'-fi*5j X THE WEATHER irRIDAT, JUW » », 1VS9 Foreraat ol C. 8. Weather Boreau pACa EIGHTEEM dnrbrBtnr EuM ifns itpralb PAiLT cTRcn-anoN for tlM* month of Mar, 19S9 (Toady followed by ahoweta late he. must have known and valued .n tonight or Sunday; not much posifbllltlb! of tb! 1939 graduates cradle roll child. Aria Alvonl: th change In leropcrature. Th» Rfcjivbow iftri* ar« reminded hut Indications ara that they, are hU day.. Should he ask Tor other KlBdergarten. Mrs. Ernest KrtU ! to have al> Tood rontrlbutlona for H E R p IS PRAISED newspapers as good as this I should "CHILDREN’S DAY” . 6,238 SURVEY COMPLETE • facing a difficult problem In finding macher; Welcome. Gordon T*dford the eale -tonfiK^row at Hale'a at t ^ hand him The Manchester Herald, Member of the Audit ABOUT TOWN occupatirrns. song, "Jeaua. Is the ChUdren’i- atore at 9 o'cl'^v^ tomorrow mpni- produced by men who can think, Burcaa of Ctrcolattons M.ANCHEStER — A CITY oKviDEAGE (HAR.M All Primary department children ; I N S R E W ’SBOOK AT CENIEMRCH Friend” ; recitation. Summer Sun OF H. S. STUDENTS write, and alllrm their’ geol eonvlc- Marltya Falrweather; recitation PRICE THREE C E N T S of Center church achool are,reqneat- ] Uons." (TWELVE r.\ G E S ) ed to appear for rehearaal tbrnorrow j PER^NAl PROPERTY "Friends", Jane Burr: aoB*. Oo* MANCHESTER. CON^- SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 19.'I9 Th! pariah meeting’at 3L Mary's Other I»e a l .-Vnglea Lovris Us All; recitations “ Ood i. <(Ta»*lfiod .advertiring on Page 10) morning at 9:30 at the church. |church wtlJ convene .Monday eve­ Cheney Silk m D i C a iy One ,Dr. Shepard ! volume la replete Complete P r o ^ m To Be Church". Sally Emery. “In the Hear' VOL. LV III- NO. 214 ning at 8 oVlock to adjount ^o Mon- Refutes Theory That, Only j U S P G STILL HOLDS with Interesting atorie! h,e has of a Seed, James Warren. "Ood’i Mra. Joaeph Grabowakt of An­ dXy, June 2(5. al the aame hour, to gathered in hi.a many, -many- walks Plan” , Irene Dean, Kenneth King dover. formerly bf thla town, and riM-elve ttie report and recommetvla- Of Most Interesting In- about bhe stq.le. The volume con- Presented On Sunday; Jr. Joan Strickland; presentation ol Oue Out Of Seven Finds King Congratulates CCC Sergeant Bophle Grabow.aki left laat nlRht for tlona r.f the aiieclnl rom m iltee a>c Note New Special Act . Does taln.1 also a laige number of beau- diplomas, the primary department . Lawrence. Maaa.. lo^end the week­ pointed utelet the motion at the’ : Not Apply To Jewelry. Se- UTul photographs. Several ..of the Mrs.’ Louis Marte; flag bearers. Jam end with Hev. and .Mra.M Hariy, Choir To Give Program. B R inA N lC MAJESTIES ineelirig .Mjy 22^__^ CA Gainful Occupation. dostrial Plants In U. S. photographs have been contributed Vlckerman, Robert Henderrion, Ray­ HITLER PREPARING \curitles Or FurnishingH. Zleba. Ifather Zleba waa j^ l o r of mond Domuro announcing hymn y . ______ by Nathan Gatchell, a, member of 3L John'a church on (Tqlwa'y .itreet .Mra. Frank V. William!, chairman the. facility at Mancheater High first year leader.^. Priscilla Burn­ and about the first of Pehniarj- aa- It waa voted today by tha Board of the (mildn-n'a day rxerclaea ..Sun­ In hla recently published volume. achool. Sunday will be observed as Chil­ ham. Rtobert King; second y « r lead­ sumcc^ charge of the Pollah National There’s -a generally 'arreted of Aaaeasora that although the ers, Margaret Mosley, Sanford Rus-1 day morning at the. .Second Congre- Connecticut. Pa-at arid Preaen't" In a number of places the Cheney, dren's Day at the Center Congrega­ t'athollc church-of Lau rence gatloiwil church, him r’lliled a-re- theory that bqly one out of seven a;ieclal art exempting-realdenta from tional church. The program at 10:-ao sell: third year memory EXACT PROPOSALS Professor Odell Shepard of TrinitjM-arik mOls are referred to, The allk SAIL FOR NpW the ncresalty of declaTlng Ilata on- a. m., will open with music by the presentation of Bibles, the Jimibi-| hearaiil r»f the program tomorrow at High H I h o o l gradualea find* gainful plant. Is• ( ailed one of the moat In­ 9 5U R.m. The flower’■ <'ommlttee^^^^|jpjj,|„„ (f aan’t bfi ai.plled to real rafale and rara haa paaaeil. It College prabtea The Herald In hta Junior choir and presentation of Department, Mrs. Watsofi Wood- Group .3 of Center church wntni-n sllfl will be obligatory for local per­ teresting Industrial .plants In the of which Mra. Kenneth Burnham ta would like to have the children i High-if Vairrvey fakeri chapter on “The Conte^npomry children for baptism. Pupils In the rulT; first speaker. James EHUOtt: sona to declare jieraonal Itema auch Scene." His comment ocrura In a country and ,Dr. .Shejiard ■q.n two or different- depart.nents of the church Cub. Parker Vetrano; Girl Scout, | .leader, uill hold ita final meeting hnng.flmaera nt thla time for <1— aa Beciirtllea, Jewelry- an1 furniture. three occa-sions refers to -the artis­ FOR WORLD p e a c e Elizabeth Thrall; Boy Scout. Robert; and picnic. Motijjay afterncem al, 3 raiton. \ i dlacuaalon of the surprise.. Timo­ school will have a part In the .exer- Thla will he done In tha^^regular way try that goes into the CTicney proil- Montle; siscond .speaker, Barbsl, o’clock at the cottage of .Mra. Har­ ___ _ trrion. thy Dwight would receive If he were rl.ses. as follows: HAILED IN TIED B as haa been the practice alwaya. utt. Morrison, marshals. Barbara Badef.^ old F Bidwell of Cheetniit atreet. The Hlaterhnod of Temptk Beth I The survey was made recently of to return to Connecllci't toilay. Baptismal service. Leaders, Eu- WIFE'S DE.\TH CAl 8E8 . ~ The new act doea away with a Professor Shepard’s comment Both libraries In town carry the cenia Emery. David Boyd; Response William Shaw; offertory. The Inter-; m SB.YND TO Sl tX'l'.MB Sholom w ill hold Its final parly of the two claaae.a gfadiinted In 10.38. system, which haa been declared / MOVING ENDS BRIIMir. reads: •'. I think he would feel now volume and. It is published by Christian Education. Ruth Whea­ mediate Department: Iht speaker, Reports Reach French Dip­ : The Veteran!’ Carnival committee | ,,„Bon. .Sunday evening iit H■’ and the two classea In 19.37. 'H)e uaeleaa and outmoded by Improve­ O.VME r.U'.IIT YE.VKS OLU With Echoes Of 21-Gun Sa- at home with The Hartford CquranL Alfred A. Knopf of '’of'* and ton: first msrsbal, Hamilton Grant: Marjorie Marte; "A Tribute", Hamil­ - wUl meet at the Army arid Navy I m odd Kellowa hall. Mra. forroer ponat.Hted of 278 atudenta and ments In Information gathering Dillon, 6. C.. June 10.— (.P)— of thetle (17.8 per cent ’were gain­ America’# oldest newspaper, which Htella for 3.3.30 net. second marshijl, Harry ’ Straw; ton Grant. Informed that Mrs. C. B. Arnelte ’ ALL NEW YORK Nclub thla evening at 7 .10 o'clock. It ' wiliiaiii Horowltr of Kaat I 'entei which ihe aaaesaora have perfected. lomatic Circles Fuehrer Omaha. Neb | June 10.— Inte koaring In Ears, Roy­ W-expected that Joseph M Bury of ^tn'et l.a rhiiirmhn, .Mta Mcniv I ‘li k fully oeciipled, moat "f them In four Aa thla ayatem haa been operated, had died in a boepltal of a heart The elght-vcnr bridge -game ol RiSdfVtlie rarnival pniinoter-. ^rll t>e i of Hamlin atreet, co-rliiiiriiian. 'I'tii leiiiilng flelil.a o f endeavor with 67 the swearing out of property ILsts attack, her husband, a. 57-year- Dr and Mrs. A P. Overgaard at thia meeting, .Ml memhe^ hOHte.'taea will he .Mrs George engaged In the piiraiill of higher became a mere form, unneceaaary ins Specific Proposi­ old farmer, collapseu and died EAGER TO SEE and Mr. and Mrs Ralph R.issell al Couple Board U. S. S. pd tn.Mi ner. Mra John Rotlner. Mra George i‘durntlnn. 17 employed In Industry. for any practical piirpoa*. of— a heart attack. M s over with Dr. Overgaard top / Miller, Mrs. IjiMiti Foster They will 41 In In.aiirance and 27 In nier- It waa said tmlay that the apaclal ^ .ire r He had I.4.'46,28»l points. he a.aflated, by iHirolhy llalrm Rnth ctiandlKlng, tions To Sertte Problems.; The game, started in 1031 and A D VK R TI^M E>'T— act waa worded by Selectman Rich­ ROYAL COUPLE Warrington For Trip Up II I !■ ■ »V* I ■. I ’odrove.- P’rleda ftelwllr, ri.alher Oanaea of 19.37 ard Martin, and Introduced by Sena­ «• ______ played every Monday nlsht, endr- If you havetvt purchaaed your Shapiro. FInIne Wachlel and Kalhei The riaaaea of 1937 totalled 288 tor William J Shea. Support for lU 1 rd 'this week” because Dr. and J- new refrlgeratorX yet —Do eo now! Yidyra. atudenta and theae found ciindltlona pB-iaage waa given by Aaaemblymen Greet Summer ' . ParU, June 10 — yPi — RelwrU BRITISH EXTEND I Mrs. (tvergaard are moving to Bay; Sovereigns Wel­ Benaon'a ReTrIgeratinn Stork Rcduc- conalderably hetle.r than did the Vllllam J. Thornton and William C leached French diplomatic circles Talk Of King And Queen Ar­ i Houston.
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