb30BaHHjl .D;JIH ueHT})aJIH30BaHHOro ennocHa6:>KeHlfjl H .lJ;Jijl Bblpa6oTKH .n;o 23 5 MeraBaTT 3JieKTP03HeprnH. KaK TOJibKO Bo,n; B 3KcnnyaTaUHIO 3THX MOIIIHOCTeii 6y.n;eT 3aBepmeH, peaKTopbl A.[(3-4, A.[(3­ oKoHqaTeJihHO OCTaHaBJIHBaIOTCjl.

3. 0Kono r. )l(ene3HoropcKa MHH3HepreTHKH ClllA npe.n;ocTaBJijleT, a.n;ne:>KaIIIHM o6pa3oM, co.n;eiicTBHe B o6ecneqeHHH Tenno- H 3JieKTPOCHa6:>KeHHjl Jijl MeCTHoro HaceneHlfjl B pa3Mepe .n;o 660 rHraKanopHif B qac B1>1pa60TKH napa, H3 OTOpbIX .D;O 478 rHraKanopHH B qac ,ll;Jlj{ HCnOJib30BaHlfjl .lJ;Jljl ueHTPaJIH30BaHHOro ennocHa6:>KeHm1 H .D;Jijl B1>1pa60TKH .n;o 11 7 MeraBaTT 3JieKTP03HeprHH. KaK TOJibKO BO.D; B 3KcnnyaTaUHIO 3THX MOIIIHOCTeii 6y,n;eT 3aBepmeH, peaKTOp A.[(3-2 KOHqaTeJibHO OCTaHaBJIHBaeTCj[.

4. B1.16opoqHoe IIOBblIIIeHHe 6e3orracHocm peaKTopos A.[(3-2, A.[(3-4 H A.[(3­ Mo:>KeT ocyrnecTBJlj{T},Cjl, no B3aHMHOH .n;oroBopeHHOCTH, c rrpHMeHeHHeM o.n;eifcTBHjl co cTopoHbl Coe.n;HHeHHMX IlITaToB AMepHKH B noMep:>KaHHH H COBeprneHCTBOBaHHH CHCTeM 6e3onacHOCTH peaKTOpOB .n;o HX OKOHqaTeJibHOH cTaHOBKH. HHKaKoe nos1>1IIIeHHe 6e3onacHoCTH, npo.n;nesaiowee speMjl :>KH3HH eaKTOpOB, He ocyrneCTBJljleTCjl.

5. MHHaToM PoccHH oTseqaeT 3a cHa6:>KeHHe TonJIHBOM, 3KcnnyaTaUHIO H 6cny:>KHBaHHe Tenno3neKTPOUeHTPaJieii Ha opraHHqecKOM TOnJIHBe B r. CesepcKe OKOJJO r. )l(ene3HOropcKa, a TaK)l(e 3a HX 3aKpbITHe H Cffj{THe c 3KCnJJyaTaUHH no OCTH)l(eHHH HMM KOHUa cpoKa CJiy)l(6bl .

. ..-~·v-.--o>=...,,--<»-·'C'"'·""" ••"L"---...,.---.-,--,-""<.=-~·~=-"="==~•--~~~-~-~-~~----=="°"=""~~-· __ ,-,,-----,,..-,------·-...... ,, .. ~--~~- - - - .. ------­ 6

6. MHHaTOM PoccHH oTBeqaeT Ja 3Kcrr.rryam:u;mo peaKTopa A,[(3-2 B r. )l{eJie3HoropcKe H A,[(3-4 H A}J.3-5 B r. CeBepcKe .n;o HX oKoHqaTeJII>Horo 3aKpbITHH. MHHaToM PoccHH npo.n;om1K ynoMHHYTbIX peaKTOpOB IIOCJie HX OKOttqaTeJibHOrO 3aKpblTHjl,

CTaTbH v

1. Co.n;eiicTBHe B paMKax HacTOHI:Qero CornarneHHH npe.n;ocTaBJIHeTCH Ha no3TarrHoii ocHoBe H TOJibKO B cooTBeTCTBHH c KOHKpeTHbIM nepeqHeM rro.n;po6Ho 11 oroBopeHHbIX ocHOBHbIX 3TanoB, KoTopbre corJiaCOBbIBaIOTCH CTopoHaMH B IlHCbMeHHOM BH)J;e. 3nr rro.n;po6Hble OCHOBHbie 3TaITbl pa3pa6aTblBaIOTCH ,IJ;JIH Bcex KHTeJihHOCTH H cpOKOB 3aseprneHIDI IIporpaMMhI.

2. B I.J,eJIHX co.[(eiicTBIDI 3I .[(JIH Bcex H, ocyI:QeCTBJIHeMbIX B paMKax HaCTOHI:Qero CornarneHHH, H c yqeTOM 3aKoHo,n;aTeJibCTBa PoccHHCKOH e.n;epau.HH, MHHaTOM PoccHH rrpe.n;npHHHMaeT Bee MepbI ,n;JIH pa3perneHHjl .n;oczyna rrpe.n;cTaBHTeJieii MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA H Ha3HaqeHHblX HM oprattH3aI.J,HH ,n;JIH npose,n;eHHH Ha,n;3opa 3a pa6oToii no.n;pH.n;qHKOB H o6ecneqeHHH y.n;osJieTBopHTeJII>Hoii HCIIOJIHiiTeJII>HOCTH scex no,n;pH.n;qHKOB H cy6rro.n;pH.n;qHKOB so BpeMH BbIITOJIHeHHjl IIporpaMMbI B Te MeCTa Ha ycTaHOBKax H IlJIOl:Qa,ZJ;KaX, r):(e npOH3BO,ll;HTCH pa60Thl, OTHOCHII.J,HeCH K HaCTOHI:QeMy CornarneHHIO. MHHaTOM PoccHH H MHH3HepreTHKH CIIIA pa3pa6aThIBaIOT .n;oroBopeHHOCTH, KacaIOl:QHeCH TaKoro .n;oczyrra. IIoceI:QeHHjl, orosopeHHbie B .n;aHHOM nyHKTe, OTJIHqHbl OT noceI:QeHHH .D;JIH rrpoBe,n;eHHH ay.n;HTa H rrpoBepKH, orosopeHHbIX B CTaTbe VII HaCTOHI:Qero CornarneHHjl, H rrpoBO,ll;HTCH B .D;OIIOJIHeHHe K HMM.

3. ,[(oroBopeHHOCTH OTHOCHTeJihHO .n;oczyna, rrpeeycMorpeHHbie nyHKTOM 2 CraTbH V, .n;ocTHraIOTCH B ornorneHHH rryHKTOB 2 H 3 CTaThH IV HaCTOHI:Qero CornarneHIDI .n;o rrpe.n;ocTaBJieHHjl rr106oro co.n;eiicTBHH B paMKax 3THX rryHKTOB HJIH KOHrpaKTOB, Ha HHX ocHoBaHHhIX, a B OTHorneHHH rryHKTa 4 CTaTbH IV HaCTOHI:Qero CorrrarneHHH .n;o rrpe.n;ocraBJieHIDI JII06oro co.n;eiicTBHH corrracHo 3TOMY nyHKTY HJIH KOHTpaKTaM, Ha HeM OCHOBaHHhIM.

4. B crryqae, ecJIH: A. MHHaToM PoccHH He C)'MeeT BbIIIOJIHHTb KaKoro-JIH6o cornacoBaHHoro ocHOBHoro :narra IIpoeKTa HJIH He rrpe.n;ocTaBHT rrpe,n;cTaBHTeJIHM MHH3HepreTHKH CllIA HJIH rrpe.n;craBHTeJIHM Ha3HaqeHHbIX HM opraHH3a:QHH .n;oczyrr Ha o6'beKTbI B

·~- . .,-~·,·-...... =-.-r--~.,.. _" __ _ ----.... ·-··--= =-·-..,. .,..,.--.--.--...,-- ---_,,__.,...,---_~.....=.-" 7

COOTBeTCTBHH c .n;oroBopeHHOCTRMH, KOTOpbie .n;omKHbI 6bITb pa3pa6oTaHbI B cooTBeTCTBHH c II)'HKTOM 2 HacTo.~m1eH: CTaTbH, mm E. MHH3HepreTHKH ClllA .n;onycTHT npeKpameHHe .n;eH:crnmi: no.n;pHJJ;HbIX KOHTPaKTOB .n;o 3aBeprneHHH no.n;pHJJ;HbIX pa6oT no BHJJ;aM .n;eHTeJibHOCTH B paMKax CTaTbH IV HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH, HJIH B. KaKaH-JIH6o H3 CTopoH He C)'MeeT o6ecnetJHTb cornacoBaHH1>1H: ypoBeH1> co.n;eH:cTBHH cornacHo mo6oMY m nyHKTOB 2 HJIH 3 CTaTbH IV HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH, BKJIIO'laH cPHHaHcHpoBaHHe, .n;AA BbIIIOJIHeHHH KaKoro-JIH6o corJiacoBaHHoro 3Tana npoeKTa corJiacHo 3THM nyHKTaM, .n;pyraH CTopoHa MO)KeT o6paTHTbCH K nepBoH: CTopoHe c 3anpocoM o npoBe,n;eHHH KOHCYJII>TaQHH .n;AA onpe.n;eneHHH HaHnyqrnero cnoco6a ,n;ocTH)KeHHH QeneH: HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH, l 'IT06bI o6ecne'IHTb npeKpameHHe npomBOJJ;CTBa nJIYTOHHH B ycTaHOBJieHHbie cpoKH. TaKHe KOHcyn1>TaQHH Ha'IHHaIOTCH He TI03JJ;Hee 'leM qepe3 30 .n;HeH: c .n;aTbI nonyqemrn TaKoro 3arrpoca. EcJIH no HCTe'lemrn 180 ,UHeH: c .n;aTbI Haqana KOHcyn1>TaQHH CTopoH1>1 He rrpHXOMT K .n;ocTH)KeHHIO .uoroBopeHHOCTeH:, JII06aH H3 CTopoH HMeeT rrpaBo rrpHocTaHOBHTb - .uo .n;ocTH)KeHHH TaKHX .n;oroBopeHHOCTeH: - BbIIIOJIHeHHe HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH, HarrpaBHB .n;pyroH: CTopoHe cooTBeTCTBYIOIUee nuc1>MeHHoe yBe,n:oMJieHHe. KoHcyJI1>TaQHH, YKITTaHHbie B HaCTOHIUeM nyHKTe, npo.n;OJI)KalOTCH .n;o JJ;OCTH)KeHHH ,n;oroBopeHHOCTeH:, JIH6o, B cnyqae, eCJIH 3TO He npe.n;cTaBJIHeTCH B03MO)KHbIM, .n;o npeKpameHHH .n;eH:cTBHH HacToHmero CornarneHHH B nopH,n;Ke, npe.n;ycMOTPeHHOM B CTaT1>e IX HacTOHIUero CornarneHHH.


1. qT06bI o6ecne'IIUb ,!l;OCTH)J(eHHe QeJieii H BbIIIOJIHeHHe HaCTOHIUero CornarneHJUI, CTopoH1>1 HaCTOHIUHM yqpe)J(JJ;aIOT CoBMeCTHbIH HcnoJIHHTeJI1>H1>1ii KOMHTeT ynpaBJI.llIOIUHX rrporpaMMOH (CHKYII), KOTOpbIH co6HpaeTCH He no3,n;Hee, 'leM qepe3 45 .n;HeH: nocJie 3anpoca, no,n;aHHOro o,n;HoH: H3 CrnpoH. B 3a.n;a'IH CHKYII BXOJJ;HT cne,UYIOmee: a) paccMaTPHBaTb xo.u BbIIIOJIHeHHH HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH, B TOM 'IHCJie roTOBHTb peKoMeH,n;aQHH .UJIH CTopoH B OTHorneHHH pa3perneHHH JII061>IX BonpocoB peanH3aQHH CornarneHtt.11; 6) peKoMeH.n;oBaTb CrnpoHaM nyTH pa3perneHHH JII061>IX cnopoB, KOTop1>1e MoryT B03HHKHYTb B OTHorneHHH BbIIIOJIHeHHH HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH HJIH CBH3aHHbIX c HHM .n;oroBopeHHOCTeii; H B) 06cy)J(.n;aT1> H, npH Heo6xo.n;HMOCTH, roTOBHTb peKoMeH.n;aQHH CTOpoHaM B OTHOIIIeHHH JII06bIX H3MeHeHHH HaCTOHIUero CornarneHHH HJIH CBH3aHHbIX c HHM .n;oroBopeHHOCTeH. --.,----_-.,,...,-,_,-- ...,-,....,,....,...,..,,,...... ,~ _,_.,.._,...... ,., .._,,.,__._...,..,_..,,,.. ___...,._..,.,....,~-~-~-..,...,~- ==-<---=--=-=,....,,...,-··~,,...__ __,,..,,..,,.,=-



1. B cooTBeTCTBHH co CTaTI>eM: XIII CornarneHHR 06 yHHqTo)KeHHH H HepacnpocrpaHeHHH opy)Klij{, no npe.zlBapHTeJibHOMY yBe,n;oMJieHHID, no MeHI>rneM: Mepe, 3a 30 ,n;Heii: npe.ucTaBHTeJIH . M1rn:mepreTHKH ClllA HMeIOT npaBo ocyrn;ecTBJIRTb ay,n;HT H npoBepK)' HCnOJib30BaHlij{ JII06oro co,n;eHCTBHR, npe,n;ocTaBJIReMoro B ueJUIX HacToRmero CornarneHHR; OHM TaIOKe HMeIOT npaBo ocyrn:ecTBJIRTb ay,n.HT H npoBepKy ;no6bIX H Bcex COOTBeTCTBYffiIIl;HX yqeTHbIX aTepHaJIOB HJIH ,n;oKyMeHTal(mJ, KaK B TeqeHHe cpoKa .ueiiCTBlij{ HaCTORrn;ero CornarneHHR, TaK H B nocne.n;yrorn;Hii rpexneTHHH nepHO)l. 2. CTopoHI>I pa1pa6aTbIBaIOT cooTBeTcTByIDrn;He ,n;oroBopeHHOCTH ,n;Jrn 6ecneqeHHR npoBen;eHHR ay,n;HTa H npoBepoK. IlpaBo npoBe,n;emrn ay,n;HTa H poBepoK, YKa3aHHoe B rryHKTe 1 HacroRrn;eM: CTaTbH, He CBR3aHo c pa3pa6orKoii: THX .uoroBopeHHocreM:. B cnyqae B03HHKHOBeHlij{ JII06bIX npoTHBopeqHii: Me)K,ll;y acroRrn;HM CornameHHeM H n106bIMH TaKHMH ,n;oroBopeuuocTRMH, peHMyrn;ecTBeHHYID CHJIY HMeer HacToRmee CornameHHe.


)J,ocTyn K HmpopMal(HH, nepe11.aBaeMOH B COOTBeTCTBHH c HaCTORIIl;HM ornameuHeM, o6parn;eHHe c TaKoii: HHopMal(HeM: H ee 3arn;HTa, pacnpe.n;eneHHe paB Ha HHTeJIJieKTYaJibHYffi co6cTBeHHOCTb ocymeCTBJIRIOTCR Ha Tex )Ke ycJIOBHRX, OTOpbie npHMeHRIOTCR npH o6parn:emrn c HHopMal(Heii: B cooTBeTCTBHH co TaTbeM: 6 CornarneHHR o peaKTopax, npoH3BOMIIl;HX nnyTOHHH.


1. HacToRrn;ee Cornamemre BcrynaeT B CHJIY co ,n;HR ero no.unHcaHHR H peKparn;aeT ,n;eii:cTBHe npH npeKparn;eHHH ,n;eii:cTBHR CornameHHR 06 yHHqTO:>K.emrn HepacnpocrpaHeHHH opy)KHSI, JIH60 npH 3aBepmeHHH BblIIOJIHeHHR IlporpaMMbI, o cornacHIO CTopoH, B 3aBHCHMOCTH OT Toro, KaKoe H3 3THX co6I>ITHH npoH3oii:,n;eT aubme. HacToRrn;ee CornameHHe MmI HaCTORrn;ee CornameuHe.

2. B cnyqae ecnH.,n;eiicTBHe uacToRrn;ero CornameHHR npeKparn;aeTcR, CropoHI>I 6parn;aIOTCR co Bceii: npe.n:ocTaBJieHHOH paHee KOHqrn,n;eHI(HaJibHOH HHOpMal(HeH coorneTCTBHH c noJIO)l{eHHRMH CTaTI>H VIII uacTORrn;ero Cornamemrn, ecnH TOpOHbl He .n;oroBapHBaIOTCR 06 HHOM, H BCe npe.n;ocTaBJieHHOe paHee co.n:eii:CTBHe 9 no-npe)1

CoseprneHo B ~fnl'}t.a .n;syx 3K3eMrurnpax « )Z''» t11u mli 2003 r., Ka)l(,D;bIM Ha pyccKOM H aHrJIHMCKOM H3bIKax, npHqeM o6a TeKCTa HMeIOT o.zurnaKOByIO CHJIY.