Date & Time: Wednesday 18th December 2019, 11:30am to 12:30pm Venue: Robert Robinson Room, Scarsdale

Item Subject Paper Presenter Time

PCCC/1920/01 Welcome & Apologies Verbal Ian Shaw 11:30

PCCC/1920/02 Declarations of Interest Paper A ALL 11:35 • Primary Care Commissioning Committee Register of Interests • Summary Register for Recording Any Interests During Meetings

FOR DISCUSSION PCCC/1920/03 PCCC Terms of Reference for Review Paper B Marie 11:40 Scouse FOR CORPORATE ASSURANCE PCCC/1920/04 Finance Update Paper C Niki Bridge 11:50 (to follow) PCCC/1920/05 Surgery Paper D Hannah 12:00 Belcher MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING PCCC/1920/06 Minutes of the Primary Care Paper E Ian Shaw 12:10 Commissioning Committee meeting held on 27th November 2019

PCCC/1920/07 Matters arising from the minutes not Paper F Ian Shaw 12:15 elsewhere on agenda/Matters Arising Matrix

PCCC/1920/08 Any Other Business Verbal ALL 12:20

PCCC/1920/09 Assurance Questions Verbal Ian Shaw 12:25 • Has the Committee been attended by all relevant Executive Directors and Senior Managers for assurance purposes? • Were the papers presented to the Committee of an appropriate professional standard, did they incorporate detailed reports with sufficient factual information and clear recommendations? • Were papers that have already been reported on at another committee presented to you in a summary form? • Was the content of the papers suitable and appropriate for the public domain? • Were the papers sent to Committee members at least 5 working days in advance of the meeting to allow for the review of papers for assurance purposes? • Does the Committee wish to deep dive any area on the agenda, in more detail at the next meeting, or through a separate meeting with an Executive Director in advance of the next scheduled meeting? • What recommendations do the Committee want to make to Governing Body following the assurance process at today’s Committee meeting? • Is the Committee assured on progress regarding actions assigned to it within the Organisational Effectiveness and Improvement action plan? DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Date: Wednesday 22 January 2019 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Venue: Robert Robinson Room, Scarsdale

*denotes those who have left the be removed who CCG, from will the months register six after date their leaving Bagshaw, DrBagshaw, Katherine Blackwell, Dr Penny Blackwell, Dr Penny Belcher, Hannah Belcher, Bhatia, Dr Avi Name (also a member of Finance Committee; Derbyshire Primary Care Care Primary Derbyshire of Finance Committee; amember (also (also a member of Derbyshire Place Board; Respiratory Delivery Board; Delivery Place Respiratory of Derbyshire amember (also (also a member of Derbyshire Primary Care Leadership Group; Leadership Care Primary of Derbyshire amember (also Board; Dales Health & Wellbeing Partnership; and Dales Place Place and Partnership; Dales & Wellbeing Board; Health Dales Derbyshire Primary Care Leadership Group; Derbyshire Place Group; Place Leadership Derbyshire Care Primary Derbyshire (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; (also a member of Primary Care Enhanced Services Review Enhanced Review Care Services of Primary amember (also Leadership Group; Derbyshire Place Board; Dales Health & Board; Health Group; Place Dales Leadership Derbyshire Wellbeing Partnership; and Dales Place Alliance Group) Alliance Place Dales and Partnership; Wellbeing Group and Conditions Specific Delivery Board) Delivery Specific Conditions and Group Head of GP Commissioning & Development Commissioning GP of Head and Derbyshire Place Board) Place and Derbyshire Deputy Medical Director Medical Deputy Governing Body GP Body Governing Governing Body GP Body Governing Alliance Group) Alliance Clinical Chair Job Title Job Group) NHS DERBYNHS AND DERBYSHIRE CCG REGISTER GOVERNING OF BODY INTERESTS &COMMITTEE 2019/20 MEMBERS' Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Primary Care Commissioning Committee Committee Member Member Committee Finance Committee Governing Body Governing Health Partnership-which holds a contract for provision of the the of contract a provision for holds Partnership-which Health Littlewick Medical Centre is a constituent practice of Erewash provide GP cover to Ilkeston and Belper Community hospital hospital Community Belper and to Ilkeston cover GP provide GP partner at Hannage Brook Medical Centre, Wirksworth. partner Centre, Brook Wirksworth. GP Medical at Hannage partner Centre, Brook Wirksworth. GP Medical at Hannage Part landlord/owner of premises at College Street Medical at College of premises Part landlord/owner Declared Interest (Including direct/ indirect Interest) GP lead for Shared Care Pathology, Derbyshire Pathology Derbyshire Pathology, for Shared Care lead GP Pathology Derbyshire Pathology, for Shared Care lead GP provide creative arts and activity projects and to and support projects activity and arts creative provide to and support projects activity and arts creative provide Director of Flourish Derbyshire Dales CIC, which aims to Director of Flourish Derbyshire Dales CIC, which aims to Littlewick Medical Centre-have a contract with DCHS to Littlewick Medical Centre-have contracts to provide an an contracts to provide Centre-have Medical Littlewick Spouse works for Nottingham University Hospitals in in Hospitals University Nottingham for works Spouse anticoagulation service to patients within Erewash within to patients service anticoagulation others in this activity for the Derbyshire Dales for the activity others this Derbyshire in Dales for the activity others this Derbyshire in GP Parter at Erewash Health Partnership at Parter GP Erewash Health GP Partner at Littlewick Medical Centre Medical Partner atGP Littlewick GP Partner Centre atGP Medical Moir Practice, Long Eaton, Nottingham Eaton, Long Practice, OnDayService forOnDayService Erewash. Interests in Drug misuse Drug in Interests misuse Drug in Interests Gynaecology beds Nil          Financial Interest

Non Financial Interest of Type     Professional Interest

Non-Financial Personal Interest  Indirect Interest April 2018 April Feb 2019 Feb 2019 Feb Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing From 2000 2011 2011 Date of Interest of Date Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing To organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise otherwise unless provider potential Is organisation otherwise unless provider potential Is organisation organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise otherwise unless provider potential Is organisation otherwise unless provider potential Is organisation Withdraw from all discussion and voting if if voting and discussion all from Withdraw if voting and discussion all from Withdraw Withdraw from all discussion and voting if if voting and discussion all from Withdraw if voting and discussion all from Withdraw Action taken to mitigate risk mitigate to taken Action agreed by the meeting chair meeting the by agreed chair meeting the by agreed agreed by the meeting chair meeting the by agreed chair meeting the by agreed No action required action No Director of Flourish Derbyshire Dales CIC, which aims to provide creative arts and activity projects and to support  Feb 2019 Ongoing Governing Body GP others in this activity for the Derbyshire Dales Withdraw from all discussion and voting if (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Blackwell, Dr Penny Governing Body GP partner at Hannage Brook Medical Centre, Wirksworth.  organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Finance Committee; Derbyshire Primary Care Leadership Group; Interests in Drug misuse Ongoing Ongoing agreed by the meeting chair Derbyshire Place Board; Dales Health & Wellbeing Partnership; and Dales Place Alliance Group) GP lead for Shared Care Pathology, Derbyshire Pathology  2011 Ongoing Shareholder in BD Braithwaite Ltd, which provides clinical services to Ilkeston Community Hospital and provides private  Withdraw from all discussion and voting if medical services in the (including patients who Aug 2014 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise are not eligible for NHS funded treatment according to CCG agreed by the meeting chair guidelines)  Employed by Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust which is commissioned by the CCG to provide services to NHS Aug 2000 Ongoing Declare interest in relevant patients. meetings  Secondary Care Specialist Founder Member, Shareholder and Director of Clinical Braithwaite, Bruce Audit Committee Services for Alliance Surgical plc which is a company that bids July 2007 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; and for NHS contracts. organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Remuneration Committee) agreed by the meeting chair Fellow of the Royal College Of Surgeons of and Member of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Aug 1992 Ongoing No action required Advisor to NICE on an occasional basis. 

Honorary Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, involved in clinical research activity in the East Midlands. Aug 2009 Ongoing No action required 

Shareholder in BD Braithwaite Ltd, which provides clinical services to Ilkeston Community Hospital and provides private  Withdraw from all discussion and voting if medical services in the East Midlands (including patients who Aug 2014 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise are not eligible for NHS funded treatment according to CCG agreed by the meeting chair guidelines)  Employed by Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust which is commissioned by the CCG to provide services to NHS Aug 2000 Ongoing Declare interest in relevant patients. meetings Secondary Care Specialist  Braithwaite, Bruce Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Founder Member, Shareholder and Director of Clinical (also a member of Audit Committee; Remuneration Committee) Services for Alliance Surgical plc which is a company that bids July 2007 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if for NHS contracts. organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise agreed by the meeting chair Fellow of the Royal College Of Surgeons of England and Member of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland.  Aug 1992 Ongoing No action required Advisor to NICE on an occasional basis.

Honorary Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, involved in clinical research activity in the East Midlands.  Aug 2009 Ongoing No action required Shareholder in BD Braithwaite Ltd, which provides clinical services to Ilkeston Community Hospital and provides private  Withdraw from all discussion and voting if medical services in the East Midlands (including patients who Aug 2014 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise are not eligible for NHS funded treatment according to CCG agreed by the meeting chair guidelines)  Employed by Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust which is commissioned by the CCG to provide services to NHS Aug 2000 Ongoing Declare interest in relevant Secondary Care Specialist patients. meetings  Braithwaite, Bruce Governing Body Founder Member, Shareholder and Director of Clinical (also a member of Audit Committee; Clinical & Lay Services for Alliance Surgical plc which is a company that bids July 2007 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Commissioning Committee; and Remuneration Committee) for NHS contracts. organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise agreed by the meeting chair Fellow of the Royal College Of Surgeons of England and  Member of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Aug 1992 Ongoing No action required Advisor to NICE on an occasional basis.

Honorary Associate Professor, University of Nottingham,  involved in clinical research activity in the East Midlands. Aug 2009 Ongoing No action required

Shareholder in BD Braithwaite Ltd, which provides clinical services to Ilkeston Community Hospital and provides private  Withdraw from all discussion and voting if medical services in the East Midlands (including patients who Aug 2014 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise are not eligible for NHS funded treatment according to CCG agreed by the meeting chair guidelines)  Employed by Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust which is commissioned by the CCG to provide services to NHS Aug 2000 Ongoing Declare interest in relevant Secondary Care Specialist patients. meetings  Braithwaite, Bruce Remuneration Committee Founder Member, Shareholder and Director of Clinical (also a member of Audit Committee; and Clinical & Lay Services for Alliance Surgical plc which is a company that bids July 2007 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Commissioning Committee) for NHS contracts. organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise agreed by the meeting chair Fellow of the Royal College Of Surgeons of England and Member of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland.  Aug 1992 Ongoing Declare interest in relevant Advisor to NICE on an occasional basis. meetings

Honorary Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, involved in clinical research activity in the East Midlands.  Aug 2009 Ongoing Declare interest in relevant meetings

Brown, Rosemary* Patient Representative, Springs Health Centre (Clowne) Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Chief Finance Officer Chapman, Richard Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Finance Officer

Chapman, Richard (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee Nil No action required Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Finance Officer

Chapman, Richard (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Financial Recovery Group Nil No action required Finance Committee; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee) Chief Finance Officer

Chapman, Richard (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body Nil No action required Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Finance Officer

Chapman, Richard (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Audit Committee Nil No action required Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Finance Officer

Chapman, Richard (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Remuneration Committee Nil No action required Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Finance Officer Chapman, Richard Primary Care Commissioning Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee; and Financial Recovery Group)

Chief Executive Officer

Clayton, Dr Chris (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body Spouse is a Director at PWC 2001 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Executive Officer Clayton, Dr Chris Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Spouse is a Director at PWC 2001 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings (also a member of Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Executive Officer Clayton, Dr Chris Financial Recovery Group Spouse is a Director at PWC 2001 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Chief Executive Officer Clayton, Dr Chris Primary Care Commissioning Committee Spouse is a Director at PWC 2001 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; and Financial Recovery Group)

Coffey, Christine Lay Representative, Castle Street Medical Centre (Bolsover) Engagement Committee Nil No action required

GP Partner at Staffa Health, Tibshelf. Roles in the practice: Senior partner; Prescribing Lead; Adult Safeguarding Lead; 1992 Ongoing Governing Body GP Lead for Frailty and integrated care; PCN practice lead;  interest in Dermatology and contraception including fitting of Withdraw from all discussion and voting if (also a member of Finance Committee; Derbyshire Primary Care Cooper, Dr Ruth Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee IUDs and Implants organisation is potential provider unless otherwise Leadership Group; North East Derbyshire & Bolsover Place  agreed by the meeting chair Alliance Group; CRHFT CQRG; and Conditions Specific Delivery Shareholder in North East Derbyshire Health Ltd 2016 Ongoing Board)  Sessional GP for DHU 1995 Ongoing GP Partner at Staffa Health, Tibshelf. Roles in the practice: Senior partner; Prescribing Lead; Adult Safeguarding Lead; 1992 Ongoing Governing Body GP Lead for Frailty and integrated care; PCN practice lead;  interest in Dermatology and contraception including fitting of Withdraw from all discussion and voting if (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Cooper, Dr Ruth Finance Committee IUDs and Implants organisation is potential provider unless otherwise Derbyshire Primary Care Leadership Group; North East  agreed by the meeting chair Derbyshire & Bolsover Place Alliance Group; CRHFT CQRG; and Shareholder in North East Derbyshire Health Ltd 2016 Ongoing Conditions Specific Delivery Board)  Sessional GP for DHU 1995 Ongoing GP Partner at Staffa Health, Tibshelf. Roles in the practice: Senior partner; Prescribing Lead; Adult Safeguarding Lead; 1992 Ongoing Governing Body GP Lead for Frailty and integrated care; PCN practice lead;  interest in Dermatology and contraception including fitting of Withdraw from all discussion and voting if (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Cooper, Dr Ruth Governing Body IUDs and Implants organisation is potential provider unless otherwise Finance Committee; North East Derbyshire & Bolsover Place  agreed by the meeting chair Alliance Group; Derbyshire Primary Care Leadership Group; Shareholder in North East Derbyshire Health Ltd 2016 Ongoing CRHFT CQRG; and Conditions Specific Delivery Board)  Sessional GP for DHU 1995 Ongoing

Corney, Trevor Lay Representative Engagement Committee Nil No action required Self-employed through own management consultancy business trading as Jill Dentith Consulting  2012 Ongoing Lay Member for Governance Providing part time consultancy service to Conexus (a GP Declare interests at relevant Dentith, Jill (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; Governing Body  Federation in Wakefield) 16 Jan 19 31 Aug 19 meetings Governance Committee; Primary Care Commissionig Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Providing part-time management consultancy support to  Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT 28 Oct 19 31 Mar 20

Self-employed through own management consultancy business trading as Jill Dentith Consulting  2012 Ongoing Lay Member for Governance Providing part time consultancy service to Conexus (a GP  Declare interests at relevant Dentith, Jill (also a member of Finance Committee; Governance Committee; Audit Committee Federation in Wakefield) 16 Jan 19 31 Aug 19 meetings Primary Care Commissionig Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Providing part-time management consultancy support to  Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT 28 Oct 19 31 Mar 20

Self-employed through own management consultancy business trading as Jill Dentith Consulting  2012 Ongoing Lay Member for Governance Providing part time consultancy service to Conexus (a GP  Declare interests at relevant Dentith, Jill (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; Remuneration Committee Federation in Wakefield) 16 Jan 19 31 Aug 19 meetings Governance Committee; and Primary Care Commissionig Committee) Providing part-time management consultancy support to  Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT 28 Oct 19 31 Mar 20

Self-employed through own management consultancy business trading as Jill Dentith Consulting  2012 Ongoing Lay Member for Governance Providing part time consultancy service to Conexus (a GP  Declare interests at relevant Dentith, Jill Primary Care Commissioning Committee Federation in Wakefield) 16 Jan 19 31 Aug 19 (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; meetings Governance Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Providing part-time management consultancy support to  Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT 28 Oct 19 31 Mar 20

Self-employed through own management consultancy business trading as Jill Dentith Consulting  2012 Ongoing Lay Member for Governance Providing part time consultancy service to Conexus (a GP  Declare interests at relevant Dentith, Jill (also a member of Audit Committee; Governance Committee; Finance Committee Federation in Wakefield) 16 Jan 19 31 Aug 19 meetings Primary Care Commissionig Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Providing part-time management consultancy support to  Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT 28 Oct 19 31 Mar 20

Self-employed through own management consultancy business trading as Jill Dentith Consulting  2012 Ongoing Lay Member for Governance Providing part time consultancy service to Conexus (a GP  Declare interests at relevant Dentith, Jill (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; Governance Committee Federation in Wakefield) 16 Jan 19 31 Aug 19 meetings Primary Care Commissionig Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Providing part-time management consultancy support to  Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT 28 Oct 19 31 Mar 20 Public Health Representative

(also a member of Clinical Policy Advisory Group; Joint Area Dewis, Robyn Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Nil No action required Prescribing Committee; Conditions Specific Delivery Board; CVD Delivery Group; City Place Alliance Group; and Respiratory Delivery Group) Governing Body GP Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Dhadda, Dr Bukhtawar S Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee GP Partner at Surgery  2015 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise (also a member of Finance Committee; Quality & Performance agreed by the meeting chair Committee; and and Clinical Policy Advisory Group) Governing Body GP Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Dhadda, Dr Bukhtawar S (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee GP Partner at Swadlincote Surgery  2015 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Quality & Performance Committee; and Clinical Policy Advisory agreed by the meeting chair Group) Governing Body GP Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Dhadda, Dr Bukhtawar S (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body GP Partner at Swadlincote Surgery  2015 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Finance Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and agreed by the meeting chair Clinical Policy Advisory Group)

Governing Body GP Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Dhadda, Dr Bukhtawar S Quality & Performance Committee GP Partner at Swadlincote Surgery  2015 Ongoing organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; agreed by the meeting chair Finance Committee; and Clinical Policy Advisory Group)

Executive Director of Corporate Strategy & Delivery Dillistone, Helen Engagement Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Financial Recovery Group; and Governance Committee) Executive Director of Corporate Strategy & Delivery Dillistone, Helen Financial Recovery Group Nil No action required (also a member of Engagement Committee; and Governance Committee)

Executive Director of Corporate Strategy & Delivery Dillistone, Helen Governance Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Engagement Committee; and Financial Recovery Group)

Executive Director of Corporate Strategy & Delivery Dillistone, Helen Governing Body Nil No action required (also a member of Engagement Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Governance Committee)

Dorman, Colin* Lay Representative, Park Medical Practice (Derby) Engagement Committee Nil No action required  Member of Health and Wellbeing Board, Derby City Council Director of Public Health, Derby City Council Edwynn, Dr Cate Governing Body Member of Stronger Communities Board, Derby City Council  Ongoing Ongoing Declare interests at relevant meetings (also a member of Derbyshire Place Board) Employee of Derby City Council 

Lay Member for Audit Gibbard, Ian Audit Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Audit Gibbard, Ian Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Audit Committee; Governance Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Lay Member for Audit Gibbard, Ian Governance Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Audit Committee; Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Audit

Gibbard, Ian (also a member of Audit Committee; Clinical & Lay Governing Body Nil No action required Commissioning Committee; Governance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Audit Gibbard, Ian Remuneration Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Audit Committee; Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; and Governance Committee) Lay Representative, North East Derbyshire (Confirm & Declare interest at relevant Grice, Ruth Engagement Committee Volunteer for Healthwatch and Mental Health Together  Ongoing Ongoing Challenge) meetings Hayman, Deborah* Chief Finance Officer Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Nil No action required

Hayman, Deborah* Chief Finance Officer Finance Committee Nil No action required

Hayman, Deborah* Chief Finance Officer Governing Body Nil No action required

Hayman, Deborah* Chief Finance Officer Audit Committee Nil No action required

Hayman, Deborah* Chief Finance Officer Remuneration Committee Nil No action required

Hayman, Deborah* Chief Finance Officer Primary Care Commissioning Committee Nil No action required

Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Derbyshire Henderson-Spoors, Helen Engagement Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Quality & Performance Committee)

Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Derbyshire Henderson-Spoors, Helen Quality & Performance Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Engagement Committee)

Executive Turnaround Director Hogg, Sandy Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Executive Turnaround Director

Hogg, Sandy (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee Nil No action required Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee) Executive Turnaround Director

Hogg, Sandy (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Financial Recovery Group Nil No action required Finance Committee; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee)

Executive Turnaround Director Hogg, Sandy Primary Care Commissioning Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee; and Financial Recovery Group)

Executive Turnaround Director

Hogg, Sandy (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body Nil No action required Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee) Spouse is an employee of Hannage Brook Medical Centre  1 Feb 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Director Medicines Management & Clinical Policy Hulme, Steve Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Council Member of Presqipp - a not for profit community interest company (also a member of Joint Area Prescribing Committee)  1 Sep 2017 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Executive Director of Commissioning & Operations

Jones, Zara (also a member of Financial Recovery Group; Quality & Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Nil No action required Performance Committee; and CRHFT Contract Management Board) Executive Director of Commissioning & Operations

Jones, Zara (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Financial Recovery Group Nil No action required Quality & Performance Committee; and CRHFT Contract Management Board) Executive Director of Commissioning & Operations

Jones, Zara (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body Nil No action required Financial Recovery Group; Quality & Performance Committee; and CRHFT Contract Management Board) Executive Director of Commissioning & Operations

Jones, Zara (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee Nil No action required Financial Recovery Group; and CRHFT Contract Management Board) Medical Director

GP sessions x2 per week at St. Lawrence Road Surgery  2012 Ongoing (also a member of CVD Delivery Group; Conditions Specific Lloyd, Dr Steven Delivery Board; Finance Committee; CRHFT Contract Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Declare interests at relevant meetings Shareholder in premises of Emmett Carr Surgery, Renishaw; Management Board; Financial Recovery Group; Primary Care and St. Lawrence Road Surgery, North Wingfield  Ongoing Ongoing Commissioning Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee)

Medical Director

GP sessions x2 per week at St. Lawrence Road Surgery  2012 Ongoing (also a member of CVD Delivery Group; Clinical & Lay Lloyd, Dr Steven Commissioning Committee; Conditions Specific Delivery Board; Finance Committee Declare interests at relevant meetings Shareholder in premises of Emmett Carr Surgery, Renishaw; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Financial Recovery Group; and St. Lawrence Road Surgery, North Wingfield  Ongoing Ongoing Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee)

Medical Director

GP sessions x2 per week at St. Lawrence Road Surgery  2012 Ongoing (also a member of CVD Delivery Group; Clinical & Lay Lloyd, Dr Steven Commissioning Committee; Conditions Specific Delivery Board; Financial Recovery Group Declare interests at relevant meetings Shareholder in premises of Emmett Carr Surgery, Renishaw; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Finance Committee; and St. Lawrence Road Surgery, North Wingfield  Ongoing Ongoing Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee) Medical Director

GP sessions x2 per week at St. Lawrence Road Surgery  2012 Ongoing (also a member of CVD Delivery Group; Clinical & Lay Lloyd, Dr Steven Commissioning Committee; Conditions Specific Delivery Board; Governing Body Declare interests at relevant meetings Shareholder in premises of Emmett Carr Surgery, Renishaw; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Finance Committee; and St. Lawrence Road Surgery, North Wingfield  Ongoing Ongoing Financial Recovery Group; Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee) Medical Director

GP sessions x2 per week at St. Lawrence Road Surgery  2012 Ongoing (also a member of CVD Delivery Group; Clinical & Lay Lloyd, Dr Steven Commissioning Committee; Conditions Specific Delivery Board; Primary Care Commissioning Committee Declare interests at relevant meetings Shareholder in premises of Emmett Carr Surgery, Renishaw; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Finance Committee; and St. Lawrence Road Surgery, North Wingfield  Ongoing Ongoing Financial Recovery Group; and Quality & Performance Committee) Medical Director

GP sessions x2 per week at St. Lawrence Road Surgery  2012 Ongoing (also a member of CVD Delivery Group; Clinical & Lay Lloyd, Dr Steven Commissioning Committee; Conditions Specific Delivery Board; Quality & Performance Committee Declare interests at relevant meetings Shareholder in premises of Emmett Carr Surgery, Renishaw; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Finance Committee; and St. Lawrence Road Surgery, North Wingfield  Ongoing Ongoing Financial Recovery Group; and Primary Care Commissioning Committee) Logan, Tracey* Patient Representative, Castle Street Medical Centre (Bolsover) Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Mahil, Sukhi STP Assistant Director Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Chief Executive, Derby and Derbyshire Local Medical Committee

(also a member of Derbyshire Place Board; Primary Care Chief Executive, Derby and Derbyshire Local Medical Markus, Kathryn Primary Care Commissioning Committee  August 2016 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Leadership Group; Primary Care Enhanced Service Review Committee Group; CVD Delivery Group; and Joint Area Prescribing Committee)

Lay Representative, Sett Valley Medical Centre Mason, Ian Engagement Committee Nil No action required (also a member of High Peak Place Alliance) Lay Vice Chair of East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical  Jan 2017 Mar 2020 Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Group There is no overlap of direct commissioning responsibilities but as with most East Midlands Lay Member for Finance  Lay Member for Governance at South West Lincolnshire CCG June 2017 Mar 2020 CCGs there may be services commissioned for the Middleton, Andrew Audit Committee region through a lead CCG. In such cases this (also a member of Finance Committee; Quality & Performance interest will be declared. Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Lay Chair of Performers List Decision Panels for NHS England Will not sit on any case which has knowledge of the Central Midlands  May 2013 Ongoing GP or their practice.

Lay Vice Chair of East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical  Jan 2017 Mar 2020 Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Group There is no overlap of direct commissioning responsibilities but as with most East Midlands Lay Member for Finance  Lay Member for Governance at South West Lincolnshire CCG June 2017 Mar 2020 CCGs there may be services commissioned for the Middleton, Andrew Finance Committee region through a lead CCG. In such cases this (also a member of Audit Committee; Quality & Performance interest will be declared. Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Lay Chair of Performers List Decision Panels for NHS England Will not sit on any case which has knowledge of the Central Midlands  May 2013 Ongoing GP or their practice.

Lay Vice Chair of East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical  Jan 2017 Mar 2020 Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Group There is no overlap of direct commissioning responsibilities but as with most East Midlands Lay Member for Finance  Lay Member for Governance at South West Lincolnshire CCG June 2017 Mar 2020 CCGs there may be services commissioned for the Middleton, Andrew (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; Governing Body region through a lead CCG. In such cases this Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration interest will be declared. Committee) Lay Chair of Performers List Decision Panels for NHS England Will not sit on any case which has knowledge of the Central Midlands  May 2013 Ongoing GP or their practice. Lay Vice Chair of East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical  Jan 2017 Mar 2020 Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Group There is no overlap of direct commissioning responsibilities but as with most East Midlands Lay Member for Finance  Lay Member for Governance at South West Lincolnshire CCG June 2017 Mar 2020 CCGs there may be services commissioned for the Middleton, Andrew Quality & Performance Committee region through a lead CCG. In such cases this (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; and interest will be declared. Remuneration Committee) Lay Chair of Performers List Decision Panels for NHS England Will not sit on any case which has knowledge of the Central Midlands  May 2013 Ongoing GP or their practice.

Lay Vice Chair of East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical  Jan 2017 Mar 2020 Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Group There is no overlap of direct commissioning responsibilities but as with most East Midlands Lay Member for Finance  Lay Member for Governance at South West Lincolnshire CCG June 2017 Mar 2020 CCGs there may be services commissioned for the Middleton, Andrew Remuneration Committee region through a lead CCG. In such cases this (also a member of Audit Committee; Finance Committee; and interest will be declared. Quality & Performance Committee) Lay Chair of Performers List Decision Panels for NHS England Will not sit on any case which has knowledge of the Central Midlands  May 2013 Ongoing GP or their practice.

Local election candidate for Belper East in Borough District 1 March Morrissey, John Public Governor, Derbyshire Health NHS Foundation Trust Engagement Committee  3 May 2019 Declare interest at relevant meetings Council and Belper Town Council 2019 No direct contracting responsibility for DCHS. Newman, Clive Director of GP Development Primary Care Commissioning Committee Wife is Chief Executive of DCHS  1995 Ongoing Interest if declared in all meetings and appropriate action taken by chair of meeting dependent on Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement Will not take part in any decisions relating to Orwin, Gillian (also a member of Engagement Committee; Primary Care Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Patient at Wingerworth Surgery  Mar 2017 Ongoing Wingerworth Surgery Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

Will not take part in any decisions relating to Orwin, Gillian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Engagement Committee Patient at Wingerworth Surgery  Mar 2017 Ongoing Wingerworth Surgery Primary Care Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

(also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Will not take part in any decisions relating to Orwin, Gillian Governing Body Patient at Wingerworth Surgery  Mar 2017 Ongoing Engagement Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Wingerworth Surgery Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement Will not take part in any decisions relating to Orwin, Gillian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Committee Patient at Wingerworth Surgery  Mar 2017 Ongoing Wingerworth Surgery Engagement Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement Will not take part in any decisions relating to Orwin, Gillian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee Patient at Wingerworth Surgery  Mar 2017 Ongoing Wingerworth Surgery Engagement Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement Will not take part in any decisions relating to Orwin, Gillian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Remuneration Committee Patient at Wingerworth Surgery  Mar 2017 Ongoing Wingerworth Surgery Engagement Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee) Paul, Ram Derbyshire County Council Representative Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Governing Body GP Partner at Littlewick Medical Centre, with an interest in Pizzey, Dr Emma (also a member of Governance Committee; Quality & Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee  2002 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings diabetes (but not clinical lead) Performance Committee; and DCHS Clinical Quality Review Group)

Governing Body GP Partner at Littlewick Medical Centre, with an interest in Pizzey, Dr Emma (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governance Committee  2002 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings diabetes (but not clinical lead) Quality & Performance Committee; and DCHS Clinical Quality Review Group)

Governing Body GP Partner at Littlewick Medical Centre, with an interest in Pizzey, Dr Emma (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body  2002 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings diabetes (but not clinical lead) Governance Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and DCHS Clinical Quality Review Group)

Governing Body GP

Partner at Littlewick Medical Centre, with an interest in Pizzey, Dr Emma (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee  2002 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings diabetes (but not clinical lead) Governance Committee; and DCHS Clinical Quality Review Group)

Ritchie, Karen Head of Engagement, Joined Up Care Derbyshire Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Lay Member for Primary Care Commissioning

Shaw, Ian (also a member of Engagement Committee; Primary Care Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee Professor at the University of Nottingham  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Committee; and Primary Care Enhanced Services Review Group)

Lay Member for Primary Care Commissioning

Shaw, Ian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Engagement Committee Professor at the University of Nottingham  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Primary Care Enhanced Services Review Group)

Lay Member for Primary Care Commissioning

Shaw, Ian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body Professor at the University of Nottingham  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Engagement Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Committee; and Primary Care Enhanced Services Review Group)

Lay Member for Primary Care Commissioning

Shaw, Ian (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Committee Professor at the University of Nottingham  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Engagement Committee; and Primary Care Enhanced Services Review Group)

Soraka, Beth Health Watch Derby Representative Engagement Committee Nil No action required Chief Nurse Officer

(also a member of Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Declare interest at relevant meetings, and do not Group; Primary Care Commissioning Committee; Quality & Daughter is employed as a midwifery support worker at Stacey, Brigid Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee  Aug 2019 Ongoing vote on any decisions made in regards to Burton Performance Committee; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Burton Hospital Hospital midwifery services CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group; UHDB Contract Management Board; and Maternity Transformation Board (Chair)) Chief Nurse Officer

(also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Financial Recovery Group; Primary Care Commissioning Daughter is employed as a midwifery support worker at Stacey, Brigid Finance Committee  Aug 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; CRHFT Contract Burton Hospital Management Board; CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group; UHDB Contract Management Board; and Maternity Transformation Board (Chair)) Chief Nurse Officer

(also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee; Primary Care Commissioning Committee; Daughter is employed as a midwifery support worker at Stacey, Brigid Financial Recovery Group  Aug 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Quality & Performance Committee; CRHFT Contract Burton Hospital Management Board; CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group; UHDB Contract Management Board; and Maternity Transformation Board (Chair))

Chief Nurse Officer

(also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; Primary Care Daughter is employed as a midwifery support worker at Stacey, Brigid Governing Body  Aug 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; Burton Hospital CRHFT Contract Management Board; CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group; UHDB Contract Management Board; and Maternity Transformation Board (Chair))

Chief Nurse Officer

(also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; Quality & Daughter is employed as a midwifery support worker at Stacey, Brigid Primary Care Commissioning Committee  Aug 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Performance Committee; CRHFT Contract Management Board; Burton Hospital CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group; UHDB Contract Management Board; and Maternity Transformation Board (Chair)) Chief Nurse Officer

(also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Finance Committee; Financial Recovery Group; Primary Care Daughter is employed as a midwifery support worker at Stacey, Brigid Quality & Performance Committee  Aug 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Commissioning Committee; CRHFT Contract Management Burton Hospital Board; CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group; UHDB Contract Management Board; and Maternity Transformation Board (Chair)) GP Partner at Killamarsh Medical Practice  2009 Ongoing Governing Body GP Member of North East Derbyshire Federation  2016 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Strachan, Dr Alexander Gregory (also a member of Governance Committee; Quality & Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Performance Committee; and CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Adult and Children Safeguarding Lead at Killamarsh Medical agreed by the meeting chair  Group) Practice 2009 Ongoing

GP Partner at Killamarsh Medical Practice  2009 Ongoing Governing Body GP Member of North East Derbyshire Federation  2016 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Strachan, Dr Alexander Gregory (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governance Committee organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Quality & Performance Committee; and CRHFT Clinical Quality agreed by the meeting chair Adult and Children Safeguarding Lead at Killamarsh Medical  Review Group) Practice 2009 Ongoing GP Partner at Killamarsh Medical Practice  2009 Ongoing Governing Body GP Member of North East Derbyshire Federation  2016 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Strachan, Dr Alexander Gregory (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Governance Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Adult and Children Safeguarding Lead at Killamarsh Medical agreed by the meeting chair  CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Group) Practice 2009 Ongoing GP Partner at Killamarsh Medical Practice  2009 Ongoing Governing Body GP Member of North East Derbyshire Federation  2016 Ongoing Withdraw from all discussion and voting if Strachan, Dr Alexander Gregory (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Quality & Performance Committee organisation Is potential provider unless otherwise Governance Committee; and CRHFT Clinical Quality Review Adult and Children Safeguarding Lead at Killamarsh Medical agreed by the meeting chair Group) Practice  2009 Ongoing

Lay Representative - North Derbyshire Street, Jocelyn Engagement Committee Nil No action required (also a member of DCHS Clinical Quality Review Group) Derbyshire STP Director Taylor, Vikki Engagement Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Derbyshire Place Board)

Thornton, Sean Assistant Director Communications and Engagement Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Public Governor - Derby City Lead Governor, Derbyshire  Present 2020 Community Health Services Thorpe, Bernard DCHS Lead Governor Engagement Committee Declare interests at relevant meetings Health Research Authority Ethics Committee  Present 2024

Board Member, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation  Jan 2014 Jan 2023 Partner Governor, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Tory, Lynn Engagement Committee Declare interests at relevant meetings Trust Ongoing Ongoing Board Member, Derbyshire Voluntary Action 

Director of Public Health, Derbyshire County Council Panel Member for Active Derbyshire part of a local charitable Wallace, Dean Governing Body  April 2019 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings organisation (also a member of Derbyshire Place Board)

Governing Body GP Husband is Anaesthetic and Chronic Pain Consultant at Royal Watkins, Dr Merryl Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings (also a member of Joint Area Prescribing Committee; and Derby Hospital Quality & Performance Committee)

Governing Body GP Husband is Anaesthetic and Chronic Pain Consultant at Royal Watkins, Dr Merryl (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; Governing Body  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings Derby Hospital Joint Area Prescribing Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee)

Governing Body GP Husband is Anaesthetic and Chronic Pain Consultant at Royal Watkins, Dr Merryl Quality & Performance Committee  1992 Ongoing Declare interest at relevant meetings (also a member of Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee; and Derby Hospital Joint Area Prescribing Committee)

Weremczuk, Denise Foundation Trust Governor for Secondary Care Engagement Committee Nil No action required

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

Whittle, Martin (also a member of Finance Committee; Governance Committee; Engagement Committee Nil No action required Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

Whittle, Martin (also a member of Engagement Committee; Governance Finance Committee Nil No action required Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

Whittle, Martin (also a member of Engagement Committee; Finance Committee; Governance Committee Nil No action required Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee) Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

Whittle, Martin (also a member of Engagement Committee; Finance Committee; Governing Body Nil No action required Governance Committee; Quality & Performance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement Whittle, Martin Quality & Performance Committee Nil No action required (also a member of Engagement Committee; Finance Committee; Governance Committee; and Remuneration Committee)

Lay Member for Patient and Public Involvement

Whittle, Martin (also a member of Engagement Committee; Finance Committee; Remuneration Committee Nil No action required Governance Committee; and Quality & Performance Committee) GP Partner at Dr P. A. A. Wood & Partners  1993 Ongoing

Dr P. A. A. Wood & Partners is a member of Greater Derby  2019 Ongoing PCN

The partnership is a minority shareholder in Alexin Wood, Dr Paul STP Urgent Care Lead Clinical & Lay Commissioning Committee  Declare interests at relevant meetings Healthcare Ltd 2013 Ongoing

The partnership hosts CRUSE - practice receives a service  charge 2013 Ongoing

Spouse is a midwife at UHDB  1979 Ongoing Paper A2


A conflict of interest occurs where an individual’s ability to exercise judgement, or act in a role is, could be, or is seen to be impaired or otherwise influenced by his or her involvement in another role or relationship. Interests can be captured in four different categories: financial; non-financial professional; non-financial personal; and indirect. Visitors attending the meeting should also declare any interests in a timely manner. (For further information, please see the CCG’s Standards of Business Conduct and Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy.)

Committee members are reminded of their obligation to declare any interest they may have on any issues arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of Derby and Derbyshire CCG. Declarations declared by members of the committee are listed in the CCG’s Registers of Interests and included with the meeting papers.

If any interests are declared at committee meetings a register will be included in the papers to show who declared an interest, at what meeting, for which item and the action that was taken.

Name Position within or relationship with, the Description of Interest Date interest relates Actions to be taken to Register CCG or NHS (including for (From & to, if mitigate risk (to be agreed updated England indirect interests, details of the applicable) with Line Manager or relationship with the person Senior CCG Manager) who has the interest)


18 December 2019

Item No:

Report Title Primary Care Commissioning Committee Terms of Reference Review Author(s) Suzanne Pickering, Head of Governance Sponsor (Director) Helen Dillistone, Executive Director of Corporate Strategy & Delivery

Paper for: Decision Assurance Discussion X Information Recommendations The Committee are asked to REVIEW the Primary Care Commissioning Committee Terms of Reference and SUGGEST any amendments or additions.

Report Summary As part of the Governing Body’s six month review of all Committee Terms of Reference, the Primary Care Commissioning Committee Terms of Reference are presented to the committee for review and to suggest any amendments or additions to the document.

Are there any Resource Implications (including Financial, Staffing etc)?

None identified.

Has a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) been completed? What were the findings? Not applicable.

Has a Quality Impact Assessment (QIA) been completed? What were the findings? Not applicable.

Has an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) been completed? What were the findings? Not applicable.

Has the project been to the Quality and Equality Impact Assessment (QEIA) panel? Include risk rating and summary of findings below Not applicable.

Has there been involvement of Patients, Public and other key stakeholders? Include summary of findings below Not applicable.

Have any Conflicts of Interest been identified/ actions taken? Not applicable.

Governing Body Assurance Framework Not applicable.

Identification of Key Risks Not applicable.


Primary Care Commissioning Committee

Terms of Reference


1.1 In accordance with its statutory powers under section 13Z of the National Health Service Act 2006 (as amended); NHS England has delegated the exercise of the functions specified in Schedule 2 to these Terms of Reference to NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG. Schedule 1 and 2 are specified in the NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG Delegated Agreement.

1.2 The CCG has established the Primary Care Commissioning Committee. The Committee will function as a corporate decision-making body for the management of the delegated functions and the exercise of the delegated powers.

1.3 It is a committee comprising representatives of the following organisations:

• NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG (the “CCG”)


2.1 NHS England has delegated to the CCG authority to exercise the primary care commissioning functions set out in Schedule 2 in accordance with section 13Z of the National Health Service Act 2006 (as amended).

2.2 Arrangements made under section 13Z may be on such terms and conditions (including terms as to payment) as may be agreed between NHS England and the CCG.

2.3 Arrangements made under section 13Z do not affect the liability of NHS England for the exercise of any of its functions. However, the CCG acknowledges that in exercising its functions (including those delegated to it), it must comply with the statutory duties set out in Chapter A2 of the NHS Act and including:

2.3.1 management of conflicts of interest (section 14O);

2.3.2 duty to promote the NHS Constitution (section 14P);

2.3.3 duty to exercise its functions effectively, efficiently and economically (section 14Q);

2.3.4 duty as to improvement in quality of services (section 14R);

2.3.5 duty in relation to quality of primary medical services (section 14S);

2.3.6 duties as to reducing inequalities (section 14T);

2.3.7 duty to promote the involvement of each patient (section 14U);

2.3.8 duty as to patient choice (section 14V);

2.3.9 duty as to promoting integration (section 14Z1);

2.3.10 public involvement and consultation (section 14Z2).

2.4 The CCG will also need to specifically, in respect of the delegated functions from NHS England, exercise those set out below:

• duty to have regard to impact on services in certain areas (section 13O);

• duty as respects variation in provision of health services (section 13P).

2.5 The Committee is established as a committee of the Governing Body in accordance with Schedule 1A of the National Health Service Act 2006 (NHS Act).

2.6 The members acknowledge that the Committee is subject to any directions made by NHS England or by the Secretary of State.


3.1 The Committee has been established in accordance with the above statutory provisions to enable the members to make collective decisions on the review, planning and procurement of primary care services in the CCG, under delegated authority from NHS England.

3.2 In performing its role the Committee will exercise its management of the functions in accordance with the agreement entered into between NHS England and the CCG, which will sit alongside the delegation and terms of reference.

3.3 The functions of the Committee are undertaken in the context of a desire to promote increased co-commissioning to increase quality, efficiency, productivity and value for money and to remove administrative barriers.

3.4 The role of the Committee shall be to carry out the functions relating to the commissioning of primary medical services under section 83 of the NHS Act. This includes the following decisions in relation to the commissioning, procurement and management of Primary Medical Services Contracts, including but not limited to the following activities:

3.4.1 decisions in relation to Enhanced Services;

3.4.2 decisions in relation to Local Incentive Schemes (including the design of such schemes);

3.4.3 decisions in relation to the establishment of new GP practices (including branch surgeries) and closure of GP practices;

3.4.4 decisions about ‘discretionary’ payments;

3.4.5 decisions about commissioning urgent care (including home visits as required) for out of area registered patients;

3.4.6 the approval of practice mergers;

3.4.7 planning primary medical care services in the Area, including carrying out needs assessments;

3.4.8 undertaking reviews of primary medical care services in the Area;

3.4.9 decisions in relation to the management of poorly performing GP practices and including, without limitation, decisions and liaison with the CQC where the CQC has reported non-compliance with standards (but excluding any decisions in relation to the performers list);

3.4.10 management of the Delegated Funds in the Area;

3.4.11 Premises Costs Directions Functions;

3.4.12 co-ordinating a common approach to the commissioning of primary care services with other commissioners in the Area where appropriate; and

3.4.13 such other ancillary activities that are necessary in order to exercise the Delegated Functions.

3.5 The CCG will also carry out the following activities to:

3.5.1 plan, including needs assessment, primary medical care services in the CCG’s geographical area;

3.5.2 undertake reviews of primary medical care services in the CCG’s geographical area;

3.5.3 co-ordinate a common approach to the commissioning of primary care services generally;

3.5.4 manage the budget for commissioning of primary medical care services in the CCG’s geographical area.


The Committee will comprise NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG’s geographical area.


5.1 The membership of the Committee is as follows:

• 3 x Governing Body Lay Members; • Accountable Officer or nominated Deputy; • Chief Finance Officer or nominated Deputy; • Chief Nurse Officer or nominated Deputy; • Medical Director or nominated Deputy; • Turnaround Director or nominated Deputy.

Representatives shall attend the Committee as regular attendees as follows:

• NHS England Primary Care Representative; • Local Medical Committee Representative;

• 2 x GP Representative (Non Partner); • Health and Wellbeing Board (County); • Health and Wellbeing Board (City); • Senior Healthwatch Representatives.

5.2 Officers of the CCG shall attend or nominate deputies appropriate to the items for discussion on the agenda. The Committee may also request attendance by appropriate individuals to present relevant reports and/ or advise the Committee.

5.3 The Chair of the Committee shall be the Governing Body Primary Care Commissioning Lay Member.

5.4 The Deputy Chair of the Committee shall be a Patient and Public Involvement Lay Member.

5.5 GP members of the Governing Body shall be invited to attend meetings to participate in strategic discussions on primary care issues, subject to adherence with the CCG’s conflicts of interest requirements and the appropriate management of conflicts of interest. They will be required, for example, to withdraw from the meeting during the deliberations leading up to decisions and from the decision where there is an actual or potential conflict of interest.


6.1 The Committee will operate in accordance with the CCG’s Standing Orders. The Secretary to the Committee will be responsible for giving notice of the meetings. This will be accompanied by an agenda and supporting papers and sent to each member representative no later than five working days before the date of the meeting. When the Chair of the Committee deems it necessary in light of the urgent circumstances to call a meeting at short notice, the notice period shall be such as s/he shall specify.

6.2 Each member of the Committee shall have one vote. The Committee shall reach decisions by a simple majority of members present, but with the Chair having a second and deciding vote, if necessary. However, the aim of the Committee will be to achieve consensus decision-making wherever possible.

6.3 If a decision is needed which cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting or it is not considered necessary to call a full meeting, the Committee may choose to convene a telephone conference or conduct its business on a ‘virtual’ basis through the use of email communication. Minutes will be recorded for telephone conference and virtual meetings in accordance with the Derby and Derbyshire Corporate Governance Framework at Section 5.4.

6.4 Members are required to declare any interest relating to any matter to be considered at each meeting, in accordance with the CCG’s constitution and the CCG Standards for Business Conduct and Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy. Members who have declared an interest will be required to leave the meeting at the point at which a decision on such matter is being made. At the discretion of the Chair, they may be allowed to participate in the preceding discussion.


7.1 A quorum shall be four voting members, at least two of whom shall be Lay Members, to include the Chair or Deputy Chair. Deputies are invited to attend in the place of the regular members as required.

7.2 A duly convened meeting of the Committee at which quorum is present at the meeting, or are contactable by telephone conference call, is competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Committee.

7.3 If a decision is needed which cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting or it is not considered necessary to call a full meeting, the Committee may choose to convene a telephone conference or conduct its business on a ‘virtual’ basis through the use of email communication. Minutes will be recorded for telephone conference and virtual meetings in accordance with relevant sections of the Derby and Derbyshire CCG Governance Handbook.


8.1 The meetings held in public session will take place quarterly. The meetings to discuss items of a confidential nature will be held monthly and cancelled if necessary. On the dates of the meetings held in public session the meetings will be divided into two sections; Public and Confidential. The Public session will commence at the start of the meeting.

8.2 Meetings of the Committee:

8.2.1 shall be held in public;

8.2.2 may resolve to exclude the public from a meeting that is open to the public (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings or for any other reason permitted by the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended or succeeded from time to time.

8.3 Members of the Committee have a collective responsibility for the operation of the Committee. They will participate in discussion, review evidence and provide objective expert input to the best of their knowledge and ability, and endeavour to reach a collective view.

8.4 The Committee may delegate tasks to such individuals, sub-committees or individual members as it shall see fit, provided that any such delegations are consistent with the parties’ relevant governance arrangements, are recorded in a scheme of delegation, are governed by terms of reference as appropriate and reflect appropriate arrangements for the management of conflicts of interest.

8.5 The Committee may call additional experts to attend meetings on an ad hoc basis to inform discussions.

8.6 Members of the Committee shall respect confidentiality requirements as set out in the CCG’s Standing Orders.

8.7 The Committee will present its minutes to NHS England Midlands and the Governing Body of the CCG each quarter for information.

8.8 The CCG will also comply with any reporting requirements set out in its constitution.

8.9 It is envisaged that these Terms of Reference will be reviewed from time to time, reflecting experience of the Committee in fulfilling its functions. NHS England may also issue revised model terms of reference from time to time.


The Committee will operate within the delegation detailed within the CCG Standing Orders, Schemes of Reservation and Delegation and Prime Financial Policies.


The detailed arrangements regarding procurement are set out in the delegation agreement1.


11.1 The Committee will make decisions within the bounds of its remit.

11.2 The decisions of the Committee shall be binding on NHS England and the CCG.

11.3 The Committee will produce an executive summary report which will be presented to the NHS England Midlands and the Governing Body of the CCG each month for information.


These terms of reference and the effectiveness of the Committee will be reviewed at least annually or sooner if required. The Committee will recommend any changes to the terms of reference to the Governing Body and will be approved by the Governing Body.

Reviewed by Primary Care Commissioning Committee: [Date]

Approved by Governing Body: 11 April 2019

Review Date: October 2019

1 NHS England Next Steps in primary care co-commissioning guidance cocomms.pdf


18th December 2019

Item No: C

Report Title Summary Primary Care Finance Report Author(s) Jill Savoury, Assistant Chief Finance Officer Sponsor (Director) Niki Bridge, Deputy Chief Finance Officer

Paper for: Decision Assurance Discussion Information Recommendations The Primary Care Commissioning Committee is recommended to NOTE the:

• year to date and forecast financial position at month 7

The M8 financial position has not yet been to the Governing Body and so will be reported to the public session of the PCCC at the January 2020 meeting.

Report Summary At month 7 the year to date and forecast positions are in line with the plan.

None of the CCG’s mandated contingencies have been used in the year to date position, with £0.552m to be used in the forecast outturn.

Are there any Resource Implications (including Financial, Staffing etc.)?


Has a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) been completed? What were the findings? N/A

Has a Quality Impact Assessment (QIA) been completed? What were the findings? N/A

Has an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) been completed? What were the findings?

Has the project been to the Quality and Equality Impact Assessment (QEIA) panel? Include risk rating and summary of findings below


Has there been involvement of Patients, Public and other key stakeholders? Include summary of findings below


Have any Conflicts of Interest been identified/ actions taken? None identified

Governing Body Assurance Framework This report supports the CCG’s strategic risk 6 – ‘The Derbyshire health system is unable to manage demand, reduce costs and deliver sufficient savings to enable the system and or the CCG to move to a sustainable financial position.’

Identification of Key Risks N/A


Primary Care Commissioning Committee – 18th December 2019

st Summary Primary Care Finance Report 1st April 2019 – 31 October 2019

1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to inform Primary Care Commissioning Committee members of the financial performance of Derby and Derbyshire CCG in respect of Primary Care and Co- commissioning Services for the seven month period ended 31st October 2019. The detailed Finance and Savings Delivery reports were presented to the Finance Committee on 28th November 2019. This report summarises the key messages from those reports.

The information in this report is based on the month 7 information provided to NHS England through the monthly Non-ISFE submission and to the Finance Committee via the Finance Report.

2. Financial Performance Summary At month 7 the CCG is reporting a year to date and forecast position in line with its control total and financial plan as shown in table 1.

Table 1 – Summary Operating Cost Statement

YTD Full Year and FOT FOT YTD Variance as YTD YTD YTD Variance as Annual Forecast Forecast a % of Budget Actual Variance a % of YTD Budget Outturn Variance Annual Budget Budget £'000's £'000's £'000's % £'000's £'000's £'000's % Acute Services 472,758 478,973 (6,215) (1.31) 795,350 820,952 (25,602) (3.22) Mental Health Services 106,532 108,390 (1,859) (1.74) 182,826 184,340 (1,514) (0.83) Community Health Services 81,993 81,718 275 0.34 141,010 139,257 1,753 1.24 Continuing Health Care 60,748 57,715 3,033 4.99 101,358 93,879 7,479 7.38 Primary Care Services 115,278 115,818 (540) (0.47) 197,506 197,596 (90) (0.05) Primary Care Co-Commissioning 78,612 76,353 2,259 2.87 140,665 138,232 2,433 1.73 Other Programme Services 38,452 36,471 1,981 5.15 79,535 67,140 12,395 15.58 Total Programme Resources 954,372 955,438 (1,066) (0.11) 1,638,250 1,641,396 (3,146) (0.19)

Running Costs 10,236 9,170 1,066 10.41 18,624 16,030 2,594 13.93

In-Year Allocations 0 0 0 2,294 2,294 0 0.00 0.5% Contingency (excl co-comm) 0 0 0 7,409 6,857 552 7.45

In year Planned Deficit (Control Total) (16,917) 0 (16,917) 100.00 (29,000) 0 (29,000) 100.00 CSF Received 10,150 0 10,150 10,150 0 10,150

Total In-Year Resources 957,842 964,608 (6,767) (0.71) 1,647,727 1,666,577 (18,850) (1.14)

• The year to date and forecast overspend positions of £6.767m and £18.850m respectively are in line with the CSF adjusted control total.

• The year to date position includes savings under delivery of £3.696m and the forecast position includes savings under delivery of £20.286m.

• £0.552m of the CCG’s £8.1m mandated contingencies have been used in the forecast position (nil in the year to date position). This is to offset the CCG’s mandatory contribution towards the national Charge Exempt Overseas Visitors scheme. The CCG set aside £1m in anticipation of this annual charge but the indication at month 7 is a charge of £1.552m.

• If the CCG’s overall position remains within plan it will receive up to a further £18.850m of Commissioner Sustainability Funding (CSF). The CCG received the quarter 2 CSF monies of £7.250m in month 7.

• Any underspends or spare budget will not be re-committed without the approval of the Chief Finance Officer.

Within the reported financial position the key highlights for Primary Care and Co- commissioning Services are as follows:

• The year to date variance at month 7 for Primary Care Services is an underspend of £0.54m, with a forecast outturn overspend of £0.09m.

• The prescribing budget continues to show an overspend position with £2.042m year to date and £2.506m forecast for the full year. This is mainly due to cost pressures relating to Category M drugs along with cost and volume. These overspends are expected to be offset by underspends across other primary care areas.

• The year to date variance for Co-commissioning is a £2.259m underspend, with a forecast outturn underspend of £2.433m. The majority of the underspends both year to date and forecast relate to £1.757m of prior year benefits, mainly for rent reviews which have now been finalised. The position also includes expected underspends for demographic growth on contracts.

3. Summary and Recommendations

At month 7 the year to date and forecast positions are in line with plan.

None of the CCG’s mandated contingencies have been used in the year to date position, with £0.552m to be used in the forecast outturn position.

The Primary Care Commissioning Committee is recommended to:

• Note the year to date and forecast position as at month 7 (as shown in Table 1)

Primary Care Commissioning Committee

Public Meeting Wednesday 18th December 2019

Item No:

Report Title Overseal Surgery – practice closure Author(s) Hannah Belcher, Assistant Director GP Commissioning and Development Sponsor (Director) Clive Newman, Director GP Commissioning and Development Dr Steve Lloyd, Medical Director

Paper for: Decision Assurance x Discussion Information x Recommendations

The Primary Care Commissioning committee is requested to ;

• Receive an update on the closure of the Overseal Surgery, 1 Hallcroft Avenue, Overseal, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12 6JF following the retirement of the single handed GP.

• Receive a copy of the patient letter sent out from 25 November 2019 (Appendix 1)

Report Summary

Overseal Surgery - This is a dispensing practice and has a GP partner Dr Parmar and 1 non- clinical partner Mrs Parmar. In the event of the GP leaving the contract, the non-clinical partner would be unable to hold the GMS contract alone. The current practice list size is 2076 (Sep 2019) and is situated on the border with .

The committee received a report at the confidential meeting last month and approved the dispersal of the patient list with the practice to close to patients with effect from 31 January 2020. Dr Parmar is retiring and has been unable to recruit a new partner for the last few years.

NHS England/I and the CCG are progressing the actions required as part of the practice closedown plan which was received by the confidential committee last month which provides assurance against the actions required. There are no items that are not on track to highlight to the committee this month.

The patient letter (appendix 1) has been sent out to patients and patients have started to receive the letters from Monday 25 November 2019. Patients are starting to register at neighbouring practices and this will be monitored closely over the coming weeks. A second letter is planned to be sent out to all patients who have not registered with another practice w/c 6th January 2020. NHS England / CCG will allocate patients who have not registered with another practice from 20th January 2020.

Are there any Resource Implications (including Financial, Staffing etc)?

There may be an additional cost for the CCG to receive weekly updates on patient registrations from PCSE due to a recent change in their policy. NHS England are liasing with PCSE in relation to the CCG request for weekly information on patient registrations.

Has a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) been completed? What were the findings? Completed with QIA.

Has a Quality Impact Assessment (QIA) been completed? What were the findings? Completed and assessed as low risk due to the availability of neighbouring practices to provide primary care services. Has an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) been completed? What were the findings? This has been completed with QIA. Has the project been to the Quality and Equality Impact Assessment (QEIA) panel? Include risk rating and summary of findings below Discussed at QEIA panel on Tuesday 12th November 2019 and risk rating of ‘low risk’ provided.

Has there been involvement of Patients, Public and other key stakeholders? Include summary of findings below The PPG are aware of the practice closure. There has been local media coverage with very positive patient comments about the care and service that has been provided by the practice. CCG communications are supporting the practice. Have any Conflicts of Interest been identified/ actions taken? N/A Governing Body Assurance Framework To reduce unwarranted variation in the quality of healthcare delivered across Derbyshire. To plan and commission quality healthcare that meets the needs of our population and improves its outcomes. To support the development of a sustainable health and care economy that operates within available resources, achieves statutory financial duties and meets NHS Constitutional standards.. Identification of Key Risks Insufficient workforce capacity in our providers may prevent the delivery of our strategic priorities and NHS Constitutional standards in neighbouring practices The proposed list dispersal may have a destabilising impact upon neighbouring practices in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and potentially Staffordshire. .


OVERSEAL SURGERY 1 Hallcroft Avenue Overseal Swadlincote Derbyshire DE12 6JF Tel: 01283 760595 Date:


I am writing to you as you are a patient of Overseal Surgery, to inform you that with regret, the practice will be closing from 31 January 2020. For the last few years we have been trying to recruit a suitable Doctor who would become a partner in the practice and continue to run it following my retirement.

However, as you are probably aware there is a recruitment problem in General Practice, and the added pressures placed on a single-handed GP result in a small practice being even less of an attractive prospect for a younger doctor. Sadly, we have not been successful in obtaining a partner. We have also explored the option of merging with another local practice, but unfortunately the practicalities and logistics of such an arrangement have proved difficult to manage the workload between two sites.

It is therefore with great sadness we have taken the decision to give notice to close the practice from 31st January 2020. I have been a Doctor for 50 years (35 years in Overseal), and Sally has been nursing for nearly 40 years (26 years in Overseal), so this has been a very hard decision for us to make.

NHS England and NHS Improvement has accepted our resignation and along with NHS Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group are committed to ensuring all patients at the surgery will continue to have access to GP services in the future. We will be able to provide information to help you to register with one of the neighbouring practices and overleaf are the details of the practices that are nearest to your address area. We would be grateful if you could make arrangements to register with an alternative practice as soon as possible. Alternatively, you may wish to search for the GP practices closest to where you live by entering your postcode at If you do not register with another practice by 31st January you will automatically be allocated to your nearest practice.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyalty to the practice -, and to say that we feel it has been a privilege to care for our patients over the years. We, and our staff would like to wish you all the very best for the future.

Yours sincerely

Dr Vishnu Parmar and Mrs Sally Parmar

Please contact the NHS England Contact Centre should you require assistance registering with a new practice at telephone: 0300 311 22 33 or email: [email protected]. Depending on where you live, the following GP practices are accepting patients:

Area GP practice details Overseal and Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Blackfordby Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Woodville Surgery, 71 Burton Road, Woodville, DE11 7JE. Tel: 01283 217036 Gresleydale Healthcare Centre, Glamorgan Way, , DE11 9JT Tel: 01283 227870 Moira, Hartshorne and Woodville Surgery, 71 Burton Road, Woodville, DE11 7JE. Tel: 01283 217036 Short Heath Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Castle Medical Group, Ascebi House, 118 Burton Road, Ashby-De-La-Zouch, LE65 2LP. Tel: 01530 414131 (Moira only) and Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Medical Unit, High Street, Measham, Swadlincote, DE12 7HR Tel: 01530 270667 Castle Medical Group, Ascebi House, 118 Burton Road, Ashby-De-La-Zouch, LE65 2LP. Tel: 01530 414131 (Donisthorpe only) Castle Gresley, Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Church Gresley and Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Linton Gresleydale Healthcare Centre, Glamorgan Way, Church Gresley, DE11 9JT Tel: 01283 227870 Swadlincote Surgery, Darklands Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0PP. Tel 01283 216091 Swadlincote, Albert Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Village and Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Woodville Woodville Surgery, 71 Burton Road, Woodville, DE11 7JE. Tel: 01283 217036 Swadlincote Surgery, Darklands Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0PP. Tel: 01283 216091 Midway and Newhall Newhall Surgery, 46-48 High Street, Newhall, Swadlincote, DE11 0HU. Tel: 01283 217092 Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100. Swadlincote Surgery, Darklands Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0PP. Tel: 01283 216091 Caldwell, Coton in the Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Elms, and Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Rosliston Stapenhill Medical Centre, Fyfield Road, Stapenhill, DE15 9QD. Tel: 01283 565200 (Drakelow only) Lullington Heartwood Medical Practice, Swadlincote Health Centre, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AE. Tel: 01283 818100 Alrewas Surgery, Exchange Road, Alrewas, DE13 7AS. Tel: 01283 790316 , Appleby Measham Medical Unit, High Street, Measham, Swadlincote, DE12 7HR. Magna, Ashby-De-La- Tel: 01530 270667 Zouch, , Castle Medical Group, Ascebi House, 118 Burton Road, Ashby-De-La-Zouch, Clifton Campville, LE65 2LP. Tel: 01530 414131 (Ashby-De-La-Zouch and only) Measham, , Packington Bagworth, Coalville, Hugglescote Surgery, 151 Grange Road, Hugglescote, Coalville, LE67 2BS Ibstock and Tel: 01530 832109 Ravenstone Ibstock House Surgery, 132 High Street, Ibstock, LE67 6JP Tel: 01530 263467 The Surgery, Whitwick Road, Coalville, Leicester, LE67 3FA Tel: 01530 836507 Burton-On-Trent Wetmore Road Surgery, 12 Wetmore Road, Burton-On-Trent, DE14 1SL. Tel: 01283 564848 Winshill Medical Centre, Melbourne Avenue, Burton-On-Trent, DE15 0EP. Tel: 01283 741920


VENUE: The Hub, Room 3, South Normanton, at 11:30am

Present: Ian Shaw (Chair) (ISh) Lay Member Derby & Derbyshire CCG Hannah Belcher (HB) Head GP Commissioning & Development, Derbyshire CCG Gillian Orwin (GO) Lay Member, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Greg Crowley (GC) Executive Director, Derby & Derbyshire LMC Jill Dentith (JED) Lay Member Derby & Derbyshire CCG Steve Lloyd (SL) Medical Director, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Joe Lunn (JL) Head of Primary Care, NHS England Kathryn Markus (KM) Chief Executive, Derby & Derbyshire LMC Abid Mutmaz (AM) Head of Commissioning, Public Health Clive Newman (CN) Director of GP Development, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Jill Savoury (JS) Assistant Chief Finance Officer, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Marie Scouse (MS) Assistant Director of Nursing Quality & Primary Care Kerrie Woods (KW) NHS England

In Attendance: Pauline Innes (PI) Executive Assistant to Steve Lloyd (minutes transcribed by Ruth Thomason, Corporate Administration Manager, in Pauline Innes absence) Paul Hetherington (PH) Associate Director of Digital Development

Apologies: Richard Chapman Chief Finance Officer, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Sandy Hogg Turnaround Director, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Gillian Orwin Lay Member, Derby & Derbyshire CCG Brigid Stacey Chief Nurse, Derby & Derbyshire CCG

Item No. Item Action

PCCC/1920/ WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 204 The Chair welcomed Committee Members to the meeting and introductions took place. Apologies were received from Sandy Hogg and Gillian Orwin in advance of the meeting and presented at the meeting for

The Chair confirmed that the meeting is quorate.

There were no members of the public present.

PCCC/1920/ DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 205 The Chair reminded committee members of their obligation to declare any

interest they may have on any issues arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of the CCG.


Declarations declared by members of the Primary Medical Clinical Commissioning Committee are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests and included with the meeting papers. The Register is also available either via the corporate secretary to the Governing Body or the CCG website at the following link:

Declarations of interest from today’s meeting No declarations of interest were made.

FOR DECISION PCCC/1920/ No items for decision this month 206 FOR DISCUSSION PCCC/1920/ No items for discussion this month 207 FOR ASSURANCE PCCC/1920/ Finance Report 208 Niki Bridge (NB) presented an update on the financial position highlighting

salient areas of interest for the Committee to note.

The Primary Care Commissioning Committee RECEIVED and NOTED

the update on the Finance position

PCCC/1920/ GP Commissioning and Development Work Plan and Governance 209 Structure Marie Scouse (MS) provided an update from the shared paper, the purpose of which is to provide assurance on the work that feeds in to the Primary Care Commissioning Committee, including

• 2019-20 Work Plan – which features the plan for delivery of the strategic objectives of the directorate and the committee and gives assurance on progress.

• Team Structure – nb vacancies have all now been filled except the apprenticeship role that has just been recruited.

• Governance Process – the meeting flow that underpins the assurance process

• Forward Planning – details the report structure

The Primary Care Commissioning Committee RECEIVED and NOTED the update

PCCC/1920/ Quarter 2 Primary Care Quality and Performance Assurance Report 210 Marie Scouse (MS) provided an update from the shared paper.

The Primary Care Commissioning Committee RECEIVED and NOTED the update


MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING PCCC/1920/ Minutes of the Primary Care Commissioning Committee-in- Common 211 meeting held on 28th August 2019 The minutes of 27th November 2019 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.

PCCC/1920/ Matters Arising and Decision Log 212 There were no outstanding actions from the meeting held on 28th August 2019.

PCCC1920/ Assurance Questions 213 1. Has the Committee been attended by all relevant Executive Directors and Senior Managers for assurance processes? 2. Were the papers presented to the Committee of an appropriate professional standard, did they incorporate a detailed report with sufficient factual information and clear recommendations? 3. Were the papers sent to the Committee at least 5 working days in advance of the meeting to allow the members to review the papers for assurance purposes? 4. Does the Committee wish to deep dive any area on the agenda, in more detail at the next Committee meeting, or through a separate meeting with an Executive Director in advance of the next scheduled meeting? 5. What recommendations does the Committee want to make to the Governing Body, or to the Meeting in Common of the Governing Bodies, following the assurance process at today’s Committees in Common meeting?

PCCC/1920/ Any Other Business 214 There were no items of any other business.

DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 18th December, 11:30am to be held in the Robert Robinson Room, Scarsdale.