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2009 Science and the Bible Hector Avalos State University, [email protected]

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Abstract The extent to which biblical authors convey accurate scientific information about their world has been a topic of discussion from the first encounters between Greco-Roman authors and their Jewish and Christian counterparts. This article concentrates on: 1) the attitudes toward empirical observation and logical reasoning used by biblical authors in constructing their world view in an ANE context; and 2) the role of the Bible in discussions about science from antiquity to the present.

Disciplines Biblical Studies | History of Religion | History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Comments This is an encyclopedia entry from The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible 5 (2009): 126. Posted with permission.

This book chapter is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: Science and the Bible 126 Science and the Bibl1 Bibliography: James D. G. Dunn. The Parting of Although biblical authors assume that all phenorr. the Ways Betvveen Christianity and Judaism. 2nd ed. ena were ultimately controlled or caused by Yahweh (2006); Walter Harrelson and Randall M. Falk. Jews they also recognize that some events were beyond rou and Christians: A Troubled Family (1990); Amy-Jill tine human experience. Seas did not part every day, an( Levine. The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the time-keeping devices did not normally reverse cours1 Scandal of the Jewish Jesus (2007); Jack T. Sanders. (2 Kgs 20:1 0). Such extraordinary events often wer1 Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants: The described with variants of the Hebrew root p1' (~ ?9 First One Hundred Years ofJewish-Christian Relations in the OT (e.g., plagues on Egypt in Exod 3:20). Tht (1993); Alan Segal. Two Powers in Heaven: Early Greek words teras (Tepas), dynamis (ovval-115), anc Rabbinic Reports about Christianity and Gnosticism semeion (mwelov) are used similarly in the NT (e.g. (1977); S. Wilson. Related Strangers: jewish-Christian Matt 7:22; Acts 2:22). Insofar as such events wen Relations 70-170 (1995). viewed as special acts of a deity, the word miracle rep MICHELE MURRAY resents an adequate translation. Given these preliminary remarks, the presence o SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE. The extent to which science in the Bible is not an ali-or-nothing scenario biblical authors convey accurate scientific information but rather one of proportion. Biblical authors have , about their world has been a topic of discussion from predominantly non-scientific view of the cosmos and i~ the first encounters between Greco-Roman authors and components. However, we can still detect attitudes and their Jewish and Christian counterparts. This article explanations that use empirical observation and reason­ concentrates on: 1) the attitudes toward empirical ob­ ing to understand the world. servation and logical reasoning used by biblical authors in constructing their world view in an ANE context; and B. Science in the Ancient Near East 2) the role of the Bible in discussions about science from In the predominant historical view, Greece is the antiquity to the present. birthplace of scientific thinking. By the 6th cent. BCE, Thales of Miletos attempted to explain the origin of A. Defining Science the world through purely natural phenomena. Aristotle B. Science in the Ancient Near East C. Attitudes toward Empirical Investigations (4th cent. BCE) argued that true knowledge derives from in Israel inductive conclusions about the world through experi­ D. Cosmology ence. These conclusions can then be used to make de­ E. Medicine ductions and predictions about new experiences. Some F. Weight and Measures of the works attributed to Hippocrates (5tlL4th cent G. The Bible and the History of Science BCE), "the father of medicine," explicitly argued against H. Conclusion supernatural causation. Bibliography However, many Assyriologists contend that Mesopotamia offers the first indications of scientific A. Defining Science thinking, particularly in the form of divinatory texts, The definition of science remains hotly contested. which predict events on the basis of observations of As used by modern scientists, science describes the liver anatomy or a variety of other events (e.g., a dog systematic attempt to understand the universe through crossing one's path). Such omens were often expressed evidence derived from one or more of the five natural in the form "If X is the case, Y will occur," which can senses and/or logic. Methodological naturalism, which be found in genres ranging from law codes to medical refers to the assumption that only natural causes should texts. Regardless of its accuracy, divination attempts be used in explaining natural phenomena, also is an es­ to draw causational links between observations and sential part of modern science. events. Consequently, recordings of astronomical phe­ Under this view, all supernatural phenomena, in­ nomena became more precise, and such recordings led cluding miracles, are undetectable through scientific to genuine predictive abilities for eclipses, among other methods. In particular, two general definitions of mir­ events. acles have been at issue. One is that miracles consti­ Many Egyptologists argue that Egypt generated the tute violations of natural law. Objections to this position earliest scientific achievements. According to James center on the fact that the existence of universal natural Henry Breasted (1865-1935), the eminent American laws is itself an untestable claim. Other scholars define Egyptologist, the Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus (ap· a miracle as an event effected by the direct agency of a proximately 1550 BCE) is the earliest known scientific supernatural entity. Under such a definition, miracles document. This medical manual lists physical condi· become irrelevant for scientific explanations because tions based on observation, presents diagnoses devoid supernatural agency cannot be detected scientifically of supernaturalistic language, and recommends purely (see MIRACLE). naturalistic therapy. r1ce and the Bible Science and the Bible 127 Science and the Bible ne that all phenom­ c. Attitudes toward Empirical Investigations D. Cosmology caused by Yahweh, in Israel Although biblical authors do not undertake system­ .ts were beyond rou­ Whether Greece, Egypt, or Mesopotamia is the atic empirico-rationalist investigations, their view of ,t part every day, and birthplace of scientific thinking, one perennial issue the world was typical in the Near East. The Bible has nally reverse course centers on why ancient Israel did not develop science a pre-scientific and telic (purposive) understanding of r events often were even as far as those neighboring cultures. At least two the origins of the earth as a place meant for human be­ answers have been proposed. The first is that the Bible ings (Gen 1:26-27; !sa 45:18). While no one systematic >rew root pl ' (~'?9) is not concerned primarily with the physical world, picture of the cosmos is presented, a tripartite structure, in Exod 3:20). The but rather with ethics and Israel's historical relation­ consisting of sky, earth, and sea, is presumed in Gen 1 mis (ouva~ts-}, and ship with Yahweh. Sometimes "scientific" knowledge (see also Deut 5:8). Each domain is associated with par­ arly in the NT (e.g., is presupposed, but not explained in certain stories. For ticular creatures (e.g., flying creatures with the sky} . s such events were example, the story of Bathsheba demonstrates that the A tripartite view of the universe also can be found 1e word miracle rep- relationship of the menstrual cycle to pregnancy was in the Greek Iliad (15.187-93}, which states that "all understood. Briefly, in that story the narrator empha­ things are divided into three domains" to which a god rks, the presence of sizes that David had sexual relations with Bathsheba is assigned: heaven (Zeus), seas (Poseidon), and the un­ -or-nothing scenario, after her menstrual cycle (2 Sam 11:4), leaving noun­ derworld (Hades). The earth constitutes a fourth zone tical authors have a certainty about David's responsibility for Bathsheba's where all beings are equally welcome. The allotment of the cosmos and its pregnancy. of different portions of the earth to different gods is at­ l detect attitudes and Another view centers on the antipathy of some tested in the Bible (Deut 32:8-9). ;ervation and reason- biblical authors toward the natural senses in mak­ However, the Bible evinces no clear evidence of the ing conclusions about the world. For example, the planet's true shape. The earth apparently was conceived Deuteronomistic History exhibits an "audiocentric" as a flat disk surrounded by water, and with a metallic iast strand that prefers hearing over seeing, as illustrated by dome for a sky (raqia ' [~'Pll; Gen 1:7). The sky was view, Greece is the Deut 4: 12: "Then the LoRD spoke to you out of the fire. supported by pillars (Job 9:6 ). Water is stored above this ly the 6th cent. BCE, You heard the sound of words but saw no form; there dome. The "circle of the earth" in !sa 40:22 is probably !xplain the origin of was only a voice." The denial that the Israelites saw any a reference to the circle traced by the horizon rather >henomena. Aristotle form of Yahweh is directly linked to a warning not to than a reference to any spherical shape of the earth. )Wledge derives from make any visual representations of Yahweh or anything Such views are duplicated in Mesopotamia and other rorld through experi­ else in the world (vv. 16-19). Furthermore, this passage neighboring cultures. be used to make de­ affirms that hearing was sufficient for Israelites to re­ Genesis 1 provides the most familiar biblical cosmog­ w experiences. Some ceive correct information about Yahweh's will. ony, which begins with a chaotic mass of water stirred 'crates (5tlL4th cent. But the antipathy toward sight was not restricted by a divine wind. God shaped that mass by division and >licitly argued against to divine beings. In 1 Sam 16:6, Samuel relies on his differentiation, and added, through the divine spoken vision, and mistakenly concludes that Eliab, the old­ word, many of the entities that populate it. A watery est brother of David, was chosen by Yahweh as Saul's beginning also is posited by some Greek cosmologists jsts contend that replacement. Yahweh responds, "Do not look on his (Thales) and by Enuma Elish ("When high above"), the ications of scientific appearance or on the height of his stature, because I Babylonian creation epic (early pt millennium BCE) . 1 of divinatory texts, have rejected him; for the LoRD does not see as mortals Differentiation, consisting principally of polar opposites is of observations of see; they look on the outward appearance, but the LoRD (light/dark; male/ female; hot/cold), is central to many ~r events (e.g., a dog looks on the heart" (1 Sam 16:7). Near Eastern cosmogonies, including the one in De re­ were often expressed This aversion to the use of vision, and the concomi­ rum natura (On the Nature of Things, 1st cent. BCE) ill occur," which can tant recommendation to rely on "seeing with the heart," by Lucretius, perhaps the most systematic expositor of law codes to medical may have deterred the systematic use of empirical ob­ anti-supernaturalism in the ancient world. divination attempts servation. However, such a theory must be balanced By the 5th cent. BCE in Greece, we find explicit rec­ en observations and by the fact that many Greek authors also devalued ognition that the earth is spherical and that it might be of astronomical phe­ sight as the most certain means to gather information. suspended in space. By the 3rd cent. BCE, Eratosthenes, d such recordings led Moreover, not all biblical authors preferred hearing over an astronomer at Alexandria, had calculated the circum­ ~clipses, among other seeing (e.g., Job 42:5). ference of the earth with relative accuracy. Aristarchus By the time we reach Second Temple literature, we of Samos (3rd cent. BCE) proposed a heliocentric uni­ : Egypt generated the find reference to the classic five senses (and more) as a verse long before Copernicus. In contrast, biblical au­ According to James proper means to acquire information (e.g., Sir 17:5-7; T. thors seem to assume that the sun moved (Josh 10:12) te eminent American Reu. 2:4-6). Yet an anti-empirical stance may have con­ over an immovable earth (Ps 93:1 ). 3urgical Papyrus (ap­ tinued into early Christianity. For example, the author Although biblical authors acknowledged the initial liest known scientific of the Gospel of John may be distinguishing his view creation of all types of living things, they recognized lists physical condi­ of Christian epistemology from Hellenistic empirico­ that the generation of new organisms required cer­ mts diagnoses devoid rationalism in Jesus' response to the skeptical Thomas, tain pre-existing conditions. For example, one must I recommends purely "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come plant seeds and water fields in order to harvest crops to believe" (John 20:29; compare 1 Cor 1:22-23). (2 Sam 23:4; Luke 20:9; 1 Cor 3:6). Biblical authors Science and the Bible 128 Science and the Bible recognized that certain environments could support bring the clay to life. Wind and breath were viewed as only a finite amount of herding (Gen 13:5-6}. related phenomena insofar as both involved movement The need for increased precision in scheduling agri­ of air. Thus, biblical authors understood that air flow cultural, military (2 Sam 11:1 }, and building activities or what we could call "respiration," was essential to' was a major factor in the emergence of systematic ob­ human life (see 2 Kgs 8: 15}. Life was also thought to servations of the heavens (see Gen 1: 14-18}. The origin reside in the blood (Gen 9:4}. of the seven-day week is uncertain, but many link it Yahweh was ultimately responsible for healing and to knowledge of seven planets, although identification illnesses, including injuries that had a visible cause (e.g., of specific stars or constellations is debated (e.g., Orion an arrow in 1 Kgs 22:34}. Because of the biblical em­ and the Pleiades in Job 9:9}. By the time the Bible was phasis on monolatry, Yahweh's responsibility for both penned, the lunar cycle of 29 1/z days was common illness and healing (see Job 5: 18} contrasts with that knowledge. The fact that the lunar cycle and solar year found in polytheistic cultures where the deity who sent were not in synchrony was a well-known fact, and con­ the disease may not be the same as the one who cures trasts between lunar and solar calendars became a sig­ it. In the NT, much as in polytheistic cultures, demons nificant issue reflected in the Dead Sea Scrolls, among are held responsible for illnesses (Mark 5: 1-13}. other Jewish writings of the Second Temple period. The Nevertheless, there are instances where biblical au­ non-canonical book of Jubilees (ca. 3rct cent. BCE} prefers thors concluded, perhaps on the basis of empirical trial a solar calendar in opposition to the lunar calendar that and error, that certain natural substances had curative became normative in Judaism. properties. These include balm for healing wounds (Jer There seems to be no recognition of the celestial 8:22; 46:11} and figs for curing certain skin conditions mechanics behind the phases of the moon or eclipses, (2 Kgs 20:7}. The recommendation that a little Wine which were portentous events in the ANE. Some Greek was good for the stomach (1 Tim 5:23} may be based astronomers, in contrast, clearly understood the me­ on empirical trial and error. chanics of both lunar and solar eclipses. The recent ex­ Although some scholars have claimed that the tended decipherment of the famed Antikythera mecha­ Israelites recognized the contagious nature of some ill­ nism (ca. 1st cent. BCE} reveals that highiy sophisticated nesses, the evidence is weak. The expulsion from the celestial timepieces could be manufactured in ancient community of those afflicted with the illness often mis­ Greece. translated as LEPROSY (tsara 'ath i'UtJ¥l is sometimes In the Bible, the ability to predict future events was, cited as evidence (see Lev 13:44-46}. That illness prob­ as it is in modern science, a sign of the reliability of a ably encompasses a number of skin ailments that were person's understanding of the world. In contrast to mod­ not were contagious (e.g., psoriasis, vitiligo). Equally ern science, biblical prediction was principally based on a prophet's special access to Yahweh. However, dis­ debated is the idea that health concerns were the rea­ cussions about how to recognize true prophecy (Deut sons for recommending circumcision or the prohibition 18:20-21} reflect that genuine epistemological issues of pork. Health reasons are certainly not the stated mo­ were recognized with the use of prediction. For exam­ tives in the biblical texts (Gen 17: 11 ; Lev 11 :7-8}. See ple, Jer 28:8-9 notes that war is so common that it is not DISEASE; HEALING; HEALTH CARE. as useful a sign of true prediction as is peace. Closely tied to cosmology are meteorological phe­ F. Weight and Measures nomena. Yahweh's character as a storm god is illus­ The rise of commerce and bureaucracies is inti­ trated in, among other passages, Exod 15:8, where mately related to the development of metrology, the he is described as blowing wind through his nose and science of weights and measures. Measures of weight mouth. Yahweh was associated with earthquakes and and capacity are useful in transporting and selling food­ volcanic activity (Exod 19}. Rain is controlled by God stuffs. Dimensional measurements are used in activities (1 Kgs 17:1; Job 5:10}. But observation also was used ranging from building to· property exchanges. Israel's to conclude that north winds signal rain (Prov 25:23} metrology was largely adapted from its neighbors. For and to identify general rainy seasons (Jer 5:24}. See example, the cubit (approximately 18 in. long}, the ba­ COSMOGONY, COSMOLOGY. sic unit of linear measurement, apparently derives from Egypt. The longest measures mentioned usually were E. Medicine reserved for long-distance journeys (Jonah 3:3}. Medicine, in the sense of a naturalistic approach to But the types of mathematics used in biblical metrol­ the explanation for, and healing of, illnesses, did not ogy never reach beyond commercial, military, and pro­ exist in the Bible. However, such was the case in al­ prietary concerns. This contrasts with Greece, where, most every other neighboring culture. Approaches to by the 3rct cent. BCE, Eratosthenes of Alexandria report­ illness were intimately related to how biblical authors edly measured, by means of parallax, the distance to viewed the origin and nature of human-divine relations. the moon. On the other hand, even Lucretius thought According to Gen 2:7, humanity was formed from clay, that the sun and stars were only as large as we see them a fragile material (Job 4: 19}. Divine breath is needed to (compare Rev 6:13}. See WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. ce and the Bible science and the Bible 129 Science and the Bible tth were viewed as G. The Bible and the History of Science 1543) in his De Revolutionibus Orbium Coetestium waived movement While "religion" and "science" may be largely mod­ (1543; On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), :toad that air flow, ern constructs, the difference between natural and that the sun was the center of the universe. Based on ," was essential to supernatural explanations was clearly made in ancient Ps 93:1, among other passages, the Catholic Church ras also thought to Greece and Rome (Hippocrates; Lucretius). Accordingly, argued for a geocentric universe. But even Galileo still there are two basic historical positions concerning the thought that the Bible needed to be reinterpreted, not J!e for healing and relationship between science and the Bible: incompati­ rejected, as a scientific authority. 1 visible cause (e.g., bilism and compatibilism. Further steps toward incompatibilism were taken of the biblical em­ Incompatibilism argues that the biblical view of the by the Protestants Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) and >onsibility for both world is incompatible with conclusions drawn from Francis Bacon (1561-1626). In his Novum organum :ontrasts with that scientific investigation. Compatibilism argues that the (1.65), Bacon explicitly rejects the use of the Bible, re­ the deity who sent Bible (or religion) and science are harmonious, and interpreted or not. For Bacon, the Bible was a source for the one who cures disharmony arises from misunderstanding of the Bible moral guidance and higher truths, and not an author­ c cultures, demons or from the improper application of science. Thus, the ity on science. With Kepler and Bacon we see a clear rrk 5:1-13). church father Tertullian (ca. 160-220 CE) pioneered the dichotomy between the realm of science and the realm : where biblical au­ idea that nature and Scripture are two complementary of biblical theology. :is of empirical trial revelations of God's workings. More complete rejections of the Bible came with ge­ ances had curative Second Temple Judaism exhibits the first attempts to ologists such as Charles Lyell (1797-1875), who shifted .eating wounds (Jer defend biblical authors against the charge that the Bible from viewing the Bible as irrelevant to science to view­ ain skin conditions had faulty science or that biblical authors did not de­ ing the Bible as an obstacle to science. A more devel­ velop the advanced sciences in Greco-Roman cultures. 1 that a little wine oped "warfare" attitude has been attributed to Andrew :23) may be based Josephus (Ant. 1.164), the famed Jewish historian of Dickson White, the president of Cornell and author the 1st cent., responded that it was actually Abraham of History of the Waljare of Science with Theology in claimed that the who had taught Egyptians astronomy and mathemat­ Christendom (1896), which is actually a plea for un­ ics. For Josephus, the transmission of scientific knowl­ nature of some ill· derstanding "true" religion in light of science. Today, edge could be schematized as follows: Mesopotamia ~xpulsion from the the main representative of the view that religion is (Abraham, the Chaldean) > Egypt > Greece. Thus, te illness often mis· completely incompatible with, and hostile to, science Josephus anticipated modern debates about whether ~'l¥l is sometimes is biochemist Richard Dawkins, the author of The God Egypt, Mesopotamia, or Greece had priority in the de­ ). That illness prob· Delusion (2006). velopment of science. ailments that were Gaining ground is the complexity thesis proposed by Similarly, Christian compatibilists developed their ar­ >, vitiligo). Equally guments in encounters with non-Christian authors who John H. Brooke, who argues that religious ideas some­ :erns were the rea· ridiculed many of the stories found in the Bible. Origen times led to pathbreaking scientific investigations. Isaac 1 or the prohibition Newton (1643-1727), one of the greatest scientists (185-254 CE), the early Christian apologist, defended not the stated rna· the biblical account of Noah's flood in light of the objec­ in history, was motivated by religious agendas and yet 1; Lev 11:7-8). See tions of his famed opponent, Celsus, who used empiri­ made discoveries that required no religious premises. E. cal observations to conclude that the ark was too small At other times, reliance on the Bible hindered scientific to support the number of species known to exist. understanding. Repeated surveys, for instance, find that In light of such problems with the biblical record, the overwhelming majority of Americans reject evolu­ reaucracies is inti­ Augustine (354-430), the influential church theolo­ tion in large part because they believe it contradicts re· . of metrology, the gian, developed an "accornmodationist" view in which ligious or biblical beliefs. Aeasures of weight God's revelation was tailored to the simpler understand­ "" is particularly prominent in current 1g and selling food­ ing of human beings. Not everything in the Bible should conflicts between science and the Bible. Modern cre­ re used in activities be interpreted literally. Yet Augustine also proposed di­ ationism is a response to the rise of evolutionary theory, exchanges. Israel's Vine miracles to explain scriptural statements (e.g., an­ initially expounded in Origin of Species (1859) by 1 its neighbors. For gels ferrying animals to Noah's ark from distant islands). Charles Darwin. Moreover, the 20th-cent. development 8 in. long), the ba­ Accommodationism became one solution through the of "Big Bang" cosmology, which posits that our entire tTently derives from medieval period, where theology was regarded as the universe derives from the expansion of an infinitesimal­ .oned usually were highest of the sciences by Thomas Aquinas, among oth­ ly small and dense entity some 13-15 billion years ago, Jonah 3:3). er major theologians. Nevertheless, the idea that biblical also seemed to contradict the Bible. d in biblical metro!­ authority superseded natural observation dominated. Eventually, two major creationist positions devel­ !, military, and pro­ The Renaissance and Enlightenment periods saw oped: 1) old-earth creationism; and 2) young earth cre­ ith Greece, where, the first clear expressions of incompatibilism in Western ationism. The former adheres to a twenty-four-hour-day f Alexandria report­ cultures, especially because new instruments (e.g., the creation. The latter admits that modern scientific mea­ ax, the distance to telescope by 161 0) brought results that were incompati­ surements of the age of the universe are accurate, and 1 Lucretius thought ble With biblical cosmology. In particular, Galileo Galilei "days" in Gen 1 have been reinterpreted to mean lon­ trge as we see them (1564-1642) sought to confirm the theory, developed ger periods. A third option, theistic evolution, is chosen AND MEASURES. by the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473- by most theologians and believing scientists. Science and the Bible 130 Science, Egypt One hallmark of modernity, particularly in America, pretation to the findings of science. See CREATION· is the use of the legal system to define the role of the NATURE, NATURAL PHENOMENA. ' Bible in science. One famous example is the John Scopes Trial (1925), wherein a Tennessee schoolteacher was Bibliography: Hector Avalos. "Heavenly Conflicts: prosecuted for teaching evolution. Supreme Court deci· The Bible and Astronomy." Mercury: The Journal of sions urging a stronger separation of church and state, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 27 (1998 ) particularly in the 1960s, led to the development of "sci· 20-24; Hector Avalos. "Introducing Sensory Criticism entific creationism," which claimed an ability to show, in Biblical Studies: Audiocentricity and Visiocentricity." without any recourse to biblical statements, that the This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical universe was created. In the landmark case of Edwards Studies. Hector Avalos, Sarah Melcher, and Jeremy v. Aguillard (1987), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Schipper, eds. (2007); Richard J. Blackwell. Galileo, "scientific creationism" was not science because it ulti· Bellarmine, and the Bible (1991); John H. Brooke. mately presented a biblical view of the universe. Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives The Edwards decision generated a movement known (1991); Gary Ferngren, ed. Science and Religion: A as (ID), which has been even more Historical Introduction (2002); Robert T. Pennock, reluctant to appeal to the Bible to make its arguments ed. Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics: that the universe is designed. Instead, concepts such Philosophical, Theological, and Scientific Perspectives as "fine·tuning" or the "anthropic principle" center on (2001); John C. Polkinghorne. Exploring Reality: The the large number of pre·existing conditions that had to Intertwining of Science and Religion (2007). be "right" for life to exist on earth. For example, if the HECTOR AVALOS charge of the electron or proton were different, then life would not be possible. likewise, if the earth were SCIENCE, EGYPT. The concept of "science," under· not positioned where it is in our solar system, then it stood in the sense of comprehending the world through might be either too cold or too hot for life to exist. The observation, testing, and the formulation of axioms, is large number of improbable conditions that need to be demonstrated in pharaonic EGYPT in different ways, present for life to exist is what leads proponents of ID the combination of which bears witness to this nation's to argue, without the use of biblical texts, that the earth well·earned reputation for ingenuity in antiquity. On was created for life. an immediate level, the Egyptians' practice of science Opponents of ID argue that it expresses another ver· can be gleaned from physical evidence retrieved by ar· sian of the teleological argument found already in William chaeologists. Artifacts attest to their ability to solve the Paley's Natural Theology( 1805), which defends, through complexities involved in areas such as metallurgy, dem· purely natural observation, biblical views about the pur· onstrated by the casting of copper, gold, and the ere· pose for the earth (compare !sa 45:18). Opponents also ation of alloys. The process of mummification, whereby note that all the improbable preconditions needed for preservatives were developed to prevent the decaying human life are also necessary for the existence of unde· of bodies, likewise indicates knowledge of chemistry, as sirable phenomena (e.g., the AIDS virus, infantile dis· does the creation of cosmetics, paints, dyes, and sundry abilities), but few ID advocates argue that these undesir· drugs. The Egyptians' familiarity with physics and engi· able entities were designed. As in the case of "scientific neering is vividly seen from the monumental remains at creationism," a federal court ruled (Kitzmiller v. Dover, places like Giza, which show their skill in overcoming 2005) that Intelligent Design was not science, but rather problems surrounding the movement of stone. While another form of biblical creationism. most of the written sources concerning the theory be· hind such technology have disappeared, pictorial evi· H. Conclusion dence has survived, portraying stupendous feats as The history of the Bible and science is one of rever· workers pulling a colossus in the Twelfth Dynasty, and sals. Prior to the Enlightenment, nature was primarily in· the conveying of a gigantic obelisk by ship from Aswan terpreted in light of the Bible. After the Enlightenment, to Thebes during the reign of Hatshepsut (Eighteenth the Bible was primarily interpreted in light of nature. As Dynasty). even the Intelligent Design movement illustrates, the Fortunately, a few texts indicate that Egyptian ability to demonstrate biblical claims without appeal scribes did devote thought to the m~chanics involved in to the Bible is the dominant approach among believ· these endeavors. For example, a limestone flake of the ing scientists and theologians. Yet biblical interpretation Old Kingdom refers to the construction of an arc at the still affects scientific research on, among other areas, base of Snefru's pyramid. A so·called "Satirical Papyrus" stem cell research and AIDS. Moreover, some scholars (P. Anastasi I) of the Nineteenth Dynasty contains "ex· have opted for postmodernist approaches that question arnination" questions, which variously deal with the the objectivity of science, or that argue that science is erection of obelisks, the creation of ramps for raising ultimately as much a faith system as religion. But most heavy blocks into place, and the logistical requirements modern Jewish and Christian scholars and scientists for labor forces. In terms of the mathematical prowess remain accommodationists, who adjust biblical inter· for these endeavors, papyri attest to the use of a detailed