POLITECNICO DI TORINO Repository ISTITUZIONALE Multibeam Transmitarrays for 5G Antenna Systems Original Multibeam Transmitarrays for 5G Antenna Systems / Beccaria, Michele; Massaccesi, Andrea; Pirinoli, Paola; Ho Manh, Linh. - (2018). ((Intervento presentato al convegno 2018 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) tenutosi a Hue, Vietnam nel 18-20 July 2018. Availability: This version is available at: 11583/2710337 since: 2021-01-25T15:25:33Z Publisher: IEEE Published DOI:10.1109/CCE.2018.8465715 Terms of use: openAccess This article is made available under terms and conditions as specified in the corresponding bibliographic description in the repository Publisher copyright IEEE postprint/Author's Accepted Manuscript ©2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collecting works, for resale or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. (Article begins on next page) 05 October 2021 Multibeam Transmitarrays for 5G Antenna Systems Michele. Beccaria∗, Andrea Massaccesi∗, Paola Pirinoli∗, Linh Ho Manhy ∗ Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy, fmichele.beccaria, andrea.massaccesi,
[email protected] y Dept. of Aerospace Elect. and School of Elect. and Telecom.,Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
[email protected] Abstract—In this paper, preliminary results on the feasibility Transmitarrays represent one of the most promising so- of a multibeam antenna based on the use of a transmitarray lutions for the realization of high gain, low cost and high are presented.