Working for Quality and Diversity in Broadcasting Autumn 2010 Bulletin Issue 102


Exposing Decisions to Public Scrutiny where are we going? More questions than answers’ October has been one of the most momentous months in the eighty four year history of the BBC – the licence-payer funded BBC. Wednesday, 24 November The momentous nature of events has been equalled only by the 10.15am - 3.30pm - Geological Society, Burlington House, London W1 manner of their suddenness and secrecy: licence payers excluded from choices about how their money is spent: decisions behind Speakers include: closed doors, despite the promises of ‗the big society‘. Lord Burns, Chair, Patrick Barwise, Professor Emeritus So starting and over the coming months Voice of the Management & Marketing, London Listener & Viewer (VLV) will be holding a series of events to inform Business School licence-payers and the public at large about the proposed changes Richard Klein, Controller, BBC 4, with and their implications. A chance to explain will be afforded to key Roger Bolton, Independent Producer & players – broadcasting chiefs in the BBC and beyond, government Presenter, Feedback, Radio 4, chairing ministers, politicians of all parties, and the regulators. VLV members Lord Burns and Richard will have a chance to question the decision-makers, face-to-face. Klein will outline their visions Our aim will be explanation and understanding, dialogue and for the future of their inclusiveness – avoiding partisanship and defensiveness, dogma channels. Professor Barwise and over-simplification. will deal with some VLV is especially conscious of its heavy responsibility in confusions about non-linear representing the citizen interest following the merger of the Television. Lord Burns

Communications Consumer Panel and Consumer Focus into the T h e s p e a k e r s a n d Citizens‘ Advice Bureaux. We are determined not to fail licence- participants will also payers and the public at large. consider some of the implications of the recent VLV’s Main Areas of Concern decisions to cut BBC funding

The BBC’s New Burdens and Responsibilities and introduce changes in the powers and scope of Ofcom, Richard Klein Last week the BBC was Taking over (from 2015) the the independent media informed about, or agreed to, funding of (‘ only non- regulator set up under the decisions involving :- BBC supplier of 2003 Communications Act.

A freezing of the licence fee till TV programming) – £100m + The conference starts at annually. 2017 – a 16% reduction over the 6 10.30am and ends with tea - year period – with no allowance Funding (from 2013) super fast at 3.30pm prior to VLV‘s Paddy Barwise for inflation. broadband in rural areas - AGM at 4pm.

Taking over (from 2014) funding £150m annually, in addition to Jon Snow, Channel 4 News, will present of the BBC World Service – that‘s the BBC‘s existing commitment the prizes to the winners of VLV‘s 2010 £260m a year currently paid by to facilitate the switch-over to Student Essay Competition at 1.45pm. the Foreign and Commonwealth d g i t a l T V a n d R a d i o transmission. Office.

Taking over (from 2013) Helping to fund government Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt MP plans for new local TV services - funding of BBC Monitoring – The Culture Secretary was unexpectedly £25m cost in 2013/4 and exact cost unknown. sent abroad at short notice by the Prime then £5m annually. Continued on page 3 Minister on 25 October. He was therefore unable to fulfil his engagement Inside with VLV members on 26 October.

Mr Hunt has promised to arrange a new In Memoriam page 2 News of VLV Events page 4 date in the near future. We are in the Editorial page 2 Digital Radio Up-date page 5 process of seeking a mutually convenient time and will keep you informed. Notice of AGM page 2 Diary Dates page 6

Bulletin Autumn 2010 Page 1 From the President

We delayed publication of this Bulletin until after the Comprehensive Spending Review in order to bring you the latest news. As you will see we are deeply concerned at the nature of the decisions and at the manner in which they were taken without any public consultation or Parliamentary debate. Voice of the Listener & Viewer Working for Quality and Diversity in British Broadcasting It was therefore most disappointing that the Secretary of State could not speak to VLV members on 26 October but we hope we VLV President shall soon have a new date when you can express your views to Mrs Jocelyn Hay CBE him.

VLV Patrons VLV and I have been working for the past 27 years to provide an open forum and Lord Barnet PC JP collective voice for listeners, viewers and licence fee payers so as to ensure Archbishop Lord Eames of Armagh Sir Francis Graham-Smith FRS transparency in decisions about the future of British broadcasting – one of the Lord Inglewood MEP most powerful influences on our culture and democracy. Because of VLV, far Lord Phillips of Sudbury OBE greater respect is now given to the views of licence fee payers, and public Lord Puttnam of Queensgate CBE consultation before major change is now the norm. But this sudden announce- Lady Solti Sir John Tusa ment and the manner of the latest BBC settlement, coupled with the changes to the remit and powers of Ofcom, have destroyed these gains at a stroke.

VLV Directors This is not right: the BBC is not just another Government department. VLV Mr Hugh Peltor, CBE (Hon. Treasurer) Mr Robert Clark (Hon. Secretary) helped to ensure that safeguards were specially built in to the 2003 Ms Carol Cattley Communications Act to ensure Ofcom‘s independence. We must not allow these Ms Sophie Chalk latest changes to affect the editorial integrity of news and programme makers or Mr David Eggington the quality of the content they produce. VLV will therefore launch a series of Mr Norman W Green Dr Matthew Hibberd events over the coming months to inform the public and provide a collective voice Prof Máire Messenger Davies through which licence fee payers can channel their views and lobby those Ms. Shyama Perera responsible. Mr Lewis M C Rudd, MBE Prof. Jeannette Steemers I hope I shall have the pleasure of meeting Prof. Bob Usherwood you at some of them.

Company Secretary Waterlow Registrars Ltd.

In Memoriam The Voice of the Listener Trust (registered. charity 296207) which supports some of VLV’s educational work. It is with great sadness that we report the death in August of Chairman: Mrs Jocelyn Hay CBE Lord Mcintosh of Haringey PC. Andrew McIntosh was the Trustees: husband of former VLV Board member and Voice of the Mr Michael Barton Mr John Clark Listener Trustee, Naomi Sargant, who died in 2008. He had Mr Paul Findlay a distinguished career as a Labour Party politician both on Ms Dinah Garrett the Greater London Council and subsequently in the House Professor Sylvia Harvey of Lords. In recent years Lord McIntosh took an active Lady Solti Dr Andrew Taussig interest in European affairs but will be best remembered by VLV members as a wise friend and staunch supporter of VLV Office: Naomi‘s work on behalf of consumers and citizens and to increase media PO Box 401, Gravesend DA12 9FY literacy and participation, especially among the elderly or excluded. Tel: 01474 358711 / 01474 358716 Fax: 01474 325440 In the previous Bulletin we reported the death of VLV member, Margaret e-mail: [email protected] Fenton. We would now like to record the generous bequest that Margaret left to Office Hours: 9.30-5pm Monday-Thursday Linda Forbes: Conference & Events Secretary. the Voice of the Listener Trust. It will enable us to step up our campaigning on Sue Washbrook: Membership/ Board & Trust Administrator. behalf of listeners, viewers and licence fee payers at this time of rapid change. Voice of the Listener & Viewer (VLV) represents the citizen and consumer interests in broadcasting and works for quality and diversity in British broadcasting. VLV is free from political, sectarian and commercial affiliations. VLV is concerned with the issues, structures, institutions and regulation th that underpin the British broadcasting system and The 10 Annual General Meeting of in particular to maintain the principles of public service broadcasting. Voice of the Listener & Viewer Ltd th VLV does not handle complaints. will be held at 4pm on 24 November 2010 at The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1. Registered Address: Unit 9, The Old Rectory Business Centre, Springhead Road, Northfleet, Nominations and resolutions should be sent to the Company Secretary at Kent DA11 8HN. PO Box 401, Gravesend, DA12 9FY, no fewer than three and not more than 21

Bulletin published by the Voice of the Listener & days before the AGM. Viewer Ltd, a not-for-profit private company limited by guarantee (registered in England no 4407712).

ISSN 1475-2948 Page 2 Bulletin Autumn 2010 TIME FOR THE LICENCE-PAYER’S VOICE But a balanced mix – in a framework reflecting social responsibility as well as market forces – is crucial. TO BE HEARD (continued from page 1) Media content is more than a commodity, it is one Taking into account those new spending of the most powerful influences on our culture and commitments and the effect of a six year freeze on democracy the licence fee, it seems the BBC could be faced with an eventual £600 million additional annual So on behalf of VLV members we ask: burden. How and when will changes be made to the 2003 So on behalf of VLV members we want to know: Communications Act to validate some of What will be cut – over and above the limited these decisions? Will they be debated in proposals agreed in the Spring 2010 BBC Parliament?

Strategy Review? Will the approach be Will the content quality guarantees of the 2003 ‘salami slicing’, eliminating some areas of Communications Act be preserved? programming or the loss of whole channels? To what extent will existing Ofcom principles How will licence-payers be consulted? How will and processes be subject to Ministerial we hear and feel the decisions about the interventions, and with what arguments? spending of our money? Will Ofcom’s supervisory and enforcement Will the World Service and Monitoring Service powers be diluted in areas which affect the funding be ring-fenced? Will there be public as citizens rather than as precautions against ‘seepage’ between these consumers? Which exact powers now funds and the BBC’s domestic radio and exercised by Ofcom will the Secretary of television services? What role will the State reserve to him or herself? How will Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Ministry this affect the democratic process? of Defence or any other government department play in determining BBC Will Ofcom still have the resources and political spending priorities? backing to persist with initiatives in key fields like media literacy and support for What’s actually involved in rolling out super fast groups with special needs? broadband in rural areas, (in addition to facilitating digital TV and Radio switch-over) These and other issues will be addressed by VLV and in the support government wants from over the coming months, and at its conference in the BBC for new local TV services? London on Wednesday, 24 November.

The Regulatory Framework: BBC Trust launches consultation into How are things with Ofcom? BBC Radio in the Nations

The extra burdens on the BBC coincide with The BBC Trust is consulting on BBC Radio in the a significant lightening of regulation and Nations - Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. It includes the Welsh and Gaelic language services. It loosening of controls on commercial closes on 12 January 2011. The review will assess the broadcasters. performance of each service against the criteria set out in its Service Licence and future strategy. Details on the Statements from Ofcom suggest the media regulator is BBC Trust Website or from the Trust, 180 Great taking its foot off the regulatory pedal – in response to Portland Street, London W1W 5QZ. We urge our government actions and attitudes, actual or anticipated. readers in the Nations to respond and copy their Several key safeguards built into the remit of the responses to VLV. independent regulator are now to be assumed by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport. They S4C fights decision for merger include the monitoring of changes in media ownership with the BBC and control. S4C is to launch a Judicial Review of the BSkyB on current profit trends could by 2015 be Government‘s decision to effectively merge S4C with earning more than £6 billion annually - twice the BBC’s the BBC. S4C says it had no knowledge of recent projected licence fee income. So BSkyB – already so decisions which will give the BBC effective control over strongly entrenched, with its press parent News the finances and operations of the Welsh language TV International - could become the UK media superpower. channel.

VLV, in the interests of pluralism and empowered Chair of S4C, John Walter Jones said, ―The effect of citizenship, is against monopolies of any kind. We the cuts agreed between Secretary of State, and the believe in a diverse and innovative media economy, BBC will have a disastrous effect for viewers across resourced through a mix of commercial and public funds. Wales. Continue on page 5

Bulletin Autumn 2010 Page 3

Children at the of the BBC’s Mission Broadcasting Futures: Challenges and Opportunities Monday, 1 November, 6 – 8pm One Whitehall Place, London SW1 Was the theme for the event VLV held

Joe Godwin, Director of BBC Children’s during Sheffield’s Literary Festival Off the Shelf on Saturday, 16 October. Christopher Hall Programmes, is the speaker at this VLV seminar. Christopher Hall, Film maker and Senior Lecturer, Professor Jeanette Steemers, Univer- Film and TV, University of Sheffield; Sylvia Harvey, sity of Westminster, will be in the chair. Visiting Professor at Leeds University; and Professor Maire Messenger Davies, Professor Emeritus Bob Usherwood, VLV Board University of Ulster, and Anna Home, Member explained the current state of British Chair, Save Kids’ TV, will lead the Joe Godwin broadcasting and what was at risk in such a rapidly questions. changing world. VLV President, Jocelyn Hay chaired.

Children‘s television in Britain is in crisis - the UK The lively and varied audience included VLV members market is the most competitive in the world for young from Leeds, Derby, Cheshire and Sheffield. The event viewers with some 30 channels targeting young British was so successful we hope it will provide a template for eyes. But just one in a hundred programmes offered is similar events around the country in the coming year. now an original, first-run UK production, and only the We are most grateful to VLV Board members Bob BBC is producing any volume of original children‘s Usherwood and David Eggington for organizing the event, programming. Joe Godwin is the person with that and to the Sheffield Festival organisers for their support. responsibility. How will he cope with the latest cuts to BBC funding and the imminent move of his department to Salford? Don‘t miss this opportunity to ask him. ______Digital Radio Issues Broadcasting in Scotland and Wales : Many thanks to the members who contacted us over the the Future summer about plans for radio and the potential switch

from FM to Digital Transmission. We are sorry we were Friday 5 November 1.30pm – 6pm unable to respond but they were important in formulating VLV’s 19th Annual Scottish Conference in association with VLV‘s position on digital radio. Edinburgh Napier and Stirling Universities VLV Position on Digital Radio at the Netherbow Theatre, 45 High Street, Edinburgh VLV has supported digital radio for over a decade with Speakers include: regular presentations at our conferences. We continue to John Walter Jones, Chair S4C, support the switch to digital transmission and suggest the Welsh language TV Channel that people consider buying a dual analogue/digital re- Bobby Hain, Managing Director, Broadcasting & ceiver when purchasing new equipment. The advantages Regulatory Affairs Scottish Television for the consumer at this time are not as significant as for Donald Campbell, Chief Executive, MG Alba, digital television. The present FM analogue transmission The Gaelic Channel has served most UK consumers well. When digital radio Ian Small, Head of Public Policy, BBC Scotland becomes as compelling a consumer proposition as digital Blair Jenkins, Chair Scottish Digital Network Panel TV, switchover can take place. An imposed switch risks Julie Craik, Fife Screen & Tay Screen, Scotland putting at risk a trusted medium vital to many vulnerable, Gordon Ramsay, Four Nations follow up report isolated fellow citizens.

Digital Radio Report Published This year's VLV Scottish Conference considers the state of broadcasting in Scotland and Wales. What VLV made a significant contribution to the report Digital kinds of content and policies are needed to enable Radio – What is in it for Consumers? Prepared by the high quality successful programmes and services? Ministerial Consumer Expert Advisory Group of which How should small nations achieve success in their VLV is a member. The report was published on 14 media industries? What does the future hold for September and recommends that any switch to digital broadcasting in Gaelic and in Welsh? What are the radio must not happen before listeners are ready for it or future plans of BBC Scotland, of STV and S4C? How until the industry has delivered what consumers need. will we negotiate the current economic challenges? Do The full 60 page report is on the VLV website. the policies of the Governments and Parliaments in VLV will continue to ensure the voice of the con- Edinburgh and London help or hinder? What forms of sumer is heard public/private partnerships are being evolved and with what benefits or disadvantages? What is best for The government has drawn up an action plan to decide viewers and listeners in and across the two nations? whether to proceed with a switch to digital radio. VLV will be active on several specialist committees and will Come and take part in an important debate. monitor all aspects of any proposals.

Page 4 Bulletin Autumn 2 010 Letters to the Editor Book Reviews

Letters do not necessarily represent the views of the Association and may be shortened for publication Children, Media and Cul- ture by Maire Messenger Davies, Professor of I read in the press that Ofcom is I rely on radio (Radio 4 mostly) Media Studies and ready to drop some of its and television to a small extent, Director of the Centre for Media Research at the powers over the media , and I but find that the quality of University of Ulster, would hope that VLV will programmes has declined and Northern Ireland. carefully scrutinise what these that the presenters no longer Published in paperback by Open University Press , are to try to ensure that speak clearly and too quickly for McGraw- Hill Education. standards on TV are not further elderly hearing. Not to mention ISBN NO 97803352292908. reduced . background music . We hope Price £19.99 that you can help the elderly It has been suggested for some Essential reading for media students, and handicapped. We wish you this book addresses the continuing time that ‗society‘ may decide well. concerns around media ‗effects‘ and that less formal regulation is critically examines the view that needed to protect audiences, as T Barton, Chislehurst technology has dramatically changed technology is enabling people to children‘s lives. It seeks to broaden exert greater control over the Editor’s note: VLV is engaged public debate about the role of popular content they view. But it is also in a major project to help solve media in children‘s lives and considers clear that there are many loop- this problem. We had hoped to how public anxieties regarding the holes that would be better filled be able to publish initial results harmful influences of the media are by stricter regulation. Messages by now but these are not ready heightened at tim es of rapid technological change, past and present. of public benefit may also be yet. More news in the January less likely to be taken forward Bulletin. by organisations driven by a You may not be aware that the BBC I enjoyed membership of VLV profit motive. does not intend to broadcast the for the programme of visits Royal Institute‘s Christmas lectures Last year VLV was part of a which enabled me to put my on radio this year, only on television. coalition to support public queries to the managers of Surely it is no problem to broadcast service broadcasting - it sought various organisations. You to ensure that the voices of civil the lectures on Radio 4. seem to have discontinued such society groups and citizens are visits so I am discontinuing my The number of blind in our society heard in debate. Is it still being membership. now numbers over 300. Yet we are pursued? all licence fee payers, are we not? B C Edwards, Middlesex T B C Clark, Harrogate, N Yorks D V Wilson, Edinburgh Editor’s note: Mr Edwards must Editor’s note: Mr Clark echoes have missed the more than a S4C fights decision for merger VLV concerns. The Coalition he dozen visits we organised this with the BBC refers to was a VLV initiative year, including the BBC Natural (continued from page 3) which has now merged with History Unit in Bristol, ITV News VLV so that we can pool our in Birmingham and ―I am astounded at the contempt that the resources to greater effect in the , London. London government has shown not just towards S4C, but also towards the Welsh common cause. Many were over-subscribed. people… This is no way to conduct public We will publish a new series of I returned from the UK at the affairs and … an affront to the good visits in the January Bulletin conduct of public policy and the end of August and feel that it is democratic process. more important than ever to retain and support the high Letters to the Editor The S4C Authority is unanimous in its reputation of British desire to seek a Judicial Review of broadcasting in these changing Letters do not necessarily represent the Jeremy Hunt‘s decision and the way it and rather disturbing times. views of the Association and may be was taken, behind closed doors without shortened for publication. Keep up the good work. I hope any kind of consultation with S4C‖. to see you at a VLV conference Deadline for next issue: John Walter Jones is one of the speakers or meeting when I return to 3rd January 2011 at VLV‘s conference Broadcasting in

London next February. Write, fax or e-mail your letters to the Editor Scotland and Wales: the Future in at: Edinburgh on 5 November. Barbara D’Arcy, San Francisco [email protected] See page 4.

Page 5 Bulletin A utumn 2010 Advertisements Diary Dates

Please refer to VLV when responding to advertisements. VLV Ltd cannot accept any liability or complaint in regard to the following offers. The charge for classified ads is 30p per word, 20p for members. Please send typed copy with a cheque payable to VLV Ltd. For display space Friday, 5 November 1pm - 6pm please contact Linda Forbes on 01474 338711 VLV‘s 18th annual Scottish conference ‘Broadcasting in Scotland and Wales: The Future’ Crimson Cats Audio Books Netherbow Theatre, Edinburgh 15% Discount Offer For VLV Members Thursday, 11 November 11.30am Save 15% on the price of any of our titles by quoting Visit to BBC Training Academy, London W12 (fully booked) Promotional Code VLV15CC Wednesday, 24 November If ordering from the web site 10.15am—3.30pm enter the promo code during the payment process (p&p VLV’s 27th annual Autumn will be added) Conference To order by post please call 01379 854888 for discount The Geological Society, Piccadilly, London W1 price including post and packing. Wednesday, 24 November 1.45pm THE RADIO LISTENER’s GUIDE 2010 & Presentation of Prizes for VLV’s VLV GIFT MEMBERSHIP THE TELEVISION VIEWER’s GUIDE 2010 2010 Student Essay Competition

The Geological Society, Piccadilly, Give VLV membership as a gift to a London W1 friend or relative. We will add an appropriate greetings card and a Wednesday, 24 November 4pm FREE copy of the Radio or TV User‘s VLV Ltd AGM The Geological Society, Piccadilly, Guide. London W1

Fill out the subscription form below Wednesday, 1 December 2.30pm and state which publication and card ORDERING DETAILS Visit to BBC Broadcasting House & TV type you would prefer. The guides cost £5.95 each (inc. p&p). Licensing, London W1 (fully booked) Please make your cheque payable to Radio Listener‘s Guide and send it to Sunday, 3 April 2011 2.30pm Radio Listener‘s Guide. PO Box 888, Concert by the BBC Elstree Concert Autumn Competition Plymouth, PL8 1YJ Band in aid of The Voice of the Listener Trust by kind permission of the BBC at Michael Wood‘s The Story of England was one the Maida Vale Studio, London W9, in of the BBC‘s most popular recent documentary celebration of its 50th Anniversary series in which villagers traced their history back to Roman times. You could win a copy of the Tuesday, 12 April 10.15am — 4.30pm book by answering the following question: VLV’s 28th Annual Spring Conference “In which English county is the village of The Geological Society, Piccadilly, Kibworth situated‖? London W1

Replies on a postcard to: Autumn Competition, VLV. PO Box 401, Gravesend, Kent DA12 9FY. Or by email to: The Story of England by For tickets and enquiries please [email protected] by 2 December 2010. The Editor‘s decision Michael Wood published by contact: Linda Forbes is final. Tel: 01474 338711 Viking Adult The winner of the Summer Competition was Anthony Wills, H/b: £20.00 Email: [email protected] or London NW3. Ref: 9780670919031 visit

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Page 6 Bulletin Autumn 2010