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THE DAILY dvcrfisenunls. Mvtrtistmtnte. acific Commercial Advertiser ATTORXETS-AT-LA- W. INTER-ISLAN- D IS PUBLISHED ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y 8. STAXLET, JOBX BPHVANCK. Oo. CUkBZXCK W. VOUN'KT T Spruanco, Stanley & Co., Every Morning Except Sundays. Steam Navigation A8HFOBD. ASHFOBD. OF LIVERPOOL. Importers and Jobbers of Fine iLIMITKD. Ash ford & Ashford, ATTORNEYS, COUNSEIXORS, eOLICITORS, WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS Claus Spreckela UNION FEED CO,, ADVOCATES, ETC. MUCSCRIPTIONS : Wm. a. Irwta. CAPITAL 10.000.000 410 Front St., San Francifceo. . t STEAMER W. Q. HALL, IMPOBTER3 CS&LBBS OlHce Honolulu Halo, adjoining the Pos 2 tf Aw Dailv i . Advertises, oiie voar $s oo Office. 42dtwtf Duly P. C. advestiseb, six months 3 00 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. M ALULA N I,) In Daily I'. C. Advertiser, three months i 50 C. MAIN. E. I WINCHESTER Duly I C. , " ! Advektiskr, i r ninr.rh 50 CLAUS & CO., BATES Com ma ude HAT AND Wekki.y I, c. Advkktise t, v(.,,r 5 SPRECKELS GRAIN, JOHN T. DARE, i" h- 0" 01 riptlou & fign f Insurance nil Will run resular.y to Manlaea, Maul, nd Kona Main .Subscription, V. I', a. ' :''; I?lre be effected at Moderate defRates of Prem Telephone 175. Wim ziester, - f. No. postage) fi . aud Kti.u, UaivKil, Ml um, by the undersigned. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Manufacturers and Importers of W1I. O. IRWIN fe CO ii! Payable ln.va.rial. 20-- . Office No. 12, Spreckels 3 A wtf .:... ?!""' 'elands 33 if Block, Honolulu, Harness, Saddles, Itridles, Whips. ; lifr, J WALA.NI, 176 oct21tf rKAAlHH COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, 5 ETC. i I fUK.SMAN ...... CoaitUH'i'ix Nos. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Battery S treet, Sau f PICTORIAL ART !N THE PRESS. NET-AT-LA- . M lECIL BROWN, ATTOt AND Francisco. Illustrate d catalogue sen t ia., U O K r-i- rvgu.ii t NuwUiwUi. Ko!"a, Eleele m, I Viii Notary Fuhlic. CampL ell's Block, Merchant on 101 i V -i application. ch2 ! a:i-- ::. .u J ia A11 Etcher's CareerI)cin;tiul for Con . ; iuiil jLirim i.O, Cartoon Work Ivcppler. Fhv Insurance The A. car- I death of James Wales, the HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLAND toonist, calls to mind how sudden has been .'.1 Frcl!cbl)!!Pff Brewing Co STEAMER C. R . HKSIiOP, A- . - . I it -- 'A, the development of the branch of art he CAIMTAL. : 10,000,000 fir represented and how great the prosperity MAOAULEY ; , 01, j r . . T of those concerned in it in this country. K - - I . .'. Maui, Kukul-hael- e, ATTORN Y A T .'II I a Established an Ageney at Will run regularly to Hamoa, and had friend who once put every dollar Draw Exchange 011 the principal parts of the Having for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- Honokaa and Faauhai:. Hawaii. JLli of a considerable dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire U fortune in a factory for world. . In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise And PHjm.ii in i'tju i, irv Oliir-e- (n.:n nV, making hair nets for women. A month I on favorable terras Marine risks on cargo,, Block, second story, rooms 8 and Ii. Entrane oi; The Lager o, later the Empress Eugenie decided to do freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. MAKEE, Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 44 tf up her hair pins, my STEAMER JAMES We have received a consignment o the lunst with and friend Was Awarded the" - Fr! ( .uldn't get rid of liis factory as a gift. Will receive deposits on open account, make Losses promptly adjusted A payable. WEIR Commander Economical aud Valuable Feed for ali First kinds of Stock, viz.: M. Exactly contrary collections and a banking: 19-d- wtf fe CO. J. M0NSARRAT. At Expositions 1885 1380. the was the case of Mr. conduct general and WM. G. IRWIN Will run regularly to Kapaa, Xaual. the of and V. Gribnyedoir, who came to this town an exchange husiuess. accomplished etcher and with a taste for COOKED LINSEED MEAL. ATTORNEY AT IAW t! d .wing, lie could not have drawn for T. R. FOSTER, President. AND the newspapers then if he had wanted to J. Kiva, secretary. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Deposits bearing for nothing. War map and portaits of interest received in their Sav . Butter producer in use. NOTARY Freetli & Ings Saloon. PUBLIC. Peacock. desperate criminals were the only forms Department subject to published rules and Koliala 37C HONOLULU, AGENTS of pictorial art then known in the press. regulations. 17oc3tf Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nu Estate In any part of the WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO., Keal Bought, Sold and Leased oo Commission Suddenly only the other day, as it ritive matter; this nearly 3J per cent. Negotiated seems press were Loans and Legal Documents Drawn pictorial associations Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors 100 Bs. O this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats, formed for supplying the papers of the Limited . or 318 lbs. of corn, or to lbs. of No. 27 MERCHANT STREET. country sketches of 767 wheat bran. with portraits and ON Gazette Block, Honolulu. 4Vtf AMERICAN notable persons and things. The most ALWAYS HAND. For Sale in Lota to Suit. CRACKER CO enterprising of the city dailies elaborated the idea to embrace the widest range of STEAMER KINAU, Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as Biscuit Manufacturers, illustrations. Cribayedoff found himself Fancy drinks of every description our usual supply of the best kinds o so much in demand that he could scarcely tl.itrenzen, C'ommaiuieri, COR. SASOtIi; a-- BROADWAY STS., h specialty. Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., get time for sleep. V. A. MAOFARLANE & C0-- , Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule Etc. San Francisco, Cnl. his apt associate, Mr. FcKn. were drafted touching at Lahuina, Mualaea, Makena, Mahu-kon- a, JAMES DUNN, Supt. from the art world, and even such a man JIIOI.ENALE DEALERS AND EX. Kaw aihaeLanpuliOehoe. Hllo and Keaubou: Sc A. 0. Cook & Son, 486 auglO era! Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUORS. EL. II, Webb, Commencing on MONDAY. July 2G, 1S96, and LAINE CO. as J. Taylor, of Puck, who has won 4 3". C 12 SOdJtwly on every alternate Monday at p. m.,the Kinau tf OAK TANNED honors at the academy, was pulled at No. KaalinniRuii Street, Iroprietor. will make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau-ho- a times into this newspaper work. HONOLULU. 28-t- f on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriages are In waiting to convey passengf rs to Almost as ra;;d lias been the demand the VOLCANO HOUSE (five miles in the saddle LEATHER BELTING, for comic and ca rloon work. The Ameri- ami nine miles by carriage). Dodge, Sweeney & - Co., can cartoon practically had its birth in Passengers by this rout'- will have two days TELEPHONE 55 I.ace Leather and of who M. & Co., and two nights at th VOLCANO HOUSE. San Tweed's time at the hands a man PHILLIPS ENTERPRISE TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THE Header Drapers, Francisco, Cal. could hardlj have been called an artist, VOLCANO, DOLLARS, nnt Wholesale DeaierH In FIFTY WHICH PAYS Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, and so rudely did he draw. But he had the InilMrtersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-Iri- g ALL CHARGES. No. 415 Market street, San Francisco. all kinds of provisions. for seizing public attention with and Fancy Goods, No. 11 Kaahumunu street The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu Sunday TEBPRIS 442 jau25'8 faculty Honolulu, H . I. ZV.f-w- tf Carriage Company mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, wli vigorous cartoons upon the follies and leave Honolulu ou Tuodays, and return Saturday F PLANING 3IILL. SOLE AGENTS FOU abuses of the hour, and these were more Are prepared to give morning. Libby, McNeill A f or writing. Then will - Elbbj's Canned telling than speech PASSENGER TRAINS connect with the LlHl Alakea, near tlneeu Ht. Heats. came Joseph Keppler with his humor, H. HAOKFELD & CO., Kinau at Mahukoua his artistic sense and training and his Good Satisfaction The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia and 38-- tf II. M. Rupee's (Eajfle Ilrauil) subjects. thut, Paaubau on down t'T'" from Hiio for Passengers Chicane bold grasp of timely After COMMISSION AUEXTS. if sUc-ta- l Hams GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. patronage. a is made from the shore. Life, and now the revivified Judge, to say To the public, and ask their IKON-BAR- K .7 nothing of Snaps and Chic and other Henry Terbag-e'- Canned Vienna and hasty consumptives that always figure In Ham Sausage, the field. The demand for artists for STEAMER LIKELIKE. And O. W. Hume's these weeklies far exceeds the supply, ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., CHARGES MODERATE. ! ! "Flaic" Brand of Foundation Timbers Canned Salmon. 104 nich29 87 and possibly half of those who now illus- (Davis, Commanoet), To the Public. trate these papers are little better quali- fc Commission Merchants. con- Importer Honolulu, H. 27-- ti Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m tor fied, so as artistic schooling is I. INTER-ISLAN- far D M. II. KANE, Kfeunakakai, Kahului, Huelo. liana and THE STEAM NA cerned, than the progenitor of their craft Kipanulu. every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu was THOS. KEEFE, every in this country. Such a one he, other week. Returning, will stop at the COMPANY, Wales, who knew what to draw rather Managers above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. We have just received from Australia a few Iron was as For mails and passengers only. The Pacific Transfer Co., bark Foundation Timbers. than how to draw, and in his time TELEl'lIOXi: M MIJERS: (El ml ted), prosperous as the rest, though he could WM. McCANDLESS, Office with the Union Feed Co. hand- - not stand good luck as well as they. Bell, 383. Mutual, 542. SIZES 10x2 1 12 Long;. FttrrTnS!fn1ry.,? for STEAM, No. 6 Queen 505 7 Inches, Feet BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general But, good or bad, trained or crude, Street, marl assortment of BAR IKON. STEAMER KILAUEA HOU, Bll Telephone 175. Mutual Telephone 175. 16 jy these men are all doing vastly well. The "Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL And Mxltt Inches, Feet Eons. newspaper artists 1 have mentioned make MUTTON, FIS'i. etc. (Cameron, Commander,, from 3,000 to 3,000 apiece, or more than Family and shipping Orders carefully attended I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, WATERHOUSE & LESTER, sto- to. Live Stocif furnished to vessels at short G Will hauling or moving guar-a- n twic the pay of any reporters whose. OLACS PBBOKRI.S X. IBS!1, leave regularly for Lahalna, Paauhau, work, all of wnich I will These timbers, aa their name signifies, are except one. Thomas notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to Ookala. Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupanoe-ho-e, tee to execute faithfully. Importers of ries they illustrate, order. 29 tf Hakalau and Onomea 38 1 y S. F. GRAHAM. Proprietor. nearly as solid and durable as iron, and for $1 a year, Keppler is worth WM. G. IRWIN & Co., foundation purposes, or others of like nature, Nast gets 0,000 cannot be surpassed. $io0,000, and the comic artists are either Alt FA CIOIts mid Commission Wagon Lumber partners in or very ably salaried depend- SUn h NTS. Honolulu H. I. tf steamer"lehua, And CARRIAGE ! concerns. (Clark, Commander) MATERIAL. ents upon very prosperous 'ew Photograph Rooms. -- 16 to 22 New York Cor. Kansas City Times. Will leave regularly for same ,'ports" as Kilauea J. . 3 R 9 fc Beale Street. San Francisco. i Hon. J SOP W. G. Irwin Co. 13.Jy87 I A etv Weapon. Successor to 311nov25tf 1 authori- NICHOL'8 STORE. FORT STREET, For three years the French war OVER Shooting Gallery. Pictures, Port- THOMAS LINDSAY STEAMER MOKOLI1, care-full- v the M. & ties have been steadily planning and raits and View9. First-clas- s work. Satisfaction J. Oat, Jr., Co., considering a new weapon for the guaranteed. 114ap2 A. GONSALVES. Manufacturing Jeweler, ( McGregor, Commander), Schweitzer & Co. army, and now aflast they have solved STATIONERS & her- Leaves for the following ports every alternate NEWS DEALERS, Importers the great problem. Ge rmany had set o. 60 Nuuanu Street, ) Monday at 5 p. m.: and Jobbers of self to the task long ago rrance has hatl Commencing August 2 To l.anal, Kamalo, Pu-ko- o, Hawaiian Gazette Block. Metropolitan Market the benefit of her experiences and rejects Honolulu, II. I. Lahnina. Olowalu. Returning to Lahaina, FANCY GOODS, were always TO PLANTERS. Pukoo, Kamaio. Iinal, arriving at Honolulu Sat- 27 HOSIERY, her model. Two desiderata attention paid to repairing. 32tf urday morning. Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. GLOVES, CORSETS, Particular 41 Wnl before the French inventor to increase Commencing August S To fCaunakakal, Kama- tf i01 Embroideries, Handker- caliber. Re- lo. Pukoo, Halawa, Wnilan, Pelekunu, Kalaupapa. chiefs. Eaces, Ribbons, Ladles A the range and reduce the Returning UIXU STREET, Chllureus peating rifles were not, on the whole, in to Pukoo, Lahnina, Olowalu, Lahaina, Inilernear. showed in We have on band a onsignment of Pukoo, Kamalo, Kaunakakai, arriving at Hono- 29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco. great favor. Experience that lulu Saturday morningl 485 battle soldiers, and especially young sol- . febl0'88 diers, had a tendency to fire too quickly. A Automatic Trash Feeding ear The Company will not be responsible lor G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR advantageous, and any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor little deliberation was for personal baggage uniess plainly marked. Not - The caliber Furnaces. E. H. Buclmam & Oo. roli.iino- iravo time for that. responsible for money or jewelry unless placed In :dr. iwai, is millimeters, harge of of the German ride eleven Fo; four and five foot furnaces, complete with the Purser. Manufacturers and Dealers in the French have reduced theirs to eight, grau bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines BEAViB SALOOfl. All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, bnt Physician and Surgeon, If gamin" considerably at the same time in of (Ms make are now in successful operation at the Company will not assume any risk of accident. SHIP STOVES, the length of tlu ir range. The cartridge Spr kelsville, Makee Sugar Company and other SAM'L G. WILDER, President. Tin, Copper, Crockery aud Sheet Irou novel form, wide in the end planiations. Also, a consignment of SO. 7 FORT STREKT. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. Resilience and Office, 40 Emma Street. Choicest Bleat Strom Fluest Herd Ytares, Ship Ijiiiteriii aud is of a quite Queen Signal Oil, where the powder is lodged, but in the OFFICE Corner Fort and streets. OFFICE HOURS From 9 to 12 a. m. considerably. The bul- Philter JPresses, Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s 65 -- ly Mar so 22 Stewart St., bet. Market and Mission, front narrowing BELL TELEPHONE No. 423. 405jaln0,8 long and narrow, with a penetrating Having all latest improvements. KAN FRANCISCO, CAL. let is the 1 power pronounced officially by French Ship and Job Work and Ktove Repairing of all ' surgeons as capable of giving "very cor- PLANTERS AND OTHERS BE. JT. IJ"oIte, Propr. S. P. TAYLOR & CO., kinds a specialty. 487 feMO'88 rect wounds." This correctness shows to call and examine the millet, and shipping itself from the clean perforation of bones Interested are requested OPK3T FOM 3 M. 10 M supplied on SHORT prices and particulars ap A. TILL P. jjfaimfactnrers Mayhew, instead of leaving them splintered and above. For further Paper E. E. WENNEft & CO. ply to FIRST-CLAS- S smashed. The diminution in the weight LUXtllKS, COFFEK, AND DEALERS IN 3, of the enables the soldier to carry bullet Gr. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, J 92 Fort Street. 120 cartridges instead of 78. Boston Wm. Irwin & Co., Papery Twines, Etc.. NOTICE and at tbe TEA, SODA WATER, GISCIR ALII, Itas. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemad Transcript. SAN 23tt . Agents. 414 and 416 Clay street, FRANCISCO Jewelry. s 86 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I., Wine that Procrastinates. Cigrar-s- and Tobaccos Pioneer and San Oeronimo Paper Mills. (Opposite Fashion Stables). Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, The trouble with the domestic wine that OF BEST BRANDS South Coast Paper Mill, Soquel, Santa Cruz has supplanted whisky in Atlanta is its BONE MEAL!! Connty, Cal. ; 441ja25 '88 Pins, Lockets, Clocks, off to- Plain and Fancy personally selectt-- d I procrastination. It put3 until FIPES from And ornaments c' "I H . morrow the drunk it should bring to-da- y. Lowest Market Prices. the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety Geo. C. Slireve & Co., i , Few things were quicker on trigger than The uudt-rsierne- d are now prepared to re was P. O. BOX 315. BELL TELEPHONE 53 Silver aud Gold Plato the whisky with which Atlauta wont eeive ordern for this Celebrated Fertilizer of BEST QUALITY MANUFACTURING 8 to whoop herself up. It makes you drunk from tbe manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt Elegant Solid Silver Tea ftei. with promptness and exactness. The can Francisco: SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Suitable for Presentation. domestic wine, on the other hand, is The following is a report of the compo- analy- ENO RAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY 3 vague "Yrou know nent parts, as obtained by Chemical i k and uncertain. don't Loverso B1IX1ARPN will And an Elegant And Importers of when to take on,'' said a moderate se: All work In my line faithlully done. Plans and A Specialty. it per specifications niede. Jobbing in all details done drinker; "if you load up on Saturday it is Water 8.10 cent Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated at short notice. Organic 29.18 " Ware, Decorated China, Art Brass Goods. Fans, Good work and low Is All meats tbia market are tbor Repairing In all Its branches. just as apt as not to tangle you up in Matter " S&DISWICS & CO, S1LLIASS TABLE my mott" delivered from Silicions Matter 4.65 ' " Canes, Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna Leather ougly ehilled immediately after killing by means tar ftole Agents for King's Eye Presei vers. i a Bell-Colem- church on Sunday. I comprehended ' Goods, Opera Glasses. Clocks, Etc. of a Patent Dry Air Refrigerator i bottle the other day and went to dine with Lime.. 31.70 " on the Premises. Meat so treated retains all its Juicy properties, my wife's mother next day. Don't Phosphoric Acid 23.11 " " Montffomery and Sutter Sts.. and is GTJ A KANTEEB TO KEEP LONOER the of Iron 85 would be pleased THAU FRESHLY-KILLE- D you t me Oxide " " The Pioprietor to receive a call SAN FRANCISCO. 4l3ja25'88 AFTER DELFVERV of U think, the fool thing hold Carbonic Acid 1.89 MEAT. 47-- riht there, and I had to prop myself to Salts from his and the Public generally keep from sliding under the table. When fAlka 52 " who may desire a jSTOTICE. J0Hx COOK, MONTHLY PAYMENTS. a man loads up with this domestic wine 100.00 he oughtn't to make an engagement until Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. LUXCSI. A NJIOHK. R A UAME J House Carpenter & BnilfW C3 1 he has had its drunk out. may want - It 2?"c?ve(t t.-.,- r.v.-..?,- ' v::?' f;-:tin-o re Ord a week, but is d0!.1 re to trip . I 4 a ? of the dip.ccioi.k ok it t 1 H At - : nrcl Attention. 7fl"'phone Conipir.v, ?ii;, gives V v.- a u t't s ti.e it up." r!.:." i; via Jetiiletl to ri-- ' r:t f i - n-- . : i mc :. j to ?0 per u.oliV. "he ;r t -i- i .f -i W. U. Irwin & Cm KuM,.i!. Eta, Wftia,r.fc aci V'-;;- are tv ' ! There but !v- I I.'jOt A. JAE'ihit, .lit :? Ciif l by J.jl. t'ttb. Apply United States, one -- il-: '!S - -- : tr Atftiirs or the Hawaiian L,! . J i.i. --.:. OlSc Will IrOIJ ' te i r il ff s fn ' Secretary MatuI Tj? C,. PllEKTri A CO- Jv, I 1 1: pther tit Boston. i it; "i i." r:.:s IIctj!alu JAiiuaxj , lJss7 402 n tf C'.igeii as 1" f ice U'"it ' toini H'. 't ! jiu. ',!ol( I: 2, '1,'. U i'VJ ! ' "" H- -


ha lias seen vessels from on - U.E DAILY China, j indeed was the argument heard all Foliee- Cotirr. - Manila, etc., loaded with sugar in Hono- j sides from Senators favoring the amend- BEFORE POLICE Jl'STICE DAYTON. lulu harbor transferring their cargoes . ment and their friends. How little real Friday, March 4th. Facific Cemercial Advertiser to vessels hound to San Francisco to pass foundation there is in it of course we all. Daniel McGregor was further re- as Hawaiian eugar. The pamphlet is a know here, but at Washington it was not manded to the 5th for assault with a long one. and ends with an invitation to without weight. weapon. is PUBLISHERS persons wanting to know more of the It is generally understood that the Three Chinaman, remanded from the House, Treaty to call at a given address. It is Administration does not sympathize 1st for assault and battery, were remand- Popular Millinery I very evident, therefore, that a powerful with these views. Indeed, this has been ed to the 7th for judgment. ifR0YAL?3,eN.f EVERY MORNING. i lobby is at work against the Treaty, and made plain by the President's message Kewalo, for assault and battery on J l 104 Fort St., Honolulu. i that our Minister at Washington will on the subject to the House of Repre- Makupuna, wa3 remanded to the 10th full- - j have his titne occupied rebutting sentatives. The ground taken by the instant. IT. S. SACHS, Proprietor. thrice-refute- I the d lies and fabrications Administration appears to be that the Pahukila.for drunkenness, was fined which will be again set afloat to damage United States does not want to exclude $5, with $1 costs. 'fEKMS OF KmsCIilPTIOX. ! ; Hawaiian treatv and commercial inter other nations, or be excluded by other Special Services. Mitt NEW GOODS, JUST OPENED ior annum jf of1! ests. ! nations, from any harbor in the Pacific. . At St. Andrew's Sunday, Six months 3 00 Leaving His Excellency Mr. Carter, It wants to stand ujon a common ground Cathedral Per 50c there will be special services. Morning month. however, to deal with that form of as- of equality, but Senators who seek for an Fine White Shetland-Woo- Shawls, prayer will 9 a. followed l Cr .Subscription Payable AIhajnIii sault, as he is amply competent to do, exclusive "ght of entry to Pearl Harbor be said at m., A1 we come to point we in by ordination service at 9:30, when the la vane. the which raised in contend that it is not a natural harbor Scartis, Rev. W. H. Barnes will be raised to the Fine White Cashmere Communirctiuns from al) parts of the KlriKffloni the previous paragraph as to the stand- the common acceptation of the term, as win always be very acceptable. ing anddi.stribu.tion of Hawaiian sugar it can only be made available for naval priesthood. The sermon will be preached New Mitts, New Collars, New Holts. i'ersens residing in any part ot the United states by the Bishop of Honolulu. In the in the States. That it is the best quality purposes after a very large expenditure ; remit the amount of subscription due by Post evening at 6 p. m. the Rev. W. H. A fine assortment of ce money of raws imported is recognized ; and its and that Hawaii parts with no vestige of order. Barnes will preach. 'atter Intended for publication in the editorial very merit is an argument against it by sovereignty by making this concession OPEN - W0KK - LISLE - THREAD - HOSE, imns should b addressed to those who handle lower grades of sugar. to the only Power which can be per- The Ilium's Omi. DITOR PACIFIC COMMKhCIAL ADVKRIIStK.' So long as our sugar was marketed on to occupy it. Meanwhile Hawaii In Cardinal, Oarnot. IinU. LJlit Bin H.'.ii l ublencSieiJ. usinesM communications and advertisements mitted The regular meeting of the King's the Coast and west of the Missouri river ii Id be addressed simply would enjoy permanence of commercial Own Volunteer Company .was held at Pills NECK RUCHJNGS AND SKIRT PLAITING?. ' P. C. A DVKRTISKR, the Eastern opposition was not so pro- prosperity under an American guaran- the Armory last evening, with a good Absolutely Pure. not to indivIduaN nounced, but when Eastern points were tee. A new linr ot attendance of, members. Captain S. . This powder never varies. Amarrel of purity, made tributary' to our supply the case It is not at all essential that we should (strength and v holesomeness. More eoonomieaJ Nowlein tendered his resignation as than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com-petiti- o-i changed materially. Indeed, the very meet these arguments ; our purpose with the multitude of low-tes-t, short Infants' Worsted Bonnets and Jackets. Ireasurer, and First Lieutenant Henry onlybJ ?r powders. Sold best friend the Treaty has in the news-pajK- is to as have weight, alum or phosphate simply present them they Kaiai was appointed in his place. The caks. Botau Baiusq Co.. 100 Waited of I'owa RIIBBCXINrS l press the East, in conversation been used in the United States Senate company h.-- a balance in hand of with the writer, said that the economic Per- Jd w tl and by part, of the Eastern press. $250 50. Thf other business transacted ! conditions were altered entirely when haps the wiser course would be to say was of minor importance. Plain and Fancy, Narrow dud Wido. RIZBBOiSrs free Hawaiian sugar was shipped for re- nothing about it, and let the matter ISTOTICE. ific Commercial fining at St. Louis, and that it tended rest for the present. It is not at all A Success. MILLINERY - DEPARTMENT. Advertiser to in if. Y. M. C. A. greatly weaken the argument favor improbable that the President had The entertainment at the MY ABSENCE FROM THE LATEST STYLES. of the continuance of the Treaty. This sent back the Convention extending the Hall last evening by the young members DURINGMan Chip holds full power of attorney to transact all business on behalf of me. & & 1 1 is mentioned as showing the effect pro- it with- of Club was a success, now for snle lmii.v al tl r lit v I t in r: ; Treaty would have been ratified the Maile Boat YIM OS ON. Lcidies' Children's Hats, Trimmed Untrimmed. Honolulu, March 3, 18(i7. Vol marl7 t. SOPKR Merchant strict duced by our competition, even in the out amendment despite the opposition, r nearly two hundred persons being in I. HEWKTT Merchant street Valley of the Mississippi, upon one of but a constitutional question has been Toe prors,Yfi!&o was carried CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS. '.STAL SO DA WOUKS ..Hotel Htrett the most disinterested and able friends interpose'd rt:qar ,'e right 0t the out as given in yesterday's issue of this . TI1HUM fort street Treaty has ever had. If, therefore, Australian Mail Service. Prices to Suit the Times. US' BOOTBLACK STAND Hotel street the pP.:i.e to make treaties. This cannot be paper. The boys will net quite a hand- iGif'MItS. MELLIS' Dressmaking establishment on the premJsPi. Hawaiian sugar is pushed still- - iurtlier recognized, even indirectly, wherefore some sum. Five Outs per ly. East, and is .afeel at low prices in the Treaty stands where it did, and Iw York, what must the effect be? nothing further will likely be done about Our San Francisco advices of February ducrtisrmrnts it this vear. i:.STAItI.I.I3EI 1S60. 17th inform us that the American Re- URDAY .March 5th. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, finery shipped nearly one thousand tons flueeu Emma Hall. Sale. ALBERT M A U & CO., of Hawaiian raws to Newr York that up Marshal's The new and fine Al steel Bteamship The committee who are fitting importers, aiauuiactnrers and Jobbers in POINTS ABOUT SUGAR. week. The price paid at San Francisco "Queen Emma Hall" for a reading room was 5.125, less 50 cents. The price at and class rooms for I lawaiians, gratefully Lj pre- By virtue of a writ of execu.ion issued out of A ' New York was 5.125. This leaves Staple he crop of sugar now bfing crushed acknowledge the following donations and the Honolulu Polioe Court on thr J.rlh iV.iy of A.MEDA," and Iirie Groceries, cisely half a cent per pound to pay February, A. D. 1887, against J. . Kaiu.ikaw.thi, he mills on these Islands is turning subscriptions : defendant, in of ivahiii, plaintiff, for the Of tl;-- Oceanic steamship Company, will be due Teas and Table Delicacies, fine Cigars and Tobaccos. Xod 9, 11 l.T and 15 street, near Market, freight to New York and sell it at cost, sum of vi, 1 hav levied upon aud sha'.l ex- at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland San Trancisco, Cal. Sole agents for Gordon & DilwortL'n fine jitbervtd fiuits in v la- - r, JuIIuh J. better than was anticipated, and one P. .C. 100 Hon. A. "Wood t Jones, Esq., chairs; pose for Kile at ibe f;c!it of the new Station on or ahout Starch Company, H. O. Wilbur & Sou's "Vai.illa Coco:tiina, il o M.t-e- prepared chocolate expense of "Jin-perishab- giving nothing for handling, le d'.-r.ri- & v very safely come to the conclusion F. Judd, 1 chandelier; J. B. Atherton, House, in the ct of Ko.i i, Honolulu, Island known; Roburt Norton Co. 'a lull cream pinearple cbwKP, Chicngo orcleuning Com pa nj's 12 , 'lh-U'- l , tic.i Egg," each pound equal to three dozen Fgpa; Walter (I. Villon Co.' fancy crack ei a storage, etc. We have nothing to do Water-hous- e, of Oahu, at in k t the year's yield, acre lor acre, will Esq., 2 chandeliers ; Mr. Henry and biscuits, E. J Xarrabee k Co. 's fancy crackers and Lis-cuit- Clobe Pickle Company's fine table fall with the purely business part of this March 11th, 1887, pickles in glass, B. F. Menitt Company's celebrated russelt cider, and many other agencies. under last season's crop. It is a bracket lamps and lanterns; Hon. u American Refinery 81st of sUin-i- itsr CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 4'Jo uyl2 tter of the utmost importance to transaction. The C. R. Bishop, 2 book cases; Honolulu lh may give away its sugar for anything we And w ill leave for the ahuve port with maiN and md planters to obtain the largest pos-- e Library Association, 2 tables and 12 A. 1). to the liiyhesi hH.Ur, aU .! e ri'ht, passengvrs on or about that date. care, but we do not think it is a bene- title un i iutercsr of iji; flai i . . . Kai tiUaw iha, For freight or passage, haviiiK return from their crop, seeing (formerly property of the i SCl'KKIOH that chairs the defendant, in a;id to the folio- progeny, un- ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to g ficial policj' for this country it is pursuing intere.-i- , io-u- s my ex- yield in other sugar-producin- coun-- s .Boys' Reading Room) ; Allen & Robin- less said judgment, ami at the present juncture. If we do not penses he previously paid. has been heavy, and also that beet son, 1 roll matting; Lewers &. Cooke, 1 U. greatly err, Mr. Henry A. Brown, of the List of properly for sal'Sj Win. Irwin & Co., ;ar is coming into competition with roll ; AVilder & Co , 1 step ladder ; CIGARS Refiners' Anti-Treat- y Bureau in Wash- 1 White Horse. AGENTS. le sugar at almost every distributing Pacific Hardware Co., 5 gallons oil; 1 l ington, will not slow point ihe Sorrt-- M.ire. nt. be to E. O. Hall & Son, 50 pounds white lead; fiscal commercial moral of JOHN LOTA KAfl.UKol. This competition, however, has mainly and this Mrs. C. P. Ward, $5; Mrs. C. A. Brown, Marshal. transaction. As some Hawaiian planters Honolulu, March 2, 18S7. 5o0mar31 For Sydney and Auckland. If you want a fine CIGAR, try some of Straiton A Storm 'h, which have just ?n from Europe ; but a movement is on $5 ; Mrs. T. R. Foster, $5 ; Miss E. B. ived at t in the United States for giving are largely interested, by contract and Knight, $5; Mrs. F. Hustace, $5; Mrs. otherwise, in the American Refinery, cial encouragement to the cultivation W. E. Foster, $5 ; Mrs. C. M. Hyde, .$5 ; EVENING CLASS. we deem it our duty to bring this im- beet and its conversion into sugar Mrs. S. Parker, $5 ; Mrs. A. Mc Wayne, portant to of Tho .irw and tine steel steamship ould it be successful it will have a matter their attention, $5; Miss R. Thompson, $1. Al HOLLISTEB ft CO.S, been ry dam iging effect upon the planta-r-: which otherwise they might have Further donations and subscriptions kept in ignorance. They will per- 3rechaii Dra wing;, interests of this country, which de-n- d are solicited. The committee have use i;il " ceive the business indiscretion of ZEALANDIA," exclusively upon the American that for about $100 more. Framed engrav- . 109 their own friends may have a great deal Miidiiue. Construction, Fart Street, : u.ri.-9t, whatever may be said to the ings and chromos, books and news- 73 to do in upsetting the Treaty. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be r library by men having business inter- - papers are much desired. Articles due at Honolulu from San Francisco is to build up and conserve in other given can be left at the hall; money can or or about 'i" tions. The question whether a THE TREATY DEBATE IN THE SENATE. be paid to the Treasurer, Mr. II . Lessons given in the above branches of educa- n.Ket for Hawaiian sugar might not tion Pupils meet on ive been found elsewhere does not The Advertiser published the tele- Tuesday and Thursday Evenings, March 19, 1887. r.ribe Suffice upon Reci- At the Iyoouni. now. it to say that the only graphic news bearing the At 7:15 p. in. .nsuming opened to us, which procity Treaty the arrival of the The services to-morr- for the Bethel And will have prompt dispatcu with malls an-- i market after Marine Engineers qualified to pass examinations passenfrs for the above ports. combined the two essential elements of last mail from the Coast. From other Union congregation, Rev. E. C. Oggel, aa per BOARD OF TRADE and For fielirht or passage, having Sl'PKRIOR AC- ol LLOYD'S RULES. COMMODATIONS, apply to certainty and profit, was the Pacific reliable sources of information we are Pastor, will be as follows: Sunday-scho- C.T ASSES TO Coast States and Territories through San able to throw further light upon the sub- and bible class at 9:45 o'clock. Les- St IT. (x. W. S. Win. Irwin & Co., Erancisco, and the of mari- ject. The debate on the Pearl River son, "Abraham offering Isaac," Gen. WEBSTER, retention this Consulting Engineer, Campbell's s bit- 22:1-4- . A collection will be taken up BlocV, a AGENTS .t is the prime object to be aimed at. amendment in the Senate was very MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU. While beet sugar is almost exclusively a ter, and it was only carried by the op- for the Rev. A. II. Smith's new chapel 53.1 mai llditw European product, we have little appre- ponents of the Treaty voting for it, not in North China. At the 11 o'clock ser- hension upon that score; when it be- because they favored it, but be- vices the rite of Infant Baptism will be COSMORAM A. comes an American product on a large cause they believed it an indirect way administered, new members received Mort Notice of Sale j'. of scale existing conditions will change ma-tt-riall- of preventing its renewal. Added to and the Sacrament the Lord's Supper we's - s those who voted in this way from ex- celebrated. Strangers within our gates, BOSWELL, JR. Up to the present American beet sugar pediency were Republican Senators in good standing in their churches at A larse number of beautiful pictures from all This fine young Stallion will has been a commercial failure except at upon whom great pressure was brought home, are cordially invited to this parts of the world, arranged for exhibition Wirrnria rbifnnll rr in lir.. stand the season at throiifih strong lenses, under a power- of mortgage Ly refinery of the Standard to Senator Edmunds, the father feast. ful light, will be opened at the 'condition that certain made theAlvarado bear br (Jonciiee Ahun to Hynian iirothers, dated of At the evening service, beginning at building known as the Company of California, and its opera- the Pearl River amendment. Senator December 15, 18S5, and recorded in liber 1)6, "Greenfield," 'Kapiolani tions have been on too small a scale to Edmunds, as it is known, has great in- 7:30 o'clock, Miss Stone of Cincinnati pages 441 to 446, and notice of intention to Park, fluence with his party. A simple propo- will sing, and the subject of the sermon foreclose the same Las been duly given; aifect the market materially. Attention ASTOE HOUSE, Now, Thekefoke, in accordance with the To a limited number of mares. has been mainly given to experiments sition to establish a naval station at will be "The Observances of Lent." A power of sale in said mortgage contained, by with.-rghum- , but as yet without any Pearl Harbor would not get over a dozen general invitation is extended to all. On Hotel Street, and order of said mortgagees, I will sell TERMS, THE SEASON. at public auction at my salesrooms in $50 TO INSURE, $100. -- ubstantial results. At the National votes in the Senate, and perhaps not a Honolulu, on Boswell, sired by Boswell, Sugar Growers' Association held at St. third of the House of Representatives, St. Auilrcn'M Cathedral. Jr., a son of the great Almont, sire of Piedmont On Wednesday Erg., Mar. 2d, etc. His dam is Maud (record 2 :20), she by Bertram! Black ' L mis February Mr. F. Col while it certainly has no support in the to-morr- Saturday, March 5, 1887, Hawk. 8th, J. man, The services at this church Almont by ( Alexander's Abdullah ; first dam by Mambrino Chief; r.econd inmi.iioner of Agriculture, stated he Cabinet. will be: Holy Communion, G:30 a.m. 12 dam O'CLOCK, At o'clock noon, the property covered'by by Pilot, Jr. considered that although on the whole It is believed that. Senator Edmunds Ordination service at 9:30a. m., followed AT 7:30 said mortgage, viz.: Bertrand, No. 32G2, got by Chamjilain Black he expectations of a year ago regarding thought that the present Hawaiian Cab- by Holy Communion. Preacher, the 1. The lease of that certain piece of and Hawk, son of Vermont Mark And will remain open from 1 to 5 p. m., and at situate at Kahuluu, Koolau, Oahu, whereon Hawk, 5; dam Belle Burns by Champion Black Hawk, Son of fie making of sugar from sorghum had inet is hostile to American interests, and Bishop of Honolulu. Evensong, with 7;30 p. m. daily. Vermont Black is situated the rice mill belonging to mort- Hawk, 5 ; grand dam Nelly Drennon e that this country ought to receive a les- by Herod Tuckahoe. Bred by W. i: t been realized, the outlook is favora-- sermon, by the Rev. W. H. Barnes, at 6 gagors, and described in a lease from Ah H. Ladd ' & Co. & Richmond, Jefferson Co., Ohio. for a large production of sugar from son to teach it that the United States does p. m. All scats are unappropriated. AtiiniSNlon, Twenty-fiv- e Cents. Yan to Conchee Ahung, dated Sep- tember 9, 1830, for fifteen years, and re- irghum by the adoption of the new pro- not propose to have its good nature im- Second Congregation, Rev. Geo. Wal- Maude has made three seasons on the mrf in California, during which time he has started Special rates for Schools. 529 nar8 corded in Iieg. of Deeds in book 65, on 18 races winning 15 of them, and getting a recoid of 2:20 at the Sncran ento state in of diffusion Cem- posed upon. If such an impression ex- 366 317, where she distanced a field seven Fair of 's and saturation. lace, pastor: Morning Prayer, with ser- p:iges and aso all buildingH, ma- of horses before the race was finished. At Storkton M i,.; 1 chinery and appurtenances hereon Ki Harney, t,nd four others, in three straight heats. Time, 2:1U,, 2:21 V,,. ) enting on this meeting, the San Fran-sc- o isted it was of course a wrong one, but mon, at 11:15 evening Dell Telephone 349. O.Itox 415. itaate; it b h a.m.; prayer, ar.d also 24 head of working oxen, 2 ox carts, TfaCvk',faD ,r,fng;' N,Vih; J886' in ,natch race gainst Min. she tVatn won In' 2:20.7 po n to of we hope it has since been removed - 1:07, and, if Goldsmith had not pulled her back, she no doubt ml,i ''Chronicle" February 14th says with sermon, at 7:30 p. m. Sundav- One FADDY 2:15. could have WAREHOUSE, storing capac- - the mile in Maude has repeatedly shown quarters in 3 and 1 seconds. On Of t 24th is tat "sorghum ruolasses has long been through a proper presentation of the school meets at 10 a. m. Seats free 4ww In presence of a number of horsemen at the Ray District Track, fortv-iev.- at all CHAS. T. GULICK, ltv ions. pounds her owner, weighing n tade in the South, but it has been found facts to that gentleman. The argument services. One DWELLING HOUSE. overweight, drove her a mile In 2;20, and repealed a mile in 2:19. with the effected One SMALL WAREHOUSE at Kahuluu npossible the present machinery that amendment Hawaiian XOTAKY Pl'BLM', beach, and THREE HORSES. good sugar qual-- 3 sovereignty was met with a denial by make or syrup of fine Km m a Kqnare Concert. The mill is one ot tne very Lest on ALSO, AT THE SAME PLACE, of the from sorghum. There is a great the advocates the amendment, who The following musical programme will REAL ESTATE BROKER. Islands, and cleans 50 bags A No.l rice in for in- argued that Hawaiian independence or twelve hours, and is run by water power, h future waiting the man with be given by the Royal II nwaiian first-clas- s Military in oid-r- . It was to perfect sovereigntr was not interfered with ; that erected about genuity machinery that will Band this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at General Business Agent. six years ago at a cost of $12,000. The A sorghum on the amendment carefully guarded Emma Square: ground for the ST put the cane the same level lent mill site and water DOIC EE, of aerainst this, and was onlv intended to March "The Guards" Low power is $200 per annum. with the sugar cane Ijouisiana." The Books written tip. Afcnnntsand Hen Is "Who is open to trot against any Stallion on an exclusive right of entry to Overture "Queen of Spades" Suppe Collected. 2. One undivided one-four- th interest in the Islands. point of commercial success has been so confer Fantasia " Happy Times" (new) the Waiahole Rice Hawaiian Flantation, known a nearly reached in this business, however, American ships under laws. Williams Fmplovinent and Shipping Agency. Labor Wing Chong Fat Company, consisting ot $50 THE K2AS0N. Folacca "Poloniac (new) . Contract Blanks Stamps always on ten that it is fair to assume it will not now be Furthermore, it was argued that the Winn and Revenue languages leaseholds more or less, and having 35 Selection "Bohemian Girl"... Balfe hand. Copying and translating in all acres of rice land - hopeless King might mortgage the harbor or used in Kingdom. Orders from the other more or less, and being Doncaster is a bright sorrel, with whife si tip in face, and left hind foot abandoned as a task. With Waltz "Love's Dreamland". .. . Boeder this and white Islands will receive prompt attention. interest leases and leasehold interest 16 1 ,1S0 agree so one year's , is hands in height, weighs about pounds. He tcok first and beet sugar the case is entirely different ; to do after notice had described in schedule C, in said mortgage-also- only premium two house s, for stallion roadsters at California State and it is primarily with beet sugar, made been given to the United States, and .Shoot ins: Match, one rice floor, seven horses' the Fair. eight working oxen, three plow uten- soil, we therefore even if the United States did will Two acres and PEDIGREE Pon caster was sired bv celebrated trotting stallion Elmo; on American that anticipate the There be a shooting match at the Valuable Irotertie for Sale sils requisite for plantation. Reutal. SI 026 dam indus- not want to use it some further guaran- range on oi ia.uu, spienaiaiy snuuiru - per annum, average crop, 45 Lady Emily; she by Hiram Woodruff; he by Young Morrill; first dam first great check to the cane sugar King street this afternoon be- Homesteads. tons of paddv; by Tar tee was necessary to prevent its passing tween owes about $3,500. River (thoroughbred) ; second dam by Black Jack, son of imp. Doncaster;" try of these Islands. the following teams: Hawaiian One acre in Makiki, on Berelania street, fine third' to some other Power, or some attempt Rifle building 3. The lease of all of that certain piece of dam by American Eclipse. And this brings us to a consideration Association Dr. John Brodie, Dr. site. land, with build a . fiTe-ei?ht- Doncaster has record of 2 :34 being to pledge it to some other N. B. h Cottage, over a mile .track. of the standing and distribution of Ha- made Emerson, Charles B. Wilson, J. One and acres with thereon, situated on Xnuanu street, in said on Liliha street. A rare chance. cr-no:,- - sired by ; United States, for Power, which Senators said would H. Fisher, E. Hingley Honolulu. th ki n tt- Elmo was Mowhawk he by Long Island Black Hawk ; he by An- waiian sugar in the and C. Nicoll. 2V2 miles h complications. An- For Forty acres of land. residence, and lately occupied by the mort-- drew Jackson; he by Young Bashaw. His will have considerable in- lead to dangerous Honolulu Rifles W. Unger, Mos 15 acres of which is ft dam was by Sir Richard; he by this doubtless W. C. King, from snian 's corner a-,-?aTOrs-, Ktnrf. or.1 .i - suitable for or taro, and has been uunc, anu uesenuen m Jones' Sir Richard, a thoroughbred horse. fluence shaping opinion for or against other argument used in the Senate was F. J. Higgins, W. Roth well, J. W. Pratt either rice years. All a lease from Charles R. Bishop and B. P. in under cultivation for the last five Bishop Elmo was sold to on to the effect that it showed an unfriend- and C. W. Ashford. buildinss necessary for a first-clas- s little raneh toConchee & Ahung, dated Novem- H. W. Sealle, Esq., of Mayfield, Santa i'lara Co., the Treaty. We have advices bearing ber 25, 1878. Cal., for ly now on the premises. for five years, and from Jan- $15,000, where he stood the season $150. this subject which we consider impor- spirit in Hawaii to say to the United uary 1. 1833, and at Elmo is the sire of Overman, 2:19, Wanted. A Situation By a competent practi- extended for five years Como, Southern refin- States that notwithstanding its gener- The Japanese Aciobafs. many years' expe- from January 1, 1838, a of $300 2:2GJ, and other noted horses. tant. The Eastern and cal Engineer, who has had per at rental rience, and can give the best of references. annum, and recorded in said Registry F.l office in Washington osity in its dealings with this Kingdom There will be a matinee performance in The follow!. n? in " ers have opened an Employment on a plantation preferred. book 58. page 32. vo.ta ,v,. .7 . . " ni'rn jz, iru, i.rai ajtx a ina'cti race, mil ' This property is rented a 2:-V.- , management of Mr. Henry A. it should not be given a right to enter a at the Hawaiian Opera House this after- - now at $45 per ,alo , 7Aouu siae; won in three straight beats; time. ?:S2K,, .2 3Hb. May under the YVan teI Hostler. A competent, handyman month. Ttpeat in "nefs 'or F1.CO0, beat Jerome in two straight heats; time J; For ;oy. June 3. 1S7J. mll( ricuf. n n v et nrn . . . oppose Treaty, and he has piece of water which was now used by noon by the Oura troupe of Japanese about horses can find employment for the next further particulars enquire of thro. " ."- -. 7 it three Brown, to the six weeks. Japanese preferred. straight heats: time. w'wa ' noviara in repeating all the old-tim- e nobody, and could not be used without an acrobats. In the evening a performance issued a pamphlet Full particulars given upon application at charges against the Treaty, saying expenditure of millions of dollars. It will be given at 8 o'clock. Seats can Lewis J. Levey, Greatrarewlll bejtaken.lhut no responsibility for r n!nt. that a member of King Kalakaua's Cab-- I looked as if Hawaii wanted to keep the now be obtained at the Elite Ice Cream No. ?$ MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU. Auctioneer. '.'':"-;- ".'S.r? SmftTi St Thurston. Or to L. A. THURSTON, Attorney for net Moreno doubtlessj assures him that ' right to dispose of it elsewhere. This Parlors. ;' HARR A OrN TT ?!0 a:t!8 f

I PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MARCH 5, 1887. : HONOLULU WATER i?Y AUTHOIUTl. V.'ORKS, The British bark Martha Fisher is expected to LOCAL AND GENERAL. DEPARTMENT OF THE I.VTBRIOR. sail with about 700 tons cargo in transit from Liverpool for next Thursday. Portland, Oregon, of any in Supreme APPLICATION No business kind the FOR WATER PRIVILEGE. The schooner Moi Wahine, Captain M. Staples, yesterday. arrived March 4th from Hawaii, with Court No. Hamakua. v v ?m l,75o bags sugar from Koholalele, which were The brigW. G. Irwin sails at 10 o'clock ENGELBBECHT'S . LrM ?f.Jf 4f Honolulu, H. I., 13 placed on board the bark Forest Queen. Re- this morning for San Francisco. S3' ports Application Is fine weather alons the Hamakua coast, and praise service at the Y. M. C. hereby made by very The usual calm weather in the channels A. at 6:30 o'clock Sunday evening. for a water The W. Captain American brigantine G. Irwin, Mass at 10 a. m. and Vespers at TOW J- - E. morn- High privilege for the premises on McCulloch, soils at 10 o'clock this Roman Catholic Cathedral ing with 570 tons sugar for San Francisco. 4:30 p. m. at the W size tap 41 of The Norwegian bark P. C. Paterson will load with irrigation sugar San H. "Anglican Church Chronicle'' for HONOLULU WATER WORKS, j privileges, at the rate for Francisco for Messrs. Hackfeld The Co. March has been received and will be no- Department of Inteeiob. J" of per annum. item The steamer J. A. Cummins, Captain Christian ticed later on. wmm Water l to be used for Neilsen, arrived from Heela, Koolau, Oahu, expe- T R A I H Rule and Regulations of the Honolulu Water An accountant of twenty years' QstzzzQl - ..'rPf0.ktV; il!-- March 4th, 444 bags sugar, which were ft&ttZ tSLi?& Works for tb City aud Harbor of with rience advertises his services elsewhere in Honolulu, transferred to the bark Sonoma. She leaves next adopted aud 2Ctb to-day- 's promulgated ibis day of Febru- Monday. paper. ST. ary, 1687: Full description of premises. I rS III ifi Mill Thr whaling barks Reindeer and Northern The annual meeting of the Woman's 1. Applications for a permanent supply Thurs- of Liht arrived off port March 4th from a cruise. Church Aid Society will be held on any semi-annuall- water fiow (Joverumeut system or source of All rates are payable y, in ad- Zoila, Captain McKay, day next, March 10th. supply sball be in writing, signed by the appli- vance, at The British bark will the office of the Honolulu Water Works Tuesday steamship City of New York is due cant; such applications shall be upon a printed on sail in ballast about next for Poit The CAL., U. S. A. i the first days of January and y, July of each Townsend. to-da- en SAN JOSE. form, which will be furnished at the office of the year. from Hongkong and Yokohama The whaling bark Lancer, Captain San Francisco. Honolulu Water Works. This Privilege is subject to the Rules and Reg- American route to Joseph Whiteside, arrived off port March 4th, . All Water Rates shall be payable half yearly ulations promulgated by the Minister of the A short English sermon will be preached 70 PRODUCTION. six months from New Bedford, with barrels to-morr- in advance oa the first day of January and Interior, ana to the Laws of the Kingdom more Catholic Cathedral A CALIFORNIA the sperm oil, which will be landed here. Reports in the Roman first day of July each year at the oiuce of the especially. Chapter 20 of the Laws of 1886. at the 7 o'clock mass. The unfavorable weather the greater part of the -- Honolulu Water Works. Honolulu Water Works shall in no case be by :o." liable for any claim for damage voyage. The Lancer will proceed for the Arctic The sale of the Baldwin property non-payme- occasioned by 3. I u all cases of nt of the Water some time next week. & Co. has been post- the bursting of pipes whatsoever. A stop-coc- k Messrs. E. 1. Adams Kate within fifteen days after it is due, ten per i shall be put not more than two feet inside The bark Sonoma has beeu moved into the poned till noon on Monday. by cent in addition to the regular rate sball be the The Fine Exhibit Made at the Fair front boundary line of premises by the holder stream, aud will leave next week for San Fran- and Directory" charged to and become due by the person hold- The "Honolulu Almanac CiaAR of the privilege at his expense, and same be cisco. ing such privilege, and the Superintendent may the for 1S87 is now on sale at J. II. Sopers's protected by a box or otherwise, kept clean and The steamer Kinau will be due Leads Them All. Co. forthwith without notice shut off the water from news depot and this oliice. Price. 50 cents. Fredericksburg Brewing ni&rked, so water can be turned off immediately. morning with about 1,400 bags sugar. the such privilege and charge the expenses of the The Hawaiian Mission Children's Society same to such The bark Velocity will commence discharging holders of the privilege, and all will meet at the residence of Mr. J. . re- -- :o: water Water Privilege No. her freight this morning at tbe old Custom Your wives a ml children Mill 4 HI the shut off from the privilege as above Waterhouse, Jr., this evening at 7:30 shall not be turned on again until the rate fori House wharf. joice, A water privilege is hereby o'clock. Sampler of the Mechanics Fair was that of the e, exhibit to-d- ay the "i?ar of most novel aud unique such privilege and tbe expenses are paid in The schooner Malolo sails for Laupa-ho- flavins' fouut One the granted to your Brewinff Co. It waa iu the form of a bower, the roof being formjJ full. as specified in Hawaii, to be follewed by the schooner Honolulu Typographical Union No. 37 choice. Fredericksburg Laser a of of hop vine- -, while around the aides were arranged the various packat the 4. No person or family supplied with water the foiegoing application, subject to the same Canute next Monday for the same place. will hold their regular monthly meeting at Fredericksburg beer. This company was the pioneer in the manufacture of on the Ml i.l from the Honolulu Water Works be per- Tbe S. N. Castle has finished un- the Knights of Pythias Hall this evening overcoming many obstacles they have succeeded ih prodacing ao export shall and the Rules and Regulations of the Honolulu barkentine Coast. Aftr mitted to use the yvater for any purpose loading deck load of lumber, and will com- 7:30 other her at o'clock. Engelbrecht, Son & Co., .V',r'":. than that stated in their asreeiuent, nor to sup- Water Works. mence discharging from her hold to-da- y. Mr. T. R. Foster of Honolulu has given ISTot Surpassed ply water in any way to oiLer persons or fam- 105 mch'29 21 FIHST 3TKEET, S. F. JLager Executed in Duplicate. The American steamship City of New York, $30, and Mr. George F. Holmes of Kohala ilies. Captain Searle, is due to-da- y from Hongkong, Statea. A proof of this is seen iu the fact that their $20, towards Christ Church, South Kona, By any other made in the United they do .). uunoce-i3ar- Ho nc lulu, 188 way as Chicago, despite Eastern competition. How can 1 Consumer oliall prevent all via l'okokama, on her to San Francisco. Davis is reetor. goods are sold a far East e 5'23feb28tf of which the Rev. S. H. may bo asked. Iu the first plate wa-t- of water, and shall lualij no re- this payiug freight over 3,000 miles of railroad, it concealment The tern Ke Au Hou is still undergoing after i L. AHOLO. the East; again, California barley is the btst of tbe purposed for which it is used. Mr, E. Ryan. The trial of Daniel McGregor for assault hops are better and cheaper here than ia of pairs in the bands of ISTOTICE. States; but the chief reason is the superior quality of th brew, a altt-ra- t Minister Interior. the Police grown in the United 0. No on shall be nutde in any water following vessels at thin port at Punaluu will commence iu very best material, aud have all tue oesi The arrived water aud the ' Messrs. they use onlv the finest artesian ' pile or fixture without first giviD; notice of the foreign ports during week: February Court at 9:30 o'clock this morning. they are able to produce an article that loi, UKADQUARTEUS, from the and latest machinery, r, , x- - I THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING OF iutended alteration at the orlice of the Houolulu A t ii xrf f 1 l-- v L' n . r 'li i I u n . i r- x T. Town-sen- d, John T. Dare and A. C. Smith will defend 'h ti 27th, barkentine 8. N. CastU from Port A1 the Pacific Hardware Company (lnuitc'd), Water Work.3. iebruary 4, la7. ) and bark Forest Queen from San Fran- him. the following omcers were elected for le7; COjVlETITIOlSr: (General Order No. 3.) March 3d, Mana-e- r DEKITiS 7, In all cases where water is to be supplied cisco, via Mahukona, Hawaii; bark Mr. Lishman is at work on the walls of B. F. Dillingham President and 'n to several parties or tcnauts from one connec- On the present melancholy occasion of the Velocity from Hongkong, and whaling barks E Jas. G. Spencer Treasurer and Secretary Lager is so perfeot that it will kep any number of years in "any climate, the two bays of St. Andrew's Cathedral. W. F. Allen Auditor Tneir Export tion or tap, the contract for the piiviiee will be death of Her late Royal Highness the Princess F. Herrimau and Fleetwing from a cruise; and is sold largely in filexico, Australia, the Islands, South America, aud in short Officers wear, The collection boxes, the idea of the Rev. Samuel Nott and F. L. Winter Directors last made only witli one of said several parties, and Likelike, the of the Forces will March 4th, whaling barks Lancer, Northern JAS. G. SPENCER, throughout the Western Hemisphere. In three years their output has quadrupled; black crape over orna- Mackintosh, yielded over $210 in year exceed that amount. on Li3 to abide by wheu in uniform, the Light and Reindeer. Followiug were the de- Alex. Secretary. year it amounted to 33,000 barrels, and this will default these regulations 53- Brewing Co. was awarded mental part of the hat or cap, over the sword W. February. Total for the two months, $480. Honolulu, March 3. 1887. -' marlO Since writing the above we learn that the Frodericksburg and pay the rates, the connection will he cut partures: February 26th, barkentine H. Lager," also the first prize, another knot and on the left arm, with black gloves, and Francisco; March 1st, bark C. the first prize, a silver medal, " for the best Export ' t! off. Dimond for San The Japanese acrobats gave an unusually " bast Lager Beer." Journal of Commerce, San Francisco. a black crape scarf over the sash. O. San Francisco; March 2d, tern silver medal, for the Rg 8. cases A or Alarm, those Whitmore for fine performance ou Thursday evening. Iu all Fin tire The Iruius are to be covered with black, and Lampson San persons havi ag irrigation or fountain privileges J. C. Ford and bark Lady for There was a large audience present, who black crape Is to be hung from the staff of the Francisco; March 3d, whaling bark E, F. Herri-ma- n The Leading Millinery House shall immedialely suut oil their Water. Cavalry. signified their appreciation of the per- Infantry and from the standaid of the for the Arctic. SOLE AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands for the above y. premises water appear uni-- formers' efforts by frequent bursts of ap- OF IF"Haviug been appointed All unoccupied having Whtn officers at Court In their Brewing Company, we are now prepared to fill all orders for the trade and ! - celebrated privileges will be charged full water rates unless forms, they will wear black crape over the orna- plause. family consumption at bedrock figures. given :tt Hon- cap, over SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTES. a written notice is theoiiice of the mental part of the hat or tbe sword Mr. VV. S. Webster, consulting engineer, olulu Water Works to shut on ihe same from the knot, and on the left arm, with white gloves-an- d is prepared to give lessons in mechanical CHAS. J. FISHEL. a crape scarf over the sash. & PEACOCK, m tin pipe. black Yuen Kee it Co. have removed to Hotel drawing, machine constructing and en- FREETH 10. All service pipert ah. ill ls kept clear and The period of mourning specified by the Court will be observed by the Forces. street. gineering. Pupils meet on Tuesday and in good repair by the bolder of the privilege at Camp- By we a fine By order of the Commander-in-Chie- f, Fine white cashmere scarfs with fringe Thursday evenings at his rooms, the Australia have received line 2T3 Nuuanii his ow'H expense. of NEW GOODS, which will be placed for sale on Street, Honolulu. CURTIS P. IAUKEA, N. S. 104 street. bell's Block, at 7:15 o'clock. See hjse standiug J at Sachs', Fort Saturday. 11. sprinkling with aud d-w- Street General. tf J BOTH TELEPHONES No. 46. - Adjutant P. O. BOX 504. 369:dec23 irrigators is prohibited except by written per- j Fine millinery goods, new ribbons and mission from the office of the Honolulu Water new trimmings at Sachs'. Ladies' Black Silk Clocked Hose, go Iteadlnj? Works. The Court will into full mourning for Her Children's lace stocks, all colors, infants' Honolulu Library nnd Royal Highness Princess Likelike from (Good Black.) 12. No one but tho pc-- i io-- i duly authorized late the Kooui Association. day and worsted hoods and iuckets at Sachs' store. Crenm Astrachan i)reN Uoods Double by the Supeiiutentieiit of ;iie iioiolalu Water this date until the after the funeral, The regular monthly meeting of the will wear half mourning from that time until Width. Works shall tap or turn od or on water from the Honolulu Library and Reading Room .Sacking- - B. P. & CO. of two weeks from the day of the Cream Grenniline and Dress EHLEES main pipes. the expiration Special xotiee. (jOOtlN. funeral. Association was held Thursday evening, Inspectors ( Gen- 13. Alloiiicers a nd duly authorized P. IAUKEA, Chas. T. Gulick, Notary Public, udmittod CURTIS when Mr. A. J. Cartwrigbt reported Colored Cashmeres. of the Houolulu Water Works shall !e H. M.'s Chamberlain. eral Business Agency. Bills, accounts Light to all parts of any prem- having received $400 of the amount ap- at all rea30uabie hours Iolani Palace, February 3, 1887. J70 tf d w and rents collected. Mr. John Good,Jr., Something new in Fancy Crape. water privileges, to inspect the by last Legislature. This ises having authorized collector. propriated the GOODS same. will be spent for new books. Mr. Employment Agency Mr. F. Marcos, money GAUZE RIBBONS, 14. No water shall be sold from any privilege OF HONOLULU, 11. 1. Cartwright, on behalf of His Excellency VOlir special agent. Ihe Latest. except by written pennissioa of the Superinten- Mr. Gibson, presented several pamphlets ! shall be supplied to ships or All orders sent to No. 38 Merchant Infants 34 nose in tJarnet, liiilt,i:iue At Reduced Prices dent. No water Hawaiian affairs, printed in French anil White. Greatly vessels except at tbe special rates or by special AltltlVALM. street will receive prompt attention. on Officer of the Hon- Fiuday, March 4. A Line or I'laiting and agreement, and only by the Bell Telephone 348. V. O. Box 41o. and Spanish. Fine Nklrt duly authorized. In all cases Stmr J A Cummins, from Koolau adopted defining the Kuchiugs. olulu Water Works Stmr Waimanalo. from Waianae A resolution was Taking. f : the .After ock of water supplied hereunder a receipt for Schr Moi Wahine, from Uamakua duties of the Auditing Committee. Line of Silk Gloves be given and payment Kuau, Maui Blue Finest quantity supplied shall Schr Wailele, from Itihbou Leasne. j Whiteside, 6 months from was voted that the furniture of the Eer Imported to this City. be made to no person except on the produc- Am wh bk Lancer, evening free entertain It shall This another C-I-I office of tbe Hono- New Bedford Boys' Reading Room should be turned Kpauisli IaeeVielius iu White lack j tion of the receipt from tbe Am wh bk Reindeer, from a cruise ment will be iven in the M. A. Water Works. Am wh bk Northern Light, from a cruise i. over to the Hawaiian branch of the Y. We have on hand a very large stock of J lulu Hall by the Blue Ribbon League, when DAVIS & WILDER. 13. Irrigation shall be" confined to the hours M. C. A., which has its rooms at the by programme will be pre- that shall be published from time to time the DEFAKTIIKLS. the following of Queen Emma, as it .All "Wool Shawls. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Fbiday, March 4. residence the late A fine line of Ladies' Trimmed and Untrimmed Superintendent of Waterworks. sented : was of no use to the Library Associa- HATS. Regu- Schr naleakala, for Pepeekeo, Hawaii any these Rules and . 10. Violation of of Sehr Waiehu, for Waialua Vocal Solo . Mr. II. V. Morse tion. A full line of Black Cashmere, Gimps, Fringes, Grocers and Provision Dealers, terminate tbe privilege, aud the Mary E Foster, for Lahaina, Maui Heading . . . Mr. Macdonald etc., etc. lations shall Schr Dr. Rodgers, from the Hall and water shall be cut off and shall not be turned on Duet Come and Kee our New Goods. and ex- To-i)- y. . . Mrs. J E. Ilanford and Mr. Lyman reported that when again until the payment of all costs YesMels Library Committee, 52 .evuir Reading Mr. J. F. Brown hand, including those Iort Street. Honolulu. penses. Am bgtne W G Irwin, J E McCulloch, for Flute Solo, with piano accompaniment the books now on The Superintendent of Water Works is author- San Francisco Mr. II. W. Morse lately received from the Boys' Reading CHAS. J. FISHEL, Water Hchr Malolo, for OFtfEit FOR SALE: ized to grant and sign permissions for Maui Address Rev. E. C. Oggel catalogued, the library connec- Schr Wailele, for Kuau, Room, were all House. Privileges, aud make all agreements in Schr Waiehu, for Waialua Solo Mrs. J. E. Hantord Leading Millinery SALMON (Columbia River) in bbls., and cafes; 15, 25 and 50 lb. keg. Gospel and signing pledge would contain about six thousand 511 febl9tf IM. Ilymns (ex-Famil- rates. Schr Rob Roy, for Koolau BEEF y) 100 lb. bbls. and 25 and 50 lb. kegs. tion with water Heela, Koolau The Audience in my baud and Official Schr lor MACKEREL in 15 Il. kits. Witness k.-g- a. (Holland) in date above writ-te- HERRINGS in 15 lb. kil, HERRINGS seal. Seal the day and Vessels in I"ort Iron Foreign Ports. Domestic Iro;!uee Receipts. PICKLES, GERMAN. PICKLES, HAUER Kit AIT, WOItCKflTERMUIIlfc - MIXED Howes, from Newcastle, The Iialmiloa- SAUCE iu 5 gallon kegs. L. AHOLO, NAm bk Sonoma, Following are the receipts of domestic Hawaiian Opera House! Lgxc 8 W correspondent "You speak SUGAR Dry Granulated bbls., bbls.rawd lb. b. of Interior. produce for the week ending Friday, A writes: Minister Brit bark Zoila, McKay, from Newcastle, N Hawaiian gunboat " Cube H bbls. and 25 lb. boxes. : in your notice of the 30 boxes. following are the forms of privileges and S W March 4th 44,332 bags sugar, 930 bags Powdered in lb. The H H M's training ship Kaim'.loa, from Apia, in yesterday's Advertiser as if the COFFEE Costa Rica green, in sackH. charges of water rates: salt, 1,499 bags rice, 100 bags rice bran, 1 2 Samoa N 0 flag were unde- Thursday Evening, March 3d, " Folder's Java ia and lb. tir.. WATER WORKS, Nor bk P C Paterson, from Newcastle, 220 question of a national HONOLULU Oleugaber, Rolleston, from Liver- - 100 barrels molasses, bunches ba Old Kona green and rossted. Brit bark cided. You will see by reference to LARD in cases, 3, 5 aPd 10 lb. tins. OF THE INTEIUOB nanas, 1,117 hides. Saturday Evening, March 5th. FAIRBANK'S DEPARTMENT PBrit bark Martha Fisher, Buckingham, from Article 3S of the Constitution that it was CASES L., McN. & L., 1 and 2 lb. Corned Beef. Liverpool The exports to San Francisco in the 1 and 2 lb. Luncb Tongue. Honolulu d, Regulations of water rates for tbe Klikitat, R D Cutler, from Port Towns-en- settled long ago." 2f,th day Am bark same period were : 49,913 bags sugar, ' Underwood's Boned and Potted Meats and Lobster. Waterworks changedand revised this W T Our correspondent may think so, but Honey in glass jars. Ger bk C R Bishop, H Wolters, from Bremen, 1,G20 bags rice, 200 bunches bananas COMPANY " of February, A. V. 1387; the Constitution notwithstanding, the THE OURA " Medium and Saloon Bread and Soda Crackers. QtAmabktne S N Castle, H L Hubbard, from Port and 14 barrels molasses, valued at " Table Fruits, Pickles, Sugar Peas, Corn, Tr sateen. Jam ar u JeUies, Hop. great trouble about the Kaimiloa just Catsup, Eagle and Vanilla Chocolate, etc., x ,i Townsend. $230,493 24. Huckin's Soups. H Forest Queen, binding, from San -- OF ' Am bktne now is what flag she should sail under. HAMS Buffalo, "Whittaker, Dupee, and California Covered. 5 i" Sl3 Jtranclseo S 5 5 BACON "Thistle," and H. M. Dupee. ... J s " Hongkong Fort-Stre- et national ensign t r ;r iz. j- z.' . Biit bk Velocity, Martin, from Article 33 reads: "The 53 Cburcli. CHEESE California. New York, Young Ame.v, Edam Lim iri'.ei, tic. not changed, except by Act of the ordinances of shall JAPANESE A large and complete invoice just opened up of Crrsne &. Bi ickwe'l'f Meats, Houps, ' ' ,.els I. Ml " m Foreign baptism and the Lord's Supper will be tl , ' the Legislature is Jams and Jellies, French Peas and Mushrooms, Salad Oils, :inot and Condiment, IS ' H - Silll 87 iUV X Hongkong, J.aiua'j .,r-- i '.- will v Ger bark Hydra, from new i - Kaimiloa Chutney Sauces, Candies, etc., etc. --t 3 administered, and members ad ' .. i ACROBATS 3 l"o.a,aU bark Hercules, Schaefer, sailed from l.i. i. "ii ' it '.rv5lt'.' v 20-2-8 mitted the Church. In the evening 'Jth, due February j BXJTTJEl---Plent- Everybody. October ' . for Llverrool -- a e New York, Hunter, Geo W JenJts, from the theme will be "Lessons .i. he should sail under will, fciie en route to San Franciaeo, Am wn bark Pastor Oman's ! - 1 A CO cts. per Re iv,l frtna tbe dairy i 14 10-3-1 onsi.-r- . ' i 3.nd give a season In Hono- Woodlawn Dairy In lb bricks price reduced lb. fmh T due March nl i uie Loi.J Paris, short 'Z -- ' Line Islands, ' 50 lb. California Freai. Holl Butter Ci sailed from Boston from the Life of an Uncompromising ",''.-- of twelve per--'. dally. Other Island Dairies, cts. pe r Am bark Ximour, Brewr, t - pn-it- rn lulu. Tlis Campany consists 60 EdK Whltney'8 Roll Butt-- r in !. P2 A'.1 . ou-- c -- " ..riinil - are lb. kegs Choice Gilt tin. - Liverpool, dav May Young Man." are invited. . formers, raaU- and females. Tbeir feats m,i' . urates, from Of j i - - Was is uncertain, AS HO copy It nuS jrveiuCJ, new and numerous, embracing tbe KM, a Bay, BEANS, ONIONS AND POTATO ' Am bark Julia Foard, from Departure due preserved, and the Union Jack has ,&mfV,( a p -- been by every steamer from the Colonies.) c s 3 J Honolulu Rifles. (New Zealand Potat i i o o i AmvVbk Bedford, due Feb corner of all Hawaiian nags Ohio, from New At the regular monthly meeting of the been in the CTSOur celebrated Family Flour "Fresno" brand, also Golden Gate. i a a Hawaiian op I --3 least. But O . y, hfc Mars, from San Francisco, four-ne- of late years at OGAWA, t O AUt - ' Helen Honolulu Rifles members were ACT x O fly British Barley, Oats, Bran, Wheat and Corn, IS 53 man-of- " cannot the Jack e Zi i war on razor-lit- edges bk Wanderer, from San Francisco, due elected. Friday evening, March 25th, (walking with bare feet the c b S : ' Am wh some other All of which we offer at very low prices. I' " and hence fire bare ( - V. at her bowsprit, of Yaconin swords), walking in with i F appointed as for hold- i 2 C- - Am" wd? Palmer, from San Francisco, has been the time vio- ' .13 bk Francis device must be added. This would feet, etc., etc. b3tt Rotti Tolepbonw. : ing By ii es c -- 9 - the ball. an amendment to the Revolving a Huge Tub, - -- from San Francis- Constitution, however, which The celebrated trick, r- i Bayllies, -i wh bb William s, the it C Am by-law- sergeants and corporals will late inside anl one on the out- -- with one performer I i v u Francis to have a little more authority i.i i;. - 'ImwkhVSy and Susan, from San hereafter be appointed by the Captain, appears side, the 'A AU-.- 0 ordinary statute. Hence the co, ttue Francisco, due Feb and the monthly dues are fixed at one than an A. M..KEWETT. Am wii perplexity and difficulty referred to by AUCTION SALE jC ii x - - -- Francisco, dollar. 5 'Ji wb bk Andrew Hicks, from San of deter- LADDER TRICK -- Am in the matter - 3 10-2- the Advertiser OF VALUABLE 1 --. P3 eb 8 Umbrellas 1 n - "5 r. a due Morning Star, H mining what ensign our national ship Greatly Improved, Balancing Fans, South" Sea islands; due Feb Toxlay'N Sale. etc., are also among the feats. FTurwlro" th. should fly to avoid unpleasant 2Uv Janeiao,.W B Cobb, from At noon to-da- y Mr. Lewis J. Levey stationer ; S S City of Rio de Hong REAL ESTATE mwm X. to Yokohama and now open at the Elite Ice Cream Parlors m Sau Francisco, en route will hold a mortgagee's sale of property Box plan G. kUmdaUrklVn, Calhoun, from San Fran- - at his salesroom, corner of 1'OPl'LAR PRICES. Honolulu. R Queen and 1 . In 1 Birthday Aun versa ry .3 Francisco. Fort streets. A full description of the Doors open at 7;30 p.m. A matinee will be given INSTRUCTIONS HON. Street, San fifty-fift- h anni- FROM TUE Merchant C8S?mJeWcK Wednesday was the at 2 p. m. on Saturday, when admission UNDER of Education, sell at Public X property to be sold will be found in an ftO to all parts I shall o rU6chyr25"General Kegel. Sanders, from birth of Lieutenant Gen- will be eentH Auction, on Monday, the 7th day of March next.at H. I. ;C 3 i: i:. w 5" versary of the of the house. HONOLULU, ii i. Frigate Shoals, due '- - advertisement in another column. Koyal 12 noon, at my Salesrooms, corner of Fort and e c s e o French W Rusg, from yic. Hon. J. O. Dorninis. The Queen streets. Honolulu, that very desirable a.w bark Thos R Foster, F eral the V. Manager. street, 25-3- 1 H. ALDRICH, tract of land at Kuliu, Lileba loi ia, B C, due Dec . Hawaiian Band serenaded him early in situate property, compris- purposes Makah, from Newcastle, NSW, due Football. 52C mar5 known aB the Lee Youman' Bell Telephone 302. Mutual Teip3.one 371. Where water is used for domestic and Am bktne residence, AN ashing Kalo Kula land of superior quality, well unfinished game of be- - morning at his ing and 524 feb28if irrigation of land not exceeding half an acre, and SraliaiHawl.H C Houdlette, from The football the watered. playing an appropriate selec area 11 i in ordinary dwellings, tenements and office. tween the Koyal School team and the ton riace, F XTrt 1 Containing an of and (Am), H G Morse, from the JjUXfrr A 00 acres, at an upset prlc KMSS Alameda Fort-stre- et music. iO. Special r.wes will be made i u the following to Ban Francisco, due combined team from the tion of of $7,500. Colonies, en route Teleplione I7'J. o. no aor. cases: Mp Hong- School and St. Alban's College will be NOTICE. 1 rn O Adjoining the above on the Bell i. f MS 8 City of New York, Searle, from Freetli A Peacocli. JJV X Vn j mauka aide, and containing aiutaal 72. i Shipping. to-da- y lU kong via Yokohama, en route to San Francisco, completed at the Makiki grounds, of Freeth & an area of one acre; npsek jlarch 5th well known,, firm price, 8750. fig Houses. due 9 The 8TOCK-holdersoft- he Cal, due commencing at o'clock. merchants, THE ANNUAL. MEETING OF THE Shops. Am tern Hera, Greig, from Eureka, Feacock, wine and spirit AT Interisland Steam Naviga- mm twm March 0 adver-tiqpme- nt TITLE PERFECT. t a change of tion Company, held March 1, 1887. the following mu Luiiiimu km W Singer, sailed from street, have f Brit bk Scottish Lassie, Honolulu Almanac ami Directory. Nuuanu year; i; 2C-3- oiBcers were elected for the ensuing ( ( Mechani al purposes. LlverpooIJan 10, due May 1 issue, which gives full ill. Deeds at tbe exper.se t f j St. H '. Bl The Honolulu Almanac and Directory in this T. P. Foster President irtber particulars ruay f lurntd hy Campbeil'f, Merchant ies premise s Supposed to be lost. J t KJSuca-'.in- s ou same lot or rs of Vice Pr of tl. Board of u.-.i!a- oi numerous brauds W H. Godfrey 3t the o5ce f-- the ?t S ..ner'.-- u -- 1: Id." 7 Is now icr J. H. K Reci t:.rj and survpj s of the land icaj large, .1 so i 3i ; .1 CooM, 'v!:..;.5. eu.. they are agr.ts . Tr L.ftrt u;;t. it. MjLjh C.i lit-- i J, fUl Ulal. t. i r;.. iu. t ; T-- - P. V. LEVEY, :lie ..'.'' :. i r'ecs are th lovct in the JOi.tr.. LEWIS J. e'itpioyer, oi. yi i r Wilcox n3 h T. I.. Fcst-- see a Lid Kna. Auctioneer. 1 ." i To! market. Gorre" J. 'J, 7. 4&i war :2 K. A CO, to- - '' ill V.SX. viotar-g I J. 3. 'bruary riztr J. K0.V :H tail ii rru art not vtr! tlv W SUSiuarS


1 WOMAN AND HOME; Irtrlistmcttts. DEATH. JMwnlsnntnJS.

WHAT A PHYSICIAN SAYS ABOUT O Death, the Cor.secrator '. Nothing so sanctifies a name CALLING ON THE SICK. As to le written dead; Nothing so wins a life from blame NOW READY. EL & J3i'o., So covers it from wrath and shams Co E. Iclntyre The I'air .Sex of the Pacific Coast When As does the burial bed. Win. G. Irwin & IMPOr.TEKS AND DEAI.EJCS IN Lamp Chimuor Cr;jck-II- ow to Be O Death, the Puvelator! lieautifulXaiitippo Defended Don't Our deepest passions never move Year of Till thou hast lid them wake; 1887. Fourth Publication. 1887 Worry Paragraphs. We know not half how much we love Groceries, Provisions and Feed all above OFFER FOR SALE There are many, com- Till all below and E EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. esiecially in rural Is shrouded fer our sake. 'PI-I- munities, who make it a practice to call on HONOLULU New Goods received by every packet from the Extern states and Europe, resh (. al'ftrnia their neighbors as soon as they are informed O Death, the great Peacemaker! froduce by every steamer. All oro'ers ftbfullv awended to, and Goods dellvtrtd to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postollice Box No. 143 they are kick. no If enmity have corne between i that It makes material Telephone No. 92 60 Rpl; liir-rtiu-- e whether they are intimate friends There s naught like Death to heal it; Sugars r merely casual acquaintances. No sooner And if we love O priceless pain, ' ALMANAC AM) DIEECTOEY! O bitter-swee- t when love is vain! DRY GRANULATED - one of their neighbors stricken with disease There's uanght like Death to seal it. Barrels, thrm thi-- 2 call on hini. The apparent object In .?thi's call is to proffer their sympathy to Half Barrels, For the Year of Our Lord 1SS7,. Containing an , VALUE OF THE CONGO. And tii" MittY-rrr- but the real motive, in ton Box8. j CUBE i;!.v;v is to gratify a morbid AW GOODS BY LATE ARRIVALS. De- A Doubt That tbo Country is Worth i ' u i ity. To those of my readers who con In Half Darreis & calling on a sick acquaintance, I velopingA Traveler's Views. And 25 pound Boxes Astronomical, Civil Ecclesiastic'l Calend'r -- v. a.-i-k lOWDKHKD :o:- - you to consider the probable The Italian traveler Bove has lately ' f:rt Iu :0-poa- Boxes. FOR 1 HE f.f a U. Can you render any asMst- - joined in the unfavorable verdict upon YEAR AN. -- NOVELTIES IN-- i:i Js your friendship such that your the value and the future of the Congo GOLDEN C. I'OFFKE e Lucunga, r fvf'ii pn-seiic- are a source of state. In a letter dated from lii Hnlf Barrels re- Official and ; S Business Directory i ! r which the Homan paper, Kassegna, of Honolulu tho jioor sufT'.'rer? If so, then .Chandeliers, Lamps Lanterns, i of country and !! ninkp If not, there prints, he says: part the .ii.t ly your call. TOGETHER WITH ;. t ways which you can show through which I have traveled has not iu;jiiy in Water niters and Coolers. American Cordage, Barbed and Flain A nnealed Fence Wire vmj.Mthy and interest. You can kindl altered the unfavorable opinion which I Congo; on con- Fence Staples. f t !- i- f.TJiiily after his health. You had formed of the the per- - trary, everything I have seen confirms Full and General !jd hini some lit tie delicacy wliich Statistical Information :o r a p t if craves, r lowers with me in the belief of the insignificant value I' I the I. i' tv and fragrance are generally of the district. When remember been made with re- 1 sick. These and other great stir which has Soap. TO hr the Congo RELATING THE HAW'N ISLANDS, For tlie Holidays f ki rubiest, piuiiijitf! by a gard to the bin, the conferences riht transactions, and the numerous ves- i'; be gratefully renicmbcrd, wIit. and BLVK MOTTLED: Great pains and expense have been to by - gone create disgust, and sels which have been sent out, the hom- ' the Publishers to ail vmil age and the congratulations which the FAMILY LAUNDRY. make thi3 Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen- Ware, i.i".rv t't the patient. king of Kelgium has received; when I Meriden Silver Plated ' ! in own mind that it sive of in :'! your of the mean jealousies, the ill will, work the kind ever published the Hawaiian Kingdom. It o on your sick friend, you think call and the calumniations, I am inclined to will be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists, A new invoice in latest patterns. Carriage Paint for use in the country, without varnish. A new d ir. full v consider how to make that believe that mankind has advanced very Salmon. a invoice of the celebrated i re-- s and is guarameed wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun- i,l",,;i; to him. To visit the sick little in the real love of truth, and that common united with quick sensi even great statesmen often stumble in tries. .s. When a is racked with pain, Dillingfiam IPatent Plows. iron the dark. Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latest IlorBe Hoes and Cultivators, Harrows, Hoes, Lubricating Oils, etc., etc., etc. pn.fouiidly exhnu-t- l as to Ho in led, journey from JUutadi to Lucunga Cases Corned Beef. e?i-i.- t "The moment. f. r- - from what he was when in the was a heavy piece of work; chains of mu.-- t, of hi- - al health, and mountains, steep hills, deep precipices, Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by ex- liUV'i-cn- t COMPANY, ;( man PACIFIC oie, j in a endless hollows, rivers full of rapids, pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in HARDWARE .N'o ex,,;. ;t rules can be given on this and everywhere sandy deserts, and condition (LIMITED), rciv that vour greet ing should le f iw Flour. their and prospect abroad. underwood six or seven yards high, .Sii'c-HSo- r V Above all things, do not tell through which the way lay for hours to IHIIlntf ham Co. and hanmel Xotf. : 1 general :'. i how side he looks. As a and hours, as through ii tunnel; the Send in your orders for copies early. i i ;:Fi':.'- - orning to closHy question the whole body was whipped by the hard nature Cs Medium Bread. Port Street; Honolulu ;t in regard to the particular grass. The excitement became quite 66 y mptoms of hi- - ii'.uess. ( )nly a few gen-s- i' feverish to get out of this torture and miries can l made with propriety. breathe once more frco air. Here and is in attendance on GEO. t regular physician there I came upon a tiny wood, and Oils. 1876. W. LINCOLN. 1886. ase. it is exceedingly bad taste for the every two or three hours upon a village FUEL to suggest medicines to taken in of four or live huts; then grassy deserts And of t ho-,,- , ordered by the doctor, or in again and hard rocks. All travelers unite LUBRICATING cti v, ith his remedies. This, however, in praising the tipper Congo state, its en done, by elderly ladies, boundless forests, its wide water veins, M. W. MeCHESMY & SOK may have Ir.id a long nnd large experi-- n and the fertility of its soil. Well, before Lime and Cement. BUILDER. the care of h"M-k- ; not only have King we sli.-- see how far this is true. Kiil.o-- - s of a 75 and 77 r t .i nurses, but, in the absence Iauari appear to think as little of the Street, Honolulu HA VE RECEI VKD l.H- -e administered remedies from '.in, upper state ;s of the lower, and I share Bell Xo. 1275. t;p MirtiiRl ; is no - Teliliun? Xo. 65. . !' se ' of roots and herbs. It his view tli.it a great part of the upper Galvanized Iron Booting,- v hm o some degzve of con.'i- - Coiu'o district is covered with immense 10-fo- 1,75-- 1 : 1 1. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, lengths. i i r ;t liemes, and yet, under the swamps. The slow current of the river, May 8tli Per Mariposa, Packagec u tiv-- liv call, it is wrong for them its width, the numerous slow tributaries, :t - u-u- rp tii- - of the attending trib- ..mpt to pla.:e and the large lakes from which these FilDGING- 22d-P- er elan, or do any thing to impair the confi-tha-t utaries spring, must indeed lead one to the May Alameda, 1,922 Packages shouM U; pla-- e l m him. The belief that the upper Congo district is WIIJ3ER & CO. ig art is a science, and to unlock its an immense plain. iMroirn:i: -- vnii To Consnelo, . more study is required than these "And supposing even that the country Sugar Bags. dealers in Arrive Per 332 Packages, y ladies assume to have given the sul-Tho- y on the upp;r Congo were a paradise of dis-aii- 20x3'.!. are often keen observers of d fertility, what good would it be to our Sizes a2x3d,20x34, I thy ccm sometimes render valuable emigrants to go to a country whery it in- - Tr ance to thy attending phj'bieian in is almost impossible for Europeans to ini and Coal observations. work, and where they would have to pay ASSQBTED ing him of their Doors, Sash and liii'. ls. Alt f.r I; 11 GEOIJ n 1.DKRS1 HARDWARE, Pulins, Clls, Glass, SEIES, all on the sick should le brief, depend-o- half their earnings to doctors and chem- Cordage. Mattta CorruiraUMt Iron, I'oi au:. v.u-- : - A. the intimacy of the caller and the ists! Nor (h I see for the present any r. m NAII. much superior to Iron, and cost but little Manila and Sisal, Parian Twine, Whale Line more- - ity of the illness. The more sick the market for our commerce. I have re- ly nt, the shorter the call should be. To peatedly said that, it would be far more WHICH . nervous invalids, demands special tact, useful to direct our attention to the coast t ; acre is no class of persons more benefited of west Africa, to Sierre Leone, Liberia, Heed's Felt Steam Pipe ludieious callers than this unfortunate anel the Niger district, where traffic is on Will bo Sold at jVLm-ke- t - tlie Lowest - J. A. Loveland in Erattleboro House- the increase, whore there is a numerous H M IRates. and commercial population, and where and Boiler Covering. ..J.J shortly the produce of the western Sou- Women of the Pacific Coast. dan will pass along the great highway of of coast which im-.-e- s is, a feai .re Pacific life the Niger which indeed, the river ir, TKNTH, (suitable for camp every stranger who spends much time which is of greatest importance to Af- "A M:. ing ami surveying parties.) W. McOhesney Sr Son, e is th-- i great number of large women to rica." Foreign Letter. BUGOIES , 22 'J en. I have remarked the fact every-re- 42 ami 44 Qiirin from los Angeles to British Columbia. People Wlio Live in Trees. tnrt, Ilonoliiln. . oman of immense circumference is a rare Dr. Louis Wolf, who made the sensa- CARTS 5 in the east, but here they are as numer-i- s tional discovery a while ago that the Of Every Description. O. D. FRELTil. the mountains. uIIow do I account Sankuru river afforded a more direct and W. C. PEACOCK. t?" I don't account for it. any more than more easliy navigated route to central cunt for the prodigious squashes pro-d- ; Africa than the Congo, made another dis- M.VCiI.E PLOWS, or for the sweet potato, four feet long, covery in the course of the same journey PACIFIC AXO PLOWS, h I saw the other day. Climate may which was quite as remarkable if not so !1 TIXEYARD PLOWS. PEEETH & PEACOCK, i3 On f some i lfluence, just how one puzzled important. the banks of the Lonami ORCHARD PLOWS. "ie bracing air induces a rav- - river, far toward the center of the con- WwJ But here we must not fovget tinent, he says he found whale villages Commercial Advertiser Cultivators and Harrows 23 task of digesting an undue that were built in the trees. The na- Nnuanu street Honolulu. H. I. L sometimes keeps a person tives, partly to protect themselves from nt No. 502 Piano Box Buggy, end Springs, 125. Tho and constant partaking of the river when in flood, and partly to -- :o:- may tf .. to the undesirable result. An make it more difficult for their enemies to vigorous may surprise them, build their huts on the HTKAM BOOK AND JOB life, u little exercise, and Self-Dum- p work. But I suspect limbs df the trees where the thick foliage WTOcHAKSQEfSfland Rakes, Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Islands for a hand i.i the that CuA This is tus Novelty lo completely the no casts s ine and beer may be held ac-:ab- almost hides structures rr i , k.nntn Fanners. r-. . . from view. The inmate? possess almost m u ".- - ,r: . .tsaro ana for this excessive plsical develo- fefraCvSand 2)uiiW.recs uone array Witlu wire Jiaraware J. J. MELCIIER'S "ELEPHANT" GIN, the agility of monkeys, and they climb PRINTING OIMCE 1U-,S- Co!lar$3.5023L, UI ail - per some experience in observing women up to or descend from their little houses J. J. PELLISSON'S pure, ease. AGK1U UiiTUKAJj IMPLEMENTS uncolored, unsweetened OLD ferent nationalities in a very hetero-i-s with astonishing It is believed they BRANDIES, are the only yet known who H prennro'l to do all kinds o Of every Description a Specialty. COATES & population like that of San Fran-an- d, Africa CO.'S "PLYMOUTH" GIN, indeed, of .the entire Pacific coast. live in trees. In Borneo some of the eald We are the ,u ns to recognize the race characteris-- - natives are to live in trees, and Mr. f&dj XOTICE!!! manuiacturers of II Y. W. SMITH & CO.'S " Ch.Itxst-r- s his book on New fSfcf the Cart built for Uis Majesty. Look at THISTLEDEW " WHISKEY. n in Guinea, & Ki-c- readily, inter-"-i-i. Commercial Lega! Work quite until much of a of tree CS'tSfl it, as it win snow jou wnai Kina oi worK tells number houses that he Having just Received a Complete fsi?g 1 we turn out. Send for catalogue. obliterated the natural or race visited on that island. These huts, which and Nev THE c, accent, features and figure; top Assortment of ADf KESS, FfiEDERICKSBUEtt - - are built near the of very high HEEWIXG CO. , .- j- choice of colors and an idea ' purposes, - trees, are used for lookout or & :s- 3 in dress do--e. Isham Hooker, Of evidenctil and as a place of refuge fer women and chil- S17.501 Truman, San Jose, Cal. ome otJier tokens, aid the stu- - Job Types aiiil Ornaments Seiitt.O.D.byExp's. 12M27 JIAKKET srREET, . dren in case of attack. They are perfect HOOKER, San Francisco. Miti nature in making up his judg-.- little huts with sloping roofs and plat- TRUMAN, 13HAM& Wau FraiiClMCW. (aI. 488aprl0 'h e.i And everywhere the con- -. forms in front, to wliich extends the long THE JOS. -- SCHLITZ i Yd Mpon him that the woman BEEWING CO. ladder, by means of wliich the natives Of the Latest Styles, from the most Cede Of Milwaukee. u'. ji rican blood in her veins and reach the huts. Mr. Cill describes one of brated Foundries of the United States, :;n.-;- -i or mental culture is the one these houses which was used as a resi- and employing only Experienced within herself the completest dence. He says it was well built, but and Tasty Workmen, we are CO. . p,p of noble qualities. She is the wo- prepared to turn out THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS MESSRS. B. resources, of that it rocked uncomfortably in the wind. DREYFUS & CO.'S of eady broad outlook -- New York Sun. t t'je world. She is the woman most Letter Heads. Have completed and offer for sale tlxe follov iig Boilers, viz: ? world's capa-- k "Ne.l liiintliiie's," t .j the needs, and most Grave. Bill Heads. ing woman's part in supplying The grave, of the late Col. Judson, bet- 1 self-relian- t, -- PAUL COMPOUND STEEL BOILEES She is the most and pos-- - ter known as "Ned Luntlinc," antler the Circulars. fg&7J?X:& t "WINES t ho an'-s- sympathies. She knows her-i-S shadow of Mount Utsyantha near his old CLIFORl Note Heads. voiuen of other countries do not know home in Stamford, N. Y., is marked by a 1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. in. - - r.1. tf Ives. She does things. Cor. monument of sulphur stone. Chicago Stateiuentt. times. We offer for sale at the lowest Bills of I,ndlHfr 1 CombinatiOii Steel Boiler, 12 ft.x ft., also market rates, a full ..took of the most favorite How to Tolish Sea Shells. Contracts. i Patagonia's IZailway. SXortfragre hrands of iu- - surface of the shell should be first Blanks. Ln Patagonia is to have a railway, a 1 Seeond-IIan- d Tubular 12 x 4 ft, d by rubbing it with a rag dinned in vessel tf ing nmv ou Jts from Eng- Leases, ioiler, ft. hydrochloric acia until the outer dull cover- land wit, rajjs an,i Shipping; other material for the Contracts. ." Ales, Wines, Spirits, ing of - he shell is removed. It must then be new road, 64 je27-8- 6 ArpJy to Tlie Liqueurs, Etc., which is to be built at the "(In Hawaiian fc English) Eonoliiln ron "Works Co. Etc. in warm water, dried in hot sawdust Uelsh coio.iN 0f portion , ii.,he with chamois of chulmtin that nvd leather. Those Patagonia belonging to the Argentine Calendars. Telephone o. 46. 373 nc!h; tuch are destitute of a natural Ufpublic. 1. O. Box 501. polisIvHl sur.'ace may be either varnished or Blank Checks, N with a of AG-A- &: ruH;d mixture tripoli powder and Stock Certificates, CO. turintin; applied by means of a piece E of wash leather, after which fine tripoli Business Cards. , should i isc-J- then a little olive oil rubbed in well Corner of Fcrt and Merchant Streets and finally the surface well rubbed ' Meal Checks, - "t '.'V.iCQ the chnmoii leather.. The hands -sh , Wllk TJekets, -- IMPORTERS OF-- JOHN T, oe pro- NOT , .uuia - icvt-v-i 4 j. -- i k. v w 1 1 lj Quarterly Bills v.i vi acid Inter Accounts , Ocean. I Bank Checks Cr.fctc.m-mml- e Clcttiln-- Men's and Hoys Fine FcrnUliiii fjoodn, f s If Your lJainp Chimney's Crack. Orders, "But the chimneys do break so, cracking Receipts, sometimes right in the daytime, when no one HATS and CAPS, A UTAST OF TWENTY YEARS' EX-- 7 Afarriajre is near!" Very true, but all due to unequal f HCe re8rectfully tenders his services Certificates, may bo remedied this business, and challenges competition expansion, which in several the way of satisfaction. Address la Diplomas, possessor TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. Island orders solicited and promptly attended to. Satififaetion gnaran-eed- . v. ays. Are you the fortunate of a 535ruar5tf LEDGER, powt Office. diamond ring? make it useful as well as Catalogues, 7 f ornamental, by cutting with it straight, per-leudi- !. Blotting laris ular marks at short distances all around NOTICE. And in fact ss the bulging part of your chimney, before everything which a first-cla- put ?vtiJAvJ using it at all. These cuts will give the glass office can do. ttz?Ji expansion con-t- the necessary room for and i 5V .'-- cowled, UX-dersig- fe action when too quickly heated or "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LEW I CO., has purchased all therifiht, title Ill Fort Street. Imiotters anl Dealers in f An Admirer of the Beautiful. and interest of Sam Wo, Waimea, Kauai, In the lease, store buildings, improvements and stock Young Lady Are you an admirer of of merchandise owned by said Sain Wo( and will FRANK CERTZ, the beautiful, Dr. Slasher. carry on the business in his own name. Staple and Fancy Groceries, 634oaar8 HIXG CHONG. pQjjinporter Dr. Slasher (a young sawbones) Oh, and Manufacturer -- :o: yes, indeed. beauti- Of all Descriptions of Young Lady What is the most ) Stoves, Knngcs Goortf;. ful thing you ever saw? LADIES' NUKSE goods and HoHselieepiiis Dr. Slasher (Contemplatively) Well, I BOOTS Sl By every stean.er fromfreshCalifornia, and always on hand, a full and complete line of .think the most beautiful thing I ever saw SHOES was the way in which Professor Deepcut-te- r LADIES WISHING A COMPETENT SUKSE XT Orders from the otcer Islands solicited. took a leg off at the hospital the services of Mrs. CHAMPLAIN !Ktc. man's by inquiring at Mrs. Hoyt's, 115 King strjet, 114 Fort St., Provisions, Etc. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron V 4o6-ma- So. Honolulu. last week. New York S;ia. cyrner of Alakea street, 69-tf- 61 Satisfaction 'guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 29?. ork