English Settlements in (1584 - 1699)

Student Name: ______Date: ______For each of the following slides/questions, fill-in-the-blanks: Question# Statement(s) 1. The period of English settlements covered in this presentation is from 1584 to ______.

2. Sir Walter ______put together the first English exploration and voyage to the environs of Old Virginia in 1584.

3. The first English settlement in Old Virginia was called the ______Colony because its settlers disappeared when the colony was visited by Sir ’s men in 1590.

4. Meat in the diet of Roanoke Indians was most probably ______(beef, birds, fish, or sheep).

5. Because of the warm climate at Roanoke, Indians wore ______(lots or little) clothing.

6. Roanoke Indian celebrations included ______(dancing, swimming, fishing, hunting).

7.. Jamestown was the 1st ______English settlement in the New World.

8. Jamestown was named after King ______of England who chartered entrepreneurs called the .

9 The 1st Jamestown landing occurred on ______, ______.

10. The Virginia Company charter encouraged that its entrepreneurs

“take great care not to offend the ______”.

11. The James River channel at Jamestown was ______(deep or shallow) so that ships could be tied easily to the shore.

12. England’s arch enemy at the time of Jamestown’s settlement was

______(France, Italy, Portugal, Spain).

13. Fort James was a ______(square, round, triangular) fort. English Settlements in Virginia (1584 - 1699) Response sheet page 2 of 4 Question# Statement(s)

14 The ______(laborers, leaders, or gentlemen) were unprepared for life in the wilderness.

15 Archaeologists are “digging” for artifacts on the original site of

______. 16 The original 104 settlers at Jamestown included all of the following

except ______: (Councillor, Preacher, Gentlemen, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Sailor, Barber, Bricklayer, Mason, Tailor, Laborers, Surgeon, Boys, and Women).

17 , a soldier and leader of the Jamestown settlement often

rebuked his men for their failings saying, “no work, no ______”.

18 Jamestown held the 1st ______Assembly in America.

19 John Smith was an English ______(nobleman, Lord, Knight, commoner).

20 John Smith was ’ ______(father, brother, husband, friend.)

21 Pocahontas went to England and dressed in ______attire.

22 Born in 1595, Pocahontas was about ______years old when the English first came to Virginia and began the Jamestown settlement.

23 Pocahontas was a ______(rare, frequent, occasional) visitor to Jamestown.

24 Pocahontas married John Rolfe and had a son named ______who was an ancestor of Ellen Wilson the 1st wife of President Woodrow Wilson from Virginia.

25 The main village of the Powhatan Indians was located on the

______(Pamunky, Chesapeake, James) river. English Settlements in Virginia (1584 - 1699) Response sheet page 3 of 4 Question# Statement(s)

26 Chief Powhatan was the ______(highest, favorite, meanest, ugliest) authority of the indigenous tribesmen in the Chesapeake Bay area.

27 was the ______(captain, admiral, navigator, owner) of the fleet of 3 ships that made the 1st landing at Jamestown.

28 The 3 ships that carried settlers to Jamestown in 1607 were named the:

______, Godspeed and the .

29 Edward Maria Wingfield, the 1st governor of Jamestown, was a

______(noble, Lord, Knight, commoner, wealthy man).

30 Governor Wingfield got the Jamestown colony up and running; but, he is

blamed for ______(excellent, good, poor) management. 31 John Rolfe is best known for saving the Jamestown colony by

______(marrying Pocahontas, raising tobacco, finding fish) in Virginia.

32 The first English women settlers came to Jamestown in______.

33 One of the first English women settlers married ______who later was appointed in 1618.

34 Opechancanough was a ______of Chief Powhatan.

35 Opechancanough lead Indian uprisings against settlers in _____& ______. He was captured and killed by a soldier assigned to guard him.

36 The first settlers that landed at Jamestown included ______boys.

37 The first settlers at Jamestown were looking for silver, ______, and a trade route to the Orient.

38 The first settlers found that valuable sassafras & ______plants grew well in Virginia English Settlements in Virginia (1584 - 1699) Response sheet page 4 of 4 Question# Statement(s)

39 Tobacco farming is a ______, labor intensive industry.

40 In 1607, ______came to Virginia as a servant.

41 The 7-year period of service many settlers contracted for their passage to

Virginia was called a period of ______.

42 The first African slaves came to Virginia from ______.

43 In 1672, the English government chartered the ______

______Company to bring slaves from West Africa to Virginia.

44 All of the following except ______were problems for the settlers who came to Jamestown in 1607: transportation, cooperation, disease, starvation, Indian attacks.

45 The Virginia Company had all the ingredients they needed to make glass

at Jamestown except ______.

46 The first settlers at Jamestown ate a lot of ______and turtles.

47 During the Winter of 1609-1610, starving settlers ate ______(corn, beef, fish, horses, everything).

48 Archaeologists digging at Jamestown have found a little of ______.

49 The “third supply” of nine ships and 600 immigrants left England bound for Virginia in May of 1608; but, a hurricane sunk one, blew the others off course and they landed on a reef in ______.

50 Powhatan Indians attacked and killed 347 Jamestown colonists in______.

51 In 1676, Bacon led south-side Virginians against the Indians and in a final act of rebellion against the administration of Governor Berkeley, his men ______Jamestown to the ground.

52 In 1699, the capitol of Virginia moved to ______.