
X THE WEATHER irRIDAT, JUW » », 1VS9 Foreraat ol C. 8. Weather Boreau pACa EIGHTEEM dnrbrBtnr EuM ifns itpralb PAiLT cTRcn-anoN for tlM* month of Mar, 19S9 (Toady followed by ahoweta late he. must have known and valued .n tonight or Sunday; not much posifbllltlb! of tb! 1939 graduates cradle roll child. Aria Alvonl: th change In leropcrature. Th» Rfcjivbow iftri* ar« reminded hut Indications ara that they, are hU day.. Should he ask Tor other KlBdergarten. Mrs. Ernest KrtU ! to have al> Tood rontrlbutlona for H E R p IS PRAISED newspapers as good as this I should "CHILDREN’S DAY” . 6,238 SURVEY COMPLETE • facing a difficult problem In finding macher; Welcome. Gordon T*dford the eale -tonfiK^row at Hale'a at t ^ hand him The Manchester Herald, Member of the Audit ABOUT TOWN occupatirrns. song, "Jeaua. Is the ChUdren’i- atore at 9 o'cl'^v^ tomorrow mpni- produced by men who can think, Burcaa of Ctrcolattons M.ANCHEStER — A CITY oKviDEAGE (HAR.M All Primary department children ; I N S R E W ’SBOOK AT CENIEMRCH Friend” ; recitation. Summer Sun OF H. S. STUDENTS write, and alllrm their’ geol eonvlc- Marltya Falrweather; recitation PRICE THREE C E N T S of Center church achool are,reqneat- ] Uons." (TWELVE r.\ G E S ) ed to appear for rehearaal tbrnorrow j PER^NAl PROPERTY "Friends", Jane Burr: aoB*. Oo* MANCHESTER. CON^- SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 19.'I9 Th! pariah meeting’at 3L Mary's Other I»e a l .-Vnglea Lovris Us All; recitations “ Ood i. <(Ta»*lfiod .advertiring on Page 10) morning at 9:30 at the church. |church wtlJ convene .Monday eve­ Cheney Silk m D i C a iy One ,Dr. Shepard ! volume la replete Complete P r o ^ m To Be Church". Sally Emery. “In the Hear' VOL. LV III- NO. 214 ning at 8 oVlock to adjount ^o Mon- Refutes Theory That, Only j U S P G STILL HOLDS with Interesting atorie! h,e has of a Seed, James Warren. "Ood’i Mra. Joaeph Grabowakt of An­ dXy, June 2(5. al the aame hour, to gathered in hi.a many, -many- walks Plan” , Irene Dean, Kenneth King dover. formerly bf thla town, and riM-elve ttie report and recommetvla- Oue Out Of Seven Finds Of Most Interesting In- about bhe stq.le. The volume con- Presented On Sunday; Jr. Joan Strickland; presentation ol King Congratulates CCC Sergeant Bophle Grabow.aki left laat nlRht for tlona r.f the aiieclnl rom m iltee a>c Note New Special Act . Does taln.1 also a laige number of beau- diplomas, the primary department . Lawrence. Maaa.. lo^end the week­ pointed utelet the motion at the’ : Not Apply To Jewelry. Se- UTul photographs. Several ..of the Mrs.’ Louis Marte; flag bearers. Jam end with Hev. and .Mra.M Hariy, dostrial Plants In U. S. Choir To Give Program. B R inA N lC MAJESTIES ineelirig .Mjy 22^__^ CA Gainful Occupation. photographs have been contributed Vlckerman, Robert Henderrion, Ray­ HITLER PREPARING \curitles Or FurnishingH. Zleba. Ifather Zleba waa j^ l o r of mond Domuro announcing hymn y . ______by Nathan Gatchell, a, member of 3L John'a church on (Tqlwa'y .itreet .Mra. Frank V. William!, chairman the. facility at Mancheater High first year leader.^. Priscilla Burn­ and about the first of Pehniarj- aa- It waa voted today by tha Board of the (mildn-n'a day rxerclaea ..Sun­ In hla recently published volume. achool. Sunday will be observed as Chil­ ham. Rtobert King; second y « r lead­ sumcc^ charge of the Pollah National There’s -a generally 'arreted of Aaaeasora that although the ers, Margaret Mosley, Sanford Rus-1 day morning at the. .Second Congre- Connecticut. Pa-at arid Preaen't" In a number of places the Cheney, dren's Day at the Center Congrega­ t'athollc church-of Lau rence gatloiwil church, him r’lliled a-re- theory that bqly one out of seven a;ieclal art exempting-realdenta from tional church. The program at 10:-ao sell: third year memory EXACT PROPOSALS Professor Odell Shepard of TrinitjM-arik mOls are referred to, The allk SAIL FOR NpW the ncresalty of declaTlng Ilata on- a. m., will open with music by the presentation of Bibles, the Jimibi-| hearaiil r»f the program tomorrow at High H I h o o l gradualea find* gainful plant. Is• ( ailed one of the moat In­ 9 5U R.m. The flower’■ <'ommlttee^^^^|jpjj,|„„ (f aan’t bfi ai.plled to real rafale and rara haa paaaeil. It College prabtea The Herald In hta Junior choir and presentation of Department, Mrs. Watsofi Wood- Group .3 of Center church wntni-n sllfl will be obligatory for local per­ teresting Industrial .plants In the of which Mra. Kenneth Burnham ta would like to have the children i High-if Vairrvey fakeri chapter on “The Conte^npomry children for baptism. Pupils In the rulT; first speaker. James EHUOtt: sona to declare jieraonal Itema auch Scene." His comment ocrura In a country and ,Dr. .Shejiard ■q.n two or different- depart.nents of the church Cub. Parker Vetrano; Girl Scout, | .leader, uill hold ita final meeting hnng.flmaera nt thla time for <1— aa Beciirtllea, Jewelry- an1 furniture. three occa-sions refers to -the artis­ FOR WORLD p e a c e Elizabeth Thrall; Boy Scout. Robert; and picnic. Motijjay afterncem al, 3 raiton. \ i dlacuaalon of the surprise.. Timo­ school will have a part In the .exer- Thla will he done In tha^^regular way try that goes into the CTicney proil- Montle; siscond .speaker, Barbsl, o’clock at the cottage of .Mra. Har­ ___ _ trrion. thy Dwight would receive If he were rl.ses. as follows: HAILED IN TIED B as haa been the practice alwaya. utt. Morrison, marshals. Barbara Badef.^ old F Bidwell of Cheetniit atreet. The Hlaterhnod of Temptk Beth I The survey was made recently of to return to Connecllci't toilay. Baptismal service. Leaders, Eu- WIFE'S DE.\TH CAl 8E8 . ~ The new act doea away with a Professor Shepard’s comment Both libraries In town carry the cenia Emery. David Boyd; Response William Shaw; offertory. The Inter-; m SB.YND TO Sl tX'l'.MB Sholom w ill hold Its final parly of the two claaae.a gfadiinted In 10.38. system, which haa been declared / MOVING ENDS BRIIMir. reads: •'. . . I think he would feel now volume and. It is published by Christian Education. Ruth Whea­ mediate Department: Iht speaker, Reports Reach French Dip­ : The Veteran!’ Carnival committee | ,,„Bon. .Sunday evening iit H■’ and the two classea In 19.37. 'H)e uaeleaa and outmoded by Improve­ O.VME r.U'.IIT YE.VKS OLU With Echoes Of 21-Gun Sa- at home with The Hartford CquranL Alfred A. Knopf of '’of'* and ton: first msrsbal, Hamilton Grant: Marjorie Marte; "A Tribute", Hamil­ - wUl meet at the Army arid Navy I m odd Kellowa hall. Mra. forroer ponat.Hted of 278 atudenta and ments In Information gathering Dillon, 6. C.. June 10.— (.P)— of thetle (17.8 per cent ’were gain­ America’# oldest newspaper, which Htella for 3.3.30 net. second marshijl, Harry ’ Straw; ton Grant. Informed that Mrs. C. B. Arnelte ’ ALL NEW YORK Nclub thla evening at 7 .10 o'clock. It ' wiliiaiii Horowltr of Kaat I 'entei which ihe aaaesaora have perfected. lomatic Circles Fuehrer Omaha. Neb | June 10.— Inte koaring In Ears, Roy­ W-expected that Joseph M Bury of ^tn'et l.a rhiiirmhn, .Mta Mcniv I ‘li k fully oeciipled, moat "f them In four Aa thla ayatem haa been operated, had died in a boepltal of a heart The elght-vcnr bridge -game ol RiSdfVtlie rarnival pniinoter-. ^rll t>e i of Hamlin atreet, co-rliiiiriiian. 'I'tii leiiiilng flelil.a o f endeavor with 67 the swearing out of property ILsts attack, her husband, a. 57-year- Dr and Mrs. A P. Overgaard at thia meeting, .Ml memhe^ hOHte.'taea will he .Mrs George engaged In the piiraiill of higher became a mere form, unneceaaary ins Specific Proposi­ old farmer, collapseu and died EAGER TO SEE and Mr. and Mrs Ralph R.issell al Couple Board U. S. S. pd tn.Mi ner. Mra John Rotlner. Mra George i‘durntlnn. 17 employed In Industry. for any practical piirpoa*. of— a heart attack. M s over with Dr. Overgaard top / Miller, Mrs. IjiMiti Foster They will 41 In In.aiirance and 27 In nier- It waa said tmlay that the apaclal ^ .ire r He had I.4.'46,28»l points. he a.aflated, by iHirolhy llalrm Rnth ctiandlKlng, tions To Sertte Problems.; The game, started in 1031 and A D VK R TI^M E>'T— act waa worded by Selectman Rich­ ROYAL COUPLE Warrington For Trip Up II I !■ ■ »V* I ■. I ’odrove.- P’rleda ftelwllr, ri.alher Oanaea of 19.37 ard Martin, and Introduced by Sena­ «• ______played every Monday nlsht, endr- If you havetvt purchaaed your Shapiro. FInIne Wachlel and Kalhei The riaaaea of 1937 totalled 288 tor William J Shea. Support for lU 1 rd 'this week” because Dr. and J- new refrlgeratorX yet —Do eo now! Yidyra. . atudenta and theae found ciindltlona pB-iaage waa given by Aaaemblymen Greet Summer ' . ParU, June 10 — yPi — RelwrU BRITISH EXTEND I Mrs. (tvergaard are moving to Bay; Sovereigns Wel­ Benaon'a ReTrIgeratinn Stork Rcduc- conalderably hetle.r than did the Vllllam J. Thornton and William C leached French diplomatic circles Talk Of King And Queen Ar­ i Houston. Tex tto Sale end! tomorrow Big redtu’- Mrs Kmeat Krtt/niarheo has gradiiatea of last, year for 83.6 per fTiSriey. i It ended ilh o ’ sweui Itii true) frorri usually well-informed aources being j comed By Mayor Of Town tlon on all quiet ligimard I93U ciilled a rehearsal^ the Ri^lnnera rent found gainful rrcriipatlon with The original form of the’bill, which i with never a pariner’s a/e DeiiartmenI elphlren of/Cenler In B delivcrax 3 years rhurvh s' hool for tomorrow at 2 Adolf hitler was preparing, apectfle engaged In Industry. M In Insurance In the entire state waa not approv­ LA Of 12,000; New Jersey’s to pay. Benaon a 713 Main atreet. o’clock. anih Sii In inerrlmndlalng. ed, and the local act then was tub 'L’Aiglon ■ Fashions propoaitlOfm to France. Britain and . ”■ No rigurea' are avallabls on • the atituted. . ' FRIENDLY HAND Receptions In History Of Mra. Georg® Ktllea of flolllatrr Summer the .Unlted.States foi a settlement Govembr Also Greets street w ill tie matron of honor at of the pro’olema w)>tch are causing CAPITAL GIVES the wedding tomorrow afternoon at ( > world war fckra. ^ ] Western World Is Heard. 4 o'clork at Trinity Kptacopnl Rayon Zephyr The reports,', which received no 1 Action Taken In Effort To The British Monarchi. church. Hartfoid. of ,Mlaa Marjorlo open and official confirmation, said | I-. M iller and Jamea H. Gormley of C om fort ■ that Hitler was expected to make j R n .IJC T tN ! ROYAL COUPLE the proposals In a speech during the South «e n d . Ind. .Mra. Ktllea recent­ Prove Falsity Of Allega­ King George .stops tb shaVeNhanda with Rcrgt. *t^cT’^ y s . from IVnnsylva'nIa Neav York, June 10.— — Fort Hancock. N. J , June 10.—<45 Quinn’s ly entertained with a bridal shower, Sheers early part of July at the launching party's tour of the ftlvilian Consecution jhp watches the incident at right, King George and tjueen r.llia- — Their Britannic MajeatlM. Georgs at her hothg for Miaa Miller who la of a new German warship. eCC, Fashion value to make Dark skirts with white tops -are shown all line.! up for review. V . - ’b -it ‘is - - in •■-- the c- background. iM^th arrived today at 11:15 a. BIG FAREWELL the daughter of Mr and Mra, M. MODESS He now Is working , on them at tions Britain And France Queen Elizabeth is out of-sight beneahi^her’parn.sol. Mrs. Pranklln D. Itoo.seveii VI and Queen Elizabeth, aallsd at your eye* -eparklr—make printed In green, black, with m., e.d.t., aboard the destroyer Imwrence Mlltnr of Warrenton av«- BerchteagaU.en, the report said, but 8:61 a. ro.. le- t-l today on the U. you feel ao g.iodl Wide black skirts. Sizes 14 to 20, center. Warrington. A migjity wet- Week-End riiie. W est Hartford. awake, swlrley - aklrted there haa been no hint of their na- .Trying To Encircle Reich coming aniute arose from the 8. 8. Warrington for New York'skd I DOLLAR-PAKi aheera for every aumiuer ture. gm tteet Hty to the weelern Tkonsands Of Washingtoni a World's Fair reception after a 30* rentcr-LUmrch WiHjian’a.Gulld.wlll, occaalon! Stunning dark Some dlplomaUc circles recalled ; hold Ita final get-together for tlie I world. - minute auto trip from Bed Bank. and light prints of Bem- the House of Lords speech of Vis­ Specials j H e a a o n . Weilneaday at I p ni. at the London, June 10— —Brttlih ans Gadier Far Great berg and Crepe materlnla, count Halifax. BrlUsh Foreign, min­ NEW STEPS New York, June 10.- 445—Eaat With the echoes of a 31-gun aa* church. Liinrlieoh will he followed Top them with yopr big ister Thursday night in which he ntatrsmen have extended the open URGES HALIF.AX lute roaring In their ears, Britain’s j aide, west side, all around the town, ' by bridge. w llti.Ihe otTlcerti and pro- brim hat and aauntem told of Britain's willingness to ex­ hand of frlendahlp to Germany and rulers, boarded the $3,000,000 de- gram eonimltlee In eharge Chil­ m all th# talk today waa of the King Midinght Sendoff As HiA Gypsy Cream i forth a fashion leader! amine auch problems at the con­ Italy In what circles close to the ■troyar-leader at 8:48 a. m., (a. a. $•). dren of meliltiera will he careil for. L'Alglon proudly presents ference Uble If Germany woiild re­ DEFINITEY ACT TQ BREAK RESISTANCE and Queen and their arrival for one and passed between lines of acamaa government called an effort to for poison ivy Mode' Mo^ess what It feels Is one of the nounce any threat o f force. Diplo- of the largest reception# of welcome Bids Official Goodbye. and offlcers'Standlng at,aMff ' ...... \1 very smartest tailored frocks prove the falsity -of German allega­ tloo. Three minutes ^ e r , the WSi^ raast said that ,thU speech might tions that Britain and France were In the hUtory of the western world. \ of the season. • Furthermore, rington cast off -her moorings ai)a EXPECT URGE TURNOirr ' have been the key to the Relchs- trying to encircle the Belch. The UPON HIS TAIK When King George ant} Queen It la the perfect dress to. wear luehrer’s reported decision. proceeded up New York bay. to the Fair for It is codl and statesmen made It. clear, liowever, :nnan Anthorities Question SEEK POSSIBLE Elizabeth, nearing the end of their Washington, Jims 10.—(45— A (%n’t Reconcile Reporte that the friendly hand could become — 7 ^ history-making tour, turned their pealsts imiasinjj...... ■pontanMus midnight farewell UlALLVt^WN SALCTWI Gypsy Sun Tan Oil ! AT EMANUEL'S SOCIAL Diplomats In Paris said they were a mailed fist. smiling faces toward the Manhattan unable to"reconcile the rep orts'tf In the past two days Prime Min­ Fascist Press Advises Brit­ skyline, s vast eager throng stood from thousands of cheering Wash­ Red Bank. N. J.; June 10.—(4 V - . Young Czech Woman MALE HELPER In a typically-American smaQ town PACM6E OF MODESS NAPKINS Hitler's plana with cpnUnulng Ger­ ister Chamberlain. Foreign Secre- ready to greet them— the first ruling ingtonians sent Klrig'^.George and setting, New Jersey saluatod I n ­ [iUrolherhood Secures Lertiirer man press attacks against the Brit­ lar>’ Viscount Halifax, Chancellor British monarchs ever to visit New Press Search For Slayer Queen Elizabeth on to New York land's king and queen today in Uila To DemonKtrate Safet.v In ish foreign secretary's speech. of the Exchequer Sir John Simon ish Foreign Secretary To today for freah acclaim In the na­ Some suggested, however, thatr(-, one-time colony of the BrlUaJi lOc W oodbury’s The Homes For Next Tues- S-| .00 and W ar Secretary Leslie Hore- IN ABDUCTION Indications were that 3.000,000 tion's metropolis. demands in German newspapers Bellsha all have stressed Great Bri­ Of Nazi Police Sergeant. New Yorkers would glimpse the Cordial handclaapa from Secre­ crown. - -.dny ICvening. that Britain show her- Intentions by ^ Back Up Assertion Britain Royal couple before the end of the ivtn* t M r roynl Y»1ut nnd nilTtP Facial Soap others ?5.08 to .ST.'.tr,. tain's willingness to seek a peace­ tary and Mrs. Oirdell Hull formed train atttia llttla flag-draped / n m Sheer "actions, not words"' might be the ful settlement of any claims by panoramic trip that was to bring 4 Bars 29c the only official goodbyo at Union station In the town center at t;03 A lurgr turtiout la axpactrj! nt tb#* Buy Modess the economiced wayl Fuehrer's way of preparing for defi­ Germarty and Italy. A t the same Ready To Discuss Claints Girl Denies Any AssUtance them before nlfehlfaU to President atatlon, but the enthualasUc orowda IntiniiM “ IwtiUra' NlghF; pro^rnm. nite propositions. time they emphasized Britain's hew Prague, June 10— Nazi offl- ^ Roosevelt’s peaceful estate at Hyde a. m.. (e. s. t ) George VI Dre.fiS Dept. which hailed tha British iilonatcha BlUaheth received friendly haw ^ I nponnorod by the nrolborlvxMt mf the Other diplomats asserted both military might. / rials today threatened new "meas­ Park. N. Y. at every opportunity Thursday and 68 of these softer, safer seuiitary Tops Own Perfornuuusas Clam* official freetlnfs a ^ ttm-: Optically. Ground j Kmnn\irl LuUiernn rbnrrh. next Cottons Germany and Italy were becoming The prime minister, speaktog In ures" to break Czech resistance to In Amateurish Plan Of i>Vlday leSuied to let them leave Tiieatlay evenlnK «t 7:30 o ’clock. AU Rome, June 10.—(46—The Faaclst ’(The metropolis, accustomed to ehaare o f massed thousands. . SUn Glasses napkins in a convenient closet- of flock dots or coin dots. Dim­ more disturbed by economic offen­ Birmingham last night. Mid that Germany'^ pyotectorate over Bo- the city Ilka ordinary travelara. Aa they stood on the , red-onoR . j women of the church are Invited to ities. alSH Voiles. Nelly Dons sives being ■waged, by Britain and Britain was "still ready to discuss press today advised Vlscpuj ■taglnff mighty demonatratlona for hemla-Moravla unless the mysteri-. distinguished guests, topped its own People began Jamming tha oav platform, out of sight of moat 6f ■: altenil and a One prn#fram hna hern and Hubrites. around s conference tabW- the claims fax. the BrlUsh’Torelgn aecreta Seizing Child For Ran­ 49c to $2.00 shelf box priced to save you money. Hale’s Famous 60c France. ous killing of a German police ser- performances to honor the King and emotia station and Its plaaa early the 'apectatora, the Brttlah aov*^ arranged by r»irl l*eler«on and hla of Germany or any other countrj' back up his assertion that In the evening, while the king and gs.-mt In Kladlno Thursday was Queen. eigna were welcomed by M a w ' I Mlubational Krouj>- 8URPRI8ED BY BEPORirS provided there seems a reasonable was reody to discuss claims of na­ queen were feting Prealdent and The profjram w ill conalat o f ex- solved by 8 p. m. (2 p. m., e. s. t.) som; Check Assqdates. It arranged > harttor reception in Oiarlas R. EnglUb on tobalf *!»• Johnson & Johnsop Berlin. June 10 — (/P) — Sources prospect of real settlement, only we tions clamoring for vital "economic While German authorities qiies-, which booming gun|. ship#’ )vhlitles Mrs. Rooaeveit at a ceremonious town’s 18,000 populaUon and by (tor. I I>erliiw»nta and dcm<»nHtr»itlonk by must have confidence that there Is banquet at the British embassy, Mr. Hurk Harry Mooref, on behalf of _ tha , First Aid Kits M . K. M . utsl on Page Ten.) such prospect and. such settlement Italy and Germany. pressed a search for the slayeiv.or shooting streams of water skyward th rong Eight Deep. stote of 4,000.000 which grew from nnee company «»n juifety in the home must be obtained by negotiation and San Francisco, June 10.—(45—Po When the royal party finally ar­ 39c and the pcf.sHlhllltle.i of ncrlclenta, Sizes 14 to 46. Newspapers praised the Halifax slayers. Nazis of. Industrial K lo^no would salute the arrival; arranged territory deeded m 1664 to JamtA not by force." speech aa a long-delayed recognition lice sought a possible male accom­ rived at 11:30 p. m., tha% throng Area and so forth. This allracUon Is Long WcariiiK I prepared a epectgculjir t r lb i^ to for 200,000 uniformed war veterans t>^a of York also the title of Cotton Shop. Brlteio Gets IJttle Help of claims of the axis partners but the slain officer. , ,/ plice today, of an upstate New York snd nearly 1,000,000 school chil­ was eight deep behind rope balTl Geoige V I before'his ascension to certain to prove entertiilnlnR and He declared that Britain haa not said It was tiselesa to talk of col­ Klndlno, Its Czefeji community farm girl who gambled and lost In dren to see the -Royal pair pass on cades. Extra police were called to the throna. — , Films, 24 Hour Devel­ 1 beneficial. A duplicate of Mr. NEUTRALTTYUW abandoned the first part of her for- HurkeVa j>erformHncje Is featured at laboration and eliminating war fined .500,000 crowns ($2^000) and her quest for easy money by seizing help keep order. The King wore morning attlra and elght, policy— seeking to eliminate ____ S disciplined by a stringent curfew, (ContbiiMd on Page Tw o The queen stepped down from oping and Printing t the New York World’s Fnlr. . flve-year-old Krehe Osborn and ), earried a grey top hat aa h# M d ^ the causes of war, and added that (CJoDtAnued on Page Pour.) the clorflng o f , Its schMls and the limousine, and there was a gasp of Queen, attired in a p o w d e r-t^ Service KoliowInK ti'** projjram. refresh- Silk FOES PUSH DRIVE Britain had had "very little help removal of civic aut^rltlea, specu­ holding him for $1,600 ransom. admiration. Fori she waa wearing a I menta w ill,he «»rvcd and a aocinl Though the girl, Margaret Polly crepe drees with an olf-the-face hat from countries with which I was lated on what ,n^ restrictions Victorian picture frock of deep rose to match, steppeO the observa­ will he enjoyed. NOTICE! hoping to come to an understand­ Well’, denied she had any help In her might )>e Imposed..;' \ amateurish plan, police continued to tulle, embroidered all over with tion car. . „ Ant Buttons 21c ing.” Police Issite Warning. CCC YOUTH PUTS Introdnoed To, Governor and Mnysr EXTENSIVE TIE-UP make a close check of her associ­ gold and silver thread and re-em- Hosiery A t a reception given In his honor, The warning tout they would to broldered with Alexandra roaes in The Royal coupla wers Introducad Reports Roosevelt Plans To ates. Police said they were not sat- Annual Meeting however, he continued that the launched was .Issued by police and tone# of pink, gold, silver and blue. "progresa of building up our nation­ the office of,;8aron Kon-stantln Von iafled with her explanation. O’Cedar Fly Spray, Manchester Mias Well disappeared 'with the PRICE ON GREETING In h’er brown waved hair was a (OMtinnad a* Pag* Pwn.) - Go To San Francisco al defense has been so extensive and IS THREAT OF AFL Neurath. Rich's protector of Be Qt.'45c Oshom boy Wednesday afternoon. ■*' f diamond tiara. Two diamond neck­ Date Book / so rapid that I can say now with hethla-Motovla. Twenty-seven hours later she was laces were around her throat, and Local No. 63 ^ confidence that no country, however KladiqO authorities, after ques­ a diamond bracelet was inappen Cabaret dance Saturday, June 10, 2 P. M. (UonUnoed on Page Foite.) political tension between Czechs Shake Hands With Others at Ratnbrtw Inn, Bolton. / "'T V clsro World’s Fair the last week in finally revealed her true name after tion, and In front of the steps to Oumea, France, June July spurred congrtasional oppo­ ing Negotiations With and their Nazi "protectora” or from the. Royal blue and silver train, the, Maxine EUlott, famous Amertean 37c Next Week a private quarrel. giving two altaa. A check, with the June 12 Veterans' carnival, oor- nents of neutrality revision today to girl’s mother, Mrs. (Jraham Well, King and Queer! chat*ted for several beauty and actress of decades ago* Tinker Hall . \ 'The body of the pollcerosn, Sergt minutes with the Hulls. wtM reported by attendanU tod^ rier.Spniee and Maple street. fresh activity. William knlest. waa returned from Nassau, N. IT., confirmed the Iden­ Fort Hunt, Va., June 10.—(45— June 14. — State Trad* school V T h e y pressed their campaign for Detroit, June 10 .—(4>)—The AFL tity. John G. Draganza of Rochester. Pa., Meanwhile the crowd, which . no to to gravely Ul In her Freaeli 'V. . /I SENATE LEADERS icre, where a post mortem was per- 40c Squibb’s graduntlnn. ^ A Beautiful Selection of ^ n a te signers of a round robin automobile workers threatened to­ She aald ehe demanded the ran­ the CCC boy who shook hands »wltl) Riviera home, tSiateau L’Hortaea. All -Workerg Are Urged To Attend! Jormed yesterday, to Kladlno. Ger­ (Conttnoed on Paga fwo.) MItw ElUott made her last »tego ^ June 18.— Manchester High ichoul c o n d e ^ n g the admlnlatraUon's day an extensive tie-up of General man comrades. held a short memo som "to pay the mortgage on my the King of England, walked around Dental Cre^m graduation. neutrtllty stand, contending that if mothers' farm,” but police said she camp today offering to shake hands pearanee at her theater In DENY VIOLATION Motors plants if the corporation doM rial seiwlce for Knlest -on Kladlno York tn 1920 and took op realdenco 3.3c Cim ilng KA-eiita the president is considering a west­ square. had sent no* money home since she with other enrollees—for a price. Summer ward trip before adjournment, he not open collective bargaining nego­ ieft there, last December, to look for on tbo Riviera. Aug. 16.— Amfual outing of Cham­ Honored as Martyr. He did buslneos, too. ■ ' , • • . ber of Commerce. doea not expect revision of the law tiations with IL ' a Job. One youth Ixiught him a bottle of Fine and rough straws — large brims, ^’hlte sUk.tUiv^ Hardly 1^ the 0AW faction r Knlest’s colleagues among Ger­ MRS. RUBENS MAY at this session. . In that interval, ofiScets said, Mias pop, another a pack of cigarettes, 1 SUB PASSES TESTS _ bans and felts in all pastel shades. - i ^ ^ headed by,'Homer M artin' been re­ man offlrlais of the Czech Industrial Now London. June 10.— ( 4 ^ f^arly America Old I The Bound rabln, said to hfVe No Comment Yet From Al­ city, honored him as a martyr. W ell admitted robbing the homes and a third promised to shine his, r stored Its old American Federation of two employers In Chicago and BObmarlpo Spoarflsh returned tocher lo Ph been approved already by a dyten of Labor charter When It,/ called "H e will to the H orri Weasel shoes. ' Spice Bath senators, la expe9ted to threaten (Nazi hero of the .National Social­ Hollywood of clothing and Jewels "You could have fanned me over | RETURItrO U. S. wharf at the "hlpy«">7** corn On Levitt Charges In strikes In three General Motors fac­ valued at $4,000 while working aa a with a fly fan.” said Draganza. trie Boat Company at 7:tp o o l o « F O O D S A L E •lextenslve ’ debate If leaders bring ♦ ists' stniggls for power^lh Berlin) 7 ■ I’ow'der $1.00 F p r ^ I HEir tories at Flint and Saginaw. - maid. , . i "when the king stopped In front of j last night, a broom at her masthead H:\l.irs STOKF- to up thet proposals recommended by management denied, however, of Bohemia,” one'German said. A m'emorial service in the Czech city, May Be True Motivh ^roe.” - slcnlfjdng a clean sweep In <«g>8« Genuine three-carrier rinRle.'is sheer chiffons, Secretary Hull. These would repeal Appointment Of J n d g ^ ^hat the strikes qftUetl, Thursday trlnls carried on before a Natof S.VrrUD.VY. JUNE.10 now completely dominated by Ger­ In an interview the girl revealed King Looked Him In ^Bye aemi-chiffons, service weights. ■ Six new Spring the present arms em b ygo and were effective and^lL /j. 'thomas. Embassy Offidajs Decfine To Board of Surx-^-.v and Inspection, -Tte Alarm Clo<*ks 98c Main Floor—Rear; man authority, was the first Of the what m l^ t have )>een her true mo- It was during a. brief Inspection of AND I I ahadcs. ‘ ’- would permit deslgnaUon/bt dangw president of the riVai /tJAW branch trinia began Thursday. P " V l o e ^ Nn. 13. of the r.amp by the British monarchs aones in which American shipping ~ N e w Haven, June 10.—(45-— Two affiliated w ifi’ the Congress of In­ (OonHnned an Page Four.) the submarine had succeaafnUy would be banned in war time. dustrial Organizatidns, aald they (Continoed aa Page ten.) yesterday. The (X X boy said King Confirm Wiielher She WiD Connecticut Senate leaders - denied George looked him In the eye, .and pleted othez required for a ^ IMiJk>f .MaKncisia Observing that neutraUty legisla­ were "a complete failure.” , cepUmc« by th« Special Sale Price! today the claim by Albert Levitt of then he realized he waa going to to X pr. tion appeared to be the only stum­ Redding that a statutq lisd been Declares Plants Down" Be taken To New York. Full Pt. .35c Fishnet Turbans bling block in the way to a pro­ Eilmer Dowell, bead ol General .ipoken to by royalty. violated by members of the (tenersl •The king asked me how I like * . ■ ______j MAV BE PLANIVWRECKAOB Wrap around styles — can be! worn three ways. Colors; White, jected July 15 adjournment of Con- Assembly's upper-HoUss In the re­ Motors activities In the AF|>UAW, Milford Haven.r wWales. Jumt l6.*-i. iress, Democratic , Leader Barkley declared that “contrary to reporte, Order Mass Immunization being in the CCC,” he said. " I t was Sanding Floors Navy, Red, Green, Yellow, Orchid. ^ , cent appointment -of minor court tough for a second or two, 1 could Moscow, June , 10.— (45— Ruth (45— The poaalblllty that a tergd..- said Hojtse action would be awaited the plants In Flint are down and the landing wheel and bit of atrnt pickte -. Ol'R SPECIALTY Judgtes. not say anything.” Marie Rubens—for 18 months Red before the question Is taken up in In a letter Levitt said he has writ­ Saginaw plant will be closed down op by the trawler Vezo might te Eatlniatra Cheerfully Given. S i r ..Draganza said he finally managed Russia’s mystery prisoner— may if It tries to operate." To Halt Typhoid Epidemic the fragment ol some unsoceeawjl Summer Candies tha Senate...... , ten to State’s Attorney Hugh H.- Al' to stammer, "Fine,” and from, then sUrt for the United States tonight The president has said that plans He referred to tha Oievrolet as­ trans-Atiantle airplane was a o C gl^ S.ANDINC MACHINE 'c each corn of Hartford county, the former on it waa a breeze. to shed light on investigation of. QUICK,'EASY WAY TO- fo r bis western trip must repialn Federal JUdge and sperial ossisUnt sembly, plant and the Fisher Body rd today by port oIBclala. ’« • AND EDGEK FOR RENT Fresh Cocoanut Bon Bona .. Plant No. 1 at Flint and the Chevro­ "W e got real chummy,"’ he said, passport frauds dleged there. 19c tentative until he has more informa­ to the V. a. attorney general urged Sequim Wash., June 10.—(45— T He said no rigid reatrictlons • had Soviet authorities promised to re­ wreckage wan picked up IflO milM GLORIFY FURNITURE Neckwear Dept. let grey Iron foundry at Saginaw. Mass Immunization of persons with- been issued, other than Isolation of "and finally the king asked me If I west of the Scllly Islands, far o « the For Intnrmatloa tion on the adjournment date, but the proeecutor to "Institute proper bad gained any.,weight. ’I'told him lease her sometime today following Frosted Cocoanut Caramels , there were authoritative repprte criminal proceedings against the “ U negotlatlona are not started,' In seversi miles of this - Dungeness' paUenU, but he warned residents t o ____ normal coorse of 8e« A Floor Man. Dowell added, "a auffldent number a quick trial yesterday In which she N o « It’s easy to make drab fumttnra that be waa eager to start before members of the Senate “who partici­ vsllev tradlne center waa the object - boll all water and milk as a precau-- taeven p^nds. fliers and apparently had been In thS Needlepoint for pillow tops, foot stools, chair seats, bags, of plants will be shut down to see acknowltoged entering Russia on a and woodwork gleam with bright, fresh 1 Pound Licorice, Assorted., pated in the minor court Judgeship of tositoCthtSSi tod^^ I for a loBf^tlme. etc. Three sizes ...... 69c, 81.00 and S2.50 August. that negotiations are togun." •T told him that waa nothing. false passport. She was sentenced to » * • *.. * JOS. J. FARR PITTSBURGH 1 Pound Molasses, Assorted , While the Senate was in recsss "deal." ly end what they termed a m ajor; Twanty Rod Cross nurses were is months tn prison which, with to­ Phone 7057 newness! One coat of WA'TERSPAg There was no comment from Al­ General Motors operations came mitbreak of typhoid fever. i sent here under eharge • of MUs Draganza added.- "I told him that r e s c u e s s i x i n b l a z e Telephone 8284 WATERSPAR 1 Pound Lemon, Assorted t . Sun and Moth Proof Tapestrj' Y am ...... skein 25c today, the House planned to finish some the fellows bad gained 24 day, she already has served. E N A M E L CoVeta the surface solidly. corn who said he had not as yet re­ to a complete ataiwlatill early in Red Cross, atate and county offl- Oladyce Badger, ct g a » Francisco, of ~ Ware, Mass., June 10. W ENAMEL.' 1 Pound Mint, Assorted ..., Linen Tea and Gugst Towels, stamped for embroidei^’, ^9c debate on amendments to the So­ 1937 when the U A W caUed a series pounds'." American embassy officials declin­ Charlen Goldstein, a cattle dea le f,': ceived euch a letter. ; claU united tn combatting the arm nursing director. - ed to confirm whether she would be Dries in 4 hours without brush marks— 1 Ppund Jelly, Assorted . , cial Sacurity-Act. of sit-down etrikea. That was two Whistled Frem Sorpriee resened six persons from the aeo* * Per Quart Stamped Linen Chair Sets ...... 59c Booaaiaged By Success Coanneat Ot Bcaaton malady which haa stricken 82 school j Sources o f the i disease ware at- taken to New York aa a witness in lasts for yean. W ide assortment of 1 Pound Wafers, Assorted ., Pound iBut, Senator Anthony Rich of years before diseenaion divided the cblldren and one teacher among the tributed to n Inck of refrigeraUon in John said be would not swear tp M d ^ r of a burning dweltag to- Administrstion leftden, who hAd union into two 'separate organiza­ It. but It looked to him aa If His the Investigations there.' $1.50 washable colon from which to choose. Stamped Crash Tablecloths...... 75c and 95c Bristol, Republican Senate leader, 600 persons in - the northeastern a school hmehroom. dny by backing hla huge <*ttle iww.. placed the revitiona on their list of tions. Majesty almost whistled from aur- No Questions On Espionage np against the house, and p e n n lt t ^ J said that "so long aa none'of us re­ (jlym ^c peninsula- town. - — There -— have •----- Donated Bona Been Sourca Although Soviet newspapers seven Scarfs to 5fatch . . . . . 29c major objectives for thla Seateon, Haa Reroaed to Negottoto prise. them to Jump on It# roof. F Im | ceived any profit or (ievaonal benefit" been no deaths. Dr. A. U. Simpson, chief■ of the months aco referred to her and her We Give jl'Vf Grwin Trading Stamps With Cash Sale^. Pillow Tops29c were enoouragcd' by .their success in he didn't see how any statute was Dowell said General Motors has Health Department’s laboratory dl- When the Interview was done, the Chief Theodore Dcslaurleta pldoeR^ defeating yesterday every attempt refused to negotiate in 18 plants on About 1,000 persona already have boy got hla-second shock—the king husbanil as "spies," the court asked Th« F.- T. Blish Hardware Co. violated. ‘ ))een. Immunized. Yesterday a long viskm, said 208 buns, left over from the damage at $3:000- ~ BINGO ; • Free Parking In Rear of Store. Second.Floor. - , _ _ to alter the committee suggestions. the ground -that litigation, pending stuck out bis hand. no questions along the lines of espl- 798 Main StrMt . “ Telephone 4121 Senatof Downes, Democratic lead­ ,a traveling carnival and accepted as ORANGE HALL — '^M ORROW NIGHT AT S:,10 The revision! would liberalize so­ in Circuit Court here to determine line o f men, women and children "1 was certainly taken bac.k." ’ onage, J...... ' er, stated: from the surrounding valley took a donation by the school, may have She was not pressed either for ex­ TKE.48URY BAL.ANC11 20 Garnet^...... J...... 25 cents cial security benefits and extend "W e tried to do our const!tutlonaJ WUcb faction la enUUed to contracta to«n a source .of the epidemic. He John said. " I never even shook Colors By Rat'ur^, ^ ^ainfsiftryiPittsburgB. HEADQUARTERS FOR G. E. APPLIANCES AND ANDES RANGES. already signed should be completed their turn before health authorities planation why she and her huaband It SpcdadTGaines ...... ^5 cents a game them to additional classes of work duty and were ur$ed to do so by the said the buna, all buttered, appar­ hands with a congresaman." bdore the corporation deals with to receive Immunization trestmente. Aa he related the story, the boy obtained passport" under' false Washington, Juno 10—(# )— era. They would raise the maxi­ governor and I am not aware-of the Two children in the line were found ently had been left to stand for some names or why they wanted to enter Special Prizes $5i)(|l mum* Federal contribution t9 the either group. looked out across the grain field over position of the Treasury June $ 1 East Hartford Rockville violation of any statute." already afflicted With the malady time at room temperature.'* the Soviet union. S Free Games! 1 Sweepstake Game! •tatea for pensions to ths needy Levitt, in Us letter, said In part: One A F lrU A W local a.t FUnt, tn Anotoar possible aouree was po- which fluttered the Stars and as follows; . the Fisher Body No. 3 plant, regis­ and running high temperntures- The whereaboute of her husband Reecipts, $10,p69.606J6; exp ■Residents Call Residents CbU - aged from $15 to $30 monthly, "The Senators and other peyaona teto salad for which the potatoes Stripes, 1st Door Prize: |(5,00. 2nd Door Prize: $2.50. PITTSBURGH® PAINTS tered disapproval of the strike call­ EpMeode Unger Control Om .” he said rubbing hla right remained as much a mystery as tM turea $15,197,030.39: net Free of Charge . which must bs matched by tfi# who partidpatod in the action vio­ Dr. Donnld Evans.' atate director had been peeled the night before. It 'day he disappeared from a hO“ 5 ■ Extra Cards, 10 cents Each or .3 for 25 cents. ^ Free of Charge lated, in my optnion,. Section 6169 ed. Their spokesman, Bruce Manley, hand with bis left. " I ahook hands 1 $2,901,763,219.48: customs r.J O'iLjJ The J .W .IU U CORK Rockirille statss. Proposals to eass ths re- of health, said the epidemic waa could have carried the disease had a next door to the United States em-' fulrement for stats matching of of th(s,JI«»etel atatutea o f Cennectl- ■aid they voted 10 to 1 to ignore the person handllng”ttom been a typhoid with a king. When 1 gist out o f the [fo r n^ntb, $6,407,680JW. Special Cards, 5 cents Each or 3 for 10 Cents, v -- Hartford 5-1494 Enterprise 90S0 the atatoz worst in recent ymr>. but CCC, I sung hope I can find a job." ^basay in^Hovamher, 1937. WAllHIDt . HORMIOt • WAIIKSPAK • SUN PHOOI M ANCHBSTBR . COHH* funds ware among the amendnotmU npte-waa under oontroL carrier, Dr. Simpaoo said. ksatea. 16R Faga Ia n .) -■ r ■ ■ ^ . ■ t FRroAT. jcrros », iw * THE WEATHER Feracaet of C. S. Weather. Bercan PAGiSEIOI fKtm rItrotrr Sttraitts U nralli a v e r a g e d a i l y d B C tX A T IO S ------• / for tbe.moatb of .May, 19S9 rioody followed by ebowerfe late t4mlght or Sunday: ayt much he must have known and valued Ji cndle roU child. Ana Alvord; th poulbUlUes of the 1939 graduaUs change' In temperature. Tha Rainbow girl* ara reminded but Indications are that they are his day. Should be ask Tor other Kindergarten. Mn. Erneat Krtu to hive all contributions for HERALD IS PRAISED newspapers as good as this I should W R E N ’S D SURVEY COMPLETE facing a difficult probtem In finding macher; Welcome,Gordon Tedford Slember6,238 of the .Andlt , ABOUT TOWN the sale tomorrow' at Hale.'a. at the occupatloha. / hand,him The Manchester HerxX pi^Uced by men who can th^k, song, "Jesus la tha Chlldrcn'i Bnzeiu of CireUiatlons \ itore at 9 o'cloek tomorrow jnom- y --- Friend” : reclUUon. Summer Sun MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VllX.VGE CHARM AH Prin^ry department’ children IN S H E R D ’S BOOK wrilp and 'affirm their real cc^^c- AT CEmmUHURCH •ihg. - J. ' ■ OF H. ^ T O D E N T S Marilyn Falrweather, redtaUon PR IC E THREE C E N T S of Center church school are request­ Uons.” (TWELVE P .\G E S )‘ ed to appear for rehearsal tomorrow PERSONALfROPERTY‘ ' "Frlenda", ■ Jana Burr; aong, Qo< MANCHESTF.R. CONN.. S.VTl^RDAY, JUNE 10, 19.19 ThV parish meeting at 8L Mary*a Other Local Angle^ Loves Ua All; redUtloni "Obd'i (CWisaUIfNi .\dv«rtlstng on Fage 10) \ morning at 9:30 pt the church. chiirch^lll convene Monday eve­ Cheney Silk MiDs Called One Dr. Shepard's ■ volum e^ replete' Program To Be Church” , Sally Emery, "In tha Haari VOL. Lvni., NO. 214 ning at tKpVlock to adjourn to Mon- Refates Theory That Only lIStlNG S n U HOLDS wdth Interesting stories he has, of a Seed, James Warren. "Clod'i Mrs. Joeeph Grahowskt of An-' da^ Ju ne^, at the same hour, to gathered tn hU mahy./tony walks j Plan” , Irene Dean, Kenneth King dever, formerly -of this tow-n, and ; rcreive tlie r^>rt and recorfimenda- One Ont Of Seven Finds Of Most Interesting In* about the state. , The' volume . con- , re n te d On Sunday; Jr. Joan BUickland; presentation oi King Congratulates CCC^ergeain|t Bbphle Grabowakl left last night for lion* o( the,a}H;(:lal committee ap­ New Special Act Does tains also a large yimber of beau-•. diplomas, the primary department Lslwrence. Maas,, to spend the week­ pointed under -IHg motion at the Not Apply To Jewelry. Ser tiful photographs. / Several of ttp-'y Mrs. Loula Marte; flag bearers, Jan« end with Rev. and Mrs. .1. Marry meeting May 22. dnstrial Plants In U. S. Choir To Gve P r o g im 'Vlckerman,. Robert Henderson, Ray­ BRIHANIG Zleba. Father Zleha was pastor of A Gainfnl 0ccnt>a6on. curities Qr FuPnighingB.^ photographs h a ^ been contribjrte' HITLER PREPARING mond Domuro announcing hymn; S t John's chiirrh op Golway street by Nathan Gatchell, a X Mre. Frank V. VVllllakui. chairman the faculty ^ Manchester IRgb first year leaders, Priscilla Bum- and about the fl/st of February as- of the fHilldren'a day exegrisea Sun­ It was voted today by the Board Tn hla race^Iv pipublished volume. Sunday will be observed as Chil­ ham, Robert King; second year lead­ siiteed charge of the I’nllsh bTatlonal There's a generally ^eepted of Aaaessori that sdthough the school. day morning at Ih'p .SeconcKC>ngre *3opnnecticut. Past and Present" In a nundier of plapek the FHieney dren's Day at the Center Congrega­ ers, Margaret Mozley, Sanford Bus-| Catholic church of La-tyrence gatlonal church, has calleuN^ re theory Ihaf only one out /-i>f seven ai>eclal act exempting residents from tional church. The program at 10:50 sell; third year , memory work;a EXACT PROPOSALS Pi^easor Odell Shepard of Trinity silk mills/«re referj-eil to. /Hie silk SAIL FOR NEW YORK; hcarsal of the program tomori>Hv High school graduates Itndfl gainful the necessity of declaring llata on a; m.. will open with music by the presentation of Bibles, the Junior i| real estate and cars has paaaetl, It Oollege praises The*'I|erald In hts plant la^alled oile of T t ^ most in- Department. Mra. Wataon Wood-ll -Group 3 of Center rhurclNw.omen 9:30 a.m. The flower commi .wcupalldn but It can't be applied t9 lereHtlng InduaLrlal pl^ts In the Junior choir and presentation of of which Mrs. Kenneth Burnham :1a would like to have the chlldr still will be obligatory for local per­ chapter on "The Cdqtempdrsry children for baptlam. Pupils In the ruff; first speaker, James Elliott: ,Man< heater High Jf a survey taken sona to declare personal items such count/y anj.E^r. S h e ^ d on two or leader, win hold Its flnal ■meeting bring flowers at ^Ui time for deco Scene." His comment oexura In a different depart.nenta of the church Cub, Parker Vetrano; Girl j the past twjo yeara Is any cri- aa seciirttlea. Jewelry an-1 furniture. three (s’,:i‘>lons to the artts- Elizabeth Thrall; Boy Scout. Roberj' FOIUVORLD PEACE and picnic, Monday afternoon at 3 ration. discussion of the surprls^ Timo­ school will have a ■'part In'the exer- lerlqn. /' Thla will be done In the regular way thy Dwight would receive If he were ti'i/uvit gocs-ljito^tne Cheney prod clae.s.-as follows: . Montte; second speaker, Barbar., HAILED IN RED BANK o'clock at the cottage of Mrs. Mar- aa has beep the practice always. to return to Connectlci't today. \ ' A ■ Baptismal service. Leaden, Eu­ Morrison, marshals, Barbara Baaer.^ old F. Bldwcll of Chestnut street.^ ^ The fltiterhood of Temp^ Beth TmKsuryey was 'made recently of The new act does away with a WIFE’S DEATH CAl'SES the tvrt^mases graduated In 19.38 Professor Shepard's comment Both libraries In town carry the genia Emery, David Boyd; Response William Shaw; offertory. The Inter-, Bl'SBAND TO St'CXX'Mli Sholom wIM hold Us final, party of system which has been declared new volume ll la published by mediate Department; the speaker._ MOXINU r,NDS BRIDGE The Veterans' Carnival committee and thq-lwo classes In 1037. The reads; "... I think he would fecE ani\ Christian Education, Ruth W ljn- Reports Reach French Dip* araaon, Sunday evening at S useless and outmoded by Improve Alfred A. Khqpf of New York and Marjorie Marte; "A Tribute", Hamll-^ G.\MK r.lGilT YE.VKS OLD | WUh Echoes (X 21-Cm Sa- will meet at the Army ' and Navy iVclnrk In Odd Fellows hall. .Mrs. fnrniejceoiuHsted of 278 student* and at home with The Hartfprd Courant, toniTlnt marshal, Hamilton Grafit; Dillon. 8. C„ June 10.—t4’l— menta in information gathering sells for LLSO net. second marshal, Harry Straw; ton Grant. club this evening at 7.30 o'clock. It WlIllitKr MoroWltr. of East <'.■liter of tjlese 87.8Sper rent were gain­ which the aaacMKjra have perfected Amerlca’a oldest newspaper, vK'hich loinatic Circles Fnehrer Informed that Mrs. C. B. Amette ALL NEW YORK I Omaha. Neb,, June 10.— tlo Sate ends tomorrow Big reduc­ .Mra. Ernest Krltxmaeher has' Talk Of King And Qneen Ar- It ended (they sweat tfa trusi graduates of last year for 83,6 p: (Theney. from usually well-informed sources tion on all quiet L,eon8rd 19SH called a rehearsal of the Beginners i-i'nl foiind gainful ocaipatlon with The original form of the bill, which 1 with never a partner's ace being j corned By Mayor Of Town models. Leonard Is the best refri­ I)epartment children of Center .33 (p.lng oh ,to higher education. tl6 iitd have done away with Hat flllng In Berlin today to the effect that AXISPARINERS riymg For One Of Largest j trumped. gerator bollt. *3 delivers - 3 years ehiireh school for to'tnorrow at 2 eng^cd In Industry, .3.3 In insurance in "the entlr> state was not approv­ Adolf Hitler was preparing, apeclflc Of 12,000; New Jersey's to pay. Benaon'a—713 Main street. o'clock. apil 3(E4n merchandising. ed, Lhe local act then was lub- L ’Aiglori Fashions' proposlUona to France, Britain aid No ftgures arts available atltute Recepffons in History Of Mrs. George Stiles of Hollister Surnmer the United Slates foi a settlement m E N D l V H A N D Governor Also Greets street will be matron of hopor /'at of the problems which are causing the wedding tomorrow afternoon at world war feara. Western World Is Heard. CAPITAL GIVES 4 o'clock at Trinity. Eplsc<.>j^al ■Rayon Zephyn The reports, which received no Action Taken In Effort To The British Monarchs. church, Hartford, of Mlsa Marjorl* C om fort open and official confirmation, said I„. Miller and James M. Gormley. of that Hitler was expected to make m U -E T IN ! RO YAL COUPLE the proposals .In a speech during the South Bend, Ind. Mrs. Stiles recent- Prove Falsity Of Allega New York, June 10.—(46— Fort Hancock. N. J., June 10.—<4) I ly entertained wdth a bridal shower Sheers (ariy part of July at .the launching King,George riops to sh^ake hMds vri(h ^ *(X c” liry!i. ^l'fr!TO**P.nn*ylVB^a Quinn’s ll A .J I party’s toim' of'the Civilian Conservation C'irps camp King George and Queen Elisa­ —Their BriUnnlc Majeatlea, Georgs at her home for Ml.sa .Miller lyho la CCC watcheii the Incident at right. MODES Fashion value to make Dark aklrta with white tops of a new German warship. beth arrived today at H:15 a. bons Britain And trance p^Hhown an imed up mr review. Robert Roosevelt Is In the background. BIG FAREW ELL the dsiighter-of Mr and Mrs. M. your eyes sparkle—make printed In green, black,, with He now is working on them at n • L Queen E lizab eth Is out of sight beneath her parasol,. Mra franklin U. VT and Queen Elizabeth, sailed at ' I.«wrenre Miller of VVarnnlon ave- m., e.d.t„ aboard the destroyer you feel so good! Wide black skirts. Sizes 14 to 20. Berchteagaden, the report s^ld. but Warrington. A mighty wel­ l^:SLa. m., (e. a t.) today on toa V. Week-End I nue, West Hartford. center. DOLLAR-PAK! /awake, awlrley - skirted there has been no hint of their na- Trying To Encircle Reich coming aalule arose from the S. 8. Warrington for New York and aheera for every summer ture. ,, . greatest rtty In Uhi western Thousands Of a World’s Fair reception after a 80- f'en^/Chiirch Women's Guild will occasion! Stunning dark Some dlplomaUc circles recalled world. ■/' hold,.^ final gnt-togelher for the and light prints of Bcm- ■ the House of Lords speech of Vis­ mtoute auto trip.from Red Bank. Specials. I .sealoin, Weilnesday at 1 p m. at the 'London, June 10— (4) —British berg and Crepe materials. count Halifax, BriUah Foreign mln- New York, June 10.—(46—Bast ans Gather For Great With toe echoes of a 21-gun sa­ iT^urch. Luncheon wdll he followed Top them with your big •Ister Thursday night in which he statesmen have extended the open URGES H AUFAX threaten new steps lute roaring to their ears, Britain a brim hat and saunter told of Britain's wlHlngnfesa to’ ex- hand of friendship to Germany and aide, west side, all around the town, M id n i^ Sendoff As HoD rulera boarded toe 98.000,000 de­ ■forth a faahlon leader! amlne such problems at the con­ Italy In what circles close to the all the talk today wa# of the King stroyer-leader at 8:48 a m., (a a. VI' i: iircn. t>r mcini>«rn wni l aim »-m. . L'Atglon proudly preaenta and paaaed between lines of eeamaa for poison ivy ference Uble If Germany would re­ government called an effort to D EFIN ITEY A Q TO BREAK RESISTANCE and Queen and their arrival for one what it feels la one of the nounce any threat of force. Diplo- of the largest receptions of welcome Bids Official Goodbye. and officers standing at atUt attaa- Mode" very smartest tailored frocks prove the falsity of German allega­ tloo. Three mlnutM later, too War­ 50c mast said that this speech might tions that Britain and France were In the history of the jveetern world. of the.season. Furthermore, have been the key to the Reichs- rington cast off her moorings ai)d EXPECT URGE TURNOUT It Is the perfect dress to wear trying to encircle the Belch, The UPON H IS T A IX When King Oeorge and Quwn proceeded up New Tork bay. ..j< fuehrer’a reported decision. statesmen made It clear, however, Enizabcth, nearing the end of their to the Fair for It 1s cool and Can’t Reconcile Reports German Anthorities Qaestion SEEK PO SSIBLE Washington. June 10.—(46—^ resists mussing. that the friendly hand could become history-making tour, turned their apontaneous midnight farewell Gypsy Stin Tan Oil AT EMANUEL’S SOCIAL Diplomats In Paris said they were a mailed flat. smiling feces toward the Manhattan RMAtliL TOWN SALUTES 4* unable to reconcile the reports t f In the past (wo days Prime Min­ Fa^st Press Advises Brit­ Yonng Czech Woman skyline, a vast eager throng stood from tlmueande of cheeitag Wash Red Bank. N. J.. June IQ.-m-’ 49c PACM6E OF (S MODESS MAKIRS Hitler's plans with continuing Ger­ m iE H ElPEIt In g to i^ # sent King George and In a typieally-Amorlcan email town ister Chamberlain, Foreign Secre­ ready to greet them—the first nUIng Brotherhood Secures I,eftorer man press attacks against the Brit­ tary 'Viscount Halifax, Chancellor BriUah monarcha ever to vlalt New aetttog. New Jeraoy Mluatad Itog- Quekn Bllsabeth on to New Tork land’s king end queen today t o w To DemouHlrnte Safety ' In ish foreign secretary’s speech. of the Exchequer "Sir John Simon ish Foreign Secretary To YOrk^ _ today for fresh acclaim to the na- Some suggested, however, that one-tlmf colony of .toe Britlap 10c Woodbury’s The Homca For N ext T uck* and War Secretary Leslie Hore- litdlcatlone were that 2,000.0<)0 Uon’B metropolis. demands In German newspapers New Torkers would glimpse the day.^>'rninif. Bellsha all have stressed Great Bri­ Back Up Assertion BriUiin SL’It'lS : m «cnoN Cordial handclasps from Becre- LMvtog their royal 'blue and riivap Facial Soap .OthPl"** $5.98 to that\Britain ahow Her intentions by tain's willingness to seek a peace- Roykl couple before the end of the tary and Mrs. Cordell Hull formed Sheer "a c tl^ ^ not words’’ might be Uie fuF settlement o f any claims by panoramic trip that was to bring train at Oie little flag-draped I r w 4 Bars 29c the only official goodbye at Union sUUon to toe town center qt 9OT -. A large turnout Is expected at tjie Buy Modess the economicEd way ! Fuehrers way of preparing for defl- Germany and Italy. At the same Ready To Disenss Claims G rl Denies Any Assistance them before nlghtfeU to President station, but toe entouelastic erowda annual "Ijidles' Night" prograHi, , nlte: propqaltlona...... Prague, June 15-^— Nazi offi­ Rooecv(ett’e j^eceful estate at Hyde m., (e. a t ) George V I ^ Dress Dept time they emphasized Britain's new which hailed toe British nxmareha gaUabeto received friendly hnao»- Bponspted by the Brotherhood of the Oth’er diplomats asserted both military might. cials today threatened new '’meas­ Park. N. Y. at every opportunity Thursday and Optically Ground Emanuel t,ulhrran ehureh. next 68 of these softer, safer sariitary Cottons Tops Own Performances oloaps, ofllolal neettogs ai)d Germany lUid Italy were becoming The prime minister, speaking In Rome, June 10.—(46—The Fascist ures" to break Czech resistance to In Amatenrish Plan Of FYlday refused to let them iMve Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. All more dlsturbh Observing that neutrality legisla­ were'■’a complete failure." Oeorge’^lodked hlb> tp toe eye, and Special Sale Price! today the claim by Albert LAvrttt of then ho realized ho was going to be ceptance by toe Navy^ DepartroewL-^ tion appeared to be the only stum­ Redding that a,statute bad been Declares Plsnts Down Be Taken To New York. Fishnet Turbans - bling: block In the way to a pro­ Elmer Dowel], bead of General g^ken to- by rojralty. violated by members of the General "The king asked me how I llke^ I MAY BE PLANE WRECTUtOB J§l Wrap around styles — can tie worn three ways. Colors; Whita', jected July 15 adjournment of Con­ Motors activities In the AFL-UAW Assembly's upper-House In tbe re-J being to toe C(X:.’’ ho said. "It wasT Milford Haven, Waleo, Jnae Navy, Red, Green, Yellow, Orchid. gress, DemocraUc Leader Barkley cent appointment of minor court declared that "contrary to reporU, Order Mass Immunization 1(46—The possibility *hat a torgd said'House sction would be awaited the plants In Flint sre down and the tough for a second or two.' 1 cquid Moscow, June io.-r- (46— Ruth Judgea Mario Rubens—for 18 moiitoo iMMUnc wheel »nd Wt of wtrot pictes before the quesUon U taken up In Saginaw plant will be closed down not say anything.” up by toe trawler Yezo might to In a letter Levitt said he has writ­ , Draganza said he finally managed Russia’s mystery prleoner- may the Senate. ten to State’s Attorney Hugh M. Al­ if It tries'to operate.'" To Halt Typhoid Epi^^mic the fragment of some anBaocenml ; Summer Candies He referred to tbs Chevrolet as­ to stammer, "Fine,” and from then aUrt for the United States tonight s, ' ■ 't- * Ic each The president has said that plans corn of Hartford county, the former — t ------, to shed . light on Investigation of trans-Atlantle airplane woe snggenU, QUICK,' EASY WAY TO ^ for his western trip must remain Federal Judge and special assistant sembly plant and tha Fisher; Body i on It was a breeze.. ' ' ' ed today by port officlala- s M > Fresh Cocoanut Bon Sons ...... lb. 19c Plant No. 1 at Flint and the Otevro- "W e got reel chummy," he said, passport frauds vlleged there. teotatlvs until he has more Infcvma- to the U. S. attorney general urged Sequlm Wash., June 10.—(46— T He said no rigid reatrictlona had Soviet authorlUes promised to re­ wreckage was picked up IflO m l^ GLORIFY FURNITURE . Neckwear Dept. the prosecutor to “institute proper let grey Iron foundry at SAglnaw. Maas ImmunisaUon of persons with- been Issued, other than Isolation of "and finally toe king asked me If I . tlon on the adjournment date, but had gained any weight. I told .him lease her sometime today following west bf the Scllly VHaada *“ . " * * * l j Frosted Cocoanut Caramels there were authoritative reports criminal proceedings against the 'U negotiations are,.not started; In several miles at this Dungenesa ; patlenta, but bk warned residents to normal courac of tra n e-A tla ^ ^ seven pounds." a quick trial yesterday 4n which she Now it’s eaar to ntake drab farntat* that he was eager to; etsul before members of the Senate "who partlcl' , Dowell ^ added,'"a sufficient . .___ number , ^ valley trading centor was toe object i boll all water and nallk aa a precau- fliers end apparently hrt heed la to t 1 Pound Licorice, Assorted6 (1 •aaea.aea i-w Needlepoint for pillow tops, foot stools, chair seats, bags, pated In the minor court Judgesh^ of plants wU be shut down to see King Gearge appeared aurpriaed. acknowledged entering RuMla on a ■and woodwork gleam with bright, t n A Auguet. bf health autooritlea today to tUm. _ „ ^ false passport. She was sentenced to fo n t long tone. ▼ ti! tm S B U R G H 1 Pound Molasses, Assorteded...... 'ill etc. Three sizes ...... 69c, $1.00 and $2.50 fTTdeal.' . ^ I that «e*»saHa44mianegotiations Aare P * hdlVflfflbegvin, '* ly end what they termed a major Twraty Rad Ooe# nurses were " I told him that waa nothing," newneast OM coat of WATERSPAR While the Senate was in recess O en e^ Motors operations came Draganza added. "I told him that 18 months In prison which, alth to­ WATERSPAR 1 Pound liemon. Assortedd ...... Sun and Moth Proof Tapestry Y am ...... skein 25c today, the House planned to finish There was no comment from Al outbreak of typhoid fever. „ j sent hare under charge at MUs BEsbuES SIX IN BLAEB ENAMEL' Ayera the surface'jMlidlF. to ■ complete standstill early in some of toe fellows bad. gained* 94 day, she already has servqd. Ware, Mass., Juno 10. — (*> I Pound Mint, Assorted . debate on amendmente to the Bp- corn who said he had not aa yet re­ C!rpas, aute and county offl-1 Gladyoa Badger, of Ska Francleco, American emibaiw]; .. officials , decUn- ENAMEL *********** Linen Tea and Guest Towels, stamped for embroidei^’, 29c ceived euch a letter. 1987 when the UAW caUed a series ^.iff united to combatting the i area nursing director, pounds." C l^ le e Ooldsteto, a cattle Dries in 4 houra without bruabrurks— 1 Pound Jelly, A s s o rte d ...... dial Security Act. of stt-dowa strikes. That was two Whistled From Snrpriae cd to confirm whether aha would be rcsrmtd six persons from the semJ Per Quart Stamped Linen Chair S ets ...... 59c BMooraged By Soceees OoemBet Of malady which has stricken 82 school j goureea of toe disease were at taken to New York as a wltneM to lasts for years. Wide assortment o t 1 Pound Wafers, Assorted ...... But, Senator^ Anthony Rich ot ysars before dtaasnsion divided tbe children and one teacher among toe i trtboted to a lack of refrlgeraUon to John said be would not swear to S S X r of r b ^ g JweUtog 9d.i Stamped Crash Tablecloths ...... * - Vbc and 95e Administration leaders, ,wte bad Bristol, RepubUean Braate leader,I union Into two separate, organize' It, but It looked to him as If His the Investigations there. day by backtog Ha hnge cattle vnj|J $1.50 washable colon from which to choose. 600 persons to tha northeastern | a school hmehroom. ___ No Questions On Espionage plscsd the revialoaa on their list .of said that "so long as none of us re-1 turns. Majesty almost whistled from sur­ npagalnst the home, and permit*— Scarfs to Ddatch ,,...... 1.....**29c ' major objactlves for this session, Olymide peninsula town. Thare hnva .h. Although Soviet newspapers seven ceived any profit or personal benefit’ Has Refnas* ts Nagottate bera no deaths. Dr. A. U. Simpson, chief of tbe prise. them to JniuP ®" **• We Give jl-fif Green T'rading Stamps With Cash Sales. Pillow Tops. . 29c wers encouraged by their succeee In' Dowell said Gensral Motors, When the Interview was done, toe months ago referred to her and her Chief Theodore Deslauriera he didn’t see how any statute was About 1,000 persona already have Health Depsrtoent’s lalwatory_ ffi- husband as “ spies,” the court asked The F. T. Blish Hardware Co. - .'defeating yesterday every attempt ^ refused to negotiate In IS plants on boy got his second shock—toe king the dampge at 98.000. Free Parking In Rear of Store. Second Floor. . ' ‘ ' violated. been immunized. Yesterday a long vision', aold 208 tnms, left over from no questions along the lines of espi­ 798 Main Street Telephone 4121 ‘‘■■ftO alter the oommlttee euggeetiona. U n ito r D o w n e s . Democratic lead-1 the ground that lltlgstton pending a traveling parnlvtol -and accepted as stuck out his hand. Tbs rsvialaos would liberalize so­ stated: - • I In (Jlrcult Court here to determine line of men,' women and chlldrett was certainly taken back. onage. from the surrounding valley took a donation by toe school, may have ■‘1 cial security benefits and ejetend •We tried to do our consUtuUosnal I which faction U enUUed to cohtracts John Mid. “ I - never e'Ven shook S.he was nrft pressed either for ex­ ’TRB.YSUBY BALANCE HEADQUARTERS FOR.G. E. APPLIANCES AND ANDES RANGES. their turn before hertto authorities been a aouroe of toe epidemic. He planation why she and her husband Colors By Raturfi^ f^aintsT/l^iPittsburgh, them to sddiUatial clsases of work­ duty and were urged to do eo by the a l^ y^ etgn ed ehould »>e complrt^ said toe buna, all buttered, appar­ bands with • congressman." to recelye Immunization treatments. ’ As he related the story,i toe boy obtained passports under false Washington, Juno 10—{im­ ers. TTwy would raise the maxi­ governor and I ana no^ aware of the I before Uw corporatlwi • Two cblldran to the line were found ently hod been Jeft to stand for some mum* Fed^nl contribution to tbs looked out across the grain field over names or why they wanted to enter position of toe Treasury June East Hartford Rockville already afflicted irito toe malady time at room temperature. the Soviet union.. ^ states for pensions to tbs needy "1 !:ritt: in part: f ' ^ e T O u A W locsl at FUnt. in Another poealbie aourea was po- which fluttered toe Btora and as foUowa: / Residents Call X r p & t h ^ r t a r Body No. 2 P»*nt and running high temperatures, The whereabouts of her husband Reeeipta,; Residents Call aged from 915 to 990 mopthly, FpiAMaa* Under Control Uto salad for wttieb the poutoee StripM. remaineji as much a mystery as the PITTSBU RG H # PAIN TS ' Free o f Charge who participated to the action vlo- terad disapproval of the strilw <^1- "Gee," he said rubbing hla right turea, 815.197.08098: net bals srtaleh must bs mstehsd by the bad been peeled toe night before. It totw Lto myoptotoo. Bsctlwi 5169 led. Their iQtQltesman, Bnira Dr. Donald Eyone, ^ t e director hand with Ws left, "I shook hands day ho- dlMppeerod from a houi 89,901.768919.48; cuetomd Free of Charge J.W. H A U CORI RockviUe ststee. Proposals to anas tbs rs- of health.DiWkUle MidffiiUU toe%MV epidemienjMeaamaeaeae — '" could— —■—have - — carried-tbe------dlsemse had . _, a* riext door to the United States em- S toe g e n ^ etatutos of CennecU-j said voted 10 to 1 to Ignore toe with a king. When I get out of tbe , pmnto, 96,407,58098. jidrement for stata 'matching of toe aUte’s worst to recent yeara, but- person bandltog toem b e y a typhoid baMy to November, 1987i WAUHIDE • flOPHIOt - WAMWSMAk • SUN PkOOI Hartford 6-1494 Enterprise 9080. tgnds were among the amendihwite CCC. J ^ hope I can And a Job.” MANCHBSTIR . C O M H < Pagn Xan.> now was under eontroL carrltr. Dr. Bimpnon said. r ' l^ t m lon PiBcn: .a P A G E T H R E E MANCHESTER E\^NlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY. JUNE 10.193» l^AGrE kW O

SENIOIlfCLJ^ DANCE , come diseaae. Only while fear or atn Noted Trio of Stars ABOUT TOWN ALL NEW YORK remains can it bring forth death. To CAPITAL Woman’s Heart Definitely cure a bodllv ailment, every broken METHODIST CO NFEREE t Delegates of Andersoa-Shaa Post, News Of Vets and Jheir Auxiliaries . ^ I n c H SCHOOL moral law should be taken-Into ac­ VFW of this town WUl attend the count and the error be rebuked. Found Not In Right Place monthly meeting of the Hartford I T l E l r o y a l LE EAGER TO SEE Fear, Which la an element of all dis­ DROPS EPISCOPAkTIl R«Urinf Faculty Member Pre­ Ccunty OouficU tomorrow afternoon ease. must be cast out to readjust sented With Bouquet; En­ in PlainvlUe. Claraaca Paterson, Past the balance for God. Casting out l>ort would be 100 percent paid up T Perth Amboy. N. J.— attand a apeclal; fmm the V served at the Church Wednesday at VETERANS tA R N IV A l The above title l» new the name service tomorrow afternoon In 'rifidowe pf lofty bu il^gs. _ A cordial welcome to all. d^ague Convention CompilUre slandar'ts. We,wish them every suc­ self win be present. All Post, Auxil­ ' bareheeded tn the Intense heat. Tha crowd, kept by armed troops APPEALS BOARD GETS. 6'30 p. m.. outdoors if the weather, 9:30 a. m.—Church School \ y of whet h»» been cnlled for one Puhlli- ceremonies during • the Christ Church Cathedral. Hartford, Other thousands lined the . 8* meet. y' „ cess . ■ iary, club members and their wives SAIL FOR NEW YOiUi; from gstUng within 100 yards of miles of streets through which tba permits. F.at your supper at home, 10:45 s. m-^—Church Sen As''for onr pari in th* Yankee | hundred ye'are by two different ■ Roysl rislt reached their climax yes­ in obadtvance of the vUlt to the or wherever you ran gel It; then for Tuc-sday at 4-00 p.m. the Sunday OPENS NEXT- MONDAY are we1(»me. - As corned beef and the royal ooupl. aa It stood on the lESTS King and Quaan ware to rids oh. Nursery. , , Division Veterans' A.swretatton namee. For about fifty years It was terday afternoon, when the King THREE NEW .United States of King Gaoiga and dessert, come and have strawberry school teachers. ' ~ , cabbafe to a famous Irish ^ah, wa called the Providence Conference of station platform and Ka vlaw block- their trip to the Fair and later to a 6:00 p. m.—Intermediate League Ttfuraday at ?:30 p.m. the Senior National Convention In Hartford. placed wreaths on the tombs of HAILED IN RED BANK ad by tba atatlon ttaalfixbroka into ! Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain. shortcake and Ice cream. Soft 6:00 p. m.—Senior _^pworth The Manchester Veterans Associa­ extend to all our British vete'raa the Methodist Episcopal church and George Washington end America’s reception at Columbia UnUerslt choir will meet. Jun* 22. 23, 24. 25, we can report friends an Invitation to be our 1 • _____ ' I Io«d chaera as t^a king aqd queen _ Members will assemble . at the Buildings Bright W^h Bnntf drinks extra, if you wish any. • League. Rev. Stanley Xendlg. tion will open Its nig outdoor carni­ progresa on the float, and liave-Mc­ since then haa ROne ■ by the name unknown soldier, and el the Cana­ Will Meet Next Thureday 'church at 3:30 p. m., the service to W mid-week devotional service Saturday afternoon the Brother­ gueats.— Murphy's Restaurant will "(UnntlBiMd from One) first cama within their view- to an-' P- British and American flags j rector of the Recreatlpfial Program Collum's Horribles. Als»» (Turley Olds of the New England Southern Con'- dian cross In honor of Americans Act On Petitlona Asking , begin at 4 o'clock. I be,held Thursday at 7:30 p. m- hood outing will be held. val Monday evenlns June 12lh at 7 cook the eats. Some Hartford gueota ferenee of the Methodist Episcopal .‘.ho died fighting In the Canadian ter ths waiting cars. bedecked New York for Royalty ' for tobacco field workers, speaker, The Sunday School picnic will be p. m. The carnival will be trelil-on tells-me th* l.egton Drum and Bugle Bishop n. Bromk^j Oxxuun For Exemptions. ,, , , , . w ... < brlaf alx-hour visit, and many build la will .,e the last of these ser- 7:30 p. m.—Evcirtng worship In Orps Is all set for the big parade win be present. church. Blit' at last month’s ees- lorces. fo\ Cheers Loud and Long. held Saturday, June 24th In Hill s the ground of the Britlsl. Ainorican The post voted to send th# druin I nnd thair wives. ^8* bright with bunting In the "^vlpeB until fall. the ehapel. A ^ o u r of quiet, real All ..uin'cr’E chib on the corner o. Spruce ami and hn Is entering his Silk City Gals tlon tn Kansas City of the uniting j After the wreath of IrU. carna- Ths cars wars closed, the apecta- 69 Cambridge...... street entertained • . - i colors of ths two nations. The Junior C. F meeting will be Grove. ' Tyrone Power and Alice Faye, the romantic stars of . , corps to the V.F.W. Department Conference of the Methodist Epie- "Your Majestlaa have honorsd Tht Zoning Board of Appaalt to- and worship./Dr. Story, speaker. RagUme ^ n d , ’ arc joined by Al Johon, the,star who sings b.> k » ^ I'^'t Maple streets It Is i*qneeted that in the Horribles parade. Walt till the I tiona and lilies waa laid reverently tpni view of ths royal couple wai day gave notice that at the.meHtlng uitb a dinner party at their home A threat of occasional showers ■- held Friday at I p m. The topic, The Week gals see our mitflts! Gals, well do wo Convention In Bridgeport June 16. copal church, the Methodist Epli- STUDENTS ARE GUESTS ' el Uie tomb of rita m*n WKiTlstl th(' . - - - - "or, "blit their cheers were loiid and SWEDISH t'ONGREO.XTION.Afc eve'ryrne “ nts to remember. In "Rose of,W “ 5‘n *l°" Sq'.ar^ iblh 'every member of the post who pos­ of tilf Mard to be held Thursday last night in honor of their, daugh­ harassed the welcoming committee, '^>How Can India Be Won for Mond^—6:30 p. ra.. Cub Scouta. sibly can, be on hand, to start work. reme'mbeV’th* chinv night In rrovl-117 and 18. and the port vrtU I^rnda copal Church South, and the Metho- l.'l colonies in revolt against. Eng-* "T’he State la named after the Isle ter, Miss Frances Wallett, who Is S. E. Green. Minister lury-Fox’s forthcoming entertainment hlghllghla. The film will open dUV Protestent Caurches. the worde evenlnjg of next week at 8 o'clock, but there waa little prospect of fog Christ?" The leader. Pplly iiarshall. 6:30 P ^ . , Girl Scouta. The success of the Veteran’s carni-, denre when a certain guartllan of behind them. We are not going in laiul. a mrnilier of the .M.^nt 'Ver- ' Jeysey. Philip Carteret, the first Many of the thousands had stood a member o{ the senior class at This will be the last meeting 0^ the Sunda)^ at the itate theater. ^ ' for class this year. The uniform "EpUcopar and "ProteatiuiV'. were AT PICNIC LUNCHEON non Ladles' Aesoclatton went up’ t o ; k‘*V*Tnor of Jersey c*m* from the they/Would give hearing on three dow'n New York bay to spoil a pan-- TuMKlsy—4i00 p. ni.. BrowTiicx. ■ val means a lot to the Mons-5 pr«'s thc cash box had to klas all th* oflt since dawn in the sultry heat of dllUnnt qqestlons. Ths application Manc^ster High school. The party The Sunday School wdll observe win be dark pants, a white shirt deleted, and the three churcheji now the automobile tn which the Queen l Jereey In 1884.' . . oplled arrival of tha royal party by Juniors until fall. L 7:00 p. m.. Boy Scouta. 7:30 p. m., rost, flnanOlHlly.. a.s i( Is mostly . er»,of the law on Ih* line of march this mid-June day. The temperaturs ^ t h e Manchester Lumber and Fuel of a ^ iit 18 young people later at­ The tas*^ nieetlng of the CKilden ^eclllan club. 7:30 p. in.. Stanley CJhildren's Day Sund^ «-lth a varied Just'to gel htir tcmiicrature shove and a dark Ue. Wo had an Idea that form the ohe Methodlet Church, a eat with .Mrs. Rooacvelt ] The governor then preeented King wraa in tha high 80a as the royal ■ca from Sandy Hock on tba de­ in Ihe Court of Peace whUh haa through onr share of the pnttits tlinl High School Stiniora Entcr- Company for permission to ferect a, tended the ;ienlor dance at High stroyer Warrington while bells and Rule Clim, will be a social meetin Group. , , „ program beginning a.1 10:30 o we are able to meet onr obllRatinnH Ihe freezing point. Wee Willie and due to the National Convention be- great body of coma nine end one party paaaad by. school hall. The Sunday School pe'clod at 12;(K) esling capacity of ten thousand half mllUona of Methodists all over . (aincd AI rrya till hprlngs ., slmriiy ! ‘■f'"nd scroll resolution of welcome sign on Ua premises at 225 Center whistles sounded a Joyful clamor. In charge lb" social coniml Wednesday-/ 7:30 p. m.. Lecture thronghmit the year Plea.se plan to the Carnation were a sight for sore tng in Boston this year, tha attzndr Tha station reception lasted otM street to be located toss than 30 feet CONNECnCUT DAY The program wt" . Inrludc brief H\ Kfv, And M th. E s ( i . E usk a« nhr Ah(M>K iHe Qiieon'H hnnd, | ndnptcd by the Leftelatura on Mon- Patrol boau, their men In full dress, to be held Kri-lay at P m- and Technicolor moving plcturea.of o'clock will be omitted. speeches by Governor Baldivtn and give as many nights you can for the rye* Ati .w. n- /I , 1. I evlaonced•''menccu Keen keen imerMi. Interqat inIn aociniaocinl ings.” Main street Into the new a'dditton cipal address will be delivered by Outing. 6:45 p. m.. Choir rehearsal. preatdenl and this alone should bring hills to chaperone ua remember? 41st birthday 'Thuraaay. We don’t the New England area, Hev, Q. guests of Rev. end sws F. O. Lusk I govci nniejital pfOIncms, Heated with curtalrui drawn oiyntost of Its for the monarohs’ arrival. Over It, Rev. James Slum N«dll, Rector 7:4.5. gram. there will be a colorful pa­ BKF--BEK. "We welcome Your Majestiea,'' he to the north of the present store ; Levi Garrison of WlUlmantlc. for- Wedneaday evening prayer serv­ rade from the Court of Peace to out every member on the lot Mon- know If "Tiny" forgot to eouat Bromley Oitnara, wa» to cause the and friends last night at a picnic at ! with I’lcHldcnl and .Mr»\ Roosevelt coaches pulled Into the little frame known as Pni Main atreet. I merly supervisor In the schools of through a lane of palms, the king New England Southern Conference said, "with a great deal of pleasure, station in the tow n ^n ler on Mon- and queen were to walk for the wel­ Sunday. Jijrle . 11—FirA, Sunday SECOND CONGREGATIONAL ice. 7:30. the ConnecUcut eahlblt In the New years, but wa are taking hto word Crystal .Springs, Ellington, A picnic brni'rdh the liiuples on tlic'epreading pride and affection." EMward J. Holl is asking for per- Bolton...... George ______Ro.se,, . chairman...... of Governor And Staff And Congratulatlons to the local Y. D of the Mythodiet Episcopal church ^mouth street w h w United .States come by Gov. Herbert H. Lshman CHURCH Friday evening the Young Peo­ England building where brief cere­ for It. luncheon prepafed by Mrs. Lusk Was White House lawn In late ^teriioon The King responded to the wel mission to erect two dwelling ] thp Board of Education, will present after Tr'lnL...... ple's Society will hold their monthly V A. club for bringing sueh a tine to adjo&m. Then In a moment ho served after which, garfiea were en­ Army troops and'state ami munici­ and Mayor F. H. LaGuardla, 9:30 B/fn.—Church School. M*n a Ferris E. Reynolds. Ph. D., Minister monies will be held. Past Post Oomroander Bill Bar« they diacuaned a variety of gm^h sub­ cornea, hut only those very near him houses, one at 221 and the other at : diplomas to eight graduates. meeUng at the home of .Mr. and Further arrangements for the en­ sliow to Manchester. .1 was luesenl roo was unanimously re-electeil Dto* called together the New England jects with e few New Dealei pal policemen ^ood guard. Mayor LaGuardla had a huge Bible Otass. • " Fool Guards Will Be Al joyed. and 'caught hla words. Mrw Moore pre 229 Summit street In a residential | ----- Program Mrs. HJalmer Carlson, 9 Hemlock tertainment of Onnectlcul visitors Saturday evening and ran honeally tftet Commander at tha dtotrtot Southern Conference of the Mgtho- Menibara of Uie claea honor«d others at eh Informal tea. , It waa thetr harked Into a siding A zone,, which rcqtilijes 6.000 square Mlaa Hazel Trotter of East C ^ter sheaf of American beauty roiaa for 1 0 ^ a. m.—Morning Prayer and 10:45—Children’s Day s f ■ sentrd the Queen with 25 orchids, to remain ^ t l l 8 a m., ,fe. a. t.) street, at 8:00 o'clock. on ConnecUcut Day will be announc­ say those who mtoaed It. missed a meeting held In the Hartford Po*i diit church, Thue waa quickly ac- were Ihe cla.-;a co-wilutntnrlan'. .MltJ CIO Hfesldenl John L Lewli'^e- named by thetr grower the "Queen t»fit, on lots that each have a. front- ] street has as her guests for tfie Queen Elizabeth. . Semon. Sermon topic: “ Weddings^ and Baptismal service. DNIItO STATI8 oompll^ed one 6f the most far when Kiiig George VI and Queen '4:00 p. m.—Evening Prayer and Prelude—Andante, Dennee. • Colorful Rites June 22. ed shortly. treat. We also rongrstulate Ih e^ y s Robma |art Sunday night. Tommy Louise Cliambcrs aiii! .Miss Marjorie cllned in InvlIatUui. but Wlllliffl Elisabeth," and Mrs. English pre­ age of 50 feet and a depth of 113 . weekend Mr-and Mrs. Joseph Post The brief reception waa planned on a very fine anappy uniform. They reaching changes In the history of .MvAdam. Mlsa fJorothy Hobby. .Miss Green of Uie AKL was there In a , ElizabeUi were to entrain to re- 'aermon. Sermon topic: •'Samari­ Processional. Church school. ■“ t h e SALVATION'a r m y Morrison of Hartford waa the dto> sented a bouquet of delphinium. feet or less than 400 square feat of and three children of Neenah, Wls., with precision. Chalk marks In front looked swell. . ___ all three churches, Marion Mason, Bruce McAlister and cuteway coat. Government labor end I ceive on official welcome front New the requited area for such a permit who are on a tour of the East and of the pier showed the place where tans". Exercises and graduation. 681 Main Street tricta choice for Department Junior The reception over, the King turn­ Jerae^ and the town. Due to the carnival our monthly A ^ r the Conference had voted Nelson Kilpatrick relief offictal.s also were In the group.. ed to Bhake hands with Col. Mark from the building Inspector. The Week Hymn. Major J. W. Bech ' Hartford. June 10- Connectloul Vice (Commander and Fred Banker Bank, gaily bedeckad with have visited tba World's Fair. Hist the carpet would be Isid, and tto and (3VES MOTHER CREDFT meeting will be held In Ihe British the change It went on With Us usual Following the picnic the party re- To one of them the king wee re­ O. Klmberllng, hlue-uniformed head Trotter and Mrs. Post 'before her exact spot for the car tn which tba Monday,. 6;.’10 p. m.—Junior Benediction. ■ may rank among the smaller slates for Chaplain and their names will reutthe, tp4 Stars and Stripes and the Union Postlude—March, in F. ^lair. | American club ofi , be put up at the Department Oooq . tumad to the parsonage where e ported to have said: / of tha New Jersey state police, end marriage were classmates at the royal pair would rlda. ' Intermediate Choir rehearsal Saturday. .Street meeting 7 :.30 p. in the nation but plans for the offi­ ning. Jun# 21et Instead of neZl 45 ed- .irllllaat P treetton Boclal evening waa enjoyed. "Eiigland le much mors liberal ack flying side by aide, waa up 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friendly Society . The Week 'Turn Out the Guard here cornea 1 yentlon in Bridgeport for election. presented him to the Queen. Wheelock school, Bbstofi; Tha monareha’ longest echaduled cial Connecticut Day celebration at FOR COLLEGE DEGREE nesday. By hie brilliant and maetarful with reference to social welfare Army Band Plays early for the ocesaton. Tuesday, 7:00 p m.—B<>y Scouta. Monday at 7:00—Boy Seouto. Inside at 8 o’clock, apeclal lecture. the Marines!" . In the Hartford Oourant, W edne» stop of the day waa a three and a the World’s Fair on Thursday, June, Don’t forget the camt^al A voice from aomewhere In back prealdency the new young bishop measures than people generally An Army band struck up Htindrede Line Btraets. Nobis Grand Mrs. MUdred Ulllsr 7:30 p. r' Senior Choir Tuesday at Y^OO, G lrl^ u ta . The Might. Magic and Myater>’ of 22 are designed to present the m^g- -\1F,F,M’.S day morning was a picture o< a ntoa WEDDINGS half hour visit to the New York ' Wednesday 6:00—The M ailed New Orleans. June 10~(J5-Mll bellows: *baa been conducting the conference reengntze " Save the King". The King ced The town’s 12,000 population was and iflce Grand Mrs. Anna Dfc»> arc World’s Fair, with a tour of - hearaal. Our Day" by Len R. Hall of San gest as well aa the most colorful receiving a Orngreatoonal MadoL la a way very pleasing to all the SCHOOL COAL SUPPLY Sometime during hit visit here, suddenly about and iwung to tten- multiplied many fold during the Thursday.-6::t0 p. m.—Girl ScouU. Couples' club wlU have sn ouUng. ton Hills received his bachelor of •'Whore they?" and part of tha speech by the giver the represahtatlves from Sunset Re- Canadian nnd British pavlUona Pedro, Cal. piYienuTi on the FMr’s calend*ir. arte degree at the 'Dilane Unlver- Maybe this needs some explaining. Biambers throughout the three dur- the British ruler found occasion to Uon. When the last soiin ' dled night and hundreds llnad u e ztreeU bekah lodge to the "Heme day*’ to­ Tuesday, June 20—9:00-9:30 p. Supper furnished by the Sunday services as follows; Willard B. Rogers, chairman Of was, "and you will be rcmembefto8 Priess-Weber colonial exhibits. Thtiradav from 5:30 to 7JK)—The alty commencement exereleea. hur Of the nearly 1.200 men and wo­ tricta. Providence. New Bedford discuss world effalri w'lth President away, he walked. Up the letform soon after dawn. morrow at "Falrvlew,” the Odd Fel­ m St. Mary's Junior and Interme­ Company meeUng, Sunday school the Connecticut World’s Fair C w - for yOUr herq^m for a Ipnc- tltiie t* ^ BIDS CALL IS ISSUED Roosevelt, a subject which may oc­ to inspect 100 picked t pe from Mrs. Olga Weber of 299 East Tba routs of the royal diate Choirs will broadcast over annual strawberry ried home after the ceremoniee men from Manchester who saw aerv- and Norwich. Bishop Oxnam baa Many of them crowded ths streets lows home at Groton. For tba first waa along expreaa ^blghwajre. 9:30 a. m. mtoslon. announced today tiiai Epieds ChapteV come." It seems to me we hoMf alao given three wonderful addressee cupy even mors of their attention Fort Hancock under cxjnimend of nsar tba elation platform, but none Middle Turnpike, widow of Oscar SUtion WTHT tn Hartford. by the Women’s LeaguewHl 1m held place hto cap and gown on his lee In the World War. perhaps two time the exerclsee are to be held on through central park and across tha Holiness meeUng at 11. every transportation company in heard that stuff before. In abool under the titles "A Sense of Whet tn the quiet of a Hyde Park week­ Cept. F. J. Woods of the 83nd Coast was permitted to approach within Weber, was married this forenoon on the church lawn. .The public to 3 p. m.—Open-air service at Me­ mother and put hto diploma Into dozen men aerved In th# United one month if you sak so-and-eto Ths Board of Education has an­ Sunday. It Is expected that many Tribortugh brldge-rhiost of tha . X-' ------the state has joined In ■ completing .States Marine Corps. Marines have la Vital”, 'The Stimulus of Christ", nounced a call for bids on the school end. J Artlllsry, 150 yards of the train. to Herman Prtess of 163 Benton Rebekahs and Odd Fellow's from all cordially Invited. ' . morial park, music by the Stiver her hands. ' about ao-aad-eo, he will tell you " t atreet. The ceremony was perform­ route lined with c o r in g apecUtora. MANCHESTER AND 5ERNON Saturday at 2:00—Church/School arrangements fqr the tnmsporting These are yours as much as Acen w^rvlce from thU town In sod "CJlriet the Gambler". Theie coal supply for the coming acason, I President and Mrs. Roosevelt Utt Then the king orid queen. Gover­ Thers were e few shouts of "here over Connecticut will attend. band. of the thovisands of (Connecticut never heard of him." '' for Hyde 1‘ark by special train early nor end Mrs. Moore end the royal she comes" as the locomotive poked ed by Rev. Karl Richter, pastor' of /I luncheon that included sea food P.VRISH picnic. Meet at tha church. mine,” he said. a of this eountry’s war# and cam­ talks were Inspiring and uplifting. tenders to be In by June 17. Specl- Street meeting at 7 p. m. Eleeted AUerMlae -* R«w. W lllUttn T. Wallace. SUnlster residents who will attend the l^ lr Hills has been almoat blind since paigns—the Revolutionary War. ' The bishop alao pturiiea the routine flcatlona, which remain substonUel- today to welcome the munaichs party entered gS waiting automo­ Ua nosu around a bend 400 yards the Concordia Lutheran church, at Ths Lutnla choir ot St. Jbhn's cocktail, JelU^ gumbo, capon and Notes Evangelistic service at 7:50. A t the poet martlng TuaedOff. there tonight.) tha parsonage on Garden street. com ■fritterp-’a^lteditha royal p“ - 'The Church.School teacheri adll on Omnectlcut Day. The New Ha­ childhood. He waa tutored through War of 1812. MexlcanWar. a v « buslntea n1th fine poise and ly the same as those drawn last biles for a half hour auto ride away, but tha crowd tor the most church on Oolway street to prepar­ All meeUng* during the week at ven Road will run special excursion Frank Valluasl and Art Bartley waa Pretentious Social Event ty at ’’^Federilerw Building at tba Sunday at Vernon— have their aprftig outing at Gwot a college by hto mother, Mr*. 8. W. War. World War, the PhlHppUie in- eourteay. year, may bC obtained from the of- thr(;ugh the^ ccijiotryside through part waa silent fia the train eteamefi ing a program for Sunday after­ the usual hour. ^ trains from points throughout the YJD.VA STATE MEEHNG Boxer Relief Expedition clseted altematea for Cap Peteraat The dinner by w'htOi the king and In and stood for two minutes at the fair. 0:30 a. m.—No morning service. hunting lodge „ Hilto. herself blind In ohe ey* since Appulntinenta Beady flre of the school 'superintendent. fashionable and ahaily Rumson with noon, June 18, at 4 o'clock. In ob- 10:80 a. m ^Regiilsr session of the state. The Connecticut (Company and dozens of expenltlons into dan-1 and BUI Leggett in the HartMC V Ha told the targe gathering a quep repaid tha Roofevelte' White Its blooming honeysuckle hedges to platform waiting to be backed onto Thefe wan GrandV. Grandh. Champtgna The Vacation Church School apon- childhood. Because her father would The supply which wsa used during sarvatloo of "Father’s Day” , to be ( hurch School. ZION LUTHERAN and the Greyhound Lines will nin serous tropical aeclora down through I Dtotrlct Council, qoupls at days ago that all tba ap- ths pest winter differed In type from Holies hospitality was the smallest Fort Hancock on Sandy Hook whkre the elding, out of sight of all. dss/Herlteri’ 1848 to ^ off tha 2 aored by the Second Ongregstlona not let her continue aludleji when IN MIDDLETOWN SUNDAY given in the parish ball. A social Sunday at Manchester-^ and North Methodist churches wUl High And Cooper StrwU sitcclsl excursion buses; the the yeara. Even today Mancbaater puuui at* being mad# for • c U ^ fOtntmants would be completed by that previously used, hut hag’ been but also tms of tba most pretanUous they were to board the U. S. S. de- There Army troops aurroundad It. tima wUh light rafrasbments will meat ' of she lost half her vision, she deter­ social events during their itay. They bad guarded the right-of-way OBITUARY 9:30 a. m; —Regular aeaslon be held this year under the dlrrctlon Rev. H. F. R. Stechhoii, Pastor London-Long laland Ferry Com­ mined her son would receive ^ col­ mem are serving in the old Oarna on bake In Coventiy Ifi th* near W » midnight tonight. They will be read pronounced sattofactory end more stroyar leader Warrington which follow. pany w in offer reduced rates for The etate meatlng. last YD ax- Ths 38 guests were aeated around on the 60 mile run from Trenton the church echooL - of Rev. William T. Wallace. Depart- lege degree. land znd at sea on our capitol ahlpa. tuf,. nore about thto Uter. at the close of the Sunday night economical than the former type waa ,to take them acroae New York ROOSEVELT AT M O I^ Firtt Sunday after Trinity. ( wldenta of eaatem ConnecUcut ■embly before convaatlon, meets to­ a>) oval walnut table set with Brit­ where the royal train entered the Highland. N. Y.,\June 10— No morning worship servlee. mento for all the chUdren ^ RememiierT Th# Veteran# AzaoctoUoa OMSfr gervlae. Dr. Story of Manchester, by the school engineer. . bay to New York. Mlee Helen Koee, daughter et Mr. The Wock Church achool at 8:30 a. m. and additional faclIlUea wlU be an­ morrow In Middletown at the D. A. Perhaps a somewhat forgetful val starts Monday night in Uw BrtV raturna home Saturday to occupy Last year there was some dispute ish gpvamment silver dating back to state at dawn. FUNERALS President Roosevelt airived to d ^ up. Handcrafts, claw Instnictlon. King George jy . The cheire were ot In the governor's party were and Mrs. Konetanty Koee df 23 Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.—Meeting of Service in German at 9:30 a. m. nounced within a few days. !V. hall. If we meet at the Army and public Will recall that ona OanerOI I uh Antorican Clubs lot on tbs hla pulpit Sunday morn^g. Revi. as to the choice of coal, the Board three thrllU'd little girls- his slx- ' Hundreds lined the tracks tn sse- Cooper etreet, who wee graduated bn hto special train at 8:85 a.m. . music, worship and group *N#vy club at 1:30 or thereabouts Nigerian leather with the perional shoro resorta to the aoiith of Asbury Dr. George F. Reynolds 'Vernon (?hurch School Boairfi will be featured. Plan to ■ffeXt of aermon: Spruechwaeter 11. I Governor A ^ Staff RABBI WnX MAKE i Foeb. iupreine of the AEF InlQ^p of'Spruce and Heple atreets# W. r . Wallace and W. Woodward of Education and the Brlhrd of year-old niece, Jane Margaret Clee; The funeral ot Dr. George P. Rey­ Wedneeday from 8t. Frpncls Hos­ (ea.t.) and drove across the mld- Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. — The 23-31. Theme; Le^n imd Wlrken Accompanying Gttyemor . we will have plenty of'time to get cipher of King George V In gold. At Perk, gathering befera 8:30 e. m. to HUdson bridge to the Hy^e Park children to the VacaUon 1918 In Fiance, detailed certain old«|our Carnival Oommittee is as n h ratvm Sunday night./ Helectmen tangling aa to pn>cedure one end ot the room stood e tall Betty Barron, 8, end Nora Benway, nolds, an instiructor at the Har%'srd pital Training School for Nuraea, Ladles Aid wlU meet with Mrs Schools this Buinmer: July 5-21 each fuer andere. (1) Wer dlejenlgen mond E. Baldwin and hto official there, and there to no reason whx Special Ai to be followed In awarding the con­ be sure they eawr the long streak of was tendered a dinner at her home home where King George and Queen FLAG DAY ADSRESS our repreaentatlon shouldn’t be line divisions. Including ths Second, hows: Art Bartley. Jullu# ModoBtk screen depleting the story of the gucala of the Moores at the gov­ allver and blue roll pest.. Medical School and a member of the Mark Holm.es. Mr®-’ Peter Mao- morning, excepting Saturday at Bind, die fuer ande.re leben und staff will be the First and Second to do a Job on tha Germans odvono-1 gui Bbislds, ’’Cap" Peterson Among the eddreeeca of tract as well as tn connection with ernor's summer home In Sea IrL Malt of the Boston O ty hospital, Wednesday evening which waa at- Elizabeth of England will be over­ Lagan will asalat the hoateaa. This Wlrken. (2) Was dazu noetig let. (Company, Governor’s JooV GuMd large enough to make a cradltable Spanish Armada.' The day dawned clear and the 9:00. ^ /owing. AU tha latest information Ing on Porto nn a spring day some gjjj LSfgstt. Other member# .aSIff the week were t^ ee of Rev. John E. choice of type of coal. Mrs. Roosevelt, wearing a chiffon Aa tile -motocade moved past Who died Tuesday night In Brook­ tendedipjt 30 guests. Miss Kose re­ night and Sunday guests. to the annual meeting wltlv election (3) Was uns dazu bewegen aoll. with the Foot Guard banda> w^W-; 21 years ago. When those brave led-1 _jy, ^ by aubstitutlng ftw on% Charlton. D.D^ of Morriatown. N. temperature rose steadily In the 70s ceived many ^autiful gifts. Atlanta. June 10 — — Rabbi convantioh doings wHl be given aa m gown of> delicate mauve and green Rumson's rich estates, eoc|ety wom­ line. Maas., his home, waa held yea- of offlcera and annual reporta. Ite Philip Plant’s boys’ and flrto dies■ ■ crossed as-...the •••W wheat# ArtIzMrtfields woamtr^front­ I ef the above at _a atoast__a. oas might m J., who was pastor of this Union VEOETARI.ANS PL.AV SAFE with promise of going much higher There are approximately 848,000 THE CENTER CHURCH. David Marx, whom MaJ. Gen. outXBome suggested changes In our tints, was at the right of the king, en stood with their gardeners at the tarday afternoon. The services were 7:30 p. m.— Regular choir re band, of New London, aUte and George Van Horn Moseley, retired, ing Bclleau Woods and turned the week on tbs grounds. Commands# , Church tro^ 1917 to 1921. He gave during the day. All fear of thunder Mlaa Irene Jobneon. daughter ot miles'of railroad in the world. (Oongregattonal) sUteXy-lawi and proposed amend- and the president sat opposite them roadside to catch a/glimpse of the showers, which the weatherman had attended by bis father and mother: /heSraal. „ city officials and stars of the radio, recenUy quoted as saying the flag tide, they made an Indelible mark to MiUsr would Uks to as# every SB appealing sermon on "A Hmely London— — The Vegetarian monercha. In-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cheney Mr. end Mre. Fred Johneon of 17 UAVES CANCELLED stage and scre'in world. menU i ^ i n g before the convention beside tha queen.. predicted, was dispelled at least for \ Friday, 7 p. m.—Boy Scouta. was "bnly a worthless piece of win be dbicuaaed. Epieds Chapter the record of the already famous bar do a UtUs werfc on ths grounfta. Word For e Needy‘Time". Society to working out a scheme to Among the guests were Mrs. Clnlore Of Nations Overhead m this place. v South Main street, haa returned . 7, p. m.—Booster Oub ouUng at Bey. Wataoin^Wo®*^* The morning will be given ovqr to Ctorpa. Then there was M#pit Blanc, •The churches and" the World" enable vegetarians who leave Lou­ the two hours the train was to stand home for the eummer vacation after bunting." win deliver AtlanU’z F l^ also haa a fihance to push a couple bmh^-bis .. Woodrow Wilson. Speaker and Mrs. Overhead along the Coute hung here and the 40 minute rtde through Dr. Reynolds waa bom In Boston, 'Oo^^t^y take. ^10:50. ChU- official entertainment of the gov­ Day addreoa Wednesday. the Argonne and other great flalda waa the theme .of a virile addresa by don In an emergency to stay' In the son of Dr. and Mrs. E^lwnrd completing her first year at Pratt Every Saturday Night Morning worship, BECAUSE OF BOMBS ernor and hto official staff by Or^ of Its member*^ Into the state or­ Hunkhead. Secretary and Mr.s Hull. the colors of two natlonit, one of the surrounding countryside to Fort 1 ' ' ■ \ , General Moseley made the asaer ganization. Thd\meetlng will, no of honor. ev. Walter W.'Van Kirk, aecrelarj’ vegetarian households. The Minis­ which fought for its Independence Reynolds, 41 years ago and was the Institute, Brooklyn. . dren’s Day. ver Whalen and World’s Fair offi­ (Incidentally, the Second waa com­ Secretary Frances Perkins, Su­ Hancock, Sandy Hook, where the WINDSQBVILLB METHODIST Uon before the Congressional Com­ doubt: be (me of thq most Interest­ /of the Federal Council of Cliurches try of Health haa agreed to the from tha other 184 years ego on fourth member of hla family to en­ — DANCE — cials. The (Connecticut program posed of the 9th and 2Srf Infantry sad director of the National Pe.vce preme Court JusUce and Mrs. Har­ ro.val couple was to board the drs CHURCH Processional "Joyful. Joyful Ws mittee on UnAroerican Activities. ing of the year. ARMY BOMBER RYIN G necessary transfers and a register lan Stone. Senator nnd Mrs. Key battlegrounds over which the blue ter medicine. He was graduated Rav. Vincent Hines of St. James's GILEAD HALL London, June 10.—(/P)—Week-end will not get under way until Imme­ and 5th and 8th Regiment# of Conference . of vegftarlahs will be prepared.' troyer-leader U.6.S. Warrington for .'.inlrl I.s^troeter, Minister Adore Thee" Rabbi Marx said at the time he con­ A late flash from National Con­ Pittman of Nevada. Senator and and silver royal train rolled today from Harvard College tn 1920 and church, who haa charge 'of SL Modem and Old FaaUaned leaves of scores of officers In 20 dl- diately after luncheon. Marines.) . . . . Dr. Norman Vincent Peels of New a run to New York. Maurice’s chapel In Bolton, an­ Call to Worship. , irtsions of the Metropolitan police Tentative PlMts* sidered the offlcer’e charge as pre vention Headquarters lfl\Hartford SARABIA'S BODY HOME Mrs. Alben W. Barkley'<^.Kentucky. on Its near tw-o-bdur run from Ropes Stretched' Alohg Streeta from Harvard Medical school in Jeaae Hilto, Prompter. Anthem—Sing Unto the Lord, lone posterous and unworthy of a direct states that on Sunday, JunexRfith at There’s only a hgndful of us York, spoke on 'The- Fate of Our mTTH SANCTI’ARV SOl’OHT 1924. Ha served his tntemeahlp at nounced today that beginning to- At the W lnds^lUe church next were cancelled today because of per­ Tent^lve plans schedule a parade Leathamecks to Manchester. Whatj y Society” , and the well-knowaj^ .Miss Rep. and Mrs. Sol Blpom of Nevv Trehtbn. ! . Tiventy-eight first aid squads Admiaiion 85c. Sunday morning aMen o’clock. Rev­ (Junior Choir) answer. 11 a. m. k aolemn mllllkry'5«l' ' Close by the armies of George Johns’ Hopkins hospital and before mo'rrow the maw will ba at 9:30 In- sistent bomb violence blamed on the of the official party the two compan­ do you say—let’s get togethsr an

SENIOR CLASS DANCE come disease. Only while fear or sui lETHODIST CONFERENCE CAPITAL aVES Woman’s Heart Definitely ABOUnOWN A U NEW YORK remains can It bring forth death.To HELD AT HIGH SCHOOL Delegates pf Anderton-Sban Post, Found Not In Right Place VFW of thU town' will attend the DROPS EPISCOPAL TITLE ROYAL COUPLE monthly meeting, of the Hartford EAGER TOSEE Retiring Faculty Member Free Crunty Oounell tomorrow afternoon Perth Amboy, N. J.—(BV-Mary* Dr. A. B. K ovs^y, piaat phyal- sented With Bouquet; En> In PlalnvlUe. Q artnce Peterson, Past I'lhe balance for God. CMsting out port would be UK) percent paid up BIG FAREWELL Wllua U one women whose heart la clan at ate Qenaral Cabla factory Joyable Evening Passed. Commander of Anderson-Shea Post evil and fear enables, tnith to oul- membership gomg Into the i-onven- New EogbiMi Pftrley Follows definitely not In the right place. where 81-year-otd Miss Wllua la em- is tha Council Commander and ,Past ROYAUOOPLE 1 welch error. The only course ts to tion, and the addition,of the few re- (Conttnocd from Page Ona.) Commandar WtUiam Leggett, a ln ol SOirrH CHITICH tajte antsgonlsUc grounds agamst maiulng available YD men. ThlO wasn't discovered until re- ployed, said X-raya also revealed A pleasliig feature of the Senior (Oonttfioed froiD TALCOTTMLI-E 4 • MancheaUr U the CouneU treasurer. OONOBEG.\TION.\L CHI R C ^ Methodist Episcopal ' .-ju that Is opposed to the health. show Pa*oed All centty when she went to tha doctor that her heart faced backward, class dance last night In High school Rev. Earl E. Story, D. D., Minister | jj^jmess, nnd harmony of man. O t^’s Example Of Kansas City longer could the monSrchs. for the first time in her life, ...... _ ,., . . hall, waa the presentation to hllsa Cktorge W. Stephenson. Pastor .Mv friend ".Stietch" had a good shouted: Ha found- “•* would be reported Members of thrE^aauel Lutheran ! 2-!!f image” (page 391:32b. ■ word to say for this chaple*and our Mary McGuire, of the faculty, who Fair, and safeguarded the Royal 10:43 a . ^ . —Morning worship. "Wa_waBt the queen t Let's see haa resigned, of a beautiful bouquet church will meet tomorrow after- ” ^ ‘ June 11: Circus Kevue In hla column lost Gathering When Method- the Queen again!” I stead1-H of .r the b e^raft. on the right aid. in. l2,^’'L------T------m .“ cal“ *SJl‘? — Ity. y :''S 'g noon at 8 o’clock to consular calling routo^th the largest concqntrhtion —Musical'Program: fXlNCORDIA LI THEBAN week. Thanks ".Stretch". It wKs the that tha heart eonditioa alona of flowara. of police In the city's history. 1CV;4&—Morning Worship Organ Prelude—"Lento", (S>'Tn- Garden and Winter Street*. It was n final triumph for the tiny | 2—Her stomach on Ih# right aida DasplU tha hast tha dancers had Rev. Thoraten A. Ouitafaon of Wait 12:00—Sunday School. best ahow I've seen m this town ai\d only bo found In one out of 10,(! New York, N. J., as pastor of the Police precautions included the pbony VII» Wider. Ren-. Kari Richter, Pnstor no one co(dd go away dissatisfied. ist Churches Merged. eases. a thoroughly tnjoyable time. Tha local church. Hqla the eecond candl- aaalgnmeni of 1,587 detectives along 6:30—y.P.S.C.E. A nthem —"Sweet Is Thy Mercj\ JSJn the" Ulk ^fTc.'f^uS'iJblch : e!,t?'her‘.MMr[“‘' atnior girls prekantsd a moat attrac­ TomoiTow morning s church ser The weather was too warm, but the da.te to be nominated by the Board the route. Bamby • 8:50 a.ra.—Sunday School and folks who patronize-1 the pe.rform- comers to lu heart ; ‘Tm quite aurprlaed”, said U: tive appearance with their colorful vice *111 be the occsslon of our nthem—"Seek' Ye the pord Bible Classes Alfred Lange, super­ A\ohs-Ypres Post Wllua. of Deacons, Rev. EAkU Englund of A crowd thatiqade fair to rival or annual celebration of Childrens I ance saw a show in their o\\n town By BE\'. W. D. WOODW.4BD summer avaalng gowns, and the Bergenfleld, N. J., bavltigbei •xceed that which greeted CoL Washington liked the King, too ' music furnished by Don Russlow't ten Day. with the prograiri by the intendent. — ' whlch-1* not ordlCvfirlly available so uju Ha went through hta heavy round Jected at a recent meeting. Charles A. Lindbei^ on hla return Postlude — ‘Offertory". 10:00 a.m.—English service. B. W. V. ... r« n RJv«r. ilM i , J 10— N ew ; orcheatra was all that could be de­ Sen. baptism of children, and pres- / Organ ' near home. Our wive* had the oppor­ EnfUnd SoutljetTJ- Conference of of offletaJ duties with dignity—and from hla flight to. Paria started ae- Wely. . 11:00 s.m.—German service. tunity of meeting the girls In the A Jlggs *ipper wtll be served ha wasn't observed to mop his fees own Hyda Park to be favored wttli sired _ _ _ sembllng hours before the scheduled entaUon of Bibles Sermon—"Some New Thing I at the Uethodlst church. ' Local Orangemeat and all Brit- • X strawberry festival will The Week Slniw snd we hope our own home The above title le now the neme once, although he frequently stood BRnTANIC MAJESTIES a call froin Their MajesUss—gave lab organlzatlofte in Manchester i 8Trt\«l of the King and Queen, Learn Today". Dr. Earl E. Story. Monday s t 7:30 p.m. the Luther VETERANS CARNIVAL town girls measure up to-, their the Homytonlght and Jlggs him­ of whet hue been culled tor one bareheaded In the Intense heel. way to tinrestralned enthusiasm. are Invltad to atUnd a apeelai - Thousands looked down from tha nerved at the Church Wednesda; A cordial welcome to all. League Convention Committee *111 slanilarda. We wish them every suc­ self will Ne present. All Post. AuxU- hundred yeari by two different Public ceremonies during the Tha crowd, kept by. armed troops APPEALS BOARD GETS service tomorrow afternoon in j widows of lofty buildings. 6-30 p. m„ outdoors if the w e th e r 9:30 a. m.a=-Church School. cess Itib members and their wlvet SAIL FOR NEW YORK; from gatUng within ilOO yards of permits. Fjit your supper at^ome. meet. . „ j namee. For about fifty years It wae ' Royal visit reached their climax yea- I Christ Church Cathedral. Hartford | OUief thousands lined the 51 10:45 a. m.—Church School Tuesday at 8:00 ,p.m the Sunday OPENS NEXT MONDAY As (or our part In the Yankee , tlcome. As corned beef and called the Providence Conference of teiday afternoon, when the King Uie royal Ooupla as It atood on tha In obsdTvance of the visit to the I streets through which tha or wherever you can get it; then for Division Veterans' A.vsirrtatlon dessert, come and have styawberry Nurserv. school teacher*. cabbie Is a famous Irish dish, wa the Methodlit Eplicopal church and placed wreathe on the tombs ' of HAILED IN RED BANK Station platform and Its view block­ THREE NEW REQUESTS . United SUtes of King Georgs and I Queen were to ride on '6:00 p. m.—Intermediate League. Thursday at ":30 p.m. the Senior National ("onvenlion In Hartford, George Washington end Amerlce'e ed by tha station Itoelf, broke Into shortcake and Ice cte: The Manchester Veterans'-Assocla- ‘ fend to all our British Veteran alnce then haa gone by the name 'Queen KlUabeth of Great BrlUln. I },*“*?*? S’® * 6 00 P- ni.—Senior Epworth choir will meet. ' ” 'f ihe nf»r^rD .raM r. X "d- an Invitation to be our of the New l^gland Southern Coh' unknown soldier, and at the Cana- loBd cheera as the king-end-queen- Members will assemble a t the reception at Columbia Unlvcralt; .drinks extra, if you wi.sn any League. Rev. Stanley Kendig, dl Saturday afternoon the Brother­ tlon wilt open Us ntg outdoor carni­ ferenee of thf 'Methodist Eptacopal i dlan cross In honor o f Americans .(CnnttntMd. from Pag* Ofiio.) flrat came within their vlrw to en­ Will Meet Next Thursday To church a t 3:30 p. m., the service to BnUdljigs Bright With Bunt ^ — yte mid-week devotvbnal service rector of the Recreational Program val Monday ovenln:: J\ine 12th s t 7 &='"s "rorVrhlerkir^^hlr^y ^MurpbF. Bishop f). Bromley Oxnam ho died fighting In the Canadian British and American flags gst of these ser- 7.30 p m.—Evening worship In Corps 1* all set for the big paiadC will be pnfesent. Sion In Kanaas City of the uniting. Obaeie Load and Long. For Exemptions. held Saturday. June 24th in Hill s » the ground of the Hrltlsl. American The post voted to send ths drum Conference of the Methodist Epis­ I After the wreath .of Irla, cama- nnd thair wives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W allett of brief six-hour visit, and many bqua ^vlces, until fall. the chapel. An hour of quiet, rest .AU-iiUi’cr's club on the comer o. Spruce nnd and he Is entering'hi* Silk City *'S Convention In Bridgeport Jun* 16, copal Church Soutbr and the Metho- poor, but tnclr cheera were loud and day gave notice that at theVeetlng with a dinner party at their home SWEDISH CONOKEU.ATION.AL c-7e"t^on'e W nti. to remember. In '.Rose of Washington Square," 20th Cen- evei^ member of the post who pos­ 17 and 18, and tho poet wlU parade dial Protestant.C^lurches. the words 13 colonics in revolt egnlnat iKng- "The atetoda named after tha Isle of the board to be held TKuraday last night In honor of their daugh­ A threat of (Kcaalonbl showers t'How Can' India Be Won for Monday—6:30 p. m.. Cub Scouts. The film *111 open sibly can, be on,hand to start work. remember the chilly night In Frovl- land, a member of the -Mount' Ver- Jersey. Philip Carteret, the 'flrst long. ' haraaseii the welcoming committee, Christ?" The 1/Sader. Tolly JiarxJjall. 8. E. Green, MlnUter lury-Fox's forthcoming entertainment highlights. ilenrc when a certain guardian ' of behind them. Wo are not going in ‘Xplacopal” and “Protestant" wers AT PICNIC LUNCHEON Many of the thousands had stood svsnlng of next wesk at 8 o^ock. ter, Mlsa Frances Wallett, who Is 6:30 p. ni.. Girl Scouts. The luccess of the Veteran * carni­ non Ladles’ Association went up to ; K'‘''*mbr of Jersey came from the but there waa little prospect of fog This will b e^ ie la.st meeting of-^Lhe Tuesday—4:00 p. m.. Brownies, Sunday at the state theater val meana a lot to the Moni-\pn'a the C(ish bo* had to hla* all/lhe oltl- for class this year qiM uniform deleted, slid the three churches now tines dawn In tha sultry heati of they would give .hearing on three a member of the senior class at The Sunday School *111 observe a white shirt form the one Methodist Church, a the automobile lii which the (^een Isle of Jersey In 1804.' different queatlona. The appileatita Manchester High school. The party down New York bay to spoil a pan­ Juniors untU fall. ' “"1 , 7:00 p. m’.. Boy Scouts. T'6() p. m. Poat. nnanclally. as 11 I* mostly errs of the law on the llne/of march | win b.e dark panto. with .Mrs. Rooeevelt. The governor then presented King this mid-June day. The temperature oplied arilval of the royal party by 'The lasC meeting p( the Golden (Thildren s Day Sunday with s varied Just to gel his temperature above I and a dork tie-We hod on Idea that great body of soma nlna and one- High School Seniors Hntcr- was In the high- 80a as tha royal of the MancheaUr Lumber and FuM of about 19 young people later at- Ceciltan club. 7:30 p." m.. Stanley in the Court of Peace which ha* a through our share n e t . .And .vlrs. JS. (t. I,U«k as ahe shook the Queen's hand | adopted by the Legislature on Mon- street to be located less than 30 feet whistles sounded a Joyful clamor. to he b/ld Friday al « p. m. nnd Technicolor moving picture* of o’.clock will be omitted. , speeches by Governor Baldwin snd giveaa many'ntglits you can for the ves also. And wh^ the Bolton at the Department Convention 11 minutes. Members of the king's ChojT rehearsal will be held r rl- Young People's Evening Service Ik.mher tmdr the ctMnt, oi the cold, would be small, but according to tha 99th eesslon of the Methodist Epis­ party left the train about five mln- from the street line will be heard. GTadiiatlon exercises of'the Bolton Patrol boats, their mqn In full dress, St. Petersburg. Fla., by James Willard B. Rogars.-and will feature aucceaa of the carnival copal church here under the leader­ Six members Manchester S e ^ a " U m e 7 * l l r : T ' t . i " " M - ^ g l U h «tld he w a . ’-high, The Weldon Drug Company la formed a guard of honor, and CToaat dav at 6:18 p. m. Veltch. The public Is Invited. 7:30. After this'meeting there will natlonslly known artists who reside Raker Head* CoiniiUlteo hard pavement. It/just proves that reglatnllona at the Hotel, It looks nt/^m ulea before he and tha queen yvaUced PubliCyschools will take place Fri­ AT WORLD’S FAIR here must have ^ en Ice underfoot. ship of Uit new resident bishop of Ilikh sqhool, claW of I9.39R, were crowded pn!,gmm the UoVal ^iuplj out alone. ' asking the board for permloalon to day evdii^, June 16. at 8 o'clock at Guard planes droned ovCrhMd. Friday—2:30 p. m.. W. H. M. R be Ctommunton. N in Connecticut. TTila year our owp Comnmndcr, like one of our biggest yrara. ties Red Bank's most cordial greet­ moya Its liquor permit from 903 Tuesdey evening choir rchearsXI^, Fred Baker, heads the association as Urandmolh’er came dow-n from the] "Tiny" Pooroon celehratod hla the New England area. Kev. O. guests of Revev. and evidenced keen Interest In sorlsl The 13-car silver and blue tc ^ the Boltdn Center hall. Tha prin­ A 9-by S(X)-foot red carpet wras in ST. MARY'S EPIHtXIPM. Satiirdfiy— P- Following the Connecticut pro> HtlA-s F. a. Lusk ings.” Main street Into the new addition readlnesa at Pier 1 at tha b'attory Outing. 6:45 p. m.. Choir rehearsal gram, there will be a colorful pa­ prealdeni shd this alone sh.mld hrlng hills to chaperone us, remember? 41st birthday Thursuay, We don't Bromley Osnaro, was to cause the and governmental problems Heated "We welcome Your-Majesties," hs with curtains drawn on moat oMte cipal addrees will be drliv’ered by Rrv. Janies Sliiiirl .N’elll, Rector 7:45. . SEE-BISK. New England Southern Conference and frtendi 1 nikht at a picnic at with I’jeald*nt:-snd .Mm. Roosevelt coaches pulled Into the little frame to the north of the preieqt store Levi GarrUon of WllKmontlc, for­ for the monarchs’ arrival. Over lt, Wednesday evening prayer serv- , \ rade from the Court of Peace to out every member on the lot Mon­ know If "Tiny" forgot to oouaZ Crystal Hprptga, Klllhgton. A picnic said, "with a great deal of pleasure, known as 901 Main street. years, but w# ore taking hla wotff of the Methodiat Episcopal church bfnr atlT tlje mapt«4 or> U ^npreading ptide and affection"' station In the town center 6u Mon­ merly iu p erv \o r In jMie schoola of through a lane of palms, ths king . Sundav. June 11—First Sunday SECOND rONOREOA'nONAL Ice, 7:30. fjD vem e r or And Staff And (he Connecticut exhibit In the New day night. _ __ to adjourn. Then In a moment he lunrheon iirvparcd by Mrs Lusk ws^ White Mouae lawn In late ufUrnoIjn' Edward J. Holl la asking for pcr- Bolton. Geotg^Ros^, chairman of' “ 6 queen were to walk for the wel- ' Friday evening the Young Peo- England building where brief cere Congratulattnns to the local Y. u for It. •erved after which games were en­ The King res|>onded to ths wel­ mouth street where United States • after Tiinity: ' CHIRCH dallad togather the New England they dlscuseed a variety of auch aub- Army troops and state and munici­ mlaaion to erect two dwelling the Board of EdMatlon, vviJI present oome by Gov. Herbert H. Lehman 9:30 a m.—Church School. M ens Ferris E. Reynold*. Ph. D„ Minister pie's Society will hold their monthly monies will be held. V A. club for. bringing such a fine Past Post commander Bill Bars joyed. / Jecta with a few New Dtalera and comes, but only those very near him houses, one at 221 and the other at Further arrangements for the en­ ahow to Manchester. I was present ron wea unanimously re-alocted Dto* Southern Conference of the Metho­ caught his words., Mrs.,Moore pre­ pal pollromen atood guard. dlplomss to eight Vad.uBtes. and Mayor F. H. LaGuardla. Bible Class. ' ' ' „ , meeting at the home of Mr. Md FoiOl Guards Will Be At dist church. Thus was tjulckly ac- Meipbera of tha class honored others at an Informal tea. 229 Summit street In a residential Program Mrs. Hjalmer Carlson, 9 Hemlock tertainment of Opnnectlciit visitors Saturday evening snd ran honestly trlct Oon)mander at ths dlstriot wfre the class co-KallU.-iturlaps, .Mies' sented the Queen with 2.8 orchids, it was then harked Into a elding Mayor LaGuardla had a huge 10:15 a. m.—Morning Prayer and 10:45—Children's Day eompllahed one of '*the most far : CIO President John L. I.,swls de­ to remain until 8 a ' m. fe. s. t.) A rone, which requires 6,000 square Mlaa H a*el4rotter\ff East Csnter street, at 8:00 o'clock. on Connecticut Day will be annouiic say those who missed It. mjssed a meeting held to the Hartford Foot Ln^sc Cliambcrs and .Miss Marjorie named by their grower the !'Queen feet, on lots that each have a front­ sheaf of'American beauty rosea for Sermon. Sermon topic: "Weddings and Baptismal service. treat. We also rongrstulate the^ys raacnlDg changas In the history of clined- an Invitation, hut William Ellzabath.'' and Mrs. English pre­ when King George VI and Queen street has as her gu^s for the Queen Elizabeth. ' 4 00 p. m.—Evening Prayer and Prelude—Andante. Dennee. I ColorfdkRites Jane 22. ed shortly. Rooms loot Sunday night. Tommy M t^ u in , Mias Dorothy Hobby, .Miss Greyti of ths AKL was there In a age of 80 feet and a depth of 113 on a very fine snappy tinlform. They all. three churcpes. sented a bouquet of delphinium. Elizabeth were to entrain to re­ weekend Mr. and Mrs. ^sepb. Post The brief reception was planned sermon. Sermon topic: 'Samari­ Processional. Church school , ■■"t h e SALVATION .ARMY Morrison of Hartford was the dto* Maiion Mason, Bruce McAlister and c^w ay coat..Government labor and feet or less than 400 square feat of looked swell. _ ' After the Conference had voted 'Nelson Kilpatrick Tho reception over, the King turn- ceive * anhi official weltwelcome from New and three children of Neenah, Wls. with precision. Chalk marks in front tans”. Exercises and graduation. 661 Mata StfWt ^ tricto choice for Department Junftar the change It went on with Its usual- i^lcf officials also were In the group. the required area for such a permit who are on s tour of the East and Hartford, June \ j 0 - Connecticut D\ie to the carnival our monthly Vice Commander and Fred Beaker Following the picnic the party re- ed- J to shake h a n ^ with Col. Mark '**J?*y .U'* from the building inspector. of the pier showed the pla'cs where ■ .— X The Week Hymn. 7 ■ Major J. W'- •>*«••• routine. To ona of them the king waa re­ a Ktmberllng. blue-uniformed head I, r»«y Jiedackad with have vUlted tbs World’s FaSi. Miss GIVES MOTHER CREDrT meeting will be held In the British for Chaplain and their namee wtH tumad to the parsdnsge where e ported to havwsald: the carpet would be laid, and tha MondV 6:.30 p. m—Junior and Benediction. , may rank among the smaller state* American club on icUllaat DtTMttoa social evening was enjoyed. of the NewNow Jersey state police, and Stripes and the Union Trotter and Mrs. Post before her exact a ^ t for the car to which the Intermediate Choir rehearsal Postlude—March in F, Blair. Saturday, Street meeting 7:30 p.. , be put up at the Deportment Oewr "England la much more liberal Jack flying side by side, waa up r- in the nation but plan* for the offi­ ning. Juns 21st Instead of next W ed/ •Turn Out the Guard—here comes 1 Bridgeport for eleoUoa.,- By hla brilliant and maatSrfut presented him to the Queen. marriage were clasimatcs at the royal pair would ride. 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friendly Society The Week cial Connecticut Day celebration al FOR COLUGE DEGREE with reference to social wsuare Army Band Plays early for tha occasion. Wheelock acbool, Boston. Monday a t 7 :00—Boy Beouto. nesday. ' the Marines , ^ . In the' Hartford OourenL Wednees presidency'the new young bishop measurts than people generally The monarcha' longest scheduled Tuesday. 7:00 p- m.-—Boy Scouts. "' inside a t 8 o’clock, special lecture, the World’s Fair on Thursday, June baa been conducting tho conference An Army band struck up "God Hiindreiia Line Straeto. 7^30 p. r: ^ Senior Choir re- Tuesday at 7:00, “The Might. Magic and Mystery of Don't forget the ‘■•''’'" ’jp.p.j, A voice from -eomewbera In bock day morning was a picture o< * m n recognise.” stop of the day waa a throe and a 22 are designed to present the mg- New Orleans. June 10—(J8-M11 a a .way very pleasing to all the SCHOOL COAL SUPPLY Save tho King". The King faced The town's 12,(X)0 population was WEDDINGS Nobis Grand Mrs. Mildred Miller half hour visit to tha New York Wednesday at 8:00—The Mortled b u r Day" by Len R. Hall of. San ee*t sa well as the most colorful bellows: receiving a Oongrendonol MedoL fioroetlme during hla visit hers, suddenly about and swung to atten­ and Vice Grand Mrs. Anna Dart, are CoupYM’ club will have an outing. ton Hills received h is , bachelor of “Whore they?" BBsabers througbou.t the three dle- tha British ruler found occasion to multiplied many fold during the Worid’a Fair, with a tour of th^ Thursday, 6.3(1 p. m.—^I r l Srouts, Pedro. Col. program on the Fair's calendar. and port of the speech by the g tw tHcta. Provldwce, New Bedford tion. When the last eoimila died night and hundreds lined the streets the repreaentatlyes from Supset Re- Tuesday, .lune ■ 20—9:00-9:30 p Supper furnished by the Sunday services as follows: arte degree at the Tulane UnWer Maybe this needs some sxplatolng. wea, “and you *1U be remembend BIDS CALL IS ISSUED dlseuas world affairs with President away, he walked up the platform Priesa-Weber bekah lodge to the "Home day” to­ Canadian and British pavilions ang Willard B. Roger*, chairmaii of slty commencemsnt exercises, hur Of the nearly 1,200 men *nd wo­ and Norwich. Bishop Oxnam has Roosevelt, q subject which may oc­ Boon after dawn. — (MloAlall^ exhibits. ; m. St. Mary’a .lunlor and Interme­ ..Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00—The Company meeting, Sunday school the Connecticut World's Fair CT>.o from Fort Hancock on'Sandy Hook where ths siding, out of sight of all. servation of “Father’s Dsy!, to be There was Grands Champagne Church School. sored by the Second Congregatlonjd EION LUTHISRAN and the Greyhound Lines will run not let her conttiKie sludlen when INWDD! WN SUNDAY zeroue Iroplcal-seclorii down through i Dtotrlct Council. ^ - patattoents would be completed that prsvtoualy used, but has been, but also one of ths most pretentious Sunday at Manchester— High And Cooper StreMs special excursion buses; the New the years. Even today Manchester 1 puma ore being mods for a elo^ nddnlght tonight. 'They will be read sorlsl events during their stay. they were, to board the U. S. 8. de­ There Army troops surrounded It. given to the parish hall. 'A social des HeriterS 1848 to top off tha and North Methodist churches wUl she lost halY her vtajon. she deter­ proixmnced sstlafactory and more stroyer leader Warrlngtob which They bad guarded the right-of-way OBITUARY time witk light refreshments *111 m eat 9:30 a. m. —Regular session of be held this year under the dtwtlon B**-. H. F. B. Stechholz, Pastor London-Long Island tferry Com­ mined her eon would receive a col­ men ere serving to the old 0»rp* on m Coventry In the negr at the does of the Sunday night soonomical tliaii the former type Tha 38 guasts were seated around pany win offw reduced rates tor lost YD **- land end at see on our cepitol aiitpa. ture. More about this later. ,, aaviM. Dr. Story of Manchester, was to take them acroos N«w 'York on the 60 mile run from Trenton follow. the church school. of Rev. William T. Wallace. Depwt- lage degree. by the school engineer. on oval walnut table set with Brit­ ' No morning worship service. First Sunday after Trinity. residents of eastern .mbly /Mfor.before convention, meet* to­ RemeinlwrT The Veteroae AO^tloo returns home Saturday to occupy ish government sllVcr dating back to bay to New York. where the royal train entered the ROOSEVELT Av/ t MOREW ments for all the children morrow In Middletown at the D. A. Last year there was soma dispute state at dawn. Mias Helen Kose, daughter of Mr: Highland,. N. Y., June 10—-<)*V— The Week Handcraft* class Church school a t 8:30 A m. and additional faclllUes will be an­ Perhap* * somewhat fre tfu l val atorU Monday night to to* B*tt- his pulpit Sunday morning. Revs. as to the choice of coal, the Board King George IV, The chain were of In the goverjior'a party wefe FUNERALS Service in German a t 9:30 a. m. nounced within a few days. V. hsJirTf we meet at toe Army and W. T. Wallace and W. D. Woodward three thrilled little girls- hta alx- Hundreds lined tlie tracks In sea­ D and Mrs. Konstanty Kose- of 23 President Roosevelt arrived today Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.—Meeting of niuslc, worship and group publlc will recall that on* General | leh American Clube lOt on to# o<^ / of Education and the . Board of Nigerian leather wllh the personal Vernon Church School Board. Text of sermon: Spruechwaeter 11, Governor Auid Staff RABBI W IU MAKE Navy club a t 1:30 or thereabouts Focb, supreme leader of tbe/AEF to I per of Spruce end Maple otreeto . ratum Sunday night. cipher of King George V In gold. At yesr-old niece, Jane M argaret Glee; shore resorts to the south of Asbury Dr. George P. Reynolds Cooper atreet, who waa graduated on his special train at 8:85 a.m. L,!. will be featured. Plan to wo will have plenty of time to gel Relectmeh tangling at to procedure Park, gathering before 8:30 a. m. to The funeral of Dr. George P. Rey­ Wednbaday from St. Francis Hos­ (es.t.) and drove across the mid- Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. — The children to the VacaUon 28-31. Theme: Leben und Wlrken Accompanying Governor Ray­ 1018 to France, detailed certain old- our CanUval Committee la aa ni* Special Addreaees to be follow'ert In awanllng the con­ one end of the room atood a tall Betty Barron, 8, nnd Nora Benway, fuer andere. (1) Wer dlejenlgen mond B. Ealdwta and his official there, and there U-no reason whji Among the special addreaaea of screen depleting the story of the .8. gucsta of the Moores at the gov­ be sure they saw the long streak of nolds, an Instructor at the Harvard pital Training School for Nurses! Hudson bridge to the Hyde Park Ladies Aid will meet *1th Mrs. Schoola this summer: July 5-21 each FUG DAY ADDR^ piir representation shouldn't be line division*. Including to# Second, 110,^; xrt Bartley, Juttue ModiW, tract as weir na In connection with silver and blue roll past. Medical School and a member of the was tendered a dinner at her home Mark Holmes. Mrs.. Peter , l^ - morning. excepUng Saturday at Bind, cUe filer andere leben utid staff will be the First and Secoito to do a job on the Germaae advene-1 Qm gbteld*, "Cap” Petoraoo OM the week were those of Rev. John E. choice of type of coal. Spanish Armada. ernor's summer home In Sea IrU home where King George and Queen large enough to moke a creditable The day, dawned clear and the staff of the Boston City hospital, Wednesday evening which was at­ Elizabeth of England *111 be over­ Lagan will assist the hostess. This 9:00. « Wlrken. (2) Was daiu noetig 1st. Company, Governor's Foot G u ^ tog on Ports on a Bpr^lg day aome I gm Leggett Other membern ooR Charlton. D.D.,” of Morristown. N. Mrs. Roosevelt,' wearing a chiffon Aa tile motocade moved past (3) Was uns dsxu bewegen soil. with the Foot Guard bandSr showing. AU toe latest Information J., Who was pastor of this Union gown of delUiate mauve and'green Riimson's rich estates, society wom­ temperature rose steadily In the 70s, who died ‘Tuesday night In Brook­ tended by 30 guests. Miss Kose re­ night and Sunday guests. Is the annual meeting wltl* election Atlanta, June 10 —r (A8 — R*h! on convention doings wHl be given 21 yeera ego. When toWM brave led-1 ^ |,aad by oubetituttog tor oaq VEOET.ARI.ANfl PL.AY S.\inE ceived manyiiteautlful gifts. of officers and annual reports. Ite Philip Plant's boys’ and gtrl* dies crossed the wheat field* fron^ I ^ y j, above, a t least on* night • Church from 1917 to 1821. He gave tlnta, was at tha right of the king, en stood with their gardeners at the with promise of going much higher line. Mass., bis home, was held yes­ t h e CENTER CHURCH. David Marx, whom Msj. out.'l^me suggested changes in our during the day. All fear of thunder terday afternoon. The services were 7:30 p. m.— Regular choir re­ band, of New London, sUte and George Von Horn Moeetey. retlfed, Inir Belleeu Wood(i"Md turned toe week on the grounds. OommuiME an appealing aermon on. "A' Timely Lsindon—)rp* by the Oermuyi* to Vtcq President (lamer—who doesn't ple and dignified as it wanted It to cistlea and the .Fly, Tavern and Har- SOLD BY SAVINGSJANK South Coventry, Cdiw. Organ Prelude stacked along with other unlU Bonal mea*(Ml« ot condolence froia like formal functions — WTangled over which the royal couple'vAAi to New England Southern Conference when the small explosives burst France. Or maybe you could do bet- he, but tie pfide In Its position—only ride, were sold early, at $1 a head. varil Clubs. /. Sunday. 7:30—Church com«alttee i State Secretary Arthur Butcher President Roosevelt to PresWent himself and his wife out of attsnd- amsU town m the national outslda TONIGHT* -y of the MeUiodi** church. within a space of on hour and a half. of New Britain aek* fOr a report on Cardenas of Mexico. ing Wooden barriera blocked intersec­ B(lrvlvlng him sre his wifs, who meeting at the PMitoK**' Small blazes broke out In more than Weekly Suaday SoliesI Utoesn . ‘ ..A. N. KAY. of Niagara Falls and ths prealdent'a was Miss Ruth Sears Cheney, whopi New' Yorker Takes Over Sunday school wlU meet before t h e WT5EK- the year’s ectl'/ltie* of the chapters ______- , Barabla was kUtod w hw t o tions along the royal routs, where IN PERSON — That church at nine thirty o’clock. Plana 20 London moU boxes last night. Walters in red knee breeches, parking had been forbidden since he married in 3Ianchest«r id 1931 House, 28-Acre Property Monday, 3:00—Group 8, Mr*. C- end stote* that the New Haven white stockings and blut coats serv­ “Blond BombshoU of B hytlm t will be made for Children’s pay, regleter trophy award to to ,eome up aoidnlght. and thrae daughters, Ruth, Lora; Early In July; On Keeney K. Burnham, le ^ w , bathed to the milk of 600 ed the courses and poured rare The streets had been freshly and Betty Reynold*. which will be observed June 18th at Paul Solves Church l^roblems fnr consideration at tombrrow s [•tart of a projected trip to Hextoo. w-lnes. At the conclusion, tho king P etty A rm our serubbed. i. Street. Ina Ray Hutton ten .o’clock. meeUng.The beet new* of any re-lass**. At a recent' session of U|p Offl- t^-\Deaths Last Nig^t raised his glass and said simply: Col- Mark O. Klmberllng, superln- MAYOKALTY ELECTION Call Mrf. Burnham. 6368 for t r a m - ^ ^ "To the president!” Is June Bride^ tandent of elate police, said approxU CREATES A VACANCY 'The Savtoge Bank of Manchester And Her Mqlodears •clal Board -of the church It -was portatlon or about arrang«men«. By \VlLUAM E. GILROY, b.p.x Acernlng K, and toe chapter and at- And Mr. Roosevelt, in a toast * this morning sold to John Pavan of voted to .hold services a t ten o’clock T u ee^y , 7^00—ftoolr h UI*. Cellf. Owen Editor of AdvaaM tainroenta------»,«•»• of mostAjioee who have most mately 2.000* soldiers and pmicimen New York City the Arthur B. Kee­ symbolic of the entire “royal visit wers Oh duty. They stretched from Cottonwood Falla, Kas. ~~ (jpt . OalicinK 8-1 A. N- with Sunday School classes a t 9:30, eti«e end icreett actor ;nily fulfilled lU purpose and at- replied: ney farm, which Is located on the- the children stajdng to church, L j^, Cubmasterj^^^^^^ p ^ y |H , was the first himbend ot Mary ,ed to toelr Uv#s harmony with \ Trenton to ^an d y HOok, by the CottonwexMi Falls bad an election east side of Keeney slrget,, *outh ot We ere eccuatomed to think of roR6ET CLU1|S AMD GOQMTCICIAIIIS "To tha king!” roundabout railroad line, but the but around up with no mayor. Adntission ...... 75 cents. throughout the summer,. Wedneaday, the early church as a church of pure I's wUI. , 4 the Keeney street school, the new of the Women'B Guild. Luncheon Plckford. must remember that If Paul a large majority were concentrated Mayor Henry Long was the only owner will Otke over the farm early mid brldxe Children cared for. Tuceon. Ari*.—Agnes Narcho, M. and undeflled reUglon, and w# ore candidate oh- the ballot but enough apt to think that If we could only epUtto* indicate dtosenalon* and between the .freight yari where the to July. Tha *ale Includes all of the ST. JOHN’S POLISH NATIONAL “hoatesses. the— offlcera.__ . program- „ j | Papago Indian mMd who play^ tcqubles ln tbe early church, and the monarch's train was sidetracked and voters wrote In tha name of D'. M. land located on the east side of GolH-a.v street committee end Mrs. Ctoarlra — ^ e - r , ' vrtto Richard Bartoelmess to the get back to y»e day# of primitive BROWN AS INSTRUCTOR ths pier St Sandy Hook whets Smith to elect him, Smith declined Christianity, all tbe defects and totter* to toe chufehe* In the Book Keeney street and a large farm V Rev. Louis Kactorwwakl MM A l^ Ruiwrtl. Mrs. Wtotorop films. She.eppeared In "M i^cre,' of Revelation show lamentable as­ Naval snd Coast Guard craft swalC- to accept. Mrs. Woodruff, I «]qo.tb Of 36.’,’ and other pictures. abueea In the church of today woidd house. There 1* about 28 acres of Merrtom, Mrs. Watson disappear. .The’ fact to that the more pects of moral topee, there were sd- . The president of the counelT, by land connected with the farm, all on Sunday; Mrs. Frederick Moore, Mias Lelal Rpms—John G. Maher. 71, presi­ AT THE Y TENNIS CLUB law. became acting mayor. end carefully we look Into the record* wUhln the church loose xrtio so con­ First aid squad mtmbsrt, " Boy the east side of Keeney street. 8:30 a. "m.—Low mass Webster. . dent of to* Old Line Ufe Insurance spicuously. exemplified Its high SeouU snd war veterans added hun­ hearsal of Junior choir. Friday', 6 :30-rTroop I, Girl Scouta.- Company of Uncota,, Neb. He had of the New teatiroent, the more sermoii conscious we are of the fact that teachings and whoa* lives so ' far To Deliver Address At First dreds to the total of unlformsd men 10:30—High mass and; Misa Emily Smith, captain. . “ lived to, Rome for the poet five yeara. outtoone the aordidneaa end failure w o w On duty. A TA'.BA i'W llP’ X16OT i y tKT>~Aj>>tTt~ tH C R m e L YMI VAMFVf followed by reheareal > ot LtfftUa Friday. 6:80—Troop 7 Girl Scouts. Hot Springs, Ark.—<3oI. John R. e^en to the church Of toe genera- Formal Meeting Of The Or­ Uon immediately micceedtog toe of others that men were wont to re­ choir.„ Miss Jessie Hewitt, captain. - Fordyce, 69,.englneer and Inventor. mark to that dv„ "8cq *>ow these ganization -Wednesday, - f Tha h*«it songa *nd hiT 8:30—Monday— The Drum .and Saturday, 9:30—Troop 25, Boy | Master, thtogs were by no mean* ideal We have seen how, even to Christiana leva ono another!” M ' aong* g{ todar and jpaataz* Bugle Corpe will rehearse. Scouts. Ernest Irwta, ScoutmM- B A B B tr c h a s e r .m a n : Howard Brown, son of Mr. and GLACIER'NATIONAL PARK 4 :00 p. ro. Wednesday— Seaslon of ter. ' ' ' . the day* of the Master Himself and / Mrs. Samusf Brown of 38 Edgertoo d a y e p a n th a gatiM e i maaz< In HI# very presence, dle**n*lon It to tatoresttog. to see the way to Free Polish school. w w , Weatherford, Okla.. June 10 which Paul met these sltuaUons ot strsst. will bs the Instructor for ths aroae among the disciple* and dis­ oiy... as thay tall tha atary 9:15 a. m. Saturday—Polish school Lilt Manchester Y. M. C. A. Tennis Oub “U r r i E BIT OF NORW AF pute* aa to who among toeamstould moral slackness and trouble to the foe the current season, it waa an- of a gld leva oeuldn't ozush I Snnday. June ll. inw "A rabbit took after me In a cot- be the greeter end concerning other churches that he hod founded. He 75 GALLONS EACH WfiEK g o s p e l h a l l dW not to any respect lower ,the nounesd by the president. Miss Christlaa Science eburche. locaL- tin field It kept jumping against raattera. which to their very-natui* Eleanor Huebner lo4sy. Mr. Brown Glacier Park, Mont.— croWn 415 Renter Street beltod the teaching and example of Ideal. H e heW these early Ohrlattons 1500 GALLONS TO BE GIVEN AWAY Prmce Olav feels at home In Glacier . mefit Auez ' my panta leg* making' an angry I t will be the speaker at the first for­ ed: the Chrtot whom they had left oU to up to toe fun nlU and purpose or You'wlll find that 1 p o w e r payje 10:30—Breaking of Bread. Ma^toc Temple. RockvUle-Serv- .g-^^^purringng noise.noise, I kept Tt ma'ds pushlpg me'feel It God ss rosuilfest to the church; but A jw Put.s Pontiac mal meeting of the club, Wednesday bit of Norway.” **'• * "btUe * ; W k withwi ' my ho*. follow. tiac outperfomt* carS' THIS WEEK’S WINNERS! evening, June 14. at 8 o'clock at the Iks Mwsl ~gl«sii4«ri,ln(ini Itad.” 12:15—Sunday • echool. The trouble# that arose to the he wo* no rigorous disciplinarian, through lu pacM 1st Prize— Ha and Crown Prineaaa Martha 8:00—Baptismal service. “ iM*”L^evette St Hartford— ■<> lunnY •*«•*>?* utterly locking to any consciousness for beyond It* price— Y., which -all members are urged to All JOLSON « U ^ couldn’t bring myaelf to early church were somewhat of the ... up hllto . . • around 25 Galloiui—U. Foley, 109 Pine Street attend as officers for ths remainder touring waatam scanio apots, vtawad 7:00—Ooepel meeting. Scrvica 11.00 na. ____ lintAj*w itTin tha head Finally It same kind and from toe smse of hutoon frailty or to sympathy for curves • • • Zhrouvh and shows up eh capes glacial lakes near a towsrlng' rock 7 :45—Tueadey—Prayer meeting. cars for w h at thay are* 2nd Prize-— Of the year wiu be cho.^on and'a pro­ 637 Farmington Av... H a rtfo rd - ] causes.■ Self-seeking“ ■ ■ and— - Jealou*--lalou tto erring and fnn*n. There !(• a nolo traffic . . . ovu rough formation callad tha garden wall and . 7:45-T-Frid*y—B iye study. , S enlee 11:00 a. m. of tenderne** and congjoaslon even 20 GalIoiu4—P. Conti, 74 Woodbridge Street gram decided upon. Anyone Inter­ were reminded of the fjords Of Nor- Richard Roberta will speak at the striving create discord and difficulty strctchcc . . . and then Forget claims a n d ested In tenhis or in Joining the club . INVBNTOR-BNOINEBB DIES wherever they ap p ear-In home life, to bis severest reproofs, and better 3rd Prize— way. 8 and 7 o’clock services. 'God the Preserves ot Man” will than *11 this. In their selfish Mckef- let It spin down the counterclaim s. Lcfc. *111 be welcome to attend the-meet- 'Their royal highnesses wsra adopt- to public life, and even In the re­ r id t rfacide/ Gallon*—F. Kkin, 22 Weet Center Street Ing. Ths object of the club ts to em- be the subject of the LeaeonJBermon. Hot Springs. Ark.. June 10.—(F>—r ligious life of the church. But to ad­ togs, he colled upon thee* early open road. 4th P riz e - able players to use tha court at a ad into tha BUckfaat triha hare, thm CHURCH OF THE NAZABBNE The Golden Text to from Psalms dition to these thtogs. there were ChrlsUaiia to. wltqesa the unselfish­ reduced rate; to learn the game and danced arm-in-arm with tha radman Rev. E. O. Losk, Pastor 36:6: 'veteran. al?o sordid aspect* of thee* e^ly ness of Ms o m life. 10 Gallons—E.* Rohan. 517 Hartford Road to tom-tom rhythm. The tribe called When too** who favored him In­ 5th Prize— . to promote sociability through this the prince "Rising Wolf' and tha Christian communities. They exist­ fine spoil. . Sunday; are a great deep: O Lord, thou pre ed to the midst of a' corrupt -oad dicated conflict with those who pre­ printteaa "Flying Eagia.” machine gun from the shoulder, died ferred the more eloquent Apollo#, 5 Gallons-^. Zclcnak, 34 Weal Center Street Mr. Brown who Is a student at .9:80 a. m.—Church Bible School ■epvlet man and beeet." ^ ^ here tost night Hta eng^rlng licentious environment, and per- the Springfield Y.’M. C. A. College is Classes for oil ages. BtbLC readings Include the fellow- shtevementa Included construction baps It waa not unnatural that some Paul reminded them that they were /^ttochst%g 0 w ith o u t ^ 7i GaIk>M Erery Week- 1 Coupon With Every 11.00 an excellent tennis player. He has TOWN HAS NO POBTOFFICX .PL U S . . 10:45 a. m.—Morning worship and togs! "And we have known and be­ of toeee untrained end lU-dleclpUned not bis dtodpleo, but disciples of • 6MHUL rnoitm m*t »• mf ^ Birr ISN'T UNHAPPY lieved the love that God hath to ue. eeveral _Ml*sto*lppl river ter- Chrtot. and that the great thing was Purchase of Richfield or Richfield Ethyl. seen many of the top-notch players TUE*. Two oxeitomMit - **«li1at sermon by to* pastor. . ratooto. He town**** nu"'*''®"* disciples should yield to temptation iJV action and *111 have many inter­ Subject: “An Abiding Christian SSle^i-«tod he toft dweltoth to 1 intaaU. He uw?niea nur —and. man'# yleldtag to temptation th at CSirlst ahouM be preached and Siam. la.—(^ —Slam has nApoat- ■ewshonad* go laoklag tor ^ dwrtirth to GodJand Odd to | ton proces#tag*^maehtaes. th a t'th s Christian Ilf* should be esting things to talk about. New Yoifc'e loBoltoet girt . . Influence.” has aimoet alwaya produced phttoeo- Tennis tickets msy bs obtslned st '«» klgb Weal*. The Gospel to a great deal more , rsetly through thU town e| about m th MICHAEL WHAUBN than its nfinUtars or prsaeber*. AU snd 8 o’cloek. Court rsservstloiis Now Mn. Gsrsld VandarblU f l K T I Day program will be presented by June 10 should slso be made during these ^ one buadrad roatdanta. One eomaa th f c h U d ^ ot the Bunwy school. A ScIecUons from the■■ TtoiV;^trsw*rd«d * this it to very nsosssary to remember HoUina, Jr„ la ths format Batty Science taxtbook. "Bctonce aito Wortowei^ zwgw^ ^ I 369 Center'Street hours. from Now Market, la.; eas from v u f tufkT9. s n m n laiiaftwiv.eMjfOMu, Ni«g i comss fine program ot songs end recita­ Armour, abovs, sldast daughtoi Bedford, la., and ona from KopUna, tions ha* been arranged. Health w ith Key to toe ScrtptUT*d, | degree today to UNITED STATES OIL BURNERS Another way of famous packing family, mar­ “N The Week by Mary Eoker Kddy, toeipde toel r a n g e o il to avoid a good dsat ried in por^ caramopy at lake Monday Furniture Night .. m iS S m w S L FUEL OIL of misary----- In .JIlfs s Isla to IsMpl^ p your -And that, tha Mtlsaaa optaa, 1* Wednesday at 7:80 p. m.—Mid- followtog: "Fear to toe fountain of I mind on your work, ^ Forest, IIL, homa ol bar paraata, better serrlc* than lota o l totRM :««*k Preyer xad Praise aervle* wlU|*lclai*i*. and you Mr- tad Mre. laitex Amour, . .wtth goatoffloao g a t - - h a .lK ^ AUMfflnaBkWB' .jvito MANCHESTER HVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAT^JCNffm iSSf iP A G E F O U m YOUm IS KILLED HALIFAX Boy Tries To StealBubbler N ew s F rom . rors AS AUTO UPSETS D E p T E Y A a From North End Fountain b r i d e o n a b u d g e t ■ b y JANET DORAN Additional troubls haa developed; was Installed Instead a t tha small Library tmder W P A auspice*. The UPON HIS TALK RosseD Ganber, 16, Dies at the drinking fountain on North *pout project eeems to be- progressing \ ------or I ■ COLUMBIA favorably, but win be tried for the (Oaattaoad tro a i**c* One.) « ...... CAST OF CHAKACTEBS minute* late. Bart: after all b GRADUATION EXERCISES^ w e f t o o t t r ic e year aa a sort of experlmant to ass , A fter R eadnof Hospital; tain was out of buatnesa for the, one of them aueeeeded In taking off PU S IVES—-a radiant brtds who lAtorkfl for you and you’v® aonic sa’ S7B-13, Wtlllmantls Divistoci how It works out. Dr. Douglas la cause* without taking deflnit* step* greater part of the time. This year the new bubbler and Was carrying thought love eaine first snd money aiiout things. 1 should think.' tc meet the claims. president of the Hebron Library, whan It was time to turn on the It away when dstseted by one of the eould take care of Itself. Bart didn't answer that. He tell Police Chedunc Caase. Prsmitr Muasollnr* nswspspsr, that women rarely underatool the David H. Hunt, 21, son at Mr. and and favors the proposition. store keepers. He secured the bub­ BABT WHITTAKER — a right- AT PAROCHIAL SCHOOL There have two mere appll- II Popolo Dltalla at Milan, again water It was found that-.th* pipe bridegroom who looked at the duties and reeponsibllltte* of a man bler snd today a plumber was at Mrs. CUyton E. Hunt of this towrl, revived the Issua of Italian-French cations for old ag* pensiona rscstV' line had been broken. This was rs- work attaching the bubbler. To bankbook first and hla wife after­ towtfrd his help, and attempts to ex - will • receive the degree Bachelor of relations, contending Francs was ______Brooke*. pastor of the Union Con­ ed by First Selectman Edmund H. Rtlssen Gardner. 18, of 28 Elm Italy’s traditional artemy. , p alr^ and when the fM ntaln was prevent it from again being taken ward. plain the bond only confused the gregational church officiating. Bur­ Sclsnce from Worcester Poly- Horton. Thia makes 30 who are re. terrace, son of Mr. and Mr*. Frank » J . put Into use a new kind of bubbler away It la being welded Into place. issue further. Class Of 24 To Receive Dh reiving or who will receive such re Seeka General Bcvlaloo i Yedterday: Iris learn* at her wed- '"W e’re, all going Dutch." Iris ex­ ial will be In Grove Hill cemetery. ,Polytechnic Inatltuts at commence­ A. Oardnar, died at ths 3fancbester Paator On Vacation. ment .exercises on June 18. A lief In the towrn, If fhe last two ap­ The preSB epokesmsn made I t ! ■ ■ (Itiig aupper about Bart’* true atti­ plained ■ promptly, when Ellen told plications ars approved. ' Memorial hoapltal at 8:30 last night plomas Tomorrow After* Rev. Valentine 8. Alison, paator gra Britain and Frond*. Bart Whittaker, Just like her to be WITHOUT BURNING— 10:48 service on Siihday morning. Uvitiea. again. Wells ara alto getttnig lOw. road, Manehsster. whO was dsllvsr- MALE HEPER to carry tka spray for quits a dis­ one.’v f that rattled over her wedding, and] Bt fore you^q to the shore for to* week­ No Sunday ScbnoL A member of ths Lambda Cbl While the rain w4a not enough to Ing newspaper* thr^gfi Aadover Italy’s ass power in ths MsdIUr- tance. MISS JUUL SUGGESTS IgibUN’S hoMe no w penetrate very .deeply it did some ■ the suppera: at the Tivoli, afterward. : P. Holloran ends, or for toet long awaltad vscatlqik , There will be no Sunday school Alpha Fraternity, president of ths and Hsbroo. Ths car bad come to ranean waa glorified today In a dele- j Under prosant plans, tress on That night Bart brought home a session at St. John's Episcopal good. to completely forget about Sbndayj stop In at Weldoh Beauty Salon and get Boekyllle. Jiin* 10— (8p«rt»U — Aero Club, as well as membersbm In a stop while a paper waa pisosd In bratlon of Navy Day, wlQi 22,600 Main street. East Center street to CO pound and a hslf of steak, a cauh- FUNER.AL HOME ■church on Sunday.. The Sunday' IN ABDUCTION ahops being closeji. It waa Just, s protective cream'Tqr your akin. It A cl»«« of 24 pupil! will h« *rail- the Camera Club, the Outing Club, a tubs and had Just started sway eallors and boya destined for the near the Chanay mills will be a flower and a pineapple and sug­ FIVE VEARS OLD -School Commencement service wrllV Navy parading past Premier Musso­ luck to face the very first day win prevent burning but will allow your uated from St. B«m ard'» Parochial and tfia. . American Society of the first to receive attention. Ideallj tocat«d-<—coovenleat «nd be held at the church at 10:45 when the small runabout, which waa lini and King Vittorio Emanuels for' (Oonttnoed from P*ge Om ) .their married life «1th not a gested they eat at home A SUMMER PERMANENT akin to tan beautifully. ’ I fa a happy ^chan ical Engineering, have taken Awaj from the busy thorough- BChool on Sunday afternoon with o’clock. without *-to p or windshield, went nsarly an hour In front.of the na- ling In the pantry to cook | ; But of course, darling,” his bride thought for a eucceaaful vSeatlon. the axerclaea being held at three up ills time not devoted to the In- out of control and turned over. live. Failing to get a remunerative exclaimed wistfully, "you know how DUtlnctive 8«rnofr—Mod- The aucccaafiil / operation of a To Present Pina tense'study required to place him In BRITISH EXTEND Uonal monument In Rome. "N o Sunday (Ltnner— Bart, I'nv a Miss Bernice M. Juul of the W el­ o’clock at “St. Bcmard a church. To Go to Church Pins will be Gardner was throw* from ths car. ;j(:m, she said she decided the wise I love to hide away m our little nes; etv FmcUltle*. convalescent hc^ic involves the ■%/ the u p ^r third of his class Newspapers said that Italy, which W'retched woman." Iria wailed. The following group’•will be the awarded at the morning service at State Folios Notified thmg to do waa go back home. here. Only— well I wish I'd known don Beauty Salon, has one policy— most paln.s-taWnK attention, to Miint't'hnbby when borne on vses- bss constantly built up her flebt In "W e can throw aomething to­ program at the church: Proceaalon- the Union Congregntlonal church on A report of the accident waa tele­ • •‘But I couldn't go back home There are so many things we have-j AMBULANCE SERVICE that o f extending to her patrons at ' many details tyhlle It 4* not a hoe- flons has bten ths construction of the past three years, had eight bat- gether from odda and ends— I’m not al; hymn "To Chriat. the Prince of Sunday. Rev. Dr . George .S. AXIS PARTNERS phoned to tbt state police barracks tleahlpa, 34 cruieer*. 156 deatroyers brolta. like a beaten dog," ahe ex- to have to make a really good din­ pltal. In the sehae the average per­ fussy about any big dinner Sunday. ’ Peace," Montant. Graduatea; Roe­ gas model ali^lanes, and he has won DAY AND NIGHT all time* the most approved meth­ son associates/this word. In its var­ Brookes will have for the subject of In Oolohcatsr and State Pcdlceman and torpedo boats snd more than plaincil. ‘1 wanted to go back back said the bridegroom cheerfully. B "t ner.'’ lintel Sheridan Building ary and Utany ; . preeenUllon of several trophleV tn conteata of gas In style, with money, a* I had vis­ ods of beauty culture. Her modern ious departmt^ts. equipment, staff, his sermon on Sunday, "The V^ord Daniel McKanzI* was detallm to In­ 120 submarines. his bride was not,to be consoled. "Don't you buy your groceriea dlplotnae and prleea, Rev. ICdward ss well as rubbe^Ndrtvsn models. He ioned ntyslf doUig, and to accom­ Tonight 175 Center St. Phone 3060 facilities and high standards tnsur* and general surroundings, under the 'That Brought Success." FRIENDLY HAND vestigate. While details of tha ac­ "There are no odda and ends, oh ahead, Iria?" Bart asked bluntly. Is^ spending s few days at home be­ Fireman’s camivsl of MsnChts- J. Quinn, paator of the church: eer- Baaotiall Sunda.v. cident are still to b* checked. It is plish thei^.I kidnaped little KrChe She dimpled a shy smile at him as her customers' pleasure In every management/of an efficient and mon: hynui, "A ve Marla Stella"; M fore returning for . commencement ter Department at Woodland street lord and master." she stated hollow­ capable maitager. It really meets The Red ,Men's baseball team will (Oaallniisd from 1‘sga One) the opinion of the state policeman, Osborn." v she wflggled Into the lilac satin j service rendered at her shop. ■ Taddel, graduate*; benediction; Ave activities, and la planning to attend grounds. ly "looks like the young Whittakers the needs /of a community In a . play East Glaslonbury on Sunday as shown by hi* early report, that HOSPITAL NOTES Instead, “^^ahe la held tn $80,000 housecoat and hauled the zipper up, 1 With most women, jt summer p er-, Verum, A le* Gullmant; Proml*e*, the New York World's Fair wRh s cash ball. Charged with kidnaping Also Legion Cabaret dance at gM W a hbtdog at a lunch-wa«on. pleasant and satisfactory manner. afternoon at Henry Park In Rock­ at Plymouth that-"we are becoming there was trouble with ths steering patting the purple sTaab into position manent Is aa necessary a* |a new hat seclted by the graduate*; Tantum classmate, Robert West of Mofrls- ) for ransom V lth possibility of life Rainbow, In Bolton. Oh well. It -obuld be ^-orae, Bart. 1 j In every city the size of Maneliester , ville, this b<.lng a game in the Tri- overnight, aa It were, a great mili­ apparatus causing the wheels to fondly. to go'' with that new dies* and on -, [ a u h o r y T r io . W. A. Smith; Divine Pralne*; lown, ,V.. J., with whom *■ ■*’ Admitted yesterday; Mrs. Neva ' Imprisonments H er preliminary might have forgotten your break­ there are raose who require a spec­ County league. The game hsa been tary power," and th'e flight of W il­ turn uqder the upsetting the car. Next Week ^ “Mostly,.things have to be bought I nually woVnen arrange to have their , G. E. WILLIS Adoremiu and Laudate, Gregorian, pectlng to^make the trip here on a Lstne, 46 Toley street. I hearing was sm tor June 16 yeater- fast bacon, and your favorite shirred called for three o’clock. liam Strang, a SpecTal Bflllah en­ June 12.— Veterans’ carnival, cor­ ial type or care. In this city the Recessional. bicycle. \ .'\mliulan<« Arrive* Discharged yesterday: Mra. WU-1 day while authorities Investigated as they’re used, Bart, when you've permanents. Mias Juul suggests that residents are most fortunate In hav- , Visit Woodhiny, voy, to Moscow Monday to attempt ner Spruce and Maple streets. Tho*e who wUI receive diploma* fiolumMa Notes. When the ambulance owned by Ham McCaiighey, 130 Eldrldge \ her case 'further.V \ ^"Clin you make an omelet?” he no pantry. These smsll places have you make an appointment for your Ing provwied them, a quiet, well ^ A Laundry Sarrtea That Members of the Vernon Orange to effect a quick completion of June 14.— State Trade school & SON, INC. are Anthony SUnley Haakowskl. A supper meeting of the town T. P. Holloran of Manchester, which Btreet. asked suddenly, Inspiration lending only a cabinet snd refrigerator, and; permanent now because, with vaca-; managed convalescent home, operat.! Glee club will go to Woodbury this Brltlsh-Frenrh’-Sovlet Rusatan ne­ ’T v ’ graduation. Satisflea Wepli In and Robert Nelson Beaverstock, Mal­ girl -scoqt committee, leadere, and was railed, arrived, Gardner waa Dlecharged today: George Brea wings to his imagination. Iris made it means buying as you go along. It | lion Time looming on the horizon, ed by Mkry Gablln. at 29 and 38 evening to visit with .Mr ami. .Mra. gotiations for an assistance pact ^ n e 17.— ¥«uhg. G.O.P. get-to­ colm Gregory ( “oleman, George A. Kenneth Wetister of that place, court ui biiiior was held at the home lying along aide of the road. He nahan, 91 Chestnut street; Barbara isn’t such a bad plan, really." your favorite operator Is planning a Cottage/ street. For the past five Complete Line of Weak Out seemingly contradicted reporta that gether, 9 p. m., R ^ and Gun club. s grimace. " ," triahaH’rilKjli Ttoderlck Cratty, John Joseph Cral- who have been members of the club. of Miss Jean Natsch at Columbia waa brought to the Memorial hospi­ Yeoman, 31 Union etreet; Mrs, Isa­ WARN TREE SPR^Y MIX "Csn,’’ she agreed, "but won t. "It’s an expensive one. Iris! Lx>ok. j vacation, too.' So make your ap­ year* /this enterprise hs* heen the britlsh government waa return­ Coventry. ty . Joseph John Gworek, William There will be a ' huslne.ss meeting Lake Wedneaday evening. tal where he seemed to be suffering bel Webb, Buckland; Mrs. John L. you save dollars, buying bargains In No Job pointment a* far ahead aa possible rendering a sympathetic as Well ss Have Your Leondry PrubleiM ing to Its old policy of appease­ This Is the flr.'t day of our mar­ Building. Solved At the John Hunniford, Charles Anthony followed by a social. Reappointment by the legislature with chest Injuries and while im- Von Deck, 32 Sterling Place; Paul June 18, — Manchester High large lots. -,B u t you know that.] Too Ijirge! so that you can have her do It for professional type o f care, Snd ha* ment. achool graduation. riage Mister Whittaker, and we Pltkat. Charles Francis Steppe, W il­ of Hubert P. Collins of this town as consclous moat of the time waa'able J. Barretl, 368 Center atreet. MAY HIT P A R p ) CARS naturally." ' you. It makes no difference what become recognized for the pleasant The foreign minister and Cham­ start out right." __ No Job MANCHESTER LAUNDRY liam Edward Stiles, Catherine Jean one of the Commissioners of Tol- to apeak aOme before he died. He Census: 86 patients. Coming Events "Yes. I know, Bart. It makes m e: kind of a permanent, you want— environment and excellent appolnt- Materials Jun# 23.—June Rose dance by They had roast chicken and fresh Too Small! Fred Hoiw Mgr. Ati^ros, Gertrude Ruth Beaulieu, lap'd County has been announced. berlain.-told rarltamcjif Thursday paaaed away soon after reaching the \ so mad. It seems as If the people ; either spiral or croqulgnole—you that Britain was willing to diacus.a strawberry sherbet at .-the very ment*. « . 1 3 B U p l* 8 t Xai. S ild Alice Nora Dailey, Norma Elisabeth Rev. Arthur Vsrley of Wllllman- hospital. Russell Gardner, 16, of 28 Elm Motorists are warned Park Catholic Ladles of Columbus at with .money enough to not worry SCHIELDGE can get U at the Weldon Beauty Mts. Glblln will cheerfully tiirnlah Telephone 5125 ' WAPPING German demands for "living room." Country club. swank m tle Pickwick G'HI- a P°Pb' W IL L IA M H. p allsJla Corte, Catherine Nora Do- tic, fsllier of Mrs. Allan Robinson A iter the Investigation mad* by Terrace was admitted for emergency Superintendent Horace F. ^furphey«y over savings, get all the bargain Tel. 3690 Salon—and you can also get the Infofmatlon regarding her service, MRS W. W GRANT The two' statements wtre' said by Aug. 16.—Annual outing of lar dine and dance adjunct to the 135 Spruce St. Ssrtyisrty, Agnes Rose Eh-tel, Constance of this town, will preach at the the stale policeman. VoIkcrt, who treatment last night. Death was that, commencing at 4:30 a. tp. Mon­ chances while the folks who really new Baby Curl permanent, an up- rates or any other details regarding the diplomatic correspondent of old Hostler’s Inn, overlooking Un- Ifa rtte Lucas, Lillian Francss Mil­ 880S Man'^bester Supday morning aervlca of tba Con­ escaped with slight Injurtt* was caused from internal hemorrhages day the annual Ires spraying will Chamber of Commerce. need to eraonqmize make It up by swept wave that is so flattering to adrpisslon or facilities. Many med­ lar, Dorothy Teresa Morin, Marls Reuters, British news agency, to wood Common In the business dls- thus make sure that yohr skin Isn't gregational church. held pending an Inyeatigatlon by the resulting from Injuries received in begin In town. Whil* It is made paying extra for small quantities of most women. Or. If your features ical patients respond raplflly to this Tsrssa Pfunder, Frances Helen have the Intention of answering Landlady— So that new boarder trict They had romalne salad and getting leathery from theNmn while There were twenty-six children) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Portar and coroner and a bond of $1000 was an sutomoblle accident which oo- clear that all night parking rertric- cverythliuf.** demand It. there are sevei-al flatt r- t\-pe of care and aervlce.' Patients RIssa, Kathleen Mary Regan. Cath- "Cisrlrclenieiit propaganda." ourred In Hebron earlier in the eve­ tlons ere not within the p ro'^co has found something fresh.to bom- black coffee in eggsh^sH S A FE R AN D you are having fun. You get e x p e r t ^ two chitdi’vn of Umaha, Nebraska, posted. " W e ll, let’s see what we need, Ing styles for matrons. ' , with broken hips, or other Injuries ns Marie Shea, Rita Genevieve who ettended the Well Child Confer­ ning, Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, town med­ of the park force, It la 'noted that plain about this morning? sod A single yellow jonquil ECONOfflCAL a variety of cream* ^and lotloia at are spending a few days at the home I Gardner was s student, st Bt. the center of honey; can’t be helped." When you get your permanent needing long convalescent periods, den. ence. which was held Friday after­ ical examiner, stated today. cars that do rsmsln on the streets Cook—No, ma’am, It's the eggs. in a slender vase In t " ' the eoametlc department of tolssjo of Mr. Porter's parents. Mr. and James’s school and was to have He went to the little store around MOTORING wave at thi* I6cal shop, which In- make a more rapid recovery in such JOB I^RINtlNG a t y Oaort noon si Ihe Wspplng Cbmnxunlty their Uny table. cal shop— they also handle powde surrounding*. Nurse* ere In *t- The |25 cash bond of Samuel Mra. Horae# W. Portsr. been graduated this month. Sur­ the famous the corner and spent $2.70 on the rldentally.ls in to* Hotel Sheridan Letter Heed*, iBavalopee, MMmh. House. Mia* Edns Stager, Mias ABOUT T O P TV They had music by lipsticks and other coametle ancl_ bendence at *11 times, assuring pe- BUlhetato, Invttatleaa. CIreatoce. ^ Ras Fet*er\27, of 11 Luhman Ter- Tn a return game to be played at viving him ara his parents; three Four Horsemen Orchestra, and the Hat Iris gave him. Aind by the time Building, you are' assured of the Frances Gazarian snd Miss Reck, she had the meal cooked her head will gladly give you a free make-up tlenta of the itiany vital necessities AnnameeaMala, Pregiaasa. TU*. Sceaucus, N. J„ was declared the Ridges Sunday afternoon the Members of the family of Rev, sisters, Edwsrdln*,^ Aljm* and Au- check waa for $3-to. but Iris best because teat curl* will be made liOOAL AND liONU DlffTANOR dental hygienist assisted Dr. God­ was aching, and Bart had ths dishes SUNOCO teat. If you will stop by. From this belnjf^ cared for tn a most ethical Oerda. fo rfe it^ In the City Qoiirt o f Rock- local Junior basebnJL team will at­ Watson Woodruff are attending the rlne Gardner and a “brother Franels was worth It. They had atmos and your operator will prescribe the TRUCHINO dard. Local helpers were; .Mrs. tempt, to avenge a 12-0 healing of wished onto him ss an after-dinner Gas and O lls\ teat, you can discover the right and pfufeaslonal manner. arllle on Friday by Judge ’Thomas first of the commencemefit activities Gardner, sU of Manchester. "right” one/ for you—oil will be pelly Trip* To end From Mm * ReaaoaaMe Prtees. Homer B. Ijuic. Mrs. William 81m- last Sundsy. phore, didn't they? token. But he whistled cheerfully SOCONY color tones yqu should us* In your Aged and chronic patients get a L. Larkin when hs failed to appear at Wheaton College, Nbrton, Mass. Also surviving the youth or* his On the way out, a flower vender Gas and Oils I steamed Ifi during the process If cheater, Hartford and New York. |o answer to the charge of driving ler. Mrs. Willard Steane, Mrs. Leyl Miss Kniicen lojckwood, daughter grandparents, Mr. and Mra. 'Tkomas as he cleahM up the kitchen, confi­ “your particular texture of hair de­ make-up. different and more cheerful outlook T. Dewey and Mrs. Ral/b E. Oitllns. Miss-Jean Woodruff, elder daugh­ accosted them, and Bart never knew Complete Why not telephone today for a on life and thrtr coioperatlon m e ^ Telepboee 8088 a truck without having secured of Mr. and .Mrs. Carl lo>ckwood has McManus and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew dent that he had married the one nt ands It. Community Press Services at the Community church ter of Rev. and Mrs. Woodruff, will e r that Iris picked the Pickwick Grill Lubrication convenient appointment for your so miieh In thHr ultimate recovery. 8. W. common carrier markers from the graduated from Penn Hall Prepara. Gardner, both o f Manchester. Ha ! and only wonder girl In the world, A. B. Holmes be graduated from the college on because past experience bad Ifught Auto Repairing During the summer, it is impera­ PERRETT & GLENNET tomorrow morning ydll be Sunday dory achool of Chsmbersburg,' Pa., and that their future waa a wide, permanent—or your weekly finger If you are In need of such care, or 381 Ne. Mala Bt T«L ^ b llc Utilities Commission. He Monday. A graduate of Manchea- was a msmber of the Boy Scouts of her that there waa always a flower tive for every woman to protect h*r \lnc, Was arrestsd by State Policeman School at 9:30 a m. It being Chil­ and la st her home here. serene road to Paradise. It took wave or facial?—the number Is are responalble f w the care of ter High school, she has majored St. James’s school. wotpan prowling the atreet COOK'S SERVICE ST A. skin with cream* and finishing lo­ Pertett Place . tllglit Pkoo* 8318 8. A. Buffa of the Staflford Barracks. dren's Day. The morning eervlce ■ Miss Virginia Collins, a student at time to get things organized, and 5009. Your favorite operator wait* others In .such a p o tio n , why not In soology, The funeral will be held Monday of the' old Hpstler’a Inn, and the Bon Manchester Green Phone 3966 tions. Stop st the Weldon Shop and Investigate for yoursett/? You may . Frank Martley, 44, p t Mountain will begin at 10:.'t0 o’clock, a quar­ Mass., Is home for the summer," morning at 8:30 at ths T. P. Hol­ One Week’s Free Trial pf This get adjusted to changes, and Iris get your.^ vacation supply now and 1 to serve you. telephone 5279, or c a « fSarsonsUy at . atrast was sentenced to 30 days to ter of an hour earlier than usual. loran funeral home, 178 Cantor v.’ss not used to running a home for ' Tolland Jail and ordered to pay costs The entire serrice will be for and Mrs, Volmer Thornfeldt of Cam­ *^Flowers for the preUy lady. the Manchester Cpovslescint Homs. bridge Btreet and daughters, Mra. street with a maas celebrated at St. tbs old woman whined. Bart made two. e t $11.18 when be was found guilty by the ebUdrem There are nine or The next day, her headache was John Daddsrlo and Mr*. Ocorffe James’s church st B o’clock. The an impatient gesture but Irta’ to - af intoxication. Martley was ar­ ten children to be baptiqgd. burial will be In Bt. James’s ceme­ exchanged for a scratchy , throat, WHEN YOUR PLUIOTING HAVE YOUR CAR [ HEBRON Schulz of Rockville, and the latteFs gers tightened pleadingly on hi* rested by Sergeant Arthur Frey and Sunday eyenlng, the annual tery. snd Iria Inaiated she felt too punk GETS RA.MBUNGTIOXIS . . . JOHNSON, LITTLE daughter will spend the next two UNIVERSAL Electric Ovehx BUSES PASS NEW THOROUGHLY GREASED Patrolman Merrill Cedor Thursday Grange chuVeh service will Im- held A t a meeting of the Town School to care about eating much 'of any­ ... W E N. E. PRINT SHOP ^ alghL at eight' oOTock. Brother Charles weeks At Cedar Beach, Milford. *% a rrrrrU n g ." ahe cooed Board Thursday evening plans, were tively, "Isn’t It too funny? ^ thing. They could go around the AND OIL CHANGED *' To Graduate. A. Downsy Connecticut SUte Chap­ OANOEBOUSLV ILL corner to the .Campus Chocolate heating CUAL - CURB discussed fo^F^IlevIng ths over­ Without Obligation \ she knew all along that y o M ^ a n t^ Ua n EXPERTS Carlton F. Menge, son of Mr. and lain, Is ^ be the speaker. The LEAD IN GROWTH shop and have a hot vegetable soup RED MDI’S ar e n a Mrs. Oscar F. Menge, Jr., of 121 crowded condition at tha Hebron me to wear vloleta! Remetnber how DOES GOOD WORK Is aervtce statlMi whare wa RANGE AND FUEL OILS church m oir will provide extra mu­ Green school. The c^mmltte* In Beverl'rly Hill*. Calif., Jun* lO^(Ab and rolls, snd she’d go straight FIX best labricoBta aad aaod- High street will receive his B. S. Washington. Jim* 10.—i/D—The you Insisted, yesterday? And then sic. E ^ r y one Is most cordially In­ charge Is made up oF-^tha Rev. HaroUllid “F. McCormick, 87. Chica­ home and to bed after. ProBipt DdUwtwIdd degree at the graduation exercises Home Dxnn Bank Board said today promised you’d buy me some IT! Many resident* of ufsnehesfer vited th be present whether mem­ Harold R. Keen, Mrs. Cmarjes N. go Harvester mlllionsire. Is dan­ Only the hot soup was so good Before efficiency became, toe Of the Springfleld College on Sun­ that Federal aavinga and loan as*o- and adjacent area* have been en­ Messrs, A, •£. Holmes and J. W. At Ai; Ttads bers df the Grnnge or not, Fillmore and Mr*. Albert W. llUd gerously 111 at hla horn* here follow­ To The First Twelve Custokiers wear on my suit after. Her throat felt much better after vogue, the horse served an admir­ day. _ A. number ffoip. .Rockville olatlons led all types of home “fl- If Bart remembered that it naq Bars, owner* of the Community T m Wapplng Grammar school ing. They hav* been looking tntp ing an operation two weeks ago for she’d had the invigorating , PHONE gaged In home building duping the Brs planning to attend the exercises nanclhg .Jnstitutlon* In rate of been she who did the plan in g on able purpose. ’ But, today 1* far t* tain* excellent equipment and a suf­ COLE MOTORS '■ There will be no Mndce* at the Ice, on Sunday-morning. The Rev. Mrs. Marietta G. Horton and har iMves, Iris discovered her feet huiL stormy sobbing If he tried to remon­ METCALFf^ GLASS CO. well trained. -S the value of. air conditioning fm ' Rockville Methodist church, por the Victor GreenWcHxI will preach each sister, Mist Marlon Oott, gave a "It’s wralklng so far, darling, she strate with her, or devlata from the Ul'/| Center St Tel. 5858 . Bus service in tM* vicinity Is ade­ ficient staff of employ*** ^o astute 9I-dS Center 8 t TeL dtdP the home, as well as business place*, you of excellent service and prompt Crystal Lake Mettmdlst cljiirch on Sunday vintll the church vacation. smsll bridge party In honor o f Mrs. " I guess T m just a course ahe w u ted toei^matrimonial quately handled by'the Silver I^ e cannot be over emphasized. Little deUveriea. You should not overlw k Sunday as the pastdr. Rev. J. Arthur Charles E. Hllding and her guest, Do you suppose bark to, cruise on. bus line, operated by Perrett A coo zhow you how essential proper Edwards la Mtendlng the gnnual Mrs. K. Trujillo of Njsw.Vork. There ick to town?" Glenney, Inc. Their service to Hart­ these factors In placing an mder "Why, Bart? 'Mofaey Isn’t every­ air-conditioning is aa a year round for printing. The Community Prew conference at F^Il River. Mass. At were two tsbr*s-ln play. Mrs. Ann* K thing, and we’r # / »ly young once," ford ha* rscsntly been augmented necessity. * V this conference the .annual asaign- C. Gilbert won th^ highest honors. and today they render bus service la .especially equipped to do all WILLINGTON ahe cried petulantly. Then, wind­ Everyone contemplating new'con­ kindi of die cutting which enableB Manchester rhents are made add the annoiincr- Refreshments of strawberry short­ direct to a new boxing arena lo­ Miss JENNIE H. CHURCH ing her warm round arms tight struction work, repair* or altera­ them to do •oroe'unueual pHntlng menta will be m a d e^ b llc on Sun­ cake and punch w ere serx’ed. cated on the Hartford Road. These tions should deteriiUne whether or about hi* neck. "Don't you love me, A telephone caU to 8727 will con Convalescence day. At the recent (^ r te r ly con­ Children’s Daji’ w(ll not be olr- darling? you want ybur Uttls. weekly boxing matches have be­ not tbolr heating apd plumbing ference of the local \M ethodiit Invitations were ’ distributed this tact the Community Press. served by tbs Hebron Congregation- wife to have-any fun? It Isn’t as 11 come popular to local residents M d uhlta are In good condijtlon. -Little church, the members asked for the Week by Hall Memorial school to at­ Ap4 In ths Campus Your printing may be your only Home si church tomorrow, as aoro* have you weren't toe handsomest man on the Silver Lane Bus eervlc* has. assures you of hla ability and wlll- return of Rev. Edward*. \ tend the gradu.-itoln e.xercl.scs »o be mistakenly suppqssd. WhU* ths they hati contact with proapocUve customer#, 29 Cottage St., 35 Cottage St. the dance floor, and-by far toe best provto a mof* than satisfactory, Ihgneaa to make a survey of your Veiled Court'. \ , held In Ihe aiulitorluni of H jll Me­ Gilead church Is holding Its C2iU- stes and Itot o o B ^ and, for thU reason, wise and suc­ Roasts ^ Bakes -^ Broils dancer. It isn’t a* if I weren’t half way of getting to Hartfwrd. , needs. He will personally super­ ! Marjr Giblin, Prop. Chlldrch from the Center school morial school In South Wlllington dren's Day exercises this coming r ’ ■ .‘ Iria decided cessful office managers and heatta dizzy . with pride over toy big It I* true that the private auto­ vise each and every Job, regardless ,i' of Bolton, grades 6 to 8 with t h ^ Wednesday evenitig at T.ilO o'clock. Sunday, the Hebron chiirch WtU lew feaure at the mobile'serve# an invaluable p u rp w . of Its size. You can telephone him of firms make It a point to know it For Agied • Chronic-and hubby!" la alwaya correct. First Imprea- teacher. Miss Lydia '^oung came The play, ’’Williiim THI." will be postpone theirs until the following downto'wn Met. , , _ j but wllh tota there le elwey* the at 5876, for'Information, or call at Qonvalescent .Cases So. they went. And toe boles In floDS are often lasting ones, and r to Rockville on Friday to altcrrd Elven.Tlie liiviliillona are llbislraled Sunday, June 18. •'It’s Carole liimbard, Bart, and trouble of ftodlng e parking place. hla office, 109 O n tar etreet, and , ’ the session of the TolUind County lirgold'Color. . Cooks A Complete Oven Meal toe budget grew bigger ^ d bigger. your printing shouM represent you I Quiet, Johnson Paint Co. Claude W. Jbnea has bought,'ths you know how yoiKalwpya Hke her. When you go by Silver Lane Bus, discuss your problems with blm. Edwin Johnson, Prop. Wperliir court. As there was no.. GMrge Mathewi; of South Willing- Ben Jones farm at Jones street. Until toe budget became prscticaUji you don't have to worry about any­ ss you desire to be known. ' Pleasant Surroundings Mssicui of that court on Friday, So gay and peppy, lace. Badly torn lace. Held to­ 899 Main St TeL 8884 ton As receiving treatment In the There Is an acerage of 92 acres, with Btorlea ahe plays In. thing — you gst where you want C2>mmunity Press also <1*^8®* Nurse in Attendance. they attended tb r session of the gether with the fragile, delicate calendar* snd offer valuable print­ Hartford hospital. Mrs. Thomas dwelling hous* and farm buildings. At One Time: Going to sleep that-nlght., wito to* go. when you want to get there. - city court. Following the session, Moriarty, also or..south Wlllihglon. The main barn on the place was de­ her blond head curved \toto toe thread of Bart's lovr for her. bis FORMER ASSEMBLYMJI ing, auggesUons. Police . Captain - Dowgewiczi took Why not try this method '' and a ^ whd has hcvn ill Kt'vcral weeks. Is molished last fall by the hurricane. warm hollow of Bart’s shoUWer, Iita belief that everything would come them through the police headquar­ repori^ , yst been dedicated and opened to snd Mrs. Nettle Iteynoldb of Esgle- Denies H. Pellattt, wife of There was that jonquU y e llw The 88-y**r-old Moran, who wa* past three days In fear, ona of them Visible Record Equipment on with our talk. . . i.. J of the range. (Oven to Jbe returned). BY AMERICAN COURTS MS B t ^ st. Eet. April, 1891 a Brooklyn legislator for 11 year# the public. vllle took the consolation prise Hjverett.C,-J**lletCcif DanWaon Kaa -CAMCD Ktdptor Jo DgyldiOB^ knitted dress she’d wanted * . a i « said, of being shot. 1 Ail W ork Done Ii^sida "Photography hat been r«4 0 Supply Pulpit. Mrs. Alexander' -TMd and Mra. bought let number 237 at Xmston " dsnlMh of Paris U years, the new honey-beige kid sandals, CHANGES SPEECH TENOR but was not renominated In 1638. (Bulgarians claim DobruJ*. given Save money on, your office couldn't move back to America placing the portrait painter and heard without comment the Jury’* Under Cover Rtanley J. Keach of Danielson William Pardua were soloists at the Lake, And the deed has been record­ and toe lltUe burnt orange straw Naw York, Jun# 10— (ffT— AdoH to Rumania by World War treaty.) ‘G- J ed thUi week at tha town clerk’s of­ very well even if he wanted to iculptor. It shouldn t verdict In General Sessions court requirements by buying here. W tl be the guest preacher at the entertainment held by CTImox Chap­ hat that was scarcely more than an Hitler earns under the protsetioo of The refugee* aald they were from fice. The sal* o f a lot to Herbert beceus# several hundred ■tat'- London. Jun# 10— The B rit­ late ysaterday. General Auto Repairipf. ■eirice at the Rockville Baptist ter, EAatem Star, at their meeting "That camera can only show Inverted waffle with a perky bow at toe American courts today. MINMIZE REPORTS ish Broadcasting Company an­ a group of 40 mimmoned by Ruman­ chfiTch on Sunday morning. Mr. Wednesday night. ■ 1 ^ Martyn of Hartford, number 284, uet don't ship easily. But he vir Place Your Order In Person Or By In e ruling which toe U. 8. Cir­ The two counts on which he was it* hers frsquently, has numer what 1 am lika at thi* partie> one edfe* It would mean budget nounced today that a mls-roadtag ian authorlUe* to explain their Kpaeh. is a divinity student now Frank Wright of West wmington has also bsan recorded. ular Instant— that is not a por> cuit <3ourt of Appeel* aa}d wa* der convicted charged he received - $38,- membership In a Bulgarian cultural stkdylng in Philadelphia. He does Mlsa Ruby HIIIa of New Haven, ou* friend* In ths states as w*U » pajrtnenta for seven or eight weeks, ON WARNING TO JAPS o f Foreign Bscretary Viscount H ^ - 000 from the Parmelee Tranaporta was fined $10 and c«sts tn Wllllman- ss abroad. A widower with two trait It's a map. 8 physical but ah* was married now. And signed to uphold the rights o f organization. <, hot 00ms to ths church as a can- tle court Wednesday fot reckless who haa been the guest of her fjax's *pe*ch to German* lUtentiig Oon Company and the Terminal •ona. he ia neatly- dressed and likeness. Telephone At Once And Receive A Bart would help with expenses. It "atateleas’* eUess, such aa refugees, to a German language new# aum- •nisy expected to be tried for GAS driving when hi* truck collided with cousin. $fUa E. Ann* Clark, for the a copyright hult over Hitler's book, gystero. New York taxicab opera­ vigorous looking, ha* produced "Don’t misunderstand me. I would be easier now. (reason. One among them declared SALUTE! AUTOMATIC WATER Mrs. Mary J. Mertso. a telephone pole. past wMk, Is spending a few days "Mein Kampf," wa* returned to toe Loe Angeles, June 10—(^8—Naval tors, fer promoting legislation they heroic statuoe of Will Rogers, think photography is (Inc, very It was that very Monday noon "*V m t HaHfax said was “Any of 23 were killed while trying to croae W e salute you at our Mrs. M aty J. Merten, 88, o f 38 EVerett Robertson has ■ a nsvv with M i*. Nellie Jones Skinner In Walt Whitman and the la t e District court with orders to enjoin spokesmen iplnlmlzed today re­ desired tn 1938 and 1638. new service station HEATER 0$k street, 'widow o f William Mer- Chevrolet aedan. Westchester. - useful, o f t e n extraordinary. that the girls In to* office InMsted (jsrmany’* claims era open to con the border last month. Senator La FoUette, has don* Week’s Froe Trial Of This Oven unautooriMd pubilcatlon o f toe (Ter- ports that a fast Japanese trawler with . . ~. All the hot water y o « w a rt m h m tsf, died at the Hartford hospital Mrs. Mary B. Cummings and bar But its field is not portraiture •be lunch with them, and Introduce alderaUon.” Ths Latin club of Windham High nudes, portraits, busU. tosa Reich^ehrer’a work. had been warned away from San RIGHTLY NAMED. you waat It Ton con haw R NX; FHday morning. 6be was bom achool held a picnic Wednesday at son Harold, war* guests of the for­ to e ' brand-new husband. Iris tried The broadcast we* thM ^ot all EFFORTS GO TO DOOS. GOODRICH GAB AND OILS “Tha camera ean'l t do swhat tha aeroente Uland, toe Navy’s esefet and pay aa little as $$4I s> Alsace-Lorraine and bad been a Lake Poedtapaug, East Hampton. mer’s aon-lil-law and daughter, Mr. to evade tha Invitation, but had to of Germany’* claim* are open to Milwaukee, June 10— U ftr- The Range OU portrait painter and aculptor can do. They can givo you a $ya^ offshore training area. ' Expert Greasing m en & No depeott iwildSnt o f Rockvtn* fo r 00 years. About 80 attended with a member of and Mrs. Avery West at their home eapitulata when they crowded ^ r . NATUU TAKB8 HAND. oonaideratlon.” weather wa* hot and the water waa BhslbyvUle. Ky., June 10—(P i— I - thesi# of what has happenra over a period of tUha ‘Nothing to the reports, nbthlng g. A. Martin, dog tax enforcement BjStterles Tire# tion ekargeo. In' Ihs Isavss a nepbew, Paul Lapge the faculty. • In East Hampton Wednesday, at a of venous moods of the eittar. Thet l$.a portrait "B art may not be able to make to them at all,” aald a Naval aide. coot so a youth o f 19 and three urn three nleoes, Mrs. Emma l^ott- Mra. Edna Bugbee Lovgee of New family dinner. it " she explained uneasily. Outhtie. Okie.. Ju^e 10—(iPi—On* 11A0O P A M IU B g HOUSED jroi^er eompanioiis dived Into toe agsnt, la convinced all his efforts lu cre’s a reason why "Iteet of humanity havo to work at lomathing they don’t 111m The Manchester Electric Division The Los Angeles Time# declared S v a gone to ths dog*. He caught MfV Mrs. Mlehaal Grisgan and Mrs. London, daughter of George P. Bug- Df. Charles X Douglas o f Boston “He’d better,” Ellen Kent chuck Flascb tried to quit wheat faming, Milwaukee river, aana bathing *uB* era are chsaglng to •HSoodrich. M a Mc h e r t e r M v M m i ^ t n id e Brown, ,sll o f IMrtford. f ortuaatdy I havo to do what I want to do. 1 eumoOo you emiM but natur* InterfarelL A ftir last tba vessel, the Mlnpwo Maru, had 84 monjR’sl* Thursday, hut during bse, has been appointed executrix of has been here at his Hebron homa led, “or we'U ask a proxy—eome- bean seen near the Island as toe Wsshtngton. Juqe 10.—(Pi—gec- police laimeb. out on patrol, 3tRsr«l**d«a*Cs. 1m funeral will be held on Mon- ■ w rvo Bovtr dooo on *bonost day’a work* in nty |lfo. n o novpr TBB OONlflCIlCUT fOWKU OOMPANT . , in*. year’s , harvest be decided to pl«at to* night somsoos freed them. Fff- V A ir S SERVICE STATION his estate at Waat Wlllington. for a visit of a few days. He «haa ) )ne BO devastating he’ll regret play Usitsd Statsa Qset put . out to soa retary Parkpip aald <“• todar" that came UPOR tha acepe and drove the F aftemoon at 3:80 p. m. at the been looking up mattera eonaaeted two— I work ovorywhoro I go. I’ve atartod a poitrut buat of U n injg hooky.' slfalAi ineteod. .But hU voluntaw dwelUMB for aaqrly 71,000 famlUas into tha hand* of waiting ty-two w # ^ 4 11 Hartford Road ToL S8dd bsr .Whits Funeral homa fn \ ‘S V i ''wheat W8* $0 good be had to cut iaeticql m^*uvera and bad Two tKouaajid'of the 43,'000 doc­ with the proposed projdn for an- VuUng bora in Naw i^ rk and can't leavt unUl rv f% iih a d i i ” "AU Bart said a trifle Vsttdd H la ^ g fi^ i n S the flr$t sold here iisaii ateortad ps8M with Rsnr. Dr. OeMve Q. itor* ta p tfltitd art woman. larging the «oopa of the M iblV — Jiary Morrte. Ag.r S7B-U, WUllmanU« Olvlidm how it works out Dr. DouglSaJ la causes without taking deflnit* stapa greater part of the time. This year the new bubbler and was c a n in g y^Q ght love came first and money about thing*. 1 should think. ” -those sagging sl»- to meet the'claims. president of tha Hebron Llb^ry, it away when detected by one of the eould take rare of Itself. Bart didn’ t answer that. H " felt htHnInal musclea. Premier MuasoUnt’a newspaper. when It was time to turn on the David H. Hunt, 21,. son of Ur. and end favori the propoaltion. Police Cbeddni Canse. store keepeia. He secured the bub­ BART M'HITT.AKER — a right- that wofnen rarely understool the AT PAROCHIAL SCHOOL II Popolo D'ltalla at Milan, again water it was found that the pipe Call There have been two mere dppU- Mr*. Clsyton E, Hunt of this town, bler and today a plumber wa^ at aon* bridegroom who looked at the dutles/and re.'ponsibllllle* of a man \ call one for old age pensions r M iv - revived th* Issue of-Itallan-Frenph line had been broken. This w ^ re­ haakbook first and his wife after- toward hi* help, and attempts to ex will receive the degree Bachelor of relations, contendthg Franc* was work attaching the bubbler. To MISS "a n n i e s w i f t ------ed by First Selectman Edmund H. Ruosen Gardner. 18. of 38 Elm paired and when the fountain was prevent It from again being mkeo plain the bond only confused the Hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P lJ L Horton. This makes 80 who afe re­ Italy's traditional enemy. J, ' ______gt«g&Uonjil church ofticlating. Bur~ Sclen(:e iVom Worcester Pqly-' terrace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank put Into use a new kind of 'bubbler away tt ia being welded Into place. i**ue further. Riibtpow Bldg. 3rd Fhipf Class Of 24 To Receive Di- ceiving or who will receive sudh re­ Seek* Oenerai Revision l&I will b« tn Orovh Hill cemetery. Polytechnic Institute at commence­ A. Oardnsr. died at the kfanebeatep Vesterday: iris learne st her wed- "W'e're all going Dutch,” Ins ex­ ment exerclaea on June 18. A lief In th* town. If the last te|o ap­ The press spokesman made It fitog supper shout Bart'e true atti-' plained promptly, when Ellen told I -F-- i Rev. Valentine 8, AHeon. paiitor plications are approved. Memorial hospital at 8:30 last night — ------^— :::------plomas Tomorrow After* graduate of Windham High achooTln plain that Italian demands now are are liable to be whitened with .-file tilde about money. She hide* her him they’d decided on the Tivoli. | A brisk rain with thundsrj and not merely for concessions in ___ . of the Tolland ^^M)erated church la Willlmantic, he hsa majored in following an accident on Routs 85 spray which will be shot Intoc'uees own view* so that the first clood "everyone love* the Monday Italian j lightning of a mild order wija felt French Djibouti, the Suez canal and mechanical engineering In aeronau­ on tha Andover-Hebroo road. In the lining streets and walks. I t is sug­ “ comes over thHr marriage. - - rpectilB they have at the 'TtvoU. so j y noon In Rodville; Cases Clurkin, pastor of ^ the South Con­ here. Thursday evening. Farmers Tunisia but for a general territorial posSiF tic* and enjoysd msmbership In' Pariah of Gilead, an hour earlier. SEEK we thought If each one paid for her gested that motorists who leave especially appreclattol the revision which would put Italy and CHAPTER III gregational' church of East Hart­ cliilia affiliated with this course, as Gardner was riding with Charles their ears out do so In aiahs removed lunch we'd have something r t » ) i f . ford will occupy the pulpit at the the ground wa# gcttlng^verjJ dry Germany on the basis 'O f aConomlc Tt was, declared the new* Mrs. f well as many extra curricular ac­ Volkert, J r, qg 341 Rtreh Mountain from trees as th* bresae la likely good, and not be a burden t^^My A PERFE^TxfTAN" In The City Court 10;48 service on Sundsy morning. again. Wells are also g*tU n ( I6w. parity with Britain and Franc*. Bart Whittaker, Jv»t like her to be tivities. road, Manebaater. who was deliver­ MALL HELPER to carry the spray for quits a dlaV one." WITHOUT BURNING—. So Sunday School. ’While th* rain waa not eno> igh to that rattled over her Redding, and A mamber of th* LAmbds Cbl ing newspapers through Andover Italy * sea power in Ui* Mediter­ tance. / GIBLIN’S HOME NOW Btfore you go to thW hor* for th# week­ There will be no Sunday school penetrata very deeply It dU) aome ranean waa glorified today In a eele- the supper at the Tlyoh, afterward, T, P. Hollorqn Alpha Fraternity, president of tha and Hebron. 'The car bad com* to Undar preaen^^ piano, treas on That night Bart bpertight home s JUUL SUGGESTS end*. or for that long awaited vacation, RockvUl*. JuD« 10— (SpocUD— session at St. John's Episcopal Aero Club, as well as membership In good- bratlon of Navry Day, with 33,000 to completely 'forged about Sunitey. stop In at Weldon Beautyvtoton and get a ztop wblls a paper was placed In Main street. East Center etreet,-q pound and a half o f ateaK. a cauli­ FUNERAL HOME A ctaM of 24 puplli will be grad­ church on Sundsy. The Sunday the Camera Club, the Outing Club, sailors and boys destined for the < IN ABDUCTION i ehops being ejoised. It w,’** just a protective cream for yoUr skin. It a tube and had Just startsd awSy near the Cheney mills will be flower and a nmeapple ribd sug­ FIVE YEARS OLD School Commencement service will and the American Society of Navy parading past Premier Musso­ Jgr luck to face the very first day will prevent burning but will *Uow your uated .from S t Bernard'* Parochial when the small runabout, which was the first reoccive ‘ attention. gested they Orff at home. Ideally located—convenient and be held s i the church at 10:48 Mechanical Engineering, have taken lini and King Vittorio Emanuels far (Ooittlnaed from Page One) jRthelr marrieti life with not a IMMER PERMANENT skin to tan beautifully. It’* JKpappy fchool on Sunday afternoon with V o'clock. without a top or windshield, went nearly an hour In front of the. na­ 7^ "But ofiourae, darling," his bride away from the busy thorough- tha exerclaea being held at three up bis time not devoted to the In­ hing In the pantry to cook. thought for a eucceaaful vacation- To Preaent line, out of control and turned over. tional monument In Rome. live. Falling to get a remunerative exclalmsa wistfully, "you know how lore. Distinctive Service—.Mod­ The sticcesafiil nperatlon of a o'clock at S t Bemard'a church. tense study required to place him In BRIDSH EXTE4i bride was not to be consmfd. "Don’t vou buy your groceries That Brought Rucceae." vestigate. While deUlls of th* ae> ioned myslf doing, and to aecom- Tonight ‘ ' 175 Center St. Phone 30BO and general srirroiindlngs. under the J. Quinn, pastor of the church; ser­ la spending s few day* at home be­ FRIENDLY H^iND "There are no odds apn ends, oh ahead. Iris?" Bart asked bluntly. ’ facilities and high standards 1 Baaehall .Sunday. cldwit ar* aUll to be checked. It la plieh that 1 kidnaped little KrShe Firemen’s carnival of Manchea- management of an efficient and mon; hymn, "A ve Maria Stella"; M fore returning for commencement lord and master." she slated hollow­ She dimpled a ehy smile at him a*i her customers' pleasure In eve The Red Men'a baaebal'l team, will the opinion of tha state policeman, Osborn." ter Department at Woodland street capable manager, It really meets Taddel, graduates; benediction; Ave activities, and Is planning to attend , (Oeatlmied frem Page C ae) ly "looks like the young Whittakers she wriggled Into . the Iliac satin I service rendered at her .shop. play East Glaalonbury on Sunday M shown by hla earl;^' report, that HOSPITAL NOTES Instead, ahe la held in $50,000 grounds. the needs -of a community In a Varum', Alez Gullmant; Promises, the New York World's Fair with a gnaw a hotdog at a lunch-wagom housecoat and hauled the zipper up, With most Women, a summer per-1 afternoon at Henry Park In Rork- at Plymouth that "we are be coming there waa trouble with th* steering cash ball, charged ^ t h kidnaping Also Legion Cabaret dahee at pleasant and satisfactory manner. recited by the graduates; Tantum vlHe, tlila twing a game In the Trie cloeamate, Robert West o f Morria- Oh well, It could be worse, Bart. I patting the pprple saah into position | miment Is as necessary as a new h a t: ovemighl. as It were, a gre4^t mlll- apparatu* causing ^the wheels to for ransom with possibility of life Rainbow, in Bolton. — In every city the size of Manche.sler W. A. Smith; Divine Praises; toWli, ,N. J., with whom be 1* ex­ might have forgotten .vour break­ fondly. ' -j !!P 3 P '' to go with that new dro.ss and an- | County'league. The game haa been tary power," and the fllRhl If Wll- Admitted yesterday: Mrs. N e v a ! Imprisonment. Her preliminary Next Week there are those who require a spec­ l A U H O n V Adoremua and Laudate. Gregorian called for three o'clock. pecting to make the trip here on a turn under the upsetting the car. "Mostly, things have to be bought [ nually women arrange to have their i G. E. WILLIS llam Strang, a special Brltf sh en- Lalne, 40 Foley street. hearing was seL for June IB yeater- fast bacon, and your favorite shirred ial type of care. In this city the Recessional. - Vlalt Wmidhiiry. bicycle. .Amhulsnce Arrive* Discharged yesterday; June 12.— Veterans' carnival, cor­ as they’re used, Bart, when you've | I permanents. Mis* Juul suggests th a t; voy, to Moscow Monday to -npt Mra. WU- dsjf while authoiihorltles Investigated residents are most fortunate In hav­ Those who will receive diplomas Membera of the Vernon Grange Columbia Notea. When the ambulance owned by llam McCaughey, 130 ner Spruce and Maple streets. no pantry. These small places have | ' you make an appointment for your to affect a quick completlj>in of Eldridge her case'further. ^"Can you n\ake an omelet?” he ing provided them, a quiet, well A LauBdry Serrtea That are Anthony Stanley Baskowskl. Glee club will go to Woodbupy this A supper meeting of the town T. P. Holloran of Manchester, which street. , June 14.— State Trade school only )t cabinet and refrigerator, and 1 permanent now ^cause, wltl> vaca­ & SON, INC. Brttlah-French-Sovlet Rusal i n ne- asked suddenly, Inspiration lending 1 managed convale.scent home, operat- Robert Nelson Beaverstock. Msl evening to vlalt wllii ,\tr ami Mra. girl scout committee, leadera, and was railed, arrived, Gardner was Discharged today: George Bres- graduation. it means buying as you go along. It j tion time looming on the horizon, SatiaBca Week 1b and gotlatlons for an nsslstanre pact wings to his Imagination. Iris made ' ed by Mary Gablln. at 29 and 35 Colm Gregory Coleman, George A Kenneth Wehaler of that plarn, court of honor was heid at the home lying along side of the road. He nahan, 91 Chestnut atreet; Barbara June . 17.— Young G.O.P. get-to­ isn’t such a. bad plan, really." your favorite operator Is planning a JVederick Cratty, John Joseph Crat- seemingly contradicted repolIts that waa brought to the Memorial hospi­ gether, 9 p. m.. Rod and Gun club, A giiniacc- Co'ttage street. For the past five Complete Line of Week Oat who h»ve been mem.bei;a of the club. of .Mlaa Jean Natach at Columbia Yeoman, 31 Union atreet; Mrs. Isa­ TREE SPRAY MIX "Can.” she agreed, "but won t. "It's an expensive one, Iria! Look.' vacation, too. So make your ap­ ty , Joseph John Gworek, William th* British government was return- tal where he seemed to be suffering Coventry. years thl* enterprise hs* been There will be a hualnes* meeting Lake Wedneeday evening. bel Webb, Buckland;. Mrs, John L. This Is the first day of our mar­ you save 'dollars, buying bargains in No Job pointment as far ahead as possible Have Four I auadry PmMme Hunnlford, Charles AnthonJ followed by a aoclal. Ing to Its old policy of jpease- with chest Injuries and whil* un- .June 16. — Manchester Hlgli rendering a sympaUietlc as well as Building. Reappointment by th* legislature Yon Deck. 32 Sterling Place; Paul riage Mister Whittaker, and -we large lots. But' you know that, | Too I-arge! so that you can have, her do It (or professional type o f rare, and has I Solved A t tke PItkat, Charles Francis Steppe, W il­ ment. conaclniis moat of the time was able J. Barrett, .185 Center street. , MAY HIT PARKED CARS school graduation. of Hubert P. Collins of this town as naturally." you. It makes no dlfferencr what become recognized for the pleasant; liam Edward Stiles, Catherine Jean . Tha foreign minister and Cham- to speak .some before he died. He Census: 86 patients. ‘ / Coming Events start out righ t." No Job MANCHESTER LAUNDRY of the Commissinnera of Tol­ They had roast chicken and fr^ah "Yes. I know. Bart. It makes me Too Small! kind of a permanent you want— environment and excellent appoint-' Materials trglros. Gertrud* Ruth Beaulieu, herlaln told Parliament TH> irsday pas.' planning on able purpose. ' But, today Is far too Press located at 25t North Main damy Service * MANCHESTER which win be held at the Trinity growth during 1938. / and a lamb chop, and the regular > - 5876 past few months, and many of them Methodist church In Springfield. their banquet last Thursday evening mendations which will be acted the violet issue, the day before, he fast physically and mentally to suf­ street. In thl* city, heva^^n en­ Station LUMBER A FUEL GO. Woman—My good man, was It said noW lnr But already. In one menu followed, with Bpaniah C^am ara now faced with the problem of gaged In high grad* prinUng for Carlton Menge has been most ac­ at the school. Letters were present­ upon at,, a later board meeting. extra. Bart thought of the tri­ fer the waste of Uibe that this Cor. Spr e and Etdrldge Streats TelephoM 6145 ed to Eleanor Burke, Frances Mc­ Teacher—Donald give me a sen­ you who saved my-husband from Placing An Order For A Trial. day, he had spent os much m Iris JOHNSON & l i t t l e appropriate heating and plumbing several years. Their years of serv tive during bis course at the col­ There will be 76 pupils next (all to tence containing flippancy. angle of left-over ateak he had plan­ jnetbbd of troMportatifin would lege. He received the Knppn Del­ Cann, Ellilne Grant, Shirley John­ 'IrowntngT Invested tn her entire w eekk gro­ 109 Center Street systems for their new residences. Ice and achievement* In the printing be taken care of at th* Green two- ned to dine on, supplemented with mean. Because oif th* enormous de­ If such Is the case, and you are ta PI Chemistry prize end the J. son, Evangeline Karvells, Elva Donald— Let's fllph see whether ! Man— Yea, madam. business la their recommendation In room school. The posibllity of using ceries a chop for Iris, and hla budget book mands of present-day living, many P. Morgan Scholarship. He la pass or flunk. ■< Woman-'-'Tben where's his hat? seeking advice on the correct heat­ soliciting yow patronage. V Johnson, Evelyn Kocamick, Mary the Town hall, firebuuae, or some had a severe crimp In It, even with­ modes of travel, adequate a few ing device for your home, Samuel editor of the school paper,' vice McGuire, Edith Wilson, Helen Sluz- years ago. do not cope with the The Community Pres* suggest* other available building for first and Still, It was the first day of their out consulting the figures S. Uttle, manager and owner of there are many important things to president of the senior class, cap- kanls, Beatrice Mlkclls, Dorothy needs of thl* modern era. MOTOR AND second or 7th and 8tb grades waa married life. It waa their very first the beating and plumbing business consider If you hope to obtain good SYBTEM . tain,, of cross counhw team, meirlx SImler, Vlofa, llamlllon, Francis suggested. -It was also proposed to More and more people have rea­ day o f being Mr. and Mr*, ^ r t That first week waa b u t,* fore­ ^,of Johnson * Little, one of the old­ printing. One should give careful her of''biksebaU team, member nf'J Maizon, Eddl« McCann. Jack Tripp. reopen the Jagger School and trans­ 'y lized that by taking a bus they are Inclodea ' a tkoruogl Glee club, dormitory I'Crmnselor, Whittaker. You couldn’t tote an runner of week* to come that were est enterprises of It* kind In the consideration to the ability of the and coadlUoaIng of . Eugene Mlkefis, (.'Icment Mikells, port ihe 7th and 8th grades there. (T cA p rg TALK WITH- adding machine and a double e n t^ n u r o relieved of worry, crowds and traf­ city, suggests that yoU consult ■W'lth to foil Into the same pstternX Iris men offering printing service, and sad Bdiastineat of e* manager of swimming and physi­ David Collins, Willard Steane. .Mer- A t preaent the proposition Is In the fic while getting from one place to ology tutor. He majored In health bookkeeping system around with waa tired after her day at the of- him, HI*, many year* of service also find out what they have to of tern. Provide* (or tnnlai vln Waldron. James Callahan. Ben- sir. but the last suggestion appear* another. Thl* modem -method of Mower ahorpeakig. and physical education and plans you on that dayv-' . ^ j flee, too tired to cook aupper'^^or and achievement# In the heating and fer you In th* way of Indlvidu^lty adjoatlng carboretor, Ja.mlp Kamarowskl and Harold to be the moat feasible. They went for a walk out beyond travel is the quickest, safest and plumbing bualness Is hi* recommen­ Voenom eleoaera te enter the field of administrative them. But not to Ured to dance Broken anto glass windows are surest way to get where you want and qualttj( work, as well as t^e geoerator aad battery, education. Dodd Games and entertainment Several Hebron people attended ' i the Ix w e r Falls, because It wa* the CoV* Inn, or the. Royal' Palace, dation In soliciting your patronage. coat of same and th* delivery senr- spark ptags sad maay Key aukhig. Lock ■apelrtag followed the awaidlng, Mrs. Fannie Dixon W tich’s annual dangerone! Have the windows in to go because there ere no parking Good heating equipment, properly png* Dr. r . Ernest Johnson of Colum­ - ' jrV such a beautiful, warm spring day, Arcadia, or the Blue tloon. or driving wiorrie# to delay you. Ice you will receive. Your p rin t^ portaaiortaai esrvtoe opersUoaa Bof* oombkwOoo ekmigtag- bia University wll) be the tpeaksf A meeting of the memhere of the garden party for tha Conneetleut and they had to be Indoor* ail week, yoqr ear replaced wH^neW shat­ instaUed. is a protection to health. work cannot be of the value it bpero- And ^ t e r a while, Bart stopi You are driven where you want to Mr. U ttle will welcome the op­ at the exercises which wlU start at First Congregational church of Federation' of Democratic Women, - but by the time they'd reached the arguing, stopped protesting. Alter terproof glass. / should be if you cannot depend on Uona)^ $1.9i held today at “ Noxld" M n. Walch't go quickly and efficiently In buses portunity to demonstrate the new four o'clock Sunday afternbon-i South Windsor, win be held at th* ipot where Bart hoped to ftnd troll­ a while, he grew to dread the men­ Sell Glass for/Every Need! the delivery at th* time ogr^ BRAITHWAITE doe* of th* morning' worship serv­ beautiful eatata on Columbia Lake. that are the last word In comfdrt General Electric beating and air 'Attesidlng OonfSienee. ing arbutua under the ^^rartti dry acing threat of her swift tears, and upon. Th# Community Pres# main ice, on Sunda^v morning. " The Rev. M ra Marietta G. Horton and her and apeed. manned by men who are condiUoAing units. He feel* that 62 Ptarl StrMt There will be no service's at the leayes, Iri* discovered her fert hurt. stormy sobbing If he tried to remon­ METCALFE. GLASS CO. tains excellent equipment and a suf­ COLE MOTORS RockyiUe Methodist-church,—nor-tbe- .Victor Green.\\ix!d_.wiU prcach.each slater. Miss Marion Oott, gave a w ell trained. the value of. air conditioning for -y.Tt’s walking so (ar.-darllng?:^ she strate with her, or deviate from the lll'/i Center st / Tel. 5856 Bus service In this vicinity 1* swe- ficient staff of employee* to assure 91-98 Oeator a t TeL UV Cryetal Lake Methodist church on Sunday until tlye church vacation. amsll,bridge party In honor o f Mrs, the home, as well aa business place*, you of excellent service and prompt said plaintively, "I gueia I ’m JueA^-^ .course ahe wanted their matrimonial quately handled by the Silver Lone cannot be over emphasized. U ttle Sunday as the pastor. Rev. J, Arthur Cha/le# E. Hllding and her guest, deliveries. You Should not overlook i s : Mrs. K. Trujillo of New 'York. There slsay after all. Do y oji. auPE??* ^bark to cruise on...... bus line, iterated by Perrett * can. show you how essential proper Edwards is attending the annual there’a a bus back to townr these (actor* in placing an « d * r /conference at Fall Rjver. Maas. At ivrre two tables In play, Mr*. Ann* ^W hy, Bart? .Money Isn’t every­ Glenney, Inc. Their service to Hart­ air-condlUonlng 1* a* a year round There wa*. And In the Campua thing, and we’re only young once," ford has recently been augmented for printing. The Community Press ttala conference the anhiial assign­ C. Gilbert won the highest hehors. neceastty. la especially equipped to do all Chocolate Shop they had toarted Che cried petulantly. Then, wind­ and today they render bus service Everyone contemplating new con­ ments are made and the announce­ WILLINGTON' R'efreehipenta of strawberry short­ kinds of die cutting which enable* Manebesfer MISS JENNIE H. CHUI^CH cheeee eandwlchcs and hot coiree ing . her warm round arms tight direct to a new boxing arSn* .lo­ struction work, repairs or altera­ IJ PAINTING ments will be made public on Sun­ cake and punch were served. them to do some unusual printing. day. At the recent quarterly con­ Children's Day will not be ob­ end cake, and Iri* decided they about hla neck, "Don’t you love me, MONEY SAVED cated on the Hartford Road. T b w tions should deteriftlne whether or Convatefcence m FO NT - w ^ l y boxing mfitche# have be­ A telephone call to 5727 will con­ ference of the local Methoyist . Invitations we re distributed this served by the Hebron Congregation­ must see the new feaure at the darling? Don’t you want your Uttle not: their heating and plumbing Reg. IL a Pot Ot. IS tmnicy ill nork! come popuUr to local realdenU and units are In good condition. Little tact the Community Press. church,.the members asked fot_lhe week by Hall Memorial school to at­ al church tomorrow, as sum* have downtown Met. j wife to have any fun ? It isn’t as if Your printing may be your only "DUioo/ptJLinr’ "If* Carole Lombard, Bart, and the Sliver Lane Bus service ha* assures you af his ability and wlll- Home return of Rev. Edwards, tend the grailuatoln exercises to he mistakenly suppossd. WhU* th* you weren't the handsomest man Supply Pnipit. Mrs. Alexander Todd and Mr*. lot number 287 at Amston • denizen of Paris 33 years, “ Photography has been r«4 " ‘payments for seven or eight weeks, CHimESSPEEd TENOR but waa not renominated In. 1038, All Work Done Inaido Btanley J. Keech of panlelson Lake, and the deed has been record­ couldn't move back to America placing the portrait painter and ' t r - (Bulgarlana claim Dobruja, given Save money on your office William Pardiis were soloists at the but sb» wra* married now. And Haw York. June 10— 1*1—Adolf heard without comment the^ Jury's to Rumania by World War t;r*aty.) *• Under Cover «r«l be the guest preacher at the, entertainment held by Climax Chap­ ed this week at the town clerk's of­ very well even if he wanted to iculptor. It shouldn t Bart would help with expenses. ^. It Hitler edm* under the protection of verdict In 'General Session* court requirements by buyin$r here. •egvlce at the RoidrvUIe Baptist beesuss teverSI hundred stst'^ London, June 16—<#)—^Th* Brit- The refugee* aald they were from ter, Eastern Star, at their meeting fice.. The sal* o f a lot to Herbert “ITiat camera can only show would be easier now. the American courts today. late yeoterdayi - General Auto Repatriaz . ■ clgirch on Sunday morning. Mr. use don't ship saslly. But ha vja- MINIMIZE REPORTS Uh Broadcasting Company an­ a group 40 aummoned by Ruman­ Wednesday nl^ht. Msrtyn of Hartford, number 254, whst I am Uks at Uiia partie* Place Your Order In Person Or By It wa* that very Monday noon ' In a ruling which the U. S. Cir­ The two counts on which he wa* Kgach la a divinity student now haa alao baen recorded. ita. hers fraouently, haa munar nounced today that a mi*-readlng ian authortUe# to expUin thair Frank Wright of West WllUngton ular instant—that is not a por> that the girls In the office Insisted cuit Court of Appeals said waa dc- convicted ch ari^ he received $36,- zUdylng In Philadelphia. He does Miss Ruby Hillat of New Haven, out friend* m the etates as 'wtll of Foreign Secretary Vlecount Hali­ membership in a Bulgarian cultural was fined $10 and costa In Wllllman- ■tiii lunch with them, and Introduce signed to uphold the rights of ON WARNING TO JAPS 000 from th* Parmelee Transporta­ ■at eome to the church as a can- who has been the guest of her as abroad. A widower with two trait. It's a map. a physical fax's apalth to Germans Hatojtlng organization, , tie court Wednesday foi reckless likeness. th* brand-new husband. Iris tried “atateteaa" aUens, such as refugees, tion Company arid the Terminal •Mate. driving when his truck collided with cousin. Miss E. Anne Clark, for the son*, he is neatly dressed and Telephone At Once And Receive A They expected to be tried for vigorous looking, has produetd to evade th* invitation, but bad to to a German lanjRiia^ new* sum­ Systam, New York taxicab opera­ GAS Mra. M ary J. MCrten. a telephone pole. past week, 1* spending a few day* “Don't mlsundsrstand ms. 1 a copyright suit over Hitler’s book, treason. One among them declared SALUTE! htroie atatuaa o f W ill Rogara, e^ttulata when they crowded her. Loa Angelas, June 10— (86—Naval mary, ' tors, fer promoting legislation they AU’TOMATIC WATER Mrs. M aty J. Merten, 83, o f 35 Everett Robertscki haa a new with Mrt.‘ Nellie Jonee Skinner In think photography is An«. very "Mein K on pf.” was returned to the 23 were kilted while trying to croa# We ealote you at onr W alt Whitman and tha l a t a spokesmen minimized today re- What Halifax said waa "A n y o f desired In 1935 aA^)l936. i M street widow of WiUlam Mer- Cbevrolet sedan. Weatcheater. "B art may not be able to make District court with order* to enjoin new service etatlon HEATER Senator La FoUatte, has dona useful, often ■xtraordinsry, , Week’s F r^ Trial Of This Oven jmrta that a fast Japanese trawler Germany's claims are open to con­ the border last month. ■ te$, (Usd at the Hartford hospital The Latin club of Windham High 'Mrs. Mary B. Cummings and her It,” she explained uneasily. unauthorised pubUcation oif the Ger­ ______with . . . AU the hot wntor yoo waM wk.^ nudst, portraits, busts. But its field is not portralturdi c had been warned away from San sideration." RIGHTLY NAMED. w; Friday morning. . She was bom school held a picnic \Yedneaday at son Harold, ware, guests of the for­ "H e’d better.” Ellea Kent chuck­ man Relchsfuehrer's woric. E rrO B T S GO TO DOGS. you want it Too eon km ^ ______Tht camera can’t do what thai Clemente island, the Navy's secret T h e broadcast w#a/lh*t “not all GOODRICH GAB AND OILS ^ n Alsace-Lorraine and bad been a Lake Pocotapaug. East Hampton. mer's son-ln-law and daifghter, Mr. led. "or wre'll ask a proxy—some- Range OU and pay os Uttle as fL P l ' fssident o f RockvUl* for BO years. jortrait painter and sculptor can do. Thty can giva you a aya> xie BO'devastating h ell regret play- offshore training area. of (Sknoany** elSIma are open to .Milwaukee, June — The About 50 attended with a member of and Mrs. Avery West a t their home ihttto of what has happqnM ovsr a period of time, a eombinaUoa NATURB TAKM HAND. oonsldaratian.” ShalbyvlUe. K y „ June 10— Expert Greasing month. No deposit or ;4Hw leaves a nephew, Paul Lange the faculty. inig'hooky." ‘‘No’thlng to the reports, nothing weather was hot sod the water was tlon charges. Investigate. In Ekut Hampton Wadneaday, at a of various moods of the titter. That la a portraiL cool BO a youth o f 19 aad three A.'Martin, dog tax enforcement Batteries Tire# u n three nleoea, M n . Emma Bott- Mrs. Edna Bugbee Lpvgec of New family dinner. '‘'AU right,” Bart said a trifle Ouihrie, OkhL. Jun* 10—(*1—Gus to them at *11." said a m a va l aide. agent, la convinced all hia efforts MT, M m Michael Grogan and M m “Moat of humanity have to wor|c at aomathing they don’t like, The Menriiester Electric Division 'fh* Los Angeles Time* declared 77A60 F A an LlE B HOUSED younger companions dived Into the There’s a reason why aoto own­ London, daughter of George R ’Bug- ihortly, when Iris talephooed him at Dp. Charles J. Douglas o f BoqtpB. Flaocb tried 'to quit wheat farining. Milwaukee river, aaaa bathing suits. tova gone to the dogs- He caught er* are changing to “Goodrich. "Trude Brown, all of Hartford, bae, has been appointed exeeutrlx of fortunately I bavo to do what J want to do. 1 nippoao you c o w he shop a few i^utes later, but nature interfere*). After last the veesel, the Mlnowo Maru, had baa been bar* a f his Hebron home WsahlngtlM. Jus# 10.—<«6— B*<> Ih e poUes launeb, out on patrol, 54 mongrebi ThursAty, but during lie fonerel wiU bo held on Mon- his estate at Waat Wlllington. aay fv o ngver dono an 'boneet day’s w ort In my lUo. rnt navtr ‘though I havo only on hour, Itls- ye^s harvest he deddad to plant been eeen near the island as the for a visit of a Yew days. He ' 9SB OftNMacnCUT fuwn ooMpant ' retaw *aW todqr~ B»t came upon the seen* and drove the th* night aomaon* freed them- Flf-f •tlemoon at 2:80 p. m. at the been looking up iniattera eonhaetad Ivo—I work overywboro I go. Pvt atartod a portrait burt of XJii‘ l ^ v * to get right bock to the shop qwqiye inatoafi- But hi* voluntaer United Btates fleet put out to sea White Funeral horns In for tactical maneuvers and bad dwoUtaf# tor o a ^ 77,900 famUias is tm into tke hgadp of. waiting Two thousand* of'th e 43,000 doc­ with the proposed p ro jm ter #n- Vutang here in New York end ean’t leave untu lSr«%iihed ii ” H a ^ so he can go to waa $0 good he .|m 4 to cut It. i wMl Rev. Dr. Oewe 8. b$v« baen p p o w w In, ^ Vsttofi m a ' Wfiaa oC Um po^ tors to 9nffU »d $re women. la rito r the *0011* nr th* Xebrm^ —Jiaty Morrit, AEFonture ^Iw^ i Hla gri^ waa tha fint aotd iwra escorted awi$y from the area & Coast ttF-| Muni In Mufti for Vocation THREE GIRL SCOUTS had to get Into the center of the a datarmlned affort to sell \xx INSECTS THREATEN city from the euburbe end beck tbemaaivta and they wlU find that What It Means: rd Lisbon Crossroads Of All again much, much faatcr. their claae ratio of employad will n’t TO BE REWARDED Rq after a U m e^ ^bway waa soon measure up to tbe figures of un r^Lfokh Atlantic A ir Travel HAVOC 1937 and 1938. on -/ B I THE atarlrd. It waa aft elaborate—'iin’ Social Security Change kK U. 8. Capitol; 7, gummer svmphony; HTRALO PlUNTINa COMPAKT. INC. dertaklng and not until late In 1927 d'l 8, Hollywood lisyhouse; i:30. Fed­ II BIi m II StrMt t — (Correspondence of The" lade Porttignesa de Cooperacao Ruth Wheaton, Marguerite ICMCb«st«r, Conn. jWere the timnela. completed. Then SUMMER COMES By MORGAN M. B EA TTY fin UUa case, U tha next generation Experiment Station Warns eration of Muslelaiiis Conventiort con­ THOlUa TEiiaUSOM the demand for the eubway ayetem Washington—"^^e present g e n e r-'—or future generations ' A s ^ e d Preee.-Usbon ha, be- Aer.a, WTIC cert. The time has rolled around when T «ir Slvmted By Permit Delay WOR-MBS—7. American Forum, OMorai Uanator ■started to fall o ff and the money atlon I that's you and mei is not ------t*’" oro-aeroa.i, of a!l North Meanwhile. Lufthansa. who.se Barry, June Bickmore To FottBtfod Octo)>or Ittl brides. gradif^l'Ans. and atrawb»*r- com* Travelers Hroadcaatlng" Service. “ Liberalizing Social Security.'’ getting all set to tap the social se- The .Argument. ■ atapull' planes msde many experl-, Of Large Numbers Of PoblLbed Be.rr ceentaa E xe.^ for putting In the tntck^ and ar- d f| Atlantfc air mail and passenger llartforti, t'onn. ry festivals ahare, the warm- June curlty slot nyachlne for the jack The reasoning behind the changes mVntal flights last-s.uninier. e x ­ W.3 M. aundayi aaC UoildAya Kntere4 at the tually completing the job Itarted .nc 'llj^fflc being the so-called "Southern Be Given Golden Eaglet 50.mH) W 1940 K- 'Oi Monday ejmetsUons: spotlight and the lakes, shore and pot.' " goes like this: plains It Ls stymied by the rjn1®“ Poet 6moe et M «cbeiur. Conn, ee With the market W e’re leafing precious little to , 1. Under the original law. the ly* Portugal etand* to Pests This Year, Controls eastern Daylight Saving rtme President Roosevelt sddrsss to Second CUee M*H Matter.______'ountry draw hrat-hairled peoplq in; States government's delay >n glv Wait Point gradustes—WJZ-NBC : crash the entire project waa aban­ lady luck— or ttip Johna and Janes . reserves would have amounted, on to recreative enjoyment. As the •n- profit/' Ing tt permits for operatloi Oi'idon EaRlrt .iw.irds will br con- j snd WABC-CBS. 10:45 S. m. SCB8CRIPTION RATES of the future, fdr that matter. ' paper, to something like fifty billion Imperial Ajrways. exXtiDg soon Satilrdn.i, ,liine 10 One Tear by Hell ...... <-l*** doned. I id«, ■pile Portuguese Azore Islands, New Havetr. June 1(1 'P i— Im ­ I Bsaebsll centennial at Coopers- devil leaves city pavements to keep We’re rigging the contraption so it dollars by 1180. to be merged with Brllish Airways, frrred on throe Girl Scout* of Troop i P M: I Per Month by Mall ...... 1 1C Now the city la wondering what w ill turn out four or five nickels 2. The re.-ierves would have come 10'. I 786 miles West on the direct New town. N. Y .—MB8-ch*ln. 11 s. m. Stnale Copy .».» 01 track of tha Itinerant population.' York-psbon tavite, are of key Im- announced recently . would start minent danger to early Connecticut 1. Ruth Wheaton. Mergiiorlto Barry i 2:30— New* for Women Only. snd WJZ-NBC 11:15. Dedication Na­ Deltyered One Tear ...... I».00 ;l ahould do about the extensive for every one we put In the slot. out of the nation's business—the 2:45—Matinee In Rhythm. churches will go on sfaort time or That's the plain way of defining payrolls of workers and the capital \prt ’ portanhe In all 'present plan* for mall service over the Ireland-New- crops Is threatened by the large and June Bickmore, on June 17. ’ tional. Baseball Museum; WABC- MEMBER o r THE AS80CIATEQ ■ tunnel aj’atem. under the aurfare ofi »d-| trans-ocean fiying\while Lisbon's foundland route" — the so-called number* of MexlcaiT-nenTr beetles, The preeentatlon will be the first 3:00—Golden Melodies CBS. 2 p. m. and W ^ -N B C , PRESS close altogether, leaving moat Sun­ the pbraaes now picking their way of employers. 3 :3 0 -K S T r Presents. ■ tta city streets. The automobile through Congress under the title.-: S ’ But business needa the hun- t t : ! own fine year-’round\.cllmate and "northern roirte" — this summer, potato. flea beetles and European event-1.* the new day cemp on the MBS." 2:30. BssebaU SS played Tba Aeeoelated Prate le eiclueively days open to the call of cooling wa­ I 00—Progrflm from New- York. 1839 and 1939. entitled to tbe nee ot republlcetlon ..ecina to aerve the city auffldently "House Resolution No. 6497,” or dred.s of millions It would beP pay- the broad,"'emooth sw>«p of the using new 25-ton flying boaU with corn borers emerging from hiberna­ Steele property between Vernon iimL ters and Ihelr a/IJarent hot dog i ^ l great Tagiie -fiver make this capi­ cruising speeds of 180 miles an Lydall streets. A barbecue *up|>er 4.39 Pol Bii.iaett end orchestra. WBAF-NBC—12.15, Let's Talk It of ell newa dlapetetaaa credited to It far aa Its aiibiirhan trafTlc la "revlslon of the social security law." ing out iumusilly in sTt4oped up so- tion this *ea*«>n. l-n-’ t year market or not otherwlee credited In thie merchants - . A lawyer or an In.'urance man clal security taxes. It ^ e d s them tal. aviation ^if;n .say, Europe's hour. ,BHtish spokesmen have indi­ gardens In the .Mate w^re troubled for parcnt#_Counctl members, other .-i:tM>, Youth Meet* Government. ; (Tver; 1:45, Hymns of sU churohas: neper end elao the local newt bnb- luncemed and the. converting of would state It a little more care- to produce mmore o r e bu.slne^__ and to bfSt eastern terminus. ^ cate,1? however. that the southern by eight destructive Insert pest.s Girl Scout* arid-friend* wUl precede 5:45—Three Cheers 4. Monday music.- The great American vacation sea­ WABC-CBS—8:16, Not So Long au create more'jbbs how. Pan Ameri'i'.rr Always, which 1 route' would be used for - all-ySar found on nearly every farm visited the ceremony. 6:00— New* snd Weather. '“ ” rtihu o f, repubiicatione of the tunnels intb underground auto- son l> here. fully. Perhaps he'd--liy'that's what Ago; 4, Exploring music; 4-/48. Ad­ •pActai d!ir»teh#t h*r«!n ar* •ito mobile lanes or into ca.r lines comes of paylhg a full pension to 4. Furthermore, some 80 p-Sf- cent already has started-'carrying-- malpj flying.'— ' during a summer survey. Fractical The camp ^’Hl he ■ open to day 6:15— Bssehsll Rcores, Raring Re- W* w1U. with great abandon of the nation’s workers are qual­ Stake In South Atlantic campers MOri'iiky. through Friday, suUa ' ventures In Science. cost ronfflrl^nrble nddlUbnal the present generation of old peo­ between Europe and the United controls for seven of these, includ­ WJZ-NBC— 11:30 s. m., Farm snd ahorlly proceed to kill eeverai hun- ple, without setting aside enough ifying for.oldj^ge benefits, or douhle States, uses Lisbon as a base ^f IJabon's strategic geographical ing the above mentioned, are In­ the last two week* of June. June 19 6:80— Behind thS-Scenes with Paul Tull ••rrlf* clUn\ of N. Wi -k. Rott- moiley. Home Hour; 3 p. m.. U. 8. Marin# leo fnc. • -*' ilrsd persona on the hlghwavs In reserves to pay the, bill. the number of originally expected operations although Pan Amert- position also gives this d ty a stake cluded In the vegetable post sche­ ■ ^ to 24. and '26 to-SO, Lucas. Cincinnati Is too far Inland to to get In under the wire. For a small- te r any Girl Scout In 6:45—MedlciO Talk—Dr, I. 8. Bsnd; 6, Ray Perkins pisao. Anyway the old age pension sys­ Lj-an'e new 41-ton clippers co^lnue In the south Atlantic air routes. dule, circular 121 of the Agricultur­ MBS-chaln—9:30 s. m.. Alfred Publishort RAprot«n^tW«i: Tbo this ates. f>ermlt a hundred or 5. Since so great proportlO(j Manchester may attend the day Geetter. "■ JuUot Hatb«w» SpocUl i^oncr'—eS«v worry much about enemy bomba tem Is undergoing evolution It Is France. Lufthansa and Air Franc* each al Experiment Station at New M. Landon on "N ew Nsttonsllsm. more to drown . themselves.^ and the taxpayers Is paying the camp. Any girl who l* Interested 7 00 —Dick Tracy. T.prk. Cblearo. Detroit ind Boston. else the subways could be used as no,longer a strict Insurance sys­ IJebon-.Viore* Kbute ^ send a weekly plane through here Haven. This circular Is s concine, security bill, anfi since Uie entirb • - , In doing so should get In touch Im- 7(30- L e ft Go To Work New Freedom snd th* New . Deal'", prescribe IrratmenI for Ihe thoii- tem back by ,fun Insurance re­ en route to Braxll while K.L.M., the tabulated digest of information for ' ' , 6 at Boston U. commeneemsnt; 11:48 IIBMBCR AUDIT BHREAC o r Iximb shelters. However, thst city's nation Is supposed to be benefiting H ^ rtm a n y 's LufthanM. France's (., i •> ■; medistely w-lth her leader or with 8.00 Ijirry Clinton's orchestra. ClItCUMTlUeVB. eanda who will In spite of warn­ serves, like an Insurance company. FOtlr France and Brijaiq s Imperial Netherlands company, 1* waiting the vegetable grower. Copies are a. - m„ King snd • Queen st Sher­ .ijc'problem la one ihat many lA private­ Where that evolution leads Is not from the broad principle of sebqrity available to Connecticut re.Mdents 9 ^ M ix.. Norm.in Ash, 400 Woodbrtdge 8.30 Variety Program with Red ings, nestle amidst the p'llson ivy. Alrw'a>'s all favyr the Li-sbon- for permits to launch a service street, telephone 8549. brooke, Quebec; 4:30 p. m., Free. Ths Hsrsitf Prlntmt Company Ine. ly financed transportation company so plain. A t present It looks like a for the aged, then w-hy shouKlq't through LLshon and the Cape Verde on request. -■ . Foley. Samozs ot-Nicaragua, sddrsss at sssumes* no flnanelsl rsspontlblMty 11 was alway.a thiia or at least, It the taxes be spread around lalw^ I Azores'route for/Oll-year flying, al­ ■ Overnight rsm|>ers 9:00- Vox Pop. sort o f Government trust, com­ Islands to NaUl. Brazil; NSther- :The authors. Neely Turner and A. Los Angeles. for typographical errors appesrina in hut been fonrd in meet In other ii though expcriiexpcritnonts have been 9:30— Music for Rlveryone— Moshe adrartlscmants In »hs M«nrh*stsr has been so stnre the automobile bined with Insurance reserves. on Instead of being taken exclusively' lobds Guiana and the Netherlanda A. Dunlap of the station staff, have An opportunity wll be afforded a cities, .steam and electric tran^i>or- as they now are. from employers made over tpr northern route be­ small group of pioneer campers to Paranov, conductor; Joyce Srsolng Hsrald, era began. ll 'tween Ne^oundland and Foynes, Indies. bro,ught together the sum of knowl­ 4», Some Monday short* wmvea: tatlon problems tove been- bronght Dropa-Twa Booat. and employes as a data of citizens?. edge on Insect pest* affecting Con­ stay overnight at the ramp. As the Allmsnd snd Larry Husrd, OSO. GSD, OSB. Londm, 4:38, The time la deceiving. With the 6. If the social security tax bur­ .1 ireland / AiiyU ttoria. the Italian company SATITRDAY. JUNE 10 out by the automobile Tha change! In the law will pre­ which \ o w link* this caplUl with necticut vegetable crops. number ts limited those Interested vocalist*. Air# and Diagracss; 3 IIO, Rome, sun high In tha heavens, the coun- vent sdclal security taxes fr.ora go­ den is to be spread around, it might 1 Another United .states service, Srom this large amount of data, th staying either week should get IO:06— Arch Oboler’s Plays. 7:30, Folk songs; YV8RC, Csrscas, What the New Haven rnlln')8d as well be absoth*^ hy the (5ov- y. A m ^ c a n Ehtport Air Lines, which Rome, a l^ wants to use the (3ape ttyslde green and beautiful and all ing up to H i per cent of payrolls Verdles asyan Intermediate base for they control method* that 1 In touch Immediately with their 10:30— Ruby Newman’s orchestra. 8:.30, Theater of the Air; XU, and the Connecticut Conifiany have for both employers and employes. ernment'a ger^ral funds which are ! \ ro s'V f.■ilabllsh expre-s and mail leader or w ith Mr*. Ash. The coat 11:00—Tran* R ^ o New*. “SMALL TOWN STUrt” nature smiling. It seems absurd operations to South America. have proved practical, and that are Tokyo. 13:48, Military concert Under the original plan In 193.S. obtained from all taxpayers. ^ h l a 'l p t e this fall using powerful Paul Muni, leading screen character actor; Is 'J) f ™ ’’? for s week st camp It small snd tt 11:15— Joseph Rlnes’ orchestra. done, to meet the f>st shows how 1 Lufthansav officials announced inexpensive enough for use by the Not eo many years ago when the that ^ y warnings need be sound­ next year was to be the year to 7. A t time goes one and the pen­ 1 '^flying Ivists. la understood here al- In the di es* of past heroes, mat one loi geU how ^ Is expected more girl* will apply 11:80—Program from ;New York. privately flnanced, undertakings are recently In BMUn that that com­ aversge jrow er. Both methods and persistent reduction of the educa­ ed However, w# are bounding Into step up the tax from one per cent sions cost more, the government ao to be planning to use the south­ .This U«how, as he and N.s. Muni started out on a bnst than can be accommodated. 12:00— Happy Felton's orchestra. pany end A ir Ertnce planned to material* have been developed or tion to Hawaii. tion budget In Manchester caiiacd better managed than public opera­ one of the most dangerous pgrlods of payroll^. This boost was to could thus chip In from the gen*, ern route. \ During the remainder of the sum­ 12:30— Artie Shaw’s orchestra. eral fund a social security trust double their SouOt American serv­ tried a't the farm of the experiment tions; If the Cincinnati subway help accumulate a full Insurance Under pre^nt arrangement*, the atatlon at New Haven. The insecti­ mer the camp elt'e will be available 12:55-New*. the board of education to eliminate of all the year. High spirits pro­ fund, which would ba added to the ices in the near Ihture, perhaps had been a prlvalc endeavor It reserve to back up pensions. seaplane base 'at Cabo Rulva. five cides and fungicides are all avail­ to r ue* by the different troops, 1;0<) s. m.—Silent. tbe kindergartens and auapend the mote rampant recklessness. The The revisions also will "Include reserves. InlUatlng limited p^enger service many of whom have already planned miles up the Tagus from Lisbon, able and reasonably priced. Report­ would hav4 been In operation long 8. Such a setup recognizes aa In­ before the end of the summer.) overnight and week-end tripe to the teaching >glslatiire that sdjounyd Inst sor Town CoorL Washington" thing. Because the Empire State ration too. cycle. / old Idea and tbe new as one expert hitting the general kitty-—asauming SSd'^dlvertlng malogue by B e t o w ". T ^ it o t Ready In Short Time. P. M. 6:80—AU Hands On Dsek Wednesday enacted some vary de­ If there should be anything left has put It td me: that It will— there'll be talk of haere Heilman and Barry. Incidentally, about NORTH END CARNIVAL 12:30— Song Quls. assembly bad reduced Its education 12:45—New* and Weather. 6 :46—Opsn Oolf Oiamptoastilp* sirable leglilatlon, although the Im­ over at the end of the cycle, or it In ths next 23 years, ths people taxes of a. generaU nature to help the three very aucceeaful play­ or pale mtown and marked by eight, 7:00—Americans at Work budget the'city's educational au- pay the bill. Sales taxes have al­ Katharine Cornell, Tallulah tiny black>poU on each cover, >:00-rMiislc for Moderns. seemed likely higher taxes should be who have enjoyed their ^nslona will wright* (tw o mala and one female) wing Portsmouth, N. H.. Jurte Hartford, June 10—(F)— Ooy. 7:80—"Ctounty Bsat" starring Ra^ tborttlea saw flf t d meet the alaab port of Its work wrae somewhat KINO AN D OEOROE Rle- Torrington, Middletown snd Stem which are performed with eldctric-110:00—^The CSrcIa. Choir and Organ products that the schools'would are rpilslstently capable men. They macadam. Detour provided. Wood- be ad- feet from the tmttom, 240 feet below 1:00—(Jburcb of the A ir National Economic Committee, going Inside of the ear. concert singer from Bonth .Thlla- Anglo-Saxon ancestors o f the So­ man. Other offlcsra will ford city courts; the Meriden and liyI'ty mrv are ofui realicmt cuui.oLiuit«ieducational value vaiuw to ll:0 0-rN cw s and Weather. ixriss«M ttAttv turn out under such a system. an- perfectly able to .handle - the Route No. 154; Old Saybrook. Re­ bridge, .frid g e ' and approaches over the' surface, snd towing It In three which President Roosevelt asked re­ These'annoying noises may occur delphla- new to the ro.val /couple, co Gappers. who retired to the pairs to Knollwood road. About H vnneed In order. New London city and police courts, ichool children. A special demon- 11:16—Johnny Messner’s orchestra. wings juvenile crime problem Juvenile for she has sung befruf^e them, Sargenr river. Temporary road. stageji to shallower, warmer water J t all happened here Manches­ cently to find a way to put Idle in one ear, nr both, nnd iiia.v be North Carolina hills in Colonial mile. LIFE OF OWEN MOORE and the New Milford snd Newtown Stratton will be givenIven tblethis afternoon 111:30—Glenn 11:30—Glenn Mllier'iMiller’s orchestra.oreheetra. 11.46—Radio Voice .01 iwngioa among other European crowmed Route No. 74: Tolland-WUllngton. where divers esn ' work with leas Rav. RusssU CUnehy ter lived through It and when the crime comes propfA-ly under their money to w’ork. present for only a short time, or / times, Seldom came out, and their No Route Numben town court*. The leglslsture named In the form o f allowing them to see 13:00—Jimmy Lunceford’a orchea- a gwi- Bridge over WiUlmanttc river and risk. 3:00—Dsmowaey la Actte* jurisdiction, and It should edntinue The system won’t be the govern­ present all of ihe time. As a heads. customs stayed with them. the judge* of the state’s other 53 aa wall as hear their owm voices over I tra. storm had passed none seemed ment have Its cake and eat It too. eral rule, If the noise comes*s Jand The natives In the region even Clinton: Bridge on Kelsejrtown approaches. Temporary bridge. FONDER NEXT STEP COMES TO TRAGIC END minor court*. 3:80—It Goss U ks This so. road and H mile of rolled bank run the" microphone. |l3;8Ci— Earl Hines and hi* orch*^ sorely hurt. What this educator Hut, It does let the government take goes. It will disappear In the jnom- ' Metropolitan B^tone boast that the North Carolina Route No. 89: Ashford, Ap­ HOLDS ANNUAL CONCERT 'The last shows will be given this tra. 8:00—Columbia Sjrmphony— M ow bloc forgets Is that they ' them- Dsusliy these so-called reform credit for,benefits gained. ing when the patient Is rested, and From tbe operatic circle, the Mountain folk are more British gravel." proaches for bridge over Mt. Hope / ard Barlow Cond. JNCOALDEADIM Beverly HUla, Calif.. June 10.—(g^ RE’nRED BROKER DIES evening starting at six o’clock sharp 13188—Newa. programs are Instituted by Idle As u matter of fact this govern­ will return in the evening when he President's wife chose I.awTence than the Britons them vivas! And Colehrook. N’orth road from river. 1 mile aouth of WarrenvUle. New Haven. June 10.— OP)—The 4:00—Words Without MualA aelves have made the fads nnd frills Route 182 to Route 183. 1 mile of —^The once magic name o t Owen M fi continuing until 11:80,, Chief 1:00 a, m.— BIlenL ment already la operating on a dou­ is, tired. Tlhbett to add an /aria or two to the Soco Gappera go before the Route No. 91; Eaatford. Bridge Moore waa added today to Holly, Tale School of Music Held Us-SA-. >y Griswold stated that ba was I 4 :80—Inismatlonal Polo Match of. yesterday the necesaltle.s of, to­ minds that try to appear buty by 'Roaring in the ears ma.v be due bituminous macadam. . Greenwich, June 10.—-<^—Death ble budget system In a limited de­ the occasion. TheyKIng and Queen ro.val visitors without fright, fcr and approaches at Bigelow B ro i^ Harlan, Ky., June 10.—(If)— Oon' wood’s list of film great whose Uvea nusl commencement concert last more than pleased with tha aplendld I 6:00—Slmpls and Swaat — WDRO . day. meddling In sociological problems gree The present Idea Is to expand to a variety of causes. Sometimes Elllngiton. Butcher road. 8-4 roU* lakt night claimed W alter L. R tM t- often listen to T l ^ t t oh the palace these mountain folk are a proud Route No. 109: ’Tbomaaton. Con­ elUatora today pondered their next ended tragically, night. turout o f local people end that tba String Bnasmbls \ (he svatem steadttv, not abruptly. it Is due to a pressure on the ear­ of rolled gravel surface. / structing 1 8-4 miles of bituminous er. 63, Of Greenwich, a retired N iw ■ Theoretical views In the teaching of their own contriving. They con­ gramophdne. and Independent people. Mostly atepa In an X effort to■ bring together | - YTie______list Includes such stars aa fireman’s fund would benefit mater-1 5:18— Just DOga" ' H6n It Works drum produced by a hardened plug Fairfield. More House road. iCelM. macadam from Wigwam reservoir York Stock Exchange member. profession have too easily become coct theories that conflict with the well-to-do. they owm sizable farms 'hopAleaaly deadlocked’’ opposing | W ^ a e e Reid, Rudolph Valentino, tally. 6:80—Ben B S r^ and AH the L66s This la how the Swedes snd Danes of ear wax. It la frequently noted Ver}' Big Entertainer on their huge land tracts' In the cone, rigid frame bridge. / east.' _ sides In Tlnrlan county’s mine Mabel Normand and Rdaeoe Ar- AUTOPSY ORDERED 6:00—Hour o f Musleal Fim adopted as educational neceisltlea. practical methods of dealing with do It They build a low-cost housing by patients who are troubled with But a brayd new experiance for Great Smokies. Norwalk. Bell Island bridge and Route No. 115: Anaonta.' North tract diaggraemant. | buckle, Whom Moor*, 63, first hua- HEADS ART ASSOCIATION RADIO 6:80—Gateway to Hol|ywos6 Tboae things that a few years ago every day problems, 'the Juvenile project. Mayhe It costs 110,000,000. nervousness, by those with anemia, them, u n lm they have eaves­ approacbea. * Main atcest 1 mile o f Mtumlnoua Three ' repraasntatlTes of ths bsnd of Mary Plclcferd, counted as . POrUsnd. .lune 10.— the represented in the show by a ment. Iproximately 1 mile of bituminous tora’ Asaoelatlon, sole major. pro- days wmn his wife, Aefress Kath- 6:00—Ford Summer Hour Jan)** llabed part of the school curricu­ would rather have seen the killing ner Morris H. Wrubel ordered an chosen president of the Lyme Art 88.000. 000 debt then goes In tlte An Inflammation of the, ear will wlde'-of-girth Kate Smith: Kate red ^oman,. Princess Te Xta, who South ^indior. Section of tha ma(:adam highway, from Jordon duelng group relisting a union mop ryn Fairy, yesterday founil hia body, New York, June 10.—n- with Gov. A. B. Chandler at Frank- ui & elr home, c u t simultaneously from two Rsportsr. blood supply, high Wood pressure, House before. The princess pre­ the regular budget abiorbs the In­ dents Wilson. Harding and Cool- atrucUng bridge and approaehei at fort yesterday. . Deetsloa was rstsrvsd by tbs studios a country apart will wind 10:00—Knlekartxiekar______PlaykouSA . Into school conlerencea and their or chronic catarrh. sents a dramatization of Amer­ Westport. Clinton avenue bridge JOBS FOR GRADUATES terest charges on the 810.000,OOO Idge, but her first Royalty it some­ South Britain, temporary bridge. “ No decision was reached.’* (joullty Coroner ysstsrday after In­ up the special program British atars jo ’:SO—H. V. Kalteabom persistent effort baa made these ican Indian folklore, dances, song* an* approaches. and paya the 82.000,000 debt. In a high percentage of the what unnerving. Route. No. 177: Farmington. governor said at the conclusion of | quests had been held tn connection now In America ar* to provUje for Oplnleos — Howgrd What has happened then? In­ and legends. Ih private life, Prin- Ckmatmetton—Traffic Maintained fads quite a necessary evil. Statistics, revealed' In ■ local cases, -coming tinder my observa­ PlalnvlUe road. Bridge over Farm­ th* parley.'' POUCECOURT (rith twro fatal accldsnta Which re­ the Royal jvlaltor* on WEAFl-NBC Hunter. stead of the regular budget being ceaa Te Ata la the wife of Dr. Route No. US 1; "Stontngton. DAILY PATTERN CoDsei^uently the hours that are news story j’esterday showing . the tion where the cause was catarrh, White House Range ington river. Katharine Hepburn cently have occurred In Manchester. at i p. m. Sunday. 11:00—News, toSebail fioOrsA Wea­ required to absorb the whole 810.- enyde Fisher,, curator of the H*y- Stonthgton cut-off. IH miles gravel 1 & percentage of High school gradu­ patients have been able to cau*e^the ■’Thla being a vaudeville •how den Planetarium. New York: ■ . surface. Traffic 8111 use present Route No. 215: 'Cflnton. Noank- / In the first . Inqjjest Policeman David Not only that, but In keeping with ther z ( devoted to teaching have become 000,000 of outlay aa W’ell as interest annoying noises to disappear ccim- A fine of. 3KM and oosta waa tm- Route No. 1 through Stonlpgton 'Vil­ Weat Mystic road. 3Q mllas bitu­ where ehe dfsla with a sad plot and By CAROL DAY Galllgan to s s e d In the fatal mis­ tradition, the toaatera- will break 11:16—Sammy K ^ s srebsatya longer In the senae that In a given ates of the past two years who and running expense, It absorha only pletely by thf uae, of the dieting ad by Judge\Harold W., Garrlty lage. minous macadam highway. ' ' where she feels tbe grim character CHURCHES town court laat night on Owen hap In which fobr jrear old rJame* their glaaaeA ^ 11:80—Henry King's dveiMfitrs time many more eubjeefe and Ideas have been gainfully occupied 82.000. 000 of the debt and the Inter­achedule I adrise for■ ■ et catarrhal ^— o t her story: Wright wra* killed on Bprucs* street est bn 1be 810.000.000. know: "When a person Is awlm- Route No. US 7: Norwlcb. Main Route No. 219:' New Hartford. ______JK.r Warren. 40. o f 135 Cooper HIU Pattsra 6416 la a drsss with ax- Just. b*for6 time for the toast, l3:0O-Jan Oarbar'a orebedtr* troubles. Ir ^ t fe m e ly chronic are covered "whether or not thky are are particularly gratifying Just at Bridge and approaches over Kepaug MlM Hepburn has bad mcaUy May 37 by a car operated by Frank both the New York and the Holly­ 13:30—^To be announced Undeffsuch a budget the govern­ conditions, “some \lm e may be re­ mlng, water gets Into the eart. Is qtiiset. ASotit 1 m ile' of reinforced E M A N U E L L T T B D tA N OBTOBCH | street, chaiged with drunken driv­ aetty the well-bred, graceful aim- this time when , another claaa la this dangerous and would It make concrete, pavement. „ river. , heartache* on Broadway before, but ing on his arrest May 34. The ae- Blakely at SS Ulac street. Tn the wood studio*, each, of which ar* ^necessary to the well being of the ment might borrow capital to lend quired beYore the patient Is able In ’Th e Philadelphia Story” ahs pUcTty you want for street* wear .one hard of hearing?" Ouotaiions— Route No. 9; Middletown-Had- SundSy . School and Bible elsssss cused%ian was represented by At> second examination. Policeman Wal­ originating eectloto of theTR>granr, iirat I DDCCEtinr n i l i l minds of the pu'plls. about ready to complete ita course to railroads, utilities and small busi­ relieve the ringing noises In the gives a performance 'that establlahea during the late spring and summer. Answer: Not as long as the ear ter Caaselta testified In connection will be hooked together tn the urn* n lL L i I u m UII r U liU * of study. It has been a quite com­ ness. The government would \put ears, hut I have received so many dam. Bible Rock bridge under eon- will meet at 9:30. torney William J. Shea who filed It’s a ^ t enough for atternoona, too. I t Is unfortunate, of codrse, that drums are normal. When the ear PL.AN BEAR RESERVE TOR . thattua young woman as an actreas Divine Services 10:48 a. ra. The I notice of appeal to Superior. CotirL 1} A ersab on Denting street ssrly elreulL Before the toast ths actors such money in a separate budget, to letters from readers who tell me 'KrucUon. . Temporary bridge. who can be the often-troubled, o t And Just see how beautifully tbe employed teachers must suffer mon belief that these High school drum la punctured, the w a tv I* CANDID CAMERA -l4UNTDtA y wh sermon topic'will be"-,'Tbe Life of I Two'fines were meted out k) the thfi yssr as a result of which Doug­ sing "God Save ths King". - be liquidated ks thfrloalls were re­ that they were able to overcome I wouldn’t hit a man. I ’m a lady.. Route No. 12: Norwich. Norwteh- ten-romantic woman that, she has Unea o f tt fiatter jrour figure! when budget slashes are made, but graduates stepped out Into ,a pret­ paid. Tbe regular, budget each year to reach the middle ear and might- — Mr*. .Marie Buokley of Chloago; Putn.am road from Norwrteh city the Cross." i ' case o f JoMpb Gordon, 80, o f 38 las Halonay, 88, of Dudley, Haas, .At ths time o f the btpadcast th* WITMISS NEXT. WEEK this trouble, thst I sincerely believe Ketchikan, Alaska — — Bs-,d to be In this comedy that Philip Shirred ahouldm,'; bloused bodies, later died. Driver of tbe ear, which ty cold world—that employers turn- would absorb oilly the losses. Or the do Bome damage, but when the drum a gym teacher, asldng divorce an line northerly. About H mile of (jpi Sunday afternoon. Juno 11th at Cast street, Norwich. Gordon was King and Queen are to be‘ at thb It aeems that the only control the recovery ts often possible. tabllshment o t a bear reserve at MS'■riry has written. • to give Soffneasjihd fullness above ran' off the highway and hit a barn, government might tiorrow money to Sometimes , the ear noises come Is whole. It Is Impossible (or the grounds her buiiband beat her. concrete highway. Norwlch-LUbon. 3 o'clock, tbe congregstton 1s called gned |5 and costs for having dsfec-! Hyde Park home of Preeldent and __tMpayer has ov'er the educational «1 their backs and simply Ignored Loring as a candid-camera “hunt­ Haa Tragic Quality. the wraistUnel Shirt cut high and was Leroy W. Heidd of 698 pine Waterbui^, Juna 10—(g>-- Tba lend to small Induitiy at cut-rate In­ on only infreque'btly when the pa­ water to reach any farther than The Judge asked why she' didn’t Bridge and approaches at Shetucket to a special meeting to consider a tlve breaks on his.car, and <3 and smoothly fitted, to make you took Mrs. Roosevelt policies of his town or city la them. the canal of the outer ear. Soide- ing’’ attraction for summer tour- Miss Bankhead has a- traglc Qual­ street, Fonaatvllle. prosecution Indicated today H w *«M terest, absorbing the difference In tient Is bilious or toxic. In which hit him back, being a gymnaat. river. Traffic wlU use present lilian call to be extended to Rev. Thorsten costa for driving without a license. , slim. Bash bowrJn the back make tlmes, when this canal ts stopped leta la tbe aim of .DlaLrict EtangOr ity In her voice needed when Ull On the Saturday night list: present Ita final wltnaas to the aCw through the amount he Is willing to Tbe classes of 1937 fared unusu­ the budget. case relief la easily semred through b rl^e. Gustafson of West NSw York, N. J. A fine of 86 sad costs wrss im- ' tt fit smoothly and exactly! Deep V- up with dried earwlis, the water C. M. Archlbold and the Alaska Heilman’s drama approachea tboee W E AF-N BC —6, Dance music; 7, an-month-old Waterimry mUtton* ally well' since 88.6 per cent of them Several membera of |be Senate using a abort regimen to produce A wife who can cook need never Routs No. 14: Flsinflsld. ' Brldgs Tuesday evening, 6:15, tha chapel posed In ths ■lolatlon at road rules neckUne will bs cool all summer ehl^ In towards the cost of teach­ may cause the wax to swell, caus­ 8)idrtsmen Association 'hare. s. stages .where a 'human life has so WARNS OF BAT SHORTAGE Dick Tracy; 7;80, Rsd Folsy time; dollar fraud trial on June IS, wbes are found to be either purautrig threw up their banda lii dismay aa better functioning of the liver or tear ’the Other women'—uhlcM, of over MOoaup "river and'elimination dlalntegrated that only th* choir meets for rshsarMl. On Frl- case of John Brltlstis, of 203 long, add you can dress it up with the ca u is slated to reauasA ing. If the theorists persist In Dr Hansen outlined the plan. But ing discomfort In such a case, course 'the other woman’ U a better "Black bear are plentiful, and S;30, Arch Olwler'a plays, new time; to reduce the auto-intoxication. of'R . R. Igrade crossing near Army acting can triumph. It la a south­ day evening at 6:00 p. m. ths ssntor Main atrsat, H artfoi^ when hs many different brooches, clips or Storrs, June 10— — J. Bl OweoA Special Proaemitor Hugh M. A l- tossing their Ideas Into the tsxpa(y' further education or regularly em­ Hansen countered with the aasertlon cleaning 1 out the w a x will be all cook. their easy accessilHllty wUI mean (JPt 9. Special Frod Waring program. I HP*®™ ■\Mien the noises are more persist­ villa. No hindrance, to. traffic over ern story, of course, and Misa Bank- choir meetA I pleaded nolo contendere to the beads! agronomist o f tbe OonhecUcut State VW^ISc-CB8 — 6, Amsricana At coin wu repoi^ totavs er'a lap he will just as persistently ployed. ^ Last year’s graduates did that already ths United States was that la needed. —Emil Aymoz, French chief In Lon-, their extermination |by rlflC-armed Keep In mind Tuesday night, Juna eharga. ent, they are most likely to be of present Route 14. head la brilliant as the mentor o f a F ist crepe, silk print snd geor- College Extension Service, last night Work; 7:30, Prof. Quia; 8; PhU | to place hU ace InvaatlgMM, successfully operating such a plan, don. hunter* unleaa thsy ars protected, 13, which will bs I,4idlss' Night s ti T b M motor vehlc.le cases ''were toss them right back again. not do so well although another catarrhal origin and It then becomes Route No. 15: Union: Relocation fading family. Mtta ar* particularly smart ma­ warned o t th*| possibility at a seri­ ward J. 'Hickey, on th* Stand MaR • He cited the Federal Housing necessary to remove the catarrhal (Raisin*) Archbold aald. >- the Brotherhood. Mr; Burkle o f tbe I eotttlnued to .Mondsy'a court Baker: 9, Hit Parade; 9:48. Sen. R. MancbMter swallowed a bitter year may find their ratio higher of Route 15 at Mashapaug. 4H mllas In "The Philadelphia Story” MUe terials for this lovely dress. .You'll ous ahoftiige Of hay in at least sOras R. Reynolds on ‘Torelgn Affairs':; Tuesday after which ths stats wovM Authority, among othera It buUda tendency. Thli Is best accom­ Question: Y. Y. wrltaa: "Do' you It. ts not enough to preach the Aetna life Insurance Company wUllsion. They are thoae of Edward W. and coroparabis to the 1937 per­ of rolled gravel. Hepburn opened In one of the town’s •njoy making t t Just, six Sasyi steps ascUoni o f Oonasctleut dus to the 13. Movies anniversary. rest lU csM. Hiehsy Is the w tm if pill In this asms ^ regard and It low coat bomea with bonds for plished by changing wrong habits advla* tba uea of stewed r*l*ini in goepel to tbe poor, but u * underly' present a most tntsrestuig sadlNoyeA 33, a t West Hartford, Henry 60th Route No. 32: Windham Norwich' A fter a thorough Investigation top hits last March 28 and th* dry In th* detailed sew chart that comes WJZ-NBC—6, M esuge o t Israel; appointed sU ts pollet cemmlaalaasr. taught the town’s educational lead' centage. That 67.8 per cant of which the government stands good. of living wlilch are responsible for ing causes that contribute to povtr' Valuable talk on "Hasarda in the l . Hairiden, 43. of West Hartford prtdongsd period , of dry weather the diet?" WllUmantic rpad between WiUlam’e of various breeds of hogt through­ speaking, elongated actress s t ter- I with jrour psttsm. ' 7:80, Brent Houte^S, Barn dance; effective July 1. The projects .built will pay olj part the catarrh, to those g o ^ habits of Answer: Yes. ty and mjustlc* ou^ht to be coQ'ect- during May ai)R early June. •ni a lesson. It will happen again those who left High acbool laat crossing and I South Windham. out the country, tt baa been found rUlealiy long last convinced Broad- Home and Industry." His talk la and Irwin Price, 32, at 30 Arch Before sdjouniing jrestsrday far of the bonds, the govemrtient w1U living which Induce better general ed In the spirit of Christ Pattern 6416 is designed for sizes 9, Mnny Jsmu program; 10, Dance if the education coat mounts high­ year are In gainful positions Is a About H i miles of concrete pave- that It mdkea little difference wlilcb 'm y critics that she could be a good illustrated with models, and w U llstreqt . ths wesk-snd, the dsfenss draw froaa have to meet the rest. TVA, Bouldf-r health, and at the same time help —Report of board of home inlseloni prove most helpful to saeb and eVsfy 84, 86. 38, 40, 43, 44, 46 and 48. Site music. good Indicator. (BrtghPe Dlte**e) ment. v direction a hog's tall turns, clock­ actress. She plays the part with ^ HEADS HOTEL GROUP. Warren M. Brown, th* staU's ohMC er. W e believe the schools budget Dam and Panama Canal could quali­ to banish the noises In the ears. o i the United Presbytertaa chnroh. authority, with a sense of humor one. A great real of effort ba*-hM ^ 86 requires 4 8-8 yards of 89-lncb Question: Cora H. inquires: . Route No. 82A: Nsw London. wise or counter-wise, just so long TO GIVE SON DEGREE Sunday brings: . accountant in the eoBsplney trial Is ably and carefully managed now , Although thla yeaFa claaaes may fy- I realize that high blood preasurt ' knd with a epirit of gaiety. made to arrafige this program, and material. Separatea Debta “Would you please be ao kind a* to -New London-Norwleh road (Mo- as It curls. Waterbury, June 10—(if)— Clyde WEAF-NBC — 11:80 m.. Chi- d pressure will soon show patience In , regard to Utoating —Thomas Maaa, retogea Oarman president of th* Connecticut Hotel Ekionomle Syetem": 6:30 p. m.. comedy. She understates the degrss o f bachelor of laws , to his of attracUvw designs for every size Grouch Club; 6. J*ck Benny; 7. called ’’potential suma" h* axpsstad a.vbtds4' and tbe fanciful ideas ot the statistics for the .past two two,seta of books instead of one? If this It the cause. I f so. reduc­ Bright’! Diteaae? Tbe patient It ■ novelist lines of 8. N. ^ b rm an ’s moat sue- Association at the annual maeting my husband, who has been treated r ORDERS FURTHER HEARENO son, Samuel Avery Choae, 42, at and every occaalon, la now ready. Charlie McCarthy: 9, 'The Circle; 10, to bUi t ^ atato for Ma aacriosA job-knsiklng th eo ^ ts are piseed yakrk. Ttaelf chances Of gainful' It Is healthier bookkeeping, . aaya ing the pressure through fasting •essful comedy, and this very un yesterday. Frsd C. Brown of Dan­ Hansen. It separates the good aett- for-only two weeks. Not noticing Hartford College o f Law commence- Protographs show dresses made bury was chosen vice-president snd Departure of King snd Queen from up. occupation are at least SO-SO and and careful dieting, will reduce the leratatenaeiit adds laughter to the Norwich, June 10—(m->Ji)dgs OLASE tHOUHUB CAtlRH. liquidating debts from the "dead buzzing or ringing sounds. any result, he Is ready to qu it” COVSRBO WAGON DATS zMBt enrerdsiai next Tuesday night from these patterns M ing worn; a MUdrsd B. Franbam was named Hydq Park (also WABC-CBS and that's a whole lot batter than the tulps that possibly wrould not be so Edwin C. DlckensoA ordered n fur­ weight" debts. War debts are dead­ Those who are troubled with E A R Answer: tt it true that toght'a ABE OONB—REMEMBXBT WATKINS BROTHERS feature you will enjoy. Let the secretary-treasurer. WJZ-NBC st 9:86) Riniiy if SIM playsd them in her ther bsarlng next Tuesday and sug­ Buffalo, June 10— , generally accepted ratio of one In weight debts. Wpen the war ts over NOISES are Invited to send for my Disease may nob respond Immediate­ NAMED AOriNO DEAN charming designs in this new book WABC-CBSJ^" j-2 , PUBLIC FIZZLE ly to treatment, and it Is llkewiaa ■aual straight sertoua vein. gested that counaal Sis brtsfs after help jrou In your sewing. One pattern ______Po------, sevfui getting jobs. - Young people there Is nothing to show for what Is article of that name, by writing to Scottsbluff, Neb. — VPi — Evan Making Hit of Oaresr. aymphqny: borrowed and spent. true that this Is discouraging to covered wragons have to obey the FUNERAL SERVICE listening tq testimony In Superior Nsw Haven, June 10— {jPt— Preal- snd tbs new Spring and Summe BOY DROWNED IN POND elcal Fun quiz; 6, Psopis'a Platform, j ache*, he waa The city of Cindiinati, Ohio, has fresh from High school have much me In charge of this neWspaper. Mias Cornell, the tragedy actress, Iglaaaea. H * trtsd tbasA but th* During a deoresslon If It la nec- Please enclose a large, self-address­ the patient. However, correct care traffic rules In Scottsbluff. court hers jrestsrday la a hearlng on dent Chariss Seymour baa an- Pattern Book—36 cents. Pattenj o Mlgrstorjr' Worker*"; 6:30, New as-1 m traBsportatlon problem on Its to offer. industry and buslnesa. low plays a comedian. Mias Bank- book alqns— 15 centA rtas. Musical PUyhouss; 6. Nsw pro- baadachaa—contlmisd. X-ray w,,------esisary to start more aelf-llquldating ed. stamped envelope. Articles are In thli type o f kidney Involvement For t£ree days a covsrsd waCon Established 1874 lead, the comedy aettesa, now plays an application fop a tsmpbraiy in- nounesd tbs appointment as acting Mansfield, June 10.—(iTV—Paul J. will In many instancee prolong the am, Summer Music Hour; 9. amlnaUoo finally ahoESd to t|(^^ hasda that la coating the d ty tl,- There 1« a certain demand lor their projects than the government chn Also available on HIGH BLOOD was parked In fi^nt of a tbaatsr, in extremely serious role. Mia* junctlOD against ths d ty at Nsw dsan o f ths Tsie.Lsw school o f Prof. For a P A T T E R N ot this attrac' Vargo, 7, eon of Mr. and Mi a Alex­ life of the patient, giving Urn pos- lickerbockar Playhouae. | ble peirtatnad to glam, 000 a day. Back In tbe glorloua sarvloea, though it may not be aa afford. In any one annual budget It PRESSURE and CATAR RH for advertising a wmstsm motion plc- B. K. ANUEK80N. DIKECTOR lepburn, both a tragedienne and a London to halt ths d ty from pro- .AabbsU O. OulUvsr, sssistent dsan tlve model send 16c to COIN, jrour ander Vargo of Mansfield, drownsd spreads the cost out oveV a parlod albly S to 10 ywara more than ha' SWJZ-NBC—6 A m „ ObsrUn OcaP-Jlnatirk!^ rilvar w a s iw a a a ^ those who are- interested la these turs. ■amedlenne. plays a rols that cov- eesding with ths acqidstuon and ds-1 sines 1S86. NAME. ADDRE88, STYLE NUM tn a pond on his father's farm ysa- days of peat-b^um proaperlty tba heavy aa 15 or ao yeara ago. oould expect without treatment. servatory commsnoamsnt ooneartij'to aealp. Ro o m ■ w #. of several years. Sweden ipana It conditions. Ths poiles chief finally hung an 14S BA81 CENTER STREET v s both o f thess qiuaUtlss ahd is vdopmsat of Oesan Bsaeh. M z a I —_ BER and SIZE to T H E HERALD. torday. Unabls to Swim, hs wan­ d ty daddad that It couldn’t poaai- The wrorst thing these graduates over five years. Hansen inslata that ovsrUma parking ticket on it. j TODAY'S PATTERN BUREAU, 106 dered in water over hia head and be­ 1 p. m.. Magle Kay: 4:80. New Um* S o k M a e a M a A ^ naklng ths hit of hsr career tn tbs Myitia B. Strickland of Waterford, I Indianapolis la dtuatsd at ths for Bauwiag* comment; 6:18. Vss-J tojurlaa wma Uatsd aS bijr neat ita rapid groivtb without can do U to go put Into tha business enough ahould be collected in Doom QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Lumtnpu* be«tlM A n earned by "Automobiles can't gat away SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, came mired tn th* deep mud. Hls PHONEE: UFFICK 6171} KEEIDENCE 7494 - ilay - that wins her acclaim from owner of ssvaral plscss a t property | axact geographical eentsr of ths par flag aarvlea cat aaM step* ofjattnsA ; j — - — - , (Ears and Swtimnlng) certain natlvaa a t South AJBWlea with It," said ha.r^'Why iboold « • be erWes wlio have been denouao- at Ooaan Bsaeh, Is ths pstnleiMr. |sUto oC iM ian A .... N .dr. I bodr w u moivarad. Qusttloo: JooaUiaa .waats to srUm t t io j JeuHMgr At tocht, 1st a eovsisd w ^ o a f' * X ). t r — wAlvnrwpmr w a ’n t k r u i'k r . r m m . row s lo. fssi* Tii : < — V V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, JUNE 10,198* PAGE NINE

. V fy 't -* y

. ’ . ■ '.'' ? ■ \ rY RI ANCHARD TWIRLS A PERFECT GAME AS M. R S. W , \9-0 » • rvT ^ its Old A ge . Pom p North Ends^ Dra^Tw i Debut By 5 - 2 Pitches No-Hit, No-fan .& Taxes The WORLD This WEEK & Politics h e House of Representatives rejected t.he-^ Townsend old- Current Events As Seen. By The Cartoonists NCLE SAM donned his best Tage pension plan last week. But U bib and tucker this week to GREENBERG AGAIN BIDS the percentage of old folks in the gawk at the symbol holding the GA’ S COP SLOW CUSH ■ American piMulation is increas­ world’s greatest empire together; Doff battered chapeaihapeau'i and/ clap«moat of yeaterday> game but only ing, and Dr. Francis E. Townsend George. VI. by the Grace of (iod. callOueed mjtta for■ C>’ Btaranchafd... ‘ because Bill Brennan had to leave FOR HOME RUN RECORD ha* promised to fight on in 1340. King of Great Britain and Ir^ - ON PLITTS 2-HlTTER m# no-hlt. lio-nm pitohlnghlng achieve- early to handle a Twl League Ult at . To discourage this movement and ment for Mancheaj r against 1 the' Weal Side... .Jim 0 ’l.eary waa land and of the British Dominions Mount last eve- ^ back of the plate, Brenr.an at tirst As at the same time appease business Beyond the Seas. Defender of the - - ■ Middletown at tl I Strikes Out Nine Batters And Does Not Issue A nlng w aa a beaut.... make no mla- * and Hank McCann at third, the lat- tiger Slugger Raps 13lh | BOX SCORE was the aim of social security Faith,,Emperor of India. . ter takUn:. Brennan 8, plAce for the amendrnents which the House con­ Uke about Cy richly deaerved His entourage, about .50 persons, Chamberlain, Reached For | Local Coif Notes | that coveted'honor tor he gave a per- lAnt frame*...... Manchester Kelleyites Gain Semi-Finals Of Sute Toom ey So- sidered this week. was small compared to the scads of that atamna him as the Four*Bagger Of Season AB R H PO A The ways and means committee courtiers who used to go places with Women of the local C oun^ recommended that old-age insur- British kings. But greeters, news­ •vtrr h id . . . . night In. the German-American- To Trail Ruth Ry Five; e S a 0 0 2 0 jssce be extended to seamen and men and guards galore kept him tournament, with three-quarter North Ends game at the West Side. 1 1 0 1 bank employes and that payments handicap, yeaterday and niureday The only blow that Came close to Chapman of the Germans dribbled 1 3 0 4> company. .And none of his prede­ Three Runs In 1st, Two and the winner wee Mrs Fred T. Ba^se. Both On Errors; Peterson Blasted For 10 Blows to beneficiaries be started in 1940 \ cessors' tours included America. resembling a bit was the’ grounder one down the first base line which Foxx Hits Two As Boston ■ mnuakW-ik-. ..1, JX. BUeh. Sr., with, a score of 67-88-34. Bycholskl fielded and elected to tag Smschettl, ef 3 0 0 0 rather than 1942. It also urged In Boston, meanwhilie, there was that Scanlon sent dow’n to third In greater ' federal contributiohs^ to 7th; Cox Hits Triple, A tw’o-w’ay tie occurred for lecond- the fourth Inning---- It wasn't a the runner coming down the first 0 0 1 0 With 8-Rnn Uprising In 7th; Thdmor Gets 3 Of Them. a tea party at which tea was poured place between Mrs. C. Carter with hard ball and Murray misjudged the base line. Umpire Bill Brennan Sweeps Doable Bill. r^riswoid : 1 0 0 0 ■ states for old-age assistance pay­ . into British seamen rather than in- 68-26-37 and Mr#. W. F. Price with 0 0 0 ments to the needy (distinct from hop so that It bounded through hlS was standing In the exact apot to Vlncek, rf ... to the sea. And that was symbolic of Becker A Double. 64-27-37. Mra. E. Buah had low glove into the outfield.. . . w.*e put It call the play and ruled that By­ ------Pratt. 0 ...... 1 2 the insurance plan) and for care of toe change in America's attitude gXOM with a 99. 1 5 Riff Cy Blanchard .entored baseball’s HaU of Fame with a dependent children. down aa an error Immediately, with cholskl failed to touch the runner Bt JTTJSDN BAn.ET Blanchard, p toward England since the forefath- i no Inkling at the time, or any as he passed but not until alter i " . no-hit, no-run pitchinff mastoniiece that brought him hla eighth The scheduled increase in the Men of the club will travel to Aasoclated Prose Sport* Writer Totalet ...... 31 * JO 21 9 2 er!?^declared their independence Coach Kmll Plltt unveiled Ma thought of It, that Blahchird wa.s Chapman had gone back to the bag straight triumph and gave Manchester High a smashing 9-0 eld - age insurance payroll tax from Britain’s kings because "of re­ Norwich tomorrow to engage the destined for a no-hltter. .\. It’s a long trail to Bab* Ruth's Middletown 1939 edition of the German-Amert- after overrunning It, not having ...... 3/0 0 9 victory over Middletown High at Mt. Nebo laat night in the would be deferred, and the levy for peated injuries and usurpations, all cana at the West Side Oval laat country club team of that place In touched first In avoiding Bycholskl. record of 60 home nine in a single ColemaiL c unemployment compensation re­ the first of annual home and home RSynold "Butch" Becker, Hlgh'a Devine,'4b ...... Z t 0 0 1 second round of the state tournament. The score was 9-0 aa having in direct object the estab- night and the team got away to an seaeon. Impregnable since 1927, but Scanlon, ea .. . ” 8 stricted to the first $3,000 of an in-^ Impressive start In the Twl League matches. It Is hoped to have a leading slugger for the 1939 season, Uthplre Brennan's refusal to call the local right-hander achieved a perfect game with nine strike- lishmmt of an absolute tyranny large delegation of golfers make the It Isn't premature to disclose thet Palumbo, 3b .. 3 dividual's earnings, b.v other p r o / over these states.”- by epolHng! the Depot Square Gar­ was out of uniform VesterdsyXand tha play waa right Although the outfi and not a single walk. visions o f the committee’s plain. age nine's debut with a .5-2 victory. trip. A return match will be play­ won’t be available 'again-----\he hig Hank Greenberg Is on the scent Ahiberg, lb .... 3 And this visit of King George and . flret baseman had failed to touch Coagrove. U8 on* different decl^on rendered. three-baa* hit, Hlllnakl; hit, off Kelleyites with a brilliant iine-hitter means committee Monday to sup- Tim e Changes Things’ The IRA Figl^ts England wlthpur Handicap, were announced Chester imleaahed Its thunder mark of thl* time last year. Blanchard 0 In .7 Inning*; Peterson , port "Treasury Se/retary Morgen- a double to pace the winners. today and are aa follows: Dr. p. | ■)aught. i ■ Five Rack of Rnih during the regular campaign. ’ He For the royal family’s personal Neither of the runs scored by the 9 in 7 Innings; stolen bases, Hlllnakl twirled nifty haU for five tnntnga, th|u’s recent suggestions. And pre- Zaglio vs. Dr. E. Higgins. Dr. A Umpire Brehnan stated after the Th* towering Tiger, who weigh* 2, Murray. Thumer, Smschettl, safety, there was much concern on Depot Square Garage were earned. game that It wa* the first time in 215 pound* and stands six feat four weakened to allow thraa hits and on* vidusly. tiespite the committee’s Friend vs. Dr. M. Moriarty. Dr. H. Lot* Of fans wonder why Scanlon: double play. flcSnldfl to Ahl- run In th* sixth and than folded Abrodd At Home both sides of the Atlantic, mainly The first, came aa a result of a base Boyd vs. Dr. D. Csldwell and Dr. A. KeUaytte# play batUr ban his msmory that suth a decision inche* tall, hit his thirteenth home decision to limit its hearings to At Sea because of the undercover warfare on balls, an Infield out and two bad barg; left on bases, Manchester 6, com plete under a five-blow barrage For Peace, And How! Upcoming Sundquist vs. Dr. W. Coftlon. _ i Blanchard than wlU Olbei has been mad* her* at flret base. run laet year On June 1 but didn’t corporation tax proposals, spokes­ Colossal Crime Case Quotes 1 which the Irish Republican Army pegs. Carron who Is not charged the ab....m aybt the anawrer get the next In hie chain of Bt until Middletown 2: bae* on balla, off that Mancheetar combined with men for business got in a word for Monday, June 12 Dr. Eduard Benes, wc-Czecho- Cuba W as Sorry, But... 61 Several tlma# umpires have had to Peterson 8: passed ball. Pratt: wild To ‘ facilitate and accelerate’’ British king and-qijeen leave has been waging on Britain. either an error or wild throw waa that ^ isn't hit as frequently \ as June 14. three mUplaya in the seventh to col­ reduction of surtaxes on big in­ The fatal poisoning last October slovakia’s ex-president: “A kind AU first round mabchea In the call similar plays at tha plate when pitch. Blanchard; atnick out, by lect eight tallle*. ^ . , formation of a British-French-Rus- U. S. for Montreal. Uncertainly, the big German The IRA is an offshoot of the Irish partly responsible for the second Klwsnls Club tournament have been Olbert ind doesn’t give his fielder* Ruth hltnssU bad hit 18 homers come?. / of a WPA worker started an in­ of United States of Europe will runners, coming In from third base Blanchard 0. by Petereon 8; Um*. Blanchard waa truly auperb m h# sian bloc, Prime Minister Chamber­ President Roosevelt to address be in the end the only solution liner St. Louis hovered near Florida Republican Brotherhood founded in run while trying to nip the runner completed and the result# srs as SO many opportunities for mjpplays havs failed to touch the plate, re­ before Juft* 10,« 1927, leaving hU fn addition to tax revision, West Point gradiuatcs. vestigation of what crime experts off the bag. Cooney turned In ,any hiibler who■ - piles'11*8 up strike­strike- challengers sontethlng to shoot at. 2 hours; umptrea, O’Lsaiy, Brennan, beeam* th# flrat pitcher tn Rad M lain arranged this week to semi .an w'hich can save Europe from for five days after being ordered out 1853 to free Ireland completely follows: O. E. WUUs eliminated turn to touch It or were tagged out McCann. Whlto aporta history to aehlav# greater/credit facilities, especially aide. William Strang, to Moscow. American Civil Liberties call one of history’s most amazing complete and final collapse." of Havana’s harbor, then announced brilliant catch In right field going Robert H. Smith, one up; H. B. outs makesXthlngs easy for hla Qreenberg la not alone In th* race Union and allied groups plan mass - murder conspiracies. This from British influence. Its goal now half way up the steep embankment. by the catcher, having noticed the toward baaeball’a most prized hit­ dream of all mound*m*n-r* parfact | for small industries, were consid­ The main hitch in these negotia­ Count Jeray Potockl. _Polish it was heading back to Hamburg. is to unite ‘Northern Ireland with House beat Henry Smith, on* up; mates.... runner's failure to touch home plate gam*. Not a single b#tUr mejdijd ered as a means of helping business. Jersey City mass minting to week, with two dozen suspects in Belflore also made twro nice running ting record. Another bulky flret tions seemed to he Rii.ssia's In­ ambassador to the U. S.; "We are Aboard were 907 Jewish refugees. Eire. Arthur Knofla disposed of Harold In trying to acor*. ftrat base through any fault of hla | Sen; James M. Mead would provide celebrate Supreme Court victory custody' and trials scheduled to often asked which of the two catches In center for the loeere. LevUie, two up; Mark Hewitt, Jr., There were thrig rump* through basemsn, Jimmy Foxx of the Boston sistence on guarantees against ag­ over Mayor Hague. For them Cuba’s President Laredu This Is the hope, too, of Eire’s In the sixth the Depot Square Red Box, ha* thundered lip from the but two Middletown Nkjr*? “ federal insurance for bank loans. gression for little Baltic neighbor.* start in Philadelphia, investigators neighbor* is more desirable. worixtom J. O. Elder, James Blair far a* third during tn* abbrmrtat*® Tuesday, June 13 ; summed up: Would we rather be allied with Bru expressed sympathy, but his government, but it disapproves of Gagage had PUtt In a bad way but from Itoymond Bowers and Earle crowd with four circuit emaehe* In And Federal Reserve Board Chair­ which, Mr. Chamberlain said, did Srnokc Prevention As.sooiation a nifty double kUllng, Cox to Suchy the last two day* and now has 11. tut. Coleman on a two-haa# a rw man Marriner S. Eccles, former Soviet Russia or with Germany? terms for admitting them to Cuba the IRA’s violent tactics—and the Gifford from Gifford Cheney, all by and a passed baU In th* flrat ^ hoi want such protection. But that ■ mcet.s, Milwaukee. • Ten "known” murders for in­ . . . It is just like asking a man were too stiff. “army” has been outlawed not only to Madlgan stopped the rally. Plltt Foxx got one home run in each Utah banker and a leader in the surance have been revealed, and default; J. G. Echmallan defeated game of a double-headar yaeterday lloanlon on an error, a atolsn baa* didn’t matter to the Ru.s.siaiis. IVednesday, June 14 ” whether he would rather have American Jews, much more sym­ in Britain but also in both parts was not In good form as he walk Walter Quinn, two. up. Dr. WUllam lESTBKbATW EBSCLTS and a wUd pitch In th* fourth. New Deal "spending-lending"' Estonia and Latvia, Moscow Flag Day. evidence has been found of from 50 mea.sles or smallpox." cd four but the losers were unable the Red Box battered the Bt. | camp, advocates usd of part of the pathetic, continued thar efforts to of Ireland. Nevertheless, it is c r ^ - Conlon drew a by*. AU eeoood round MoriaiftyK North Ends Louis Browns 4-3 and 18-7 to gain I Naltenal Oaa OwtSaM BaB newspapers said, "are dwarf states Thursday, June 1.3 to 100 others in Pennsylvania. New ited with having 25,000 members, to connect with men on the bases. matchea must be completed by June Boston 4, PttUburgh 1. Ojnnm profits from gold devaluation as a unable to guarantee their own in­ Idaho Pioneers' D.iy Jersey, New York and Delaware. The box score: a full game on th* New York Ysn- Blanchard faced only 28 of C o ^ o ' whom possibly 3,000* are in Bri­ 14. keee, who were idle at Chicago be- Brooklyn 7, Bt. LouU 4. Frank Formic*’# ch m *s in sU, .two ‘’cushion’’ for a liberal new system dependence. If they alllrm the con­ War debt payments due Poison has been found in seven ex­ OemMUi-AmerkB . New York 4, Chicago 3 (10). M6 Magna Charta Day. England. tain. And it has been blamed for . AB R H P O a R caua* of rain. Frlta Oatermueller ov«r par flifurti. Omy on® of t o Faluasbo aofi Ahibaiv fMoaA of loans to small Icinesses. trary, it moans that they have en- humed bodies. Four poisonings and The women’* June tourney la w^H (Only gamea scheduled). M kits. National 4-H Camp opens. People many bombings and attempts’ at C o x , Slated Fo^Home Games wa* the hero of th* first victory, UnUflslnK pltohM, altv which tho tn- On the “ spending’^/front, mean­ a drowning have been confessed, ss ...... 4 1 i 0 • 2 underway and first round reaulta re­ Washington. Justice & Jurists sabotage in recent months. Carron, o ...... 4 0 0 8 1 spreading six hit# and etriklng out vadaramrti^ fnilUmi^ and K knkim while. conferees from bpth houses ar^ one suspect was convicted ported so far iBolude the followrtng: eight in eight Innings of relief pitch­ Boston 4-18, St. Louie 8-7. leatly Inninf afUr inning, wont to Manebastar—ItUlnakl-Hiltaialdo out lo third. of Congress grappled With the Saturday, June 17 Trials of. two jurists started the Irish IncidMts? Madlgan. lb ....8 0 1 9 0 Mrs. Price beat Mr#. Hawley, Mr*. Gevelsnd 8, Wsshtogton 2. Bunker Hill Day, Boston. some time ago of murder. Zwick, 3b ...... 3 1, 0 1 2 meetae^ theI East Berlin team in a Tri ing and singling home the winning the outfield, being a fly Into abort SniachatU fannsd. PsMlh walhad. pending $1,318,000,000 farbj bill. same ddy and ended the same day train ipproach- Carter beat Mrs. Hutchinson, Mrs. County league game. Vlot will run. Rookie Ted William* ihone In Detroit 14, Philadelphia 4. right In tha find. Cy hand^ Sv# Pratt drov# Magi* to left o e ^ Briti5h.34.000-lon liner Maure­ in New York recently, but ■ one Weiss, .ef ...... 3 1 1 2 fr. Bush drew s bye, Mra. Warder beat Gas .Hoiisers Meet Sondi (Other gam* postponed). Congressional Record tania starts maiden voyage to Russell, an IRA Becker, If ...... 3 0 1 0 0 UB# either Zapatka or Borello on the nlght-cep, driving in six runs roller# to th# bo* hlmsslf and mad# PescUi going to third aad Pratt 2o New York. Whof. Farmers Made judge was convicted and the other n lecturing over Mrs. Seaman, Mra. Walker beat th* mound. The East Berlin team with hla ninth homer of th* eeaaon ’ ■ Eastern on* putout, Murray had two a f^ ta second ou Ihrow la. Blanehart Stjll In .thei ofling was the relief acquitted. ■ Cooney,'rf ...... 1 0 0 1 .0 Mrs.. LaFrancia and Mrs. Rand beat Hartford 5. Binghamton 4. 'CIO Packing Hou.se Workers Last year American farmers got } custody at D^- Suchy, 2b ...... 2 0 0 2 2 Windsor At West Side enpp^ the league UUe last year and two doublae. at third. CorrsnU------had- as _ assist .. and ipopp*® ■Sort-’ N® question. And President Roosevelt Organizing Committee conven­ $7,538,000,000 for products mar­ Afarfin T. Afanton, former senior Mrs. Straughan. ‘Two more matches but^aa not been able to get going After giving CTeveland a victory Elmlm 6, WUkea-Barr* 2 (sight) putout at short aad Murdock bad aa „o error#. ion proceedings Plltt, p ...8 11®® Springfltid 8, Albany T (night). decided to postpone his trip to the tion. Chicago. keted, $482,000,000 in governrpent U. circuit judge, was found guilty remain to be played to complete the any too goofi this season. The Thursday with five errors, the Wash­ saalM at scaond. Middletown— OosMiwva tsclosed. Rustoll Johnston, 2b ....1 1 1 1 J first round. ^Gnen team wUl try to annex this ington Ssnstors blundered another west coast until Congress has en- ■ benefits and produced $1,200,000,- of conspiracy to obstruct"justice. that his visit to xChnpman. rf .. .1 0 0 0 0 Oral; Depot Square Gar­ M*nch#at#r offarad a Might threat RuOedg* out to third. Marnam acted, relief and tax measures. His case was called unprecedented gams as they are tied for top bon­ gam* away 8-2 yeaterday. Ken BTANDINOS in th# fourth wh#n a pa## and filed to short aa Oorrsatl want m» 000 worth of stuff (or their own use, ; to do with the PA BASKETBALL "nSAM ier* with the P. A.’a of Olaatonbury. Chase gave Jiuit one hit for eight In­ Pratt'# single placed runner# on I back on gra#0 tor tha catch. No Democratic leaders then said they the bureau of agricultural eco­ in U. S. history. Character wit­ ig and queen in 28 6 6 21 8 — woyld strive to send those bills to TO HAVE PICTUBE TAKEN age Nine Host To Joe Hublard said that the East nings untU Hal Troaky’a homer in W. L. second and third with two away but nma, no hlU. i nomics estimates. How this $9,220,- nesses for him included two former it. ’ Depot Square Osrsge BarUn team was forced to play at th* ninth tied th* score at two-all. 21 18 Jt4 the White House by July 1. Washington AB R HPO'A AU the boys wtto playsd on this CinclnnaU both died on the beeee. In the Sla ____ 000,000 gross income compared presidential candidates, A1 Smith 'the Community Field in Cromwell Then with two out he fanned Oecar S t Louis . 35 IS > JS81 sixth, Blnglee by Murdoch and Manchester—Mwnqr __ This week the Senate approwd and John W, Davis. But Manton McCurry, 2b . ..21023 year’s PAAC town championship Granliy At N e b o ^ /^ r t Qrlmaa only to hava Catcher Jake 81 JI13 Garner Vi. Roosevelt? With other years' totals is .shown dow was broken ..3 0 0 1 0 baaketbaU team are urged to ha at pending the completion of a brand Brooklyn 22 Thumer produced the flret counter I scorching slngl#. through tout. and sent to the President proposals below: was disclosed to have enriched Hlllnakl, If ... new field In ICast Berlin. The lo­ Earl;•ly drop th# ball and let Qrimes (-j,icago 38 38 ilOO it the home of the princess royal. ...8 0 18 0 the East Sid* Ree, Sunday noon at of th# gam# and th# only on# that renU tried to bunt twlc# and faSaA that government reorganiration or­ Discussion of a third-term for himself $1,500,000 in. one year apd Countess of Harewood, sister of Belflore, cf ... cals will leav* Manchester shortly ff«t to first and eubsequently pttuburxh 28 88 AOO waa needed tn the light of Blanch- then fanned. Murray atola Mooud. ders became effective July. 1 and President Roosevelt has risen stead­ Gryzb, 3b. .. ; . ...’8 0 0 3 2 12:15 p.m. Those that still have At 3 D’CIock. I after noon and aU players are re­ on two alnglea.singles. Bob Feller ^ pitched I,-—,, vnrk 22 38 .488 the prosecutor charged “justice was King George 'VI, and a shot was ..8 0 0 9 0 their euits are asked to bring them New York ... ard'e eteUar flinging. . Murdock drove bit to left, Miutoy that $100,000,000 worth of strategic ily and may reach its-zenith when Cross farm in c o m e bartered.” Facing a maximum of Bycbolskl, lb . quested to report at the clubhouse five-hit ball but mlaaed hla tenth Boston ...... 19 38 .482 The KeUeyltMi weren’t eetlsfled U#aa tagged Mldlng hWMendMOT- fired near the Duchess of Kent, the Wleralblckl, o ...1 1 0 8 1 along while the others, without not later than 12:80 o’clock. triumph becauee he waa removed for 22 J38 war materials be purchased. The he cros.ses the nation this summer. two years’ imprisonment and a former Princess Mariana of (Jreece. Philadelphia’ 14 with that, however, aad cama up gock t ^ aaoond. Ttonar itogtod EACH SYMBOL. T. CouUls, ss . ...2 0 0 0 2 suits, wiU recelv* on* for thl# occa- Two games arp4ch*duled In Man­ a plnch-hltter In the eighth. ricaa with an old-faMdoiMd #ocklag aprs# to right. Murdock aeoriag e n d ttw - Senate then debated a bill to dou­ He has disclaimed rc.sponsibillty. $10,000 fine, Manton wants a new And these two incidents caused ...80100 aioa, as the team Is going to have ble the United States Housing Au­ however, for what White House vis­ trial. Donahue, rf .. chester tomorpciw, Moriarty Broth-1 UBOION JCNIOB FKACnCK Olants Win On Walks w . L. Pet. in the "lucky eeventh” aa two waUts, ,n#r going to saoond on tomw York- Tifnrn .fear of further Irish terrorism. Uhamberiain, p ..8 0 0 0 0 Its picture taken In them. Gauds Paaeeau of the Chleago ,85 » .796 th(«e errors and hlU by Pratt HUinskl fanned. Ona-run, thraa thority's $800,000,000 borrowing ’On Again, Off Again" itors say! George W. ^fartin, senior Kings The following are urged to be era meeting/the South Windsor A. j New York .. IVith the Duke of Kent, who is to The a d ie^ * of play for the Hart, Cub* waa another "gost" yeaterday. Boaton .... 36 16 .610 Blanchard. Murray. 'Hiurner and mt,. no errom; - . . .. power to finance mtinieipal slum No matter what the President County judge, was found not guilty assume his duties as governor-gen­ 23 2 2 21 8 present: John Falkoakl, Bruno By-|c. at the/West Side Oval and the ford DietrtctNrf th* American Le­ He went to the relief of Larry 30 A48 Hlllnakl, th* UtUr’a a trlpl#, aa- Mtddlatown—Patoraon Inmtod ^ clearance~a program which Sen does, 'Vice President Gabner will Chicago .. ■ 34 lered into the German orbit." .And 'of accepting a $1,000 brjbe to dis­ a ^ after the ship eral of Australia this fall, the Score by innings: ____ cholakl Anthony Oryk, Henry Gryk, .Depot l^ a r * Garage playing E«i*t gion Junior B^eball League calls French In the eighth InnUlg and Gevelsnd ., 34 21 JIS8 counted for sight runs. to box,^, Oolaesan out to bou. pm MllUrd E. Tydings. denounced as that very day. Estonia and Latvia .seek t|ie 1940 Democratic presiden­ miss a Brooklyn abortion case. h jward Naziland. duchess was to have visited North­ German-Amerks .... 300 000 2—8 Albert KurloivlcB, Edward Iff1 Granby at, Mt. Nebo, both game* for the league ^ M er to be played hurt hta pitching hand in a hare- 31 26 .487 Tknmar Leads AMaek rine fanned. No rune, no hlta. mo *:state socialism ” tial nomination, his friends promise. Depot Sq. Oarage ..'. 010 010 0—2 Edward Kovl#, Edward Haraburds, [Mtrolt signed non-aggresstbn pacts, with \ other ships with ern Ireland this year. But the trip at 8 o'clock. The Green her* on Tueaday, Jime 20, between flated eto* ,**J*’. Philadelphia 18 27 .400 Johnny Thumer the looal 1 •»»<»•• The House refused to consider Germany. . And Postma.ster General Farley and He Cover* The Bookfront Two base hit, Becker; three base Stanley Opalach, Michael Savertek, Manchester and Windsor Locks took Um* out but waa left In the 18 28 J81 2 led Latin Amer- was canceled, presumably because its Bast Berlin at CrOmweU In gam*. With the baaea loaded, he Washlngtfto ■ticker* with thraa baee > ^ h a ia ■ bills to amead the w;age-hour law Moft of ,Europe' was too hot to Agriculture Secretary Wallaee'have \ Few scholars’ interests include as of fear of terrorists. hit, Cox; etolen bases, Cox, Xwiek, John Vojecfc and John MordavSky. Du* to th* fact that\many high lb .... 18 < 28 .288 ic port. Germany McCui^,: double plays, Cox to TU-Oounty laague. Issued a walk to Plnch-hltter Jimmy St. Lbuu and to establish a library (or Pfesi- worry In London, the sun/set a wo­ been reported ready to run. if Mr many of the fields of learning cov­ Cl Antwerp a ship > The duchess was not harmed by School pleyera wlU be «^th* squad. tern Roosevelt does not choose to be a Suchy to Msdigsn; left on bases, DUKE BETS BEOOBO LOCAL* SEEK REVEMOE- O'Dm to fore* la 4hs tying run and | W. L. p et dont Roosevelt's documents at Hvde man's straw hat on .fire. ered, by the big Ubrary of Con­ b a - bound Jews. the shot fired as she entered her Ooaelj Jlpi Folay la optlmiatlc over whan, attar th* gam# had metond^ . Park. N. Y. candidate. gressman those of jovial Archi­ Germans 8. Depot Square OarSge Wurham, N. C.—DiUta’a golf team East' Ortaby dafeatad th* Denot the chancas in th* ciroult. Tonight SprtngSald . 88 18 484 STswriSs sir!— Popp Pius XII. nevertheless, con­ A ■nulled a plan to car to go to a movie Monday’night. 8; base on baUa, off Plltt 4, Cham- into th* tonth Inning, tb* Obnto 471 MUlnMil *" ^ d neutrality legislation re- tinued his conference.* on interna­ .At commencement exercises and bald MacLeish, 47, poet, play­ set a new Soutjiaaat Osafsraae# r#b- Iquar* Oartg* tosm laat Sunday at th* W*#t side, a praetic* wUI linnlanapbrt . 84 18 PeUrson ganjaf®^ eight etrto#outo LT “Sft SS?f I< refugees settle And Led wedge Vincent Lawlor, 45, hatlala 1; struck out, by PUtt 6, loaded th* baasa on him agal% to . 38 22 4 lt ■trike sad get ■ en l^ hit a# P#tof- matned the big question mark on tional problems after receiving conventions, meanwhile, political wright, ^ t o r , lawyer and soldier, a welder, who was seized nearby ord when It won th* loop golf ertrtra and aomee hart Umorsw to p lv be given out. walkad PlnCh-hlttar Bob Saads/ to Elmira'...... and gave up three walk#. 01 id Ingest isle of Cliainberlaln 8; umpired, Stevenson tor th* fifth year In a tpw. . th* loeai* at ¥ t N**>b ot S o clock. Scranton • •• . 31 21 400 them to flmachetU to the fatottu •on flalded too lato to a Capitol Hill. Adjournment hopes leading statesmen’s assurances that omtors are warming up Excerpts who holds ^ g rees ffom Yale, Har­ tl . . _ oup' — a move with a sawed-off gun. produced a i snd Brennsn. force In th# winning run, gtring 400 play, loading th# baase. . B b»- follow: 1 __ y It 1■ # ______almaat______eertala that AI Bog- f o o t b a l l 8TUN0 New York a 4-3 dMilston. Binghamton . 33 21' seventh when h# faced 12 batter#. hinged on whether the administr.i- they really want peace. .And the vard and 'Tufts. And President ..'hich, it was fell, would offset the permit for his gun, and protested: ...... ------gtnl wlU atart elthar Lafty Van- . 31 32 .488 chard’B hot gmuiubr bou n oa ^ tha tion would dr wouldn't insist on ‘James A. Farrej/ — "We watviT Roosevelt’ has chosen him to suc­ ANDEE8 GETS TBTOUT In th# day’s best pitchtng perform­ Albany ...... A coin wa# toaaed to decide which third h«#e each Into left fw hit rulers of both Germany and France influenqe of 20,000 Japanese who “ I did not hit anyone, did I? It is'r~ EQUINE FAN MAIL heimer qp> Dick Blow and hold Quar­ WHkes-BaiT* . 32 24 .488 of Ui* rtvab would b# the bom* action on this issue,thl.s sessiojj.., made it clear that if they re-fight business to boom—but we wajit all ceed Herbert F^nam as the li; Bloomington, tod.—Emla Andre#, South Bend—A projection room ance BUI Posedal dupfleated the 410 have settled there. quite in order.’’ to* In reserve. for the study of football movlsa by Uuree-hit hurting job of teammate Hartford J. • . IS 28 team and Middiatown woa th# honor ] Bmaehettl “oori^- “1 ^ the World war, both sides will be America in on the business.’’ brary’s head. In the House, Los An'^ea—^Mallclou*. 12-year- Indiana third baaaman and AU- Bin Dommer wUl probably nitoh S T h to u i tort although It did «to rttonto to Herbert Hoover — "If we have AmeHca baskatbaU guard, wUl ba, /.....h . eoadiea snd players 4s Ineludsd in Lou Fetta th* day bsfor# to squsirii fighting "for peace” J. Parnell Thomas p^m ptly cjd l^ The Theti* Tragedyis old thoroughbred now retirsd from or th* East Granby team and ha U tha MtUburgh Plratos 4-t. TODArS OAJttS abnehard waa bamitng d ^ I Bbncbard . aooriag aa cowman L^it Day O f Court ^ oc mplete security, we shall do it at Sgrttolin'* Ascent racing, received more,than 78,000 a- tevouttryout hvvy th#tn* loui LoulavUI##v»u# uvr | ^ th# ^ East Granby baffling apaed and a the new athletic office# Aelng huUt mlaaed perfect P*«,to pbte. Reichsfuehrer Hitler,, asserting MacLeish a C om m u^t “jfellow at Notre DSmt.. Th* defeat of Pittsburgh and Nakimal all th# way bat night and r a fu ^ gtong around to third. 0/chargea. spoken young French captain, jmung^r, he la only seventeen bouno# from,ilfth to third in th# Ito-1 Gndnaatl at Brooklyn. •mOkad. hb curvaa broke altarply right Miirray #eortng rftw cateh. 1. The pendir\g child is labor___ ch.'irged that the same objectives enterprise, under the American were "little short of slander” marines. From the American Squal- Maurice Gamelin, warned Coni- yeark of age. has been up to th* ttonal Lisgu# itandlnga with a > 4 Gdeago at Boston.^ and ba wa* on top of virtually every us, 33 men had been saved, leaving Thumsr #lngl#d torourt Ow b ^ amendment to the Constitution still "animate the encirclement politi- system, were given a legitimately mander J o f f r e repeatedly that • Red Box III EOatoo this ■prlng for W est SM es Coach victory over tha Bt. Loub Cardlnab, 8L Loub at PhlladMphla (2$. batter. ______etot* second. HUlnabl tflpl*^ to can be ratified, even by a stale cians'of today” Then he expressed fair chance, we should be out of Rogers In Bronze 26 dead; .from the British Thetis, France’s most vulnerable point was tryout and It is aald that when obtobiefl to bundling flv# hit# for center twU got away ^ m f l a t b t p l a t o r o a m e . tt’hich previously has,j-ejected it a "deep desire (or peace" and de­ this, depression in six, victorious Midway bet . fh marble statuea four had escaped, leiaving 99 dead. Belgium’s frontier. "Papa” Joffre b* finlahaa high sdiool M wUl go four run# to com# from b#hlnd in th# | New Toik at At I m u ^ grove, Thumer aeoring. Smatch ffl 2. Jersey City's Mayor Frank months.” Officially Dead News of the Squalus sinking was dlraetly to Boston. LnFlaur, an­ |i«ri~hMf-#f th# toning. ; “ Phtbdeiiphb at GevelanA ...... ' Ftfto lantog. walked for th# #eooiid to ^ fined Naznsm as "nothing more than of George----- "Wa .^ington and Alex- bec^e weary of "Gatnelin’* ob­ other youngater, waa with th# The CinclnnaU Rads and PhUad#!- Boston at Chlc^O; _ ManeheAgg—Murmy filed to een-- Hague vlolited the constitutional an-impression,^on our whole life of One August evening nme years anderlREmlMn, in the U. S. capi- obtained swiftly and smoothly: session;” sent him to an Alpine Inning, then stob Mrs. F,D,-R. On Debts j," ago New York’s Supreme Court new* of the Thetis tragedy wasi BBD/MEN A 0. Pladmont league laat year and pUya phla had an open date. .. Waablngton at Detroit (3). ter. OorrenU out to flret. Mur­ •tola home on Cblem^ a vain p^ M right of free assemblage by inter­ a will to fight (or artlF defend the tol’a-ratundd, there now is a bronze post. But wheq his prediction came ’ short for the Granby team. Eastern dock fanned. No rune, no hits, no fering with CIO meetings. Justice Joseph'-Crater, seemingly muddled and mystifying. And the cut down Bmachattt Ortawwa people and the state.” Hence, he ■ A highlight of fht# week’s 'Wash­ statue o y W ill Rogers, squinting, true, “papa” boosted hjm to major, BogginI said after laat night’s Hartford at Albany. ,» , 3. New Deal attempts to stabilize in excellent health, dined with a U. S. Navy won high praise for its iSddbtown—Oobman poked ra|l- littad towering fly to . argued, every German leader must ington Convention of the Workers hands^ pocket, with his double- then major-general. ___’ .r— — gam* h* waa . mors than pleased lumbo d r o p ^ It ♦he milk industry by "fixing .mini­ ;be le.jdy. as .simple soldiers are. to Alliance (relief workers union) friend, got'in a taxir-rand vanished. breastM coat fastened by the bot- rescue work, but British authorities ' This week, "map-crazy” Game­ Ye»terday*t Stars er^past BUnohard but Murdock got were questioned critically. with’ hi# team.' H# daclared that scored from aecond. Pratt fMneo. mum prices and equalizing payr' die obeying orders. was Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt's This week he w'as declared legally tonr button. That’s the way many lin, now 66, was promoted to a po- Plltt kept hla pUyani off b^aao# Scianten at Elndra. It, toen pegged over flrat aa Cole­ Bight nma. five hit#, tbrm afYO^^ mants to producers arXconstifu- ' dead. But further court action is The pew $1,500,000 Thetis-was A J iA T E U R ® (By. Aeewdatod Preee) man went tO'Cecond on error, ue- .And French Pternier Daladier address: "I dori'.t ward to see u* go j-..iericani remember hint, and ' sition unprecedented in the French all through th* g s ^ and although Mldrtlrtown—Scanlon fpubd high tional, , ' ' stated his case this way: ‘tWe say or. piling up financial debt*, but I necessary to determine whether in- that's the way sculptor Jo Davidson making a trial dive in the IrisH'sea Republic: Supreme pdmmander of not‘ aa fast aa fonnsily, pitched a BUI Peaedsl, Beca—Held Plmtas gorrBAU/LBAOra vine filed to abort right. Colenwn r to Blanchard.- Palumbo out to to three hits, dupUeaUng teammate took third on passed baU. Bcanlon fly Chief Justice Hughes was pre- .‘no’ to aggression.. . . We .say mp' to^ am more concerned about other 'sutance companies must pay 't h ^ has depicted him for posterity. Mr*. vffien water roared'*n, through a aU French air. land.and sea fojtces. heady game. Bogglnl alao a ^ Struff Amoco edged w tjto ia ^ w third. Ahiberg out to aeeood. If# vente'd byillness from attending the missing man's $30,000 jnsuranice to I torpedo tube. The ship’s nose soon that with his regular taam oa the Lou Fatto’a petformano# of jlay be- No. X to a rough, haid lofted to abort Palumbo out to runs, no hlb, no errora. ideologic fanaticism.. , . We say ‘np’ debts. Underfed children are a debt Rogers and a swarm of notables at­ mound. No nma, no hlta, on* error, final session. Ju.stice McReynolds to all violence and brutality. Our re­ you will pay for'in the futurlp in. his widow. tended the unveiling Tuesday. was mired in the mud, 130 feet be­ MXIMG field, two of them w«ra at tha High for#. at Charter Oak d J a m ^ T j J ^ low the surface, but its tail, for a Nine Years A King school last night and uaabl* to play, Hal Troeky; Indian*—Home run to There wa# n#v#r______a dull moment •• ■aesnd laning. PAAC BASEBALL PKAOTI^ already had left Washington, and fusal . . . has no other goal than to tubejculosis hospitals, asylumsSnd ninth inning tbd seor#, and enabled hammered th# baU hard Mancheater—Thumer lined el^le mo?t of the other justices were time, stuck up out of the water 18 the ’20s, Rumanian Prince ha would glv* th* rant of th* laagu* The Polbh-Amerka wUt praom permit peace to be saved___ France prison,*.’’ ' a real argument. Geveland to beat B«ahtora o " eub* I „j,j often. Bo* icor#' to right on 8-8 pitch. HUlnald hit ready to leave for their vacations. is in the front bank of powers which feef. Capt. H. P. K'. Oram and three Carol 8 romances made tonguea 30 kO V N D S tomorrow momtog at 10 o’c I o « at A highlight of; thjii congressional Th* Depot Squar# Oarage taam sequent error. . - to abort and forced Thurner at eec- the baseball dbmond on th* G»ar-; By differing with the majority 34 will prevjent Europe from being in\‘estigation of relief, naeanwhile,, Short Shdrt News Stories others bobbed td the surface in es­ wag. After two marriages, htfAvent iknb Koy, Dodger#—Drov# in| » d . SmachetU f w ^ - cape lungs and reported all aboard has poaalbmue# and Uk# the Polish- ter Oak street lot#. All pby*i« era: tinj^ this. term. Mr. McReyrtolda drawn into catastrophe, by under­ was a negro's testimony" that Mos­ V . Wed: Metie Oberon, actress, and into exile with hi* latest flame, , thr## run# with two doubl## to help Dowd, aa ...•■•••■4 stob aecood. PaaSk fanned. No continued to be Dissenter No. 1. Divorced: Bert Wheeler, come­ were alive but suffering from foul S T A R B O U T Americans uasd n strtetly local urged to be on tlma. ______takings of domination.” . cow had given tactical - advice to Alexander Korda, film producer. dian, by Sally Haines, actress. Mme. Magda Lupescu. When King taam which only gosh to prov# cai# beat Cardlnab. o«rard, ...... * nma, on* hit no error*. U. S. qgds. air. Afraid to cut a hole in the tail, Fetdinand died, Carol’s son suc­ that there are etlll .lively, P«to Fox, ’Tiger#—Hit bom# rim Fraber, ef .....i.4 Middletown—Ahiberg and Ooa- Indicted: Mrs. May Hancock Rejected: By Suez Canal direc­ lest th* 'ship be flooded, rescuers with baa## lo a M to send Detroit mve fanned. Rutledge out to Divided Auto Workers Japan Vs. Ouhidart Ayer, New York heiress to $20,000,- ceeded to the throne. But Carol m i k e D E L A N E Y lie tdaycn kicking around Wiley, lb ...... 4 Murphy Objects tors, Italy’s demands for represen­ tried to lift it Their'wires broke. flew back and grabbed the crown off to Mg bad agalnat Athlstics. J. Sullivan, P mound. No nme. no hits, no er­ One branch of the United Auto Japan’s newsmen sounded these 000, on jewel smuggling pharges. tation in the caoaTa management. MaKehMUr ilanebeeter if given a chance to Gydell CasUeman, Giant*—Pltch- Workers, led by Homer Martin, re­ The tail vanished. Officials aban­ in a bloodies* coup. Now rich Ru­ p. SulUvaa, Sb . • .3 rors . . alarms this week: (1) .Near Chang- "Bad" psychology bred at Alca­ ', Wrecked: Trains in 'Texas, In­ doned hope for the occupants’ lives. pley. ’ *d two httleaa Innings to relief to Third Inning. ^ ^ _ turned to the AFL fold this week. Elecied: David 'J. 'Ward, Maty- mania’s portly dictator, he and his PAOBi sovni wntiMOB.' Chifley, I f ...... J kufeng. Japanese and Russian traz prisoh was deplored this week diana and New Jersey, killing three land Oemocrai, to the House of Never before had so many d i^ in lM4t Cubfl. Tiemey.cf ...... a Mancheetar—Pratt reaahad on The other (CIO) branch was bar­ troops clashed again, and Manchou- by Attorney General Murphy. "It . subjects celebrated his ninth an­ Mertarty ^th era wlU b* aeeking Frits OstormuUer and Ted Wll- Bcanloh’a bobW# at abort BIM’ persons, injuring a score. Representatives. such an accident. Prime Minister niversary as king this week. "We Turoott*. r f ...... * gaining, meanwhile, with the Briggs kuo protested the reds’ "challeng­ U sinister ajjd yieiou* '. . . a great TOUNO JOE OANS' thMr fourth vlotonr la flv# atarta Emle Dawd u o m . Rad Bex—Former Mnglsd BroWn. 2h ...... 2 rtart fouled out near a t ^ . ^ Ended: The Eastern Steamship ^ored: Five honje nms in one Chamberlain promised a full public want peace,” Carol declared, -"but agalnat tha South Windsor A. C. of body-building firm. A Briggs strike ing attitude." (2) Near Hongkong, injustice tp both the prisoiicra and Company strike which tied up 14 inquiry. ' Wall known Emle Dowd, leading home winning run and gave excal- Koa*. P lumbo making < ^ y by CIO unionists on May 22 had re­ to San Francisco,” he reported. inning, a new big league record, by not at all coat.” , - WlffiBiuitie th# East Hartford lasgu* at the Ibcal athlete of m tow years ago, lent relief pitching, to win flret game from third. M i ^ y ® ® a Japanese airliner was fired on by ships for a week. the New York Giaiits, against the -t ' Freebum, rf sulted in idleness for tens of thou­ "The immediate thing to do . . . is - West Bid# tonuirrow afUmoon. Th# was eleeted coach of th* Wait Sloe* of doubbheader from Krowne; latter to ehort and Pratt w jf ‘t o d b l# ^ a foreign warship, "apparently a ^ntenced: Angelo Donnici, al­ Cincinnati Reds. Mar* Mu*t Waff ^ RK-MATCH tavadtri hav* wan five out of six SB 17 33 37 10 flret. No rune, no hlta, one enor. sands of auto workers in and around British cruiser.” to perfect its m anagem ent.... Home From War at a recent maeUng of the club. drov* to six run# with homer and leged Kansas City narcotic ring di­ gams# in the circuit. Including Ernie bring* to th* taam a waalth two double# to nlghtc^. Mlddlatown—MaaeeUl out to Ixm Detroit. With U. S. Labpr Concili­ In Tokyo, relations with .the There cannot be any chan|te from O i^ i Sir Philip Sassoon, one of After 10 hours instruction and Hoe# Oo. No. I ^ -r rector, to eight years, in prison. tiiuinpb over United AlrcrafL of- experianca, both as a coach and ...... *4 1 2 • • Pet*nK>n.-.n toS * ator James F. Dewey presiding, ne­ Rome-Berlin axis still were being Alcatraz until vre get a place that • Britain’s richest men; Charles Starr one solo flight. Cheston L. Eshel- German* and Italian* who fougW Q T H M Gi,-yv.J \ ® owner, had to cijt the tree down to trouble "instigated" by the Jaj>- Dr-Stephen J. Maher, tuberculotia w»* arrested for theft of the plane. which, despite all racketeering at- thtid., Diek 06hb to kata 'nbyara wlw aak to ^ y ILUNOn PLANa 6 UNIO Hansen, p ...... M O B IA R tY ir ilO S . Washington to seek funds for earth­ kins. as minister to Bolivia; A4~ authority; George D. Fawcqtt, ac- tempU on England’s part, remitined pg^.Rg«ll«gaik Ihsk FTaMr th esntar .ghd urtth tha Side*, and no o lW frse her. . . . Anslowa cow, mean- ane^ to make njatters difficult for quake ^construction and see if they To newsmen, he insisted he h ^ - miral'WiUigm O. Leaky, as gov- '*• O'CoPkall. A lk u y, boond for a star rather than iwutoal and friendly toward i » fa Khik Haafla la fight. tMun, Trill to wMcom# to w Gtompalgn. BL—Uhlvanlty edl B i 85 1« l i bfl 7 j5;Wle,.had,id a calfttlUiout a taiL firitubindustrieg in China, ' cah swap nitrates fpr warsb^M. em w of Puerto Rico. . the World War." . ^ , b B vmiI «f Bab, Teb*i Vtoit. , toMtiona. , A practiM aeaaten wm rr: N. Y., D a m ^ t ic laadar. I f 6W 1M B R R SB minnu WiU bold a grid aUnlc for Three baa# hUa. Fraher: 1 ^ X to bald at Mt^Nriw Monday mm- i r i ^ ’flarn^, FrawuiiL P « M | r ^ Oi At “ PACT iiamiRr»' MAiML.-nca'i'sn cvcW ino rt|ncAci7, nAiroirEarrcR, ocmn. SATURDAr, jxjvte 10,198V M.ANCHESTI^R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN SATURDAY. JUNE 10.19S» TAQZ TEN V C»ta«troph« / BY FRED BARHAM RED RYDER :S E N S E A N O N O K S E hi S E i rrfl A flo o o b tW u i ID CAffCWU/A BOB ) I W) B U ir SELL^^^REMT//^^/.//;^ C L A S S I F I E D m Mli»'imbB, •OT— t o M5Ut?, tiA N C X . Mechanics Professor—Name a 1:— After tbe accident d li fit U ImportMt to walk carefully luveyliave to put ztltcbes In? « 0 FFUf HhAY H&'VM great time aaver. 1 weU as drive carefuUy. f S i V k O f Y'oung — Liove at first atght. 1 Man^Jfo, • I Just pulled -myself together. ’S t i y A f » A n Intoxicated man who board- I When all t* aald and done neither a metropoUtan motorbus Inslat- ! John Ban^m ore paid a visit tq"a on climbing the aarrow, steep, . automobUes nor radio have con- ! tributed. to modem life so much a* haberdasher ln\Hollywood. >fler odlng stair* leading to the top .ordering thU and. that, be, lum ed ; instalment bu\1ng. AUTOMOBILES r OK SALE 4 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 SITUATIONS WANTED— APARTMENTS, FLATS, X fellow passenger, fearing ■to leave. . , iat the drunk would fall out on the FEMALE 38 TENEMENTS CONCORDIA CHOIR BELCHER TO INTERVIEW One of the great menace* to life nerk (Innocently^And jnur l»37 I^LYMOUTM deluxe fedan. IHliU FOR S A L E —Comblnatlon Chevrolet reel helped him up the stair* and and property on the hlghwaya Is ina.-na? , „ PonUac 8 coach, 1938 Plymouth ear. and Master Craft sail boat EXPERIE.NCKD SECRKTARX anil FOR U K M T - n iR E P room* and 'Dusty ** Competition Sets I on* of the empty seats,... He John Barry more/(chilly,)— Barry­ daluxe coupe. 1934 Terraplane stenographer seniui..; tamporary or private bath, with heat, hot water, CONNECTICirr PEOPLE the drunken driver. with camping equipment. 7 foot Tcely had reached the mam more. i aedan, 1933 WiUyii aedan, 1930 Ford tent trailer combined. TTits Is a part time position. Write Box B, gaa for cooking, ant. refrigeration,' TO GIVE CONCERT h again, wben the drunken man Clerk—Which Barrymore, \coiipe. Cole Motor* at the Center very pood buy. See at Riley Chevro­ care of Herald. ^ fumlahed with equipment, garage, Pace As Softball Thrives na catapulting down. "Can't One doesn’t drown trouW* In the RAdIo Peraonalitjr To Broad* drink. Drink is to trouble Uke rain -John Barrymore (su rv ey in g 4S3. let Gulf Station, Cor. Ford and laundry. Inquire at 24 Eldrtdge htay up tfeere'.'*' H'e^ e'onflQed. " 3 I clerk coldly)— Ethel; Main streeta. Tel. 6874 or 3926. street or the Savings Bank ot Man- cMAt Under Auspices Of 8. si 'S no driver up there"' is to weeds. Think It ov-er. laks DODGE V'iclona aedan, radio, DO(;s— BIRDS—PETS—41 t;hester. Second of four a'rtlrtea on soft­ * business managers of touring top-1 FOR S A L E — 1932 Buick sedan, goml Famous Songsters From N. E. Telephone Company. Tourist—la It far to the next If some of the theorlsta whlrimg BY J. R. WILUAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE . . .i.W I T H...... MAJOR HOOFLl hSater; 19*6 Plyprouth 4 door De­ ASSO RTED W IR E haired fOx ter­ ball, America's' fastest - growing '^notchera can have their pick of j A Manchester man went to the In ihrtvel chairs would go Into dla- OUT.OUR WAY lude- Meealer Naah, 10 Henderaon running condition, priced to sell FOR RENT—THREE ROOM apart­ game. games jthat will draw upwards of I office to have hla life In- town? Call 6232 after 6 o’clock. rier popples. Pedigreed, Ideal pets. ment In Bllsh A Quinn building. BrushrtUe NaU%'e— Well, It **em* card, tbts country would come out 4>1. Tel. i?5*. Interesting Connecticut people 10.000 fans. VOU BtftW ' Priced for qiilek sale. 55 Blrdh- Heat, electric refrigeration, toilet Fort Wayne, Ind., To Be further than It Is. but you'll find all right hbob, hbrb now, uttls woopt. standards and those who have heard Captain H oyt\ iuid Joe Liikor and have bron the medium through tn distant cities. Just to plav soft- prices will never make the country words ss two w o ^ a Sllnlmutn oost is Tel. 5947. Farm Native broiler* 20r live pries ot thrss lim , EOR RENT — OFFICE SPACE this musical group vouch for the ex. Ray Fleming orthe 8 . S. Shell-FUh; which many boj-a have received col­ ball. prosperous. They are the promoters Lins ratss psr \Ssx for trsnsisnt weight. 25e dressed. W’.lll deliver formerly oeeupled hy Chamber of cellenny of Its work. U has been Dr. V. L. LooaonofT, director of the lege educations so Is softball pro­ In Cleveland, one hu.iinessman A LA R G E Q U A N T IT Y KcranHimfl 712 IllllsIViwn Road, opposite Water Of poverty. ada \ Commerce. Reparate consultation (tciorded an unusually fine reception Milford Biological LsiMratory of the viding the opportunity for young threaterted a $10,000 lawsuit be- IT. IKIT 50c and 11.00 a dflznn. Flowers nml Lily Gardens. Phone 01117, Bffsettss M i^b rooms. Centrally Io<_Bte oil hundred, l^am . sund. gravel ami HltOILEItS, F r y e r s and roasters. player away with a better offer. forgiving nature? I I ots| II at* Supply Co. er. Other Interesting neighbors with­ a CoB**rutlv* Day* fUl dirt delivered. Always olien. Dressed .3()c lb. Live 22e Ih, Deliver­ But 4>ne AppeanHico chlntat, and clerk owes his Job to Financing a softball club Is much S'jpp— Well, I miist have. I go 1 Day ...... , . 11 otsi II cl* This concert will be the choir's in the sU te win be Intervl^-ed on the fact that he can toss that 12- easier than that of a baseball team, All ordtrs for Irrdgulai InSartloot } hone S'.IOO]. 379 Burnside Ave., ed. Clark's Poultry Farm. 304 Au- back to the same dentist. TOR R E N T — P U R N E L L Block, 825 only' appearance In New England, the air on succeeding Monday highta Inch ball plateward ' with blating but according to Vorne Fargo, vet­ ABOUT be ebargad at (a * on* tim* rata East Hartford. tilmn atrect. Main street. 100 percent store loca­ at 9:30. - ; ; rat** for lens term every and following the, Bristol concert, speed or whale It over the fence. eran business mapjigei of Cleveland MOOPl B tion, between First National Store, Pioneer In the unrehearsed lntel> day bdvertlslns sleenlupon requeet.. FOR SALF.— TOM ATO plants, pep­ the choir will go to New York to Weaver-Wall- teams, a Double A STORIES IN STAMPS FOP.TM1 .*d before tne third or etin and Grants'. Oeeupled past ten view type of radio show, Jerry per* plant, cabbage, catilidowet , ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 sing at the World's Fair. SOFTBALL CLUBS PROVE club can be an expensive luxury,” MOBBL day w llK be chersod oaly for the ao- .years by Brown Built Shoe Store. Belcher has won nation-wide popu­ also cinnias, asters, shIvIa, .Sweet The program conalata of cqro- (>OOn .\DVEKTIS1NG often running as high as $1000 or P «A C 6 ' tSal n u n i^ r of tiro** the ed eppeer- O. E. Kelt!), ckre of Keith Furni­ larity aa conductor of the original •^AUHHWlIk p ! ed. ehergliiB ei the ralte earned but William, at Odermann's. 504 Park­ FOR 8 ALE-HOK.s e collara, new poaitlona of various types, ranging Industrial Arms don’t back soft- more. p p i z e ? and used team hameaaea. Harnesa ture Co. "Vo* Pop" or sidewalk Interview j ;R w il u a m 5 no allew an oe^r .refunds oen be made er street. from simple carola .and chorale* to ball rtuba merely for the publicity This covers the cost of uniforms on els time ^ s atopistd after tb* repairing, auto top and curtains show and later as master of cere­ difficult motettea for double chorus. h e r o e s a r e MAPg -NO'f .BORN 6 -/ 0 •ttb day. , , monies of "Our Neighbors." In con­ they re^rtve. They have discovered Jackets, equipments, some traveling repaired. Phone I74Q. 00 Cambridge Among the composers represented Ko “till forbldiN dlep^y lines not HOUSES FOR RENT 65 ducting the latter program!, he has that the gqod will they create and expenses, refreshments and inci­ HEATING — PLUMBING — street. Chas. Laklng. ■ on the program are found the names sold. interviewed unusually Interesting better morale establish among their dentals. Tbs R erild will not be\ reeponeibl* ROOFING AND SIDING 1/ o." J. 8 . Bach. , Eccard, Bchelle, ter more chan one loeorr^t Ineertlon FOR SALK IIE M S T irC H IN G ma- I-'OR RE.Nt 6 ROOM single house "people all over the country. He has employes Is payment enough. Just os often as not, a firm will o t any ad>ertlseinsnt e.tdertd for chine, reascinabie. If Interested rail I with modern Improvements, 45 Brahms, Tschalkowsky as well as On the other hand softball teams fall to get this back through any In­ ROOFING A SPECIALTY Also n.ade his home al Bantam Lake in more than one tlroa Falrflfld street.. Available July 1st. other favorites. have provided a Lfemendoua adver­ crease in business brought about by siding, carpentry ' and pnlntlng ,••'■'2^ ______. r4 CqnnectlcufB Utchfleld Hills for Tbe Inedtartent omlialoa of ineor- Inquire Tradin’* Store. 757 Main Some of the number! Included In tising medium for cluto like W eav­ t o AKN OV ABOtXt reel pnblioatlon of advertisms will be Reasonable. Time paymriita a. four years and; declares this la the aoftball. but businessmen consider rBfi* • i*. street.. the program are a flvh-part com­ finest state Jn the Unlor In which er-Wall of Cleveland; ^ - N a s h - A of It money .well spenL Winning a ''’..‘.vrsat'-*" F 0 6 '* V W reotlded only by oancelletibn ot tb* ranged. W. Vancour, U Wella St itT-. ebarge mad* for tbe' eervlceireodered. BOATS AND position bearing the title ‘fAll Men to live and work. Kenosha, Wls.; Briggs Body of De­ league, city or uationdl champion­ Phone 3.335. ;V'.RAL MODERN SIX ROO.M All ndvertueroenta muctl conform ACCKSSOKIES 46 Now .Sing ” by Bach, Healey Wll- troit; and other teams whose win­ ship can mean as much to employes TMAT VtoOULO _____w 'S W in style, copy end :typosrashy wlib single houses, also tu’o family flats. lan's "Here Are W e In Bethlehem”, HAtiCR WEQ. ROOFING A N D ASBESPO S siding ning ways have attracted national aa a bonus. regslatlofia entoreaa by the Ipoblteh- U’A N T K l) TO B UY aecond hand In exeelleni looatlona. Apply Ed­ Anton Bruckner's exquisite "O Lord Why Camel Survives e rf end they reserve the right to our specialty. ,>Vorkmanahlp guar­ prominence. America Is a sports-minded na­ canoe In gooa atr*eL Tel. 486ii. ed parks In every town. They get clerk. eelved by U o'elook noon; Saturday* part setting of the Nunc Dimittis, ANNIVERSARY BANQUH offers for games from coast to ^ road and the airplane are ELKCTKICAL SUMMER HOMES V. ritten by tha conductor of the steadily revolutionizing transpor­ tdlM. coast, from Canada to the-Gulf, and AITUANCES—RADIO 49 FOR RENT 67 choir. ^ N E X T : Mechaiilos of the g a r n e t tation in the far comers of the FLAPPER FANNY BY SYLVIA TELEPHONE YOUR\ MOVING—TRUCKING M. Paton Of This Town A ■irORE W ID E C L E A R A N C E Sale world, speeding It up, making It STORAGE 20 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM cotfage WANT ADS at tremendous savings. Check these Member Of Commitlee; easier. But wherever there li at-Pine Lake shores, for months^ot today wben moet of the others are Ad* are aodapted over tbe telephone CAX.VIN C. T A G G A R T - Moving values: 6 ft. 1939 Std-lAinnard, Reg. lAiop Organised 25 Yeara much sand and little wrater the July. Ideal place for a good rest. tuckered. Guldahl will And him a at. the CRAROEl RATU given n^ve and trucking. 39 Woodland atreel .4189..50, sale »t49.rin».5 -'/ ft. 1939- LOCAL AUCTION MARKET camel still holds out as a vital an a eonvenlence to sdvertUera,Vbu< 1 Ago. GULDAHL’S CHANCE' hard hombre to take five shots away Telephone 63,55. Crualey, Reg. $172..50. sale $149.M>; Very reasonable. Inquire Mrs. form of travel. Camels are Just at the CASH RATES will be eocviitea le* Kenipea, 75 Summer street. from. He admitted tt as he sat 9 lb. Whirlpool 1939 washer, Reg. Important in some arid regions ot rO U . PAYMENT It paid al the bbal- AUS-ITN A. CHAMBERS WILL OPEN TOMORROW M. Baton. 165 West Center street, nervously In the clubhouse yester­ oesa effloe on or before the sevttatn $84.95, sale $.59.50; floor model Klsncjiester, Is an assistant. . chair­ the world today as they were day following the 8ret Innertioeloi Local * Long OUtanca Movari FOR THIRD DIADEM day and heard reports of Snead's Bendix, sale $129.50;. $114.50 1939 man of the banquet committee ar­ centuries ago. ' A m b itio n aaoh ad otberwtae tbs CHARUli; Tal—6260 . 68 Hollister St FARMS AND LAND progress. Ths camel, for Instance, 1* to­ r a t e w ill be oollecced. Ne reipengi Odin gas range, sale $59.50; 1938- Strawberries So Well Ad- ranging for the celebration o f ' the WASH TUBBS blUty tor errors ' la telephoned FOR SALE 71 Loses Putting Touch day the most important domeatlc vancetl That A Goodlj’ Sup­ 25th anniversary o l the Ckinneetlcut x«wtAn,«0M)w aov, TdAiXT r wumphI « mbW will be asaumsd and their aeeuraqy State Football (Soeqer) AssocUtlon HELD VERY SUGHT ”I don’t mind if Sam has a few animal In Africa. ClaUous cuahlont REPAIRING 23 IN BOLTON, OK N E W road ab ------N i ir U i ...... teed. W alt Burnett, 676 Lydall. Tel. ('rosley. Turkel's, 1083 Main street, Glens and the Manchester United catch.” dust and sand and hit hump It a ...... atneet. be In charge of R. M. Reid and Sons 4418. Hartford. Tclephone^7-3136) both of Manchester, and the Terry The champ brightened consider­ convenient storeroom for extra M«rriaffVE ...... c and Cheaterfleld Plrle will be' the eeev#eeeeasaoo**,«oeooodd Turbine* of Hartford. ably wben he beard that Snead had energy needed on the long desert L A W N M O W ER S nharpened and re­ auction master. The opening at 2 Pace Set Ey Sam Snead In C^rd 6t T b »n k t ...... Tbe state association was formed taken an B^no6t unbelievable four treks. paired. Precision grinding. Delivery HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Cp MvmorlvoQ ...... F HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 o’clock Is expected to bring Into the March 8 , 1914 In New Haven. Joe putts on the 12th green. He said Certainly there it no animal LfOtt and Found ...a ...... 1' service. Phone 7385 or 6265. Karl- FOR SALE-LEAVING TOWN, 6 market' a goodly supply of straw- Booth of Bridgeport waa elected National ( ^ n And Latter that was better.; But bis face set [ better equipped for the desert. A AsaounevracnU ...... I sen and EMgerton, Buckland, next SEE THE ''HONEYilOQN’N— 3 room cottage with aunporch, work berria as reports received today by again wfren word came in that Snead camel’s foot, for example, with ita P an o aalt ...... S to R. R. Depot. room of furniture $168.00. 110.00 secretary and he has continued In AntaaMMlM shop and garage. Reasonable. Leon Mr. Reid from different growers In­ that office to the present timA- He bad steadied and was clicking off two toes covered with a cushlon- down— 18 months to ,iay. Albert;* dicated that berries would be well SNms ^ t o win. AotomobtUa for 8aU .*•*.••»•• * lOWER RKPAIRINU, sharpening, Furnllurc c:d.. 43 Allyn St., Hart Schsller, 427 1-2 Center street. will be tbe guest of honor at the birdies on the late boles. Guldahl Uke pad of skin, expands under AutomoblUa for ..ICxchvnfv ...... ft advanced In many places, even key flttlng, duplicating, electrical ford. Conn. Rear. coming anniversary dinner. plcMd up his putter and went out his weight and prevents the ani­ Aoto AcovMorlvn—Ttrvv ...... • though the season has been late. Auto RvpalrJng—i*aiotios ...... 1 Btllltles, guns etc., reconditioned. A m ^ g the Invited guests wlli be for' two solid hours of practice. With mal from sinking too far Into tha Auto Schools ...... Bralthwaite, 52 Pearl atrccL CUS’l'OM-MAUB AWNINGS: Get FOR SALE—5 ROOM bungalow, After tomorrow the different b r. d. R. Manning, first president trf By GALYE TALBOT eVen average putting luck the last ■and. A t the same time the camel AutoE >blp 07 Trueli ...... • Wards low prices on flnest ma­ wit^ all Improvements on residen­ groups will be given cards which the United States Football Associa­ Philadelphia, June 10— 0P>—B arr­ two day* the big fellow would at can store a gallon or two of water Aoto»>»For iilro ...... 9 tial street. For price and terma, terials, tailored to your-Tpolrch and will assign them various hours. tion; Thomas W . Cohlil, first secre­ ing a miracle, there will .be qo third least have been level with Snead. in his digestive tract His ability Osrageo—Sorrlco—Slersso ...... lA* . see Q. l l Fish, 110 Benton : street. Uotoro7oUo«>Blo7oivv ...... ' 11 HELP WANTED—MALE 36 windows. FR EE estimates, see This meanstthat Instead of all com­ tary of the U. S. Football Assorts term for King Ralph Guldah) in the They simply haven’t been dropping to get along entirely without samples. Phone 5161 Montgomery Telephone 6394., ing Into the market at one time tlon: James Armstrong, executive Wantod' Autov—MotorcycUv .... It WANTED .AUTOMOBILE me­ Mational Open golf champtonahlp. for hBn.” Otherwise hla play has water has been overestimated, ALLEY OOP B m Im m and ProfvMluaal terrle** Ward, they.will be scheduled to arrive at secretary of the U. S. Football Asso­ ben beautiful. chanic. No one hut expert need ap- FOR S A L E —7- ROOMS, fireplace, As the field went into today’s two however. Lacking both food and Busloosa tivrvicct Offered . . . . . Id half hour Intervals. ThU will do ciation; James Miller, four times ply\ Write Box W,.Herald. atcam heat, nice location In town. final furious rounds at S ^ n g Mill A t the same time. It Is bill fair water, t)le camel can survive but Huutcbold- tiervlcev Offered . . . t l l 'A SPECIAL-TWO 6 cubic foot Cool- away with tbe long wait In line and president of the (ybnnectlcut State ABOAKOTHS Bulldlog^CootracttQg i i Price $4,000. Small amount of caah. th», husky two-Ume winner waa to say that Snead might have been ■ few diys. cratqfs cheap. Perfect condition. Football AssoclatiCn. , ^(M UVX SPM DOP6 V, BLUE B E U B , FlorUt»*Nurvvrlev .*..•.’•*.••• U .MAN K N O W L E D G E brake and Must be Hold. Phone 7247. . unneceaaary exposing of berries to rlgh^ on the ragged edge, hla re­ three strokes ahead of the field if Camels carry from 350 to 1000 Benson;*, 713 Main street. Tel. / BIU , 1 D O N T V PUBLICITY Fuberbl Dlrvctorv ..'..*h*...... 1% Ignition service. Good propoaittIon . the sun while waiting. Mayor Jasper DlcLevy of pridge- volting subjects on the verge of giv­ he had not foollahly gone for the Bounds in a pack toad, can trans­ HOURS LXTEto. Ue»Uog—-PlumbtogwRoofing ... 11 3535. K/ /' ■* port will welcome tbe guests^ ' IKMOW WHKT.TOV. SaiNT! to Aght plarty. Married man', pre ing him the works., Guldahl wasn't hole with his first long putt on the port as much a* 83 gallena of Ibturaooo ...... It Reservation for the dinner may I m a «OF 7 » i l 5 / ^ ^ lllUloery~i>revvinvklng. .*'*«.•.. It ferred. Write Box T. Herald. ' F O R -S A L E — B LA C K Move wtth LOTS FOR SALE 73 ready Lo concede anything, but he I2th. It ran far past and he like to water in light - metal tanks. A be made by/nrvons living In the must bi^e felt nefvoua. Moving—TruekiDg>^torege .... lu new oil burner and gd* extension, FOR SALR-BUILDING loU on never ha^ve got the thlpg In the hole. carnal and rider i* ahown above Public Pgnsenger Service ...... K-A very g(>od condition./(Sill 6566. PIBUCRECORDS Hartford Area at ^ following Sam Sflead, (he leader at the half «R a new stamp of MaiiritoBla. “How do you think a two-itory pop otand would look?” Pnlntlbg—Papvrtng * ...... xi Strong s t r e ^ Inquire 38 Woodland places: *4. Paton, IMP West Center ProfMcrong) Servlcke ...... «x Btreet. Phone ^4 9 . way mark.with 139 blows, waa flye tfreneb colony jof northern Africa. . Appikstto* street, Manchester; S. B. T^atson gatidy strokes out in front of. "the R gpginog ...... /IX AppHcatlon for a marriage license Tullorlog— Uyelivff—CleAnlng' . . . / X4 NOTICE MACHINERY AND 228 Putnam street^Hartford. * moose” and'^laylng hotter golf by hitur preparing has been filed with the Town Clerk Toilet Ooode end Service It T00L8 52 TED-vREv the minute. With successive rounds Wgoted— Bueineee Service ...^ .1 It Sealed bids will be received by WANTED- REAL JOONEKVlLLfe fDLKS by Joseph William Gasper of Hart­ of 68 and 71, ttte mountain boy look­ Cdnrjitloual the Board of Eilucatloii of the ESTATX 77 C LE T U A C ''25" '5;tcellent condition. ford and Anne Mary Ambroas of ed like Ute pro^babte winner. B e­ E X A a PROPOSALS Cooreee end CUesee ...... i t Town of Manchester, at the office, thU town. Hay machinery, used tractors ot GOOD BUYERS contactihg us want TH REAT^W STEPS tween him and Guldahl were nine Private tnetruouone ;.*.: ...... xx 1146 Main Street, Manche.'fer, Con-, various makes. ■ Duplin Tractor T h e Dw a rfIs Model A ir pla n e Oeneing ...... s i . a Manchester homee. fa m A Sell WwTsiiteeB noctlcut, not latgr than 1 2 :00' other aseorted -contenders. Four ■ I Musloei— Dremetlc ...... xx C\)mpany. Wllllmantlc. .,5^. direct. N o agents Involveo^^bso-^ According to a w ram ptM deed FOR WORLT PEACE o'rlock, noon, on Saturday, June 17. r e sistan c e more were tjed with the slipping Weoted— Inetructlooe ...... $0 kltely no commlsaiohs. Write u^ay. recorded by Town Clerk Samuel'J. 1939. for furnishing coal to various chaqiplon at 144. PInaarial aillette'a Property Advertuing Turklngton, Glenwood street prop­ BoDOe—Stockv—Mortgages II school buildings, In accordance Smltb Shot Behind (dontlBoed from Page One.) OFFICE AND STORE Service, Box 90. Hartford, Oinn. erty has been convejred to Julius IPWitluma from Page One) Buelneei 'Opoortunlt'lee ...... IX with *l>erlflcatluna on flic In the Breathing on Snead’s npek when IIODe7 to Loan ...... || ' EQUIPMENT 54 and Anna C. Stepard qf East oflflec of the Board of Education:' the 66 qualtflers for the final 36 close to Chancellor Hitler today de­ o P * * ' by Venonlca ChrUtlaa. Naxis's t^tnites to Kniest. The Help e»d SltaatJeue FOR SALK^ L'YRGE STORE Ice holes braved the scorching fqlrways scribed os a "surprise to us" the re­ r ^ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Help Wented—vKemeU .*.*«*>.** ae . Bidders are InvUed to call and se­ body Is to be taken to Leipzig for a and North Elm street pixip' ports In Paris that the Relchs- Help Wanted—Male ...... {•••• cure complete ajH-clflcallons before box. Can be seen' at Centennial funeral service on Monday. Party early today was . Horton Smith, the SENATE LEADERS been transferred by P m k - fuehrer waa planning specific peace keteemcn Wanted ...... , L . . *ie- a mdimtttlng Old. Aparlnients or call'37^37. leaders of many communltlea former, boy wonder, who i^ t e d a .Belp Wanted—Meie or Pe.nele*. l< and Jeanette H. Forbes to For and by onler of the Board of planned to participate. great 68 In hla second round for a proposals. ’Hiese sources said that ' ■Agenie Wgoted ...... 'k . a Ediiratlon of the Town of M an­ nd M. Fitxpatrick, Stahips midway 140. Next was Craig as far as they knew the chancellor^ ■'Lltuefipne Wgated—Kemble ..** XX Autopsy results perplexed author> chester,. Connecticut.- ROOMS WITHOUT ^ DENY VIOLATION Indicate a payment of $1,000. at 141 then Bud Ward, the; SpoWa^ had no such plan In mind. Situations Wanted*wMsle *...*«. IX The mercantile property at the Itles. It w as 'disclosed that three EoiPloyment Aii*'^*^!** ' ...... JOHN H HYDE, < liOARO 59 bullets struck the pollcemkn and amateur, and Denny. Shute ea4h Live glock— Pet*— Pvultrve-w Tekiclee Secretary, Board, of Education. comer of Center, and U la c streets with 142. FOR RENT—DFTSIRABLF rooms (Oofltlnoed from Page One.) that while two were, of nine milli­ X>og»— Birds— Pete .***i,. *.*...... «i occupied by the Anderson and Noren . Grouped at 143 were Lawson ^ [PHOTOeR/^HE^ L4ve Stock— Vehicles '...... In private home, fumlahed, centriU- meter diameter, the third measured cut. So far aa I hav^ been able to store baa been conveyed by A . Shei^ only six mllUmetere. Little, H arry Cooper, Harold Mc- EXTENSIVE U tO P / Poultrr and SuDPtlee «« ly located. Ladles preferred. Write wood Ai^erson and Evelyn Erick- Wanted— Peta» Pouitrr—Stoei 44 Herald, Box.J, iletermlne, that aecttoh has not been Ths possibility that two : persona Spaden, John Bulla and Frank F4»t g«l*—MIeeellaaeoas/ amended nor repealed and la, I be­ aon to -Lawrence Converse fo r a sum shot the policeman os he walked Moore. With Guldahli at 144 were Artlclee For 8aie .*.<*.,..•...... /, 4S ' NOTICE FOR R E N T — LA R G E front room, lieve. In full force and effect at the Indicated by stamps as $4,000. - ' down a Kladno street waa being In­ Henry Picard, OHn Dutra, Vic IS THREAT OF AFL Boats and Aocecsorlet ...... te furnished, for light housekeeping, present time. Frank A. RoUlon ftaa conveyed to vestigated. It was established that Ghezzi and Lloyd Mangrum. That Building Meisriaie .. 41 Henry Dick a lot on Stephen street Ulanonds— W atebta—Je«velr7 ** !• OF PUBLIC HEARING m High street, Tfl. 7480. "Tbe intent and purpose of the Kniest did not Are hla own wea^n about round^ up those with a real (Oentlened tram Page One.) electrical ADpllancea—Bedto ** 49 statute. I respectfully submit, are to for a sum Indicated by stamna a s and that apparently he was the ric- hope of getOng the big cup tomgbt. ZO N T N * b o a r d o f A PP E A IJ $1,000. — * ( - Foel and Feed ...... J....4V-A prevent .such shameful trafficking In tlm of a surprise attack. ’The others— men like Byron Nelson, strike call and would meet Tuesday Garden— Farm — Oalr7 Product* Sm UUARDERS WANTED 59-A .judicial appointments as the mem- Lot 14. Manchester Heights, hag Proteets Against Flue Uouaabold Goode ...... ai In confonWlty ns-ith the rcqinre- Gens Sarazen, Paul Runyan, Tom­ ^ 'O M l d e r withdrawing from the bera of the Senate encaged tn dur­ been aold by j H e i ^ P. Floto to Machinery and I'ople ...... er ments of the »ining regnlatlonA WANTED- BOARDER. In kmall Czechs of Kladno and Prague dis­ my Armour,' Billy BUrke, Dick union and affiliating with the ing the last session of' the General Uueleal Inetrtiineni* ...... ix the Zoning Board of Ap]>enla of family. Woman preferred. Inquire Agnes <3. tUffo for' an Indicated cussed the Incident excitedly and Metz, and Jimmy. Demaret had been ^ Office end 8tore euolproent **.« S4 Assembly. $1,000. there were murmured protests the Town of .Manchester wRl hold 67 Middle Ihimplke East. Tel. 7610. whipped by Spring Mill’s vast dis­ A "teat of strength” la due Mon- Spac^ale «t tbe dtores ...... se agalnsf s fine of 000,000 crowns 'Waaring Apparel—Fure **.*.,. Si a public hearing on Thursdav. June Vittorio Monti and Honorlna M. tances fuid dizzy heights. day. A F L c U A W leaders said, when ‘Wanted— To Buy ...... le 15, 19.39. at 8:00 P. M„ D..s’.T., In ROOM AND BOARD $10, private ; S l'N STROKE F A T A l. MqnU have conveyed to Edna H. ($20,000) Imposed on the entire So 'flrin has been Guldahl’s hold It plans to picket the Chevrolet and B4»a « i » HMMfd— M a f ia Meeertv the Municipal Building on the fol­ residence, comfortablci bed. Home Bllah, truatee, proparty—tocatad on Kladno community. on tbe throne for twro yeara that the Fisher unlU. Operation* are sched­ ll«eiaaraMtv lowing applications)' cooked meals, fresh vegetables. Danbury, June to, —. CPi — Teofll Eldrtdge'street for $6,500 stamna 'Tt has not levep been established boys feared,oountlng him out of the uled to be resumed, then after rh* JKooma W ubuui ^ e r d ' ...... ee Call 163 Main street, or Phona 3284. Akflna, 44. of Houaatonic, Moss.,-a Indicate. thst s Czech shot the offleer, but the week-end holiday. Buardera Wanted* ...... IS*A Application of the Manchester running even after his putting luck Lumber and Fuel Company for per­ New Haven railroad track-section penalty Is Imposed on s Czech Mtn- deserted him yesterday and he Cuubtry board—Heaorte eu worker. last night succumbed to sun Hvieis— Aeatauraote * ...... ei mission to erect a sign on Itf. prem­ munlty which as a whole certainly soared to 73 strokes. Actually it stroke. . / ' AWAROED TALE PRIZE Wanted — ftoo.tne— Board IX ises at 255 Center Strbet, less than APARTMENTS, FLATS. had 'nothing to do with the affair," wasn’t until Snead, one of the last was ons commenL Ifialale ffor Heal thirty feet from the street line. ' TEl^MENTS 63 New Haven, June KL — ) .i. M. starters, came banging home with J U M P IN P.AS8 PORTR The Nazi newspaper Die Neue Tag Last Night *8 Fights Apartenenta, Flats, .i'eoeinenu •• SI Application of the Weldon Drug CurtU' Beardsley, of Bridgeport was his' 71 Just before dark that tte Mueioae bocaltiona for Beni »»• •« FOR R K N T -^T W O fiv* room flats declaied. "The criminal is a piViduct Company for permission to mov’e awarded the $300 John A d d lm Por­ Mouses For Rent ...... at 197-199 Mapla street. Inquire 65 Wariilngton, June 10.— (g>>—Issa- of his environment.” awed opinion was beard that ”Gul- SutMjrban For Rent ...... ee Its liquor permit from -903 Main ter prise by Tala University yester­ dahl will never catch Sam now.” Clinton street. ened tension In Europe, some State Without referring speclflcally to s s o c i a i e d p r e s s t Sumner Homee For Rent •'< Street to 901 Main Street. - day for hU theaU on the "Philosophy ^ A - Department officials believe, ac­ the killing of Kniest, the newspsper With all respect to Horton Smith ClevelMd-Patsy Perronl, 177. WdQietl to Rem . * . '...... M Application of Edward J. Holl of DeterminUm: A Study‘In Meta­ FOR R E NT— 2, 3 and 4 ROOM said that a community which creates and the others out In front, there ejnton. O.. outpointed Eddie Slmni*. Hmml Ifistate Pat Bala for permisaioh to erect dwelling counted for a large Jump In Amer­ physics." ApgrUneut Building for Sals ••• •> apart menta. fumiahed or unnimtab- ican passporta issued, and renewed an "atmosphere" conducive to a wrss the feeling that Guldahl proba­ I87, Cleveland. n O ). houses at 221 and 2in 'Summit ed. Call Centennial 3737. bly whuld get hU great game work- Busi^ase Property for gala Id In May. rash or criminal act Is aa much re- p a lla ^ H a x le tong. 166'.i^ - Farina and Land ter S a le ...... T1 Street. In a Tesidenc# A* tone, on PO|■ these Including ateam beat. Call at 14 t«ry HuUhss approved Pol^d's ap- Hollywood—Jackie juricb. Ill, Sgkurbao for Bale ...... Tk Arch itreet. Toyko. June 10 - - «>) — Emperor snyeaa withkoldlasr laformstion of affort that accompanies ths «)wal Baal estate for esebanfs ...... t i applications may appear at thU pltcatloQ fbr 3f0,000 cubic feet of ths slsylng bs shot upon discovery. day. outpointed Manual Wemed—Real Bstata ...... 11 bearing. i Hlrohlto granted an audience todgy American helium te Inflate a strpto- FOR REINT—4 ROOM duplex bouee, to Piml McNutt, United Ststes Invoked s strict curfw Kladno ' 'But Snead is a dlffsrent propoet- lleB*** i RATMOra W. GOWW. sDbere balloon fOr Mlgifte latsf In the and wsritsd•d that pualpualttve measutes tien, He’s full o f youth ai)4 tsd cor- .LmsI Kstleia ...... la wto or ^tbout garigte. Ttlepbone high commlssloBsr of tha PhiUp- I ^ ' Qialmnn. . *448. ( ■ K waa lasTBsd. r a U i^ to- would bsI tilM SM d: tf ths sisytRC MiscI*#. Ha’ll ha gataR ttiopi htS« Uk» a p|H«i||^|j|i;j$Rt lata|