Because None of Us Are Equal Until All of Us Are Equal 2018 Progress Update One.Org

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Because None of Us Are Equal Until All of Us Are Equal 2018 Progress Update One.Org 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL WE’RE DONE BECAUSE NONE OF US ARE EQUAL UNTIL ALL OF US ARE EQUAL 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE ONE.ORG 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE Our vision is a world without extreme poverty and preventable disease, where people can fulfill their full potential and actively participate in the decision-making that affects them. This is the world we want, and we fight for it alongside everyone who feels the same. It is our job to enable the power of the people to influence the people in power. We won’t stop until we’re done, BECAUSE NONE OF US ARE EQUAL UNTIL ALL OF US ARE EQUAL. 1 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE ONE.ORG CONTENTS 4 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO AND BOARD CHAIR Gayle Smith, President & CEO and Tom Freston, Board Chair 6 36 AFRICA POVERTY IS SEXIST Leveraging ONE’s 2017 Building a Movement Successes in Africa Roxane Philson Rudo Kwaramba-Kayombo 44 16 (RED) EUROPE (RED)efining the Many Ways ONE in Europe: United in Diversity People Can Join the Fight Kate Critchley to End AIDS Deb Dugan CONTENTS 26 NORTH AMERICA 52 Four Financing Victories APPENDIX 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE in North America Tom Hart 2 3 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE ONE.ORG LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO AND BOARD CHAIR LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT & CEO AND BOARD CHAIR its “Make Naija Stronger“ campaign its “Women of the World” moment when President Buhari signed off on a on tour, which included a huge visual GAYLE SMITH, PRESIDENT & CEO AND TOM FRESTON, BOARD CHAIR 2018 budget that included the increase shout-out to ONE and (RED) and moving in health spending that our Nigerian comments from Bono, which unfolded activists had fought for. Additionally, as our volunteers worked the arenas and While 2018 was a hard year for too many increasing its pledge to €200 million we kicked off our first ONE Vote signed up support for our campaigns. over the next three years, in addition to in the world, it was one of the most Campaign in Africa in 2018, tailored the €100 million pledge our team in the to our members’ interests in Nigeria, Finally, we’ve made major strides successful for the ONE Campaign. Netherlands secured after more than a under the banner of “Vote Your Future”. to upgrade and modernize our year of tough campaigning. With minimal promotion, 3,500 people organization—welcoming new members to the team, including a new On almost every front we’re facing Fighting to maintain both the quantity showed up for our first, overflowing an unprecedented battle on the and the quality of aid from one of the meeting, where our team led policy and COO, launching a new Global Strategic need for and importance of overseas world’s leading and most influential advocacy trainings and began engaging Communications unit, updating our development assistance. On the donors, Team UK kicked off the Real Aid the candidates in Nigeria’s federal metrics on membership, and launching other hand, we’ve never seen such Campaign and assumed a prominent elections. Throughout Africa, we find the our refreshed mission, vision, and a promising moment for greater role in a coalition of NGOs working to level of enthusiasm of these activists values. We also launched our new investments by developing countries in keep aid on that country’s agenda; and their engagement with our issues Global Leadership Circle, composed their own development. this work is vital given that the UK has extremely rewarding. of a group of notable supporters and been the world’s leader on achieving influencers who support our mission We did score several hard-earned and On the (RED) front, it was a record- the 0.7% goal on ODA. And speaking of and, importantly, who are already very significant wins on the official 0.7%, our amazing Youth Ambassadors breaking year in terms of contributions providing us with advice, insights, and development assistance (ODA) front. and ONE staff engaged extensively to the Global Fund, with more than contacts that will enable us to be even In the US, the ONE team once again with Ireland, and we can now celebrate $60 million raised, bringing total more successful going forward. mounted a successful campaign, another exciting commitment to 0.7% contributions to date to over $600 hand in hand with Democrats and We’re proud of what the team has from a country widely considered to be million. Importantly, we met our three- Republicans in Congress, to restore achieved this last year, especially in a one of the world’s most effective and year $100 million pledge made at the the severe (about 30%) budget cuts world that is increasingly divided and respected donors. Montreal replenishment a year ahead proposed by the White House and, of schedule. We scored a major win distracted. As always, our members, in what must be a legislative record, We also continue to wage effective with a new, gorgeous and top-selling volunteers, Youth Ambassadors and waged an intensive campaign that saw campaigns to secure funding from (RED) iPhone, and had an all-star line-up other on-the-ground activists, board, the passage, in just seven months, the EU, the world’s second biggest of female chefs participating in this staff, and friends deserve our thanks. of the BUILD Act. The Act will provide donor. Team Brussels, joined by its year’s Eat (RED) Save Lives month- Your commitment to what we do has an additional $30 billion in spending colleagues across Europe, our Youth long culinary campaign. Around World real impact on the lives of real people, authority to a new International Ambassadors and Bono, has launched AIDS Day, the (RED) Store on Amazon and your support sustains all of us. Development Finance Corporation that a major campaign to secure a featured an amazing 145 AIDS-fighting There is no question that, together, we will mobilize private sector investments significant increase in the EU’s multi- products during (Shopathon)RED, and the can achieve the dignity and opportunity in low-income countries. year aid budget. third (RED) Auction contributed $10.5 that all of us desire and deserve. million to the Global Fund, including In Germany, the team mounted its “Best Importantly, in Africa itself, where we matching funds from the Bill & Melinda Promise” Campaign, scoring a big win continue to pivot our activism model Gates Foundation. by securing a commitment to increase to build out ONE on the continent, the aid budget there by €1 billion in we’re seeing early signs of success. The Poverty is Sexist campaign 2019. A concerted effort led by Team Our offices in Johannesburg, Abuja, surpassed one billion impressions and France resulted in major commitments and Dakar are professionally staffed helped us sign up almost 150,000 new to the replenishment of the Global and work on important local priorities. members. We were enormously proud Gayle Smith Tom Freston Partnership for Education, with France Team Nigeria won a huge victory with that U2 featured Poverty is Sexist in President & CEO Board Chair 4 5 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE ONE.ORG AFRICA AFRICA BY RUDO KWARAMBA-KAYOMBO 6 7 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE ONE.ORG AFRICA LEVERAGING ONE’S 2017 SUCCESSES IN AFRICA In 2017 we aimed to influence investments and commitments towards ending extreme poverty and preventable diseases. In 2018 we built on that, identifying the potential for significant impact if the Government of Nigeria followed through on its health budget, and if land rights could be secured for women in Mali. NIGERIA healthcare system. In addition, thousands of people watched and In June 2018, President Buhari of Nigeria signed the 2018 federal shared our video and documentary budget, with ₦55.1 billion ($153 content, and hundreds attended million)—1% of the total—allocated street rallies, even marching to the for the Basic Healthcare Provision gates of the National Assembly to 220,000 PEOPLE Fund (BHCPF). After two years of demand action from Nigeria’s leaders. active campaigning, ONE—together The next phase of the campaign will with partner organizations, media focus on tracking the provision and SIGNED OUR ONLINE PETITION institutions, and influencers such implementation of this 1% allocation. as Ali Nuhu and Waje, and of course MALI our volunteer ONE Champions and our members—celebrated this In 2016 Mali’s Land Tenure Bill was Land Tenure Law. However, although We led discussions on what to expect ONE staff prepare momentous success for the Make adopted into law, ensuring that the law has been adopted, the politically, and on which actions for the Make Naija Naija Stronger (MNS) campaign, a minimum 10% of irrigated land government has not yet adopted would enable the most effective Stronger March for which had worked to create public is allocated to women and young the implementing decree. ONE has implementation of the law. In addition Health in Abuja, awareness and to lobby policymakers, people. In 2018, in partnership a strong working relationship with to its advocacy work, ONE has Nigeria. the legislature, and the executive. with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Government of Mali and, with successfully established 10 village Over 220,000 people signed our the Secrétariat Permanent de la Loi its partners, held workshops to land commissions to offer technical online petition to President Buhari, d’Orientation Agricole, ONE continued provide a framework for dialogue and financial support and to report on demanding action to bolster the to support the implementation of the and advocacy with all stakeholders. the implementation of the new law. 8 9 2018 PROGRESS UPDATE ONE.ORG AFRICA Safi Mballo, 18, writes on the board in her classroom at Sikilos School in the Kolda region of Senegal.
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