Aniruddh Mohan, Kilian Topp India’s energy future: Contested narratives of change Originally published in: Energy Research & Social Science, 44 (2018), 75-82 DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2018.04.040 Aniruddh Mohan a,* Kilian Topp b India’s energy future: Contested narratives of change a Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany b Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal, Germany * Corresponding author: Aniruddh Mohan Wuppertal Institut Döppersberg 19 42103 Wuppertal Germany E-mail:
[email protected] This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as editing, corrections and structural formatting, may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was sub- sequently published in the Journal cited above. India’s energy future: contested narratives of change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