Distal Humerus Nonunion After Failed Internal Fixation: Reconstruction with Total Elbow Arthroplasty Dawn M
(aspects of trauma • an original study) Distal Humerus Nonunion After Failed Internal Fixation: Reconstruction With Total Elbow Arthroplasty Dawn M. LaPorte, MD, Michael S. Murphy, MD, and J. Russell Moore, MD ABSTRACT onunion occurs in 2% ing treatment option. In the 1980s, In nonunion after distal humerus to 5% of distal humerus TEA for nonunion with tightly con- fracture, osteoporosis, devas- fractures.1 The condition strained or custom prostheses had cularized fracture fragments, is difficult to treat, and fair to moderately good results but and periarticular fibrosis limit Nno single treatment modality has a high complication rates (4/7, 57%6; potential reconstructive options. high success rate with few compli- 5/14, 36%10). According to a recent We assessed pain relief, func- 2-6 11 tional gains, and complications cations. Without intervention, the review, however, 31 (86%) of 36 in 12 patients whose long-stand- patient is left with a painful, unstable, patients had a satisfactory result with ing, painful nonunions after previ- and often flail extremity and with a semiconstrained prosthesis, and ous treatment with rigid internal limitations in activities of daily liv- only 7 (19%) of the 36 patients had fixation were reconstructed with ing. Frequently, there is an associ- complications. a semiconstrained total elbow ated ulnar neuropathy. Osteoporosis, In the current study, we assessed arthroplasty, frequently with a devascularized fracture fragments, outcomes (complications, symptoms, triceps-sparing approach and and periarticular fibrosis limit poten- function) after semiconstrained anterior ulnar nerve transposition. tial reconstructive options for long- TEA for long-standing distal humer- At mean follow-up of 63 months, 11 patients had good pain relief and standing distal humerus nonunions.
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