V. n HI" i 1 1 i s: i tirfVMMUV.u tit 13 ;it h ti if ii 'J: : ,H S M I if 41 11 I! ii V y ii; i i it jvV ; jj... p VOL. VI.-- NO. 54. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, L887. PRICE 5 CENTS. THE DAILY dvcrfisenunls. Mvtrtistmtnte. acific Commercial Advertiser ATTORXETS-AT-LA- W. INTER-ISLAN- D IS PUBLISHED ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y 8. STAXLET, JOBX BPHVANCK. Oo. CUkBZXCK W. VOUN'KT T Spruanco, Stanley & Co., Every Morning Except Sundays. Steam Navigation A8HFOBD. ASHFOBD. OF LIVERPOOL. Importers and Jobbers of Fine iLIMITKD. Ash ford & Ashford, ATTORNEYS, COUNSEIXORS, eOLICITORS, WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS Claus Spreckela UNION FEED CO,, ADVOCATES, ETC. MUCSCRIPTIONS : Wm. a. Irwta. CAPITAL 10.000.000 410 Front St., San Francifceo. t STEAMER W. Q. HALL, IMPOBTER3 CS&LBBS OlHce Honolulu Halo, adjoining the Pos 2 tf Aw Dailv i . Advertises, oiie voar $s oo Office. 42dtwtf Duly P. C. advestiseb, six months 3 00 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. M ALULA N I,) In Daily I'. C. Advertiser, three months i 50 C. MAIN. E. I WINCHESTER Duly I C. , " ! Advektiskr, i r ninr.rh 50 CLAUS & CO., BATES Com ma ude HAT AND Wekki.y I, c. Advkktise t, v(.,,r 5 SPRECKELS GRAIN, JOHN T. DARE, i" h- 0" 01 riptlou & fign f Insurance nil Will run resular.y to Manlaea, Maul, nd Kona Main .Subscription, V. I', a. ' :''; I?lre be effected at Moderate defRates of Prem Telephone 175. Wim ziester, - f. No. postage) fi . aud Kti.u, UaivKil, Ml um, by the undersigned. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Manufacturers and Importers of W1I. O. IRWIN fe CO ii! Payable ln.va.rial. 20-- . Office No. 12, Spreckels 3 A wtf .:... ?!""' 'elands 33 if Block, Honolulu, Harness, Saddles, Itridles, Whips. ; lifr, J WALA.NI, 176 oct21tf rKAAlHH COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, 5 ETC. i I fUK.SMAN ... .. CoaitUH'i'ix Nos. 214, 216, 218 and 220 Battery S treet, Sau f PICTORIAL ART !N THE PRESS. NET-AT-LA- . M lECIL BROWN, ATTOt AND Francisco. Illustrate d catalogue sen t ia., U O K r-i- rvgu.ii t NuwUiwUi. Ko!"a, Eleele m, I Viii Notary Fuhlic. CampL ell's Block, Merchant on 101 i V -i application. ch2 ! a:i-- ::. .u J ia A11 Etcher's CareerI)cin;tiul for Con . ; iuiil jLirim i.O, Cartoon Work Ivcppler. Fhv Insurance The A. car- I death of James Wales, the HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLAND toonist, calls to mind how sudden has been .'.1 Frcl!cbl)!!Pff Brewing Co STEAMER C. R . HKSIiOP, A- . - . I it -- 'A, the development of the branch of art he CAIMTAL. : 10,000,000 fir represented and how great the prosperity MAOAULEY ; , 01, j r . T of those concerned in it in this country. K - - I . .'. Maui, Kukul-hael- e, ATTORN Y A T .'II I a Established an Ageney at Will run regularly to Hamoa, and had friend who once put every dollar Draw Exchange 011 the principal parts of the Having for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- Honokaa and Faauhai:. Hawaii. JLli of a considerable dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire U fortune in a factory for world. In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise And PHjm.ii in i'tju i, irv Oliir-e- (n.:n nV, making hair nets for women. A month I on favorable terras Marine risks on cargo,, Block, second story, rooms 8 and Ii. Entrane oi; The Lager o, later the Empress Eugenie decided to do freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. MAKEE, Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 44 tf up her hair pins, my STEAMER JAMES We have received a consignment o the lunst with and friend Was Awarded the" - Fr! ( .uldn't get rid of liis factory as a gift. Will receive deposits on open account, make Losses promptly adjusted A payable. WEIR Commander Economical aud Valuable Feed for ali First kinds of Stock, viz.: M. Exactly contrary collections and a banking: 19-d- wtf fe CO. J. M0NSARRAT. At Expositions 1885 1380. the was the case of Mr. conduct general and WM. G. IRWIN Will run regularly to Kapaa, Xaual. the of and V. Gribnyedoir, who came to this town an exchange husiuess. accomplished etcher and with a taste for COOKED LINSEED MEAL. ATTORNEY AT IAW t! d .wing, lie could not have drawn for T. R. FOSTER, President. AND the newspapers then if he had wanted to J. Kiva, secretary. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Deposits bearing for nothing. War map and portaits of interest received in their Sav . Butter producer in use. NOTARY Freetli & Ings Saloon. PUBLIC. Peacock. desperate criminals were the only forms Department subject to published rules and Koliala 37C HONOLULU, AGENTS of pictorial art then known in the press. regulations. 17oc3tf Oil Cake Meal shows abort 27 per cent, of nu Estate In any part of the WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO., Keal Bought, Sold and Leased oo Commission Suddenly only the other day, as it ritive matter; this nearly 3J per cent. Negotiated seems press were Loans and Legal Documents Drawn pictorial associations Best of Ales, Wines anil Liquors 100 Bs. O this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oats, formed for supplying the papers of the Limited . or 318 lbs. of corn, or to lbs. of No. 27 MERCHANT STREET. country sketches of 767 wheat bran. with portraits and ON Gazette Block, Honolulu. 4Vtf AMERICAN notable persons and things. The most ALWAYS HAND. For Sale in Lota to Suit. CRACKER CO enterprising of the city dailies elaborated the idea to embrace the widest range of STEAMER KINAU, Also, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as Biscuit Manufacturers, illustrations. Cribayedoff found himself Fancy drinks of every description our usual supply of the best kinds o so much in demand that he could scarcely tl.itrenzen, C'ommaiuieri, COR. SASOtIi; a-- BROADWAY STS., h specialty. Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., get time for sleep. V. A. MAOFARLANE & C0-- , Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule Etc. San Francisco, Cnl. his apt associate, Mr. FcKn. were drafted touching at Lahuina, Mualaea, Makena, Mahu-kon- a, JAMES DUNN, Supt. from the art world, and even such a man JIIOI.ENALE DEALERS AND EX. Kaw aihaeLanpuliOehoe. Hllo and Keaubou: Sc A. 0. Cook & Son, 486 auglO era! Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUORS. EL. II, Webb, Commencing on MONDAY. July 2G, 1S96, and LAINE CO. as J. Taylor, of Puck, who has won 4 3". C 12 SOdJtwly on every alternate Monday at p. m.,the Kinau tf OAK TANNED honors at the academy, was pulled at No. KaalinniRuii Street, Iroprietor. will make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keau-ho- a times into this newspaper work. HONOLULU. 28-t- f on Wednesday morning, where horses and carriages are In waiting to convey passengf rs to Almost as ra;;d lias been the demand the VOLCANO HOUSE (five miles in the saddle LEATHER BELTING, for comic and ca rloon work. The Ameri- ami nine miles by carriage). Dodge, Sweeney & - Co., can cartoon practically had its birth in Passengers by this rout'- will have two days TELEPHONE 55 I.ace Leather and of who M. & Co., and two nights at th VOLCANO HOUSE. San Tweed's time at the hands a man PHILLIPS ENTERPRISE TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THE Header Drapers, Francisco, Cal. could hardlj have been called an artist, VOLCANO, DOLLARS, nnt Wholesale DeaierH In FIFTY WHICH PAYS Wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, and so rudely did he draw. But he had the InilMrtersBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-Iri- g ALL CHARGES. No. 415 Market street, San Francisco. all kinds of provisions. for seizing public attention with and Fancy Goods, No. 11 Kaahumunu street The Kinau will arrive In Honolulu Sunday TEBPRIS 442 jau25'8 faculty Honolulu, H . I. ZV.f-w- tf Carriage Company mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, wli vigorous cartoons upon the follies and leave Honolulu ou Tuodays, and return Saturday F PLANING 3IILL. SOLE AGENTS FOU abuses of the hour, and these were more Are prepared to give morning. Libby, McNeill A f or writing. Then will - Elbbj's Canned telling than speech PASSENGER TRAINS connect with the LlHl Alakea, near tlneeu Ht. Heats. came Joseph Keppler with his humor, H. HAOKFELD & CO., Kinau at Mahukoua his artistic sense and training and his Good Satisfaction The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokaia and 38-- tf II. M. Rupee's (Eajfle Ilrauil) subjects. thut, Paaubau on down t'T'" from Hiio for Passengers Chicane bold grasp of timely After COMMISSION AUEXTS. if sUc-ta- l Hams GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. patronage. a is made from the shore. Life, and now the revivified Judge, to say To the public, and ask their IKON-BAR- K .7 nothing of Snaps and Chic and other Henry Terbag-e'- Canned Vienna and hasty consumptives that always figure In Ham Sausage, the field. The demand for artists for STEAMER LIKELIKE. And O. W. Hume's these weeklies far exceeds the supply, ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., CHARGES MODERATE. ! ! "Flaic" Brand of Foundation Timbers Canned Salmon. 104 nich29 87 and possibly half of those who now illus- (Davis, Commanoet), To the Public. trate these papers are little better quali- fc Commission Merchants. con- Importer Honolulu, H. 27-- ti Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m tor fied, so as artistic schooling is I. INTER-ISLAN- far D M. II. KANE, Kfeunakakai, Kahului, Huelo. liana and THE STEAM NA cerned, than the progenitor of their craft Kipanulu. every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu was THOS.
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