Newsletter Template 2011
2012 The Holy Days of December Celebrations, Observances and Information about Religious, Spiritual, and Cultural Occasions There are many monthly, weekly, and daily Office of InterFaith observances during December. It is: World Pastoral and Spiritual Care AIDS Month, National Drunk and Drugged Senior Chaplain Driving Prevention Month, Spiritual Literacy Rev. Kathleen Ennis-Durstine Month, Universal Human Rights Month, extension 3321/ room 4201 Worldwide Food Service Safety Month. A few of the weekly observances are: Toler- Staff Chaplain ance Week (1—7), National Hand washing Janie Brooks Awareness Week (2—8). While Daily Obser- extension 5050/ room 4115 vances include: Rosa Parks Day (1), Special Education Day (2), International Volunteer Staff/Spanish Language Chaplain Day for Economic and Social Development Margarita Roque (5), Worldwide Candle lighting Day (Compassionate Friends) (9), Nobel Prize Day (10), Pick a extension 2626/ room 4115 Pathologist Pal Day (13), National Chocolate-covered Anything Day (16), National Haiku Poetry Day (22), World Peace Meditation Day (31) Catholic Chaplain Fr. Olusola Adewole extension 2966 /room 4115 Holy Days with no fixed date Catholic Mass: Thursday at 12:00 noon Pikkujoulu Finland Christian Pikkujoulu means “little Christmas” and it is a (Main Chapel, room 3201, third floor uniquely Finnish holiday. Originally, it fell on the first night of Main) and Saturday at 4:00 pm (Main the first Sunday of Advent, but currently it has no fixed date. In Chapel, room 3201, 3rd Floor Main some ways it is a blending of pagan harvest customs with the Hospital) Christian Christmas. The Finnish word for Father Christmas is Prayer and Meditation Tuesday 12:45 “joulupukki” which means “Christmas goat.” The ancient har- pm East Chapel, room 3033, third floor vest festival was associated with a straw goat, so before the in- East Tower—please listen for the fluence of the Germanic St.
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