Save Our Earth Through Ecotourism and Conservation Role

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Save Our Earth Through Ecotourism and Conservation Role ___________________________________________________________________________ 2010/SOM3/GOS-TWG/CON/012 Session 3 Save Our Earth Through Ecotourism and Conservation Role Submitted by: Taman Safari Indonesia APEC Ecotourism Conference Sendai, Japan 16 September 2010 9/22/2010 SAVE OUR EARTH THROUGH ECOTOURISM & CONSERVATION ROLE by TAMAN SAFARI INDONESIA September 16th, 2010 Drs. Jansen Manansang, MScMSc.. Chair of Conservation, Ethic & Welfare, PKBSI Convenor CBSG Indonesia Director of Taman Safari Indonesia President of SEAZA Climate Change 1 9/22/2010 Taman Safari Indonesia as the National Tourism Site #11 & Center of Conservation of Indonesian Highly Endangered Species 2 9/22/2010 TAMAN SAFARI INDONESIA MEMBERS OF WAZA SEAZA CBSG Indonesia PKBSI Convenor of Conservation Breeding Specialist Group Indonesia Chair of Regional Zoo Association in World Association of Zoos and Aquariums President of South East Asian Zoos Association Secretary General and Chair of Conservation, Ethic & Animal Welfare in Indonesian Zoological Parks’ Association Taman Safari Indonesia acts as the Buffer Zone to the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park 3 9/22/2010 Taman Safari Indonesia’s roles: 1.For the environment 2. Education 3. Conservation of Indonesian highly endangered species by in- situ and ex-situ programs TSI had protected an additional 100 ha of the Buffer Zone area from the developer companies. These mountain areas are also the natural habitat of the endangered species of Javan Leopard and Moloch Gibbon. Total Buffer Zone to the National Park is now around 260 Ha. 4 9/22/2010 Taman Safari also promotes activities that are eco-friendly (1)The usage of a more eco-friendly materials and practices aroun d the par k suc h as: -choice of paints & method to use them -rain & ground water management -wastage recycling from operational and from the animal -choice of packaging around the park -choice of chemicals used such as natural disinfectants from plants Rain and ground water management in the park Check Dam 5 9/22/2010 Utilization of wastages TAMAN SAFARI’s role in education for the visitor Elephant Trek Safari Trek 6 9/22/2010 Animal Presentation of Indonesia’s endangered species to educate visitors about their conflict with human, their behavior as well as the necessary actions to preserve their habitat Safari Goes To School, Behind the Scene & Lectures to Universities 7 9/22/2010 Sensory Experience TAMAN SAFARI INDONESIA MEMBERS OF IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group Indonesia Convenor (()CBSG Indonesia) Secretary for Conservation, Ethic & Animal Welfare of Indonesian Zoological Parks’ Association Chairman of Regional Zoo Association WldAWorld Assoc iiiation o fZf Zoos an dAd Aquar iums President of South East Asian Zoos Association 8 9/22/2010 Seminars, national and regional training programs, & workshops involving local communities, experts, educators, government officials , NGOs in Indonesia as well as the International societies on Indonesian flagship species Taman Safari’s role for Local Community Development: The best developed community in the area Social and cultural aspects: - Education & religious facilities - Hygiene facilities - Tools & equipments such as computers, furniture, books, training & scholarship programs 9 9/22/2010 Economic aspects - Community base management local manpower - Business opportunity for local communities 10 9/22/2010 Economic aspects: Taman Safari’s role for the Conservation of Indonesian highly endangered species by in-situ and ex-situ programs Ganesha Operation 11 9/22/2010 Helped the government in solving the tiger and rhino conflict in Sumatra In-situ Conservation Sumatran Tiger Breeding Center & ` Genome Resource Bank 12 9/22/2010 Conservation: Ex-situ Link Insitu Elephant Training Center & Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary – Way Kambas National Park Taman Safari Indonesia’s Marketing Strategy focuses on the marketing aspects working in synergy with our education programs Taman Safari continue to actively reaches out directly to the door-steps of our visitors and local communities by tailoring specific education programs fllllfor all level nee ds 13 9/22/2010 Now having to understand a little bit more on all of the pieces, we began formulating our strategies: WHY: because the zoo and aquarium community is best positioned to take the initiative on ecotourism and conservation before there is nothing left to save WHO: the world’s youth must be empowered to assume leadership of conservation efforts which the current generation has started HOW: througgygh many programs such as specialized education tours, Behind the Scene, Safari Trek, etc. the visitor and the younger generation can learn to appreciate and ultimately participate in saving nature and its wildlife Thank You 14.
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