International Skyrunning Federation Rules
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International Skyrunning Federation Rules 1. Introduction 1.1 An international federation for skyrunning (running at altitude) has been founded in 2008 following the transformation of the Federation for Sport at Altitude (FSA), founded in 1 !" The $nternational Skyrunning Federation, hereinafter $SF, was %reated to promote, go&ern and administer the sport of skyrunning and similar multi'sports a%ti&ities. 1.2 The $SF undertakes to diffuse the pra%ti%e of skyrunning with respe%t for the environment, to promote pri&ate and publi% sports e&ents, to de&elop training s%hools and to foster the physi%al welfare of %ompetitors. The $SF aims to administer the sport of skyrunning, %ompetitions and e&ents as an independent $nternational Federation with its own legal entity" 1.3 The $nternational Skyrunning Federation ($SF) is responsible for all aspe%ts of international skyrunning and asso%iated mountain multi'sports %ompetitions at altitude" The principal purposes of the $SF are the dire%tion, regulation, promotion, de&elopment and furtherance of the sport of skyrunning and high altitude multi'sports on a worldwide basis. 1.4 The $SF fosters links, networks, and friendly relations among its members, their athletes and offi%ials. The $SF is the final authority for all matters %oncerning skyrunning and mountain multi'sports %ompetitions at altitude" 1.5 The $SF is a non'go&ernmental international asso%iation with a non-profit-making purpose of international interest, ha&ing legal personality pursuant to Art" 60 ff" of the Swiss )i&il )ode" The $SF seat is in Switzerland. 1.6 These regulations aim to be the international reference for worldwide skyrunning %ompetitions and to represent a guideline for national %ompetition regulations. The purpose of these rules is to describe the obligations and rights of %ompetitors who parti%ipate in the offi%ial $SF international skyrunning %ompetitions and those that organise them" 1.7 The offi%ial language of the $SF is +nglish. OBJ !"I# S $%& PRI%!I'( S – Statutes $rticle 4 1.* All a%ti&ities of the $SF are independent of any politi%al or go&ernmental influence" The $SF does not allow any discrimination for politi%al, ra%ial or religious reasons. #he $SF promotes and supports with all means gender e,uality in its a%ti&ities" 1.+ The $SF is responsible for and undertakes: 1" #o establish and maintain rules and standards for %ompetitions in a%%ordance with the general principles described in the Statutes and .egulations; 2" #o establish and maintain rules for international %ompetitions and for the parti%ipation in su%h %ompetitions in a%%ordance with the .egulations; 0" #o de%ide whi%h international skyrunning %ompetitions are offi%ially re%ognised; 1" #o award li%enses and %ontra%ts to members and other organisations that seek authorisation to organise offi%ial international %ompetitions and asso%iated a%ti&ities; !" #o promote and %ontrol good sporting pra%ti%e/ (" #o %ombat doping and all other pro%esses and pro%edures that might undermine sporting e,uality/ it applies the $2) 3edi%al )ode and anti doping regulations; 4" #o respe%t the 2lympi% )harter and to de&elop the sport towards possible 2lympi% re%ognition status; 8" #o maintain the Skyrunning &alues. 1.+.1 The $SF offi%ial %alendar is based on ra%es organised by third parties who are financially sol&ent and ha&e demonstrated the %apa%ity to hold international standard e&ents. The $SF has the task of %oordinating the international ra%e %alendar and applying the offi%ial rules in these ra%es. 1.+.2 5o%al ra%e regulations must be %onsistent with the offi%ial $SF rules. $n the e&ent of %onfli%t, the $SF rules and the de%ision of the $SF representati&es will pre&ail" 2. &e,initions 2.1 ISF 6 $nternational Skyrunning Federation 2.2 SKYR/%% R 6 An athlete who %ompetes in skyrunning disciplines. 2.3 SKYR/%%I%0 6 The discipline of mountain running up to or e7%eeding 2,000m where the minimum a&erage incline is (8 o&er the total distance and at least !8 of the total distance must ha&e an incline of 008" The %limbing diffi%ulty must not e7%eed $$9 grade: (:;$AA)" <oles, %rampons and hands may be used to aid progress. #e%hni%al glo&es and other e,uipment may be %ompulsory for some ra%es. 2.3.1 SKYR/%%I%0 DISCI'(I% S Skyrunning disciplines are di&ided into different %ategories: S=>, S=>;5TRA and ?+.#$)A5, S=> S<++D, ?+.#$)A5 .;AA$AB, S=>C$=+ and S=>RA$@ defined in detail below" The %ourses may be o&er paths, trail, moraine, ro%k or snow" Asphalt must be less than 1!8 of the total distance" Dhere the altitude does not rea%h 2"000 m", the %ourses should ha&e a minimum a&erage of (8 incline o&er the total distance (128 uphill) and rea%h the highest points in the area" 2.3.2 SK. 6 Ra%es between 20 and 1 km long with 1,000m minimum &erti%al %limb" Ra%es that rea%h o&er 1,000m must be o&er 10 km" 2.3.3 SK./("R$ 6 Ra%es between 50 and km long with 0,200m minimum &erti%al %limb or ma7imum finish time must be under 16 hours. 2.3.4 # R"I!$( 6 uphill only ra%es with a minimum a&erage incline of 208 and include one or more se%tions of !8 of the total distance, o&er 008" #he ma7imum length is 5 km" 2.3.5 SK.SP & 6 Ra%es with 100 metres or more &erti%al %limb and more than 008 incline" 2.3.6 ST$IR !(I1BI%0 2 # R"I!$( R/%%I%0 6 ?erti%al ra%es with an incline o&er 1!8 on stairs indoors or outdoors. The minimum &erti%al %limb is 100m" Different disciplines may be defined. )ontinentals and Dorld )hampionships may be held. 2.3.7 SKYBI- 6 Duathlons %onsisting of a bike or mountain bike ra%e and ?erti%al KilometerE or skyrunning %ompetition. 2.3.* SKYR$I& 6 Skyrunning team ra%es o&er long distances %ombining other sports su%h as %y%ling, skiing, %limbing etc" 2.3.+ SK.SNO3 6 Ra%es on snow (at least 408) with %ompulsory use of appro&ed mi%ro'%rampons (see !"!"2)" #wo disciplines are defined: ?erti%al: under 5 km with a minimum 1!8 incline )lassi%- o&er km with a minimum total incline of 08 and se%tions o&er 108" Ra%es for >outh %ategories must be at least 5 km long with 200m &erti%al %limb" )ontinentals and Dorld )hampionships may be held. 2.3.14 SKYR/%%I%0 " !5%I!$( ( # (S 6 Additional fa%tors su%h as a&erage incline, altitude, snow fields, gla%iers, etc", may be used to define the te%hni%al le&el of a %ourse" 2.4 SKYR/%%I%G R$! "I"( S 2.4.1 SKYR$! 6 6 Beneri% definition of skyrunning %ompetitions with a minimum 20 km distance and 1,000m &erti%al %limb" 2.4.2 SK.1$R$"5O% 6 minimum distance 00 km and under fi&e hours’ winnerFs time" 3inimum 2,000m &erti%al %limb or if 1,000m altitude is rea%hed. Ra%es that rea%h o&er 1,000m altitude must be o&er 10 km long" 2.4.3 # R"I!$( -I(O1 " R6 6 Ra%es with 1,000m &erti%al %limb o&er &ariable terrain with a substantial incline, not e7%eeding ! km in length. #he ?erti%al KilometerE is defined at &arious altitude le&els (GH' 200m &ariable)" +7ample- from 0 6 1,000m, 1,000 6 2,000m, 2,000 6 0,000m" A double or triple ?erti%al KilometerE is also re%ognised. 3. Skyrunning co7petitions 3.1 %$"IO%$( !5$1'IO%SHI'S 6 +a%h nation is responsible for organising skyrunning national %hampionships based on the $SF rules. 3.2 SKYR/%%I%0 !O%"I% %"$( !5$1'IO%SHI'S 6 These %ompetitions are go&erned by spe%ifi% regulations. The %ompetitions may be open, depending on the geographi% area" 2nly Aational #eams are ranked in the )ontinental )hampionships. All team members should ha&e the nationality of the %ountry they represent. 3.3 SKYR/%%I%0 WOR(& !5$1'IO%SHI'S 6 These %ompetitions are go&erned by spe%ifi% regulations. The %ompetitions are open only to offi%ial teams. 2nly Aational #eams are ranked in the Dorld )hampionships. All team members should ha&e the nationality of the %ountry they represent. 3.4 .O/"5 SKYR/%%I%0 WOR(& !5$1'IO%SHI'S 6 These %ompetitions are go&erned by spe%ifi% regulations. 2nly athletes from %ountries members are a%%epted. 2nly Aational #eams are ranked in the Dorld )hampionships. All team members should ha&e the nationality of the %ountry they represent. 3.5 SK.SNO3 !O%"I% %"$( !5$1'IO%SHI'S 6 These %ompetitions are go&erned by spe%ifi% regulations. 2nly athletes from member %ountries are a%%epted. 2nly Aational #eams are ranked. All team members must ha&e the nationality of the %ountry they represent. 3.6 SK.SNO3 WOR(& !5$1'IO%SHI'S 6 These %ompetitions are go&erned by spe%ifi% regulations. 2nly athletes from member %ountries are a%%epted. 2nly Aational #eams are ranked. All team members must ha&e the nationality of the %ountry they represent.