Freebsd Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group Welcome 2020/02/11 Freebsd Enterprise Storage

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Freebsd Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group Welcome 2020/02/11 Freebsd Enterprise Storage FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group Welcome 2020/02/11 FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Sławomir Wojciech Wojtczak [email protected] FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group What is !nterprise" 2020/02/11 What is Enterprise Storage? The page tells nothing about enterprise. Actually just redirects to page. The other page also does the same. The is just meta page with lin s. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group What is !nterprise" 2020/02/11 Common Charasteristics o Enterprise Storage ● Category that includes ser$ices/products designed &or !arge organizations. ● Can handle !arge "o!umes o data and !arge num%ers o sim#!tano#s users. ● 'n$olves centra!ized storage repositories such as SA( or NAS de$ices. ● )equires more time and experience%expertise to set up and operate. ● Generally costs more than consumer or small business storage de$ices. ● Generally o&&ers higher re!ia%i!it'%a"aila%i!it'%sca!a%i!it'. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group What is !nterprise" 2020/02/11 EnterpriCe or EnterpriSe? DuckDuckGo does not pro$ide search results count +, Goog!e search &or enterprice word gi$es ~ 1 )00 000 results. Goog!e search &or enterprise word gi$es ~ 1 000 000 000 results ,1000 times more). ● /ost dictionaries &or enterprice word sends you to enterprise term. ● Given the *+,CE o& many enterprise solutions it could be enterPRICE 0 ● 0 or enterpri$e as well +. ● When in doubt just use S $ersion 1 Enterprise. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 2020/02/11 Internal So!#tions - Filesystems ● UFS 1 classic%mature/traditional small memory &ootprint U('2 3lesytem. ○ UFS with So&t Updates (SU) allows Snapshots and dump(8)/restore(8) features. ○ UFS with Journaled So&t Updates (SU+J) with ultra fast fsck(8) process. ● /FS 1 modern pooled U('2 storage. ○ Stable 56S - based on FreeBSD Base System !FS i plementaiton. ○ 7atest 56S - based on !oL/!oF #penZFS repository (use FreeBSD $orts). ○ Differences - - detailed infor ation. ● F01%E212 1 6reeBSD maintains BSD licensed 6AT%!2T8 3lesystem implementations. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 2020/02/11 Internal So!#tions - Frameworks ● GE34 1 6reeBSD's /odular Disk Transformation 6ramewor . ○ Access/control o& classes through use o& pro$iders/de$ices in /dev directory. ○ Pro$ides $arious storage related &eatures and utilites: ◦ Software %&'D(/%&'D)/%&'D)(/%&'D*/%&'D+ con,-urations. ◦ .ransparent encryption of underlyin- de/ices with 01"'/GDB1 (li2e LU3S). ◦ .ransparent ,lesyte 4ournalin- for &56 ,lesyste with GJ#U%5&". ◦ 17port block de/ice o/er networ2 with 01#8 0&.1 de/ices (li2e 5FS for bloc2). ● FUSE 1 BSD licensed 6US! 3lesystem implementation with :.;4 1 :.83 protocol support. ○ Details 1 ○ Classic 1 NTFS3G%e>6AT%!2T2%!2T3%!2T<%26S%?6S%/TP%BT)6S%7inu>7@/%... ○ Virtual 1 s3fs/gphoto&s/mp=&s/rar8&s%sqlfs/ssh&s/union&s/wi ipediafs/... FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 2020/02/11 Internal So!#tions - 0vailabi!it' ● 50S1 1 ?ighly A$ailable Storage ,li e DRBD). ○ .ransparent stora-e across se/eral achines connected o/er .9$/'$ networ2. ○ 9an be understood as network based %&'D1 ( irror). ○ :ith FreeBSD's 9&%$ and devd(8) allows hi-hly a/ailable stora-e cluster. ● C0+* 1 #ommon Address )edundancy Protocol. ○ &llows ultiple hosts to share the sa e '$ address and <irtual =ost 'D (<=ID). ○ $ro/ides hi-h a/ailability for one or ore ser/ices. ○ $ro/ides >oatin- shared hi-hly a/ailable '$ address. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 U6S 2020/02/11 .FS with So t Updates (S.7 ● /ature classic fi!esystem with $ery sma!! memory ootprint. ● Supports 1+,4 nati$ely which allows ef3cient data deletion on SSDs. ● Supports read on!y snaphots ,not a$ailable in SUJ mode.. ● Neither 4ournaling ,SU4. nor So&t Updates ,SU. guarantees no data will be lost. ● They ,SU4%SU. ma e sure that 8!esystem metadata wi!! remain consistent. ● Ad$antage o& SU%SUJ is that 3lesystem can be mo#nted immediate!y a ter crash. ● U6S ,with SU%SU4. requires traditional fsck(8) in background to ma e it clean. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 U6S 2020/02/11 .FS with Jo#rna!ed So t Updates (S.97 ● Primary purpose was to e!iminate long 8!esystem check times with fsck(8). ● SU4 journal ,.sujournal. logs on!' two inconsistencies possible in SU+ ○ &llocated but unreferenced blocks. ○ Incorrectly hi-h link counts (includin- unreferenced inodes). ● 200 GB data on dis takes 1 second with SUJ under fsck(8). ○ Sa e dis2 with SU only (w/o Journalin-) ta2es ?@ inutes ()A(0 ti es ore). ● 10 1B data on disk takes 1 min#te with SUJ under fsck(8). ○ Sa e dis2 with SU only (w/o Journalin-) took appro7i ately A; hours. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 U6S 2020/02/11 Why UFS in 2020? ● U6S has both ragments and %!ocks+ ○ Files s aller than bloc2size can be stored in indi/idual fra- ents. ○ 9an create filesystem opti iBed for s all files () 3B) with (8 3B) blocksiBe. ● U6S can be grown on!ine with growfs(8) at boot time or anytime at system wor . ● So&t Updates is great &or apps/data%ases with their own log ,like PostgreSB7.+ ○ Usin- Journalin- would log e/erythin- twice - SU passes data throu-h. ● So&t Updates has interesting property regarding short !i"ed 6temporar'7 8!es+ ○ 9reate file + write data to it + delete it (in short ti e span). ○ 5either data nor etadata from this ,le will e/er touch filesystem. ● Netflix uses U6S in 8;8; &or their content storage on 6reeBSD. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 56S 2020/02/11 /FS - Zettabyte File System ● /odern pooled storage. ● Always consistent on1dis state 1 no fsck(8) needed. ● Snapshots ,read only. and clones ,read write.. ● Pro$ides end1to1end data integrity with checks#ms. ● ?a$e se! -hea!ing &eatures. ● ?a$e built1in redundancy. ● Scalable design and $'namic striping. ● @ariable bloc siDe. ● Builtin rep!ication%compression%encr'ption%$edup!ication. ● Possible to add read cache as 78A)# ,8nd 7e$el o& Adaptive Replacement Cache.. ● Possible to add write cache as 5'7 ,ZFS Intent Log.. ● Simple administration 1 two simple zfs(8) and zpool(8) commands. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 56S 2020/02/11 /FS - Common 4yths ● /yth E1 1 !ots o RAM is nee$e$. ○ %&8 is only cache for ZFS (called A%9) and its siBe can be tuned down to e/en 1(8B for example. ○ Use vfs.zfs.arc_min and vfs.zfs.arc_max in /boot/loader.conf ,le. ○ Use kern.maxvnodes in /etc/sysctl.conf file if needed to li it for sure. ○ ' ha/e used 2TB ZFS mirror with 5)?%&8 and it was roc2 stable for se/eral years. ● /yth E8 1 ECC +04 must be use$. ○ &ll filesystems benefit from EC9 R&8 and ZFS is no different here. ○ !FS without 199 R&8 is safer then other filesystems with EC9 R&8 (chec2sums). ● /yth E3 1 %ad or !aptop/$esktop. ○ Sin-le dis2 de/ices still benetif from snapshots/clones/chec2sums/co pression/deduplication. ○ !FS allows bulletproof up-rades with !FS Boot En/ironments - - ore here. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 G!F/ 2020/02/11 GE34 Idea ● G!F/ is all about layers. ● 7i e ogres or onions. ● !>amples o& G!F/ layers below. ● A. 56S on G!7' ,encryption. on GPT ,pA. partition. ● B. 6AT38 on G!7' on G4FU)(A7 ,journaling. on /BR ,s1) partition%slice. B. FILESYSTEM FAT32 A. FILESYSTEM ZFS ENCRYPTION /dev/da0s1.journal.eli ENCRYPTION /dev/ada0p1.eli JOURNAL /dev/da0s1.journal GPT PARTITION /dev/ada0p1 MBR PARTITION /dev/da0s1 RAW DEVICE /dev/ada0 RAW DEVICE /dev/da0 FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 G!F/ 2020/02/11 GE34 Classes/*ro"iders (1/2) ● C0CHE /sbin/gcache Fptional read cache &or G!F/ )A'D3 graid3(8) class. ● C3:C01 /sbin/gconcat #oncat multiple de$ices into one $irtual de$ice. ● DBE /sbin/gbde G!F/ based disk encryption ,older.. ● E;, /sbin/geli Bloc de$ice disk encryption ,modern.. ● (01E /sbin/ggate* !>port block de$ice o$er networ ,like (6S &or block.. ● 93.+:0; /sbin/gjournal Generic bloc de$ice le$el journal pro$ider. ● ;0BE; /sbin/glabel /anual and automatic labeliDation pro$ider. ● 4,++3+ /sbin/gmirror /irror ,)A'DA. pro$ider. ● 43.:1<E+ /sbin/gmountver Queues '%F requests and waits &or pro$ider. ● 4.;1,*015 /sbin/gmultipath De$ice multipath con3guration pro$ider. FreeBSD Enterprise Storage Polish BSD User Group 'nternal Solutions 1 G!F/ 2020/02/11 GE34 Classes/*ro"iders (2/2) ● :3* /sbin/gnop Pro$ider to e>ample emulate dif&erent blocksiDe. ● *0+1 /sbin/gpart Partition ,BSD%/B)%GPT%0. G!F/ de$ice pro$iders. ● +0,D /sbin/graid So&tware RA'D management ,'ntel/4/icron%Si'%Promise%0.. ● +0,D= /sbin/graid3 RA'D= pro$ider. ● +0,D) sysutils/graid5 RA'D5 pro$ider ,a$ailable &rom 6reeBSD Ports.. ● SCHED /sbin/gsched Change scheduling policy o& requests going to pro$ider.
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